#ben 10 forever
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Ben 10 rewrite-fix-selfship thangs by me and my little sister @mayameanderings we did agesssss ago but am only posting now since my friend @franollie is re-entering the fandom!
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My s/i's name is Solana Cristalina!!!He's half Petrosapien,half (afro-dominican) human,transmasc genderfluid and bigender,audhd,super bubbly,chaotic,physically incapable of not running his mouth,a pastel punk femme,a mom friend and has a mean streak that's mostly funny but sometimes angsty or played for coolness against villains!His design is meant to look like a half white black person because that's what i am but since he's made of crystals,his colors reflect the primary light of whatever scene he's in(Hobie Brown moment).His eyes glow in the dark and he's strange looking but not enough to not pass as human!
His dad,Diarius,raised him on Petropia for the first 5 years of his life but decided Earth was safer for him and so he started being raised by his mom,Mariana.He had his own special debut episode in Classic called 'Crystal up,Sunshine' and Mariana is a Bruja who mentored Lucky Girl!Gwen on her and her son and daughter's summer jewel collection travels after Solana had his adventure with Ben and Gwen and became basically like siblings with them even though he was only in a few episodes for that run.Him and Kevin met the same year but at their school where Solana was a Special ED kid and Kevin was in a club/support group for troubled kids.He sat in front of Kevin and he was like 'This shiny kid is gonna blind me' which led to them talking and Solana was like 'His edge is going to cut me' /irony.They befriended eachother nonetheless before Kevin dropped out as he's implied to be homeless in canon and Solana was upset since he was his only friend but they reunite in the show itself with the exact quote 'Holy shit,edgy kid!!!' and 'Holy smokes,shiny kid!!!' but it dosen't end well just yet since Kevin was an antagonist at the time
Kevin is black monoracial but mixed etchnicity-His mom is mexican and Devin's american.He was taught to seperate his blackness from his latinohood and he grew up disconnected to his blackness due to almost no other black people around and becoming best friends with Solana was the start of healing journey og embracing his afrolatino identity.He participates in both black latino and black american culture since he's half both!!He used to feel guilty about falling under stereotypes but now sticks it to racists by being way better than them and loves himself for who he is!He has fang grills by Omniverse and his redemption arc in Alien Force isn't relient on romance despite Kelana being a big part of it
The Tennysons are white latinos with Abuelo Max being an argentinian inmigrant based purely on vibes and Verdona was latina too(poc swag transcends solar systems.Next question‼️).Gwen is a lesbian and dating Kai,Julie,Ester and Charmcaster and the last one was her first love and there was so much unnecessary gay drama that could've easily been avoided if Gwen wasn't such a loser when it comes to romance and her and Ben's character development sticks instead of keeping them static characters for the sake of unfunny comedy.Ben and Rook's obviously a thing as a plot that's not really a plot twist since their dynamic is the same as in canon but intentionally romantic
Kai is recurring in Alien Force and respectfully written as navajo instead of only existing for Ben and having a fucking feather in her hair and is an official member of Team 10,as is Julie who's also not a Ben love interest but a girlgeek that has a sibling-like relathionship with him and has Ship pre-debut as she gets her own special like Solana that dives into her backstory.Ester's way more prominent too and yet another member and has quiet bpd due to childhood trauma but is helped with it by her friends and girlfriends
The last additions to complete Team 10 to make it fit it's namesake are Charmcaster,Albedo and Alan.Hope is still technically a villain but a dear friend to everyone on the gang who regularly spends time with them and helps on missions,Albedo got a fullon redemption arc and Alan was pretty much adopted/taken in by everyone since he dosen't have parents
They're also all trans and autistic
Solana and Ben are a 'i'm mean to you because i love you' typa beat,Solana and Gwen are soul sisters who bond over everything and on the same level to eachother as him and Kevin are and Kelana in Classic was Kevin actively trying to make Solana worse but Solana is such a nice person that it dosen't work,in Alien Force they get to be proper longterm friends with crushes undertones and in Omniverse they basically act like they're dating already but are still complete oblivious.They develop all throught the franchise and don't get together until the final series:Ben 10 Forever
Ben 10 Forever takes place in Ben's young adult years and is a darker,more complex story to reflect it.This includes Solana dying when he saved Diarus' life in a battle in episode 1 but being ressurected with Petrosapien resources and having trauma from it and Diarus has survivor's guilt.He was always afraid something would happen because he just dosen't trust most human's and blames himself moreso because he feels he should've been there full time,even though he wasn't neglectful and visited all the time with him and Mariana just being long distance
Kevin having mimic powers and Solana being crystalline=They're a reflection of eachother
Mr Smoothie is Team 10's hangout and Solana has a job at a thrift store and convinced Ben to be hired alongside him
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saintaviator · 1 year
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chipistotallysane · 1 month
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addicted to putting this guy in poses. boy why you so freaky
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suethesocks · 4 months
In your Max 10 universe, how will the search for the Sword of Ek Chuaj go? Will Max be as obsessive about it in canon or will the kids be able to keep him reined in a bit?
