#benjamin klein
ahmed-hesnotthere · 6 months
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If I paint my fingernails green, and well it happens that I do paint them green.
Cabaret at The Kit Kat Club - West End Playhouse Theatre - October, 2023
Taper: @lasagnatrades
Emily Benjamin's LAST SHOW as alt Sally Bowles
Stars: Jake Shears, Emily Benjamin, Nathan Ives-Mobia, Beverly Klein, Teddy Kempner, Wilf Scolding
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greensolsikke · 4 months
This week's on fire 🔥
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Just look at them! Bess and Benjamin are such great duet partners!
New single "Paremmin ku kukaan muu" is out now!
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mikelogan · 1 year
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Mason: I’m an opportunist? Thirty-eight people were shot in court rooms last year. The show you’re staging is no different than mine.
Ben: This is not a show. You have a camera, I have Attica.
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gregdotorg · 1 year
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found a bunch of great content in the Summer 1995 issue of Artforum, much of which was not terribly time-sensitive when it came out, but I didn't find the niche Yves Klein info I was googling for in the first place.
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Calvin Klein Collection Fashion Show At NYFW(2017) pics...
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oldcountrybear1955 · 2 years
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Another Man Magazine FW 2012 - Benjamin Jarvis photographed by Benjamin Alexander Huseby
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talljohnnyboy · 2 years
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mounadiloun · 1 month
Le plaidoyer antisioniste de Naomi Klein
Un beau texte de Naomi Klein en forme de plaidoyer passionné contre le sionisme sur la bases des valeurs du judaïsme. C’est la première fois que je traduis un de ses textes. J’ai vérifié qu’il n’était pas déjà traduit mais il se peut qu’entre ma vérification et l’achèvement de ma traduction, ce texte ait été publié par un autre site. J’aurais quand même eu le plaisir de traduire ce texte que…
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almondemotion · 6 months
In the Bleak Midwinter
That is what it feels like today. Almost at the Earth’s halfway point, the shortest day on the horizon and darkest before the dawn to anoint another cliché. This morning I listened to Donniel and Yossi discussing the killing of the three escaped hostages Alon, Samar and Yotam. Before that, a different Hartman Podcast with  Yehuda Kurtzer talking with Cochav Elkayam-Levy about the newly created…
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Kleine Objekte
Kleine Objekte sind nicht klein, weil ihre Maße klein wären. Sie sind klein, weil sie sich in einer kleinen Anzahl anderer Objekte wiederholen, oder weil das, was sie ausmacht, sich in einer kleinen Anzahl anderer Objekte wiederholt. Ihre Kleinheit ist keine Frage von Höhe, Tiefe und Breite, keine Frage von Durchmesser und Umfang. Es ist eine Frage von Wiederholungrate und Differenzierung.
Kleine Objekte sind nicht in ihren Maßen klein, sondern in der Anzahl von Wiederholungen und Differenzierungen, die dabei das Objekt verstellen, bis es schließlich sich selbst unähnlich, unverwandt, nicht mehr wahrnehmbar wird und darum auch nicht mehr Teil jener Ausübung Technik oder Routine, jenes Verfahrens ist, mit dem das Polobjekt eingesetzt, quasi investiert wurde.
