#becky is rambling again
kiisaes · 1 year
I don't think there will ever be a better redemption character than bkg and I'm genuinely being so serious. like not really and I'm sure there's a lot of great examples but bkg's arc is so complete. it's so realized and thematically perfect and consistent and there's truly nothing better than watching this dude change throughout the years. like being forced to shift his point of view and realize that he's not the top of the world and have the entire story humble him relentlessly the MOMENT he got to ua. how he represents the quirk majority and how his bad behavior mirrored how society treated those lesser than and how in order to break from that mindset, in order to be a better hero, he had to go through his own personal growth. how his superiority complex is infinitely fueled by his inferiority complex and vice versa and how both of those complexes were jumpstarted by his feelings for deku. how he tried struggling against change before reluctantly working alongside it, then accepting it, then surrendering himself to it, then dying by it. he'd rather die than go back to his old ways, he'd rather die than view deku as any less of a necessity. he is always challenged, always working so hard, always wanting to be the best and the narrative hates him and his past actions so much but he prevails anyway. this dude sucked, yeah, but his development is one of the most satisfying parts of reading this manga. anyone with a functioning brain knows this dude isn't the same as he was from the start and even if he died a fucking year ago I can honestly rest easy knowing that he died a changed man. he's so good. hes so real. he's so honest and true and his last thoughts feel like a plea from the void and a final hurrah all the same
like just look at this, man. (first anniversary piece -> most recent anniversary piece)
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he might have been the jerkiest jerkwad in the first season but he is anything but that in the latest
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mammonprotectionsquad · 2 months
I got my bestie to start playing love&deepspace. But that's not all! When I told her that I'm considering to have a cosplay comeback with Rafayel she immediately offered to cosplay the mc for me xD 💕
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I’m this close to finishing Word Girl S2! I have a lot of thoughts in general about the series - both in the cracky canon the show displays and a more serious angle (because I am an eldritch being and want to view things if the show were a little less kid friendly)
Might be able to start season three today too!
I will not be discussing episodes I haven’t seen or simply don’t remember! Not until I watch them at least-
Also I am frothing at the mouth over one of my verses I’ve apparently already created for Word Girl, and I just have so many headcanons!
I’ll be making a headcanon post soon lol- and answering to the lovely ask I received! Literally just this show is lovely and amazing and wholesome (until it isn’t and I will talk about it)
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remyfire · 1 year
Compensates for the STAE testosterone-laden end game by just flooding the house with daughters
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Isaac Graves Diary
Resident Evil 3 remake found by Jill in the lab
“The pay was generous, the benefits were good. Most importantly, they promised me I'd be contributing to state-of-the-art medical tech research. For a university teacher stuck working in Nowhere, America, it was a golden opportunity, like winning the lottery. So I went for it. I made the pitch to my family and we agreed to move here to Raccoon City.
Well, hindsight is 20/20, because this lab is a den of monsters who conduct cruel and barbaric experiments for the sole purpose of taking human life in the most sickening way possible. It's messed up. The world needs to know. But every time I work up enough courage to blow the whistle, I think of Penny and Casey and immediately chicken out.
Umbrella owns this town. There was this guy they caught trying to smuggle out company secrets. They essentially fed him to one of the Betas. FED HIM. I saw the whole thing. I got my wife and daughter into this. I just need to do my job. Do as I'm told. For their sake. But let this be testament that I do have a conscience, and that I've learned my lesson.“
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rockrosethistle · 4 months
You think Jane's a Car was bad for you? Imagine it from Becky's perspective.
For the first time in a long time, Becky feels safe. Stanley is dead, she's reconnected with her highschool sweetheart, and now he's even introducing her to his kid.
She runs into Tom at the book store, tries to be cute, but he's not having it. Okay, that's fine, everyone has their off days. And he's researching hearing voices?? A little weird, but okay...
Then Tom shows up at her house. As he rambles about things that don't make sense. But that's not what's scary. He starts talking about his dead wife—wait, did he dig up his wife's corpse? He says his dead wife wants him to kill people, that he almost killed someone today.
And even though she killed him, it's like Stanley's still here. Becky can see it, that same crazed look in Tom's eye. Terrified, she smiles and nods, humouring him. This is the same Tom she loves and trusts. He is the one, she's known it since highschool. Only now he's talking about killing her, and she realizes that the man she trusted is having a psychotic breakdown in her living room.
He storms off, and Becky follows him outside. But he's already in the car, and with complete horror, Becky realizes he's about to run her down.
She won't die. Not after everything's she's lived through. She refuses to, so she runs to the Witchwood, the very same Witchwood Stanley chased her into with a knife. She thinks about Stanley, and she hears the car behind her, and for a second, they are one and the same. She will never be able to rest. She can never stop running.
She could climb a tree, like she did with Stanley, but could she? What she saw up there is worse than death. She won't put herself through it again.
So she runs from the man who swore he loved her. Only now there is no carotid to stab, only cold, unforgiving metal. The chase goes on, and then, it's over.
Her body lives, but Becky Barnes dies on the floor of the Witchwood, alone and terrified. Her death was a perfect mirror of her greatest trauma, and her last action was to try and escape a man she loved.
