#god my stomach actually hurts just thinking about him trying to watch a movie and just wishing you were there
willowser · 2 years
but how does nerd!bakugou fix it? :(
oh, friend !! 🥺 let's think 🤔💕
i almost feel like. he tries to fix it in his awful, terrible, stupid way — which is to tell you how wrong you are — and it doesn't work and then he's like. okay i guess that's over now. because he's always felt like it was temporary and that it wasn't going to last and that it was going to hurt. and it does, though he tries to tell himself: you knew this was coming, dumbass.
i think he lets you go for a little bit, maybe a semester or two, and it doesn't feel like he's necessarily lost you, it just feels like it's run the course he always knew it would.
still fucking sucks though, and he can't look at his stupid x-wings or watch a new hope or get through a dnd session without wondering what you would say, if you were there. if you still wanted to try the model he bought you online, what you would do with it. set it up in your room maybe, he could have helped you do it, if you wanted. what class would you have picked, what race for the campaign he nearly finished setting up? he would have helped you win, by the way, would'a told you how to kick everyone's ass.
even his bed is hard to lay in, for while. empty.
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kiri is the one to finally say something, when they're halfway through blade runner and katsuki hasn't uncrossed his arms or stopped jostling his leg or lifted his head up from the back of the couch.
"have you even tried to talk to her, man?"
"her who?"
"you know her-who."
because he's tired of seeing him mope—even though katsuki swears that's not what he's doing—and he even has to bring out the big guns like. you think aragorn would have given up on arwen this easily??
and then i think katsuki finds out from mina when one of your classes is, on what days, and he waits outside the building for you. probably pacing. has to keep pushing his glasses back up his nose and he won't stop fiddling with the arm he still hasn't fixed.
you come out and just. stop. and stare at him and hug your books a little closer to your chest and the rest of the class just weaves between you two until he has to step closer, so people will stop cutting him off. you frown, because it hurt you, too. because the movies your friends watch aren't as adventurous and your bed just isn't as comfortable.
"it didn't—" katsuki shoves his fists into his pockets and shakes his head, trying to tide back his anxiety. being in front of you makes him feel fourteen again, having to apologize for shit he shouldn't have said, just trying to find friends that will put up with him. "it meant everything to me."
you soften, openly, at that and his heart melts down into something plain and simple and true. no doom and gloom, no limit on the time he has with you, no out of his league bullshit, because you've never given him a reason to feel that way, not once.
as long as you get to trace his nose with your fingertip and watch the soft blink of his bright eyes and kiss his cheeks until they're warm, you'll let him explain the matrix to you over and over again, for as long as he wants. and if he would have just taken his head out of his ass, maybe he would have seen that from the start.
"just—didn't expect it to mean anything t'you."
"well," your pout turns playful, has his stomach flipping like it always does with you. very carefully, you shuffle closer to him, until you're tilting your head back to stare directly up at him, until all he has to do is lean down, let his glases slip back down his nose, before he could kiss you. "then i guess you're not as smart as you think, mister."
"no," katsuki murmurs, wondering why the hell he would ever even think of letting you go. "definitely not."
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141! Reacting to you biting them playfully/lovingly
I KEEP seeing 141 reacting to reader biting them playfully/lovingly so I decided to share my takes.😽😽😽
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Soap! would 100% fight back the minute he feels your teeth wrapped around his arm. He takes it as you trying to start shit with him so he's up and practically wrestling you to the floor within seconds (easy for him since he's got all those big strong muscles 😖😣😫💦). By the time you even register the chaos of being thrown to the floor (mostly gently), he's already got a fleshy piece of your exposed stomach in his mouth. Knowing Soap, it would end up dirty real fast. (I usually skip this part)
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Gaz! would honestly just accept it after the first couple times. He can't even see anything about you as weird or strange bc he's just THAT down bad for you. He definitely got scared the first time but then let out a questioning giggle and asked what that was about. Now he just lets you gnaw at him for as long as you want while he strokes your back or plays with your hair bc he loves you more than anything, including his own flesh😍😜💕💕💕
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Price! would be mostly in the same boat as Gaz. Especially if you're biting affectionately rather than playfully. If you're the type to bite lovingly and he knows that, he'll definitely cherish those bites no matter how bad they actually hurt bc it means you love him and that's all he cares about 🙂. It's almost routine for you to bite him wherever you can when you're cuddling in bed at night. The minute you're comfortable with your head buried in the crook of his neck, he's already anticipating the feeling of your teeth clamped down on his shoulder. He actually looks forward to it now.
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Simon! The first time it happens is when you're laying together on your tiny couch. You're watching some movie that you've lost the plot of half an hour ago and now you're BORED and Simons bicep is right in front of you so naturally you unhinge your jaw and latch onto his muscles (🥵). He'll never admit this but when you latched onto his bicep he SQUEALED and HONEST TO GOD THREW HIMSELF OFF THE COUCH TO GET AWAY. He's so embarrassed and grumpy and pouty afterwards. Looks like an actual toddler for the rest of the night. Won't trust you for weeks after the initial bite.
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Idk if you guys can tell but I wrote this thinking Gaz and Price would get lovingly bitten while Soap and Ghost would be playfully bitten more. Anyways hope y'all enjoy this, it was very fun to write. Thank you for all of the love and support on my other posts 🥰🥰💞
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mouthfullofmunson · 2 years
More pest-boyfriend!eddie since you guys liked it so much
Steals your food- 24/7, if you’re eating something he will steal a bite from your plate or just take it out of your hand and take a big bite “oh yeah, that’s good”
Drums his hands on your ass if you’re laying on your stomach “that sounds amazing, does it not? I need to show that band that one.”
He gets piss drunk and comes over to your house, somehow ends on on your floor ranting about how much he loves you then starts crying like “your going to leave me :( I don’t want you to leave me. I can’t have another person leave me” and you have to get him food and lots of water so he can sober up a bit before shoving him in the shower all while reassuring him that you love him too and would never leave him as long as you live
And when he wakes up, on your floor, with a migraine he’s like “you shouldn’t have let me drink that much…” when you weren’t even with him when he started drinking
Not a pest kind of thing but refers to you as his “lover” <3
Bites you, because it is his favorite way of giving you affection
Along with noogies
And he loves to throw his dirty clothes at you while he’s changing
Especially throwing his dirty boxers at your face and then be hurt when you think it’s gross
And anytime you’re watching a movie together he has to sit basically on top of you or he’s not comfortable
He either wants you in his lap, or laying your head in his lap, or he wants to have his head on your lap, or cuddled up with his arms around you and your head in his chest
And he is in fact the absolute most obnoxious sleeper
He goes from sleeping in a cute position with him all cuddled on himself to his leg wrapped around you and the other on the floor, his arms slug across his eyes and the other over your face
Or he’s on his belly and he wakes up every five seconds whining about how he’s not comfortable
And if you’re giving him the silent treatment he’s absolutely not having it
He will annoy you until you finally have to yell at him to stop and then he’s like “you love me so much. I know you want to kiss me.”
He would literally do anything from licking your face, begging you to talk to him, to pantsing you
And that will make you even more angry at him, but hey, at least you’re talking to him
And before sex he always has to make jokes about getting you pregnant (even if you can’t get pregnant) just because he LOVESSS to be annoying
And he’s so the type to try to scare you 24/7
Act like he’s sleep just to scream “BAH!” And start crying laughing when you actually get scared
And if you watch a scary movie he does everything in his power to convince you that that specific murder is out to get you
He will scratch your back and he like “OH MY GOD FREDDY IS HERE! BABY HES OUT TO GET YOU!”
And he’s so the type to brag about your sex lives even though he knows it annoys you he likes to see you blush
“Sorry if we’re late, y/n got horny” even though he was definitely the one to initiate it
He’s the type to shove his finger in your nose then in your mouth
And burp as loud as he can and act like it didn’t happen
Or even fart and blame it on you “oh my god get out of my room if you’re going to do that!” And he does it all with a straight face
He also digs in the ground like a little boy so you have to tell him to wash under his nails
And he will go on a smoke break, walk around the trailer park, dig a random hole and find a bird feather or a random piece of junk and be like “here, babe. I got you a gift.”
But that happens anytime you go anywhere
If you go to the park to smoke a joint together he’s going to find a worm to chase you around with
Or those locus shell things
And he tries to put them if your hair and when you run from him and the random slimy insect “baby, no! Come here sweetheart, it’s a gift! C’mon! It can be our pet.”
Forces you to run down to the drug store with him and get snacks any time, weather it’s 1pm, 8am, 2am, he doesn’t care
And he calls you all the time, just to hear your voice and to tell you random things about his day
“Well I accidentally put on a pair of cum filled boxers. Then I dug in that hole again and there was acorns in it, so I looked around and put more acorns in it for the squirrels, then I had to run down and get more cigarettes but they didn’t have the kind I smoke so I had to get another kind and I hate it. I made breakfast for my uncle. Oh, I drank a huge think of dr.pepper and almost puked in my lap after I had this huge burp, i felt it in my chest it was crazy.”
He definitely has his hand in his pants 24/7 and constantly plays with his pubes and when he looks over to see you giving him a dirty look he pulls the waist band of his pants open “you can join if you feel left out”
He loves to moon you idec
“Hey, look”
“What baby?”
You look back to see him holding his pants right under his ass.
And he thinks he’s so funny, you’ll leave the room and come back to him laying on his stomach with just his ass out
“Come on I know you want to slap it”
Okay okay I’ll shut up those are all the thoughts I have tho
Plz lmk what you think :3
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Playing the Game Part 7 (Steve X Plus size reader)
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Warnings: Daddy/ Dom Steve and all that that implies (I regret nothing!), The reader suggestions they try some of the more rougher stuff and the aftermath is talked about in detail. More so Steve's feelings about it. There's no actual smut in this one. More angst and feels than anything.
Word Count: 3008
Steve stares at the ceiling as you sleep softly beside him replaying the night in his head. He had come over to your place extremely frustrated after having the worst day of his life. While at work his ex and her new boyfriend decided to drop by to rent some movies. He subtly watched them out of the corner of his eye as they moved about the store. When they finally walked up to the counter Rebecca had painted fake surprise on her face. 
“Oh my god, Steve. I had nooooo idea you worked here.”
“I worked here when we were together, Rebecca.”
“Hey!” Her boyfriend pointed his boney finger at Steve. “Don’t be rude.”
After work, his dad decided to surprise him outside of his store and invited him to dinner. He spent the entire meal berating him about getting his life together.
“Steven, it’s time to grow up. You need to get a real job, make some real money, find a good woman.”
“I have a good woman.”
“Pffft, not the way I hear it.”
“I know. I know. You think you’re in love but…”
Steve chugged the liquor in his glass and gestured to the waitress for another.
You moaned slightly as you rolled over on to your back. His head turned to look at you, noticing you wince as your skin moved against the sheets. He scooted over to you and pulled down the material to look at your body. Your wrists were starting to bruise from where he held you down. Your stomach, arms, and legs had little welts and teeth marks from where he sucked and bit. Your inner thighs had imprints his fingers and hands left. Steve reached over and delicately turned your head to face him. Your cheek was bright red still from where he smacked you.
He felt like an asshole. 
Your fingers run through his hair as you listen to his slightly inebriated babbling. 
“Gah! And what pisses me off the most is how her boyfriend and my dad talk to me. Shut the fuck up! I’m talking. I’m in charge of my own life. You know?”
“I know, baby. I understand.”
He leans his head against the back of your couch. “I just hate feeling out of control.” You don’t respond and his eyes scan your frame. He reaches his hand out and glides his fingers up your spine. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m just venting.”
“Do you want to feel in control?” Steve sits up straighter as you push your hair behind your ear and turn to face him. “We’ve never really talked about it. You being…MORE dominant like that.”
Steve looks at his shoes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No, Daddy, I know. I just think it might help you. We can create a safe word and if I’m uncomfortable then I can say it and we stop. I’ve never tried anything like THAT before but I DO feel safe with you.” You reach for his chin and turn him to look at you. “I want to help.”
You never once used that safe word so he didn’t stop. He let out all of his aggression and you took it. Hell, he even made you cum more times than he could count. But looking at you now… it killed him. Steve couldn’t take this anymore. He covered you back up with the blankets after getting out of your bed, quietly dressed and left your apartment. 
“Where is he, Robin?!”
“Y/N, for the one thousandth time, I don’t know. Keith said he was using some vacation time so he wouldn’t be coming in. I’m surprised you don’t know where he is.”
“So am I!” You huff out a breath as you try and regulate your tone. “I’ve called him but he doesn’t answer. I went to his apartment and waited outside. He never showed up. I ask around and no one has seen him. I’m worried.”
“Let’s think this through. I’m Steve. I don’t want anyone to know where I am especially my girlfriend who knows me better than anyone. I won’t be at my usual spots because, of course not. So, I would want to hide where no one would expect to ever find me. The last place I would ever want to be.”
“I know where he is.” You give Robin a big hug as you run out the door.
You bang on the gigantic door but no one answers. 
“Someone open this door or I swear to god I will camp outside here until someone does!”
You start beating on it again until the door swings roughly open and Mr. Harrington stares down at you angrily. 
“Young lady!”
“Bill.” You push past him into the house. “Where is he?”
“Where is who?”
“Your son. Steven Harrington, you come out here right now!”
“Miss, from what I can tell he wants some time apart so you should respect his wishes.”
You start power walking through rooms, banging open doors. “Oh, what like you do? And my name is Y/N. Not ‘Miss’ or ‘Young Lady’. Steven!” You were purposely calling him by the name he hated hoping it would get enough of rise out of him to face you. 
“Maybe it’s time for you to accept that this fling you have with my son has come to end.”
“Steven! Steven Harrington, you fucking coward! Face me like a real man and make your daddy proud!” You turn to face his dad. “Not that it will matter because nothing he does for you is ever good enough.”
The last door at the end of the hall opens and Steve stares at you with a vacant expression. The relief you feel at finally finding him is replaced with fury now that you have found him. “Well look at that, Bill. Here he is.”
“I’m calling the police.”
“No, dad! I got this. Just finish getting ready for your flight.”
“And holy shit, he can speak!”, you say sarcastically as you enter his room, grabbing his shirt by the collar, and closing the door. 
Steve folds his arms as he leans his back against the wall while you stand in the middle of what you assume was his bedroom when he used to live at home. 
“I’m going to try and remain as calm as I can but I furious with you, Steve. When I asked you if you wanted more control, I didn’t mean this. I have been looking for you everywhere and I find you here of all places.”
He doesn’t move or even look your way and you feel your blood start to boil. 
“I woke up and you were fucking gone. Not only were you gone but you disappeared. What? Did you get what you wanted from me? Were you like ‘Hey I finally got to rough her up. I guess I’m done now.’” He flinched at your words. “Steve, talk to me, god damnit!” 
He pushed himself off the door, grabbing your arm, and pulling you in front of his full-length mirror. He pulled your turtleneck sweater over your head, bringing your shirt with it. “Look at this!” Steve points to your neck before his hands run down your arms holding them up for you to look in the reflection. “Look at what I did to you!”
“Steve, that’s what the safe word is for. I didn’t use it.”
“Why?! You should have.”
You’re eyes open wide with shock. “Oh my god. This type of relationship and dynamic requires trust. It’s not just me trusting you and trusting you’ll stop when I say the word but that you trust I know when to use it! You’ve known me for almost 8 months. What makes you think I would allow you to do this to me and me not be okay with it?!”
“Did you enjoy it? Me fucking destroying your body like this.”
“Yes! Until you left me!” You put your hands on your hips. “Part of this relationship, Steve, is aftercare. You’re so good with taking care of me after we play. But the one time I really needed you to be there, you weren’t.” You grab your shirt and pull it over your head, turning your face away from him so he doesn’t see the stray tear that fell. “Look, um, maybe we should take some apart and then when you’re ready we can talk about us and, um,” You try to walk past him but he reaches out for your hand. You pull away roughly.
“Do you see the difference? This right here is fucking destroying me.”
Two a.m. that morning you heard a small knock on your door. The tears hadn’t stopped since you got back home and sleep never came. You drag yourself out of bed, opening your front door to find Steve leaning his hands on either side of the frame. 
You say nothing as you let go of the door and walk back into the apartment. He follows you in, closing the door behind him. He stares as you kick a box towards him with your feet. 
“Here’s your stuff you’ve left here. Just take it and go.” You voice was gravelly from crying. Steve wasn’t sure if you were aware but you were wearing one of his shirts. Seeing you like this, in his clothes, in so much pain… NOW he was being an asshole. 
“Y/N, I—”
You hold your hand up to stop him. “Steve, I can’t. I can’t hear it right now. It just hurts too much. Just leave, please.”
He presses his lips together as he nods his head. “I, um… okay.” Steve picks up the small box without looking at you. He starts to leave but stops halfway as he turns his head in your direction, his tone low as he speaks. “You have every right to be mad at me. I fucked up, baby girl.” Your bottom lip trembles at the name as a tear escapes your eye. You hug your arms tighter to you. “I’m sorry.”
With that, he power walks out your door, down the hallway to the elevator. His body starts to shake with anger at himself. He hated seeing you that way, seeing you so small. Steve understood what you meant now. When you two were playing the other night you never once looked at him the way you looked at him just now. 
He wanted to scream but he was in your complex. Steve threw the box in his hand violently against the adjacent wall. He stomped on the contents, his toothbrush, clothes, and other essentials, with his foot until they were unrecognizable. 
His head shot up, looking towards where you were standing outside your door. He watched as you ran towards him, jumping into his arms as he caught you, wrapping your legs around his waist. Steve carried you back into your apartment, slamming the door with his foot. He leaned his back against the wood, sliding down to the floor, bringing you with him. 
He gently lifted your head from his shoulder, pressing his forehead to yours as he wiped your eyes with his sleeve. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I will never, do you hear me? Never hurt you like this again.” Your heavy eyes looked into his knowing he meant what he was saying. 
Steve leaned his head back, hitting your front door with a loud thud. “Ow.” He softly smiles as an exasperated chuckle leaves your lips. He takes your hands in his as he rises off the ground, pulling you up with him. “Come on, baby.”, he whispers as he guides you to your bedroom. 
He lifts you off your feet placing you under your covers into your bed. Steve starts to head for your living room when your panicked voice stops him. “Where are you going?”
“I was just…going to sleep on the couch here.”
“You don’t want to lay with me?”
“Of course, I do.” Steve looks down at the floor in shame. “I didn’t think I deserved to.”
“Please, Daddy.” Your voice comes out so tiny it breaks his heart. He takes off his shoes, crawling under the covers beside you. You pull him tighter to you with your arms and he feels his heart crack open even further. Steve knows part of the reason you’re clinging to him is because you’re afraid he won’t be there when you wake up. 
Steve wakes up to the feeling of you lightly pushing at his chest. “Baby, your dad is calling.” His eyes open wider, completely confused. 
“What? How did he get your number?”
“Take one guess.”
His head falls back against the pillow as he rubs his eyes. “I’m going to punch Ben in the face again. I swear to God.”
“I tried to tell him you weren’t here but…”
Steve takes the phone from your hand, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes are still kind of puffy from last night and your voice is raspy. He gives you a reassuring smile before he brings the phone to his ear. 
“Steven, I am not a young man. I can’t handle all this bullshit. You came to me saying you needed a break. I let you into my house before that girl came causing a scene—”
“She can’t cause a scene in front of one person.”
“DON’T interrupt me. This has to stop now.”
“What are you trying to tell me here, dad?”
“I’m telling you that either you end this little romance now or I’m cutting you off!”
You heard every word as his dad shouted it into the phone. You hugged your knees under your chin as you waited for Steve to respond. 
“Well, I guess that’s that then.”
“Good. You’ll see, son, that this is for the best. There are plenty of better fish in the sea.”
“But none like her.”
His dad grows silent and you stare at him with your mouth open. “Steve…”
“Steven. I want you to really think about this.”
“I don’t need to. I love her and there’s no dollar amount that can replace her.”
