#benedict my dear
Fun fact I'm sure you'll appreciate: I totally adored RDJ's Sherlock, and was left wanting more after the sequel. If the timing had been right, I'm might've ended up beautifully obsessed over him/his Sherlock because that was before I discovered Benedict. But my obsession gene was dormant at the time.
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👀 And a good evening to you as well~
And interesting bit of information to learn of you, indeed my dear! It is fascinating to me that you should mention that your obsession was dormant because this was around the time that my love for this man began to take form! While I was indeed introduced to Tony in 2008, that was actually NOT my first time seeing my gorgeous muse. I was introduce to Robert in 2004 when my mother watched Gothika for the first time and while the plot was interesting, I was more fascinated by the handsome assistant to the main character. He took my breath away, Pete Graham had, but I was not aware of who he was. But when Iron Man came out - oh my heart still flutters - I began to understand exactly what I was in for. My mother asked me to go with her to see Iron Man because she was excited to see one of her favorite childhood actors playing her very favorite character. I remember the burning like fire in the pit of my stomach and the way my cheeks grew hot when I saw that scene in Iron Man for the first time.
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I was done: There would never be another hero in my life the way Tony was. And Damon agreed: Him and I began to change his story to better suit being with Tony. The rest, well, it's beautiful chaos and something I will never forget no matter how much time goes by. My children - should my girlfriend and I have any - will know of this man and the way he changed my life! But that's not to say I was completely sold on Robert yet. And it wasn't until I saw his performance as Sherlock that I truly began to appreciate his diversity when it came to the roles that he could play. I knew in that moment, there would be no one on this beautiful but darkened world who would inspire me the way that he has. And I will never be afraid again to admit that. So, I think the timing didn't work out for you so that it could work out for me, and the same could be said for my feelings for Ben. After seeing him in War Horse, I thought that I could easily have loved him had I not already found out about Robert. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I fail to believe the universe is that lazy. Your timing with Robert didn't work and mine didn't for Benedict, so we could meet here in this time of our lives. 🌺💕 Thank you for sharing this with me, V. I truly believe now more than ever that our connection runs deeper than I believed.
Also that last gif has an amazing memory attached to it for me 😂 I very distinctly remember that part of the movie where he was dressed up as a woman for one very distinct reason. I had been visiting my grandparents one day in late 2012 and Game of Shadows was playing on the television. My grandfather - who normally had no interest in this kind of thing - had stopped on this movie for some reason. And as we watched together, I distinctly remember Sherlock making those people leave that train car and my grandfather busting out laughing at the look John gave Sherlock when he told him to lie down. He was just so done with Sherlock's bullshit, even I had to laugh. And somewhere in the back of my mind, Damon groaned in my head and said, "He really is Tony, no matter what era he's in." I've never thought to share that - or the fact Damon is my oldest running character since 2006 - with anyone. So, thank you dear flower, for giving me a reason to share that memory with everyone. 💜✨🖤
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msfangirlgonewild · 4 months
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The priceless cast of Bridgerton season 3🐝
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Eloise and Benedict bonding as sibling while sitting on the swings will always be one of my favorite Bridgerton moments.
Having a sibling you can rely on and confide in is rare for many of us but for those who do have that it’s a wonderful thing.
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apollosopera · 9 months
based somewhat on the current TikTok trend of people discussing obscure books from their childhood. enjoy! let me know ur favorite books from when u were a kid!
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janetsnakehole02 · 3 months
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the easter eggs could not be easter egging more clearly ohhh man it’s finally our time i CANNOT WAIT 😭😭😭
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lotsofsq · 5 months
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a couple more cute mr benedicts
[ID copied in alt text: two mr benedict drawings.
a drawing of mr benedict grinning at someone off screen, his hair is very frazzled and he is blushing. he has emphasis lines around him and sparkles. underneath him it says “what a cutie” with a heart.
the second is a drawing of mr benedict looking confused yet expectantly at the viewer. he is surrounded by hearts and question marks.]
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fanartka · 8 months
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 4 months
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bridgerton thoughts…
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mvshortcut · 10 months
Crack mbs spinoff where Mr. Oshiro and Ms. Perumal's mother are vigilantes together
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cptnwynnie · 1 year
some stuff about A.B. :]
some of this stuff i talked abt on discord last night as well so a bit of this is just copypasted
She goes by A.B. purely because she thinks it sounds cool. Though, some take to calling her "Abby" instead of pronouncing the two letters. And, of course, the executives and mr. curtain call her by her full name, as they don't tolerate nicknames like that.
