#belly Conklin x reader
h4arts · 1 year
belly conklin x fem! reader. where the reader is conrad’s best friend from school, and at first belly finds herself feeling jealous, but then she realizes she has a HUGE crush on her, and then they kiss!!
jealous, belly conklin -synopsis: since the age of twelve, belly had been jealous of your relationship with conrad. turns out, she was jealous of him the whole time. -warnings: underage drinking, kissing, angst with happy ending, very vague mention of a man not taking no for an answer, fem reader -notes: i got way carried away on this one, it's really long, i hope it's what you wanted!
Belly loved the summer house and the people in it. It was an extension of herself, the one constant she always counted down to, looked forward to, hated to leave, and always wanted to go back to. It had always been the Fisher and Conklin families, before Belly was born and long after she realized how joyous the place was. The summer she turned twelve, it became different though. That was the first summer she met you.
Conrad had spent the better half of a year begging his parents to let you go with them, that you were his best friend and he'd hate to leave you behind where all you'd have of this magical place were the stories he'd have when he got back. That's what Susannah had told Laurel when she questioned who you were. Belly just happened to overhear.
Belly hadn't cared much at the time. She'd thought that maybe another girl would mean less teasing, less jokes made at her expense. But as the summer progressed, she also felt jealous that you had just as much if not more attention from the boys as she did. They became your friends as much as they were hers. She decided then that she wished Conrad would've kept his school friends at school.
You had left a couple weeks early that summer, and Belly was glad things had gone back to normal for her last days at the beach house. It was just like it had been last summer, except it wasn't. You still lingered in the air, Conrad still talked about you and even Jeremiah and Steven did too. Belly found herself hoping as she got in the car that you wouldn't be back next year. That next summer would be the Fishers and the Conklins, no one else.
The next summer had come, and Belly would be thirteen. It would be like any other birthday, just the parents, the boys, and her. But nearing closer to the beach house from the drive way, she knew by the laughter in the living room that you were back. Steven ran inside with Jeremiah who was previously helping with bags. Laurel gave a gentle squeeze to Belly's shoulder with a reassuring smile before following her son inside.
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Belly promised herself she wouldn't let you bother her this summer. The beach house was supposed to be for happy memories and a fun summer. She wouldn't ruin that, even if she didn't like the changes it came with.
Inside, Belly was surprised when you stood to greet her with a hug, the smell of your perfume lingering even after you pulled away to help Laurel carry bags. It wasn't so strong it burned Belly's nose, but it was present enough to leave a mark that said 'I was here'.
That summer, she got sick and had to stay inside for a few days until she was better. The boys left every day without her but you stayed back and ate popsicles with her. You watched her favorite films with her and played various games with her. Then when the boys came back at night, you'd leave her with Susannah and Laurel to go hang out with them.
Even when she got better and the boys left to go camp at the beach like they had in a previous summer, there you were, trying to roast marshmallows over the living room fireplace so she could have smores too. When she asked where you'd gotten the supplies, you'd responded that Jeremiah was easy to bribe out of food with the right trade.
Belly had to admit to herself that maybe your presence wasn't so bad, that if you came back next summer, she wouldn't be so upset by it. She finally liked not being left alone or stuck with the moms watching old films, though she did enjoy it.
She was starting to think that maybe you weren't the worst thing to happen, but all those thoughts came crashing down one day at the boardwalk. Conrad asked her to go after they'd both been left alone in the house. He bought her a caramel apple, he walked down the pier with her, and when he asked to go play ring toss, Belly understood why he'd brought her. She remembered a conversation between you and Conrad earlier in the week when you and Steven had gone to the boardwalk by yourselves. You came back talking about a giraffe they had on the prize wall at the ring toss game.
When Belly approached the stand with Conrad, she saw him look right at it. She realized then that there was probably more behind the title 'best friend' when he spoke about you or when you laughed at something he'd whisper in your ear as everyone left dinner. She dragged him over to the ring toss game and said to win a prize. She walked away from him, leaving him to the pretty girl working the game.
Conrad found her later, confused as to why she didn't come back. In his hands were two prizes, which surprised Belly. He held out a polar bear with sunglasses to her. "They said it was the best prize they had." Belly took it, her other hand pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose.
"I like the giraffe better. Thanks though." Belly walked away, leaving Conrad standing in the middle of the food court with the stuffed giraffe he'd won for you.
Belly cried that night. She was jealous, Conrad had dragged her all the way out to the boardwalk to win you the stuffed animal you'd seen with Steven. It wasn't fair, that's what she told Taylor when she got back home before school. Belly hadn't said goodbye back to you that summer, too sick with dislike to say it with any meaning.
Belly hoped more than anything you wouldn't come back next summer, but she knew you would, so she would bring Taylor. She thought maybe with her best friend there, the thought of you and Conrad would be distracted from her mind.
It was mid-June, and Belly absolutely regretted bringing Taylor. She was only concerned with seeking Jeremiah's attention, leaving barely any of her own for Belly. Meanwhile, Belly had to sit on the sidelines and watch you and Conrad. Racing to the ocean, sharing huge bowls of ice cream, sitting next to each other at dinner, talking in hushed whispers and laughing so loud it rattled her heart.
Belly had brought Taylor hoping it would distract her from you, but she was constantly with Taylor, which meant you had all of your time to spend with Conrad. It shouldn't have mattered to Belly as much as it did, you were here for him anyways. He was the only reason you were there.
Later in the summer, Jeremiah wanted Belly and Taylor to be the judges of a surfing competition. Belly thought it would be just him and Steven, she hadn't seen you or Conrad all day, but then you both showed up, surfboards tucked under your arms as he laughed and you just watched with a smile.
Belly stood up to leave, everyone else was too busy to notice. Taylor was transfixed on Jeremiah who was already running out to the water with Steven, you and Conrad still stood in the sand laughing, hiding in the shade behind your surfboards.
Laurel watched her daughter walk in the back door, shoulders hunched and a frown etched deep into her face. "What's wrong? Are you not having fun out there?"
"I don't want her here." Belly mumbled, sitting on the couch between her mother and Susannah who held a glass of iced tea in her hands. The ice was making the cup sweat, so when Susannah reached out to Belly, her hand was cool and wet. She would've hated anyone else doing that, but it wasn't anyone else, it was comforting because it was Susannah.
"You don't have to bring her next year." Belly's frown deepened. They thought she meant Taylor. And it was true, she didn't want Taylor there anymore, but she meant it about you. She was tired of looking at you having so much fun with Conrad. She was sick of watching you do everything with him. She hated that you were with him all year round and she was only there in the summer.
Usually when summer came to an end, Belly hated having to leave the beach house. All she wanted was to stay there forever. But this year, she was ready to go. She was ready to escape the jealousy she felt every time she looked at you and Conrad. She was upset with Taylor and Steven who she caught kissing at the beach after Taylor promised not to hurt Jeremiah. It felt like that whole summer was just them falling apart. Before Belly got in the car, she tried to avoid the painful goodbyes. Not because she was sad, but because she couldn't stand to leave this place with her last memory being of you. You always said goodbye last and you would hug her and she wouldn't say anything, leaving you standing there in the driveway like she had the last two years. She couldn't handle it, not after this summer's chaos.
She wasn't fast enough though, or maybe you had come outside earlier. Belly watched you walk down the porch steps, Steven's hand wrapped around your elbow as he said something stupid, judging by the way your eyes squinted in confusion before Steven shook his head, signaling to dismiss what he had said. He walked around to the other side of the car, and Belly turned to get in before you said anything. To her misfortune, you were faster, wrapping your arms around her shoulders in the same hug you gave her every time you said goodbye.
