#belief and strings
sophie-grimaldi · 3 months
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Chapter 2 part 19 ( Temporary shutdown )
Next ( Break of indefinite duration )
Chapter 1 part 1
Chapter 2 part 1
My deviantart Hollow knight ENG
My deviantart Hollow knight FR
Hi all! New update and enjoy it. So, at the moment I have a lot of events in my life and I have to stop the webtoon for a while (mainly family drama, work, administration and moving) and other projects.
Don't worry, it's okay and I'm not giving up! I plan to finish chapter 2 in due time.
"Hoops, String, and Other Placebos" a hollow knight fanfiction written by BubbleBtch on Archive of Our Own.
His tumblr speedo is fattyskeleton
His fanfiction
His tumblr
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paintingformike · 1 year
whether or not mike is aware of his feelings for will, he’s fully conscious and certain of his lack of romantic love for el throughout s4 and these lines prove it:
“sometimes i think it’s just scary to open up like that. to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because, what if...what if they don’t like the truth?”
“and if i would’ve said that thing, then maybe she’d want me there with her.”
“she’s already beginning to understand she doesn’t need me. i saw it-- i saw it in her eyes, that last time we talked.” (from the official script)
i think the first line is pretty self explanatory but i’m still going to unpack it anyways. will was talking about his own experience, but we were meant to associate it with mike’s situation and read between the lines: that there was also a truth he was scared of admitting in fear of the other person not liking it. it’s a double meaning to show two people hiding their true feelings: will being scared of losing mike if he found out he loves him, while mike is scared he’ll hurt el and lose her the moment he says how he really feels, that he’s not in love with her.
i’m going to talk about how the other two lines correlate with each other and how it would make the pieces fall together perfectly. when mike said “the last time they talked”, he was talking about the fight they had about mike not saying ily to el. it’s curious then, that this is the specific moment he references as the turning point for el to realize she doesn’t need him. in his perspective, she realized she doesn’t need him right after it was proven to her that he couldn’t give her the kind of love she wanted. also, he says that maybe if he had said that “thing” aka telling el he loves her, she could have still wanted him to be by her side, she would still need him if he just reassured her of his romantic love.
now, if he was still having an internal debate and confusion about the true nature of his feelings for el, why would he be convinced of el not needing him anymore and ending things with him? why did he think their impending breakup was inevitable, if all he needed to do was gain the courage to say “i love you” so that he could keep her by his side? because he knew he was never gonna be able to verbally prove his love, he knew he wasn't in love with her. he was basically admitting defeat in that scene and and trying to accept that their relationship was about to be over because of his own feelings.
yes, mike is also dealing with his insecurities about self worth and thinking el sees him as a nobody, but it’s all the more reason why he believes that him not being able to love her romantically is the final nail in the coffin for their relationship. there seemingly isn’t anything else she needs him for but romantic love, he’s already just some random nerd next to her, and he can’t even reciprocate her feelings, the one thing she actively asked of him? his lack of self worth contributed to his gnawing anxiety of not being able to love her romantically. that’s why the storyline would make more sense if he already knows he doesn’t love her. he’s not still “confused” between will and el, he’s aware he isn’t in love with the person he's presently in a relationship with, whether or not he knows that he has feelings for someone else (though i personally believe he already knows he’s in love with will atp)
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devourensarc · 2 months
// I yelled at shrimpy so much last night but i'm still so emotional over arle and ch.ilde's interactions that we saw. so many thoughts. finally, an adult figure in his life that actually looks out for him.
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lovecorepatton · 8 months
i hope patton is ok forever. she deserves it
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oneirataxia-girl · 4 months
this is the second part to @supermarine-silvally's ask, found here! they asked for quite a few questions for my One Piece ships, Kenji x Killer & Law x Mari x Kid, Keller's answers can be found here, while this post is all for Midlaw. so let us begin! tagging the other anime girlie @auxiliarydetective as well
1. How did they meet and what were their first impressions of each other?
Mari knew of Kid and Law long before the three crews landed on Sabaody, she's intrigued by Law's abilities, but thinks Kid is a senseless, bloodthirsty idiot. but it's KidLaw that met first on Sabaody, it's dislike at first sight <3 Kid thinks Law is a stuck-up "I'm better than you" kinda guy and is itching to beat him up in the new world, while Law thinks Kid is unnecessarily destructive and overall not someone he wants to associate with
KidLaw see Mari for the first time at the auction house, where she gets the collars and chains off the other prisoners with the keys Franky got; Kid thinks that his assumption that she's the weakest out of the Strawhats (for context, Mari consistently has the second-lowest bounty, second only to Chopper) was right, while Law is slightly unnerved by the fact that she seems to pop out of nowhere, but also thinks she's not that dangerous
2. What kind of dynamic do they have with each other?
black cat x orange cat x black cat, rival crews to tentative allies to unmarried divorced throuple to 'if I don't see my gf & bf/bfs in the next five seconds I will bring down this building', "we're going our separate ways." "... yeah?" "it's for the best that we don't meet again soon." "agreed."
