#beside him on the couch
willowser · 1 year
but how does nerd!bakugou fix it? :(
oh, friend !! 🥺 let's think 🤔💕
i almost feel like. he tries to fix it in his awful, terrible, stupid way — which is to tell you how wrong you are — and it doesn't work and then he's like. okay i guess that's over now. because he's always felt like it was temporary and that it wasn't going to last and that it was going to hurt. and it does, though he tries to tell himself: you knew this was coming, dumbass.
i think he lets you go for a little bit, maybe a semester or two, and it doesn't feel like he's necessarily lost you, it just feels like it's run the course he always knew it would.
still fucking sucks though, and he can't look at his stupid x-wings or watch a new hope or get through a dnd session without wondering what you would say, if you were there. if you still wanted to try the model he bought you online, what you would do with it. set it up in your room maybe, he could have helped you do it, if you wanted. what class would you have picked, what race for the campaign he nearly finished setting up? he would have helped you win, by the way, would'a told you how to kick everyone's ass.
even his bed is hard to lay in, for while. empty.
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kiri is the one to finally say something, when they're halfway through blade runner and katsuki hasn't uncrossed his arms or stopped jostling his leg or lifted his head up from the back of the couch.
"have you even tried to talk to her, man?"
"her who?"
"you know her-who."
because he's tired of seeing him mope—even though katsuki swears that's not what he's doing—and he even has to bring out the big guns like. you think aragorn would have given up on arwen this easily??
and then i think katsuki finds out from mina when one of your classes is, on what days, and he waits outside the building for you. probably pacing. has to keep pushing his glasses back up his nose and he won't stop fiddling with the arm he still hasn't fixed.
you come out and just. stop. and stare at him and hug your books a little closer to your chest and the rest of the class just weaves between you two until he has to step closer, so people will stop cutting him off. you frown, because it hurt you, too. because the movies your friends watch aren't as adventurous and your bed just isn't as comfortable.
"it didn't—" katsuki shoves his fists into his pockets and shakes his head, trying to tide back his anxiety. being in front of you makes him feel fourteen again, having to apologize for shit he shouldn't have said, just trying to find friends that will put up with him. "it meant everything to me."
you soften, openly, at that and his heart melts down into something plain and simple and true. no doom and gloom, no limit on the time he has with you, no out of his league bullshit, because you've never given him a reason to feel that way, not once.
as long as you get to trace his nose with your fingertip and watch the soft blink of his bright eyes and kiss his cheeks until they're warm, you'll let him explain the matrix to you over and over again, for as long as he wants. and if he would have just taken his head out of his ass, maybe he would have seen that from the start.
"just—didn't expect it to mean anything t'you."
"well," your pout turns playful, has his stomach flipping like it always does with you. very carefully, you shuffle closer to him, until you're tilting your head back to stare directly up at him, until all he has to do is lean down, let his glases slip back down his nose, before he could kiss you. "then i guess you're not as smart as you think, mister."
"no," katsuki murmurs, wondering why the hell he would ever even think of letting you go. "definitely not."
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caelanglang · 1 year
Post-Mission Celebration: Movie Night Afternoon (things that happen when you’re all working the night shift…)
if you squint you’ll see them breathing
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 08
FF knows that it might be possible to get a new flight and that the excuse of “Oh I found a flight so I could go spend the holiday with my Gran” would probably be unassailable even tot he great unknown of Andrew Minyard’s displeasure (FF has not yet figured out when the pin will drop and Andrew will come at him. The man is a stone wall but FF knows that Andrew doesn’t like him and that knowledge is confirmed every time Andrew and Captain Neil come into Nicky’s dorm and find FF there hanging out with Nicky and he sees both Andrew and Captain Neil frown at him.)
It’s just that it takes 7-10 business days for him to build up the nerve to have to call someone and deal with customer service and it would take more bravery than he currently has to press forward and actually get a flight that would WORK. He has a very limited window for when he can get to Washington. HIs Gran had called a friend to borrow a car to pick him up and that was only available during a 6 hour window on his arrival date.
