#belphegor headcannons
belphies-cowgirl · 5 days
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I feel like maybe once or twice a month, Lucifer, MC, and Barbatos go on a huge grocery shopping trip together.
Barbatos enjoys the company, and Lucifer doesn't mind, and both can spend time with MC without interference, and it gives them both a nice domestic feeling. they can plan meals for each week or help each other find deals, etc. I can also see Lucifer and Barbatos (and sometimes Mammon) clipping coupons together. MC usually ends up carrying a long last-minute list, and it makes Lucifer pinch the bridge of his nose even though he called a family meeting and had everyone say what they wanted or needed the night before.
Mammon joins sometimes because he helps them spot sales or save more money. Beel usually doesn't because he pretty much needs to be prevented from eating everything in the store the whole time. and Asmo spends too long in the beauty aisle, and most of it is spent looking in the little mirrors rather than looking at products to buy (he has to look in each mirror at least twice).
Belphie usually can't stop falling asleep, so he has to be put in the shopping cart, and Lucifer has to put groceries on or around him. Levi goes on rants about anime recipes he wants to serve for dinner and ends up doubting if anyone will want to eat it because it was made by a "loser otaku." Lucifer usually reaches his limit, grabs the ingredients, puts them in the basket, and walks away (he secretly enjoys trying Levi's anime recipes). and we all know why Satan would be the last person to tag along.
Diavolo gets a bit jealous about these trips because he wants to spend time with his three favorite people. come on, Barbatos, please, he's done the majority of his work for the day, and it's just for a few hours. he promises he'll finish the rest of his work afterward :(
✄ ——————————————————————
comments & reblogs are very appreciated :) 
please do not use my work as your own!
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hiddenonyx · 9 months
Obey Me! Characters Walking in on MC Showering
Notes: fem MC!, suggestive content, nudity
Word count: 3.4K - about 290 per character
A/N: You'll probably be able to tell, but this was written over the course of like...3 months? So it's a little disjointed and you can most certainly tell who I was more inspired for. Thank to Pen for giving me ideas for Simeon and Solomon. -------------
After a little planning mishap, you end up sharing a hotel room (and bed) with them. It’s a little awkward, but you’re too tired to truly care. Right now, you really just want a shower. Any other thoughts be damned.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna take forever, calm down," you answer back to your temporary roommate. "It's just a shower to refresh a little."
You shift your half folded clothes in your arms so you can close the bathroom door.  You don't bother to lock it - after all they'll have to know that you're still in the bathroom if you're not out in the room, right? You set your clothes on the oversized countertop, before going over to the shower. It's a simple rectangle shower with a glass door, but isn't so horrible small that you're crowding yourself inside of it. After a few minutes of trying to figure out how to even turn the damn thing on, you get the water running and turn away to strip as the water warms up. But before you step in, you grab your phone and set the all important music. You turn it up so it's just loud enough to contend with the noise of the shower, set it on the counter nearby and step in. A sigh escapes you as the warm water sprays on your skin. Maybe you'll take a little longer than you said...
     He watches you disappear into the bathroom, not believing you when you told him it'll be a "quick" shower (40 minutes is not quick, MC). He goes back to reading through the tourist pamphlet for a factory, allowing the soft noise of the shower and distant music lull him into a feeling of soft relaxation. It's not until nearly an hour later that he realizes that you're still in the shower. Mild concern paints his face as he stands up and makes his way over to the closed bathroom door. The sound of your music is a little louder now and he can hear you humming along.
    "MC?" he asks softly, gently tapping his knuckles against the door. He repeats the actions a little louder when you don't answer. When you still don't answer, Lucifer hesitates, before giving a resigned sigh and opening the door. 
     His question of if you're alright dies on his tongue as he's greeted with the image of your perfect naked body partially obscured by condensation on the glass door. Your back is towards him as you hum along to a song, hands busy washing your hair, completely unaware that Lucifer's walked in on you. He's frozen to the spot for a few moments, his mind screaming at him to close the door and walk away like nothing's happened, but his body simply won't respond. He's stuck staring at your gorgeous form for what seems like an eternity.
    Then you start to turn around. Lucifer's body suddenly wakes up and he damn near slams the door off its hinges as he hurries to close it. You startle and call after him, confused and so blissfully unaware, "Lucifer? Was that you? Is something wrong?"
     He grumbles as he watches you disappear into the bathroom. He knows that you'll take forever, and there's nothing to do in this tiny shoe box-excuse of a room. He pouts a little more - how dare you leave the Great Mammon bored?! When he hears the shower start and the music kick up, he knows you're not going to come back right away (a small part of him hoped that you would forget something and have to come back out so that he could see you again). 
    Mammon looks around the room, eyes falling on your open bag. His eyes dart back to the closed door before he shrugs and starts to go through it. He's mildly interested by all the little knick-knacks and souvenirs that you've kept  from him and his brothers. He's just about to go through your wallet when a loud "thud" followed by your muffled cursing startles him. He bolts up from your stuff and looks to the bathroom, a guilty look painted on his face. But the door remains closed. Confused and a little concerned, Mammon approaches. 
    "MC? W-what was that?" he calls, but unbeknown to him, you can't hear him over the shower and your music. He pauses at the door and strains his ears to try and hear a response. When none comes, he starts to get nervous. Did you fall? Is that what the loud noise was? Are you injured?
    More than a little panicked, Mammon hurriedly opens the door, "MC-!" His voice dies on his tongue as you lock eyes. You're putting some kind of product on your hand (presumably to spread somewhere else), and fully naked. The condensation on the glass does a poor job of censoring your breasts and the curves of your waist. You look at him, surprised and confused, and perhaps a little embarrassed - he however, is bright red and stuck staring. It isn't until you start to say something that Mammon lets out a pathetic yelp and slams the door closed.
    Levi gives you a disbelieving look at your “I’ll be quick” claim, but shrugs it off; after all he has to do some daily tasks in “Ruri-Chan Flowers vs. Devils: Dance Dance Battle!”. He hears you start your shower just as the game loads. He cracks his knuckles before curling into his best gamer posture.
     Levi glances at the time as he closes the app - almost 2 hours later. He winces; he hadn’t intended to spend longer than 30 minutes doing his tasks, but a new event had started and he just had to get the ice queen skin for Ruri-Chan (it looks so elegant on her!). He listens for a second and doesn’t hear the shower running anymore. He looks around for you in the room (perhaps you entered the room when he was in the “zone” and didn’t notice), and is confused when he doesn’t see you. Curiously, he makes his way to the bathroom door and listens again: silence.
    “M-MC?” Levi asks nervously. When you don’t answer he opens the door tentatively. He’s greeted with the lovely embarrassing view of you mid change; wearing only your underwear.  He’s frozen to the spot, staring at how your bra barely contains your breasts, at how your panties accent and clings to your natural curves. 
     “L-Levi?” You ask, slightly embarrassed by his staring. His face is so red you’re worried he’ll pass out. After a few more seconds his brain seems to catch up and he covers his face and practically runs back to the bed, screaming apologies.
     He gives you a hum of acknowledgement at your announcement and turns the page of his new book. He hears the bathroom door click closed. He lets out a soft sigh of relaxation before settling fully in the chair. He knows that he'll have plenty of time to read in peace and quiet while you shower.
     Satan is fully immersed in his book when you call his name from the bathroom. He startles and almost bends the page. He looks over at the door, answering you back, "Yes?"
   "I forgot my pajamas on my bed. Could you bring them here, please?" Your voice is timid and embarrassed. He sighs softly - you make him do things that he wouldn't do for anyone else.
    "Yes. Just a second." He gently (and carefully) sets his book down on the table before standing up and going over to your bed. Your cute sleeping clothes are folded nicely in a single space (which he appreciates the neatness of). He picks them up just as gently as he had put his book down before walking over to the bathroom.
    He raps his knuckle gently against the door and waits for your answer. He doesn't hear the music or the water running, so he tries again slightly louder. When you fail to answer again, he gently opens the door and steps inside. 
    He's greeted with the view of you wrapped in a towel that just barely covers the important parts. Your breasts are nearly spilling over the top of the white towel (how the towel even remains wrapped around in the first place is a wonder). And the towel just barely covers the upper most part of your thighs. You scroll absently on your phone while you wait, unaware of Satan's presence. He stares for a few seconds, struggling to collect himself (how dare you be this nonchalant), before he softly clears his throat.
    You look over and give him an apologetic smile before reaching out to take the offered clothes. Satan closes the door and does his best to muffle the sigh he lets out. This is going to be a long trip.
    He really wants to ask you if he can join you, but he figures that if you wanted him to join you, you would've extended an invitation. Perhaps you simply need a little bit to sort through your thoughts and memories of the day (which he understands - he does that too). Instead, he busies himself doing his skincare routine out in front of his travel mirror. It's far from the best, but it'll do for the night.
    Asmo hums idly to your muffled playlist, enjoying the odd domestic tone of the night. The situation is odd, with having to share a bed, he muses, but at least he can fall asleep right next to your cute self. It isn't until he's about to complete his last step in his extensive routine that he notices that your music has stopped. When did it stop? How long has the room been silent? Asmo strains his ears, but can't hear any other sounds.
    "Little dove? Are you done?" he calls softly. When you don't answer him, he gets up, and goes over to the bathroom door. He knocks, calling again, "Dove?"
    "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm done....hey, umm...could you help me? T-there's this knot in my hair."
    Asmo smiles softly before opening the door. He pays little mind to the fact that you've somehow managed to wrap and tie the hotel towel around your body (maybe you used a little magic), and instead focus on this knot of wet hair you're struggling to untangle. He gently takes the brush from you, his fingers ever so softly grazing your's, and gently pulls it from your hair. He hums as he begins to gently brush your hair out.
    He nods in acknowledgement before popping another piece of candy in his mouth. It's some human world candy; some of the pieces are sweet and some of them are tart, and Beel never quite knows which kind he'll get. He sits on the bed, simply enjoying the snack and thinking - thinking about the day you've spent together.
    He's content for the time, but a loud "bampoof" followed by language Beel's only ever heard come from an angry Levi makes him pause mid chew. He swallows hard before rising from the bed.
    "MC? Are you okay?" His voice is soft but urgent. He rests his hand on the door, listening. He can still hear the water running, your music playing and...your mumbled curses. He breathes a sigh of relief; at least you're not unconscious. But still...
    He opens the door gently, eyes cast to the tiled floor trying to respect your privacy. "MC? A-are you okay? What happened?"
    You huff and rise to your feet, grabbing the offending soap bar that had slipped from your grip and caused you to fall after it. "Yeah, I'm fine...more or less. Hit my head slightly, " you mumble before looking over at Beel. His face, even staring at the title, is dusted pink. You can't help but smile and giggle. He blushes harder, before glancing at you.
    "Yeah, Beel, I'm fine. I'll be out in a few, okay?" you give him your biggest, most convincing smile. He nods, his face even redder now, before closing the door.
    He makes a half-assed noise to acknowledge you before covering his eyes with his arm. As long as he wakes up next to you, he doesn't really care how long you take. As he drifts off, he hears your music start playing. Despite the peppy-upbeatness it lulls him to sleep all the same.
     Belphie has no idea how much time has passed when he wakes up, but he does know that you're not in bed with him. Grumbling, he practically slides himself out of bed and stumbles to the bathroom door. He grumbles, some sort of half asleep noise, before unceremoniously opening the door.
     "Belphie!" You squeak, scrambling to wrap yourself in a towel, smearing lotion on the white cloth. He sleepily sways towards you - too asleep to notice your state of undress. He wraps his arms around you and sleepily nuzzles your neck, mumbling something about you being late. You're frozen to place, one hand gently touching on Belphie's shoulder. 
    "Belphie." you say again, holding your breath. He makes a noise of some kind but continues to lean into you. You both stand there for a few minutes before Belphie raises his face to look at you. His eyes seem a little clear and he gives you a questioning look, "What? You weren't in bed," he pouts. 
    "Belphie...I'm naked."
    He stares at you and blinks dumbly for a second before his sleepy brain catches up. His face turns red and he bites his lip. Reluctantly he pulls away and looks at the floor.
    "S-sorry. I-I'll go." You giggle and smile, "It's okay. I'll be out in a few more minutes okay? And then I'll give you all the cuddles you want."
     He watches you disappear into the bathroom with a soft hum and smile. He turns his attention to the small smattering of various important documents that need his attention and signature (even on "vacation" the poor prince can never seem to escape his work). He sighs and silently debates if Barbatos's lecture would be worth ignoring his work for the time being. Diavolo glances back at the bathroom door before picking up his pen - it's not like he had anything else to do while he waited.
    He's almost finished with his paperwork - actively in the process of signing the last document - when he's startled by a unusually loud "FUCK" from the bathroom. Diavolo spares only a half a second to frown in annoyance at the smeared lettering before setting the pen down and getting up.
    "MC? Are you-?" he starts as he approaches the door. He strains his ears to listen, hearing movement from inside and more importantly your grumbles of irritation. "MC?" he calls again, waiting by the shut door, concern worming its way into his expression. You don't answer, but he can still hear you moving.
