#best Philly cheesesteak
fieriframes · 6 months
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[The Woodrow's whiz wit is the best cheesesteak in Philly.]
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realentertainmentnews · 3 months
Does Jersey Mikes Have The Best Chicken Cheesesteak In The USA? Best Chicken Cheesesteak In America?
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copperbadge · 2 months
Phitalian Cheesebeef
I had a dream last night that a restaurant opened on the ground floor of the building I live in -- what Chicagoans call a "Greek Diner," not because they serve Greek food (most do at least have gyros) but because traditionally they were owned by Greek immigrants. They're pretty recognizable: minimal dining area if any, counter service often with a visible griddle, slinging mostly burgers and dogs, gyros, italian beef, fries, pizza puffs, that kind of thing.
Anyway this restaurant got super popular super quickly because they were serving something new called a "Phitalian Cheesebeef" which purported to be the best of the Philly Cheesesteak and the Italian Beef combined. So I of course thought, I gotta try this, and went and bought my Phitalian Cheesebeef and took it to the park to eat it, unwrapped it all excited...
And it was a cheeseburger. Not on a grinder bun, not made of thin-sliced beef the way cheesesteaks and italian beef both are, no jus, not even wiz or giardiniera. It was a cheeseburger with onions. I was so disappointed it woke me up.
Time to thaw out some of the homemade Italian Beef from the freezer and make myself one for lunch. Maybe I'll throw a little cheese and onion on there.
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illumins · 5 months
𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞—𝑙. 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘 (#⁰⁴)
✦trope: fluff, spidey-mark, spiderman
✧first pov
The rain had just stopped, leaving the air filled with that clean, sharp scent that follows a storm. I was sitting across from Mark at a small, somewhat rusted metal table outside a quaint little sandwich shop that had somehow survived the rise of gourmet cafes and organic juice bars in our neighborhood. We had chosen the place almost randomly, but the subs here were genuinely good—thick with meats and dressings, the bread a perfect sort of chewy. It was the kind of place you'd miss if you blinked while passing by, but Mark had promised they had the best Philly cheesesteak subs, and he hadn't lied.
I was mid-bite, savoring the spicy tang of peppers mixed with the creamy melt of provolone, when I caught Mark watching me with an amused sparkle in his eye. "You've got a little..." He gestured to his own cheek, and I wiped at mine, laughing a little too loudly. The ease of the moment wrapped around me like the warm after-rain breeze.
"So, college plans?" I asked, brushing a stray lock of hair from my face, trying not to show how much I cared about his answer. It mattered, suddenly, far too much.
Mark leaned back, the chair creaking slightly under his weight. He was always in motion, somehow, even when he was sitting still. "I've been thinking about NYU. Theater program," he said, and then, as if anticipating my surprise, added quickly, "But you know, something flexible, in case...you know."
"I know," I said, the corners of my mouth twitching upwards. I did know. The 'in case' meant in case Spider-Man duties called, which they did, often unpredictably. Our whole relationship, if we could even call it that yet, had been a series of rainchecks and rescheduled plans, thanks to his double life.
Just as he was about to take another bite of his sub, the ambient noises of the city changed. It was subtle at first—the distant wail of sirens that we both had learned to filter out, living here—but then the murmurs started, a ripple of urgency passing through the crowd along the street. People began to move faster, glances thrown over shoulders, phones lifted towards the commotion like flowers tilting towards the sun.
Mark's eyes flickered towards the disturbance, a frown knitting his brows as the distant sirens grew louder, more insistent. He placed his sub down gently, as though it was made of glass, his body tensing like a coiled spring ready to release.
"No," I said, sharper than I intended. My voice sliced through the bubble that had formed around us, popping it with a snap as real as the thunder that had rumbled overhead earlier. I reached across the table, my hand cupping his cheek firmly, forcing his gaze back to me. "Not today, Mark. Let the police handle it."
He blinked, surprise etching his features for a split second before the stubborn set of his jaw told me he was about to argue. "But—"
"No buts," I cut him off, holding his face still. "Today, you're just Mark with me, okay? No masks, no swinging across the city. Just us."