Her hat belonged to her mother.
okay i just realized this is gonna be a kinda long so the rest is under the cut lol
She was a papergirl pre-canon, which is how she comes by the ad in the newspaper two weeks before the round of tests that the other kids take. She makes it to the second test, but doesn't pass it because she couldn't figure out the puzzle. But, the whole thing made her curious, and she wants to write an article on it for her personal newspaper (her journal. she has a little journal she writes articles in.) so she trails behind number two all the way back to the house, intent on catching up to her to get an interview. bad news: she gets caught snooping around the driveway. good news: Mr. Benedict respects her commitment to hard-hitting facts-based journalism, and decides she could be quite a useful part of the team (he also may or may not be deeply concerned that this little girl was running around stonetown all on her own with literally zero adult supervision)
She then tells Mr. Benedict her story about how her mom dropped her off at "daycare" when she was little and then didn't come back and that pretty much seals the deal.
As for her mother, she was not brainswept, she really did leave A.B. behind. Her father died when she was a baby, and her mother found herself unable and unwilling to care for A.B. on her own. So she left her on the steps of an orphanage and didn't look back.
A.B. doesn't find this out until the end of the first book. Mr. Benedict has the thought that Ms. Moore may have been brainswept, so decides to look into it. What he finds is that she moved to New York, and has been living there since A.B. was seven, eventually getting remarried.
He leaves it up to A.B. if she wants to know and, of course, she does.
Naturally, she is both devastated and incredibly angry at her mom. Despite this, though, A.B. doesn't let go entirely. She still needs her mom. Not just needs, but wants. Part of her still clings to the little hope that her mom might come back for her.
She ends up going back to the Wetherall farm with Kate and Milligan (having been invited, of course,) and helps rebuild the farm :]
In TPJ she winds up losing her hat when the kids escape from the Ten Men in the Salamander. She wants to go back for it, but there isn't time, she has to let it go. It's sad but it's for the character development.
Then she gets frustrated with her braid catching on things, realizes her hair is quite easy to grab, and so she hacks it off with a knife :)
and that's everything I got so far :]
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mashpotatoequeen · 1 year
You know how much I love your writing, so I immediately got extremely excited and my brain generated a bunch of MashpotaoeQueen-esque titles. Feel free to ignore any/all of these :)
Rainy Days
Sea Salt and Shells
Firefly Nights
In the Atrium
Birds of a Feather
Under a Deep Blue Sky
Purple Prose and Pink Roses
Constellation Making
Dragon Scales and Fairy Wings
As I said, I got super excited, so my apologies for being crazy. I can't title my own stuff for the life of me, but your writing is so inspiring <3
I hope you're doing well!!
Hello My Friend!
Okay so. You know me. I love writing fics about Sticky and then labeling them with obscure or peculiar words because it just tickles me pink. So Kismet would most definitely be a Sticky fic.
Maybe it goes like this: Sticky is able to see the strings of fate that tie people together. Like when you meet someone and you're talking and you realise, with all the strength of a sledgehammer to the face, that you're gonna be best friends. Like the ties that keep siblings who are at each other's throats every single day still completely and utterly do or die for each other. The little connection that keeps you calling your best friend even if you haven't seen each other in months. The ties that bind lovers and family and companions and all of it. All of them.
Sticky can see all of them, except for his own.
He gets used to watching them. These little strings of fate wrapped around people's fingers; some of them vibrant and hard as steel and some of them frayed around all their edges. Different colors, different sizes, different woven patterns. The string binding his parents together is a soft orange, almost amber. The threads are fuzzy with age but no less strong for it.
(He realises young that no one else can see them. He keeps his mouth shut. His own fingers are bare. )
Sticky wants to be wanted so damn badly, is the thing. Sticky is surrounded by the way people love other people, and sure in the knowledge that he's destined to have no one.
He's wrong, of course. It just takes new friends and saving the world to figure it out.
Constellation Making
This one immediately brings to mind an AU where Nicholas Benedict (and friends!) are literally in the business of the making of stars. They've got a workshop just south of the Pillars of Creation and a deadline for a new constellation every millennia or so.
Mr. Benedict is a being of magic. One of the Old Ones. He's got stardust in his hair and nebulas swirling in his eyes. He keeps getting chunks of meteors and comets stuck under his fingernails after gently guiding them on course. He sings lullabies to baby stars that are little more than superheated gas and has tea with old white dwarfs every Wednesday.
And then constellations start to go missing. One by one by one.
And that's where our adventure begins.
Bird of a Feather
This is DEFINITELY that wing fic I've talked about before. These winged humans, finding each other and finding a flock with one another, a family the can depend on.
Maybe this would be a one shot set in that universe, where all the Mysterious Benedict Society kids have odd conflated feelings about preening each other's wings. Maybe one of the Executives told them their wings looked messy and that's one of those rules that Are Not A Rule at the Institute- your wings can be however ruffled as you like, as long as the feathers are neatly groomed and in place. There's nothing for it. It's hard to groom your own wings, especially towards the back. They will have to help each other, even though preening someone else's wings is usually really intimate and reserved for close family and friends.