     Carefully he turns the door handle and slowly opens the door just enough so that he can look in and see what's happened.  He sucks in a soft breath. You're completely naked, fiddling with a band-aid, a small stream of blood running down your leg. You must've nicked yourself while shaving, and as his eyes trace the blood, it looks to be around your knee (an annoying and troublesome area if one's not careful, or so he's been told). His eyes continue to travel past the nick to rake over the rest of your nude form. 
    And Diavolo has to bite his lip to stop himself from letting out a hot and noisy breath. You're gorgeous, absolutely stunning, drop dead beautiful - he could on. Every part of you is simply perfect. His trance of admiration is broken when you move again, having finished applying the band-aid. Carefully, and quietly, he closes the door letting out the breath he was holding. There's no way either of you are sleeping tonight.
    He gives a little hum to acknowledge you, but says nothing. It's a bit odd to see Barbatos of all people casually reclining in a chair with a book, but it's kinda cute (and an odd weight off your shoulders that the man does actually know how to relax).  You turn and make your way to the bathroom, gently closing the door behind you.
    Barbatos lets his eyes follow you as you walk to the bathroom, watching you go. His eyes narrow slightly - he expected your arms to be fuller...were you forgetting something? He glances over to your bed to find that you had forgotten to bring your sleepwear. He smiles softly, how cute of you.
    Barbatos sets his book down before getting up and carefully collects your clothes to bring to you. He knocks gently on the door and then opens it. It's a force of habit really, he truly didn't mean to intrude and walk in on you half naked.
     You hold each other's gaze for several long seconds, your hands behind your back holding the clasps of your bra. He simply stands in the entrance of the room, one hand holding your sleepwear, the other on the door knob. 
    He clears his throat softly, "You forgot these." Barbatos sets your clothes on the counter before quietly excusing himself.
    He smiles as he watches you disappear into the bathroom. His smile dips into a slight frown when he realizes that he's not sure what to do now that you're busy. Should he read? His eyes dart to his bag. Or maybe he should work on his manuscript - he had been hoping to be able to work on it at some point during this trip and now seemed as good of a time as any, right?
     After almost twenty minutes of struggling to do anything writing related Simeon decides that it would be best to call it a night. He carefully put his manuscript away and makes his way over to the bed. He picked up the top item of clothing that he had set out for himself earlier, only to realize that it wasn't his - it was your's. He glances back towards the bathroom and then the shirt he had unfolded. You must've grabbed the wrong set of sleepwear by accident.
     Ever the gentleman, Simeon refoldes the shirt and picks up the stack of clothing, making his way to the bathroom. Even through the door, he can hear you softly singing along. He doubts that you can hear him, but he still knocks anyways, and isn't surprised when you don't answer.
    Gently he opens the door, his gaze downwards. He peeks up, looking at the counter to see where you had set down the clothes you took. He groans internally when he sees that they're almost right at the farthest end; he had hoped to just be able to quickly swap them out and not disturb you. 
    He sighs and steps in, "Um, excuse me, (MC). I don't mean to bother you, but it seems you accidentally grabbed my clothes instead of your's."  You look over to him, gently jolted out of your thoughts. You can't help but smile at Simeon; he keeps his gaze down and is quick with the exchange.
    "Oh, I'm sorry."
     "It's alright. Enjoy the rest of your shower," and with that, he gracefully leaves, his ears a soft pink.
     He smiles and laughs a little to himself as he watches you leave towards the bathroom. He waits till he hears the door close before returning his attention to the small set up of magical equipment and knick-knacks. As he starts to tinker, he hears the soft noise of the shower and your music. He hums along softly as he works.
    Almost half an hour later Solomon sets down his tools and stretches in the chair before getting up. He makes his way to the bathroom, lost in thought about his recent project. It was being difficult and not quite working how he wanted it to.
    ...maybe a shower would help clear his thoughts. 
   He opens the door to the bath and casual walks in, pushing the door closed with his foot. He grabs his belt to start undoing it when a voice calls his name.
     "Solomon?! What are you doing?!"
     He looks up and over to the shower, to see you. Already naked, in the shower, and in the middle of washing your hair. He tries to hold your gaze, but his eyes falter and flicker down to the rest of your form for a second. He had forgotten you were in here.
    He laughs, thoroughly embarrassed for the first time in a while and brings his hands up to rub at his shoulder in an apologetic gesture, "S-Sorry, sorry. I...I uh...forgot you were in here..."
    "Where else would I be?! Now get out! Shoo!"
     Solomon doesn't need to be told twice.
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leviathism · 2 years
gender neutral reader
“Goodnight!” You shouted down the hallway before you shut your door, unable to not smile after you heard the muffled replies of the brothers shouting back to you.
Climbing into bed had never been a difficult task and today it was no different. With you safe under your covers and your phone to distract you, you were perfectly content.
But, then, of course,  Mammon came marching in as he had always done since your first week here. However, you had grown so used to this that it no longer disrupted the peace anymore.
So, you ignored him and simply lifted up the covers for him to slide into.
After a few minutes of DevilTok, you threw your phone onto your nightstand and covered yourself up with your blanket. You were finally ready to sleep.
Mammon curled closer, his face hidden in the blanket over your stomach. You smoothed his hair down, smiling at how he only pressed closer at the touch.
Your door creaked open. You raised your head but you were unable to tell who it was. They settled on the side opposite of where Mammon had gotten in and rubbed your shoulder gently instead of saying anything.
The lamp turned on. It was Satan. You rolled onto your stomach, trying to shield your eyes from the light. Mammon grumbled, annoyed that he could no longer hide his face in your body comfortably.
Your door once again creaked open. You groaned.
Another weight to the bed. Someone had decided to lay on your back. Four people in your bed was too unusual. You peeked an eye open.
Mammon was baring his teeth like a feral animal at whoever was on top of you. You would bet a thousand Grimm that it was Belphie.
You looked to your right. Satan wasn’t even reading his book and was instead looking at you.
You rolled your eyes. You knew what was happening. Your demons had once again came to the conclusion that you were human with a human lifespan.
You decided to just let them angst this one out.
The door opened and this time, two pairs of footsteps wondered to your bed. “Sorry, hun,” Asmo whispered as he crawled over you and Mammon. “Wanted to see you.”
“Uh huh…” Levi took his spot on the outside of your legs, your left calf acting as a cushion for his head. You prayed that you wouldn’t accidentally kick him in your sleep.
Then you heard the crunching of chips and a crinkle of a bag. You hadn’t even noticed him walk in.
You moaned into your pillow, exhausted beyond belief. “Beel, please stop eating. I know it sucks to be told that, but go outside if you’re going to crunch.”
There was an incoherent reply and then silence. The edge of the mattress dipped down. Satan turned his lamp off.
You worked on ignoring all of them, closing your eyes tightly and hoping for the best. Asmo dragged his manicured nails up and down your arm and it pulled you into a sleepy haze. You hummed out your appreciation and Asmo giggled tiredly in response.
You felt yourself rocking in and out of sleep, even drooling with how at peace you were. Maybe it wasn’t so bad having six demons in bed with you. Maybe it was worth it for this amount of comfort.
And then your door slammed open.
“Get out of their room, now.” A deadly aura made you choke on air, shivering violently. Lucifer was in his demon form and livid.
Belphie jolted awake on your back, making you gasp in pain as his elbows and knees dug into you. Mammon reacted, scrambling to pull you out from under him.
“Mammon,” Belphie growled, easing his weight back down onto you. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What do ya think YOU’RE doing?!” Mammon huffed, irritated. “You’re hurtin’ ‘em!”
“They’re fine. They can handle it.” He patted you on the head. How were they ignoring Lucifer? You shifted warily under his weight, unable to see anything happening.
Lucifer started stomping over. You shrunk under Belphie, trying to hide.
“Who do you two think you are, ignoring me?” Lucifer loomed over you three, Levi rolling away to avoid confrontation. “You will all go to your own rooms immediately. The rest of you as well.”
“Lucifer!” Asmodeus whined, leaning into a dozing Beelzebub’s side. “Why can’t we stay? What’s the harm?”
“They were just about to sleep but someone decided to wake them back up,” Satan glowered up at Lucifer. “I think you should be the one to leave.”
“Oh my god, Lucifer just let them stay.” You took matters into your own hands, rubbing at your face tiredly. You wanted no more arguing tonight. “Thanks, but if I didn’t want them here I would’ve gotten rid of them long ago myself. Stay or leave, I don’t care just please turn off the lights.”
He walked away and flipped the switch, darkness fortunately covering the entire room once again. You relaxed and felt Belphie nuzzle into the nape of your neck.
You heard a chair being dragged on your wooden floor and then Lucifer sitting down. You rolled your eyes. Of course he would choose to stay but not be in the bed.
Now, with everything and everyone finally settled in for the night, you got to thinking.
How could all of them be upset over the same thing at once? You think quietly as you can in your bed filled with eight people and come to a damning conclusion. One that makes your stomach twist painfully.
“You had a family movie night without me, didn’t you? And it had someone dying long before someone else, didn’t it?” The sound of breathing stops, seven pairs of eyes stare at you, all conveying different degrees of guilt. “What the hell?”
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obeythebutler · 1 year
Welcome to the Devildom. It is your first time here and things might seem scary and confusing, but it is not so. You have been chosen for this exchange programme, and we believe you are a suitable candidate. Please refer to this pamphlet for guidelines in this realm, and you will have a wonderful stay here, rest assured if you follow the rules. You do not need any clothes or other items, for you will be provided with them.
(Part 2 House of Lamentation)
The Devildom is still acclimating to angels and humans, and given their different biologies and habits, several modifications have been made to the environment. Nature has been humanised as much as it would allow us, but we are still in the process of learning and understanding each other, so please, be patient if any mishaps do occur.
You are prohibited from being outdoors in the Devildom unless accompanied by one of the seven Avatars. Failure to do so may result in unexpected consequences. That being said, take care to be polite to the Seven Lords. Your transgressions may be forgiven once, but do not offend them twice.
Please note to not mention the name 'Lilith', 'Fall' or 'War' in front of any of the brothers, angels or the Prince. You are an exchange student, nothing more here. Know your place.
Most of the locations here are safe to visit, but they have their own rules to be followed, which you will find in the programme overleaf we have provided. The Mausoleum is not to be visited alone. It is a place that is hostile to humans, and the animals there are not tame. Keeping in mind the previous point, do not look into the eyes of the snake at the entrance for more than a minute. You may find yourself to be in a place you were not earlier.
Do not go into Siren Beach. Leviathan has released Lotan into the sea, and the sirens are craving human prey. If you must visit a beach to get your dose of vitamin D that is necessary for you, you may ask Lord Diavolo for the Sun's rays to shine upon you briefly. The warmth of it feels like forgiveness
Create pacts at your own discretion. Your soul is irresistible to demons, and you may be tempted into acquiring power, but remember where you are and where mortals end up once they die. The gates of the Celestial Realm may close in on you, and whom does your soul belong to you now?
Your shadow may seem like it is shifting, or has too many hands or legs for a human. Ignore it, as it is only your psyche adapting to the Devildom. Nothing more, nothing less.
If your preconscious tells you that something is wrong, it probably is. Ask the brothers for help, and let them handle the situation. Be quiet and thankful. Humans are adept at sensing danger, it seems.
The House of Lamentation holds many secrets. It is for your own safety that you do not roam about into forbidden rooms. There may be red paint spilled in rooms or claw marks indented into stone, it is only the felines which Satan likes to care for. The red is one of the many spilled cans of paint, pay it no heed.
Your chest may feel heavy in the Underground Tomb, if you find yourself there. It is a sacred place, hence it is imperative that you pay your respects to the girl etched on the stone. She was the catalyst for history to deem worthy to be remembered.
Do not misplace your D.D.D. It has been enchanted with spells, but you never know who might be snooping. Intruders are not be treated kindly, right?
If you hear heavy footsteps anywhere in the Tomb, or barking, call for Lucifer in its presence. It will know and obey him.
It is sacrosanct to attend annual events in the Devildom, like the Night Lantern Parade, and the birthday of our Prince. Pay your respects and ignore what you dislike. Do not ask the Prince why his claws have grown sharper, or why it is your second year here when you were supposed to be home
Beware of Solomon. Yes, he has been here before, and he is human. But the sheep that survive amongst demons do not remain the same.
Do not lie in the Devildom. No matter where you are, honesty is a virtue. Plus, we have ways to find out if you are lying. The consequences may not be pleasant.
Take care to not sneak out and get lost. If you find yourself in the lower layers of the Devildom, please hide immediately and call for the brothers. Do not talk to the creature that asks you for conversation, because you will be grateful that you did not when it rises on two legs and sheds its skin.
Do not attempt to make contact with a figure sleeping on the slab of gold. You may be drawn to it, but resist and leave. You were not supposed to witness this, and you do not want to attract the wrath of others.
Repent for your sins in front of the angels if you desire to. They are His envoys, and you may find it benefitting you. But do not anger the older angel, and take care to not offend the younger one. Do not confess your sins to demons, watch out for broken halos and leering smiles.
