#ben ben solo headers
miladygeek · 11 months
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Star Wars: Episódio VII – O Despertar da Força✨
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wear-her-initial · 7 months
reylo - the great war layout
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reylo, the great war by taylor swift lyrics layout - "looked up at me with honor and truth" ☹ hoping the reylo community is still alive 😭
please like/reblog and credit wear-her-initial (tumblr) and/or wearherinitiai (twitter/x) if you use !!
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sharp-silver4795 · 2 months
Creepypasta Mansion HC’s
Ok, I figured yall need to know my “au”(?) for creepypasta if we gonna keep doin this.
Once again, I’m gonna put headers and color codes. There are no warnings necessary.
Color code is by the amount of work each section has to do.
None >> Least >> Decent >> too much
Housing [General]
So I’m a bit conflicted on how I think about “mansion”- either the “traditional” idea of the mansion, or (my more main version) ⬇️
I can see it as “the mansion” is an area of land, and not an actual building. Each of the creeps are grouped in different ways to live together in groups of 3-4. I tend to lean towards this one. So, for these HCs I’m gonna stick to this version.
“The Mansion” is divided into four main sections:
True Mansion: the actual mansion. Only the Slenderman/Operator resides here.
Inner Mansion: the smallest occupied area of the mansion. That being said, it has no divisions. This is reserved for most of the Proxies.
Mid-Mansion: The largest collective area of the mansion. It has four divisions. It is the most occupied.
Outer-Mansion: The largest complete area of the mansion. Has no divisions. Has the least amount of occupants.
The rest of my head cannons are going to be sorted by these areas of the mansion. The true mansion will not be included for obvious reasons.
Inner Mansion
Occupants: Rogue Proxy, Wilson the Basher, Kate the Chaser, Masky, Hoodie, Kat Hunter, Neon Spike (OC)
One cabin with two levels. The girls are on the lower level, the boys are on the second.
They have the least amount of work due to no one actually being able to get that far into the mansion grounds.
Mid-Mansion: Game Freaks
The far western section of the mid manor.
Occupants: BEN Drowned, Lost Silver, Herobrine, Dark Link, Glitchy Red, Sonic.EXE
It has one cabin with only one level, but they’re share rooms.
Mid-Mansion: Circus Freaks
Eastern most area. It actually has two cabins due to disputes between certain individuals
Despite being called “Circus Freaks” not all of them are based on a circus.
Southeast Occupants: Laughing Jack, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop
Northeast Occupants: Laughing Jill, Doll Maker, Candy Cane
Out of all the sections of the mid mansion, they have the least amount of work.
Mid-Mansion: Outsiders/Defensive Rebellion
So, backstory: there are two parts of the mansion called the “Rebellion”. This is because they don’t exactly “fit” with other creeps. They’re wildcards, if you will.
Called “Defensive Rebellion” because they are at the second North and South Levels.
There are two cabins, one in the north and one in the south.
Northern Occupants: Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Nathan the Nobody
Southern Occupants: Puppeteer, Clockwork, X-Virus
I will probably make a separate HC post for the proxies to explain why X-Virus is here.
The North does nothing. The south has a good bit on their hands though.
Outer-Mansion/Offensive Rebellion
Alright. The largest area of the mansion without divisions.
It has one cabin, and four occupants: Ticci Toby, Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, and Liu Woods. (I refuse to call him Homicidal Liu it just sounds weird.)
They have the most work due to this being the first area of the mansion.
But they paid the big bucks 💰💰💰
They kind of solo the different areas of the OR.
Toby takes the Northeast + East, Jeff takes the Northwest + West, EJ takes the southwest, and Liu takes the southeast.
Other Stuff
To the south of the mansion grounds there is a highway that is right next to the city.
That being said, the south of the mansion is usually how people get in.
The mansion isn’t really big into fighting Zalgo and shit, they just protect the grounds for the most part.
Well, I hope ya liked this one. Sorry that my posts are really long, I just try to be thorough-
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violivs · 5 months
- There he is, folks. My favorite fictional character ever. In his first solo episode. I cannot be held responsible for the level of fangirling that must now commence.
- I mean, I was a lonely teenage girl watching this show in 2014, and he was a cute, nerdy, dark-haired guy with an accent. It was a foregone conclusion, shallow though it might sound. There was no way I was watching this show and not loving Benedick. Including when he’s being cringy and over the top. And then we peel back the layers and see that “having a new friend every week” just means Ben is ALSO desperately lonely and self-conscious? I was toast. It was so over for me, from day one.