He leaned over your side of the bed and hung up the phone. You watched him as he got up, pulling his shirt over his head and flinging it to the floor. Steve came up behind you and lifted you, snaking his arms behind your back and under your knees, carrying you into your bathroom. Setting you on your feet, he gently removes your garments before turning on the shower. It isn’t long before the room is filled with steam. Steve takes off his pants and boxers. He holds his hand out to you and you take it as he helps you step into the tub. You close your eyes as the warm water hits your head.
You let out a sigh when you feel Steve’s long fingers massage your shampoo into your scalp. His hands cup your face as he gently tilts your head back into the waterfall emitting from the shower. You open your eyes again when you sense a sudden change in the atmosphere. You glance down to see Steve on his knees in front of you, focused as he runs the soapy washcloth along your body. 
His eyes trace along the faint bruising still imprinted on your skin. He leans forward, softly placing kisses over every mark he finds. You reach down and run your fingers through his damp hair.
“Steve, you didn’t have to do that. With your dad.”
He rises to his feet as he continues gliding the cloth along your body and up your arms. You search the eyes staring at your body but the only emotion you see is care; care for you. You grip his face with your hands. That familiar fire slowly starts to blaze through.
“He can cut me off. I don’t care. I’d rather live in a box on the street than a fancy upscale place without you.” You start to open your mouth but he gives you a look of stern warning. He’s made his choice. A small laugh leaves his lips. “Plus, I’ve never met someone who talked back to my dad the way you did.” He mimics your voice. “It’s Y/N. Not Miss or Young Lady!”
You playfully punch his chest as Steve laughs a bit harder. “There was a part of me that wanted him to call you ‘Little Girl’ to see how you’d react.” Out of habit an annoyed growl escaped your throat. Suddenly a thought hit you. 
“Steve, oh my god. I was shouting ‘Steven’ hoping it would get you to come out. I know you hate it but—”
He cut you off by bring his mouth down on yours. “I know. I didn’t make things easy for you. I don’t blame you. No punishment required.” He smiles down at you mockingly.
“Maybe just a little bit?” He chuckles as he pulls you to him wrapping his arms around you. “Maybe,” you tilt your face up to meet his gaze. “Maybe Daddy needs to punished.” Your teeth bite on your bottom lip as you feel his cock press up against your thigh. “For running away and hiding. Making this little one worry.”
Your fingers glide up his arms and down his chest. “I think your right. I do need to be reprimand.” Steve leans behind you and turns off the shower. “I am a practice what you preach kind of guy.” He steps out of the tub, extending his hand for you to follow. Placing a towel over your head he shakes it through your hair eliciting a giggle from you. 
“If the tables were turned, I know you would expect me to do the same so,” Steve dries himself and throws the towel you two used on the floor. He makes a sweeping gesture with his arm towards your bedroom. “Baby Girl, if you please. Teach me lesson.”
@eddiethesexy @sammy-is-not-smiley @spungen-tirxie
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Staying in.
Maybe going out and hanging with friends isn't what you wanna do most of the time. Sometimes you just gotta ignore the world and be with your lover.
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Jack swears he was going to go to that party! The brown haired man really wanted too, it sounded fun not like an actual party but rather a hangout with Buddy's friends. But it just...didn't seem so appealing when they were about to leave his dorm.
"You don't wanna go, huh?" Soft words caught his focus of swirling thoughts. Turning to his partner he nodded sheepishly, getting a smile in return. "Hhmm, I think I actually wanna stay in! Plus it's a Wednesday. I'll just hang out at the next one! Which is literally going to be Friday." Grabbing their phone they texted that both wouldn't be coming.
Pings were heard as Jack also looked at his phone, the friends texted back saying to have a good night. And that it was okay plus they didn't have a lot planned since it was a Wednesday. The tall man sighed finally feeling he can breath again, why did he wanted to go again?
"Let's watch finding Nemo and have one of those fish tank drinks!" Giggling out Buddy went to the small kitchen in the dorm. Grabbing the sour candy and coolaid mixture they started making a small concoction. Ah, that's why he wanted to go because Buddy would try and make him feel comfortable there.
"Yeah! Here let me get the disk!" Churping Jack went and pulled out his movie collection. He's had it since he was a baby because his family had a movie player for him. The same one that the college student even uses today.
Buddy made the drinks and also popcorn when the finished. The smell in the dorm was nice and Jack smiled at the warmth his partner gave off. Sipping the drink they made he moaned in delight, it was the perfect combo of sour and sweet.
"Ooo I might get addicted to these! You think this will give us cavities?" Feeling the candy doing it's work he felt a bit wired. Laying on his bed with soft blankets and pillows in a small nest with buddy leaning on him.
"Oh God and were gonna look like those one meme where the person is photoshopped to only have one tooth!" Joking back both giggled like kids as they waited for the beginning credits to finish. Then Jack grabbed the remote and pressed start for the movie to begin.
As the movie played Jack and Buddy made comments on it, how Merlin in his right was kinda right to be overprotective. Who wouldn't because he saw all his eggs get eaten and his wife died? But the two also saw why Nemo was a little shit trying to rebel.
Chewing on popcorn Jack turned to Buddy who was about to speak. Laughing he saw the blue dye on their tongue and pointed it out.
"It looks like you ate a smurf!" Cackling he feel backwards wiping a tear as Buddy rolled their eyes.
"Says you! Looks like you liked blue paint! Paint licker!" Joking Buddy pointed at him with a accusing face. Gasping Jack held his chest in betrayal as he sat back up and threw a piece of popcorn at Buddy.
"I told you that in confidence! How dare you use that against me!" Setting drinks on a stable surface both started poking each other. The goofballs laughed happily as they finally calmed down, panting to catch their breathing. Then Jack held their hand lovingly.
Buddy knew what he meant when he did that, they always got him. It made him happy he didn't need to say something for them to clock he wasn't happy or okay to do something. He really did find an amazing person to be with, Buddy laid their head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand.
"Your still a paint licker-" Words were interrupted by Jack hitting them with a pillow. A serious look got on buddy's face, "Oh it is so on!" Grabbing a pillow as well the two began to battle. After a while both were tuckered out, laying down they finished the rest of the movie.
"My limbs hurt..." Moaning out Jack flopped on his stomach, Buddy giggled as they laid next to him snuggling into the pillow. Jack turned his head and gave them a look full of love, turning to them they both cuddled each other.
"Night, Jack." Kissing his cheek Buddy brought the blanket up and curled into his chest. The man smiled and held them close kissing their head.
"Night, Buddy." Sleepily saying both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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braveclementine · 20 days
Warnings: 18+readersonly, lots of angst, lots of backstory
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Warning: Not everything lines up perfectly with the MCU timeline- I know. Ignore it and pretend it does. Please don't put a gazillion comments saying "Actually- this happened only two years after this" or whatever. I know, I know. Just go with the flow. 
☀️ ⛅️ Ⓢtόг𝐘 👹👇
Penny watched, concerned as Heimdall laid the unconscious girl down on the sofa in the community room. Everyone that was part of the Avengers, Guardians, Wakandans, or extras were there. 
"Elijah, are you okay?" Katya asked him in concern. He looked pale- or as pale as his yellow complexion would allow him- and was holding his stomach where Elizabeth's tattoo used to sit on his stomach. 
"Yeah." Elijah mumbled, sinking down on the floor next to Elizabeth's legs. "It hurts though. I'm not sure why." 
"It's all the pain she's felt in her life coming onto you." Ghaida answered, eyes flickering to the orange colour associated with Viden. "I think it would be less if she had more soulmates to share it with." 
"Is she going to be okay?" Steve asked, looking between Ghaida and Elizabeth. 
"Yes." Heimdall answered slowly, sinking into the couch next to Fandral. "This is mostly where my visions have ended. But, Wanda, the last step will be to show her memories to all of us. This is critically important." 
Wanda looked startled and exchanged a look with her brother. Pietro was the one to voice it, "Isn't that. . . rather intrusive?" 
"Believe me," Heimdall said. "This is important. She could try to explain everything she saw when she wakes- which she will attempt to do- but if we see it instead, it will make things easier on her afterwards." 
Pietro hesitated and then glanced at Wanda. 
"Hurry." Ghaida urged, looking at Wanda. "If you're going to do it. I agree with Heimdall and so does Viden." 
Penny settled down on the couch between Rhodey and Natasha. She felt as unsettled as Pietro about the whole idea of seeing Elizabeth's memories. This would be everything the girl had ever experienced in her life. There were definitely things that Penny would hate for others to see. 
Wanda placed her hand over Elizabeth's head and then what seemed almost like a transparent cloud appeared in the air. It because larger and larger until it was almost like a 3D, projector screen. Then it settled into becoming solid and clear like watching the highest budgeted movie.
Despite being Elizabeth's memories as well, everything was in a third person point of view. At the moment, it was just an empty room. It was a fancy room with cream walls and what looked like gold gilded edges. In fact, it look awfully like a room from Asgard. The walls were tall and diamond tinted. 
The crib itself was always fancy, like she was a member of royalty. It was pink and seemed to be decorated with crystals, sapphires, and some sort of ice-blue stone that Penny didn't know the name to. 
Loki inhaled sharply, eyes widening and he shot a look at Heimdall just as the memory faded and shifted. 
Now, Elizabeth was being held in the arms of a fair woman in the same dome that Heimdall kept guard in. Heimdall looked the same in this memory, complete with the armor and the sword. The woman had H/L, H/C hair and bright/dark H/C eyes. 
"Y/N" Heimdall greeted her lowly. 
"Heimdall," the woman named Y/N said, coming closer to the all-seeing God. 
"No." Loki whispered, horrified. 
"How long do you believe you'll be down there?" Heimdall asked. "I will find an excuse for your absence, of course." 
Y/N laughed, a sound which was like bells. "You're funny Heimdall. You know perfectly well how long I'll be on Midgard." She softened a little bit and became sad, "You and I both know it's coming closer. I wanted him to meet his daughter, despite the risks." 
Heimdall reached out, putting a hand on the baby, who was blinking her eyes up at the yellow-eyed God. "And we both know its' your last." He smiled at her sadly. "You will be able to choose this time, at least." They were both silent for a moment and then he added, "Do not tell him her name." 
"Oh?" Y/N asked in obvious surprise. "Why not?"
"When he asks for her name, tell him you have not named her yet and that you simply want it to start with an E." Heimdall continued, "It's important for her future." 
"So it will not always be Eslanda?" Y/N asked sadly. 
"No. At least, not unless she chooses it herself. We shall see. I only see her future so far." 
Y/N nodded. "Thank you for everything Heimdall." 
Heimdall nodded and then set his sword in the stone. Y/N pressed the baby into her bosom to hide her face from the light and everything went black for a little bit. 
When the memory resurfaced, she was on a farm. A young man, perhaps nineteen or twenty with black hair was striding across the farm, a huge grin on his face. "Y/N!" 
"Paul!" Y/N sang in delight, letting the farmer boy wrap her into a hug, pulling her into a passionate kiss. 
Paul's eyes lit up upon landing on the little girl in Y/N's arm. "Is this her? Our daughter?" 
"Yes." Y/N smiled, hoisting her up in her arms now. The little girl who couldn't possibly be more than six months old blinked at the smiling man. 
"What's her name? Can I hold her?" Paul asked. 
"I- I haven't named her yet." Y/N said softly. "I thought you might want to name her. I just want it to start with an E. And of course you can hold her, she's your daughter too." 
Paul carefully made a cradle with his arms and Y/N gently laid their daughter there. Paul's face split into an even bigger grin and his eyes were full of love. "She's so beautiful. Just like her mother." He kissed Elizabeth's forehead. Then he looked at his soulmate, "What about. . . Elizabeth?" 
"I like it." Y/N smiled. 
"C'mon, how long can you stay?" Paul asked, gently shifting Elizabeth into one arm, holding his hand out for Y/N. The little girl was starting to fall asleep, the memory flickering. 
It faded and then opened up to another room. This one was fancy as well, but not on the level that Penny had experienced when she had gone. It seemed this one was more for the servants. 
Loki was in the room this time, looking a little younger than he did now. His hair was a little shorter and his face seemed. . . well younger. Except that it was screwed up in anger as he and Y/N were in a shouting match with each other. 
"WAS I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" Loki spat angrily. 
"You were!" Y/N protested. 
"She's from my soulmate!" Y/N shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. "We BOTH agreed that we would be with our soulmates when we found them!" 
Loki scoffed, but lowered his voice, "And what guard or lowly servant ended up-" 
"He's Midgardian." Y/N said, turning away from Penny's soulmate and walked over to pick up the little girl who was starting to cry. 
Loki's face turned to shock first, then incredulity, and then he started to laugh, a disgusted look on his face, "You slept with a Midgardian? How low can you get? Pathetic." 
"He's a good man." Y/N said defensively. "He treats me well and I love him. Midgardians are no different-" 
"If you say than 'us' I'm going to vomit." Loki replied scathingly. "Midgardians are lower than the Dark Elves or the Ice Giants. They're not fit to wipe the shoes of the poorest Asgardian." 
"We'll see whose laughing when you end up having Midgardians for your own soulmates." Y/N snapped, walking over and putting Elizabeth in her crib. "Besides, what does it matter? Eslanda is the Goddess of love! A Goddess! Even with her dirty, Midgardian blood." 
Loki cackled, still hooked on the first part, "Me? The future King of Asgard, soulmated to a Midgardian? You have a poor sense of humor Y/N. And even if I were unfortunate enough to be soulmated to one, it wouldn't matter to me." Loki took steps forward until he was towering over Y/N and he hissed, "I would slit their throats without even blinking and never feel an ounce of regret or guilt. I would rather be soulmateless than be soulmated to a Midgardian. And I'm disappointed that you lowered yourself to do so yourself." 
"I'm so sorry." Loki groaned suddenly. Penny jerked, forgetting where she was for a second and looked over. The God of Mischief had hidden his face behind both his hands, slumped where he was sitting between Peter Quil and Tony. 
"It's alright bubs." Tony chuckled, squeezing Loki's knee, "You were always dramatic and my throat doesn't seem to be cut yet." 
Stephen chuckled with Tony and Clint at that. Loki looked at Penny and she winked at him with a smile. Loki absolutely loved her, something she knew, and Tony was right- he hadn't slit her throat either. Besides, everyone always said things they regretted later. And he had been heated during this discussion. 
The next memory was standing in a large chamber. Odin sat on the throne in front of the crowd, Y/N standing in front of him. She wasn't shackled or bound, but she had guards on either side of her. She was holding Elizabeth in her arms. 
"Do you plead guilty to the crime of sleeping with a Midgardian?" Odin thundered in his throne. Penny watched Queen Frigga, who was not sitting in a throne beside the King, but was standing to the side of the guards, looking on with worry. 
Y/N tilted her chin high and said proudly. "I plead to sleeping with my soulmate, Midgardian or not." 
The crowd muttered and hissed but Y/N did not back down, keeping her eyes directly on Odins'. Penny also noticed that Thor, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg were nowhere to be seen. But Loki was standing on the opposite side of his mother, tense. Sif stood next to him, glancing between Y/N and him as though wanting to say something as well. 
"And you understand that the punishment to this crime is death." 
"Who are you to declare who has the right to be happy with their soulmate and who does not?" Y/N bit out. "Who are you to say these people get soulmates and these do not!? I deserved my happiness as much as anyone else! And my soulmate is a Midgardian man! I do not and will never regret loving him. And I hope that one day, you make changes to your law, or else you will be killing Asgardians very close to you." 
"You told her." Loki whispered. "You told her my soulmates were Midgardian." 
"Yes." Heimdall rumbled. "Yours and Thors. I told her, she wanted to know that you were happy." 
Loki wept then, into his hands. 
Penny closed her eyes, squeezing Natashas' hands, burying her face into Rhodey's shoulder, unable to watch the death of Elizabeth's mother. And she did not lift her head again until she heard Queen Frigga cry out, "Wait!" 
Penny looked up to see that Elizabeth seemed to be up next for death. But Queen Frigga had stepped out now, "Wait. This child has done nothing wrong. She is innocent of any crimes. She does not deserve death." 
Odin hesitated and then nodded and said, "Who will raise. . . it?" 
There was silence and the silence drew until suddenly Loki said, "I will." 
There were gasps and whispers immediately broke out from the crowd. Loki looked resigned as he took the girl from the soldier's arms and walked away with her. 
The memory shifted once more, Loki was in the dome with Heimdall. Elizabeth was still very young, perhaps now only two or so. Heimdall was sitting on the steps and Elizabeth was attempting to play with the handle of his sword. 
"Send her to her father." Loki was saying. "I don't want to raise her." 
"I know." Heimdall said, "But I will not send her away. It's not her time." 
Loki scoffed, "Why do I ever come to you for anything?" 
"Because I'm the wisest person on this planet." Heimdall said in complete seriousness. "Besides, perhaps, your mother." 
Loki rolled his eyes. "I am not father material." 
"I agree. So stop trying to be a father to her." Heimdall said. 
Loki threw his hands up in the air. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to send her away!" 
Heimdall sighed, "I will take her off your hands." 
Loki seemed stunned, "You will?" 
"Yes." Heimdall said. "I think that is for the best. It would be better for the two of you not to build a connection anyways." 
Loki rolled his eyes again and stalked out of the dome. Elizabeth looked up and watched him go. "Daddy go?" 
Heimdall was silent for a moment and then looked down at the little girl. "He's not your dad sweetheart. You shouldn't think of him like that." 
But she was to young to understand. Heimdall picked her up and set her on his knee. "Wha' you see?" She asked, putting a small hand against his cheek and he smiled a little. 
"Many things, little one." Heimdall said softly. "Many futures. Happy ones and sad ones. Two paths. Perhaps, one day, it'll be just the two of us. Or perhaps the whole family will be together, I know not. That decision will lie with you one day." 
She hadn't changed much in the next vision, though now she was inside the palace, sitting on a plush chair. Loki was messing with something around her wrist. "This. . . make me special?" She asked, looking up at him. 
He didn't answer for a minute until he met her eyes and then, standing up, said, "You were always special. I'm doing this for selfish reasons that you can't comprehend." 
He pressed the button on the wrist and the girl winced. He retreated and said, "Does anything seem different?" 
Penny watched as a silvery gray smoke figure of her mother appeared from the shadows and Elizabeth's eyes widened. 
"My daughter." Y/N whispered, bending down. The smoke hand graced her tiny cheek and Elizabeth made a grabbing motion. "Mommy?" 
Loki gasped, stepping closer, "Y/N?" 
Y/N did not turn to Loki and Loki could not see her. Elizabeth was in awe as her mother pulled her into a hug and Loki watched Elizabeth hug nothing. 
Penny was actually sad as the memory dissipated and then it turned to horror. Everything on Asgard seemed to be on fire and Elizabeth toddled along, crying, looking terrified. Things were flying down from the ceiling. Asgardians were screaming. Penny saw Sif was fighting a bunch of aliens, kicking one and then stabbing it through the head with a sword. 
Elizabeth started running towards her, tripping over rocks and stones, ducking under flying debris. "SIF!" She screamed in her baby voice and Sif turned towards her just as an incredibly ugly alien stepped in front of her. 
Elizabeth fell backwards and tried running away, but the alien grabbed her with one hand and they were beamed upwards just as Sif tried to plunge her sword into the aliens' back. 
"Aw good." Penny gave a start, seeing that Thanos was on the ship. "We retreat immediately." 
Elizabeth scampered away into a corner, crying. 
The memory faded and came back. Elizabeth was no longer crying, wearing a blue dress made of fabric. She looked terrified though as Thanos stood in front of her. The little girl didn't even come up to his knee yet. 
"Princess Lokidottir." Thanos rumbled, kneeling down. "Is that what they call you on Asgard?" 
Elizabeth shook her head, but didn't say anything. 
"What is your name then? You don't have to be scared, little one." 
"E." Elizabeth whispered. 
Thanos hummed in thought. "You and I are going to do great things, little one." 
And once again, the memory faded. 
Now, Elizabeth looked a little taller, but not much older. A young Nebula was in the room too. She didn't have as many mechanical parts and it was probably the point where she had just joined Thanos. 
"Have you seen him win?" Nebula asked in excitement, but Elizabeth still looked terrified of everything around her. "Have you?" 
"No." Elizabeth whispered. "It isn't working." 
There were flashes after that, things that didn't seem to make sense. 
