#pleading screaming crying throwing up etc
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guys. im. theres more concept art from that old canceled HM cartoon (found by @poketheplatypus ty man)
"...before we were informed that theme park rides were too valuable an IP to be wasted on animation."
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you know that you can listen to your comfort playlist from early 2022 again if you want. like it's still there! what a time to be alive
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒏
🕊️a whore's fairytale masterlist🕊️
summary - when snow white (you) escapes into the woods to escape the queen's order to kill, she learns that not all strangers should be trusted.
warning - smut, swearing, choking, under a spell, dubcon, creampie, slight angst, death, breaking and entering, jealousy, oral sex, kidnapping/entrapment, attempted poisoning and murder, group sex, groping, dark content.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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The Queen sneers, staring at herself in the mirror. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall.” Her eyes squint, and her back straightens. “Who is the fairest of them all?” The answer she was expecting wasn’t what the mirror gave her. 
“Y/n is the fairest of them all.” The Magic Mirror spoke, a live video of you playing before her, your sweet self hums to the animals, pulling a small bucket from the well, capturing the attention of the many people that pass by. 
“What?!” She screams, and her face becomes red with anger. “No one is more fair than I! The Queen must have the best of everything. Everyone knows that. What could be more fair?” 
“Y/n is the fairest of them all!” The Mirror repeats, not caring for the tantrum the Queen is throwing. 
“What do you know? You’re a mirror!” She huffs, rolling her eyes and storming off. A plan sets in motion as she heads to where the huntsman rests, ordering him to take you out of the equation. 
You had spent your time running through the woods, away from your horrid stepmother and the huntsman that she had sent after you. Your hands clutched your skirt, lifting it from the ground, and your bare feet dodged the many sticks and rocks. Your breath is heavy, and you can hear his footsteps catching up to you. “Little Snow! You can’t run from me! The Queen ordered me to kill you!” You gasp, picking up your pace, desperately trying to distance yourself from him. 
You squeal and cry as your foot gets caught on a root sticking out of the ground. You fall forward, tumbling for a few seconds until you end up on your back. Fat tears cover your cheeks, your eyes are puffy, your hair is ruffled, and your once-beautiful dress is ruined, ripped and dirty. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears as the huntsman appears in your vision, “P–please! You don’t have to do this! I–I won’t tell anyone if you let me go! Please!” You cry you beg, you plead. Your hands curl into the ground, crushing the dirt into your palms. You don’t notice the magic flowing through you and into the ground. You are so caught up in begging the man not to take your life. 
He shakes his head. “I have to. I was given an order.” His head continues to shake, clutching the knife as he desperately doesn’t want to kill you. “If I return and the Queen finds out I didn’t obey, she’ll kill me.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling the tears slip past, and your lips tremble. You nod, accepting your fate. You wouldn’t be able to escape this. “O–okay. If taking my life means you get to keep yours, okay.” You breathe in and out, a soft sob passing your lips. Your brows furrow as you are met with silence before a crunch and a groan follow it. You slowly peek your eyes open, wondering what caused the noise, and a shocked sob escapes you when you notice a giant black wolf on top of the huntsman. Yellow eyes stare back at you, and you feel oddly calm before standing on shaky legs. It’s as though the animal is giving you enough time to escape. “T–thank you.” You take off running again, the sky becoming dark as night falls, heading in the opposite direction of the castle. 
You happen to stumble across a wooden cabin tucked away in the middle of nowhere. You rush forward, rapidly knocking on the door. “S–someone! Is anybody there?! I need help, please!” The door is pushed open from your knocks, and you cautiously enter as you receive no reply, looking around. “Hello?” When you don’t get a response, you decide to take a closer look. “Such a dirty place…” You think out loud, “Maybe if I clean up a bit, whoever lives here may help me.” You nod to yourself and walk over to a broom that rests against the wall and grab hold of it. You get swept away cleaning and then cooking before you slowly make your way upstairs, noticing seven large beds, making you wonder who lives here. 
“I hope they won’t mind if I…” You ponder, going over to a bed that reads ‘CRANKY’ and sitting for what was supposed to be a second. The moment your body hits the mattress, your eyes flutter closed, and a deep slumber hits you with full force. 
You wake to someone or something poking you. Your eyes flutter open, blinking as you notice many different men surrounding you. You gasp, scooting to the headboard, pulling your knees to your chest. “Oh, please don’t kill me! I–I promise I didn’t do anything wrong!” Your bottom lip wobbles and your gaze shoots between theirs frantically, wondering if the Queen also sent them. 
A man with blue eyes and his hair in a man bun scoffs. He crosses his arms over his chest, and your eyes land on one of them being shiny. “Who are you? And what are you doing in my bed?” A growl practically escapes his lips, and his eyes scan your body with a lick of his lips. 
You gasp, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I–” You're cut off as you try to get out, but a larger man stops you. His light blue eyes and blonde hair cause your breath to catch in your throat. 
He shakes his head with a soft smile. “Don’t listen to him, ma’am. We are just startled, is all.” He turns his head, glaring at his best friend before looking back down at you. “Now, why don’t you introduce your pretty self and explain why you think we would kill you?” He sits at the end of the bed, resting a comforting hand on your leg. 
“Oh, I do apologise. Where are my manners? My name is Y/n, but I am more known as Snow White.” The men are shocked, wondering what the princess is doing in their cabin. “The Queen is trying to have me killed, and I don’t know why. S–she sent the huntsman out, and he chased me through the woods until I was able to escape, and that is how I stumbled across your home.” 
A throat clears, and you turn your head to look at another man who’s built like a bear, with pretty blue eyes and blackish hair. “She wouldn’t be trying to kill you for no reason. Tell us what you really did. You can’t really be that innocent.” 
“I–I swear–” The man touching your leg interrupts you, giving you a soft look.
“It’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself. I can see that you are innocent. I mean.” He looks around at the men with his brows raised. “What innocent person would break into someone’s home and decide to clean and cook? The breaking in part obviously doesn’t sound great, but look at her. She needs help.”
The man with the blackish hair speaks again while nodding. “You’re right. I apologise. We’ve been rude and haven’t introduced ourselves. My name is Clark, but these bastards call me Bossy.”
The man touching your leg smiles. “And I’m Steve, better known as Brawny.” He points to the man with a permanent scowl on his face. “That��s Bucky. We call him Cranky, though.” Bucky rolls his eyes, wondering why the hell they haven’t moved you from his bed yet. Though, he has been having a great time imagining you tied to it while he pleasures you.
Another man with a flirty smile leans against the bed, coming close to your face. “I’m Johnny, yet these guys call me Sleazy. No idea why. I would’ve said Flirty.” Johnny wiggles his brows, loving the shy look that crosses your face.
A man with a beanie and dirty face and hands nods. “I’m Curtis, known as Dirty around these wankers.”
Your eyes land on a man drinking what seems to be alcohol, and his eyes are half-lidded as he stares at you. “I’m Dean or Tipsy. Whatever you prefer, but I’m hoping to make you scream one of them later.” Your eyes widen.
Your attention is pulled away from Dean or Tipsy to a darker man touching your arm, looking at you with a smirk. “I’m Sam, baby. But you can call me Horny.” You blink, stunned, never having heard such words come out of a person’s mouth before, but you know that you cannot judge as you did break into their home.
“O–oh, it’s nice to meet you all. Such interesting names.” You fold your hands in your lap and look around at each one of the men. “I would like to cook you, men, some dinner as a thank you for not kicking me out.” You watch as they nod, and you give a soft smile to Steve, who helps you off the bed. You head down the stairs, and all seven men follow behind, watching your hips sway beneath the dress. They sit, watching as you start to heat the food. It’s magical to them. You turn around, the food nearly ready. “Please go and wash up before dinner.” 
“What? No.” Bucky growls, refusing to get up from the seat while the other men immediately stand and head out. Steve grabs hold of his best friend and drags him out, ignoring the shouts and yells. “Steve! Steve! Stop!” 
You shake your head, turning back toward the pot, stirring it before you turn off the stove and grab hold of it, bringing it to the table and setting it down. “Dinner!” You watch as the door swings open, and the men walk back in with smiles, smelling clean. “Don’t you men look dashing!” They thank you before taking a seat, watching you with wide eyes as you fill their bowls with the delicious-smelling stew. 
Clark tilts his head as you take the pot back to the sink, noticing that you didn’t make a bowl for yourself. “Are you not eating with us?” The other men stop with their spoons midair, looking between you and Clark. “Come, sit. You deserve to eat the food you cooked.” Clark pats his thigh, raising a brow when you don’t move. “I’m called Bossy for a reason. Now, sit.” You scurry over, taking a seat on his thigh, feeling a weird tingling sensation between your legs as you feel how thick his thighs are. “Good girl.” He nods to everyone, and you all begin to eat. Clark occasionally brings the spoon to your mouth, feeding the two of you. 
During the night, you get to know all of the men, laughing and listening to stories. Steve stands, clearing his throat. “I hate to interrupt this wonderful evening, but we have work tomorrow., and I think it is best if we get some rest” The others agree, and you get up to bid them goodnight, practically tucking them into their beds and placing soft kisses onto their foreheads. You are about to head back downstairs, needing to find somewhere to rest, but Steve stops you. “Y/n, here.” You spin, heading over to him with furrowed brows, wondering what he is talking about. He pulls back the blanket and pats the space next to him. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude more than I have.” You gnaw on your bottom lip, feeling like you’ve been a bother. “I can find somewhere else to sleep. I saw a blanket downstairs.” Steve gives you a look that makes you quickly crawl into the bed, and your body shivers when you realise how cold you’ve been compared to the warm man. Your body curls into his larger one, sighing as sleep takes over you before you can even register.
You wake to birds chirping and the sun shining through, your eyes flutter open, and you stretch your arms above your head. You slowly pull Steve’s arm off of you and get out of bed, making your way downstairs, and you decide to prepare breakfast for the kind men. You cook eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a fruit platter, wanting to give them a filling meal for their big day. You smile and turn as you hear the men bound down the stairs, dressed for work with hunger in their eyes. “Good morning! I thought I’d make you guys some breakfast before you go. I hope you don’t mind.” 
They smile, thanking you before sitting down. The same happens as the night before. Clark pulls you into his lap and feeds you some of his breakfast, ensuring you also get to eat. You stand once you finish, gathering the dishes and walking over to the sink, gently placing them down before walking to the door and handing the men their coats.
Clark is the first one to grab his coat, thanking you. “I hope you have a good day today.” You lean up, resting your hand on his muscular arm and kiss his cheek softly. Clark smirks, tipping his head before walking out the door.
Steve is next. Once his coat is on, he leans down for you to reach his cheek. “Thank you, Snow.” Steve turns his head and returns the favour, kissing your cheek and smiling as you become shy. 
Bucky huffs, “Can we hurry this up? We have work to do if you haven’t noticed.” But everyone ignores him, and he watches with envy as you continue to give each man a kiss.
Curtis gently takes his jacket from your tiny hands, closing his eyes as he feels your soft lips on his cheek. A smile on your face, “Have a good day, sweetheart.”
Johnny walks up next, smirking at you and already leaning down. You give him a soft smile and lean forward, but he turns his head last second, and you gasp. “I–I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” You freak, staring wide-eyed at the happy man. 
“Don’t worry bout it, Baby.” Johnny winks, giving your arse a smooth pinch before strolling out. You feel your body and cheeks heat up, eyes still wide as you watch him leave.
“Well damn. He did it before me.” Dean rolls his eyes, slapping your arse after you give him a kiss as well. “Doesn’t matter. Have a good day, Sugar.”
Sam pulls you close, tapping his cheek before resting his hands on your hips. He groans as you lean up and kiss his cheek softly. His hands move down and squeeze your cheeks, pulling you even closer. “Mmm, Snow. You make a man so feral.” 
Once Sam leaves, it leaves the last man, the crankiest of the lot. Bucky grumbles, going to reach for his coat, but you pull back slightly and give him a pout. He rolls his eyes, bending slightly, and when you gently kiss his cheek, his whole face grows pink. “Whatever.” Bucky clears his throat and quickly leaves, leaving you in their cabin all by your lonesome, not prepared for what is to happen next. 
You hum to yourself, beginning to clean the place. You don’t notice the magic swirling around you, calling the forest animals to the cabin, some even helping you clean. You wash the men’s clothes, and the birds hang them along the line. You are so lost in your own world that you don’t notice an older woman watching you from the shadows, a scowl on her face, but the older woman also doesn’t notice the large black wolf watching her. 
You giggle, leaning over to pet the cute little bunny that hops in your direction before you walk inside the house. Your hands become busy as you begin to prepare another apple pie, continuing to hum to yourself. “Excuse me.” You turn, hearing a knock at the open window and someone talking. You smile softly, walking closer to the older woman. “I–I’m so sorry for bothering you. I am just a poor old woman trying her best to sell some delicious apples.” 
You lean against the counter, peeking over the window sill and looking at the basket of apples. “That is perfect! I’m baking an apple pie and in need of some apples!” You give an innocent smile to the older woman.
She reaches her hand into the basket and grabs a big red apple that sits at the top. “Take a look at this big red apple.” She holds it up to your face, watching you stare at it in wonder at how perfect it looks. Your hands slowly reach up to touch it, but the woman jerks it back. “Lovely, isn’t it? But you cannot touch without a price.” 
You gnaw on your bottom lip, looking between the woman and the apple with furrowed brows. You desperately needed more apples to make the pie. It had to be perfect. “I need that apple… But I, uh, I don’t have any money.” 
She thinks, knowing that this apple contains something horrible. The Queen realised there was no point in a price when she would finally have you dead. That was good enough. “Oh, my dear. No need to worry for a first-time customer. I will let you have this apple for free.” You look at her, shocked, cupping the apple as she hands it to you. She watches you, desperately wanting you to take a bite out of it in front of her, but she doesn’t get her hopes up.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! How can I ever repay you? You are so kind. Please let me give you something!” You go over and grab a plate of freshly baked biscuits, heading back over to her. She tries to refuse, but you persist. “Oh please, It wouldn’t feel right if I were to take this for free. Please take as many as you want.”
“Okay, thank you. That is kind of you, my dear.” The older woman takes one, bidding you goodbye before disappearing into the shadows again, wanting to watch what unfolds. Her eyes widen as she watches you begin to cut the apple, mixing it into the mixture of the pie. She thought the call of the apple would cause you not to resist a taste. “Oh, no, no, no! This won’t end well. You stupid girl, you should’ve eaten the apple yourself.” She huffs, stomping her foot. “The poison only works for those it is intended for… If she serves it to others, it can have side effects, and I do not need that in my hands.” She growls to herself, knowing that she will have to put a stop to this or kill more people than intended. 
Before the Queen can return to the cabin, she is met with the giant black wolf. Its teeth bared as it growled. She scoffs, waving it off. “Be a good puppy and leave. You can’t destroy the Queen.” Her eyes widen as your hums begin again as you place the pie in the oven, and she realises that you are the one controlling the animals, even if you don’t know you are. In the moment of shock, the wolf lunges, and your sweet melodies drown out her screams.
You are happy with how the pie has turned out, placing it on the window sill to cool down. You wait patiently for the men to return home, sitting curled up in a chair with a book between your hands. You’ve made the house more into a home, having gone out and picked some pretty flowers to put in a vase, gathering some wood for the fireplace, and keeping the food warm for when they walk through the door, their clothes all folded neatly. You stand when you hear them, their voices carrying through the air. 
