iishtar · 1 month
Let’s face it: a certain amount of ruthless exploitation is endemic to the writer’s life in the first place. The writer always steals from life, and from everyone around them—Everything is copy, as Nora Ephron’s mother liked to say. It seems only fair that life sometimes steals from the writer too. Especially when they’re no longer around to complain.
Alex Belth [x]
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wkyarts51243 · 4 months
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daughter of beelzebub and abaddon the last daughter of abaddon
she lives in the lust ring with her brother ozymandias ,She has no interest in her mother's fortune or royal titles.
"how did abaddon and bee-lzebub have a daughter?they are both women"
-the two are royal demons who can probably change their forms, either of them could have assumed a male form to generate the belth, taking into account that neither of them is a trans woman
Yes Abaddon only had 4 children I'm too lazy to do the rest
🙏I hope you enjoy the art, please share 🙏
#hazbinhotel #hazbinhoteloc #helluvabossoc #helluvaboss #hazbinhotelfanart #helluvabossart #vivziepop #hazbinhotelart #hazbinhotelabaddon #helluvabossbeelzebub
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legofanguy · 7 days
Star Wars The High Republic comfort
A Star Wars The High Republic fanfiction featuring my new High Republic OC since I start to get close to them and this story is a entry for @jedijune week 1 prompt comfort. I made the Jedi Statue that appear in Rogue One as the statue of a Jedi Master in the lore of Star Wars The Old Republic named Belth Allusis, whose die to protect a Republic outpost.
In Jedha, 382 BBY, the young adult Rodian Jedi Knight Dermetzall sit on a rock and look at the remains of the giant statue of the Jedi Master and Republic hero Belth Allusis, known as the Final Protector, and it troubled her that some angry citizens would destroy a monument of a great hero, whose give his life for the Galactic Republic. Dermetzall and her master were send to Jedha to help stop the riots, only for things to get out of control by the time that they arrived, and the riots become a battle. Dermetzall was even forced to take lives in self defense, which shaken the Rodian in her core.
Later, a male voice call out, "I knew I would sense you around, pawadan." and she turn to see her master, the male Miraluka Xemuc, and then then to face the ruined statue again as she ask her master, "Master Xemuc, I wish that you stop call me that. I'm not in the rank of pawadan anymore." Xemuc joked as he sit next to Dermetzall, "Well, you acting like a pawadan, Dermetzall." and Xemuc stop joking as he said with a serious and sad tone in his voice, "I understand that what happened shaken your fate in the Force. It did the same on me and many fellow Jedi, but a Jedi must always go through the trails they experience and move on, as that is the way of the Jedi. For now, we must rebuild all that we can." Dermetzall smile a bit that her master have a point.
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dontcare77ghj · 1 year
Hell's Belles
Lily x OC x Belth
A/N I have been obsessed with @see.ya.later's series on TikTok Hell's Belles and my need to write fanfiction called.
The signs were very clear on the way down to Hell. 
Plastered on the walls, signs pointing down the stairs and to the last door of the hallway, Calla knew she had reached her destination.
Calla Shepard had been murdered. At twenty-three years old, Calla had had her life stolen from her by a cruel church and her parents, who had declared her unfit to make decisions for her own life.
Calla had left her parents' church days after she had moved out of her parent's home at sixteen. Both Calla's parents had made sure their daughter knew their opinions on what was right and wrong in the world, and for her to oppose them was to oppose God.
At sixteen, Calla had taken a small bag from her parent's home and ran, using the savings from her two years of working to rent a dingy apartment that was not up to code in the slightest.
It was then Calla was free to explore herself, her sexuality, and her religion. It was then Calla was able to discover things about herself she would never have allowed to in her parents' home.
Like the fact, she was bi and had enough love in her heart to share with more than one. Calla was also able to decide to leave her parents' God behind and discover she was better suited to following the pagan's path.
And for seven years, Calla was free.
Until her parents tracked her down. Being a broken child and desperate for her parent's love, Calla invited her parents back into her life.
However, when they saw the woman she had become, strong, beautiful, and comfortable in her skin, they lost it. 
The two worked behind her back to have her declared unfit to take care of herself, and being a catholic town, many were quick to turn a blind eye when Calla's parents had her dragged from her apartment in the middle of the night, kicking and screaming.
For two months, Calla was locked in the basement of her childhood church. Beaten by overenthusiastic members of the parish, the fight was quick to fade as her body was starved.
Calla Shepard died in that basement. The last thing she heard was that Hell would be nicer than what the church had planned for her.