At this point in the timeline Max and the kids havent run into the Forever Knights yet (as small problem doesnt happen in this au), but when Max gets the alert of the mask of Ah Puch ben instantly recognizes it and with it also remembers the Knights and Enoch
Since ben remembers that the sword of Ek Chuaj turned out to be useless, he talks Max into giving up on the mask and leaving it to the Knights
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Instead while Enoch is occupied with the sword, Max and gang find and break into the Forever Knights' castle, stealing a lot of tech and freeing a lot of aliens and getting lots of intel
This pisses off the King obviously, and combined with the failure of the sword Enoch needless to say gets a lot of shit for it. Without meeting this old man, he already has a massive grudge against Max 10, way more personal than he had with Ben in prime earth
also he probably gets horribly injured because he was probably planning on defending himself from ah puch with the sword of ek chuaj. not his luckiest gamble
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serpentfeverart · 1 year
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AU Context: Ben is a demon, the same species as Dagon. The exact details I’m a bit uncertain on. One idea I had is that he’s the result of Dagon trying to split a part of himself off and send it to ben’s universe before he was sealed away. This didn’t work out as intended, however, severing the Avatar’s connection to Dagon when the rift was sealed. This left it very weak and without much of a conscious, drifting in and out of reality. Over time, it eventually stabilized, but so much exposure to human culture over those many years caused it to materialize as, well, a baby. And Sandra and Carl aren’t just going to leave a baby they found in the woods, so they have a kid now.
Funnily enough, Ben and his family have no idea he’s a demon until the Dagon arc, since when he was little his demon traits weren’t super noticeable, and then he found the omnitrix, whereupon Ben relies on that so often he doesn’t really have a chance to explore his own innate demon powers.
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gollageek · 22 days
Stanford Pines: Thank you for guarding Bill for me Ms. Possible. Once I fix this other world's rift, I'll be back to get him and send him back to the nightmare dimension.
Kim Possible: No big, Mr.Pines! Bill has caused us all problems at one point or another so the whole team came to help keep an eye on him!
Ben 10, Jake Long, Danny Phantom, Jenny Wakeman, Juniper Lee, Randy Cunningham, Rex Salazar, and Zak Saturday: *Sitting in a circle around Bill's cage eating Doritos and making triangle jokes*
Mabel who is perched on Jenny's shoulders while Juniper does her hair: 🥰
Dipper who's squeezed himself between Jake and Danny to ask questions: 😃
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moxielynx · 9 months
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happy new year, my final drawing of 2023 is ballet dancer ben based off a fic i read this morning
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ca-8 · 1 year
How about yandere ben 10 with a reader who has the same abilities as zuko from atla
"You're a...a what?"
The Tennyson cousins sat with (Y/n) at the dinner table. It was supposed to be a calm Friday night, hanging out like they usually do every now and then, but not this time. Not when they know about their best friend's cousin's secret (well, honestly it's not much of a secret anymore since his identity's been revealed to the entire world, but still).
"A fire bender," (Y/n) clarified. "I can, well, fire bend, and that's pretty much a gift and a technique at the same time. My family's passed it down for generations, and despite its power, we've all been told to never reveal this ability to anyone."
"That's....seriously??" Ben was stone-still, while Gwen looked like a child who's been given their first Christmas gift. The glow in her eyes released a weight off of (Y/n)'s shoulders., their entire body becoming lighter than a young spark's breath of smoke.