"He experimented on her." Nebula whispered, once again, jolting Penny to reality. "He wanted her to be able to see the future. It worked, eventually." 
"What did you see, my child?" Thanos asked as Elizabeth stood in front of him. She didn't look terrified now. She was wearing warrior clothes now, looking no taller than before. She messed with her fingers as she spoke. 
"In ten years, you go to a planet called Zen-Whoberi." Elizabeth whispered. "You slaughter half the population and you take a girl called Gamora. You adopt her as your daughter and raise her with Nebula. With your daughters, you get the six infinity stones, though it will take many, many years, and you. . . win." 
Gamora gasped and Peter put his arm around her shoulder. 
Thanos smiled then, standing. He did not notice Elizabeth's eyes, which were containing the rest of the secret: How he would lose. 
"Well done, my daughter, well done." He praised. 
"I'm not." She whispered. "In order to have Gamora, you replace me. You send me to a blue planet." Elizabeth said. "A blue planet with white on it. I know not what it is called." 
Thanos sighed, "Then it shall be done." 
The memory faded and once again, Elizabeth was standing in front of a ship. The doors opened and a blue skinned man came out of it, looking at Thanos warily. 
"Yondu." Quil whispered from beside Heimdall. His voice was full of sadness and Penny understood that he was important to Quil. 
"Lucky thing we're already making a stop on Earth, otherwise I wouldn't be taking this." Yondu said, sounding almost angry. "We don't usually take children as cargo." 
"Well you'll be paid handsomely." Thanos promised as Elizabeth silently stepped onto the ship. 
"Yeah." Yondu smirked, stepping back into the ship. As the door closed, he muttered, "It won't be our pockets that hurt, but our  morals. Well, welcome aboard kid. Get settled, no one will hurt you." 
Elizabeth pushed along, finding an empty seat and stayed there for the entire ship ride. When Yondu finally called her over, she found that a boy about ten years old was already there, hopping to his feet, looking around wildly. 
Elizabeth didn't get a good time to look at him before she was being transferred to Earth. 
The next memory was at a police station. 
"I don't know." An operator was saying as Elizabeth stared at her feet. "She just keeps saying her name is 'E' and that her father lives here. But she doesn't have a name on him or even what he looks like. If we don't find him soon, they're going to send her off into foster care." 
"Alright, let me try." 
Penny blinked in surprise, seeing her Uncle Phil kneel down in front of the little girl. He was much younger, with more hair and his face was nowhere near as lined. She looked around, but Phil and Maria had stayed home tonight. Her father, on the other hand, leaned forwards in interest. 
"Hey sweetie." Phil said. "Listen, I really want to find your father and send you home, but I need you to tell me where he lives." 
Elizabeth stayed silent. 
"You got a name? Description? Anything that can help us find him? Cause if  not, we're going to have to find replacement parents-" 
"A farm." Elizabeth interrupted, eyes becoming scared at the idea of replacement parents. "In. . . Ohio." 
Phil cursed and stood up. "She's a long way from home. She said he lives on a farm in Ohio." 
"Oh yeah, that narrows it down." The operator said scathingly in stress. 
"We'll find him." Phil said. 
"Black hair." Elizabeth whispered. "He had black hair." 
"How old are you?" Phil asked. 
Elizabeth blinked. She shook her head. 
"Alright, that's okay. You look about five." Phil said, "You want a cookie?" 
She just blinked again. 
Phil hesitated and then got up and brought back a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "Here. If you're hungry, you can eat these. . . I don't think there's anything allergy related in these. . . I hope." 
Elizabeth picked one up after he'd gone away and then ate it. She soon ate all of the cookies and curled up in her chair, hugging her arms around her knees. 
Phil brought back a picture after some time, "Is this him?" Penny couldn't see the picture but Elizabeth nodded. "Okay." Phil smiled. "We'll have someone take you to him, okay?" Elizabeth nodded again. 
The memory faded in and out as Elizabeth napped and then a female was leading a man over to Elizabeth. "- here." 
Penny didn't need Tony to softly gasp to know that it was Howard Stark in the memory. 
"Hi sweetheart." Howard said, kneeling down in front of her. "My name is Howard Stark. I'm going to take you to your father, okay?" He held out a hand gently and after a second, Elizabeth took it. 
Howard stood up and led Elizabeth out to where a luxurious black car was waiting. Howard opened the back door and Elizabeth climbed into it. There was an old dog stuffed animal in the backseat and Elizabeth looked at it, but didn't touch it. Howard climbed in next to her. 
"Jarvis," Howard said, looking over at Elizabeth, "Cracker Barrel first." 
They pulled up to the restaurant and Howard helped Elizabeth down out of the car. The little girls' eyes blew up wide as saucers looking at everything in the store. She stopped in front of a little girl dress. It was pink, but not fancy or anything, before quickly turning and stumbling into Howard again. He smiled down at her. 
Howard nodded subtly to Jarvis, who picked up the dress and moved to the counter with it. Howard also lobbed a bunny stuffed animal after his servant, who chuckled as he caught it. 
"Mr. Stark." The female hostess gushed, immediately fixing her hair, blushing furiously as Howard approached, with Elizabeth in hand. Jarvis met them soon, the bag in his hand. "Right this way." 
"Do you know what you want to eat?" Howard asked Elizabeth, who frowned at the menu. She shook her head. 
"Do you like meat?" Howard asked. Elizabeth nodded. 
Another nod. 
"Ever had mac and cheese?" 
She shook her head. 
Another shake. 
Howard looked a little sad. "Are you scared of me?" 
Elizabeth looked up at him and then shook her head again. Howard smiled a little. 
They ordered and then Howard brought her over to the checkers and put her on his lap and taught her while he played against Jarvis. She watched and said nothing. But when Howard went to make a bad move, Elizabeth grabbed his hand quickly and shook her head. 
"Yeah?" Howard asked with a smile. 
Elizabeth pointed at another piece that would jump two of Jarvis' and give him the crown. 
"Smart girl." Howard grinned and did so. Jarvis faked a groan and the first smile came over Elizabeth's face. "Bet she could beat you all by herself, Jar." 
Jarvis chuckled, "I'm sure she could, sir." 
The memory eventually trailed off until it was Elizabeth and Howard in the backseat of the car while Jarvis continued to drive. The sun was just coming up and Elizabeth had been asleep in Howard's lap, her hands clutching the rabbit stuffed animal tightly. She sat up now, rubbing her eyes. 
While Elizabeth had not changed, Paul certainly had. A man in his late thirties with starting to gray black hair came out on the lawn. He was much heavier than he had been the last time they had seen him. He was also wearing glasses and had more wrinkles on his face. 
Paul looked a little shocked as he looked as his daughter, "This is her?" 
"Yes." Howard said, smiling at her. 
"Elizabeth?" Paul asked uncertainly. 
The little girl nodded and stumbled into his arms and he wrapped them tightly around her. Paul stood up with her in his arms. "Thank you, sir." 
"Of course." Howard said. "If  my baby. . . I'd want someone to do the same." 
"Mr. Stark." Another voice said in surprise. A young, probably in her twenties Lucinda came to join the rest of them. She had long red-brown hair and wasn't wearing glasses yet. 
"Lucinda." Howard said, nodding to her. 
"You two know each other?" Paul asked in surprise. 
"He kind've founded S.H.I.E.L.D." Lucinda laughed, "You know, where I work. Him and Margaret Carter, how is she? How's the family?" 
"She's good." Howard said with a smile. "And my family's great. I think my son might get into MIT younger than I did." He added with a chuckle. "Anyways, I best get back to them." 
"Are you any closer on finding Rogers?" Lucinda asked suddenly. 
Steve fidgeted on the couch. 
Howard sighed. "I wish. I wish. Hopefully we will, I know he's out there." 
Eventually he drove off and Paul carried Elizabeth into the house. 
"Lucky thing she came now." Paul sighed, putting her down, "We're just about to move too." 
"Who is she?" Lucinda asked, perching on the armchair. 
"My other soulmate. . . Y/N. We had a daughter. . . eleven years ago. But she was uh, from another planet, I mean, you've heard me tell you the story before. Anyways, I know she died. It was illegal for us to be together. But I never knew what happened to her. She. . . she hasn't changed much." 
"She doesn't look like she's eleven." Lucinda agreed. 
"It must be the Asgardian blood." Paul said, but he sounded worried. "They age much slower. I hope. . ." 
"You hope she'll be old enough to take care of herself when we're both gone?" Lucinda finished softly. 
Paul nodded. 
Lucinda kissed the top of his head and hugged him from behind. "She'll be okay. We'll figure it out." 
In the next memory, Elizabeth looked a little older. She was wearing a white karate outfit and had a white belt around her waist. She was practicing with a dark African American man. 
"Is that. . . Mordo?" Stephen suddenly asked and Penny looked over at him. 
"Yes." Wong answered, "And before you ask, yes that's me as well." 
Penny watched as a younger Wong and a tall, thin, bald lady wearing bright yellow robes walked amongst the rest of the crowd. They came to a stop by Elizabeth. Since it was in third point of view, they could hear what she was saying to Wong, even though Elizabeth couldn't. 
"It would be good to train her in the magic arts now, her magic feels strong." Wong said. 
"Not yet." The Ancient one said, "Not much, anyways. Mordo!" 
The dark skinned man looked over at her and she gave a slight nod. He turned back to Elizabeth, pulling out a sling ring, and handing it to her. 
"I don't understand though." Wong said, watching as Mordo instructed Elizabeth on how to use it. "She- you said the man was-" 
"Strange, will be the best of us. Or he is supposed to be, at the very least." The Ancient One said, sighing. "But she will be the most powerful of us. Should we teach her at the wrong time or before the right time, we risk losing her to a dark side. A side we won't get her back from." 
"Why not take her to the Sanctorum?" Wong asked. "Keep her there and teach her?" 
Orange butterflies exploded from Elizabeth's hands, filling the gym before bursting into sparkles that drifted down from the gym. 
"Because of that." The Ancient One finally said. "She is still to young. And it would be unacceptable to keep her in a place full of magic that she cannot control." 
"Hey!" An angry voice rang through and Lucinda came storming up the gym side. Elizabeth dropped the sling ring in surprise and Mordo picked it up. Lucinda grabbed Elizabeth's arm. "Don't teach my daughter magic. I don't want her knowing anything about that stuff." She dragged Elizabeth out of the gym. 
Elizabeth was in the gym again and the Ancient One walked around her, but did not interact with her. She stooped in front of her bag, putting a sling ring in the front pocket, before the bag glowed gold. Then the Ancient One walked off again. 
Elizabeth now looked about eight-ish, possibly even nine. She was wrapped in a fur coat and she had her head sheltered against the snow and ice until they were inside a building. Soldiers moved back and forth. 
Finally, she stepped into a room with her mother. 
A strangled cry fell from Bucky's lips, seeing himself in the memory. 
"Are you sure about this?" Some soldier asked. 
"I'm certain." Lucinda said coldly. She was a little older now, wearing glasses and her hair was shorter and more brown than red. She stepped forwards more, "Soldat, You will train my daughter in self defense. You're her teacher." 
Bucky's eyes landed on Elizabeth and she looked up at him. Bucky looked at Lucinda, "She's five." He deadpanned. 
There was a cracking sound and Bucky was on his knees, bleeding from his shoulder. But he made no sound as the whip came down a few more times. 
Penny was trembling in anger and she was aware that Nat was squeezing her hand tightly. Rhodey's arm was tight around her shoulder too. Steve, Sam, Tony, and Clint were bristling in anger along with Katya and Wanda. 
Suddenly, the whip faltered as Elizabeth stood in front of Bucky, looking up at the soldier who'd been whipping him. 
The soldier looked at Lucinda who was smirking. "Leave them alone. Don't hurt her Soldat." 
When the two of them were alone, Elizabeth took off her jacket and placed it on the bench. She stepped over to Bucky. "A-are we alone?" 
"No." Bucky grunted, "Cameras." 
Elizabeth put her hand on his whip marks and they slowly closed up. Bucky got to his feet, taking his shirt off and putting on another one. 
"What's your name?" Elizabeth asked softly. 
"Soldat." Bucky replied coldly. "Do you already know self-defense?" 
"Yes." Elizabeth said, "And that's not a name. That's just 'Soldier' in. . . well whatever language that is." 
"Which I don't speak so I'm not calling you that." Elizabeth replied stubbornly. 
"Well that's the only name I have unless you want to call me the Asset." Bucky said coldly. "Now show me what you've got." 
"Everyone has a name." Elizabeth argued. 
"People, have names. Objects don't." Bucky said, moving behind her. 
Elizabeth faltered for a second. Bucky had his back to her, messing with something in the background. "I don't have a name either. Does that mean I'm an object?" 
Something had changed in Bucky's demeanor. He had frozen and now he lowered his hands, turning and looking at her with a softer look on his face, "You don't have a name either, huh?" 
"They just call me E." Elizabeth whispered. 
Bucky nodded and said, "Show me your form." 
Elizabeth got into her fighting position and Bucky rolled his eyes. "Everything about that is wrong." 
An adorable look of surprise appeared on Elizabeth's face. Bucky almost smiled and moved to show her his stance, which she immediately mimicked with determination. 
As Bucky went to say something she said, "I'm going to give you a name!" 
"You are?" Bucky asked, stunned. 
"Yep." She squinted her eyes at him. "You look like a Sebastian." 
Bucky looked lost. "Uh huh." 
"I'm going to call you Sebastian!" Elizabeth sang happily. 
Bucky just shook his head and started working through more motions with her. Finally, the two of them sat down on a bench. Bucky looked over at her. "I'll give you a name too." 
Elizabeth's eyes shone as she looked up at him, "Really!" 
He nodded and was silent for a moment and then said, "You kind've look like an Elly." 
Elizabeth smiled at that and the corner of Bucky's mouth almost lifted. She pointed to his metal arm. "Can I touch it?" 
Bucky didn't answer, simply moving it forwards and she ran her small hand up of him, "Does it hurt?" 
Bucky hesitated, looking down in her face and then said, "Just a little." 
"Can you feel it?" Elizabeth asked, walking her fingers up his arm. 
"Yes." Bucky sounded surprise, "I can't normally. . . " 
The memory faded again. This time opening back up to Elizabeth sitting on a bed in a HYDRA cell room. She had tears dripping down her eyes and Bucky was sitting on the bed. "It's just until the next mission." 
"But I'll miss you!" She cried. "I don't like anyone else here!" 
Bucky patted her knee, "It's okay. I brought you something." He reached behind him and pulled out a small kitten stuffed animal. "She's a little friend. You can name her too." 
Elizabeth took the stuffed kitten, holding it tightly to her chest. Bucky petted her head and then stood up. "Just stay in here, okay?" 
"Okay." Elizabeth whispered. 
And of course, since Elizabeth stayed, the rest of them couldn't see it. But it was heard when Bucky started screaming through the place. Elizabeth dropped the kitten, pressing her hands tightly over her ears, squeezing her eyes shut. 
The memories dipped in and out of her going to Elementary school, mostly being a lonely kid who always had her stuffed kitten. The only time that something exciting seemed to happen was when some boys ripped the kitten from her hands and threw it in a tree. She went ballistic, beating all of them up before climbing the tree, getting the kitten, and not coming down until Paul and Lucinda showed up. 
The memory changed again. Bucky was back out. He was wrapping his hands, clearly about to go workout. Elizabeth ran and jumped on his back, locking her arms and legs around him, "SEBASTIAN!" 
"Hey kid." Bucky chuckled, letting her cling to him until he had finished wrapping his hand. Then, grabbing her leg, he lifted her off of him, dangling her upside down for a second, before dumping her gently on the floor, her backpack squished underneath her like a turtle on its back. "What are you supposed to be doing instead of bothering me, munchkin?"
Elizabeth pouted, "I hate homework." 
"To bad." Bucky said, putting up a punching bag. 
Elizabeth scrambled to her feet, plopping down at a desk that was clearly set up just for her. "It's boring!" She whined, "It's about World War II in 1945 and that's so long ago! Who cares if someone blond idiot with a shield single handedly ended the war? It was a gazillion years ago!" 
Tony started to chuckle at that. Steve smiled a little. 
Bucky raised an eyebrow at her. "'Blond idiot with a shield' huh? Does said blond idiot have a name?" 
"Steven Grant Rogers." Elizabeth groaned, pulling homework out of her backpack and so she missed when Bucky froze. She whined, "I don't want to do this! War is stupid." 
"Elly." Bucky scolded, recovering quickly, eyes darting around the room. "Listen. You need to know your history. It's extremely important and here's a little secret. Can you keep it between just the two of us?" 
"Yes." Elizabeth nodded. 
"I love history." Bucky whispered. "Especially about the world war II era." He was silent for a second and then playfully said, "And show Rogers some respect. He's still your elder." He pushed her shoulder playfully and then went at the punching bag like a maniac. And Elizabeth might not have been able to see it, now immersed in her work, but Bucky was crying. 
"Punk." Steve murmured softly, pulling Bucky into him. 
"I don't remember this." Bucky said dully. "None of it. I don't remember a girl ever being there. I don't. . . I don't remember her." 
The memory shifted again. Elizabeth was holding her mothers hand, looking older once more. She tugged on it as Lucinda spoke to another agent. "Mom! Please!" 
"One second sweetheart." Lucinda said, not looking down at her. 
Elizabeth was holding a stuffed animal again- this time a small seal with bright blue eyes. 
"Alright, you can go and say bye." Lucinda sighed as Elizabeth tugged at her hand again. The other woman rolled her eyes and muttered, "Not like he can hear her." Lucinda just shrugged, letting go of Elizabeths' hand. 
Elizabeth ran to another room, grabbing a stool and pushing it up against a cryo tank. She climbed onto the chair and put a small hand on the glass. Bucky was behind the glass, frozen, eyes closed. Tears pooled in Elizabeth's eyes. "Bye Sebastian." She choked out. "Thank you for the seal. I'll see you in June." 
"E!" Her mother shouted from the other room, calling for her. 
She hopped down from the chair and ran away. 
The memory shifted and now Elizabeth was walking through the forest. The seal was tucked under her arm and she was eating a green apple as she walked, hopping over logs and stuff. 
Suddenly, her apple disappeared from her hand and she fell backwards, dropping the seal in a puddle of mud. Her apple was stuck to a tree, quivering, having been pierced by an arrow. 
A kid, a young boy who was maybe twelve or thirteen jumped down in front of her, grinning. He had brown hair and eyes. "You should've seen your face. Sorry if I scared you." 
"Really?" Rhodey chuckled suddenly. 
"Oh God." Clint put his hands over his face. 
Penny looked closer at the memory and then, along with Natasha, Katya, and Pietro asked, "That's you?" 
"Yep." Clint said, chuckling nervously. "This is going to be embarrassing." 
"Oh no." Elizabeth cried out, dismayed, picking up the seal. She glared at Clint, "Look what you did!" 
"Hey, I said sorry." Clint apologized sincerely. "I know how we can get the mud out. Do you trust me?" 
"You shot an arrow at me." Elizabeth deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Clint laughed and got her apple and his arrow. He slid his arrow through and handed her the apple. "I was just practicing. C'mon." 
He took her hand, leading her through the forest until they got to a stream. Then, he took the seal and dabbed water, using a leaf until the mud was all gone. "See? Good as new." He handed it back and she hugged it. 
"Say," Clint said excitedly. "Are you part of the circus too?" 
Elizabeth hesitated and then nodded, "My step-mom wants me to be a part of it while she does something." 
"Cool, what are you doing?" Clint asked. "I'm doing archery, obviously. I'm pretty good at it." 
The memory fizzled and now, it was Elizabeth up high on a high wire, practicing. She was flawless at it, doing flips and keeping her balance. 
It changed and now Elizabeth and Clint were up high, laying next to each other. "My legs feel like jelly." She complained. 
"Yeah, they work us pretty hard here." Clint said, his eyes closed. "But it's just cause we're young. They want the child performers to be perfect. It's tiring." 
"Why are you here?" 
"I ran away from my foster home." Clint yawned. 
"I was going to be put in a foster home." Elizabeth said softly. "If they couldn't find my parents." 
"It sucks." 
"Yeah, I wouldn't know Sebastian if I had been." Elizabeth smiled. 
