#ben x joe x y/n
myficreccs · 1 year
Bo Rhap Boys (and some of their other characters) fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Bo Rhap Boys
BohRap Boys as Elementary Teachers! by @likesomekindofcheese
Ben Hardy 
And they were roommates by @fallingprincess
Save You by @fallingprincess
One shots
bookends by @almightygwil
Falling by @demo-wise
Glitter Blood by @fallingprincess
guessing games by @angrylizardjacket
Just Say You Won’t Let Go by @backstage-journal 
Movie Night by @pxroxide-prinxcesss
Nicotine Buzz by @redspecialty
Pain and other magical kinks by @fallingprincess
the proposal by @seven-seas-of-taylor
temporary fix by @seven-seas-of-taylor
Timing by @fallingprincess
[Unnamed request] by @illfoandillfie
Gwilym Lee
One shots
A Nice Surprise with Gwilym by @deacyblues
carolina by @almightyellie
classy girls by @almightyellie
from the shadows by @deacyblues
i lived by @almightyellie
like the movies by @brianmays-hair
meet on the ledge by @archaicmusings
patience by @almightyellie
p.s. i love you by @almightyellie
Joe Mazzello
Agape by @joemazzmatazz
One shots
born losers by @archaicmusings
Date Night by @just-my-sickly-pride
Drowning by @joe-mazzello
Home. by @halfofwhatisayismeaningless
i’ll be in the front row by @angrylizardjacket
just give me a call by @mazzell-ro
Like a River Runs by @joemazzmatazz
linger a little longer by @rhapsodyrecs
love calls you by your name by @archaicmusings
Meant to go this way by @fallingprincess
Niece To Meet You by @moodysunflowergirl
Party For One by @joemazzmatazz
Request 1 by @assembledherethevolunteers
stars, cake, and kisses by @mazzell-ro
Stood Up, Make Love by @illfoandillfie
You Make Me Feel Like Dancin’ by @deacyblues
[700 follower celebration blurb] by @joemazzmatazz
Pat Murray
One shots
Collisions and Confessions by @assembledherethevolunteers
Love With Its Back Turned by @gardnerlangway
Napkin Numbers by @quinoaisrethinkinglife
Tim Murphy
One shots
Absolutely Smitten by @officially-multi-fandom
neighbor by @patmvrray
John Deacon
One shots
a dying art by @ineloqueent
A Permanent Deal by @adrenaline-roulette
crayons & caresses by @brianmays-hair
don’t go by @patmvrray
my wife by @ineloqueent
The Fire and the Flames by @deacyblues
Being a bassist and dating John Deacon by @stardust-killer-queen
Roger Taylor
You’re a Legend, Freddie by @rogertayloriskindacool
One shots
Dining at The Ritz we’ll meet at 9 by @adrenaline-roulette 
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Like Honey || Sam Carpenter
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Although Sam have promised herself to not get too close to anyone outside her newfound family, she struggles when she meets a regular in the diner she worked at.
Words: 4.02k
Note: This is inspired from Halsey's song Honey! i'd recommend you guys listen to it while reading :) i'm slowly starting getting into horror bc i dont want to be a pussy no more and watch them for jenna and melissa (they are so hot omfg)
[Masterlist][Part 2]
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・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
Sam promised herself that she'd focus on Tara and the gang first before learning to let new people in again in her life. That promise was made when they all moved to New York after the murders in Woodsboro. After Richie. A betrayal like that is a valid reason for her to be closed off and be suspicious of anyone her sister or her friends meet. The same could be said for Quinn, Ethan, Anika, and everyone else she had met when they were introduced to her. Sam did warm up to the three the longer they stayed. She felt a little more comfortable with them when her gut told her that maybe they were genuine people. But she still almost kept to herself. She almost didn't have any friends outside them other than Danny their neighbor next door.
Being the oldest and mother figure of the group meant she worked for her and Tara's share of rent and other needs. Even though their mother sends money for bills and such, Sam wanted to work still. Though she knew what she get weren't much it didn't hurt to start saving her own money. So she worked to keep herself busy but not too much to not acknowledge that she was suffering such a mental scar from the attacks. One of those jobs was in a diner a few blocks near them. It paid okay and the staff are kind but Sam rarely bothered to get too close to them. All she ever knew from them is that they were willing to offer a smile and small conversation.
Usually, she takes the morning shifts, other times she takes the graveyard ones. You can pretty much figure out which shift she preferred over the other.
The regulars were introduced to her on her first shift by Dale, the main cook. There was a couple, John and Amy, who was always on time in the morning and order eggs and toast only with two refills of drip. Rex is a sculptor who mostly sits in the corner and has a few sketches by the table with him, only ordering an omelet with ketchup. There's also a programmer named Adrian who gets a lot of coffee and a BLT at night. Sometimes his friend Ben joins in with fries. A young woman named Adelaide who works from home and is always on the phone while she ate her waffles and vanilla milkshake. Adelaide would go by the mornings if she wakes up early or comes by near the evening when she could.
Lastly, there was Y/N. Sam has figured before that she looked around the same age as her. Cate mentioned when she was teaching her around that she's been here way before her and she pretty much knew everyone in the diner. She was mostly in the morning with a few files in her hand. She's an assistant in an independent law firm. There were times that she came by night and read some of the files she had all the while taking a sip of her joe now and then, other moments she was taking notes for a case assignment that her boss told her to take a look for him. Sam always gets a warm greeting from her as she did with everyone else when she enters the diner and interacts with her whenever deemed necessary. She thought she was too nice to be true.
"You from New York?" Y/N asks her as Sam fills her mug and couldn't help but doubt for a second if she were going to be honest or not,
Y/N always had a keen eye. She liked watching everyone else and let the world work. That meant she liked observing the customers that enter the diner every now and then, noticing how John always drink his coffee slowly to match Amy's pace and always offers an extra toast to her. How Adelaide sometimes start scribbling on her tissues while she talked to her boyfriend who she assumed lived away from New York. The fidgeting Cate does when she's serving Rex and giggles a little when she talks to him. Y/N could see how tired Sam was even when she had just started her shift a few moments ago. The neatness of her diner clothes, layers of makeup, and fake smile couldn't mask the exhaustion the woman has felt for who knows how long. She didn't want to pry about anyone's story so she tries to offer what she only can to someone who deems her a stranger, kindness. It doesn't hurt to treat anyone fairly.
"No, not from around here. I'm just trying to start over." She answers half-heartedly, trying not to give away any information about her at all. Sam sees a gentle smile from her and she couldn't help but feel the burning sensation on her cheeks.
"I wish you well for that. Everyone deserves a restart." And with that, Y/N thanked her for refilling her.
Those were one of many encounters Sam had with her. There were times Y/N would order 2 cups of coffee for her to share with anyone on the staff and reluctantly Sam accepted her third request at the random times she offered. She was beyond suspicious. Her doubt was understandable given the fact that she went through a lot that broke her sense of trust in anyone. But her cautiousness was only met with a tender conversation. Y/N would always ask how she is and the first and ever personal information she has ever given to anyone outside her family was her. Sam vaguely talked about how Tara has been slowly losing interest in seeking help and acting like nothing happened. Of course, there are a few changes here and there to make it seem like a normal rant about her younger sister and Y/N listened intently to her.
Or maybe it was because she was too distracted by the beauty of the older Carpenter sister.
Those seeming doe eyes that hid too many secrets.
Another night shift has come and to Sam's discomfort, she had to be at work. She just came from therapy and her second doctor had just given up on her, making her night already more dreadful than it was. And just to top things off the students who have been visiting the diner lately have been making it their job to worsen her night by being obnoxious and gossiping over her. They weren't even trying to keep it down as if they were back in high school and Sam had just stolen the famous girl's ex-boyfriend. Tara had told her the rumors about her and Woodsboro before and she couldn't care less about what a stranger, who wasn't even there, would think. It was the breaking point when one of them spilled their milkshake on her "accidentally". The smug smile the girl wore before she did it was almost too easy to miss but little did they know that Y/N had been watching them silently the entire time. The woman's had enough of their disturbance. She had been gripping on her pen hard to almost split it in half.
"I'm so sorry, miss." The girl in white apologized with a snide tone. Her friends giggle at her antics on the now pink-stained light blue blouse Sam wore. It just happened to be a strawberry milkshake too. Just last week a girl threw her orange juice at her when she was on her way home with dinner. At this point she thought she's collecting all the fruit flavored drinks.
"D-Don't worry, I'll get it cleaned up." Sam begrudgingly states while avoiding her eyes before she went to turn around but stopped when she saw how she almost bumped into someone,
Familiar Chelsea boots stood before her.
"I beg to differ." They hear the person say before the woman realizes who it was.
"And who are you supposed to be? Her friend?" One of them asks cockily to which Y/N smiles at their confidence. She had her sleeves rolled up already, coat resting back in her booth and Dale was waiting for her cue to tag along after she signaled him from her table earlier.
"Didn't your parents ever teach you some manners on gossiping about people you don't know? Let alone the one serving you your meals and minding her damn business?" She had slowly paced past the unmoving Sam Carpenter that watched closely. Both hands rested on the side of their table and her anger was prevalent from the way she carried herself in the scene. 
"She's a lying snake and a murdering bitch!" The other one barked from her seat.
"Let me guess, you got that from Reddit? What else are you going to believe next, that Beyonce's part of the Illuminati?" Y/N mocked her statement and that's when Sam realized that she knew about the rumors surrounding her, that she knew some bit of her past.
The girls had been quiet after she pointed out their bullshit. Sam had always seen her be courteous and approachable when she stops by, her smiles almost making her eyes crinkle when waving at them, and treated everyone with reason, but tonight was different. This was a woman who has lost her patience after holding it for so long,
"I'm going to ask you to leave. People like you don't deserve to be served when you treat the servers here like they're nothing." Y/N ordered with her eyes unblinking with focus.
When no one moved, Y/N let Dale handle the rest by approaching the table and the girls scurried fast before they were going to be thrown out by the man who stood almost six feet tall. Sam heard a few yells at the girls to leave the diner when they exited the place and her gaze follows back Y/N who had changed her demeanor. The cook pats her back for her handling the situation and thanks her before he gives Sam a pat as well and comes back to his previous spot. It was then that the woman offered her the unsparing eyes that always looked at her and asks,
"Are you okay?" Sam thought it sounded so sweet, all she could respond was a faint nod. She didn't even comprehend how a bit close she was already to her until a hint of soft vanilla could be smelled from her. Not the kind where it almost smelled artificial like those vape juices, but it was almost authentic. The woman before her then fishes out something out of her back pocket and extended her handkerchief.
"Here. You got an extra blouse, dear?" Another question follows after Sam takes it and started wiping away some of the liquid.
"No, mines in my apartment, and it's a few blocks away," Y/N hears her voice again after it was silenced earlier, "Hey Dale, Peter doesn't mind his servers being out of uniform for a situation like this, right?" She shouts at the cook who was just about to send a plate to Dolly, Sam's partner for the shift tonight.
"Nah, let me handle him when he asks next time. I gotchu Sam." Dale nods their way.
Y/N then started unbuttoning her shirt and it revealed a white tank top underneath her white button-up shirt. Sam knew should be looking away but couldn't even help herself. Her attention was so close on her slightly toned arms until she snapped out of her daze as the woman handed her top, "Here, you can borrow this for now."
Dolly went to grab a mop and started cleaning the rest of the drink on the floor, "I'll take it from here, Sam." She reassures her and Sam was beyond grateful of the people supporting her.
"A-Are you sure?" Sam looks back at Y/N who hasn't fazed.
"Yeah don't worry about it, Sam." She beams.
The Carpenter girl then watched her walk back to her booth like nothing transpired and quietly apologized to the remaining customers she'd passed by before sitting down. But if Y/N was being honest, she was still trying to calm down from the adrenaline. She was well aware that violence was never the option, yet the possibility for things to go south was out there. She never wants to ever resort to that. Sam then finally moved from the spot she was seemingly glued onto since the confrontation and went to change in the staff room. While she was away, Y/N ordered a martini and piña colada instead of finishing her coffee. Caffeine wouldn't help flush away the rush that still lingered. In between changing her top, Sam couldn't help but wonder why someone like Y/N would stand up for her when she barely knew her.
But that thought was pushed aside when she started slipping into the button-up shirt that was handed to her by the very woman she was curious about and a whiff of her scent made its way to her nostrils again. Sam paused for a second to process how addicting Y/N's scent was. Even her damn perfume was almost sweet. After pushing her thoughts away and finishing closing the shirt, she tossed her ruined blouse in her bag and went back out to continue her shift but only to be stopped,
"Hey, I kinda asked Dale to give you a break so... care to sit with me?" Y/N wondered before the drinks she ordered arrived with Dolly winking at her. The woman shyly smiles back at her before she left them alone and dealt with another customer.
"Yeah, I'd… actually like that." Sam settled on the other side of the booth as she slide the glass of martini to her, "Oh, I'm not allowed to drink while on—"
"Take it easy, Sam. You've been through a lot just now so take it. It's on me." She waves off before taking a big sip of her piña colada.
The woman reluctantly takes a decent amount from her glass while Y/N fixes her files that had been slightly scattered on her side of the table. It was the right moment for Sam to finally pop the question,
"You knew?" It came off pretty fast, making Y/N tilt her head.
"About Woodsboro, I mean. I'm sorry that came off harder than intended." Sam clarified her question and apologized for being forward to which Y/N didn't mind.
"That's alright. I've only read two news articles about it but other than that, it's all I know."
"You don't have to tell me about it, Sam. You said you wanted to start fresh, and you don't owe anyone an explanation." Y/N assured her and the Carpenter girl countered, "No, I feel like I can trust you about… all of this." Sam replies before taking a deep breath.
From being the daughter of the original killers in the Woodsboro murders to her seeing visions of her dad in the mirror and being a victim of the ghost face attacks, she spared no details throughout her story, her therapy sessions going almost nowhere because she'd scare them off and Y/N never stopped her flow and listened intently to everything she said. Not even a single sound came out of her mouth as Sam spoke. The only thing she ever offered were observant eyes that watched every move, like how the crease on her forehead slowly increased as she went on or the hint of distaste in her voice when she mentioned her deceased ex-boyfriend. She barely bats an eye when she even admitted that she enjoyed killing him and Amber. Not a single change of muscle movement on her face other than taking a few sips from her drink and blinking now and then.
When Sam finished telling her whole story, she had been anticipating the request for her to leave and never come back, just like the one her psychiatrist said when she told him the truth that afternoon. She had grown to expect that from anyone now. Yet all she heard was an exhale from the woman she shared the table with,
"That's... a lot to take in." She hears her note as she rub her chin,
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that, Sam. You didn't deserve it." Y/N continues with empathetic eyes.
"You don't… feel like the need to push me away?" Sam asks, and for once she feared someone's answer more than anyone else. Almost too afraid that she'd scare Y/N away.
"No, not really." She told nonchalantly.
Sam stared blankly at her as she moved to cross her arms and looked down from her seat. She couldn't tell if she was about to take back her statement or maybe ask her more about the attacks. Yet Y/N was able to catch Sam off guard as she went to finish her martini,
"Not going to lie, those two deserved to die for what they did— I mean… committing murders because your movie franchise sucked? That seems childish, especially for an adult man." Y/N comments on her thoughts, not realizing it made her choke on her drink.
"Oh my god, Sam— are you okay?" She tries to offer her a glass of water though the Carpenter girl waves it off.
"No, no, it's just— you're right their motive seemed childish." A laugh follows, and it makes Y/N smile that she witnesses her being unguarded. She almost felt too lucky that Sam let herself be this vulnerable to her now.
"Thank you, for not turning me away and for always listening," Sam says after calming down.
And Sam meant it. It was nice to be heard and not hated for the first time. She felt safe knowing that she could trust a new person for once. She still has a long way from being able to trust again, but small process is still process.
"You're welcome. You deserve it." The woman says as she leans forward on the table and rested both elbows close to the edge, "If you need someone to talk about... this, I'm always open. No matter what it may be, I won't turn you away." Y/N continues with her signature smile this time.
After that, Sam went on with her shift while Y/N picked back up the papers she had scanned before the confrontation. It's a good thing she noted down her thoughts to remember where she left off and continued looking through some of the witness reports she had brought with her for their recent case. Sam would sometimes steal a few glances from her and offer a small smile whenever she gets caught. That was the moment she started growing more fond of their diner's regular. Each visit felt more special than the last and each offer of coffee breaks has made both of them closer. Whenever Sam wasn't on duty, Y/N would feel a little bored but Sam was able to text her and ask about her day. When there was someone who wanted to talk shit about her, Y/N wouldn't hesitate to spit back at them or push the person when someone throws their drink at her. The Carpenter girl appreciated the gestures and sometimes feels too bad that she gets to be splashed at, but the woman didn't mind. Tara got to meet her one day when she visited Sam to work and hanged out a little just to kill time. She was very skeptical of Y/N at first, but the way her sister eased up around her gave her the impression that she was trustworthy. Sam's trust is hard to earn after all.
The night was about to come, and Sam had just finished her shift when she happen to encounter the person that has been making her days ten times better than she ever expected. Y/N always wore a pantsuit to work, switching from 4 pairs. Today she was wearing the brown one that had a waistcoat and she was killing the style. Sam never gets tired of her presence or the way she always presents herself. She just looked ravishing in a pantsuit. Y/N had her coat neatly folded on her right arm that held folders while her messenger bag rested on her right shoulder. The smile that was so familiar to her greeted Sam Carpenter warmly that she couldn't help but blush,
"Good evening, Miss Carpenter. I'll be your chauffeur for tonight." Y/N announces with an accent. The attempt makes Sam laugh, "If that's your take on a British accent, you need to work more on it." She teased softly, shaking her head.
