#best appa award
svt-rosalie · 7 months
. . . ♡ ROSALIE ! ? 🌹 SCENARIO ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ and the oscar goes to! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2023 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
warnings. not beta read, spelling mistakes
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The flashes of the cameras were overwhelming for the blonde haired girl. This felt so different yet so similar at the same time. Maybe it’s the air? No of course not that’s silly. Maybe it’s because it’s the Oscar’s surely? Yeah that’s it. It’s the night of the Oscar’s one of the biggest night in Rosalie’s entire solo career.
Rosalie posed to the best of her ability with her boyfriend’s hand held tightly in her’s to calm all her nerves racing throughout her body. It felt empty almost though . . . yes Rosie had one of the most beloved people in her life with her but that was one out of 12. Oh, how she wished she had her entire support system with her but Rosalie knew the members are watching the livestream back in their homes in South Korea right now.
Rosalie let out a breath of air, and finally was able to move away from the flashing camera lights. Her pink silk dress flowed beautifully in the wind and everyone could see the confidence radiating off of her (despite how nervous she was). Jihoon matched his girl perfectly with a pink suit with a flowy fabric on the shoulders, whilst there was a cut out on both side of his hips, showing just enough. Woozi’s hair was in its beautiful curly messy state, which made Rosalie want to run her hands through it but that’s for afterwards.
You’d think the two had just walked out of a magazine.
“Manager-nim wants us to head to the interview area, Rosebud.” Jihoon said into her ear. The younger girl nodded and followed there staff to the first interviewer of the night.
“Hello I have been waiting for you!” Amelia Dimoldenberg said with a smile. Rosie squealed and sped walked as fast as she could to the girl without tripping on her dress, definitely not causing anxiety for her boyfriend and team of staff/bodyguards for running off.
Rosalie gave the girl a hug, “Oh my goodness you don’t know how badly i’ve been wanting to get on your ‘Chicken Shop Date’ series. You are absolutely hilarious.”
“You’re kidding? Why haven’t you. I would love to go on a date with an Oscar nominated kpop star such as yourself Ms. Rosalie.” that made the korean-french girl giggle.
Pointing between herself and Jihoon she replies “Our company is stingy.” Rosalie playfully roles her eyes and translates what was said to her boyfriend as fast as she could while Amelia laughs.
“Well you two look absolutely stunning tonight, very excited to see you two perform ’What was I made for’ live.” Amelia states excitedly.
“We’re so excited to perform it as well! Jihoon oppa and I worked really hard on this song and weather we win or lose tonight, our other nominees are extremely talented so we are just honored to be here tonight. Truly.” Rosie again translated her statement for both her boyfriend and the fans from Korea watching at home.
Amelia nodded and congratulated them on their nomination before they had to walk to the next interview station.
Interview after interview Rosalie and Jihoon were finally able to head inside and find their seats which were sat comfortably on the edge of row four, right behind Greta Gerwig and just two rows away from Margot Robbie.
It felt like a dream to Rosalie, when she was just a little girl in France she would beg her Appa to find the right channel that all her favorite award shows were on so she could see all the stunning people walk the runway and accept awards. She dreamed of being there one day, and now she is.
Woozi who was on her right reached down and held his hand on the younger girls knee to stop it from shaking. “Jagiya, you’ve got to calm down. Everything will work itself out” She nodded and placed her own hand on top of his, playing with the ring on his pinky finger that adorned her own as well.
Time felt like it was moving as slow as molasses to Rosie before they finally got her category.
“And the Oscar goes to . . . Rosalie ‘What was I made for’” said Ariana Grande the presenter for Best Song along side Cynthia Erivo.
Rosalie gasped, mouth opened wide in shock before look to the side at Jihoon needing confirmation that what was said was her name. When her boyfriend nodded she squealed and gave him a big kiss, grabbing the sides of his face a little to excitedly. This elicited a laugh out of Jihoon before he ushered the girl up to hug Greta and Margot.
Rosalie and Jihoon walked up together to the stage a huge smiled adorned both their faces, hand in hand. Rosie accepted the award from Ariana’s hand before excitedly going in for a hug. Jihoon was behind her shaking hands and hugging Cynthia giving his thanks before the two switched and Woozi was shaking hands with Ariana whilst Rosie hugged the life out of Cynthia, too excited for her own good.
“Oh my gosh.” Was the first thing out of Rosalie’s mouth when she got to the microphone. This had some of the erupting into laughter but what caused them to laugh even longer was her next statement. “Cillian Murphy, OMG, big fan. Hi, love your work!” She squealed slightly waving in aww, being the fangirl she is.
“This is crazy! I am in actual aww of everything that’s happening tonight and I owe all of my gratitude and thanks to Greta Gerwig for getting in contact with my company and allowing me to make a song for the amazing and inspiring Barbie movie. I would also like to thank the amazing man next to me, my lovely boyfriend Jihoon for producing and co-writing this song with me — without him this song would probably not have seen the light of day. So thank you.” Said man was blushing next to her as she continued to speak.
“If you had told little 7 year old Rosie that she would one day be attending the Oscar’s for Best Song. . . she’d probably believe you.” She laughs “No I’m kidding, I would definitely be like ‘Yeah right I want to be a ballerina, nice try though!’”
“Thank you to the Academy for everything and again I am so honored to be standing in a room with all of you and hope I can continue to make music that moves people and uplifts those who just need a little push. Thank you!” Rosalie gave a bright smile holding up her award before hugging the presenters one last time.
Rosalie was jumping up and down, absolutely ecstatic with the night.
“The oppa’s are gonna be so jealous of us!”
Woozi agreed with a smile of adoration on his face. It’s definitely a night for the history books.
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taglist — @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr @allthings-fandoms @peachyaeger @sakufilms @aysxldea @swagcandyfun @wonwooz1 @s4nsmoon @seolarzone @miyx-amour
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oneatlatime · 9 months
The Tales of Ba Sing Se PART 1
Once upon a time in Ba Sing Se, the Gaang got Appa back. The end. Please?
This title sounds rather expositiony, but last episode was already a plot/exposition dump, and a rather dark one at that. So who knows? Not me.
Sokka hun I think you're supposed to shave with a blade slightly less substantial than that.
I am fascinated by the hair loopies. I always thought that they were braided in, but they clip in. Does she have a magnet in her braid that they clip in to? A lego type system?
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Toph's morning routine is uncomfortably close to mine.
I know Toph likes being slobby to stick it to the man, but wouldn't it also help with her spatial awareness if she's always sporting a healthy coating of earth? Maybe she can sense where her limbs are better or something?
"Spa day!" "Do I have to?" UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE GUYS.
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That has got to be torture. How would you like a pumice stone to the eyeballs?
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Now THAT'S a healthy coating of earth.
You're not usually into that stuff? You got dolled up last episode.
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Are there voice acting awards? Because whoever voiced these guys needs one. I have never in my life heard such perfectly distilled middle school clique bitch impression.
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That's cathartic.
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Katara's smothering/mothering tendencies usually annoy me, but it's a good thing those means girls happened when Katara was around, because this calls for serious hugs. I almost want to say that it's out of character to see Toph not be 100% sure of herself, but I think it adds character instead.
Do you think anyone's ever told Toph before that she's really pretty? Ever?
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That's a good hug.
Is this short stories? Like an anthology? TALES of Ba Sing Se. Like day in the life? Ok. I'm going to break this up for ease of reading/writing.
The Tale of Iroh
If Iroh hadn't distinguished himself by making the best tea in the city, he would have come to everyone's attention anyway by single handedly fixing everyone's personal problems.
Bending soccer. Why didn't I think of that?
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His voice is funny in this scene. Also isn't honour a fire nation thing?
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One of my absolute favourite things about Iroh is that his philosophical side is always balanced out by a practical side. He's always philosophising but he's also always grounded. Sometimes hightailing it is what needs doing. Sometimes your sister is crazy and needs to go down.
You know you're bad at crime when your poor stance actually offends the guy you're mugging.
I also like how Iroh really doesn't moralise. He'll teach this guy what conditions the moonflower likes; he'll teach this guy how to mug better. Knowledge is for sharing, no judgment attached!
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Random mugger speedruns Zuko's arc.
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So pretty. It's been a while since there's been good pretty.
oh shit
Now I have questions!
The Tale of Aang
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Writers take note: You see this sad face? You see what you've done to my boy? You can reverse it with one simple trick! GIVE HIM APPA BACK.
I love this. Can't help Appa, so Aang helps every other animal in Ba Sing Se instead.
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I want to know what this is. Monkey panther?
I didn't realise until now how tall platypus bears were.
Actual dragonflies. Punny.
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I love these. My nomination for cutest atla animal.
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I hope that wasn't required agricultural land. Should have put the zoo near the drill instead. That land already looked close to salted.
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This was some Toph level bending. Love to see Aang's skills progress.
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Turtle seal's got competition for cutest animal.
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Just call this portion the petting zoo and it's a win.
The Tale of Sokka
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Something I don't talk about enough is Sokka's supernatural skill with that boomerang. The realistic explanation is that he's spent every spare minute since receiving it honing his skills by chucking it at random piles of snow, but I like to think he's a boomerang bender. Actually wouldn't boomerang bending be a manifestation of latent airbending tendencies?
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I make this face at lasagne.
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I may have to make another Sokka's Stupid Faces post.
There is nothing oaflike about falling out of a window and into a Haiku. He was even polite about it!
Somebody introduce Sokka to flyting.
Forget about being a warrior, Aang needs to end this war yesterday so that Sokka can go be a poet. Warrior poet. He's way too creative to waste on cannon fodder.
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Poetry bouncer. The longer I think about that the funnier it gets.
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Betrayed by hubris.
A Poetry bouncer. Who comes up with this stuff? How do you come up with that? I keep thinking about a poetry bouncer and I keep giggling.
I'm breaking this post here as I'm reaching the image limit. Part 2 coming immediately!
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years
JHS: Twisted Feelings
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Genre: idol!jhope x fem!reader, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Warning: none for this chapter!
A/N: I i in no way own bts and this is purely a story of fiction! Please as always share your thoughts and leave a like if you enjoy! Thank you for reading my work and I hope you all have a beautiful day! I will take stabled and request/questions for this couple! If you'd like to be tagged as new chapters come out please let me know!
Ch.02 <. Series Masterlist > Ch.04
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Stepping back into your parents house allowed you to fall back into the comfort you had longed for throughout the past few weeks.
“Eomma?” “Appa?” You call out, as you slide your shoes off.
You hear a door open “Through here.” the sweet sound of your parents voices guide you through the house until you find them both preparing food in the kitchen.
You braced yourself for the way your mothers arms squeeze around you. “Why has it been so long?” She asks, her voice melancholy.
“Work.” You respond dejectedly. The sadness of the reality seeping further into your mind.
“I have something for you!” You watch in bewilderment as your Eomma rushes off, her short frame gone from the room faster than you had entered.
A sound alarms to of your dads location’s, he furrows his brows, clearly lost deep in his own thoughts as he peels his way through the mountain of carrots he had assembled. You decide to join him, slipping behind him to grab another vegetable peeler from the utensil drawer.
“You don’t have to help.” He grunts, a weak laugh forcibly passed to lighten the air.
You sigh, taking a carrot. You wasn’t overly shocked at the way he had responded to you coming home, it had been a while but in all honesty it wasn’t your fault. Work was demanding wether you liked it or not.
Your mouth owns and closes as you ponder what to say, unsure if anything would be enough to get him back to his usual self. “I should have co-“
“I’m not mad at you.” He replies immediately, interjecting whatever apology you was going to give.
“I missed you. Your Eomma misses you, we know you’re out there living your life but you don’t call as much anymore. You don’t visit as much anymore, we just worry.” He drops the shaved vegetable into the bowl of water. His head shaking.
“Oh Appa I missed you too, work really did get hectic. It’s actually why I come home, I need advice.” You nudge his shoulder, earning yourself both a sharp gaze and a heavy laugh.
“I’ll make some coffee go sit down, I didn’t want you to come home to peel vegetables.” He instructs you, removing the peeler from your hand.
You smile at him, following his clear directions. In times like these it really hit you just how lucky you was, although they pushed you hard they only ever wanted what’s best for you. Regardless wether they think it’s good themselves. They trusted you to make your own choices and that’s more than you could have asked for.
You jump as your mother placed a box on the table next to you, too far in thought to have heard her coming. “What’s got you jumping like a fish out of water?” She chimes, teeth poking out of a teasing grin.
“You sneaking up on me.” You giggle as she pinches your cheek.
“I’ll be louder next time then” She huffs rolling her eyes. “Now this came a few days ago. Your old school said they had found boxes of your books and asked if we wanted them.”
Your dad looks at you almost apologetically. “I told her that you’d probably be embarrassed.”
“Oh shush you go and finish making us a coffee.” Your mothers glare left no room for questioning. You laugh at the way your dad obeys her, tuning around almost instantaneously. “You’d think she was my Eomma.” He rolls his eyes to you.