Calla's hand slightly trembled as she reached for the door handle that radiated a scorching heat.
'Do it, witch!'
The blonde flinched as she heard his voice in her head, and her fingers tightened around the doorknob.
Not wanting to hear his voice again, Calla twisted the door open, a wave of heat hitting her as she stood in the doorway.
The woman didn't hesitate to enter through the doorway, the door closing behind her with little more than a click as she stared at the realm before her.
Oranges and yellows lightened the otherwise darkened stone. A set of twisted iron gates stood taller than any building Calla had seen in her twenty-six years.
Continuing forward, Calla made it into one of many lines, slowly moving towards, what she assumed to be, a demon with a clipboard.
"Next." The demon called, sounding bored as he looked down at the clipboard he held in one hand.
"I'm supposed to be here," Calla spoke, the saliva catching in her throat as she stared up at the tall demon.
The demon looked up from his clipboard before looking down at Calla, his brows furrowing.
"Are you sure about that?" He questioned almost gently.
"Yes." The woman nodded, cracking her knuckles as she stared up at the giant man.
"Alright, um, why don't you head up to the Hellp Desk and ask for Lily?" The demon suggested, gesturing through the gates. "It's just through there. You can't miss it."
"Thank you." Calla nodded before stepping through the gates of Hell.
The Hellp Desk was set up barely a minute's walk away from the gates. Several desks sat next to each other, some had demons as well as what Calla assumed to be mortal souls attending them, as well as the angry souls before them, but one caught her eye.
The only desk without an arguing soul before them, and the one with the plaque 'Lily' on the front.
A redheaded woman sat behind the desk, her eyes closed a horned, grey-skinned demon rubbed at her shoulders.
"Um, hi?" Calla whispered as she stood before the desk.
"One sec." The woman said, holding up her finger as her eyes remained closed.
The demon at her side gave Calla an apologetic smile as he continued to massage the woman's shoulders.
"And you got the knot." The woman happily sighed as she opened her eyes. "You ever considered opening up a massage parlour?"
"And deprive you when you want one? I'd like to live." The demon snorted.
"Hm, fair point." The redhead shrugged before turning to face Calla. "Hi. Welcome to the Hellp Desk, I," She started, looking over the desk before frowning. "I don't have a file for you."
"I was told I had to come down here," Calla told the woman. 
"There might have been a mix-up at the Front Deathk. This system hasn't been here for a year yet. Why don't you take a seat, and I'll try to sort this?" The redhead suggested as she picked up her phone.
Doing as she said, Calla took the offered seat and began to recrack her knuckles.
"While she tries to fix this, I'm Bel." The demon before her introduced himself. "And this is Lily. And you are?"
"Calla." The blonde nodded, ripping her hands apart before offering one to the demon.
Bel gave the blonde a smile, half at how nervous she was but also at the fact this mortal soul had willingly offered her hand to the grey-toned demon.
"Nice to meet you." Bel nodded, shaking the offered hand as Lily hung up the phone.
"So, according to this," Lily said, tapping the file that had suddenly appeared in her hand. "You are not supposed to be here."
"No, I have to be down here." Calla insisted. "I can't go back up there."
"I don't know what's happening," Bel muttered, taking the file from Lily's hands. "Oh." He breathed after reading what was before him.
"I know you've only just died, and I also know you ran from the Front Deathk and orientation, but you're dead. And those who hurt you in life cannot hurt you here." Lily said, holding her hands out towards Calla.
"But, he said this is where I have to be." Calla shook her head.
"That Pastor has no power down here," Lily told the woman.
"And when he does expire, he's got a place on level nine waiting for him," Bel added. "Remind me to call Greg." He said, putting the file down.
"According to this file, you were a good person," Lily said. "There is no judgement system in this universe that would say otherwise. You have a paradise waiting for you because of the person you were in life."
"I don't deserve it." Calla shook her head. "I brought everything that happened to me onto myself. I don't deserve a paradise."
"Oh, honey." Lily sighed, her shoulders sagging. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do here." She said, turning towards Bel. "I can't just put her on a level. I want you to heal, Calla, but I understand it's something we have to do on our own time." 
"You said you wanted a trainee, right?" Bel asked. "Maybe working at the Hellp Desk would help you see you don't deserve being down here." He suggested, turning to Calla.
"That. That is brilliant." Lily sighed, leaning up to kiss the demon, causing his cheeks to turn purple. "Would you like that? Would you like a job?" She turned to Calla. "You don't have to say yes, but I agree with Bel. This could be good for you, plus your file says you worked in customer service."
