#mbav theories
s3when · 7 months
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this was supposed to be finished by valentines hahaha dont look at me
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i-crav3-blo0d · 2 months
The significance of Dusk in the mbav universe to Sarah:
She was obsessed with it as a human and then pushed her best friend who was also obsessed with it when she was first bitten and over the series her coming back into the fandom signifies her acceptance of the fact she has been changed. Mid s2 she dresses up as Rochelle which is the final time it's mentioned and is her fully accepting she is a vampire and being okay with it. Her friend who is obsessed with is doesn't get turned at the start of the movie but at the catalyst. And she uses the fandom to help the main protagonist because unlike Sarah Erica still adores it and her becoming a vampire cements that love for it. However as the show progresses it becomes more of a side interest showing that she was at first enamored with the idea of vampirism but she is slowly realizing it's not all amazing. But she still actively engages with it the whole time which shows her complete acceptance of her new identity. She even uses it to boost herself and she meets the main actor which is the episode in which the vampire council is introduced which shows her expands from acceptance to engagement. And in the episode welcome back Dusker, which is Sarah's episode where she gets back into the fandom and shows her acceptance, the show is main theme not just for Sarah but for Erica too, and shows their friendship growing through their mutual love of both the films and the acceptance of their new identies. And because before she was a vampire she was the head of the fan club and we see this almost obsession at the start of the movie it highlights the difference between Erica and Sarah but their unity too.
This is just my theories not canon
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MBAV Villain Posters
This one's a bit more animated— I got excited with the negatives & the lighting.
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 months
Ethan rolling his eyes at benny is everything, I wish we got more of that
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regaliasonata · 2 months
Some lore theories about seers I made that I wanted to share @arrowheadedbitch
Well a little bit cause this goes into my S3 fic on ao3 and I don’t want to spoilers anything fully but this goes into a few ideas I had with Ethan overall.
So we all got glimpses of his other abilities or the further extent to his seer like powers, for instance in the finale we know he was developing telekinesis and could also handle the lucifractor without being corrupted by it like Benny or being drained from its influence like Evelyn. Heck some even theorize that he can’t be put into mind control by Erica due to his powers.
But what exactly were the developing onward? What could’ve been Ethan’s path if the show wasn’t canceled?
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So there’s this thing called the Blue Flame, a power that seers eventually grow throughout their lives if they’ve practiced their powers with visions over time. The idea came from the background of blue fire being associated with inner wisdom and consciousness, say like an enlightenment with the soul of sorts where they can allow the embers to further their visionary talents and view beyond visions…seeing through the spirit, plus fire has always been associated with guides and oracles so I’d just see it something that ties in well with him.
More on this is that basically Ethan’s power grew due to the fire starting to spark within his being, say the telekinesis and stronger willpower in bypassing evil influences like the lucifractor. The flames themselves not only help him have visions on command and read into people but also they can purge dark forces like ghosts.
There are actually a few levels of the blue flame that a seer can go through to fully master it, I can’t go into full detail cause again spoilers but let’s just say if Ethan develops the ability fully then he’ll be a powerhouse. Some seers end up losing their visions if they fail or if the flames go out but due to theories on the Morgan lineage with magic I’d say Ethan technically has a heightened chance with fleshing out his powers(I’ll have to invest age more on family history and seers as well)
As for origins I have some specifics on where this and seers came from but that’s still a bit of development(noticed your post about Apollo being connected possibly to Ethan and you got me thinking a little so who knows👀🔥)
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I got stuff planned for the other characters as well if you ever want to hear about that 👌🏾 but just wanted to share stuff I had with Ethan I had in mind, also enjoy a snippet of design I made for Ethan in the fic 😭
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
reader has had a crush on Rory since they were kids when they kissed (for practice ofc) but rory just has eyes for Erica and it breaks reader's heart but is still supportive cause as long as rory is happy so are they and SOMETHING happens which means reader is slowly dying and rory doesn't realizes his feeling until it's too late and reader dies in his arms.....
holy shit Alex you are evil. when I said angsty mbav I didn't realize you took that personally 😭🙏 /lh /pos
RORY KEANER ; you don't know what you have until you lose it
summary ; you like rory, but he doesn't reciprocate
warnings ; language, death, talk of throwing up, influenced by some music bc I was listening to sleep token LMAO
track ; take me back to eden ; sleep token
word count ; 1.5k
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The only good thing about living in Ontario, Canada, was your friend group, the Supernatural Squad. Although you were just the comedic relief, you were the most reasonable and level-headed. You were still a staple to the group. You weren't very supernatural, however. Just an ordinary human who happened to be friends with a bunch of vampires, a witch/wizard, Benny couldn't decide on a damn label, and a seer.