Clark opens the door with a smile, “Hello, Little Snow. I notice that you’ve been busy.” He moves past you, brushing his hand across your hip as he moves to the pot, smelling the delicious scent. 
The rest of the men enter, Steve, being the second after taking his shoes off and giving you a large grin. “Snow! Did you have a good day?” You nod, giggling as he brings you into a hug. He lets go of you and walks over to the pot also, not used to coming home to dinner already prepared.
“Sugar!” Johnny enters, pulling you into him immediately by gripping your arse in his large hands, causing a squeak to fall from your lips. “You look so good. I could just eat you up.” He grumbles when Dean and Sam push him to the side. “The hell?” 
“You're hogging her,” Dean grunts, pulling you against him, and your eyes widen when you feel him grope you so freely. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re so tiny.” He blinks down at you, and you get a whiff of the alcohol already on his breath. 
Sam grows annoyed, pushes Dean out of his way and pulls you against him also. “Don’t hog Snow here. I want some too.” His large hands grip your arse, rubbing his bulge against you, groaning softly. “How you doing, baby?” 
Curtis and Bucky stand near the entrance, watching everything unfold. You smile softly at Sam as you let go, walking over to the two men and ignoring the shocked gasp they let out as you pull them into a hug, greeting them with your kindness. “Come, sit. Dinner’s ready, and I’ve made a pie for dessert!” You skip over, waiting for them all to take their seats before you grab the pot and serve the food. Dinner goes well, and it’s finally time for them to taste your sweet pie. You walk over to the pie, carefully picking it up before bringing it to the table and serving them a slice each. “I hope you guys enjoy.” 
The moment the pie hits their tongues, the magic begins to flow through everything and everyone, eyes turning a bright pink for a split second before they let out soft groans from the flavour that explodes on their tastebuds. You don’t notice anything that has happened. You are too happy to see that they enjoyed your baking. 
The atmosphere in the room has changed. Every single man in the room felt their heartbeat quicken and their breathing become heavier. Their eyes are half-lidded, and their members harden, growing rapidly in their pants. It seems their gaze is set on you, eyes darkening as they look you up and down, slowly getting out of their chairs and surrounding you. 
“That was a great pie, Little Snow,” Clark growls, getting closer. “But I want to taste something a little bit sweeter.” You squeal as Steve and Bucky hold you, ensuring you can’t move as Clark kneels, lifting your dress and letting out a thick groan when he realises you haven’t been wearing anything underneath, your folds slick with your juices. “Aren’t you a dirty little girl? Wearing nothing while staying with a bunch of men.” You moan as he surges forward, licking from your hole to your swollen button. “Fuck, she tastes so much better than that pie.” Your walls clench when Clark moves close again, gripping your thighs as he nuzzles his face into your soaking cunt, licking and sucking. 
You whine as Steve grips your chin, turning you to face him and locking his lips with yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Bucky groans. The hand that isn’t gripping you moves to your plump breasts and squeezes and fondles them. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as Clark begins to suck on your swollen clit. You whimper into Steve’s mouth before gasping as a finger softly pokes against your entrance, breaching into it with a slow thrust. Your head falls back onto Steve and Bucky’’s shoulders, not noticing the other men rubbing their bulges through their pants, watching the scene before them with dark eyes. 
A choked whine escapes you when Clark curls his fingers while Bucky and Steve suck on your hardened nipples, swirling their tongues around. Your back arches, hands gripping their shirts as your vision becomes white and your juices flow out of your sopping cunt, covering Clark’s smirking face. “Fuck, Little Snow. You taste even more divine.” He curls his fingers in, happily watching how you twitch, your arousal still flowing out. “Men, clear the table. We are in need of a different kind of dessert.” He commands, standing to his full height and stepping aside. 
Steve and Bucky pull you toward the table, carefully setting you down and stepping back. All of the men stand and admire how beautifully blissed out you look. Johnny stumbles forward, his hardened member already hanging out of his pants, and you gasp as your gaze falls upon it. “T–that won’t fit…” You begin to shake your head as he slips between your spread legs, pulling you flush against him. 
Johnny smirks, tapping your cheek. “Dumb little sugar. I’ll make it fit. You’re so fucking wet. I’ll slide in so easily.” He reaches down and grips his throbbing base, tapping his leaking tip against your swollen clit before lining up against your entrance. Johnny groans when he pushes in, gasping at how tight you are around him. “Oh god! You feel so good, Sugar.” His hands grip your hips, slowly pulling out before thrusting into you harder. A grin forms on his face at how your eyes roll to the back of your head, letting out a sob as his tip hits your sweet spot.
You are suddenly lifted, and your eyes widen when you feel something poking your already stretched hole. Your head turns slightly, and you notice Sam giving you a cheeky smile, “Don’t worry, Snow. I’m just gonna join in on the fun.” You gasp when he slowly begins to push in, stretching you even more alongside Johnny. Sam’s head falls back, and he groans, “Holy fuck! You’re so fucking tight!” His grip tightens on your hips, and the thrusting begins between the two men. When one pushes in, the other pulls out, and your screams fill the cabin. Johnny pulls you into a deep kiss while Sam grips your hips and pounds hard into you. “Oh man, can you feel how tight she is?” 
Johnny nods, groaning. “Fuck yes! I don’t think I’m going to last long!” His pace picks up, slamming harder and faster into you before he buries his face into your neck as thick amounts of cum spurt out of his angry tip. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Johnny slips out of your stretched hole, sagging into a chair as Sam pulls you down, pounding into you from behind, thrusting Johnny’s cum deeper into you. Your mouth falls open, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as Sam slams into your sweet spot, causing your walls to clench around his thick member and your juices to squirt out of you.
“Good little princess,” Sam growls into your ear, slamming his cock harder into you before burying inside of you, releasing his cum deep into you. “Fuck.” Sam moves back, the magic draining out of him, and he sags next to Johnny, their eyes fluttering closed. 
You squeal when you feel someone grabbing the back of your head before you start gagging as Curtis shoves his thick member into your mouth, thrusting in and out. “Jesus.” His head falls back, and his eyes half-lidded. “You’re mouth is so warm.” His hands hold your head, and he pulls out slowly before thrusting in again. You moan around him, swirling your tongue around his swollen tip before starting to suck, loving the salty taste that lands on your tastebuds. 
Dean smirks, gripping his throbbing member and tapping his angry tip against your used folds. He lifts your hips before sliding in, groaning at how tight you feel wrapped around him. “Damn, sweetheart. How are you still so fucking tight? You were just stretched by two cocks.” He begins to set his pace, pounding into you, pushing you to choke on Curtis’s cock. “Go on, sweetheart. Choke on his cock.” He groans, fucking into you faster. His tip repeatedly hits your sweet spot, loving how you feel as you squeeze his cock. “Shit! I’m so fucking close!” 
While Dean is busy chasing his orgasm, Curtis holds your head down and thrusts into your throat. His head rolls back as you moan around his member. “Such a sweet mouth for a sweet woman.” Fat tears roll down your cheeks, gagging around him, and your eyes roll to the back of your head when Dean fills you, setting off your orgasm, causing your arousal to coat him, and the vibrations from your moans cause Curtis to groan and release deep into your mouth, gripping your chin until you swallow and show him. “Good girl.” 
You whine as both men pull out and watch through blurry eyes as they also sag into the chairs. Your head flops down onto the hardwood table, breathing heavily. “Do you think we are done with you, Doll?” Bucky steps up, a pink swirl in his eyes as he peers down at your used form. “There’s still three of us.” You gasp when he picks you up, wrapping your legs loosely around his hips while lining his tip with your entrance. Steve steps behind you, and his hand strokes his cock up and down. Your eyes roll back, and your head flops onto Steve’s shoulder as Bucky pushes in. A loud whine escapes you when Steve follows suit, slipping his giant cock through your tiny hole. 
Both men begin to take turns pounding in and out of you. Clark steps forward and grips your chin, turning your head to capture your lips with his. “Who knew Snow White was secretly a whore. You like being used by seven men, honey?” You moan, nodding and clutching onto whoever you can. Clark grips your throat softly, making your dazed eyes look at him. “Of course you do. Only a little whore like you would like being used. No wonder the Queen wanted to get rid of you.” He moves closer, smirking as Steve and Bucky pick up their pace, causing your mind to go fuzzy. “She couldn’t have any competition because you’d end up stealing the attention of men away from her.” You nod along, barely hearing anything that leaves his mouth, too focused on the intense pleasure coming from between your legs. 
Steve presses forward, his hands kneading your breasts as he buries himself deeper inside you. “You feel so good, Snow.” He begins to kiss your collarbone and shoulders, groaning as you tighten around him. He picks up his pace, feeling his balls tighten and his cock twitch, a loud groan escapes him as cum spurts out of him, filling you to the brim. “Fuck…” He pulls out, sagging into a chair, his eyes falling closed. 
Bucky moves you, pushing you against a wall and pounding hard into you. “Fuck, take my fucking cock.” He grunts, bouncing you against his thrusts, filling you repeatedly. “You better take my fucking cum, slut. It’s what you are made for.” His metal hand wraps around your throat and squeezes, feeling his cock throb when your eyes widen and your walls spasm, squeezing the life out of his cock. “Oh, what a dirty little slut you are. Who would’ve known you liked being choked.” Bucky smirks before he grunts, burying himself deep inside you and releasing large amounts of cum. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The moment he pulls out, his body does the same as the others, and before you can fall, Clark catches you and gives you a dark smile. 
“Oh, poor Little Snow. You should’ve chosen another cabin.” Your eyes widen when his eyes flash, and his cock fills you immediately. Even though the Queen was dead, it didn’t mean her minions died along with her. They just now had a mind of their own, a darker, more twisted mind. Your moans and screams echo outside the cabin. Clark’s member was bigger than the others, practically splitting you open. He growls, gripping your throat tightly. “You better find a way to wake the others when I’m done with you because you are ours now.” You are suddenly bent over the table, surrounded by the sleeping men, your nails dig into the wood, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as Clark slams deep into you. 
Your vision goes white as he repeatedly hits your sweet spot. Your juices squirt out and cover him and everything around. Your head hits the table as he continues before filling you with his cum, mixing with the others. You barely have time to register Clark’s body dropping as the magic leaves him. You shakingly stand, your legs wobbling, and you grip the table beneath as you look around and take in the sleeping bodies, or so you thought. You stumble over to the closet man, which happens to be Steve and feel his pulse. 
Your eyes widen, and your body drops as a wail escapes you, magic exploding from your body as you release every emotion you’ve been keeping in. Your eyes begin to close, and the last thing you hear is the men coming back to life, their hands grabbing you and bringing you upstairs. 
Come morning. You would learn never to trust strangers. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Submissive! König Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Consensual Non-Con/Dub-Con, Pegging, Edging, Teasing, Overstimulation, Gagging, Riding, Praise Kink (receiving), Slight Bondage, Cock Ring, Mention of Blood, Mild Painplay, Dirty Talk, Petnames, Submissive König, Dominant Reader, Mentions of Pain, Crying, No Pronouns used for Reader Except 'You', Profanity, etc.
Submissive König lives for your praise.
When you ride him, he goes absolutely feral, completely at your mercy.
When you sink down on him, he throws his head back into the pillows and moans.
He's a moaner - a loud one at that.
If you slap your hand over his mouth and tell him to "Be a good boy, be quiet for me,"--
He's nutting. Immediately.
He's secretly a massive fan of teasing and edging.
Though, when you carry on to the point that his cock is aching and red and weeping, he'll desperately slam his hips up into you, trying to get some sort of friction - release.
Man's fast af, and he's got a lot of stamina. He can go for hours.
Definitely a quick finisher, though if you demand ask him to hold out for you, he'll try his best.
And if he doesn't...well, he gets extremely whiny.
You overstimulate him , punish him to the point he's crying and sobbing, begging you to stop keep going.
And that's just when you're sucking him dry; if you're feeling particularly cruel, you'll usually wear a long, thick strap-on.
"You're not walking for the next week since you're being such a brat," you say, gripping his hair by the roots and lifting his head so he can hear the venom in your voice.
There's nothing he can do except take an absolute pounding from you, moaning your name into the pillows while his hands are cuffed to the bedposts.
All the while, you're calling him your "Good boy," praising him.
"You're taking me so well, Köni. Making it real easy for me to slip inside your tight little hole."
He'll beg you to stop, plead with you to pull out because he can't take any more, but you ignore him, stretching him out on the thick base of your strap-on.
"You should've thought about this before acting the way you did," you hiss. "I'm not gonna stop until you bleed."
If you feel that he's misbehaved in a way that's invoked your unrelenting discipline, you'll put on this one strap-on that makes König's face break out into fear like a rash.
It's long and fat enough that you can see it bulging in König's stomach when you're fucking him, reducing him to a whimpering, sobbing shell of a man.
Whenever he can tell you're going to break it out, he tries to talk you out of it, tries being democratic and barter with you, but your mind's made up.
By the time you're satisfied, he's passed out, breathing heavily, coated in sweat and cum and completely dead to the world.
You also enjoy using a cock ring on him to make sure he gets absolutely no release, not if he's undeserving of it.
You can practically see the base of his cock swell whenever he's close, ready to burst like a pipe.
But you don't let him cum. Not until you say so.
Gag him. Oh my god, GAG HIM.
König gets off on being completely helpless when he's with you, so if you make sure he can't talk or make a sound, his eyes will be rolling into the back of his head.
"You can try to scream and cry as much as you like; nobody's coming to save you."
But be gentle with him during aftercare :-(; he's very fragile after sex and he just wants you to praise him and tell him he did well.
Bathe with him, stroke his hair, press kisses to his temples and his face will just light up like ☺️.
He feels loved and accepted when he can be his true, genuine self with you, different from the other König he becomes on the battlefield.
And it's the thought of you that keeps him going every day, regardless of how grueling or death-defying the mission is.
He's your "Big guy," your "Teddy bear," and nothing will ever take that away from him.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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mynameismckenziemae · 8 months
In Case You Didn’t Know Part 1
(next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake and Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Mason (you) have been best friends since diapers. You’ve been there for each other every step of the way; middle school bullies, broken hearts, baseball games, grad school and the Navy. Jake’s shaken to the core when a mission goes south and he takes his medical leave at home, knowing you’re the only thing that’ll make him feel okay again.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI-this chapter doesn’t contain smut but future ones will, discussions of death and cancer, swearing, etc.
Jake always thought the whole ‘life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die’ saying was bullshit.
But as his jet plummets toward the ground and smoke fills the cockpit, he realizes it’s true; with one exception.
Every memory features you.
The engine failure alarms serve as the background music to each one that flies by. On the first day of kindergarten when you took his hand to lead him inside because he was too scared to go in alone. Being each other’s first kiss the night before Becca Wilson’s birthday party since seven minutes in heaven was rumored to happen. The relieved smile when you found out you were allowed to play on the boy’s high school baseball team since there weren’t enough girls for softball. How you blushed at his whistle when you walked down the stairs in your prom dress. The way you melted when he handed you the black lab puppy you wanted so badly after grad school but couldn’t afford. Finally, the heart-wrenching sobs as he held you when cancer stole your mom 6 months ago. He never wanted to hear it again.