"Goodbye, Belly. Have a good year. I'm sorry we didn't see each other much." You spoke in a whisper, just like always. It annoyed her. She didn't hug you back, she didn't say anything. She pulled away, turned towards the car, and got in. Not once did she look back, she never did. Belly had done this every summer since you arrived, she couldn't stand you any longer than she had to.
As Laurel drove away, Steven turned up the music he had on aux. Taylor was staring down at her phone, tapping away furiously. Belly could still feel the cool press of your rings on her sun warmed skin, she could still hear the softness of your voice, she could still smell the faintness of your perfume that was carried in the wind.
Next summer, Belly wouldn't pay you any attention. She wouldn't watch one more summer of you and Conrad when all she could do was sit and watch.
As soon as the car stopped, Belly swung open the car door and stepped out into the gleaming sunlight. The cool breeze felt good on her skin, it was the feeling she'd been waiting for all year. She was so glad to finally be back in Cousins for the summer, forgetting all about what happened the last time she was here.
The front door to the beach house flew open, and Jeremiah ran outside, followed by Conrad and Susannah who lingered back a bit. They all shared hugs and greetings, until Steven finally asked where you were. It was the question Belly had purposefully tried to ignore.
"She's not gonna be here for a while, her cousin's getting married." Conrad answers, and Steven seems upset with the answer but drops it. Belly wished it would take longer than just a while for you to get to the house. But, it made easing into summer that much better. She hadn't been the only girl in the beach house since she was eleven. It was just like old times, Belly, Steven, Conrad, and Jeremiah. They went swimming in the ocean, had lunch by the pool, Belly watched movies with the moms while they boys went to a party. Belly had gone to sleep every day for a week with a smile.
One morning when she woke up though, that peace was gone. Belly had gone downstairs for breakfast, only to find you standing in the kitchen with Jeremiah, flipping pancakes and dodging the strawberries Steven was throwing at you. Belly frowned, you were there early. It had only been one week. Conrad mentioned exactly that, moving down the stairs around Belly to greet you. Even he hadn't known you'd arrive early.
"My cousin and her partner are going a few hours south of here to meet other family that can't make the wedding. This is just a pit stop so I thought I'd say hi." While you spoke, Steven threw two more strawberries at you, neither of which you were able to dodge. Belly watched from the stairs as Conrad tried to wipe the stains off the white shirt you wore. They were noticeable, right in the center of your torso. "It's not a big deal." You told him, taking the towel from Conrad's hand. Belly's stomach twisted, he smiled at you so easily, and your hand was on top of his before taking the towel. Jeremiah and Steven didn't even notice, taste testing the pancakes. Belly turned around and went back upstairs.
She didn't come back until the afternoon, preparing herself to see you standing with Conrad again. Against everything in her, she'd put on the smallest bit if mascara and lip gloss, hoping she'd be noticed better. Maybe the attention wouldn't be on you then, and she wouldn't have to see Conrad staring at you. You were gone by the time she stepped of the last stair. Jeremiah told her you'd left an hour ago when she asked.
Belly went back upstairs to take off the mascara and lip gloss. She changed into her swimsuit and rushed back down stairs, diving straight into the pool. She hoped Jeremiah hadn't noticed the makeup when she asked where you were, she didn't need it if you weren't there. She wouldn't see you with Conrad, that was all she put it on for to begin with.
On the day of her birthday, Belly still hadn't seen you since the surprise visit. She opened her gifts from everyone, they all had pancakes for breakfast, per her request. Conrad had asked if she wanted to go to the boardwalk, Belly agreed. Steven and Jeremiah ended up going too, but they went straight to the arcade as soon as they arrived. Conrad followed Belly to all the things she wanted to do, until it led them to a picnic table for a snack.
Belly didn't think it was a good idea to ask, but she had to know. She asked Conrad why he was friends with you. Belly wanted to know what was so important about you that he couldn't even leave you back for two months to be at the beach house.
"She's been my best friend for years. I've known her almost as long as I've known you. I just never really talked to her until the year before I first brought her here." Conrad shrugged, he didn't understand the importance of the question. But now that Belly had asked it and received the wrong answer, she didn't understand why it was important for her to know either. But she'd already asked, she wanted a real answer.
"That isn't what I asked you." Conrad sighed at that. He took a long sip of his drink and paused, almost as if he really had to think about the answer. Maybe he was just trying to avoid it.
"She was there for me when I needed someone." He answered shortly.
"And no one else was?"
"That's not what I meant." She knew. But she wanted a real answer, not a vague one, not one that could be misinterpreted. And she'd already asked twice. There clearly wasn't anything special about you, or Conrad wanted to keep something about your relationship secret. Either of those explanations would've confirmed Belly's suspicions.
"She just, she makes people feel safe with her even if they don't know her. She's just got that about her, y'know?" Belly had never heard Conrad say that about anyone. But, it made sense to her now though, why he would drag you miles from your own home and family every summer just to spend that extra time with you. It also made sense to her that you were more than his best friend, and she had a feeling she knew just how much more.
"Hey guys, guess who I just saw outside!" Jeremiah ran up to their table, Steven trailing a safe distance behind. Belly and Conrad stood up, following Jeremiah and Steven to the exit. The sun was setting, Belly hadn't realized how long they'd been there.
Just as Jeremiah said, you stood in the parking lot alone, a jacket draped over your folded arms. Belly guessed you'd come straight from the reception, judging by your slightly smudged makeup and the dress you wore that rippled softly around your legs in the breeze. Once you saw them, you reached into the bag hanging from your shoulder and handed each of them a pressed flower.
"My cousin saved me the leftover ones for my room. I don't need all the ones she gave me." The boys clutched onto them like it was all they'd ever have of you, observing every inch of their flower like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Belly put hers in her pocket. She didn't look back at you after she did, not wanting to know if you'd seen her do it.
Back at the house that night, Belly sat in her room, looking at the clock every so often. It was late for her to still be up, even for it being summer. Everyone was asleep, so she got ready to go for a night swim. This was the latest she had ever gone, so there was no chance Susannah would come down tonight. She'd have the pool all to herself, but she was wrong.
On a chair across the deck from the door, you sat looking out to the stars above the ocean. Hearing the creak of the door, you look back to see Belly standing there, a towel tightly clutched in her hand. Belly was surprised when you didn't smile at her before you looked away. You always did, and it felt odd to Belly that you didn't. She wondered if something happened, if you were upset with her about the flower or if you finally gave up on trying to be nice to her.
Belly considered going to sit next to you, but as she walked farther out from the deck, she saw the look on your face, illuminated by the moonlight. You weren't mad, or sad, or upset. You were just there. There was nothing wrong, so Belly dropped the towel on the closest chair to the pool and dove in. She swam her laps, took short breaks to just float, and every time she looked back at you, you were still there, eyes never once leaving the sky.
Finally feeling tired, Belly got out of the pool and wrapped herself in the towel. She headed towards the door to go back inside, but something made her stop. Something made her want to go sit with you and watch the stars, just for a bit. You still didn't look away from the sky as Belly sat next to you, and she didn't say anything. She tucked her knees up to her chin to fully wrap the towel around herself and she watched the stars with you.
She had no idea what you were thinking, or if you were even thinking about anything at all, so she quietly kept an eye out for any shooting stars until you suddenly moved your hand to your pocket. Belly jumped slightly, not expecting you to move. You pulled out a small box and handed it to Belly.
"Happy birthday, Belly." Then you turned back to the stars. She carefully removed the lid from the box, revealing a small starfish charm glinting delicately in the light from the moon. "For the charm bracelet you've got. It's to remind you of this place even when you aren't here. I know how much you love it here." That was all you said, and Belly assumed it's all you would say.