If you find yourself having memories of places or events when they have not occurred before, ignore it. Your sense of time is simply warped. Ignore the phantom pains in your neck, or the dread that fills you when you see the attic.
Remember that the seventh brother is in the human world, not in the Devildom. Ignore any voices, they are only mimics. Do not go where the eldest denies you entry.
Look into the mirror everyday and observe your reflection. Remind yourself that humans have two hands and two legs and two eyes. Angels have halos, demons do not. Halo means angel broken halo means fallen and oh god there are so many eyes angels do not look like that
Please refer to the next page for site-specific rules! If there are any questions, please contact Lord Diavolo or Lord Lucifer. Remember be a good little lamb!
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We've created a monster (Brothers x MC)
In which the brothers find out that they've created a human with zero self preservation or reasonable fear of demons.
This rattled around in my head all morning, I just had to write it. Is it good? Probably not, but it exists and I like it, so there ;P
Sort of implied polyamory, possessive and protective demons.
If by some miracle anyone likes this sort of longer, random fic, please let me know, I'd be happy to write more little scenarios like these.
Warnings: none
Since arriving in the Devildom, MC has moved within the same "social" circle. They talk to the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the other exchange students. They've had no real need to move outside of that up to now.
They're civil with other demons, but the interactions are extremely limited and always under the watchful eye of someone they know and trust.
Even Luke's presence would be enough to dissuade any demons from getting ideas around the human who does not have magic rolling off them in waves.
Most are aware of their pacts with the lords and steer clear.
But demons aren't exactly known for riskless behaviour.
On the one day out of hundreds MC walked to class alone, wanting to get ahead on something, a demon of envy singled them out in the broad hallway.
He's big, tall, though still has nothing on Beel, and snaps vicious sharp teeth at them as he backs them into a wall.
'Humans like you shouldn't prance around a demon's home unguarded, not flaunting all those pacts.'
MC recognises that look, and cocks their head curiously. 'Levi wears envy better, you ought to practise in the mirror a little more.'
He takes one gargantuan step forward, letting loose a roar that threatened to shake loose bricks out of the walls.
Still, MC didn't flinch, didn't even take their hands out of their pockets. 'Stop that, it's too early for that kinda noise.'
'I am going to KILL you!'
Snorting, MC finally bothered to lift one hand from their pocket, tugging gently at the bonds of their pacts to find the magic they wanted. It wouldn't be much, really.
'No. You're not.'
A flick of the wrist, a muttered word, and the demon felt his body become too heavy to move, almost too heavy to breathe. He commanded his limbs to carry him, demanded that his magic answer his call.
Neither obeyed. None but his eyes, who watched the infuriating waif tuck their hand back in their pocket and carry on with their day, walking around him like he was an inconveniently placed statue.
'You thought you could scare me? I live with Lucifer and Satan you dipstick.' MC huffed, glancing at their watch and hurrying away, lest they lose their head-start on the day.
Just out of sight, Asmodeus had recorded the entire ordeal, fully ready to step in and protect the human (or better yet, set Satan on the bastard), and instead, finding himself capturing a side of their little MC none had seen yet.
He sends the video into the brother's group chat, and immediately all of Devildom breaks loose. Lucifer demands the offender be sent to him for punishment, until Asmodeus reminds him that the bastard is still frozen in the hallway with a smug selfie.
Instead, the eldest pulls everyone from their classes, including MC and calls an emergency council meeting. He doesn't even wait for Diavolo to be in attendance, so urgent is his need to address this.
Mammon had found his way to MC's side and is glued to them like a protective hex, he'll go nowhere, and will not be told otherwise, Levi and Beel take turns hovering at their other side, the elder glowering like a gargoyle while the younger hooks a finger in the edge of MC's pocket and follows them around like a lost puppy.
MC does no more than go with the flow, as usual. They slide under Mammon's arm and teases him for turning red despite his focus on protecting them.
Once everyone is seated, MC finally asks the question.
'So, what's this about? Never thought I'd see you endorse us all missing class, Lucifer.'
'We're here to talk about the incident this morning, MC.' Lucifer began as calmly as possible. His blood still boils that anyone would dare try and harm his human simply because his back was turned. 'The envy demon, did he hurt you?'
'Oh, him? No, didn't even touch me. Is that why Satan looks ready to butcher someone?'
The avatar of Wrath is living up to his name, he's quietly glaring holes into the floor and no one dares interrupt him.
'You don't seem to realise how much danger you were just in, MC.' Lucifer broaches carefully, unwilling to trigger his own temper even though MC can clearly see it in his eyes. 'You dealt with it cleverly, but if that had been a smarter demon, one who struck without you knowing-'
MC pondered his point for a moment, rolling their bottom lip between their teeth. 'What would happen to a demon that killed me? Like the one today, if he had actually done something.'
A crash filled the room, Satan's magic lashing out, pushing him into his demon form as the very thought of anyone laying hands on what is clearly his sent him spiralling.
His brothers jump back, while MC, jumps in.
They're in front of him in seconds, big eyes speaking of kindness and love, and though the wrath still boils in his belly, his magic stops writhing for blood.
'Breathe, I'm right here.' MC reminds him, not daring to touch until she feels the pact bond settle. 'It's not going to happen, yeah?'
'It almost did, and you're not nearly as worried as you should be!' Belphegor snapped. 'You're human, anyone could-!'
'He was one idiot with a death wish, and he couldn't even lay hands on me when I was alone. Who the fuck do you think is going to go for me with you guys around?'
They have a point, that doesn't settle the unease in the room, and it shoes as Satan nuzzles into their hair, pressing his chest to their back.
He's the last one to show physical affection in front of anyone, let alone Lucifer, but the need to touch them outweighs his pride, clearly.
MC lets him cling on, and carries on the conversation without missing a beat, gently rubbing their thumb over the back of Satan's hand.
'But, you really weren't scared. Not even a little.' Beel uttered softly, big eyes shimmering with worry. 'He looked right at you and told you he'd kill you.'
'And? Most of you have said that to me at least once, hell, one of you succeeded.'
The youngest flinched, MC threw him a smile.
'Honestly, who in the demon King's name is gonna scare me, when you guys can't?'
Realisation dawned on them then, spending all their time with the 7 Lords of the Devildom had completely desensitised MC to demons.
If they could stare down Lucifer on a rampage, throw themselves between him and someone he means to kill, who the hell is supposed to be scarier than him?
Lucifer voices the point aloud, and Asmodeus breaks into laughter, soon followed by Leviathan.
'That is kinda funny.' Snorted the third-born. 'I think we broke MC.'
The twins soon join in, and MC felt Satan's chest tremble and he settled his chin atop their head, now free of his demon form.
'Guys, this ain't a good thing!' Mammon wailed. 'If MC ain't scared o' nothin', what's stoppin' 'em from just walkin' into Cerberus' mouth or somethin'?!'
'Uh...common sense?' MC added dryly. 'Not being afraid of dying doesn't make me want to die, dipstick.'
'Which brings me to my next point, when did you learn to call on all our magic at once like that?' Lucifer swiftly interjected. 'Solomon said he's taught you nothing but basics.'
'I'm in school, you know? I don't get good grades for decoration. I knew it wasn't worth summoning any one of you so I just grabbed all the threads at once and squeezed.'
'Honey, you're telling us you had a demon threatening to kill you and just...winged it?' Asmo concluded.
The human merely shrugged. 'Pretty much.'
'...we've created a monster.'
Part 2
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etcrow · 2 years
MC: "I love you, MC" said the evil demon who smashed me to death with a hug
Belphie: I already tell you I am sorry
MC: said the evil hug serial killer
Belphie: *exasperated noises*
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Obey Me brothers + dateables with an artist MC who uses them as a reference
Warnings: None?
Genre: Fluff?
Reader: Gender neutral, artist
Requested: no
Character: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodius, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Simeon, Barbatos, Diavolo
• The first time he noticed you staring at him he immediately stiffened and asked you what you were doing.
• After you explained what you were doing he told you "As long as you dont get in the way or mess with my work you can do what you want"
• When this becomes a common occurrence he barely notices when you are glancing/staring at him
• He is secretly happy that you would choose to use him as a reference for your art.
• If you were to ever give him a art piece then he will thank you. The way he thanks you may seem like he is kind of neutral towards your gift but he is actually really grateful for it and genuinely loves it.
• He would hang it either in his office or bedroom.
• The first time he noticed he probably got sort of nervous and said something along the lines of "What are ya doing human?"
• When you tell him you are using him as a reference (either you drawing him or seeing proportions) he relaxes slightly and would probably say something like "Of course you would use the great Mammon as reference. Ya wont have to pay me this time but the next time this happens i will charge ya" he wont.
• As you continue to stare at him he will pretend to be relaxed and calm but he is so anxious because YOU are using HIM as a reference for your art. If you pay close enough attention it becomes pretty obvious he is freaking out
• After a few times of this happening he actually does start to relax when you start staring/drawing him
• Unlike Mammon who was trying to hide the fact he was freaking out, Levi full out panics. He is thinking of a million possibilities of why you would be staring at a 'yucky otaku like him' (his words not mine)
• You staring at him because you were using him as a reference was not one of the possibilities that crossed his mind
• He would question you why you would use him as a reference. When you say you thought he was a good reference and why not he would be skeptical and continue to question you.
•Once you convince him you genuinely want him as your reference he will stop questioning you but become a bit more anxious.
• I dont think he will ever fully get used to you staring at him when drawing but he will calm down enough to not fidget and to be able to play his games and watch his animes without glancing at you alevery five seconds
• He will ask you to draw his favorite characters. If you do he will treasure those drawings forever
• Much like Lucifer he will stiffen and ask why you are staring at him, but unlike Lucifer he will be fairly calm about it after you tell him what you are doing.
• He may ask you if you want him to do something.
• If you tell him no then he will go back to whatever he is doing (probably reading a book.... most likely it is a mystery novel)
• If you say yes he will do what you requested as long as it is within reason (like asking him to turn his head slightly)
• If you make any cat drawings/paintings (or whatever other art you do) he might ask for one
• If you give him one he will place it wherever there is space in his room
• He is not nervous or surprised in the slightest
• He will tease you for staring at him
• Once he finds out you are using him as a reference he will start posing for you even if you didn't ask him to.
• If you ask him to hold still and stop posing so much, he will pout and whine about it for a little but he will listen and hold still
• One way or another one of the paintings/drawings of him will be his and he will show it off
• He might have some critics if you "Didn't make him pretty enough" then again you would have to be the best artist in the world to make him look pretty enough
• Dont worry he still loves it
(I dont know much about Beel so please excuse me if i get his personality wrong)
• He probably doesn't care if you are staring. He might get curious why after a while
• You would probably have to show him the drawing/painting because i dont see him asking unless he looks over your shoulder while you are drawing
• He is very supportive and loves your art
• He was a little irritated because you staring at him was making it hard for him to sleep
• He would ask why you were staring at him so intensely
• After you tell him he is like "okay" then trys to go back to sleep
• When it becomes a common occurrence he would wake up to you making an artwork and tiredly ask to see it.
• Sometimes it's a trap though and he pulls you onto the couch so you will take a nap with him
• He would calmly ask you why you were staring at him. He wouldn't be phased at all. He is asking as if he was asking you what the time is
• A simple explanation is enough for him
• Definitely wants to see the finished product almost every time
• Dont. Draw. Rats. I have warned you
• He will remind you to do your work instead of working on your art
• Will keep all of the art you give him.... EXCEPT FOR RATS! I TOLD YOU DONT GIVE HIM RAT STUFF! ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE?
• If you ask for help or critique he will give some really helpful advice and on point critique
• Any and every excuse to get out of work. He isn't concerned or anxious about you staring. He sees it as an opportunity to not do paperwork.
• Is VERY interested in your art. And not just because it gets him away from the work. He is also genuinely curious and wants to learn more
• I can see him just grabbing the piece you were working on and admiring it.
• You want him to pose? Sure! He would be more then happy to
• He is disappointed when Barbatos drags him away so he can finish his work
A/N: I hope you enjoyed and sorry for Beelzebub's being so short. For some reason i have a harder time writing about him. And sorry for no Solomon... at first i forgot he existed then i drew a blank when i tried to write him so....
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writer-komaru · 1 year
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Pact Marks Headcanons Ꮚ♥ꈊ♥Ꮚ
✧Rating: Fluff, slightly suggestive, Satan and Lucifer’s are kinda hurt comfort
✧Characters: Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
✧Word count: 9.7k
✧Summary: how the boys would react if you asked to make a pact with them and get their seal.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Beelzebub - (lvl of difficulty: 4/10 | placement: stomach or shoulder)
✧ out of everyone, I think he would be the most willing to make this kind of pact.
✧ pacts are a heavy subject so he has his apprehensions, but there’s no way he can deny you if you ask him with that adorable smile of yours.
✧ (especially if you offer him his favorite food)
✧ you already have his heart, why not his being as well?
✧ he might ask you why you’d want to make a pact when he’s already willing to do whatever you say,
✧ but at the idea it would make you two closer, he’s enthusiastically asking if he can give you his seal right there and then.
✧ he just cares about you so much it’s so cute.