"Whose Sebastian? Your soulmate?" Clint asked, sounding almost jealous. 
"No." Elizabeth sighed. "He's. . . I'm not supposed to talk about him." 
Clint opened his eyes and looked over at her, "I can keep a secret." 
Elizabeth opened her eyes too to stare at them. "He's. . . my protector. He keeps me safe from bad people." 
"What kind of bad people?" 
Elizabeth was silent for a second and then said, "One time. . . I was sneaking around the compound. A guard came across me. I wasn't supposed to be out of bed. He was going to hit me, but Sebastian stopped him. He ki-" She cut off suddenly, clamming up. 
"He killed him?" Clint's eyes were wide now. 
Elizabeth looked guilty. "I- I wasn't suppos-" 
"Badass." Clint grinned at the sky. "He must like you." 
Elizabeth was silent and said, "We're each others best friends. But, sometimes, he's not always himself. He. . . he's special." 
Clint smiled and then let Elizabeth snuggle into him. He grinned, putting a hand on her back, "Just like you, little bird." 
In the next memory, Elizabeth was performing in front of a crowd on the high wire. She finished her performance and went through the back of the tent to find one of the hands beating down on Clint. 
"Leave him alone!" Elizabeth shouted, lunging at the hand. The hand cried out, falling backwards. His shoulders landed against the lions cage. The man started to scream, even as Elizabeth didn't watch, kneeling in front of Clint. 
"Clint?" Elizabeth asked desperately. "Clint!" 
Clint opened his eyes and smiled, "Hey little bird." 
In the next memory, Clint was wearing huge hearing aids. 
"Do they hurt?" Elizabeth asked fretfully. 
"Nah." Clint shrugged. "At least now I can hear. But they want me to learn ASL anyways." 
"I'll learn with you." Elizabeth said. "That way, it'll be fun!" 
Clint chuckled. "Sure." 
There seemed to be several memories then, most of them just the two of them hanging out. Walking in the forest or horsing around with each other. Defending each other from the hands at the circus. 
In another memory, the two of them were sitting next to a radio. Elizabeth was singing softly, while also signing the words as she sang. Clint just watched, a look of admiration on his face as he listened and watched. 
I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths Achilles and his gold Hercules and his gifts Spider-Man's control And Batman with his fists And clearly I don't see myself upon  that list
But he said, where d'you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairtytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can kiss I want something just like this. 
Clint smirked, taking her hand and then surprisingly, took over the next couple of verses. Penny, who had never really heard him sing before, was surprised at how good he sounded. 
I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths The testaments they told The moon and its eclipse And Superman unrolls A suit before he lifts But I'm not the kind of person that it fits
She said where d'you wanna go? How much you wanna risk I'm not looking for somebody  With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Someobdy I can miss
I want something just like this
The song continued, though the memories changes to them running around the forest more. Like she had put a sound track to her memories almost. 
Clint looked older in the next memory, prob ably more fifteen or sixteen. Elizabeth looked about ten or eleven. They were running through the forest, this time, fleeing. Angry shouts were behind them as they ran. 
"Go!" Clint shouted but Elizabeth had tripped, landing harshly. Clint spun around to get her, but Elizabeth looked at her backpack, which was glowing. 
She reached out and the sling ring floated into the air, landing in her hand. Clint eyed it apprehensively. "What is that?" 
She staggered to her feet, but it was too late, they were surrounded. Clint grabbed her arm, pulling her to him. 
"Barton." One of the men snarled. 
Suddenly, a glowing portal appeared from Elizabeth's hands and she turned, sending Clint through it. 
"E!" Clint shouted on the other side as the others closed in. She ripped the sling ring off and tossed it through to him, before it closed up and they tackled her. 
"No!" Elizabeth shouted, flailing and fighting. Suddenly, gunshots rang through and the men scattered, but never got far as each one was taken down, one by one. 
Elizabeth panted, sitting up, backing up until she saw that it was Bucky walking through the forest, his silver arm gleaming in the moonlight. "Seb!" 
Bucky knelt down, picking her up in his metal arm, and then carried her out of the forest. 
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kolanaki · 1 year
Out of all the people that "defeated" their bullies, I think the way I stopped my high school bully is, by far, the dumbest.
I had gone to public school from pre-school to 4th grade before my parents put me into a chartered homeschool program. Part of it was due to bullying; both from students *and* teachers. My parents didn't really teach me, though, all I really did at home was the reading and writing stuff. I did have actual classes, but they were all hands-on learning experiences and such, with very little lectures and boring stuff sitting around "learning."
The program at the time only went to grade 8, though, so after that I was back in public school going to the local high school. It was a small town, so I still knew *most* of the other kids but there were new kids I never met that moved to town during our junior high years and many of them just hated me for no apparent reason.
Anyway, the first two years of school this one dude and his buddies would constantly fuck with me. Stealing my shit, literally stabbing me with push pins in the middle of class, trying to start fights, etc. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, and I agreed to fight in the city park after school. I had been in Judo classes and I wrestled with my brothers and my friend's older brothers all the time, I figured I could take him even though I really didn't want to find out.
After school I walk over to the park with two of my friends who are only trying to encourage it rather than stop it, and when I get there half the damn school is gathered to watch. Someone even had a fucking camcorder (this was before smartphones and HD video), recording the whole event. No turning back now... I'd look like a fucking pussy and just get bullied more.
Pigeon (the bully's dumbass nickname) starts talking shit, and allowing me to take the first swing. I do. He dodges, and I miss. Everyone laughs. I swing again, he moves, I miss. More laughter. I get pissed, *throw my fucking shoe at him* and miss. That's when he starts punching me. And that's when I started laughing. Laughing like I just heard the funniest joke ever.
He was weak as shit! His punches didn't hurt me *at all!* My little brothers hit harder than this shithead! Why the fuck was I scared of him? I wasn't anymore. He punched me in the head and it was like a tennis ball. He kicked me in the stomach and it was like my cat jumping on me. I didn't even bother trying to fight back. I couldn't! It was too god damn funny and all I could do was laugh.
"Stop laughing and hit me!" I heard Pigeon scream. He repeated it again and again, and each time his voice cracked just a little more. Eventually *he* ran off crying. The most bizarre day of my life being remembered as when I got *my* ass thrashed, but the dude who did it was the one who left weeping.
No one cheered. But they all did have a big laugh and giving me props. After that, I was always invited to every party. People seemed more interested in me, and I was constantly being engaged by the "cool" popular kids. Not like the way movies show, but I had a lot more people who called me their friend than I did before when I just hung out with my best friend and the other goths and geeks at lunch (which was like 5 people including me cuz it was a small school).
I don't know why I was thinking about it but I figured I'd write it down. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Transfer - Bucky Barnes
Description: Bucky hates you.... or so you think.
Authors Note: Yeah, y’all seem to like the angsty bucky fics 
Warnings: Angst. Mean bucky
Word Count: 3081 (whoops)
PART 2 - Visits IS HERE 
Part 3 - Returning is HERE
Part 4 - Bleeding is HERE
MAIN Master List - - Marvel Master List  
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Bucky Barnes hated you, you were sure of this.
Steve had warned everybody that Bucky would be quiet and reserved upon moving into the compound, and made it clear that he was healing just as much as anyone else and they were all to treat Bucky well. 
Tony had made snide comments but had done his best while everyone else followed along. Natasha talked to him in russian while Bruce tried to cook him everything known to mankind. Sam had this bickering type of love going and ended up feeding the poor soul when Bruce’s own meals burned.
Everyone had been nice to Bucky on his arrival, including you. No, especially you. You had waited at the quinjet launch pad for Steve to bring Bucky back from Wakanda, smiling as they came out. Steve hugged you tightly as he always did while Bucky ignored you. 
 You tried to introduce yourself, smiling as you said “You must be Bucky. I’m Y/n! Steve has been so exc-”
Then he was gone, walking past you with barely a look. You didn’t mind though, in all honesty you knew he was tired and felt awkward about the move. You decided that you would give him a week or so before trying again. 
The first couple weeks he mostly stayed with Sam and Steve, then Natasha became a part of their clique and the three of them became the golden trio. They invited you out with Bucky a couple times and you always gladly accepted, but it was plain obvious that Bucky would ignore you. 
Steve said that he would warm up, and that it was different with the other two since Sam helped find him and Natasha was an ex russian assassin as well. You could see the guilty look in his eyes as he tried to explain and you shrugged it off. “Stevie, I get it. He needs more time to adjust. For now we can hang out some other time.”
He smiled and hugged you that day and as you watched him walk off you could have sworn you felt your stomach sink, you knew something wasn’t right. 
Natasha, Sam and Steve stopped inviting you to hang out. What was once a ritual of at least one hang out a week turned to 4 messages a month if you were lucky. They knew Bucky didn’t like you and they were worried about him. 
Meanwhile, Bucky grew close with everyone else around. He visited Tony in the lab all the time to see all the cool technology and trained with Clint daily. Wanda helped catch him up on all the sitcoms he had missed over the years while Vision offered books and knowledge. 
The only person Bucky didn’t actually get along with besides you was Thor but that was because the God of Thunder had rarely made an appearance these days, off trying to save his own planet from destruction. 
You were slowly getting pushed out by everyone without anyone really realizing it but you, and my god you were hurting. 
You spent the nights crying in your room alone while everyone went out to party. You missed team dinners so you wouldn’t bother Bucky, so while everyone was downstairs eating you made ramen and ate it on your bedroom floor alone. 
You tried hanging out with them often, asking Wanda if she wanted to go movie jump like you both used to and she would say that she had plans with Bucky that day. You asked Sam if he wanted to go to the farmers market and find some of that honey you both had loved and he shrugged while responding with “took Buck yesterday.”
Steve was the most upsetting. You and the soldier had a routine, once a week you would teach eachother a good recipe and he would let you trim his hair the way he liked it. But now he chose to do this with Bucky, claiming the time in the kitchen was good for his mental health. 
You had been banished without even doing anything. The only time you were really with anyone these days were for missions. But those were slowly falling apart as well. 
Since no one would train with you anymore you were losing time and skill in the gym and field. The unhealthy eating habits you formed to avoid everyone was beginning to affect your weight and your body was weak. Dehydration and fatigue from staying up and crying were doing no good for you either. 
You were miserable inside and out, and this showed on the field. 
There was a time when you could fight 4 men at once while using your powers, now you got tired fighting one and you barely had enough strength to even use a drop of your power. 
It had been 7 missions of this and the team was beginning to lose their patience with you, Steve had already written you up 2 missions ago for endangering their lives. 
So it was safe to say you were not the least bit thrilled when you got assigned a mission with the golden trio.
It was supposed to be an easy in and out mission, but when did those ever work out the way you expect. Hydra had known you were coming and what was supposed to be a quick recon turned into an all out brawl for your lives. 
You had been hit in the cheek with a gun and kicked in the knees, bleeding from your nose as you held off soldiers while the others struggled just as much. Taking down the first soldier in front of you just as another smashed your body into a wall, sending you to the floor. This is when you see another soldier pointing a gun to Bucky while his back is turned. 
Now you will admit that you didn’t really think it through in this moment. You didn’t have one thought crossing through your mind as you lunged for Bucky, tackling him as the shot rang out and making him hit his head on the desk as you went down. 
“SHIT Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He snaps, pushing you off him as you attempt to catch your breath. Something was wrong. 
Bucky hops up as soldiers come closer, pulling out his knife as he attempts to block their blows. 
“We need to retreat!” You hear Sam through the comns, your side flaring in pain as Steve responds “Everyone to the jet now!”
Bucky calls for you, but your still trying to catch your breath. You hear him curse after a minute, snatching your uniform by the collar and dragging you to the quinjet. 
At some point you snag your collar back and catch up on your feet, following closely as your entire body screams in pain. 
Your plan was to get onto the quinjet and hide in the bathroom while you figured out what was wrong, and you felt your entire body sag in relief as you saw Steve waving you down from the doors as Nat started her up. 
You nearly made it to the bathroom when Bucky was pulling your arm back so that you were face to face with him.
“You stupid or something?!” He snaps, eyes cold as he glares at you. Sam and Steve are both watching you from where they are closing the airlocks, and for a moment you are stunned. 
“I’m sorry?”
“Are you stupid? Pulling a stunt like that!”
“What happened Buck?” Steve asks, walking closer. 
“I was fighting off a group of guys when this one decided to tackle me.” Bucky explains, eyes never leaving yours as he sneers. 
“I was blocking you.”
“You nearly got us hit!”
“You needed my help!”
“Bullshit! You endangered both of our lives!” He yells, taking a step forward which has you shoving him back in defense. 
“Bucky, take it easy man.” Sam mumbles while Steve steps in front of him to defend him. Of fucking course he would defend his best friend. 
“No. I’m sick of her trying to get herself killed on the field. It’s gonna get all of us killed. If she wants to die so badly then she should do it when our lives aren’t on the line as well.” Bucky snaps. You feel your eyes well up with tears instantly, taking a step back as your throat closes up, doing your best to fight off the incoming meltdown. 
Steve’s brows furrow in worry as Bucky’s face falls, moving to step closer but hitting Steve’s shoulder. “Y/n wait doll. I didn’t mean it like tha-”
You were locked in the bathroom before he could finish the sentence, turning on the faucet as you sobbed silently, sliding down the wall to the floor. After awhile you start using the towel in there to hold against your side, where the bullet wound sat, thankfully clumped in dirt and blood so you weren’t really bleeding out. 
Once you were sure the quinjet was fully landed you launched out of the bathroom and booked it out to the med bay, refusing to look at the others as Sam ans Nat called for you. 
Bucky couldn’t seem to catch his breath, hadn’t been able to for a couple days now. 
He remembers his heart beating in his ears as he dragged you from the mission, only really being able to hear the beat of it as he got in your face on the quinjet. He also remembers the feeling of his heart stopping while he said those last words to you, remembers the way his breath caught in his throat as your face crumpled and you stepped back. 
He had noticed the change in you since he had moved to the compound, from the weight loss to the flushed skin and bags under your eyes. When he got there you had been nothing but beautiful and amazing, constantly throwing him into a stunned silence. 
It wasn’t as if you weren’t beautiful now, you just needed help. You were hurting and he didn’t know why, he didn’t know how to ask let alone mutter a word to you. Instead he found himself avoiding you out of nerves and fear that you would take one look at him and be disgusted. Like you had on the quinjet. 
Those were the first words he had actually spoken to you, the first conversation he had with you. And they had made you cry. 
He tried calling out to you but you were in the bathroom in no time and fuck he couldn’t catch his breath. 
He had helped Nat land the quinjet and then practically book it to the bathroom to apologize but you were already gone, leaving behind nothing but blood in the bathroom 
“Shit,when did she get hit?!” Natasha screeches, seeing the amount of blood you left before running out as Steve and Sam take a look themselves.  He doesn’t hear either of them as the blood runs through his ears, taking off to follow Nat to wherever you were and apologize and make sure you are alright and finally introduce himself properly and fuck he still couldn’t catch his breath. 
He had just made it to the med bay when Cho is snatching him. “Lets look at that head.”
“No wait, I’m fine. Where is Y/n?”
“Y/n is already checked in and with Banner. She said she made you hit your head so let’s take a look.”
He had ended up on a bed so they could check for brain injuries. That had been days ago, by the time he was clear to go he went to find you only for Banner to tell him you had been released. Bucky’s chest tightened as he recognized the look of grief written on banners face. 
He had gone to your room and knocked, stuttering out a nervous “It’s Bucky”, multiple times a day, but you never answered.
This was not what he wanted this to be like, he used to walk by your door everyday and try to get up the nerve to knock and talk to you. Why was he such a screwup?
He gave up on day 4 when Tony caught him on his third stop of the day and told him you weren’t even there. “You alright tin man?”
“I just can’t seem to breathe.”
“No.” He mumbled, staring at your door.
It was now day 7 without seeing you and he still could not catch his breath. He had asked Steve about you which made his friend shrug guiltily as they made their way to the conference room. He then asked Nat and Sam while sitting down next to them and Nat mumbled “I’ve been calling her all week but I think she changed her number, fury says it was changed a month ago.”
“Y/n changed her phone number a month ago? That can’t be right.” Sam mumbles while going to his own messages, face flushing when he pulls up your number. “I haven’t messaged or called her in months.”
Steve’s guilty expression grows as he shakes his head, looking to Nat. 
“Thank you all for being early.” Fury mumbles, walking in last as Tony looks around.
“We were actually all late-”
“No. You were all early because I’m the last one here and if you are all late then that means I am late. So shut up.” He snaps, dropping down the files he carried in. “We have a couple new missions. You guys will have to switch the team layouts up because you are down a member.”
“Down a member?” Wanda asks, sitting in between Clint and Vision. 
“Y/n has been transferred.” Fury mumbles, playing on his phone. The entire group snaps their heads to him as Bucky launches up from his chair. “WHAT? WHY?!”
“Y/n L/n has been transferred to Wingers Squad for the time being-”
“WINGERS SQUAD?! NO!” Bucky yells as Steve shoots up. “You know how many injuries and casualties his squad has?! No. Bring Y/n back.”
Fury slowly turns to them with a look of annoyance. “You think I didn’t tell her that? She wanted a transfer and Winger requested her. End of story.”
“No. Not end of story-” Sam interjects while Fury rolls his eye and leaves. 
Bucky is seeing red, launching from the room in no time in order to track down Winger. He knows Steve and Sam are following him, trying to get him to cool down as the rest follow as well. 
He makes it to the lab elevators when he finally tracks down the smug face of your new captain, currently holding the door for a lab assistant. “WINGER!”
The man jumps at the sound of his own name, turning to face Bucky as the shock melts into smugness, which melts into nothing as Bucky slams him into the elevator wall so hard he smashes it. 
“Transfer. Her. Back.” He sneers, hands holding the front of his stupid shirt. 
“Transfer who?”
“Y/n? Which one? There are alot of-”
“I’m not fucking playing.”
“Oh jump off your high horse will you? She requested the move and unless he requests to move back she is a part of my team.” Bucky is slamming him into the wall again, this time harder.
“Tell her to come back.”
“Fuck no.”
“Winger I swear to go-”
“Why don’t you worry less about what squad she is a part of and more about the fact you guys were mistreating her? Huh? She practically begged Fury to remove her from your team, I saw it that day in the office. Nearly gave up her entire job when he kept saying no.” Winger seethes, and once he realizes Bucky didn’t have a retort he continues. “Y/n is a part of my team now. So why don’t you take your half and half hands off me and leave her alone. She decided she was done getting fucked over by the worlds biggest asses-”
Bucky slams him into the wall again, metal hand flying to his throat while he leans and whispers “You fucking listen to me…. I hear of one injury on her, one fucking cut on my girl and you are dead. You hear me? Huh?”
“She your girl now?” Winger gasps out as Steve drags Bucky back, taking Sams help in dragging him out of the elevator.
Three weeks later and the group was aggravated. Request after request for you back and practically begging Fury to at least tell you that they all wanted to speak with you. Tony had tried hacking into shield information and Bruce had tried sneaking into the med bay after your team missions. 
Bucky was miserable. “Who is watching her back Stevie? Winger never has anyone’s back and at least when Y/n was on our team we could watch out for her.”
“There isn’t much to do Buck. She transferred.”
“She transferred because we all shoved her to the side.” Nat snaps, head hung low as Wanda sits beside her, both forlorn. 
“I don’t even remember the last conversation I had with her.”
Bucky did. He remembered his first and last conversation with you well. He remembered the way your eyes welled up and the way he wanted to punch himself. He remembered seeing your blood on the bathroom floor and the panicky feeling of not seeing you. 
“Guys! Patch in!” Clint calls on the intercom which has everyone shooting up. 
“We are here. What’s up lovebird?” Tony asks, already suiting up. 
“Wingers team and Donahans just sent out a call for backup. They are in terrible shape and really need us.” Bucky is already halfway to the quinjet before anyone can stop him. 
You had been shot……again…….but this time worse. 
Your field partner had left your side and as she abandoned you there had been a loud bang in your ears, followed by you promptly hitting the tile below you within moments, a scream tearing through your throat. 
