#bee box
appreciate-tech-kids · 7 months
bite you
is bitten
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My brother-in-law has a Thing where he gives me increasingly rare copies of The Bee Movie and it’s long since gone from “Goofy running gag” to “I don’t know how much money he’s willing to commit to this bit and it Scares Me.”
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Where the fuck can we go from here
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biowho · 2 months
Have you heard that Game Informer just shut down? Their staff were laid off with no warning, and (less comparatively important but still notable) pulled all their articles, including the DAV ones.
@felassan leaves us for two days and look what happens
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state-of-beeing · 5 months
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i think he would still love him if he was a worm thank you @b1adie for your gargantuan brain
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apoemaday · 5 months
The Bee Box
by Lowell Parker
In this small box, my love, you’ll not find a ring, but instead, a brave little bee. He’ll be dead by morn, having given his life defending his flowers against me. I felt his sting while picking the small purple pansies growing wild along the roadside, in hopes of an afternoon bouquet for you. And I grieved the sting, more for him than me, knowing full well the price he paid for my small pain. And I allowed him his victory, leaving his flowers as a memory, and brought you instead this brave little bee, who proves there is love even in the smallest of things.
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mell0bee · 5 months
“average spirit medium gets accused of murder 3 times a year” factoid actually just statistical error. maya fey, who lives in capcom’s stock plot contrivance box & is accused 10,000 times a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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moonlight-tmd · 6 months
Bumblebee having an electric ability without mods and he’s just never told his team because outliers weren’t always seen as good & so he never uses it publicly.
One day his stingers get yanked out and his team is hurt and so he HAS to use it.
He hasn’t used it in so long he forgot how powerful it could be and accidentally knocked out himself and the threat and his team because he lost control.
Blitzbee - he hints at it to Blitz because decepticons were more open about outliers & one day he shows blitz who helps him learn how to control it.
Prowlbee - Bee doesn’t give a single hint and prowl is so hurt bee didn’t feel he could trust him but he understands because he’s seen what outliers went through and Ratchet is so hurt because his grandson ( self declared ) didn’t slip him the outlier info off record while Optimus is such a mom and worrying for bee.
Bulkhead figured it out when he saw bee get electrocuted one day on Earth but didn’t even seem phased beyond surprised and just brushed it off.
Ok i kinda don't know what you're on about but i think i see it?
To simplify: Bee can manipulate electricity as a feat, just like Icy and Hotheat can control Ice/Fire respectively. And those that can do that are basically outcasted from society for being a threat/different.
Bee may have been forged defected but lemme tell ya, those wiring mishaps actually made him tougher to crack. The electricity just didn't flow right like with normal bots therefore he couldn't really take shock damage. He'd withstand high voltages with almost no harm.
Of course, being the street-raised bot he knew the risks of standing out so he tried his best to hide it. I think he might have accidentally electrocuted someone to death when he was a fresh runaway from the carequarters. He never knew they died, just that one moment someone was trying to hurt him and the next they were laying on the ground motionless and he ran as fast as he could.
He knew electricity could hurt so he tried his best to pretend being hurt whenever something zapped him. It was tough getting around trying not to zap anything but once he got the stingers from Ratchet the uncotrolled zapping was slightly more controlled as it had actual output designed to release electric charges.
Team Prime- Bee never told them about his little stunt ability, he thought they would look at him differently if he ever did.
One time some 'con ripped out his stingers and crushed them, Team Prime barely got to Bee to defend him. Ratchet had a lot of fixing to do so Bee was left defenceless for a while. One time when he and some other bot from the team were helping out some citizen, Constructicons wanted to have fun and came to wreck them. It was a close call and the rest of the team got there in time to fight... but something went wrong and the bad guys had advantage after advantage. At some point they were about to finish off Prowl when Bee came out of the forced hiding and latched onto the 'con before letting out the highest voltage electroshock he could muster. Of course it barely missed his teammates as chain reaction went off and knocked out half of the cons and damaged the rest. Somehow they managed to scramble and run away with the carcasses of their unconscious fellas, leaving Team Prime in quite literal shock of what happened.
Optimus was the first to be at Bee's side after noticing the scout laying motionless on the ground. He tried to reach and shake him awake but the moment his servo got close a leftover jolt of electricity zapped him hard, leaving a half-scorched mark.
