#being in God&039;s will
dmmwrites · 1 year
To Plan or Not to Plan? Tell me - Are you a planner?
I talk about this a lot in my book 6 Days with Matthew 6*. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow can worry about itself. There’s already enough evil in every day.” FBVAnd in Proverbs 19:21 it says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”I know that God has every moment of my life planned before time…
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mynzah · 5 months
Book of Enoch...Otherworldly...Self Realization...
And I saw chariots in the heaven, running in the world, above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set. And one is larger than all the rest and it is that that makes its course through the entire world… ~ Enoch (Book of Enoch, Book 4 – Kingdom of Heaven – Ch. 2 — The Luminaries of Heaven…verse…
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georgiasedify · 2 days
Georgia's Edify word of the day
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craven cowardly contemptibly timid The craven captain abandoned ship, leaving his crew behind in the storm. The craven employee blamed his mistakes on others instead of owning up to them. contemptibly lacking in courage When someone is unhealed, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, it can affect their courage and confidence. The term “craven” means lacking courage or being…
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a-godman · 5 days
In the Compound Spirit we have the Mingling of God and Man and the Death of Christ
In the compound Spirit, there’s the mingling of God and man, of divinity and humanity, and also the death of Christ and His sufferings, all of which can be applied to us in our spirit as we contact the Lord today. The Spirit is very crucial for us in our Christian life. So many Christians today love the Lord, read His word, regularly attend the meetings, and pray, but they do not know that Christ…
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tom4jc · 15 days
September 9, 2024 Verse Of The Day
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slowtumbling · 3 months
Forever Family
A Sermon on Being Adopted By God (Note: Sermons can be heard in audio format at https://millersburgmennonite.org/worship/sermon-audio/) June 16, 2024 Scriptures: Mathew 12:46-50, Ephesians 1:3-8a Introduction: My dad was touched when I gave him the notebook. Dad is a note writer and over the years he had given me various notes on slips of paper or in envelopes with encouraging words or…
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daylerogers · 5 months
That's The Story And I'm Stickin' To It
When you gather a troupe of young people creating a production with drama, humor, singing, and dancing, you’re transported to another time, another era with a significant amount of fun and frivolity. Isley has been passionate about theater for the past seven years, beginning when she was in first grade acting in the production of “Winnie the Pooh”. As a proud Nana, I was impressed that she could…
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mkaneshige · 6 months
Mark's Musings #47
Within every obstacle in life we encounter, there is an opportunity for success to be had.
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melvingaines · 8 months
A Sweet Sound
A message for Akron Alliance Fellowship Church, Akron OH, Sunday, February 4, 2024. This message is dedicated to my mother, Ernestine Gaines (1940-2024) and to her caregiver for many years, Gloria Daniels. Please accept my sincere thanks to all of you in expressing condolences to me and my lovely bride on the passing of my mother.  I’ve had some time to reflect on her life and on the things…
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To call her a shark is unfair, It doesn’t tell why I was there… Deliberately knowing Where I was going And did I care? – Walking like a lamb to the slaughter In Proverbs—so glad I faltered—* Faltered and ran Away from it, man Away from a devil’s altar! – She wasn’t the shark, ’twas I, With righteousness about to die… Turning my mind Back to God’s kind Of thought keeps me sound in…
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annm2705 · 9 months
2024- What's Your Word Heading into this Year?
This “Tradition” started a couple years ago (in 2022) with a group of friends from a Bible Study group I unexpectedly joined in October 2021. I say “unexpectedly” because I wasn’t looking for a group to join, I only went to be supportive of a friend who wanted to check it out, at the last minute one evening. So I went and ended up joining the group. Reflecting on this and knowing who God is, this…
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georgiasedify · 7 days
Today's word of the day
Today's word of the day. Word of the day. Georgia's Edify word of the day. Book a Session with Georgia's Edify. Please like, share, and subscribe. Thanks.
catawampus going badly, awkwardly, or in the wrong direction askew, awry, kitty-corner The storm had knocked their sailboat cattywampus and it had slammed into the dock and taken on water.  In the Urban dictionary, it means Being agitated, bitter, or upset. fierce, savage, destructive.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Name(required) Email(required) Phone(required) Date…
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a-godman · 12 days
Live the Christian Life by having a Walk Worthy of God's Calling in our Daily Living
As believers in Christ, we need to have a walk worthily of the calling with which we were called by God; according to Ephesians 4-5 there are four main items of a walk worthy of God’s calling, ending with being filled in spirit. Amen! The first item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace with the transformed human…
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tom4jc · 22 days
1 Corinthians 4:2 Being A Faithful Steward
Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2 Employers are always seeking out people to hire that are able to do the job and are faithful at doing the job. In the hiring process, many will check with a person’s previous employer to see how the person worked. They want to know if the person was faithful to the job position, or if the person tended to skip out…
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markmcole · 1 year
How Loving God and Loving People Can Transform Your Life
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of success, wealth, and personal achievements. While these pursuits can bring temporary satisfaction, there’s something truly profound about a simple yet powerful principle: loving God and loving people. Let’s explore the blessings and benefits of “loving God and loving people”. 1. Inner Peace and…
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paularoseauthor · 1 year
Grief Relief, finding faith, relaxation, and peace
Have a sense of self-worth to find lasting relief from grief. Accept that you are loved by God and love God back, thus loving yourself. 
The German poet Rilke wrote that “you will never know your angels unless you tame your demons. “ I was working through my grief when God’s gentle voice spoke into my heart. If you reject the pain of grief and run away from it, you will be frozen by it, but the consequence is that you will also be frozen by all other types of emotions, especially love. This was a real revelation to me. I…
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