(Y/n) smiled. "I know it sounds hard to believe, but I'm telling the truth. I wanna help you guys ou-!"
They jumped at Ben's sudden outburst. He hasn't said a word until his voice bounced off the walls throughout the house.
Gwen shot him a glare. "Ben, what the heck?!"
"(Y/n), you're not fighting with us."
They winced. The Ben they knew since freshman year only raised his voice when he lost in a video game or his favorite snacks were out of stock. But now, pettiness wasn't laced in his words, and his face was no longer softened with a carefree attitude. A confusing glare glowed in those enraged green eyes, which burned right into the soft orange sunset within (Y/n)'s pupils.
"Dude, what's the matter with you?" they asked him.
"What's the matter with me? You're seriously asking me that after trying to volunteer to getting yourself killed?!" he snapped back.
"I wouldn't be saying anything if I knew I couldn't handle it!"
"That's what you always say before charging towards something that leaves you in the hospital! And what, now you're some 'fire wizard' or something? You really expect us to believe that? Even I know that sounds ridiculous!"
Gwen and (Y/n) stared at him for a long minute. Ben opened and closed his mouth a few times before releasing his tensed shoulders. "Okay, maybe I'm not the best person to be saying that, but I'm pretty sure "watch-that-fell-from-space-and-can-turn-me-into-different-alien-species" is more believable than...whatever you just said!"
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow and stood up. With a deep breath, they pulled back their hands, stepped forward, then thrust both hands in front. As if sunlight poured out from their veins, a blast of fire flew from their palms and rushed toward the single cup of water that sat on the far counter. Their attack destroyed it instantly, leaving behind charred remains and light streams of steam.
They turned back to the dinner table and saw them both with their jaws hung open. "If you want, I can do another demonstration," they said. "But I'd rather not risk burning your house down. Fire isn't exactly the friendliest element."
Ben shook his head. "I...God, you just don't get it, do you!?" With a huff, he tore himself from the table and stomped into the shadows of the hallway."
"Geez, what's his problem?" (Y/n) scoffed.
Gwen's face fell, and another sting stabbed their heart. "Um, can I walk you home?"
The setting sun's rays gleamed throughout the falling twilight sky. Its last hour's warmth soured in (Y/n)'s fingertips, but not event the tingling surge could prevent the scowl glued onto their lips. They kept their gaze on the sidewalk, letting only Gwen's voice guide them as they both walked to their house.
"I'm sorry about Ben, but... could you cut him some slack?" she said.
(Y/n) snapped their eyes toward her. "Are you kidding me? I was offering my help and he completely flipped out for no reason. Even worse, he talked to me like I'm too feeble to defend myself!"
"Well, can you blame him? Not that I don't think you can defend yourself, I just want you to think about how he might feel about all this. How we both feel."
They stopped in front of their house, and (Y/n)'s eyes softened. Gwen sighed and held her arms as she continued. "The past few years have been incredible, but also... pretty terrifying. And before tonight, every time I'd look at you, I'd always hope that he and I would be able to protect you. Not because you're someone who's weak and feeble, but because we care about you, (Y/n). Especially Ben..."
They stepped closer and put a hand on her shoulder. "I get what you're saying. But you guys don't have to worry about me anymore, I can help!"
"That's another thing. This whole fire-bending thing? It's amazing, but after knowing you for so long, it's really overwhelming too..." Gwen trailed off, averting her gaze. "I understand why you needed to hide it from us. I'm not upset at you for that, and I don't think Ben is either. Honestly, we'd be hypocrites if he did otherwise."
"So what's the deal?"
She looked back at them. "He cares about you. A lot, ever since I introduced you to him, and he made me promise not to say anything more. If he knew you got hurt because of him, he'd never forgive himself."
(Y/n) fell silent. The sunset peered over Gwen's shoulder and eased their irritation. "...Look, I'm...I'm sorry," they said. "I've just been pressured all my life to keep this a secret, so when I heard about what happened with you guys, I got excited. I guess...I expected you to feel the same way, too."
Gwen lifted her head and smiled. She embraced them in a hug and let out another relieved sigh. "Thanks for telling me. You should come over again tomorrow when Ben's cooled down a bit. I know we'll all have it figured out by then."