Das ist kein allgemeiner Sprachgebrauch, er ist technisch oder definiert, also durch Definition im Gebrauch, bisher im ganz kleinen Kreis. Das Objekt klein a oder die Monade, die Puppe Stanka-Wanka sind von ihren Autoren anders definiert. Die Arbeit zu Warburgs Staatstafeln zielt z.B. nicht darauf, Beitrag zu Lacan und zur Psychoanalyse zu sein, da würde mir auch die Kompetenz fehlen. Früher oder später drängen sich aber schon wegen der Bildtheorie Legendres spezielle Fragen auf, etwa wie sich die so definierten kleinen Objekte zu einem Objekt klein a verhalten. Soweit kann ich aber jetzt schon sagen, dass mein Interesse auch nicht darauf gerichtet ist, Normativität als Effekt des Begehrens oder das Begehren als Effekt von Normativität auszudeuten. Das kann es alles geben, bei Vismann findet man im Aktenbuch dazu viel Anregung unter dem Begriff der Referenzialität. Stärker richtet sich mein Interesse darauf, wie mit und durch Objekte Normativität effektiv ist, wie sie Effekt von etwas ist und Effekte hat. Dabei sind auch die Verfahren, Routinen und Techniken, die aus einem Objekt etwas machen oder mit einem Objekt etwas machen lassen wichtig. So eine Technik ist 'Scheiden'/ die "Scheidekunst", kann aber auch ein Schichten oder Mustern etc. sein. Die 'vagen' Techniken der Polobjekte, die verschlingenden und verschlungenen Techniken, das Verzehren dürfte dem Begehren durchaus ähnlich sein. Aber es ist wohl noch was anderes.
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liittle-fawn · 2 years
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
[Text: My Love💗💞] Nope, sorry. I obviously realized this before you left and I had to keep you on your toes somehow, right? [Text: My Love💗💞] But seriously, you are so beautiful and I couldn’t stop thinking about you when you left [Text: My Love💗💞] It’s insane how much I can so completely respect someone while also thinking such dirty thoughts about them
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Calvin Klein Celebrates Women In Film At Cannes(2015) pics...
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txttletale · 7 months
niceys positive anon!! i don't agree with you on everything but you are so clearly like well read and well rounded that you've helped me think through a lot of my own inconsistencies and hypocrises in my own political and social thought, even if i do have slightly different conclusions at times then u (mainly because i believe there's more of a place for idealism and 'mind politics' than u do). anyway this is a preamble to ask if you have recommended reading in the past and if not if you had any recommended reading? there's some obvious like Read Marx but beyond that im always a little lost wading through theory and given you seem well read and i always admire your takes, i wondered about your recs
it's been a while since i've done a big reading list post so--bearing in mind that my specific areas of 'expertise' (i say that in huge quotation marks obvsies i'm just a girlblogger) are imperialism and media studies, here are some books and essays/pamphlets i recommend. the bolded ones are ones that i consider foundational to my politics
friedrich engels, principles of commmunism
friedrich engels, socialism: utopian & scientific
karl marx, the german ideology
karl marx, wage labour & capital
mao zedong, on contradiction
nikolai bukharin, anarchy and scientific communism
rosa luxemburg, reform or revolution?
v.i lenin, left-wing communism: an infantile disorder
v.i. lenin, the state & revolution
v.i. lenin, what is to be done?
aijaz ahmed, iraq, afghanistan, and the imperialism of our time
albert memmi, the colonizer and the colonized
che guevara, on socialism and internationalism (ed. aijaz ahmad)
eduardo galeano, the open veins of latin america
edward said, orientalism
fernando cardoso, dependency and development in latin america
frantz fanon, black skin, white masks
frantz fanon, the wretched of the earth
greg grandin, empire's workshop
kwame nkrumah, neocolonialism, the last stage of imperialism
michael parenti, against empire
naomi klein, the shock doctrine
ruy mauro marini, the dialectics of dependency
v.i. lenin, imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism
vijay prashad, red star over the third world
vincent bevins, the jakarta method
walter rodney, how europe underdeveloped africa
william blum, killing hope
zak cope, divided world divided class
zak cope, the wealth of (some) nations
antonio gramsci, the prison notebooks
ed. mick gidley, representing others: white views of indigenous peoples
ed. stuart hall, representation: cultural representations and signifying pratices
