#beggin them to bring this back especially now that the movie is A Thing
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guys. im. theres more concept art from that old canceled HM cartoon (found by @poketheplatypus ty man)
"...before we were informed that theme park rides were too valuable an IP to be wasted on animation."
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MBAV theory and ending
Hello everyone ! Here I am to discuss our beloved but too soon cancelled show : My Babysitters’s A vampire’s. Mostly its ending but not only. Damn you Disney for that cliffhanger...
Warning, it’s a really long post ! It’s around 2k words. I didn’t put it under a cut, but I can if asked. The first part (half ?) of this post is something about the MBAV universe, that I use to explain my theory about the ending. Then I will explain it, what happened and all with that, and they a small paragraph of what could have been the beggining of season 3. I’d be really happy if you guys read, and what do you think about it. So, here we go ! (Please forgive the typos)
Anyway, before talking about the ending I want to speak about the vampires and their so called “immortality”. Throughout all the show it was clearly stated that all vampires are immortal. Yet, we see a lot of them dying (killed by wooden stakes, holy water, special daggers, etc.). Sooo, are they really that immortal, or can they just live as long as possible until they’re killed ? The show doesn’t answer it, and we never saw a vampire that was killed coming back. (Except for Jesse, but his case is a bit special, with the Cubile Animus and all, so we’re not talking about it here). But ! The movie answers it, more specificly Sarah. Remember the scene when they are at Ethan’s house and they are attacked by the pizza guy, who happens to be a vampire sent by Jesse ? Yeah ? Cool, because it tells us an intersting thing. So, Sarah kills him with a wooden stake, and a bit later Ethan asks if he’s really dead. Sarah then answers, and I quote : “ Not...dead, no, just in some kinds of limbo for souls.”
Oh boy. So, it’s clear : when vampires are killed, they don’t die. Their souls go into a limbo. But first of all, what is a limbo, you may ask ? I’m going to answer as simply as I can. A limbo is something from the catholic theology. Well, not only, but in the case of the show, it’s in this sense; let’s not forget that vampires can’t approach someone who’s holding a christian cross or just making a cross with sticks or whatever (I’m almost totally sure we see it in MBAV, but correct me if I’m wrong on that). So, in catholic theology, the “Underworld” is composed in 4 parts : Hell as we know it (”Hell of the Damned”), the Purgatory, the Limbo of the Fathers and the Limbo of Infants. Here, we don’t care about the second limbo, because it is for children who weren’t baptized.  So the Limbo of the Fathers it is ! That’s still not very helpful to you, I know, but I’m getting to it. So, what is it ? It’s a place where the souls of those who have commited sins but died in the friendship of God (I’m quoting wikipedia here, ahem). So, bad people but that could still go to Heaven but only if Mr. Jesus Christ come to pardon them. But I may be going a bit too far for MBAV here. Let’s continue, shall we ? Vampires are by definition a sin, for the Religion. So, it’s clear they’re not going to Heaven. But, they are immortal beings, so it’s not as if they could go to hell anyway. However, the souls of the killed vampire have to go somewhere, so they go in the limbo. Why not the Purgatory ? I don’t really know, and my theories are not really useful in the point I’m trying to make here about MBAV. And I probably already digressed too much... but hey, a little culture never hurts.
So ! It could stop here : the souls of the killed vampires go into that limbo because they can’t go anywhere else, and it’s done. But Sarah’s sentence is not done ! Just after the limbo thing, she says : “But he won't be back here.” If she just said that the pizza vampire guy wouldn’t be back, it wouldn’t change anything, it would just emphasize that he’s dead. However, notice the “here” at the very end of the sentence. Just that little word changes the meaning ! He won’t be back here, but he will be back somewhere else. Then, we understand that vampires are really immortal ! First they are “killed”, their soul go into the limbo for an unknown time, and then they come back. As I just said, we don’t know how long their soul stay in the limbo. Sure, we never saw vampires come back on the show, but I think it’s just because it’s not in the plot. I would say it takes a few days for the soul to come back, maybe weeks but not more. Maybe it depends of the cause of death ? I don’t know. Remember that it’s just me founding out things out of just one line, I can only theorize what I don’t know.
Well, it’s great that we found that. But... what for ? Okay, we learned something but it doesn’t really apply to the MBAV story / plotline... Or does it ?
Now, I’m bringing on the table “The Date To End All Dates, Part 2″, aka the awful cliffhanger that we all hate deeply. That left us with SO many questions, and no answers. This post is now going to be about “what would have happened in season 3 episode 1 (and possibly 2 too) ?” Here’s a quick recall of how the episode ended : VP Stern, Ethan, Benny, Sarah and Jesse are at the Council and there is a big boom all over White Chapel. Anastasia, Erica and Rory are in what looks like the mountains, at least they’re not in White Chapel. Anastasia said she was waiting for the explosion to happen, and visibly just wanted to go far enough to not be in it with the remaining vampires (are Rory and Erica the two last of the Council that could make it with her ?). So, she knew what Stern wanted to do. What was his plan already ? Jesse tells us that the Council has a broadcast system, originally used to communicate with other covens, that Stern would use to spread the Lucifractor’s power all over White Chapel and thus, killing all vampires in town.  But, aren’t vampires immortal, able to come back and all, as we’ve seen before ? As you know it, the Lucifractor is designed especially to kill vampires definitely by “absorbing the dark energy that keep vampires alive”, to quote Jesse. We saw Stern use it on vampires, it “shoots” like a purple lightnight, and the vampire turns to dust. So, the explosion happened. What would be the most logical thing to happen after that cliffhanger, aka season 3 ep 1 ? Main theory would be that the Lucifractor worked, which implies Sarah and Jesse being dead, along with the other remaining White Chapel vampires in town (but not Anastasia, Rory and Erica, because they are “safe” far away). Benny, Ethan and Stern on the other hand would be alive, because the Lucifractor only kills vampires and doesn’t affect humans. But... is it really what happened ? Of course not.