After exchanging goodbyes, she hurried off into the darkening streets back to her house, leaving (Y/n) standing in front of their own. When she disappeared around a corner, they turned and saw only the tip of the sun's head disappearing behind a nearby house. 'So, Ben's got a little crush on me, huh? Something tells me I should be embarrassed not knowing about it sooner.'
Gwen was leaning against the door of the bedroom Ben locked himself in. It's been at least an hour since he silently shut himself off, so maybe that was a good time to begin worrying. She can't even remember the last time he's been quiet for this long (or even think it was possible to begin with).
"Ben? How are you holding up?" Normally, she'd enjoy the unlikely peace and quiet, but she just couldn't get his face out of her mind. Before he turned his back to her and (Y/n), she saw rage dancing around his viciously furrowed face, making a shiver run down her spine.
No response. Gwen's face fell. Ben's feelings for (Y/n) were unlike anything she's ever seen. Whenever they were even brought up around him, he would snap out from whatever he was doing and turn into some droned, lovesick puppy. Not to mention how subtly was practically thrown out the window if he was ever near them. It's honestly surprising they never caught on to how he felt...
"Hey, I'm gonna be in the living room, okay? If you ever wanna talk...I'll be here." She waited, expecting his voice to ring from the other side, hoping for a mumble or even a grunt. But silence held still enough for her to sigh and finally walk away from the door.
Though, her reassurance was not in vain. On the other side, Ben sat against the door in the darkened room. He wanted to ease his cousin's worries, but her voice was almost drowned out by (Y/n)'s little show from earlier.
He gripped the picture of them in his hands and tried not the think about his worst nightmare. The sight of their enchanting eyes twitched and strained with hopelessness; their body which he admired for so long bruised and bloody and weak from running; the personality that always brought a smile to his face suddenly drained and replaced with a cowardly pursuit-
It all rushed in so quickly, through his splitting headache, down his tensed shoulders, all the way to his trembling fingertips. Ben's thumb pressed against the picture, and he was forced to a halt when a tiny crack emitted from beneath him. He looked down; the picture was cracked.
The room hummed a somber tune for a few minutes.
'I said I wasn't going to let anything harm a hair on you, (Y/n). And I won't let you be stupid enough to make me break that promise.'
".........Citizens.......already evacuating....."
"...Another attack-"
(Y/n)'s eyes flung open and their head flew from their pillow. First, their attention met the window beside their bed; the midday sun was already nestled high up in its cloudless domain. Next were the words that disturbed them from their usual weird dream of befriending kids that could control air and water and had a giant flying bison for a pet.
They turned toward the TV and froze at the sight. It was a newscast of two otherworldly creatures tearing each other limb from limb. The second it cut to static, they had already fled the room.
(Y/n) shouted to the top of their lungs as they raced through the crowd that poured away from the scene; however, their voice only blended in with the deafening terrorized cries. Pushing past every frantic person was like fighting against rushing water threatening to send them down a nearby waterfall. This didn't quite match their fantasies of making a cool, dramatic entrance before saving the day in an awesomely heroic way.
It certainly didn't pick up when they tripped over their own feet and fell straight onto the road. Thankfully, the rushing river of people ran dry, and they successfully made it to the brawl between two aliens.
Each inch of the sight poured into them, and the only thing louder than a dinosaur-looking creature trying to wrestle a red multi-armed robot was (Y/n)'s heartbeat. The second they wondered where the police were, they looked to their right and spotted several of their decimated cars laying helplessly in the distance. Fortunately, only civilian cars had joined them; looks like everyone not involved successfully escaped.
For now, at least.
(Y/n) stood on their feet and squinted their eyes to get a better look at the two. Immediately, they recognized the dinosaur creature as Ben when they spotted its green sash holding the same symbol his watch possesses. They didn't have time to take in any other information with the giant robot suddenly wrapped its mechanical claws around his neck.
They were running - why were they running?? As soon as their heart screeched from within, their legs abruptly took off without their permission and charged straight toward the fight. The dinosaur-as-Ben creature quickly twisted his head around and caught a glimpse of their sprinting figure, and those small pupil-absent green eyes widened.