"You still got some anger in your system from that?" Lily raised a brow.
"Oh, yeah." Calla shook her head. The only jobs she could work in the seven-year separation from her parents had been minimum wage ones, and each had been worse than the last.
"Perfect. You're gonna love this place." Lily said, standing up and holding her hand out to the blonde. "Bel, go play with your trainees. I'm gonna take mine around the office."
"Have fun, baby." Bel shook his head before shooting Calla a wink. "If she gets too much, just give me a call. Sometimes you need backup with this one." He joked.
"How dare you?"
As the two argued before her, Calla found a small smile crawling its way onto her face. The playful arguing, the banter, reminded her of a happier time with the friends she'd had topside.
Maybe she really did need to be down here.
Six months later.
"No, you don't get to argue with me."
"You interrupted my book. They were about to do it on the couch, and you interrupted. I have a knife and endless time." Lily deadpanned, staring at the woman before with disgust. "Now you can choose how you leave this room. Either, you can walk to your level, or I can take you down there. Piece. By. Piece." She said, waving her large dagger around.
"Fine. But, just know, I will be speaking to someone about this." The soul scoffed before turning towards the stairs, narrowly avoiding bumping into Calla who was standing in the doorway.
"Hi, Calla." Lily smiled, placing her dagger and book down on her desk.
"Hi, Lily," Calla smirked, moving forward, holding the tray of coffee high as the redhead gasped happily.
"Is that what I think it is?" Lily grinned, making grabby hands at the blonde. "Gimmie."
"You sound like you've had a fun morning already." Calla shook her head as she took her seat beside the woman.
"Don't even get me started." Lily groaned. "No one seems to understand that they're here for a reason, and we all know it, but they still lie."
"I can't even give you an answer for that, Lils."
In the six months Calla had been dead, the blonde woman had changed in many ways. 
No longer was Calla scared of her own shadow or the enemies of her past. Calla felt like the person she had been before her death.
It had taken working at the Hellp Desk with Lily, being introduced to Bel's friends, and meeting several of the deities she had prayed to in life to remember who she had been.
And while her death, and the events that led up to it, were not forgotten, Calla had found a way to move past them. Though that had come, in large part, from the help Lily and Bel were willing to give her.
The two had quickly become her friends, the two forcing Calla to join other souls and demons for game nights, trivia and movies. Lily and Bel had forced her to become a person again, and she couldn't be more thankful, even if at the time she hated the idea.
"How are my two favourite girls doing?" Bel asked as he strolled up the stairs. "Did you get coffee without me?" He gasped, holding his hand to his heart. "Betrayal."
"I'm sorry, did you not get cake pops without us yesterday?" Lily asked as the demon sat beside her.
"That was completely different," Bel said, taking the coffee from Calla's hand and taking a sip. "Oh, that's nice. Sweet."
"I will stab you if you drink all of my coffee again, Fruitbat." Calla deadpanned, causing Lily to smirk as Bel paled slightly.
"Who gave you a knife?" Bel asked, handing the coffee back to the blonde. "You're tiny. Tiny people shouldn't have sharp things." 
"Oh, well, you're going to hate what I gave to Sharkie." Calla smiled. "Also, I'm 5'7, and Hecate gave me the knife. She says every witch should have one."
"That's true. However, what did you give Sharkie?" Lily asked, giving Calla a nervous look that Bel shared.
"Greg and I gave them a mace." Calla shrugged.
"Why would you do that?"
"Why would Greg do that?"
"Well, they kept stealing Greg's, so Greg got me to ask them why, and they said they were getting ready to start helping out down here," Calla told the two. "So, we just got them their own."
"Remind me to put a notice out." Bel sighed, leaning back in his chair. "We're gonna get so many calls about this."
"Personally, I'm all for blaming Greg." Lily volunteered. "He did kill me in Among Us last night."
"I told you he was the imposter, and did you believe me?"
"In my defence,"
As the two began to debate who was in the right and who wasn't, Calla's mind began to drift slightly as she came to an incredible discovery.
Calla was happy.
Here, at this moment, watching her friends mock each other, she was happy, but it was also more than that.
Calla wasn't just happy at this moment. She'd been happy for weeks. 
And she didn't feel guilty about it.
"Guys?" Calla spoke, both demon and soul turning to face her.