✧ his go to spot would be somewhere either on your stomach (of course) because it’s one of his favorite parts of you or your shoulder because that’s the usual spot for tattoos, why not a seal instead?
✧ as he uses his powers to engrave his personal seal of gluttony into you, he can’t while the goofy smile off his face.
✧as soon as he’s done he hugs you close to his chest and tells you how important you truly are to him.
✧ whenever he sees you wearing something that flaunts his seal, he gets so happy inside he can’t help put run up to you and spin you around in the air.
♥ “Hey Beel, there’s something I wanna ask you,” you walk up to him and rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Mm? What’s up, MC?” He tilts his head to give you a confused look.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, and I think I’m finally ready. We’ve known each other for a while, right?” You take a step back and grasp his hand in yours.
“We have…” he looks down at your hands, holds his own and then back into your eyes, “I’m still confused.”
“Give me a second to find the right words…” you take a deep breath, “Would it be alright if we had a pact together?”
“A… pact? Wait, really?!” His eyes widened in surprise. He genuinely thought you were going to say literally anything in the whole world besides that. “A-are you serious?!”
“Shit, did I say it too soon? I know it’s personal, maybe I should have waited longer,” the worries you were suppressing begin to fill your mind.
“N-no it’s alright it’s just,” he chuckles slightly, “I never expected you to ask about something like that. Pacts are a bit of a sensitive topic. But, I’m fine with talking about it if you’d like. Since it’s you…” He blushes slightly and looks away. Has he…
“Have you… thought about making a pact with me before?” You asked with such an innocent sounding voice that his whole face erupts in a hot blush.
“I might have a couple of times. I mean… I like you, after all. But you already know that… wait, am I blushing? Ah, this is so embarrassing…” he hides his face in his hands in defeat. It takes all the willpower you have not to tease him any further.
“It’s alright, Beel. How would you feel if I told you I have too? That’s why I’m here asking you this question after all. Just please, can I see your face again?” You gently rub a soothing hand over his shoulder. He hasn’t even made the pact yet and yet he already feels like he’s at your mercy. He drops his hands to his sides and looks at you with the most loving eyes you’ve ever seen. You can tell he wants this just as much as you do.
“You know all the details to pacts already, right? After giving you my seal, you’ll be able to not only use some of my powers but I’ll also listen to any commands you give me, no matter what. But I'll return, you’ll be mine forever. Are you ready to make that deal?” His unwavering expression gives you the last piece of confidence in your decision you need to finally seal the deal.
“I’m ready. When I first met you after suddenly appearing in Devildom all those months ago… I already knew that you were all I ever wanted,” you give him a reassuring nod. He grunts and clutches his heart.
“A-are you alright?! Fuck, that was cringy, wasn’t it?” You internally scold yourself for saying something so cliche.
“No it’s- that was… that was so…” you hear him sniffle. When your eyes meet once more, you’re in shock. He was crying. His eyes sparkled and his cheeks looked so red he looked like he had a fever. “No one’s ever said something like that to me. I wasn’t ready.”
“I see… aww, Beel. You’re so cute,” you smile as you ruffle his hair.
“Mmph…” he hums in satisfaction, basking in the attention like a loyal puppy.
“Are you ready to make the pact now, Beel?” You ask sweetly as your hand returns to trancing gentle patterns on his shoulder.
“I think I am. But, where should I put my seal?” He looked to you for the answer.
“Well, where would you like to put the seal?” You tilt your head playfully.
“You’re giving me the honor? You sure?” His eyes widened. You nod as a confirmation and he chuckles, “well, if you really want me to pick… I’ll put it… here,” He gently lifts up your shirt and presses two fingers on the spot right above your belly button.
“This spot… I feel drawn to it for some reason,” He blushes as he watches his own fingertips trace a circle around the spot he’s chosen.
“Is it because it’s my stomach?” You chuckle.
“Not entirely… it’s just, when I imagine you with my seal right here… it makes me feel warm inside. Like… it’s the same feeling when I watch you wear my clothes around the house… it makes me feel like you’re mine, all mine.” He looks up at you with dilated pupils, ready at any moment to engrave his mark right into you. His expression practically begs you at this point. All it takes is a small nod and a smile and he likes up like a happy little puppy who was given the whole container of treats. He turns back to the spot his fingers are pressing against and lowers his head to it. He licks his lips, preparing to make the best decision of his whole life. Yes, he’s certain of it. You feel a slight tickle as his lips press against the skin right above your navel followed by a fuzzy tingle. The spot glows a beautiful golden orange and black, the faint outline of a sigil drawing itself deep into the cut face of your belly. Once the process is done, he takes a step back to admire his work. You look like the most gorgeous being in all of devildom and you can see it in his eyes with the way they twinkle. He smiles widely and pulls you into a tight hug.
“This… I just can’t believe it. This is definitely the best day of my life!” He can’t hide the tears that spill from his cheeks as he squeezes you tighter.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Leviathan - (lvl of difficulty: 4/10 | placement: any)
✧ Now Levi is a special case.
✧ It’s pretty much cannon that he’s a social outcasts. He spends pretty much every second of his life in his room either playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, or dusting his numerous anime figurines.
✧ he’s content with this lifestyle, but also longs for everything his brothers have.
✧ He always hears stories of all the all you can eat restaurants Beel has taken everybody (besides him) to, the casinos Mammon hangs out at with his poker friends, the clubs Asmo returns from with mysterious red marks on his neck, the tea Lucifer and Diavolo share on occasions to catch up, the gym Satan frequents and seems to even be making friends at, damn it, even Belphegor has mentioned babysitting with Luke and watching cartoons with him.
✧ It’s just not fair, completely unfair, that while his brothers are out living their lives, he’s left all alone with only the company of his anime girl figurines and his pet snake.
✧ (enough with the brooding, onto the hcs)
✧ That was until you became a part of his life.
✧ Instead of spending all his time alone playing games, he can do that with you and more.
✧ So the day you come up to him and ask to make a pact he honestly likes he’s either still asleep or misheard you
✧ there’s no way you, the wonderful, kind, and gorgeous you that you are, would as a nerd like him to make a pact with
✧ once the idea finally processes in his brain, he keeps bringing up how cooler, prettier, and stronger his brothers are than him.
✧ why him? There’s no way you truly mean him.
✧ but for the thousandth time you say you truly want him, he’s already in tears.
✧ he has no preference at all for seals, he already feels like the luckiest guy the world he even gets this opportunity.
✧ you honestly have to pick for him because he overheats at just the thought of placing a seal somewhere on your body.
✧ (please tell him a more private spot you’d like his seal and he will melt into a blushing mess)
♥ “Levi, are you busy right now?” You poke your head into his ocean-like room to see him playing something on his computer. But as soon as your nickname for him leaves your lips his head snaps in your direction and he falls right out of his chair.
“OUCH- I-I mean,” He scurried over to you with a joyful smile and a bruised cheek, “No, I’m not busy at all! Do you need something?”
“I’m sorry for startling you, look, you have a bruise now…” you mutter sadly and you bring a soft hand up to his cheek to cup it. He shivers at the touch and his face lights up in an embarrassing blush.
“I-I-it’s fine, really, I-I’m fine!” He stutters and looks anywhere but you.
“If you say so. Anyways, I have something really important to ask you. Can I come in?” You look up into his flustered eyes.
“Oh! S-sure, if you’d like, absolutely!” He nods rapidly and moves out of the way.
Once you two settle down on some beanbags in the corner of his room where he normally reads manga, you can finally get to the reason you’re here.
“Levi, I have a really important question to ask you. Do you think you’re ready to hear it?” You cross your legs.
“Uh, y-yeah, of course! Is there something on your mind?” He tries his best to sound normal but you can hear the obvious shake in his voice. Though that’s pretty normal for him when he’s around you. (The dork-)
“I’ve been thinking about something a lot lately. We’ve been hanging out a lot and I’ve grown pretty close to you,” you blush slightly admitting that out loud.
He blushes even brighter, “Ah! G-grown close to- I-I mean- mph!” He slaps a hand over his mouth and nods for you to continue.
“I love the time we spend together, and I just… I like you a lot too. Do you think you’d be okay with maybe making a pact with me?”
His brain fills with millions of error screens. You.. like him? You want to… make a pact with him? Him?! Is he hearing you correctly?! There’s absolutely no way…
“Wha-huh?! F-for a second there… I thought you just… said you wanted to make a…” he swallows in nervousness, “A p-pact with me.”
“I do. Levi, I want to make a pact with you.”
“Hah… ahahah… I... I must be dreaming, right? Cuz there’s no way… a wonderful human like you would choose a demon like me… right?” His voice cracks with every word.
“Levi…” you reach for his hand, “listen to me clearly. I. Want. To. Make. A. Pact. With. You.”
“A… pact… with… me.. wait… WAIT REALLY?!?” Realization finally comes to him like the thunderous clap of lightning as he somehow finds a way to fall out of his beanbag chair and almost knock over the shelf filled with manga.
“Wait, me? You mean me, right? Is this a prank?” His wide eyes are glued to yours. It’s kind of amusing how taken aback he is.
“Heheh, yes you, Levi. Why is it so hard to believe?” You ask him with a light smile.
“H-have you even seen me?! I’m an otaku who locks himself in his room and plays video games all day. What part of me seems pact worthy?!” He motions to literally everything in his room that potently screams ‘never felt a woman's touch’.
“Have you seen my room yet? I also have a computer set up like you, a shelf I keep my manga and video games, and don’t tell anyone but,” you lean closer and whisper in his ear, causing his already blushing face to turn pure red, “I even have some AOT and Sailor Moon posters in my room. If that isn’t enough for you, maybe my ungodly collection of anime pins will do it for you.”
He was so caught up in his frenzy he completely forgot about those things. He really wasn’t much different from you.
“I… forgot about that…” he pants, trying to catch his breath.
“Do you feel a little better now?” You brush your thumb over his knuckles.
“Y-yeah… phew… my heart is pounding so hard right now…” He tries to catch his breath, and after a few minutes, he’s finally a lot calmer.
“What do you think? Would you like to make a pact with me?” You ask again.
“P-pacts are a huge commitment… I’ll basically be giving myself up to you..” He thinks about that for a second and clears his throat, “You know what, I’m fine with that…”
“Wait, really? You mean it?” You smile enthusiastically.
“Mhm, the idea of… being so close to someone where we literally give each other parts of our beings… it… it sounds like something good to be true,” he blushes, “I’d… really think that. Like… a lot.”
“Then do you want to make it official by giving me your seal?” You offer.
“L-like right now?!” He gasps slightly.
“Would that be okay?” You say in a softer voice.
“Uh- w-well, um… y-yeah, it would but…” His hand shakes in yours as his eyes wander to your body.
“Is there any spot in particular you’d like to put it?” You uncross your legs and lean back to give him a better view. He trembled even more, mouth completely dry. You really want his seal, not anyone else’s, and you want it somewhere on your beautiful body?! If he was in an anime his nose would be bleeding like a fucking volcano right now. He squeaks and jumps as you pull up your shirt a tiny bit to show your stomach.
“A-a-anywhere is f-f-fine!!” He yells as he covers his eyes.
“Come on, you won’t be able to place your seal if you can see,” he laughed softly.
“Y-you’re… right… uh…” his eyes look over your body again and lock onto your thighs. He’d ever admit this out loud but he really had a thing for thighs.
“Want it here?” You point to your upper thigh.
“I-I can?! I-I uh- d-damn it… I… I want to… but are you sure?” He gives you a worried look. He doesn’t want to screw up this once in a lifetime chance anymore than he already has.
“Mhm. Go ahead, I’m ready when you are, Levi,” you wait patiently for what he’ll do.
He nods to you and swallows dryly. He was really doing this. This was really happening. His mind buzzed loudly with exclamations of excitement and worry as his face grew closer to your thigh. This was something of pure fantasy to him as he pushed his quivering lips against your plush thigh. He couldn't even think clearly, let alone hold back from rubbing his hand over your other thigh. He knew he would wake up any second now, might as well enjoy it while it lasts. The spot he kissed illuminated with shades of turquoise and violet as his sigil of envy appeared. You started in awe as cute, little bubbles floated out from his magic.
“S-sorry, I-I-I’m a bit nervous…” He mumbled against your skin as he finished off the mark. As he sat up he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. It was his seal. He traces his thumb over it just to see if it was permanent.
“It’s… it’s real. T-thank you for this opportunity. I’m so, so grateful. I finally… won’t have to be alone anymore,” his face glistened with tears.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Asmodeus - (lvl of difficulty: 5/10 | placement: heart, thigh, or lower stomach)
✧ Asmo is a bit more… well, special.
✧ to him, pacts aren’t just a way of exchanging a deal of power between a human and demon, it’s literally equivalent to marriage.
✧ that’s why he’s been waiting so long to make one.
✧ no matter how many humans, demons, or even angels he’s been with, even if they seem like pure perfection, he still holds out hope his “soulmate” would one day waltz into his life and sweep him off his feet for once.
✧ it’s honestly beginning to bug him a bit
✧ that was until his eyes landed on you the first day you arrived in Devildom.