First of all, it is a Disney Channel show. That cliffhanger was made in the optic of having a third season, to continue the story. The show would never have killed one of its main character, especially Sarah. Count it as an argument or not, it’s true.  Second of all, I bet the explosion that happened didn’t go the way Stern intended. The plan was just to broadcast the Lucifractor’s power, nothing more. But if you don’t remember, Ethan went into Stern’s mind just before the explosion. I won’t describe the entire scene, but basically Ethan tells Stern that he is just a human. That without the Lucifractor, he is totally powerless. Ethan emphasize the fact that Stern is nothing without the Lucifractor, in a cocky and clever way. And let’s not forget it’s Ethan, the “brain” one of the group. Yet he wasn’t panicking, he was confident in what he was doing, going into Stern’s mind. He had a plan. What next ? Ethan’s remarks kind of angered Stern and he tells Ethan “Stop saying that ! I can draw all the energy I need from this and then the power will be in me and I can get rid of this little bubble.” Ethan says a last thing that pushes Stern over the edge. Stern stops what he was doing (which is shooting Jesse and Sarah with the Lucifractor, who are okay just after that) and then, he takes the Lucifractor and makes the mistake. He takes the power for himself. He feels it, he says “I can feel the power, the deepest darkness. You’re such a fool, you’ll never stop me now !”. Then, still with confidence, Ethan tells the other to run, and the explosion happens.
I believe that Ethan’s plan worked. I believe he wanted Stern to take the Lucifractor’s power to himself. By dragging him down, saying he couldn’t handle it... and it worked ! Stern thought he could take it and be all powerful and everything. But... he’s still just a human. And a normal human can’t physically handle all that power, that darkness. The explosion wasn’t Stern broadcasting the Lucifractor’s power, it was him. Stern’s body couldn’t bare all that and, because of the Lucifrator, exploded. But, theeen, what if if it had the same effect, and still killed Sarah and Jesse ? To that I will answer that even if the explosion looked the same as it would if the plan worked (as Anastasia is probably thinking), it is probably way less powerful than if should have been. First because Stern was trying to take the power, the Lucifractor wasn’t in “attack mode” (I think ?). But mostly because Stern took the Lucifractor in his hands, therefore ending the “broadcast” thing. My two other arguments are that, well it’s still a Disney Channel show, and Ethan’s confidence. As I said, he pulled a very clever move. He probably remembered Jesse telling him that Stern’s great great grandfather was mostly hella greedy of power, more than willing to clean White Chapel from vampires. It’s still canon that Ethan has a crush on Sarah and that he cares deeply for her (as Grandma Weir says, more for her than anyone ! (Just because it’s canon doesn’t mean I agree with that, okay ? But that’s what it said, and I’m working with the canon)). So he definitely didn’t waste precious time running away if he didn’t have a smart plan that he knew would work.
Hey, I’m still not done ! God that’s a long post. But then... what happened to Jesse and Sarah ? Yes, I said that the explosion was less powerfull than intended, but it still happened. Remember the first part of this post ? That’s right. The limbo for souls. That’s where I believe Sarah and Jesse would have been in the beggining of season 3. Sure, they would be weak. But they wouldn’t be dead. Now, that’s just my theory coming. I don’t really have the canon help anymore at this point, so here’s what I think is the most logic thing that could have happened.
Boom. They explosion went all over White Chapel. Benny and Ethan are knocked off and wake up after a few hours, possibly at dawn. Because hey, that’s still an explostion. Ironically, Stern’s the one who turned into dust. His body really couldn’t handle that. Benny and Ethan are relived, Sarah’s body is still here and intact, yet unconscious next to Jesse’s. But even after hours, they don’t wake up. Benny and Ethan kinda panic, and go to Evelyn (grandma Weir). She has theories but isn’t an expert in vampires, so can’t really help. The plan is to find Anastasia, Rory and Erica. They believed the explosion went as planned and went away. As Anastasia said before, they’ll just wait until Stern dies of old age. (Erica and Rory want to go back to check on Sarah, but missy vampire child tells them she is dead, and with her mind control thing, they can’t do anything). But Sarah is not dead, at least that’s what Ethan says, but they could start to loose hope at some point, and the guys are on their way to find Anastasia, because if anyone knows something about what to do, it’s her (they also want to have their friends back). They find her, and here’s the what happens : Sarah (as well as Jesse) are stuck in the limbo. Normally, they would be able to “come back to life” by themselves, but the Lucifractor weakened them, therefore they can’t escape the limbo. At least, not alone. It’s up to the fang gang to go there and bring their friend back (and they hesitate, but bring back Jesse too). They go back to White Chapel, and season 3 continues.
Now, I’m done ! I really hope I didn’t annoy you guys with my long post. If you like my theory, I’d be very happy if you tell me, I might try to write it, as a real fanfiction more than just a paragraph. Please, tell me what you think about it ! 
MBAV will ride again !
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Newsies Prompt List
Prompt list set to the Newsies soundtrack (mixing both the musical and the movie, with the bonus The Truth About The Moon) — it’s entirely self serving but I hope that other people find these prompts fun too!
Soon your friends are more like family and they's beggin' you to stay!
