#behavioral psychologist
sillycourtjester · 1 month
I want to be so many things at once like i want to be a historian and an author and an artist and a poet and a journalist and an activist and a psychologist and instead i'm in the fucking american public high school system
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syrahealth · 2 years
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mjfass · 8 months
I need to go to a psychologist who likes wrestling so they can tell me what my favorite wrestlers say about me.
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ace-and-ranty · 2 months
Finishing up the 3 Body Problem and my thoughts here are: this bunch of physicists could have REALLY used ONE (1) humanities specialist in their midst.
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kurosystem · 10 months
TW: sh topic
Sometimes I have appointments with a psychologist I don't really like (cuz I went to the hospital so it's an obligation) and when I refuse to return to the hospital she says things like "so you will continue to cvt yourself" as if it was the worse thing that ever happened.
When this happen I'm always like "why is it bad?" if I never started, it would be a good thing to prevent me from doing it but it's been almost two years actually and every part of my body is covered in scars that will never go away so at this point it can't be worse yk...
Also there is a lot of things I need to be separated from (like alcohool) but she is focused on sh, even if it isn't dangerous for my life :'). I will never understand psychologists bruh.
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clowngore · 1 month
the idea that narcissists can't be self aware is laughable. you think I don't know ME? ME? the most important person in the whole world? you think i don't think about myself all of the time?
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vajitus · 10 months
Geçmiş hayatımızda özellikle çocukluk döneminde yaşadığımız travmalara yönelik farkındalık kazandıracak ve özellikle geçmişimiz ile barışıp elimizde olmayan sebebleri elimizde tutmayı bırakmak adına şöyle bir açıklama yapmak istiyorum:
Hayatimizdaki donemleri 5 10 yillik donemler olarak ayirabiliriz ve bu donemler bizim fanus icindeki yasam alanlari gibidir. Senin cocuklugun ilk 10 senelik zamandaki olusturdugun fanusun icinde orda yasadiklarin o fanusun icinde kaldi. O fanusun icindeki yasadiklarin o kadar buyudu gelisti ki oraya sigamaz oldun ve daha buyuk fanusa gecip gelisimini surdurdun. Ordaki yasadigin her olay iyi kotu olsun gelisimine katki sagladi. Simdi daha buyuk fanustan kucuk fanustaki kucuk kendine bakinca onun yasadiklarini goruyorsun. O yasadiklarinin hepsini gozlemleyebiliyorsun o kucuk fabustaki kucuk sen o zamanlar onlari goremiyordu cunku bu zamandaki gelisimindeki kendini gormesi icin gelisim asamasindaydi da o yuzden. O olanlari simdi gozlemlediginde ne kadar kotu olaylar yasadigini gorup uzuluyorsun yardim etmek istiyorsun o kucuk haline. Fanusa girip onu kurtarmak istiyorsun. Haketmedigi seyleri yasamasina katlanamiyorsun. Ancak o fanusa giremezsin. Artik cok daha buyuksundur. Ve o kucuk fanus disaridaki fanusu ve seni goremiyor. Orda sesini cikartiyorsun ama sesin ona gitmiyor. O kucuklugune yardim edemiyorsun ve bu durum seni uzebilir. Bu durumda sunu dusunmen lazim aslinda ben bunlari yasamak zorunda kalmam gerekiyormus. Bunlari yasadim ki su sn daha gucluyum. belki de ben bunlari yasamasam hala o kucuk fanusta kalacaktim. Bu durumlari kabullenip gelisimine yol guzergahina bakman gerekir. O yuzden bu zamandski fanustaki sana ilerisi icin mektup yazip bu zamanlar yasadiklarin degerli sen degerlisin demelisin cunku yakin zaman da 3. Fanusa da gececeksin ve arkanda biraktigin 2 fanustaki sana da ulasamayacaksin. Degerinin farkina varip bunu ona aktarmalisin. O zaman iste 3. Fanusa gecince artik gecmisinle baristigini goreceksin ve ilerisine bakacaksin.