Bee wakes up in medbay after few hours and is greeted by very worried Team. They ask him about what the heck happened back there and Bee avoids answering until Ratchet yells at him to tell them because it's important (and from that high voltage technically he should be dead lol).
Bee is visibly nervous but gives in and tells them. "So you know how Blitzwing can manipulate ice 'nd fire?"
"Yes- what does that have to do with this??"
"Well,... I can kinda do the same but- with electricity?"
And then he shows them a trick he learned to entertain himself- just making little electric sparks between his servos- when they ask to explain. Now onto reactions-
Optimus: He's still recovering from having his servo temporarily disabled by the leftover discharge, he's very much surprised and then concerned that Bee never told them- he worries about Bee's wellbeing as well as this being a possible threat for everyone if Bee doesn't get full control over it.
Ratchet: Honestly he shouldn't be surprised, the kid had so many electrocuting accidents that ended in no damages he should have connected the dots already. He just wishes the kid would have told him something about it to spare so many hours half-paranoid over how this mech still works after so many stunts that should have killed him.
Bulkhead: Bee told him about nearly everything except the super personal stuff like trauma. He's a little hurt for the lack of trust from his best friend but still finds it cool that Bee has such neat ability.
Sari: She is so heckin happy- Bee can do cool shit and make electronics do his bidding(kinda)! That's so cool! She does get a little spooked if she's too close to said electricity cuz she's been taught about the dangerous side of it.
Prowl: He's very much surprised cuz he didn't think someone else on the team possesed a unique ability like him (the whole hologram duplication and weird telekinesis thing, ex: turning stasis cuffs/electric locks off). He'll be glad to help Bee learn to control this ability. If ProwlBee: Prowl would still be surprised but he'd also be disappointed that Bee never told him when Prowl himself was pretty open about having his unique ability. He understands why Bee might have felt like he shouldn't say anything but he still feels that little bit of hurt inside.
If BlitzBee: Blitz learns about it before the event. Icy was showing him fun ways to play with ice and frost and Bee was so amazed by it he accidentally mentioned wishing he'd be able to do that with his element. Bee was shy about it when Blitzwing asked but he eventually showed him the little entertaining trick i mentioned earlier. It wasn't anything spectacular, he tried his best to keep it as low as possible to not get it out of control, but Blitz was still amazed and excited that his hummel could do something similar to his powers. Of course he teaches Bee how to manipulate element and they have some fun.
I think after the fact Bee can manipulate electricity is out in the open, Bee will definitelly pull some pranks on the others like messing with the lights or turning on/off some non-important machines to annoy them.
It would also make them aware of why the fuck Bee has so much energy all the time- the scout keeps his battery up by touching electronics, he unawarily charges himself via other stuff's batteries/outlet connections. (This explains why his switch/controller keeps dying so soon, huh.)
After being taught how to control his ability he defo drains certain stuff on purpose like, he'd drain stasis cuffs off their power and switch off the forcefield cell the 'cons put him in to hold hostage. Heck he might even drain them off energy if he sticks to them long enough and gets them passed out on the ground. It's also a good way to make someone go to berth when they can't recharge- drain them low enough to enforce the recharge protocol.
Ngl, that kinda sounds like energetic vampire but Bee's all for it. He likes the joke and keeps the play up quite well whenever someone mentions his ability.
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zu-is-here · 1 year
How would cross, Dream and Aim look like as humans? 🤔🤔
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Andre is a complete and total coward! Even when he ‘turned over a new leaf’ is BS! He can blame Audrey all he wants, but in the end, he was still Chloe’s primary caregiver most of her life. He was the one who spoiled her rotten and saved her butt from any punishment she deserved, all the while not disciplining her himself. Oh, but then when the monster he created goes out of control, that’s when he cares. Oh, and then instead of actually doing something to help Chloe break these awful habits or attempt to be a better father, he ships her with her emotionally abusive mother who brings out the worst traits while adopting the 'good’ child who isn’t even his kid (BTW doesn’t she already have a dad). To me, that honestly looks like, he’s trying to save his own reputation and doesn’t actually want to any heavy-lifting when it comes to bringing up a child. 
Seriously what the heck was Astruc and his team thinking with this?!
Remember, Astruc said that Chloe was at the age where she was supposed to “build her moral compass away from her parents”, which pretty much shows how little he understands personal growth.