"C'mon, I'll walk you home." Sam hears her offer and gestured her occupied arm for her to take, which she happily does so.
"How chivalrous of you, Miss Y/L/N. Keep this up, and I might start falling for you." Half of it was a joke, but she was indeed falling for her, harder than Sam even realizes. If only she knew that Y/N had already fallen for her a while now.
She kept herself composed after Sam's teasing. Both of them chatted casually as they walk through the streets of New York. Y/N talked about her day at the office and how their copier was jamming down. It was annoying her and she had to kick it a few times before it worked again. Sam, on the other hand, shared about how a costumer had a screaming match with a date while eating and almost broke things in the diner. Dale was almost livid when the woman raised her plate and was about to throw it at the poor guy. Moments like these were nice for Sam. The life that was just mundane for once and not surrounded by the craziness of her past that still lingers. No screaming stranger threatening her, another flavored drink being thrown her way or a masked psycho trying to kill her, but a quiet night. Laughs were shared, jokes were thrown at each other, and flirts slipped here and there to make it seem like it was nothing. Even if the world around them was a little overwhelming, they were stuck in their own bubble cherishing each other's presence. Y/N was content and she had gathered enough courage until they reached Sam's apartment building. She collected her thoughts and watched her let go of her arm,
"This is me," Sam gestures to the building door, "Thank you for the walk, Y/N. It was... nice." She follows up with a light blush present on her cheeks. She hoped Y/N didn't notice them.
"Yeah, it was." Y/N smiles at her and scratched to back of her head.
"Look, I've been thinking, do you want to grab dinner sometime? You know— like a date. If you don't mind." The woman begins to avoid her brown eyes. Y/N was way too damn shy, and it made the brown girl giggle.
Sam then approaches her and almost closes the gap between them, leaving a peck on her cheek that it made Y/N jump. She turned so red it was almost like she was cherry. It was a first to witness her like this and it made Sam giggle even more as she didn't move away from her spot,
"I don't mind at all. I'm free by 6 pm tomorrow. No need to be fancy or grand, anything cheap would be fine by me." The Carpenter girl move close to her ear to whisper it to her.
Y/N then finally pulls herself together and gathers back the natural courage she had, trying to match Sam's, "6 pm, tomorrow it is then. I'll pick you up here, Carpenter."
She was the one to pull away and she puts back her signature smile before bidding her farewells to her.
"Good night, Sam. Sweet dreams." Y/N smoothly delivers and starts walking back to where they came from earlier.
Sam then watches her walk away and bites her lip. The view was indeed nice to watch. She then covers her face with both hands before giddily smiling at the ground, thinking about what had just happened. Sam thought it felt like high school all over again. That rush in her veins was quite familiar to her. It's been a while since she had it. All she has to do now is prepare for tomorrow and be sure it's perfect. Y/N, on the other hand, skipped through the streets like a little kid as she smiled widely. Few strangers looked at her funny, but everyone else focused to their own world. The papers she thought she'd be working on tonight would probably be forgotten now that the only thing on her mind is their date tomorrow.
Both women looked forward to it.
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
thank you for reading! fell free to leave a request :>
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itsanerdlife · 2 months
Wicked Intentions 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader // (Seriously close) Steve Rogers x Reader // Clint Barton x Reader // T’Challa x Reader.
Warning: Violence. Language. Bullying. Girl Fights. Name Calling. Degrading Comments. Angst. Degrade of Woman (to a point). Criminal Life. Illegal Shit. Fights. Alpha Males. Stalking.
Characters: Peter Stark. Howie Stark. Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Clint Barton. TC (T’Challa). Ben Reilly. Cledus Kasady (CK). Brock Rumlow. Gwen Stacy. Wanda Maximoff. Becca Barnes. Amore Lorelei. Kitty Pryde. Frank Castle. George Barnes. Joe Rogers. Winni Barnes. Pepper Stark. Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Warner Strucker. Barney Barton. Bobbi Morse. Pietro Maximoff. Logan.
A/N: This is a Bully Romance. High School setting. Mafia Family Life. Woman are on a lower level than males in their world. Just a heads up. This is the third installment of the series. Bad Intentions, Cruel Intentions, and Wicked Intentions.
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It’s the silence before the snap. It fills the car, the waiting, the held breathe, her reaction to come. Clint scratches the back of his head, the other hand on the wheel. Steve in the backseat with Y/N, who is stock still holding her phone in one hand.
She’s staring at the device; a range of things play on her face. Her jaw works, before pushing her lips together, deadly silent.
“She’s making that face, isn’t she?” Gwen winces on the line.
“Oh yeah.” Steve chuckles.
“Y/N, it’s not a big deal. It’s a rumor. Don’t lose your shit.” Gwen pleads.
Slowly her lips pucker together before she shoves her tongue up and between them.
“She said, what now?” Y/N isn’t asking, she’s demanding. It’s tell her the truth or she goes off halfcocked and not sorry. Not that she’s ever really sorry.
Her face and body are finally looking normal again, except for the few scars she was always going to have after the jumping she got. It’s been a few weeks since the Families stripped CK’s father from the table, burned his business down and threw him out of town. After he tried to have Y/N killed or assaulted. Trying to keep her from marrying Bucky and taking over her father’s position at the head of the table.
Ck’s life came to an end at Bucky’s hand. A fucked-up deal made in the heat of the moment. Of seeing his girl in the hospital, the marks that covered her from head to toe. One fight, between Bucky and CK, whoever won, came out still alive, got Y/N.
Bucky went home to his girl, while his father, Steve’s dad, and Y/N’s father and his right-hand Frank disposed of CK’s body. It was a night scarred into their lives, for a lot of them. The night changed everything, for a lot of them. It left behind ripples, one battle started another war, only this time it might not be for his girl, but his baby sister.
“She said, it’s probably a back alley baby.” Gwen mutters in almost a whisper.
“Because you’re a back alley whore?!” Y/N’s voice gets louder.
The rumor came back around like a bad penny. When the girls showed up at Saints, Y/N, Gwen and Wanda caused a stir. They never fell in line or learned to play nice with others. Specifically not Y/N, she went toe to toe with Amora and Kitty.
It went around that Gwen’s husband, Y/N’s older brother, Peter was pimping out his wife. Like a five dollar back alley pro. It brought The Brother’s to Saint’s and in turn, the Saintz and Brothers teaming up. As well as Y/N and his baby sister Becca, beating the hell out of Amora and Kitty.
“Peter said drop it.” Gwen sighs.
“Tell Peter I said bend over and get fucked.” She snaps back. She looks around as Clint turns on to the road of the school. Coming up on the football field. She grabs the handle and yanks, but it stays closed.
“Sorry Sweets, child locks.” Clint chuckles. Bucky grins, shaking his head.
“Pack Man.” She growls at him.
“Nope.” Clint grins in triumph.
Bucky glances back at his fiancé, she’s rolling the window down. He and Steve exchange a look of confusion. When his eyes cut back, Clint’s slamming on the brakes, she’s half out the window.
“Y/N!” Clint yells.
“Get back in here!” Buck scrambles to get over the seat, but she drops out as the Four Runner comes to an abrupt stop. Her phone on the seat.
“Did she just jump out the damn window!?” Her brothers are yelling on the other line.
“Fucking Chaos.” Steve’s laughing.
She’s already off the road, up the sidewalk and climbing the fence of the field. Bucky double takes when he watches the jet black ponytail bouncing after his girl.
“Did Becca,” he looks around.
“Fucking trouble I tell you.” Howie sighs.
The two drop over the fence in sync.
“Don’t just watch you idiots!” Gwen yells.
Clint throws it in park, Steve’s rolling his window down to open his own door, Buck hurries out.
Peter is out at a slower pace and more than likely on his wife’s orders.
It’s the other one running up on them that he’s glad to see. TC is hopping the fence, in pursuit of the woman he works for.
“Whose idea was it to tell her while we were driving?” TC asks.
“Did you really think she was going to jump out of the fucking car?” Clint asks.
“It’s Chaos.” TC snorts.
“Pain in the ass.” Buck sighs.
“Say it again!”
“She’s terrorizing the cheerleaders.” Steve smirks.
“Really?” Bucky sighs looking over.
“She had it coming.” Peter shrugs.
“School hasn’t started, and she’s beating someone up.” TC points out.
“I thought we had a rule no fighting at school?” Clint huffs.
The rest of them look over at him as if he might be the stupidest one of them all.
“I heard it as I said it.” He grumbles.
TC runs ahead, ready to grab Y/N.
She’s got Sophia, face down in the dirt of the field. Hand in her hair, Becca intimidating the other girls to stay away.
“I said say it again, bitch!” Y/N demands loudly. Sophia’s feet kick, hands clawing at the grass, as his girl shoves her face into the dirt by the grip on her now ruined ponytail.
“Okay, Chaos.” TC grabs her around the waist, hoisting her up and off the girl. “Let go.” He warns her.
“You psycho!” Sophia cries rolling over. It’s Becca who gives her a swift kick in the side.
“Nobody asked for your fucking lip bitch.” Becca sneers. Bucky grabs her arm, pulling her away from the girl.
“If we need it, someone will jiggle their zipper, cunt.” Y/N smirks still trapped in TC’s hold.
“It’s not even nine in the morning, Sugar.” Steve chuckles.
“Who needs coffee to wake up, making mouthy bitches cry is better for the soul, Big Man.” She shrugs, looking smug.
“Weird didn’t you tell Sina in front of half the school you start your mornings differently?” Clint chuckles.
“Thanks for the reminder.” Peter groans. Bucky chuckles softly more to himself.
Y/N is set on her feet a smug smile on her lips as she shrugs.
“Don’t even.” He warns her.
Deep brown eyes turn up at him, he knew her like the back of his hand. She huffs at him, rolling her eyes.
“Back to the car.” Peter orders.
Her head tips and she squints slightly, licking her lips. Foot swinging fast, she cracks Sophia in the knee, as she sits up. She lets out a scream, falling over holding her knee.
Peter’s head drops back. Clint’s head hangs. TC scraps his hands down his face. Steve let’s out a hell of a sigh. Becca looks smug as fuck. Bucky glares at her.
“Did you fuckers learn?” She asks, starting to walk away. She turns back, stepping backwards. “Fuck you and your orders.” A grin on her lips.
“And she wonders why there’s a war, for her.” Peter sighs.
“She doesn’t wonder. She knows.” Becca laughs, skipping after her partner in crime.
“Anyone else scared?” Clint whispers as they follow the two.
“Till we know for sure, scared is a good thing to be.” Bucky admits.
“You mean if they’re coming for either of my sisters?” Peter wonders.
“Yeah, Pete.” He nods.
“Do you think, it’s what a distraction?” Steve glances around.
“Could be. Eddie’s threat to claim Y/N, he never made a move. But we were tangled up in Brock and CK. We don’t know what he’s up too. He was making moves while we weren’t looking.” Peter explains.
“Coming for Becca, it’s Y/N. Look at all she’s done already. And that was someone coming for her. Someone comes for her sister; do we remember what happened when she gave herself up for Gwen?” Peter cuts his eyes between all of them. They each swallow hard and wince.
“It’s another war, boys. We better be ready.” Bucky nods.
Y/N and Becca hop the fence, looking back. She winks at him, before climbing back into Clint’s ride. With a few months till Graduation, hell was only going to keep raining down on them.
Everything Peaches 12/8/22 @mo320 @ml7010 @kmc1989 @irepeldirt @joannie95 @nunu2888 @coley0823 @rileyloves5 @sexyvixen7 @duckestylez @abschaffer2 @drayshadow @shirukitsune @xoxabs88xox @carostar2020 @rosalynshields @destiel-artemis @hookslove1592 @CallSign-Vesta @royal-sunflower @iwillbeinmynest @bellamy-barnes @geeksareunique @happydeanpotter @fanfic-n-tabulous @steel-blue-eyess @mariekoukie6661 @wonderswrittings @bless-my-demons @notyourtypicalrose @lets-talk-about-xyz @loving-life-my-way @shinycupcakebaker @also-fangirlinsweden @stupendous-science @daughterofthenight117 @dandelionsmarkthegrave @physically-a-cheesecake @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
Bucky 'Fuck Me Up' Barnes: @nickyl316h @jbbarnesgirl @lets-roggerthat @this-is-mycrisis @kaylaphantomhive
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mamaestapa · 1 year
could you do a dad joe blurb where him and reader have like three boys and find out their last baby is a girl ? love your work !
Fourth Times a Charm|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: You and Joe find out you're expecting a little girl after having three boys
• warnings: pregnancy, lots of fluff<3
“Grandma, where are mommy and daddy?” Seven year old Hudson asked Robin as he sat next to her on the couch.
“They’re bringing back a cake,” Robin told her grandson with a smile, “for you and your brothers, and grandma and grandpa.”
“But why?” Ben, the five year old sitting next to Hudson asked, curiously looking up at his grandma. She smiled and rubbed his back, “Well Benny, the cake is going to tell us if you’re having a little brother or a little sister.”
The boy gasped, his little blue eyes widening, “Baby brother is in the cake!?”
Robin and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh at their grandsons silly question.
“No Ben,” his older brother Jax said as he sat down on the couch next to his grandparents, “the baby isn’t in the cake.” Robin nodded, “The frosting will tell us if you’re having a brother or sister.”
“Pink for a baby sister.” Jimmy said.
“And blue for a baby brother.” Robin finished with a smile.
As the three Burrow boys talked with their grandparents about their hopes for the baby to be another boy, you and Joe walked into the house. Both of you wearing smiles on your faces as you saw your boys beaming with excitement on the couch with their grandparents.
“We’ve got the cake!” Joe yelled, holding the white frosted cake up in the air when everyone in the living room looked into the kitchen. “You ready to find out?” You asked with an eager tone. You and Joe were just as excited as everyone else was to find out if you were having another boy or your first (and only) girl.
The boys jumped off of the couch and ran into the kitchen, crowding around the counter as Joe set the cake down on the marble countertop. Robin and Jimmy followed behind their grandsons, just not nearly as quick as the they were. Joe’s parents pulled both you and Joe into warm embraces as they entered the kitchen. They were both so excited to find out the gender of their next grandchild.
You took the plastic lid off the cake as Joe grabbed a knife from from the holder to cut it. He walked back over to you and placed the knife on the counter. Joe wrapped an arm around your waist, letting his hand rest on the side of your 20 week baby bump.
“Okay, last minute guesses before we cut the cake.” Joe said, a smile pulling at his lips as the two of you looked at his parents and your sons.
“Boy!” All three of your sons said in unison, making you and Joe laugh.
“Robin and I both agree, it’s a girl.” Jimmy said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulder, pulling her into his side. She smiled warmly and brought a hand up to his chest, patting him gently.
“Y/n?” Joe asked, looking down at you. You put your hand on your bump, smiling as you said, “I think I have to agree with our boys on this one…I think it’s another boy.”
Joe’s mouth dropped open in shock at your guess. After the conversation you had in the car, he was sure you were going to say girl. You and Joe both agreed that you didn’t care what you were having, but you were both hoping your last baby would be a little girl.
“Well, I think it’s a girl.” he said as he rubbed your belly with his thumb.
You all counted down to three as you and Joe cut into the cake together. You held your breath in anticipation as you removed the knife from the cake and pulled out the piece you had cut. A layer of soft pink frosting was in between the two pieces of white cake. You gasped as the room broke out in cheers. Even your three boys, who were hoping for a brother, were beaming and cheering with excitement over the fact that their new sibling was going to be girl.
Joe engulfed you in arms, gently squeezing you as he swayed you back and forth. “We’re having a girl, Y/n. I get my baby girl…” He trailed off in awe as he held you against him. His blue eyes welled up with happy tears as he pulled away from you. You smiled up at him, your eyes shining with the same unshed tears. You laughed happily as Jax, Hudson, and Ben tan up to you and Joe. They gave you both hugs as the boys said hello to their little sister that was kicking away in your tummy. Joe’s grin widened as he watched his boys place their hands on your bump, laughing happily as they felt their baby sister kick their little hands. He was so thankful for this little family you and him created.
Joe loved his sons more than life itself, but he always dreamed of having a baby girl to spoil. It may have taken a try or two, or three, or four, but Joe was finally getting the daughter he always wanted. The two of you, and your three sons couldn’t be happier.
hi loves!!
this is the last joe blurb for now. i’m going to continue to write a couple more and see what else i can get out for you all, however this may be the last one for the night🥰
this idea was SO CUTE!! i loved it. thank you to all the anons that have sent blurb night requests. these wouldn’t be possible without your ideas!🤍
tags: @erinmartin1987 @klips118 @burrowstyles5 @caroline1019
396 notes · View notes
brunchable · 2 years
Thurber's Model — PT. 2 || William Thurber × F!Reader
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Word Count: 7.1K Genre: Romance, Secrecy, Sneaking Around, Off-Limits Reader, Overwhelming Attraction Warning: Explicit. 18+ Only. unprotected p+v sex. Parings: William Thurber x F!Reader Summary: It took you about a week to learn the pattern of your parent's movements during the night and when you finally did, you sneak out of your family Manor to meet William in his dormitory. A/N: This is for the precious @classicrebound, I know this took A WHILE but I hope you Ben Barnes fans enjoy.
Part 1
William had his eyes on you the whole time. He wasn't even listening to the compliments he was receiving for his artworks anymore. Was it bad that he wanted you even more now that he knew you were out of his league?
As discreetly as possible, you looked down at the piece of parchment in your hand. You groaned inwardly. On the paper clearly written was the name of William Thurber.
This could not be happening…….
