#the connection deepens
Fun fact I'm sure you'll appreciate: I totally adored RDJ's Sherlock, and was left wanting more after the sequel. If the timing had been right, I'm might've ended up beautifully obsessed over him/his Sherlock because that was before I discovered Benedict. But my obsession gene was dormant at the time.
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👀 And a good evening to you as well~
And interesting bit of information to learn of you, indeed my dear! It is fascinating to me that you should mention that your obsession was dormant because this was around the time that my love for this man began to take form! While I was indeed introduced to Tony in 2008, that was actually NOT my first time seeing my gorgeous muse. I was introduce to Robert in 2004 when my mother watched Gothika for the first time and while the plot was interesting, I was more fascinated by the handsome assistant to the main character. He took my breath away, Pete Graham had, but I was not aware of who he was. But when Iron Man came out - oh my heart still flutters - I began to understand exactly what I was in for. My mother asked me to go with her to see Iron Man because she was excited to see one of her favorite childhood actors playing her very favorite character. I remember the burning like fire in the pit of my stomach and the way my cheeks grew hot when I saw that scene in Iron Man for the first time.
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I was done: There would never be another hero in my life the way Tony was. And Damon agreed: Him and I began to change his story to better suit being with Tony. The rest, well, it's beautiful chaos and something I will never forget no matter how much time goes by. My children - should my girlfriend and I have any - will know of this man and the way he changed my life! But that's not to say I was completely sold on Robert yet. And it wasn't until I saw his performance as Sherlock that I truly began to appreciate his diversity when it came to the roles that he could play. I knew in that moment, there would be no one on this beautiful but darkened world who would inspire me the way that he has. And I will never be afraid again to admit that. So, I think the timing didn't work out for you so that it could work out for me, and the same could be said for my feelings for Ben. After seeing him in War Horse, I thought that I could easily have loved him had I not already found out about Robert. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I fail to believe the universe is that lazy. Your timing with Robert didn't work and mine didn't for Benedict, so we could meet here in this time of our lives. 🌺💕 Thank you for sharing this with me, V. I truly believe now more than ever that our connection runs deeper than I believed.
Also that last gif has an amazing memory attached to it for me 😂 I very distinctly remember that part of the movie where he was dressed up as a woman for one very distinct reason. I had been visiting my grandparents one day in late 2012 and Game of Shadows was playing on the television. My grandfather - who normally had no interest in this kind of thing - had stopped on this movie for some reason. And as we watched together, I distinctly remember Sherlock making those people leave that train car and my grandfather busting out laughing at the look John gave Sherlock when he told him to lie down. He was just so done with Sherlock's bullshit, even I had to laugh. And somewhere in the back of my mind, Damon groaned in my head and said, "He really is Tony, no matter what era he's in." I've never thought to share that - or the fact Damon is my oldest running character since 2006 - with anyone. So, thank you dear flower, for giving me a reason to share that memory with everyone. 💜✨🖤
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mollyolikeme · 1 month
The comedy of Carter continuing to tell Gavin his life story.
‘…and that brings us to senior year.’
He’s like, you will know every detail about me. Just try and stop me.
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toadallytickles · 11 months
Made it home safely from another successful tickle gathering~!🪶 This weekend was SO MUCH FUN, I felt like I deepened a lot of connections I’ve made previously, had a really good heart-to-heart with a good friend, and felt some parts of myself heal. I heard some things I really needed to hear. I already know drop is gonna suck..
Anyway.. need someone local to quench my constant tickle thirst.. tickle gatherings are too far apart..! 😩💦
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love-too · 7 months
It's difficult for me to put this into words, but I think being aro can feel quite alienating when you're a girl. Not because of exclusion, but because of expectations. I noticed this in the past month while frequenting a new environment that's mostly men and just a few women. I get along with these women, but I felt like there was a missed layer of connection. Now, seeing it from the outside, I honestly think I messed up by not talking about romance/relationships when I was asked. I think that my not saying a lot was not taken as "she's just not interested" but more as "she thinks she's above all that" or "she doesn't trust me enough to open up" and, honestly, it's not the first time it happens but I never manage to catch it before i ruin it.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Pov; you and Ren are making out, you pull on their hair and BOOM it all comes off. You're confused and you pull away only to realize that this wasn't Ren... it was.....
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"Oh that's crazy because," Before Ren Neil Cicierega can even blink, you also pull off your wig to reveal Krow underneath. "Y-You scammed me a-a-and stole m-my money! I d-didn't forget!"
(in case you forgot)
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ksjanes · 2 years
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Gaze steadily and intently, with great curiosity, interest, and wonder. Open to the details, for in them lies a deeper connection. Connection beyond the superficial. Connection to the deep interior, the core.