✧ he’s only heard stories of the power of love at first sight, but he’s never actually experienced it first hand
✧ and to say he was entranced would be an understatement.
✧ you became the target of his affection, no matter how crowded the area was or not.
✧ it could be sweet remarks about your outfit, soft touches on your shoulders or hips, maybe even a flirtatious comment here and there
✧ he’s never been this lovestruck by anyone before.
✧ and your reactions just strengthen his attraction.
✧ every blush, stutter, shiver, gasp, and whine sends deeper and deeper in love with you.
✧ so the day the idea of pacts comes back up, he knows the time, the moment he’s been longing for, is finally here.
✧ compared to the ones before, he’s a tad bit more demanding with his pact, maybe even border line possessive.
✧ he wants you all to himself, is that too much to ask?
✧ it won’t be one sided, he promises~
✧ his ideal spots to put his seal are your lovely thighs he loves to tease, your lower stomach he wishes to explore in due time, and your heart because you’ve already stolen his, why can’t he claim yours for himself, too?
✧ every time you pass by wearing something that shows off his beautiful pink seal, he can’t resist the urge to pull you into the nearest room and show you just how deep his love goes~
♥ “Asmo? Could I come in please?” You knock softly on his door and wait for a response. What you're greeted with is, strangely, pure silence. You knock again a bit harder when suddenly you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“You called?~” A teasing voice tickles the back of your neck.
“Ahhh!!” You jump and turn around to see Asmo’s sweet smile, “damn… you scared the life out of me.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” he chuckles and pulls you closer to kiss your cheek, “Did you need me for something, my dear?”
“Could we go in your room for a second, there’s something important I wanna talk about,” you place your hands on his shoulders and look up at him.
“Sure,” he leads you into his beautifully detailed room and sits down on a chair that is hung from the ceiling by lush faux vines with vivid purple flowers and places you right on his lap.
“Is this comfortable for you?~” He wraps his arms around you once more.
“Mhm, very comfy. And your room always smells so good,” you bask in the lovely scent.
“Why thank you~ It’s a mix of the floral candles I like to leave around my room and my signature perfume,” he chuckles softly and points a few of them out.
“Are you sure that’s safe? You have a lot of flammable things in here,” you ask as you feel his hands trail up and down your waist.
“I always make sure to snuff them out if I leave them unattended, no need to worry. This might just be me, but I feel like you’re stalling about something,” he shifts you around on his lap so he can look into your eyes.
“Well, there is something I wanna talk about,” even though you’re super nervous, you do your best to keep eye contact.
“Then what’s on your mind? I’m always right here if you need something,” he tilts his head slightly.
“Well, uh… I’ve been thinking about something a lot recently and I think I should go ahead and tell you instead of keeping it to myself,” you take a deep breath, “do you like we could make a pact together?”
He gasps and you flinch. Could this have been too sudden? He always tells you each and every day how much he loves you and how happy he is to have met you, but you knew pacts were a bit of a tender subject for demons. You remember hearing about it from the others about how much of a combined burden and privilege it is for a demon. After doing research of your own you know that they're not totally wrong, yet you can’t help but find yourself longing for something like that.
“You want to make a pact?” He repeats, just to clarify what you said. You nod and brace yourself for his answer but you watch as his eyes fill with enough sparkles to create another galaxy.
His mouth stretches into a smile, “I’ve always wanted to find the right person to finally settle down with, but I thought it would just be a fantasy. Yet here you are, the most gorgeous and kind being I’ve ever met, sitting right here on my lap and asking me to make a pact with you. What do you think my answer will be?”
“Hopefully... a yes?” You smile nervously back at him.
“Nothing less than a perfect yes for my perfect human~” he kisses your forehead and hugs you close to his chest.
You giggle in relief and wrap your arms around his neck, “I’m so happy, I was worried you might say no.”
“And why would I say no, hm? Tell me your worries so I can shoo them away,” he runs his hands up and down your back.
“I was worried I asked too soon into our relationship,” you admit.
“Hehehe, of course not. You could have asked me the first day I met you and I’d say yes. I’ve always known you would be the first and only person I make a pact with, I just wanted to wait till you were ready. And now that you are…” You shiver as his hands creep up into your shirt, “Where should I place my seal…”
“H-hey, be careful where you’re touching,” you try to scold him but the blush on your face tells a whole different story.
“Don’t worry, I know my limits by now~” he giggles as he pulls his hands back and studies your body.
“I think it should go…” he traces a circle over your heart, “right here, where it belongs.”
“Aww, my heart? Is it because you want it all to yourself?” You chuckle.
“Maybe~ now, let’s take this off for just a few seconds~”
“Hey, wait!” There’s no way you could stop him in time before he swiftly pulls off your shirt and returns to drifting his hands up and down your now exposed waist. The touch has you shivering in both sensitivity and excitement.
“Are you ready for it? I’ll be gentle,” He gives you a playful wink before leaning to your chest. His breath feels so hot against your skin, you don’t know if it’s the thrill of the close proximity or him using some underhanded tricks with his powers but your mind is beginning to wander.
“Mhm…” you hum your consent and shiver as his soft lips lay a kiss right above your heart. You can feel your pulse spike as sparkling colors of rose and bubblegum pink swirl around the spot. Thousands of glittering particles twinkle as a magic sigil presents itself on your skin. It glows a few times before the cloud of glitter finally dissipates and what’s left behind is a prominent seal of lust.
“There, now it’s official. You’re all mine, forever and always. We’re going to have so much fun together, I just know it,” he whispers lowly in your ear and squeezes your waist, “you’re all I could ever want~”
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Belphegor - (lvl of difficulty: 5/10 | placement: thigh or shoulder)
✧ now Belphie’s a lot more laid back when it comes to pacts
✧ yeah, he knows how meaningful they are and all the abilities it grants to the receiving end and blah blah blah
✧ he’s heard way too many speeches from Lucifer to really care
✧ if anything, they sound more like a burden
✧ he’s perfectly fine just laying in bed all day and occasionally getting up to grab a snack
✧ even when you’re in the picture, the thought of pacts never really crosses his mind
✧ you have to be the one to ask, but be careful to catch him at the right time
✧ if you wake him up to tell him about making a pact he will growl at you and go right back to sleep
✧ the best time to ask if when he’s either getting a snack or just spending some quality time with you.
✧ he will be pretty confused why it would matter
✧ aren’t you two close enough? Why do you need his seal to prove it?
✧ but it doesn’t take long to convince him
✧ he may not show it as outwardly as his brothers, but he does really, really love you
✧ that’s why you’re his favorite place to take a nap, after all.
✧ he doesn’t care much about where to put his seal, any place you want is fine with him, but if you beg him to pick it himself, he would eventually settle on your thighs or shoulder since he spends so much time laying against them when he decides to take a nap.
✧ when he’s snoozing he he sees the seal, his seal, on your skin, he’s sleepily nuzzles against it and quickly fall asleep.
♥ You’ve been looking everywhere for Belphie to no avail. He’s not in his shared room, any of his brother’s rooms, the common room, planetarium, dining room, music room, study, or even kitchen. You’re starting to wonder if he snuck off because of everyone being loud and fell asleep in the forest. Before you get on your hiking boots you decide to check one more spot. You make your way up the large spiral stairs, crossing your fingers you have some luck on your side. As you enter the attic and feel a sense of relief wash over you as you spot is sleeping form curled up on the bed. You carefully tip toe over to him so as to not wake him up and watch as his chest lifts up and down. The urge to lean down and give him a faint kiss on the cheek is too strong to resist before heading right back down the stairs. If you were going to ask him the question you had been dwelling over for weeks, it had to be the perfect time, and waking him up just to drop a heavy question on him with a quick way to get nowhere quickly. Waiting a little bit longer was a much better idea. Letting out a heavy breath, you plop yourself down on one of the velvety cushions of the piano and decide to practice your skills for a while until you're sleeping beauty wakes up. It was barely 30 minutes later when you heard someone open the large doors of the music room.
“Mmmph… pretty…” Belphegor mumbles as he walks over to you, rubbing his eyes.
“You’re awake… how did you sleep?” You keep playing piano and give him a smile.
“Good,” he yawns.
“That’s good to hear,” you finish off the song and close the piano, “do you have a few minutes to talk about something?”
“Hm? I guess so. What’s up?” He tilts his head.
“Well, uh… could we actually go somewhere a little more private?” You ask with a nervous chuckle.
“Mhm… sure,” he nods.
You both walk hand in hand back up to the attic and sit next to each other.
“There’s something really important I’ve been thinking about lately. I’m not quite sure how you’ll react to it, so I’m a bit nervous,” you take a deep breath to steady your nerves, “here goes nothing. Belphie… can we make a pact together?”
“A… pact?” He tilts his head once more.
“Yeah,” you nod and swallow nervously awaiting his answer.
“Hmm… pacts are kinda tedious. I’d be giving you control over me. But, I trust you not to boss me around… so sure,” He consents as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Wait… really? You mean it?” You gently grab his hand.
“Mhm. I like you a lot, anyways,” he nods.
“Aw, Belphie… I’m so happy,” you giggle as you try to hold back your tears of happiness. He notices them forming at the corners of your eyes and reaches over to wipe them away.
“Do you want my seal now?” He asks.
“Mhm, yes please. Where should it go?” Your bright smile brings a light blush to his cheeks. His eyes trance over your exposed skin for the easiest place he can put it and soon choose a spot right on your shoulder.
He points at it and looks at you, “this spot okay?”
“Yeah, I like it. I can show it off proudly that way,” you giggle.
“Don’t say that…” his blush grows deeper as he hides it behind your shoulder.
“Does it make you shy?” You smirk at his flustered behavior.
“A bit…” he murmurs. You laugh it off and ruffle his hair. After a few seconds he lifts his head back up and makes eye contact with you, silently waiting for permission.
“I’m ready, Belphie,” you gently stroke his horns. He hums in satisfaction and presses a kiss to your shoulder. The spot shines for a few seconds as a sigil appears. After glowing with mute colors of blue and purple it settles down into your skin as an intricate tattoo.
“I like it…” his eyes twinkle with happiness.
“I like it too. I’m so glad I get to be so close with you,” you continue to pet his horns.
“Me too. Can I take another nap? With you this time. Now that you have my seal, I’m not letting go of you,” he wraps his around around your body and nuzzles his warm cheek against your newly formed seal.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mammon - (lvl of difficulty: 6/10 | placement: neck or cheek)
✧ now this guy is a little trickster.
✧ whenever someone wants something from him you cannot convince me he won’t find a way to twist it into being compensated somehow.
✧ someone includes you.
✧ but he’s not a total scumbag, trust me.
✧ he may not like to admit it but he’s totally weak for you.
✧ you just have to find a way to open him up.
✧ but once you do you’ll see how giddy he is about the whole thing.
✧ yeah, pacts are a lot of responsibility, but the idea of having a permanent mark of him imprinted on your body makes him have the urge to flaunt you like a trophy.
✧ he’d agree just for that privilege alone
✧ his ideal spots are basically anywhere that’s hard to hide
✧ if he sees you trying to hide his (HIS) seal, he will take it as an insult and get all whiny about it.
✧ places like your cheek or neck sound perfect to him
✧ there’s no way his brothers will try to steal you away from him now that you’ve got his mark! (Take that!)
✧ also, you could be minding your own business and this guy will just walk by you while saying something like, “Your seal looks great, who’s it from?~” or “ It’s almost as hot as it’s owner~”
✧ please say “thank you” or something to the last one, he will turning into a stuttering, blushing idiot -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
♥ “Hey Mammon,” you softly tug on his sleeve to get his attention,” I need to tell ya something.”
“Hm? Need a favor from the mighty Mammon, now do ya?” He flaunts an extroverted smirk which almost sparkles in confidence.
“Well, no and yes, just follow me,” you motion for him to follow you into the nearby guest room. If only you knew to think before you speak as his devious smirk grows even wider.
“Oh ho ho~ I think I like where this is going~” he chuckles and follows you inside.
“Perv,” you give him a sharp chop on the shoulder.
“Hey, ouch! What gives- I mean, that was nothin’,” he shrugs his shoulders and looks away.
“Anyways, now that we are alone, there’s something serious I wanna talk about,” you sit down on the bed and pat the side next to you. He takes the seat next to you and sprawls out.
“What’s up? Here to tell me I need to give back Lucifer’s card again? Heh, I’ll save you the trouble. That bastard stole it back from me,” he wipes away fake tears.
“That's… not quite what I had in mind actually,” you chuckle at his antics, “it’s something a little more important than that.”
“More important?! Then my credit card?! No way, nothing can be as important as- Uhh…” he shuts himself up as you flash him a death stare, “C-Continue~”
“It’s about you and me, actually,” you run your hands up and down your thighs nervously.
“Me and you?” He sits up at the mention of yours and his relationship, “Tell me.”
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while and, well, I think it’s about time I get it off my chest. Mammon, could we make a pact together?”
The room goes silent as he blinks in confusion. Did he hear that right? Did you just say the word pact?
“P-PACTS?! FOR REA- ahem, I mean, you really want that?” He tries to hide his excited expression.