You and Rory and Benny and Ethan were the two duos of the group that'd been together the longest. Benny and Ethan met in middle school, and you and Rory met in 4th or 5th grade when he moved to White Chapel. Sarah and Erica met in their freshman year, having been bonded over the lack of friends and their good grades in English and history classes.
You and Rory were a different kind of close. In every universe, you knew you'd met each other, one way or another. He was the funny, dim-witted vampire who was still a geek even through his transformation into puberty and vampirism. You, on the other hand, remain the second half of his comedy troupe, the smart and level-headed companion he needed to keep him mentally stable through all these new, weird things he was going through. He'd forever be 15 while you grew older, something you weren't too worried about right now.
You remembered like it was yesterday when you shared a first kiss for "practice." It was practice, really, Rory wanted to know how to kiss before he tried asking Erica out. However, for you, that was the problem. You didn't want it to be practice for him to be able to woo over Erica.
There was no doubt that Erica, the tall, blonde, vampire, was hot. Hell, if you weren't already head over heels for the younger blonde, you'd totally date her. But, that was the whole thing, he had googly eyes for Erica and you just solemnly looked at him with love stuck in yours like a curse.
But, of course, Rory hadn't learned about the phrase "you don't know what you have until you lose it." He wasn't expecting to lose you, nor was he aware that he even had you wrapped around his finger.
During the final fight with Vice Principal Stern, you'd gotten hurt, and hid it from your friends ; you saved White Chapel for good, ridding the town of evil. You didn't want to sour the mood about a wound that would heal itself, and you didn't want your friends worrying about something so small that'd disappear in time.
Stern hit you with a purplish magenta light-beam from his staff, leaving a very painful, burn-looking wound on your side. Over time, it didn't heal like you hoped it would, if anything it only looked worse, like your skin was decaying.
You had it wrapped up nearly 24/7 to prevent infection, the grey-ish skin was pruney and nasty looking from the amount of moisture. You'd only been living through the pain thanks to a lot of Tylenol, which you probably took a little bit too much of sometimes on accident. The center of the wound was a weird purple color, like a bruise, and it branched off like veins almost. It ran down your hip and up your torso, a grey color, acting as if you were a rotting corpse or something.
The theory was that it'd heal over time or completely disappear after a way since Stern was gone. But obviously, those were both incorrect.
You touch the wound, feeling a sharp pain radiate through the area as you pull your fingers away with a grimace. Your next idea was to ask Benny for a potion or something to help it go away. I mean, he had to have had some wound-dissolving spell or potion laying around somewhere, he was a witch for Christ's sake. It shouldn't be too hard to just ask for one.
That was easier said than done, however. He and Ethan wanted to know what it was for before he made it, and they wouldn't stop pressing after you said it was nothing. They eventually figured you out though, having been the first to notice and point out the veins spreading up to your collarbone and shoulders while you were all hanging out at Ethan's after school.
You kept telling them you were just tired and you had a cold, etcetera etcetera, the past few months, but after a while, they started to wonder why you were only looking worse. Then they persuaded you to just show them so they could help. You complied, showing them the wound you acquired from the final battle with Vice Principal Stern.
Ethan is the first to speak, quickly questioning you, "Dude, when and where did you get that?"
"Fighting Stern a couple of months ago." You shrug nonchalantly as you try your best to force your eyes open to stay awake, "Look, I just need something to make this heal or disappear, okay?"
Benny and Ethan share a worried look, barely able to look at your wound without cringing in disgust and the pain they felt for you.
⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。° ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。° ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
Within another agonizing week, Sarah, Erica, and of course, Rory, had found out as well. So much for secrets.
All that week, no amount of drugs or spells or potions could help your condition whatsoever. You would frequently throw up and would have to skip class to go to the nurses office or sit in the bathroom while your stomach twisted and turned inside of you. Rory tried helping you as much as he could, carrying your things and flying you straight home after school, but it didn't help much, neither did the magical help from Benny and his grandma, it was like you were immune to it at this point.
You lay in bed on your side, a trashcan accompanying you for any biohazards. The veins now climbed up your neck, your shoulders, and down your legs, your eyes were made heavy by suitcase sides bags under your eyes, it felt like your eyes were swollen, yet they weren't. Rory sits beside you, one hand rubbing your shoulder as you mindlessly babble on, his other hand holding an ice pack to your forehead as you experience heat flashes.
The four other teens stand outside your closed bedroom door, trying to think of any ways to help you. They wanted to convince your parents to take you to the doctors, but how would you explain the massive wound on your side. And how would you explain that you were now a walking corpse acting like a shitty father after a trip to the bar?
"Y'know, Rory, I've always liked you, like, like-liked you" You giggle, ruffling his hair. "You're adorable"
Rory lightly smiles, not taking your words to heart.