He sighed, the sound heavy with a mix of resignation and relief. "Okay," he agreed, though his attention drifted again as another siren cut through the air, closer this time. I could almost hear his thoughts, the pull of duty that tugged at him as palpably as the tug of war we played with this napkin between us.
We tried to return to our conversation, to the easy flirtation that had fluttered between us before the sirens. But his eyes kept darting away, drawn to the activity on the street, to the responsibilities he held as tightly as he did his secret.
I took another bite of my sub, the flavors dull on my tongue as I watched him struggle between his instincts and his promise to me. It wasn't fair. Not to him, not to me. The realization settled in my stomach like lead.
"Just go," I murmured finally, my voice soft but firm. I pushed my chair back, the legs scraping against the concrete with a grating sound that matched the scrape of my heart against my ribs.
He looked at me then, really looked at me, and for a moment I saw the weight he carried on his shoulders, saw it and understood it as clearly as I understood my own reluctance to let him go. "Are you sure?" His voice was low, tangled with a guilt that didn't belong there.
"Yes," I said, stronger now because it was what he needed, what we needed. "Go, or I'll change my mind."
Mark stood swiftly, the chair clattering behind him. He leaned over, his hands framing my face this time, and his lips pressed a swift, grateful kiss on my cheek. "Thank you," he breathed, each word punctuated with an urgency that made them sound like promises. "It'll be quick."
I watched him run, his form retreating into the blur of the crowd, disappearing as if he had never been there. Sitting back down, I picked up the remnants of my sub, the bread now soggy and unappealing.
"That's my future," I whispered to myself, a mix of pride and sorrow threading through the words. The sirens faded into the distance, taking with them the sun's last rays, leaving me in the gathering dusk with my thoughts and the echo of his promise. It'll be quick. But I knew, even as the words played back in my mind, that with Mark, nothing was ever certain. Nothing, except the inevitable call to action that was as much a part of him as his bright, earnest smile.
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gregsnero · 1 year
some highlights of the philly tour i jotted down/remember (ones i got on video will be marked with a * and posted sometime)
- glenn in that fuckass chimney sweep hat Sorry*
- charlies favourite mac is badass mac. rob likes fat mac
- all of them expressing their solidarity with the strikes
- charlie singing rock flag and eagle and having to restart due to glenn effing around with the mic
- how when they were filming the strawberry mansion bridge scene in mac day EVERYBODY in the crews cars got broke into*
- mrs mac being based off of glenns friends dad
- rob taking nitrous oxide in the mann parking lot and then making out with girls
- how they were all drunk during the shooting of the highschool reunion due to them not knowing the show was going to get renewed
- discussion on how dennis likes to be bound
- glenn didnt know what dennis' tools were going to be*
- wretched glenn and charlie philly accents. truly awful*
- trash twins glass box blooper extended with opening 5 second shot of glenn staring straight into the camera #GlennJumpscare
- differences between them and their characters. glenn saying he doesnt have tools in his trunk and how he should and then going "not those kinda tools. RELAX guys"*
- only one who can make kaitlin break is glenn. i love them*
- glenn trying a cheesesteak for the first time. 4 different ones*
- rcg deciding on nightman cometh as being the best sunny episode, rob mentioning charlie work, gang hits the road + waterpark
- them giving out free cheesesteaks during intermission
- them pointing out the costumes in the audience ESPECIALLY the one guy with the jean shorts demonstrating how low he could go
- rob whipping out his jalen hurts jersey with a signature that looks like a dick*
- KAITLIN SHOWING UP!!! dee chant*
- im so sad that i didnt get charlie and kaitlin moving their chairs closer together and poking/hugging eachother on video. god
- they went into kaitlins bog stunt and how kaitlin never refuses any stunt (PEOPLES PRINCESS!!!) and how shit was swimming around in the mud*
- rob and glenn tying on the fill in the sunny line game, glenn won (i think) and then they did this bro high five it was magical*
- live tiny boy baby boy followed by glenn + kaitlin making out (rob encouraging)*
- charlie singing dayman marriage song and i like life in paddys pub with bts slideshow behind*
- rob making the entire audience cry with his story about the philadelphian whispering hole*
- end show dayman song all in dusters throwing out t shirts
i cried the end
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wuxiaphoenix · 3 months
Worldbuilding: Take It To The Streets
What kinds of street food does your world have?