“I do. I’d understand if you didn’t want to give up on some of your freedoms, I know it’s a big commitment. But if you’re ready, I'd like to take that step with you,” you give him a sickeningly sweet smile and hold his hand in yours.
“W-w-well uh, u-umm uh,” before he can continue to stutter and make a fool of himself, he delivers a sharp slap to himself across the face, “I guess I could, but it depends on the price.”
“Price?” A tinge of hurt shines in your eyes that he would have the gall to even mention money in this kind of situation.
“Mhm, gotta have a price to get my quality services, of course,” he nods to himself before finally turning around and freezing at the wounded look on your face. He can tell he totally messed up big time, “Iiiiiiii mean, wow, look at that, it’s totally free now! On the house, just for you, my gorgeous sweetheart~ what prices? I don’t remember a price at all. I could never charge a dime from you, baby~ So pretty, so sweet, so-“
He whimpers as now both sides of his face were red and swollen, but murmurs his apology, “Yeah, I deserved that.”
“Ready to be serious this time or do you need another one to help you think straight?” You lift your hand up again.
“No no no no I’m thinkin’ perfectly fine now, promise!” He raises his hands up in defense.
“Good,” you rest your hands back down on your lap.
“So, about this pact, I think it sounds pretty sweet. Just don’t think you can get anything like free money from it. Sadly, my powers don’t work that way. I’ve tried,” he shrugs sadly, “Now, to find the best spot to claim as mine~”
He looks over your body for a few seconds before lifting up your jaw and tracing his thumb over the middle of your neck.
“This could be quite a pretty spot. Oh, but,” he smiles against your cheek, “this spot could work too~ whatcha thinkin’?”
You can’t help but blush at how touchy he was being but you kind find it in you to push him away, “Any of those are fine.”
“Then I think I choose… right on your lovely cheek. That way everyone can see just how much you belong to the mighty Mammon. Ready to seal the deal? Hehe, get it?~”
“Heheh, yeah, I’m ready,” he laugh.
“Alrighty then,” he smirks one more time before pressing a sloppy kiss to your right cheek. You could feel the spot glowing in a golden light like shining gold. Even he was entranced by the sight but he could just be happy he got an excuse to kiss you. As soon as his seal of greed etched into your soft skin, he quickly steals another kiss directly on your lips.
“There, now you’re all mine~” He chuckles.
“I don’t think a kiss on the lips was needed,” you sigh in amusement.
“You know me, I just had to take a little bit more than I’m given. I know you enjoyed it too with how hard your blushing~ ya know, since we’re alone, I think your lips need a little bit more attention. I think I can help with that~” he gives you a flirtatious smirk that tells you you’re in for a long day.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Lucifer - (lvl of difficulty: 7/10 | placement: forehead or chest)
✧ you better plan ahead when asking Lucifer to make a pact
✧ he’s the avatar of pride not the avatar of charity
✧ he won’t even take the question seriously unless he’s known you for quite a while, and even then, it’s not guaranteed he’ll say yes
✧ to give up so much of his free will to a human no less
✧ but if your persistent enough without annoying him, he might just consider it
✧ just know there’s a very, very fine line you might accidentally cross, so prepare to step back if he gets actually upset
✧ though he’s usually not upset at you, it’s mostly the stress from his work and brothers
✧ he’ll apologize once he cools off, it’s pretty hard for him to stay mad at you for long
✧ he cares about you quite a lot and always wants to keep you safe and happy
✧ so if making a pact will really make you as happy as you say, he’ll give in.
✧ plus the idea of being the first and only demon you make a pact with kind of strokes his ego just a bit (not as much as Mammon though)
✧ rationally he believes a place that only he can see in private, a place that isn’t hard to cover, would be ideal
✧ it’s just he can’t push away the urge to put his seal front and center on either your neck or your forehead to show everyone you belong to him
✧ he knows it wouldn't be practical, but can you really blame him?
✧ having a stunning human like you looking like the epitome of beauty all the time makes him territorial, it annoys the crap out of him
✧ please let him mark you somewhere visible, he will cherish it every single day
✧ just prepare for a few more marks if he gets a little too caught up in the moment (he’ll apologize later with an embarrassed look on his face)
♥ It's been about two months since you first asked Lucifer to make a pact with you. At first he immediately shot it down, saying something along the lines of “There’s no way I’d let a human get the opportunity to order me around like a dog” and walked out of the room. But after a lot of gifts, praise, and of course begging, his no turned into a not now. At least it’s progress? Any logical person would just give up by now, heck, even the other brothers were catching onto the situation. Mammon and Belphegor both suggested you drop the subject since if Lucifer was really the Lucifer they know, it would take a millennium of begging for him to give in. Even one millennium is way too long for a human like you. But not everyone was against it. At least you had Asmodeus as your cheerleader, saying a little change would be good for him. So each day you made it your goal to prove to him you were worthy of his seal, without being overly pushy, of course. Some days it was a rose with a notecard saying your name attached to it, other days it could be him walking into the dining room to find it totally spotless, and on special days you’d come to him in person and ask if he was ready. He wouldn’t admit this until much later but he found all your antics both amusing and irritating. Eventually it all came to a climax when he found you trying to replace the water in one of the flower pots in his office. His private office. It went a little something like this.
“MC?! What in hell's name do you think you’re doing in my office?!” Lucifer’s booming voice almost made you drop the vase of water you were holding.
“Ahh! Lucifer, I-I just wanted to-“ he quickly cut you off before you could explain.
“It doesn’t matter what your reasoning is, I didn’t give you permission to come in here. You’re supposed to do what we ask of you, not go around doing all of our chores like some sort of maid,” he growled with frustration. You accepted that there was no way you could talk yourself out of this situation and bowed before him.
“I’ll just leave you alone then. I’m sorry Lucifer,” you tried to exit the room but to your surprise his eyes snapped back towards you.
“Don't leave unless you are dismissed, damn it!” He exclaimed, snatching your wrist to stop you. In the commotion he forgot you were holding something fragile, which came tumbling to the ground and shattered in a dramatic crash along with your hopes in getting closer to Lucifer. Water and porcelain shards littered the ground haphazardly.
“Aghh! I-I, fuck, I’m so sorry, Lucifer, I’ll clean it up right away,” as you tried once again to leave the room, his large hand around your wrist yanked you back. His eyes turned from livid to shocked at his own actions. He let out a short grunt before letting you go get some cleaning supplies. Once you came back, you found that all the delicate sharps were gathered up and placed on the table to make your job a little easier but Lucifer was nowhere to be found. Next to the near pile of sharps was a small note, which read in large, fancy writing, ‘Not now.’ After that day, you decided to give him some time to himself to process his decision instead of trying to bend over backwards for him. Back in the present day, around a month after the vase incident, your heart almost jumped all the way out of your mouth as you read the cryptic message Lucifer sent you. All it read was ‘Come to my room. I’m ready.’ But that was more than enough to get you to sprint up the stairs and almost trample over a poor Leviathan trying to escape the wrath of an angry Satan. As you stood outside his room, you smoothed out your clothes and took a deep breath. This was the moment you were waiting for! As you stepped inside you were… pulled into a hug? By Lucifer?!
“I’ve been a total fool,” he sighed in disdain.
A fool?! Was this really the Lucifer you know or was this some sort of prank?
“Pardon me,” he stepped back and looked to the side in embarrassment, “Please, take a seat. There’s a lot I want to talk about.”
You both took a seat on his couch. He seemed to be fidgeting with his gloves quite a bit before finally breaking the silence.
“I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for the way I’ve been treating you lately. You may be our assistant but that doesn’t give me the right to yell at you and put my hands on you,” he stated shamefully, “I let my stress and sleep deprivation get the better of me. Nghh… I should have been stronger than that. Ahem, but that’s not the only reason I asked you to come here today. I’ve thought about your request for quite a while and I’ve come to the conclusion that,” he paused for a brief moment, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, “That I’d be willing to accept it. But, only if you can meet my demands.” It took you a few seconds to process what he said before your eyes exploded into a flurry of sparkling stars, much to Lucifer’s surprise.
“D-do you mean it? I, I can’t believe it, this is ama-” you catch a glimpse at his serious expression and pipe down. Although, this could have been your imagination, but you could have sworn you heard a faint chuckle from him.
“Allow me to elaborate first. A pact between a human and demon is considered an exchange of loyalty and trust. After the seal is placed, the demon will be forever at your mercy to any commands you give them, which includes but is not limited to tasks, information, and even the use of powers. In exchange, the human will also forever be with that demon and have to give the demon something they want as payment. The payment could be anything, but for the sake of giving an example, it could be money, an object of desire, a promise, or information. My demands go as follows. I need you to not only swear your loyalty to me, guarantee that you won't try to force me to do anything I’m not comfortable with, and…” he takes your hand in his, “allow me the chance to make you the happiest being in all of devildom.”
“I… I accept. Yes, yes of course I’ll accept! Lucifer… Thank you. Thank you so much,” you tried to stay strong but the overwhelming amount of joy made your eyes well up with tears.
Lucifer noticed it and chuckled, “Humans can be so emotional. But, since it’s you, I’ll allow it.”
He leaned closer and wiped away your tears, staring back at you with a look you couldn't describe as anything less than ethereal, “I’ll give you the privilege to choose the location of my seal to make up for all the wasted time I spent hesitating.”
You smiled up at him, “I’ve thought about it for a while and I’d like you to put it on my forehead.”
His eyes widened slightly, “You’re… forehead? And why is that?”
“Because, I know how important this is to you, ever since the beginning. What better place to put a mark of pride than a place everyone can see,” you pushed some stray hairs out of the way to give him better access.
You watched in slow motion as the stoic demon in front of you melted into a puddle of his former demon self. He put a hand over his mouth to try to hide his flustered expression but it was no use. His whole entire face was red.
“I… I see… ahem, well, I would have to agree with you. That spot would be per-” he corrected himself, “acceptable.”
He took a shallow breath before gently pulling you closer by grabbing your chin. His eyes drifted from your eyes to your forehead to down to your lips before snapping back up to their designated location. His lips moved closer and closer until you could feel them just barely tracing over your skin, sending shockwaves of electricity through your body.
“Are you ready?” He smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
You tremble slightly before nodding, “M-mhm.”
“I need to hear you say it,” he urged, causing you to let out a small whimper.
“I... I’m.. ready,” you murmured, giving him the confirmation he needed to finally press his lips against your forehead. You couldn’t see it very well, but you felt a light tingly sensation from the spot he was kissing. After a few seconds that felt like hours, he pulled away.
“Mmm…” he stared in awe at the mark he engraved on your skin, “After this, we’ll only grow closer. I hope you’re ready… because I’m not quite done yet.”
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Satan - (lvl of difficulty: 8/10 | placement: chest, neck, or back)
✧ out of all of the boys, as you might expect, he’s by far the most difficult one to make a pact with
✧ if you thought Lucifer was uncompromising, you haven’t seen nothing yet
✧ the moment you even say the word pact, he feels a fiery sense of annoyance take over him
✧ you’d dare try to get him to agree to letting you control him like some sort of puppet or servant?!
✧ if anyone’s a servant, it’s you!
✧ no human is worth his time, which especially includes you.
✧ after that, for the next few days, he will refuse to talk to you and send you on onslaught of death stares.
✧ everyone in the whole mansion feels like they're walking on eggshells even if they’re not in the same room as him
✧ give him some time to cool off, the time apart from you will slowly make him realize that he cares about you
✧ but this realization ain’t a pretty one
✧ he will constantly try to deny it, scoffing whenever someone mention his blush when you enter a room his in, knocking his brothers in the back of the head anytime they compliment you, suddenly leaving conversations with you when he feels his heart begin to beat too hard.
✧ he feels helpless, pathetic, and ashamed for falling for a human.
✧ he’s set on just ignoring these feelings for the foreseeable future, but…
✧ when he notices the way his brothers look at you with such endearment…
✧ a new flame of passion lights in him.
✧ there’s no way he’s going to them steal you away from him!
✧ he rushes back to you and suddenly he’s the one begging you to form a pack (not that you’re complaining)
✧ he won’t agree to placing his seal anywhere besides your chest, neck, or back.
✧ yeah, he wants to prove to his siblings that you’re his and his alone, but the idea of putting it somewhere only he can see is almost as tempting.
✧ just be wary of what you wear if he does decide to put it somewhere private because if it’s in view, brace yourself for the wrath of a very, very territorial demon.
♥ You couldn’t stop the ache in your heart as you stood in front of Satan’s room. The handle called out to you, but just before you could reach for it, all the hurtful things he’s said to you flood your mind.
“You ignorant fucking waste of human flesh! To think you’d even dare to ask such a stupid question to me!! There’s no way in the entirety of hell I’ll make a pact with you!”
“Tch, still have the audacity to look me in the eyes after that stunt? Would rearranging your bone structure finally get your slow brain to understand?! The answer is NO!”
“Oh, cry as loud as you want. It’s not going to change the fact that your existence is pointless to any of us. We’d be perfectly fine without you.”