"I think. I think I'm ready." She said, giving the two a nervous smile. "I think I'm ready to go to my paradise." Calla elaborated, causing both Bel and Lily to smile at her.
"That's great." Lily gushed, putting her coffee down on the desk as she took Calla's hand and gave it a squeeze.
"It really is. Did you want to go now?" Bel asked the woman.
"I was hoping the two of you could come with me," Calla admitted, chewing on her lip as she looked between the two. "You don't have to, but I just really would like you guys to be there."
"You didn't even have to ask."
"Of course, we'll come.
The two spoke together as they stood in unison.
Calla ended up standing between the couple as they all stood in the elevator. Lily's arm was wrapped around the blonde's waist while Bel held onto Calla's hand despite how hard she squeezed it as her nerves became greater.
When the elevator opened, Calla was greeted by the sight of millions of doors, all different colours and different shapes, and Calla had no idea where to start.
"How, how do I know which one's mine?" Calla asked, trying to see the end of the level.
But there was no end in sight.
"Just follow your heart. It'll lead you there." Lily said, letting go of Calla's waist as Bel squeezed her hand once before also letting the blonde go.
"I kinda thought the whole being dead thing meant my heart didn't work anymore." Calla tried to joke.
"You know what, I mean." 
Calla fiddled with the hem of her shirt as she looked between the two.
Bel gave Calla an encouraging smile and nodded towards the doors as Lily gave her a thumbs up.
Taking a deep breath, Calla stepped towards the doors, all labelled but none that called to her. 
Calla walked through the rows of doors, some brightly coloured, others covered in cartoon-styled pictures, but none held her name or felt like the right one.
Until she came to a green one covered in ivy. Every muscle in her body froze as she stood before the door, and her hand was itching to reach for the handle. 
Looking back over her shoulder, Calla saw both Lily and Bel standing behind her gesturing for her to go ahead and open the door.
Calla gave the two a nod before reaching for the brass handle. The metal was warm beneath her hand but Calla didn't think long about it as she pushed open the door.
It was like the TARDIS, so much bigger on the inside than Calla would have thought.
For as far as she could see, Calla was surrounded by woods. Tall, strong, green trees created canopies of shade above the small wooden cottage down the dirt path. 
As Calla walked towards the ivy-covered cottage, the blonde could hear the sounds of animals and a stream nearby. The blonde stopped before the house as she let out a gasp.
Two unicorns appeared from around the back of the house, letting out happy whinnies.
"Calla? How does it feel?" Lily asked, causing the blonde to turn to her with tears in her eyes.
"This feels right." Calla smiled. "I think, I think I deserve this."
"You do. You deserve this." Bel told the blonde with a smile. "Also, can I pet the unicorns? I haven't seen one in decades." He said, causing Lily to hit his side as Calla laughed.
"Come on." Calla held out both hands to the two.
"And you, my good piece of shit, can escort thyself down to level six," Calla said, playing with the dagger on her desk.
"But I don't want to go to level six." The soul complained, stomping their foot.
"So here are your options, you can walk yourself and maintain whatever dignity you think you have, or I can drag you down by the balls." Calla smiled, causing the soul to pale before scampering away.
"How you can say all that while looking like a woodland fairy, I'll never understand," Ruggy said as Calla rose to a stand, her back cracking as she did so.
"It's a gift." Calla grinned. "I'm gonna get a coffee. Does anyone want anything?" She asked the room.
"I'm good," Ruggy said.
"Can I have a hot chocolate, mama?" Sharkie looked up from the bat she was cleaning.
"Of course, baby." Calla nodded. "Penny? Judy?"
"I'll take a coffee." Penny yawned.
"I'd love a tea if you could, baby," Judy said, and Calla smiled at the woman who'd become her mother.
"Of course, Judy. And Penny, I'll get you the biggest size I can." Calla promised as she moved to stand at Lily's desk. "Do I even need to ask the question?"
"No, you do not," Lily said, putting her book down. "Oh, listen, Bel wants to play chef tonight, and I'm banned from the kitchen, so did you want to come over and play sous chef?"
"To keep your house from burning down? Yes, I will." Calla nodded. "What's on the menu tonight?"
"Bel got some of those steaks that you like, the ones with the rosemary, so he wants to make fettuccine with it."
"Oh, you two spoil me." Calla happily sighed. "You know, I made bread last night. How about I bring that over?" She asked.
"Now, who's spoiling who?" Lily asked with a smirk.
"I'll pick it up after work," Calla told the redhead. "Coffee?"
"Yes, please."