Will you cry like that if he dies?
“No,” he mutters, picturing your tears, your devastation.
Is it better or worse that you don’t know he’s in love with you?
“Hangman, I need you to eject,” your voice whispers.
His brow furrows. You’ve never called him by his callsign.
“Charlie?” He mumbles, unconsciousness fighting to pull him under.
“HANGMAN! EJECT!” Rooster screams, pleading over the radio.
He snaps out of it and adrenaline pumps through his veins when he sees the ground rapidly approaching.
Everything goes black when he pulls the ejection handle.
“…recovery is at least 12 weeks. We’ll get you transferred to NHCP-“
“No. I’m going home,” Jake interrupts the doctor. He hates everything medical; between the needles, blood, fluorescent lighting, antiseptic smells, he feels like he could crawl out of his skin.
“Lt. Seresin, you’re going to need a lot of assistance. Help showering, stairs are out of the question, you can’t drive, daily physical therapy-“
“I know. I’ll have help at home and I know a great physical therapist,” Jake says in a tone that leaves no room for discussion.
The doctor hesitates before resigning with a sigh. “Alright. I’ll get the write the orders and finish your discharge paperwork so we can get you out of here.”
A loud crash from your front porch has you sitting straight up in bed with a racing heart.
The hair on your dog’s (named Cash, after the Man in Black himself) back stands straight up as he growls low in his throat.
You slip out of bed and pick up the baseball bat you keep by your bed before creeping down the hall behind your dog.
“Charlie? It’s me,” Jake groans through the door. Cash relaxes when he hears Jake’s familiar voice and his tail starts to wag excitedly.
You drop the bat and throw it open. “What are you doing here at 5 in the morning?!” You laugh, but it dies when you see him on the ground. “Oh my God, Jake! What happened?! Are you okay?!” You gasp, crouching to help him onto his back. Cash stays back, sensing something isn’t right.
“I lost my balance on the step trying to juggle my suitcase and these fucking crutches,” he grits out, trying to right himself.
“Leave the crutches. I’ll hand them to you once I get you up. On three, okay? 1,2,3,” you say, hoisting him to his feet. Well, foot.
But before you can hand him the crutches, he wraps you in a tight hug with a choked sob.
“Oh Jake,” you whisper, tears prickling in your own eyes. You’ve only seen him cry a handful of times, and never like this.
You rub soothing circles on his back, only releasing him when he finally relaxes. “Let’s get you inside and off that leg.”
“You look like awful,” you observe as you get him settled on your couch.
“Thanks,” he grimaces when you elevate his foot.
“What am I working with here?” You nod to his cast.
“Fractured the 2 bones in my lower leg. Nothing else is broken, I’m sore everywhere and my shoulders are pretty bruised too, but I was lucky.”
“You had to eject,” you conclude when he pulls his collar to show you the dark purpling.
“Yeah, in a heavily wooded area, hence the scratches on my face. I suppose it was a good thing though, slowed me down a little before I hit the ground.”
You bite your lip to stop the many questions on the tip of your tongue. He looks so exhausted, in pain, and not ready to talk about it yet.
“I’ll make us something to eat and I’m going back to sleep for a bit. You look like you could some too.”
He nods in agreement. “I haven’t slept in days…I just wanted to get home.”
“Well, now you are and can rest. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Here, take these,” you hand him some over-the-counter pain meds and a glass of orange juice once he has some food in his stomach.
“Thanks, I’m sorry to drop in like this. I don’t-I didn’t think things through, I just needed to get out of that hospital-“
“It’s okay,” you interrupt, unable to watch him getting more and more anxious. “Really, Jake. You know I’m always here for you. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Charlie. So much,” he says, voice cracking. But he clears his throat and changes the subject. “This couch is amazing, but do you really need 50 pillows?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and roll your eyes. “Yes, I really do,” you say, smacking him gently with one of the said pillows before handing him the remote. “Wanna find something to watch while I throw these in the dishwasher?”
“Sure, thanks again.”
“Welcome,” you reply, ruffling his hair like you always have. It used to drive him crazy but now he relishes those touches.
“Yessssss, Joe Dirt! I haven’t seen this in ages,” you say, throwing a blanket over him as you come back to the living room.
“We watched it last time I was home,” Jake says, giving you a look.
“Yeah, that was 5 months ago though,” you reply. Recalling why he was here.
Your mom had died early on a Tuesday morning. It was as peaceful as it could be when cancer ravishes someone so quickly. Cash was curled around your legs as you held one of her hands in yours, while Jake’s mom, Ruth held the other. Jake’s sister, Emma, played with the short hair that started to grow back when she stopped the chemo like she always did when she was little. Jake’s dad, Tom had a hand on her leg while he hummed ‘I’ll Fly Away’.
Jake’s family left once the funeral home took her body away after much convincing and reassuring that you were fine, and finally you could fall back into bed. That’s where you stayed for the next 18 hours until Jake found you, so empty and unlike yourself. He was on his way home when he found out Lisa had taken a turn for the worst, but she went downhill quicker than anyone expected. Your first tears fell as he climbed into bed and held you when the sobs wracked your body.
You’re not sure what strings he pulled but he stayed with you for 3 weeks. He helped you bathe and dry your hair the day of the funeral, making you smile when he said he couldn’t do make up. He held your hand at the service, and talked to everyone who approached to give their sympathies so you didn’t have to. He cleaned up her room, packed her clothes into totes, and arranged for the hospital bed to be taken away so you didn’t have to look at it.
“You could go years without watching it and be able to recite it by heart with how many times we’ve seen this movie,” Jake sighs dramatically.
“It’s my favorite. Can you blame me? Look at that mullet.”
“That’s what does it for ya? Maybe I’ll have to grow one,” Jake jokes, lifting his head as you sit down and resting back down on your thighs. Cash jumps up on the other side, resting his head between Jake’s and your stomach.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll turn me on with that visual,” you laugh. “Can you do the white-trash facial hair too? That combination? Phew! Panty dropping!”
He looks up from your lap and laughs for the first time since the accident.
The tension leaves his body as your fingers run through his hair, and he’s asleep within minutes.
Your chest tightens as you look him over; the dark circles under his eyes, a cut under his chin has stitches that will need to come out soon, the purple bruising by his shoulders when you shift his collar, and his leg swelling above the cast.
Yet he’s as beautiful as ever. He’s always been attractive-cute as a boy, hot as a teenager but downright mouth-watering as a man. You started to develop feelings in high school and hoped when you went your separate ways after that those feelings would fizzle out, but they didn’t. They were always simmering on the back burner with the absence, rising to the top with every reconciliation and boiling over when he took care of you 6 months ago.
You aren’t sure how Jake feels. He’s always been a flirt but sometimes you catch the heat in his eyes and the way he reaches for you before catching himself. As much as you long to find out, you aren’t willing to risk ruining your friendship.
Jake’s choking, panicked gasps wake you a few hours later.
“Jake, sweetheart, it’s okay. You’re okay,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his clammy forehead before you think better of it.
His eyes fly open and his panicked gaze meets yours. Cash comes over and nudges Jake's hand with his nose, whining until Jake puts his hand on his head.
“Take some deep breaths with me. In…one, two, three. Hold…one, two, three. Out…one, two, three. Good Jake, again.”
You repeat it until his breathing regulates.
“Charlie, we need to talk. I need you…r help.”
A/N: I think this is the first thing I’ve written without smut. Don’t worry, it’s coming. Sorry this was a little short, but it felt like a good stopping point.
Fun fact: Joe Dirt is the movie my husband and I watched the first time we hung out (back in 2009 🥴)
Every interaction is appreciated but I really like hearing what you think ☺️ Especially since this is the first time I’ve written something not based around smut haha.
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spacexseven · 1 year
foreigner darling crying while desperately typing into their phone because they don’t any japanese or english, etc. 1) their yandere is a bastard and fucking with them, fully knowing they don’t know the language. 2) the yandere is also struggling and they a dictionary that’s highlighted with translations. 3) the yandere didn’t think this one through and is now acting as if they knew about the barrier. - garfield anon (hello!)
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(1) jouno thinks it's funny. here you were, clearly confused and trying your best to communicate with him, but apart from sobs and pleadings of 'please let me go', he can hardly make out your other words. it didn't matter, anyway. this was fine too, you just had to calm down before he could set down some ground rules. he also finds it hilarious when he's talking to you in japanese, knowing you don't understand a single thing, threatening to kill you or your loved ones or telling you about how long he's been watching you and you're just staring at him wide-eyed; isn't that expression far too cute for this?
(1) fyodor wishes you didn't cry so much. if he wanted you to cry in the corner, your phone long abandoned after he had only laughed at your pathetic attempts at trying to talk to him, then he could have done a hundred other things apart from bringing you to a nice room and taking care of you. he understands everything you're saying, of course, but still pretends not to, cocking his head to the side when you ask him why he's done this and glaring at you when you ask his name. it was a little amusing to see you second guess your every word and try to recall any words from any language you knew. only after a month of captivity, when you start, on the brink of losing your mind, telling him about your name and likes and dislikes, he smiles at you, and says "i know", clear as day. the shock on your face is his favorite expression yet.
(2) so maybe chuuya overestimated his linguistic abilities. it was fine! he had dictionaries and the internet just for this. he gets by using the resources on hand, and you're surprisingly pretty well receptive to his attempts, and even point out the words you're saying when he doesn't understand you. things were going a lot better than he thought, until one day you ask him if he can please help you escape and that he can come with you so whoever hired him won't hurt him, you promise to help, and he realizes you had no idea just why you were here. he does consider telling you the truth, but it was a lot nicer to have you trust him and stick by him, so ultimately he decides that can wait. for now, he'll go along with your silly idea.
(2) dazai thought he had all the important words covered, but now you're screaming at him so loudly that he can't comprehend a single word coming out of your mouth. he offers you the dictionary and a pencil, clearly telling you to please circle the words you're using but instead, you throw it back at him and scream some more. not knowing what else to do, he starts speaking to you in gibberish. it works, almost, because you go eerily quiet to listen to him before going back to screaming and throwing things at him (because now it sounds like he's mocking you). oh well, time to sign up for those classes!
(3) nikolai didn't think it'd be this hard to get the message across. surely, using his overcoat to transport you here was enough for you to understand that this was a kidnapping? well, he didn't understand what you were saying either, but he was mostly sure that you said the words 'money', 'who' and 'why' at least thrice now. living together when neither of you understood the other couldn't be that bad, right? he uses pictures of an amusement park and a handy app to ask you if you'd like to go out and that he will drag you back screaming if you tried to run, and the horror on your face is all he needs to know you understood him clear as day. see, not that hard!
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
i would love to see you write hcs of ellie x reader, fluffy, angsty, and smutty lol
Ellie Williams Headcanons
A/N: Coming right up! I love Ellie, so glad I got a request for her :)
CW: Smut! 18+ plz! Also mentions of smoking weed lol and drinking
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Fluff -
100% the big spoon
Calls you sweet names like baby, pretty girl, sweetheart, honey
Loves when you wear her clothes. You don't even need to ask. She's always offering you her shirts, jackets, sweatpants, etc.
She always keeps a protective hand on the small of your back whenever you're in a crowd or around people you don't know all that well
She brags about you all the time. About how smart you are, clever, funny, kind, selfless, whatever the case may be. She can't help but bring it up when you're not around
She's always coming up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist, peppering kisses along your neck, your cheek
She's there to steady you when you feel anxious, you'll grab her hand, link your arms, and she's instantly honing all her attention on you and your comfort
She hums songs for you when you can't sleep, brushes through your hair with her fingers, rubs your back
She's totally that significant other that like... transports/escorts you places.. if that makes sense? Like you need to go up the road? She's walking you there and dropping you off. She'll be back to get you later. Are you needed somewhere farther? She's taking you. You're sharing a horse. No questions asked.
Like I seriously think Ellie gives you total princess treatment
Always lets you take the first few hits of the joint
She lets you try her drinks to see if you'd like it for yourself, laughing when your face screws up in disgust at especially strong drinks
She's always making sure you got enough to eat and drink
I think if she saw your shoe untied she'd stop you to bend down and tie it for you, that's how serious she is about doing things for you
Like, she'd fluff your fucking pillows for you if you mentioned they felt a bit flat
Angst -
I think she gets mean when you two fight
Like, she has explosive anger, and she just gets mean
Most of the time, when you two fight, you remove yourself from the situation before it goes too far and you can't come back from it
She scoffs when you walk away, calling after you that you're giving up
And you throw her the finger, going off to find somewhere to scream, or cry, or both
You avoid her for several days
Shrugging off her attempts at affection, when she tries to get you to talk to her
You scowl at her, grumble, roll your eyes, stomp away
"Baby, come on, I'm really sorry..." she tries to plead, and you ignore her, still needing time to calm down
Finally, when she comes knocking at your door, days later, eyes concerned, body language ashamed and shy, you hear her out
She's apologetic, you warn her not to do it again, and then all is well
I think most of the time, you're angry about her recklessness
And she gets angry about your selflessness, when you work too hard and give up too much
It's always out of concern for the other
Smut -
She is sooo pussy whipped
She fucking loves eating your pussy, like she can get pussy drunk FASSSSTTTT
Swear she's licking into your cunt like at least once a day
She makes you cum on her tongue at least twice before she even lets you get her off
She likes it rough and dirty
Hair pulling
She likes sitting in a chair with her legs spread, drink in hand, ordering you to strip
When you go to take your panties off, she tells you to turn around, so she can get a view of your ass and tight hole as you bend over
She likes to bend you over a table, fuck you with her fingers, or a strap, and mock your moans
She totally eats it from the back too
And she'll slip a finger into your ass when she wants to catch you off guard
When she's feeling lazy, she'll have you ride her thigh while she smokes a blunt
You'll bend down, put your lips on hers, and she'll blow the smoke into your mouth
She'll smack at your bouncing tits
She'll swat your ass, spurring you to move faster
And when you cum, she grips your hips, working you into overstimulation
I think for her pleasure, she loves to rub her cunt on yours, loves the feeling of your wet pussy on her own
She likes to have your fingers in her, usually three or four
And though it doesn't happen often, she will occasionally ride your face
Even if you two aren't actively having sex, just making out, she's spitting in your mouth
I also think she's a total panty stealer
She'll drag you off into an alleyway, closet, bathroom, etc.
And she'll pull your panties down your legs, eat you out or finger you
But she won't give them back
She'll pull your pants back on, or straighten your skirt or dress, and tuck your panties into her pocket
You'll smack her arm and demand she give them back
And she'll just smirk, saying, "Come over tonight, and I'll consider it."