William has made a reputation for himself, known for his family's bankruptcy. He earned a scholarship at Miskatonic with his extreme talent at portrait painting. Though your father admits that Will was born to be an artist, he specifically warned you to stay away from men like him, stating the idiom, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." You would have never guessed that he was below elite society when he wore such sophisticated suits and styled himself rather nicely.
William waited until your parents, Mr. Dixon and Joe were ahead of him and you before he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards the small hallway behind the grand staircase. It was dark and, most importantly, private.
“Get your hands off me!” you demanded.
“We need to talk,” he said through clenched teeth.
“We have nothing to talk about.”
“I beg to differ.” He forced himself to ignore you soft warm body pressed up against his.
You tried to push past him, but he wasn’t having that. He gently pushed you back against the wall.
“William, let me go! They’ll notice our absence.” you look up to his devilishly handsome features, "And I do not wish to speak with you. Y-you tricked me! You knew my father was Dr. Reid didn't you?!"
“No! I did not. He was the last person I'd thought about being your father—"
You cut him off, averting your eyes, afraid that you might end up kissing him instead, "This was just a mistake, one better off forgotten.”
A mistake? The most passionate night of his life was a mistake? Your first time and that’s what you thought?
That grated on him in the worst way. “Is that what you think? Is it because you now know who I am? The son of a ruined man—”
“No, of course not! I am not that shallow. But if my father finds out about this, he will have you expelled.”
"The only way he'll find out is if you tell him what we did, right now." His eyes raked all over your face, "Or if we get caught."
God, his scent is so hypnotising, what is this man made of? You thought to yourself. Clearly he already made the conclusion that you'll be meeting each other again. He wasn’t wrong. The thought of an escapade just like Romeo and Juliet sent thrills down your spine. You might as well live the life of your fantasies before you leave the country in a few weeks time.
“One week.”
William's brows became knitted together in confusion,“What do you mean?”
“Give me one week. I'm Thurber's model, aren't I?” You tilt your head, your hand cupping one side of his face, your thumb brushing his soft lips, "I have plans already in place. You gave me your address, I know where you live. Wait for me."
A small smile twitched on the corner of William's lips and leaned in for a kiss but you released his cheek and stepped back into the foyer after making sure that it was empty. “Until we meet again, William.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
One week later.
You looked over at the grandfather clock clock with much eagerness. You couldn't wait for the time to come when you could sneak out of the house. 09:59 was the time.
It took a long time to figure out your parent's routine, and even longer to suck up the courage to sneak out. You had to sneak out though. You yearned for the risk and for the thrill of rebelling against your parents.
Of course, that freedom would be short-lived. You could only stay outside until 2:00 in the morning at most. Before 2:30, your father always wakes up to get a drink of milk. Usually, he won't check in on you. It's when your mother gets up at 2:40 to put away your father's milk and clean his mess that you have to worry about. She always checks on John and you before she returns to bed.
You watched the clock intently, every tick and every tock of the hand. You lay in bed in your brother's clothing. The ones you sneakily stole from the backyard after the maids left it in the sun for it to dry. Underneath it all you wore your nightgown, so that when you come back, all you have to do is hide your brother's clothes in your wardrobe and jump back into bed.
Moonlight streamed through your clear, glass window that was opened, just a crack, and spilled onto the wooden floorboards below.
Almost there. You thought to yourself, almost there. Then, the clock's hand ticked to 10:00, in an instant, sat up in your bed, your gaze wildly darting from one corner to another throughout your entire room and carefully, quietly, turned, and slipped out from under your covers and off the side of your bed. Your bare feet were soft on the dusty floorboards, and you tip-toed over to the balcony doors. Your palms were sweaty, and your breathing came in hard and rapid gulps.
You inhaled a deep, long breath, and relaxed to the sweet scent of home. Before you started to ever so slowly open the squeaky doors to your balcony, you quickly turned back around. In your excitement to get away you had forgotten to wear a sweater and shoes. It was the middle of December out there, and you'd be stupid to not wear more clothing. After throwing on the sweater and wearing your brother's loafers—which you stuffed with a handkerchief since it's too big on you—you returned to your task of climbing down the balcony and through the lattice covered with vines.
You heard a shuffling sound in your parents' bedroom, but you dismissed it and decided it was the family dog, Otto. You landed softly in the snow then you turned and ran full blast out the gates. Freedom at last.
It was freezing outside, even more cold than you imagined it would be. The wind blew hard and seared through your sweater as though it was nothing. The snow added to the cold weather. As you ran through it, you got bits of snow inside your loafers where it would melt and freeze your toes.
You slowed your run to a steady jog and crossed your arms as you did so. You shivered and huffed and you were sure that your face was flushed and red. When you woke up in the morning you would probably have a cold but you didn't care. You needed to see William. Even for an hour and a half. Any amount of time would do.
As you walked the empty streets, you tucked your long hair underneath your brother's flat cap. You were disguising yourself as a bloke because there was no way on earth would they allow in a lady inside the men's dorm where William lived.
You arrived at the block of red bricked dorm, some of the windows still had their lights on as you observed from afar. You dug the piece of parchment to make sure you were at the right place. The laughter of a group of boys headed towards the dorm caught your attention.
By the luck of the Irish. You thought to yourself because William was one of them. You scurried your way across the road and discreetly joined the group as they entered their dorm. They were either too drunk to notice that there was one additional person with them or you just did not have presence. You stayed closely behind William's tall structure and followed him as they dispersed to go to their own rooms.
You lowered your cap and kept your gaze low as you followed Will up the wooden staircase. Both of you made it up to the second floor until William grabbed you by the arm and slammed you against the wall, "What business do you have sneaking in here boy?"
You tilt your head up and meet with his hardened eyes which softened as soon as he realised who you were, "(Y/N)?"
"Shh." You hushed him, pressing your slender finger over his lips. William scanned the area, making sure it was empty before he practically dragged you up one more level where his room was located on the third floor.
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. It's been over a week since he last saw you and thought that you were never going to show yourself again. William couldn’t stop thinking about you, there were nights where he couldn't sleep because he needed to know where you've been. He didn't expect you to dress yourself as a man and have the courage to go inside his dorm.
William shoved you into his room, scanning the hallways left to right once more for safety measures that no one saw both of you. He shut the door and locked it before turning around to find you, now with your hair down and slightly messed from being tucked from underneath the cap. God, you looked immaculate even in men’s clothing.
You expected him to have a messy room, it wasn't a surprise since you haven't met an artist who was neat and tidy. Your father certainly wasn’t, hence why your mother always cleans up after him.
"You have until one in the morning to stare at me, Thurber." You smiled softly at him. One that got his heart skipping a beat.
"Do you have any idea how much I looked forward to this day?" he asked, his lips kicking up into a sensual smile as he moved closer to you until there was barely an inch of space between you, "You probably kept me waiting on purpose." he said as he leaned down and brushed his lips tenderly against yours.
Your breath hitched, wanting to capture those lips. You leaned forward to kiss him but he retreated with a teasing smirk on his lips. Your stomach dropped as you watched him eagerly while he grabbed a sketchbook on his desk as well as a pencil case, "You can take the space on my bed."
“Like this?” You played innocent all the while staring at him innocently as you unbuttoned the dress shirt top to bottom painfully slow, revealing your sheer lace nightgown that was tucked under your slacks.
If you weren't too busy removing your top clothing, you would've noticed the clenching of William's jaw as well as the hard bobbing of his Adam's apple as you stood in front of him with nothing underneath that damned nightgown. His dark obs followed you as you sat on his bed, in a way where you flaunt your curves. You gathered your hair to one side, revealing your neck and collar bone to William before smiling sweetly at him.
Blood rushed throughout his body, particularly to the place where he didn’t want it to go because how was he supposed to focus when the shape of his shaft was squeezed up against his slacks, he was aware that you took note of that when your eyes flickered at the outline of his length behind the fabric.
"Are you comfortable like that? You can't move for a while, you know." William cleared his throat and shifted on his seat.
"I'm aware and I'm comfortable." You quickly replied.
Will jerked his head, "Alright."
He starts to sketch the outline of your body, eyes flicking back and forth trying his best to focus, but his cock wholeheartedly disagrees with the way it’s pulsing in his slacks. He can already feel the precum leaking into his briefs and William shifts uncomfortably at the thought that he's in this confined space with you getting harder by the second.
The movement must catch your attention because you look towards him and then down at my lap. “What’s wrong, William?” You asked as if fondling his name.
“Stop it. Don't talk.”
"But I want to talk, you don't want your model falling asleep now would you?" You tell him.
William pauses and notes that your thighs are pressed together, "You have a problem, (Y/N)?"
“Yes, you’re the problem.” A deep blush bloomed across your body, and William wanted to trace its path with his tongue, mark you with his teeth and touch. Proclaim to the world who you belonged to, who you should belong to.
A growl leaves his throat as he fights aside the thought of pouncing onto you on that bed, "Let's talk about something else."
"What do you want to talk about? Mister Thurber?" You blink innocently as you fondle his name one more.
“We cannot tell a soul about anything that happens tonight.”
“Never,” you whisper, “Whatever happens…stays between you and me.”
“Yes.” His eyes are wild with fire and you have a feeling that he'll be a different type of man with you tonight, “I think if you asked me, I would do just about anything you wanted at this point.”
“So…kiss me,” you command, tilting your chin upwards and staring into his eyes. “Press your lips to mine and kiss me like you mean it. Like I’m all that matters to you.”
“You are all that matters to me, (Y/N).”
“Prove it.”
"My art shall prove it for you. Now kindly stop trying to tempt, you little minx." William cracks a short teasing laugh as he holds his opened notebook in front of you like a shield. In minutes he got engrossed in his sketch work.
You elicit a shy smile and try to even out your breaths as Will sketches you—but suddenly a thought too tempting not to ask entered your train of thought.
"William?" You cooed sweetly, trying your best not to move a muscle.
"Hm?" His deep silky voice hummed.
"Do you always draw your models like this?" You asked in a heartbeat. The thought of him doing this to other ladies made your stomach turn and it wasn’t the nicest of ways.
The silence was loud when he didn't answer straight away. Only the friction between paper and pencil could be heard.
". . .No, just you." You notice Will licks his teeth as he grinned and you wish you could squeeze your eyes shut at this moment in attempts to calm yourself down. You feel like you're ready to combust, and William is making it worse.
Did he feel it, the electric current running between us? Or was it only in my imagination?
You observed him closely. You really liked his short black hair and the way that his dark brown eyes twinkled when he smiled. He was also handsome, you decided, not really knowing why that mattered, but it did.
William was trying to stay focused on the task at hand, but he can’t deny the desire he had to reach out and touch you. His eyes are scrolling slowly from your neck all the way down to your feet. Everywhere his eyes focus, and you can feel it. His gaze lingered on you for a second before he looked away as if he was searching for a hint as to what was going on in that beautiful head of yours.
William's eyes dipped to your breasts as his hands kept sketching away. You followed his gaze and noticed for the first time just how thin your nightgown was. Your nipples were so hard they showed clearly through the two layers of flimsy material. His molten gaze pinned you in place, erasing your earlier chill and leaving a deep, fiery ache in its wake. Your heart thudded so hard against your ribcage you half expected it to leap out of your chest and into his arms.
As the wind howled outside, the soft creaking of the wooden floorboards beneath your feet mingled with the sounds of both your breaths—yours shallow, William's deep and even.
“Are you holding up alright?” His voice was full of gravel, dark and rough.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak, but you managed a small nod.
The heaviness of the air caressed you like a bold lover’s touch, and you knew, deep in your gut, you stood on a dangerous precipice. The slightest movement from you, and you would fall. The question was whether you wanted to save yourself, or if the pleasure would be worth the eventual pain.
You glanced at the clock, it was just past midnight. William glanced at his wrist watch and put down his notebook and pencil, "Is it almost time already?"
"Yes, unfortunately, are you almost finished?"
"Far from finished, I want to get every detail." William rose from his seat and sat down on the space next to you. William's touch skimmed down your neck and over the curve of your shoulder. You shivered, your skin blossoming with a thousand more goosebumps.
Oh, God. Every ounce of oxygen disappeared from your lungs. The fact that the warm light of candles was the only thing that illuminated the room didn't help.
“You should go home, I'll walk you back.”
You shook your head. “Take me, William. I will leave in a few weeks. I don't know when I'll be back. Take me.” You whispered, "Make me yours."
You know you said you didn't want to be any man’s property, but William. . . You just knew he wouldn't treat you that way. He would treat you as an equal.
William groaned, and with that one sound, you knew he’d made his choice. Breathe. Even when there was no oxygen, no air, nothing but him. Breathe.
He dipped his head, but instead of kissing your mouth, he kissed the hollow of your throat. It was so soft it was more a whisper of breath than a kiss, but it was enough to make your knees weaken.
You were a lightning rod, and William was the strike that lit you up from the inside out. You closed your eyes and stifled a moan as he dragged his mouth up your neck, inch by inch. Just as the lazy possessiveness of his touch lulled you into a semi-stupor, he yanked you toward him with one hand and sank his teeth into the curve between your neck and shoulder. Hard. Almost as hard as the thick arousal pressing against your stomach and causing your core to throb with need. William's other hand clamped over your mouth, muffling your surprised yelp.
“Tell me.” His voice lowered. “What would your father think about this?”
He remained still, his muscles coiled with tension. He couldn’t claim you the way he wanted outside these walls, but right here, right now, when it was just the two of you? He was going to take you until you were both utterly ruined.
“He'll be everything but happy—but I don’t care. I want to be selfish for once. I want to be with you.”
“You want to be with me even though you're not supposed to?” William hissed out a breath and released your throat, only to curl his hand around the back of your neck. He yanked you to him again, crushing your mouth to his, and your world imploded. Tongues, teeth, hands.
You devoured each other like the world would end and this was our last chance to feel something. Perhaps it was. But you wouldn’t think about that now, not when your bodies pressed so tight against each other you might as well be one, and you were falling, falling into an abyss you never wanted to get out of.
Your sister was right. You could tell everything from a kiss.
You tugged on William's hair, desperate for more. More of his touch, his taste, his scent. You wanted to fill every inch of your soul with this man. He drew your bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. You gasped, so aroused you could feel your wetness slicking your thighs.
He leaves a wet open-mouthed kiss just at the base of your collarbone before lowering his mouth ever so slightly. His tongue darts out to taste your skin and he traces your bare skin delicately as you mewl beneath him.
“Quiet,” he rasped. “Or someone will hear.”
He swept his palm up your inner thigh to your core and let out a low groan when he discovered how wet you were. The room wasn’t that big, but the anticipation made it seem endless. You glimpsed yourself in the full-length mirror mounted on the wall, and your skin burned at the sight: He fisted your hair with one hand and used the other to unbuckle his pants. His cock sprung out, thick and hard, the swollen head dripping with pre-cum.
God, I needed to taste him. No one had ever turned you on as much as he did. Every word, every touch, every glance. You wanted it all. You scooted out of the bed and knelt in front of him. You stared at him with pleading eyes. William hadn’t finished nodding before you took him in my mouth, savouring his groans and the way he pulled your hair as you eagerly licked and sucked.
“Where did you learn how to do that?” he grunted, pushing his cock deeper until it hit the back of your throat. You spluttered, your eyes watering from the sheer size of him.
You moaned out an unintelligible response. Your hand drifted between your legs, but you didn’t make contact before he yanked you up and captured your mouth in a hard, starving kiss. He has waited for this moment. You could taste it on his tongue, feel it in the roughness of his hands as he squeezed your ass and helped you move until you were straddling his lap.
When he was younger he hadn't cared and never bothered trying, going from one woman to the next had made little difference to him. Over the years, things changed, he'd changed and he wanted more in his life, but no matter what he did nothing changed. He'd dated some wonderful women that would make any other man drop to his knees and thank god that he was alive, but not him.
He hadn't been able to return their feelings and it just about killed him when he couldn't force himself to love them. He could easily think of five of his past lovers that would have probably given him a good life as they grew old together, but he hadn't felt anything for them. Hell, he couldn't even get it up for them without thinking about the woman currently running her fingers through his hair as you urged him to continue with soft little moans that had his cock jerking in appreciation.
This was the woman that his body craved day and night and it would accept no substitutes. It was something that he'd have to worry about, but later. Right now he was going to enjoy the freedom to touch you. Whatever happened later he'd deal with it. Right now, nothing else mattered but you, the woman moaning his name.
"Stop," you said, panting hard as you tried to catch your breath.
Stopping was the last thing that he wanted to do, but he did. He wasn't an asshole and would never force a woman to do anything that she didn't want. It was a struggle, but he somehow managed to pull away from you.
As soon as he made a move and made sure that you were okay, he found himself shoved down onto his back. By the time the movement registered in his mind, you were already climbing over him and gripping his cock by the base as your pert little ass wiggled above his face. He didn't waste any time in raising his face to continue lapping at your slit as his arms wrapped around your body, holding you still.
"So much better," you said in a throaty whisper as you stroked his cock curiously. When you ran your tongue from the head to the base, his hips jerked up in response and when you wrapped your lips around the tip and lightly suckled, he swore that he saw God.
As his head hit the bed he brought you down with him, too greedy for you to allow even a second of separation. Your hard nipples brushed against his stomach, back and forth as you moved your mouth over his cock, taking it as far as your naturally talented mouth would allow while you rode his tongue.
He gripped your ass, restraining some of your movements so that he could slide his tongue in and out of your core to mimic what you were doing to his cock. He ran his tongue slowly between your slit, loving the moan you released around his cock. What you were doing to him felt fucking fantastic, but what he was doing to you was life altering. As you both took your time licking, suckling and nibbling, the only sounds that could be heard in his room were moans, groans and whispered pleads never to stop.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
A loud cry escaped your lips as you struggled to continue giving him pleasure, but you couldn't. You just couldn't take it any longer.