Jane's A Car from Tom's perspective is zany. Jane's A Car from Becky's perspective is horrifying.
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fiapartridge · 2 months
Maybe before Beckett and Hazel started dating one of the other ducks players would flirt with her during the weekly questions for TikTok and Beckett is just so annoyed with it bc even though they aren’t “together” yet that’s HIS GIRL!!!! a little bit of drama if you know what I mean
does he know? -> beckett x hazel 💌🌸✨
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"does he know that i want you so bad?" does he know, one direction
pairing: beckett sennecke x hazel summary: beckett is tired of the guys flirting with his girl... warning(s): cursing author's note: omg BYE I WAS LIKE when can i start the drama 👀 i already have ideas for a breakup LMFAOO wc: 1.4k
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He shouldn’t feel like this—not after only knowing her for a couple weeks, not after only going on three dates with the girl—but watching his teammates flirt with her, day after day, knowing that he and Hazel are—at least in Beckett’s mind—a thing, made him feel…I don’t know, upset? Angry? Jealous? Sure he’s never really told the guys that he’s with Hazel, and honestly, he doesn’t even know if Hazel thinks that they’re together, but to Beckett, that was his girl—in the least territorial way ever.
“Beck!” Trevor shouted, skating over to the bench where Beckett was standing, dousing his face with cold water. 
“Hey, Trev,” Beckett responded, lowering the water bottle and facing the older boy.
“You okay?” he laughed, clapping his back. 
Beckett wondered what prompted Trevor to ask that. Did he put his pants on backwards again, or maybe he was wearing the wrong helmet, or, oh shit, was he supposed to be doing laps right now? Beckett looked around curiously, and then did another look confusedly, no one was doing laps. Okay, maybe he was okay then. But then why was Trevor talking to him? 
“Uh,” Beckett stammered. “I think I’m okay…” he trailed off, his mind racing with ideas on why he’s probably not okay. If I think I’m okay, but everyone else thinks I’m not okay, then that should mean that they cancel each other out and that I am okay? Or does that mean that I’m not okay? Fuck, now I’m confused.
Trevor laughed loudly, his shoulders shaking as Beckett stood in front of him awkwardly. “You’re disassociating as fuck right now.”
Before Beckett could ask Trevor how he learned that word—because let’s be real, despite Trevor attending college for a year, he didn’t know many words—Olen skated up to the two boys, grabbing a water bottle from the bench. 
“Zelly, riddle me this—”
“For fucks sake, did you just say ‘riddle me this,’ Zeegs?” Olen chuckled.
Trevor waved him off, continuing his ramble. “Riddle me this!” he said louder, trying to drown out Olen and Beckett’s laughter. “Becky here is falling for the media girl.”
Beckett scoffed, throwing his hands in the air. “No, I’m not!”
“You totally are,” Trevor replied. “You were watching her set up her little tripod for the last five minutes.”
“No way, Beck,” Olen chuckled. 
“I don’t like her like that,” he argued. He didn’t even know why he was arguing with them. Everything they were saying was completely factual. He does like Hazel. Hazel has been one of the best people he’s met since coming here, but for some reason, he just couldn’t admit it to them. Maybe it was the way he felt like he had to be mature coming to the Ducks, I mean, he’s in the NHL now. He should act like it, but at the same time, he kind of just wanted to look cool around them. 
Was admitting that he liked Hazel deemed uncool, though? He wasn’t sure. 
“Oh,” Trevor nodded dramatically. “So you don’t mind that Cut’s over there flirting with your girl?”
Beckett whipped around, faster than he would like to admit, and came face to face with the exact scene Trevor had described. There Cutter was, making Hazel laugh. He had no right to make Hazel laugh like that. Was it even funny? Was she laughing out of pity because she’s just that nice? Was this her way of telling him to leave her alone, by indulging in his stupid jokes and unfunny references? What could he even be saying that was making her laugh that way?
Hazel’s shoulders shook uncontrollably, laughing so hard she might even pee her pants. Amanda, the other intern working social media with her, laughing equally as hard. 
“The Lakers are not what LAK in hockey stands for,” Cutter laughed as Amanda snorted loudly, prompting more chuckles from the three. 
“How was I supposed to know!” Hazel shouted, small shiny tears rimming her eyes. 
“I don’t know, you work in hockey?” Cutter replied. “But at least we know you’re not a Kings fan,” he smirked, knocking his shoulder against hers.
“Cool down, bro. You look like you’re gonna pop a vein,” Trevor laughed as Beckett watched the three of them.
“What could he possibly be saying that is that funny?” Beckett scoffed, squeezing more water into his mouth.
“Here’s an idea: why don’t you go over there and tell him to back the fuck off your girl?” Trevor suggested. Trevor always made rash decisions, and every single time, they backfired. But this one didn’t sound too bad. But also, this is Beckett Sennecke we’re talking about. The boy trips over his own two feet and stumbles over simple phrases like The Cat in the Hat. He couldn’t give Cutter a piece of his mind even if he wanted to.
And he wanted to so badly, or at least walk over there and kiss the shit out of Hazel right in front of the guy. 
“She’s not my girl, Trev,” Beckett sighed.