As long as there have been cities, there have been street vendors. Likely longer. We have ancient accounts of various street stalls and foodsellers from China, the Greek city-states, the Roman Empire, the Aztecs, and probably lots of other places I don’t know about. Honestly, I’d lay odds that as soon as we hit Neolithic-size settlements and people gathering for festivals there was somebody with a fire, portable cooking utensils, and a dream.
These days we see street food as a convenience, and sometimes an annoyance. Given the cultural pervasiveness of microwaves, gas or electric stones, and even wood cookstoves, I think a lot of people underestimate how much skill goes into not just cooking, but in keeping that cooking safe for the rest of the community. It’s as simple as one, two, three.
One: The vast majority of cooking involves applying high levels of heat.
Two: Whenever you apply heat, you leave an opening for things to catch on fire.
Three: The more people you have cooking, the more chances things have to go up in smoke.
This is a matter of combinatorial probabilities. Say the chance of one person slipping and starting a fire in a year is... oh, one in ten thousand (0.0001). This is a 99.99% chance of not having a fire. Any one person could go a whole lifetime without starting a fire.
Now make it one hundred people cooking. That’s 0.9999 to the 100th power, or 0.9900. Meaning your chances of not having a fire that year are now... 99 out of 100. Still not that bad, but....
Ten thousand people cooking? The chance of not having a fire drops to 36.79%. Or almost a two-thirds chance you will have a fire that year.
Conclusion: If at all possible, you do not want everyone cooking.
(If you think this is only a past problem, look up turkey fryer explosions. Carelessness and stupidity with burning things is a human constant.)
This is also likely to be a problem in the future on shipboard or space stations. Confined spaces make all kinds of accidents more likely. It’s in everyone’s best interests to encourage klutzes out of the kitchen, and to suggest more cooking be done by those willing to master the skills to do it properly. Meaning, in any sane setting, skilled people need to be able to make a profit at it. And we’re back to street food.
Though we should also be back there for tasty reasons as well. Most people can learn to cook, but not everyone has the time or inclination to master whole cuisines and a world full of neat recipes. And some recipes, while in theory simple enough for a layman to cook, in practice take a lot of time and dishes and are so much more cost-effective if you make them in bulk instead of a meal for one, or even a few people. Ever make Philly cheesesteaks with all the classic toppings? Yeah. You can do it at home, but....
With street food you get tasty options from a bunch of different specialists, all of whom have to know what they’re doing or go out of business. You get to try different things, pick up a meal when you’re rushed, tired, or hurting, and have a friendly public spot you can arrange a meeting at with someone you don’t know well. To say nothing of the story drama possibilities for a stakeout or observation post, or a contact to pass info or gear as needed....
The streets of any story’s settlement should be interesting, because they have people. Make sure they also have snacks!
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tabl3 · 3 months
you guys remember the oneshots i drew pictures for forever ago? here's the kaz and oil one //tw for homophobia and interrupted f slur
Kaz & Oliver (pre-Decimation)
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?”
“It’s gray and disgusting.”
Kaz spat a little laugh. Oliver animatedly whirled around to shoot him a look.
Kaz waggled his fingers at him.
Oliver huffed, turning forward again.
Kaz grinned, kicking pebbles as his feet thumped on the sidewalk. 
It was a beautiful day, in fact. Cool, breezy, lively as well. Everyone was out it seemed. Parents pushed strollers, people paused to pet dogs being walked, and kids kicked soccer balls in Centium City Park. 