- I love that his header image is just a piece of paper with The Ben Show written in messy Sharpie and he’s still acting like he’s presenting the most exciting show ever. The confidence! His icon image being him kissing his reflection and the username “benaddicktion” are also strokes of genius. The cocky, overconfident characterization is so strong just based on those choices. Truly a teenage version of the character from the play.
- We must note the heinous laser cat t-shirt and how Ben is matching Beatrice with her Grumpy Cat t-shirt in recent videos. Love it. Another parallel- they both have extensive collections of nerdy and random t-shirts. AND they’re both cat people!
- Set dressing: Ben has a horse lamp for some reason, which reminds me of “Hero, it’s Darcy on a horse!” Beatrice, meet your very own personal Darcy. He’s just, you know, a lot less shy and buttoned-up than actual Darcy.
- He also has several sports trophies on his desk there, I like that he’s accomplished. Proud of you Ben! A good soldier becomes a good football player, modern adaptation choices! (I can practically hear Beatrice snickering about them just being participation trophies though lol)
- The trophies do remind me of another question: why does Ben never try out for sports at university in Lolilo? He can go intramural just for fun, he doesn’t have to be on a scholarship or trying to go pro. Maybe anxiety??? Maybe he just wasn’t feeling it anymore, or maybe he did try and didn’t make whatever team? *adds to social anxiety headcanon evidence list*
- I always wanted to know what book was on Ben’s bed, and someone in the comments has come through for me! It’s Children of Huron by Tolkien even though that cover art looks like it should be literary historical fiction about a tragic married couple who are lighthouse keepers. Which is also a valid literary genre!
- He also has Game of Thrones books, another connection to Beatrice and her interests. You know they must argue about whether the books or show are better at least once offscreen.
- He also has a little rubber duck dressed like Shakespeare (thank you again comment section for your eagle eyes), which has catapulted me back in time to one of the NMTD fandom’s finest early crack!posts: the Beneduck. Born of an unholy typo made by yours truly these many years ago. (I only made the typo, though, not the edit. Credits for that at the link lol. Miss you both, hope you’re well.❤️ ) You’re welcome. 😂
- “A story about birds”- this reminds me, Ben doesn’t seem as upset about all the bird killings as someone who loves birds would be, so does that mean him loving birds wasn’t set in stone yet? I sometimes wonder if I’m misremembering Ben liking birds because Jake likes birds. But the flamingos are canon so I guess it is canon.
- “easily the best driver in Messina High School, no matter what Beatrice says” Oh, Ben is absolutely only making a video about this topic because he and Bea had another argument about this recently. He’d be like, “I’m an excellent driver” and she’d say, “oh yeah, how many living things have you killed” and that’s the true “how many hath he killed in these wars” moment!
- This video is, of course, intentionally, very cringe. But Ben is so damn good at making it likable. Honest props to Jake, the comments in this video are all loving Ben already because he makes him so likable and fun to watch make a fool of himself.
- Not even 45 seconds into Ben’s first video and he’s already mentioned Beatrice TWICE. Speaking of it’s so over- he was literally always obsessed with her. It’s adorable.
- “obviously he’s quite nervous- but it’s all good! He knows he can do this ‘cause he’s great.” Oh my GOD there it is! There it all is! His entire character. Ben gets so nervous- anxious- and he gets through life by ignoring that feeling and having a big head. Because if he keeps telling himself he’s wonderful and perfect and confident, then he can make himself believe that’s true long enough to get through the scary thing. I love him.
- The fact that Ben definitely scripted this and hunted down all these props ahead of time though. The water gun for the rainstorm! It’s so cute and earnest of him. It reminds me a little of Lizzie Bennet-style costume theater, but it’s puppet theater instead. Good thing, too, because some of these stories sound like they were extremely visceral and gory in real life 😬
- “Bird death rua” Ben knowing a little Te Reo Māori reminds me of another backstory question: how long has Ben lived in A/NZ at this point? He’s lived in Auckland since he was 13, because that’s when he met Peter/Pedro, the year leading up to the summer he was 14 and met Bea. But did he live in another part of A/NZ before that for a while? Or did he come from the UK at 13? I just feel like the timeline is important for the “has a new best friend every week” thing, and actually it could make sense if they lived in the UK for his early years (he didn’t know the reference to an A/NZ little kids’ tv show the flatmates made in Lolilo because he was too old when he moved there to have ever seen it), but then also maybe bounced around different parts of A/NZ for a while before settling in Auckland- he was always the New Kid and that’s why he comes on so strong in friendships and never believes they’ll last. But it’s also very cute if Peter and Beatrice are his actual first friends he makes in A/NZ right after moving countries. I don’t know.