“We are calling for backup! Does anyone have eyes on Agent Y/n?!” You hear Winger call as your body relaxes and grows warm. You try to scream out for them, but you’re too tired and you just want to close your eyes for just a moment. Just one moment and you would open them agai-
Part 2 :Visits is HERE
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angelplummie · 3 years
Okay so like for starterssssss, I love getting represented as a chubby gal 🥺🥺 so I love you for writing that last Oikawa imagineeeee 😩😩😩
Soooo, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader that really likes Kuroo, (and he’s like a super cliché bad boy🤰🏽) but he’s too embarrassed to be seen with Y/n. So she starts to hit on his friend or try to make him jealous. (I want you to add your own little idea here! But likeee, make her a baddie 😘😘)
Thanks baby 😚
Angsty?? kinda, a pinch of suggestive stuff
post girlboss was referring to
a/n:i decided to go for emo / anger issues / definitely has punched a hole in his wall kuroo, just cuz i love writing losers, and i love seeing grown men cry. reader is like 20/21 just like college age yk, kuroo is 23 as stated in fic. p.s where my artic monkey hoes at
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex n specific sexual acts, suggestive stuff, uhhh bad boy but he’s not a (bad boy) he’s just a (bad) (boy) he’s just no good, like no fr never date guys like this, he may SEEM COOL and give you the dick but girl you will be so embarrassed once u realised u gave up the kitty for a man that genuinely believes tame impala and mac demarco are unheard of and calls himself an empath even though he’s mean to his mum every time she comes over to help with the laundry and has manipulated every girl he’s ever been in the vicinity of but i digress! on with the story!
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“Kuroo-!” you yelped in surprised, bed bouncing beneath you. The second he had thrown you down, he ripped off his shirt and made a noise of frustration when he couldn’t shed his skinny jeans fast enough. Brows furrowed, he began hopping furiously to yank them off.
You laughed, much to his annoyance.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep up with that. What’s the rush?”
He sighed, and carefully pulled them off his ankles. Standing up straight, he seemed to have composed himself, with that cocky smirk on his rugged face. Your eyes trailed down his lean, long body. It was all you could do not to scream, he was so gorgeous. He took a few sweeping steps to where you lay, and got right on top of you, hands either side of your head. His eyes bore into you, it made you squirm internally, not that you would ever admit it.
“Just want you so bad, kitten.”
You barked out a laugh as if your heart didn’t jolt at his stupid pet name. It was such a stupid name, but coming from him it made you melt. Again, not like you’d ever admit it.
“Ew, Tetsu don’t call me kitten, it’s cr-“
He cut you off by leaning down and kissing you, you could feel his snake bites against your bottom lip. He groaned softly, shoving his tongue down your throat. He tasted like his sour apple vape, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through it. You could barely contain your butterflies, eyes squeezed closed.
“Come on babe, you know you like it.”
No matter how many times you and Kuroo hung out, it always felt so fresh. Maybe it was because he was exciting, or because he was a little bit wild, you didn’t know.
He leaned down closer to you, getting on his elbows, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smirked at your breathlessness. With a slender, ring adorned hand, he reached beneath your top and cupped your tits over your bra. He gave them a sharp squeeze and started placing chaste kisses on your neck. He was considerate like that, didn’t leave hickeys because he knew they’d be hard to cover for you. He groaned as he jiggled the fat of your boobs in his hands,
“God, you have the nicest tits, babe.”
You had been dating for nearly 3 months now, if that was what it was. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you were. You hang out all the time at his or your place, there was rarely a time when you didn’t have an ache between your legs, one way or another. He didn’t really take you on ‘dates’ but chatting to him was fun in itself, you didn’t need to go out to do that. He didn’t necessarily say romantic stuff either... but he didn’t not say romantic stuff either? He beat up your ex at a party one time! That had to mean something right? He exactly wouldn’t tell you how he felt but he showed you, kissing your cheek or tilting your chin up to look at him or kissing your neck or feeling you up. But that usually led to sex, so you couldn’t be certain. It wasn’t like you only screwed though, you watched your favourite movies together... although the last couple times he just started fingering you. You showed him your playlists? No no, he showed you his playlists, his sex playlists. There seemed to be a common theme here. But... there were times, afterwards, when he would pull in you so tight, tell you how good you were for him, how well you did, how pretty you looked. Any doubts you had were gone after a few hushed words on his tobacco reeking rickety old bed. You’d never really had a relationship like this before, but you assumed it was just because Kuroo was so chill. You were probably boyfriend and girlfriend, he just didn’t feel the need to announce it, he was laidback like that. So what if you guys had a lot of sex? Weren’t you a new couple? Wasn’t this just the honeymoon stage were you can’t get your hands off each other? You didn’t want to seem high maintenance and nag, so you let it be. He was sweet enough to you, right now everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
A clatter sounded downstairs, the door slamming open against the hallway wall.
“Kuroo! Hey man, I brought some California!”, a voice called from bellow.
Kuroo broke away immediately, spit trailing from your neck to his pink lips.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Kuroo mumbled, pushing off the bed and scrambling the pick up his discarded clothes and shove them back on.
You sat up, disgruntled, rearranging your bra strap from were he’d kneaded at it.
“What’s wrong? Who is that?”
He shot you a glance before continuing to yank back on his jeans.
“Uh, so change of plan, I can’t do tonight. I need you to go home. Discreetly.”
“What? Tetsu, I’m already here,” you scoffed.
What was going on?
Why was he acting like this?
You had never seen him so... frantic.
“I know babe, and I’m really sorry about that, but my friends are here early than I said.”
“So? Can’t I meet your friends?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, just let out an exasperated breath, zipping up his fly.
“Well, yeah you can meet them, just not with me. I don’t want them knowing that I-“
He cut himself off, but you had heard enough to understand.
There was a beat of silence, only disturbed by Kuroo’s friends calling for him.
Your mouth hung open, and you scoffed in shock.
You shouldn’t be surprised really. It’s so obvious now that you think about it. So that’s what this was. That explains everything. He didn’t really like you, he was just using you. That’s why he didn’t take you anywhere, or why he didn’t show you he cared. It was because he didn’t. He wasn’t “afraid of getting close to people” or “emotionally distant”, he was just upfront about not giving two shits about you aside from your vagina. I guess he didn’t want his friends to know he was furiously screwing a fat girl any chance he got. He was embarrassed of you. You were something to be ashamed of. Your stomach jerked as you got to your feet. You were pissed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t really hurt. You had liked him. A lot.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You could see the panic in his eyes, it was quite funny actually. Of course you new what it meant, but it still made you feel a little better to watch his eyes widen like that, to hold a shred of power over him.
“I mean- well I didn’t- come on babe you know I didn’t mean it like that-“ he laughed nervously, not noticing the footsteps in the landing. You rolled your eyes. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren’t going to fall for his shit again. Whatever he spouted.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Just say it, your embarrassed of me.”
“Y/N, please, don’t you think-“
Two men burst through the door, one with spiked grey hair and one with fluffy black hair.
“Kuroo! What the hell are you doing up here we’ve been-“ the grey haired one, stopped when his eyes went from a shirtless Kuroo to you.
Your eyes flickered to Kuroo, he looked mortified.
“Ah. I see. Well, Akaashi, we better give these two some time, we can just-“
“Oh no, I was just leaving,” you grabbed your jacket from on top of his chest of drawers and turned back to the two men, putting on a big smile, adrenaline and fury spurring you on.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Your eyes shot to Kuroo, who looking like get was about to shit himself.
“You probably haven’t heard of me, me and Kuroo have actually been having sex for three months. He kept it a secret because he’s embarrassed of me. We should hang out soon though!”
“Y/N-!” Kuroo yelled, exasperation clear in his tone, but you were already descending the stairs.
He came into the hall, hands rubbing his temples.
“Y/N just come talk for a second, I can-“
But he was cut off by the door slamming.
You got in your car parked outside and sped away.
The whir of the engine and the monotony of the roads cleared your mind a bit, a mist of anger still remaining.
You can’t believe you let yourself be tricked. you were a fully grown woman, but you had been reeled in hook, line and sinker. Not only had you been reeled in, you have been reeled in by a man that still had tik tok LED lights in his room and a fucking monster can collection at the age of 24 fucking years old. The more you thought about him, the more you realised how much of an emo loser he was. Of course you were still hurting, but it was more of the angry hurt you feel when it turns out your crush is homophobic or something (been there done that, don’t ask). He was a waste of oxygen, you had decided by the time you made it back to your apartment. A waste of perfectly good space that could most definitely not get the kitty anymore. You got inside your house, pulled on some comfies and got on facetime with your friends.You told them all about what happened, and they passionately bitched about him with you, confirming your suspicion that they never liked him in the first place. They also told you to forget about his existence, he wasn’t worth a slither of your brain power, he was dirt compared to you. All in all, you felt marginally better, saying goodbye to your friends while they still giggled about how stupid Kuroo’s hair was.
This was just a speed bump, you thought as you tucked yourself into bed, you would get over this.
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“Who’s Bokuto been talking to all night?” Yamamoto leaned over to ask Lev, shouting over the blaring music.
It was a week after you had thrown Kuroo to the curb, and he was out with a couple of volleyball friends, some from Nekoma, but there was also Bokuto with them.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s Y/N something? She’s in class. She’s pretty chill.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up, and he turned around to face his friends up against the bar.
“Bokuto’s talking to who?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N. She goes to my-“
“I know who Y/N is,” kuroo snapped, taking a swig of the beer in his hand and scanning the dance floor for either one of you. He found bokuto first, shoulder against the wall, holding a drink as he leant down to have you whisper something in his ear. That’s when Kuroo paid attention to you. You looked... you looked gorgeous. He felt jealousy creep up inside him. How many times had you been out looking like that since you broke things off? How many guys had you slept with since? How dare Bokuto chat you up when he knew you two had been a thing? Wasn’t he meant to be Kuroo’s friend? As Kuroo wound himself up, you and bokuto continued your extremely pleasant conversation.
“I just wanna say, sorry about Kuroo. He’s a real bonehead, but we’ve been friends since high school so I can’t ditch him.”
You snorted into your cocktail.
He frowned and straightened up indignantly.
“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with bonehead?”
“No no, nothing, it’s just very Legally Blonde.”
He beamed down at you.
“I love Legally Blonde!”
“You do? Me too!”
This big beefy man was very cute, you had been talking for nearly three hours now, but you never ran out of things to say. And, aside from the obligatory introduction compliments, he had not made any move to try and get you into a wendy’s bathroom as quick as possible, which you couldn’t say of yours and kuroo’s first meeting.
He had dreamy eyes, you noted as he smiled for the nth time that night.
“Whose your favourite-?”
“What the fuck are you doing man?”
You glanced scathingly over to the familiar face of your old fling.
“What?” Bokuto asked back, clearly done with his friends bad boy shtick.
“Why are you talking to her when... when you know?”
“What’s there to know? I’m talking to her because I want to, and she wants to.”
He looked over to you for approval.
You nodded, a little nervous. You hated Kuroo’s guts, but you knew how weirdly possessive he was, you didn’t wanna cause trouble for Bokuto.
“See? Now I don’t think she wants to see you, right?”
He looked at you again. You nodded again.
“Ok? You guys are over, now are we done?”
Kuroo huffed. His eyes flitted from Bokuto to you, remembering you were there most likely, and he scowled.
“No, we aren’t done, what are you trying to pull anyway? Trying to piss me off by talking to someone I know? Are you really that petty? Well, your little plan is working, so just-just stop, ok?”
You felt like screaming. You had just come out here to have a nice time, not listen to Kuroo’s narcissistic whining.
“Can you just fuck off? Was I not clear enough or something? You’re dead to me, Kuroo. I’m just trying to have a nice night.”
Kuroo’s mouth gaped open. He had never been spoken to like that, never. He clenched his fists at his sides and his glare intensified.
“You’re lucky I gave you the time of day, fat ugly slut.”
He grabbed Bokuto’s shoulder roughly, turning him to face him completely.
“Hey man, thanks for clearing up my sloppy seconds, really good of you. Good to know I’ve got great friends like you.”
Those were the last things out of Kuroo’s mouth before bokuto landed a punch on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re a fucking asshole man,” Bokuto grunted.
He stepped over where Kuroo lay, and held out a hand for you to step over too. You took it quietly and trailed along behind him to the door, fingers still locked. His hands were warm, and big. Kuroo’s face must hurt right now. The thought made you smile. He held the door open for you before sighing, resting his back against the wall. You stood in front of him, twiddling with your fingers.
“I am so sorry about that,” You apologised, embarrassed and shaken by the scene Kuroo had made, “I shouldn’t have wound him up, and I shouldn’t have talked to you after I knew you guys were friends, I promise I didn’t mean to start anything.”
“Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry for not making him leave right away. And either way,” he gently reached for your hand again, and you let him take it,”I’m glad you talked to me. I’d like it if you talked to me even more.”
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DISCLAIMER FOR KUROO STANS!!!! I DONT THINK HIS HAIR IS STUPID!!! it’s just when ur bestie is going thru a break up or anything entailing a male you shit talk everything about him to high hell, doesn’t matter if he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. also i have no ill will towards kuroo nor any of the characters i write shit bag fan fics about i just like to complain any way i hope you enjoyed! reblogs and replies always appreciated!!!
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — sick boyfriend! enhypen x reader
: genre — so soft :( (maybe angsty??)
: warnings —  mentions of vomiting and being ill 
: a/n — i started school again after my break so i’ve been so caught up trying to focus on it :(
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・:*:・゚☆ heeseung
he’d be coughing and sniffling the night before and when you ask him he is feeling sick he’d very dramatically say:
“absolutely not! i have like the strongest immune system ever baby i cant believe you’d question MY immune system”
he woke up the next morning with a full blown fever.
wants you to lay next to you all day long csuse he claims you are his “human furnace”
croaks from your shared bedroom when you get up to get medicine and some hot soup
only agrees to take the medicine if you feed him
once he does take the medicine, he sits there with his mouth open so you can feed him his food
you just stare at him the whole time like 😐😐 am i taking care of my boyfriend or a child 😐😐
he’s staring at you like 🥺🥺🥺 cause he’s so thankful to have you in his life
he squirms into your arms and hides his face in the crook of your neck, already feeling better as you play with his hair
leaves little kisses on your neck as his way to thank you for taking care of him
・:*:・゚☆ jay
tries to convince you he is okay #1
“no angel! i’m okay it’s nothing okay i’m fine psshhh no worries”
doesn’t work as you woke up from his loud coughs in the middle of the night :(
he is very stubborn and continues you to insist that he is okay and that he can take care of himself (he just doesn’t wanna burden you)
everytime you say you’re gonna go do something for him he tries to protest saying he is fine but than starts coughing up a storm
spends the whole day with a pout on his face cause he doesn’t want you to waste your day taking care of him
sucks to be him tho cause you’ll do anything for mr. jay park!
i remember someone said that when jay is feeling ill, his emotions tend to exaggerate
like he’ll feel pain in his throat but will claim his entire body hurts and he cannot move a muscle... (it’s okay it’s just the sickness getting to him)
all he wants to do is cuddle next to you and sleep
like he’ll ask for massages or even random things like piece of cake from the bakery downstairs and you go do it cause your poor boy is feeling down and you wanna see him happy :((
pays you back by buying you new things and spending all that lost time doing anything you want to do (even if it means watching a movie he despises)
・:*:・゚☆ jake
NAAAUUURRR i’m gonna cry just thinking about sick little jake
his eyes are wide and glossy the whole time and his lips are pursed out into a little pout
baby hates being sick cause then he can’t go out and do fun things with you!
DEMENDS cuddles and kisses.
like i think he’ll cry if you leave his side
even if it’s for his own benefit, he clings to you like a little koala
lowkey a little dramatic, acts like his dying
“baby i think this is my last day... pls tell layla i love her” and you’re like What About Me.
you pour him the liquid medicine on to a spoon and give it to him yourself
gets so giddy and smiles at you like a goof afterwards
you bring the back of your palm to his forehead and go “you’re so hot omg”,,, he proceeds to say “i know i am babe you don’t have to tell me twice 😏” BOOYYY
treats you like a little teddy bear and holds you super super close to his body!!
pays you back by taking care of you the later week when you’re sick
・:*:・゚☆ sunghoon
the only one actually capable of taking care of himself 
he just seems very normal when he is sick 
like he can definitely be on his own 
lowkey doesn’t want you around so you dont get sick 
but you are very stubborn and you stay there to take care of him 
which he appreciates cause he likes being coddled a little bit hehe 
it honestly just feels like a regular, stay at home day with him aside from the fact he is violently coughs every 30 minuets next to you 
the only thing he wants from you is that you let him lay on your lap and you play with his hair 
which you do ofc and he is just simply so happy from that 
falls asleep in your lap cause its so therapeutic
“mmmm feel so nice honey” he slurs very sleepily 
nuzzles his face into your stomach, searching for warmth :((( 
you press little kisses around his face while he sleeps and he starts to blush but you can’t tell cause you think its just his face burning up from being sick (thank god it would’ve embarrassed him so bad if you found out it was from little kisses)    
brings you flowers and gives you endless amount of cuddles as his way to thank you :(( 
・:*:・゚☆ sunoo
boyfriend or child you can’t tell #2
will WHINE SO LOUD if you try to leave his side 
“Y/NNNNN NOOOOO you can’t go~ its so cold~ im gonna freeze to death if you go~” “sunoo i need to get you medici-” “NOOOOOOO” 
REFUSES to take his medicine 
will turn his head the other way with a pout on his face and stubbornly shake his head 
you have to pursued him with food and kisses in order for him to actually take it 
takes the medicine but gags while taking it 
“wheres my cuddles huh 😐” 
so so so clingy :( he is pretty much on your entire lap with his head laid across your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your neck 
sunoo wouldn’t be very sleepy but he would be very quiet (which makes you sad cause youre sunny is always so talkative), so he spends this time listening to you and all the things you wanna talk about 
you guys watch movies together the whole day 
wants you to leave kisses on his cheeks cause it makes him feel better 
he pouts at you while you laugh at him when you feed him snacks 
buys you all the snacks you could dream of when he is feeling better <33 
・:*:・゚☆ jungwon 
tries to convince you he is fine #2
but wakes you up in the middle of night cause he threw up :(( 
he gets teary eyed cause he doesn’t wanna burden you but at the same time it hurts so bad 
whimpers so much :(( 
he wants to be held so much, he is attached to you the entire time 
you wipe his face with cold towels to bring down his high body temperature down and push back his bangs with so much care and love 
“thank you y/n” he speaks so softly before letting out a huge sniffle 
jungwon falls in love with you so much more
like he didnt think he could but some how you have managed to make him fall in love with you again 
really likes it when you pet his head and massage his temples 
he clings to you so much that he just follows you around like a little puppy 
you guys watch romance movies together to distract him from the pain 
will never give you a hard time like if you ask him to sit up and drink his water or take his medicine he’ll do it right away no questions asked 
mainly cause he wants to get better quickly so he can spend more time with you doing more interesting things 
thanks you by taking on a cute little picnic date the week after :( 
・:*:・゚☆ ni-ki
sleep. all he will do is sleep. 
he doesnt care about anything else except for that fact that he wants to sleep 
sprawls his entire body on top of yours 
he literally traps your body so you cant get out 
you have to physically push him off of you which isnt a problem cause he is in such a deep sleep 
and when he wakes up and you ARENT by his side, he gets very whiny 
“Y/NNNN why’d you leave me ☹️” 
very grumpy 
you laugh at this which makes him even more grumpy 
how cute 
ni-ki is honestly very frustrated that 1) he can’t go to practice and dance with his cheery personality and 2) he can’t kiss you!!!! (this is what is the most important to him) 
so he just whines all day 
whines when you tell him you have to take medicine 
whines when you try to get him to sit up and eat 
whines when you aren’t cuddling him 
so pls cuddle the poor boy <//3 
your cool hand against his warm back makes him sigh out loud 
pays you back be giving you endless hugs, kisses and letting you win in games <//3 
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misschifuyu · 3 years
hii <3
i would like to request a headcanon with kazutora, chifuyu mitsuya having sex with their s/o please? if it's too much feel free to ignore it :)
thanks <33 have a nice day/night
- hi there my love !! don’t worry, this request is absolutely fine, and it’s actually the first full nsfw one so I do hope you like it
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Kazutora, Chifuyu and Mitsuya general n/sfw headcanons
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genre: smut. the characters are depicted as their present selves
warnings: explicit content & language.