She stared down at the charm, and thought back to what Conrad had said earlier at the boardwalk. She makes people feel safe with her even if they don't know her. She's just got that about her, y'know? Belly now knew how true that really was. Even back when she first met you, you had been the one to make sure she never felt left out, you'd sit with her when she was sick or when the boys would leave without her. You'd always tell her to have a good year when she left and you meant it every time, even when she left you standing in the driveway without saying anything back. You'd gotten her something to remember this place and all the amazing memories it held.
Belly realized there was nothing about you that she could hate. Not the way your voice lingered in her head all the way home at the end of the summer, not your perfume that she could smell long after you'd vanished from sight, not the cooling metal of your rings that came with every touch or hug you gave her, not the welcoming smile you always wore. Even tonight, when she first walked out the door and saw you. She realized if it had been anyone else besides Susannah, she would have turned around and gone back inside. For some reason, it didn't bother her that you were out there with her. She felt safe.
"Good night, Belly." Belly looked up from the charm to see you already halfway back inside. "Don't stay up too late, you'll hate yourself for it in the morning." You were gone before Belly could say anything back. She wished she would've said something, she didn't even say thank you. It made her think about every summer she never said anything back, never hugged you back, never looked back.
Summer was over fast after you got there. Belly didn't try to avoid your goodbyes this time, but she was confused now. Why was she now realizing that all the things she thought she hated about you, she didn't and never had? She still didn't hug you back. She still didn't say goodbye. But halfway down the street, she looked back. It was the first time she ever did, and she wished she hadn't. Your arms were crossed over yourself, the same way she did when she felt bad. You were frowning, and then Conrad was at your side, wrapping an arm wound your shoulder and leading you back inside, a gentle smile on his face. Had it always been that way?
It was spring break now, and Belly was still confused about last summer. She tried talking to Taylor about it, but she couldn't form the right words. All those times she saw you with Conrad, was it really you she was jealous of? Or was it just wishing that she was doing those things with you instead. Did she hate your goodbye hugs because if she hugged back she wouldn't let go? She missed the nights the boys left and it was just you and her, making your own jokes to laugh at. She finally recognized that she wanted to be the one you turned to, not Conrad.
Her whole life, she was so sure she wanted Conrad, for him to want her and to be with him. Now she wasn't sure that's what she'd wanted. Maybe deep down, she'd wanted the giraffe at the boardwalk because you wanted it, and it was subconsciously as close to you as she could get at the time.
Belly had stared at her phone for hours over the course of spring break, debating whether or not to call. She had no idea what she would say if she did, but she didn't like being confused over it. Time kept passing and Belly never called. And before she even knew it, school was out, exams were done, and she was packing her bags to go back to Cousins.
The ride there was the same as always, but when the car pulled in to the drive, only Jeremiah was on the porch waiting. He hugged Steven first before Laurel made her way over to ask about Susannah, to which Jeremiah responded that she was inside sleeping. Conrad came around the house a few moments later, pausing at the sight of them like he'd forgotten they were coming. He quickly greeted them before Steven announced it time for a 'Belly flop'. Conrad and Jeremiah were quick to follow. Belly looked around for you, but you weren't there. She guessed you were inside somewhere, waiting for them.
When Belly hit the water, she heard a new tone of voice added over the laughter of the boys. Swimming back to the surface, she saw you over Conrad's shoulder. You were smiling, hitting Steven's shoulder playfully. Belly swam over to the edge of the pool where you met her and kneeled down to help her out of the water. Once you were both sitting on the ground, you pulled Belly in for a hug, getting the front of your shirt wet. You both laughed and for the first time, Belly hugged you back. Things were going to be different that summer, she'd make sure of it.
Something was already different, though. Jeremiah and Conrad had never really paid her much attention before, but their stares had lingered a little longer than they ever had. Even Susannah had said Belly looked prettier, and she wondered if maybe your stare would linger as long as the boys' had. She hoped so.
The bonfire party came later in the week, and to Belly's disappointment, you'd spent most of that time with Conrad more than anyone else. Steven had told her not to go, and that he wouldn't be responsible for her. Belly didn't really want to go, but if was the only time she'd get to see you, she would go.
She called Taylor that night, asking her friend's opinion on what to wear. The call consisted of less help than meaningless bickering about what she should say to you. After the call had ended, Belly stared at her reflection in the mirror. She wondered if the dress she'd put on would even be noticeable to you, or if you would even care.
A thud echoed from across the hall, breaking Belly's thoughts. She went to see where the noise had come from, which led her to your room. Before she could say anything, the door flew open, revealing you in a shorter dress than you'd worn before and your makeup that hadn't been redone since the morning. You were shocked to see Belly standing there, waiting for you to say something.
"I heard something fall." Belly watched the crease between your brows even out, the confusion leaving your face.
"I just knocked my phone over. No big deal." You shrugged, stepping out of your room and closing the door behind you. "Are you going to the party?" You ask, eyes tracing over the dress Belly wore.
"Oh, um, yeah. Don't tell Steven though." Belly looked down, realizing that Steven would see her once she got there, so you telling him wouldn't even matter.
"Don't worry about him, go and have fun. He can be mad later, you look great." You put an arm around Belly's shoulders, leading her to the stairs so you could go.
Steven, Conrad, and Jeremiah had already left, the party was undoubtedly already in full swing. Belly would have questioned why you didn't go with them, but she knew from Conrad and Jeremiah's stories that you were always late to parties anyways.
Belly went around to the passenger side of your car, waiting for you to get your keys. She glanced in the window of the backseat and saw in the small amount of moonlight a stuffed giraffe in the middle seat. The one Conrad won at the boardwalk. A frown pulled at her lips as you walked outside, unlocking the car. Belly immediately got in, looking out the window. Getting in the car yourself, Belly felt your eyes on her, and when she looked at your reflection in the window, she saw the worry in them.
"We don't have to go. We can stay back and watch movies." You say, pausing to put the key in the ignition.
"No. I want to go." Belly still didn't look back, but she truly did want to go now. She couldn't go back inside and go to bed. It felt like every time she thought maybe she had a chance, Conrad came right back. The giraffe in your backseat was proof enough that she was right. She was going to the party, either with you or someone else to distract her from that thought.
"Okay." The car started, and the whole drive, Belly didn't look anywhere but out the window. You'd glance at her once in a while, making sure she was still okay. Belly tried to ignore it, just focusing on the music softly playing from the radio.
Barely waiting for the car to park along the crowded street, Belly tried to open the door. You locked it before she could, causing her to groan in annoyance. "Promise you'll tell me if you want to leave."
"Fine." Belly still didn't look at you, and she tried the door again. "Just unlock the door so we can go."
"Look at me, Belly." Finally, she turned to look at you, one hand still on the door and frowning. "Promise, or I'll turn around."
"I promise." Her shoulders deflated into a more relaxed posture, and you unlocked the door. Belly split from you as soon as you got to the crowd of people drinking and laughing. She needed a minute alone before she could go back to you or she got caught by Steven.
"Hey, Belly!" Jeremiah was walking over to her, a full solo cup in his hand. He held it out to her, and laughed at the grimace on her face as she looked down at it. "Don't worry, it's just water. I'm driving tonight."
She took the cup, from him and downed about half of the water before handing it back. Her nervousness had dried her throat. Jeremiah just shook his head with a smile. "Wait, how'd you get here? Some creep didn't drag you here, right?" It was Belly's turn to laugh, and she shook her head, explaining she'd come with you.
"Actually, did you see where she went?" Jeremiah squinted, trying to remember if he'd seen you.
"I don't think I've seen her yet, I mean you just got here, right? Maybe Steven knows, he was hanging around by the fire." He responds, turning to go in the direction Steven was.
"No, I don't want him to know I'm here yet." Belly stops him, and Jeremiah frowns but doesn't argue.
"I can ask Conrad." Belly nods, and Jeremiah leaves the cup of water with her as he goes racing off to find his brother.