- Extremely funny to me that Ben is a Taylor Swift fan since the moment we meet him. The artist who is stereotyped for only writing about Ben’s supposed least favorite thing, romantic relationships. It’s not even like he gets into her music while he’s coming to terms with his feelings for Bea, no, he’s already singing I Knew You Were Trouble back when he says he hates relationships and romance. Actually, goddamn, that’s a good song choice for him right now, when he sees Bea as the ex-best friend who broke his heart. She’s the one he knew was trouble when she walked in! She’s the one who puts him down!
- Now I am admittedly not a pet person, but it seems unusual for a teenager to be taking the cat to the vet by himself. He doesn’t hold the pet insurance policy, right? So this is the first moment that shows Ben is actually really independent and mature on some levels (foreshadowing), and that his parents are very hands-off. That’s partly because of the “parents must be absent so the kid can have a plotline fully unencumbered by rules and adult interference” trope. But I also always interpreted Ben’s parents as loving but emotionally neglectful. And that also contributes to his anxiety, loneliness, and wild self-esteem fluctuations. (It suddenly occurs to me that this interpretation of it being unusual for a teen to be able to take a cat to the vet by himself might be colored by the fact that I had severe social anxiety as a teen, so I literally could not have gone up to a person working a desk and asked for what I needed in most contexts. If it’s normal for a teen to take a cat to the vet alone, then never mind. But I still hold these headcanons.)
- He dedicated the video to Hero and Bea! Oh he was definitely so nervous and hyperaware that Bea was on the sidelines that whole game and he doesn’t know why it genuinely made him happy that she was there. He’s being sarcastic here, but still! Cute.
- As mentioned in one of my other NMTDaily posts, Ursula helped edit this video and Ben thanks her in the description, and I love that for them. Ursula is probably relieved that Bea hates the video too much to bother reading the description, or she would be mad at Ursula for being friends with him.
- I still can’t watch this video without thinking of the song “Live in Living Color” from the musical Catch Me If You Can. Really, it’s literally the perfect MT song to represent this video. I should find and reblog my old NMTD as a musical fanmix just for fun.
- You see? A big long analytical post about a video in which my cringy dorkass boy pretends to gnaw a bird-shaped oven mitt to death. I can’t even help myself.
- I am so behind on these but i promise I’ll catch up!
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vibrantbirdy · 1 year
Asks for Character x Reader Fic Requests Now Open!
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Hi Tumblr,
My Asks are currently open for Character x Reader Fic Requests.
IMPORTANT: Before requesting, please read the Guidelines below.
Thank you everyone who has given me amazing prompts so far and for your kind words and your interactions. Guidelines Characters I will write for: Star Wars - Kylo Ren or Ben Solo - Cal Kestis - Cassian Andor - Obi-Wan Kenobi (any era) - Anakin Skywalker (pre-Vader) - Luke Skywalker (any era) - Din Djarin - Poe Dameron - Finn Other Fandoms - Dr Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1) - Commander Mills (65) - Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) - Any character (Lord of the Rings Trilogy) - Main crew (Star Trek TNG)
More guidelines under the cut...
How to Request:
Please request through my Asks here (which can also can be found under my blog header)
Request descriptions will be posted with the fic
You may request anonymously
If you choose not to request anonymously, please let me know if you do not you want to be tagged in your fic request when it is posted
I will try to answer as many requests as possible but please understand that I probably won't feel an affinity with every single prompt that comes in. Please don't be offended if it looks like I haven't picked your request up and feel free to try again with something different in the future.
I will try to get to requests as soon as possible, but please remember I do, unfortunately, have real life to contend with too.
What do you want?:
Type of fic: Generally for requests I will write Character x Reader. However, if you want something that focuses on a Character x Canon/Implied/Potential Pairing or a Character x OC just let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Specify Reader Type: Default will be Character x Female Reader just because that's what I have most experience writing, but if you would prefer Character x Gender Neutral Reader or something different please let me know and if I pick up your request, I will try my best!