“Yeah, but you want her to be. So, just do it,” he shrugged as if it was so easy. For Trevor, maybe. Trevor could get any girl he wanted by just sending a look there way. But again, this is Beckett Sennecke we’re talking about. He was the literal embodiment of a loser. “C’mon, we’re doing the stupid question thing again. Go over there and get your fuckin’ girl.”
Beckett rolled his eyes, but followed the older boy’s lead. He strode over to the tunnel where the interviews were taking place. He read the whiteboard that listed this week’s question. “If you had any superpower, what would it be?”
He listened to all of the boys’ responses before it was Cutter’s turn. He smirked at the camera, and then smirked at Hazel, like he knew that his answer would incite something in her. Beckett’s stomach churned, watching Cutter eye Hazel like he wanted her in not-so-innocent ways.
Cutter mulled the question over before giving his response. “Teleportation, definitely.”
“Why?” Hazel prompted.
Cutter smiled and it made Beckett’s body go scolding hot with envy. Beckett wasn’t even a jealous person, or maybe he’s never liked any girl enough to become jealous of a guy talking to them, but right now, he felt like he could burn a hole in a wall just from one look—maybe that could be his superpower, he thought.
“So I could take this pretty girl I know anywhere she wants.”
What the fuck? Beckett’s entire body lurched, not even sure if he heard the guy correctly. But by the way Cutter was smirking at his girl, Beckett could tell that he heard the guy loud and clear. 
“You just gonna let him say that, Beck?” Olen teased.
No the fuck he wasn’t.
Walking forward, Beckett met Hazel’s gaze and it was like his body fell back into a safe, normal temperature. She smiled at him and it felt different. It felt different from the way she smiled at Mason, and the way she smiled at Leo, and even the way she smiled at Cutter. It felt warm and giddy and real and genuine and—it felt like Hazel, like his Hazel. 
It was like he was gravitating towards her. He wanted to talk to her and ask her a million questions. He wanted to ask for her thoughts on the third book in the Off Campus series; if she was tired from standing all day; if she was hungry, or if she wanted him to grab her a snack from his duffle bag, knowing that she hates the ones the nutritionist provides. “I appreciate the healthiness, like do your job, sis, but like…we really need some junk food around here, you know? Like at least some potato chips or something.”
“This will probably be the most important question you’ll hear all day,” she grinned, tilting her head up to look at Beckett.
“Oh, definitely,” he smiled back, and it was like a charge of electricity was tying them together, like something magnetic was keeping them close, unrippable without force. It felt right, like he had no reason to be jealous of Cutter or anyone else on the team because they didn’t connect with Hazel—-not the way Beckett did. They could make her laugh, smile, god forbid they make her cry, but it’ll always be Beckett that she comes back to, and it'll always be Hazel that he wants. 
“What superpower do you want, Beck?”
He gazed at her, a playful smirk spreading across his face, and said, "I’d make it rain potato chips.”
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taglist! (@bunbunbl0gs @crazy4smitty )
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ninjastormhawkkat · 10 months
Questions plagued Carl's mind. Was Matthew going to be okay? Were they going to stop Atomic in time? What if they didn't? Was Atomic connected to the B.E.A.W Labs? "It'll be okay." Carl was brought out of his anxiety filled thoughts. Constance was looking at him with a sympathetic look. "It'll be alright Woody. Look. He's like a cockroach." Carl narrowed his eyes at her. She placed her hands up. "I'm not trying to insult him. This time. I'm just saying that he's like a cockroach because he's so damn hard to get rid of." She didn't like seeing him like this. Especially knowing exactly what he's been through. "He's so extremely difficult to get rid of. He's resilient. Though he did allow himself to be taken away. I don't think he'd be easy to get rid of. Besides. You shouldn't be underestimating that woman and your kids. They'll get to him in time. Have trust in them Woody." Carl sighed. "I suppose you're right but it's hard not to worry. He almost died once before. His life is at risk once again. I can't help it." Tears began to well up. Constance frowned at that. "Hey. It'll be alright. I promise. Besides, I don't think the kid would have it in him if they don't arrive in time." Carl was silent for a moment. "I can't help help. I'm scared Constance. Losing him. The thought tore my heart out. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. I-" He was interrupted by her. "Hey now. It's okay. You don't need a reason to justify how you feel. You just feel the way you feel. That's all to it. " Carl was surprised at her words. Constance rolled her eyes. "You don't need to look so surprised. I can be wise and knowledgeable too." That earned a genuine laugh out of him. That was better. She didn't want to leave him in his anxiety ridden thoughts. Seeing him like that hurt. "If he does get roughed up. You can be his nurse. I'd be he'd love that. You tending to his wounds." Carl went tomato red. Sputtering her name. "Constance! You're terrible!" She cackled at his reaction. The ride to Dr.Two-Brains wad quiet. Until Maddrix spoke up, he didn't care that it was tense. He needed to speak his mind before they continued. "Atomic. I don't think he is behind anything with the B.E.A.W. Labs." Dr.Two-Brains looked at him. Raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean Matthew?" Margret wanted to make a wisecrack but remained silent. Looking at him as well. "He only went after me. If he was truly with them, he would've took Becky and I back. He would've killed you and the others. But he just wanted to go after me." Margret blinked. "Go on." Matthew was surprised they were willing to hear him out but he continued. "He didn't want to hurt anyone but me. Those who stood in the way. He may have forcefully put them out of the way but his intent with them wasn't malicious. It was personal he went after me. I don't think he knows much about the ray he had." Margret was about to put in her opinion and thoughts about it but they had already arrived at Dr.Two-Brains house. Alex landed next to them. Matthew attempted to walk into the house but he didn't make it far so Alex had to carry him in. Becky was happy to see him. Chirping happily. "Hey Becky. I'm sorry about scaring you earlier." He apologized but she had pong forgiven the man. Only caring if he was okay. Carl got up immediately and ran over to Matthew. Looking up at him with tear filled eyes. Without much thought, Carl placed his hands to Matthew's face and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Allowing it to linger for a moment before pulling away. Leaving Matthew breathless and flushed red. "Oh thank goodness! I was so scared! Don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were...I thought you were..."