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sixty-silver-wishes · 3 months
I keep coming back to "I Don't Wanna Grow Up"- the simplicity of the music is appropriate for the lyrics, standing out in contrast of the rest of "Bone Machine." The chords almost make it feel like a campfire or protest song. But the brilliance of it is how the lyrics simultaneously depict an old and young person at once- the defiance of the inevitable problems of "growing up" makes up a majority of the song, suggesting a young and immature narrator, but one who is nonetheless astute when it comes to adult problems- taking out loans, writing checks, overworking, etc. But then the lyric "how the hell did it get here so soon" implies an older narrator, who misses their childhood and feels nostalgic. It honestly makes me cry a little because it encompasses adulthood so well- the exhaustion with things that most people have to deal with, being aware of the cruelty of the world (seeing "parents fight," the "five o'clock news"), anxiety over the future ("I don't wanna live in a big old tomb/fall in love and get married, then boom," "the only thing to live for is today"), disillusionment with capitalism ("most folks seem to turn in a paycheck they never want")- and yet there's still that inner child that pleads for fairness, fun, and connection. Sometimes we as adults want to be that child in the song- throwing tantrums and screaming in defiance of what we can't change, because it feels like it's all we can do. But we can't just whine about things not being fair or not wanting to take on heavy responsibilities, because you can't do that once you're grown up. You're just expected to accept that life isn't fair, and that you have to contribute to society in ways you may not want to. And that's why the defiance of the song is so powerful; it speaks to what so many of us feel- that we don't want to accept all the things that "growing up" has deemed unavoidable, and that we're both that adult and that child that are encompassed by the same lyricism.
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hwoness · 4 months
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  ⁀  ──────  HEADCANON  ⋆  bold what applies, italic what sometimes applies, and strike what never applies .
HAPPINESS    being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laugh lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping. easy smiles. fighting back grins. suppressed laughter. loud laughter. giggles. chuckling. smirks. whole body laughs. covers mouth when laughing/giggling. throws head back when laughing. slaps leg. touches people around them when laughing. looks down when laughing. looks for eye contact when laughing. sparkling eyes. bubbly happiness. quiet subtle happiness. obnoxious happiness. wants to spread joy. quietly savors joy.
SADNESS    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. running makeup. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. anger. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them. bottling it up. seeks distractions. wallows. meditates and processes. avoidance. seeks out comfort. swallowing thickly. talks it out. internalizes it. sad smiles. depression naps. uses alcohol. uses drugs. seeks out sources of joy. fidgets with sentimental item. sits in silence. broods. gets moody. wants someone to share the misery. tries to hide negative emotions. nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
ANGER (he's rarely angry but)    furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye-contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger. jaw clenching. hands balling into fists. teeth grinding. yelling. going nonverbal. vocalisations (growls, snarls, hisses etc). stuttering speech. rushed speech. slow concise speech. rambling. quiet. arms crossing. shaking head. curling lip upwards. tearing up. expressionless. projects. vents. tighter movements. direct. physical outbursts. verbal outbursts. pacing. going still. anger boils over in the heat of the moment but cools down quickly afterwards. anger brews slowly but lingers longer. will act out of impulse when angry. will stew on their anger and plot revenge. holds grudges. forgives easily. forgives but never forgets.
FEAR & ANXIETY    wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of color. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making the body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading. sarcasm/sass to cope. humour to cope. rambles. goes quiet. gets angry. fidgeting. freezes up. impatience. pulling at clothes. adjusting jewelry/clothing/hair. over-reacts. under-reacts. calm. logical. panic. irrational. overthinks. carefully analyzes. talks to themselves. breathing exercises. flight. fight. fawn.
EXHAUSTION    constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.” shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
EMBARRASSMENT    blushing. looking away. rubbing at back of head. running hand through hair. clearing throat. covering face. laughing nervously. laughs it off. self deprecating humor. deflects. gets irritated. smiles. crossing arms over stomach. crossing arms over chest. hands in pockets. shoulders sinking. shrugs. falling into silence until comfortable again. talking a lot to compensate.
GUILT    avoiding eye contact. shoulders sinking low. head hanging down. chest aches. lashes out. apologizes. communicates. grand gestures for forgiveness. accepts fault easily. punishes themselves. martyrdom. victim complex. over-active guilt complex. healthy conscience. seeking redemption. moves on easily. denial. shuts off empathy to cope. lack of guilt/conscience. sorry they got caught more than caused harm. can’t handle knowing they hurt others.
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
You'll be alright
◆ Characters : Jake x Fem! MC + another character ◆ Summary: a very short imagination snippet,kinda related to episode 10 ◆ Warning: hurt, language etc(Im so sorry, someone's lazy to proof read) (A/N at the end)
"What?do you have a death wish?? Please trust me. Go back to your home!I'm going inside the mine and that's settled. Hurry up!.
"...Remember , I'm doing this only for you and Hannah's safety! ", a tired voice yelled at the other side of the call and hang up without even waiting for a reply.
"Wait! It's not only about the TWO of us!! Dammit Jake! ", MC cursed, almost throwing her phone out of anger and frustration. Anger and frustration that was born in her heart, that was broken and broken repeatedly because of the different harsh realities this guy has put her to struggle in.Despite being aware of it, she kept failing in controlling her heart from loving him.
" Should I even trust him in this? " "One Or other way I am always tangled up with him in my life,does he even know who I really am? Or is he pretending not to know? ", so many thoughts and imaginations flooded her head, she sighed , burying her face in her hands.
She looked at her watch hopelessly,there was only 30 min until jake would reach the mine. She calmed herself down and started her car towards the duskwood forest.
After travelling for what felt like hours, she hopped out of the car and opened the back door.It was so dark around her and she tried her best to not make any evident sound.
"I warned you not to come here", Jake murmered coldly right behind her ear. Surprised by the sudden voice, she screamed a bit louder , for which he hushed and placed his hands on her mouth, assuring her that it was only him, the hacker.
She huffed in relief ,tears ready to fall but then she could see his eyes widen in surprise, as if he saw a familiar figure before him. He blinked a few times,wondering if it was a hallucination.Though it was dark, the warmth and presence was so familiar that he can't understand whether it was real. "No it is her, definitely her, the MC I loved 4 years ago", he thought , slowly taking off his hands from her. She could see him trembling in realisation and he called out her in nickname that he used to call, and she nodded wiping her tears. "Too late in finding out me, Jake.You know, I was very upset that you didn't realise it was my new number, my voice,even though I recognised you right away! And hah! you call yourself a hacker".
He interrupted in a rather pleading voice"No ,no..its not what you think. I only looked for the name of the phone number that hannah sent.I didn't go through much of your personal data. I just ...thought the name was a coincidence.I..."
" you left me alone without a proper goodbye like in those damn old movies", she screamed, which woke up the sleeping baby in the back seat of the car. The baby started crying immediately, she picked him/her up, weeping along with him/her.
Jake gave her a doubtful gaze ,and then looked at the tiny being whose fluffy hair and little nose resembled him ,he realised what the beautiful truth and the life ahead of him he missed and how much of a jerk boyfriend he was to her."I...didn't know. I am..I am sorry. In the end,I was the same as my...", he cried inaudibly and fell on his knees before her. She quickly rushed to hug him before he could say that word. "No! I know why you left. It's not entirely your fault. Please! , I didn't come here for that! Let's leave it to the police! I'm begging you! I am afraid you will leave me and our baby alone! I don't want that! ", all those lonely days' sorrow ached in her heart, she cried on his shoulders,as he pulled her closer and hummed , " I already saved her", and when she became silent after hearing that, he kissed her forehead and also the baby,and continued "And you saved me. I promise I won't leave you again. ", and with that said, he fainted leaning on her.
He was not injured outside anywhere, but the wounds deep inside him were only there, and she could feel it as she gazed at his strong yet fragile body. She whispered as if reciting a wishful prayer,"Don't worry, jake, I promise to take away all your pain".
"Officer! someone's here! Oh there are two, no three of them!Hey! Are you alright, miss? ", A paramedic hurried with a torch in his hand.
She carressed Jake's cheek not taking his eyes off him, and responded with a soft smile "yeah we will be alright. "
A/N: Hii lovelies 💙 yepp,It's been a longg time(also I wrote this on a whim haha).I apologize if there is any mistakes. I know this was unrealistic but if you've read this until the end, thank you😅😭❤Take care! ily!🌸💕
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
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Was watching Queen of the Damned and got in a mood TW: Breakup, pining over an ex, Depressed thoughts, sappy shit, cuddles, whump, rough start to happy ending. Pro Hero Bakugou sad boi x AFAB reader. Do not copy, repost, translate, put on other sites or read as audio. Minors do not Interact.
You and your ex had split a long time ago. It wasn’t amicable but he didn’t cause a scene. Even all these months later you still found yourself pining after him sometimes. Wishing to smell the sweet, slightly fruity burnt caramel scent he naturally gave off.  Run your hands through his soft, unruly ashen blonde hair. Feel the warmth and emotion from his hugs. But that wasn’t gonna happen anymore.      You were the one who ended things.  You couldn’t take the longs nights spent alone. Day sometimes weeks without him beside you. Sometimes he couldn’t contact you and that gnawed at your nerves and mind.  There was always some danger than came with being dating a pro hero. You initially thought you could handle it. No more. You no longer had those naïve thoughts in your head. You needed stability. You needed monotony. You needed to know that your chosen partner was coming home to you at the end of the day. Something he couldn’t ever give you. There was only one thing he was focused on that claimed him heart, body, mind and soul.  Becoming the number one hero and ousting Deku.     He tried to convince you that things could work out. He could send friends over to keep you company on nights when he would be out or when he was away on missions. He tried to bargain that he would manage his time better so he could be with you. His cries and pleas fell on deaf ears.      No matter how much he plead you continued to pack your shit or mark it with a yellow tag if it was a larger item.  When you were done you informed him that you had your new place already ready for move in and this wasn’t a negotiation or a chance at reconciliation. It was goodbye.     His Sanguine irises thinned out as his pupils grew in shock. For once he was left speechless. You were the love of his life. He never thought you were unhappy or he would have tried sooner. Sure, you had complained about him feeling alone but then you were always ok after a cuddle session.  His hands hung limply at his sides as he watched you walk out the door with the things you could carry on your person.  The reality not fully setting in until the next day when movers came and grabbed the rest of your things.    That day had been the hardest day he could remember since he had become an adult and pro hero. He didn’t even know he was crying till Kirishima had come into the apartment he used to share with you and was guiding him to the couch. The couch he used to lay down on and cuddle with you. The couch he loved to pin you down on and kiss butterflies into your gut.   
The red head wiped his face off with a wet towel and it dawned on him that he had been crying.  His hands trembled as memories flooded his mind and he went up to grip his hair. Leaning over and curling into the fetal position as he thinks of all of the firsts you shared together. First kisses, first touches, first loves.  Things he held dear and knew you did too.  More memories of dates, spicy evenings, trips together, moving in, long term family plans, etc. All of that was gone now. And it had been the fault of his complacency that had caused it.     His heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly and a choked, muffled sob wretched itself from his lips a he buried his head into a throw pillow and let hit all out. His feeling of loss and despair. The grief that came with mourning the relationship.  He screamed into the soft fabric while his best mate patted his back and tried to console him though his pain.  
Which is why it was so jarring when the two of you were thrust back together.  You had been hanging out with friends. Discussing a new potential beau when you stepped into the elevator. Not paying attention to anyone else that was getting on. Just living your best life and shooting the shit.     He had been dragged by Kaminari and Kirishima in an attempt to get him to socialize and make an attempt at rejoining the world beyond work. All he could think about was you. How you smelt, how you felt, the tone and timbre of your voice.  How happy and excited you looked when you saw him come to your home. The feelings of love and joy that would erupt in his chest each time he picked you up, twirled him and kissed his lips when he greeted you.      He couldn’t concentrate. He needed to leave. This is why he failed to notice who was on the elevator when he stepped onto it. His friends did not and they tried to discreetly convince him to get off the elevator and join him in the food court or something. He shrugged them off and stubbornly leaned against the clear glass panel in the back, closing his eyes and ignoring them.  His two friends sighed, stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor.     “Oh my god woman! I can’t believe you could be so brazen. You are so much different since you left what’s his name. It’s like you are alive again!” a familiar voice that grated his nerves violated his ears. If he didn’t know any better, he would assume that it was one of your best friends talking.  That wasn’t likely. You hated crowed so coming to an overpopulated super mall was definitely out of the question.     He groaned internally and willed himself to block out all noise. Just focus on his breathing and try to make it through this without losing it to the painful emotions still roiling around in his guts. He was successful, so very successful until he heard the one voice that he longed for the most.    “Hey now! Don’t be like that. You know he wasn’t that bad. He just didn’t notice shit. I probably should have clarified more or something but it is what it is. What do you mean I am alive now? What the fuck was I before? The undead? Gonna let me suck your blood?” you jest with your friends and giggle into a palm.      His eyes flew open and his head whipped over to the source of your voice. Which was of course you.  Standing there without a care in the world. You didn’t see him. All your focus on your friends while his was set on your frame.  Your friend was right. You did look better since the split. A lot better. Your skin was healthier, glowing. You looked radiant, happy, beautiful.  You looked perfectly vibrant.   
He continued to stare and his two friends sighed loudly knowing this was the worst possible scenario. An enclosed space with you and him. You clearly had gotten over him but he was definitely not over you.  The noise from his friends caught your attention and you frown seeing the blonde and the red head.  If they two of them were here then it as a slim chance that your ex wouldn’t be here as well. Which didn’t bode well for you at all. 
Sure, you looked great now and you were moving on with your life. But there was still a massive pit of sadness, despair and longing that grew every day and was shaped like him.  There weren’t many occupants in the cabin. From what you knew it was your three best friends, Kaminari and Kirishima and someone else in the back.     Someone tall, broad, completely shredded and smelling of a sweet, slightly fruity burnt caramel. Your eyes traced his frame as you inhaled his scent. When your gazes locked the world around the two of you began to fade and you found yourself alone. With him.  Whatever was going on outside the bubble that was enveloping you and your ex wasn’t your concern.     What was your concern was the pain that was screaming at you from behind those beautiful red orbs. The slight tremble of his lips. The wetness that threatened to flow from his orbs stabbed at your emotional core.  Your breath caught in your throat and you wanted to turn away but you couldn’t.     “You look better.” he said calmly. Mentally he cheered himself on for not breaking even thought he could feel his nonexistent defenses chipping and falling down. You nodded your head at him and he found himself needing you to say anything. ANYTHING to him. He just needed to hear the beautiful melody of your voice once more and he could make it home. He could make it home knowing you were well before he broke down because he was so close but so far.     Outside the bubble the onlookers composed of both sets of friends watched as the two of your unconsciously gravitated towards each other.  They held their breath because this could get explosive rather quickly and it wouldn’t be because of his quirk.    
Your hand came up and touched his cheek. He sucked in a sharp breath and his hand closed itself around yours. His eyes flutter. Once, twice, a third time.  They go back to look deep into yours.  Everything he ever wanted to say to you, all the thoughts he had, the remorse he felt. All of it was in reflected in those beautiful orbs of his.   
Something within you now begins to rebreak. The feelings you tried so long to reconcile with and move on from were clawing their way to the surface.  You knew you should walk away. Leave him now before you did something foolish. You had to if you were to truly move on from this. But you couldn’t. Because being with him felt right. It made you feel whole, complete. He wasn’t the best man alive by any means but he had always done his best. He had always tried.   
It took two to make a relationship work and you knew part of the blame was on you.  You should have vocalized more clearly how you were feeling in the relationship. That you needed more of his time. You needed him around just a little more so you could feel safe, secure. So, you didn’t have to worry as much. It wouldn't have taken much and you knew deep down that he would have made things right.  