Reynie's never done it- and has never had it done to him. He's so so worried that he's going to do it badly, that he's going to mess it up. Sticky keeps remembering his parents grooming his own wings and feeling a mess of nostalgia and hurt and bone deep sadness. Kate's touchy about her wings, about trusting people with them- she can do everything by herself, she doesn't need anyone- and Constance doesn't even know how to start doing it. Because she is two. And her wings are almost entirely soft baby down feathers anyway.
(They all have soft baby down. They're fledglings at best. They are BABIES and it's very important to me that you know this.)
So anyway. It's a Mysterious Benedict Society Meeting. They are all so nervous. None of them know how to start. It's awful and tense in a way that their gatherings almost never are. But finally Reynie settles himself nervously by Sticky and asks for some help, his cheeks BRIGHT red. Sticky's hands are sort of shaking. He reaches up and starts gently shifting through Reynie's feathers anyway.
And it's- it's nice. It's really nice.
(They are all, coincidentally, also sort of touch starved.)
So it becomes A Thing. At Mysterious Benedict Society meetings, they sit and they talk, and they preen each other's wings. They don't mention it to the grownups, or make a huge deal out of it, but every last one of them definitely rank it as some of the best parts of their day.)
Sea Salt and Shells
I feel like a lot of the kids have never been to the beach. Like- yes. They've been to Stonetown harbour. But a harbour next to a rocky patch of grey city water is not a beach experience.
So I'd like to imagine that, after the events of the third book, the kids and their families go on a proper beach day. They load of the vans with towels and swimsuits and packed lunches stacked neatly into three separate coolers. They have to drive a solid three hours and Constance sings I Found a Peanut at the top of her lungs until Kate gets dangerously close to shoving a towel in her face for the sake of her sanity.
They arrive at the beach sometime around ten in the morning. The sky is clear and blue and the sun is shining and the seagulls are doing their best approximation of singing. It's a gorgeous sort of day that almost feels too picturesque- like it's something from a dream or memory.
But it's right here and right now.
The kids splash around in the water, wading deeper and deeper until their feet don't quite touch the ground and their past the point where the surf breaks. (Constance has a floaty, and a death grip on Reynie's arm. It took her approximately fifteen steps for her emerging doggy paddle to become a necessity.) They bob in the waves like little corks, laughing whenever one of their heads go under. Milligan floats a little ways a way with a set of sunglasses on, eyes closed. It's possible he's taking a nap.
They don't have any paddle boards, but they learn soon enough that you can catch a wave on your belly. Rhonda shows them how to dive under the bigger tumults of water so they don't get swept under, and Number Two hides under the largest sun hat known to man. Mr. Benedict's swim shorts are green plaid, and he's not much better at swimming than Constance - narcolepsy and big bodies of water don't tend to bode well- but he is having a grand time of it.
Reynie and Sticky make elaborate sand castles and Kate works on digging the deepest hole she physically can with a tiny plastic seahorse shovel. Constance, at one point, allows herself to be buried in it until only her head is visible. The others feed her chips one at a time and pour water into her mouth with a seriousness and dedication that defied the silliness of the situation.
(None of the grownups can look at her without laughing.)
They eat lunch on the picnic blankets. Sand gets everywhere, despite their best efforts. Sticky's father has to carry his mother into the surf, but she floats along quite happily once she's there. When Reynie next goes in, it's Miss Perumal who has a death grip on his hand while Constance clings to Kate's next as she cuts through the water like a knife. Sticky sits at the shore and starts identifying different types of seashells, happily mumbling to himself. He'll keep the best ones to be put on display in his room.
They go home wet and exhausted sometime around four, sand hiding in their swimsuits and salt drying on their skin. Most of them slip into sleep the minute the engine starts running, and wake up bleary eyed and starving some hours later. They eat leftovers for dinner in the front yard of Mr. Benedict's house, still in their swimsuits, and talk about going back sometime soon.
The evening sun dips low. The whole horizon is painted golden, and the family watching from below laughs and laughs and laughs.
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mjn-air · 2 years
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mrssainzleclerc · 1 year
I want to watch bridgerton again but only the parts in which Benedict appears (but not with a woman because I get jealous)
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teacupsandcyanide · 2 years
btw if you’re praising god I’ve stopped Sherlock posting I have awful news which is that I’m only ominously silent because I’m working on building a massive house in sims for sim versions of the mollycule every night
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fanartka · 2 years
My dear @foxssketching, I have never seen your face and do not know your name, but I know you as a person, as a friend, with whom it is always very pleasant to talk, as if we have known each other for years. I wish you health and all the joy from the bottom of my heart that only the world can give you, happiness, time and mood for your creativity (I love your guys) and as many hugs as you want.🎂🍰🎁🎉🎈
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I can't hug you in person, but I can give hugs with these guys
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Sorry if I congratulate you not in the morning, but in the evening, I hope you are not sleeping 😅
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winterf4iryy · 1 year
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