He COULD get a taxi to his Gran’s house but… (“What if I get kidnapped, what if I get trafficked, how do I tell a normal taxi from a taxi that will take me to a place where I’ll wake up in an ice bath and down a kidney, what if the taxi driver doesn’t like me, what if the taxi driver wants to talk, I don’t have anything interesting to say! What if he says mean things about me in his native language on the phone and I have to pretend that I don’t know what he’s SAYING?)… he’d probably die during the hour long ride from the anxiety.
He tells his Gran and she promises to get a pie out to him A.S.A.P.
It almost makes him feel better until he remembers what he had agreed to when Andrew came at him at his WEAKEST MOMENT to get him to agree to spend an entire four days at the house in Columbia he has HEARD stories about.
FF, laying face down on the floor in Nicky’s dorm as Nicky pats his back: Nicky next time you see me about to agree to something that will result in me getting killed I NEED you to run up and just punch me in the jaw. I’m begging you. You know I’m a disaster.
Nicky thinking about how Andrew has gotten weirdly protective of FF since the whole step brother incident: I need you to understand that that will result in ME being killed which I am not a big fan of.
FF misunderstanding: My grandma’s not THAT strong Nicky. At most grandmothers from across the country will frown disapprovingly at you.
Nicky thinking about all the little old ladies who dote on FF for inexplicable reasons and how some of them know he’s FF’s friend and give Nicky the grandma experience he had lacked growing up: Somehow that’s even worse than what I was thinking :(
Nicky coming to check on FF hours later: Are…are you watching the Saw movies?
FF taking copious notes: I need to prepare myself to survive Columbia. Do you have a basement or will Andrew be moving me to a secondary location?
Nicky walking over and shutting off the TV: I think it’s time to go to bed champ.
FF: If I don’t sleep then Andrew can’t drag me to a secondary location. I bought a 20 pack of five hour energy because that is the most the CVS would sell me.
Nicky: They cut you off??
FF: Yeah the manager there said he’d sell it as a ‘favor’ to a ‘loyal customer’ but to destroy my receipt and I had to buy in cash in case I die from a heart attack so it’s not linked to them. So if I play my cards right I have around 4 days of energy right here. I have looked up all the foods that can make you sleepy and will be avoiding them to stack the deck.
Nicky guiding FF towards his bedroom: Y’know that includes turkey. Also those five hour energy shots will be murder on your tummy. :(
FF: I am willing to make some sacrifices so I can live to see 19 Nicky. Also I figure I can just drink an entire bottle of Pepto per bottle of five hour energy resulting in a net neutral situation in my stomach.
Nicky tucking FF into bed carefully: Or result in you going to the hospital for an overdose get some sleep Smith. Andrew is not planning on killing you.
FF already falling asleep because his stress energy is running out: You have no idea how much he dislikes me and how much pepto my body can handle but you’re right about going to sleep. I’ll need my strength to power through the reverse bear trap let alone a laser collar.
2 of Grandma Smith’s apple pies arrive in the early afternoon of Thanksgiving via a little old lady turning up at Abby’s house who is a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of Grandma Smith. The Foxes take a moment to marvel that somehow it is still warm despite apparently having been Granny expressed across the country despite the storm.
The delivering old lady pinches FF’s cheek and says not to be too disheartened and that his Grandma loves him and will see him for Christmas Break for SURE. She hands him a little note his Gran sent with the pies and he pointedly does not read it there.
This would make FF happy if he hadn’t been swearing up down left and right that he didn’t TALK to his grandma to Andrew whose eyes he can FEEL on him.
He manages a “THANKS.” In a perfectly normal tone. He has no memory that he already told Andrew and Captain Neil that he was spending the holiday with his grandma since he had blue screened at the offer last time and had rebooted in safe mode to power walk away from the situation.