Noticing how distressed Carl was acting, Matthew snapped into focus and cupped Carl's face. He gently brushed away the man's tears. "I know love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Matthew spoke in a gentle tone, interrupting Carl's ramblings. Carl just sighed and stared back at Matthew with intense eyes. "I know you believe you deserve death and suffering after what happened all those years ago," Carl began to speak as tears filled his eyes. "But please! Please don't ever sacrificed your life like that ever again! Don't let yourself be taken or defeated so easily like that ever again! Seeing you dragged away without a fight..it was terrifying and painful to see you give up so easily like that. You may not believe it anymore, but you aren't capable of never being loved again. The thought of losing you again brought me more pain and suffering than what you did nearly 20 years ago. You are not a monster Matthew! Monsters don't feel regret, they don't apologize or feel remorse for their actions. You did that." Matthew stared silently at Carl. Neither man said nothing as they gently placed their foreheads against each other. Tears streaming from both of their eyes now. "I'm...sorry. I'm so sorry. Carl I..." Matthew tried to speak through his tears. "I know. I know." Carl only replied. Matthew didn't have to say anything. He knew what he was thinking. The others remained silent as they watched. None of them really saying anything and giving these two a moment, but also none of them having any negative reactions towards Matthew. Alex looked towards Victor and Two Brains. Both of them were having solemn but also bittersweet reactions. Alex wasn't sure what Victor was thinking, but he highly suspected what Two Brains was. Alex always figured, deep down, Two Brains could never fully hate his father. Whenever he was mentioned before, Two Brains would always have a solemn look, but never a hateful one. Alex figured Two Brains still loved the father that raised and cared for him and his siblings so well, he just hated the killer the man had become. Alex didn't hold it against him. He knew that if his parents and Rebecca were still alive, they wouldn't hold it against him either. Everyone was soon startled by Becky suddenly growling even as Tristan held her. They turned around and saw Atomic was beginning to wake up from the back of Victor's car. Carl, Tristan, Constance, the Chaotic four, Joe, Alan, Agent AA, and the Henchmen begin to tense up. Some of them were looking ready for an attack. Dr. Two Brains raised up his hands to halt them. "Hang on a second everyone. Atomic may be conscious but trust me. He doesn't have access to his powers right now." Dr. Two Brains tried reassuring them. Victor then spoke up. "He's right. Two Brains took his powers. He is out of the game but only temporarily." Atomic began to become lucid and tried to get out of the car. "How did you do that?" Jenkins asked as he still took on a defensive stance. Dr. Two Brains shrugged. "I went Professor Terror on him and shot him with a device from my staff that not only inhibited his powers, but also knocked him out pretty good. I originally designed the device in case Miss Power ever came back but I figured this was still a good time to use it." Two Brains casually explained. As Atomic got to his feet and his mind became more clear, his eyes soon landed on the group. His expression instantly morphed from puzzlement to fury when he spotted Maddrix standing near them still alive. "YOU ARE DEAD MADDRIX!" Atomic yelled before jumping into the air...and later falling back down flat on his face. It was a comedic sight. "Hey Matthew is stubbornness reacting out of emotion an inherited trait from your side of the family?" Two Brains asked in a sarcastic tone as he stared at the fallen Atomic with an annoyed deadpan expression. Matthew shrugged. "Um' shouldn't we still tie him up even though he doesn't have any powers?" Sunshine suggested. "I got this. Fluffy please wrap up the crazy hero." Archie requested his pet spider. @dualnaturedscientist
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splonk-fox · 1 month
I think "It's Your Party and I'll Cry if I Want To", is a crucial episode when it comes to both Tobey and Becky's development as characters. Before this episode, Becky generally didn't show much sympathy or understanding towards Tobey's emotions, which is understandable of course, from her perspective he was probably just an annoying, arrogant jackass who fussed over the smallest things. However, come this episode and you begin to notice their dynamic beginning to change.