A few minutes later, Jeremiah comes back, reaching for the water cup back from Belly. He took a long drink before answering Belly's previous question about your whereabouts. "She's actually with him right now. They're over by the water." Jeremiah points towards the ocean in a vague pattern, but Belly thanks him anyway and makes her way down the beach.
However, as Belly got closer, she stopped, trying to register what was happening in front of her. You were kissing Conrad, and clearly so distracted you didn't even notice the tide getting the side of your shoe wet. Your hands were in his hair and his arms were around your waist and Belly felt so upset that she almost didn't notice the man standing a few feet from you drop his cup and walk away.
Steven suddenly appeared with Jeremiah and a girl she hadn't seen before, and she was too frozen to even consider trying to run away before Steven saw her. "Belly, what are you doing here?" Her eyes turned to Steven who was quickly approaching her, she hadn't seen you when you appeared next to her, gently taking her arm and leading her away before Steven got to her.
"Let me go!" Belly tried to pull her arm away from you. You didn't let her go until you were both a safe distance from the crowd on the beach.
"Belly, just breathe." You stood in front of her, and she tried to move around you. "Belly." You blocked her again.
"Just let me go."
"Go where? And who with?" Belly didn't know, she just wanted away from you, and Conrad, and Steven. She didn't know when her tears started falling, or when you hugged her and she fought against your hold until she finally gave up. She let you run your hand up and down her arm to soothe her, you let her cry into your shoulder. "I'm sorry." You whispered.
Belly realized she'd been right, that it had always been you and Conrad. No matter how badly she hoped, it would never be you and her. Maybe she could've changed that if she'd been nicer all those past summers, maybe if she would've matched your efforts to be there, that could've been her you kissed on the beach.
"Let's go home, okay?" Belly nodded, she let you lead her back to your car. Even when you'd gotten home, she let you lead her up to her room, wash the light makeup she had on off her face and laid out a change of clothes. After you'd left her with a 'goodnight', Belly lay awake staring at her ceiling. The summer had just started, she couldn't handle watching you and Conrad all summer. She had barely tolerated it in previous summers. It would hurt worse to see it knowing for certain that you loved him.
She wasn't sure how long she had laid there when she heard stumbling on the stairs followed by a string of quiet curses. She heard you and Jeremiah say goodnight before Jeremiah's door closed and Conrad's swung open, hitting the wall before there was a long pause of silence.
Belly quietly got out of her bed and went to her door, cracking it open just enough to see what was happening. You were backing out of Conrad's room, whispering something she couldn't hear before shutting his door. Belly closed her own door, it wasn't loud, but it was audible. She stood behind her now closed door, listening as you stopped on the other side of it.
"Belly," She didn't respond, she didn't move. She just stood and stared right at the door where your face you be if she opened it. You sighed. "Good night." Belly listened until the sound of your footsteps quieted and your door squeaked shut across the hall.
Belly couldn't fall asleep, even after she had been back in her bed for an hour. She couldn't stop thinking about what she'd seen at the party, what you might've told Conrad before you shut his door, what you probably did the rest of the year when you weren't at the beach house. She wondered if you slept more peacefully than her, not knowing how badly Belly's heart was breaking.
The next morning, Belly didn't want to leave her bed. She didn't want to see you and Conrad, it would just make last night more real. Unfortunately for her, her mother walked in at the exact second she turned away from the door to go back to sleep.
"Belly, you need to get up. It's already late." Laurel sat on the edge of her daughter's bed, pulling the sheets off Belly's head.
"No. Can't I just sleep today?"
"It's summer Belly, go out in the sun, you can sleep tonight." Laurel sighed, standing up and going back to the door. She told Belly that you, Conrad, and Steven had gone to get drinks and muffins. Belly got up then. She thought she could go downstairs, eat something, and escape the house before you got back. Jeremiah was the only one at the time Belly could stand to see without being lectured or heartbroken.
"Finally! I thought I was gonna have to sit out on the surfing competition today." Jeremiah smiled up at Belly as she entered the kitchen, grabbing a box of cereal and a bowl, taking the milk from the counter before Jeremiah could refill his glass.
"I'm not going." Belly said, stuffing a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. Jeremiah rolled his eyes.
"Of course you are, Steven's an unfair judge."
"No I am not!" Steven appeared in the doorway, a box balanced on one arm and a coffee cup in the other. Belly froze, she hadn't made it out in time.
"Yes you are, you give us all twos at best." Conrad followed after Steven with another box.
"That's not true." Steven argues, sliding Jeremiah's cup over to set down the box he carried.
"It so is. Just because we're better than you." Belly didn't look anywhere but her bowl of cereal, your voice was the last one she wanted to hear right now.
"Shut up, just because you went to a fancy camp-"
"No I did not!" You and Steven continued the banter as you set down the drink carriers balanced in your hands. Conrad opened the muffin boxes, mindlessly reaching for one as his eyes full of amusement never once left you and Steven you were now pushing each other.
"Hey! Watch the food, some people are actually hungry." Childishly, Steven stuck his tongue out at Jeremiah, who in turn rolled his eyes.
"Didn't your mom tell you we were bringing muffins?" Belly looked up for the first time since you got back. The boys had left the kitchen with their plates of muffins and drinks.
"Yeah, I didn't want to wait. I thought you'd be longer." Belly lied, putting her bowl in the sink and muttering that she'd come back later to clean it. She quickly left to go back to her room, getting right back into her bed.
A few minutes later, there was a knock at her door before it was gently pushed open. You walked in with a plate of muffins and two drinks balanced in your hands. Walking over to Belly, you held out one of the drinks, sitting next to her. Once Belly had taken the drink, you set the plate down in front of her on the bed.
"I know you're upset with me Belly." She looked at you, pretending not to know what you meant. "I would've talked to you about it last night, but I think it was best we both slept off a bit of emotion before talking." Belly looked away, she wasn't ready to have this conversation yet. Not last night, not now, probably not ever. Her heart couldn't take it. "Talk to me, and if you still hate me after we talk, I'll leave you be."
"Do you love him?" Belly's voice was hardly above a whisper, but you heard, and with a small sigh, you answered, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
"He's my best friend, Belly. He has been for years. There's a thing about a friend like that, that just becomes a part of you and your life. I do love him, very much. But I'm not in love with him and he's not in love with me." You explain gently, eyes never leaving the side of her face.
"So why'd you kiss him?" Belly looked at you, there was a certain sadness in them that broke your heart.
"Because some people don't listen to words like they do actions." That's when Belly remembered the man that had stormed away from you before Steven and Jeremiah showed up. She hadn't thought anything of it when it happened, too focused on her own heart breaking.
"Oh." Belly took a sip of her drink. Maybe she had misread the whole thing.
"You can talk to me Bells." You hadn't called her that before, she wished you would've. She wished you'd keep doing it.
"I like you." Belly blurted before she could talk herself out of it. You smiled at her.
"I know. I like you too." Belly's eyes scrunched in confusion. "I was just waiting for you to figure it out yourself."
"I hate you." Belly smiled then, her face relaxing as you both laughed.
"That's not what you just said."
"No." Belly thought back to all the summers she'd spent with you that led up to now, you laughing in her room. You liked her, not Conrad. "What was that thing you were saying about actions..." She laughed again as you rolled your eyes in fake annoyance.
"What do you want? My muffin? My drink?" This time Belly rolled her eyes and you'd laughed, but she still took the drink, setting both on the night stand beside her.
"I want you to kiss me."
"Okay." You took her face in your hands and kissed her. Belly hadn't realized before, but she lived for this moment. She could've done this all along, had your lips on hers, your hands in her hair, rings pressing lightly against her cheeks, your perfume drowning her in a scent that made everything but you disappear.