Don't you know that we's a family?  Would I let you down?  No way
It's a crooked game we're playin'
Give me a week and I'll train them to be like an army that's marching to war
This life's too short to waste it on you
Love at first sight's for suckers, at least it used to be
I never planned on someone like you
And the world will know, we been keepin' score
And the things we do today will be tomorrow's news
So the world says no?  Well the kids do too
Try to walk all over us, we'll stomp all over you
Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic — plain spoken, know nothing, skirt-chasing, cocky little son of a—
I'll be twice as good as that six months from never
Just look around at the world we're inheriting and think of the one we'll create
Their mistake is they got old, that is not a mistake we'll be making, no sir, we'll stay young forever!
It's David and Goliath, do or die
But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in, it can't be any worse than how it's been
And it just so happens that we just might win, so whatever happens! Let's begin!
Now is the time to seize the day
Courage cannot erase our fear, courage is when we face our fear
Behold the brave battalion that stands side by side, too few in number and too proud to hide
Then say to the others who did not follow through, you're still our brothers, and we will fight for you
Once we've begun, if we stand as one, someday becomes somehow, and a prayer becomes a vow
Proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant, judgment day is here
Let me go faraway, somewhere they won't ever find me, and tomorrow won't remind me of today
Trapped where there ain't no future, even at 17!
I can't spend my whole life dreaming, though I know that's all I seem inclined to do
Ya don't need money when you're famous! They gives ya whatever you want, gratis!
Ain’t I pretty, it's my city, I'm the king of New York!
You said that a fam'ly looks out for each other, so tell all the fellas from me, to protect one another!
Get those kids to see we're circling victory, and watch what happens
We're doing something no one's even tried and, yes, we're terrified, but watch what happens
You can’t undo the past so just move on and stay on track
Be glad you're alive, boy, I'd say that's the bottom line
Just got word that our buddies is hurtin', facing total disaster for certain
The cavalry’s coming
You know we've got your back from way back
Till the moment I found you, I thought I knew what love was
The world finds ways to sting you and then one day decides to bring you something to believe in
One night may be forever, but that's all right
And if you're gone tomorrow, what was ours still will be
I have something to believe in, now that I know you believed in me
An angel come to save me who didn't even know she gave me something to believe in
There's change coming once and for all
Tomorrow they’ll see what we are, and sure as a star, we ain’t come this far to lose
Write it in ink or in blood, it’s the same
In a few hours by dawns early light we'll be ready to fight us a war
Finally we's raising the stakes, this time whatever it takes!
I'm seeing kids standing tall, glaring and raring to brawl
Once and for all there'll be blood on the wall if they doubt us
They think they're running this town, but this town will shut down without us
There's change coming once and for all, you're getting too old, too weak to keep holding on
A new world is gunning for you, and so, we is too!  Til once and for all you're gone!
Don't take much to be a dreamer, all you do is close your eyes
You win some, you lose some, my dear!
I always land on my feet
Just get this done and by dawn's early light you can finish the fight you began
Once and for all there's a fire inside me that won't stop burnin'
This is do it or die, this is war!
Once and for all, we'll be there to defend one another
Better to die than to crawl
Either we stand or we fall, for once and for all
I'm alone but I ain't lonely
For a dreamer night's the only time of day
I'm gonna live forever, it's a feeling time can never take away
Where does it say you gotta live and die here?
And the world will feel the fire and finally know!
I saw the words all fly away so fast, so far
And was the moon especially bright, I really can’t recall
And this was the first time the facts of the matter didn’t matter at all
Let me be someone different from me from now on
Someone who seems to get by with a smile
When I looked into his eyes, I could not look away
But then as gentle as a breath his hand was touching mine, and I discovered a feeling I somehow could not define
You’re the seed of a dream, not a plan
At least I don’t shed many tears down here in my cocoon
I’m protected by my facts, like the truth about the moon
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years
Sweet distraction
Jennie x Female!Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
Word count: 1,849
Summary: Request: “ A Jennie scenario based from the recent fan signing the girls had. Reader surprises her and they go on a lil date after.”
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NOTE: It`s been so long, im sorry, i was on a vacation and couldn't write but here i am again! <3
The fan meeting was at full blast when you entered the crowded shopping mall, sighing peacefully.  You had to run away from work as to not miss the end of the event and catch your girlfriend off guard. She told you she was free after the meeting so you decided to take this little opportunity the universe gave you. It`s not like you too can spend your time together every day freely, so you didn`t want to miss the chance. The crowd was so big, you had to step on your toes to get a look at what was going on. Everyone was talking loudly but you managed to recognize her voice that came out of the speakers hidden somewhere in the mall. The four girls on stage were smiling happily and sending their love and ‘thank you’s to the fans. The moment you found her face with that beautiful gummy smile of hers you felt your heart skip a bit. After almost a year of being in a relationship with one of blackpink`s famous members you still couldn’t believe she actually chose you out of all the people who surrounded her. The girls were hugging under an umbrella now and you melted at the sight, your smile getting bigger by the second. When they started to go down the stage, you made your way to the other side of the queue and called one of the managers. The guy looked at you with a bright smile, smirking at the little present in your hands when you went to the hidden exit. He knew who you were, almost all the stuff did, and you were grateful that Jennie took care of all the explanations about your relations. You found yourself a seat and pulled out your phone, making sure all the reservations were done and you wouldn’t face any issues with your little rendezvous. The crowd was cheering happily in the distance and you realized that the meeting was over. You stood up and peeked out around the corner, noticing Jennie make her way in your direction, the girls walking slowly behind her. She looked as beautiful as always in her black skinny jeans and a white crop top that showed her perfect abs. And woah, the heels. You couldn`t help but stare for a moment before going back and grabbing the bouquet of daisies you bought on your way here. The one thing that Jennie hated the most was to get scared, so you made sure to stay still at the entrance, not wanting to jump out of nowhere and get your girlfriend a heart attack. And to get a punch in the face. As soon as she turned around the corner, her eyes landed on you, your favorite gummy smile shining on her pretty face. She broke into a run and you opened your arms to catch her, sighing happily when her body collided with yours. It`s been a week since you last saw her because of her tight schedule so when her sweet scent surrounded you completely, you finally felt at peace. You lifted her up by the hips, grinning widely when she wrapped her legs around your waist and hands around your neck, laughing in joy. You wanted to kiss her so badly, but the idea of ruining her career made you uneasy to say the least so you made a quick spin and put her down, praying that no camera captured that moment, it was a hidden exit after all.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? I missed you so much!” She breathed out with wide eyes as if not believing that you were actually here. Hand gripping yours tightly, she looked at you with so much adoration you nearly lost your concentration and forgot what you were about to say.