Your hand dropped to your side as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. Why did he have to say such hurtful things to you when all you wanted was to get closer to him? Were you really just a worthless human in his eyes? With a heavy heart you made your way down the stairs and retreated into your room. As you collapsed onto your bed, you couldn’t fight off the tears any longer. It just wasn’t fair. Out of all the demon brothers to have a crush on, why did it have to be him? You were so stupid to ask something like that so early, you should have known better. If only, if only, if only. If only you could get back at him somehow. Suddenly, you heard a faint noise from your door, like something was being slid under it. You stumbled out of bed and peeked at the small note laying on the floor. It read, ‘Having love problems? Try making them jealous, they just might reveal their true feelings~♡’
You’re pretty sure you can guess who sent this note. But, trying to make him jealous didn’t sound like that bad of an idea. The only thing is how could you be certain he even had feelings for you to begin with? There was nothing you could do but try. And try you did. The very next day you made sure to look your very best, attracting some of the demon boys’ attention.
“Wow~♡ You look wonderful today, MC. Who’s the lucky guy? Is it me?~” Asmo chuckled.
“You? Hah! No way, they're definitely dressing nice for me,” Mammon pointed to himself and smirked.
“They do look really pretty today,” Belphie rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
You glanced over at Satan who was standing in the corner of the room scowling to himself about something. Your plan seems to be going perfectly!
“MC, uh, wanna play video games in my room?” Levi stuttered, obviously flushed.
“No fair, I can’t let you have MC all to yourself. Want to go to my room instead? I’m a lot more fun than Levi, trust me~♡” Asmo winks flirtatiously.
“What’s going on-” Beel entered the room and froze in place, “MC, you look gorgeous…”
“Back off, I saw them first!” Mammon snapped, reaching for your hand. Before he could make contact, it was slapped away by none other than… Satan?! He gave everyone a death stare before snatching your arm and pulling you down the hall and into the library.
“S-Satan, what are you-”
“Just shut it!” He snapped at you, quickly followed by a surprising, “sorry…”
“Aghhh… I just couldn’t take the way they looked at you. All wide eyed and blushing and shit. I wanted to punch them all!!” He slammed his fist against the top of a bookcase, thankfully not breaking it.
“This is so stupid, they’re so stupid… I’m so stupid…” he put a hand over his face and leaned against the wall. You inched closer to get a better view of his face but jumped back as an accusing finger pointed right at your face.
“It’s your fault! Ever since you first came here you’ve been making me feel weird and I hate it! I’m supposed to be a strong and mighty demon, but every time I…” He grunts in frustration. Just as he’s about to slam his fist against the wall, he stops himself.
“Look at me, I’m acting like a fucking toddler. Ugh… alright, fine. I’ll tell you the truth. But don’t you dare tell the others or you’re dead. Ever since you asked me to make a pact I’ve been having annoying thoughts.” He rubs his forehead with a groan, “But after a while I realized. I… I like you. It gets on my nerves but I like you. It’s so annoying how you make me blush when you smile, how my heart beats fast when you walk by, how much my skin burns when I see my brothers compliment you. Grrr… I hate all of this, but I can’t deny how… happy you make me feel when I’m with you… I’m done running away. If I keep it up I’ll lose my chance and someone will steal you all for themselves. I’m not letting that happen, not ever. So I’ll make you mind before my brothers even get the opportunity to take you away from me. Heh, that will rub it in their faces,” he removes his hand from his face, showing the devious smirk underneath. You had no idea where he was taking this but you liked where it was going.
“Imagine the look of disappointment on their faces when they see my seal on you. Hahah, that will show them…” he moves closer to you and puts his hands on your sides.
“So what will it be? Still up for making a pact with me?” He tilts his head.
You blush as your words fall out of your mouth haphazardly, “Uh, Y-yeah, yes, Mhm, a pact sounds great.”
“Good, because I’m not taking no for an answer at this point. I’ve been leaving you waiting for way too long. Now, where should it go… right here on your neck,” a large shiver wracks through your body as his arms squeeze tighter around your waist to hold you still. His lips trail down to the side of your neck, “Yeah, that would be a nice place. Nice and obvious. Hold still~”
“W-wait, please be gentle!” You beg.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He chuckles to himself, but when he sees your nervous expression, he backs down a little, “Ugh, fine, I guess I got no choice,” he rolls his eyes as he presses a deep kiss to your neck. The spot starts to sting slightly, but not enough to truly hurt. Out of the counter of your eyes you spot a vibrant green light and black crackles of energy.
“Mmm, and there, look at that. You’re all mine~” you feel him smirk against your neck as his lips suddenly move to the other side, “but I’m not quite happy with just one mark. I think 5 more should be enough to make it obvious who you belong to~”
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Reblog + Like + Comment if you wanna see more obey me posts (I have more ideas but I’d love to know what you guys think~ might make a new question in a few days for the next post)
I’ve missed you guys so much! I hope this is some good food to make up for starving for so long :(
((Also, I tried to make it gn as possible but if there’s stuff that isn’t plz tell me I’ll try to fix it to make it gn :3))
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momosodapuffs · 4 months
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Og post reminded me of him Soo
+ tweet I found
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thefandomthings · 5 months
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜/𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜
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Ask: Alright, I looked over your rules and fandoms, so here's an idea:
Match up each of the Obey Me! boys with a Disney princess and/or villain. (Not in a shipping sense, just in a "hey X is most like Y" sort of way.) Hopefully that seems like fun.
Thank you for the lovely ask @daytaker
Notes: Tumblr is being so dumb right now, I can't edit drafts I just created its awful. But this is a fantastic idea!
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Lucifer: Lucifer is Jasmine, you can't convince me otherwise. Or Maleficent. Definitely Maleficent.
Mammon: Hear me out....Mammon is Cruella De Vill. Or Aladdin.
Leviathan: My guy is so Prince John from Robin Hood, it's so funny.
Satan: He is definitely Belle, but with anger issues and a lot more independent that she is. Satan is also definitely the Queen of Hearts.
Asmodeus: I think Asmo would be the Evil Queen, Who's the farest in the land? Asmodeus!
Beelzebub: My baby boy Beel, would definitely be Anna or Tiana. He'd do anything for his brothers/family especially Belphie.
Belphegor: He has to be Aurora, especially with Lucifer being Maleficent. It's just perfect.
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belphies-cowgirl · 10 months
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little things you do for them
word count: 500+
sitting next to him on the piano bench and turning each page of sheet music for him while he plays.
sitting in his lap while cupping the side of his face and rubbing your thumb across his cheekbone in the privacy of his office whenever he's stressed out more than usual (he'll press his forehead against yours and let out a content sigh)
when he opened a package and foam exploded all over him (do better Satan, that was a lame prank) you started to wipe his face clean, but he scrunched his face and tried to pull away because it was embarrassing and "not necessary" (don't let him fool you, he likes it when you baby him like that)
that one time you waited for him after one of his modeling gigs with a sweet treat and a kiss because he looked so pretty wearing a suit with his hair slicked back.
running your fingers through his hair despite protests about how he doesn't need to be babied (he does) and that "it's no big deal" after one of his brothers takes a joke a bit too far.
zipping up his jacket for him and warming his hands up with yours whenever it's a bit too cold outside (give him a few minutes to learn how to breathe again because you're holding his hands)
moving his headset back on top of his head when it starts to slide back during an intense gaming session
leaving little love notes on his monitors sometimes (he has a tiny crisis when he has to take them down)
taking notes for him without him asking you to when he misses class (it melts his heart knowing you took time to copy and colored code your notes again for him)
rubbing his back while he lays his head on your lap and rants about a heated argument he had with Lucifer.
when you split a cute cat-shaped cookie with him when he decided you should have it instead and that he would order something else.
staying up late with him discussing a book, having little debates about the characters and plot points (he finds it endearing when you go on tangents or talk with your hands)
letting him hold your hand while he searches through clothes racks 
moving a few loose strands of hair out of his face when he’s focused on painting his nails 
liking all his devilgram posts when you have some free time to go through them (feels really appreciated when he sees you've spammed his notifications because he posts A LOT)
gently wiping food off his face because he gets messy sometimes and doesn't realize it 
handing him an ice-cold water bottle while he's working out and dabbing his forehead with a cool towel when he gets too sweaty 
giving him snacks between classes so his stomach doesn't growl too loudly during classes (poor baby gets embarrassed when it happens during an exam)
putting a makeshift pillow under his head when he falls asleep on uncomfortable-looking surfaces
moving his hair out of his face when you're trying to wake him up (he playfully nips at your hand sometimes)
sleeping with a few of his blankets so they smell like you and he can bury himself under them when you're gone (2 hours running errands and he acts like you abandoned him) 
✄ ——————————————————————
feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me a message, or an ask <3
please do not use my work as your own! 
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hiddenonyx · 2 months
Obey Me! Cast Sleepwear Headcanons
Lucifer wears black silk pants and surprisingly doesn’t wear the matching shirt very often (he gets too hot). If he has to get up, he puts on a blue silk robe. He also has to wear glasses right after he wakes up because his eyes are old and needs to adjust before he puts in his contacts.
Mammon, if he’s not sleeping naked, he’s wearing grey sweatpants and going commando. Has no problem walking around w/out a shirt on. If he’s had a restless night, he’ll have some bedhead. Also technically needs glasses in the morning but would rather give up Goldie before admitting that and wearing some.
Levi prefers dark sweatpants and a fandom hoodie. Bro gets cold really easily and has a really bad bedhead. Also tends to have dark circles under his eyes.
Satan either wears nice silk pajamas that are cat-themed (of course) or light sweatpants and a T-shirt; it depends on how late he was up reading last night. He also needs glasses in the morning (he inherited someone’s bad eyes).
Asmo wears the most expensive and nice-feeling silk pajamas or sleeps naked (no in-between). Will not wear anything else - anything else will scratch his skin and irritate it and make it break out and-
Beel only wears sweatpants and a slightly dirty, loose tank top. Also, get really bad bedhead. Does not give a shit how he looks when gets up; food first, looks later.
Belphie prefers flannel pajamas, either in a plain or simple pattern. When he has to sleep by himself, he also adds a hoodie—the man low-key looks like he’s been camping. He always gets bedhead.
Of course, Diavolo wears the finest silk pants and no shirt—he’s already pretty warm; being under blankets just makes it worse. He also tends to get bad bedhead (it's kind of cute, though).
Barbatos prefers plain silk pajamas. He is also a glasses wearer, not that anyone but Diavolo and Luke knows. He gets up at 4:30 in the morning or something else ridiculous.
Simeon likes simple but cutely patterned pajamas. He’s a morning angel and gets up early nearly every day to make his housemates breakfast (Luke helps most of the time). Surprisingly, he doesn’t need glasses.
Luke wears either a cute onesie or simple-themed PJs (depending on the season and temperature). He is also a morning angel. Yet another bad bed hair club member.
Solomon exclusively wears dark sweatpants and maybe a T-shirt or tank top (probably not). He looks like death until he has coffee. He really needs glasses, or else he can’t see.
The Master List
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devildomditzy · 2 years
With an MC who thinks they’re not good enough for them
Made this as a personal vent/comfort piece for my self
If you start thinking bad thought about yourself, you just gotta think “the brothers would be so hurt if they caught me thinking this way”
Tags/Warnings: Self-Deprecating Thoughts
Takes it very personal
As pride incarnate, he values himself on making his guests feel comfortable
Even if it’s not him causing the thought, he’ll still see it upon himself to try and fix it
You don’t even have to say it, he just knows (okay, maybe you vented to Beel and Beel told Lucifer cause he was worried about you but that’s beside the point)
“MC, I was unaware I was doing you the disservice of not imploring your importance to us. Let me make that up to you.”
You don’t know how he knows, but you don’t question it.
He prepares tea for the both of you, ready to have a full conversation about self reflection.
Every negative comment you make about yourself he’s quick to counter
“You’ve truly become the gem of the Devildom, MC. I cannot be dissuaded from believing the same goes for the human realm. You’re very dear to me.”
Oh hell no
He will not stand for it
He had asked you to attend one of his shoots earlier this week but you had never responded to his invitation, changing the subject every time he brought it up
At first he thinks you just don’t want to go, which hurts him. You catch onto this, and not wanting him to think that the real reason comes out
“It’s just… you’re a model. Not to mention you were a literal angel sculpted by the Gods, and you make an even hotter demon. You’re on the cover of every magazine in the Devildom. Wherever we go you get recognized and fawned over. Hell, you’ve even got a fan club here at school. You’re also one of the most powerful demons and leaders of this realm. Why the hell would you wanna be seen with some pathetic, average looking human like me.”
His heart breaks
He blames himself for not catching on quicker
“Oi! I’m not gonna let anyone talk about my human like that, even if you are that human!”
In the middle of his rant about how everything about you is perfect to him, from your gorgeous appearance to your terrible humor, to your radiant personality, he gets an idea.
Its like you can see a lightbulb flash over his head, he gets giddy like a child, taking out his phone and quickly dialing a number
As it rings it rings, he proudly says, “If ya got a problem with me bein’ a model, I guess we’ll have to make you one too!”
His agency is actually thrilled to have a chance to shoot Diavolo’s esteemed human exchange student. It’s like a once in a millennia chance.