gilles deleuze & felix guattari, capitalism & schizophrenia
jacques derrida, margins of philosophy
jacques derrida, speech and phenomena
michael parenti, inventing reality
michel foucault, disicipline and punish
michel foucault, the archeology of knowledge
natasha schull, addiction by design
nick snricek, platform capitalism
noam chomsky and edward herman, manufacturing consent
regis tove stella, imagining the other
richard sennett and jonathan cobb, the hidden injuries of class
safiya umoja noble, algoriths of oppression
stuart hall, cultural studies 1983: a theoretical history
theodor adorno and max horkheimer, the culture industry
walter benjamin, the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
angela davis, women, race, and class
anna louise strong, cash and violence in laos and vietnam
anna louise strong, the soviets expected it
anna louise strong, when serfs stood up in tibet
carrie hamilton, sexual revolutions in cuba
chris chitty, sexual hegemony
christian fuchs, theorizing and analysing digital labor
eds. jules joanne gleeson and elle o'rourke, transgender marxism
elaine scarry, the body in pain
jules joanne gleeson, this infamous proposal
michael parenti, blackshirts & reds
paulo freire, pedagogy of the oppressed
peter drucker, warped: gay normality and queer anticapitalism
rosemary hennessy, profit and pleasure
sophie lewis, abolish the family
suzy kim, everyday life in the north korean revolution
walter rodney, the russian revolution: a view from the third world
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
generally, my requests are always open, however i do not write any smut, please respect this rule. thank you for reading :)
jude bellingham
the first „i love you“ pt.2
relationship habits pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
gossip queen judeth
skincare time
break up
kisses all over you
after an argument with your parents
partner in crime, apple to my pie
silent treatment
dating someone that’s older pt.2
late night work
stay at home nurse
first snow
couple’s tattoo
sick judeth
moving on pt.2
a crush that isn’t you
after practice things
clingy judeth pt.2
sleep struggles
your own family
himbo bee eff
tea time
make out sesh
annoying jude
barbie time
sleepy s/o
bio lesson
kpop concert
boba date
fair games
touches w jude
dance class
so sick
lego bouquet
calvin klein ad
jobes match
la liga campeones
f1 baddie
true crime
champions league winner
lost in madrid - mini series
flo wirtz
general hc
first loss
jamal musiala
couple’s yoga
clingy jamal
attending his game
crushing on each other but not being able to confess pt.2
dating someone that’s older
long distance relationship
studying for an exam
catching feelings
pedri gonzalez
meeting the family
pablo gavira
liking his arms
benjamin pavard - late night cuddles
benjamin pavard - late night dancing
erling haaland - relationship habits
mason mount - relationship habits
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determinate-negation · 11 months
favourite texts on psychoanalysis?
ill just make a list things i found interesting or important... some of the books are kind of long and ive only read some chapters but sttill
totem and taboo - freud
civilization and its discontents - freud
black skin white masks - fanon
dialectical materialism and psychoanalysis- wilhelm reich
a contribution to the analysis of extreme submissiveness in women - anne reich
psychoanalysis and feminism - juliet mitchell
masochism in modern man - theodor reik
the bonds of love - jessica benjamin
life against death - norman brown
heterosexuality as a compromise formation - nancy chodorow
melanie kleins essays on infant analysis and object relations
perversion - robert stoller
the divided self - rd laing
i have also some quotes and other texts under my psychoanalysis tag
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thousandfireworks · 3 months
Authors whose books you have to avoid because they are problematic.
Abigail Hing Wen.
Alex Aster.
Alice Hoffman.
Alice Oseman.
Alison Win Scotch. ‘Terrorism is never acceptable. Not in Israel.’
Allie Sarah.
Amber Kelly.
Amy Harmon.
Annabelle Monaghan.
Anna Akana.
Aurora Parker.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Brandon Sanderson. Islamophobic.
Carissa Broadbent. Said that hamas is doing violence against innocence.
Chloe Walsh. Siding with Israel in the name of humanity.
Christina Lauren. Believe that Israel is the victim. A racist, also Islamophobic.
Colleen Hoover.
Cora Reilly. Travel to Israel despite criticism.
Danielle Bernstein. Islamophobic.
Danielle Lori.
Deke Moulton. Said hamas is terrorist.