“Open it.” She nudges the box closer to you.
There had to have been at least 10 notebooks, you could recognise the coverings, each one different for a reason. The grey leather book sparked your memories, this was one you had thought you’d lost and eventually accepted it was gone. Your innermost thoughts scrawled across the pages from cover to cover, reminding you of who you were, who you had hoped to be.
“Wow” you sigh in bewilderment. “I never thought I’d see any of this again.”
“Just as luck had it they said they had cleared out the old building and found these in an old locker, you really should be more careful.” Your mother worries aimlessly but even so you nodded at her, accepting of any advice she provided.
As he sets down the three steaming cups, your dad reminds you of your earlier confession. “So what’s going on.”
You didn’t know the best way to talk to them about it, was you honest and tell them that one of the most influential individuals in South Korea - in the world - was asking you to work for him or should you play it down, allow them to at least think rationally. “We will be dead by the time you tell us.” Your mother jokes, giving you no time to come up with a side story leaving you with only the truth.
“My contract ends soon, we had a rarity and it led to me meeting with some idols that wanted to make sure I had translated their speech in the way they wanted. It was a pleasant meeting and eventually he came back and asked that I teach him English and possibly translate for their group.” You divulge the details, blanking any names.
“And this individual is?”
And there it was.
“Jung Hoseok, JHope of BTS?” You whispered the words, afraid they would seem like a lie.
“Oh my.” Your fathers eyebrows raised, almost high enough you was sure he wouldn’t be able to relax his face again. “That’s.. quite amazing…”
“I could always renew my contract at the company but if I accepted the job I would have more time to write. I just don’t know if I’m qualified enough to actually teach anyone English or to translate, this could mean I’d have to travel, work different hours, move further away. It wouldn’t be right to be leaving when I barely have enough time to see you both as it is.” The truth of the situation is harsh, their frowns unable to hide their disappointment.
You watch tentatively at them, their eyes talking to one another having a conversation only they couldn’t understand. “You have to take it.”
“But what about you? I can’t just move, I’ll have even less time with you.” You protest, maybe more than you should have.
“Are you scared of accepting this job?”
You stare blankly at him, his eyes scouring your face for an answer. “I don’t want to fail at something so big” you admit earnestly. Your own fears getting the best of you.
“Wether you take this job or not you’ll always be in a position where things may not go the way you want them to, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed but that life has had a different path for you than the one you have taken. This is an opportunity you will regret turning down.”
One thing you always loved about your parents was their inane ability to be honest, regardless of the circumstances. They never sugarcoated anything which as a child could lead to your feelings being hurt but now it was just a trait that you admired.
“I-“ You swallow and clear your throat. “I guess I’ll take it, I can’t run from it and the awards company is starting to feel too repetitive. The pay is better so I could send more money home too and maybe you and appa could take a holiday.” You explain to your mother, who surprisingly was sitting with a smile of pride.
Your father, on the other hand, stands up. Triumphantly throwing his hands in the air and attempting a cheer that was definitely unnecessary but still special. “That’s my girl.”
Your mother shakes her head, clearly embarrassed by your dad. “Aish- no wonder why the girl doesn’t come home you’re embarrassing her.” You can’t help but laugh at the way they bicker, it was as if they were teenagers, flirting in the playground.
You stayed with them for the remainder of the evening, you had helped cook dinner and then sat watching a movie however as usual you had fell into a habit of watching your parents, the way they laugh with one another, the love they share stronger than any you had witnessed but someday hoped to experience.
You had always considered yourself lucky, Unlike your friends parents yours had never intervened within your love life, never pushing you to think about marriage or interrogate you on when they would have grandchildren and even though they had always let you make your own decisions regarding that you had always envied the way they loved each other, hoping one day you too could be in love with someone so deeply.
The rest of the day passed by much faster than you would have liked and before you knew it you was back home, sleep overcoming you.
If it wasn’t for the blinding sunlight you swear you could have slept for the entire day, however you had a job offer to accept so with a groan you dragged yourself out of the warmth of your sheets grabbing your phone and the contract you had been given.
Your call was answered much faster than you would have expected.
“Hello?” His voice didn’t sound the same.
For a moment you contemplated hanging up, changing your mind, but your parents words had been written into your mind.
“Hello, is this Kim Jaesang? I’m calling about the job. We had a meeting yesterday.” You explain, your voice quavering.
“This isn’t Jaesang-ssi but you can definitely talk to me about the job.” Your jaw nearly fell to the floor as you recognised the man on the other end of the line.
Your voice comes out louder than you intend, purely because of the surpise. “HOSOEK-SSI?!”
He chuckled lightly. “The one and only, so you calling does that mean you’re taking the job?”
“I guess that’s the plan.” You sigh, skimming the contract once again. “I thought this was your managers number?”
“Mine was listed too, you must have called the wrong one.” His voice was melodic, you could see why they were so successful. “I could have a car pick you up, Jaesang-nim would just do it anyway.”
“Oh-“ was this really the best choice?
“Is something wrong?” His pitch rises as he questions you.
You brush his concern off. Settling with a simple response. “Well I wasn’t really planning on coming to any meetings I just wanted to talk about some things.”
“I promise we will roll out the red carpet. It would be good for you to meet everyone.” He was right, if you was going to accept you should probably meet the people you’d be working for.
“If I accept I do not want any red carpet at all.” You protest immediately, your voice leaving no room for negotiation. “What time will the car be here?”
“Okay okay.” He agrees through a series of laughs. “If you send me your address it will be around 30 minuets, is that enough time for you to be ready?”
“Sure. It’s not like I’m an idol.” You murmur, hoping he would get the joke, you quickly send him your address. Double checking just to make sure it was correct. “I sent it.”
“I got it And by the way we don’t all take hours to get ready some of us are naturally beautiful.” You rolled your eyes, thankful there was a phone between you.
“So much confidence.”
“See you soon.” The call ends abruptly but you don’t waste time in questioning it.
You was normally fast at getting dressed, there was never really enough time in the day to roll yourself up the way others did, besides you could work just as well without makeup as you could with it. You scour your wardrobe for something appropriate, you could wear a dress outfit but you was only going there to have a discussion. If you was going to take a job it would be because you were yourself, not some half assed version.
You grabbed a pair of cargo pants and the Nike Dunks you had regrettably splurged on after your last pay-check. You paired them with a green shirt that stood out more than it probably should. Your had had always fell into place, allowing you to save enough time to finish your coffee and apply some moisturiser and suncream.
You preferred looking natural but you wasn’t a heathen. Skin protection was important.
You grab your tote bag and carefully place the contract inside. Making sure nothing could damage it. Being yourself was one thing but turning up unprepared and an unorganised mess was another.
Your phone rings and you curse yourself as you hit your leg on the table in your attempt to answer it.
“Hello?” You sounded out of breath, rushing from one room to another was not the best of ideas.
“Outside.” The call was short. Ending the same way it had earlier.
You groan out loud, allowing a last look in the mirror before leaving your apartment. You knew later tonight you’d regret not leaving it cleaner but that was future yous issue. Present you had a job to manage.
It wasn’t hard to spot the car intended for you, especially when the window rolled down allowing you to see just who would be the one to drive you.
“Is this even allowed?” You ask, securing your seat belt.
Hoseok watches you, even if you pay it no attention it was always easy to know when someone was staring.
“Do I look bad or something?” You questing, looking up at him, brushing your hair back to allow you to see him clearer.
He shakes his head, turning his attention back to the car. “Of course not. All ready?”
“Sure.” You murmur, accepting your fate.
You watched the way he reversed out of the car park, he was a skilled driver. “I was on the way to work, don’t think I was creeping around or something.” He looks at you, only for a second, but long enough for you to feel the same comfort you had when Jaesang had left you both alone in your last meeting.
“It’s okay, I’m used to people just waiting outside of my apartment to drive me to work.” You quirk back.
His face looks horrified, before he realises you wasn’t serious. “Don’t do that!”
You can’t help but giggle at the way he was so scared. “Oh this is going to be fun.”
“I’ll fire you if you do that again.” He dramatically waves his hand at you.
“Wow I didn’t know you was my boss, I guess I’ll just get out and walk home now because there’s no way I won’t do that again.” You pretend to go to take your seatbelt off, earning a gasp from Hoseok.
He narrows his eyes at you. “You wouldn’t, this is a moving vehicle.”
“Oh I bet this job I would.” You copy his expression.
You manage to stare at each other for a second before both of your expressions soften, his eyes holding a sparkle you hadn’t seen before.
After a few moments the laughter calms down. “No but seriously you won’t get into trouble for picking me up right? I could have just taken a taxi.”
“It’s okay, me and the members take each other all the time.”
“I’m not a member.” You explain, confused.
“Well when you take the job you will be.” He was right, you would be staff but even so that’s still most likely not allowed. “I wanted you to have this job.” He pauses to take a breath. “I asked them to offer it to you, I think I could learn a lot from you and I’ve always wanted to be able to communicate with ARMY more.”
“You really care about them don’t you?” You ask, your fingers fidgeting with the rings you had decided to throw on last minute.
There’s no hesitation in his voice. “ARMY made us who we are, I owe them everything.”
“I promise I’ll try my best okay? I don’t know what kind of a teacher I’ll be but I’ll definitely try to be one that can help you.” You was earnest.
“I’m sure you’ll do great. You studied English didn’t you?” He asks, his fingers dancing across the wheel.
You nod. “Yeah, my parents thought it would be a great addition to my extensive skill set.”
“They were right.” He smiles at you, baring his white teeth.
“What about your other members?” You couldn’t lie, it had been on your mind. They were a big factor in this.
He cocks his head sideways, watching the lights change. “I talked to them about you, they read the information I did and agreed that you seem nice enough to translate for us. They wanted to meet you.”
“Wow, I wonder how many women would literally slaughter me to have this chance.” You voice your thoughts, one that he too knew to be true.
“Unfortunately any slaughtering will have to wait for your next “to work trip” because we are here.” You watch as he pulls into a parking lot, into a particular space. One reserved for JHope of BTS.
You could see similar ones for the other members, Jungkooks had a bike that attracted your attention, you had always wanted to ride one but never had the courage. Although you wasn’t too discreet as he noticed the way you had looked at it. “Scary isn’t it?”
You agree with him. “Still cool though.”
“Yeah, he is going to love you.” He laughs holding the door open to you.
As you step in it’s much bigger than you would have though, it’s true what people say about the outside looking smaller than the inside. “This is huge, how don’t you get lost?” You whisper, the security guard and receptionist both silent, making your voice seem ten times louder than it was.
He presses a finger to his lips, as if he is sharing his darkest secret with you. “Don’t tell anyone but I still do. One time I got scared so I went on live and took army to the bathroom with me.”
“You didn’t!” You couldn’t hide your shock, no way.
“The members teased me for weeks, in my defence it was late and dark.” He held his hands up.
“Hoseok-ssi! Sorry to keep you waiting, can I just have your access card?” The receptionist gives you a look that doesn’t seem too forgiving but you ignore it.
He hands over the key card, not giving her much of a response. It takes her a few moments to type In whatever details she needs, however you’d notice that every few seconds her gaze would turn soft for Hosoek and then harsh again for you.
“All done.” She smiles, brushing her hair from her shoulder.
Could she be any more obvious.
“Sorry about her.” He whispers, tapping his card against the keypad. “They are all like that.”
He smiled at you, once again signalling for you to walk ahead. “Does it bother you?” You ask him as you wait by the next door, unable to enter it yourself.
“It did for a while, it happened suddenly, one day people were looking at me like I was a nobody and now people left and right will do anything to try and get my attention. It’s as if they don’t see me, just what I have done.” He hands you one of the visitor badges sitting around the foyer.
You slip it around your neck, making sure it’s secured as to not fall. “I’m sorry you have to experience that. I guess I never thought of it all in that way.”
It was weird seeing things from his perspective, you had never much taken an interest in the way an idol would live, only dealing with them within the boundaries of your work. Or previous work.
“Don’t be sorry, I get to help people. That enough for me. Let’s go meet everyone?” He points towards the group of people waiting on the other side of the door.
Six men, all of which taller than you. You recognise Namjoon and he does you, sending you a quick wave and a dimpled smile.
“I guess.” You smile, once again watching as he opens the door.
The faces turn to you, their own conversations die down as their attention shifts. “This is the woman I was telling you about.”
You introduce yourself, bowing to them as they do you, you try to smile not wanting to be too reserved.
They all followed suit, using their own names instead of stage names. “I’m Jimin,”
One of the shorter of the men steps forward, offering you his hand which you shake lightly, “That is Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi Hyung, and that is SeokJin Hyung.” He points each member out, all to whom offer their introductions in their own way.
You watch as Jungkook steps forward, “it’s nice to meet you.” The shy smile of the maknae you had seen previously on screen no longer there. His tattoos were uncovered, the white shirt sleeve providing them with no protection.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I see your bike outside!” You blurt out as you remember the black Harley.