And he’s holding your hand proudly through it. Now he can show you off to the whole Devildom.
You were nervous about it all week until you saw the photos printed on every magazine in town
You stood next to Mammon, both in your Rad uniforms posing in front of the school. You breath hitches in your throat when you see just how adoringly he is staring at you in each and every photo
He may be a professional, but no amount of training could have stopped his love for you from shining through his expressions
He rips these pictures out of his copy, hanging them both all over his and your rooms
“Now the whole Devildom knows we’re a match made in heaven! Well….shit…uh…ya know what I meant.”
All that stuff about you being a normie, you know he was just kidding right!?
You open up to him against your will, as you both engaged in another weird card game he bought off of Akuzon, and were bound by the rules to confess a burden or be stuck in the games limbo forever
How could anyone (let alone you) think that about his Henry? His player two?
“H-hey! You’re not giving yourself enough credit! You’re super cool, MC! Like, boss level status!!!”
By the shine and sincerity in his eyes, you know this boy is telling the truth
When you flash him a smile and let out a gorgeous laugh, let’s just say the boy melts
Scoop him off the floor and into your arms, he’ll appreciate it.
You have to realize there is only one thing in this world that Asmo thinks can even come close to comparing to him and it’s you
If he is Adonis, then you are Aphrodite (and vice versa)
When he sees you staring in the mirror for a beat too long and learns it’s NOT because you’re admiring your own beauty
oh honey
you’ve got a big storm comin’
We’re talking a self care whirlwind here
He’s got face creams, he’s got body scrubs, he’s got lotions, he’s got makeup, he’s bringing out the big guns
And he’s doing all the work too. Asmo is making sure you feel pampered and radiant by the end of the night
If self care doesn’t work, then he’s got other ways of convincing you *ahem hem*
You’re preaching to the choir hun
He can’t help himself, he compares his every move with Lucifer’s, worrying he’s not as good as him; worrying he’ll never best him
He knows how much that feeling sucks though, and he never ever wants you to even have an inkling of those thoughts
It happens during a study session in the library, he notices just how out of it you are today
“And what exactly is the correct terminology for hypnotizing someone with cursed speech, MC?…….MC?”
When you finally snap out of your haze and meet his eyes, he knows something in wrong
He’ll softly but steadfast question you, even if you don’t tell him the complete truth, he knows exactly what’s wrong, he can see it in your eyes. The same look he sees when he looks in the mirror.
“I’m just not as smart as you, Satan. I’m just a human. Let’s face it, I’m never gonna pass these exams. Diavolo’s gonna send me home because I’m just not good enough. I’m not as great as you all make me out to be.”
At those words, panic sets into his eyes temporarily before they soften
“MC, you’re the most remarkable being I’ve ever met. Quite frankly, I never thought a human could survive down here- well, there’s Solomon, but I wouldn’t quantify him as human. You’re certainly more clever than you think. Honestly, you’re not as great as we all think. You’re even better than that.
After his little pep talk, he’ll take you back to his room for a little study break. He’ll make you tea, read to you, nap with you, whatever makes you feel better.
You enchant him <3
This has Beel utterly baffled because the poor boy cannot wrap his head around why you or anyone else would ever have a negative thought about you
He may not speak it all the time because he just assumes you know but you are his everything
If even an inkling of a negative thought comes out of your mouth, Beel will stare at you straight faced for a beat before completely enveloping you into his strong arms
He’s not the best with words (usually, he leaves the poetics for his twin) but he will really make an attempt to chase these doubtful emotions from your mind
“MC, I don’t know what made you feel this way but I promise it’s far from the truth. Now, how can I help you feel better?”
omg bestie him too, small world!!!
I mean, how could he be enough for you? He tried to kill you!!!
Mutual and constant assurance common between the two of you
And ever since the events of that day, a giant question has been gnawing at the back of your mind. You can’t help but let it slip one day
“Belphie, are you sure you love ME? That i’m not just a replacement in your mind for Lilith? You hated me until you found out I was her descendant…I-I mean, how could you change your mind that fast?”
He’s stunned to say the least, but shakes his head and softly smiles at you before stating
“Yes, I did hold a grudge against humans, but not particularly you. I would have attacked any human who found their way in front of me back then. Lilith is my sister, of course I love and miss her. But you MC? You are the light of my life. I could only see red until I saw through your human nature and finally saw the beautiful soul that is you. I realized I was wrong that day, wrong for a very long time. Now, I don’t want to waste anymore time, I want to spend it all with you.”
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demonlovingsheep · 5 months
Which brother has the highest kill count in Obey Me? How and why they kill? This is what I think:
Lucifer. He is very strict, prideful, and very powerful. He caused the most casualties in the Celestial War no doubt. In the beginning of his demon years, lower demons would purposely get in his way to challenge him. The first one who tried did not live to tell the tale. The second one follows the fate of the first one. One by one, thousands by thousands would continue to increase Lucifer’s body count to the millions until lower demons finally got the message that he is not to be messed with. As for human casualties, I doubt there is a lot since he doesn’t like the taste of human flesh. If he was summoned by a cult or something, he is going to have fun manipulating those foolish souls. After all, he is a sadist.
Beelzebub. He is Lucifer’s body guard in the Celestial Realm, a Cherub that is one of the highest in terms of rank. Due to his strength, he can easily crush his opponents. When he became a demon, all his victims became his meal during his hunger rampage. His sin took full control of his body in the beginning and most of the time he wouldn’t know what’s happening until one of his brothers stops him or he has no other food source available. He probably does the same up in the human world when summoned by a cult if they don’t offer him a big enough meal as offering, then they become the meal themselves. When MC meets him in the original timeline, he still tries to eat us and we’re not allowed to sleep or be near him without another brother’s supervision. Even the brothers were afraid one of their toes was gonna be bitten off.
Leviathan. “Keep sending your soldiers. The ocean has plenty of space before it run out of gravesites for your people.” He controls the ocean, just sends out a tsunami or two and wipes every being away and let the corpse fall to the bottom to be eaten. Even if the victim has the ability to breathe underwater, he would summon Lotan to obliterate them. He never has to get handsy to increase his kill count. He does snack on a couple of humans that've been swept into the ocean by currents.
Satan: He unleashed hell when he was born, being the embodiment of wrath itself. He was separated from Lucifer and his other brothers when they fell. Since there is no one strong enough to hold him back, he wreaked havoc on anything and everything. He set the area around him into a green fire graveyard until he was eventually found and gets chained and shoved in a locker. He gets ticked off when summoned, and if it was for a stupid reason. If they mistaken him for Lucifer, which is pretty often, no one would live to tell the tale. It took decades for them to learn that he is not that damn arrogant bastard.
Asmodeus: Personally, I was conflicted between him and Mammon, but Asmodeus can snap more easily than Mammon. Even though he is the avatar of lust, he still has standards and boundaries. Most lower demons think he is easy to manipulate. Just compliment him, take him to a motel or bar, and get him when he’s vulnerable. The thing is that Asmo knows, and he has his own wicked plan in mind. Depending on his mood, he can either toy with the other demons for such a long time that the other demon will actually develop some feelings for him, all for it to crumble in the end. Like a heartbreak, but with their hearts literally removed and in Asmodeus’s hands. Asmo will still laugh and feign innocence like he hadn’t just gone sicko lover mode. Or he just snaps and completely loses it, charming the other person to bash their own skull against a wall until they are dead. He still refuses to get his clothes or nails stained.
Mammon: He wasn’t initially greedy, but he slowly grew to be the Avatar of Greed as he is. Mammon perhaps fakes his personality, just like how Satan would cover up his wrath with a smile. After all, how would one approach to make a business if he gives off a threatening aura. Maybe centuries as a shady business demon made him lose his sense of dignity along the way, but keep in mind he still knows his title as an Avatar. He flaunts it too, it’s just that it’s very hard to push him to the point of violence. So most demons don’t take him seriously. Money makes the world go round, but it’s the quickest way for someone to seek vengeance when someone doesn’t pay back what they own. Mammon generally plays by the rules even though he himself gambles in illegal places, but he still has business standards. If someone tries to cheat him out of his winnings, they will earn themselves a one way ticket to Mammon’s blacklist, which most of the time has four or five people in the waiting list so one shouldn’t count on time to delay Mammon’s wrath. He will make them pay. No amount of begging or bribery will work, by then the only way of paying back the “debt” is with one’s soul, which is worth even more than anyone can ever imagine. Hell, perhaps he deals with selling organs on the black market too after he finishes seeking vengeance. Organs are worth a good amount of money, either for hungry cannibalistic demons looking for a demon kidney as dinner or for mad scientist demons to run experiments on. Either way, business.
Belphegor: He is too lazy to kill, that’s all I can say. If you think it’s hard to get on Mammon’s blacklist, it’s even harder to get on Belphegor’s blacklist because he just doesn’t care…unless someone messes with his dear twin, Beelzebub. There will be no more peaceful rest for that person for the rest of their short life because Belphegor will make sure that they die in agony. He will curse the person so that whenever they are about to fall asleep, they will be jolted alive by some weird electric feeling. It’s like the feeling when you trip in your sleep (Hypnic Jerk), except it’s not an angel accidentally dropping your soul when bringing you to heaven, but a demon draining your sanity to live. It’s no brainer that sleep is very important as it keeps one’s mind and body functioning. For the victims of Belphegor however, they will never sleep again. They can try but are always jolted awake whenever they are on the edge to dreamland. Until many days has gone by where the person is basically a walking zombie at this point, they pray and try to fall asleep once again expecting for the same jolt feeling, except it didn’t happen. The victims can finally sleep, but this sleep feels more…permanent.
Author’s note: I started writing this draft like a year ago, and took it out today. I forgot what im exactly writing. It’s so shifty of what it’s meant to be. Think it was kill count and why, but it gradually moved onto killing methods of each. Don’t take it too seriously 👉👈. Hope y’all enjoy.
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meyobe · 11 months
Random head cannon pt 5
Mammon is the type to say “ did you see what I sent you” as soon as he hit send.(even when he’s in the same room)
Asmo is the type to give his brothers little self care baskets when life gets hectic.
Levi is the type to hide behind you or his brothers when he’s embarrassed.
Beel is the type to see how many of his brothers he can bench press at once.
Satan is the type to tell you the true stories of Disney movies (I.E the true meaning behind sleeping beauty)
Belphie is the type to see your text and answer you days later.
Lucifer is the type to smack your hand if your elbows are on the table.
Asmo is the type to randomly rearrange his room at 12am
Levi is the type to have his accounts on private with no PFP, no posts, and only highlights.
Mammon is the type to make fake accounts and send people their address if they say negative thing about his family on social media.
Lucifer is the type to go to each room and make sure his brothers are safe.
Beel is the type to say something if he overhears someone say they don’t like his brothers. ( they think it’s him being threatening, but he rlly just wants to know why)
Satan is the type to look out for his brothers when they decide to play rough ( he’s the referee and make sure it’s clean and fair fight. That is till Lucifer shuts it down)
Belphie is the type to make sure all his brothers gets some sleep. Talking about you Levi and Lucifer. (He’ll plop himself over him until they both fall asleep)
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blue-ephemeris · 2 months
Lucifer and Diavolo with an ice Skater fem!Mc
A/n: Sorry to the anon who requested the Daemon smut because sadly it is not in my drafts anymore and idk how because I really don't do anything just read and stuff. So sorry and just enjoy.
Pairing: Lucifer × fem!mc, Diavolo × fem!mc
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Lucifer would be interested on what you can do in the ring especially if you do competitions. If they had a team he would be the one to tell you to join them because of the 'program' he would end up saying.
Do wanna know how flexible you are but nah his pride not letting him ask.
Would be the person to record everything when you both have a perfectly good relationship and him not having work. Which is a big chance since he kinda did pled his loyalty to Diavolo.
I don't see him as a person who want to skate at all. Mostly he would use his work as an excuse or just tell you he us going to kill you instead. (Beel come get your twin he already succeeded.)
Trust me if he falls and you offer help prepare to get rejected because his pride hurted waaay too much because of that. Definitely you laughing at him in secret while telling Satan.
Would support you.....half of the tem but if your grades go down because of that. Then you won't be skating no time soon even when you stay with them. No skating till your death but he can make sure to tell your kids about you skating. But leave out the part when he force you to stop.
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He'll be the one who wants to try it but Barbie said no 😭. So instead he would watch from afar when he get his paperwork done along with the rest of his duties. (Get your work done Dia!)
Wondering how flexible you are but don't wanna ask if it offends you in some type of way. Poor guy don't want to make you sad or anything. So he would instead write to you about it.
He do record tho! He wants to boast about how good his exchange student is. Probably going around all devildom and talking about you (positive!). Mostly talk about you to Lucifer even tho you both live in the same damn house.
I don't see him as a Skater because he about to be king and all so that is out of the equation. But if he do skate with you one day he is going to make mistakes/be bad at it. But you will help him.
Will let you join the team if you want he doesn't care I'd you don't or do. It is your choice and I don't see him as that type of King that would force you to do something you don't want to do.
If you have children or stay in the devildom he would tell your children everything about you skating. Down to how you win competitions to how you was the only best one on the team.
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