"Cool, I'm going to pick up one for Bel and Greg, so I'll be a little," Calla said before walking into the elevator.
"So," Ruggy started, sliding up beside Lily. "That sounded like a date."
"It's not a date." Lily denied her face turning as red as her hair.
"Lily, c'mon, unlike Calla, we are not oblivious to the massive crush you and Bel have on her," Ruggy said, Penny, nodding at her words.
"Yeah, mom, you and dad are not subtle," Sharkie told the woman.
"The whole of the afterlife knows, Lily, and we do have our bets," Judy added.
"Okay, I know that we're not subtle, but we don't want to push her." Lily sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I mean, none of you were here when Calla got her, and she's healed so much, but she needed us as friends when she got here, and we don't want to ruin that."
"Lily," Penny reached over to take the redhead's hands. "Breathe."
"I mean, breathing's really not necessary down here, but yeah, you look like you're gonna pass out mom," Sharkie said.
"Now, Lily, I am going to break a confidence, but I think this will comforting for you and Bel," Judy said, dragging her chair closer to Lily's. "That girl is mad about the two of you. Somehow she can add either of you to any conversation, and the two of you always bring a smile to her face. She is in love with you, but Calla has said she is content to love you from afar and be your friend rather than 'ruin' your relationship as she's put it."
"She wouldn't ruin anything." Lily shook her head. 
"We know that. You and Bel know that, and as far as we're concerned, the three of you have been a threesome longer than any of us have been here." Judy said, the rest of their made family nodding along.
"Judy's right," Penny spoke up. "You told me once not to be afraid of going after what I want. So, what's stopping you and Bel?"
"You're right." Lily sighed. "You know what, I'm gonna talk to Bel before dinner tonight." She said, causing the women around her to grin.
"There has been a grave mistake." A voice said, ruining the moment.
"Seriously? Every time." Sharkie groaned, turning to look at the one brave enough to disrupt them. 
"I have been sent to the wrong place." The man dressed as a pastor stated.
"Is there a script that these guys are given that I'm not aware of?" Ruggy asked, turning to Judy.
"No, baby, they just all believe the same thing." Judy rolled her eyes.
"According to your file, oh, oh, shit." Penny started, her eyes growing wide as she read the words before her. "Oh, you're fucked." She said, handing the file to Lily.
Lily's brow creased as she read through the list of offences that were each worse than the last.
And then she saw it.
"You murdered five women," Lily spoke carefully.
"Call Bel," Ruggy whispered to Penny, but the brunette was already way ahead of her.
"I did no such thing-"
"You murdered Calla," Lily said, and the room seemingly got warmer as she glared at the pastor.
"Who?" The pastor asked.
"Oh, poor choice of words."
"Mother fucker."
"Let me just put my glasses down."
"You murdered Calla, had her beaten and starved, and you dare to not remember her name," Lily said as she continued to read. "And you did what to her body?" Lily looked disgusted.
"I was doing the lord's work." The soul said. "I was trying to get one of his soul's to return to his herd."
"I'm going to enjoy this," Lily said, grabbing the sword from beside her desk.
"Okay, hot chocolate for Sharkie, tea for Judy, the largest coffee I could find for Penny, and the usual for you, Lily darling," Calla spoke, everyone turning to face the blonde as she skipped into the room.
"Demon whore!" The pastor snarled, causing Calla to freeze.
"You." The woman whispered, the tray of coffee falling from her hands and staining her skirt.
"How could you? I did everything to save your soul, and you end up down here." The pastor snapped.
"Hi, Lord, can you send those accurate angels of yours down here?" Judy asked as Lily made her way over to Calla, pulling the blonde into her arms. "Oh, all of heaven's on their way? Great, I'll add you to the list.
"You're okay," Lily whispered to the blonde, who'd begun to shake. "You're okay."
"You whore! We worked to corral those urges of yours, and you dare defy the church?"
"You worked with me?" Calla breathed, pulling out of Lily's embrace. "You kidnapped me. You beat me, starved me, locked me in that basement until I couldn't breathe anymore."
"I was trying to save your soul. But you still ended up down here." 
"No, I didn't." Calla shook her head. "I got into paradise, and you ended up in Hell. I choose to be here, and you don't have a choice about where you're going."
"How dare you speak to me like that?"
"I dare because I got the option to heal. To find people like me in paradise and throughout all the afterlife's." Calla told him. "You don't get to hurt me anymore. You can't hurt anyone anymore."