His face brightens up even more so as you mention it. “You ride?!” He asks excitedly, practically jumping with joy.
“I wish I could I’ve always been too afraid but I still think they are so cool!” You nod enthusiastically.
“If you ever want to ride I’d be happy to teach you!” He practically shouts the invite into your ear but you accept it, thankful that you had received such a welcome reception.
“I’d love that. Just let me build my courage first.” You laugh, flashing him a small thumbs up. You turn to face the older man who had began silently watching the conversation between yourself and the maknae.
“I’m Yoongi.” He is much more quiet, introverted than the others.
You wonder how they have been together so long, each of them seeming to different to get along in the way they would need too. You could see Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin talking in the corner, the way Taehyung was dancing let you know they were discussing work, Namjoon had gone to find their main manager Sejin, whilst Yoongi and Jin had stayed by to accompany you.
“So you’re going to be a translator for us?” Jin asks, breaking off the chocolate breadsticks he had pulled from inside his pocket.
You rub your palms together, a little overwhelmed. “Well that’s the plan, along with teaching Hoseok-Ssi English.”
“I can understand it but not talk it well.” Yoongi steps closer to you, a furrow in his brows. “My accent makes it hard”
“Try.” You suggest.
He shuffles from one foot to another nervously. Jin pauses his snacking, clearly interested.
“I like basketball, I am a rapper,” his voice is no more than a mumble, his English sounding much softer than that of his Korean.
You clap cheerfully, as if he had just won an award. “You sounded great. Just a little practice and you’ll be able to translate yourself.”
“I better not then, it would be a shame if I took your job.” He shakes his head, his cheeks a lighter shade of pink.
“Yah! Have some decorum!” Jin fusses, huffing as he turns away.
You can’t help but laugh alongside yoongi who too had began smiling from the older man’s joke. “Is he always like this?”
“He is but he is my only Hyung so I tolerate him.” He purses his lips together, nodding in content.
You don’t have a chance to have a one to one talk with anyone else as Namjoon returns, following by Sejin. You bowed to him politely, greeting Namjoon briefly before he and the other members left for rehearsal.
“So you’re here to accept the job?” Sejin points to the contract you had pulled from your bag.
“Yes I am.”
“Let’s go to my office and have a talk.”
You silently agreed. Following him as he weaved through the building, going down numerous corridors, his key bleeping through every one. You was almost sure you would never figure out how to get out of the building. Maybe you should just ask if you could live here instead.
You laugh quietly at your own inner thoughts as he leads you into a large room, a desk separating your seat and his. It was much like one you would see in a principal’s office. A plush red rug underneath the cream couch in the corner, filing cabinets across the right wall. Shelves holding pictures, awards and other memorabilia on the shelf behind him.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” He leads forward, selecting a black pen and clicking it twice before placing it gently on the desk next to him.
“Let’s.” You nod, flipping over the first page of the contract.
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nidhi-writes · 1 year
Thiruvilaiyadal - Part 1
As a movie buff, one of my core memory is seeing old classical Tamil films with my Amma. She made sure I saw all of her favorites and some of the 60s/70s classics.
Every summer holiday is filled with stories of old Tamil Puranas from my Appa and asking all the pieces of information and questions. And my interest in the Tamil language grew as I become older and thanks to all my Thamizh teachers who made the class so interesting with all the Tamil literature at school.
Everyone around me used to ask why I am into Puranas and literature when the modern world is thriving outside, but all I know was that my soul wanted more and more.
One such moment which captured my heart throughout was the movie 'Thiruvilaiyadal'.
Thiruvilaiyadal (Leelas in Sanskrit) is viewed to be one of the 18 thalapuranas. It is also revered as one of the Mahapuranas (Periya Puranam – the right eye of Shiva, Thiruvilaiyadal Puranam – the left eye, and Kanda Purana – the third eye). It was authored by Saint Paranjothi, estimated 300 years ago. It narrates the 64 Tiruvilayadals, loosely translated as the "playful miracles of god (Shiva) himself".
One such Thiruvilaiyadal of the god Siva was with Nakkeranar or Nakkerar. Nakkerar was a Post Sangam Tamil poet who wrote Thirumurukāṟṟuppaṭai.
The below poem is part of Kurunthogai, which was written by Irayyanar( God Shiva himself)
கொங்குதேர் வாழ்க்கை அஞ்சிறைத் தும்பி காமம் செப்பாது கண்டது மொழிமோ பயிலியது கெழீஇய நட்பின் மயிலியல் செறியெயிற் றரிவை கூந்தலின் நறியவும் உளவோ நீயறியும் பூவே Translation: O! Honey bee with beautiful wings, you live drinking nectar from selected flowers, tell me without bias look at my friend who resembles a peacock in beauty have you seen any flower that smells better than her hair?
The story goes as when ShenbagaPandiyan had a doubt regarding the scent of female hair and announced whoever clarify that doubt through poem/the best will be awarded 1000 gold coins. Dharumi was a poor poet who struggles for money went to lord shiva for help, lord Siva came in the guise of a poet and helped him with this poem. The king was happy that it solved his doubt as it says the women have naturally scented hair.
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Scene 1: Siva introduces himself as a Tamil poet. Scene 2: Dharumi doubts him and asks God Siva who is in disguise questions to prove his knowledge.
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Scene 4: Dharumi apologizes for doubting God's knowledge Scene 5: Dharumi gets the poem from god Siva and goes to present it before Pandya king.
When he was about to be awarded the Nakkerar the head poet of the Tamil Sangam stopped him, saying that the poem had a lot of mistakes, and denied the award and asked Dharumi to improve the poem. Dharumi went to lord shiva and told the same, lord shiva got angry that Nakkeerar found fault in his poem and went to an assembly and challenged Nakkeerar. But Nakkerar was not moved. Shiva asked Nakkerar if even the hair of the goddess did not have a natural hair scent?! Nakkerar asserted that it was so.
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Scene 6: God Siva shows his true form by opening his third eye. Scene 7: Nakkerar, now sees who is in front of him, even then he went on to say that a mistake is a mistake.
Shiva opened the third eye and was furious even then Nakkerar stood his ground, this shows his love for Tamil and shows the poet who he was. As he could not bear the scorching heat emanating from the divine eye he jumped into the water of the Golden Lotus Tank. Then at the request of the other poets, the Lord took Nakkeerar out of the tank and forgave him.
And that is how the story ends. Literally, nobody ever played God Siva more perfectly than Sivaji in Tamil cinema. As his name suggests he lived as God Siva. I wish I could able to translate the dialogue portion that happens at this part. But the sweetness and raw poetic Tamil lines could never be done justified during the transition.
I have to thank @themorguepoet for reminding me or taking me back to my memory where I cherish this classic with your post before.
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lunarsun12 · 10 months
Mingi’s Guilt
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It has been 24 hours since the incident. Mingi was feeling so guilty for Woosan taking the blame. Poor boy he was stress he couldn’t leave the room and locked the door when Jongho went out to fight wooyoung.
Now we have different scenarios in this house:
1) Wooyoung camping outside of Yunho room (still convince it is him)
2) An angry Jongho, telling Wooyoung to shut up
3) Unimpressed Yeosang, who’s trying to stop San coming into his room
4) San gave up with the detective work and is now annoying yeosang
5) Seonghwa was out grocery shopping again
6) And Hongjoong we all know where he is
7) Yungi doing their own thing
What will Mingi do with this guilt?
Mingi and Yunho Private Chat
Today 13:00
Mingi🦄: Hyung! Why did you lie that it was wooyoung and san who broke the award
Yunho🐶: They were the easy targets. One yeosang will literally figure out it was us and two Jongho will punch me…so those two are the best option
Yunho🐶: Mingi, why are you texting just come to my room and we can talk
Mingi🦄: Hyung, Wooyoung has been sitting outside your door all day
Mingi🦄: I’m scared to come out, in case he starts questioning me
Mingi🦄: As well Jongho is currently sleeping, so I don’t want to disturb him
Yunho🐶: Oh wooyoung, I forgot about him. I put my headphones on and he won’t stop questioning me
Mingi🦄: What if? He figure it was me oh no no
Yunho🐶: It’s okay Mingi, as long I am here no one is going to know
Yunho🐶: I wasn’t expecting Yeosang to agree to them broke it. Half asleep Yeosang is the best!
Mingi🦄: OH NO! Jongho has woken up and he is angry…
Yunho🐶: Probably wooyoung again, if he attacks your stuff animal collection. Tell me and I will tell Appa that is Jongho who started the pranks
Mingi🦄: Oh wow, Jongho literally told Wooyoung to shut up and I think might have given wooyoung a black eye
Yunho🐶: No it’s too quiet probably, he yelled and went to get food
Yunho🐶: Come Mingi, let’s chill and forget about that trophy
Mingi🦄: It just feels wrong man…
Yunho🐶: If we tell them the real reason you touched it, as if they will believe you
Y’all are wondering, why is Mingi is feeling bad. Obviously he isn’t the culprit right? Let’s have little flashback from yesterday , to see what really happened
Today 15:00
Yunho🐶: Mingi open the door. Are you okay?
Mingi🦄: I can’t open the door
Yunho🐶: Why? Did you lock self in again?
Mingi🦄: No, that was one time!
Mingi🦄: I did something bad! I only wanted to be helpful
Yunho🐶: What did you do?
Mingi🦄: I saw wooyoung and san were fighting earlier. I was worried they break it
Yunho🐶: Oh Mingi, how many times did I tell don’t meddle in other people business
Mingi🦄: I don’t want them to get in trouble
Mingi🦄: I was going to bring it to Appa then I tripped over Jongho weights and it broke
Yunho🐶: Mingi open the door, we can talk about it. I have a good plan and it involes wooyoung and san
Mingi🦄: What if Jongho comes to the room and sees this
Yunho🐶: We deal with Jongho later, now we need to make a plan to place the blame onto wooyoung and san
End of flashback
Back at the ateez main chat
Today 18:00
Jongho🐻: EOMMA and I guess appa
Jongho🐻: Mingi won’t let me into my room!
Seonghwa🌸: Jongho say you are sorry and he will let you in
Jongho🐻: I didn’t do anything! He wouldn’t let me in all day
San🐱: I have been knocking on Mingi door and he wouldn’t answer
San🐱: I’m worried for him
Seonghwa🌸: Let me get through to him, this child
Yunho🐶: How about I talk to him?
Seonghwa🌸: Wooyoung, you still haven’t done the dishes. Stop annoying your brother
San🐱: Wooyoungie, leave it. It’s only 2 weeks
Seonghwa🌸: Yunho check on Mingi and Jongho come to my room. We can play some games together
Seonghwa🌸: And San help wooyoung with the dishes
Back at Yunho and Mingi chat
Yunho🐶: Let me handle this, it will be over
Mingi🦄: NO, I will own up and accept fate. It was nice knowing you Yunho
Back at the ateez main chat
Mingi🦄: I DID IT
San🐱: What? Did what?
Yeosang🍗: What with the noise, I just woke up?
Yunho🐶: No mingi don’t say it
Yeosang🍗: Ah I did remember seeing Mingi carrying appa award now
Yeosang🍗: I was half asleep, I don’t know what I was typing
Wooyoung🦊: So Yunho finally fess up! Hah I knew it
Yunho🐶: For the last time it’s not me
Jongho🐻: You pabo it was Mingi all along
Seonghwa🌸: Why didn’t say so sooner?
Mingi🦄: Yunho said you all won’t believe me
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi, I am more likely to believe you in comparison to wooyoung
Seonghwa🌸: You off the hook Mingi, just say the truth next time. San and Wooyoung, you still cleaning duty
Wooyoung🦊: Fine and sorry yunho for harassing you
San🐱: I’m gonna give Mingi a hug now, poor boy he must be stress!
Wooyoung🦊: After I done with the dishes…
Hongjoong🏴‍☠️: Are we still on that broken award thingy?
Hongjoong🏴‍☠️: I’m really not mad anymore. I was just scared if I misplaced it
Seonghwa🌸: Why are you always conveniently not at home when I needed you the most
Hongjoong🏴‍☠️: I’m sorry my business calls
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womanofwords · 5 months
The Poisoned Prodigy (Chapter 6)
Olympus Medical Centre had a lot going on. When I arrived there, I got into a long line of people waiting to be seen by the front desk. "You're a little young to be here," a middle-aged woman said.
"I'm visiting my friend," I said. "Am I not in the right queue?"
"No," she said, suddenly looking at the floor. "You're in the right place."
"Good." I looked at the line of people that were in front of me. "Wonderful."
Patton's room was full of flowers and cards. Not like he could read them, anyway. He was still on life support, thanks to Ernest.
Possibly Ernest.
This was proving to be more difficult to solve than I thought. I figured that when Patton named him just before he passed out, he'd basically solved his own murder. Knowing what I know now about the rivalry between him and Patton, it made sense. Scores of people would be able to talk about times when Ernest had insulted Patton in public; even the headmaster had seen it. And his own parents.