Instead, you waited for him to notice. To pick up on your silent frustration and building anger. Which wasn’t fair to him or to yourself. Right here, in this moment you knew. You knew had you only spoken up more before that you wouldn’t be in the pain you feel now. Neither would he.  Where you would be you didn’t actually have a clue but you knew that it would have still been with him.  
One of his calloused fingers wipes away the tears that were beginning to fall from your eyes. His forehead comes to rest against yours and you both let out the shaky breath the two of you were holding. Your hand that caressed his face moved to slide against the back of his neck.  The hand that had previously held yours goes to pull you closer to him by the hip. He opens his mouth to speak and you cut him off.  
“Katsuki.” That is the only thing you can say. Your voice breaking at the end of his name and the flood gates open.  He pulls you in and tucks your head into his massive chest. Reassuring you as you sobbed into his faded, black, punisher tee. He buries his nose into your hair and inhales. “Shhhh. Shhh. Baby, it’s ok. It’s ok. I know. It’s alright. I’m here. I’m here.” he repeats over and over to reassure you.     The moment is broken when the elevator door dings and you jump away from him. Wiping at the edges of your eyes as you stared at him. “I think I should go.” you mumble and begin to dash off the lift.  Only a moment passes as he watches you flee before he is hauling ass after you. “Busy, gotta go, extras!” he calls out behind him as he bolts behind your figure. Easily catching up and pulling you back to him.     A palm covers your eyes and soft, velvety lips caress your one of the curved shells of your ear. “It’s ok. We can talk. Can we talk about this at home. You’re safe with me. If you want, I can take you to someplace else. Just don’t run from me again. I...” his voice trails off as he notices some concerned glances directed at him.     You can feel the tension building in his body. The whispers that creep into your auditory range let you know that the scene the pair of you present doesn’t tell a lovely story. It tells a very suspicious one which means the two of you need to go. Now.     “We can go back ho-to your place.” you mumble out. Not comprehending what you were saying until you were mostly through saying it.  He uncovers your eyes and spins you to face him. Concerned etched on his face. “Are you sure?” he asks cautiously. His Sanguine eyes are full of hope but also apprehension. He is afraid.     Nodding your head, you take one of his hands in yours, wrapping your fingers around his thick digits and pull at it towards the exit. A smile threatens to come across his face as he scoops you up bridal style and leaves the shopping center carrying you.     Several hours later.... 
You were snuggled into the couch you shared with your once boyfriend. He was sipping some warm apple cider and leaning into the couch far more relaxed that he was earlier. The two of you had talked out what went wrong. Not bothering trying to guess when things went wrong because that didn’t matter.  You both acknowledged that the fault was on both of you. One too stubborn to really speak and the other to dense to see what the problem was and how deeply it affected the other.     You both sat in a companionable silence. Enjoying each other’s company that y’all had been denied after so long. You pulled your bare feet up on the couch. Wrapping your arms around your knees and staring at the flooring. A wistful expression.  
“Can we....” you start to speak but again your voice cracks. You don’t know how to say this without looking and sounding whiny and weak.  Two things you hated being. He says nothing with just adds to the pressure you felt mounting on your shoulders. “Can... can we try again? Katsuki.” you get the words out somehow and feel the floor disappear from underneath you as you wait for his rejection.     You anticipated him rejecting you because the depth of pain you saw in his eyes was too much for someone to bear alone. With your question maybe he would free himself and in turn free you. Making the split amicable finally and allowing the pieces of each other that belonged to the other person to go back to the person they originated from. Tears forcing their way out and your breathing became more controlled as you tried as hard as you could to not let yourself be too vulnerable in front of him.     “Yes. Yes. Yes. I need you.” he replies back with no hesitation. Thick arms coming to wrap around your body and pull you flush against his. When did he put that mug of cider down? You weren’t sure and the thought quickly left your mind as you felt warm, wet tears run down your neck then get smeared into the flesh.      Katsuki was finally letting go of all the emotional turmoil he had been holding in for months.  You reached up and stroked his hair and you both let go of everything you had been feeling. Sobbing together and reforging the bonds that initially held you together. Becoming something stronger with the newfound understanding. Each of you resolving to communicate your needs better. Vowing to do better this time. That this would be the final time because neither of you could be without the other. This proved that.  Never again would either of you let this happen again.     More time passes before the sobs become sniffles and the sniffles sighs.  You are now entwined with him. Happy to be together again.  Your phones chirp and you reach over and grab his as well as yours. Readjusting yourselves so you can check your phones then resume basking in each other’s presence.     Soft Boi Red: Sooo.......y’all are good now?  Sparky: I really hope so cuz her friends are pretty pissed that the two of you just up and bolted like that.  
Katsuki growl at his phone and types back.  
Guile: Yeah. Yeah. We are good. Got talked everything out and want to be together. She is letting her friends know now.  
Soft Boi Red: Awww! I am so proud of you man! Very manly of you to admit your faults and talk out your problems. I hope things are much better for the both of you and I am happy that you are back together with her.    Sparky: It’s about time! Geeze! I wish it hadn’t taken this long but I am too an ecstatic that the two of you are back to being the city’s best power couple. 
Guile: She is quirkless, dumbass.     Sparky: You don’t need a quirk to be powerful. Power is something that is innate. That you have naturally. She has it in spades.    Guile: Charisma?    Sparky: Nope. Charisma is part of power. LOOK, that isn’t the point. Musutafu has its number one power couple back and that is all that matters. OK, GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMITE!    Guile: Whatever. I’m ignoring my phone from now on. Call if there is an emergency. It better be something Deku’s dumbass can't handle. I don’t want to go back on my word with her already. I promised to be there for her more. I don’t always need to be on scene and WHY AM I TELLING YOU BOTH THIS! NIGHT! 
Katsuki tosses his phone onto the coffee table, wincing at the clack it made as it bumped your phone. “All good?” you ask him as you turn on your side and snuggle into him.  His arms wrap around you tightly and he gives you a nice, tight, bear hug.  “As long as you are here, always.”     He leans down over you and you lean up towards him and kiss him. Softly and sweetly. Promises being shared in the short, smooth exchange of affection.  You both relax back into the couch and sigh. Not knowing what the next day holds for the two of you but knowing that whatever it was that you both would face the it together. That day, the next and the one after that.  From now on you would be a team and support each other better than you had before. This was the quiet resolution and promise that you made to each other and vowed to not break.    
Your lids grew heavy and you nuzzled into a thick pec, using it as a pillow as you faded off into a peaceful slumber. Katsuki watching you for several more minutes before he too succumbed to the siren call of rest.  Placing another kiss on top of your scalp. His feelings blossoming into a beautiful Chrysanthemum he would ensure to protect and nurture better from here on out and forever.    Fin 
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Hiii friend! I have another request! So I'm in a lot of pain right now due to my period.....=_= and I was wondering if I could have Hc's about Tim, Ej, and Jeff's s/o on their period with bad cramps? Because I'm dying right now.....but thank you for your amazing writing! ❤
Oh no!! My friend!! I'm so sorry, period pains suuuuuck! I hope this will make you smile a little! Remember to drink lots of water!!
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Oh, honey. This man would be at your every beck and call.
He feels so bad that you’re in so much pain. Mainly because he can’t make it just… go away.
He hates seeing you so uncomfortable, so he’ll do everything in his power to make things easier for you.
Whatever you want. Just say the word and it’s yours.
More pillows? Done. Heating pad? Already handing it to you. Something to drink? Here’s a glass of water and a mug of tea, made just the way you like it.
You’re craving a weird food? Name it and he’ll bring it to you, no questions asked.
HE PASSES THE BOYFRIEND TEST! You need pads and/or tampons? He’ll get them for you.
He’s not embarrassed in the slightest, either. He knows it’s natural and as long as you tell him what to pick up, he won’t have any problems. If anything, he’s too stoic about it which makes other people uncomfortable.
When it comes to cramps he actually does a fair amount of research, making sure he’s informed enough to actually help you. Finding home remedies to help ease the pain such as certain teas, avoiding too much salt, convincing you to try yoga, etc.
He’s always a little iffy on medication, not wanting you to go through what he has to go through. But if you insist, he’ll pick up some over-the-counter stuff for you.
But sometimes… You just want him to hold you. And he’s more than willing to do that for you.
He’ll let you curl up in his arms and cry if you need to. He’ll massage the area if you think it’ll help. All while telling you that he loves you and that he’ll always be there for you.
Overall, 10/10 boyfriend when it comes to caring for you.
This boy definitely used to make the “What? Are you on your period?” comments.
Keywords being “used to”...
The first time he made that comment to you when you were suffering the wrath of your uterus, you smacked him. Straight up.
After a screaming lecture from you, he stopped making those comments.
He has no idea how to help you. It feels like whatever he does is wrong, but it’s only because your hormones are making emotions run wild.
You’ll have to direct him practically every step of the way. I hope you don’t mind repeating yourself.
He’ll start to figure it out though, and once he does he won’t grumble nearly as much as he used to when it comes to your orders.
He’ll throw on a mask and get you pads if you need them, though he’d prefer not to. For several reasons, a big one being that he’s a wanted killer.
After his first experience with your menstrual cycle, he’d actually get better about it. He knows what to expect when it comes around again and is more prepared for it.
If you ask, he’ll hold you when the cramps get really painful.
He won’t say it out loud, but he feels really bad that you have to go through this.
He’ll hold you in his lap, arms wrapped around your middle as he throws on a movie or something in an attempt to distract you from the pain.
He’s not the best at this, but he’s learning! He’ll just need your guidance to get things right.
Eyeless Jack:
This man knew your period was coming before you did.
He knows your patterns down to a T, so when you start acting even slightly differently, he notices.
And seriously, with his sense of smell? He could tell what was going on based purely on your scent.
He’d be so sweet about it, too. Gently reminding you that it was coming up and you should be prepared.
Reminding you to pick up anything you may need in the upcoming days.
Once it actually hits, he makes sure he’s very careful with you. He doesn’t want the demon in him to hurt or take advantage of you.
So honestly, at least at first, he would distance himself from you. Just to make sure he wouldn’t lose control and do something he’d regret.
However, with your pleading, he would step up and be the best support you could ask for.
Medically? He has you covered. He knows what to expect, what signs to look for, what could be a problem, etc. And anything he didn’t know, he’d look up.
That and his more calm demeanor makes him perfect to have around when you’re struggling. As he knows all the tricks to help you feel at least a little bit better.
And when you ask, he’ll absolutely hold you. He’d be a little hesitant (again, wants to make sure he won’t hurt you) but wouldn’t be able to say no for long.
Man is a fucking giant, and would just cradle you in his arms as you curl up with him.
Ask him to read to you, it’s incredibly soothing.
He cares about you so much and doesn’t want to see you suffer, so he’ll do his damnedest to make sure you’re okay!
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seiyasabi · 3 years
A Shifter’s Dream
(This is a Yandere Bunny-Shifter N’Doul x Female Reader story :P Plz proceed w caution 
TW: !Noncon!, breeding kink!, hella cum!, he holds you down onto the mattress!, kinda sus bc u just turned 18, he deadass bites you, !pees on u in rabbit form, mounting!, mentions of euthanization of animals at the beginning!, etc..)
“-Mama, Mama!” Your voice echoes throughout the kitchen, as you hurry inside, hands clutching something protectively. Your mother turns, startled by your sudden appearance and anxious sounding voice. 
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Did those neighbourhood boys bully you again?” Ever the mother hen, she frets over you, grabbing you gently by the shoulders and taking a good look at you. 
Shaking your head, you lift your hands, showing the older woman a taupe coloured rabbit, “Look! Mrs. Ruitz next door is selling bunnies! She says this one is blind, so she hasn’t sold it, so she said she’d give him to me if you say yes! Please, please, please say yes! She said she’d put him down if he wasn’t sold,” Tears bead your eyes as you practically beg your mother, who doesn’t seem to have the heart to tell you ‘no’ at that moment. 
She sighs, weighing her options. You’re already ten, so you should be able to take care of him with minimal effort on her part… 
“I suppose that’s alright. You just have to promise me that you’ll take care of him!” You instantly perk up, a bright smile on your face. 
“I promise! I promise!” You hold the bun closer to your chest, practically rocking it in the process, “Thank you, Mama!” 
The older woman smiles once more, patting you goodnaturedly on the back, “Good. Now, let’s go talk to Mrs. Ruitz- we have no idea how to take care of it.” 
Walking across the street, your mother and your neighbour talk about your bunny’s proper care. It turns out, your bun is a male, who is previously named N’Doul. Not wanting to confuse the bunny, you decided to keep his unusual name, chattering away happily to him as you sat in the grass, barely listening to his care requirements. 
The bun listens intently to what you’re saying, relishing your gentle hold around him. 
He must be lucky, he thinks, to have found someone as lovely as you for a mate. 
Eight years later, and you and your bun are still going strong. You’d recently moved into your own apartment, trying out adult life as you start college. 
Today is your birthday, officially making you an adult. 
The day was filled with festivities: your mom made you your favourite breakfast in bed (scaring you half to death- apparently she has a copy of your apartment key), your friends took you out shopping, and your mom took you to a birthday dinner. All in all, it was a great day! 
But, a certain bun was seemingly more excited than you were for your birthday, because he seemingly peed himself in excitement the moment you picked him up. Lightly scolding him, you set him down on his rabbit bed that you made him, “‘Doul, what the heck man!” You laugh a little, remembering back to when he was but a teeny kit, “You’re not a baby anymore, bubs, you can’t just pee on me!” The bun is surprisingly smart, allowing you to let him mosy around your house (now your own apartment that you saved up for for years). After he figures out the layout, he’s able to figure out where his pee pad is, along with his grass bed, actual bed, and food/drink area. He is also able to hear where you are, allowing him to cutely hop after you if you’re not already carrying him. 
Going to the bathroom to wash your hands, you hear his barely audible pawsteps behind you, “It’s okay, ‘Doul, I’m just gonna clean myself off, okay?” Flipping on your faucet, you get your hands nice and wet, before you pump some soap onto your hands, and start scrubbing, “Maybe I should shower now, since I’m already here…” You trail off when you feel you bun settle himself on your foot. 
Glancing down, you catch him just in time, as he starts to hump you. Gasping in surprise, you try to gently shake him off, but that seemingly just gets himself off faster, as you feel a foreign wetness against your skin, “What the fuck? Are you serious, N’Doul?!” Annoyed with the way he’s suddenly acting, once you finish washing your hands, you reach down, and scoop the bun up, “That’s not cool, bro. Because of that, you can wait in my room while I shower.” 
Plopping him in his bunny bed, you turn on your heel, and hurry back into the bathroom, closing the door before he can follow you inside. 
Stepping out of your shower, you wrap yourself securely with your plush towel. Not bothering to wipe off the steam from your mirror, you bust out of the bathroom, only to be greeted with your now empty room. The door leading to the hallway is wide open, and your bunny is nowhere to be seen. Completely stupefied, you have no idea how to respond. Did the bun hop up high enough to hit the handle? That should be impossible! A Holland Lop is big, but not that big! 
“N’Doul? Bun? Where on Earth did you go?” Deeming your bunny’s safety higher than you changing into clothing, you quickly move out of your room clad in only your towel. 
You go room by room, searching frantically for your beloved pet. He has to be here somewhere! 