When you pulled away, she found herself wishing you hadn't. She didn't want you to stop, and then it hit her that she'd only ever have you in the summer. You lived hours from her, she couldn't go to you whenever she wanted. She had just finally gotten you, and not even three months later, she'd have to let you go.
"I'll come find you." Your voice broke her thoughts.
"When summer's over." Belly thought you'd read her mind, you knew the look she had in her eyes. "I'll be there when you need me." She didn't say anything, she didn't want to think about it. Summer had just started anyway, and now she had you. She kissed you again, ignoring your complaint about the muffins that still hadn't been touched. How could she care about those muffins right now when she'd been waiting long enough to finally kiss you?
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
I wasn’t gonna talk about it, hoping someone else would say it but I’ve seen it too many times now. PLEASE DO NOT tag ships that are NOT in the fanfic. If it’s a fic for Conrad I don’t want to see “Cam Cameron x reader” or “Jeremiah fisher x reader” in the tags. Please tag your fics with the correct ship if it’s Jeremiah fisher x reader just tag it “Jeremiah Fisher x reader” if there’s other characters that ARE NOT with the reader just tag their name without the X reader. I know you want to have more tags so more people see it but there are plenty of other tags such as the show name or “TSITP Characters x reader”, anyways thank you for coming to my rant.
I’ve seen one to many fics tagged wrong and i’ve been searching for conrad fics and over half of them are jeremiah fics. LEAVE ME ALONE.
If you’re fic is currently tagged with the wrong ship tags please go fix it. i’m so serious. i’ll start crying
I’m sorry if this comes off bitchy I just would please like fics to be tagged correctly so I can read what I was actually looking for <3
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humblequestvinyl · 9 months
growing sideways
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SUMMARY: when the unexpected happens and laurel shows up at the summer house, y/n fisher is confronted with more than just trying to keep the summer house from being sold.
inspired by growing sideways by noah kahan
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lowercase is intentional! wc: 1.8k
warnings: mention of underage drinking, deep grief, mentions of not eating, swearing, depression, throwing up & broken promises (literally just sibling banter but you know!)
a/n: guys i got accepted into college who cheered. anyway i have been grinding on school work i promise i didn’t forget about this series & my tumblr account! i also didn't proof read this sorry
and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
except this morning, she woke up to a quiet knock on her door, and the h/c laid still hoping whoever it was would just go away.  however, she knew she was screwed as soon as the door opened, and her bed dipped.
“n/n you’ve gotta get up.”conrad told the girl, seeing her breathing still for a moment before trying to go back to normal, “i’m serious y/n, laurel’s here and she wants to talk to you.”
it was silent for a few moments before y/n made slight movement, curling up into a ball, not really wanting to leave her spot for the day unless she had to, “why is laurel here?”
“apparently you were so drunk that you called her and left her a voicemail sobbing about how dad was selling the house, how you fought with emerson and how i was going to miss my exams.”conrad explained, and everything from the night before had hit y/n all at once.
the fight with emerson, the call to laurel, the endless amount of alcohol she had, and the fact that they were about to lose the house she called her first home.
“i’m gonna be sick.”y/n muttered before rushing towards the bathroom where her eldest brother held her hair back, with a frown spread across his face knowing everything was about to get a lot worse.
one she was finished, jeremiah walked in with a bottle of water for the girl. she took slow sips, quietly thanking her brother for the bottle before jere leaned up against the door frame of the bathroom, watching his little sister with slight worry.
“is dad down there too?”y/n questioned, and the two shook their heads, “good, i don’t have the energy to fight with him today.”
“he left about an hour ago.”jere told her, and she hummed, leaning her head up against the wall, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep.
“c’mon, if you go talk to laurel, you, jere, belly, steven and i will go to denny’s after to get breakfast.”conrad told the girl hoping it would at least get her willingly downstairs, “it’ll help with the hangover.”
“you promise?”y/n questioned, staring up at conrad with slight hope he’d actually take her.
“have i ever broken a promise with you before?”conrad questioned with a slight chuckle as he helped his sister up, and the fisher brothers walked the girl downstairs, making sure she wasn’t going to fall.
“when i was eleven you pinky promised you’d get me cotton candy on the boardwalk but that never happened.”y/n told him with a slight frown as they finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, and into the kitchen where they sat laurel cleaning up the breakfast that she had made for their father.
“i’ll get you some the next time we’re there.”he told her, guiding her towards one of the barstools, and the two brothers gave laurel a smile, “she’s all yours.”
y/n watched as her brothers walked outside before her eyes drifted back to laurel who had a soft smile spread across her face, placing a glass of orange juice in front of her. she watched as laurel sat across from her, and she studied the woman who she considered like a second mother to her. the bags under her eyes were darker, and stress radiated off the woman but she still looked calm as ever.
“how are you doing?”laurel asked the girl, breaking the silence between the two as y/n gently sipped on the orange juice, glancing up at laurel, “is that a rhetorical question?”
“no, it’s a serious one.”
“well, i’m sitting here at the beach house trying to cope with the fact that we’re losing said beach house and my mom is dead.”y/n stated plainly, before plastering a sarcastic smile across her face, “how are you doing laurel?”
“well for starters i’m worried about you.”laurel told the girl in front of her as she continued to sip on the juice, “you scared the shit out of me with that phone call.”
“i’m sorry.”y/n mumbled as she finished the juice, and placed the glass into the sink, “i won’t call when i’m drunk.”
“it’s not even that kiddo,”laurel turned towards the h/c girl, trying her best to keep the situation calm, “connie texted me a few weeks ago saying they couldn’t find you for a bit, and then to get the voicemail you left last night, i’m worried about you.”
“well you shouldn’t be because i’m fine.”y/n stated as her lips pressed into a thin line, leaning up against the counted to look at laurel to try and convince her that everything was fine, “i’m breathing, i’m eating-”
“but you’re not.”laurel cut her off, catching y/n by surprise, “conrad and jeremiah don’t remember the last time you willingly ate without them having to force you to have something, and they’re telling me you’re not sleeping unless you’re drunk.”
“this isn’t healthy y/n.”she told the girl who looked at her in shock, not knowing that laurel had known, “you and i both know it.”
“but it works.”y/n whispered, knowing laurel was right. it wasn’t healthy but it was the only aspect in her life she had control over right now, and if she had her way, it was going to stay exactly like that.
“it doesn’t work y/n! if you seriously don’t stop drinking soon and eating more you’re going to end up in the hospital!”laurel exclaimed, and y/n watched her as she stood up and walked towards the girl, “i’m serious y/n this has got to stop.”
“this is the only thing i have control over right now.”the h/c girl admitted as tears brimmed her eyes, “the only fucking thing i have control over right now.”
“and it’s under control.”she lied, trying to keep her tears at bay knowing as soon as they slipped out, she’d completely break, “if you guys want me to start eating more then fine, i’ll start eating more.”
“but for fucks sake laurel, let me have this one thing.”y/n begged and laurel shook her head and she wrapped the girl in a tight hug, and she completely broke.
“i can’t kiddo and you know that.”laurel told the girl softly, her heart breaking for the girl she watched grown up come crashing down right in front of her, “you can do this n/n, you’ve got connie, jere, your dad-”
“but i don’t!”y/n spoke in between sobs, clutching onto the woman like she was the only person she had left, “dad hates me, connies at college, i can barely even talk with jere anymore since mom died and i pushed emmy so far away i doubt she’ll want to talk to me.”
“i’ve got nobody laurel.”
laurel pulled back from the hug, cupping the h/c girl cheeks, wiping away some of the stray tears that fell as y/n tried to hold off her sobs as long as she could.
“you’ve got me.”laurel told the girl, and y/n started to shake her head before laurel stopped her, “i know i’ve been absent since your mom died and i’m sorry for that. but i promise you y/n you’re never losing me.”