"I was trying to save you and all those other girls. I tried to save you." The pastor persisted.
"There were others?" Calla gave the man a disgusted look before she reached for the file Lily had left on her desk.
"Calla, you don't need to read that." Lily tried to warn the blonde, but it was too late.
"You were a necrophile." Calla breathed. "You raped your victims when they were dead."
"No, no. I did no such thing."
"Don't fucking lie to me!"
"You were too much of a disgust for me to even try. I couldn't rise to the occasion." The pastor said as if that made anything better.
"Oh, God." Calla was quick to snatch Lily's trash can as her breakfast made a reappearance.
"Let it out, honey," Lily said, gathering Calla's hair in her hands as she glared at the pastor. "Who wants to start with this piece of shit?" Lily asked.
"I'd say you're going to have a tough time deciding on that one," Bel spoke, surrounded by all those who had come in support.
The legions of Hell, the entirety of heaven, deities, and everyone who had had even a minute's interaction with the blonde were here.
"No, I claimed first go," Judy spoke, rolling up her sleeves. "The rest of you can sort it out between yourselves, but I am first. I'll show him what happens when someone messes with my baby."
"Hey, you done?" Bel kneeled beside the women as Calla raised her head.
"I think so." Calla nodded, wiping her chin. "I don't want to stay." She said, closing her eyes as the pastor began to scream.
"And you don't have to," Bel promised.
"C'mon, you're coming home with us," Lily said, sharing a look with Bel.
"I can go home. You two can stay if you want." Calla tried to argue.
"You're more important than this piece of shit." Bel shook his head.
"There will be plenty of other opportunities for him to be afraid of us," Lily added.
Quietly the trio snuck out of the lobby and into the elevator, falling into a very familiar position. Calla was stood between the demon and redhead, Lily with her arm wrapped around the blonde's waist with Bel's arm slung over Calla's shoulders.
The three went to Lily's paradise, Hobbition being the place the three felt most comfortable.
As the three entered Lily's home, Max was quick to greet them, weaving his way between their legs.
"You want a coffee?" Lily asked as Calla and Bel sat on the couch.
"You got anything stronger?" Calla wondered, causing both Lily and Bel to smile at her. 
"I have a bottle of your favourite waiting for you," Lily said, moving into the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" Bel asked, pulling the blonde into his side. "And you can give me the real answer, not the one you'd give to anyone else."
"No. I'm not okay." Calla answered honestly. "I really didn't want to be working when he came through and to find out what he did to those other women and what he wanted to do to me. It's disgusting."
"I know, and I know this won't heal everything he's done, but he is getting his punishment. Every afterlife has shut down to get a piece of him." Bel promised. 
"It doesn't fix everything, but it helps," Calla admitted, giving the demon a small smile. "But it doesn't make sense."
"What doesn't?" Bel cocked his head.
"Why would they all do that for me? There's going to be so much backlog. Why would they do that to themselves?"
"Because they love you," Lily said, coming back into the room with a bottle of whiskey and three cups. "You have made friends with everyone you've come across, and they love you for it."
"I don't know about that."
"What do you mean? I mean, look how quickly you became friends with us." Bel said, knocking Calla's shoulder with his.
"That's different." Calla shook her head, taking the offered glass from Lily.
"Well, it is." Calla shrugged. "It's you two."
"We're not any different to anyone else," Lily said, sitting on the coffee table.
"That's a lie." The blonde snorted. "There is no one like the two of you. And no one comes close to either of you." She muttered, but Lily and Bel heard it.
The demon and the woman shared a long look before nodding at once. 
It was time.
"You know, it's the same for us. There isn't anyone else like you for us." Bel said, his wing extending around Calla's shoulders.
"You're our best friend," Lily said, placing her hand on Calla's knee. The blonde gave a shaky smile, quickly downing her drink.
"But it could be more." Lily continued, taking the glass out of Calla's hands as the blonde's brow furrowed.
"What does that mean?" Calla cocked her head. "There's not a lot more we could be. Is there?" 
"Well, you could be ours," Bel said, causing the blonde to freeze.
"You could be ours. Our girlfriend. Our third." Lily elaborated, looking more nervous than Calla had ever seen her.
"Unless you don't want to." Bel was quick to say. "We can stay friends, and nothing will change if you don't want it to."
"But you're so happy together," Calla said, looking between the two.
"We are, and we're not trying to add you into our relationship to 'fix' anything if that's what you're worried about," Bel reassured the blonde, Lily smiling as he spoke. 