After further thought, maybe Patton wasn't the intended target. Perhaps the true poisoner was someone that hated Ernest so much that they would do anything to get rid of him, including poisoning Patton to frame him for it. Sally said herself that if she had to write down everyone that actually liked Ernest could fit onto a sticky note that was cut in half.
"Patton, everyone misses you so much," I said. I read somewhere that coma patients could still hear what was going on around them, so I did my best to talk without crying. "I hope that we can go skateboarding together once you're awake again. Also, Ernest DuBois got arrested for poisoning you. His mugshot's everywhere now."
The only response I got was the beeping of medical machines. Patton's eyes were closed, but his chest was still rising and falling. That was good. He'd live to see his real poisoner get arrested.
And as his best friend, I had to find out who that was.
Afterwards, I messaged Sally again regarding Ernest's reputation.
Did Ernest just hate Patton or did he do that stuff to other people?
There were other times, too. Rumour has it the reason he hadn't been suspended before that is because his parents pay for a lot of stuff the school has and they can't afford to lose that funding.
If Ernest is such a terrible student, how is he always being nominated for the scientific awards?
I have no idea.
"Vincent, how was Patton in the hospital? Did he wake up yet?" Umma asked me.
"No, Umma. He's still in a coma," I said.
"I hope Patton doesn't die," James said. "He's the only cool thing about Vincent."
"What?" I spluttered.
"James, be nice to your brother," Appa said.
"I'm just saying. I mean, we all see it. Patton's incredible and Vincent's the most average teenage boy in the world," James said.
Ouch. Painfully true, but ouch.
"James! Apologise to your brother!" Umma yelled.
"His best friend is dying and you're insulting him!" Appa said. "Damn rude. Your brother is hurting."
"Fine. Sorry, Vincent," James said, as insincere as ever.
"Sure, James," I said, going up to our room. I took my helmet off from where I kept it and held it. It was weird, but it was what Patton gave me for my birthday.
"Green suits you, Vincent!" he said, giggling as he put it onto my head.
I never had a favourite colour before Patton arrived into my life. I always thought that favourite colours were stupid.
But now it was green.
If you want to read the other chapters, see Masterlist.
P.S. Hi @emilynotfound! Heard you'd be following this series along. How are you finding things?
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damndaehyung · 2 years
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Oliver Lee Choi and his favourite cousins Instagram Updates
ella yang ( top to bottom) oo1. roof top vibes (tagged : astarlee , foreveryoung) -----most recent comments ---- oh_lee_c stay warm!!
oo2.  let’s get it (tagged : aspoonofmilo , theitcrowd, foreveryoung, astarlee, j’aminjae, oh_lee_c , oneoutoftwo, twooutoftwo ) -----most recent comments ---- aspoonofmilo - thanks for the support  ↳ j’aminjae - you’re welcome ↳ foreveryoung - i am literally obligated to but you’re welcome ↳ oh_lee_c - you’re welcome    ↳ stop spamming my comments!! oo5. feeling like some dark academia -----most recent comments ---- oh_lee_c you know what would make these books better ↳ oh_lee_c - DRAGONS!! zhanah - tell me you want to murder someone without telling me you want to murder someone ↳j’aminjae - sounds like something that happens at hogwarts all the time? oo7. trying to get him to cover sticker (tagged : aspoonofmilo) -----most recent comments ---- aspoonfulofmilo -not going to happen ↳ foreveryoung - sure its not, when the last time you sucessfully said no to ella? oo8. pink hair don’t care -----most recent comments ---- twooutoftwo - mood  oneoutofone - atleast someone looks good with pink hair oh_lee_c - pretty pretty!!! oli lee choi (top to bottom) oo3. notes -----most recent comments ---- astarlee - you could be an artist oli! ellaellaella - ah my baby cousin is talented!!  ↳ not a baby!!
oo7. award show season!  -----most recent comments ---- ellaellaella - lets go uncle niel!!! twooutoftwo - where is the red carpet pick oliver, no one wants to see randos
oo8. apparently its called mickey d’s here? (tagged whatscolerthanbeingcool) -----most recent comments ---- ellaellaella - does you dad know you at mcdonalds? ↳ he does now 😶 zhanah - its because disney owns everything  ↳ j’aminjae - pretty sure they don’t  ↳ zhanah - i don’t talk to traitors 😤 oo9. new york bound!! -----most recent comments ---- zhanah - take me with you!!! ↳ next time i will!! twooutoftwo - remember who your real bestfriend is ↳ astrid? twooutoftwo - i -
hana zhang (top to bottom) oo1. my grandparents own to many castles -----most recent comments ---- j’aminjae - humble brag? ↳ nothing humble about it 🤷‍♀️ solbinnie - an actual princess😍 oh_lee_c - is this one in france? ↳ yes its so pretty but so wasteful 💕 oo2. forever looking for exit signs (tagged j’aminjae) -----most recent comments ---- j’aminjae - you wanted to take this photo ↳ and? ↳ plus you look good 👍 ↳ j’aminjae - you cant see my face ↳astarlee - the best type of minjae picture oh_lee_c he should be happy to spend time with you  ↳ you are adorable 🥺🥹🥰 oo3. shopping in paris 🛍️ -----most recent comments ---- ↳ j’aminjae - the best ↳ astarlee - shopping is the same anywhere ↳ j’aminjae - i thought i blocked you? oh_lee_c did you buy me anything? ↳ anytime i do you tell me i shouldn’t have oo5. breakfast with the zhangs 💕 -----most recent comments ---- ↳ solbinnie - the cutest family ↳ oh_lee_c oh yummy!!! we should have a family breakfast soon 🥰 ↳ j’aminjae - its okay 😒 oo6. i wanna be the very best ----most recent comments ---- ↳ j’aminjae - some at hellwarts check if hana has actual slept in the past week!!    ↳ solbinnie - she slept during divination said anyone who believes in that are losers       ↳ oh_lee_c my appa believes in that             ↳ any one other than uncle daniel astarlee - like no one ever was ↳ sure?
oo7. pretty in pink ----most recent comments ---- j’aminjae - always pretty   ↳ oh_lee_c - suspicous  oh_lee_c - so pretty!!!
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michyeosseo · 6 years
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Even though it was not an easy story airing on 11 P.M. Mondays and Tuesday, I thank the viewers for staying late at night to watch LIFE. Among them, I know there were many who cheered for me until the end; for Oh Se Hwa to become the director and finish her work. It's reassuring. […] As various Korean dramas are becoming more diverse, I wonder every night about what to do on my part to be able to contribute. This is just the beginning. Not sure what else is left to say but these are my sentiments: I’ll work harder and will meet you again with a good project. Thank you.
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Were We Ever Happy?
Part 14
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Months went by and they all eased to their current set-up. Y/N slowly became comfortable around Yoongi again and he was happy that they were now on good terms. They would even eat meals together at work or Y/N would bring them home-cooked meals for them to eat after their practice. His daughter would always be with him as long as he is in Seoul.
She loves to snuggle with him and would read her stories to read when she's staying with him through the night. If she's with her mother, he would come by if he comes home early and he tries his best so that he can read her bedtime stories and both he and Y/N would tuck her to bed.
Whenever he's away, like overseas for shows, collaborations, or awards, he would be on a video call with Yuna. Even at work, she would call him while he was working in his Genius Lab and would just leave the camera on. She would sit there with him and just do her thing and not bug him. He doesn't mind. He would often watch her color or draw or read books.
Sometimes Y/N would bring her to work and they sat down with her to talk about how she would have to call him whenever they were there. She understood and would call him Ahjussi which sounded endearing now because she used to call him that.
When he went to surgery, he remembered his daughter sobbing on the phone because she was worried about her appa. Sweetest little thing ever. That gave him a lot of time with her daughter. During his recovery time, Y/N was there every day to take care of him. Maybe that's why he recovered faster than anticipated. His daughter was also happy that she got to spend a lot of time with him to watch movies on the bed. Y/N would cook for them and would sometimes watch a movie with them, whenever she was not working. He doesn't even have to worry about Yuna because like what Y/N said, she's very independent and can take care of herself. She's well-behaved, although there's mischief from time to time, but never while he was recovering.
He loves that he's now an integral part of her life. He had foreseen that to make something happen again between him and Y/N, he needed to get his daughter's trust first. Y/N would never do anything that would make her little girl cry and they both wanted the best for her. So he was okay even if he would have to be just her friend again.
He once took them to a private restaurant, with Miki and the members, He would also cook her favorite food and bring them over to her unit and she would invite him to eat it with her. Sometimes when Yuna is at school and they're both home, he would ask if she wanted coffee cause he is going to order one, but Y/N would just tell him to come down to her place and she would make him one. See, techniques.
To mention, the members love Yuna and would dote on her, just like how they dote on Namjoon's twins. Yuna loves them all, too. As to how she calls them - Uncle Joonie, Uncle Jinnie, Uncle Hobi, Uncle Chimmy, Uncle V, and Uncle Kookie. She knew Taehyung first because he had met her at the cafeteria and Taehyung has always been great with babies and kids. She warmed up with the rest later on.
Namjoon would take her to his twins to play. His Jin-hyung would cook her favorite food and would eat together, sometimes they would play board games. Hobi dances with her, twirls her around the room, and makes her laugh all the time. Jimin would be her go-to person if she wanted to snuggle and watch movies. Taehyung would tell her stories and would just talk with her about anything. They would also mess around camera filters and this would make Yuna laugh very much. Lastly, Jungkook is her person to play physical games with. She also loves Bam and that's why she asked for a pet dog, to her mother's horror.
No one could say no to her puppy eyes, but Y/N held her ground and said no because it was too early for her to have such responsibility and he agreed. He even told Yuna that she can play with her fur sibling, Min Holly, anytime she wanted.
But Yuna got what she wanted anyway.
A phone call to the world's spoiling grandfather, Yuna's poppy-pop, Bang Si-Hyuk.
Two days later and they were greeted by a cute shih tzu puppy.
Now Y/N can't say no to two pairs of puppy eyes, Yuna and Momo the puppy.
His life right now is good and he can't complain. But he still feels like it's not yet complete and it's not because he hasn't won a Grammy yet. Well, that's one. But that's not the main reason.
The main reason is Y/N. He needs and wants Y/N in his life, not as a friend or a co-parent. He wants her to be his, forever.
Right now, they have promised not to let the pressure get to them because it will spoil the thing the 7 of them love so much - music. It's supposed to heal them, not destroy them. So they are just enjoying what they wanted to do. Sure, there's still pressure, but good pressure that pushes them to be better, not to make them feel miserable.
Now that he got Yuna, it's time to get her mother back to him.
Again, what Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets.
Where do you think Yuna got that? From him, of course.
Please check out the other chapters :
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bonnyskies · 4 years
come back to me [fifteen] ⇢ jjk
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you’re willing to do anything to save your marriage, even if that meant you’d have to sacrifice your own happiness to do so.
pairing — husband!jungkook x malereader, ft. ceo!jaehyun
genre — angst, sexual themes, idol au, exes to lovers-ish au, open relationship au, marriage au, parents au
series warnings — infidelity (kinda?), swearing, bisexual!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, insecure!reader, unhealthy relationship, unrequited love-ish, slow burn, use of alcohol, mentions of divorce problems, (more could be added in future chapters)
word count — 3.9k
author’s note — here’s my late christmas present to you all, hope you enjoy. and sadly, we’re getting close to the end :(
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Why wasn’t her name babygirl anymore?
That question never left your mind.
Even when leaving the hotel, driving to the Honolulu Zoo and paying for your guys’ tickets, the question continued to run through your head repeatedly.
Why was her name changed on his phone? Does this mean they aren’t together anymore? Or are they just on a break?
More and more questions continued to constantly pile into your mind, and if it wasn’t for Jungkook asking you which habitat section you wanted to visit first you surely wouldn’t have been brought out of your thoughts.
“Can we go see the alligators, appa?” Minho then also asks, making you and Jungkook share a glance at each other before nodding.
“Alright, bubs. Let’s go see the alligators.”
You watched as Jungkook took Minho’s hand and began lead the way.
While they walked away, you couldn’t help but slowly trail behind them, unaware of the small distance you kept from them. You didn’t mean to be distant from them, you just couldn’t be around him and act like everything was alright between you two. Because you knew that at the end of the day, nothing would change. Jungkook and you would still be getting a divorce, and not only that, Minho would also be affected by today, believing that there is chance his parents would be getting back together—which isn’t happening.
Noticing your absence, Jungkook stopped and turned around to face you, a concerned look on his face. “Hey, you alright?”
It was like you were in a trance and you were brought back, judging from the way your entire body jerked at the sound of his voice. “Y-Yeah,” you quickly nodded your head, clearing your throat when your voice unexpectedly cracked. “I’m fine, just lost in my thoughts that’s all.”
“Okay,” Jungkook’s replies, sounding unsure. “Are you sure?”
Again, you nodded. Minho then held his other hand out for you, “Come on, appa.”