"Really, please listen to me, R" You quickly place your hands on his cheeks, cupping his face, "I like you. And I know you don't like me back and shit, you like Erica and you're constantly talking about it, but I want it off my chest before this stupid thing probably kills me or starves me out of my body"
The blonde boy blinks a few times, and wraps you in a hug. "I'm sorry" He mumbles, remembering the fact you were definitely on your last limb here, "You're the best, most awesome friend I could ever ask for, so you're not gonna die! Wait- could I turn you into a vampire and save you? Would that work?"
You shrug, not wanting to get too excited, I mean, the others probably already thought of that and imagined a bad outcome.
The four walk back in to see you resting your head on Rory's lap, probably sleeping as he speaks up, his speech moving a million miles an hour.
"What if we turn them into a vampire? Would that work? I mean, they'd become immortal, right?"
The four look to each other and shrug, positivity shining through their worried expressions.
"Did they say they wanted to try it?" Sarah asks, "It's a big devotion... I mean, this is literally life changing, maybe for the better"
Rory nodded, "They said to ask you"
Sarah nods down, looking at you, "Ask them, I'll be downstairs, I'm gonna make them some tea" She lightly smiles, dragging Erica along with her.
Rory shakes your shoulder with no response, your cheeks pale as the veins quickly crawl up your face. He gets a little more aggressive with it, calling your name, the fear showing in his voice.
"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!"
Ethan stands frozen, seeing your entire face begin to be engulfed by the weird infection. Benny begins shouting for Sarah and Erica, sprinting down the stairs as quickly as possible. The blonde turns you face up, seeing blood trail out from your nose.
You were totally limp in his arms, a sense of calmness painting your face instead of the now usual pained and tired look. You seemed peaceful laying there while your whole body is painted in a spider web like pattern.
"Y/n/n, please, wake up! I can help you!"
No response, your chest wasn't even slowly rising or falling anymore, you were just a limp, heavy body laying on him.
Tears prick at the blonde's eyes as he stares at your relaxed features, wishing that just maybe he'd thought a little sooner.
Maybe if he just thought of that a little sooner, then you'd be okay.
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rory2geeked · 3 months
making up lore for mbav because im bored😈🙏
- ethan’s seer powers come from his grandmother on his mom’s side (lets bfr his mom gives off that kinda vibe) and it skips a generation that’s why his mom & jane didn’t have the seer powers + his dad is just completely unaware to everything😥😥
- i feel like his mom doesn’t know anything about the seer stuff either
- benny’s grandma & ethan’s grandma were also silly supernatural evil fighting besties ?????? 😈
- it would be kind of a parallel to benny and ethans friendship too🤔🤔
- rorys parents are divorced👍 100%. BECAUSE WHY WASNT HIS DAD AT THE MUSEATRONICS TALENT SHOW😥😥 uuhhhh🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- this part isnt actually a theory, but a confirmed fact from a writer on the show— AFTER THE FINAL EPISODES, they were supposed to be transported to like europe back in time like with da vampires n stuff for a silly little adventure👍👍
- my made-up lore for that is that sarah would like find a cure in old timey europe but it would be like a long ass adventure to get the cure
- erica and rory find a way to go to old timey europe to save their friends😋😋
- also rory pulls a bunch of old timey europe chicks🤔🤔 i would mess with that plot like heavy like he starts dating some european girl and when she finds out hes a vampire the fang gang has to save rory from being burned at the stake😭😭 I CAN LITERALLY IMAGINE THAT PLOT IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY
- “guys?? why are you tying me to a wooden pole?? uhh… what are you doing with that— FIRE!!!!!!” cue loud girly rory scream
- serica moments for days!!!!!!!!
- benny almost dies ???
- a lot of fun shenanigans
- okay thats all 😈😈🙏
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samtallchester · 7 months
What fandoms beside star wars [bethan] I believe the MBAV crew would enjoy:
Ethan: Big Bang Theory, Supernatural
Benny: Star Trek, Indiana Jones
Erica: Gilmore girls, Hunger Games
Sarah: Riverdale, The Crown
Rory: Pretty Little Liars, The Walking Dead
I imagine at some point they all got each other to watch a bit of everything so they know references from each of them.
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bettyweir · 1 year
listen my honest to god theory for mbav s3 is benny having a serious villian arc. he was becoming so corrupt with power
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cubile-animussy · 1 year
one unanswered mbav question that eats me alive is what the FUCK does the episode title Jilly Putty mean. like I know it comes from Silly Putty and that's likely why they had to change the name to Double Negative since Silly Putty is trademarked by Crayola (same with Jessie's Girl/ReVamped), but what does that have to do with evil clones. Also the switching out of the "S" for "J"...for some reason I always assumed when I was younger that Hannah's name was Jill which is why it was called "Jilly Putty" as a pun. but then I rewatched the episode recently and it was evident that my younger self did NOT pay attention. But if we're gonna run with the Jill thing (because I have no other theories), the only thing i could find that it could possibly be a reference to is Resident Evil...Jill Valentine is one of the playable characters from the original 1996 game. In one of the later installments of the game, a character named Jane Valentine is revealed to be a perfect clone of Jill. Given that the mbav writers love their video game, sci-fi, and horror references, I would say this isn't an unlikely theory but I've never seen anything confirming it or even discussing the episode title.