Yol ve surec her zaman devamliligi olan bir kavramdir. Taoizmdeki yol gibidir. Bu yolda durup beklemek ya da ilerisi icin adim atmak tamamen size ve bize kalmis konulardir. Adim atacak misin yoksa arkana bakmaya devam mi edeceksin? Karar senin...
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riotgrrrlhole · 1 year
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raspberryjellybrains · 6 months
do I realize it's not wholly accurate nor reasonable to assign human psychology to inhuman beings who, as such, lack a human psyche? yes. however, it's my party, dance if I want to, we can get crazy let it all out.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 7 months
I honestly have such a good sense of self control because there are times I really really wanna play omori but I can't record so I have to wait until I can and yet I almost can't control myself when I'm at the mall and I see 20% off signs (black friday will destroy me)
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nodudeshutup · 5 months
seriously why do regular people want you to make eye contact so bad?? does it feel pleasant to them? someone looks me in the eyes and I feel like im frozen in the woods, staring down a bear
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stellasolaris · 1 year
sometimes i forget that not many people are familiar with adlerian psychology and therefore do not seem to fully (or at all) understand what 'superiority complex' truly means. nothing wrong with not knowing, of course, but it is a bit frustrating when terms like that get thrown around in the media in the most reductive way possible.
anyway. anyone up for a nerdy fun riven meta?
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tansypansydandy · 2 years
u ever look at an autism post as an audher n be like "well shit that doesnt apply to me fuck what if im not autistic" bc same
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jvzebel-x · 6 months
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#hmmm. was just looking at the results of my bloodtest from earlier this week and im all normal apparently#so my thyroid isnt fucked and the hypomanic episodes r in fact just coming from my brain as expected#and the doctor did slap me with a bipolar II diagnosis. which is still find dubious. but also he would have to i guess in order to#prescribe me an antipsychotic but like. sounds like a thing that would increase my insurance rates lol#whatever. i just find the idea of me being bipolar to be so wild. i mean like yes. i guess technically if u look at the word bipolar#unipolar would b a depressed and normal mood range. and bipolar would b depressed and elevated mood#and yes ive spent a lot of my life being rather depressed. sometimes treding near the point of not being able to function#but like usually its not that bad and im so anxious i cant just not function. the ocd keeps me afloat lmao#and yes i have these infrequent little peaks of high energy and even more infrequent instances of elevated mood#so i guess yes that does count as a bipolar mood profile. but is the underlying cause bipolar disorder or is it that i make myself so#miserable with my compulsive behavior that it sends me into spirals of depression or overheats my brain into fits of hypomania#i suppose it doesnt really matter if the presentation is still on thr spectrum#idk i guess i just find it annoying not to fit cleanly into a box. im more a: the spectrum of human experience type person#i guess its better to struggle a lil bit with a number of things than b all consumed by one single thing#i mean. im a lil all consumed by the compulsive behavior. but again its not exactly thr classic presentation of ocd. which i find#frustrating bc i like to characterize and understand things. ugh#well see what the psychologist has to say when i show her my insane mood tracking figures#lol last time she told me to track my anxiety but not make a chart abt it. and i was like god dammit shes onto me#listen. i do research. i like data 🙄#unrelated#also the docor i saw was like yea its joy normal to get 3hrs of sleep and not b tired#how abt a week of 5-6hrs of sleep and not being tired??? how bout that?#also not good fyi. i csn feel my brain fraying#me: shut up im normal. also me not sleeping and getting increasingly unhinged#ive got 1tachi levek eye bags 😭#also i kno its a thing they have to ask but everytime i start describing how i would charactize my intrusive thoughts doctors go:#hm. do u even hear voices telling u do do these thing? and its like no theyre my thoughts but also they feel like they come from outside#of my body. which when i say it sounds crazy but like idk how else to say it. its like theyre projected into my head but i kno it comes#from me. ya kno?
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moodr1ng · 9 months
tbf i did JUST start cbt (therapy kind.) so maybe i should save my money for the 60e/session i need to be spending twice a month now... 😔
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