“Okay, okay.” You smiled in return, taking his hand following him as he practically pulled both you and Jungkook with him towards the habitats. You and Jungkook couldn’t help but share a glance at one another in the midst of the chaos of going through crowds of families. But when one of you noticed the other’s stare, neither of you couldn’t hide the blush on either of your faces.
Today is going to be a long day...
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After spending nearly three hours going through every animal habitat in the zoo, you had to admit that you were only semi-wrong about today. It wasn’t as awkward or tense as you thought it would be, instead everything felt almost comfortable, calm.
The past three hours was probably the best three hours you’ve had in a long time—passing the so-called date you had with Jungkook last night by a long stretch.
Seeing your son smile for three straight hours, hearing and watching him share laughs with his father made you feel something you haven’t felt in such a long time.
Everything just felt perfect—as if you three were an actual real family again.
As Jungkook carried Minho on his broad shoulders, you couldn’t tear your eyes away. You found it heartwarming that they were finally rekindling the once strong bond they had with one another before everything fell apart between you and him.
You thought Jungkook wouldn’t notice your lingering gazes on him or the wide, bright smiles evident on your lips but he did. And he couldn’t deny that he found the sight adorable, your flushed expression making his heart skip a beat—a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Jungkook couldn’t help but hear your mother’s words echo inside his head. “This is your last chance to fix your marriage, Jungkook.”
Did he want to fix your guys’ marriage? Of course he did, no doubt. But whenever he thought of actually doing it, he could only think back to how it was between you two before he left for tour. The memories still haunted him. The constant screaming and exchange of harsh words, the many nights he’d spend on the couch. There were some times where he would even stay back at the studio or dorms so that he wouldn’t have to see you. And he wasn’t the only one. You’d even make excuses on how there was a problem at work so you’d have to stay late, but he knew that wasn’t the case. He knew that it was only so that you didn’t have to see him also.
And it wasn’t like he didn’t want to fix your guys’ marriage, because he did. He’s just afraid that if you two do get back together, your relationship would just go back to the way it used to be. The screaming, the shouting, and the crying, it would all come back again and that terrified him because he doesn’t want that to happen.
Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder, what if ending your guys’ marriage is for the best? Before this trip, he can’t remember the last time you two even had one night together that didn’t end in a screaming match. But the thought of signing those divorce papers made his stomach churn.
Jungkook was utterly confused. What if this is the right choice? Maybe you would be happier if you weren’t together anymore. He knew that dating an idol wasn’t easy, especially being married to one and having a kid. With the hectic schedules, late-night concerts and long tour dates, making time for family was difficult.
Maybe he should divorce you—again, the thought made Jungkook’s stomach stir and heart ache, but you could find someone who wasn’t as unreliable as he was. You could be with someone that would make time for you and Minho. You can finally have that normal, happy family you’ve always wanted, the one that has dinner together every night and goes on annual vacations together. The one that holds holiday feasts at their house with all their relatives from both sides of the family.
Being with him, you couldn’t have any that. With Jungkook’s schedule constantly changing, whether that be because of late-nights spent at the studio practicing or recording music, he hardly ever makes it home in time to have dinner with you and Minho. Sometimes he’d find himself eating dinner alone at the dining table, everyone else in the household long asleep. And as for vacations and holidays, Jungkook would be traveling with his hyungs attending many ceremonies and award shows most of the time, so it was difficult to make time and have vacations and holiday get togethers with the family.
Taking one glance at you, eyes taking in your glinting eyes and small smile on your lips as you walked beside, Jungkook’s heart ached. You look happy now, but how will you feel in the future? Would you be happier, or even more miserable than before?
What do you want, {Name}?
Jungkook didn’t realize how long he was lost in his thoughts until he felt you nudge his arm. “S-Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you wanted to eat here at the lounge or leave and go out to a restaurant?”
“Oooh can we eat here, appa?” Minho suddenly spoke up, still seated on top of Jungkook’s wide shoulders.
“I guess we got our answer.” Jungkook said with a teasing tone, tilting his head up to glance at his son.
You nodded, eyes briefly meeting Jungkook’s before walking away and towards the direction where the lounge.
And while following you, Jungkook couldn’t seem to find the strength to tear his eyes away from you.
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The lounge was crowded, nearly full.
Glancing around, you were just about to give up until Minho spoke up, “Appa, look.” He pointed his index finger, “There’s a table over there!”
You followed the direction of his finger, eyes landing on an empty table in the far right corner of the lounge. “Good job, pumpkin.” You gently patted your son’s leg, which dangled idly across Jungkook’s chest. “Let’s go.”
You quickly made your way to the table, kindly pushing through the crowd of families until you got to the table. With you taking the first seat, Minho chose the other one across from you and beside the window. That left Jungkook with the last empty chair—next to you.
Jungkook stared at the unoccupied seat before raising his head and having his eyes meet yours for a brief moment.
You stared back at him, nodding, as if you were giving him your approval.
A simple nod was all Jungkook needed before taking his seat beside you, instantly noticing the way your body slightly tensed when he sat down.
“So,” you spoke up, attempting to break the rising tension at the table. “What do you guys have in mind to eat?”
“Hmm, not sure.” Jungkook was the first to speak, glancing around at the many different types of food that the lounge served. He then began to list the many eating establishments, which ranged from fast-food restaurants to fancy, exquisite foods.
“Ooh, McDonalds, appa!” Minho clapped his hands excitedly, earning chuckles from you and Jungkook.
“Anything for you, bubs.” Jungkook grinned, reaching across and nudging his son’s head. “I’ll go get the food.”
You just nodded, eyes focused on him as he stood up from the table and was about to walk away until Minho spoke up again. “Wait, appa. You didn’t ask appa what he wanted to eat.”
Before you had chance to say anything, Jungkook spoke up instead. “I already know what appa wants, bubs. Don’t worry.”
You couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter from his words. You watched as he then walked away, unaware of his phone that was still on the table, screen facing down. You were just about to call out for him but he was already gone. And not even a second later Minho was already reaching for the phone and taking it into his hands.
“Minho, you shouldn’t—” you tried to stop him but he pouts.
“Appa always lets me play on his phone.”
You sighed, leaning back against your chair. Watching your son play on his father’s phone, you couldn’t help but get an anxious feeling coursing through your veins. It wasn’t like you wanted to take the phone from Minho because you knew he was right, Jungkook always lets him play on it. You just didn’t want him to be on it when she calls.
And of course, that’s exactly what happens.
“Appa, who’s Ye-Yeonha?” Minho asks, turning the phone towards you and showing you the name that never fails to make your heart ache and blood boil.
Your mouth was gaped open and no words were coming out. You didn’t know what to say. There was no way you could tell Minho who it was exactly. He was already heartbroken when learning about the divorce, and you couldn’t imagine how much more crushed he would be if learning that his father already moved on. “She’s—”
Luckily, you were suddenly saved by the bell—that bell being Jungkook coming back with your guys’ food. “Alright, I’ve got a hamburger happy meal for you bubs, and a ten piece chicken nugget meal with a medium fries and sweet and sour sauce for appa.” He listed out while handing it out to you two. “And for me, a BigMac.”
You gave him a silent thanks by nodding before opening your medium-sized box that contained your nuggets.
You were hoping that since the food was here, the topic of the phone would be forgotten. But of course, you were let down once again.
“Appa, who’s Yeonha?” You noticed the way Jungkook’s body tensed at the mention of her name. “She was calling your phone.”
You expected him to make some half-ass excuse like saying that she’s some sort of friend or co-worker. But you weren’t expecting his eyes meet yours and say with a stern voice, his words coming clear and fluently.
“Nobody important, bubs.”
It was Jungkook’s turn to see your reaction, noticing the way your body tensed and shifted in your seat by his words. “Now focus on your food,” he then says, taking his phone away from his son’s grasp and placing it beside him, screen down.
When turning his attention back towards you, you noticed an indescribable glint shining in his dark brown eyes. A glint that appeared gloomy, and you could even say looked guilty.
You couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about right now.
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“We need to talk, Yeonha.”
“What do you want to talk about baby?”
Jungkook felt himself cringe at the petname, fingers clenching tightly around his phone as he pressed the device against his ear. With his mouth open, Jungkook still couldn’t find the strength to speak and he had absolutely no idea why. He knew exactly what he wanted to say but no words came out.
Jungkook was just about to give up, pulling the phone away from his ear and hovering his finger over the ‘end call’ button. He was just about to press it until something stopped him—his background photo. The photo was of you and Minho, the sight bringing an instant smile on his lips.
Just from looking at you through his phone’s screen, brought warmth in Jungkook’s heart. Taking a deep breath, he then said “I think we should break up, Yeonha.”
A loud, shocked gasp could be heard.
“Listen, it’s not you, it’s me. I just think that being in relationship right now is not a good idea, and—”
“Don’t feed me that bullshit, Jeon!” Yeonha cut him off, her voice filled with rage but hints of sadness clear in them. “It’s because of {Name}, isn’t? He’s the one making you break up with me?”
Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Why do you immediately blame {Name}? He’s got nothing to do with any of this. The only people that are part of this is you and me.”
“Because everything was fine between us until you left for that stupid trip!”
Jungkook sighed, rubbing his forehead frustratingly with his free hand. “This is my decision, Yeonha. {Name} didn’t force me to do anything.”
“But he’s the one that messed with your mind, wasn’t he?” Yeonha continued to pester him. “We were happy before you left, but now you want to break up? It has to be because of him. He‘a the only one who could change your feelings about me.”
Jungkook remained silent, letting her continue.
“I don’t understand you, Jungkook.” Jungkook could hear small whimpers from her end of the call. “Even after all the pain he caused you, you still would go back to him. What about all those times you cried because of him, or the sleepless nights you had because of this fights you two had? And every time, I was one that comforted you—”
Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from scoffing at her words.
He wouldn’t think of her actions as comforting. Despite his constant requests to be left alone, she would always ignore them and continue to meddle her way into his business.
“—and weren’t you the one that told me that your feelings for him weren’t as strong as they were before anymore?” Yeonha‘s rants still filled his ears. “He doesn’t deserve your love, Jungkook. He doesn’t deserve you—”
“Shut up!” Jungkook snapped, “If anything, I’m the one that doesn’t deserve him! Instead of trying to fix our marriage from the very beginning like he has been trying to do, do you know what I did? I gave up!”
Jungkook was fuming with rage. He swore he could almost feel his phone cracking from the tight grip he had in it. “{Name} is giving me a second chance, and I’m not going to waste it. He’s a way better person than I am.”
“Did he say that?” Yeonha asks.
“Say what?”
“Did he actually say that he’s giving you a second chance?” Yeonha repeats her question with more detail, and when she only got silence in return she released a loud laugh. “Oh my god, you don’t even know if he wants you back! And you’re still okay with risking our relationship for someone like him? What if he doesn’t want you back, what if he doesn’t love you anymore?”
As more and more questions spewed out of Yeonha’s mouth, Jungkook only felt the anger inside him grow stronger. “You’ll be left alone because you chose him over me—the person who has been there for you through your entire divorce, and it’s going to be nobody’s fault but yours for be a complete dumbass—”
“Stop!” Jungkook interjected, voicing boom with rage and frustration. “I know you’re saying these things just to mess with my mind, but it’s not going to work. I’ve already made my decision. This is my chance to get my family back—to get him back and I’m not going to waste it. I’m sorry, Yeonha. I hope you find someone else better in the future...”
Just as Jungkook was about end the conversation, he could hear Yeonha shout out for him. “Wait,” her voice sounding panicky. “Can you at least answer one last question for me?” And when Jungkook hummed in reply she continued, “Is he worth all this trouble, all this effort—your effort?”
And not even a split second later, Jungkook answered with a firm “yes” before lowering his phone and ending the call.
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Jungkook wasn’t the same after lunch.
His happy behavior that he had before you three ate was gone and replaced with a more anxious one. He thought nobody would notice his constant glances at his phone or the small frown evident on his lips, but you did.
It wasn’t hard to notice. He wouldn’t smile or talk with you or Minho, or allow him back onto his shoulders. You would occasionally send a glance back at him whenever he wasn’t looking and you could see the physical change in his demeanor.
You were worried.
Now, as you three were back at the hotel, Minho sound asleep in your room, Jungkook was still acting the same, silent.
You couldn’t help but worry. In the eleven years you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him act like this before.
Later that night, when dressed in your pajamas and ready for bed, you found him in the same place as he was in when you three first got back to the hotel—outside on the balcony with his phone in hand.
Slowly, you stepped out onto the balcony, careful that your footsteps were silent. “Hey,” you spoke up suddenly, making Jungkook whip his head around and eyes widen at the sight of you.
“H-Hey,” he replied softly.
“Are you alright?” You asked, and when he only nodded you let out a deep sigh. “Jungkook, you know I can tell when something is bothering you...”
Jungkook just nibbled on his lips nervously.
“You know you can talk to me.”