Kaz dodged the peanuts thrown at him in his regular routine. A lovely lady, Mrs. Dabney, held a grudge against him for accidentally scaring birds off that she was feeding a week after he arrived. This was their sweet little exchange whenever Kaz entered the park.
“I love you,” Kaz skipped over the light filtering through the trees. They were cutting through the park to get to the comic store that wasn’t nearly as good as the Domain but sufficed in its absence.
“No you don’t,” Oliver grumbled, folding his arms. 
Kaz laughed again.
“Do you want me to buy another one?”
“You can’t fix this,” he sniffed.
Kaz shrugged, continuing to trail behind his best friend.
“Buddyyyy,” Oliver ignored him.
What atrocity had he committed? Eating the last Philly Cheesesteak sandwich Chase had bought them a few nights ago because they made passing comments that they missed them. Bought was a light word. He’d gotten into a jet, casually flown to Philidelphia, and popped in an hour later with authentic sandwiches for the two boys.
Eating the last sandwich, yes. And he’d stained his polo, broken his lamp, read his feelings journal, and used his toothbrush. Silly things.
“C’mon,” Kaz poked his shoulder obnoxiously. “Commemorative “I Kazzed this up photo”?”
“Ooh-kay,” Kaz shrugged. “I love youuu.”
“I know where you sleep.” 
Kaz snorted. He looked up at the sun for fun, squinting as long as he could.
Both boys startled.
“Yeah?” Kaz turned. He flopped onto the nearest bench.
There was a group of four men. They gave Kaz a strange look.
“You’re Elite Force?”
“Yeup,” Kaz clicked his tongue. Oliver stood behind the bench, not forgiving Kaz for the slight but also not that thrilled about fans. He was far more reserved now than when he was younger. “Resident super-” Oliver planted a firm kick to his calf. “Bionic heroes.”
“So you are a sissy,” one of them said, curling his lip under his ratty baseball cap. His eyes unmistakably went to the rainbow flag patch that Skylar had ironed onto his jacket months ago.
Kaz smirked.
“Bree’s the only sister, actually,” he shrugged. This would be fun. 
“You’re one of them.”
“I’m on the team, yes.”
They seemed to get frustrated with Kaz’s indignance, which was his exact plan.
“You slimy fa-”
Oliver’s eyebrows scrunched up angrily. Kaz’s smirk widened. The man who had almost let that word fly out of his mouth paused, looking at him. 
Oliver normally wasn’t a scary individual. He had soft swoopy blond hair and a face full of freckles. He typically preferred to have one of his teammates do the talking, sticking to the side and observing. It was very rare for him to raise his voice the past couple of years. Still, he began yelling all the same.
“What the hell makes you think you have the right to talk about someone like that?” Oliver demanded, jabbing a finger toward the group. “Do you seriously have no shame?”
The one he primarily addressed wrinkled his nose. “What, you his boyfriend or somethin’?”
“Oh god, no,” Oliver gagged. “I’d rather die, to be honest. It takes a special person to put up with him.”
“I’m telling Chase you complimented him-” Kaz whispered. Oliver drove his pointer finger into a pressure point on Kaz’s neck. “OW!”
“Anyway,” he refocused on the group. “You need to grow a damn pair and understand that us endangered heterosexuals can coexist with other people, jackass!”
Kaz giggled at their reddening faces, sitting back.
“I don’t want one of them protectin’ my city-”
“Move out, then,” Oliver firmly put his arms around Kaz’s shoulders from behind. “He might be an asshole, but he’s my favorite asshole, and that’s saying something because I know a lot of assholes! At least he isn’t bigoted and a public embarrassment at like… what are you guys, forty?”
The four men reddened further. They muttered more unkind words, kicked at twig at Kaz, then shuffled off.
“Yeah, keep walking,” Oliver waved. “Buh-bye.”
Kaz cackled. “Wowzers, Oli,” he looked up at him. “I’m gonna buy you Loopy-Loops.”
“With your sugar-boyfriend’s money,” Oliver quipped, stepping back so Kaz could stand up. 