“Ugh, I came to see you, love. Um… surprise? Those are for you.” You showed her the daisies, stuttering suddenly and smiling coyly. She gasped and hugged the flowers, almost tearing up and you felt the butterflies in your stomach all over again, blushing furiously.
“Aww, cute!” You heard Lisa`s voice behind and turned around sporting three girls walking with their managers in your direction, all smiling brightly. “Y/N, that`s so sweet! I just might fall in love with you too.” Jisoo smirked, shamelessly teasing Jennie and hugged you tightly. You embraced them one by one, greeting everyone with a kiss on the cheek, which made Rose a blushing mess. You chuckled, seeing Lisa huff frustratingly. “Y/N, I love your kisses, don`t get me wrong, but why does everyone hate my kisses so much? You all cringe when I do that.”
“It`s because she`s sweet and gentle.” Rosie smiled shyly. “And you`re just annoying.” Jisoo said teasingly, making a disgusted face.
“Don`t worry Lisa, I adore your kisses.” Her pout was gone the second those words came out of your mouth and you saw a beaming smile on her face that warmed your heart. “Aw, finally somebody appreciates my affection. I`m in love too!”
“Nope, she`s off limits, Lalisa. All mine!” Jennie said, leaning closer to you and giving Lisa a playful glare. “All yours, baby.” You gave her a side hug and kissed her temple, fingers running through her hair lovingly. “Can I steal her away for a couple of hours?” You asked, looking at the girls, who were grinning, watching your interactions.
“Where are we going?” Jennie asked, not caring about the girls reply one bit. You laughed, seeing how her eyes lighted up immediately. “It`s a surprise, love.”
“Don`t even bother bringing her back, she`s too mean anyway.” Jisoo grinned, starting to walk towards the exit. “Come one girls, let`s go home and leave two lovebirds alone.”
“Have fun, guys!” Rose hugged you one last time and went after Lisa, who gave you a sweet smile and a wave of her hand on her way out. When everyone left , Jennie's manager gave you a quick nod when you promised to bring her back by ten as always and walked out, leaving you two alone. Finally.
"Come on, babe, i know you're hungry and tired. Let's fix it real quick so we can go home and i can hug and kiss you already. I missed those lips so much." You embraced her, leaning forward slightly and whispered to her ear softly, leaving a brief kiss under her chin.
"Tease." She let out a small cute laugh, a beaming smile blossoming on her face.
You left through the hidden exit and made your way to your car quickly. Jennie buckled her seat up when you turned the keys and repeated the action with your own, muttering a quiet "Safety first" under her nose. You couldnt stop yourself from leaning in and placing a sweet peck to her lips, sighing happily when she deepened the kiss.
"I love you." You whispered, out of breath, melting in you seat. Her kisses were like drinking pure honey, sweet and soft in moments like this.
"I love you more." She whispered back, smiling shily, all flushed cheekes and sparkly eyes. She was truly out of this world.
When you parked your car near the entrance of your favourite restaurant it was already dark outside, so you didnt have to hide too much. Jennie put her sunglasses up and you led her to the private table, so that nobody could see or bother you all evening.
"Woah, it's so beautiful here." Jennie sighed. The place was one of your favourites, even special ones. You knew the owner so you could always have a special treatment there. Like ordering a dozen of flowers and having lit up candles everywhere around you. The place was famous for making a pretty romantic autmosphere, if you wanted it that way, making it special. And God, did you want to make it special for her.
"It's nothing really. You deserve the world though, my love." You gave her a sweet smile and patted the space beside you on the couch, carefully placing some candles further from your clumsy hands.  "Come here, honey. Tell me how your day went."
She looked at you with those beautiful eyes, tearing up and out of words, and came closer, falling into your embrace once more. God, you loved making her speechless. She once told you when you were still friends, that she looked for someone who could appreciate and cherish her enough, who could love her and give her just as much as she did with her loved ones. And you made sure she felt that way, safe and loved in your arms everyday. Now she couldn't believe you did just as she asked in the beggining, tearing up everytime you treated her that way. Which was quite a lot.
"Aw, baby, please dont cry, i didnt want you to feel ba-"
"I love you." She said, cutting you off, sniffling loudly."I can’t believe i've got such a sweet person all to myself. You're everything I’ve ever wanted. Needed."
"I'm so lucky i have you, baby. You're such a blessing." You whispered back, fingers running through her hair soothingly."You deserve to be treated like this, honey. Cause you're my princess." You cooed, hugging her tightly. "But as much as i love your cuddles, the food is getting cold, love. Let's enjoy our free evening, i hate seeing you cry, you know it makes me wanna cry too, okay?"