Length: Most of my fic will be between 1000 and 5000 words. If you have a length in mind please let me know, otherwise I will just go with the flow.
Prompt: Remember to give me information on what you would like the basic details of the story to be. These can be specific or general but I need something as a starting point.
Genres I will write for:
Enemies to Lovers/Allies/Friends
Hurt/Comfort and mild Whump
Mild Angst
Smut (please, don't be shy to ask - ask anonymously if you want! - but bear in mind I may be a little more selective about smut than other types of requests. If you request adult content you must be 18+.)
What I won't write about (this is not an exhaustive list):
Sexual Violence/Non-con
Severe Trauma
Heavy Angst
Extreme Violence
Infidelity or Love Triangles
All my fic will be clearly labelled with warnings and anything 18+ will be clearly marked so please heed these indicators before reading.
Thank you all so much!
My original Character x Reader fics
Title: No Survivors Fandom: Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Genres: Sci-Fi; Action/Adventure; Enemies to Allies; Whump; Hurt/Comfort and Romance if you squint. Setting: Pre The Force Awakens Characters: Kylo Ren x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: 3347 Warnings: Detailed descriptions of injury/aftermath of injury (non-fatal impalement); descriptions of emergency/makeshift medical treatment; mild descriptions of death from a crashed ship; mild sexuality; mild/canon typical swearing Pairings: Kylo Ren x Female Reader
Summary: You are Resistance fighter who has been captured. You are in transit aboard a First Order transport destined for an Imperial prison on the swamp moon of Delka 6. When a violent electromagnetic storm brings down the ship, you appear to be the only survivor. That is until you come across Supreme Leader Snoke's primary warlord, Kylo Ren, amid the wreckage. The volatile Ren is injured and you have to decide whether you can put your reservations aside to help him in the aftermath of the crash.
Completed Reader Requests Title: Crush Fandom: Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Genres: Sci-Fi; Romance; Fluff Setting: Sometime later on in the Force Awakens Characters: Poe Dameron; Female Reader Pairings: Poe Dameron x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Warnings: None :) Perhaps extremely mild, fluffy, sexuality Summary: You working for the Resistance on D'Qar, and Wing Commander Poe Dameron has a crush on you - he's surprisingly awkward about it.
Title: Charade Fandom: Star Wars Setting: Between Andor and Rogue One Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Enemies to lovers; Action/adventure; Fluff Warnings: in keeping with tone of Andor/Rogue One - moderate sexuality; moderate swearing; mild violence/peril; brief mentions of loss of family/friends by Reader. Pairing: Cassian Andor x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: approx 10k (oops) Summary: You and Captain Cassian Andor have to negotiate your personal differences and difficult history when you are both assigned to go on an undercover operation to the Galaxy's playground for the super-rich, Canto Bight, as a married couple.
Title: Relics Fandom: Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Setting: Pre the Phantom Menace to post the Kenobi Series. Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Minor Angst Warnings: mild/moderate sexuality; mild references to Reader family losses due to old age; mild references to the Empire being baddies and doing baddie things Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: c.5k Summary: You and Obi-Wan Kenobi have a connection that spans decades as your lives intersect throughout the years. Will you find each other again in the most unlikely of places?
Title: Proximity Fandom: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor Games Setting: Prior to events of Jedi Survivor Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Fluff - This is tooth-rotting fluff with a little added spice as requested ;) Warnings: This fic is 18+ so please heed and respect the adult rating. Descriptions of sexual longing/arousal; strong consensual sexual content - nothing too descriptive but probably on the borderline of (hopefully still sweet) smut. Pairing: Cal Kestis x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: approx 5.5k (Because I have no self control) Summary: You are an accomplished Coruscanti thief who has been recruited by the Rebel Jedi, Cal Kestis. As you join him and his crew on their adventures aboard the Mantis, you and Cal have to navigate your growing feelings for each other.
Title: Familiarity Fandom: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor games Setting: Prior to the events of Survivor Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Action/adventure; Fluff; Angst; Hurt/Comfort Warnings: Canon typical combat violence; canon typical death/angst/survivor's guilt relating to Order 66; mild sexuality; one claustrophobic scene due to ruined temple adventuring; SPOILERS for Jedi: Fallen Order and minor ones for the set up to Survivor. Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: c.8k (this one got away from me!) Summary: Believing each other lost to the brutal purge of the Emperor's Order 66, ten years after you were separated from your childhood best friend during the systematic eradication of the Jedi Order, you and Cal Kestis are finally reunited amid the strange Temple ruins of an ancient civilisation.