With another strangled cry, you released him from your mouth and was forced to rest your head on his hip less than an inch from the large erection that you'd been worshipping only seconds earlier. Your body tightened as your back bowed, seconds away from what you already knew would be a powerful orgasm.
You bit your lip as you pleaded with your body to hurry before he stopped. He hadn't yet, but in a few seconds he would realise that you'd stopped pleasuring him and he would demand that you continue. Men could be selfish jerks, you thought as you licked your lips hungrily.
Just when you thought that he was finally going to stop, he didn't. Oh no, not even close. His arms tightened around you, holding you securely against him as he devoured you and there really was no other way to describe what the man was doing to you. It felt good, so good……too good.
You tried to pull away, but the damn man refused to give you an inch. Your good hand clenched into a fist, gripping the soft comforter in a death grip as a muffled scream of pleasure like nothing you'd ever heard before ripped from your throat, taking your breath away. The surge of pleasure that rocked your body left you boneless and barely able to softly cry "Stop" as William continued, making your body prepare for another orgasm that would no doubt kill you.
"Shhh, it's okay," William said soothingly as he pulled away and gently rolled you off and onto your back where you lay panting as your overstimulated mind tried to figure out what just happened.
He gently brushed your hair out of your face as he pressed a tender kiss against your lips all while the proof that the man hadn't found any relief pressed against your hip.
"You okay?" he asked, giving you another one of those tender kisses that you were really starting to like.
"Mmmmhmmm," you sighed happily as you found yourself leaning in and kissing him. Right now, you couldn't think past how good he made you feel, how much you wanted him, needed him and suddenly nothing else mattered but you and him.
William growled in approval as he returned your kisses and his cock brushed against your sensitive skin. You reached between you as both of you took your time kissing and when you found what you were looking for, you didn't hesitate in running your hand over it. You couldn't imagine enjoying the way a man felt in your hands like this before. The hot, silky skin that covered the large erection felt incredible and you realised as you took your time running your hand over him that you weren't in a rush to finish this.
You were finding your aching all over for him. It shouldn't be possible, especially not after the incredible orgasms that he'd just given you, but you couldn't help it. The sexy little growls he made every time your hand skimmed over the large head had you shifting your legs as you tried to ignore the need growing inside of you until you couldn't ignore it any longer.
You were both breathing hard, the kiss becoming more aggressive as William reached between you and cupped you between your legs, careful not to get in the way of what you were doing for him. You tried to be good, tried to stay still, but when he ran one long, thick finger between your folds you were lost. You shifted your legs, desperate to give him more access. He growled approvingly as he slid his finger inside of you, matching the way you were moving your hand over him.
Unable to wait another minute, you released him and hooked your leg over his hip. With a gentle nudge, you had him turning over onto his back. He removed his hand from between your legs so that he could wrap his arms around you and take you with him, which was more than fine with you. Better than fine actually.
You shifted back, rolling your hips with the movement. When you slid over his erection you both groaned long and loud and when you moved to do it again, the tip of his erection came to rest at your core.
"Are you sure?" William asked, against your mouth.
"Yes," you said in a harsh whisper as you pushed back, taking the tip inside of you. His loud groan encouraged you to take more, but the problem was that he was a bit bigger from what you remember, but you didn't allow that to discourage you. You wanted this man and you were going to make damn sure that you had him.
A startled gasp escaped your lips as William suddenly thrust, filling you halfway. In the next second you found yourself on your back and William pulling out only to thrust back in, filling you all the way. As you lay there, digging your nails into his back as he stretched you a little too much, you were torn between screaming in frustration and screaming at him to move. You rolled him back over until you found yourself splayed on top of him.
"It's all yours, princess, but you gotta move before I lose my fucking mind," he groaned softly against your lips as his hands moved up to cup your face while he kissed you.
It took you a few seconds to realise what he'd said and done and when you did, you couldn't help but release a satisfied moan as you tentatively rolled your hips. His answering groan was all the encouragement that you needed to continue. You might not be experienced in this position, but you were more than willing to keep doing it until you got it right, you decided with a throaty groan as William slid one hand between them and cupped your breast as the other one moved down your back and palmed your ass as you rode him.
"Don't stop, (Y/N)," he said on a groan as he moved his mouth to your neck just as you registered his hand leaving your bottom and moving up your body to palm your other breast.
"Or what?" You asked breathlessly as you picked up the pace, taking him deeper and harder each time.
"I'll make you forget how to walk and we both know you like your walks." he promised tightly as he moved his mouth back to yours, kissing you and sending you over the edge.
You felt him grow inside of you and if Will hadn't suddenly released your breasts to cup your face and keep your mouth right where it was, you probably would have screamed in pleasure, well, screamed louder. He felt so good, sliding in and out of you as the large velvety head rubbed against you in just the right way.
You tried to make it last longer, but the second that you heard your name leave his lips in a strangled growl, you lost it. A violent orgasm tore through you, leaving you breathless and unable to so much as move as pleasure assaulted your body. You never broke away from William's mouth, somehow knowing that it wouldn't be as good without this connection. Everything about this moment felt perfect, felt right. You couldn't explain it, didn't want to look too deeply into it and wreck this moment.
Long after your bodies were sated, you lay on top of him, kissing him leisurely as you enjoyed the way that he held you. For several minutes you allowed him to hold you, comfort you and make you feel wanted, loved and cherished, but all too soon you realised that you didn't have an excuse to remain in his arms.
"Oh dear, look at the time. I must go." You hopped out of William's arms and hastily plucked your brother's stolen clothes from the floor and began wearing them.
"Allow me to walk you home." William sat up from his bed dressed himself as well.
"Oh no, no need, dearest William. I can walk myself home." You tucked your already buttoned up dress shirt in your pants—until William took you by the chin and tilted your head up.
"I must. If anything happens to you, I won't be able to forgive myself."
You felt your cheeks heat up, "You're too sweet." You placed your palm over his cheek, "This isn't a scheme to figure out where I live now, is it?" You teased him.
"You have me all figured out."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
William accompanied you all the way to your father's mansion. Though you were dressed as a man, one could never be complacent. Sometimes a drunkard walks the street and picks on innocent passersby for a fight.
“What are your plans later on in the morning?” William asks.
You cleared your throat before you answered. “I thought I’d go for a walk in the park if it’s a beautiful day.”
“Wouldn't it be far too cold for a walk?” he asks.
"Yes but as long as there isn't a breeze that would take me away, you can get used to the temperature." You shrugged, "I also like to watch kids have a snowball fight, it reminds me of my childhood."
"I wish I could join you, during your walks."
"Well? Why don't you? Father introduced us to each other and we could say we get along well. . .maybe too well." You laughed sheepishly and looked away from William.
There she is again with that charming laugh. How does one stay away from her when her whole being just pulls you in? William thought to himself all the while laughing along with you.
The way William looked at you at the night of the exhibit didn't go unnoticed by Dr. Reid. In fact, after the little private conversation between you and William, Dr. Reid had a word with him.
"I saw the way you were looking at my daughter." Dr. Reid said discreetly as he stood next to William, "She is quite the beauty wouldn't you agree?"
William thought of his answer very carefully, "Yes, Sir, I agree."
"She was looking at you the same exact way—I've never seen her look at a man like the way she had her eyes on you tonight." Dr. Reid swirled his wine around before sipping it, "I want you to stay away from her and we won't have a problem."
"I'm sorry?"
Dr. Reid pivoted to face William this time, "You're a talented artist, Thurber. You should focus on that. Unless you have anything good to offer my family, don't even think about lining up to pursue my daughter."
"—Don’t you think? Will? William?" You nudged him out of his trance as both of you stopped right in front of the side of the mansion where the balcony of your room was.
"Hm?" He snapped out of it.
"Where did you go just now?" You chuckled and nodded towards the sky, "Help me up?"
"Just got lost in thought."
"Am I a bore to talk to now?" You teased, nudging him on his side with your elbow.
William gave you the sharpest worried gaze, “No! Of course not.”
“Oh William~ I was just teasing you.” You laughed, “Well? Are you going to help me up the balcony?”
William bent his knees and held his hands together for you to use as a boost to get onto your balcony. You hauled yourself up, trying to be as quiet as possible. You turned around and gazed down at William, who was admiring your beauty from below.
“Would you like to come up?” You asked.
William blinked, did he hear that correctly? “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh come on, Mister Thurber, don’t make me ask you twice.”
William nervously looked around, even though no one but you was around, he felt as though he was being watched.
“You’re killing me, princess.” He muttered and reached up at the ledge with his long arms. Unlike you, he climbed up that balcony effortlessly. Before you could even take another breath he was already in front of you. Yours was a story destined for a tragic ending, but when you were already on a train headed off the cliff, all you could do was hold on tight and make every second count.
William drank you in, not missing a single detail. The wisps of hair curling around your face, the nervous anticipation in your eyes, the way your chest rose and fell in time with his own uneven breaths. Part of him wanted to march over, rip off your clothes, and fuck you right then and there. Another part of him wanted to savour the moment—the last wild, beating seconds before both of you destroyed whatever was left of your boundaries. He was a rule follower by nature. It was how he’d survived most of his life. But for you, he would break every rule in the book.
“So.” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, your hand trembling. “Now that we’re here, what do you have planned, Mr. thurber?” He smiled, slow and enchanting, and a small, visible shiver rippled through your body.
William grabbed the back of your neck, pulled you close, and crushed his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your body warm and pliant against his as he plundered your mouth. To him, you tasted like mint and strawberries, and he wanted more. Needed more. His heart was a loud drum in his chest, beating in time with the throbbing in his cock. All of his senses sharpened to near-painful clarity—the taste of you on his tongue, the feel of your skin beneath his hands, the smell of your perfume and the sounds of your little whimpers as you clung to him like you were drowning and William was your last lifeline.
You backed up in your room, pulling William in with you without ever parting your lips, until you landed on your mattress with him on top of you. He rubbed his thumb over your clothed nipples, and you fought back a moan as you arched into his hand— The floor creaked behind your bedroom door. You and William froze in unison, your breathing harsh. You’d gotten so wrapped up in what both of you were doing you’d forgotten all about the people sleeping just a few feet away. You both heard another creak, followed by the shuffle of someone getting out of bed. Your father, if the direction of the sound was any indication. William cursed under his breath and pulled his hand away. It was the smart thing to do, but you still wanted to weep at the loss of contact.
“I guess that’s my cue to head home.” William whispered against your lips. He gently pushed himself aside while he straightened his shirt.
“It’s very late and it’s cold outside,” You scooted closer and rested your chin on his shoulder, “Stay.”
William turned his head towards yours, “You want me to stay?”
You nodded, “We don’t have to do anything but sleep. I have to admit, I feel good being in your arms.”
William chuckled to himself, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse, “I’m starting to think you’ve put me under your spell.” William slipped out of his shoes and jacket before gathering you carefully into his arms, tucking your head into his shoulder and aligning your frozen limbs with his. You felt stiff enough to shatter due to the absence of his warmth, but bit by bit, your muscles began to relax until you lay pliant against him. Pliant and sleeping. It didn’t take very long. Maybe fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes for you to regain yourself. Fifteen minutes for him to lose himself.
At the crack of dawn, your skin buzzed with the warmth of waking up from a deep sleep. You looked up to the same ceiling but this time, William’s dark eyes blocked your view. They were constant yet unfamiliar. Your head eases back when you feel his fingers in your hair, playing thoughtfully with the strands.
“You’re awake.” You said, barely keeping yourself awake.
“So are you, you should go back to sleep.” William whispered and leaned down, leaving a kiss on your forehead. You hummed in return.
William sat still on the side of your bed to make sure you were back into deep sleep before he got up to leave. The sun was peeking slightly in the horizon when William walked out of the balcony, the freezing temperature nipping his skin. Slowly, William climbed down the same way he used to get up to your balcony. He landed on both his feet on the grass with a soft thud.
“Mister Thurber?” Dr. Reid blurted out confused as to what the lad was doing in front of his house. Dr. Reid stood in front of his house, looking well-decent, while William looked, well, like he just woke up, half of his shirt untucked and his hair slightly dishevelled.
“D-Did you just jump down from my daughter’s balcony?!”
Tag List: @intothesoul @ladywhistledownx @ellooo0ooo @mikeikax @fangirlingsimp @misshall14 @iamgettingalife
306 notes · View notes
upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
First glance
Summary: One look is all it takes.
Pairing: Maya Bishop x female!reader
Warnings: medical things that I know nothing about, also firefighter things I don’t know anything about
Word count: 937
a/n: first Maya fic!! please be aware that I am the biggest Marina fan
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“Male, 35, GSW on his abdomen, unconscious at the scene but woke up in the ambulance.” Ben shouts outs as he and two doctors wheel the gurney inside the hospital.
“What happened?” Y/N asks, staying outside, though ready to go in if extra hands were needed.
“Attempted break in, homeowner shot him.” Andy explains, pushing the ambulance doors shut.
Humming, Y/N glances towards the road. “Is there anyone else coming in?” Andy shakes her head with a slight smile. “Boring.” She cringes instantly after the word leaves her mouth. “I hear what I said.”
Andy laughing pulls Maya’s attention away from the wheel. She opens the door and turns her head towards them, her eyes widening the moment she notices Y/N.
“Quiet day, huh, Doctor Y/L/N? Want me to bump my head into something so you get something to do?”
“Please, Andy, I’m so bored.” She groans, looking at the lieutenant with desperation in her eyes. “I need brains to poke.”
Shaking her head, Andy smiles. As she opens her mouth to answer, Ben walks out of the hospital. “Lets go Herrera and Warren.” Maya shouts out, closing the driver’s seat door.
“Sorry Y/N, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Yep! I’ll be at Joe’s today if you want to join me.” Y/N smiles and starts backing away from the aid car. “Warren! The lack of date nights you and Bailey have is starting to affect the rest of us. Fix it.” She half playfully commands with a slight smirk and one of her brows raised.
“Copy that Y/L/N.” Ben chuckles before climbing to the back of the car.
“Who was that you were talking to?” Maya asks, her eyes locked on to the road to seem as nonchalant as possible.
“Dr Y/N Y/L/N, a neurosurgeon, also a friend of mine.”
Andy looks at the side of Maya’s face with furrowed brows. “Why?” The blonde shrugs, making Andy gasp. “You’re interested in her!”
“No, I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t need to. If you want to, I can totally set you two up. She’s single.” She wiggles her brows with a giddy smile, always happy to play matchmaker to her two closest friends. “Ooh this is so exciting!” Clapping her hands together, Andy celebrates the revelation and takes her phone out to start texting.
“Andy, no. Do not set me up with her, you hear me?”
With a grin, Andy turns to look at Maya. “She’ll be at Joe’s this evening if you want to accidentally bump into her there.”
“I won’t.”
“Okay.” Andy grins.
“You’re interested in Doctor Y/L/N?” Ben pipes up from the back, having heard the entire conversation.
Maya lets out a short breath. “I am not interested in anyone, I don’t have time for that.”
“You had time for Jack.” Andy mumbles, which makes Ben let out a quiet oooh sound.
“Okay, first of all, that wasn’t a thing. We had fun for a short time, I didn’t get engaged to him.”
“Okay, now.” Andy points a finger towards a slightly grinning Maya. “That was uncalled for. That- I was a different person back then.” There wasn’t any tension between them, they were able to tease each other about these things now. “Just go see her, I think you two would like each other.”
Maya groans, pacing in front of Joe’s door. She isn’t sure if she should go in, and the fight inside her head isn’t helping her at all. She wasn’t going to go there, but she happened to walk past the bar and started wondering what would happen if she does go.
Pulling her shoulders back to straighten her back, Maya grips the handle and opens the door, stepping inside.
As she walks to the bar top, her eyes wonder around the room, looking for the one she is there for. She notices Y/N sitting at a small table near the dart board.
Clearing her throat, Maya orders a drink and walks over to her. “Hey, you’re Doctor Y/L/N, right? Andy’s friend.”
“Hi!” A bright smile appears to her face as she turns to look at Maya. “I am, and you’re Captain Bishop. Wanna sit down?”
Maya nods with a grin before sitting down opposite of her. ”Andy speaks very highly of you. How long have you known each other?”
“Does she now?” Y/N giggles. “I met her when I was in med school, so, for a long time. Now tell me, in what context have you two been talking about me?”
With a chuckle, Maya tilts her head. “In good context.”
“Ooh, that’s not gonna be enough.”
“Maybe I’ll keep it to myself for now, I don’t want you walking away just yet.”
“Using my nosiness against me, I like it.” She smirks, taking a sip of her drink. “Is this one of your captain moves?”
Maya shrugs. “I could show you my captain moves, if you’d like to come home with me.” She leans her elbows to the table so she could be closer to Y/N. There’s a constant sly smile on her face as she stares at Y/N, studying her expression.
“Well, I can’t say no to Captain Maya Bishop, can I? However, I don’t do things once and then run away.”
“I’ll take you to dinner.”
“Lovely.” Y/N smiles and lets the rest of her drink slide down her throat before standing up. “Lets go then.” She gives her hand for Maya to grab, which she does as she leads them out of the bar.
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mrsjavierp · 8 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 8 - Fill the Void
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 4k
A/N: Thanks for your feedback, hope you enjoy this chapter! Hope to hear from you all soon! I'm also working on two stories (one shots) to our beloved Joel Miller and our corny cowboy Agent Whiskey
Tag: @creedslove | @pedrostories | @mjoee13 | @immyowndefender | @iamsherlocked-1998 | @pedroswife69 |
Narrator’s POV:
Arriving at the CNP headquarters, Steve, Javier and you get there almost at the same time.
The tension between you and Javier was noticeable. Steve knew better than asking either of you: he wanted to live to see his girls again… And to catch Escobar.
