#bellark fan fic
alannacouture · 1 year
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Oh, hey, Happy American Mother’s Day! Here’s the Bellarke Mother’s Day fanfic literally nobody asked for but I’m still shameless enough to beg for readers:
Plus, there’s adorable Blake sibling arguing & a Bellarke Baby!
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
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bellamyblake · 3 months
hi!! I’m a former HUGE fan of the 100 and bellarke, but after the final season completely shattered my heart and destroyed my trust in showrunners 😀, I haven’t been able to really return to the show or ship at all.
Did you have a similar experience? How do you still enjoy it without the sting?? 💔 Just curious, thank you!!
I understand that this is how it is for most fans, that everyone pulled away because of the ending and I understand and respect that.
I think for me, it's simple, i'll be honest that I never expected Bellarke to happen as much as I wanted it and for me the simple reason why was because of the way things happened back in season 3 with Lxa and everything else. I wanted it, of course, I was hopeful for it, especially after 6x10 and I wished for it to happen but when we found out Bob needed time off, I understood that decision and I understood why it won't happen. Yes, I still think that it was just JRoth being absolutely bitter making that ending, they all admitted it, even the writers that for example Levitt's ending where he gets hurt in the final episode was supposed to be Bellamy but that didn't happen because Bob needed that time off. And yes, I am pissed because of the fact that she killed him, I don't think I'll ever get over it but I just...find it to be absolute bullshit and that is because of the way Clarke's character is ruined to me rather more so than Bellamy's.
I know people talk about him being OOC in s7 and him never doing that, never believing Cadogan, I get that. I do agree that it is somewhat OOC. BUT
I have always been a person to look at all sides about this and that is why I survived season 3 and the way fans were back then (may I remind you the bellarkers hated Bellamy and people were awful to him) and I do think that I find it i my mind the reason why he chose that side. I have my own theory about Bellamy's choices about season 7 but I won't indulge here in that because I'm sure I'll bore you to death (It's a Jasper-Monty-Bellamy meta that I have talked about before I think and for me they are still the only three characters who reached a sort of understanding of how to survive/not survive in this world but who separated themself from the cicle or wheel that Clarke talked about in s7 and who saw things for the way they were, as grim and sad as they happened to be at the time-again, another meta if you want me I can indulge).
But the truth is I have always been realistic about Bellarke and them not happening (Not that it didn't hurt me that they didn't happen, i catch myself wishing I saw a kiss) but I also cannot say I was too surprised. For me, and people talked again a lot of shit about Bellamy in s5, but I do think Clarke is a lot more different in s5 than she was before and I think from there on now we don't see the character we first saw, just glimpses of her. The problem with s6 as much as I like it and find it interesting is that we don't see Clarke much in it since she's kidnapped and I hoped we did saw her in s7 but I feel like she wasn't really herself back there.
So...anyway I can talk a lot and probably bore you to death, but I don't want to do that. The simple truth is that I CAN thankfully separate myself from the show and what I love. I know it was shitty what happened, I cried and still cry when I think about my boy Bellamy dying (Because I will be honest, I was always a Bellamy fan first and Bellarke second, I even write more familial fics with Bell than I do Bellarke, that's how I am) but I can find my reasons behind his actions and no, I'm not blindsided by my love for him, I know his mistakes, I can point them out and I can explain why they happened.
I really have no other simple explanation other than I chose to enjoy what I love and have always loved and ignore the last part. I know most people can't and I do not judge them. He brings me joy. Bellarke do bring me joy still, I love think, headcanon and meta about them and just because someone was bitter and because they didn't really show any understanding and BECAUSE and let's be honest, he didn't want to make Bellarke because Bob and Eliza happened and he refused to play into the narrative of actors being married in real life and indulging fans in the fantasy one, is not my problem.
I often think about JRoth and how shitty he was on more than just the Bellarke occassion (that's another meta) but just how much he, because he is an a**, hates religion for example, so he absolutely demolished it and made fun of it and then used it to show stuff in the most awful of ways just like not just with the deciples btw, but starting from season 1 where he crucified the kids on the trees, how he made fun of the grounder's religion and the commanders, everything JRoth did was a mockery caused by his own inability to deal with his problems so ...honestly WHY would you give away something you love to that guy? I think that's just bs.
Again, I am sad and devastated, I always will be but I choose to separate myself from this narrative, enjoy my Bell and writing about him, enjoy reblogging gifs and making gifs in our now little circle, I enjoy seeing new fans of the show too and them reblogging our stuff. That's basically it.