She nodded, gummy smile shining on her face again, and leaned into your embrace, your arms wrapped around her protectivly.
The ride to her dorm was spent in a comfortable silence. You both liked to communicate without words sometimes, especially after a tiring day. Going non-verbal was a comforting thing for Jennie when you too were completely alone. She could play it cool and seem hard to approach when she was Jennie Kim from Blackpink, but with you she could be just your Jennie, soft, sweet and cuddly, all quiet whimpers and little nods, not caring about anyones opinion. The silence relaxed both of you whenever things got too hard or overwhelming, so you happily provided it to her.
As soon as you stepped inside her room, she hugged your neck and you carried her to the bed, preparing to spend the calm evening with your girlfriend, to watch some movies and just cuddle. You changed your clothes lazily and helped Jennie with her own, then went to tell the girls that you were safe and sound in bed. When you got back, Jennie was already falling asleep. You smiled, sighing happily and layed down, wrapping your arms around her tiny waist, letting her scent embrace you in a bubble. Then you felt Jennie rub her cheek on your collarbone gently, fingers tugging at your shirt, bringing you closer and silently telling you something between "Today was perfect", "Thank you" and "I love you".
"I know, baby. I love you too. To the moon and back." You whispered to her ear and she finally relaxed against your chest, sighing peacefully."Sleep tight, honey, you're safe with me. Always."
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princebugs · 5 years
Pretend wedding for kid!benverly oneshot and Stan as the reverend (or rabbi in this case)
not sure how young you want them to be??? so im totally going against the canon and making this when theyre in second grade because 7 year old pretend weddings??? cute!!! its kinda short ish???? but its 4 am here and im sleep deprived but HERE
"Hurry up, hurry up! These flowers are just beggin' to be thrown!"
Planning an impromptu wedding is never an easy task, especially when you're only seven years old and you have a talking trashmouth trying to rush through it all just so he could see Eddie throw some flowers.
Honestly, it wasn't a big thing. It was considered one, though, at least to the seven kids during recess. It was the perfect day for a wedding; early May, so it wasn't extremely hot due to the summer heat, but it also wasn't freezing cold. Beverly had heard her mother speaking to her friend over the phone about how summer weddings are overrated, but she still never knew what that word meant.
This all started on a short game of truth or dare between the children. The only kids that were present were Beverly Marsh, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Stanley Uris, and Mike Hanlon. Stanley Uris was currently a grade behind the rest of them, but that was just due to the fact that he was sick for a long while and had to retake the first grade. Stanley snuck his homeschooled friend, Mike Hanlon, with him.
The group of friends slowly merged into one, really. Bill Denbrough and Eddie Kaspbrak had been friends for as long as they could remember; their parents were close when they went to highschool, and so they automatically became inseparable by age two.
Two became four by kindergarten; Eddie had met Richie when Eddie had to place a bandaid on his scrapped up knee after falling off of the monkey bars, and with Richie, he brought Stanley. Four became five, Richie bringing in Beverly at the beginning of first grade, and five became seven this very day.
And this very day was also the first time Beverly married Ben Hanscom.
"Chop chop, ladies!" The young, bucktoothed boy exclaimed with two claps of his hands, staring down triumphantly at the other planners of the event. Richie was the one who started this dare in the first place, and he automatically assumed that he was surely the wedding planner.
Richie assigned the roles. Beverly as the bride, Ben as the groom, Eddie as the flower 'girl', Mike as the best man, and Bill as the man of honor for Beverly. Stan was the priest, or rabbi, for the event. Richie definitely forced him to do it.
And so, while Bill begged the teachers for an extra roll of toilet paper so he could make a bouquet and veil for Beverly, while Mike tried not to get caught by the teachers, and while Eddie and Richie fought over the flowers, Beverly and Ben talked.
"Hey, you, uh, you know you don't gotta do this, right?" Ben asked her, tilting his head to the side a slight bit as his hues refused to look upwards into her bright, sapphire blue orbs. "It's no biggie, you can just say no. . ." Ben had gained a crush on Beverly, but he was feeling a bit insecure, not wanting to get his own hopes up.
"Nah, man! I like having people try to make this wedding look pretty and stuff, it's like I got my own slaves, like I'm the puppet master! Dude, I can make them dance if I really wanted to, easy peasy!" She was a bit over-excited, but who could blame her? She was practically getting her dream wedding, just north of the sandbox.
Ben just nodded his head in response, internally fist pumping at how ecstatic she seemed about the event. Bill tapped Beverly's shoulder, his arm behind his back holding a few surprises for her. Ben turned around and left shortly afterwards, not wanting to get involved with the bride's stuff. You can't see a bride in her wedding dress, right? Ben was 90% sure that Bill had some stuff for her, and he didn't want to see it until she was walking down the aisle (also known as the trail of crushed up twigs that Richie stomped on just for this occasion, plus some rocks that Eddie added because twigs weren't pretty enough for Beverly).
Before they knew it, the wedding was ready to proceed, and Eddie was walking down the 'aisle' whilst slowly throwing petals across it.
"Spread 'em out, Eds! Don't just frickin' throw them! It ain't ladylike, no no sir!" Richie whisper-screamed from the 'audience', which comprised of basically no one except some rocks that Richie named, "Jerry", "Ronaldo", and "Bartholomew". He said it represented his three emotions. No one understood what he meant by this.