When you locked the door in your office, the tears started appearing. 
You lied to Javier about not remembering breakfast: you hoped he lied about it too. You actually couldn't recall talking about Ben.
Fuck, was a name you didn't think in a very long time… 
Especially after meeting Javi.  
Is Javi that full of himself to say that to me? What did he mean by that? What did I tell him? And most important: what he really knew about Ben? - You thought.
On the other side of the door, Javier’s mind was racing, trying not to act by impulse. But he decided to call a friend in NYC, who could tell him all he wanted about your history with your ex. He needed to understand why you were so worked up, why that bothered so badly.
However, he didn’t want Steve to suspect anything. Luckly, they got a tip about La Quica again, that he was buying a toilet... The same one that was on La Catedral and heading to the hills on San Isidro road.
When Steve went to speak to Jacoby, to fly Centra Spike over that location, Peña took the shot and called Joe:
“Hey, Joe!” - he greeted him.
“Took you long enough, Javi, you bastard!”
“Well, I tried to avoid long distance calls, you know I hate them.”
“Oh, so the rumors are true, you left your wife in Texas?”
“I did... Better for her and little Lucas, you know…” - he was looking over his shoulder, but no one seemed to be paying attention to him.
“So, how is Y/LN on the colombian field?”
“So far so good, man. She's a good cop…”
“She was one of the best here… But I’m betting my chips that it is not about her resume you called, you want the dirty, am I right?”
Javier laughed. 
“You fucking bastard, I knew it!”
“So, what you’ve got about her and her ex?” - Peña asked.
“Peña, that was a huge mess… He was already working here for a while and, months later, she arrived from the NYPD through the front door and found by herself a lead to a prostitution scheme… It was so big that it was a closed door OP, top secret stuff, it was only her, me, our boss and another couple of guys. The operation involved high-class prostitutes, working for high profile narcos. Ben heard the rumors about the OP and tried to sweet talk her to join it… But you know how she is with her work… Things do not mix at all.”
“Oh, I know…” - Javi sighed.
“Yep, so you know the deal... At first, it was just an evil comment here and there. I don’t know if she heard it, she trusted him, she was going to marry him. We were working our asses off, long and crazy hours. He took advantage and lied to her. He got sloppy and the rumors continued to grow... But I still don't know what she knew. Anyway, his luck didn’t last long: we were about to bust a brothel on the night that the narcos were there. Guess who was in one of those filthy beds?”
“No way…” - Javier closed his eyes, incapable of believing it.
“Yep. She found out on the job. Didn't help when she also discovered that he was trying to trade inside info with criminals.”
“Fuck, he was a dirty cop?”
“Yep. Luckily, she was too up-tight with all of her work. Not only was she as clean as a whistle, she got promoted to Colombia.”
“I can't believe it. Fuck...”
“Like a motherfucking movie, am I right?”
“Thanks for telling me. I can understand her behavior now…”
“She's one of the best cops I've ever got to work, Peña. She didn't deserve that.”
“I believe you. Well, thanks, man. Call if you need anything.”
Peña hung up the phone, if he was a mess before, now he was a wreck. The same questions were going through his mind again: How is he going to keep Lorraine away? How will he manage his boy's custody? How is he divorcing her and keep you in the dark, until the process is over?
A couple hours later, the tip to Centra Spike  worked: a conversation between another sicario, Velasco, and his lover is recorded.
You, Steve, Javier, Centra Spike, Mili Group and CIA reunited to see area’s maps:
"Well, we can discard the smaller ones... Not Escobar's style." - Steve pointed out.
"Which one of these has at least 2 roads of access?" - you ask.
"This one, Y/LN." - Jones, from the CIA, responded.
"This is your winner, niños." - you draw a circle, indicating it.
"Y/LN, what about Pinzón? We're gonna need men, equipment, cars..." - Javier commented.
"Leave Pinzón to me, Peña." - you responded.
You went back to his office, but he refused.
"¡Cabrón!" - you thought.
You went back to yours, but in the way, Steve talked to you:
"Jefe, any luck?"
"Not yet... But let me handle it. He doesn't know who he's dealing with." - the boys looked at each other, curious.
You called Crosby, Crosby called Gaviria and… Let's wrap it up: about 15 minutes later, you all were preparing to bust Escobar.
All the efforts for nothing, unfortunately: Escobar escaped through your fingers, again.
Escobar, however, made a career fooling and killing police officers, what he thought was going to a truce about to happen turned into a fuse to another battle, which made him even more dangerous.
Days later, you all were right as the skies were blue: another attack came. 
Escobar's sicarios killed a bunch of Pinzón's men all around Medellín… 
Pinzón chose to resign - it was the last drop to his sanity. He wanted personal peace more than to defend his country… How would someone judge him? 
Escobar killed more than four hundred cops a year - although it was a risk, it had no garanties on being alive and no one could fulfill any expectations to actually get it done.
Days passed by and President Gaviria decided to bring Coronel Carrillo back from Spain, as soon as he could.
The first thing Carrillo did was talk to you, since Peña and Steve weren't alone anymore:
“So, Y/LN… You're the boss now. I hope that we can work together at the same pace.” - Carrillo smiled at you.
“Well, I can't say anything about style, but we sure make a hell of a team. I'm saying the same thing as I said to Peña and Murphy: I'm also a field agent… Don't let the high hills fool you.”
He smirked.
“Vamos, Y/LN. I've got to say hi to an old friend…”
Carrillo decided to put up a show: tell in grand style about who's back in town. The actual goal was putting Escobar's partners on the map, by transmission. So Carrillo would stick his nose out and so would Escobar.
He lets you, Javier and Steve mapping Escobar's spies.
About a couple hours later, he came back and you and your inside team did the best you all could to track them all.
“We captured six radio transmissions.” - Jacoby informed. - “But we haven't pinpointed the exact location.” 
“So our best bet is to corner each of these buildings. This time, we hit the ground.” - you said.
Carrillo ordered his soldier, Trujillo, to send 6 unmarked cars with 4 men each, to observe the buildings, with 20 minute-intervals to avoid attention.
After that, he called Peña to join him.
“Be careful out there.” - you warn them.
Minutes later, when you and Steve are alone, you ask:
“Steve, is he always like that? Taking Peña up and down?”
“Sometimes, Jefe… He probably just wants an update to what happened from someone he trusts… He doesn't know you yet, it's his way.“ - Steve told me.
You'd show Carrillo who you really were: a woman younger than all three (Steve, Peña and himself) whose balls were bigger. 
Peña, Trujillo, Carrillo and other officers captured 6 of the boys who were working for Escobar. 
They took them to a hidden alley, on Bairro Escobar.
They are on their knees, scared. Well, 5 of them, at least.
“Do you know who I am?” - Carrillo started. - “My name is Coronel Horacio Carrillo. Last week, 30 police officers were murdered.”
“Those pigs probably deserved it.” - one of them said.
“Shut up, kid.” - Javier murmured.
“Many of them were my friends. A person perched on rooftops guiding murders with radios are assassins themselves… I hope after this encounter you'll reconsider working with someone who thinks he's above the law.”
Although Javier knew Carrillo was right, something felt off. Wrong.
At the same time, Carrillo cocked his pistol.
“What?” - another boy provoked. He was no more than fifteen, brown skin. - “Am I supposed to shit my pants in fear?”
Javier's stomach ached badly. It's been a while since he was afraid of something.
“No.” - Carrillo responded, shaking his head. He pointed the gun and shot, with no hesitation.
His body just fell on the floor, like it was nothing.
“Am I making myself clear? I want you to tell your friends that this is what happens when you work for Pablo Escobar!” - he shouted.
Carrillo analyzed the boys and chose one: the youngest, probably no more than 7 years old. The boy was crying, in silence.
He bent down, looked deeply in his eyes and handed him a bullet.
“Take it.” - the little boy obeyed. - “Tell them this is for Pablo.”
Carrillo stood up again, as if nothing happened.
“Remember what you saw… And know what will happen to you if I see you on a rooftop. You can leave. Now!” 
The five boys ran as if their lives depended on it.
Javier couldn't move. He felt like throwing up. He looked at Carrillo, as if he asked something. 
Carrillo’s expression was cold and distant.
They all drove back to CNP in silence.
When they arrived back, Steve met Javi on his way out.
“Javi, where are the fucking spotters?” - Steve asked, anxious.
“Carrillo went a different way… He, uh… He cut them loose.” - Javier responded, screeching his head, tense. How the hell is he going to tell what happened?
“Oh, we're letting people go, now? I bet Y/LN will be pissed AF…”
Javi rolled his eyes and, lighting up a cigarette, said:
“Yeah, Murphy, we're letting people go.”
“And what does that mean?”
“Don’t worry about it, man.” - Javier opened the door of his truck. He needed to leave as fast as he could. He needed a hug. He needed to feel human again.
“Hey, fucking talk to me!” - Steve demanded, interrupting the friend.
“Let go my fucking arm.” 
“What the fuck happened?!” - Steve continued to bother Javier.
Javier sighted and responded:
“Carrillo put a gun to the kid's head and pulled the trigger… To make a fucking point.”
Steve swallowed hard. 
“We good now?” - Javier mocked, entered his car and headed to the apartment complex where you all lived.
About late at night, you hear fervorous knocks at your door.
You were awake, since you just got home.
You pick up your gun and open the door, without noticing that you were only wearing a thin long gray dress, showing your curves.
It was Javier, looking like shit with a bottle of whiskey and a cigar in hand.
“Let me in, please, cariño.” - his brown eyes were almost black. Sad and big.
You put down the gun and let him in.
“Peña, you look like shit… What happened?” - you asked, as you both sat down on your couch and he served whiskey to both of you and put the cigar in the astray.
“Salut, cariño.” - he raised his glass.
You raised as well, drank it up and put away the glass.
“Damn, Peña. That's good stuff… You didn't answer me. What happened?” - you uttered. You knew something bad had happened. The cigar, the good whiskey, his painful expression…
“Cariño, I… I don't know how to say it.” 
“Start from the beginning, Javi… I'm right here.” - you suggested, softly.
You were genuinely concerned for him.
He kissed your lips, softly, by surprise. 
You stop after a few minutes, reaching out for air. Your apartment felt like a thousand degrees. Your body was sweating, the adrenaline was running through your veins. But, again, you’d deny even from yourself.
“Javi…” - he already knew what you're going to say and he doesn't want to hear it again. 
“Cariño, please don't. Not now. I need to forget about today's route.”
“Okay, baby boy.” - you sat on his lap and kissed him deeply. He melted under your lips, his hands touching your body, hungry.
You only needed an excuse to be with him again. 
Just one more night… - you thought.
If you were wearing pants, they'd be on fire.
“Cariño, just a heads up…” - he started.
You looked at him, confused, waiting for the rest.
“I won’t be gentle. Right now, I can't. I'm really not capable… Are you okay with it?”
You continued on his lap, but now, you put your knees on each side of his body and he involved his arms around you. Even wearing clothes, the electricity was passing through both of you.
“Show me your worst, Peña… I dare you.” - you whisper.
He smiled, but his eyes darkened with lust.
Javier literally ripped your dress, revealing your skin.
“Hey! Are you fucking crazy, Javi?” - you yell at him. - “I’m gonna fucking…” - you didn't finish, as he slapped your cheek, not enough to hurt you, he never would, but enough to surprise you and make you shut up.
“You don't speak until you're spoken to, babygirl. You don't come until I say so. You won’t do anything without me saying. If you behave like a good girl, I may let you cum. If not, I'm gonna punish you. Understood?”
You shook your head positively, incapable of believing in what was happening.
He slapped your ass, bringing you back.
“Words, cariño.”
“Yes, I understood it.” - you responded, in a low voice.
Who was that man on Javier's body and where he was the first night we were fucked? - you thought. 
“Good girl, cariño…” - he touched your body, started at your neck and went down to your waist. - “Now, how do I begin? I've got so many options, so many possibilities… I know we only had sex one time, one night, but I feel like I know your body really well, cariño.”
You looked at him, anxious, waiting.
He picked you up in his arms and took you to your bed.
“Now, we're ruining your bed, cariño.”
He ripped your panties and, with no warning, kissed your mound. You relaxed as he kissed slowly for a bit. 
He got up, leaving you clenching over nothing.
He began to take off his suit and tie, your eyes hungry for him, mouth watering.
“What do you want, cariño?” - he asked, eyes locked up with yours.
“Can I help you undress, Javi?”
“Such a polite girl… Yeah, you can.”
You took off his tie, letting it rest on the bed. Helped him with the buttons on his shirt, holding back the urge to rip them as he did with your dress.
He took off his shoes and socks and you unbuckled his belt, letting it side with the tie… You had a dirty idea, but it would have to wait a bit.
At last, his pants went down with his boxers.
He was deciding on what to do, but you couldn't wait. Your hand touched his lower belly, aiming for his dick. 
“Oh, cariño, you want to use your mouth, now? Wanna please me?”
“Yes, Javi.”
“Beg for it.” - he said in that condescending tone you hated.
“Javi, please, let me suck your dick.” - you coo.
He caressed your cheek with one hand and the other held his shaft.
“I don't think you want it enough, cariño.” - and he slowly started going up and down his length. He had a stupid cocky smile on his face.
“You know I can be better than your hand, Javi… Please, let me touch you, I'm begging you…” - your voice barely was a whisper into your room.
“Go ahead, cariño… But don't be greedy. I don't wanna come right now.”
Your lips wrapped around his tip, while he held your head. Your tongue and lips worked up and down, while one of your hands cupped his balls.
“Fuck, cariño… I knew you were missing me, but didn't know you were so hungry for my cock.”
He grabbed your hair, setting the rhythm, until you couldn't stand only worth your knees on the bed, needing to claw at his tights, and your nose almost touching his pelvis. 
He was fucking your throat and you were so wet.
His mouth was making obscene sounds, saying how good you're doing, how badly he missed you and your beautiful lips.
He slowed down the rhythm, until he stopped, taking it off your mouth. His dick was aching for more, but he wanted to come inside of you.
“You did good, cariño. Can you continue to be a good girl for me?”
“Yeah, Javi.” - you responded. Your legs were trembling, your pussy throbbing for attention.
“Lay down and open your legs for me… Yes, just like that. Tell me, where did you leave your vibrator?”
“In the bathroom, the second drawer.”
“Don't move.”
He picked it up and examined it, curious about the pink wand in his hand.
“So, you've been touching yourself in the bathroom? Door closed? Biting your lips or a towel to not make any noise?”
You don't respond to it, you’re just running away from his glaze. 
He slapped your ass again.
“Look at me while I talk to you.” - he demanded. - “Answer me!”
“Y-y-yeah, Javi. I was doing it in the bathroom, biting a towel.” - you murmured.
“Now, you're gonna show me what you've been denying from me to hear, such as in person as through these walls… But don't come. Not until I say so.” - and handed you the vibrator.
“But Javi, I can't control myself when I use it…”
He smiled, the same sly smile you knew and hated.
“That's not my problem. You come when I say it.” - he was being ruthless towards you.
With your right hand shaking, you started to use your wand on the softest mode, as you were so aroused since it all started.
Your room was filled with vibration sounds and your moans. Your eyes looking at his figure, wishing he’d do something to you instead. 
You were also a hundred percent sure Javier was punishing you somehow. He wanted to prove himself again.
Javier, on the other hand, was admiring you. The way your pupils were dilated, your body was shaking, your smooth skin chilling, your beautiful pussy soaking wet… If he could, he'd take a picture just to eternalize that moment.
“O-o-oh fuck, Javi… I can't take it anymore… I'm so close, please, let me come!” - you beg.
He smirked at you.
“Oh, cariño, you're close?” - he leaned towards you, as if he was going to enter at your pussy. It only made it worse and closer, as you could almost feel his scent and his warm skin.
“Holyfuck, Javi, please! Please let me!” - you beg, desperately.
He grabbed his belt, tied your wrists together, holding your vibrator in your clitoris. After, he shoved his dick inside of you.
“Go ahead, cariño. Come for me and on me.” - he ordered.
You thank God he said that. You squealed his name high, releasing all of your juices onto him.
You were positively sure you woke up your neighbors.
“Oh, fuck! So good for me, cariño.” - Javier praised you.
He continued without any pity towards you, pounding hard inside you. 
Not only you’re embarrassingly wet, you were so overstimulated that the orgasm was knocking at your pussy again, so fast
“I love when you yell my name, cariño!” - he said, full of bliss.
“Javier, for god's sake!” - you yell again.
“¡Mierda! Cariño, are you close again?” - he asked with a devilish tone. - “What a delicious greedy pussy, missing me so much… Oh, fuck!”
Tears began to go down your face. It was impossible to hold anything more and, without his permission, you came again, your body shaking vigorously.
“Holy fuck, Y/N!” - It was his time to yell your name as loud as he could. - “I can... I can feel... You're so fucking tight, you're gonna rip my dick off!"
He untied you and turned off your wand. It relieved you for a bit, but he laid on top of you and chased his own orgasm. 
After he came, you both lay next to each other, gasping for air, eyes locked up to each other.
“I missed you so much, Javi…” - you reveal.
He smiled, happy. His hand went to your cheek, fondling.
“Yo también te extrañe, cariño. You have no idea…” (I missed you too.)
“I think I do, Javi… Te extrañe todos los malditos días desde la primera noche.” (I missed you all those damn days, since the first night.)
“Gracias a Díos, cariño. I thought I was alone in this mess.” (Thanks God.)
You laughed together.
“You can't pretend that you don't want to be with me anymore, cariño. I'm serious.” - he declared.
You sighed.