3. What do others think of them?
the Heart pirates are the captains of the Lari ship the second Law introduces Mari to them, but after Wano Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin are thrown off because they get the feeling that their captain doesn't hate Captain Eustass like he claims; the Kid pirates board it after watching Kid trying to subtly show off in front of Mari & Law (neither of them is impressed, but neither of them would admit that it was a bit flustering to be scooped up with one arm so that's that); and the Strawhats (namely Brook, Franky, Chopper, and Robin after a bit) are on board as soon as they work it out, Nami got a bag of berry from Kenji from betting that Mari would fall for Law, but she and Kenji both lost money to Robin because she's the only one to bet that their crewmate would like both Law and Kid, Zoro could not care less who Mari likes as long as it's not harming the crew, but he's subjected to both Kenji and Sanji's lamenting so he drags Jimbei and Usopp in to argue that it's not their business, meanwhile Luffy has no idea about any of this and is just wondering why Mari's more mopey than usual
5. Is their joint future bright or bleak?
ideally yes, Idc if I have to trample canon I WILL give them a happy ending and there's nothing Oda can do to stop me
7. Do they have a desire to protect each other?
normally, no -- actually, Kid & Law did think Mari would need to have someone watching her back, but after seeing her on Wano, both of them know Mari would not appreciate them fighting for her. similarly, Mari isn't too fussed about their safety because she knows Law and Kid can handle themselves. but if one of them goes down, you can bet the other two are going to go full demon on whoever did that
10. Who would win in a fight?
okay this one deserves its own dissertation post, so I won't elaborate much here. it depends on where the fight is and if the three of them are at their fullest abilities or not, but it's probably ending in a tie or a surprise takedown after two of them are exhausted
12. Who is a better caregiver?
Mari. Law has no sleeping schedule and survives on onigiri with black coffee and probably has no idea how to show that he cares for people, Kid is a freak of nature and probably would've died long before he set sail if it wasn't for Killer and also has no idea how to show affection other than be less mean towards them. it's not a hard competition when one of them has oldest daughter syndrome and middle child syndrome at the same time
15. Who has better fashion sense?
it's a tie between Mari and Law. sorry Kid but I can't look past those pants 😭
20. What's the worst thing about them teaming up?
to be on the receiving end of their blows. think Kidlaw fighting Big Mom, then add in a phantom that always strikes to incapacitate (or kill, depending on the situation) at the worst possible times for the receiver, which just so happens to hit the weakest spots every single time. if Mari adds in her dust bombs and puts her devil fruit to active combat, then it's just overkill if they're not fighting someone Yonko level
21. What's the best thing about them teaming up?
to be on the same side as them, especially if you're not a good fighter, you can just sit back and watch Law dice up people and Kid disarming (sometimes literally) the other side, while Mari pops out of nowhere to string up some poor terrified guys then gives a quick report about what's ahead then vanishes again (this is ghostwritten by Kenji, Usopp, Nami, and Chopper)
36. What is a gift one would give to the other?
Kid makes metal flowers for both Mari and Law, as well as some other practical bits and bobs. Mari and Law I can't really see getting gifts (I hc Law prefers to give quality time and Mari acts of service) but Mari makes matching necklaces for the three of them when they tie the knot
39. What's an inside joke they'd have together?
how long will it take for Kenji to accept that his sister is hopelessly in love and has no intentions of leaving her boyfriends (he's actually happy and relieved that someone wants Mari, but he pretends to dislike them to keep them on their toes); what insane thing will Luffy do today and which one of them is the unlucky recipient of a rubber hug; Kid can't do housework at ALL
45. If one of them was in trouble, what would the others do?
hunt down the people responsible and show them exactly why people don't mess with what's theirs
48. If they swapped bodies, how would they handle it?
okay this will probably also require a long explanation and this is long enough as it is, so I'll answer this some other time with doodles to show the scene in my head ;)
give me a number + relationship and I'll tell you something about that relationship!