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jumping right into it, i feel that kazutora is more on the make love side rather than blowing your back out. sure, if you asked him to be rough on an odd day, he'd happily comply. he's just more on the softer side
this is mostly due to his past; he knows what he's capable of, even after all those years since his toman days, so he'd be very precautious not to hurt you in any way
you'll know when he's needy, like you just will. kazutora will turn ever to touchy and try to remain as close to you as possible when he's trying to get you into bed
he doesn't really need words, but he'll speak if you ask him to
"i...really need to be inside you"
don't think this translates as skipping foreplay, though
very much the opposite. kazutora loves feeling up on your soft skin, leaving faint marks with his teeth that would gradually turn into darker shades of purple
he quite likes marking you up, it's really the only thing that could be mildly classed as rough, as he'd frequently leave teeth marks. he adores hearing your voice when he'd catch you off guard with a particularly harsh bite, squirming beneath him
this man is an avid lover of giving oral
he won't turn down a blowjob, but he'd sometimes feel a little awkward whenever you did. he'd ease into it after a few minutes, but he still preferred pleasuring you instead
between your thighs is his favourite place to be, no matter the time of the day. whether you're laying on your back or hovering over his face, kazutora will keep you there for a good while, voicing out praises at you as he basked in your reactions
if his tongue wasn't too occupied, of course
"god, i just can't get enough of you"
make sure to praise him just as much. he absolutely loves hearing loving nicknames from you whenever you tell him how much of a good job he's doing
it gets him even more riled up, and would frequently grind himself against whatever surface you were on
speaking of surfaces, though the bed is the most convenient place to indulge in you, kazutora isn't picky about the location, so long as it's somewhere inside
he's been known to take you whilst you watched a movie, on a counter as you waited for food to cook, even up against a wall when he couldn't be bothered to make it all the way to the bed
as long as he gets to watch your face twist into one of pleasure, he really couldn't care less where it was
a key point when having sex with kazutora: pull his hair
it can be in a ponytail or loose, doesn't matter; he will let out the prettiest moans ever if you just so tugged gently on his locks
it's a sensitive spot of his, so be sure to use it wisely. it'll take him some self control to not go absolutely feral on you if you do, so its best you tell him it's okay to let go before you play with his hair
whenever you start reaching your high, no matter if he's over or behind you, he will bury his face into your neck and suck on the skin, emphasising the already noticeable marks
during aftercare - because this man will pamper you after a session, no matter how long or short it was - he will trace over the marks with light kisses, asking if any of them were still sore
and, of course, a shower will be waiting for you as soon as he's done with that. it's a perfect excuse to spend so more time pressed up against you; a double win, in his eyes
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let's get one thing straight: chifuyu is ready to get it on with you whenever and, frankly wherever. it doesn't take much to get him all needy and, more times that not, he will approach you with the intention of getting in your pants, no matter what you were doing
of course, he will ask if you're up for it, too - consent is key, people
see, he's a very touchy, affectionate person. he loves being around you and will take up any chance to be near you. sometimes, though, this need to be close to you will escalated into something more. even if you were simply cuddling, chifuyu will, occasionally, start to feel his pants getting a little too tight for comfort
when things get going, he is an absolute sweetheart. treating you with care, he will melt into your lips, hands roaming around your body. he's not very talkative during foreplay, but that's mostly because his mouth is usually occupied
however, once your clothes have been discarded, something with click inside of him, making his only goal to leave you in an absolute mess by the time he was done with you
littering your skin with kisses and subtle bites, he will run his hands along your sides, causing goosebumps on your skin that he'd always notice, a sly smile on his lips whenever he did
he's a tease. whilst you try and push your hips towards him, he will simply place kisses on your skin near the area you most needed him to touch
you're going to actually have to tell him what you want before you loose sight of the playful smile that hung on his lips
"that's it...wasn't that hard to ask, now was it?"
chifuyu will get right to the point once he drops his teasing act, though, and expect a good two to three orgasms before he decides he's done with you
when it comes to positions, he likes those in which he can be closest to you. skin on skin is his favourite feeling, and the closer his face can be to yours, the better
when he's pounding into you, he'll bring a hand up to your face. he'd hold it softly, contrasting from his rough pace, and whisper out a series of praises
"you look so pretty like this...does it feel that good? tell me, i want to hear your voice"
a fun thing about chifuyu is that he's a switch, a big one at that. if you find the impulse to flip him onto his back, or simply take over, he will automatically slip out of his position in charge
this is when you'll be able to hear his pretty voice. although he will start with small whimpers here and there, by the time he's edging towards his orgasm he will let out a string of soft moans, grabbing onto you in any way he can as he does
when he reaches his orgasm, his grip will keep you in the position you were in, his body stiffening up as his eyes would close shut
this will be applied whether he's in control or not, honestly. chifuyu loses most of his focus when he's nearing his high, only having enough to call out your name
he may be shorter than most of the guys, but he has one hell of a stamina. one round will never be sufficient for him, and he'd certainly be up to waiting for you to calm down until the next one if it meant he could make you - and himself - see stars again
this will be when, as well as during aftercare, he will give you soft kisses against your skin, massaging areas such as your stomach and thighs as he'd let out hums of happiness
as said before, he's a sweetheart. sure, sometimes you'd be sore after being with him, but he'd always make it up to you with the most perfect cuddling session afterwards
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mitsuya is very skilled with his hands, as shown by his talent when it comes to designing and creating magnificent fashion pieces
watching him work is quite the sight, and even more so if you're familiar with other wonders he's able to do with those fingers of his
but, to start off, know that it will take him some determination to start anything up with you
he's a busy man with a lot on his mind, so it would take him a bit to hold himself back from just jumping on you because of the growing stress that had built up throughout the day
he's a respectful man and, therefore, will take his time and look for subtle hints to see if perhaps you'd follow his lead
when you catch his drift, though, he will be all hands on you
sex is a perfect way to wind down from his hectic schedule, and he couldn't ask for anyone else better to do it with rather than you
oral is key during foreplay. he will start by making his way down on you, his voice speaking words of appreciation between the kisses he'd place on your skin
watching you writhe from the position between your legs was something he thoroughly adored, your body jerking with every skilled move from both his mouth and his fingers
after a good few minutes of pulling his hair and high pitched moans from your behalf, he will lift himself away from you. this will be your turn to switch up places
and also when you'd see the truly, needy mitsuya
you see, he has very, very sensitive skin. his neck, his chest, his waist...with simple touches of your hand, you can reduce him to a squirming mess
when he's the one receiving oral, he will absolutely lose any sense of straightforward thinking, especially if you run your hands on his thighs whilst you peer up at him through your lashes
his moans are like music to your ears. he won't speak much, unable to actually form words as he shivers from the feeling of you between his legs, but his hand on your head will be enough to tell you that you're doing a good job
if he's sat up whilst you give him the blowjob, expect to be pushed down as soon as he reaches his orgasm. he tends to curl over when he does, his whole body turning into a trembling mess
he will make up for accidentally making you gag, though. in the sense that you won't be able to walk straight for the next few days
he may be sensitive, but he also isn't one to go slow when it comes to intercourse. he will also go for a few rounds, loving how you'd come undone before him every time
hold on to him when he does: the feeling of your nails digging into his back whenever he's on top of you always makes him pick up his speed, and he loves the marks that would appear afterwards
it was a way to know that he was taking good care of you
mitsuya isn't one to talk dirty, but he will shower you with loving comments during aftercare. he'd trace your skin with his fingers as you lay on his chest, both equally as tired and worn out
his sex drive is high, but so is his love for you
so he'd always prepare a bath for you afterwards, where he'd try and keep you awake with soft kisses and talking to you whilst you enjoyed the warm water
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
get the girl- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, mentions of ned, betty, mj, and brad warnings: unrequited love (kind of?? implied), lotsss of pining and fluff, a little long about: requested! (DF4) “you fell asleep, i couldn’t move.“ + (DF31) “maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance.” a/n: been wanting to write a peter parker friends to lovers for a while, so thank you so so much for requesting this. i swear i don’t usually take this long?? i got carried away and it got way longer than i expected, i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting!
peter thinks it’s hopeless. the cliche he’s stuck in seems cruel- no matter what the movies you (and, fine, yes, him sometimes) make him watch say. nothing that happens in them ever transpires to real life; beautiful girls don’t fall in love with their nerdy best friends and guys like peter parker don’t get the girl.
it’s fun to fantasize, though. and especially fun to look at you, particularly when you’re laying on his bed, oblivious to him standing in the doorway, observing as you twist your neck to get a good look at the polaroids he hung up on his wall. a familiar smile grows on your face when your eyes scan them, flickering to the polaroid camera you got him for christmas years ago.
you move to try to get a better look at them without standing up, glancing down when you feel a sharp edge poke at your skin. he watches as your eyebrows furrow in possibly the prettiest way possible and you pull out a polaroid from under you. and oh, peter is just now realizing exactly what that photo is and why it’s on his bed instead of hanging off the empty miniature clothespin that comes from the pack you thrust at his chest when you noticed the increasing pile of pictures on his desk.
he’s moving on autopilot towards you, the foot already halfway through the door used as a stepping stone to go to your side faster. he’s with you in less than three steps, tugging on your ankle and then tackling you as sensibly as possible, laying his whole body on yours. you oof, dropping the picture, having seen it for too little to really question it, and laugh breathlessly. “pete!” you wheeze, curling your arms around his back, one of your hands absentmindedly drawing figures through his hoodie and your other one inching up to his hair, already beginning to thread through the chocolate curls. “yes?” he hums innocently, furtively grabbing the polaroid you dropped and shoving it in the pocket of his hoodie before his arms wrap around your thighs.
“i told you if you keep doing that, one day you’re gonna get hurt,” you scold, looking attentively as peter leans his head against your chest. “me?” he questions, feeling you nod under his cheek. “uh huh, you. you’ll hit your head or something. for a spider-”
“spiderman. superhero,” peter corrects, you ignore him, “you are really clumsy.” peter huffs in dissent, letting a comfortable silence blanket over the both of you for a minute before he looks up at you. “what?” you ask, a smile brimming at the edges of your words. you’re so pretty, peter wants to say, but instead, he goes with a more best-friend-friendly question, “d’you wanna watch a movie?”
you nod at him, pulling your hands away from his head to play with the strings of his hoodie, “sure, what do we want to watch today?” peter’s eyes immediately light up, and you realize you never actually needed to ask. “fine,” you agree, trying not to grin too hard at the way his face brightens. “which one?” you request, watching his freckled cheeks flush pink in excitement, “sixth one. the best one, of course.” you smirk, shrugging, “right, don’t know why i asked, i basically know the movie word for word now.” peter can’t help but give you heart eyes at the knowledge of your knowing the script of his favorite movie. god, you really were the dream girl.
“‘kay, go make some popcorn and get everything ready while i go to the bathroom,” you request, tapping peter’s shoulder as a way to tell peter to let you out from under his body weight. he does the complete opposite of what you imply, however, nuzzling further into your chest and inhaling deeply. “peter,” you laugh, poking his shoulder again, “‘m comfy,” he mumbles, eyes closed. “pete, c’mon, i gotta pee and you’re lying on my bladder,” you whine, “also, don’t you wanna watch episode six of star wars while i eat popcorn and play with your hair?” you singsong. he’s suddenly moving his body off of yours to let you go, although not before pressing a sloppy- friendly- kiss to your arm, “hurry up.”
you giggle as you stand, stretching out your limbs and walking to the bathroom while peter watches you walk away. once he hears the bathroom door shut, he digs his hands into his pockets, fingers tugging on the polaroid he had shoved inside. a smile grows on his face without his permission when he holds it at his stomach, the light reflecting off of the smile that was printed on the picture. he traces a nail over your face, bright and open in the way that makes you gleam. it’s his favorite picture ever, the only one that managed to catch you so in your element, your natural halo of glow apparent in your outline. peter had scrawled the words best girl in red marker on the white space at the bottom- something he thought he could explain away easily if he had to. the picture had its own designated space on his wall, right in the middle so the importance was clear, but it was rarely actually up there, instead always next to him for inspiration when he was doing homework and on his dresser for when he couldn't sleep.
his lips quirk one last time at the photograph before walking to the wall where all the rest of them reside. he hangs it up, glancing at it once more until he turns to walk out of his room.
the movie is ready to play when you walk into the living room, and peter is in the kitchen making your popcorn. “it smells good,” you say in a greeting, sniffing the air and exhaling in satisfaction. peter laughs, “you do that every time we have a movie night.” you tilt your head at him, “do what?” he motions to you, “that. the whole smelling thing and letting me know how good it smells, it’s cute.”
your face heats when it slips out of his lips, pausing to absorb the words he doesn’t seem to have noticed he said. his back is to you, dumping the popcorn into a bowl for you. you can’t see it, but he’s freaking out, trying to think of an excuse if you decide it was too weird. you don’t do anything to imply that, though, just blink until the words dissolve in the air. “thanks,” you finally reply, as nonchalant as you can make it while you grab his m&ms. he hums in response, turning around to head to the couch, “star wars time,” he winks, making you grin.
you follow him as he heads to the couch, settling down next to him once he puts on the movie. the star wars theme starts, the tune fringed by peter’s humming. cute, you think, snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm and shoving popcorn into your mouth. “hmm, good,” you compliment, watching the scenes you’d seen so many times pass on the screens. you mouth along when you recognize the lines until your eyes feel heavy and they shut completely.
quiet thwips wake you up hours later, when the black of the night has bled the sky blue and the stars have littered over the clouds, the moon replacing the sun. you see that the movie is long over when you blink yourself awake, beginning to cuddle deeper into your pillow when you realize it’s too warm and hard to be a pillow. you are met with the vision of your best friend, lip tugged in between his teeth as he concentrates on something behind you. he doesn’t seem to notice that you’re awake, trying to remain as still as possibly while the thwip noises continue. he mutters a curse, scrunching his nose adorably before flicking his eyes to you. they widen when he notices you’re awake, dropping his hand. “what’re you doing?” you yawn, sitting up and away from the warmth of peter’s embrace. “uh- i just- the movie ended and you didn’t wake up, so i tried to get the remote, then i got hungry…” he scratches the back of his head awkwardly, scanning the room and you turn to observe, stunned to see the mess of webs and dropped items you weren’t sure how you didn’t hear. “oh my god, what the- did you try to get everything with your webs?” you ask in bewilderment, eyeing a bag of gummy worms open and on the floor, you snap your neck towards him to observe his burning cheeks. “um. yes,” he confesses, blushing harder. “why didn’t you just get up?” you question, looking back at the ruined living room, exhaling in surprise as you notice the remote on the ground.
“you... you fell asleep on me. i couldn’t move.”
you pause, tilting your head slightly to look at peter, “pete, god, that’s so sweet. but you really don’t need to…” you motion to the dropped items, “do all that,” you laugh. peter shrugs, and you notice the tips of his ears are red, too. “i didn’t want to wake you up. i know how much of a light sleeper you are.”
you feel like you’re melting, every single muscle in your body drooping in the loveliness that was peter parker. you weren’t sure how the boy was real. you suddenly drop yourself on him again, wrapping your arms around his burning neck, “thank you, peter,” you say into his skin. like a reflex, his own arms go around your waist, holding you securely so you won’t fall, “‘f course.”
a moment of quiet follows until peter’s stomach rumbles suddenly, making you laugh, “i think i’ve starved you long enough. you pick today. also, when did you get so ripped? your arms are so big--” peter cuts you off with a groan, dropping his head on your shoulder, “you had to ruin the moment--”
peter doesn’t know what it is with you (actually, he does) that makes you so distracting. you’re just waiting in line for lunch, standing next to mj and laughing occasionally when she says something. all you’re doing is standing, and maybe it’s peter’s boy-hormones combined with his spider-hormones that magnify every single perfect feature of yours, but he can’t take his eyes off of you. you’re so pretty. the curve of the smiles that pulls into your cheeks, the twinkle that remains permanent in the color of your eyes, the way you look in that skirt--
“maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance,” a voice points out from next to him. peter scoffs, ripping his sight away from you to turn to ned. “i talk to her all the time. she’s my best friend.” ned shakes his head and sighs, “you talk to her about star wars, you talk to me about star wars, how is that supposed to help you have a chance--”
“i have a chance,” peter mumbles, trying to believe it himself, “she knows that she and you stand at different levels of best friends--” ned looks offended, “different levels? what is that supposed to mean--” peter stares exasperatedly at his best friend, “it means i want to date her and i don’t want to date you--”
“that’s a little rude--”
“hey you guys,” you greet, sitting down on the seat in front of peter’s and patting the seat next to you for mj. she stares at you silently, and you frown, patting the seat harder, “sit.” you instruct. she sighs and does what she’s told. “what were you guys talking about?” you ask, picking up your small plate of cherry pie to replace the bowl of orange slices that you took from peter’s plate. “thank you,” peter mumbles, digging his fork into the pie the moment you set it down. you hum, stealing a cherry tomato from his salad.
“oh, you know. the usual, your friendship with peter,” the latter shoots him a look and you raise an eyebrow, “that’s the usual? a little strange, don’t you think?” ned shrugs, “did you know that you and i stand at ‘different levels’ as peter’s best friends?” peter nearly chokes on his pie, glaring at ned. you cock your head at peter, thinking as you steal another tomato, “i… guess i thought so? i’ve known peter since, like, preschool, and we tell each other everything.”
“everything, huh?” ned wonders, a sound of pain falling from his lips when peter kicks him under the table. “peter.” he hisses. mj narrows her eyes at the two boys, “what is going on with you guys today? you’re acting weirder than normal.” peter’s face screws up in confusion, looking to you for help. you shrug, “she’s right.”
“i usually am,” mj mutters.
“so what is it?” you query, popping an orange slice as peter cringes at the mere thought of the taste. “peter has a crush,” ned informs helpfully, oblivious to peter’s dismay, “i- i don’t-”
you blink, feeling mj’s elbow shove into your ribs as her own way to make sure you’re okay. you ignore her, and it tells her everything she needs to know. “it’s liz, right?” you guess, trying to mask the hurt on your face with a teasing smile, “i saw you looking at her the other day. she’s pretty.” “no! it’s not- i mean, yes, liz is pretty, but i don’t like her or anything- ned doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” peter rambles. “pete, you don’t have to be embarrassed, i’m just upset you didn’t tell me,” you lie. peter’s eyebrows furrow, “you’re just upset that… i didn’t tell you?” he repeats. you nod, biting into another orange slice. “just that?” he asks meekly. you cock your head at him.
“i just- never mind. it’s not liz,” he says, poking at his pie. “so you admit you have a crush?” you start with a fake smirk, jabbing at your best friend with your fork, “just not on liz?”
“i didn’t… i didn’t say that-” peter stutters. your eyes narrow at him, lip tugged between your teeth, “i’m gonna find out who it is by the end of the day.”
peter is unfortunately sure you will. he’s not subtle as is, but you’re never deliberately looking for the signs, which makes it a lot easier to hide his embarrassingly large crush on you. but now, you'll be paying attention to his every move, and knowing you, he knows you won’t stop until you find out what you want, unless he tells you to back off. but, does he want you to back off?
he pushes his tray away, suddenly not feeling so hungry.
you stay true to your promise, hanging off his arm for the rest of the day, observing the way he acts around some of your classmates, but somehow not noticing the way he blatantly refuses to look at you- which proves humiliatingly difficult; peter never realized exactly how much he turned to look if you laughed at the joke too, or to catch one of your smiles when you hear something funny or peter whispers a joke into the shell of your ear.
by the end of the day when you’re walking to the train station together, you’re groaning at him, putting your full weight on his arm as you tug at him. “who is it? is it betty? oh my god, is it mj? is that why you kept looking at her?” you ask excitedly. peter wants to tell you the truth: he wasn’t looking at mj, he was looking at you, because as much as he tried, he couldn’t pry his attention off of you, who just so happened to sit next to mj.