Jungkook stayed silent, Yeonha’s words echoing inside his mind as he kept his gaze focused on the lit up city in front of you two. “What if he doesn’t want you back, what if he doesn’t love you anymore?”
Jungkook didn’t know what to say. What if Yoneha was right? What if you don’t love him anymore? It’s not like he had the right to get upset about it because the only person who would be to blame would be him.
“—Jungkook,” Jungkook jumped, hands tightening around the railing and his phone as he turned to face you. “Are you even listening to me?”
“No, s-sorry sorry.” Jungkook quickly spewed out, eyes softening and lips frowning. “It’s just that I have a lot on my mind right now.”
“I asked if everything is alright between you and Yeonha?” Your question left him stunned, eyes slightly widening. “I’ve noticed lately that you’ve been rejecting her phone calls and also that you changed her contact name...,” your voice trails off, not knowing if you were overstepping or not.
“I-I ended things with her,” was the only thing he said, eyes never leaving yours.
“W-Why?” Your words stumbled out unevenly.
Jungkook didn’t say anything at first, and then suddenly, reached out for your hand slowly and hesitantly. And when you didn’t stop him, his fingers laced together with yours, creating an instant warm feeling inside your heart. “Because I finally realized the mistake I made.”
“And what is that?”
“Giving up on our marriage.” Just five words, and your heart stopped completely. “For not even trying to fix our problems, for leaving you.”
You were silent, watching his eyes staring down at your conjoined hands. “I thought I didn’t love you anymore—” you winced, and Jungkook noticed. “—but I was wrong. I do still love you and I hate that it took me this long, and cause you so much pain to finally realize that.”
You could see some tears glistening in his eyes. “And I-I’m sorry, so fucking sorry.”
“It’s okay, Jungkook.” You attempted to comfort him, placing your other hand over his and caressing his inked skin. While running your fingers delicately across his tattoos, you stopped at a specific one he had on his knuckle connecting to his ring finger—your initials. “I’ve forgiven you a long time ago—”
“Well you shouldn’t have!” Jungkook exclaimed, a couple tears slipping from his eyes and sliding down his cheeks. “I haven’t been a good husband to you—hell, I’ve been a terrible husband and I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I don’t deserve you.”
“Jungkook, stop.” Your heart clenched at the sight of him, raising your hand to wipe the few stray tears that escaped from his eyes and stained his cheeks. “You’re not a bad person, and you definitely weren’t a terrible husband. We just had—” you paused, “—complications.”
Jungkook stayed silent, sniffling.
You then continued, “Complications that came to my senses after separating. We weren’t that perfect couple I always thought of us being—frankly, we were far from it. In the ten years of being together, we didn’t fight once and I thought that meant we were perfect for each other but I was wrong. Every couple has their fights, and when they overcome it, it makes them stronger. And the fight we had before you left for tour was our first one, and I guess it opened a gateway we both kept locked for a long time, hiding our aggressions and frustrations we had for each other.”
Jungkook took in every word you said and you were right. You two haven’t fought once in your entire relationship and he always thought there wasn’t anything wrong with that. But now that he thinks about it, he remembers his hyungs sharing the fights they had their spouses with him and how in the end, they would always make up and come out stronger together.
“So what you’re saying is, since we never fought, us breaking apart was...inevitable?”
You nodded, and Jungkook felt his heart sink.
“But what if I asked you for another chance?” Jungkook then asks, “Would you accept it, or is this—” he paused, voicing cracking slightly. “—is this our ending?”
You were frozen, speechless, eyes staring into one another. “I-I don’t know.”
And as you two stared into each other’s eyes, you didn’t know who began to lean in first but when you felt Jungkook’s lips brush up against yours it was like sparks ran through your entire body.
You can’t remember the last time you felt his lips on yours.
Noticing your reaction, Jungkook stopped, mouth so close to yours that you could his feel his cool minty breath against your lips. His eyes stared into yours, as if he was asking for your permission.
And when you didn’t fight back or pull away, his lips were on yours in an instant.
You didn’t hesitate kissing him back, hands finding their way onto his broad, strong shoulders while his rested on your waist, pulling you close and pressing your chest against his.
The kiss was short, but enough.
Enough to let you both know that your hearts still beat for the other.
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@xworldwidecutieguyx​, @yoongis-soulmate​, @jikookvfans​, @heartfeltscribblings​, @blazedprince​, @btsfaris​, @sonderkook​, @angel-moni​, @http-je0n​, @magic-fox-555​, @moonfairyjoon​, @taozibun1​, @ephemeralkookie​, @thesquiglybumblebee​, @httpjazel​, @justqueerandhereforthetea​, @dreamer95​, @singabon-roll​, @its-your-dreamworld​, @fancykoos​, @galaxyeyedjungkook​, @nlnkm​, @teuteusstuff​, @moon-asia​, @julia-pacheco-blog​, @0minabean0​, @pjmislovely​, @polly-wifu​, @jinsonaz​, @unsolvetheheckoutofit​
237 notes · View notes
hopekiedokie · 4 years
That’s Rough Buddy (Seokjin)
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SUMMARY : You were invited to your friends' annual Halloween Costume Bash™ and were supposed to go on a matching couples costume but your date cancels at the very last minute. Nevertheless, you pushed through with going to the party in your costume not knowing that you would still end up matching with someone. But unfortunately, it was with that very annoying (yet very attractive) guy that you despise so much.
PAIRING : Seokjin x reader
GENRE: humor, fluff, a sprinkle of angst in the end, enemies to lovers or frenemies to lovers (kinda?)
WORD COUNT : 16.6k+ words
WARNINGS: A swear word or two or seven, Jin is a crackhead (shocker), too much halloween games, excessive use of Avatar The Last Airbender quotes and references (aka Jin channeling his inner Azula)
NOTES: I originally was gonna make y/n and Jin dress up as Team Rocket and title this AU "Prepare for Trouble" but I ultimately decided on this. It pained me to do so because I am such a simp for purple haired Jin. Even if there are SO many hidden ATLA references here, I don't think you need to see it to understand this AU. Although, what on earth are you doing with your life if you've never watched the show?? Anyways, I hope you like this even though it's well into November now. Also, this is my very first fic so hopefully you’d enjoy this! Appa yip yip!
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The smell of pumpkin seems to be enveloping the entire Park residence. You have barely reached the front porch and the scent has already hit your nostrils. How could a simple scent have possibly diffused into such a huge proximity, you wonder to yourself as you knocked on your best friends' front door. It wasn't until you entered the household when things became clear to you. Dozens upon dozens of pumpkins in different sizes were littered from their front hall to their living room. Some were already carved, some were sitting idly, and some were lined up to be carved by Park Jimin and Park Luna.
You were invited here on this lovely afternoon with the promise of free food. But after being handed a plate of pumpkin muffins and a bunch of carving tools, you felt a strong urge to just go home and maybe sleep through the holiday. Of course the two gremlins sitting on the floor, seemingly a pair on a mission, did not allow that to happen. So here you are on your seventh pumpkin, scooping out its contents, definitely not thinking of a million other things you'd rather be doing now. You were just about to stab your eye out with the sharp stabbing tool due to a possible mental breakdown when you got a text from Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung is Jimin’s best friend whom you might have had a crush on for about a year now since you’ve become friends with him. The two of you are going in matching costumes for the annual Park Halloween Costume Bash™ and have been texting non stop for two weeks now. Everyone in town takes this party seriously, including the adults. Even their parents are in on it though unfortunately this year, they're out of town so they aren't really involved. But the chosen winners for best costume are still to be awarded with a free dinner at the famous Park's family restaurant.
Tae Tae 🌻 : So that's a solid no on shaving my head? Cause I really wouldn't be opposed to it if it means a free heavenly meal from Papa Park 👀👀👀
You quietly chuckle at the thought of a bald Taehyung running around. The commitment of this man amazes you. You were about to type a reply when you felt something aggressively tap against your forehead. You look up to see an annoyed looking Luna.
Feeling something is stuck to your forehead, you slowly brought your hand up to touch it and you instantly felt a bit of pumpkin mush. "Did you just hit me with your filthy ladle?!" You disgustingly shouted at her.
"Dude, now is not the time to be all lovey dovey when the party is in three days and we still have about...uhm..." She looked around, started counting and then went to add stuff with her fingers, "A total of 27 pumpkins to stab and a whole house to decorate!"
You groaned loudly and fell on your back on the floor. You feel a headache start to develop from being surrounded by too much pumpkin flavored and scented things. If your two best friends' goal is to put any pumpkin patch to shame, then they definitely have achieved it. At this point, the stench of halloween in this area is strong enough to linger until the holiday comes back next year.
"Okay, but I don't understand why I'm being subjected into pumpkin slavery as well when this isn't even my party to throw?"
"When you're this behind on everything, all hands on deck are needed. We literally have not started on any of our to do list aside from pumpkin carving." It was Jimin who replied to your question. You watch him puncture a bunch of holes on the purple pumpkin he is working on. If you hear the word "pumpkin" one more time, you just might spontaneously combust or repeatedly bash your head with the wooden ladle in front of you. (A/N: Tbh, same here. It's only been a couple of paragraphs and I've already used the word 12 times.) 
"I thought we'd be on top of this without mom and dad's help!" Luna started as she too began poking holes on her [word redacted]. "We are so behind! I mean, this guy still doesn't have a costume!"
"YAH! Stop exposing me like that! I told you, it's a…a work in progress."
Luna snorted at his step brother's remark. "In order for a work to be in progress, it must first be started-" Jimin cut her off by throwing her some [word redacted] meat. 
It effectively stopped her from further embarrassing Jimin from his lack of costume days from the single most important party of their year. But it did start a revolting [word redacted] meat fight which lasted about a good minute. For the good of everyone, you stomped over to the war zone and pried the two idiots from each other. For a bunch of fools who are supposed to be rushing to get things done, they seem to be just fine with wasting their time. 
"I wouldn't have declared war on you if you hadn't outed me like that to y/n!"
"Well, it's not my fault you're so unready!"
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH FROM YOU TWO!" You shouted as you yanked Luna off of him. Why on earth did their parents think it would be alright to leave these two on their own is beyond you. You gave Luna a reprimanding look and said, "Seriously, you'll make no progress if you continue with your antics." 
Her eyes widen, looking like a little child being scolded by her mom. "He started it!"
From behind you, you can hear Jimin snickering. Probably feeling smug from her sister taking all the scolding. Honestly, are they five? You faced him with a much dirtier look than the one you gave Luna and he instantly stood straight, lips pressed into a thin line. 
"And as for you!" You started, "I can't believe you still don't have a costume! This is so disappointing coming from you. How could you have let this happen?"
This may seem over dramatic, but this costume party is really THAT important. It's the highlight of the autumn season. This family really knows how to celebrate it and they do not fail to over shine what they had the year before. So this is really a bunch of steps back for these two.
"I know, I know!" Jimin yelled exasperatedly. "It's not that I haven't been planning. It's just that, how could I possibly top what I dressed up as from last year?"
He does have a point. He and Luna teamed up last year on what might be the most iconic costume ever. They both dressed up as the Wilson sisters from the movie White Chicks. They even had prosthetics on just like how Kevin and Marcus impersonated the twins. You guess you would not know how to beat that costume as well.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you're just uncreative cause I found a costume that will surely be a big hit to the people." Luna taunted her brother.
"What is it?" You and Jimin asked at the same time.
"You'll just have to wait and see!" She answered in a sing-song tone and proceeded to clear up the mess they made.
Jimin began helping her sister pick up [word redacted] mush with a long face. "Well that sucks hard for me. How about you y/n? What are you dressing up?" 
"Oh, she's going as Katara, alongside Taehyung who is dressing up as Aang!" Luna answered for you, uttering the latter part in a way that sounds like she's teasing you.
"Oh, sweet! A date with Tae! I didn't know you two were finally going out?" 
"What? No, don't listen to her. It's not a date! We're just friends." The two stared at you with a "yeah right" kind of look so you were compelled to explain further.
"Look, we were talking about The Last Airbender a few months ago and I mentioned how much I really wanted to cosplay as Katara. One thing led to another then poof! Here we are going as Aang and Katara to your party. It's not a big deal."
Jimin had a knowing sly smirk that made you somewhat uncomfortable. "Yeah, except Aang and Katara were madly in love and ended up making babies AND you obviously have a crush on each other." He said.
You reached for the nearest bowl of discarded [word redacted] meat and flung it towards the boy whose eyes have now disappeared and is in a laughing fit.
"No, no, no! You've got it all wrong! Y/n doesn't have a big fat crush on Taehyung." Luna defended you. Thank God for her! Between the two goons, she really is the one you can truly count on. You were about to say thank you when she added, "It's obviously Seokjin she has a huge ass crush on!"
Your mouth fell agape.
"Wait, oh yeah it's him!" Jimin agreed and tag teamed with his sister to tease you. Sometimes, you forget that they were born with different parents. Apart from their DNA, they’re pretty much identical. And it's scary.
"Okay, you know what? I take it back. You both deserve this!" You grabbed the mushy bowl and threw gloop after gloop towards the siblings.