From this episode onward, Becky, instead of simply trying to thwart Tobey's schemes, is now trying to appeal to his emotions. She gets him to back down from his scheme by simply asking him what he's thankful for and using it to convince him to spend Thanksgiving at the Botsfords. This is seen in "WordGirl vs. Tobey vs. The Dentist" where she again, convinces him to back down by pointing out how the dentist is the only one who can get rid of his cavity. In general, we see Becky acting a lot softer towards Tobey, showing more compassion and empathy, and I think the reason for this is because she now knows that he has a sensitive side, that if you appeal to his emotions and feelings, he's more willing to back down peacefully as opposed to just, destroying his death machines. So she uses that to her advantage, and from it we get to see a softer side to Tobey as well. One that sees the logic in WordGirl's reasoning and so is more willing to listen to her. It certainly helps that "It's Your Party and I'll Cry if I Want To" teaches him that doing good things does have its benefits, something which he was lead to believe wasn't true in "Tobey Goes Good".
Perhaps I am looking too deeply into this, but I like to think that the reason why Tobey isn't as evil in the last two seasons of the show is because Becky was actually treating him with decency and respect, something that he doesn't seem to get very often, even from his own mother.
So yeah, just felt like rambling about something I noticed in the later seasons of the show, even if it's unintentional, it's cool to see both Tobey and Becky grow and evolve into becoming better, more understanding people as it goes on. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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kiisaes · 1 year
what sucks about drawing bkdk for 3 years straight is that u start to notice patterns in ur bkdk art. like how deku is always :) and bkg is always >:(. and u'd change this if u could, but this is technically canon to their characters so why fix what isn't broken. and eventually u run out of ways u can portray :) and >:( while also making the art interesting
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mammonprotectionsquad · 11 months
I gotta recap what happened yesterday with my pulls because I'm sure I used up all my luck for at least a year xD
So, Furina's C0 was guaranteed. But for her C1 and C2 I won both 50/50s. Got all that with 200 wishes which is pretty good. Then I did one ten pull on the weapon banner at 67 pity. I fully expected to lose my 50/50 there because I was too lucky the last times. What happened instead? I got Furina's weapon not once, but twice in the same damn pull! Then at 0 pity I decided to pull on Baizhu's banner. First 10 pull gave me C5 Charlotte, second pull actually gave me Baizhu 😶 so I won three 50/50s in a row on the character banners. And I'm also very sure that I won my 50/50 on the weapon banner at least the same amount of times in a row now. Wtf xD
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prof-ramses · 8 months
Some ramblings about the Nightmare Time season 3 episode titles
Bottle Imps:
This isn't really a prediction, but if Charlotte isn't in this episode, I will find the Langs and rip their kidneys out with my bare hands.
The imps themselves will be CCRP's attempt at lab grown sniggles or even LiBs.
Richie will also be experimented on, he either won't survive and/or will become a part of Ruth in the process
Even if nothing in the episode even remotely suggests it, it will become common fanon that Lazlo and Hidgens are related.
Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree:
Witchwood shit, baby!
Someone (probably Tom) is either crushed by a log or ends up hanged from a tree.
We might see the Metzgers again.
Devil's Night:
Dare I say the devil in question is Tinky in disguise? I mean, he's the closest thing we've seen to a classical demon. Not to mention the whole "mischief" angle.
I honestly don't know whether it would be better for Grace to fuck shit up again, just get by unscathed or actually get killed off in at least one timeline.
I have the uneasy feeling that a side character introduced in this episode will be very popular.
Miss Holloween:
I honestly, don't even know. This shit's gonna be wild.
I'm fairly confident the "for real this time" part in the synopsis will prove to be either an outright lie, or some form of double meaning.
Orb Weaver:
There will be big conflict between the Foster sisters.
MacNamara isn't fully himself, the sisters will be able to trust even less than they think
We might get another gathering of the Lords, this time, all directly addressing Hannah.
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buckingham-truther · 1 month
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Chapter One
Characters: Robin Buckley & Chrissy Cunningham. Background Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson
Summary: Just a cute little coffee shop AU
Word Count: 1056
Warnings: None for this chapter
A/N: This story is very much a work in progress, I have almost no plan for it and so please keep this in mind when reading future chapters. The warning may appear as the plot develops.
The gentle hum of the coffee machine and the talk of customers over it allowed Robin to get too far into her head over the disaster of a date she had been on last night. Becky had been lovely enough but Robin wasn’t sure anything would come of it, something just wasn’t right between the two and she didn’t seem to appreciate Robin's sense of humour.
Steve had been lovely enough and had cut his nightly facetime with Eddie short when she turned up after it, bottle of wine in hand. He assured her that if someone was worth her time she wouldn’t need to hide any part of her. That ‘ her person’ wouldn’t cringe when she stumbled out of the door at the end of the date. She felt bad for interrupting his and Eddie’s evening given that Eddie was on tour and this was one of the few evenings he wasn’t on stage but it was an unwritten rule that Robin came first for Steve and the band came first for Eddie. 
 A jingle from the bell above the door pulled Robin out of her thoughts and she stepped towards the counter and looked up, into the most beautiful blueish grey eyes she had ever seen set into what only she could describe as the face of an angel with a halo of strawberry blonde hair. 
“Wow,” She whispered, “Welcome to Bakin ‘n’ Robins, what can I get you this morning?” Robin asked finally, after what she was sure was too long of a pause.