“Do you want them or not?”
“Yes please.”
Kaz smiled, fishing his phone out of his pocket. He motioned for Oliver to follow him, headed toward their favorite grocery store. It was on the way to the comic shop, anyway.
Oliver started a step behind him when the phone was picked up.
“Hey, baby. What’s your card pin again?” Kaz hummed.
A beat of quiet on the other line.
“...What did you do?” Chase inquired, already sounding exasperated.
“Little ol’ me?” Kaz put a hand to his chest. “Nothing.” he slowed to be at pace with Oliver, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “Oliver deserves a sweet treat because he’s such a sweet boy.”
Oliver rolled his eyes, but his slightly upturned mouth corners gave him away. 
“Not even going to ask. Just get home without wrecking the city, okay?”
Kaz’s phone beeped with the texted pin. 
“No promises.”
He slung his arm around Oliver’s shoulder, strolling inside the sliding doors. 
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dandelyle · 22 days
i made the absolute best philly cheesesteak and fries tonight. goddamn I'm gonna be thinking about that philly cheesesteak for months. I literally just ate and my mouth is watering thinking about it again
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consciouslyvegan · 1 year
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Love the taste of Philly Cheesesteak? Try this vegan version that’s just as satisfying! Recipe here: https://consciously-vegan.com/vegan-philly-cheesesteak-recipe/
#vegan #veganrecipes #veganlunch #veganrecipesideas
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sparkling-ariaria · 1 year
Eddie Munson fics I read and want to keep...no°4
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics*Updated: 12.11.2023
Lose yourself a little by majestyeverlasting - gf!Reader Prompt: Tugging a flower onto the side of their head and, oh god, are they pretty.
Insecure blurb by bettysupremacy - gf!Reader Eddie feels insecure about the fact that Steve buys you a lot of things, because he can't afford to do the same for you.
Making paper rings for him by kaylawritesfics
Making flower crowns for him by kaylawritesfics
Pride and Plushies by kaylawritesfics There are two things Eddie treasures most in this world: his girlfriend and their crotchet dog.
Lovesick drabble by ddejavvu - gf!Reader He has talked Waynes ear off about you so much the man already starts saving for a wedding.
Hold me close by eddiebaghetti - gf!Reader Eddie letting you wear his accessories during very soft love making.
Late night stove light softness by myosotisa - gf!Reader
Him and a stuffed animal collecting girlfriend by eiightysixbaby
Watch and learn by magicchai - gf!Reader He holds his Hellfire Club meeting at your apartment.
Smitten by magicchai He returns to his trailer to find you playing his guitar.
Sweetheart by mellifluousart The only thing Eddie would be calling his sweetheart is his guitar that he doesn't let anyone near. Yet he teaches you how to play on it.
Who could be a more doting boyfriend? by bettysupremacy 10 times he showed just how down bad he was.
Hallways by springautumn Eddie was expecting the usual scorn from Hawkins High but he was not expecting his very own guardian angel.
Taking care of him drabble by luveline - gf!Reader He feels suddenly unwell after a long day with little to eat. You step in when he almost faints to take diligent care of him.
Laughter is the best medicine by thepastdied Eddie cheers you up after a panic attack.
Is it cool if I hold your hand? by luveline Eddie asks you out on your very first date, indulging you in huge philly cheesesteaks, a vanilla milkshake (with two straws), a largely neglected bucket of popcorn, and a sugary first kiss.
Separation anxiety by corroded-hellfire Clingy bf!Eddie blurb.
Kitten licks + Search for Ember by corroded-hellfire Eddie goes to feed the stray cats in the trailer park, but when he gets there, he finds a girl he’s never met before.
He brings you flowers by cinemabean - best friend!Reader Your best friend surprises you with flowers when you're feeling down.
Eddie's little somethings extra blurb by upsidedownmvnson - gf!Reader His reaction when he finds out that you keep all the things he's gifted you.