K.S. Janes
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
I wish that the show used the Mondrich’s more strategically. They could easily be the couple that every main couple go to for relationship advice but instead they’re kind of just there
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kisaraslover · 9 months
first thing first Kaiba's blamed for his godlessness, lack of faith. a pretty conservative notion if not for the. uhh. canon gods and magic everyone frequently witnesses. but when i rewatch the first episode again for the 85th time i cant ignore the dichotomy drawn first, not between Kaiba and Yugi, no, between Kaiba and Grandpa Muto.
as annoyed as he would be to hear this, i think the biggest reconciliation he needed to have was with the only man with "Father" in his name, who preached faith, who sicced his loyal and faithful offspring on Kaiba to take him down, and the man who Kaiba fought for the fundamental symbol both of them claim. the impertinent youth scorned by traditional elder is such a classical, parental tale.
but since the compromise most mainstream family movies reach fucking sucks and is more often than not tipping the scales in the favor of -sometimes just straight up awful- parents, Kaiba would take 1 single step towards Grandpa Muto and not budge an inch. his whole entire story culminates in this: Blue Eyes IS more than power. ONLY Blue Eyes White Dragon. its his pride and soul, its his sole blessing and its the only thing he knows and believes in. which HAS to mean Grandpa Muto gives it up, by his own logic. the boy believes. the image of godless shameless drug addict sex pest youth suddenly melting down to something much less offensive. its the aging tradition finally accepting change. its the old man finally letting go of iron grip over the young man. illusion of control that was long rejected by the youth finally fading in the old mans mind. its him accepting kids will be alright, that there is strength and honor in their way of living, that scolding will never achieve what accepting and supporting definitely will.
its not that Kaiba is such a benevolent, generous, perfect good man worthy of forgiveness and approval suddenly. its that he, like everyone else, will live a life and be shaped by it, and the only thing this father figure can do is offer support. Kaiba would spit on his face if he knew Solomon Muto came to these, rather paternal, conclusions about him while handing over the taped BEWD card. but the old man is fine with that. he keeps his mouth shut, not to further shame the young man taking the card with his head bowed, eyes sad with reverence and regret. he isnt who the boy is bowing down to. hes happy to witness his faith at all. hes happy knowing he wont even mourn his own loss of the card from the joy of seeing the boy's love for it. that Kaiba didnt even ask for it, that he assumed Solomon would give it to him. thats what makes him happiest.
Kaiba's people first come to his shop a week after. they brought documents. deals with KC for his shop to be a minor partner, with selling privileges. he laughs heartily.
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reiverreturns · 2 months
two glasses of wine in and i'm prepared to say with gusto that if you locked me in a room with the writers i could fix every problem the twisters script has within half an hour
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discordiansamba · 10 months
i imagine even in the backwaters, they get regular updates of the empire, especially news concerning anything important to do with emperor zarkon. and having the red lion AND paladin would be amazing propaganda. so does krolia (or anyone else) recognize keith? especially after he starts lookin more purple? and if she does, how does she feel about it? what does she do, if anything?
Oh I'd imagine they hear about it! Having both the red lion and its paladin by Zarkon's side sounds like the kind of information that the Empire would purposefully spread. The false paladins might have stolen most of the lions from them, but do you see? One has returned to his side- and it is the right hand of Voltron, at that.
Thinking about Krolia watching that broadcast, and seeing Keith stand by Zarkon's side... she has an awful feeling in her gut. It only refers to him as the 'red paladin', and digging up further information without rousing suspicion proves difficult. But she can't shake the feeling of dread that's settled like a stone in the pit of her stomach.
I think the sort of bitter irony is that Keith never gets markings like hers in this AU. Since I've more or less decided to go down the chimera route, he actually would probably steadily get less recognizable. It... does not help Krolia's suspicions. She attempts to pump Kolivan for information, but is forced to confess why.
Kolivan confirms her worst fears.
Krolia's first instinct is to storm Central Command herself. She bites it back. It would be extremely foolish, especially since Keith is not in his right mind and has an entire Voltron lion at his beck and call. But I can see her purposefully sabotaging her own undercover gig, so Kolivan is forced to reassign her... and sends her to the place she's likely to cause the least amount of trouble- in other words, right to Voltron.
This is how the paladins learn that Keith is half-Galra. This is how they suddenly understand how things went south so badly so fast. This is how they gain an ally who would do anything to get her son back.
(This is how later, when Keith doesn't quite know what to do with himself, he winds up with the Blade of Marmora, searching for the kind of redemption only they can offer.)
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kanejbr3kker · 4 months
i love how crooked kingdom is one of the only books i own that's signed and also one of the only ones with tear stains
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witchwhodoesvoodoos · 2 years
i am slowly spiraling back into my voltron phase someone please save me—
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hightowres · 8 months
why do i feel like there’s some sort of veil between me and the rest of the world
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namitha · 1 year
The lover's ailment is separate from all other ailments: love is the astrolabe of the mysteries of God.
🌿 Rumi
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oldbutchdaniel · 6 days
can society even HANDLE another lbf monday. i fear what secrets we'll unlock if we do it all again..........
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futchgunk · 7 days
full moon tuesday night
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