So, when you finally make it to your living room/kitchen, you let out a yell of fear. There, on your couch, is a naked, bunny eared, buff man who’s humping into your previously used panties, “Who the hell are you! Get the fuck out of my house!” Reaching for the baseball bat in the hallway, you hold it up with one hand threateningly, the other currently holding your towel. 
A deep, rumbling laugh is heard from the mysterious man, who then tosses aside your soiled panties, “Don't be like that, Love. Your N’Doul only getting myself ready for you.” 
“What the fuck are you talking about? And what did you do with my bunny?” He chuckles, relishing your cute reaction. 
“I’m your bunny, (Your Name). I’m N’Doul.”
“The hell you are! Get out, before I bash your skull in!” He stands to his feet, completely towering over you. Gulping in fear, you move backwards, but then you notice his eyes. They’re the same milky white your bun has, “I-I’m warning you! Stay away from me, you creep!” 
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, showing how large his hands are compared to yours, “I’m not going to hurt you- I wouldn’t be a good mate if I did.” 
Without thinking, you chuck your baseball bat at his bunny-eared head, before turning and running to your room. You hear the metal bat make contact, along with a yelp of pain. Locking your door behind you, you search your room for your car keys. Not long after you dump out your purse in pursuit of your keys, you hear loud footsteps thumping towards you. 
A loud bang echoes throughout the room, as the man’s hit practically shakes the foundation of the wall, “Open the door, (Your Name)! Open it right now!” He sounds angry, and when you don’t respond fast enough, he starts trying to break down the door, his muscled body practically bending the thin wood with each body slam. 
Screaming in fear, you start to cry. Thick tears drip down your face, as you plead with him to stop, “I-I don’t want to! Get out of my house!” 
With one last mighty slam, the humanized N’Doul breaks into your bedroom. His nose is bleeding from the bat hitting him in the face, but other than that, he’s completely unscathed. Hearing you cry, he immediately goes to shush you, “Don’t cry, Love. Now that you’re considered an adult in your species, we can finally begin our life together.”
To his chagrin, you continue to sob, completely scared out of your mind, “No! Get out! Stop pretending to be my bunny, it’s weird!” He approaches you slowly, his much bigger form slightly bumping into a few pieces of furniture. This gives you enough time to make a break for it. 
You try to round his form, almost making it to what’s left of your bedroom door, only to be stopped by a meaty arm practically slamming you onto your bed. Trying to get up, you quickly realise that escape is impossible, as his muscular legs practically trap you against your mattress. He uses his weight to hold you down, as he bites into your neck, trying to make you submit. 
“Shh, stop resisting me, my Love. I promise that I’ll take care of you for the rest of our lives,” He continues to bite at you, as your screams are muffled into your sheets. 
His large hands rip your towel off of you, exposing your slightly wet body to his prying fingers. The rough pads of his fingers rub at your erect nipples and unprepared slit, trying to get you as wet as possible. 
“You’ll be a wonderful mother, I can tell you were made for this,” His cock head bumps against your tight entrance, forcing itself in as you scream. 
He starts a breakneck pace almost immediately, relishing how your walls massage him so sinfully- as if you were made for only him, his inexperienced fingers rub at your clit harshly, trying to make this as pleasurable for you as possible, 
Whilst this was happening, a bolt of pure pleasure shot up your spine, as he hit a certain gummy patch in your pussy, causing you to gush uncontrollably. Loud keens escape your gaping mouth, as his harsh ministrations are enough to almost make you cum immediately. 
“Fuck, your body accepts me so perfectly, Love. It’s like it knows I’m going to pump you full of kits,” He lightly slaps at your clit, causing you to seize up in orgasm, quickly throwing him over the edge as well. Hot, virile cum overflows your womb, his swimmers quickly inseminating you. But it’s not enough. N’Doul, moments after orgasm, bucks into you even harsher than before, wanting to push as much of his cum as possible inside of you, “My perfect mate, I love you so much! I knew you were the one for me from the first time I met you! Only the love of my life would accept me even with my blindness!” 
Still sensitive from before, the both of you hustle over the edge in mere moments, your release squirting all over the both of you. 
“We’re not stopping until I know that you're pregnant, my love. Our wonderful kits are such a good birthday present, no?”
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
Sorry if I’m doing them wrong (new to requesting) But can I request a CEO!Bakugo x F!reader? Just some ruthless Bakugo spewing out insults and filth towards the reader left & right- 🤭
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Warning: NSFW 18+ content. Sexual intercourse, cursing, degrading, bdsm, spanking, angry/hate unprotected sex, size kink, etc.
Click here to check out my other works
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A/N: No worries, love! You did it fine. I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for your request.
Part Two
Tags: @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @milkthistletea @idfkwtfgof @quietlegends @miriobaby
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Your back slammed against the wooden doors to your boss office as he held you by your throat. His crimson eyes screamed anger and lust as he towered over your cowardly body. You still remained tall, though, expecting this to happen.
“You really wanted to test your fuckin’ luck this week, huh?” Katsuki growls as his grip becomes tighter around your throat. The whore in you overtook your lips as a devious smirk appeared across them. You love the toxicity that is between you two. You knew you would be in this position when Monday afternoon rolled around. You and him both knew.
“What did I do wrong?” You squeak out, faux innocence coaxed your words. This infuriated the blonde. You know just how to get under his skin just like he does with yours.
“Don’t try to act stupid with me, slut. You know exactly what the fuck you were doing bringing him to the cooperate event.” Katsuki huffs, anger running through his grip. He lets go before you loose total circulation. Just looking at you is too much to bare. He wanted to devour and hurt you all at once. He will be sure you feel his wrath, but he wants you to be alive to feel it.
“We’re coworkers, remember?” You recall his exact words. He furrows his eyebrows.
“Yeah, but doesn’t mean you can go ‘round being a God damn whore. You brought my fuckin’ competitor of all damn people, Y/N. I should fire your ass.”
“Then do it.” You challenge, folding your arms across your chest. You already had your shirt unbuttoned so your cleavage can be viewed. It sure did catch Katsuki’s attention in the board meeting along with other lingering men’s eyes.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” Katsuki scoffs, returning to face you. He begins unbuttoning what is left of your white shirt and discarding it to the floor. Hickeys covered your breast from the event you went to. Katsuki glared at you with disgust.
“Izuku leave these here, huh?” He scornfully chuckled. “That sick son of a bitch. Marking what he thinks is his, but he is mistaken. You’re my fucking assistant. You work for me.”
Katsuki grabs you by your hair and leads you to his dark wooden desk, bending you over it. This is not the first time you have been in this position nor will it be your last. Your black pencil skirt and panties is removed, leaving you in just your bra. Hickeys traced your thighs, something Izuku purposely left behind. You were not shy once a few drinks entered your system. Izuku knows what you and Katsuki do behind closed doors and he was more than happy to help you get under the man’s skin. They are rivals, after all. Why not use the event as a benefit?
Katsuki strolled over to the other side of his desk, unlocking it with a key. This drawer is specifically for you. He keeps all his toys and gadgets in there for when he needs them. Pulling out a hard wooden paddle with, your breath hitched slightly. You figured you would get some sort of punishment like this, but Katsuki is never gentle. Your ass is going to be sore for a few days once he is through with you.
“Yeah, you know what this is, don’t you?” Katsuki teased as guilt flooded your irises.
“I’m really sorry, sir. I’ll be good, I promise.” You whined. Katsuki snickered at your pleading, dragging the smooth blonde wood across your exposed ass. You only got the paddle when you really pushed your luck with Katsuki. This is one of those times.
“I’m sure you are. Count and thank me.” Katsuki instructs, lifting the paddle away from your ass. You brace yourself as the wood lands with great speed. You yelp in response.
“One. Thank you, sir.” You mumbled. Katsuki did not allow you time to prepare for the next one because another hard slap was delivered shortly after. “Two. Thank you, sir.”
The process continued. Your ass was sobbing from the multiple hard hits. Your knees began to buckle beneath you, but Katsuki used his free hand to hold you in place. Your whimpering is met with an extra hit. You are only halfway through and Katsuki is still not through with you.
“T-Twenty. T-Thank y-you, sir.” You cough, wondering how much more you can possibly take. Regardless, you are going to take it all. You are not supposed to enjoy it. Katsuki will make sure of that.
Another slap is delivered and you count as expected. You finally gave out at forty. Your tears and heavy breathing almost had Katsuki feeling bad. He doesn’t, though, as he noticed the slick drip down your thighs. His index and middle finger find refuge in your soaked hole.
“Tsk. Someone enjoyed themselves.” Katsuki grumbles, shaking his head. He removes his fingers to bring them to your mouth. You gladly suck on them. “Such a filthy little whore.”
Katsuki begins undoing his black suit-pants, his erected cock now out for your viewing. You have your mouth open, ready for him to fuck your face. He chuckles at your horniness.
“Cock hungry slut.” Katsuki degrades, grabbing you by your hair again and placing you on your knees. You did not even give him time to put the tip to your damp lips. Your tongue swipes his length and your kiss the tip before taking in every inch. Bobbing your head up and down, Katsuki uses his grip on your hair to control the speed.
“Yeah, like all my cock in your filthy fucking mouth?” Katsuki questions as he thrust his hips into your saliva filled mouth. You choke on his length as it slides in-and-out of your mouth. “Ha, is the whore struggling to take all of my cock? A dumb bitch like you should be able to take it all.”
You ignore his insults as you continue pleasing his erection. You hollow your cheeks and put more work into your tongue. Every vein in his girth is getting extra attention along with the head. You know how to please him like no other woman. Katsuki grumbling curse words under his breath and throwing his head back in pleasure is encouraging you to keep going.
Katsuki’s dick twitches and pre-cum leaks from the tip. You swallow every drop as is floods from him. That was your intent, but Katsuki has other ideas in mind. A string of saliva connected your lips and Katsuki’s cock.
“Whores don’t get to enjoy my cum,” he lets go of your hair and taps your cheek so you get up, “bend over my desk.”
You do as your told, bending over his desk. Katsuki arched your back more by pushing down on your spine. Aligning you with his cock, he enters deep into your tight walls. You are up every inch. Katsuki’s nails dig deep into your outer thighs as he thrust into you. His hips slap against your bruised skin. You cry out in pleasure and pain.
“Mmm Katsuki.” You sob as your knuckles turn pale from holding onto the desk for support. Katsuki pushed your head down into the stack of reports.
“Quit your bitchin’. You’re going to take all my fuckin’ cock and like it. Bet Izuku couldn’t even reach your fuckin’ cervix.”
You babbled nothings into the freshly printed papers below you. Drool sneered Katsuki’s ink signatures as he continues his rough rhythm. He was also sure to deliver slaps on your sore ass when he wanted to hear you cry for him. His ego needed the boost.
“Better not ruin my fuckin’ reports.” Katsuki hissed as he continued pounding you from the back. You attempted to apologize, but your lost of reality made it difficult too. “Look at you, I’m fuckin’ you so good you can’t even say a coherent sentence. Dumb bitch.” Katsuki snickered.
Your pussy stretched from his large girth, still never use to how big and long he is. You loved it. No one can make you feel as good as Katsuki can. He knows just how you like it. He knows how to get you soaked by a single glance. He knows just how to please you.
Katsuki could not contain himself anymore as cum released from his cock. Your tight pussy swallowed every single drop. Katsuki is not removing himself until you are filled with his sperm.
Once you are stuffed, he taps your outer thigh with heavy breathing. “Get dressed.” Katsuki commands, fixing himself also. You gather your act there’s clothes and straighten yourself out. Your makeup is sneered and your hair a mess. Everyone in Bakugo Industries has already speculated what goes on between you two. There is no need to hide it, but something you can’t seem to understand is that Katsuki came in you. He never comes in you. He does not want kids. At least, that is what he always said. There are no strings attached.
Just a couple of coworkers, right?
All Rights Reserved
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hanniiesuckle17 · 3 years
Ateez Reaction: Their Kid Gets Sick in the Middle of The Night
A/n: I love parent!ateez. Anything domestic im just like *heart eyes* also dont mind my weird petnames for kids. i just....i love kids......*sigh* anywayyyyyy hope you guys enjoy! im going to be writing for ateez and the other groups on my m.list alot more 
S/n: Son’s name      D/n: Daughter’s name
Pairing: Reader x OT8 
Genre: fluff, slight angst, parent!au
Warnings: cussing?, descriptions of sick children (colds and flus, etc), fem reader
WC: 5k (overall)  about 640-ish on average
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @kodzu-ken @konenichi @yangs-jeongin @binniebutter @orangegyu @little-precious-baby @yourdaddychan​  
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You were in the perfect spot. A dreamless sleep had taken over your mind a few hours ago and you were perfect content pressed up against Hongjoong’s chest, his arms wrapped around your middle. His leg was tossed over yours and you were swaddled in a perfect cocoon of his warmth.
The blissful sleep of you and your husband was soon interrupted by a weak poke to your cheek. A second light jab forced your eyes open. In the dark room you could barely make out the shape of your three-year-old son. Lifting your head up, you checked the time- 1:04- and then over to your husband who was still fast asleep. 
Pulling away from your husband’s hold, you turned on the bedside light only to be met with the tearstained face of S/n. “Oh- Goose! What’s wrong?” Your son only cried more and reached out for you. Completely sitting up in bed, you pulled him into your arms- gently stroking his hair. You noticed the back of his neck was cold with sweat. 
“Baby? Everything okay?” Hongjoong mumbled, pushing himself off the mattress slightly. 
“Daddy.....don’t feel good,” Your toddler said between cries. You continued to tenderly rub his back in hopes of calming your son. “Head....” S/n mumbled, tiny hands pawing at his crown. 
Hongjoong now joined you fully sitting up. His dark eyes blinked rapidly trying to push away the edges of sleep still clouding his brain. Your husband motioned for you to pass over his son and you obliged. S/n cuddled up in his father’s lap - clawing at his shirt. “Baby, could you get the thermometer from the bathroom?” He asked, hand on his son’s little forehead. 
Your mind was still foggy, but nonetheless, you got up and half jogged to the bathroom. Still tired, you fumbled through the cabinets looking for the thermometer. After a few minutes you returned, the instrument in hand. Hongjoong took it, thanking you softly. The two of you waited while the thermometer read your child’s temperature. S/n’s head was resting deliriously on your husband’s shoulder.
When Hongjoong took out the thermometer, your S/n groaned, nuzzling further into his dad’s chest. “Tummy hurts, daddy...” You almost felt hurt yourself, not being able to help your son’s pain. Reaching out you rubbed his back and looked to your lover for what to do. 
A tired look rested on his face. The singer sighed looking down at the tiny instrument. “103.1,” Running a hand through your hair, you got up from the bed and grabbed a jacket for yourself and your son. “Hey, buddy. We’re going to take a little trip okay?” Hongjoong whispered to his son who was still crying from his head and stomachache. 
“The doctor is going to make you feel all better, Goose.” You sleepily sang, more comforting yourself than S/n.  The handsome man got up from your shared bed, still carrying your sick toddler, and headed into the living room with you quickly following. 
“Let’s go to the hospital. Y/n where are my keys?” Hongjoong, laced his fingers with yours after you grabbed his keys and the three of you ventured down to the car. “ The one on Ddobong St is closest right?” 
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The cries of your baby girl woke you from a night of sweet sleep. Untangling yourself from your husband’s slumbering arms you rolled out of bed. With a sluggish gait, you walked into the nursery and hummed to your screaming daughter.