"(Y/n), get out of here!" he roared, reaching up to pry off the robot's claws.
They narrowed their eyes and increased their speed. Balling their hands into fists, they jumped onto a flipped demolished car and pushed themselves up in the air, graciously landing and kneeling on the cracked road. Taking a deep breath, they brought up their foot from behind and swung it above their head, and a line of fire followed their heel. A ring of a baby sun circled around their form as they roughly brought their feet back down in front of them, and the thin wall of flame held in front of their face until their fist thrust forward, sending the wall flying toward the robot.
It collapsed against one of its arms, and a deep scratch was left behind through the smoke.
While electricity shot up from the few exposed wires, (Y/n) beamed. "I did it! Holy crap, I really did-!" But they weren't given then chance to finish their cheer when another one of its arms flung towards them and grabbed them by their throat.
They gasped for air and instantly attempted to pry off the claws, but its grip was strong. Drool rushed down from the corners of their mouth as it slowly squeezed every last bit of precious air from their lungs. Tears caressed their cheeks, and they couldn't stop their hands from dropping to their sides.
'Wait-! Please...I wanted to help-!'
The hand was torn from their body. They couldn't see how. their vision became too blurry to make out the orange blob tearing a hole through the robot's body. All they knew was that the road was suddenly beneath them again and they were holding their throbbing throat and coughing and gasping for any trace of air.
And then, they were being embraced by something huge. (Y/n) felt their head being pushed against something rock-hard by some giant hand, but from the booming voice that erupted soon after, they took a wild guess that it was Ben's alien form.
"Are you okay?" he yelled.
(Y/n) coughed again before answering. "Y...Yeah-"
"Do you have ANY idea how stupid that was?!" He forced them off of him and held them in front of his face. His new eyes were laced in both sorrow and fury.
"I-I was just-"
"Getting in the way! If I wasn't here, you would've gotten yourself killed!"
They weakly held onto his giant wrists. "I'm sorry! I just saw that you were in danger and-"
"I've been doing this for years now, (Y/n)! I think I know how to take on a little robot! Do you know how many things and people I fought that were way bigger and stronger than that thing? More than you ever had!" Ben's watch symbol began glowing a strange mixture of yellow, purple, and green. "This is exactly why I never wanted you to know any of this!"
"Uh, Ben-?"
"People always call me a moron, but you practically outshine me! You always think you can take on anything that threatens you and always lose and end up hurt! You're the reason why I can't stand snakes and tree climbing and high diving! I used to love those things!" With every word that fell from his mouth, the brighter it glowed.
"I never even cared about rushing into things and getting hurt afterward until you came in! Ever since then, I've always been worrying about you, but you never listen! You were even worse than me, and you still are! The only thing I hate about you is how much you're an IDIOT!"
The glow enveloped (Y/n) entirely, and their world faded to black.
The sky darkened. Smoke poured through the streets. Not a single life took a breath except Ben, who started down at his Omnitrix.
Footsteps approached him from behind. "Ben! What happened?" Gwen yelled.
"Did you get him? Oop- wait- no, you don't need to answer that," Kevin shouted, probably spotting the remains of their former enemy.
Ben only kept his sight on the Omnitrix. (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen, but they hadn't disappeared. That didn't explain their panicked voice that occasionally rang through his head ever since that blast of light.
They were inside the Omnitrix. He didn't know how, he didn't know why, but he did know one thing.
"Ben, what's wrong?" Gwen asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
A long silence fell between them, and Ben turned around and flashed them both a grin. "Nothing! Just being an awesome hero, as usual," he said.
Gwen froze for a second before a smile reached her face. "Glad to hear it."
"Yeah. Gwen over here told me something bummed you out yesterday. You all good, man?" Kevin asked, putting a hand behind his head.
Ben turned away and looked up at the sky. "Yeah. Everything's fine now."
(Y/n) was still shouting, pleading and screaming for help. But Ben knew nothing could hurt them anymore. His forms wouldn't dare lay a finger on them, and as long as he protected the Omnitrix with his life, none of his enemies would have the chance to do the same either.
They were safe.