“Erm can I just take a hazelnut latte with almond milk please? And maybe whatever your favourite from the bakery section is” the woman smiled and didn’t that just make her even more stunning.. 
“Sure, coming right up. It’ll be $6.70 when you’re ready, cash or card?” Robin said as she tapped it all in the till, she was so glad this was all muscle memory at this point because she was sure there wasn't currently a thought in her head aside from how gorgeous this woman was.
“Card please” The woman smiled again and tapped her card on the reader when Robin indicated. 
“Take away or to sit in?” Robin remembered to ask before stepping away to make the order.
“I’ll sit in please, this seems like a super cute place to sit and read” she said, patting the book Robin had failed to notice in her arms. 
“You go and find a seat, I’ll bring it over to you” Robin nodded towards the selection of tables they had.
“Table service too, thank you.” she giggled and walked away. 
“Who was that?” A voice came from beside her as she started to make the coffee. 
“Jesus Christ!” Robin quietly exclaimed, almost dropping the mug she was holding, “Do you need to sneak everywhere?” 
“I literally dropped the opening on the counter so hard,” Steve, her partner in this coffee shop, laughed from beside her. “So, who is she?” 
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen her before but she’s super pretty ok so I’m naturally going to do something like spill her drink all over her or drop her baked goods on the floor. Or even forget how to speak as I get there and just throw the whole tray at her and run” Robin started to ramble. 
“Okay okay stop right now” Steve interrupted her, “You sort her the rest of her order and I’ll do the latte, I’ve got you sorted okay” he winked at her nudging her out of the way with his hip. 
Less than 5 minutes later Robin was walking towards the blonde trying her best to hold the tray as steady as possible. She had found the biggest and freshest almond knott and Steve had made a heart with the milk on her latte, it was a perfectly solid heart too, he was just showing off now. 
“Oh, thank you” The woman squeaked as Robin placed the tray down, it seemed to have pulled her from a deep thought. “This all looks wonderful” She grinned when she looked down and saw the latte. 
“Enjoy” Robin smiled as she walked away. 
“I can’t believe you did the heart!” She hissed as she got behind the counter again, smacking Steve lightly on the arm as she walked past him.
“Did she like it though?” he grinned “She watched you the whole time you walked back and she still keeps glancing over, I think you’re in there birdie. Anyway I need to start prep work on the pastry for the next batch of baked goods. Can you do the stocktake of the things behind here and I’ll get El and Max to do the stockroom tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Sure, I’ll get that done and make sure it’s all okay for Dustin to come in to take over from me.” She replied. 
“Thank you,” he said loudly as he walked from behind the counter and to the back where the kitchen was. His pride and joy, the reason he wanted this all along.
Robin spent the rest of the day thinking of the women from that morning. Trying to think if there had been any clues as to who she was or anything else about her. 
“I’ve got a present for you,” Steve declared as he walked into her apartment one evening a few days later, before throwing a small package at her. 
“Thanks,” She mumbled as she tried to catch it. 
Opening it up she noticed it was a name badge, her name was written on it along with her pronouns and a tiny lesbian flag on it. 
“Oh, this is so cute, thank you” She said as she launched herself at him. 
“I’ve heard that the blonde from the other day has been back a couple more times, only ever getting take-away after looking around. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let her know your name and that she’s got a chance. I’ve had them made up for all of us. I really liked the idea when I saw them ages ago and just kept putting it off. I felt like the pride flags around the place were enough to let people know we’re a safe space but you and this girl gave me the excuse I was looking for to get these” Steve shrugged.
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Rose’s surprise
Rose looked down at 2 year old who was in her arms. She was contented resting her head on Rose shoulder and playing with the chain of her necklace. Thankfully not noticing how nervous and scared the women holding her was. Rose hadn't told her teammates about bringing Lily or even the fact she was dating the little girls mom
"Rose, why do you have a little girl with you. You didn't kidnap her didn't you?" Kelley asked concerned
"What? No I didn't kidnap her" Rose exclaimed as you hide your face in Rose's neck, Rose instantly rubbing you back to try and keep you calm
"Then why do you have a little girl with you?" Sam asked confused
"Umm, you see" Rose said feeling nervous again since she hadn't shared her relationship with anyone yet, even if it's been nearly a year
"Did you have a kid years ago and not tell anyone?" Emily asked
"We would have known that, idiot. We've seen her to often in the past few years" Megan said as emily glared back
"You guys! Let her explain!" Becky said, seeing Rose panicked face and the little girl who looked scared and confused
"I may be dating someone and this is there daughter. She had to go to California last minute to fight the forest fires and needed someone to watch her daughter" Rose said while blushing
"Mommy hero" you said quietly, still hiding
"That's right" Rose said as everyone awed at you
"Your in a relationship?" Sam asked shocked that you had never said anything
"Did she say she?" Mal asked
"She did! And the kid said mommy" Kelley said excitedly
"Rose has a girlfriend!" Megan said proudly and excitedly "you have to tell us more!"