“and if that means you need me to come stay for the weekend or call me at midnight about something then do it.”the woman explained, and y/n nodded slowly, “but seriously y/n, you’ve gotta stop doing what you’re doing because it’s not healthy.”
“promise me you’ll at least try to stop.”laurel begged, and y/n nodded as her lip wobbled, threatening to unload more tears, “i promise.”
“and if you need anything i need you to call me.”she reminded the young girl, knowing there had been so many instances within the last two months that the girl didn’t call when she should’ve, but she also knew that laurel was graveling with her grief as well.
it was a few moments before either of them spoke up, having no words to be said before a thought popped into the h/c girl’s head, “what are we going to do about the house?”
laurel gave the girl a soft smile, one that instantly gave the fisher girl comfort, “you’re going to do absolutely nothing. it is all taken care of.”
“connie and jere will talk to you about it when you all go out to breakfast.”the woman told the girl just as they saw belly stick her head into the doorway with a slight smile on her face.
“you guys okay?”the girl asked, and y/n nodded, wiping away the remaining tears that streamed down her face, “if you’re all set we’re about to head out for breakfast.”
“go.”laurel told y/n, before the girl walked towards belly, and belly had the widest smile she had seen in awhile.
“almost ready to grab some breakfast?”belly questioned, and y/n nodded before the two walked out to conrad's car, leaving the girl replaying the entire conversation in her head.
the five split up into two cars, with belly going with jeremiah and steven, while y/n and conrad had gone in another. 
as they drove off, taylor swift played softly in the background as y/n had her back turned to conrad, not really wanting to talk about anything in that moment after the emotional turmoil she had just went through.
when they finally arrived at dennys, they were the first ones there, and conrad shut the car off before turning to where y/n had been curled up.
“dad’s not selling the cousin’s house.”conrad finally spoke up, causing the girl’s head to whip around to look at her brother, “we’re keeping the house.”
“how?”y/n questioned as shock filled the girl, and she could see the smile spreading across his face, “laurel’s a miracle worker.”
“dad is going to sell the house in boston and you guys are going to move into the cousins house.”he explained, and conrad could finally see some sparkle come back into his sisters eyes.
“we’re staying in cousins.”
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marlswhore · 1 year
i better see belly conklin x fem! reader fics once season two is released. belly deserves a lovely gf and she’s deserves so much more appreciation and attention.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“can i kiss you?”
“is this your way of asking me out or—”
“think i wanna do a little more than just kiss.”
- Belly Conklin
“think i wanna do a little more than just kiss.”
“is this your way of asking me out or—”
“can i kiss you?”
Pronouns: he/him/his, male
imma be fully honest, i haven't finished season 1 but i know people have many opinions on season 2
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Belly surveyed the other teenagers partying around her, feeling wildly out of her element amongst dancing and drinking strangers. Steven had promised their mother he'd keep an eye on her, but the second he found Shayla amidst the party, he went after her like a puppy and left Belly all alone to search for the Fisher brothers. Her two friends had similarly drifted away as well, one in search of his girlfriend and the other had gone off to chat with some old friends.
Thus, Belly Conklin had been left alone to do as she pleased without three guys hovering over her. Not that she felt like doing much. She watched drinking competitions with a nervous grimace, felt too out of place to dance, and had no one to talk to unless she wanted to bring the boys' attention back to her.
Waddling deeper into the party and whispering soft a 'excuse me' every three seconds, she began having regrets about pestering the boys' into letting her attend. The feeling only intensified upon spotting Conrad sat on one of the couches with an arm hung loosely around Nicole and the smallest of smiles on his face.
Her body went rigid and she took in a sharp inhale, spinning back around to block the sight from her vision. She tried ignoring the way her throat tightened and her veins flooded with jealousy and hurt. Conrad was her best friend. He never even showed any real interest in her. But seeing him cozying up to someone else...
"Isabel!" A voice called her name and she looked up, spotting the familiar teen sat on the opposite side of the room. He grinned at her and Belly surprised herself by immediately walking over to him. (Y/N) straightened up on the couch and set his red solo cup on the nightstand beside him. "Never thought I'd see you at a party."
Relief trickled into her and she smiled at him. The two weren't close by any means but Belly knew him well enough to feel comfortable around him. She only saw him on occasion every summer when his mother would drop by to see Susannah and catch up. Steven had desperately been trying to gain the attention of (Y/N), one of Cousin's notable 'cool kids', but his attempts always proved futile.
"It's not really my vibe, I guess." Belly chuckled breathlessly and brushed her hair back over her ear, glancing back in the direction of Conrad while doing so. Their eyes locked and she snapped her attention back to (Y/N).
"I could introduce you to some of my friends, if you want. It's always easier to know who to hang with." He offered with a shrug and she exhaled heavily, body nearly slumping into the cushion of the couch.
"That'd be... really nice. Thank you, (Y/N)." Belly smiled widely and tucked her legs underneath her, propping one arm up on the thick cushion of the couch. She took another glance back at Conrad and a jolt went up her spine when she noticed him watching them.
And then, an idea struck.
“Can I kiss you?” The words tumbled out of her mouth faster than she processed them and her skin immediately lit ablaze. Part of her couldn't believe she'd even asked. Her experience in the romance department was nonexistent and she'd only ever briefly kissed Cam, yet there she was, asking a far more experienced friend if she could kiss them.
“Is this your way of asking me out or—” His amusement made her skin warm further.
"No! I mean, it's not like I don't think you're hot- I mean, I-I wouldn't say no if you asked me out but I didn't ask to ask you out, if that makes sense? I-" Belly groaned quietly and covered her face, unable to shake off the embarrassment as he snickered quietly under his breath. Taking in a deep breath and moving her hands from her face, she scooted closer to him and dropped her voice to a whisper. "I... I like Conrad. I've liked him for a really long time and... I want to, I don't know, make him jealous, I guess."
"I see." (Y/N) hummed, eyes flickering past her to look at Conrad. He pursed his lips in thought and just when she was about to brush aside everything, he gently grabbed her chin and pulled her in. An electrifying feeling erupted within her when their lips connected, goosebumps rising across her arms and the hairs on the nape of her neck rose.
His fingers fluttered over her jawline until his palm pressed against her cheek, their lips briefly disconnecting and nose brushing against each other before he closed the gap again. While Belly had no clue on what to do with herself, she decided to let her instincts do the acting. Her hands found his shoulders and she leaned forward, pulling back for a moment to settle down on his lap. He chuckled against her lips and tilted his head, arms curling around her waist to keep from from falling backwards.
"What'd you think about that, Isabel?"
“Think I wanna do a little more than just kiss.” She whispered, heat erupting in her belly and a flustered giggle escaping her. His lips curled into a smirk and he gave a curt nod.
"That can be arranged." He murmured and she moved her hands up to cup his face, strands of her long hair brushing against his skin. Before she could lean in again, an angry voice barked out.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Oh, shit. Conrad.
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sklyight · 11 months
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belly conklin x fem!reader. 1.4k words
summary: your hookups with jeremiah can’t seem to compare to the feeling you get around isabel conklin
“contains: suggestive content, mature themes, making out, and some jeremiah x reader, assumed unrequited love, angst ”
Looks mean nothing to you. The way his jawline curves means nothing. The way his hair sticks up in such an unusual way means nothing. The way a subtle stubble colors the bottom half of his face means absolutely nothing to you.
Although, maybe they do. Maybe it does matter when you breathe him in and smell an assortment of daisies and peaches. Or when you run your fingers through his hair and wish for it to be just a little longer.
Or when you wish for his short lashes to be painted until they reach their full extent.
Jeremiah’s beautiful, you realize. And when you look into his eyes, you begin to notice how soft they look.
Your chest tightens and your smile’s no longer strained. Your body slumps and the thoughts in your head go quiet.
He mumbles your name.