Ben stood at the end of the aisle, almost bouncing with excitement. Beverly was already the prettiest girl in the world to him, and he had seen the movies with brides where they walk down the aisle looking the most exquisite. He wonders if Beverly can be more beautiful.
"Shut up, Richie! I'm trying to do a good job, got it?" Eddie responded, huffing and stomping his foot at the trashmouth before just groaning with annoyance and throwing the remaining petals in the air. Richie gasped, but decided not to comment on it, only sticking out his tongue.
Richie bounded over towards the bride-to-be, holding his arm out for her with a wide grin on his face, showing off his signature gap that he had since his two front teeth grew in. "Ready, Bev?" His eyebrows raised to his hairline. She blinked for a few moments, feeling a bit of cold feet (which is totally normal before committing to a marriage as a seven-year-old), before nodding her head with a similar smile given back to him.
"Alright, fellas! Dun, dun dun duuuun-" Richie sang the Wedding March the whole way down the aisle, while Ben had to keep his jaw from dropping. There she was, holding a toilet paper rendition of a bouquet, as well as a makeshit veil with a flower crown on top. She was gorgeous!
Once they made their way to the end of the aisle, Richie stood by Mike, the best man, as their ring-bearer. He had claimed multiple titles. Ring-bearer, 'the one who walks Bev down the aisle thingy-mc-dingy', the wedding planner, etc. He wanted to be multiple things, and no one was complaining.
"We are, ahem, gathered here today. . . to uh, celebrate this. . . m-matrimoby?" Stan began, glancing over towards Richie with a gulp. Did he say it right?
"Matrimony," He whispered, to which Stan muttered a small 'thank you'.
"Matrimony. Uhm, otherwise known as. . . it's a wedding thing. Anyways, Ben Hanscom, do you take Beverly Marsh to be your lawfully wedded wife, and uh, blah blah blah? Romantic stuff? I don't know what I'm doing--"
"I-I do, yeah."
"Beverly Marsh, do you take Ben Hanscom to be your lawfully wedded husband and all that?"
"Heck yeah I do."
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride. Or, like, give her your PB&J at lunch, later."
Beverly easily leaned over and gently pressed her lips against Ben's cheek, and Ben was sure this was the best day of his life.
Beverly threw the bouquet right after this, and Eddie was the one who caught it. Richie immediately took notice of this and started to pinch his cheek and hug all up on him while Ben is still freaking out about the cheek kiss.
The teachers tell them it's time to go inside.
And so, this is the first time Beverly Marsh and Ben Hanscom got married.
Well, Beverly Hanscom, now.
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the-boiz-blog · 6 years
|Hey Princess|
Request: Nope! Fuckboy!Hyunjae 17 Oh bite me and 18 if you insist
Warnings:  Suggestive/Angst/Fluff/Cursing
Word count: 1,926
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So college is fun 
Especially when you have a fuckboy attached to your hip everyday trying to get into your pants
Who’s the fuck boy you may ask? None other than Lee Jae-Hyun 
Or as he insists Hyunjae
You had met him during freshman year
Both of you being bright eyed new college students
At first he seemeed pretty nice
He was up beat and energetic. Happy go lucky sort of dude.
That was until he fell into the wrong crowd
They call them self TheBoyz
The guys who sat on the bleachers and watched cheerleaders practice
But even if they were all fuck boys
They had good traits
Like Jacob Bae was one of the sweetest people when he wasn’t with the rest of The Boyz
Anyway back to Hyunjae
You two were Majoring in the same thing so you had to see him in most of your classes throughout the day
You two had ended up sitting together in your English Lit class
And you hit it off right away
You two would stay up all night at times helping each other write papers and going on study dates
He became your best friend
And then the Spring Break of freshman year happened
He met some guys theboyz while you were at a party
The reeled him into their group
They got him incredibly drunk and he suddenly couldn't keep his dick in his pants trying to get with every girl in site
You had found him on the couch with some girl hangin off of him
You asked him if you could go
But he just looked at you 
“Why don’t you just leave by yourslef? You don’t need anyone there with you. You’ll be fine.”
You walked out of the party that without a best friend
It wasn't like anything drastic happened really
But after that night he just completely ignored you
Until your second semester of sophomore year (current time)
You two were partnered up with each other for your final project with 60% of your grade  
You had texted him telling him to come to your dorm so you could work on the project
He knocked on the door and you let him
He was on his phone and wasn’t paying anykind of attention to you
You tried to get him to help you but he wouldn’t listen to you
“Alright listen if you’re aren’t going to help then why did you even come?”
He looked up at you and then stood up from the chair he was sitting in
“Why do you think?” He looked down towards his pants then back up to you with a suggestive smile
You grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at him “You’re disgusting”
“Oh come on you can’t tell me you actually wanted to do this dumb project
“Uh yeah I do. It is kinda of really important”
“Yeah ok whatever let’s get to the fun part”
“Actually no there is no fun part. Now get out of my dorm. I’ll do the project just leave me alone”
When Hyunjae got back to TheBoyz hangout he recounted the story
And a bet was put on the table
200 dollars to make you fall in love with him before the project due date
that was 3 months to make his once best friend who now kind of hates him fall in love with one of the biggest fuckboys in school
But what TheBoyz didn’t know was you had been in love with Hyunjae since freshman year
But your minor in theatre was rather helpful when it came to hiding that
The next day Hyunjae sent you a text asking you to meet him at the library around 4
When you got there he was there with some books and two (2) iced coffee 
He turned and flashed a smile at you
That damn smile that made you melt inside 
“Hey Princess, I got you an iced macchiato. I remember those were your favorite.”