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sco07ut · 1 year
instead of revising for my last geography paper i decided to draw somewhat late fanart of tha faves from chapter 10 of @spacerangersam ‘s blooms of may fic<3
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+ a bonus doodle bc they’re everything to me
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pyresys · 3 months
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everyone in the tbd is a lesbian. every last one
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luckycloverforducks · 2 months
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The Messiah and the man who devoted his whole life to him until the bitter end (it's Simon Peter)
These r my designs for a story I'm (desperately) trying to write
(it's bible fanfiction, like good omens and.. partially Hazbin..) Abt heaven n hell/the bible and shit yk.... I'm normal I promise
Judas, Lucifer & angels design coming soon probably, and possibly MAYBE the other disciples idk..... I know nothing Abt those guys tbh sorr e
+ design notes I made for myself bc I can and tbh I need it (tho I might change it. I'm not exactly consistent idk)
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Btw the forehead scar/marking on Jesus is fully inspired by the last unicorn, it's basically where his 3rd eye/"God Eye" is, when opened he becomes fully omniscient like Big G (he's not in his neutral state cause well, half human, also he doesn't like it), it's like a special ability LOL ; under the hair it's diamond/star shaped-ish (✨)
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 2 years
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YGOctober Day 15: Ryuji Otogi, Doll, and Pete Coppermine
The most important thing is committing to the bit.
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i keep seeing screenrant articles and stuff (most recently) that are all "*gasp!* the toymaker has fixed continuity in doctor who by saying that actually it's all a mash up of different timelines!" and every time i'm just like yeah???? that isn't new that's literally the entire show
#el speaks#doctor who#dw 60th#google has long since figured out what I'm into#(apparently it's doctor who and archaeology and quantum mechanics in case you were wondering)#and i am occasionally a sucker for that specific kind of clickbait that's like#NEW STUDY SUGGESTS UNIVERSE MAY ACTUALLY BE TWICE AS OLD AS WE THOUGHT#where you can just take one look at the headline and go#nah#nah that's preeeeeeeetty obviously a massive exaggeration of conclusions made by a single preprint#maybe a chance that the authors would agree with the headline because they're going a little out there#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration#the REAL exciting stem headlines are like#we found the first aperiodic monotile (it's shaped like a hat)#that's when you know you've found the good stuff#(the actual headlines about that were much less funny but I don't remember any examples because they weren't very interesting)#sometimes less interesting headlines = more interesting stories#but also sometimes i just want to read some dumb shit that's completely nonsensical but also 100% completely benign#because you know what? sometimes ya just gotta get way too into string theory and that's fine#fringe physics beliefs generally have utterly no impact on one's actual relationship to the world around them#and anyway how big can the overlap between people who care about this shit and people who believe this shit be?#wait what am i talking about now? i started out talking about doctor who#oh well#that's what the internet is for
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sophie-grimaldi · 4 months
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Chapter 2 part 16
Chapter 1 part 1
Chapter 2 part 1
My deviantart Hollow knight ENG
My deviantart Hollow knight FR
"Hoops, String, and Other Placebos" a hollow knight fanfiction written by BubbleBtch on Archive of Our Own.
His tumblr speedo is fattyskeleton
His fanfiction
His tumblr
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
literally if ur claiming that lesbians are responsible for some phenomenon im gonna ask u to stop there and think about how many lesbians there are in the world and how much people respect us and just think through the logistics of that one a little ok
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crunchycrystals · 9 months
the best and worst part about life is that there's a million different ways it didn't turn out like this, but everything in our lives lined up to get us here
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albatris · 1 year
thinkin bout alex and niamh
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Safe to say sky gets abducted, taken by persuasion instead of being forced. (Slight joke, I’m sure Sky just didn’t know what was happening and then got held prisoner or something) speaking of Sky gets taken prisoner????
Yeah, I mean basically. Here, lemme explain;
So in the Incredibles, the whole deal is that Syndrome is trying to perfect his evil learning robot thing so he can pretend he’s a super, so he keeps tricking supers onto his island to test it for him. The supers are of the belief that it’s a secret government project gone wrong, until Syndrome presumably kills them (or the robot). Until Mr. Incredible is invited, and he catches on and his family comes after him etcetera etcetera boom! defeat.
Same thing in the Incredibles au.
Sky is one of the earliest heroes to be convinced that his help is needed to subdue this robot (which is just a plan by Dark Link of course). He gets him by betting on his bleeding heart; the argument is that the robot could possibly escape the island and attack the mainland, and thousands of people would be in danger (including his family, his wife, his child��) if nobody stops it now.
“Time is of the essence,” the message says, “we need a hero to help us with this. We need you.” And between protecting his family and thousands of lives, and truly feeling needed for his powers? Being able to do something to help people again? How can Sky say no?
So he goes, he fights the robot. It seems to be going well but something is bothering him about all this and then somehow (still working on that bit) he stumbles upon Dark Link’s plan. And then suddenly he’s the bad guy, and he’s being hunted on this island and frantically avoiding anything Dark Link sends after him and one of his wings is injured and Sky can’t get home.
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thehardkandy · 1 year
Tried a new tv show last night but it annoyed me so much I ended up reading the plot summary of what it was based on to confirm it wasn't worth my time to keep going
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