“Shhhh, baby- Daddy is sleeping,” You whispered, picking her up from the crib.
Any sleep your partner got was worth more than anything else you could give him. The sooner you could calm your daughter the more likely he stayed asleep. the one-year-old girl in your arms continued to cry, almost screaming in your ear. 
You stroked her hair in hopes of calming the distressed child. The skin of her forehead felt hot against your palm and you pressed it fully against her forehead. “Oh- I’m sorry, love!” Scolding your tired mind for not realizing sooner, you carried your crying daughter into the bathroom to grab a thermometer. 
Laying D/n back down in the crib, you lifted her nightgown and tucked the instrument under her arm, and waited for it to beep. The baby girl’s cries had quieted a little but remained constant and unrelenting. Finding she had a temperature you rushed to the medicine cabinet. All the bottles and labels blurred together in your sleepy vision. 
Finding one that fit D/n’s symptoms you grabbed a spoon and the bottle. You poured the dark purple colored liquid onto the spoon and tried to coax your daughter into opening her mouth to take the medicine. Instead, the baby girl cried louder, the smell of the medicine floating down into her tiny nostrils. “D/n, baby....please take the medicine! Don’t wake up daddy.” You pleaded in a hushed tone. 
“Don’t worry about waking me up.” A smooth, but sleepy voice said from the hallway. 
Seonghwa shuffled into the room, eyes tired but soft and hair fluffy and sticking up in random places. A tiny smile lighted onto his lips. “Hwa, I’m sorry- I was trying to handle it but she won’t take the medicine.” Your husband shrugged and waddled over to the crib. 
You let him take the spoon from your hand and carefully place it on the nearby table. He sleepily kissed your forehead before turning to his crying daughter. “Can you take her?” He asked gently picking her up and passing the child to you. 
Your husband turned back to the crib, grabbing something, leaving you with a screaming baby. The handsome man returned with his daughter’s favorite plushie in hand. His longer fingers pushed the arms to look like the toy was waving. “D/n, open your mouth please!” He chirped in a goofy voice. 
The little girl refused, shaking her head. She continued to cry in your arms, pushing away the stuffed animal. Your husband was not discouraged and instead gently picked up the medicine filled spoon with nimble fingers. 
“Hi, princess!” Seonghwa sang in a cute and happy voice. His free hand moved up to make bunny ears on top of his head. “Will you take the magic potion for daddy?” D/n’s cries trickled to stop and she sniffed, watching her father do all sorts of sleepy but sincere aegyo. 
“D/n, do you want the magic potion?” You whispered in her ear with a smile. 
The little girl nodded, rubbing her eyes. Seonghwa smiled and moved the spoon like an airplane before letting his daughter take the medicine. She gagged at the taste, crying a little at the bitterness. Her tears quickly stopped when she was wrapped up in her father’s arms. 
Her little fingers held on tightly to his shirt as his hand protectively held her to his chest. “Let’s go back to bed,” He whispered, letting his other hand envelope yours. “D/n, let's go sleep in mommy and daddy’s room, huh?”
Nestling your face in Seonghwa’s shoulder, you let him lead you all the way back to your bedroom. With your daughter placed between you and the medicine finally taking its effect, she was soon fast asleep, little snores floating from her tiny body. Pressing a kiss to your knuckles, Seonghwa watched you drift back to sleep before doing so himself.
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Both you and your husband had been woken up an hour ago by your screaming toddler. Normally you could get him right back to sleep, but this time something was actually wrong. It was two o’clock in the morning and you had no idea what to do. S/n was crying and throwing up and had a fever that wouldn’t break. 
You were frantically searching symptoms on your phone, pacing in the living room. After reading mommy blog after mommy blog you felt like you were getting nowhere. “Find anything?” Yunho called from the bathroom. 
You almost shook your head, forgetting your husband was in a completely different room with your son. Ending your pacing, you ventured towards your bathroom. Opening the door you were met with a sight that made your heart skip a beat. The small room was filled completely with steam from the running shower. Your two year old son was stripped of his clothes, which he complained earlier of suffocating him. He clung to his father’s bare chest. Yunho had his arms wrapped around S/n, holding him up, resting him on his hip. Your husband's peach-dyed hair was clinging to his sweaty forehead. 
For a moment you just watched the tall handsome man pat his son’s back gently and hum a soothing melody. He really did look like a worried Papa Bear. After a minute he noticed the lack of steam in the room and motioned for you to come in and close the door. “Mommy blogs are useless. They all say to just give him fluids and put him back to bed.”
Yunho sighed, shoulders heaving. Your son stirred and his eyes opened just barely to look into yours. You waved before reaching over and kissing his sweaty little forehead. Your hand trailed from your son to the warm skin of your husband. “Call your mom,” Yunho suddenly declared. 
“Call her.”
At this point, you were too worried about your son to think about the wrath you were incurring by waking your mother at this hour. Leaning against the bathroom counter, you pressed the device up to your ear. Your son whined and reached for your hand. “Don’t tell her we haven’t moved out of the apartment.” He whispered hearing the dial tone from your cell. Yunho was also comically afraid of your mother. 
You rolled your eyes. “Umm...Hi- Mom....” Yunho winced hearing your mother’s shrill and tired voice from the other side of the line. “Yeah. I’m really sorry. Look- mom, S/n is sick. We’ve got him in a steamed room. He’s been throwing up like crazy-”
Yunho’s long fingers softly raked through your son’s hair as he tried to listen to the conversation with his mother in law. “No.....No...Mom- Yunho didn’t give him ice cream. No......”
“It’s always my fault isn’t it,” Yunho groaned in a soft tone not wanting to upset his sickly son in his arms. “Tell her that I’m just as worried about my son as-”
“Bear.....this is not the time.” You scolded him, hand over the speaker. “Mom just....” You sighed- pinching the bridge of your nose. S/n cried at the loss of your hand in his. Your husband shushed him, wetting a washcloth and dabbing at his forehead and neck tenderly. “What’s his temperature?” Turning to your husband, you looked for the answer. “Babe, what’s his temp?”
“Last I checked it was 100.8,”
“100.8″ You gave a sigh of relief hearing your mother’s answer. “He’s going to be okay as long as it doesn’t get higher. She says keep him in here until his temp goes down and to try giving him something to eat to see if he can keep it down,” Relaying the instructions, Yunho nodded and did exactly what your mother told him. 
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You had no idea what to do with a sick kid. Yeosang had no idea what to do with a sick kid. You both were kind of in the same boat. You loved your daughter wholeheartedly, but the both of you were still new parents even two years in and were flying by the seat of your pants. 
So, when D/n had a 103 fever, the two of you started to panic. It was the middle of the night. Yeosang was cradling his crying toddler and you were desperately trying to reach your mother-in-law. “Is she really not picking up?” Never before in the entire time you knew Yeosang, had you seen him this worried. 
“Sang- it’s like two am. She’s probably asleep.” 
Yeosang watched you nervously burn a track in the floor. “Will you stop pacing?”
“Well, then what should we do?”
Your daughter nuzzled her sweating forehead into her father’s neck, little hands pulling at his sweatshirt. He rocked her back in forth in his arms, gears turning in his brain. “Hospital?” Your fiancee suggested- a hesitant but still desperate look in his eyes. 
“Yeah. Emergency room. I’ll call Hongjoong on the way.”
Yeosang sighed, standing up and watching you gather a bag of things you would need. “Don’t do that. He’s just gonna wake the boys and then Wooyoung is going to go all Crazy God Father on us.” You chuckled slinging the packed bag over your shoulder. 
“You’re the one who made him D/n’s god father. My vote was for Hongjoong.”
He groaned, not waiting for you to follow him out of the apartment. Having no time to strap her into her car seat, the singer climbed into the back and held his little girl as your family raced to the nearest emergency room. You burst through the doors, Yeosang carrying your crying toddler with her arms wrapped around his neck, much like in one of the medical dramas you had been watching lately. 
Thankfully you were rushed into a room and your daughter was tested and examined by a doctor quickly. You sat by her side the whole time, holding her hand while Yeosang watched the doctors carefully. Occasionally he would ask questions or accidentally chide them if his daughter yelped from pain or looked uncomfortable. He would quickly go back to silently watching knowing he had overstepped. 
As the doctor finished his examination, he asked you to wait for the test results to come back just to be sure it wasn’t anything serious. The boys burst almost waking D/n, Wooyoung racing towards the bedside of his goddaughter, a huge teddy bear in hand. Just like Yeosang they were all dressed in sweats or pajamas.
After about an hour of her uncles ‘quietly’ attending to their niece’s every need, the doctor returned- test results in hand. “Mr. Kang?” The physician’s eyes searched the boys' handsome faces until Yeosang raised his hand and made his way forward. 
“That’s me,”
“I’m the godfather, Jung Wooyoung, what should I be doing?” Wooyoung said peeping over your fiancee’s shoulder. 
The doctor blinked a few times before looking over to you as if to ask for a clue as to why this over-energetic boy was here. There was nothing you could do but shrug. “Well...um....you could start by sitting over there......quietly....”
Wooyoung gave the doctor a glaring look before reluctantly taking a seat in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs in the room. “It’s nothing serious is it?” Yeosang asked, his hands subconsciously rubbing the back of his neck. “D/n isn’t dying right?” 
The doctor smiled, placing a hand on the worried singer’s shoulder. “Right now she’s just fine. You were right to bring her in though! We are going to keep her for observation for the next twenty-four hours just to be absolutely sure it is nothing to worry about.” 
Yeosang relayed the news before shoving the boys out of the pediatric hospital room so his little girl could sleep. He called his manager to cancel his schedules for the next day and he stayed by D/n’s side until the doctor told him that she was going to be perfectly fine.
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Two hours. You had been up for two hours. There was nothing more on this Earth that you loved more than your little girl, D/n. But when she woke you up at one o’clock in the morning, sick or not, it was not a happy occasion. It didn’t look like anything too serious was wrong with her. You didn’t even have to call your fiancee. Granted he should have been home from practice twenty minutes ago but that was another problem that you didn’t have the patience for right now.
Your toddler whined and rolled around on her bed as you got up to go to the medicine cabinet. D/n’s cries could be heard from all the way down the hall, hurrying your tired movements. “I’m coming, bean,” Instead of wasting time standing there, you grab the first five bottles you see and rush back to your daughter’s room. 
Placing a cool washcloth on her forehead, her cries soften a little allowing you time to read the backs of the bottles. The next thirty minutes were spent trying to get your little girl to take the medicine. The sound of keys tinkling against the dish by the door makes your ears perk up. 
“Babe? Everything okay?” San was home. 
A bouncing head of dyed hair bounded down the hall to stop in the doorway. “She said she’s feeling sick,” San immediately rushes over, hand on the small of your back as he kneels by his daughter’s side. 
“Hey, princess,” He whispers, stroking the hair away from her face. The man pouts seeing her clutch onto her stomach. “Does your tummy hurt?” D/n nods, rolling over onto her side and crying more. 
San turns to you with a half accusing look on his face. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m the one who's been here taking care of her.” You smacked him lightly upside the head, not letting him forget he was the one who came home late. With a sigh, you dropped your sleep-filled head onto the singer’s shoulder. “She won’t take the cold medicine.”
Your fiancee scoffed, turning to look at you before filling a spoon with the oozy purple liquid. “I’ve got this. Watch the master.” San smiled, getting the attention of his little girl. “Princess, this tastes good don’t you want some! It will make you feel better!”
“Does it really taste good?” She askes shyly, looking at her father with stars in her eyes. 
He nods enthusiastically, side-eyeing the spoon. Your daughter looks expectantly from the spoon to her father. After a moment it sort of dawns on him what she wants. Hesitantly, he opens his mouth and swallows the medicine. While he tries to smile, San’s face immediately turns sour and he dramatically gags on the after taste. “UGHHH!” He groans making a gross face.
“No! I don’t want it! It will taste bad!” D/n cries. 
“Great job, Super-Dad.” You say sarcastically. San ignores you, still trying to wipe the taste from his mouth. “Baby, I promise you it doesn’t taste bad. Daddy is just a wimp.”
When you turn around to seek the singer’s help you find him on the phone and whispering to someone. “Hyung, what do I do? D/n won’t take the medicine. Apparently, Y/n’s been trying for hours and-” He freezes seeing you staring at him-brow raised in judgment. 
“Tell me you aren’t on the phone with Seonghwa.”
“I’m not on the phone with Seonghwa......” A moment of silence passes only filled by your child’s whines and cries. “Okay, fine. I’m on the phone with Seonghwa!”
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Mingi was panicking. You left seven hours ago. It took seven hours for everything to fall apart for the idol. While Mingi loved his job, it took away from him spending time with his two year old son. When your parents called, Mingi jumped at the chance to send you away for a weekend. He would get S/n time and you would get extra help planning for your wedding. 
This was not going at all how Mingi wanted. It was almost 1 AM and his son was crying loudly with a scalding fever. He rushed around the apartment trying to find the list of emergency numbers you had left him. His son was in resting on his hip secured by the rapper’s arm. “S/n...it’s okay. Shhhh.” He could do this. By calling you he would just be proving that he couldn’t take care of his son by himself and he was totally not going to let that happen. 
“Fuck, you’ve got a pair of lungs,” he cursed under his breath when the toddler screamed right in his ear. 
Mingi could not stop himself from physically cheering after finding the slip of paper. The smile all but comically fell when he saw that spaghetti sauce from the dinner he had made S/n was staining every inch of the sheet. 
Crushing the note in his fist he tossed it into the sink and just hoped it didn’t get stuck down the drain. “Okay, buddy. Time to go on an adventure.” Sitting his still crying child on the couch he grabbed a jacket from the closet and slipped his little arms through it. The toddler sniffled and looked at his father who tilted his head before returning to the closet. Mingi came back with two more coats and started stuffing his son into the puffy jackets. 
“That should be enough,” he stated, pulling the hoods over his son’s head and picking him up. The little boy sniffled and cried in his father’s arms all the way to the nearest convenience store. Mingi’s legs were sore from running and he was sure that S/n wasn’t comfortable either. 
White fluorescent lights shined all the way through the store’s windows and out onto the street. A happy chime alerted the half-asleep pharmacist behind the counter of the boys’ arrival. “Welcome, how can I help?” the woman greeted.
“I- uh.....my son....uh...” S/n turned around in Mingi’s arms rubbing his tired and tear-filled eyes. It was then he knew.....Mingi could not do this alone. “One second, sorry!” His long fingers pull his phone from his pocket and quickly dial your number. 
Your sleepy voice floats through the speaker automatically relieving the tension in his whole body. “Hi, baby, what’s up?”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry- S/n has a fever and I tried everything and there was spaghetti sauce and jackets and- and.......baby...please help.”
You giggled over the phone and asked your boyfriend to take a deep breath. Once he was calm and speaking in full sentences you asked, “Do you want me to come home?” 
“NO!” The pharmacist jumped at his volume and S/n almost started crying again. “Baby, just please tell me what to do!” 
After agreeing to stay you listed off several medications and tried not to laugh hearing the idol attempt to repeat them to the woman behind the counter. Mingi insisted you stay on the phone with him the whole way back to the apartment. 