“I know, Javi… But we also know it's not that simple… We work together, I'm your boss, Escobar is on the run…”
“We can take it slow, we don't have to do anything you don't feel like it. But don't push me away again.” - Javier begged you.
“I really don't know how to, Javi. I don't know how to. I haven't dated since…” - you didn't finish.
His eyes were soft and warm, like cocoa on a winter night. Your heart felt like an ice cube on the sun, again. 
“Since your ex, Ben?” - he asked.
“Yep.” - you responded, popping the “p”. - “‘It’s not gonna be easy for you, so I’d like to warn you: if you have anything to tell me, tell me as soon as possible. I’m not gonna demand you to do it now, but think if you have anything to tell me, and if you do, you can.”
“First, we need to get to know each other. Build trust and I’m not talking about the field. Let’s get to know each other, talk, laugh, have sex, grab a bite. We’re neighbors, we don’t even need to leave our apartments if you don’t want to.”
“No one can know about us, Javier Jesus Peña. Not even Murphy.”
“Don’t worry about it, cariño.” - he pecked your lips softly.
“And please, don’t sleep with anyone else and it includes your informants.” - you rolled your eyes. - “I know, it’s stupid since we’re not in a relationship, but if you want to do it, please, just end this… this thing we’re about to begin. I’m not saying that again.”
“Cariño, for God’s sake!” - Javier laughed, his hand left your face to your waist. - “No one ever made me feel this way.” - you laughed. - “I’m serious, hermosa. Don’t worry about it.”
You breathe out heavily.
“Well, let’s see how it goes.” - you say, still not allowing your heart to sink further. - “We need a shower, Javi. Care to join me?”
He smiled and you both entered your bathroom... But Javier's mind didn't care for sleeping. He still needed to punish you for coming without his permission, while you were filling the bathtub, distracted.
"Of course, cariño... Besides, you haven't exactly been a good girl for me for a few days. Don't think I'll let you escape that easily."
Your eyes went to his naked figure, surprised.
"Oh, I thought I was off the hook..."
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Instagram photo dump - part 7
Masterlist <all chapters here>
Instagram photo dump masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
!!!!Everything Fake!!!!
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Liked by austinbutler tchalamet and 1.293.299others
y/n4real.2002 my babies are now 2. So glad I stumbled upon you next to that garbage can. Love you forever!! #catmom
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tchalamet: sweetest boys I know
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet I raised them well 😎
fan23: this is so cute, I live for those pictures
↳fan.258: omg yess they are so sweet
taylorswift: Ben, Meredith and Olivia wish their best friends the happiest of birthdays
↳y/n4real.2002: taylorswift let's have a play date soon
↳fan1: iconic cat moms
fan.tastic: this is so cute, Simba and William supremacy
↳fan192: perfectly curated names
↳fan6: true gentlemen
austinbutler: the cutest ever
↳y/n4real.2002: austinbutler thx
↳aus.b.fan: this interaction seems so strange to me 😭
↳aus.b.fan: this interaction seems so strange to me 😭
joshua.fan: um where is Joshua? Come support your girl!!
↳joshua.fan23: I don't think she's HIS anymore...
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Liked by joshuabassett fan34 and 708.390others
republicrecords some very exciting things happening in the studio right now. #y/n #joshuabassett
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fan293: he liked the photo, but she DIDN'T...I actually dying
↳fan09: omg she's so unhinged
joshuafan283: so excited for this
↳fan383:same here
fan990: all the confirmation I needed that their relationship is just PR
↳fan10: yeah..
fan494: girl does NOT love him, her heart is with AB, has been for weeks now 😭😭
↳ab.fan.2: can we blame her?
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liked by taylorswift roxanne.02_b1tch and 2.394.399others
y/n4real.2002 #girlsnight 📸: the one exception we allowed in.
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tchalamet: not mad at all😭
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet I see that, I really do🤣
↳fan12: wait if Timmy is not the exception from the girls night, then who took the photo? JOE?! 👀🫣
↳tsfan13: omg my heart, it has to be!!
austinbutler: 🧶
↳y/n4real.2002: austinbutler 🧶
↳ab.fan49: what kind of code is this 🤔
↳fan2: I'm loosing my mind here?
↳austin.fan: Austin using an emoji?! And the ball of yarn? What the hell is going on??
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Liked by fan2 austin_fan3 and 500.389others
gossip.w/.me: via deuxmoi 's story, new update on the whole y/n x Austin Butler and Joshua Bassett thing. Also her being rumored to be on the Elvis Soundtrack? I think I'm losing it.
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austin_fans: this is too much for my little heart
fan10: she's so amazing of course they'd want her on the soundtrack
elvis.movie.fan: Baz asks personally for her 🥺😩
ab.34.fan: ugh this is so unfair, I really wanted them to be dating. Austin and Y/n would make a great duo
joshua_fan: at this point they are just messing with us
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Liked by fan48 fan_5 and 200.583others
tmz: y/n4real.2002 spotted out in LA driving alone
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fan23: she looks so cute
fan1: I love to see her smile
fans.4.love: can she be more beautiful?
ab_fan: she's incredible
↳austi_n_fan: Austin would agree here
↳fan395: how wouldn't?
fan1loves: why did they have to say alone??😩
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Liked by austinbutler tchalamet and 2.030.293others
y/n4real.2002: dandelion into to wind you go, won't you let my darling know... that I'm in a field of dandelions wishing on everyone #dandelions #outnow #stream
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austinbutler: so proud 🧶
↳y/n4real.2002: austinbutler 🧶
↳fan59: again with this emoji what's going on??
↳ab.3.fan: nah they enjoy to torture us
tchalamet: sounds good I'm not gonna lie
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet huh 🤔 just good? Ok fine!
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: 🤣🤣🤣
jackantonoff: happy to be part of this
↳y/n4real.2002: jackantonoff 🥹
billieeilish: hot mama
↳y/n4real.2002: billieeilish stop I'm blushing
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina @samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog @fangirl125reader @aliceforbes @k-1898 @lucid315 @numberonepaperbeard-blog @lunacat616 @katelswan @jellysquidjj
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Thunder In Our Hearts (Part 11)
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Summary: A week after the kids were taken and brought back home, Ben shares one last secret about himself with the reader...
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, nudity, violence, drug/abuse/sexual assault/torture mentions
A/N: Spoilers for Season 3 of The Boys! Ah, I’ve adored writing Soldier Boy and this series! While it’s time for this one to come to an end, I’d love to return to Soldier Boy again and even this story in the future!…
“Man, can you believe Homelander destroyed Vought Tower? The man’s a fucking psychopath,” said Joe. You hummed, watching behind your sunglasses as Benjy and Millie used their father as a playground, Brian and Joe’s recently adopted toddler joining in with them. “I’m glad Soldier Boy was able to stop him. Can’t believe Homelander gaslit everyone into thinking he was behind all that shit.”
“I thought we agreed not to bring that up Joesph,” said Brian, stepping away from the grill and over with a cold beer. You raised an eyebrow, peering around him at the other people milling about at the backyard party. 
“What? The whole we know Ben is Soldier Boy thing?” You choked on your drink, Brian whacking your back until you were through coughing. “I didn’t realize it was a secret.”
“Of course it’s a secret! Otherwise Ben and Y/N would have told us,” said Brian with a roll of his eyes. “Sorry Y/N but I knew who Ben was the second I fucking met him. I did a thesis on him in college. Then all the questions over the years about being in the service and combat but he didn’t know basic stuff. It wasn’t hard to put together.”
You swallowed, lifting your shades. “If you know who he is…” 
“Why would I pretend I didn’t? Even when I knew all the fucked up shit he did back in the day? Easy. If you don’t give people a chance to change their stereotypes, how can you expect them to grow? I know you get that. You gave him a chance after all.” You closed your eyes, smiling to yourself. “We approve of him, Y/N. This isn’t a grand plan to expose him or anything. When I say the man’s my best friend, I’m not lying.”
“We won’t say anything to Ben though. We wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable,” said Joe.
“I appreciate that,” you said with a laugh. “But Ben has pretty good hearing. Like hear through the walls kind of good. He just heard our entire conversation.”
They whipped their heads over to where Ben was playing with the kids, the biggest fucking smile on his face as he laughed and gave us a wave.
“Fuck. So he heard us that time we were talking about how nice his ass looked in those jeans?” asked Joe.
“Yup. We were cracking up the whole way home.” Joe groaned as you chuckled, Brian whacking his shoulder.
“I thought you guys were talking about my ass that night,” he said. 
“Honey, you both have wonderful asses, how about that?” he chuckled. 
“Just for that, I’m putting hot peppers on your burger,” said Brian walking away, Joe racing after him. You giggled and went out to the yard, getting stopped a few times before you were able to see Ben trade off playing duties with about eight different kids with another dad.
“Escape the hoard?” you teased when he stole your beer and threw his arm over your shoulders dramatically.
“The ruskies could learn something about interrogation from those kiddos,” he chuckled, Millie running over with her finger pointed up, a drop of blood on it. “Oh no. What happened here?”
“I don’t know. Can you kiss it better?” she asked. 
“Absolutely,” he said, scooping her up and heading back towards the house, handing you back the beer as you went. “Be right back, kiddo.”
“Kiddo?” asked Ben that night when you were back at home. The kids were fast asleep, you and Ben sat out on the patio next to the fire pit, sharing the oversized chair he’d been so excited to get on sale last month. 
“Old man,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Notice anything different about me lately?” 
“Oh the fact you lost your powers in the past week? Never noticed,” you chuckled. His arm around your waist tightened. It felt nice but it lacked that threat of bone snapping ability it always had before.
“You’re not mad I made that executive decision on my own?” he asked. 
“It’s your body, your choice. Was it drugs that did it? Or was the blast at the tower too powerful?” you asked.
“When I went in and destroyed the Compound V, I found the anti-V. Apparently they developed it when Homelander became a big risk. I swiped it and gave it to Mallory. They’re going to give it to him and take away the risk of him ever waking up. Maybe we can get rid of powers in the first place too,” he said. 
“When’d you take it?” you asked.
“Before I met up with you guys at the motel. I wasn’t sure if it’d kill me cause I’m technically an old man,” he chuckled. “Turns out I have the body of a healthy forty five year old so you’re stuck with me for a while.”
“Sick of the powers?” 
“I had fears about the potential radiation, even if Mallory said it was harmless. Mostly I want to grow old with you and not outlive our kids. No amount of torture could be worse than losing all of you.” You titled your head up in time for Ben to rest his cheek against your forehead, a happy little smile on his face. “Still want me kiddo?”
“Yup,” you hummed, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Still want you, old man.”
“I was thinking we clear out some of the trees off to the side there, expand the house. Throw in a bedroom or two, a playroom. What do you think?” You grinned sitting upright. Ben pulled you to sit in his lap, bumping his nose against yours. “We’re safe and there’s zero chance this child would be a supe. What do you think?”
“I think you love being a daddy,” you said. You kissed him quickly, giggling to yourself. “As long as it’s not twins this time then I am all for having another.”
“Millie and Benjy will be good big siblings,” he said. He stroked a finger lazily up and down your arm, humming to himself. “I love you so fucking much, Y/N. I will never be able to show you how grateful I am that you saved me. Were patient with me. I know I’m not perfect. I’ll never be that. But for the first time, I have a family that’s proud of me and loves me. Whatever you want, it’s yours. Just ask and it’s yours.”
You pursed your lips as if in deep thought. “Well, I would like something.”
“Name it,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “Anything at all.”
“It’s a big ask.” He just shook his head, still wearing a smile. “Alright then. I would like…a kiss.”
“A kiss?” 
“Yup. A big ole, sweep me off my feet kiss,” you said. He chuckled, leaning down and smirking. “What are-”
He planted a big, fat, rough kiss on your lips, gripping your tight as he stole your breath away. 
“You’re so easy to please,” he laughed when you needed air, his hot breath fanning over your face. “Damn I love you.”
“I love you too, Benjamin,” you said, hugging him, inhaling the scent of his fading cologne mixed with campfire. “Want to go make that baby?”
“In a minute, kiddo. I want to sit out here with you for a little while.”
“Who said we have to go inside to make the baby?” you teased. He raised his eyebrows, a big smile growing on his face. “I’m pretty sure the twins were made down by the dock if I recall correctly.”
“I ever mention how much I adore you?” he laughed, squeezing your hips gently.
“Doesn’t hurt to be reminded,” you said. He nuzzled under your jaw, kissing your pulse point as you shuddered. “Old man?”
“Yeah kiddo?”
“I know…you saved me too. I was so angry and scared when we met and you are the kindest man I could ever have hoped for. I wanted you to know that.” He closed his eyes, letting his head rest on your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his strands, Ben curling into the touch. “Was it worth waiting for me? Because I know it was waiting to find you.”
He raised his head, eyes glimmering as he smiled. “You were worth every second. Maybe I had to wait longer than I would have liked, than most, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’d do it all again because you’re my girl and she’s amazingly mine.” He kissed you gently, sweetly, the loving, kind Ben you’d fallen in love with on full display tonight. “And I’m hers and there’s nothing I’d do to change that.”
“Sweet-talking old man,” you teased.
“You kids with your internet and made up words,” he laughed right back. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, kissing you once more. “Love you Y/N.”
“Love you too, Soldier Boy.”
A/N: Read the He Knows Timestamp here!
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pulisicz · 2 years
lavender haze - christian pulisic
i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me
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summary - you are the sister of the infamous taylor swift. you have always been known as the “good girl” and upholding an innocent reputation. while traveling with your sister on tour, you cross paths with a certain soccer player while in london.
pairing - christian pulisic x fem!reader
song inspo - lavender haze (taylor swift)
warnings! - a little bit of strong language
word count - 2.5k
note - i have no idea why i wrote this if i’m being completely honest
part two
you woke up around 7 am, only about two hours left in your flight. you get up to find your sister who is somewhere on the plane.
it was your first time going on tour with taylor, and you weren't used to the whole private plane situation, being able to get up whenever. you had never really been in the public eye like her. sure you had a level of status and paparazzi was invested in your life, but nothing near what your sister deals with.
you walked closer to the front of the plane to find your sister wide awake and going her makeup. you looked to the other side of the plane to find joe still fast asleep.
"you're up early". she said as she continued putting on mascara.
it was true, you weren't very much of an "early bird". you liked to take your time waking up in the morning, and oyu often woke up around 10 am, never anywhere near 7 am, but you wanted to make sure you were up a little earlier to give yourself some time to wake up more before you landed.
you took a seat across from taylor and scrolled on instagram as she finished her make up.
"so, you excited to go to london?"
you put your phone down to look up at your sister.
"of course! the only time i've gone was for that one school trip in like freshman year. i'm excited that i can actually see the stuff i want to this time, and no have to follow an itinerary".
you and your sister sat in silence, mindlessly scrolling on your phones, and around 8 am joe finally woke up. his hair looked a mess, which earned a giggle out of you and taylor.
training finished a little earlier than scheduled, which of course, none of the boys were complaining.
"hey chris, wanna go to a bar tonight?" mason proposed.
"ben and reece are going, and we're also trying to get joao to go. you in?"
christian hadn't gone out in a few weeks and thought it was long overdue for a night out with the boys.
"yeah, i'm in. just let me know what time you guys are thinking".
"sick, okay".
mason and christian dabbed each other up and finished packing up their stuff from the locker room.
the plane was about to land, and as much and you liked the ride, you were ready to get on the ground. you were just so eager to explore the city. you had the whole day to do so, which made you giddy.
"calm down y/n, we land in like 10 minutes". taylor said, laughing a little bit at your eagerness. you couldn't sit still, it was like the most important thing in your life was about to happen. you had never been more excited for anything in your life. well, that might be on over-exaggeration, but to say you were excited was an understatement.
the plane finally landed, and you were the first one out the door, thanking the pilots and staff.
"finally here!"
having a chill day was just what christian needed. early training days were nice because that meant the boys had the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted. christian had gone out to but things from the grocery, and got to go see a movie, something he rarely did.
it was about 3 pm, and he was on his couch reading a book. mason had said 6 pm, so christian still had a good 2 and a half hours before he needed to start getting ready.
it was moments like these that christian loved. quiet moments, where he could sit and read, not thinking about anything else.
after a full day exploring, you were ready to get back to the hotel. it was only around 3 pm, but a whole day outside was more than enough for you. joe and proposed the idea of going to a bar for dinner and drinks later, which sounded amazing at the moment, but all you wanted to do was lay in your bed and read. you started the shatter me series, which was addicting to read.
time moved faster than you would have liked and before you knew it, it was 5 pm. they were planning to leave for the bar at around 6:15 pm they could get there at around 6:30, so you started getting ready. you didn't want to rush herself, and took your time.
you finished getting ready at around 5:50 pm, which gave you some time to spare, which you of course used to read.
ready? taylor texted, letting you know that she and joe were probably already in the hotel lobby.
yup, on my way down
the second christian got to the bar, he was greeted by his friends.
"there you are, mate! thought you would never show". reece yelled, acting like he was just so late. it was only like 6:09, not even a full 10 minutes late.
christian got a beer and joined his friends at a booth while they waited to order food.
"i was not in the mood to come earlier, but jesus, i'm hungry".
"yeah me too, i'll go flag down a waiter so we can get our order in".
just as mason leaves to get a waiter, people start crowding the front door.
"what the hell is going on?" christian asks, while trying to peer around their booth.
the insane crowd of people made it hard to see. the boys regained their focus back when mason walked over with a waiter.
"what can i get you all?"
as you arrived at the bar, you were met with a crowd of people.
you had gone the whole day without crowds of people or paparazzi, but of course that streak to be ruined.
all good things come to and end i guess.