You hear a rumor that Eddie likes you blurb by familyvideostevie
He tries to distract you from homework blurb by familyvideostevie - gf!Reader
He catches you staring at him blurb by lilacletter
In the still of the night by carolmunson - gf!Reader Taking care of depressed Eddie.
Pretty girl and her hoodie guy by lokis-army-77 - gf!Reader It was supposed to be a sunny day until it wasn't, but that's okay because maybe love is right around the corner... or the bus stop.
Birthday gift by forever-rogue - gf!Reader It's your birthday and Eddie gifts you a mix tape of all your favorite songs. But it's not the original artist’s versions.
A helping hand by upsidedownwithsteve Just some friends pining over each other at a diner.
Pumpkin muffins by eds6ngel- gf!Reader To celebrate the new season, you and Eddie decide to tackle baking some pumpkin mufffins!
Birthday Gifts by jamdoughnutmagician - gf!Reader A cute drabble about how Eddie would spend your birthday with you.
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shadowredfeline · 3 days
Three in One Post
For my Filipino friend’s On this Day Post
Looks cute with those Pac-Man Style eyes on the characters. And I don’t think I have remembered playing Armor by Bandai Namco, but I do heard of the company, From Software. I have own a couple of their titles like the Adventures of Cookie and Cream for PlayStation 2, and Lost Kingdoms 2 for the GameCube. But man I wish those titles keep going from the From Software titles. But if Elden Ring is the company’s focus on that game, then maybe we should give that title a shot as well as for armor core.
Response to Miya and Cude.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: His new hairstyle looks really cute to mix up combination to his usual hair mixed with a blonde style hair. And I bet he might enjoy those Yankees due to his new attire.
Caleb 😺🏀🏈: Mmhmm. And I won’t regret watching that Regular Show episode called, “Bet to be Blonde” and it was cool Mordecai would get back at Rigby after when he cheated on a bet.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Yeah it was a pretty good episode for the best list.
Caleb 😺🏀🏈: And Sammir, you make us as well as for Miya and Cude to be exited and proud of your new hairstyle and look. Looks like Miya’s dates with Sammir is going to be a nice one. Once if I decide if I should get a better girlfriend or not.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: I’m sure you will, Caleb.
And for my A-Pal’s trip to the mall.
That is really cool for my A-Pal to go to the mall as his special outing. And if I were to get a Part Time job in Massachusetts, maybe I can do something special for my A-Pal. Even if I can still find another part time job in Arizona. Plus it was awesome for my A-Pal to go to the Arcades and play Mario Kart Arcade GP DX. But if you like to keep all your custom stuff on that game, then you should follow our Filipino Friend’s advice and get a Banapassport. He has found some on eBay which is the best place to get one that’s brand new. Just for the both of us, he uses the Banapassport for the Wangan Maxi Tune titles which we should both try together when we get our Banapassports. And that Pizza does look delicious since I can get a Pizza at any place that could be good. Plus that Pizza looks just like how Costco makes them. And for Cajun Cafe, I don’t think I’ve ate there, since it’s fun to get Mall Food, and I just identified Orange Chicken, Chicken Wings and some fries. And I bet that was really fun, and normally when I get Mall Food, I usually go to a Whetzel Pretzel or Auntie Anne’s, as well as for a Charley’s Philly Cheesesteak. Because I have remembered some Walmarts replaced some McDonald’s restaurants with Charley’s Restaurants which it’s like freaking everywhere. Which I never minded since I have been to Charley’s ever since high school.
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realentertainmentnews · 5 months
Does Angelos Pizzeria Really Have Philly's Best Cheesesteak Sandwich?