"Why didn't you say anything?" Sam asked, hurt evident in her voice as she looked at her best friend and everyone instantly froze and looked at Rose
"I don't know why I didn't say anything to you guys. I guess I feared more people knowing would risk fans finding out. We both just wanted to protect Lily from everyone and in the beginning our relationship was new and I didn't want the fans or other interfering. Then I just never felt like their was a right time and I was nervous since I've never dated a female before" Rose said rambling but being cut of by Sam
"Rose" Sam said causing Rose to stop talking
"I understand. I understand wanting to protect people you care about." Sam said causing Rose to relax as the other nodding agreeing with Sam
"Now this must be Lily" Sam said looking at the little girl who raised her head from Rose shoulder at her name.
"It's nice to meet you Lily. We are rose's friends. I'm Sam" sam said waving and moving closer Rose 
You waved and and gave a "hi" before you looked around at the group of females
"Hi Lily, I'm Alex and this is Charlie" Alex said stepping forward with Charlie who was looking at Lily
"Why don't we let them play together" Alex said as Rose nodded as they both set the little girls down while grabbing a few of their toys
"She's adorable, now I can only wonder how beautiful her mom is" Christen said looking at Rose who was blushing "very beautiful"
"So a firefighter, huh?" Emily asked as Rose nodded with a goofy smile, just thinking about her
"How long is she going to be gone for?" Tobin asked
"It's should be one more week. I just can't wait for her to come back home" Rose said with a concerned look causing Sam fo grab her hand and send her a weak smile
"Wait, do you live with her and that is why our team hasn't been invited to your place in a while?" Megan asked as Rose only nodded with a blush
"I didn't want anyone to scare her away" Rose said with a guilty smile
"Sue and I will be expecting dinner at your place when we get back from camp." Megan said as Rose just laughed and nodded "I'm going to be her favorite aunt" Megan said running off to the little girl
"What?" Rose asked wide eyed
"You haven't thought about about a future with them in it? Because if they are in it so are we and best believe we are going to be aunts to that little girl and you a parental figure." Becky said
"She is already one to the little girl" Alex said with a smile 
"I am?" Rose asked
"Have you not noticed your relationship with her and how she is with you? We've only been around you both a little but we can all see it" Alex said
"It's true" Christen said as rose blushed and looked over at you playing with Charlie and some of her teammates.
Lily took that moment to look over and wave before running over
"Rosie, tired" you said crawling into her lap rested your head against her chest as the rest of the people at the table watch their interaction fondly
"It's been a long day, huh?" Rose asked rubbing your back as you just nodded
"Call mommy. Wilma?" You asked looking up at her
"We can't call mommy right now but we can call Wilma when we go up stairs" Rose said as you nodded sadly
"Okay" you said as you went back to cuddling into Rose
"Rosie, puppy!" You said sitting and pointing at the puppy in the doorway, causing every one to jump at boast of energy
"Want to go see if we can pet them?" Rose asked the excited little girl who nodded
"Let's go" Rose said standing up with you in her arms as she headed to dog
"There two peas in a pod" Megan said with a laugh as everyone watched you two pet the puppy
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silamander · 3 months
This is a free pass for you to talk about anything you want, as much as you want! Exposit! Lore dump! Rant about your interests, or something that irks you! Whatever it is, use this as an excuse! Someone out there is interested in what you have to say (it's us. We're the someone)
...you know what that means gang.
More random Hatchetfield headcanons
- Ted spends a lot of time emailing Pete instead of working because a part of him is paranoid Pete might get hurt at high school.
- Miss Holloway spends a lot of time birdwatching in the mornings.
- Max failed his driver's test twice so he just drives without a license.
- Grace sleeps with a stuffed pink bunny.
- Tom was on the football team with Max’s dad. He was scum and Tom never liked him, he could never explain why but he just rubbed him the wrong way.
- Paul likes iced caramel frappes. He just orders black coffee because it’s easier for Emma.
- Richie is an energy drink junkie.
- Charlotte does yarn crafts (like knitting and crochet and cross stitch and shit) to get her anger out because stabby stabby.
- Barry Swift has ADHD and OCD.
- Gary Goldstein decorates his house like a suburban white mom, those rustic white letters in the kitchen, everything labeled in slightly stretched text, that type of thing.
- Stacy is Becky's niece, and Stacy looks up to her a lot so she became a cheerleader to follow in her aunt's footsteps.
- Ethan actually believes the hat works because he was wearing it the day he met Lex and since then nothing had has happened to him when he wore it
- The people of Hatchetfield hate Clivesdale because Mayor Lauter was born and raised there, and hated it there so much that he convinced the whole town to hate it as well.
- Hailey spends a lot of time watching animal and dinosaur documentaries. She gets attached to the animals quickly and gets really upset when they die. (No this is not me self projecting).
- In human form, Wiggly’s nose scrunches up when he’s angry.
- Ruth as a Sophmore hit on Senior Alice a lot. Alice thought it was funny and she and Deb “adopted” her.
- Hailey and Trevor (Jon’s barbecue monologue’s character from Nerdy Prudes) are cousins. Very random but I think it fits.
- Hailey admires Trevor and his natural talent for performing. In a way, it makes her feel more insecure of herself, seeing her younger cousin be so good at performing, and she sees it as her still not being good enough.
- Wiggly sleeps in sand like a squid. Like literally just buries himself in there, completely submerged.
- Richie can and will ramble about Naruto to some random person on the street if they're willing to listen.
