zenwords · 1 year
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Breakups are ok. Starting over is ok. Moving on is ok. Saying no is ok. Being alone is ok. What is not ok is staying somewhere you are not happy, valued, or unappreciated, that’s not ok. — Unknown #breakup #startingOver #movingOn #sayingNo #beingAlone #happiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CmALDzRuG-F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drmorriss · 1 year
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Fear of the Quiet
Silence is where screams reside, where the tears roll, the fear thrives inside it is in the noise I find the joy Please don't leave me in silence, oh boy!
It's not where I want to be it's not the bumps in the night that scare me it's the silence that I fear the most
Left alone with these thoughts of mine Amidst  the chaos, thoughts are lost in time, I sit with my thoughts all alone searching and yearning to hear something new Yet silence offers nothing to pursue.
Thoughts persist, sleep evades, these thoughts of mine won't ever let me lay distractions keep the thoughts at bay I will save them for another day
Just let me be let me lay in peace it is in the silence I can feel the toils and hear the screams it's all deafening to me I don't want to be all alone WITH JUST ME
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nuvyogi · 1 year
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fairytalez-of-linn · 2 years
How sad to face the future without the one you planned it with.
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contemporaryenola · 2 years
What's up with Enola?
Imagine you are brought to this world without a complete family. You have no father to fill in the gaps of having a complete family, but luckily you have siblings. You heard about them not only from your mother but also from the newspapers. You learned about their endeavors, their achievements, and all of their greatness. But they were never home, you never learned from them directly, you could never express how much you look up to them, and there was no chance of bonding with them.
At a humble house in the middle of the wilderness, you only have your mother.
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She taught you everything. She taught you how to fight, aikido, martial arts, you name it.
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She pushed you to read every book you have in the library. She was also responsible for your education. In the midst of all that, your mother showered you with love and wisdom. Because of her, you’ve experienced happiness and learned to distinguish what makes something right and wrong. Despite the incomplete family, and the holes existing in your home, your mother was always there by your side to watch you grow.
Now imagine at your sixteenth birthday, she leaves you without a warning.
This was the narrative hook, the main conflict, and Enola’s main struggle in the movie. Her mother was the backbone and foundation of her whole life, and this crumbles instantly as she looks for her mother in a world she has never explored before. 
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Seu eu pudese escolher um poder, certamente, e sem pensar duas vezes, seria o de num estalar de dedos eu fazer toda a população mundial sumir. Restaria apenas eu vivendo em sintonia com os animais, as plantas, os locais completamente abandonados, as ruas vazias, o silêncio. Eu fotografaria um ponto turístico sem o incômodo da presença dos visitantes. Leria Capitães da Areia enquanto como um croissant em cima da Torre Eiffel. Lógico que eu entraria dentro de um supermecado qualquer e pegaria várias guloseimas, colocaria dentro da mochila e iria comer em qualquer lugar de São Paulo, por exemplo — acho que Praça Rooselvet. Aumentaria no máximo o som com a música Nobody Knows do Autograf — eu sou apaixonado por essa música — e, talvez, por um instante, eu jogasse fora meus fones de ouvido pois não haveria ninguém ali para incomodar. Se eu iria na Canna Culture, lá na California, e pegaria a melhor maconha para fumar no píer de Santa Mônica contemplando o pôr do Sol? Nem preciso responder que sou fascinado por sunsets, não é?! Eu me fascino pelo estar sozinho, desacompanhado, sem ninguém por perto. Eu amo não cumprimentar ninguém na rua, cozinhar uma receita desassistido ou passar um bom tempo num delicioso e demorado banho. Quando eu estou a sós comigo é que eu consigo me encontrar. Qualquer interferência, sintonia ou energia externa, faz-me perder a noção, o caminho, o norte, eu. Reconheço que preciso da sociedade, mas nunca fiz um curso para aprender a lidar com ela. Existe alguma faculdade para você acordar cedo e ter paciência para manter diálogos? Às vezes eu acho que pode ser só eu. Às vezes eu acho que dá para ser só eu. Eu preferia que fosse assim. Inveja eu consigo sentir de uma pessoa: Adão, que andou livremente pelos pastos, campos, pelos vales, todo feliz, sorridente e solitário, antes de retirarem sua costela para se fazer e apresentar uma nova existência. Mas enfim. Eu acho que sou um humano em extinção. Voltando a falar do poder, eu estalaria os dedos e todo mundo voltaria de novo à existência. É claro que eu preciso de algumas delas para satisfação pessoal. Porém, ao me sentir novamente rodeado de gente, lá se vai mais um estalo de dedos.