“not mj. not betty,” he replies, pulling you inside the subway and scanning for free seats. you trail behind him when he finds a spot, letting you take it as he stands in front of you. “not them… it has to be liz, right?” you pry, sighing when he shakes his head. “brad- it’s brad, right?” you grin, whining when he denies it again. “can you just tell me if i got them already? i’ve practically said everyone in the school,” you complain, “they do go to school with us, right?” at peter’s nod, you drop your head against his abdomen, “and you have not said their name yet.”
“peter,” you drag out, reaching out for his hand to pull it, “just tell me! i can probably set you up with them!”
“y/n, just drop it,” he sighs, and you sigh too, mumbling a fine before noticing an older lady standing at the door. you wave her over, standing next to peter and letting her take your seat. peter feels like his heart will pop out of his chest.
the bumps of the subway push you close enough to him to feel the thundering of his heart, and your eyebrows knit together in worry, “are you okay? your heart’s beating, like, really fast-” yeah and your hand on my chest is not helping- “‘m fine.”
“is it because of the crush thing?” yes, “because i’m sorry about annoying you about it so much, if you don’t want to talk about it, i won’t bother you with it. just know that if they don’t like you back, they’re insane, because you, peter parker, are a ca-”
it was like a rubber band snapping, and peter suddenly couldn’t help it anymore, pushing his lips against yours, effectively cutting you off and catching you so off-guard, you freeze for a second before reacting, pulling his jaw closer. you almost tug him back when he pulls away, before you remember you’re still standing on a crowded, moving subway, and while kissing your best friend had been all you wanted for way too long, you were absolutely going to miss your stop if you didn’t stop.
“i- i’m sorry, i just-” peter stammered, stepping back. “no! so, please don’t apologize, seriously, it’s fine, it’s, like, better than fine.”
a beat of awkward silence passed before the tube halted to the stop right before yours. “it’s you. in case that didn’t… come clear. you’re the person i like,” peter informs quietly. “really?” you ask, cheek already pulling in a shy smile. “really,” peter assures.
this time, you don’t really care if you miss your stop, and neither does peter, now that he knows that, sometimes, peter parker does get the girl.
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aetheternity · 3 years
My wifey, my best friend
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Synopsis: Draken knew two things in his life for sure. One, that his best friend was a virgin and two, that he had a thing for his best girl. So he decides to kill two birds with one stone. 
Disclaimer: Fem reader, Unprotected sex, kinda not really a threesome, Oral sex (m recieving), and voyeurism are all present in this. (Minors dni) 
It wasn’t hard to see. Draken’s girl had always been a sight for every man’s eyes. Even before they’d gotten together. She got attention for the way she presented herself, her face, her body and overall just how chill of a person she was. Because while she looked mean (and honestly she could be at times). She was always ready to defend anyone in her squad. 
And very often that meant Mikey. Which Draken had always been thankful for seeing as once he had the help he didn’t know how he’d done it by himself for so long. But he didn’t miss how much quicker his girlfriend got violent when it came to Mikey and vise versa. Didn't miss the prolonged smiling between them or the way they were somehow always touching.
Didn’t matter how much she’d deny it when he’d call her out. Her eye roll adorable despite the clear deception behind her words. The flush of her cheeks, dilated pupils and nervous laughter all giving her away. She wasn’t just into Draken.
She was into Mikey too. She just didn’t seem to see what he saw.  
At first it had been a bit of a sore subject filling his brain. His girl and his friend had the same feelings for each other? Well he knew you wouldn’t cheat on him, you’d always been such a sappy romantic. Crying over love stories you’d read online and forcing him to watch movies that were far too long for just a stupid kiss at the end. 
And he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Mikey wasn’t a concern. But every time he saw you two together it seemed as though you’d gotten even closer than the last time. Which eventually became the basis for a plan. 
“Hey.” Draken’s braid hung down the back of your couch as he called to you where you stood in the kitchen filling a big bowl with an assortment of chips and popcorn. 
“Hey.” You mimic his deep voice with a giggle coming over and setting the bowl in his lap. 
“Did you have fun with Mikey today?” He asked pressing a light kiss to your forehead. 
“Yup. Me, Mikey, and Emma had a lovely day out today.” You tossed a kernel of popcorn into your mouth with a snicker. 
“Don’t be like that. You know I’m not asking because I'm jealous.” His hair tickled the side of your face as he leaned in closer brushing stray strands of hair back from your cheeks. 
“No no, I know Ken Ken.” 
His breath flushed over your cheeks and nose when you met his eyes. You brushed your fingertips up the side of his head to trace his tattoo. His hands meeting your waist, fingers threading over the small of your back while he kissed you. And you returned the affection with every bit of eagerness that flooded your body. 
“What do you have going on Saturday?” He asked as he pulled away 
Your smile was warm, eyes practically twinkling as you said, “I don’t know whatever you’re doing I guess.” 
“You, me, Mikey, Mario Kart.” He suggests 
“That sounds so fun.” You place a kernel of popcorn on his tongue before turning to flip on the movie pulled up on the DVD player. 
“What is this?” Draken grumbled over the snack in his mouth. His demeanor quickly shifting. 
“I told you I was finally gonna show you The Notebook tonight.” You replied and Draken resisted his urge to groan as you cuddled up to his side fishing a couple chips out of the bowl still in his lap.
Saturday morning Draken had arrived at your house at eleven am. He’d set everything up. You thought Mikey was coming at one but Draken had told him eleven knowing that he probably wouldn’t actually get there till twelve.
He’d helped you carry the bulky consoles and teased you all morning just so he could get you here. Right now at 11:45 am, your ass pressed between his bare thighs, socked feet tickling his bare knees, with your panties hanging off one foot as you worked your body up and down his length. The steady claps of your skin meeting creating a beautiful noise that bounced off the drab paint job in your living room. 
His name left your lips with a chorus of pleas. Pleas for his attention to your clit. Pleas for his thrusts to be harder. All greedy and messy while you gripped his shoulders tight for some form of stability. 
“Come on Darling, you can do it.” He replies thickly, the fingers he has sinking into the smooth flesh of your back hurt but the tighter it gets the more he’s enjoying it. “You’re doing so well.” He groans 
He slips a hand under your tee shirt looking for a better angle. His thighs spread and just for a couple seconds he indulges his good girl a little more. Feeds into your anxious cries as you whine about needing your orgasm so bad. Cock brushing against your cervix while you greedily weep for more.  
“Take it then.” He tells you breathily, head tilted back to show off the bob of his adam’s apple. His groans a little deeper as you work him up so close. Cunt squeezing so perfectly around him. Strands of his hair stuck to his forehead from the accumulation of sweat. “I want you to make yourself cum, Darling.” 
Your fingers twist into his shirt at every slam of his hips. Wandering hands drifting up to cup your breasts through your bra before coming back down to your hips.
You clearly can’t hear it. Too lost in bliss but the subtle click of the door opening and closing isn’t lost on Draken at all. He never stops feeding you his cock though. Not as the taps of footsteps get louder, not as the pounding in his chest gets a little harder and not even when Mikey is standing right in front of the two of you. 
“Name, Ken ch-” 
Mikey freezes and your eyes fly open thrashing around to grab the blanket at the end of the couch to cover your lower half. “Oh my god Mikey!” Mikey stays quiet though his eyes grow dark, lips parted as he stares at the two of you. “Mikey, I thought you weren’t coming till one..” You huff, hand over your forehead and eyelids as you clutch the blanket a little tighter with one hand. 
“Are you saying you’re upset that he’s here early?” Two sets of eyes fall on Draken. He has yet to let go of your hips as you sit in his lap still fully seated on his dick with his best friend standing only a couple feet away. 
“Not this again Ken..” Your words drift away as the palm of his thumb slips beneath the blanket to slide smoothly over your swollen clit. Surprisingly Mikey doesn’t make a move to leave. Feet seemingly stuck in their current position. 
He leans toward your ear though it's still loud enough for Mikey to hear. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t squeeze my cock when Mikey walked in? Are you saying you don't like his eyes on you while I make you a mess?” 
“Wha.. Ke-” A breathy gasp leaves your lips. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mikey finally finds his voice though it lacks the malice he usual manages to possess. 
"You might as well stay while we finish. She's almost done."
Draken spreads your thighs with one arm pulling one of your ankles up till it’s resting partially against his shoulder and partially against the back of the couch. Slowly but surely the blanket begins to slip off your lower half exposing you slightly to Mikey. With your other leg resting against his; he thrust into you so deep that it creates a noticeable bulge in your stomach for just a split second.
A couple whimpers flutter off your lips and you try to slightly steady yourself as Draken guides his length into you without even the slightest hesitation. The couch shudders with loud creaks as if it's protesting the rough pace Draken has set never taking his eyes off a still shocked Mikey.
"Have you ever thought of fucking her like this?" Draken asks his voice husky and thick over your moans.
You're almost unabashed in the way you look over to Mikey with tears welling against the corners of your eyes. Thigh tensing with every rough pound of Draken's hips.
"K-ken.." You try only to gasp. It makes Mikey's hand fly to his tee shirt trying his best to cover what was so obviously growing right before you and Draken's eyes.
"I want to watch as Mikey fucks you." Draken finally admits. "Would you want that darling? Want Mikey to pound your pretty pussy like I always do?"
"Mm close.." You cry, lips trembling and wet as you throw your head back. Your fingers twist in Draken's shirt, leg twitching awkwardly by his head.
Mikey's lips hang open. His breathing raspy as your whole body tremors. You lean forward in Draken's grasp pushing him even deeper inside you as you cry over and over, "M' cumming K-ken.."
Draken lets his head fall back against the couch as you milk him while you're trapped in your own euphoria. His dick twitching through the intense groans you pull from his chest. When he's finished he places a gentle hand on your stomach.
"Will you take care of Mikey now?" He lifts your body off of him, placing you next to him.
"You want me to fuck your girlfriend? Have you lost it?" Mikey asks, cheeks stained a bright pink.
"Yeah, I'm giving you permission to show, Name a good time while I watch."
Mikey looks over to you. Slowly but surely you extend your hand to him looking at Draken for any bit of hesitation on his part. He hesitants and then his sandals are clicking against the hardwood as Draken motions for him to get between your legs. Mikey's eyes wide with attention as he stares down at you, hands stiff at his sides.
You look to Draken again who's pulled off his shirt by this point; laying back against the couch to rub his softened cock back to life. "Kiss him." Draken nods to Mikey who's basically stone at this point.
"C-can I?" You sit up pressing your hands to his cheeks immediately delighted by the strands of hair delicately brushing against the knuckles of your fingers.
When you lean into him, he presses forward. Hands reaching for the back of the couch for support. His lips are cold. Not at all what you'd thought they'd be. Hesitant, a little shaky and over all cute.
You couldn't help but trace the shape with your tongue. They were smaller than Draken's that part was obvious and more gentle too as though he was scared he could hurt you from just a small kiss. When you pushed him a little further coaxing his lips apart he conceded for you. With a heavy breath he slid one hand down to your face, Adam's apple bobbing where you could see it through your peripherals.
When your tongue slid into his mouth he took a deep breath cautious as you prodded forward with your tongue. And just as soon you were pulling away.
Draken added pressure to his tip with his thumb before sliding his hand back down his shaft in a smooth motion. "Take her shirt off." He instructed
Not only were Mikey's lips cold but his fingertips were also slightly cold as they slipped under your shirt with shaky hands. When you reached for Mikey's shirt Draken tsked,
"Be careful with him. He's still a virgin."
Mikey gritted his teeth in Draken's direction but ultimately said nothing. Weirdly enough that information broke the tension still present in your shoulders.
"Aw Mikey that's ok." He raised his arms as you slipped his dark blue shirt over his elbows, allowing it to join your already discarded clothes in the growing pile.
Though a part of you was slightly curious about whether or not it was by his own choice. With a bit more confidence now you slid your back up the couch a bit pulling Mikey in by the hem of his shorts. Without a second thought you reached behind your back to discard your bra bringing Mikey's free hands up to massage your breasts.
The little gasp he let out was so endearing, eyes clouded with tenderness and lust. Draken snickered at his end of the couch, "How's it feel to touch boobs for the first time?"
"Shut up." Mikey grunted
With your guidance he gingerly twisted and pulled at your taut nipples earning a sweet gasp as a reward. Meanwhile your hands curved up and down his physique, enamored by the touch his abs had just beneath your finger tips. So rough yet smooth and soft as they expanded and contracted for each of his breaths.
Not wanting to waste a second more you gestured to the band of Mikey's shorts, "Is this ok?" And once he nodded you pulled the string loose letting them fall to the ground with his boxers soon following.
Unsurprisingly he was smaller than Draken but he was thicker than you'd imagined. Pretty in both size and color with a much more rounded tip than Draken.
You looked up to Mikey's face. His attention elsewhere as you wrapped a warm hand around the base of his cock. "It's so pretty." You mumbled with a giggle when that gorgeous pink took full color against his cheeks. "I want to put it in my mouth. Can I?"
The bob of Mikey's Adam's apple didn't go unnoticed by you. The way sweat was already starting to appear on his forehead making you smile as he silently moved his hips closer to your mouth.
The hiss that slipped past his lips when you pressed your tongue to his tip and circled it gathering the precum sliding down was precious. And it dawned on you as if you hadn't remembered before that this was Mikey's first blow job.
The famous Mikey was getting his first right here and now. It pushed you further, you left wet open mouthed kisses all over his shaft before letting every sweet inch of him into your mouth. Delicately and steadily over his shaft till you were kissing his pelvic bone.
Never in all the years you had known Mikey had you ever seen him be so cute. His mouth was open for every panting breath he could muster trying and failing to catch his breath. His cheeks an even deeper pink than before and his eyes shut impossibly tight.
He reached out for the back of the sofa as you slowly pulled your mouth back before edging him all the way down your throat again.
"Oh God.." He choked out
Draken's laugh was boisterous the hand that was on his cock now slapped over his mouth as he tried to contain himself. "Darling you can't see from this angle but his face is perfect." He grins
You know it's bad when the only response Mikey gives to this is a loud gasp. His nails digging into the cushions behind you with a heavy grunt.
Draken leaned forward twisting his fingers into your hair gently to guide your head back and forth a little faster. "You look gorgeous, keep going."
Mikey's whimpers fill your ears and spit trickles over your lips. Your tongue swirling over the prominent veins at the base of his cock as you work him up with just your mouth. Curses flying off his lips at an exponentially higher rate.
"Doesn't she have such an amazing mouth?" Draken groaned hand resuming its earlier work.
Mikey could only hum lost in bliss with each thrust of his hips. He managed to angle himself deeper down your throat, reaching out to card strands of your hair back as well as he pushes his cock as far as it could go.
"Shit.. sh-it I think I'm gonna.."
Draken pulled your lips off surprisingly harshly. Fingers still deep in your hair as he guided your thighs open for Mikey. Cum from Draken's earlier orgasm still stained your thighs as Draken pushed Mikey forward by the small of his back.
The angle was kind of weird, especially for a first time but it did help Mikey align better and slowly but surely he was pushing inside. The fill of his cock pressing inside of you left you feeling a bit dazed and your eyes fluttered close. Nails finding purchase on his shoulder blades.
His forehead soon met yours, hitched breaths from his lips flush against your face. "Shit.." He heaved almost breathless.
"Yeah she'll do that to you." Draken grinned. You couldn't tell if it was your heartbeat or his pounding in your ear but you soon regained enough consciousness to wrap your legs around his waist.
"You ok?" He asked, eyelids fluttering open.
"Yeah. Feels good." You reply with a concentrated breath.
Mikey's hand slammed down against the couch cushion as he slowly began to move sucked in by your warm cunt. Every inch of his dick snug inside you. In a way that was so different from the earlier feeling of your mouth.
"Mikey.." You huffed trying not to lose it completely whenever he bottomed out. He wasn't long enough to touch your cervix but every inch of him was so obviously present inside you. Grazing your walls like they were built just for his cock.
"Angle your hips to the right a little." You could hear Draken's voice. All deep and husky like it always got when he was in the mood.
Mikey did as he was told, adjusting his hips till his dick perfectly pressed into your g-spot. You couldn't help it now your head falling back and your thighs shaking when he thrusted right into that spot.
"God.. f-uck.." Mikey grunted
"You're doing so well.." You mewled brushing his blond hair back where it was starting to stick to his face. "It feels.. s'good.."
Your thighs tensed as he started to speed up a tremble setting in his shoulders. You already knew what that meant. Bringing a hand under his chin to pull his lips into yours. The sounds of both Mikey and Draken settling in your ears as you felt the beginnings of the coil tightening in your stomach.
"Mm gonna cum.." Mikey moaned
The feeling of his cock twitching inside of you had you gripping him like a lifeline and he did the same. His arms wrapped around your waist as he emptied himself inside your fluttering walls.
"Oh God.." You sighed
His body continued to tremble, eyes far gone as you held his face to look at him. "You ok?" You giggled, still attempting to catch your breath.
"Draken was right about your pussy." Mikey grins
"Oh my God you told the guys?!" You pick up a pillow next to you chucking it at your boyfriend.
"I only told Mikey that part." Draken replies catching the flying projectile. "Hurry up and finish. This shits getting painful."
"Finish?" You're cut off by Mikey slowly pressing all the way back inside you. "You didn't get to cum." He whispers into your ear. His knee slides onto the couch next to you, guiding your hips against his cock.
Your head banging against the cushions behind you with each of his rough thrusts. Breaths short where they're falling off your lips. You don't miss the way Mikey's eyes clench shut, the way his teeth ungrit trying and failing to keep his noises quiet.
Your once messy and now unruly and missmanaged hair slips from the tie you'd once used to hold it. Strands falling over your face and into your eyes and collecting with the sweat present on every inch of your face.
Draken's groan came from the pits of his throat as he squeezed the tip of his cock in his fist. "I'm gonna cum." He warned, warmth spread through your stomach as you watched the tensing of his body soon followed by his thick cum shooting up only to return to earth. Coating his fists in liquid.
His dark eyes shut as he breathed through his orgasm with a deep sigh.
You cursed under your breath issuing your own word of warning as your thighs clenched around Mikey's waist. "Don't stop.." You pleaded, hands heavy on Mikey's shoulders as you pulled his body closer.
"I won't."
The coil in your stomach soon settled as your release coated Mikey's pelvic region slicking his cock as you cried out. A sense of familiarity soon falling over you as you watched the same build of intensity forming in Mikey.
The roll of Mikey's eyes utterly intoxicating as his hips stuttered forward with a breathy moan for the first bit of his orgasm. Sweat trickled down his forehead, his own hair a complete mess as he released deep inside of you completely losing control of his hips.
"Fuck Mikey.."
Mikey finally pulled out leaving his cum to ooze out of your used pussy as Draken stood from the end of the couch, heading for the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" You asked
"We need chips right? For Mario kart?" Draken called
"Yay we're still playing!" Mikey bounces like he's not still completely naked and didn't just finish fucking you.
"Of course we're still playing. That was the whole point of today." Draken replies
"You don't want to shower first?" You gesture to his cum covered chest and thighs.
"Like all together?" Mikey asks
"Nevermind let's just play."
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
the L-word
the unspoken kind
The smell of the cooked stew on the oven made their stomach rumble. A little bit of oregano, some pepper and paprika were still missing. They hummed while they added the spices. Grabbing a wooden spoon, they stirred the food in the giant pot. They felt like a wizard brewing his potion and the thought made them giggle.
It was dark outside, the chirping of crickets the only sound at this time of the evening. They looked out of their window, hoping to spot a familiar white mask staring back at them but no one met their gaze.
Sighing they walked back to the oven.
A man stepped out of the shadows, stalking their form hunched over the kitchen counter. Knife tight in his hand, he trudged forwards for a better view. The eyes behind his mask lovingly grazed over their familiar expressions and body. The way their eyes glimmered and the corners of their lips curved up, it made him... happy? The familiarity of their movements reassured and calmed him in ways he couldn't explain.
The man sighed and shook his head. He turned and walked towards the main door. "I love you." he thought as he let himself in, "I fucking love you.".
the quiet kind
They were fast asleep, their chest rose with every deep breath they took. Their hair was splattered all over the pillow. Their expression one made out of bliss.