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poemega · 1 year
Thought it was about time that I made a pinned intro post
Hey, Hi, and Howdy. I’m Poseidon (he/they). Welcome.
🌊 This blog is multi fandom, the big ones are Ted Lasso, Lab Rats, MBAV, Top Gun, WWDITS, Good Omens, OFMD, MTG, PJO, Righteous Gemstones, wolfblood, different bands, etc
🌊 I’m a marine biology and classics double major so sometimes I talk about that. I also show horses so there is the occasional horse post.
🌊 I’m a professional mermaid and I am working on designing my own tails
🌊 My dms are pretty much always open. I love talking about fan theories and whatever.
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plutoriin · 2 years
what do you think happened to Benny’s parents because one thing I’ve always wondered about mbav is what Benny’s backstory was also I take offense to other people saying that they don’t like him cause they think he’s dumb and stupid and not smart but I think he’s smart in a different way but what do you think?
had this theory when i first started writing MAGE, but i always imagined benny's mom just left his dad in the dust. in the MAGE universe at least, benny's mother was an absolute piece of garbage and left benny's dad (evelyn's son) out of spite. benny never understood why and his dad didn't wanna tell him.
reason why we never see his dad is because he lives in the town over trying to find a wife that could be the love of his life, as well as become an appropriate maternal figure for benny.
(just in my universe btw)
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spritey100 · 2 years
Members of tumblr, what is your season three like?
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MBAV inconsistencies
Hello here I am to point out a few inconsistencies in mbav, not that it matters that much but I just wanna call them out and expose them lmao
here we go folks, in order (more or less)
Three Cheers For Evil
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Remember when Grandma Weir said she was a cheerleader when she was young, and she shows this picture in her yearbook ? Well, her name’s not in here. We clearly see 6 girls, and even though the only 5 names written aren’t that readable (thanks youtube quality), it clearly isn’t written “Evelyn Weir” anywhere. 
Doug, the Vampire Hunter
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So, the calendar says it’s september, right ? It is the tenth episode of season one, so how the hell can they be in september ? We know season one is basically sort of start to end of their freshmen year, and we’re almost at the end of the season. (There’s also another calendar in their kitchen that says september too).
In that episode, Jesse is teasing Sarah because she is studying for exams. He says something about finals and Sarah corrects him, saying it’s “mid-terms”. Let’s remember that it is the day before prom, which is at the end of the school year. And as I said before, it is the last episode of the season, so the end of the school years. So, why not finals ?
Okay so, they are having a halloween party. Halloween is in october. I know, the end of season 2 is not really at the end of the school year, but I mean it’s the eleventh episode of the season, you’re not going to tell me the first ten episodes all happen in september ? So, what happened ? Did they pass into junior year off-screen ? Or what ?
The Movie
Okay you probably already know that one, but-
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Rory is already a vampire at that time, so how does he shows on camera ? (Also, why does it says “video chat” when we know it’s a recorded video ?)
Other things
Okay so not really inconsistencies this time, but in Friday Night Frights, Ethan and Benny read an article about the sport coach who died. But the whole article is written in latin, and I even tried to translate it, it doesn’t mean anything (well, a few words here and there have meanings, but not the whole things).
But also, in Blood Drive, they read an article about the two vampire nurses, and this time it’s in english and it really makes sense, like a real article. The fun thing is that one of the nurse is called “Annie” in the article (we hear her name in the episode), but the other is just named “Older Nurse”. (They’re also call  the “hemoglobetrottins and I find that fun).
There’s also one last article in Die, Pod, but it’s just a normal article, in english.
That’s all I found for now ! There’s obviously more and I’ll probably edit this post with it, but for now that’s it 
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regaliasonata · 6 months
You were talking about Ethan from My Babysitter is a Vampire being a seer and the only thing I could think was 'Ethan from Power Rangers Dino Thunder would 100% be like WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT wait can I figure out how to punk people? okay THIS ROCKS' and immediately try to screw Conner over constantly.
You know Supernatural came out in 2004 and I’m unsure when Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood came out but all those together added with MBAV would’ve had Ethan thinking of the worst ways to mess with Conner.
Though in all honesty he’s probably be on all their forums thinking of the craziest theories.
Ngl Ethan(DT) as a seer added with his tech is kind of a double edged sword, both thinking about the future and probably having an existential crisis.
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cancerian-woman · 3 years
sarah & jesse are a pg13 klonnie in a way.
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