Title: Frequency Fandom: Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Genres: Sci-Fi; Action/Adventure; Enemies to Allies; Hurt/Comfort Setting: Post The Last Jedi, Pre The Rise of Skywalker Main Characters: Kylo Ren x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Warnings: Mild/canon typical battle violence; mild/canon typical swearing Summary: You are Rey's long lost sister - a powerful force wielder - and you encounter Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, as you both search for something.
In Progress
Cassian Andor x Reader (Original)
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oh-great-authoress · 1 year
Hello There!
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(This beautiful moodboard is courtesy of the lovely @ryebecca!!!)
If you’re looking for my old pinned post, my Fanfiction/Original Work Masterlist, here it is!
My fanfiction sideblog: @the-authoress-writes
(Psst—most Fic Recs will be over there!)
Okay, I am making this because my blog bio was getting out of hand.
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(Divider courtesy of @delishlydelightfuldividers)
20s, regrettably—spiritually, 50.
🇺🇸🇵🇭 and Proud
Roman Catholic
Church Musician
Classically trained soprano (if you want to hear me sing, look at my featured tag #nadia sings in my blog’s search!!)
Fanfiction Writer and Proud
Descendant of @amarantheisle
🌸My Peeps🌸
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Anyway, welcome to the chaos circus.
What you will find in this blog:
Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
Star Wars
Star Trek
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Jane Austen
Classic Literature
Things which tickle my mildly dark and slightly twisted sense of humor
My fanfiction and assorted writings, of course
And much, much more!
Peaceful Reylo and Gingerrose Shipper
✨Officially in my Val Kilmer era✨
✨Officially in my Tom Cruise era ✨
Ben Solo, Armitage Hux, Aemond Targaryen, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, and Jake “Hangman” Seresin are my Disaster Sons
Anakin Skywalker is my Disaster Grandpa
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is my Disaster Dad
The Daggers and The Team (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker) are my Disaster Squads
Hayden Christensen and Ahmed Best Stan
Proud Member of the Admiral Firmus Piett Defense Club
I also scream about:
And on occasion:
Music Enthusiast
Occasionally Posts Original Art
Avgeek (B787 & A380 Lover)
Header courtesy of the lovely @driverdaily
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nostalgc · 11 months
dash icon © @wistarluk-blog 💙
gif on dash header © @ben--solos 💙
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emeraldspiral · 2 years
Hi did you ever have “Ben Solo Deserved Better” as your header? I’m trying to find an old blog I liked before I had an account and I think you might be the blog.
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crushingdeath · 2 years
Sat 1st Apr 2023 @ The Blue Moon Doors 8pm, tickets £14 adv from here
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Over 25 years since he first emerged into the public consciousness as the leader of Appendix Out, the didactic folkist Alasdair Roberts continues to enthral with his very particular take on traditional Scottish music. Whether reinterpreting existing material from the repertoire or conjuring up his own original lore his distinctively persistent and crisp voice carries tales of love and death across histories, both actual and perceived, into the here and now. Whether solo or as one of his numerous collaborations (with the likes of Alex Nielson, Jason Molina, Will Oldham, or as part of BBC Radio 2 Folk award winners, The Furrow Collective) Roberts splices the familiar with the uncommon to create music that is at once immediate and apparent, yet tantalisingly other and warranting persistence. His long association with the estimable Drag City continues into 2023 with his latest release, "Grief in the Kitchen and Mirth in the Hall", a collection of twelve traditional songs and ballads from Scotland and beyond, delivered in his inimitable style. http://www.alasdairroberts.com/
Ian A. Anderson began his musical career in the mid 1960s, heavily influenced by old country blues players, before taking a left-swerve in the early ’70s with a trio of psych-folk albums for the pioneering and now highly collectable independent label Village Thing. He eventually settled into a personal and notably English style drawn from traditional folk, blues, old-time and world roots musics, making some dozen albums with projects such as Hot Vultures (with Maggie Holland), the English Country Blues Band and Tiger Moth. More recent collaborations include activities with PiL’s Lu Edmonds and 3 Mustaphas 3’s Ben Mandelson and a double-header partnership with Northumbrian traditional music master Alistair Anderson. www.ianaanderson.com ghostsfromthebasement.bandcamp.com
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f1 · 2 years
Formula 2 and Formula 3 reveal race calendars for 2023 season