Needless to say, you spent more time cleaning up afterwards than working on the decorations.
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The next few days went by like a huge storm. Chaos definitely ensued. You spent more time and effort on making this party possible than you ever did with anything in your life. All you see are purple and orange with a hint of red even when you close your eyes. Halloween seems to haunt you even in your sleep. Just last night, you dreamt you were being wrapped in spider webs (Which let's be honest, is pretty much just cotton) by that huge scarecrow standing in your best friends' lawn.
You were out in town with Jimin doing last minute shopping, telling him that weird and disturbing dream of yours when he suddenly told you he has something to do and pretty much dashed away to the direction of a women's shoe store. What's that all about?
He's been absolutely frazzled since that afternoon you spent terrorising [word redacted]. You can't blame the lad. It's hours away from the party and it seems like he still doesn't have a costume. You and Luna don't know how he's gonna pull this off. If he does though, you'll thoroughly be impressed and would never question Park Jimin's capabilities.
On your way to the nearest bus stop, you received a message from Taehyung. You instantly felt giddy. The fact that you're going to a party with him in matching costumes have only sunk in this morning when you finished with the party preparations. You opened the text and your face instantly fell.
Tae Tae 🌻 : Y/n! I really don't know how to say this. But I don't think I can come to the party tonight. My little sister woke up to a very bad fever this morning and both my parents are working this evening. I'm so so sorry to cancel on you. I know we've been looking forward to this for so long 😔
You know you can't be mad at him. It's not like he planned for this to happen. But you can't help but feel absolutely gutted. He's right, you've been looking forward to this for so long. Since April this year actually. If he's not coming, everything just seems pointless.
You : Aww that's a shame. Don't worry about me though. There's always next year. Worry about your sister! I do hope she'll get better soon. She shouldn't miss out on halloween ☹☹☹
Tae Tae 🌻 : I know. She's not gonna be able to go trick or treating. But I'll make sure we'll watch halloween films! 
Tae Tae 🌻 : Wait what do you mean there's always next year?? 
You : We'll just have to wait for next year to debut our costumes!
Tae Tae 🌻 : WAIT NO. Don't tell me you're not going to the party?? Just because I can't come??
You : Well yeah. It seems pointless to go.
Tae Tae 🌻 : Don't be like that! You're making me feel guilty 😭 Your costume deserves to be flaunted. Go or else I'll never talk to you again 🤧
Despite his order for you to come to the party, all desires to go left you the moment you read his initial text. The entire point of coming is to go as a pair. You both have been working hard to make your costumes as accurate as possible. To come alone doesn't make sense.
You were too engrossed with your phone that you did not realize you were going to crash into a person when you took a turn at the corner of the street. "Oww." You clutched the top of your head, as if you hit a hard wall instead.
"I'm so sorry-" the guy began to apologise but stopped short after he saw you. "Ah y/n! Watch where you're going! Don’t just mindlessly walk around!” he said, rubbing his chest where your head presumably collided with.
“Oh! I bet you're going as Wonder Woman tonight. Get it? Cause you wander too much around!" 
The hollering buffoon in front of you, laughed at his own joke so hard that people around you started looking at the both of you. Wanting to get out of this embarrassing situation, you circled around him and proceeded to walk towards the bus stop. But he unfortunately followed right after you.
"Hang on." He jogged in front of you and held both of your arms. He looked you in the eyes with such seriousness that you think he has something very important to say. But alas, you should’ve known that nothing intelligible ever comes out of his mouth. 
He opened his mouth and said, "Are you actually going as Wonder Woman?"
You made an annoyed sound and slapped his arms away as he said things like "I knew it!" and "I am such a genius!".
"No Seokjin! I'm not going as Wonder Woman.” you said as you reached the bus stop.
“Well that’s a relief! Honestly that’s super low and pedestrian even for you.” He jabbed at you but you stayed silent, not wanting to banter with him, unlike the usual. He carried on blabbering for the remaining time, telling you how “Spicy and scorching” his costume is. Whatever that means. At this point, you have half the mind to believe that he’s dressing up as a jalapeño. Knowing Seokjin, you wouldn’t put it past him to do so.
“You know what, actually, I'm not going at all." you butt in as an attempt to shut him up. His head whipped towards you at such a lightning fast pace, you were sure it would have snapped off. Oh how you wish.
"You're not going?" He said in what sounded like a very disappointed tone. Huh, why would he be disappointed, you thought to yourself.
You shake your head no.
For once, Seokjin seemed rather speechless and something else. Dare you say sad. This is really weird for him but you chose not to analyse him further and stood at the bus stop. You both just stood there in silence for a couple of seconds until a bus came parking.
You were already inside, swiping your bus card, when you heard him say, "Well that's rather disappointing. Who would go and scare the little kids away now?" 
The bus doors closed just as his infamous laugh came rolling. You weren't able to hear it but the sound of his signature windshield wiper laugh still rang in your ears. You flipped him off and hastily took a seat after an old man looked at you with such distaste. You took one last look at Seokjin giving him the finger once more but much discreetly as the bus abandoned his still laughing form.
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When 8:30pm arrived, you were sprawled on your bed watching this god awful halloween film starring Adam Sandler. You, honest to god, love Adam Sandler. But this film isn’t it. You stopped paying attention half way through the movie and started scrolling through your phone when your mom unceremoniously barged in your room.
“Mom, for the last time! I’m not coming to the party!” You told her for like the thirteenth time since you got home this afternoon. It most probably wasn’t the thirteenth time and was probably just the third time. But you’re really not in the best mood.
“Are you extremely, positively, a hundred percent sure about that, honey?” 
You rolled your eyes at that. Your mom is never the one to keep repeating stuff as she is also easily annoyed just like her daughter. “Yes, mom. I am firmly, undoubtedly, and conclusively stating that I am staying in this room for the rest of the night.” You proclaimed, not even sure you can string up further words to describe how sure you are with your decision.
Your mom sighed as you closed the movie, not interested in it anymore. You look up at her with a raised eyebrow, silently asking why she’s still in the room. She fully opened the door and said, “Well, if that’s the case, then you need to tell that to Freddie Mercury downstairs.”
Not really understanding what she meant, you just stared at her dumbfoundedly until your brain finally started to function properly. “Uh, excuse me. But come again?”
She sighed once more, probably already tired from the night and the high jinks that came along with it. She never really liked halloween.
“Just come downstairs. Now.”
You hurriedly got up from your bed and sprinted out of your room. You haven’t even stepped foot at the top of the stairs when you indeed caught sight of the one and the only Freddie Mercury at your front door, rocking his iconic Live Aid outfit, topped with a lavish red robe, and a completely blinged out crown. Of course, we can’t forget the aviators and his emblematic moustache.
“Ay oh!” Freddie yelled at the top of her-I mean his lungs. It was so loud that your cat ran out of your house. Meanwhile, you shamelessly gawked at the person in front of you as you descended downstairs. You were absolutely confident that your best friend wouldn’t be able to top her costume from last year. Oh you were wrong.
“Darling, I know I’m fabulous but don’t ogle at me like that. Now do tell me, what’s this news I’ve heard from the grapevine that you’re not coming to the party??” She asked annoyedly in a pretty decent posh London accent. You on the other hand, ignored her.
“Woah that looks utterly real.” You touched her moustache and she slapped your hand away. 
“Oi! Focus, lass! How could you possibly spend the last three painful days with us on what seemed like the halloween edition of Amazing Race, only to bail on us at the finale?!" Her accent slowly slipped away as her voice progressively got much louder. Once again though, you chose to ignore her.
"Your crown is so beautiful! Is this custom made? Oooh can I touch it?" You asked while reaching for it, not even waiting for her approval.
"Y/n stop it! I asked you a question. Answer it! Why all of a sudden, you decide to not go--"
"Dude, you really hit the nail on this one! Although I have to say, I don't think Freddie had protruding boobs."
Luna dramatically gasped at your statement and covered her chest using her robe. "I do not have protruding boobs! You make it sound like they're massive!"
"Well, compared to Freddie Mercury's, I guess they kinda are."
She hit you for the second time since she got here. "This is as much squeezing I can handle to flatten them out. Nevertheless, I believe I have normal sized breasts! Besides, I'm sure Freddie would've loved to have protruding boobs anyway."
A couple of seconds passed with you two just staring at each other, feeling the weight of your conversation. Realising how stupid your topic is, the both of you burst into laughter.
"What on earth are we talking about? I can't. This is too stupid. What the heck are you even doing here?" You managed to spit out in between laughs 
Luna stopped laughing and gasped once more. She hit you for the third time now and ignored your protests of pain. "You little shit! What are you still doing here in your pyjamas! The party started 30 minutes ago! Come on, let's get you dressed up!"
She yanked your arm towards the direction of your room but you stayed planted to where you stand. "I can't. I told you, I'm not going."
She dropped your arm and took off her aviators. She had a really disappointed look which must be mirroring your own expression. "You can't be serious. We've been working hard for this. We've been excited for it since the first day of autumn!"
You didn't reply to her, you just looked at the ground. "But what about Taehyung?"
"Taehyung isn't coming."
Confusion spread across her face so you told her about his dilemma with his sister.
“Well that’s just bullshit.” She concluded with such spite. Your eyes widen at her aggression towards Taehyung. You can’t believe she would be this hostile about him choosing to care for his sick little sister. What else was he supposed to do? Abandon her for you?
“What the hell, Luna! HIS SISTER IS SICK! How could you be so bitter to him?”
“Woah! Woah! Woah!” She waved both hands up in a defensive manner, “I’m not mad at him! I’m mad at you!” 
You rubbed your face with both of your hands. You guess it makes sense for her to be mad at you but now is really not the time for you to agree with her. You're not in the best mood to carry out an argument. You just want to crawl back to your room. That dreadful Adam Sandler movie suddenly sounds so temptingly riveting. Having said that, you still made it clear to her as to why you would prefer staying in tonight. 
Luna, being the stoic person that she is, completely disagreed with your reasoning. "Oh quit being dramatic! He already gave you the heads up to go tonight. What more do you need?"
"I don't know, Luna. I just feel like I'm betraying him if I go."
She glared at you for a good second as if trying to telepathically make you change your mind. When it dawned on her that you're not conceding, she sighed the longest sigh you've ever heard from anyone, dramatically placed her aviators back, turned around while flicking her robes on your face, and then strutted away from you. 
"Fine then! If you'd rather sulk here over a boy rather than spending an astounding good time with your friends, then be my guest! I guess all that hard work you've put in will be for nothing. But that's fine! There's always next year anyway, right?"
You watch her shimmy her tush towards the front door as she spews out reprimands after reprimands. And she says you're dramatic. Birds of the feather, really do flock together.
Her hand is on the doorknob when she gave you what meant to be her last look on you. It seemed more of a plea to you though. At that moment, you felt a pang of guilt. Are you really going to abandon your best friends for Kim Taehyung? 
You gave her a small smile and said, "I'm sure you'll have a fucking marvelous party!"
Finally, she gave out a groan of defeat and opened your front door. "Oh whatever y/n! I should've left the second your mom told me you're not coming. Jimin needs my help, anyways"
Jimin. Somehow, you remembered that that boy didn't have a costume even until this morning. You wonder what on earth did he pull at the very last minute. So you called out to Luna.
"Luna, wait a second!"
"WHAT NOW?!" She yelled exasperatedly 
"I just want to know what Jimin dressed up as."
She let go of your front door knob and crossed her arms. "Why'd you wanna know? It's not like you care about this party."
"Oh give me a break! Just tell me what it is!"
The smirk she has on her face tells you that she's not giving you what you want. Which you are absolutely correct.
"I'm not telling you what he dressed up as. If you want to know, then you find it out yourself. All I'm saying is that his costume is literally everything."
Some way or another, that statement of hers stirred something inside of you. Somewhere, a few blocks down, is a Park Jimin dressed up as something "literally everything" (Park Luna, 2020). If there's something you know about Jimin is that his definition of marvelous is a normal person's definition but times ten. She could be bluffing, but your curiosity is really peaked. 
Damnit, you need to know what he dressed up. Right now.
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You stood at the doorway of the Park residence living room with your mouth on the floor. 
In the middle of their room is where a really cool light up dance floor is. You already know that since you were there when it was set up yesterday. What caught your attention was the guy dancing wildly right smack in the middle of everyone. A wild Jimin was twerking, doing high kicks, and *gasp*! Did he just do a split???
Beside you, stands a preoccupied Luna, too busy taking a video of his untamed brother. “What did I tell you? Fucking everything!” She hollered and yelled at him to do some more of his high kicks.
You looked at your thick blue Southern Water Tribe coat lined with fur and then at Jimin, wearing his Patrick Star hooker costume. Suddenly, you feel overdressed. He was only wearing a tight pink sweatshirt, Patrick’s famous green shorts, fishnet stockings, and some sexy thigh high leather boots. Yet he is indeed stealing everyone’s attention. How could he possibly bust out those kinds of moves in those thin stilettos? A normal woman can even barely stand in them. Hold on, so that’s why he bolted to that women’s shoe shop this morning, you thought to yourself. It all makes sense now. 