“Your grandma is really nice.” Captain Neil says. “Those pies look good.”
FF, his anxiety momentarily overridden by a soul-deep love for his grandma, “My gran is the BEST and so are her pies.” And then he hears what he has said and walks back into Abby’s house to set out one pie for everyone else and goes and stress eats the second one on the living room couch after he promised Abby he’d clean up any mess.
He wonders if he’ll make it to Christmas Break as he sees Kevin Day staring at him in abject horror while Andrew stares straight at him.
Even with the attention on him he decides to check the note the other granny had given him from his Gran. It is in her native polish so he feels his shoulders relax since no one would be able to read it.
‘For my little Chicken, this isn’t your last meal like you texted me. I know you will be fine. I am thankful for you in my life every day.’
He tucks the note in his pocket and feels a little better.
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27 @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world @obscureshipsandchips @booklover242 @whataboutmyfries @sahturnos
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"My cat won't let me get anything done"
And then it's just a picture of Ganke sleeping on Miles's chest while he's struggling to use him as a table for his sketchbook.
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raayllum · 1 year
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We haven’t seen each other in two years. Don’t you think that’s worth staying up a little past your bedtime? I’m tired. [A look of disappointment crosses Rayla’s face.] Fine. What do you want to talk about?
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however u want to interpret it the relationship between jj n John B season one can be something so personal to a man
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horsemage · 1 month
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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thedickgraysons · 2 months
i need to put azriel shadowsinger in a jar. and then i need a comically large single handle magnifying lens to stare at him with. and sometimes i will shake him up and down and other times i will simply study him like the little freak bug he is.
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thebrittanybrigade · 7 months
I think Jasper is going deaf
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
I have a deep belief that Roland and Curt will only sing to each other. Like, in private. 
Im not explaining this well am i?
No. no i am not
Alright- so lets say its rolands birthday and curt throws him a party and everyone gathers and sings happy birthday and like you'd expect curt to be at the front singing louder than everyone with his wonderful voice…
But instead hes at the back of the room, smiling faintly and maybe mouthing the words but not singing. 
And then hours later, when everyone else is gone
And its just them- like it was just them all those years ago, sitting on the couch with a guitar
Curt will open his mouth and sing happy birthday
Only for roland.
No one else 
And roland will deny it
But its his favorite part of his birthday traditions
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neptunym · 1 year
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happy birthday to my favourite fruit bat
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aquaticaberration · 27 days
There is nothing more pathetic than a pittie that's not feeling well. Like why is my sentient cinderblock just sitting over there instead of launching himself at my face at the speed of Mach fuck?
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how is marvin?
Alive, sort of awake sometimes. I'm... he's wearing a scarf right now, after I put some stuff on his neck that hopefully made it feel kinda better. Tried giving him a little bit of water I had saved, might attempt to feed him some food later when I have some.
I'm not really in the mood to explain more right now. I'll check and change his bandages tomorrow. Right now I just need him to have a calm day, so I'm just holding him, and napping with him. I am going to go back to doing that.
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messyhairdiaz · 1 year
Am I mistaken or in 6x10 when Buck is at Maddie and Chimney’s house, does he literally never sit on the couch? I’m willing to be wrong about this but I picture him on the floor at some point?
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mythcaels · 5 months
"I just want to see you when I wake up every morning. That's all." you know this one is for iruka & kakashi
Romantic Sentences, Vol. 2
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 pretending to be a couple for the sake of protecting each others own skin, protecting Naruto, letting Naruto have a chance at an actual childhood rather than live the life of a child soldier and all the way to where they were now. There were real feelings that dipped into their interactions now, it made things easier to sell to the civilians in this little place they had come to make their own too, in this place that these civilians had accepted them with open arms and looked after them as they were such a kind little family just trying to have their own place to survive and thrive.