“Shut up, don’t talk,” you whisper, absolutely breathless.
He obeys. He continues to tightly grip your waist all while kissing down on your neck. The action makes you feel nothing. You’re stuck wanting more, more than what he is. You tighten your hold on his waist and run your hands along his back.
Just a little closer. You want her closer. You want her to press up against your breasts. You want for her to put her knees in between your thighs, teasing you.
You mutter her name. And if Jeremiah hears it, he doesn’t mention anything. You guys are nowhere near a relationship, you’re just people who like to hook up occasionally.
That’s all it is, and that’s all you see it as.
“You’re beautiful,” he mutters, his breath hot as he speaks against your neck. You hope to feel something, anything. But all you can feel is the desperate longing for something different.
He places a hand on the zipper of your jeans, and you freeze. You gently push the boy off, sweat dripping down your forehead from the roots of your scalp. You sit up, shrugging the straps of your shirt back up.
There are no words exchanged between the both of you, but you can hear the desperate whine in the back of the boy’s throat. He doesn’t smile and instead gives you a look of disappointment.
You refuse to look his way after that.
“I’ve got work tomorrow.”
It’s a quick and easy excuse, one you often use to get out of uncomfortable situations.
Jeremiah isn’t the type to beg and plead on his knees for more. You don’t want anything further than making out at the moment and he respects that. Though, that doesn’t stop him from pouting about it.
You look back and plant a gentle kiss on the top of his head. It was natural at this point, he hasn’t thought anything of it and neither have you. If anything, you see him as a friend. A friend who benefits you. A friend who just wants the same thing as you—a distraction from who you both really want.
“Text me when you get home?” He sounds exhausted, his voice is strained, and that lets you know it’s time to leave before emotions begin to build up.
“Yeah.” And with that, you’re out the front door, hugging yourself as the cool breeze hits you.
You wish you were the type to smoke and forget, or maybe even the type to drink and forget. Neither option seems appetizing though. With a small shiver, you pull your jacket closer, just imagining the warmth to be the warmth of a tight hug.
You can walk back inside and hold your arms out to Jeremiah if you want to, and he’ll envelop you in a hug with ease. But what you guys have is strictly sex.
Just a stress relief, you remind yourself.
You look out to the ocean and puff out another breath. You notice the sound of the waves crashing and the way the setting sun makes your skin glow.
Your mind begins to drift. You should start leaving. It’s nearing the time when she gets back. But there’s a slight tug of war between your heart and brain. The war of whether to leave or stay.
If you stay, you can see her. See her face, maybe even mutter a shy ‘hello’, and then be on your way.
The thought of it is so heartwarming, yet gut-wrenching at the same time—especially when you know she won’t be arriving alone. She’ll have him by her side and then she’ll give him those stares of pure longing as he pretends he doesn’t notice.
You decide to spare yourself the heartbreak.
You make your way through their driveway, and it’s all quiet, until you see a car drive up. It slowly pulls up next to you, and you don’t even have to wait to see who it is.
The window rolls down and your name comes rolling off their tongues.
“Hey, guys!” Your voice is cheery, despite the heavy feeling of exhaustion weighing on your chest.
“What’re you doing out here? I thought you had work.”
Maybe it’s pure desperation, but the fact that she remembers your work schedule has your lips quirking up into a soft smile.
“Called in today, wasn’t feeling well.”
It’s an excuse. You feel fine…sort of.
But Jeremiah needed you, and although you’d never find yourself admitting it, he’s still your best friend. Maybe you aren’t his, but in your eyes, he’s a significant part of your world—he picks up the pieces when no one else is willing, and he sticks right by you when everyone else decides to take their leave.
And you wish sometimes, that you could be into him. But it isn’t all that simple. Things get in the way—such as your love for Isabel Conklin.
Belly pouts. “Aw, hope you get better.”
You smile. “Thanks.”
Conrad leans a bit forward at the same time Belly moves back a bit. “Back to the original question…what’re you doing here?”
Right. You’re sick.
“Oh! Um, Jere said he had some medicine to help and stuff so…”
You pat down your pockets, shrug, and give them a sheepish smile. “Guess I forgot it,” you mumble.
Belly smiles. “Come inside then! You can get it real quick. Plus, I have something I wanna give you.”
The look on her face is nearly impossible to say no to. You should leave, you should just blurt out some excuse and make a run for it. Yet, Belly’s always had a weird magnetic pull to her.
“Alright, sure.”
“Oh, I’ve heard an ice pack on the head can help.”
Belly keeps listing off relievers for your ‘migraine’ as Conrad searches for the bottle of Tylenol you asked for.
“An ice pack?”
“Mhm, read it somewhere in an article.”
“You read?” You tease.
Belly stops mid-chew, takes a cheese ball, and tosses it at your head. She misses horribly, but you give her a look of offense for trying anyway.
“Heads up!”
Conrad throws you a bottle and you catch it with ease. “Didn’t have Tylenol, but we had some Advil. That okay?”
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
Conrad simply nods and starts putting everything back into the cabinet.
Meanwhile, Belly’s eyes widen and she looks up at you. “Right, I had something to give you!”
You watch as she pulls out something from a bag and hands it to you.
You look over it.
“It’s ice cream. I remember you telling me that’s your favorite flavor, and when I saw it I just had to. It’s a bit melted but—“
“Thank you.”
Belly looks up at you.
“Really. I needed this.”
She huffs a laugh and fiddles with her hands. “It’s just ice cream, it’s nothing.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. She’s not wrong, it’s just ice cream. Usually, you’d just say a quick ‘thanks’ and leave it there. But it’s the fact that it’s her that got it for you that changes everything about this.
“I’ve been craving some. Couldn’t find it anywhere.”
She raises a brow. “Right um…sure, no problem.”
You both just stand there in silence, her looking down at her feet and you staring at her. It’s crazy to you, how the one you love can’t seem to see it, especially when everyone else can.
He should be looking at Belly, yet he’s giving you a look—a look that screams ‘I know everything’. Yet, you choose to ignore it. Because even if he knows, it’s hopeless. She’ll never look at you the same way you look at her, because she’s always busy looking at him.
He turns to Belly, finally.
“Um, we’ve still got that thing…” He trails off, and although you’re completely clueless, it seems to click for Belly. She quickly straightens up. “Right! Almost forgot.”
She turns to you. “Um, hope you enjoy the gift or whatever. See you soon, maybe?”
“Yeah, yeah sure. Just call me.”
She flashes a sincere smile, throws out some simple ‘goodbye’, and makes her way out with Conrad.
And just like that, you’re alone again. The warmth she came with disappears immediately, leaving goosebumps all over your body.
It’s cold now, colder than before.
And even when you’re on the way home, the sun directly shining on you…it still can’t seem to compare to the warmth she radiates when you guys are together.
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reveurdoll · 1 year
belly conklin x fem! reader —headcanons
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she blushes at every single compliment
every. single. one.
you tease her for it but you find it so so endearing
teaching her how to drive
doing eachothers make up
she lets you join in on her night swims
so so competitive
one time you guys played a single game of monopoly over the course of 3 days.
holding hands 24/7
knowing eachother since birth
you go to cousins every summer
you fell first, she fell harder
sharing clothes
watching movies together all the time
winning the volleyball tournament together
you being best friends with steven
dancing in her room to taylor swift
her getting jealous easily
you finding it adorable
ice cream dates
beach dates
matching "friendship" bracelets
taking care of her when she gets wasted on the 4th of July
sleepovers all the time
being there for eachother after susannahs death
laurel LOVES you
playing with eachothers hair
nose and forehead kisses
having your first kiss on the 4th of July while the fireworks are going
OR having your first kiss on the beach
mine by taylor swift is your guys' song!!