S/n stopped sniffling and groaning when Mingi took off the boy’s three layers of coats and gave him the medicine. Both boys eventually fell asleep on the couch to you talking to them on speakerphone. 
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Your bodies lay draped over each other on the couch. Wooyoung lay under you, fingers threading through your hair as he watched the random drama that played on the tv. The volume was low so as not to wake your sleeping toddler in the other room, but instead of the show, you listened to your boyfriend’s steady heartbeat. 
It was late. Maybe one in the morning? Wooyoung had rehearsals tomorrow, but no way was he going to pass up time alone with you. After you put S/n to bed he immediately dragged you to the couch. “I need my Y/n recharge!” He whined, making you giggle. Now you were so happy listening to his heartbeat, threatening to fall asleep to the calming sound. 
“Are you still awake?” He whispered, brushing his cheek over the top of your head. The singer chuckled as the tiniest nod rubbed against his chest. His hands dropped down to your waist hugging you tightly. With his fingers removed from your scalp, you started to come back from the tempting fog of sleep. 
Your mother ears picked up on the sound of a door opening and you sat up like a meerkat making the man below you smile. Your superpower was correct and soon tiny feet padded into the living room dragging a teddy bear behind him. Both you and the singer sat up seeing tears on your son’s cheeks. 
“Daddy, my tummy hurts,” the two-year-old cried. 
Immediately Wooyoung reached up and pulled his shaggy hair away from his face, wrapping it with a tie on his wrist. You smiled watching him switch into full-on dad mode. Picking his son up under the arms, your boyfriend stood up and let S/n’s little limbs wrap around his body. Full dad mode Wooyoung was honestly the hottest thing you had ever seen and it shocked you every time. 
“It’s probably just an upset stomach but let’s take his temperature just to be sure.” Wooyoung nodded at your words and comforted your child as you searched for the thermometer. 
Coming back with the instrument in hand you grinned at the sight before you. You could only compare the feeling to watching those videos of otters holding hands. The thermometer passed hands and you watched him struggle to get your son to open his mouth.
When he finally succeeded a soft grin floated over his lips as he watched his son. Hearing the click of your phone camera brought him out of his happy trance. “You did not just take a photo of me,” Wooyoung whined, smile betraying the tone of his voice. 
“The boys have to know what a soft dad you are!” You joked, wiggling your phone at him.
Wooyoung laughed and maneuvered his son onto his hip. “If I was not holding our son- I would fucking tackle you.”
“Oh my god, he’s two what’s he gonna do?”
Rolling your eyes, you watch your boyfriend tease you and pull the thermometer from S/n’s mouth. Wooyoung tossed the instrument to you before walking over to the kitchen. Thankfully your little boy didn’t have a fever. 
The singer set s/n down on the counter and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of ginger ale only to be stopped by your hand. “What?” You shook your head and put the soda back in the fridge. “I drank ginger ale all the time for this when I was his age,” Wooyoung stated like he was the smartest man in the world. 
“Yeah well, doctor’s everywhere say ‘no’.” It was his turn to roll his eyes as you gave your son a natural fruit pop and water instead. “Show me your MD, babe.” You joked, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“Whatever,” Wooyoung said with a smile, kissing the top of your head before returning his focus to your son. 
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Jongho was already nasty being away from his daughter for too long. This was the first weekend-long shoot Ateez was doing since D/n was born. You wouldn’t classify Jongho as a ....’clingy’ dad....just one that needed a picture and video check-in of his little girl every two hours or he would have a mini-meltdown. 
His shoot was supposed to be two nights and three days. It was only ten o’clock on the second night when your daughter suddenly got a high fever. The little girl wouldn’t stop crying and in the few words she knew, she complained of bad stomach pain and a headache. Your boyfriend would obliterate you if you didn’t update him. Therefore promptly on the hour, you called Jongho despite the crying infant in the next room. 
“Hi, Y/n-,” His expert ears immediately picked up on the crying over the phone. “What’s wrong is she okay? Are you okay? Is everyone okay? Why is my baby crying?”
“D/n is sick-”
“Do I need to come home? I’m coming home. I can totally come home.” You heard Yeosang shout a ‘No, he can’t’ from somewhere over the phone. 
You sighed-rubbing your temples as a particularly shrill shriek pierced through the thin walls of your apartment. “She has a fever, and a pretty bad stomach ache. I think it’s possibly the flu. It might just be a stomach bug.”
Jongho was getting more worried by the second. He hated hearing his baby girl cry and not be able to do anything about it. They were at least three hours away and that was if he forced a taxi driver to run all the stoplights. “That’s it. Baby, I’m coming home.”
“No, Jongho, honey-” It was too late. He had already hung up. 
Jongho walked right off set (thankfully cameras hadn’t been rolling). The singer marched right up to the director with determination in his eyes. Yeosang, having heard the youngest’s conversation immediately told Hongjoong who gathered the Maknae Damage Control Crew. I.e: Yunho and Wooyoung. “I need to leave.” he stated. The director didn’t even look up from his binder, simply waving his hand. 
“Yeah- go to the trailer. We aren’t rolling for another ten minutes.”
“No. I need to go. As in I’m done. No more shooting of Choi Jongho.”
This got the older man’s attention. His brows raised at the idol’s sudden defiance. “Sorry, kid. Your contract says I own you for another twenty-eight hours. You aren’t going anywhere.”
He took a shaky breath, obviously suppressing his anger. Yunho uncertainly placed his hand on the younger’s shoulder only for it to be brushed off. “You don’t understand. My daughter is sick. I’m leaving.”
“NO?” Jongho was furious. Things escalated from zero to sixty very quickly. Wooyoung and Yunho were now holding back Jongho in hopes of keeping him from throttling the show director. The singer had an almost crazed look in his eye and was shouting about getting home to his D/n and something about breaking his head like an apple. 
Finally, Hongjoong stepped in. “Look just let him go home. We can finish the show with seven members. What’s the harm?” Thanks to the leader’s negotiating skills Jongho was soon racing back at light speed. At almost three am he burst through the door of your shared apartment only to be met with silence. 
He was very confused. His first thought was: “Oh no. D/n had a deadly contagious virus and both of them died almost instantaneously.” Frantically he pulled his mask back over his face and ran to the nursery. Surprisingly, he found his little girl fast asleep. Her face was calm and her forehead was no warmer to the touch than normal. 
Jongho next ventured into the bedroom, finding you passed out face first on his side of the bed. Smiling, he kicked off his shoes and took off his mask. “You had me worried for nothing.” He mumbled, collapsing onto the bed and pulling you into his arms. Not even the movement woke you up from your deep sleep. “Good job, mommy.” 
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gm--requests · 3 years
My Baby - Hard Daddy Dom! - Teo
g e n r e - s m u t. fluffy end
w a r n i n g s - hard dom teo, daddy kink, creampie, heavy degradation, spanking (ass & pwadussy), fingering, light praise, squirting, illusion to pre-existing relationship, soft ending, pet names (princess, baby, etc), dumbification, brief mention of gag usage, drooling/spit, crying, fucking on the floor the entire time, hair pulling   
o r i g i n a l  c o n t e n t - i did write this
w o r d s - 1,654
r e q u e s t s - closed
a / n - self indulgent. please know that this is not about infantilization and more about the dependency upon a dom. anyways this is written with a plus-size reader in mind. anyone, of course, can read it, and i highly encourage it because i worked hard on this piece, but there needs to be a common understanding that there will be no dramatic throwing of anyone through a wall or anything lmao. like the plus-size community is hella underrated and i hope that i do all my babies justice. also please leave feedback if you have any. also please do not engage in unprotected sex unless you are in a long term relationship with a trustworthy partner.  that being said please enjoy sex as much as you want with the use of aforementioned protection!
“Are you my baby?” Teo questions with a sly smile, his eyes dark and pupils blown with lust. His grip on your jaw pushing the bunched up fabric of your gag, into the sides of your cheeks. You wouldn’t be surprised if they were forming small bruises. 
You look up at him with glossy eyes, your chin covered in your spit. You sniffle and stare at him with pleading eyes. He shakes your head a bit, “Anybody in there?” His voice condescending, “C’mon princess, Daddy asked you a question. Are. you. my. baby?” 
A small, pitiful whine leaves your mouth and he tsks, “Haven’t I broken you enough for you to behave? I thought you were supposed to be my good little girl.” 
“Yessir,” you slur in a hoarse whisper that is muffled against the gag. The thought of him genuinely being disappointed and thinking you were a bad girl, pushing you to speak, “I’m Daddy’s baby.” 
He removes his hand from your face and flashes his bright smile at you, but it doesn’t quite meet the corner of his eyes, “Oh, so you are Daddy’s baby, huh? My good little girl? That means I don’t have to punish you anymore, right?” 
You nod frantically, shifting on your sore knees. The speed of your answer makes him chuckle, but the soft sentiment is cut short. His chuckles stop as his hand curls into the hair at the nape of your neck, yanking your head back. A yelp loud enough to reverberate against the fabric in your mouth, leaves you as the pain sets in and spreads. 
“Even if you are my sweet and well-behaved baby, I’m going to fuck you like the whore I know you are. Try and keep it down, alright?”
Your eyes well up with tears again as he moves behind you and unties the gag, only to immediately shove your head down against the cool faux wood of the floor. As your soft cheek smooshes against the cool ground, he watches gentle sobs wrack your body, making his voice soften. 
“Colour?” he questions, the grip he has on your hair loosening.
“G-green.” You whimper. 
“Are you sure, baby?” His tone slightly worried.
“P-please!” You cry out and his smile returns, his hands coming to grab at the fat of your ass. 
“You really are such a pretty little slut for me, huh?” He hisses out through gritted teeth as his hand comes down hard across your ass. The action makes you scream out, body lurching forward at the force. Without giving you time to recover his hand is coming down again and again. After the first couple of hits, Teo digs his fingers into the flesh of your ass, spreading your cheeks apart to get a better look at your pussy. He watches with a smirk tugging at his lips as your dripping hole flutters around nothing. 
When he spits thickly on to your slit, you almost grimace at the lewdness of it. The spit cools and makes your entire body twitch a bit.  He doesn’t give you too much time to think about it as he shoves two fingers in your painfully empty cunt. 
Instantly your legs begin to shake, the much needed pleasure making your sobs louder. Teo laughs behind you, but it's lost its condescending twinge, "Does that feel good baby? Is this what you needed?" 
You nod awkwardly, weakly, your face still pressed into the floor, "Please Daddy, m-more, please, please, pl-" 
He stops your miserly pleas with the addition of a third finger and a hard yank of your hair, forcing your head up from the floor, "Don't push your luck, baby." 
All you can do is continue to cry out, doing your best to push against his fingers, hoping to get them to reach the parts of you that only his cock can. However, he doesn't let you do this for long. 
"You're misbehaving," he hisses, removing his fingers and slapping at your pussy, the sting sharp. Your face is once again smooshed into the ground as his hand connects again, this time the force being applied to your clit. Your entire body jumps forwards at the feeling, drool pooling beneath your open mouth onto the floor. 
"Are you going to apologize for that or are you just going to act like a whore? I mean who enjoys being treated like this? You're supposed to be my good baby, when did I make you such a needy bitch, hmm?"
You can barely think straight, his words managing to hurt your feelings while also turning you on more. Teo laughs dryly at the incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth. 
"I suppose," he speaks as he works to remove his boxers and press his tip against your entrance, "Daddy'll just be forced to fuck some sense into you." 
He makes good on his statement, pushing his full length into you harshly. Your lips part in a silent scream, his low groan almost echoing in the quiet. 
"S-shit," he huffs as he sets his brutal pace. Your hands balled into fists on either side of your head as he fucks into you like an animal. Your moans coming out as broken cries as he fills you over and over again. His large hands dig into your soft hips as he holds them up, "C’mon baby, what happened to all the pathetic pining you were doing earlier." It isn't really a question, but you try and answer anyway.
"Hhh I, I-" you do your best but your first orgasm is building too fast and your thoughts are too scattered for you to grasp onto anything cognitive. 
Teo folds his muscular body over your soft one, one hand still holding your hip, the other reaching around you so he can press his fingers to your sensitive bundle of nerves. The second he applies any pressure you wail in pleasure, your eyes roll back, as his ministrations quickly become too much to handle. His fingers circle your clit maybe four times before you feel your body seizing. Teo sucks air sharply between his teeth as you clamp down around him. He fucks you through the first orgasm and when you start to pull away he just laughs bringing his hand from its previous actions to grip your hips once again. He fucks you with so much force you swear you can feel him in your stomach. 
As you beg him to stop, he scoffs, "Isn't this what you wanted? To be used and fucked like this? Take it then, yeah?" 
Fresh tears stream down your face as he forces your hips back to meet each of his thrusts. Drool smears across your face and the floor as he humps into you. The overstimulation and feeling of him so deep are starting to bring pain. The soreness mixing with the blinding amounts of pleasure is starting to cause the pressure in your lower abdomen to return. Teo doesn't miss a beat. 
"Again? Already? I didn't know my sweet little baby would love being taken forcefully this much." His voice a bit strained, but his pace never breaking. His grip turning harder, your skin stinging underneath each finger, "You look so pretty and pathetic crying and drooling all over yourself like this baby. Daddy making ya feel good? Gonna cum for me again? C’mon baby, wanna feel it one more time, then I'll fill you up real good okay?" 
"Please D-daddy," you hiccup, "I- I'm gonna-" is your only warning before you begin squirting around him. Teo pulls out and brings his hand to your clit again, his dick twitching as you messily cover him in your release. 
His voice his low as he whispers into your ear, "What a good fucking girl, making such a mess for Daddy. You make me so proud baby."
Your body twitches in the aftershocks, but you manage to hum at him happily.
"Do you want Daddy to cum in you or do you wanna be cleaned up, princess?" 
"I-in me, please," you mewl, eyes pleading and voice small. 
A soft, genuine smile falls across his lips, "Alright baby, I'll be really gentle okay?"
Teo sits on the hardwood floor, back up against the foot of the bed, and watches as you meekly crawl towards him. He helps you straddle him, your plush thighs pushing into either side of him, as he slowly helps you slide down his length. 
"You just sit here pretty girl, Daddy'll do all the work, m'kay?"
You nod and wrap your arms loosely around his shoulders, burying your head into the crook of his neck and he slowly fucks into you. His arms flexing as he guides your soft and pliant body up and down his length. He makes sure you hear each of his moans, quiet and just for you. 
"M-my precious baby. You did so good for me and now you're letting me fuck you like this." He chokes out over the pleasure. Your soft whimpers helping to bring him closer and closer to his end. "I never wanna stop fucking you. You just feel so good. I'm g-gonna cum soon. F-ffuck princess, feel so good." 
His words and the feeling of him in this more intimate way make it hard for you not to clench and flutter around him, even if your spent state. 
"Hah- hhhuh- fuck I'm- fuck baby," is all he manages before his languid thrusts stop, his hips pressed fully against you, as he empties inside of you. His arms wrapping around your squishy body, as he holds you tightly to him. His mouth leaves breathy, wet kisses on your shoulders and neck. 
"Thank you princess," he mumbles as he holds you, "Are you feeling okay? Was that what you wanted?" 
"Mhm," you sniffle, "thank you Daddy." 
You can feel him smile, "of course, anything for my baby. Now," he preens, "let's go get you cleaned up."
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