Dian Purnomo.
Eliza Chan.
Elle Kennedy.
Elyssa Friedland.
Emily Henry.
Emily Mclntire.
Emily St. J. Mandel. Admiring Israel.
Gabrielle Zevin. Wrote a book about anti-Palestine. Mentioned Israel multiple times without context on his book.
Gregory Carlos. Israeli author. A zionist.
Hannah Whitten.
Hazel Hayes. Reposted a post about October 7th.
Heidi Shertok.
Jamie McGuire.
Jay Shetty. ‘Violence is happening in Israel.’
Jean Meltzer.
Jeffery Archer. Wrote a book with a mc Israel operative (mossad) in a positive and anti terrorist light.
Jennifer Hartman. Liked a post about pro-Israel.
Jen Calonita.
Jessa Hastings.
Jill Santopolo. Said that Israel has right to exist and fight back.
John Green.
Jojo Moyes.
J. Elle.
J. K. Rowling. Support genocide. Racist. Islamophobic.
Kate Canterbery.
Kate Stewart.
Katherine Howe.
Katherine Locke.
Kristin Hannah. Support Israel. Shared a donation link.
Laini Taylor.
Laura Thalassa. Islamophobic.
Lauren Wise. Cussed that Palestinian supporters would be raped in front of children.
Lea Geller. Thanked people who supports Israel.
Leigh Stein.
Lilian Harris. A racist. Blocking people who educates about colonialism in Palestine and call them disgusting.
Lisa Barr. A daughter of Holocaust survivor. Support Israel.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery.
Lisa Steinke.
Liz Fenton.
Lynn Painter. Afraid of getting cancelled as a pro-Palestine and posted a template afterwards.
L. J. Shen. Her husband joins idf (Israel army).
Mariana Zapata.
Marie Lu.
Marissa Meyer.
Melissa de la Cruz.
Michelle Cohen Corasanti.
Michelle Hodkin. Spread false rumors about arab-hamas. Islamophobic.
Mitch Albom. ‘We shouldn't blame Israel for surviving attacks or defending against them.’
Monica Murphy. Siding with Israel.
Naomi Klein.
Navah Wolfe.
Neil Gaiman. Suggested Palestinians unite with Israel and become citizens.
Nicholas Sparks.
Nic Stone. Talked nonsense that children in Palestinian refugee camp are training to be martyrs for Allah because they felt it was their call in life.
Nyla K.
Olivia Wildenstein. Blocking people who disagree with Israel wrongdoing.
Pamela Becker.
Penelope Douglas.
Pierce Brown.
Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Rebecca G. Martinez.
Rebecca Yarros. ‘I despise violence’ her opinion about what's happening in Gaza. Blocking people who calls her a zionist.
Rena Rossner.
Renee Ahdieh.
Rick Riordan.
Rina Kent.
Rivka (noctem.novelle).
Rochelle Weinstein.
Romina Garber. ‘These terrorist attacks do nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians people.’
Roshani Chokshi. Encourage people to donate to Israel.
Samantha Greene Woodruff.
Sarah J. Mass. Her book contained ideology of zionism.
Stephanie Garber. Promoting books by zionist author (Sarah J. Mass)
Skye Warren.
Sonali Dev.
Talia Carner.
Tarryn Fisher. Said ‘there was terrorist attack in Israel.’
Taylor Jenkins Reid. Posted a video about genocide.
Tere Liye. Rumoured to have ghoswriters to write his books and never give credit to them.
Tillie Cole.
Tracy Deon.
Trinity Traveler (Ade Perucha Hutagaol). Rumour to wrote book about handsome Israelis.
T. J. Klune.
Uri Kurlianchik.
Veronica Roth.
Victoria Aveyard. ‘Israel has the right to exist.’ quote from her about the issue.
V. E. Schwab. Shared a donation link and video about Israel.
Yuval Noah. ‘Israel has the right to do anything to defend themselves.’
Zibby Owens.
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