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24kmar · 6 months
𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙠𝙡𝙞𝙣
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fragileruns · 1 year
i honestly want to write for the summer i turned pretty but i don’t know if that’s like a big audience??? especially because i’m dying to hear thoughts about cam cameron because he’s been my no1 guy since the books and i KNOW he has like no screentime but i wanna give him the love he deserves. anyway my question is, would anybody be interested in reading those fics??? pls send in requests if you would me - i’ll write for cam, conrad, jeremiah, steven, taylor or belly <33
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juneberrie · 1 year
six summers and six school years. [ 💭 ] isabel " belly " conklin
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summary ∿ belly realizes she loves you [ gn ! reader ]
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you had been going to cousins with the conklins and the fishers since kindergarten, when belly had insisted that her best friend in the whole wide world just had to see the summer house.
it was a random night in july, at that summer house, when she had the earth-shattering realization.
she didn't love conrad.
it was you. it had always been you.
not conrad. y/n. you, who'd always been there for her when she sobbed about conrad. you, who'd thrown sand at steven when he kept poking belly's sunburn. you, who'd won her the jellyfish plush at the arcade when you were twelve.
you, who'd been in love with her for six summers and six school years.
she didn't know when her heart had stopped racing for conrad and started racing for you. she didn't know that her glancing down at your lips wasn't to see the new chapstick you'd bought. she didn't know when she'd stopped cuddling junior mint at night, thinking of conrad, and started curling up with popsicle the jellyfish, smiling at the thought of you.
but she knew now. she got up and walked the three paces across the hall. raising her hand, she quietly rapped her knuckles against the old wood of your bedroom door. she was going to make up for those six summers and six school years.
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alluringwaves · 1 year
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“For me, it was almost like winter didn’t count. Summer was what mattered. My whole life was measured in summers.”
— Jenny Han, The Summer I Turned Pretty
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clara-b0w · 24 days
Currently I don't have anything written, but my requests are open
The summer I turned pretty, Harry Potter (Slytherin boys & Marauders), Marvel, Hockey (players vary - I may not follow up with this but still), The Cruel Prince, ACOTAR, inquire for more - books and shows
I write: fluff, angst, smut, serious topics (there will be warnings)
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
isabel "belly" conklin masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating belly conklin would include
nsfw headcanons *
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kierancaz · 1 year
Conrad x reader this, Jeremiah x reader that, Steven x reader there
*read the following with excessive dramatics*
Belly and reader meet at the beach each summer and have been best friends since the start. Belly always thought she loved Conrad. Reader always thought they loved Jeremiah. But when things get messy and Belly and Jeremiah get together reader realize… she doesn’t actually care about Jeremiah like that. Belly has been with two guys so far, Jeremiah and Cam, she thinks that the reason it doesn’t feel right with them is because they’re not Conrad. But then she does kiss Conrad. And it still doesn’t feel right.
Goofing off in Belly’s room, play fighting on her bed, something starts to feel different…..
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mikeyss1ut · 1 year
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Here’s something for my baby bells<3
This is part one , of the new series don’t know how many parts yet, the whole story line is based of @kierancaz post they posted! I wrote this first part so fast as soon as I saw this prompt, because as a writer for is known for writing for girls who are underrated. I understand the assignment.
Every year, summer rolled around. And every year you would count down the days. Every year, around June when school ended you and Belly’s family headed to cousins. You see, laurel, Steven, and belly basically were your family. Your family was always out of town for her, or traveling. So you pretty much stayed with Belly, all the time. Your best friend. You had your own room in there house, because like I said, you basically lived there. You went back to your house when your family was around, which was pretty much never. Which meant you also tagged around for the summer too.
I loved the house, the people. I loved one person - in particular. Jeremiah fisher. Everyone knew, everyone knew that Conrad was Belly’s and Jeremiah was mine. If only he’d like me, I dreamt of it, wished for it. That maybe one day when I went back to the house he would suddenly love me the way I loved him: that was this summer.
As soon as I got out of the car, Jeremiah looked at me, different. Like he saw a rainbow, it even made me look around, maybe thinking he saw something, jaw dropping, stunning. But I couldn’t find anything that was drop dead gorgeous.
I just saw me, he was looking at me like that? No. No. No way, oh my god. Maybe, maybe this was my summer maybe-
“Hey, bells!” He said, and that’s when I realized belly was behind me getting out of the car from the back seat. Oh, that’s what he was looking at. Her. Of course, she was gorgeous.
They hugged and he didn’t even see me. I was practically, invisible. Non- existent. I wanted to yell, get away he’s mine. But it wasn’t Belly’s fault, she was really so beautiful. Most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, I loved her too. But I still wanted Jeremiah to look at me like that.
Conrad saw me, not in a love way just a sister type way, just like he always did. And I didn’t mind, because like I said. Belly was Conrad’s and Jeremiah was mine.
“Hey, y/n, how’s your summer so far?” He said, standing next to me, after he gave me a hug. But I was barley listening, to busy burning a hole in the pair that walked into the house. He didn’t even look at me, or say hi. It was moments like these that made me wonder why I even liked him. He clearly didn’t like me.
Conrad saw it too. “Hey, come on. He’s not worth it really. There’s better guys. Jeremiahs not your guy, though.” He said
I sighed “I just- why can’t she- I mean he look at me like that?” I said
“Because he’s stupid, Belly’s never showed love for him like that, you always have. One day he’ll see that.” He said , beginning to walk off. I then walked in as well.
Susannah appeared, yes. She would always make me feel better, just her. Existing, her smile. Her look is a cure for me.
“My girls!” Susannah said, hugging me and Belly. And when she pulled apart she said “oh look at you!” To both of us, using one of her hands on me and one on Belly to rub our cheeks as she looked back and forth between us. Before showing Steven some love.
And then I saw him, Jeremiah. But still he didn’t see me, if he didn’t see me, I’d make him.
“Hey!” I said to Jeremiah only finally grabbing his attention to me.
“Oh my god, our little baby, y/ns all grown up!” He said pulling me into a hug, but my heat sinked. Little baby? Like a little sister that’s what he saw me as? And when he pulled away he didn’t try to start anymore conversation.
I think that, right then. Was when I knew, my love for him died. Because he never saw me that way, and never would.
When I got up to my room, I saw junior mint, the stuffed animal y/n got for me. I loved that stuffed animal, almost as much as I loved her. It reminded me of her, y/n. My best friend.
Jeremiah suddenly came in, and it scared me so bad I jumped back.
He laughed “scare ya?” He said
“Nope, just surprised” I giggled “remember when y/n won me this?” I said
He answered “oh yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with me?” He said
“Oh yeah sure! I’ll be done in a minute. Hey, why don’t you ask if y/n wants to come?” I said his face had a slight change.
“Oh yeah sure.” He laughed.
“Ok, I’m gonna get ready, meet me there in 5? “ I said, he replied “of course” with his biggest smile ever.
When I met him down there, we swam for an hour, and then talked, and when we came back from the beach the sun already began setting. And I crashed not long after.
It has been a week, since summer started, well actually about two but summer didn’t really start until I was here anyways.
And Jeremiah and Belly spent every second upon second together, and then what I knew would eventually happened, happened. Jeremiah had kissed Belly. And she told me first.
“And then… he kissed me.” She said, and when she said it. I was jealous and for once in my life not of Belly, but of Jeremiah. He kissed Belly, and I didn’t know it at the time but I wanted to kiss her too, I was just in denial. My whole life I was. I thought it always way Jeremiah, but I think truly it was always , Belly.
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wholesome-holland · 8 months
the summer i turned pretty masterlist!
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emily’s navigation rules for requesting
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conrad fisher
to be added!
jeremiah fisher
to be added!
belly conklin
to be added!
steven conklin
to be added!
taylor jewel
to be added!
shayla wang
to be added!
cam cameron
to be added!
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