My love for Bellamy Blake is stronger than JRorth's bs.
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Hi. I was looking for a Bellarke fic on ao3 and I wanted to reach out since I feel like you’d know which one since you’re a huge Bellarke fan
It’s basically a fic where I believe Clarke and Bellamy meet in this bar, its kind of a dystopian/futuristic fic and they are forced to get married. I know Bellamy has like a ship and they are rebels, where Clarke joins them and they end up killing I think Josephine’s finance. Bellamy’s father ends up being this leader of the country and it turns out Bellamy is his son.
I remember reading it a while back but I can’t seem to find it. All the help would be appreciated!
Oh wow I wish I could help, that sounds like an awesome story!! I'm not sure I've heard of it though (though now I definitely want to read it as well).
Any of my Bellarke mutuals recognize the sound of this AU?
Update! It looks like it's "Saint of Lost Causes" by TotalBellarkeTrash! Not currently on AO3 anymore/at this time.
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70sbellarkess · 1 year
Hello everyone!
I wanted to come on here and address my that 70s show fics. I've been a fan of that show for years and I still am. I've begun posting the fics im writing on ao3 on here, and I still plan to do that.
However, due to recent events (Danny masterson trial + cast response) l've decided to take a hiatus from working in that fandom.
I personally am able to separate the characters from the actors, but I know that many cannot. And regardless of that ability, I don't feel that it is appropriate at the current time to be active in the fandom and posting works.
I don't know how long this hiatus will last, but I hope for your support at this time.
I'm going to be focusing on my other ships at this time like bellarke, gallavich, and others.
Thank you for your understanding.
(It’s not forever, but for an extended time)
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
Hey girl I'm excited for Jiara I just got into the fandom marathon season 1 and 2 in about a week was wondering if you knew any other blogs about them and anyone who makes fan videos about them love everything about them JJ is my favorite seriously this feels like a better Bellarke not sure if anyone else sees the similarities in them maybe it's just me.
hiya bestie, welcome to the fandom!!! god there is so many good blogs and most of them will come up under the jiara tag but i shall tell you a few of my favs!
@alphinias was one of the first blogs i followed, plus she does some cute ass edits on instagram!!
@yellowlaboratory is one of the og writers (go read pltc!!) and she happens to be a wee delight too
@rae-of-fricking-sunshine is yet another crazy talented writer who is just a pillar in this fandom!!
@smileymikey was another one of the first blogs i followed and her fics are like comfort fics
@hmspogue is a crazy wee fucker but dear god her youtube edits really hit you in the heart
@whitetrashjj is another crazy good editor who does edits on instagram and posts about them on tiktok
some of my fav giffers also have to be @kiekiecarrera and @onlyhereforangst so i suggest giving them a follow
@jojameswinter is a wee ray of sunshine in the fandom so highly recommend her too
and if you want some seriously crazy good fanart, then i recommend @goingfullpogue and @yukswl0v3 because they are both just!!!
there is probably so many more people that i am forgetting rn but my mind is blanking and its 5am so qkwdbkjbkwqjdbqej
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kittenshift-17 · 7 months
I shipped Bellarke on the 100 as much as the next person, but I think they really missed an opportunity with Roan/Clarke. Maybe not as popular, but I'd love to see if you have anything new for them. And also very underappreciated are Charlie/Monroe. I would love to see any updates for Revolution stories😘 But any updates from any of your stories would be very appreciated. I miss your world building and originality.
Oh my gosh, same.
I was all about Bellarke at the beginning (and the irl romance between those two makes my heart happy too), but the Roarke ship was so robbed. There was so much potential for exploration there. I do actually have a number of roarke fics I've been squirrelling away, so hopefully, one day, they will be ready to publish.
I'm trying not to publish new things until I finish the open things.... or at least not to post them until they are, themselves, completed to avoid just adding to the endless pile of incomplete things.
And oh my gosh, yes! Charlie/Monroe... they have my whole heart, man. Like, the tension. The connection. The parallels. The drama of it all. Its so scrumptious! I have about 12 wips for them too, but again, trying not to share them while I have open things pending.