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st-louis · 9 months
hi ari! iirc youre from philly or around the area right? any tips of what are must sees for someone whos visiting for the first time? you know, anything that isnt in all the travel guides? thank you so much and happy new year! :)
yes i live in philly! whether i have useful tips is another story all together though 💀 i don’t really have a lot of time to go out in the city anymore because of my kid, who is also a picky eater (so i’m not really as tuned into the restaurant scene as i used to be). also a lot of the stuff i would recommend is either probably in the guides… or isn’t in season right now (like for example the southeast asian market that’s in fdr park is amazing but it won’t be back until the summer). also a lot of the stuff that i felt was quintessentially a fun philly experience (like fiume) got modernized in a way that means i can’t imagine it’s as fun anymore.
i will say that if you are a first timer monk’s is always worth a visit (it’s a very nice classic belgian beer bar), my favorite pho is pho 75 on washington avenue (bring cash), the philly art museum’s really nice but the barnes is a more unique experience, cuzzy’s on 5th street has excellent ice cream and is run by an incredibly nice dude. if you like thai food and can get a reservation kalaya in fishtown is one of my favorite restaurants in the city (like it’s in guides and has won awards but the hype is deserved). if you want a good philly pizza slice experience, highly recommend pizza shackamaxon which is also in the vicinity of several decent bars and restaurants (lloyd’s is a very chill neighborhood place with a good beer selection, great food, and incredibly nice staff). the sports stadiums are really easy to get to on public transit (the broad street line runs right to the stadium) and you can usually grab cheap flyers tickets the day of a game, so if you can do that i would also recommend it for the experience! if you’re driving the best cheesesteak is john’s roast pork but make sure you check the hours bc they close early.
there are a ton of music venues too if you’re into that kind of stuff. you can see shows at the first unitarian church, union transfer, kung fu necktie, underground arts, etc. would recommend checking ahead to see if there are any bands you’re interested in coming through.
public transit here is pretty easy to use (broad street line runs north/south, the el runs east/west, and there are also trolley lines that will take you to different parts of west philly) but you will probably also see some of the city’s issues in microcosm there. by which i mean unhoused people and drug use. if you aren’t used to big city public transit in your own home, i would just say to be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be fine. if you are used to it, philly probably isn’t any different from what you see there.
sorry this probably wasn’t much of a help. i used to be young and fun but now i’m just old and tired and most of the things i do are kid-oriented 💀
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rosen-dovecote · 2 months
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Well. I was going to start getting back into the habit of taking photos of my food again, starting today, in order to better track my meals. And then my Husband got off work early, and then we decided to have fun with Drunk Gaming, and then we ordered Pizza, and then I was too tipsy to remember to photograph it before we consumed the entire thing between the two of us ... So, uh ... All you get's a photo of my incredible breakfast instead?
3 Strawberries, 2 handfuls of blueberries, 2 handfuls of Pistachios (leave me alone, I have tiny hands, ok), and 2 tablespoons of super crunchy Peanut Butter. Honestly it was so good.
The rest of the day included a Banana as a snack before I snorfed down 3 pieces of a Domino's Philly Cheesesteak Pizza at light speed. And an honorable mention for 2 Cayman Jack Margaritas (the Strawberry ones are so good), and a Cayman Jack Moscow Mule.
Not my best day 🤣
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xycuro-illuminati · 2 months
oc asks!! 💚❤️🍕
- What is one of your OC's best memories?
This was already answered, but Andrew's best memory was meeting Jackie for the first time
- What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Tbh, I'm not quite sure yet. I'm leaning towards making Andrew demi/ace in some way. As for gender, he's just a guy lol.
- What is their favorite food?
He's a sandwich guy so his two favs are Philly cheesesteak and a Roast pork sandwich
(Ask game here)
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rivastraut · 5 months
🍦🍧 for the ask game -@sparklings-bf
Ask game! HIIIIII TYSM!! 🍦 - what's your f/o's favorite way to show affection? are there any little things they do to indicate their appreciation for you?
Mike is a man of few words so he mainly likes to do favors for me (like doing chores on our ranch or packing my lunch) or hug me/hold my hand.. he loves flashing me smiles in the middle of work when nobody is looking and it helps me stay calm/remind me that I'm loved hehe
🍧 - which of you is the better chef? what's their favorite thing to make for the other?
Mike is by far the better cook, the best I can make is a microwave ramen ajsdlkfj Mike loves making me a good philly cheesesteak!
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