You stood for a moment confused
Why on Earth would that be something he remembered?
You sat down and actually got some work done
But you knew it was too good to be true so you decided to test the waters
“So how much do you get if you win the bet?”
He looked at you confused
“What do you mean bet? I’m just here to do this pointless project and I brought coffee since I figured we’d be here awhile. Can’t have the smarter of us two falling asleep now can we?” 
He reached over and pinched your cheek
Something he used to always do to you
You swooned for a moment before getting it together
You were still suspicious
None of TheBoyz could be trusted
Especially in a situation like this where he changed his tune so quick
But hey he brought coffee so at least you were getting something out of it
Months later you two were seeing each other pretty much every day 
Your feelings for him were slowly resurfacing as he was acting like himself before he left you
But it was only when you two were alone
In class or anywhere else he still pretty much ignored you
“Alright Hyunjae. Can you tell me what the hell is going on with you?”
You were sitting in your dorm watching a movie when you asked him
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Don’t know what I’m talking about. You literally just dropped me and our friendship last year. You never said another word to me after that party.  I lost my best friend. I lost the person I had fallen in love with. And now you just decide to pop back into my life like nothing happened. So I’ll ask again. What the hell is going on?”
His jaw hung open not quite sure how to respond
“You..you fell in love with me?”
“Is that really the only part of what I just said that you caught onto?”
“No no its not but I just, I had no idea you had felt that way. Look I gotta go i’ll see you later okay?”
He got up and left you in his dorm all by yourself; Confused
Eric one of his roomates walked out of his room after hearing the whole thing. 
“So like are you really in love with him? Cause if so I think you should probably go after him. Bring him back here though we gotta talk about something important”
You walked out the front door to Hyunjae standing in the hallway
He seemed upset
“Look I’m sorry if I freaked you out, but Eric sai that you need to come back in to talk about something important”
“He did?”
He walked back into the dorm room you silently following after him
Eric was sitting on the couch counting out some cash
“Hey Hyunjae dude we said 200 dollars right?
You were confused to say the least 
“200 dollars for what?”
Eric looked over to you
“Your confession”
“So this was a bet? I knew it, God dammit I should have went with my gut from the very beggining! I can't believe you JaeHyun, I thought maybe just maybe after this project we were going to be friends again or maybe even more but after this? You can go fuck yourself” 
And with that you stormed out of his dorm.
You stormed down the hallway to the elevator
You jabbed the button a couple times
You were about to step on when you were grabbed from behind and turned around
Hyunjae had you by the wrist
He turned your palm up and put a wad of cash in it
He closed your hand around it and pushed you the last couple of steps into the elevator
But before it closed you saw the tears that started to roll down his cheeks
You unfolded the money in your hand and counted the bills
Angry and confused you hit the button to open the elevator door but it was to late as it started to go down
When you got to your dorm you texted him and called him but got no response
You sat in bed just staring at the money not to sure why the hell he gave it to you
Was it supposed to be compensation?
To make you feel better for getting your hopes up??
Why the hell was he crying? 
You needed to find out
So you did the only thing that came to mind
You took the money and was out the door on your way to get your supplies
You got back to his dorm about half an hour later 
Two iced machiatos in hand
Hyunjae opened the door after you knocked
“Look I brought you coffee so now you have to answer my question or else it’s just rude”
He stepped to the side so you could enter
You handed him a coffee and took a sip of yours
The two of you stared at each other silently for a couple seconds before you cleared your throat
“At first I was angry but now I’m just sad and confused, I need to know why you gave me 200$ It really makes no sense to me and why were you crying when I was the one who got played?”
“It should be obvious right? I gave you the money because you won the bet, you made me fall in love with you. Sure this thing started because I wanted the money but spending time with you again made me realize how much I missed you. How much I missed your laugh, your smile, your everything. It also made me realize I never really got over my feelings for you and ignoring you, becoming this “fuckboy” was the worst way to get over someone.”
“You really are dumb aren’t you. Jaehyun I love you for you. The boy that would stay up with me to write papers. The boy that would wait for me everyday at lunch so we could eat together. The boy that still has my favorite coffee memorized even after a year. I fell in love with that boy and he’s still in there, I can see him. I just need to know if yor are going to stop pretending to be something you’re not and just be the boy I fell in love with.”
A big grin grew on his face “So you're saying you’ll give me another chance?” 
You rolled your eyes 
“Yes but if you screw up one more time then we’re done for good, got it?”
You  were going in for the hug when the door burst open and in walked TheBoyz
“So I hear the bet has been settled”
You looked over to see them realizing you were in the room
“Yeah it is settled and if I’m brought into something like this again I will not hesitate to end all of you. And yes that includes you Jacob, Mr I volunteer at the animal shelter on Saturday”
Jacob threw his hands up in surrender “Hey I advised them against it, don't blame me.”
Hyunjae laughed and wrapped you in a big back hug resting his head on your shoulder
“I’m never letting you go again and I will protect you from all the gross boys in this room”
“You are also one of those boys you know?”
“Oh bite me”
“If you insist.”
“Hey uh we’re still here”
“We Know”
“We just don’t care”
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lapidudes · 6 years
Rules: tag ten followers you want to know better!
Tagged by:@waitingforlapidot ​ (Thank you!!!)
Here we gooooooo
NAME: Camile! A lot of online friends call me Cam, but either is fine really ^^
STAR SIGN: Capricorn 
HEIGHT: 5′5 (1/2)
1) The Great Escape - Woodkid
2) Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
3) Recuerdame - Coco Soundtrack ;_;
4) Home - Phillip Phillips
5) A Big Part of a Big Sun - Delaurentis
“None of them had [heard of it], and none of them could understand what he was smiling at them for.””
-Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. (I legit just bought this book today and it was lying on a Barnes and Nobles bag. I’m liking it a lot so far!)
Not that I know of ^^;; but hey, it’s good to hope that it’s somwhere out there. It’s possible, right?
Wellllll. Earier today when I was listening to Killer Queen...I just...really love Queen. Can’t wait for that movie!!!
Who isin’t haha. To name a few: Samira Wiley Gal Gadot, Shakira, ocasionally Nick Jonas, and this model on instagram named tashimrod.
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE + SOUND YOU LOVE?: I HATE the sound of magic magnets clinging together. 
As cliche as it sounds, I will always love the sound of a good string orchestra, especially when they tune in the beggining of a concert. It brings back middle/high school memories.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?: I’m mean. I’m not sure tbch....not exactly but there are times where I read stories and think, “Hmmmm...”
HOW ABOUT ALIENS?: For sure! There is no way we’re alone in the universe. 
DO YOU DRIVE?: ehhh, I my be 19 but sadly, I only have my permit.Whoops. Busses are my best friends though.
As I said above, I’m in the middle of reading Hitchiker’s Guide  :0
I don’t have any specific feelings towards it tbh? I guess I don’t hate it.
Incredibles 2! Ahhh it was so much fun!
Ha ha, SU and Lapidot as many of you can tell ;;; I feel like there’s a third thing I’m forgetting something 🤔
 I will legit tell somone a knock knock joke minutes after getting into an intense arguement with them. Although I’ll be honest, the only exception are people who bullied me or my friends in school. I find it hard to forgive someone when they were intentionally trying to hurt someone for no good reason.
I tag: The entire spamily. That’s right :perisquint: and anyone else who wants to do it! Seriosuly, if you’ve always wanted to make one of these posts, or are simply in the mood to write about yourself, consider yourself tagged! 
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i-am-w1ll14m · 4 years
Her name is Toha
“What dhe hell kinda book is dhis?” When I opened the book, I was expectin’ to read somethin’ science-y, but instead I got some sorta picture book! A lot of this stuff was hand drawn an’ from what I can guess, it had to have been done by a kid. Speakin’ of kids, the cover did have a title. I closed the book a second to read what it said an' could feel another wave of memories comin’ back to me, “Toha…?! Toha!” That’s what the kid’s name was, Toha! How could I have forgotten that? I’m usually pretty good at rememberin’ things like this, especially if it’s somethin’ important as this.
Leaving my room to go an’ do my daily ‘check ups’, I usually see everybody in this joint, an' they often range from teenagers to old farts like me in the age department. But this don’t make sense, then. If a kid is in the facility, where do they have her held up? And why? I thought about it a bit more an' while I did, I went back to lookin' at the book again. Somethin’ about these drawn pictures are joggin' a lot more than just a few memories. Course as I looked at each drawing, things were startin’ to feel like I was livin’ through a movie;
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Lookin’ at these pictures, I don’t know why but everytime I look at a new drawing, I can feel my stomach churn an' my anger boilin’ up like hot water. The sadness in Toha’s pictures, the way she drew this little girl in chains an' with somethin’ coverin’ her mouth; I had this strong an' nasty urge to want to punch somebody in the face! The only question I had on my mind at this point was… “Where is Toha?”
Suddenly my body froze as I felt my right ear lifting itself up, like when a dog can hear a car a mile away. Now I maybe old, but my hearin' was certainly better than any geezer I confronted in this place. Course, as I was listenin', my body reacted on its own and went straight for my bed to hide the book. I didn’t want nobody findin' this; it was the only clue I had on where Toha might be! I could hear the door to my room bein' opened from the other side an' when I turned around, there stood a doctor. I tried my best to look as normal as possible, even as they walked in an' I noticed a ‘resident’ that was followin' in after them.
“Hello William, and how are you today?” The doctors in this place always spoke to us like we were kids. Fix their words around an’ they might as well be talkin’ down to us like we were babies.
“Whelp, where do I start?” If they wanted to know, I was gonna tell’em. “My arms are soar from all the injections. My ass is achin’ from sittin’ in that rickety chair. My eyesight is turnin’ ta shit. Not to mention-”
“Thank you, William.” Heh, the doctor wasn’t expecting me to say that. I love when they get bothered by that shit. Brings me some joy, knowing I’m making them just as miserable as me. I watched the doctor lightly guiding the other from behind and gestured at my direction, “William, this is S45h4-eh, Sasha.” I watched him look towards ‘Sasha’ as he added, “She’ll be staying in your room for the next few weeks. Her’s is being renovated, so she’ll need to stay here for the time being.”
Now granted, I was fuckin’ ready to protest, but when I saw that look in her eyes… well, her one good eye, my heart broke apart. She had this desperate look that was practically beggin' for her to stay. I maybe an asshole, but even I wouldn’t say no to somethin' like that. “…fine. But you guys better get another bed in here, cause I ain’t sharin’ mine with her.” Once we got the formalities outta the way, the doctor left and locked the door behind him. I was quick to give him the ol’ New Jersey chin flip. God these guys pissed me off. I went to my dresser to pull out a pack of ciggies, usually I have this shit taken away from me faster than a child with a knife, but the moment I turned back around, I froze when Sasha looked up at me and seemed to reach out. I didn’t know what to fuckin’ do. So, I reacted the only way I knew how; he stood my ground, stared her down and lit my cigarette, blowing the smoke away from her face, “…so what now?”
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