But one day, my friend, one day, they will be complete and I will hurl them into the gaping maw that is the fanfic abyss and hope there are still fans lurking that want to read my silly little stories about characters their own original creators have long since abandoned.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
https://www.tumblr.com/lover-of-mine/753322162377588736/me-who-has-been-crying-at-literally-everything tell us how it goes ! As someone how looks for sad fics (and sad songs) when I’m sad I get it and good luck , also I notice you you are going into a throwback ships I suppose rebloging and I feel you with so many of them like we could have it all kinda thing , we did have it all for a little way kinda thing that still haunts me
Honestly, there are some ships I used to be obsessed with back when their shows were still airing that had SO MUCH POTENTIAL and then shit just hit the fan and they still haunt me (bellarke I'm looking at you) but I was going down memory lane last night trying to feel something, then I cried through a whole fic, so that was fun nspksoakapakpaa I love the angst with a happy ending tag, and I feel like i read most of the emotional hurt/comfort fics for buddie, it reached a point i was tripping into my own fics lol, but there's nothing better than feeling down then reading the couple you are hyperfixating on find love again and again through the most painful shit, makes me feel alive.
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vivitalks · 10 months
omg i didn't see that you did a writer's ask game! hopefully it's not too late to send asks? if not, may i ask 1, 7, 12, 15, & 5 about "blow a kiss to concern"? thank youuu 💙
i reblog a writer's game and then don't answer this ask for several days SORRY! love you here i am now let's go
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) this is a tough question because i write in a lot of different fandoms. however, i am going to give two answers. one is the stydia fic blow a kiss to concern (which will be discussed later) because it has a lot of tropes i enjoy - driving, flirting, canon compliance, fluff with some angst, all the good stuff. the second is my kate bishop & peter parker series young & not too wise which has two fics - one of kate and peter meeting before the events of the hawkeye show, and one of them meeting right after. one thing i really enjoy doing is taking two characters who haven't really met or interacted but have the grounds for a fascinating interaction to meet and talk. so like, post-nwh peter has all this trauma from being a superhero, and pre-hawkeye kate is all starry-eyed wanting to be a superhero, and i loved the idea of those two perspectives meeting, two young new yorkers with such different life experiences. i do this kind of pseudo-crossover a lot and it's always so much fun.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? i don't worldbuild that often. i am a big big fan of writing things that are canon compliant or very slightly canon divergent (one character lives instead of dies, a relationship is broken up instead of still together, that kind of thing) where the broader universe is still intact, because i feel like in fictional media, part of what's so fun and interesting about writing the characters is dealing with the shit they've gone through and experiences they've had as a result of the universe they exist in.
that being said, i did a smidge of worldbuilding (really more like world-expanding) for my bellarke fic taking the world off your shoulders, particularly the couple of grounder villages they wind up in, and that was fun. the 100 established this bit of canon where only the warrior grounders speak english but then we didn't get a lot of opportunities to see the communities of non-warrior grounders who didn't speak english at all, so i especially liked dipping my toes into sonia's village and exploring a community of people who aren't involved at all in the grounder violence/war and are just peaceful and self-sustaining
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? mmmm i'm thinking about it but can't come up with any. i think i've probably gotten to like more rarepairs, but that's not a trope (maybe just an influence of hanging out with you lol).
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? like i said before i don't write a lot of AUs outside of your garden-variety canon divergence, so my options for answers here are limited. i guess my favorite AU is the whole post-age of ultron series i wrote where everything is the same except that pietro lives (bc seriously wtf was that). the series is called pietro lives 'verse but it wound up becoming an entirely clint-barton-centric series and i apologize for nothing.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about blow a kiss to concern? Answer it now! "hey raviv, what's so special about driving stick shift?" look. you'll never know. you'll never understand until you're driving a bunch of foreigners from literally any other country other than america and they suddenly go, "wait is this a manual?" and you get to very nonchalantly say "yeah it is." you just can't know the level of smug pride you get to experience when people are impressed with you for something as simple as that.
also, driving stick is an even more involved way to do the already-hella-romanticizeable act of driving, and in my experience, it is frustrating as SHIT to learn. and like, stiles loves his fucking car so fucking much. the only other person we ever see drive that car is scott (i think?), most likely because it's not something most people can do, but also because scott is like a brother to him, one of the people he loves the most in the entire world. it's a huge act of trust for stiles to let someone else drive his car. so the idea that there's a skill lydia doesn't have but wants, and only stiles can realistically teach her because he's the only one with both the know-how and the actual car to teach her with is just. very charming in its potential. plus, learning stick at ALL is really hard and it's a testament to the relationship between stiles and lydia that she isn't constantly in tears, because like. he completely believes she can do it, and she completely trusts him to teach her. I JUST THINK THEY'RE NEAT
ask me a question for fic writers!