Formula 2 and Formula 3 have announced their calendars for the 2023 season with both championships featuring events across three continents for the first time – including their highly anticipated debuts in Australia. Continuing the two-race format alongside the Formula 1 Grand Prix weekend, the F2 crown will be fought over 14 rounds, while F3 will feature a record-breaking 10 rounds. Both campaigns will kick off in Sakhir, Bahrain on March 3-5, before F2 flies solo a fortnight later in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on March 17-19. The two will reunite for their debut at Melbourne’s Albert Park at the end of the month, from March 31 – April 2. READ MORE: F1 announces 24-race calendar for 2023 F2 will return to Baku, Azerbaijan on April 28-30, followed by a busy triple-header for the two championships, beginning in Imola, Italy on May 19-21. F3 will then – for the first time – join F2 on the prestigious Monaco Grand Prix support bill on May 25-28, and close the three-round run in Barcelona, Spain on June 2-4. 2023 Formula 2 calendar Date Location March 3-5 Sakhir, Bahrain March 17-19 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia March 31-April 2 Melbourne, Australia April 28-30 Baku, Azerbaijan May 19-21 Imola, Italy May 25-28 Monte Carlo, Monaco June 2-4 Barcelona, Spain June 30-July 2 Spielberg, Austria July 7-9 Silverstone, Great Britain July 21-23 Budapest, Hungary July 28-30 Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium August 25-27 Zandvoort, Netherlands September 1-3 Monza, Italy November 24-26 Yas Marina, Abu Dhabi In July, four venues play host to both F2 and F3. Firstly, they will head to Spielberg, Austria and Silverstone, UK back-to-back. Another double-header will follow with Budapest, Hungary on July 21-23 and Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium on July 28-30. After the summer break, F2 heads to Zandvoort, the Netherlands on August 25-27. The 2023 F3 campaign will conclude in Monza, Italy on September 1-3, whilst F2 will feature one final flyaway, as their season will wrap up alongside Formula 1’s season at the Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi at the end of November. 2023 Formula 3 calendar Date Location March 3-5 Sakhir, Bahrain March 31-April 2 Melbourne, Australia May 19-21 Imola, Italy May 25-28 Monte Carlo, Monaco June 2-4 Barcelona, Spain June 30-July 2 Spielberg, Austria July 7-9 Silverstone, Great Britain July 21-23 Budapest, Hungary July 28-30 Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium September 1-3 Monza, Italy Stefano Domenicali, President and CEO of Formula 1, said: “We are pleased to confirm the Formula 2 calendar for 2023 and look forward to another exciting season where the drivers will battle it out for the title and the chance to reach the highest level of motorsport. "The championship continues to play a hugely important role in nurturing the talent of the future and we are excited to see the next generation of F1 stars take to the track at 14 rounds of the 2023 season, visiting fan-favourite circuits and also travelling to the iconic Albert Park Circuit in Melbourne for the first time.” WATCH: Latest episode of F2 behind-the-scenes series Chasing The Dream is now live On the F3 calendar he added: "There is no doubt that in its fifth year we can expect drama, action and some of the most exciting battles on track to date. We’re looking forward to seeing the talent of the future take to the track at 10 rounds of the Championship, and visiting two exciting new venues in Melbourne, Australia and Monte Carlo, Monaco, for the first time.” FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem added: “As the final two steps on the junior single-seater pathway, I am pleased that in 2023 FIA Formula 2 and FIA Formula 3 continue to race alongside the FIA Formula One World Championship. There is no better preparation than to compete on these gold-standard grand prix circuits, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the next generation of drivers take on a new challenge with the addition of a round in Australia next year.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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agenteade · 5 years
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the last jedi (c) @daisyreylogomez on twitter
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mondlevan · 2 years
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charles leclerc  x star wars layouts
“♡” or reblog if you save/use — follow me.
twt: @szamofada
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unfilmed · 3 years
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Adam Driver for Burberry Hero.
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selpinktea · 2 years
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Pls like if saved
*images found on google, slightly edited by me
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packsparadise · 3 years
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Star Wars Headers
c)  @laywhitethorn on twitter
or like it if you save, use or like <3
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wear-her-initial · 3 years
Dark! Reylo Layout
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art in pfp by yingzong_xin (instagram)
please like/reblog and credit wear-her-initial (tumblr) and/or wearherinitiai (twitter/x) if you use !!
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