But then again, the only time the show ever actually condemns a bad parent for their actions is when they’re already dead, as we’ll see in “Representation”.
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blood-red-ocean · 10 months
I really just want to
(video length: 24 seconds)
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a-flaming-idiot · 5 months
So remembered an animatic that said every Ladybug holder was destined to abandon their Black Cat and they'd never see each other again. So I quickly threw together a set of curses for all the Chinese Box.
Ladybug - They are destined to always die alone with their goals unaccomplished
Black Cat - They are fated to always be abandoned by the person they hold closest
Fox - They are fated to always destroy the person they love most
Turtle - When it counts most they won’t be able to protect those they hold most dear
Bee - They are fated to drive others away at their most vulnerable
Butterfly - They are fated to have their good intentions twisted sour
Peacock - They are fated to put their faith and love into the wrong person and destroy themselves
Snake - At the end of things, they will always end up alone
Dragon - They are fated to never have the strength they most need
Bunny - They are destined to see the worst fates of their friends repeat over and over again with no chance to save them
Tiger - They are destined to always squeeze too tight and break those they love
Pig - Their kindness and desire to help will be their downfall
Mouse - They are fated to feel the weight of every task and eventually be crushed by it
Ox - They are cursed to be destroyed by their own growing doubt
Horse - They are fated to always be a moment too slow and be ruined by it
Monkey - Their happiness will come at the cost of the misery of others
Goat - They will be consumed by their passion and desires
Dog - They will devote their lives to a goal and only in their last moments realize they were wrong
Rooster - The people they hold closest will be unreachable
My rough idea is that the Miraculous of the Chinese Miracle Box are so powerful that their magic naturally backlashes onto the user in the form of a curse. So if someone wears a Miraculous for too long, they will be doomed to the curse even if they take it off.
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What about ladybugs and bees/honeypots?
hi honey!
i did some of those already, so i will link them here.
but i added some more onto this post as well.
i hope you like them! 🧡
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please like and credit if you use, reblogs are appreciated! thank you! 💕
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verum-artifex · 1 year
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🦋Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! 🐝
Inspired by Muhammad Ali's iconic words, this illustration depicts a young melanated girl exuding strength and grace, adorned in a striking black and yellow fighting outfit. As butterflies dance around her, she embraces the beauty of her power and the agility of her spirit. Let's all be inspired by her example, fighting with determination and spreading positivity in the world! 🌟 #FightLikeAButterfly #StingLikeABee #MuhammadAli #Inspiration
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
Mulder, Scully, and "sibling vibes"
So a few times lately I've remarked on the sibling energy I see in early Mulder & Scully, and I think perhaps it's misunderstood. I jokingly self-identified not long ago as "not a romo, not a noromo, but a secret third thing (delighted they ended up together but wishes the whole kiss kiss kiiiiiss! thing wasn't dominant forever and always)" This applies to all my fandoms fwiw. For me the friendships generally trump everything.
The other day I added this (among some other rambling) to one of @randomfoggytiger's excellent posts about Mulder and women:
To me, these two start out as best friends, almost a "sibling" relationship at first: Mulder has been looking for Samantha, "walking into that room" everyday for many more years of his life than he wasn't, and here comes this precocious, punchy little woman who says she's looking forward to being around him. She plays with him in the rain, she laughs at him, teases him and calls him "sucker", she listens to him and is eager to learn everything he can teach her. They squabble, but always stick together. She stands next to him with her little foot stuck stubbornly out to the side and her arms folded, or her little hands on her little hips, always exuding an attitude that's surprisingly large for her little body. When he looks at her it's at the top of her head. She's even the same age as Samantha. When she panics or gets scared she turns to him, and he wraps her in a blanket and tells her stories. I know it is often interpreted as flirting, but if you were to age them down, it could just as easily be a big brother who adores his little sister and a little sister who thinks her big brother hung the moon. My personal feeling is, it would be almost impossible for him not to notice commonalities between Scully and Samantha. Perhaps that's partly why he's so comfortable sharing Samantha's story with her.
To clarify, I don't think either saw the other as an actual or replacement sibling, and I don't see it as something that is remotely incompatible or icky regardless of where they ended up. Love's a lot of things and it can change and be all of it or none of it at once.