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alannacouture · 1 year
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Well…we’ve reached the end of my story. While this chapter might make you cry (sorry), I hope you feel like I’ve given Clarke a realistic and beautiful journey through grief and forgiveness. ❤️
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wellsjahasghost · 1 year
Do you happen to remember the jaegermighty fan fiction - talk nerdy to me? I really can’t forget that one fic and I love bellarke… do you have a copy or have any old saved links of it?
this is how i found out that fic was deleted from the archive
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bellamyblake · 2 years
Hi, I saw your rant about s6 just now and wanted to say I completely agree with you. I wasn't aware so many blarkes hated that season and quite honestly that baffles me. As you said, the entire storyline was about Bellamy coming to terms with his feelings about Clarke (emotions that he never got a chance to fully process in s5 because of the fast-paced conflict), and that was the first time the season's main storyline/point of conflict was directly entwined with bellarke's romantic relationship. The plot for s6 WAS bellarke, the love and devotion they had for each other which transcended death. I also think s6 was so important for Bell and Clarke's individual character arcs because it allowed them to reestablish the core essence of their characters (aka the renewal the head and the heart) as Bell touched base with his emotions/examined the relationships in his life and Clarke reclaimed her role as a hero and leader. And the latter wouldn't have been possible if not for Bellamy (he was the sole reason she initially stopped fighting for her life after she thought he gave up on her, and he was the reason she fought for her life after and succeeded), which goes to show just how deep Clarke's love for Bellamy was, and vice versa. Everything about s6 was so blatantly romantic (the radio calls convo? the longing looks in the Sanctum rave? Bell grieving by himself near the pond? Bell wanting to burn Sanctum to the ground? The giant drawings of him in Clarke's mindspace? "I guess you just care about her more"? the fucking pause before "I won't let you die"? "I don't need you anymore" -> "Clarke, I need you"???) and culminated in the goddamn cinematic masterpiece that was the CPR scene. Everything about s6 affirmed how Bell and Clarke were the strongest, fullest, most authentic versions of themselves when they were fighting for and with each other.
Anyway, apologies for the rant--evidently I'm very passionate about s6 and will gladly die on that hill. Just wanted to let you know you're very much not alone.
I'm glad to know there's others on my opinion! This too is the hill I am okay dying on like you. I can't explain it but I've seen it a lot on twitter, people bashing not just the last one but the sixth too. Yes, there are things to be desired but I personally enjoyed it a lot. I know old-ish bellarkers and fic writers (as well as you know the c.ls ) make fun of the CPR scene because of the way he is performing it I guess but to me it's like that for a reason that doesn't have anything to do with Bob's ability to perform it the right way that I won't go into now. Many of them said that it didn't feel like OG bellarke but to me they did and especially bellamy's fighting for Clarke was just so...Bellamy. I know Bob had a tough time performing because of his knee then and that played a role in some of the first episode scenes but I think they are just as Bellarke as before only a bit older and more evolved. Anyway I know what those older fans mean i just am not with them on this one even if I too am an older fan but I guess I saw things differently than even those who shipped my ship always. Then again perhaps it's better to not be involved in a ship part of the fandom and just enjoy what you do. Either way I was surprised and still am to see things like this on here or twitter the Hellsite.
Please, don't apologize for the rant! Rant away! I like discussing stuff like this with people!
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moonshoesreyes · 4 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin & Raven Reyes, Clarke Griffin & John Murphy, Monty Green & Clarke Griffin, Emori/John Murphy (The 100), Clarke Griffin & Emori Characters: Clarke Griffin, Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Monty Green, Bellamy Blake, Emori (The 100), Abby Griffin Additional Tags: hi, GUESS WHOS BACK, Angst, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Alternate Universe, Sick Fic, Guilt Summary:
Clarke gets sick, and the person she needs the most isn't there. Luckily, Murphy and Raven are there to distract her.
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togetherkru · 2 years
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Just... IMAGINE.
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bellarkeficrecs · 2 years
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Clarke has read the old books from Earth, has read stories about soulmates, and knows that Bellamy Blake and her are not those types of soulmates. Ark soulmates do not have destined hearts and complimentary souls. The match percentage simply means that of all the eligible men in her age range on the Ark, Bellamy and she have the best chance at producing a genetically superior child. That’s it, that’s all. But despite this, it is magical in its own way, if it is what helps the Ark survive. Maybe their descendent will return to Earth one day and it will be because of this paper—because she is Bellamy Blake’s soulmate.
It's a shock to both Bellamy and Clarke when they're assigned soulmates, but they have no choice but to try to live with one another.
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luminouswriter · 3 years
Bellarke as series covers
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