"We have been in love with you for, well years now," Lily said. "The only reason we didn't say anything was that we didn't want to rush you into something you weren't ready for, and, well, we've been scared you'd say no."
"You think I would've said no," Calla said slowly. "You two, who made me smile again, not feel afraid, you two thought I would've said no despite the fact you're both the first reason I refused to reincarnate?" She asked, causing the two to smile at her.
"Really. I didn't want to leave you two." Calla said. "I've loved you since, I don't know how long, but it's been a long time."
"So," Lily started, moving to sit on the other side of Calla on the couch. "Is this okay?" She asked, cupping the blonde's cheek.
"Yeah," Calla whispered, leaning into the touch.
"And this?" Lily wondered, moving closer.
"More than fine."
"And what about this?" Lily asked before attaching her lips to Callas.
Calla hummed as Lily pressed her into Bel's chest, the demon trailing his claws gently up the blonde's arm, who hummed happily.
Lily's lips were soft and tasted of coffee, Calla noted as she became bolder, her hands grasping onto Lily's shoulders as if they were a lifeline.
Lily's tongue darted out, brushing against Calla's lips, causing the blonde to let out a surprised squeak as Lily pulled away, a Cheshire grin on her face.
"I was right, baby." Lily looked at Bel. "She tastes just like sugar."
"Does that need a second opinion?" Bel asked, tilting Calla's head back.
"I think it might," Lily said, causing Bel to grin.
"Good," Bel said before he slotted his lips against Callas.
Bel kissed with much more fervour than Lily did, his lips pressing so harshly against hers Calla knew they'd be bruised by the end of the night.
His arms wrapped around Callas shoulders, tugging her closer as Lily moved into the blondes back. 
Lily's lips attached themselves to Callas neck, eliciting a groan from the blonde and a smirk from the demon.
"Jut like sugar." Bel murmured as he pulled away.
"Told ya." Lily smirked, nuzzling the other woman's neck.
"I think the only question is weather those are the only lips that taste like sugar." Bel said, looking down with hungry black eyes.
"What do you say, hon?" Lily breathed into Calla's ear, sending a shiver down her spine. "Is this moving too fast?"
"If you don't hurry up and do something, I'm take care of things myself." The blonde said, looking between the two.
"Well, you heard the lady." Bel said, lifting both women into his arms at once before moving them towards the bedroom.
What have I got myself into? Calla asked herself despite the small on her face.
Well, she was about to find out.
Remember, all Taglists are open, as are requests. Taglists include the main taglist, individual characters, all male/female, and venom stories.Taglist@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainxx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliott @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasementtt @agent-barnes40 @reann-shitpostingg @skadikh @summergeezburrrr @buckybarton03 @sunshinepower177 @bindythedemonon @natasharomanoffismywifefee @keenmarvellover @bbybarness @storiesbystarlight @buckybarnesplumwhoreumwhore @bromieeomiee @marvelmenarebeautiful@niki-is-a-thingg @pauloonig @abyssiniapleasantt @beautybyfiree @officalmarvelbaby @acertainredheadd @reapersans-blogg @adoreyou9766 @casperlikejjej @songbirdcannabee @montygator17 @cecedrake2217 @nyx2021 @black-dhalias @idontwannagomrstarkk @chiyongberry @bunnyweasley233 @ratzy
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asbealthgn · 1 year
i just saw the other ask about how to say your username and im not gonna lie, i've been thinking of it as 'as-belth-jin' this entire time hahaha good to know how to say it now :))
hahaha i’m honesty delighted by how many different pronunciations people have come up with
(ppl can also just call me emma if it’s easier)
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muznew · 6 months
Exclusive New Music 142 Dj Tracks December 2023