Not a person, but a pattern
Mulder and Scully were thrown together and immediately flung themselves about as far from home as you could get without crossing an ocean, at a time when there was no internet and a long distance phone call cost a million billion dollars (adjusted for inflation)(facetious). This is more than just long hours doing stakeouts or interviewing witnesses or writing profiles or joining sting operations or whatever it is that average partners (especially green-ass newbies from Quantico) might presumably be doing. They might as well have been at sea. They'd known each other for maybe a week and suddenly had to learn to not just work together but to live together, being each other's only company and support system, etc.
Watching the way they interact particularly during the pilot could be (and it seems almost always is) interpreted as crushes and flirting. I see that too, but I'm gonna toss that aside for a sec and ask you to imagine they are children, or at the very least that they're not looking to date (other people have written some very good posts about sex not being that important to them ever, or how they use it for self-flagellation (him) or rebellion (her) etc. And as fun as fanfic is, I agree with that take. For all their smouldering - both individually and together - they're remarkably sexless. But I digress. Just imagine that the search for a date or the possibility of sex is not part of the equation at this stage.)
They're both SO influenced and informed by the patterns they've been living all the way since childhood, as most of us are.
Scully is used to following strong male personalities, living to impress her dad, being a kid sister to a man who has strong opinions about how the world is or ought to be. She's extremely capable but very young for her long list of credentials (she's presumably gone from school to school to school without much lived experience), and they give her her very first field assignment with Fox Mulder. She's heard a lot about him. She's looking forward to working with him. This is probably nothing at all like what she expected when she went to Quantico, but she wants to distinguish herself so she'll go where she's asked and do her Very Best Job at it. But he immediately absconds with her and now she's doing something fun and new, and this man they've assigned her to is quirky and weird and possibly just bat-crap crazy, but in between it all he's incredibly intelligent and he's showing her the ropes and teaching her new things and she's just so excited to be here.
Mulder had to grow up way too fast, aged 12, and maybe suffered a sort of arrested development in that sense. He was once a big brother to a girl who was 8 years old and probably a bit of a brat, as precocious 8 year olds often are (I mean the first time we actually see her she called him a buttmunch and screamed in his face because she didn't get her way). They've sent him a partner who is a remarkable overachiever; she's a biophysicist and medical doctor, a Quantico graduate, and all under age 30. Her credentials include rewriting Einstein and her job responsibilities include "tattle tale". She's gonna challenge him at every turn, but she's green and earnest enough to want his to learn from his experience. She's following him and she's hanging on his every word and she's laughing at and with him. She asks a lot of questions and openly enjoys just being there with him, just being a part of it all.
Age them down 20 years and they could just be two kids playing in the woods and the rain. That doesn't mean they see their siblings in each other, but... to me, it doesn't not mean that either. It's patterns they've carried with them their whole lives. What I'm getting at is that that sort of sibling push-and-pull would be an extremely comfortable and familiar dynamic for them both to slip into, especially considering their isolation, and it's one which also lends itself to quick and easy affection. It's not the predominant feature of their friendship, but it's a starting place, and it ripples forward across time. (Imo it also informs the lack of romance for a number of years.)
The sibling vibes fade into the background after a few episodes (although I see shades of it popping up here and there through at least Darkness Falls), and it transforms into what becomes an easy, fast friendship, and then a deep, ride-or-die best friendship.
Of course, a twisted version of it is brutally resurrected and brought to the fore in season 2, and I think that more than anything is what scuppers a move out of denial or past anything apart from best friends until at least cancer arc, but that's a whole other post.
Thanks for readiiing 💕
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daydreamingtetch · 1 year
you and alice are married? when did that happen?
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"The sounds that you hear throughout Arkham eventually become white noise...so in terms of sleeping I can get by well enough."
There was a pause as he looked over his shoulder. "speaking of that, can you two keep your squabbles away from me?" Jonathan asked dryly.
"THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY WHEN HE SHOCKED ME?!" Jervis yelled back "Edward could of KILLED ME!"
Edward leaned on his cane "Oh come now, you know if I wanted to kill you this wouldn't be how."
Jervis clapped his hands together "How wonderful to know!~" he said sarcastically.
Jonathan gave a sigh.
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ryssbelle · 6 months
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My mom and her dad are the same person
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