It led them to this current moment and would surely lead to many more moments in the future too. This current moment though, Iruka holding his wrist and him looking between Iruka and the hand that holds his wrist so gently that he could barely pull and be free of that grasp. Iruka uttering words about wanting to see him when he wakes up every morning. Kakashi has made the couch his bed for the entire time they've been here so far, letting Iruka sleep in a bed that was easily big enough for the both of them. They weren't really a couple when this started but, they were navigating their way right into the territory of real for a bit now, this moment said that much too.
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❝ I'll just wake you up. I have terrible nightmares. ❞ He's seen too many things not to have nightmares of them. Though, he's sure Iruka has his own nightmares, he's heard him get up and move about this little place that is starting to really feel like a home and not a hiding place. Knowing such a thing is what makes him slowly settle on the edge of the bed and reach up with his free hand to slide mask down off his face. Iruka sees his face daily when he disguises himself. Iruka can blend himself easier, Naruto can blend in easily enough too for the most part but Kakashi has a well known look that he has to disguise to blend in better amongst a town of civilians.
He breathes out, a long breath, the breath of a man giving into the wishes of the one he has come to care so much for. ❝ I don't mind sleeping on the couch, Iruka. ❞ He's giving the other male a chance to take back words, to escape the situation should he want to. Hand that had pulled mask down was now moving to brush pieces of hair from Iruka's face. He looked so handsome with his hair loose. Sharingan eye flutters open, burning the others current appearance into memory in the moment.
❝ you're not going to let my wrist go unless I lay down beside you on this bed right now, are you ? ❞ Again, he could easily slip wrist from grasp but he doesn't, he's a man who has already given in after all ( all he had to do was lay down beside the other male to prove that much which is what he slowly does next ). ❝ Well. I'm here now. But seriously, I am sorry if I have a nightmare and it wakes you up. I warned you. ❞
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joethehoeee · 1 year
Ofc I love my boy and decided to draw him again-
And as a short info for everyone: You can use him in fanfics or fanarts if you want. Just give credits in the notes and nothing more. I just wanted to clear that :D
And his original info post is this one.
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I wanted to show some emotions and yes they are silly but he is too so it dosen't really matter.
And yes two of them are basically the same (happy/excitement) but you can mostly see how happy he is if and how much he wags his tail.
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Again some infos:
The first one is basically his daily mood. He dosen't like people or trolls... or almost anything-
And yes he loves blueberries and rocks. Don’t ask why. He just does. He also collects rocks that he finds beautiful, sometimes leaving them on Strickler's door as gifts and as a token of his unspoken love for him (ofc a kind of father/son love). Strickler threw it away the first time he got one because he didn't knew about it. Kodin was very sad (as you can see-). Strickler eventually got it back and collects them in in a small box since then. Strickler never admits that he secretly likes and kept them although Kodin found them as he accidently knocked over the box while he searched for a book. Kodin ofc also collects them for himself and sorted them on his desk.
Also the small brown stone on his coat is from his dead Boyfriend. I believe that almost all changelings get one and It's inspired by Stricklers even tho you can't really see it-
And just to be clear, Kodin isn’t really that loving even if it sounds like that. He still mocks Strickler and ofc annoyes him but I want to show that they indeed also have a strong bond as a kind of family. They are mostly professional and show a kind of 'hatred' against each other if others are around (Like changelings mostly do). They do show their hidden appreciation and love if they are alone and mostly with small acts of kindness like the rocks or Strickler tells him he did a good Job but looks away from him. They do grow together and bond more as a family after the battle against Morgana.
Most people don’t trust him, obviously because he is a changeling, but also because he is knowen for not being very loyal or trustworthy. He ofc is only loyal to Strickler wich makes him very dangerous since he will stab everyone else in the back. He will tell Strickler every small detail that might be important to know for him. He wouldn't give Gunmar his loyalty but he would pretend for his master.
He also would never let anyone see his fear and if he comes to his death then he would probably still make a provocative comment to not show his weak side. He eventually will show his scared side to some people that are really close to him.
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