Vincent laid next to them, head propped up on his arm. The air felt cold on his exposed face but he smiled. His eyes never left their face, admiring their beauty and studying their appearance. In his mind he sketched their body, trying so hard to express the peaceful state they were in right now.
Vincent extended a hand and pushed a loose strand of hair out of their face. His fingers rested on their cheek a bit longer, feeling their warmth. He couldn't help but let his hand wander. It traveled down to their neck, over their sternum and down to their abdomen. He tried to remember every single detail, every scar and every mole he met.
Retreating his hand he leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to their forehead. They stirred in their sleep and smiled a little. Vincent let his head fall on the mattress next to their face and hid his bashful smile in their neck.
"I love you," he whispered and kissed their neck lovingly, "so much.".
the heated kind
Their eyebrows furrowed and he rolled his eyes at them. Their shouting made his ears hurt. He wanted it to stop.
So he shouted back, anger and annoyance clearly audible in his voice.
Tears suddenly dwelled in their eyes and they grew silent. Bo felt a shock of pain go through his heart at the sight and rushed forward. His arms quickly caught them and even though they scratched and hit him he didn't let go.
He let them cry in his chest and they slowly stopped trying to escape. Bo still tightened his grip and lovingly caressed their back and hip.
He attached his lips to their hair and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry darlin'. You know I love you. I'm so sorry.".
the proud kind
Bo flinched at the sound of their angry voice shouting at him. He tried to interfere and say something but they threw him a burning glance and he shut his mouth. Motioning with their hands, they argued with him until Bo let his head hang low and muttered a silent apology.
They smiled proudly and put their hands to their hips. Sending a Bo a last hateful look, they turned around and marched towards Lester.
Their steps were energetic and proud and they grinned upon seeing Lester grin. As soon as they reached him he opened his arms and enveloped them in a hug, pressing his forehead against theirs in the process.
"Wow." he said breathlessly and sent them a proud grin, "I love you.".
the flirty kind
She circled her hips and watched them shamelessly gaze at the movements of her hips. Giggling she gripped the pole and swung around, her pretty body moving in ways god never intended it to.
Their eyes never left Baby's body as she finished her performance with a split. They applauded jokingly and she giggled as she arose from the uncomfortable position.
Baby walked down the stage and into the empty room, her only visitor being them. They smiled at her as she approached their seat.
Then they extended their arms and Baby gladly took the offer, sinking down on their lap. Her forehead rested on their shoulder and they wrapped their arms around her. She smiled mischievously and slowly kissed their neck. Leaving little bites here and there her lips slowly moved up to their mouth. Baby finally pressed a passionate kiss on their lips, biting their lip in the process.
"I love you." she then stated and winked at them, "I love you very much.".
the annoyed kind
Otis couldn't help but rest his forehead in his hands upon seeing them try to grab something from the upper shelf. While their darted out tongue and concentrated expression was adorable, he still felt amusement at their blindness. There was literally a stool right next to them yet here they were, on their tiptoes trying to reach the box of cereal with their finger tips.
They smiled upon seeing Otis' expression and giggled, "Oh no, seems like I can't reach my food. What a tragedy that there's no strong man around to help me.".
Otis now groaned but he stepped forwards and grabbed their hips. Lifting them up a few inches they snatched the cereal and he let them down again. Turning around, they pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and chuckled. "Thank you strong man," they thanked him jokingly. "I love you." they then added and gave him a proper kiss.
The white haired man groaned again and rolled his eyes, "Whatever”, he grumbled the last part quietly, “I love you too."
|Billy Loomis|
the surprised kind
Stu groaned at Billy's agitated rumbling about something. He always ended up like this. As soon as he found something to talk about he didn't stop, especially when the topic was Horror-movies.
Stu grimaced at them and stood up. After quickly saying goodbye Billy immediately started rambling again. They couldn't help but chuckle at his excited expression.
Billy looked up at the sound and stopped mid-sentence. They were actually listening to him. Oh wow.
He was used to people ignoring his words when he got excited about something. That usually led to him shutting up about his personal interests but they were actually listening to him.
He chuckled in surprise and leaned forward to kiss them. They kissed back, surprised at the sudden passionate action.
Billy leaned back a few inches and laughed again, astonishment audible in his voice.  His forehead rested against theirs and he smiled, "I fucking love you.".
|Stu Macher|
the loving kind
They laid on on the grass, fingers intertwined and eyes gazing up at the stars in the sky. It was early in the morning or very late in the evening, it depends on how you want to see the situation.
After a while Stu's head turned and he looked at their side profile. They smiled and tried to ignore his gaze wandering over their features.
A few seconds later their head turned as well and their eyes met his. They grinned, "Why are you staring at me, you're supposed to look at the stars.".
Stu just smiled back and extended his hand to cup their cheek.
"I love you." he whispered quietly and they turned around, giggling like a lovesick teenager.
the needy kind
"Y/N..." the brunette whined, their name drawn out to annoy them. Brahms didn't get an answer.
He crossed his arms and pouted, "Y/N... pretty pleaseee..." he mewled again and they sighed.
Brahms noticed that they were slowly breaking and smirked. "Y/N.." he tried one last time, this time seductively.
They stopped what they were doing and slammed their hands down. "What Brahms?" they said, reserved anger visible and audible.
"Don't you think I should get some attention? I think I deserve some. Y/N I love you and you love me and lovers usually give each other attention. Pretty please Y/N." Brahms begged now, his eyes pleadingly focused on their face.
They sighed and dropped the rug they've been cleaning with. Brahms squealed as they walked over to him and opened his arms. A smug grin was visible on his face as their body hit his in a hug.
the outraged kind
Their sigh sounded annoyed and Josef gulped.
"Josef we've talked about this." they said while massaging their temples.
"I know, I know but look at it. Isn't it pretty?" he wrapped an arm around their shoulders, "I made it for you.". The smile he send them after the sentence was proud and loving.
"But why Josef? Why?" they said, resignation in their voice.
Josef let go of their shoulder and sent them an outraged look.
"Why?" he repeated and scoffed, "Because I love you?". Outraged he turned around and pouted.
They laughed at his temper tantrum and hugged him from behind. Their head rested on his back, "I love you too, you man-child.".
the shy kind
It was warm but not too hot, a nice change. Summer in Texas was always horrible but the evenings were okay. Cold wind caressed their faces and the scent of cigarettes hit their nose.
Thomas was sitting next to them on the porch, eyes closed and mask off. He looked so calm, so relaxed. It made their heart swell.
They slowly snuck over to him, a playful smile painting their features. Thomas opened his eyes as they sat on his laps and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Turning red, he wrapped his arms around them and placed his chin on their shoulder.
They smiled and placed their fingers on his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles.
Thomas hummed in appreciation. He whispered a quiet "I love you." against their skin and they laughed quietly.
Pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, they chuckled quietly "I love you too, big boy.".
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mvttsvn · 4 years
Good Little, Liar
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Literal sadist😳Toji Fushiguro x bratty fem!reader
warnings: 18+ smut, ABSOLUTE FILTH,  cussing, reader is a masochist, dacryphilia, manhandling, choking, pain kink, daddy kink, impact play, degrading pet names “whore, slut”, use of “princess”, Toji threatens to kill you like once👩🏻‍🦯, no prep, mentions of blood, stomach bulge, size kink, mind break, dumbification, no aftercare :/, angsty at the end.
authors note: 2k words, UNEDITED holy fuck this was supposed to be a short drabble but I got carried away. this is completely self indulgent, it so nasty literally how did I even think of this??? I cannot get this shitty ass dad out of my head... literally just ib this one pic🤒
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You convinced him alright. Convinced him so much that he whole heartedly believed he picked up and took home a totally different person tonight. You and Toji and been together a couple of times prior, nothing too serious, went out for a drink, maybe kissed, probably rode him in his backseat. Each and every time you put on your good girl façade, always so sweet, and submissive. Following his each every command. Taking exactly what he gives and thanking him for it every time.
He thought you were sent from the gods, how could he have found someone like you, who fit just perfect under his thumb, so willing to do anything just for his attention. Yet here you were, same pretty little girl, same pretty little face, telling him “no” ???.
You were straddling his lap, on his rough leather couch, the tv lowly played a old movie which by now has left both of your minds. The dim light from the kitchen buzzing due to the bulbs starting to burn out, which completely unfazed Toji, but left you slightly annoyed.
“No?” He scoffed.
You adjusted your hands to fit onto his built shoulders had his began gripping you hips tighter and tighter.
“Nope, I don’t want my jaw to hurt in the morning” you gave him a coy smile, while tilting your head down to stare at him through your lashes.
His right hand came up and  roughly gripping your jaw. “Does it look like I fucking care?” He practically growled in your face. In all honesty he was more confused than pissed, of course he was going to immediately put you in your place, but you had him genuinely concerned, we’re you always like this? Did he do something wrong?? You tried to shake you head but due to his grip you could only move so far.
“Now, on. your. knees.” He released his grip only for his hand to move to the back of you neck waiting for you to comply. You slowly leaned in kissing the scar on his lip to kiss down to his jaw then leaning back up to whisper two little words that could make or break your night, probably both.
“Make me”
the millisecond your breathy whisper hit his ear it was over, you were done for. Say goodbye to you legs you’re probably never walking again.
The force in which he pulled you hair made you shriek. He stood up tossing you over his shoulder furiously stomping into the bedroom. He threw you onto his mattress, you couldn’t help but giggle, this is exactly what you wanted it only added to his rage. He threw off his shirt, then gripped your ankles pulling you to the edge of the bed. He was immediately on top of you, his knees digging into your calves holding down your legs, has one hand gripped both of your wrists and the other tightly around your throat. You were already breathing hard due to anticipation but now he practically had you life in his hands.
“What the fuck did you do with my good little girl hmm?” His voice darkened by lust.
“I don’t know who your talking about” you laughed again, his grip tightening around your throat.
Before you could make another comment his knee was pushed up between your thighs has the hand holding your wrist bunched your shirt up exposing your bra. He ripped the right strap off  making you choke out a gasp, then he slid the rest of garment out from under you to throw it across the room. Toji mouth immediately on your breast teasing you to no avail.
“M..m..more” you choked out, you were in no right to be making demands but you really wanted to see how angry you could make him. His only reply was catching you nipple on a canine and biting down hard. You almost screamed, you thought he probably wanted to see you bleed.
He continued his teasing, you wanted to keep this game up for longer but your vision was starting to get hazy from the lack of oxygen. You started pawing at his shoulders, while wrapping you legs around his waist, quietly pleading, “I’m.. I’m sorry... T...oji..I’m...” the hand on your throat let go to harshly slap your thigh making you yelp in pain once again.
“That’s not my name. C’mon what is it?”... you met his harsh gaze, maybe just a little longer... “Toj-“ he slapped you across the face. You didn’t make a single sound but the tears pricking your eyes said enough. Lucky for you, Toji’s into that.
He met your lips in a sloppy kiss shoving his tongue down your throat. You tapped his collar bone silently signaling you needed to breathe, once he moved away he removed his pants and helped you wiggled out of yours.
“Who knew you’re such a fucking brat” he slapped your thigh again watching you squirm. His hand hovered over your already drenched cunt, as he starred right into your eyes. The flush on your chest started moving to you face. Why were suddenly getting all worked up now??
“Are you gonna give in already?, gonna be my good little whore again?”, you wanted to answer no again because he looked so hot when he was angry. The words got caught in your throat and all you could do was nod.
He lightly slapped your clit “Hmm need to hear it little girl, tell me who owns you?”
“you do....daddy” you admitted, you tilted your down, you couldn’t meet his eyes.
His calloused palm came up and caressed your jaw leaning in closer. “Are you sorry? Tell daddy your sorry for being such a brat.” He mocked making a fake pout. “M’sorry daddy, j..just wanted to make you angry.”
“I know you did princess...” He reeled his hand back to full on slap your cunt, squirming up the bed you let out a pathetic whine.
He slapped three, four more times now, and the tears started running down your face. He moved to tuck his face in the nape of your neck, leaving deep red bruises as he moved down your torso.
The muscles in his back rippled as he held himself up but the palms of his hands. God he looked so..big... not sure if he would ever explicitly admit the he liked how he overpowered you in almost every single way...but you liked it too.
There was no way you could’ve played you act for any longer, he would’ve choked you out. And would’ve done it with ease since his hand was bigger than your actual face. You knew how dangerous this was, yet still tilled wanted to play fire, but alas here you were once again, bowing to his every command.
“Aw there she is” he lifted his face from you chest giving you one of his sickening grins. “I thought he wanted to play the little bitchy brat huh? What happened?” His voice dripping with mockery.
“How princess, you know daddy can’t help if you don-“
“please, PLEASE! need daddy’s cock! ….” you were getting impatient now, was this the most he was going to? you expected at lea-.
The scream ripped from you chest was silenced by the strong hand around your throat in a death like grip. He shoved his whole cock inside your tight little cunt, there was no prep not even when you were on the couch, he didn’t he stuff his fingers in your little cunt to stretch you out. You knew he was big, since the time he shoved his entire cock down your throat but feeling it twitch inside you making you feel like your being absolutely split open on Toji’s cock.
He gave a deep throaty chuckle, you knew how much he was enjoying this. New tears pricked from your eyes, wetting your cheeks, he moved his free hand pinching your clit between his fore finger and thumb, watching your eyes roll to the back of your head. The hand on your throat gripped your hair moving so his face was flushed with yours, spatting in your ear, “You don’t cum until I say, understand?” All you could do was whine in response.
“I give you rules for a reason break them and I’ll kill you where you lay.” A threat, empty of not, it had you clenching hard around his dick. You glanced down to where you were connect, to be met with a indescribable bulge in your lower stomach.
Dear god, bless your poor cervix, he hasn’t even started moving yet  and you could feel the intrusion all the same. He started rocking his hips slight against yours, at least he was giving you sometime to adjust, all while staring two lust filled hole into your head as you writhed and whimpered underneath him. He pulled his hips back to pull out but when he’s met with the slightest sign of blood mixed with the milky white arousal coating his dick, he could’ve came right there.
He gripped your hips sinking right back into you making you scream once again. “DA-DADDY..fuck..shit..” the tears running down you face only egged him on.
“So god damn tight, maybe I should never prep you again, if you’re gonna feel like this every time” he groaned. “Such dirty little words, I would’ve punished you if you didn’t already dig yourself a grave”.
The pained moans falling from your lips were music to ears. Profanities fell from his as he continued a rough pace, your tits bouncing with every thrust. He had fucked you completely and utterly dumb, no coherent thought where making their way to you consciousness. Only daddy, Toji, and cock.
You have gotten numb to the pain but right now you were putting all you effort into not focusing on the way his dick was bruising you cervix, trying so hard not to come just from the way his pelvic bone catches your clit. You didn’t realize he was speaking to you till he lightly slapped your cheek. “Aw look at you, you’ve gone all stupid. Too bad, if you played nice I would’ve let you cum by now.” The malice in his voice made you clench around his cock, squeezing more of your arousal on his thighs. “ at least you’re taking me so well.” His breath hitched as his thrust stared getting sloppy.
“Holy fuck, keep squeezing just like that-“ you saw his abs clench, “remember you don’t cum till I say” his eyes flicked right back into yours you nodded, more like messily rolled your head around. “Holy fuck princess...” he was practically already using your cunt like a toy. With a last few harsh thrust he filled you cunt to the brim with hot, thick cum.
The groans falling from his mouth sounded almost angelic. All you could let out was a low whine met with heavy breathing. The sweat dripping down his toned chest shone from the dim light of the lamp on the corner the side table. He pulled out watching his cum drip out of you down to your asshole and onto his dark sheets.
Your body laid motionless barely opening your eyes to see him move away from edge and walk to his discarded pants. Your brain couldn’t even process this as you licked you’re tongue to wet your now dry lips.
Then it dawned that he didn’t let you cum... that fucker. You couldn’t do a single thing about it.
Because here you were unsatisfied, speechless, practically crippled, staring blankly at the ceiling. As he sat and lit a cigarette on the opposite end of the bed.
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Notes: I am so sorry. There’s just something about Toji Fushiguro that I just forget how to function correctly. Um I hope you enjoyed! And that I didn’t rot ur brain too much<3
ps: ppp..ppart 2??? fluff???😏
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youaremy-dreamgirl · 2 years
Pairing: Kyungsoo x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 839 words
Summary: he's been right there the whole time
A/N: this came to me at 1 am and it made complete sense, let's hope it still makes sense now that I'm wide awake!
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"I'm never going on a date, ever again. That's it. I'm done"
"Woah what happened?"
You threw your arms up in the air while slouching on the couch next to him, rolling your eyes. "I'm beginning to think there is no one out there who is actually nice anymore" you huffed.
"I'm nice" he whispered to himself.
"Nothing, nothing" he shook his head "I'm sorry you had a bad date."
"Thanks. You're so sweet. I'm sorry I keep bothering you with this"
"You could never bother me. Wanna order some food and watch a movie?"
"I'd love to" you smiled. "I also need wine"
"Of course you do" he laughed and stood up to the kitchen to get the glasses and the bottle.
Kyungsoo has always been so kind to you; he was your best friend, the one person you could always count on, either for advice or to rant about anything that was bothering you, always willing to sit down and listen. He's been there when you needed to unwind after an awful day, when you were worried you were gonna fail your exams, and helped you out a lot when you were having a hard time with job interviews. He was quiet and a bit of an introvert, but he never really cared that you were kinda loud or that you pushed him to get out of his comfort zone once in a while.
You sighed. If only there was someone like him...
"How long have we known each other?" you asked
"I don't know, a while" he responded as he handed you the glass and poured some wine.
"No, but how long? It's been years, right?
"Yeah, a couple. Why?"
"How come we never dated?"
He choked on the wine. "What"
"We didn't even try... just think about it. We are friends, we know each other, right? And you are nice, sweet, attentive, you are a catch!"
"I..." he opened and closed his mouth, shrugging.
"Unless... you don't see me like that. W-Which is fine! I just-"
"I do" he breathed, his eyes piercing through yours.
You tilted your head, a little taken aback at his quick response. "Then why did it never happen?"
"I... I don't know. You never responded?"
"To what?"
"My... flirting?"
"You flirted? When?"
"Since the day we met?"
"You never noticed?"
"Kyungsoo..." you blinked. Have you been this blind all this time? "I didn't-"
"It's ok"
"No, wait, it's not. I've been rambling about dates and boys to you and-"
"I said it's fine"
"Listen, no, stop. I'm sorry" you left your glass on the coffee table and took his out of his hand, placing it next to yours "why didn’t you say something sooner?"
"I didn’t want to risk our friendship... and I genuinely thought you didn't like me like that"
You bit your lip, your heart racing. How could you not have noticed? Oh god, how many times have you unintentionally hurt him?
"I'm sorry" you apologized again, taking his hand. He was tense, only letting out a big breath after you squeeze it. "I'm sorry it took me so long to see it"
He shook his head. "You don't need to apologize..."
"I do" you leaned in closer to him "Soo, I like you"
He opened his eyes wide and gulped, lips pursed.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked, and he nodded after taking a shaky breath. You cupped his face, taking one more look at him before your lips were pressing against each other softly. You immediately shut your eyes, your stomach fluttering. It was only a peck but it felt... good. Natural, almost familiar. It felt right.
You pulled away slowly and opened your eyes; he was staring, blushing. You lowered your hands, caressing his cheeks while doing so. He didn't show any emotions on his face, and before you could even say anything he was kissing you again, one hand on your waist and the other on the back of your neck, keeping you close. You kissed properly this time, exploring your mouths eagerly, making up for lost time. It didn't take long for it to evolve into a passionate make-out session, your lips and tongues finding the perfect rhythm like they were meant for each other.
You broke the kiss to crawl on his lap, both his hands now on your waist while yours rested on his neck. You looked at each other, flustered; he was the first to chuckle and you followed, burying your head in the crook of his neck. He hugged you tightly, his breathing calming down although you could still feel his heart pounding on his chest.
You inhaled his scent deeply; it was the same as always, but it felt so different now. "Soo" you sighed
"What is it?" he said, tenderly
"What happens now?"
He let go of you and pushed you lightly off him so he could look at your face. "Whatever you want" he smiled "I'm not going anywhere"
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