- Grace is secretly a hazbin hotel/helluva boss junkie, she only watches it on library computers though because she wouldn’t be caught dead watching it at home. (Pete caught her watching it once and he had to pinky promise to never tell anyone. They're siblings, your honor).
- No one in Hatchetfield ever said anything about the workin boys being in a gay interracial polycule, not because it was a secret, but because they were football players, and hatred for clivesdale is exponentially more powerful than homophobia.
- Since Lex and Ethan also went to Hatchetfield High, Max would have definitely tried to get it on with Lex, mirroring his thing with Grace but this time the forbidden fruit is that she's a senior and she genuinely doesn't give a flying fuck about him. Imagine a younger, less jacked Max Jägerman in his sophomore year constantly getting his shit rocked by Lex and Ethan every time he tried to shoot his shot.
- Karen Chasity was secretly the most rebellious and incorrigible party girl on the planet. She started dating Mark and her viewpoint changed. She now denies everything she did in highschool.
- Paul and Ted once accidentally kissed at an office party after getting a slight bit too drunk. They have both agreed never to speak of the incident ever again (the one thing they ever agreed on).
- Pete loves horror movies because he’s a special effects geek and Steph lies and says she likes horror movies so she still looks cool but is actually not a fan and the scares almost always get her.
- If the Green-Foster family ever did get to move to California and Lex got to be an actress, her interview attitude would be a lot like Reneé Rapp, in that she barely has a filter. If she ever got asked about why she’ll openly shit talk people in an interview, she’s like “I used to work retail I learned pretty fast that nothing gets done if you keep your mouth shut.”
- No one at CCRP ever knows what to get Paul for work holiday parties so now he owns a bunch of gifted mugs and he's starting to run out of cabinet space because he doesn't want to get rid of anything that was gifted to him.
- Gary unironically refers to Facebook as "the book of faces”
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shallowseeker · 13 days
Zachariah I
Zachariah II
Zachariah III - YOU ARE HERE
This is a collection of many of the same snippets from the Cas death rambles over here. But I feel like some of these are important enough to pull out and talk about on their own.
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Oh, oh, oh. Ouch.
Zach's whole attitude in this scene is just awful. It's very, "Well, so much for your "champion," I guess."
(((Fuck you, Zach.)))
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And Dean? Dean's upset-upset.
Zach notices.
Like Chuck's exhilarated, nervous smile, Zach will mirror it with a pleased beat of surprise, visibly taken aback.
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Again, Dean instinctually recoils. Keep your distance, he says to Zach. This echoes their very first meeting: The "GROSS." & "NO, THANK YOU."
DEAN: "Keep your distance, asshat."
Vibes: Stay the Hell away from me.
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And it's here that Zach keys into it. This upset.
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The whole scene is about Cas. It begins with Cas's blood, and it book-ends with Dean's blood.
But soon, Zach pivots to his same old obsession:
✨Recruiting Dean. ✨
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"Synergy"... right.
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Again, Dean's hitting Zach where it hurts: right in the vanity.
ZACH: <:(
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(((Stop insulting me during my pitch, Dean. I'm not even hitting on you. I don't even want you. I swear it on your mother's grave. Forget I ever said you were looking fit.)))
Anyway, back to ✨The Pitch (TM) ✨
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Ah, this pitch again.
With Zach, it's largely about power and domination, about Dean bending the knee and submitting in the way Zach thinks he should.
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Aside/// it's interesting to me that after Cas dies, Dean uses things he learned from Cas to fight. This is a beat echoed in early s13, when he uses a triple-bladed angel knife in 13x02 in the same manner Cas does.
(Yes, Dean's always been good with throwing knives, even since s1, but in 13x02, he uses a beat-for-beat Cas throw of a highly specialized knife. It's very fitting to assume he learned it from Cas in some way or another.)
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Oh, this.
This is what's been eating Dean during this whole scene and will constitute a moroseness that continues throughout the entire episode.
And later, Zach's disrespect... will only deepen.
Dean is not getting much respect in 5x01 at all. Not from Zach, not from Meg, not from Becky.
Ah, Becky... after being so excited to meet Sam, who more than lives up to her fantasies, she looks to Dean and...
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:(((((( * cringe* *wince* *disappointed* *you're a real boner killer for me personally wow ugh #hashtag NotMyDean*
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This is interesting to me, because this spectacle of Becky, with her fetishistic incest interests... actually pairs really well with Zachariah.
Not in terms of her interests per se. (I mean, she's fine, so long, and she's not using her interests to denigrate real people. But here, she's toeing the line with Dean and stepping over it with Sam.)
But it's more than her disdain. She cringes at the sight of Dean, and she comes off as rude like Dean's yet again failing to live up to impossible expectations.
It's giving real "I guess I'm not the main either of our fathers wanted us to me" vibes.
It's interesting, then, that Becky should be the one to deliver news of Dean's souped-up relevance to The Plot(TM), about the Michael sword plotline.
Becky just barely holds back her voyeurism in the moment:
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And she does indulge too much with Sam, ignoring his pleas for dignity and respect:
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Actually, looking at this in totality, she pairs pretty well with Zach, actually.
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