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-13 Tracklist : 1st Elemental - Echoes of The Abyss.mp3 1st Elemental - Kali.mp3 Abmarkos - Cold Dinner.mp3 Abmarkos - Handful of Jasmine.mp3 Ad-Vic - Breath.mp3 Agoria, Rami Khalife & Noémie - Teardrops (Don't Stop The Music) (Echonomist Remix).mp3 Ai Ai Ai! - Quit the System.mp3 Airdream & Grande Piano & Victor Special - Morning After A Long Night (Steve Dekay Remix).mp3 Alex Coustenoble - Persiguiendo La Noche.mp3 Alex Coustenoble - The Last Trip.mp3 Alex H - I'll Be Here for Now.mp3 Alley SA - Calling for You.mp3 Amadori - Comin' Thru.mp3 Anber - Sansimera.mp3 Anber - Volta.mp3 Andrés Luque - Shoganai.mp3 Anthony Belth - El Arte.mp3 Aphra - Lagom.mp3 Aphra - Minatory.mp3 ARANAVA - Hello.mp3 Artem Kazantsev & Danil Shevyrev - Recover.mp3 Ayanth - Lost in Dust Storm.mp3 BK YATRA - Chakra.mp3 Bushwacka! & Denney - Our House feat. Chuck Roberts (Original Mix).mp3 Da3boul - Ya 7abibi (Original Mix).mp3 Dima Kirik - Open Your Eyes ( Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Exclusive New Music 142 Dj Tracks December 2023
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-13 Tracklist : 1st Elemental - Echoes of The Abyss.mp3 1st Elemental - Kali.mp3 Abmarkos - Cold Dinner.mp3 Abmarkos - Handful of Jasmine.mp3 Ad-Vic - Breath.mp3 Agoria, Rami Khalife & Noémie - Teardrops (Don't Stop The Music) (Echonomist Remix).mp3 Ai Ai Ai! - Quit the System.mp3 Airdream & Grande Piano & Victor Special - Morning After A Long Night (Steve Dekay Remix).mp3 Alex Coustenoble - Persiguiendo La Noche.mp3 Alex Coustenoble - The Last Trip.mp3 Alex H - I'll Be Here for Now.mp3 Alley SA - Calling for You.mp3 Amadori - Comin' Thru.mp3 Anber - Sansimera.mp3 Anber - Volta.mp3 Andrés Luque - Shoganai.mp3 Anthony Belth - El Arte.mp3 Aphra - Lagom.mp3 Aphra - Minatory.mp3 ARANAVA - Hello.mp3 Artem Kazantsev & Danil Shevyrev - Recover.mp3 Ayanth - Lost in Dust Storm.mp3 BK YATRA - Chakra.mp3 Bushwacka! & Denney - Our House feat. Chuck Roberts (Original Mix).mp3 Da3boul - Ya 7abibi (Original Mix).mp3 Dima Kirik - Open Your Eyes ( Read the full article
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radiatorofsound · 9 months
(HARD Radiator 🔊)
Anthony Belth is a techno and hardtechno producer who has launched his new theme "Another World (Original Mix)". This issue is characterized by its frantic rhythm, its distorted sounds and its dark atmosphere. The theme exploits with a powerful kick, sharp dishes and aggressive synthesizers that make us feel the energy of the hardtechno.
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soloazar · 9 months
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iishtar · 11 hours
Articles no. 18
Help Ex-Valentino Designer Pierpaolo Piccioli Find a Job by Amy Odell Back Row March 2024
The candid girlfriend isn't real by Serena Smith Dazed April 2024
Tory Burch - Cool Again? by Brinley Knopf Coveteur February 2024
A Case for the Cosmo by Brinley Knopf Coveteur December 2024
Is It a Betrayal to Publish Dead Writers' Books? by Alex Belth Esquire March 2024
Why don't rich people eat anymore? by Serena Smith Dazed April 2024
Star Struck by Ann Manov BookForum April 2024
Lauren Oyler Knows Her Image by Hanna Phifer April 2024
Erich Neumann: Theorist of the Great Mother by Camille Paglia
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wkyarts51243 · 22 days
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Reunion of siblings (except baphomet)
Belth managed to open a bar with her own money and effort, which made her mother (abaddon) furious that one of the heirs of sins behaved like this
ozymandias is proud of his sister, while faust is happy to be able to feed his addiction (alcoholic)
baphomet was not invited
I made this drawing a long time ago but I didn't think I would post it
🙏I hope you enjoy the art, please share 🙏
#hazbinhotel #hazbinhoteloc #helluvabossoc #helluvaboss #hazbinhotelfanart #helluvabossart #vivziepop #hazbinhotelart #helluvabossozymandias
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robotpoetry · 1 year
Plot She In The Holy Liao
Mother Weep Thou His Arau
Pours His Joy And Night Wealth
A Thorn Day And Give Belth
Hair He A Happy Smiled
Starved In Snow Saying Schild
Back Was A Tangle Spray Kowtow
Heart Worm Near And Shough
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5leadero · 2 years
Gogir my belth <3 grrrrrowl
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cerisely · 3 years
fighting the urge to compare myself to my peers ,,, is so hard sometimes
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mark-19 · 4 years
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Jedi Master Belth Allusis - Star Wars: The Old Republic
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