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legomars · 2 months
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"Luxury has never appealed to me. I like simple things: books, being alone or somebody who understands." - Daphne du Maurier Quote
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new beginning
Welcome to the profile of a girl with depression, eating disorders, and attention deficit who is trying to regulate her own life. Even though I feel like I'm drowning in negativity, I'll keep fighting. I’m here because I live in a small village and don't have friends with whom I can share my ideas or study. I don't have another choice but to study to save my life. I came here because I thought I could share my ideas with someone who feels like me. I don’t wanna feel alone anymore.
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pguiler-blog · 1 year
What is it to Love Yourself?
Learning to be Alone Loneliness is a very real experience in our society. It hurts. It is depressing and can lead down very dangerous paths. I think we have all felt it over the past few years more than every before but strangely it is teaching me something. While loneliness is unfriendly learning to be alone can be very positive. As a minister I talk a lot about a scripture which appears in…
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andimahsong139 · 1 year
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Need to get more #intelligent so I can justify my #beingAlone :)))) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmDx57yS-vD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bumxxbee · 1 year
I'm used to being alone and I like it. I don't find it odd whenever I find someone sitting alone in a restaurant, enjoying their meal however way they wish to. Maybe by using their phones or just taking in the moment of serenity. I actually envy these people but at the same time I applaud them. Nowadays, it's hard for us to be alone. We always need to find comfort in the company we keep. Although there isn't anything wrong with that. It just seems more refreshing to be able to be alone. To sit down and cuddle up in your bed and watch a movie. Maybe even write or surf the net with random information that suddenly popped inside your head. Maybe you could even take a walk alone and just take in the surroundings. Maybe you can even take yourself out on a date.. and just breath. Or maybe you could just sleep in or make yourself lunch or coffee.
I like doing all these things. I like being alone. Sometimes I like to isolate myself from the world; no messaging, no calling, no nothing. Just me, my bed, and the tons of movies and series I want to catch up on. Sometimes I write, too. And it isn't any bit sad for me. It rejuvenates my soul. It makes me calm. It allows me to rest and be able to fight again the next day. Or to face my loved ones with a smile on my face again; the one they all adore seeing and the one I relish giving.
I hope you find comfort in yourself as well because believe me, it is everything.
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mythought · 2 years
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Be positive ✌️☺️ #bepositive #beingalone #thoughtoftheday #life__thoughts__lines #lifequotes #instagood #instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBNsG8hyNH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drrobertpuffphd · 2 years
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How To Be Alone Without Being Lonely Feeling lonely can cause us so much distress in our lives. But do we necessarily have to feel lonely when we are alone? What causes our loneliness, and is there anything we can do to find happiness when we are alone? Explore the keys to how to be alone without being lonely. New Happiness Podcast episode available. To learn more about the Happiness Podcast, go to: @robertpuffjr #howtobealonewithoutbeinglonely #loneliness #beingalone #feelinglonely #happiness #happinesspodcast #howtobehappy #happy #happinessisachoice #happinessisaninsidejob #enlightenment #drrobertpuff #stressmanagement #findyourhappiness #becomehappy #happinesscomesfromwithin #happinessiswhereyouare #happinessisbeautiful #HappinessYouDeserve #happinessallaroundme #happinessjourney #createyourhappiness #happyyou #pursuityourhappiness #clinicalpsychologist #robertpuffjr #happinesscomesfromwithin #HappinessPodcast (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfeeY2hrXSJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sleepyhollowsecrets · 2 years
Being alone
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