"just ignore the, lets go find a table. booth good?" your sister acts.
you always looked up to her, especially now and how she deals with all of the fame and crowds of people. you have to deal with it on a certain level, but never to the degree that she does, and you find it more than impressing. while trying to find a table you spot some familiar soccer player.
they play for chelsea! at least i think so.
you didn't know much about soccer, but you knew of some players, and considering your friend kendall is good friends with neymar jr, you knew a good amount.
you brushed the soccer guys out of your mind, only focusing on how hungry you were.
you got a nice booth in the corner of the bar. it was sort of hidden away from everyone, but you were still able to see the entire bar.
a waiter finally came to your table and you were more than happy.
"what can i get you guys?"
you spoke up first, eager to get your order in.
"i'll get a guinness, and then a cheese burger, american cheese, with french fries".
taylor gave you a shocked and puzzled look, but didn't say anything.
"i will have a cheese burger with provolone cheese and chips, thank you" joe said, putting an enphasis on chips as he looked at you.
ever since you met joe, the two of you had a running joke about fries vs chips, and the joke never went away.
taylor had gotten the same thing as you, and the waiter finished writing before walking back to give to order to the kitchen.
"y/n, what the hell, why did you get a beer?"
so that's what that face was about
"tay, i'm 23, not 5"
whenever you went out with your sister, you had never really gotten alcohol, and she still viewed you as this little girl, so whenever you showed any ounce of maturity, she simply denied it.
after about 20 minutes, your food was finally brought out, along with your drinks. you downed the burger faster than both joe and taylor, so you decided to hit the dance floor to pass the time, and now that you had some food in your body, you were feeling 10 times for energetic.
after christian had finished his food he walked over with mason to the dance floor. if there was one thing you needed to know about christian and mason, it was that they would never pass up an opportunity to dance.
christian and mason lost each other, and christian eventually found a girl to dance with. she was quiet a bit shorter than him, around 5'4" maybe.
after about one song, the music cut out. one of the bartenders said that they would try and figure out the problem as soon as possible.
"wanna get a drink?" christian offered. the girl nodded and they made their way over the the bar.
to your surprise, christian came up to you and asked to dance. how ironic. you of course could pass up the offer, and grabbed his hand. your back was pressed up against his chest, with his hand around your waist. you were enjoying yourself, until the music cut out. after the bartender said they would try fixing it, christian offered to go to the bar and get some drinks. how could you pass that up?
christian guided you to the bar with his hand still on your waist. you took a seat and was immediately met with the bartender asking you what you wanted to drink. you ordered another beer, to which christian ordered the same thing.
it was surprisingly not awkward between the two of you. you had realized you didn't introduce yourself, so you made sure to do so.
"i'm y/n by the way".
christian looked to you and gave you a smile.
god his smile was charming. you took a second to really look at his features. everything suited him so well, he was more than attractive.
"i'm christian".
he gave you a wink, and then the bartender came over with your beers.
the two of you chatted for a good two hours, before joe came over to tell you that it was time to leave. you sighed and told him you would be right out.
"looks like i gotta leave."
christian gave a little pout before taking out his phone.
"here, can i get your number?"
you gave him a smile and took his phone to put in your number.
"i'll see you around, y/n".
and with that you got up and caught up to joe and taylor.
christian sat there pleased before realizing who had come to get you.
was that fucking joe alwyn?
the next morning christian woke up is a massive headache. he and his teammates had stayed out way too late, and he drank more than he should've.
even after all those drinks, christian still managed to remember you. after christian had gotten the chance to wake up a little more, he texted you.
hey, it's christian
this might be a long shot, but do you want to maybe go out to lunch?
christian sat there, anxiously waiting for a response. he knew it was very possible for you to still be in bed considering it was only 9 AM, but there was still a chance you would be up. christian turned on the tv to pass the time, letting his phone go dim while he focused on whatever show was on.
about 5 minutes later, christian's phone lit up.
y/n: yeah, that'd be nice! what time were you thinking?
christian picked up his phone and read over your text, and then read it over again to make sure he wasn't going crazy.
christian: how about 12-ish?
he waited for a response, and patiently looked at the three little dots that appeared on his screen.
y/n: 12 sounds great.
christian liked the message and then gave the address of his apartment.
christian: there is this really good place about 10 minutes walk from my apartment if you just want to meet me here.
you liked his text, leaving christian to his thoughts. he subconsciously started playing out how the lunch with you would go. christian never really go nervous for dates, especially something as casual as this, but you were different. he couldn't place his finger on it just yet, though.
you called taylor to let her know that would be out in case she needed you for anything.
"a date? y/n, we haven't even been here two full days, how the fuck did you find someone to go on a date with?"
you weren't going to give her a straight answer, so you just brushed over the details.
"it's just this guy. it's super casual. i'll be back by like 2 okay. love you".
before taylor could protest even more, you hung up the phone. you touched up your makeup one last time before heading out of your hotel room.
you had gotten an uber to christian's apartment, and texted him that you were here.
christian: come on up to my apartment
and with that you headed to his apartment. once you got to his door you gave it a knock. he opened the door, and you tried your hardest not to blush. he wasn't even wearing anything nice, just a simple pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a silver chain. he might have been wearing the most basic outfit, but it looked so good on him.
christian was the first person to break the silence.
"so shall we get going?"
you gave him a nod, and you stepped aside as christian stepped out of his door, locking it behind him.
on your way to the restaurant, taylor had called you.
"y/n, are you on your little date yet?"
"yeah i am, what do you want, taylor".
of course she had to call you while on your date, if that's what you can even call this. it was technically a date, but you felt like it was more casual than a date.
"just letting you know that you need to be ready to leave for the venue at around 5 PM, okay? joe said you and him can grab an uber, sound good?"
you agreed and hung up the phone.
"i'm sorry, that was my sister. we have plans tonight and she was making sure i didn't forget". you said with a little laugh.
christian nodded, and the two of you continued your conversation, before christian got a phone call.
"mason, i'm a little busy right now, but what do you need?"
"i know, it's at kai's house, i didn't forget. yeah okay. i gotta go, but i promise i'll be there. bye"
christian hung up his phone and sighed.
"sorry, just mates of mine. i too have plans tonight, and they were just reminding me for the hundredth time".
before the two of you knew it, you were at the restaurant, finally.
knowing joe alwyn, and a sister named taylor? you gotta be fucking kidding me, right?
mason and kai? so he most definitely does play for chelsea.
note - i did not mean for this to be so long, so i do have a part 2, which is linked at the top of this page. so sorry this is unnecessarily long
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itsanerdlife · 2 months
Wicked Intentions 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader // (Seriously close) Steve Rogers x Reader // Clint Barton x Reader // T’Challa x Reader.
Warning: Violence. Language. Bullying. Girl Fights. Name Calling. Degrading Comments. Angst. Degrade of Woman (to a point). Criminal Life. Illegal Shit. Fights. Alpha Males. Stalking.
Characters: Peter Stark. Howie Stark. Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Clint Barton. TC (T’Challa). Ben Reilly. Cledus Kasady (CK). Brock Rumlow. Gwen Stacy. Wanda Maximoff. Becca Barnes. Amore Lorelei. Kitty Pryde. Frank Castle. George Barnes. Joe Rogers. Winni Barnes. Pepper Stark. Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Warner Strucker. Barney Barton. Bobbi Morse. Pietro Maximoff. Logan.
A/N: This is a Bully Romance. High School setting. Mafia Family Life. Woman are on a lower level than males in their world. Just a heads up. This is the third installment of the series. Bad Intentions, Cruel Intentions, and Wicked Intentions.
Credit: Huge shout out to @ml7010 for all the help, pushing, hyping up, putting up with my changes midway through. If it wasn't for this peach, y'all never would have gotten this series or nearly as far as I am now.
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Peter is yelling, hands cupped at his mouth.
Howie is on his feet, cheering.
Clint’s on the ring edge, calling out tips.
Steve’s staring down the opponent’s boyfriend.
Bucky watches her dodge right, hands up protecting her face. Her knee comes up, connecting with the girl’s side. She stoops, her first mistake. Y/N grabs the back of her head, her toes barely touching the ring mat, before her knee comes back up faster this time. Y/N slams the girl’s head down, meeting her knee. Shoving the girl back, into the ropes, when she stumbles from the knee to the face, Y/N winds up, throwing an absolute ruthless right hook to the jaw.
Her head snaps back, blood spraying, her body goes limp, hitting the mat with a thump.
The Ditch goes nuts, screaming from all sides. Cheering, celebrating, talking shit.
TC dips under the ropes, grabbing Y/N’s hand, holding it up, cheering just as loud.
When the Stark’s meet eyes. Howie and Peter are on their feet. Y/N bounces on her toes, all three at the same time, flex inward, with a loud “AHHHHH!” at one another.
“That’s our girl!” Becca is on her feet, screaming for her best friend.
He grins when his girl locks eyes with him. She grins, rolling her eyes at him.
They still went to The Ditch, sometimes TC worked the decks there. Mainly when Y/N wanted to beat on bitches for kicks. She was getting Becca into it now. Only Y/N’s now fighting top fighters from other areas, coming to see what she’s made of.
Sure she might be taking over the table, running her own mafia, and be the most feared thing in Saints high school, but she’s still the girl that needs a good fight to feel calm. Compromises were made between him and her when they started settling into life together. Like her training with Frankie and TC, after the battle for her, she never wants to be underprepared for another fight. He couldn’t blame her, encouraged her.
The memory of her in the hospital, damaged and broken, burned into his mind for life.
A tight feeling appeared in his chest, worrying about his baby sister taking over.
“Boss man?” She’s next to him, Clint cutting the tape off her hands. Steve, cleaning up the few cuts on her.
“The right hook, baby girl.” He shakes his head, smirking at her. “I’d say it’s blessed by Satan.” He chuckles, leaning into kiss her.
“But I am Satan.” She laughs against him, kissing him again.
“Don’t we know it.” Clint snorts.
“Unlikely to ever forget it.” Steve shakes his head.
“And if you do, I’ll remind you.” She sasses, like a snotty teenager.
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” The two mutter at the same time, laughing.
“Ah.” Steve pauses.
“What?” He asks.
Steve scratches the back of his head. “Is that new or old?” He cut his eyes to her thigh and back away.
Fingerprints, on the outside of her thigh, a thumb print on the inside of her thighs.
“Old.” She grins in Steve’s face.
“Scarred for life.” Becca whines, walking away.
Clint looks down and back to her. “That’s hot.” He grins.
“Fuck yeah.” She laughs, they high five.
“Alright, enough of that.” He pushes Clint away, making him laugh.
The house party loud and packed. The typical Friday night high school parties for them. He sat on the couch talking with the guys. “What’s the policy for fighting here?” Howie laughs, sipping from his beer bottle.
“Don’t. Why?” Steve smirks.
“Cause if Smalls sees that girl eye fucking Bucky, that policy won’t matter to her.” Peter laughs.
“Does any rule?” Bucky sighs.
They all laugh.
“Boss man.” She saunters up to them. Dark cut off shorts, a cut short red T-shirt, with a black sports bra underneath. Her ball cap turned backwards, dark hair in messy waves.
“Doll?” He smirks up at her when she comes to stop the side of the couch, he’s on.
She leans down, black fingernails tip his chin up towards her. Her eyes cut to the side and instead of kissing him as he thought. She licks him, from his jaw to his eyebrow. Staring down the girl watching him. She looks startled before she bumps into someone trying to get away.
“Much better.” She smiles pretty walking away.
Peter’s brow yanks down. Howie looks confused. Steve and Clint are unbothered.
“Did our baby sister,” Howie blinks.
“Lick you?” Peter’s eyelids flutter quickly.
“Yup.” Clint and Steve reply, throwing back shorts.
“What in the fuck?” Peter laughs.
“Not new.” Clint shakes his head, downing his beer.
TC is moving towards them, a look of worry on his face.
“What?” He puts his cup down.
“Pretty sure Eddie is across the street.” He jerks his thumb backwards.
They exchange a look between the five of them before jumping up and hurrying out of the house.
Indeed, on the other side of the road, sits Eddie parked, leaning against his car. He smirks at them, as they come to stand on the walkway of the house.
“Gwen get in the house.” Y/N’s voice hits his ears.
“Y/N.” Gwen sounds nervous.
“Wanda stay here.” Y/N orders, he can hear her coming up behind them. She cuts around him, walking down the path, they follow her. She stops on the edge of the curb.
Eddie flicks his eyes from her to Becca, standing next to her.
“Try it.” Y/N warns him.
Eddie smirks, cutting his eyes back to Y/N. They stare back at one another.
She stares him down, Buck looks from Eddie to Y/N, something dark and dangerous in her brown eyes.
It’s Eddie who blinks first, looking away. Suddenly he gets back into his car, leaving.
She turns on them, staring at each of them for a moment.
“Something you boys need to tell me?” Her brow lifts, Becca looks tense next to her.
“We don’t know what that was about.” He assures her.
She nods slowly. Cutting between them heading back towards her girls at the door. The six of them exchange a look, heading for her. She pauses, taking the cup from Gwen, she turns to them standing above them on the front stoop.
“You better swear on whatever god you believe in, Boss man; you didn’t lie to me.” She repeats the saying from the beginning, when they first started out and Ben Rielly and Sina were causing issues for them. The ice cold look in her eyes, makes his steps stop suddenly.
“I’ll make your life hell, James Barnes, you think before was rough, you haven’t seen shit yet.” She warns him. Turning, she steps into the house between her friends, walking away.
Fear creeps into his chest.
He swallows hard.
-------- Everything Peaches 12/8/22 @mo320 @ml7010 @kmc1989 @irepeldirt @joannie95 @nunu2888 @coley0823 @rileyloves5 @sexyvixen7 @duckestylez @abschaffer2 @drayshadow @shirukitsune @xoxabs88xox @carostar2020 @rosalynshields @destiel-artemis @hookslove1592 @CallSign-Vesta @royal-sunflower @iwillbeinmynest @bellamy-barnes @geeksareunique @happydeanpotter @fanfic-n-tabulous @steel-blue-eyess @mariekoukie6661 @wonderswrittings @bless-my-demons @notyourtypicalrose @lets-talk-about-xyz @loving-life-my-way @shinycupcakebaker @also-fangirlinsweden @stupendous-science @daughterofthenight117 @dandelionsmarkthegrave @physically-a-cheesecake @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
Bucky 'Fuck Me Up' Barnes: @nickyl316h @jbbarnesgirl @lets-roggerthat @this-is-mycrisis @kaylaphantomhive
Series tags: @sebastians-love
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s their 9 month old baby daughter’s first Christmas and reader melts at the sight of Joe holding their daughter and showing her all of the presents she’s got and their daughter says dada and Joe and reader light up at how much of a daddy’s girl she is and reader thinks about how when she signed up to play an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody that she never thought she would end up falling in love on set?
of course!
pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ warnings: None note: y/d/n stands for your daughters name
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"oh and look at this!" you heard your husband say downstairs.
you walked downstairs and caught Joe holding your little daughter while showing her the christmas gifts she had gotten
she giggled and took it off him, throwing it on the floor
"no, no. don't throw it, play with it" Joe picked up the care bear and put in front of your daughter and waving it around
"well good morning" you yawned.
Joe looked up and you and smiled like an idiot, your daughter looked over and laughed
"good morning, darling" Joe greeted
"Merry christmas" you walked up the them, sitting on the couch, leaning down to kiss Joe who was situated on the floor, next to the lit up tree.
"how long have you been up?" you asked him and they looked like they have been there a while
"i took her down here about thirty minutes ago, I wanted her to see her presents" he shrugged
"and you couldn't wait for me?"
"not really no, you looked to cute to wake up" you looked back down and your daughter and made a silly face at Y/D/N before looking back up at you
"you should've just woken me up" you stated, looking down at your little baby, you've always noticed how much she looks like Joe. a spitting image of him, but she looked too much like him right now and it made your heart swell.
"I'm sorry, I was just too excited" he confessed, holding your daughter against his chest
you let out a breathy chuckle and closed your eyes.
"dada" Y/D/N whined, pointing at more presents under the tree
Joe pulled her away from his chest and looked at her, his mouth was agape and he looked like he was about to cry
"darling, did you hear that?" Joe asked you
you shuffled closer to them and smiled at him even though he was focused on your baby
"I did joe, I heard it clear as day"
you rubbed joe's arms from behind and rested your chin on shoulder, looking down at your little daughter, smiling at her gratefully
"I told you she was a dada's girl" he whispered to you, finally looking away from her.
"I never doubted it"
"I love you" he said kissing you softly
"I love you too" you smiled at him sweetly
"what did you want, sweetie?" Joe asked your daughter
you thought back to when you were an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody and how you two met and what would've happened if you didn't.
you were sitting down on your phone, waiting with other extras to be called on to go on in the scene, you were focused
"hey, you" you looked up and noticed the director standing front of me
"yes?" you smiled politely.
"I need you to go get joe, he's on in 5" he said.
"alright" you stood up and went out to the trailers, looking at the doors for him name written on it.
Rami, Ben, Joe.
you go up to the door and knock three times and waiting for a response
"come in" he replied through the door
he probably thought it was ben.
I opened the door slowly and peeked in, seeing him in his little couch on his phone
"the director wants you to know that you're on in 5" you stated as you entered his view
he didn't respond to you though, you though he was being rude and just ignoring you but the look on his face made you feel otherwise.
his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were relaxed, he looked sort of dazed and off in the clouds, it didn't make you uncomfortable per se, you just felt weak under his gaze.
"excuse me?" you forced yourself to say to snap him out of his daydream
"oh, right ok. just wait there" he said as he saw you were about to leave.
he put his phone away and got up. walking towards you
"who are you, exactly?" he questioned as you waked down the steps with him behind you
"I'm an extra" you responded
"no I meant your name" he chuckled
"oh um, Y/n"
"I'm joe" he smiled warmly
"I know" you took a deep breath
"do you now?" he responded in amusement
"well yeah, I feel like I have to" you smiled sheepishly
"you have a really pretty smile" he told you, looking down at your lips to your eyes.