HERE IT ISSSS! Sorry it took a while to come out...! Dealing with stuff, and had a little trouble with this one ngl since I haven't been too involved with Ben 10 after a while. BUT! I hope you liked it!! I certainly had a lot of fun writing iiitt!~
Anyways, thanks so much for reading, and have a great day/night! <3
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mellonmallon · 4 months
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Finally Sir Dagonet catches Argit after a long chase, he asks Lady Maria what she would like to do with him and I don’t think Ben was expecting the answer she gave.
Naughty aliens get the Forever Knight blender. 👹👹👹
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first time getting arrested vs fiftieth 
(don’t worry, ben will get used to it soon enough)
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bambeptin · 10 months
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paradox and eon w corp wips
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Bro............This is so fucking good and i say that without a hint of irony,why'd we ever stop making multicrossovers and why'd we never make them girl ones
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saintaviator · 1 year
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chipistotallysane · 1 month
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unstable au ben made by my friend @tomatoshapedstars hehe i had to doodle the hug from our infodump/roleplay
and now for the moment you've all been waiting for: time to talk about ft!rook :3
in the omniverse time period (six years post-forever knights kidnapping) rook and ben meet. since gwen and kevin are going to college they decide to find ben a partner for the alien stuff as per usual. they do not tell rook about ben's trauma, much to ben's relief and excitement. he finally has a friend who thinks hes normal!
if you have read my little oneshot then you know that doesn't last long at all, and rook eventually finds out when they encounter the forever knights and ben has a panic attack. ben tells rook the barebones of what happened and rook tells him that hes still the same ben, even if hes more messed up than rook knew at first. yippee!
and then ben develops a crush on him. he falls HARDDDD. he has multiple mental breakdowns about it because 1) the only time he's tried asking someone out it ended with them unintentionally dehumatizing him and 2) he doesn't believe he's good enough. he knows factually this is untrue, but he still can't shake the feeling that rook is just amazing and he's not.
little does he know rook has been crushing on him far longer and is just EXTREMELY subtle about it. the epitome of fell first and fell harder. he does not know what the breakdowns are about, but hes seen one of them. he comforted ben as best he could when it happened and it did help a lot.
ben only ever EVER says anything that could be taken romantically when he has a concussion or has been running on extremely little sleep. it takes until hes heavily concussed for him to confess and bro does not remember doing so after he's gotten medical attention. rook has to ask him about it and ben cries a bit but they talk it out and get together <3 will probably write a oneshot on that sometime
rook is one of the few people ben is very physically affectionate towards because of his fur! it feels nice to him <3
also bonus sexualities in forever trapped: ben is bi, transmasc, and ace, and rook is bi, ace, and has an unlabled gender!
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sitishafiyyah · 10 months
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The Romance Kiss of BenRex 😍❤💘💚
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more character asks thing... Ben himself
favorite thing about them: his altruism. Especially in the OG honestly. Like he was 10 but seeing shit in other people some adults couldn't see. Yeah he was selfish and bratty, but he is genuinely a good kid. And they did try to keep that up about him, and mostly succeeded, but you can see later how the opinions of adults in his life warped him just a bit.
least favorite thing about them: I don't like how he treated Julie. Or how he just swoons for any love interest thrown his way. He's not cruel or mean, but kind of indifferent sometimes. I don't think it makes him a bad person, but he WAS kind of an ass.
favorite line: I don't have one but I am always thinking about the one and only time he called out azmuth in trouble helix, and the fact he was the only one who says it
brOTP: hard tie between Him and Rook, or Kevin
OTP: I don't have a strong opinion on any ship, personally I think dating is hard for him in general. I do ship benrook tho
nOTP: bwen.
random headcanon: Ben has lots of scars, especially from from the alien force arch when he started taking damage that transferred from his transformation to his human form. He especially has massive scaring around the Omnitrix itself from transforming often
unpopular opinion: Ben is flawed and I love his flaws and ignoring his flaws to paint him as an unproblematic pure good angel boy who could do no wrong does him a disservice as a dynamic character. He's selfish and a shithead sometimes, and I think it's an interesting and fun contrast to the fact that he genuinely does love saving people, and frequently has risked dying for them.
song i associate with them: Get your Wish by Porter Robinson
favorite picture of them:
This one but only because of the context
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