"oh" you let out an embarrassed laugh as you looked down, tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry, just the way you're sweet, cute and beautiful at the same time is beyond me"
"oh my god" you muttered to yourself, you felt your cheeks turn warm and your stomach did flips.
"ok so wait other than taking my breath away what do you do for a living?" he smirked playfully. you turned you head away and covered your face with your hands.
"never heard that one before" you laughed, still looking anywhere but at him
"get used to it" he said
"this is the best christmas" Joe sighed happily
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and they are sitting by the Christmas tree and Joe surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and Joe takes it from reader and goes into a speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader in college, it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and asks reader to marry him?
Awww, that's cute!
Again, I don't do requests for longshots but I can do a blurb!
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"Oh, look! Snow!" you cried, running to the window. You felt the chill already from the window.
White flurries by now were falling down so heavily, that it blanketed everywhere. It was so beautiful- and with the fireplace on and the Christmas tree twinkling with lights and decorations, it was quite a perfect Christmas Eve. In the back, the Nutcracker pas de deux between the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier Prince was playing.
"I think having you be me would make it better..." Joe suggested.
You turned around and saw him with a cheeky smile. You then went over and sat down next to him, letting him cuddle you.
"How are you? Was your Christmas Eve busy? I had to do some last-minute shopping..." you said.
"I'm...I'm good...great..." Joe answered.
You looked at him and saw that his ears were bright pink. Normally, he was talkative and confident, but he seemed a little quiet today.
"What's up? Something happened with your mom?" you asked.
"No! She's okay!"
"An audition went badly!?"
"No, not at all! I...it's just I...uh, have a gift for you and it can't wait for tomorrow," he announced.
"Oh! Okay- which one is it?" you questioned, looking after the presents you just finished wrapping up.
He cleared his throat and you returned your head. He had a box that was square and small, wrapped in red and white striped paper.
"Alright, great!" you said cheerfully.
Once you undid the paper and broke open the cardboard box you saw inside was...a small velvet box.
The breath was knocked out of you and your heart picked up.
"Joe, uhm, is...is..."
His eyes, shiny and sincere, looked up at you.
"Y/N, I...I've known you for a while and we have dated for a while and I..I think I have loved you from the moment I met you. I can be myself around you. It was a small love, but a part of me wondered, just wondered...wondered if I met the person who should be my person. I just had to be sure...so I spent time with you. And that little love it grew and grew. I see stars in your eyes, Y/N, and a smile that gives me life. Crap, I'm getting so sappy! I..."
He rubbed the back of his head.
"I don't even talk like this!"
"It's okay, Joe!" you said with a slight laugh. But your eyes were starting to well up.
"But I love you, Y/N and I want you to be happy. I would love it if I could make you happy for the rest of your life, so Y/N..."
Your head spun as he got on one knee. The music surged to it's most romantic.
"Will you marry m-"
It was cut off as you leaned down and planted a large kiss on his lips in answer.
There was a sudden buzz from his phone. It was from Ben.
"Have you proposed to her yet, Mate? Update me!"
Both of you smiled at it. You opened the box and propped the shiny diamond ring on your finger.
"Let's take a picture as an answer!" you suggested.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
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The Present Race
Fandom: RPF, American Actor RPF, British Actor RPF, Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Female Reader
Characters: Joe Mazzello, Female Reader, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Original Female Character, Original Child Character, Rami Malek,
Word Count: 1100// Rating: Gen
Summary: It's time for a birthday but who will win first place in the present race?
Tags/ Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Kids, Babies, Birthday Parties, Borhap Cast, Friends, Established Relationship, Requested Fic, Request
Notes: working my way through requests. They're now closed till after halloween challenge
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REQUEST - @borhapgirlforlife19
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello × fem. reader oneshot where it's their daughter's first Birthday and they have a party at their house with Joe's family, reader's family, and the Borhap cast there? Also, Joe sits on the floor opening her gifts with his daughter beside him and she helps Joe tear off the wrapping paper and she lights up when he shows her the gifts and everybody takes pictures and gushes over how adorable she is?
‘Oh open mine first,’ Rami said grabbing a sleek square parcel off of the floor and handing it to Joe. He was sitting on the floor of the lounge, piles of presents around him and his daughter, Ellie, in between his legs. She was watching everyone excitedly though she didn’t quite understand the reason they were all gathered around was for her. It was her first birthday and though Joe and Y/N hadn’t gone all out with a massive birthday party they had invited their close friends around for dinner and cake to celebrate. 
‘Oh yeah put us all to shame,’ Ben chuckled as Joe took it off his friend. 
‘Yeah, get in first and hope we can’t outdo right Rami?’ Gwilym said with a smile. 
‘What can I say,’ he shrugged, ‘there’s a reason he picked me to be godfather.’ 
‘We picked,’ Y/N said coming to sit down beside Rami on the couch. 
‘Shall we just get our coat, Ben?’ Gwilym said with a chuckle. 
‘Think we better had mate,’ Ben chuckled. 
Before anyone could say anything else Ellie made a frustrated noise. She had been sitting looking up at Joe who was unknowingly holding the present just out of her grasp. Joe noticed her and said, ‘oh sorry honey.’
He placed the package on the floor where she immediately started to paw at it grasping the neat wrapping in her chubby grip. With a giggle of excitement, she yanked at it squealing as chunks of it started to come off in her hand. 
‘Be careful mate,’ Ben said, ‘she might have your hand off.’
‘She’s got good taste,’ Rami said. Soon enough Joe started helping her and they pulled off all the wrapping paper until it was completely unwrapped. It was a small shoe box which once Joe opened revealed a tiny pair of trainers. 
‘Are those trainers?’ Ben asked.
‘Not just any they’re bloody Gucci,’ Gwilym said with a whistle. 
‘Nice,’ Joe said, ‘I mean she will one hundred per cent kick them off after five minutes but they’re pretty neat.’ 
‘Oh they’ll be on the floor of any store we go to within seconds but they’re pretty cute I must say,’ Y/N said.
As if to prove her parent’s point Ellie took that opportune moment to grab one of the shoes in her scrunched-up fist and launch it out towards where the boys were sitting though it somehow went backwards clunking Joe on the head. 
‘Ouch,’ Joe said which only made her giggle. 
‘Well that was worth it even if she won’t wear them,’ Rami laughed. 
‘Yeah very funny,’ Joe grumbled. His moaning wasn’t taken notice of for long though as Ellie was up off her bottom and crawling towards the neat pile of presents a little way out of her reach. She grabbed out for one but Joe merely leaned forward and took it out of her reach. 
‘Dada,’ she grumbled though her pout seemed to retreat as he placed it in front of her. She immediately started tugging the paper off. 
‘I guess we’re not allowed to know who this one is off are we El,’ Y/N chuckled. 
‘It’s me,’ Gwilym said as Ellie continued to ravage what was now showing to be a big box. The box was brightly coloured something that seemed to get the baby’s attention immediately. 
‘What is it?’ Rami asked peering over Ellie’s head which was blocking his view. 
‘This pull-along toy thing,’ Gwilym said, ‘it’s a caterpillar you pull along. Meant to help with walking and stuff. And it’s good for motor skills and-’
‘And you did pages of research right Gwil?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘Well you gotta get it right, right?’ he asked, a little tinge of pink now across his cheeks and nose.
‘Well if not just throw cash at it right?’ Ben said. 
‘Hey just because that’s what you do with all the girls in your life,’ Rami said holding his hands up and making a laugh ring out around the room. Even Ellie giggled along oblivious to the joke she’d missed. 
‘It’s lovely Gwil,’ Y/N said looking at the ornate wooden toy her daughter had seemingly lost all interest in as it was discarded with the shoes as she headed back to the other present that was laying just out of her reach. 
‘Looks like she’s not too fussed,’ Rami said. 
‘That’s because our girl has taste,’ Ben said sliding off of the couch until he was sitting in a similar position to Joe, legs splayed around the present that was in front of him. Ellie crawled to it, pulling herself up on the large box as she got there. She stood wobbling slightly. 
‘What do you think El?’ Ben said, ‘should we open it?’ 
‘Open,’ she giggled banging on the box with her chubby fist. 
‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ Ben said pulling wrapping paper off the box with little help from Ellie. 
‘What is it?’ Gwilym said. 
‘A baby drumkit,’ Rami said.
‘Oh great,’ Y/N said. 
‘Yeah thanks man,’ Joe said as Ben opened the box and pulled it out. It was a plastic stand with individual sections that could be played. Buttons and knobs for turning. Bright lights and things to fiddle with littered the small console. 
‘Hey,’ Ben said, ‘it’s our job to make sure she drives you up the wall. Besides, it’s not just a drumkit. It’s a complete set of musical instruments in one handy console.’ 
As if that was her cue Ellie started banging on some of the buttons making it whizz to life. A sickly-sweet voice rang out saying, ‘dog!’ which was then followed by a woof. Ben moved around, his hand on Ellie’s side keeping her upright as she started to smash the buttons under her fingers. A cacophony of animal noises rang out around the room not waiting for the machine to finish speaking before it was announcing the next one. 
‘Am I back in the running for best present then?’ Rami said looking between his friends. 
‘Let’s see how long it takes the batteries to run out before we make a decision huh?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘You like it El?’ Ben said looking into the baby’s round hazel eyes. She nodded, ‘gizza kiss then,’  Ben said placing his cheek in front of her as two chunky fists slapped him roughly in the face before drool-covered lips placed a kiss on his cheek. 
‘Now there’s a review we can’t compete with,’ Gwilym said. 
‘What did you expect?’ Y/N laughed, ‘Ben’s got a way with women.’ 
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Love Potion No.9 P8-9
Tumblr media
Media TMR AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X reader
Rating Sad
Concept Obsession 
I sat working on the new formula while they were moving my new subject into the room in my office, however, I kept out mostly because I was busy but also because apparently, they were having some issues with him.
I didn't know anything about him, Janson was getting it all organized for me so he wouldn't tell me of course. All I knew about him is that he was apparently a problem.
I could hear banging and crashing and obvious sounds of a struggle from the window but I tried not to think about it and focus on the formula at hand and after a while, it quieted down.
"Your new subject is in my dear. Just be careful he's in a bit of a bad mood" Janson smiled as he came into my office
"Thank you for taking care of it."
"Not a problem. almost done with the new formula?"
"No it'll be a week at the earliest. besides, give him time to calm down"
"Alright, update me with any progress," he says giving my head a kiss before he left my office
I tried to focus on the formula but I was curious so I took the controls and turned the light on so I could see into the room. much as it was before with a now very angry blonde man sat on the bed in a loose hoodie he saw me and sighed
"Good Morning" I smiled
"Morning" He sighed
"You are my new subject, What's your name?" I asked even though it came through on my files I always felt better asking them in person
"Newt" he answered
"I'm y/n"
"I know." he snapped "your Jansons girl"
"What?" I giggled
"Jansons your daddy, everyone knows that"
"Janson isn't my father," I told him
"I never said he was your father."
"My, My and A" I giggled "didn't know any of you guys were still around"
"not many of us left now" He spoke up "No thanks to you."
"I take it you don't have the best opinion of wicked"
"Should I?" he asks "When I have been kidnapped. Tortured. abused. my memories toyed with,  my friends murdered and used for horrific experiments for almost all of my life."
"That's fair" I nodded "are you willing to work with me?"
"I guess" He sighed "I don't have much of a choice do I"
"I guess not" I nodded
"what are you working on anyway?"
"A Formula."
"For what?"
"Well. That's a secret."
I sat working on my formula every so often glancing up to the cell and my subject as he laid on his bed muttering to himself. "What is that?" I asked "What's what?" He asked annoyed I interupted him "That. Your muttering?" "My muttering my business" he snapped "Sorry" I answered returning my focus to my work "It's something I do. To remind me" "I thought it was your business?" "Yes but your bugging." He says "I didn't say anything -" "No but you wanted to" he sighed sitting up in his bed "it's names. I say then over and over in my head. Sometimes I speak them out loud too helps me remember everything I've lost." "You shouldn't torcher yourself newt" "No that's your job." He says "but I don't do it to torcher myself. All of them had names that weren't their own. Some even died without that much dignity. I say there names over and over like a mantra... To keep them alive. In my mind. In my memory. As now I'm few who can remember them." "Tell me it." "No." "Why not?" "You wouldn't understand the weight their names hold" "I might not. But I can feel the weight they have to you" "Fine" he sighed laying back in the bed "What order do you do then?" "The order they died or as close to it" he explained "my family, even if I don't remember their names. George. Neo. Franklin. Warren. Sam. Luke. Mike. Ben. Alby. Clint. jeff. Harry. martin. Zart. Gally. Winston. Joe. Mary. " He explained taking a moment to sniffle "then... Tommy." He broke down at that name tears now fully flowing from his eyes down his face "Brenda. Jorge. Sonya. Harriet. Many more that I didn't know their names. Then Vince. And fry not long after. Minho was the last one. He was the strongest of all of us ... I lost him last month" he explained "Oh my god" I said unable to truly comprehend just how many people he had lost "when... Did the cure come?" I asked "After Mary. It was because if Tommy anyone even had it." "He was 000?" "He was. He gave his life... For the rest of us." He explained "for me." He says pulling up his sleeve showing the harsh scars now healed from the viruses ravishment "the rest I lost... To you. And your experiments. So don't blame me if I'm uncooperative with your efforts to do whatever it is your doing" he explained "Im so sorry newt" "It's okay... Not your fault." He says "Your had a hard life. So far" "I don't imagine it getting much better. I'm stuck here as your companies plaything. I'll go soon too. And then that'll be it knowone left to remember any of us. All I can do is hope... I'll get to see them again when all this is over" "I hope so too. Tomorrow... We'll need to start with the first trial" "Okay" "That okay?" "Fine. Not like I have a choice is it" "I won't if you don't want to" "No. Do it. Atleast I can help you with whatever it is your working on"
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Players summary
All posts of a specific player. The players listed here are ordered alphabetically and only players are listed that have appeared on this blog.
• 🔗 Abdelhamid Sabiri 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Achraf Hakimi 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Allan Saint-Maximin 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Alphonso Davies 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Amine Adli 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Amine Harit 🇲🇦
• 🔗 André Trinidade 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Andrey Santos 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Ansu Fati 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Antonee Robinson 🇺🇸
• 🔗 Antonio Rüdiger 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Ashley Young 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Aurélien Tchouaméni 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Ben Godfrey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Breel Embolo 🇨🇭
• 🔗 Bruno Guimaraes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Bukayo Saka 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Christian Kouamé 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Christopher Scott 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Cody Gakpo 🇳🇱
• 🔗 David Alaba 🇦🇹
• 🔗 David Neres 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Dayot Upamecano 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Denzel Dumfries 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Duván Zapata 🇨🇴
• 🔗 Eduardo Camavinga 🇫🇷
• 🔗 #Ellis Harrison 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
• 🔗 Ezri Konsa 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Francis Amuzu 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Gabriel Jesus 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Gabriel Martinelli 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Gavin Bazunu 🇮🇪
• 🔗 Geisson Perea 🇨🇴
• 🔗 Geoffrey Kondogbia 🇨🇫
• 🔗 Hee-Chan Hwang 🇰🇷
• 🔗 Hueng-min Son 🇰🇷
• 🔗 Ibrahima Konaté 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Irfan Fandi Ahmad 🇸🇬
• 🔗 Jacob Ramsey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jeffrey Schlupp 🇬🇭
• 🔗 Jeremy Doku 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Jesse Lingard 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Joao Gomes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Joe Gomez 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jonathan David 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Joshua Zirkzee 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Jude Bellingham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Jules Koundé 🇫🇷
• 🔗 Julian Alvarez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Jurriën Timber 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Justin Kluivert 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Keshi Anderson 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Kingsley Coman 🇫🇷
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• 🔗 Lautaro Martinez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Leon Bailey 🇯🇲
• 🔗 Leroy Sané 🇩🇪
• 🔗 Lisandro Martinez 🇦🇷
• 🔗 Lyle Foster 🇿🇦
• 🔗 Manuel Akanji 🇨🇭
• 🔗 Manuel Benson 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Marcus Rashford 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Mario Lemina 🇬🇦
• 🔗 Matheus Pereira 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Michy Batshuayi 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Nathan Aké 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Odion Ighalo 🇳🇬
• 🔗 Ollie Watkins 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Paulinho 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Pedri 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Pervis Estupiñán 🇪🇨
• 🔗 Quincy Promes 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Raheem Sterling 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Reece James 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Renato Sanches 🇵🇹
• 🔗 Rico Lewis 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Rodri 🇪🇸
• 🔗 Rodrygo Goes 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Romain Saiss 🇲🇦
• 🔗 Romelu Lukaku 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Romeo Lavia 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Ronald Araujo 🇺🇾
• 🔗 Ryan Gravenberch 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Salomon Kalou 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Samuel Da Granada 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Steven Bergwijn 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Tajon Buchanan 🇨🇦
• 🔗 Tammy Abraham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Thiago Silva 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Trent Alexander-Arnold 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Tyrone Mings 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
• 🔗 Vincent Kompany 🇧🇪
• 🔗 Vinicius Jr 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Virgil Van Dijk 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Vitinho 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Vitor Jacaré 🇧🇷
• 🔗 Weston McKennie 🇺🇸
• 🔗 Wilfried Bony 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Wilfried Zaha 🇨🇮
• 🔗 Xavi Simons 🇳🇱
• 🔗 Yeboah Amankwah 🇬🇭
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