Luna was left enabling his brother's thotty attitude as you walked to the kitchen. Luna was right, staying at home was a dumb idea. You can't help but admire all the halloween decorations the three of you have placed everywhere. Now you understand the vibes the two siblings were going when they said they wanted the house to be illuminated by jack o lanterns only. It looks really pretty here. Let's just hope and pray that this house won't burn down at the end of the night because this is definitely a fire hazard.
A guy approached you as you were standing by the snack bar. You don't really know who he is but he's dressed up as Dumbledore so you felt obligated to talk to him. "Your Katara costume is so cool! I'm a huge fan of the series! (A/N: Honestly who isn't?) Is it okay if I take a pic with you?" He asked and instantly whipped his phone out. 
Who were you to say no? So you awkwardly stood close to him and smiled for the camera. Is this what fame feels like?
"Gee thanks! I'll have to take another picture with you later but with your date too." 
Your face fell for a fraction of a second for being reminded by Taehyung. How does this guy know that Taehyung and you were supposed to go in matching costumes?
"Oh, I'm sorry! Taehyung won't make it tonight which is a huge shame." 
He looked at you weirdly. "Who's Taehyung?"
"Uh my date..?" you stated but ended up sounding more like asking a question.
"Oh, your date!" Realisation hit him and you slowly nodded. "But he did come!"
"Yeah. I saw him arrive earlier. I must say, he looks sick!"
Taehyung came? But what about his sister? Did she magically get better? Why didn't he text you or something? You are so confused.
"Have you seen him anywhere?" You asked rather hopefully.
"Yeah! He's out back giving palm readings in his fortune telling booth."
Well now you're even more confused. That booth was meant to be a prop display only. What the hell is Taehyung doing, playing fortune teller with it? 
You thanked the guy and zoomed out to the backyard as fast as you could. There were no signs of Taehyung anywhere. You roamed around for a couple of minutes, trying to maneuver around the massive crowds towering over your pretty small form, until you heard a loud guy complaining about some drink.
"I'm telling you man! We need cactus juice up in here!" Oh, that annoying voice, you're sure you'd recognise that anywhere. It's only a matter of time until you run into him.
"It'll Quench Ya!" Hold up, that’s a Sokka line! Why would he be quoting from “Avatar: The Last Airbender”?? 
"Nothing's Quenchier, It's The Quenchiest!" You hear him say before he bust out his windshield wiper laugh. His voice seems to be coming from that large group of people by the fortune telling prop. You approached the group not for Seokjin, but to see if Taehyung was around. The two of them are in the same friend group.
It was difficult to scout around the group since everyone is a lot taller than you. You jumped around until you caught a glimpse of the hollering man in the middle, wearing something red and what appears to be a large scar on his face. Why does that scar look familiar? Realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. It seemed like time stopped for all the wrong reasons when you took in the entirety of Seokjin's costume. 
"Hey, look! It's Seokjin's date!", someone said and every single head there was in that group turned towards you at the same time. Even Seokjin, himself. It's so comical and stupid that you'd think you're in some sort of sitcom.
You looked like a deer caught in headlights, just stood frozen in front of the crowd. To be fair, how were you supposed to react anyway?
“Damn, she looks really pretty!
“Those are some fine hair loopies!”
“I don’t understand why they would go as Zuko and Katara. It doesn’t make sense.”
One, you agree that you look banging tonight. Two, You also agree that if the two of you were indeed on a date, it wouldn’t make sense to go as Zuko and Katara when they weren’t even a thing. But three, yes, Zutara all the way and you would go down with that ship faster than you can say Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis The Third.
Although the crowd had valid points, you would still think that Seokjin would contradict some of them. You know, like the accusation of the two of you being on a date? So it was a shock when he approached you with open arms and a huge smile while saying, “AH! There’s my sugar queen! Flameo, hotman! I was beginning to think you’ve bailed on me.”
You stepped back even before he got the chance to hug you. 
“Uh what the heck is this all about?” You were pointing out the ridiculousness of him acting like the two of you twinning was planned but he thought you were talking about his fortune telling booth.
“Oh you know me! As a theatre arts major, I can’t help it when situations arise that forces me to slip into a different character.”
You looked at him unamused. “That’s literally a mental disorder you just described and literally, NO ONE forced you to do this. That prop was happily chilling in the background and you just have to go and torment it.”
He shushed you with a finger to your lips and it took all the will in you to not bite it off. “You’re just saying that cause you haven’t tried getting my expert opinion.”
“Expert opinion- You know what? Whatever! I don't have the patience to do this right now. I'm out here looking for my date so this night could get better. So why don't you just tell everybody here that we are not- hmmp!" Seokjin's rather large hands covered your entire face to shut you up or maybe slap you. Honestly you weren't sure. He was intending to cover your mouth but in his haste, he managed to smack you instead.
"Hey, guess what? I think you're the only person here I haven't told their fortune yet! That's just a shame, that won't do. No, no, no. What's that? You wanna go now? What a brilliant idea! Let's go, sugar queen!", he said all that in one breathing then pushed you towards "his" fortune telling booth that YOU had set up before the sun even rose this morning.
It was a very small purple tent (Actually, it was just a massive piece of cloth hanging from a tree trunk) with a little table set up and a crystal ball in the centre. He yanked the front part close for some privacy and you think you've never been more repelled in your entire life. To be stuck in such a small confinement with Seokjin and his ten foot wide shoulders is something that should be illegal.
He pushed you aside so he could sit at "his" table with you nearly falling through the cloth at the process. Once he's settled, he looks at you expectantly with a huge grin as if you actually wanted to get your fortune read by him. As if you volunteered yourself to be in this position.
His brain really is something and whatever that something is, you don't even want to try and decipher it.
Against your better judgement, you dragged yourself to sit in front of him. You're already here, might as well just try and enjoy the ride. Right? 
Your butt had barely touched your seat and Seokjin was already declaring some insights about your future.
"Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it, self-inflicted.", he said in all seriousness.
And of course, this is just some mischievous way to rile you up. What else did you expect from this guy? Or better yet, why do you even bother with him? 
"You're not even gonna read my palms or bust out some tarot cards? Maybe do a little gazing into the crystal ball?"
"I didn't need to. It's written all over your face."
It took you a second to realise that he just directly quoted from Avatar again. You are quite annoyed at his childishness and slightly amused at his apparently extensive knowledge for Avatar references.
"I'm gonna give you the count of three to get the hell out of my face. If you're still here, I'll make sure your destiny ends right here." You replied, also quoting from the series.
He chuckled at your threat, finding it real cute just how easy it is for him to irritate you. "Okay, calm down. No need to get murderous."
"Hey, it's not my fault you're bound for failure!"
"Wait, are you actually being serious now?"
"THREE!", you yelled and lunged at the scarred boy.
He made a high pitched scream as you went and grabbed one of his shoulders. Your tiny chair went tumbling down and the crystal ball rolled off to the ground in your vicious movements. 
"Please, not the face! Anything but the face! It's too VIP!"
"Oh, I'll make sure that stupid scar becomes a permanent part of your face!"
One of his hands were on your arm while the other was held tightly around your hand that was trying to claw his "VIP" face. For a small person, you seem to be putting up a big fight against him.
The scene that was unfolding inside that small tent is a sight to behold. If anyone ever walked in right now, they definitely would think that a more salacious thing is going to go down. All of the ruckus the two of you are making can probably be heard from the outside. But the both of you are too out of it to even consider the embarrassment you might get if someone barges in. Which is why you didn’t notice Jimin’s head poke inside the tent.
"Wow you guys. If y'all wanted a room, you could've just asked. As a very supportive friend, I would gladly give you one." The voice of Jimin rang from behind you and you instantly let go of each other, feeling a bit flustered.
"It's not what it looks like!", you tried reasoning with the boy. "He's being his usual little shit self and I'm just trying to purge it out of his system!"
Jimin, equally being a little shit like his older friend, brushed your reasoning aside. "Y/n, y/n, y/n. Out of all the people here, you're really the one to mess this perfectly set up prop? Didn't us setting this up at midnight meant anything to you? Couldn't you have just let Seokjin hyung here to peacefully give you his readings?"
You rolled your eyes at him. “Can you just shut up? Also, you knew this shithead was using our prop and you just let him be?”
“Of course he did! He’s taking 25% of my total earnings tonight.” Seokjin muttered. 
“Total earnings- You’re making people pay for your made up bullshit?!” You hollered at the wide shouldered guy. Why are you even surprised about this? It’s Seokjin we are talking about. He could probably convince people to pay him just by walking past him.
“Oh you bet! But don’t fret, I’m not gonna charge you. With that kind of fate that you have, I’m sure you need every bit of kindness.”
Steam could might as well visibly come out of your ears right now with how enraged you are at him. You wanted to strangle him, bloodbend even. You didn’t have the chance to do anything though because Jimin was pulling you away. “Would you two stop with the lover’s quarrel for like a goddamned minute?”
He shoved you outside then did the same to Seokjin. “Everyone’s already inside about to play games and you two are still out here, too busy being all over each other!”
Jimin didn’t even need to say anything else or to further force you two. Just the word “games” made you both run inside at record speed. If people got real competitive with the costume contest, the halloween games are a whole other thing. Usually, after an hour or so since the party has started, the Parks hold a series of halloween themed games. The winners get various coupons. They aren’t as good as a free four course meal but that’s better than nothing especially if we're talking about the Park’s restaurant.
Sometimes, these games are done in groups but usually it’s in pairs. You weren't surprised that this year, all games are going to be done in pairs but unlike recent years, the games are going to be done in a "last man standing" manner. You knew all of this since you helped pick these games. You'd be more hyped up about them if it weren't for the fact that you don't have a pair to play with.
All these talk about games reminded you of Taehyung. You completely forgot you were supposed to look for him. But it became clear to you that he didn't really come when almost everyone who you came across with to your walk back inside pretty much assumed that Seokjin was your date. They all made some comment regarding your matching outfits which Seokjin didn't even try to deny. He was just gobbling up their compliments.
You listened to Freddie Mercury and Patrick Star explain the mechanics of this year's "Halloween Olympics". Now, what you didn't know was that they also changed the prize system. Apparently, they upped the prize since it's going to be a bit more difficult to win and there's only going to be one winning pair. This year, the winning pair is also going to win a free dinner. That got people buzzing.
With that, Luna explained that only the first 20 pairs to find a small, red, and hidden [word redacted] could compete in the games. Chaos ensued as you watch everyone scour around the house. All at once, you felt like you don't want to be competing against anyone in this room. Everyone seemed too terrifying as they went berserk. But alas, tonight doesn't seem like your night.
One by one, pairs came towards the siblings with their [word redacted] until only one was left hidden. Some guy, for some stupid reason, made the wrong decision to point and scream out the location of the last one. Obviously, everyone else made a beeline towards it. 
Everything went in a complete blur for you. All you remember was seeing a tall guy in red jump for it. Then you were yanked by the said guy. Next thing you know, you were competing in the first game. Well, “competing” is a strong word. Seeing as you were dragged here unexpectedly without your consent and were in a total daze, your partner took full control of the reins. Now that you're coming back to your senses, you think this is for the best if you want to win. For once in his life, he can finally put his frat boy skills to good use. 
The first game was announced to be a game of eyeball beer pong. It seems like the siblings are trying to get people drunk this early. You guess it’s a good strategy to easily kick people out of the games. But you and your partner ain’t going to be one of them. You watch your partner make perfect shots after shots, hitting every cup of the opposing pair. It wasn’t long before you both had won and eliminated the other pair.
“I can’t believe we lost! I really thought we had it in the bag.” One of the other guys had the audacity to say in front of Kim Seokjin, a true blue frat boy.
“Oh don’t flatter yourself! You were never even a player.” Seokjin muttered to the guy and held his hand up to you as if you were actually going to give him a high five. Instead, you gave him a long hard stare as cold as any of the water tribes. Any sane person would be decent enough to feel remorseful. He didn’t. Instead, he grabbed one of your wrists and gave himself a high five. 
You smacked him upside his head. “You insolent fool!” You hollered like a villain in a Disney movie.
“Yah! What was that for?” his feigned innocence made you want to tear out not only his hair but also your own.
“You think I want to compete with you?” 
He crossed his arms and slowly shook his head at you. Almost as if he is disappointed in you. “Tsk tsk tsk. I carried the whole bench and this is what I get from you? Just say ‘thank you’ and go.” 
You scoffed. “For your information, I didn’t ask to be paired with you. You just yanked me from nowhere!”
“Well then, you're welcome, sugar queen!”
“YOU’RE WELCOME?? I don’t want to be paired with you!” 
Your seething rage seems to somewhat alarm him. “Okay, okay, calm down!” You opened your mouth to interrupt him but he didn’t let you. “I admit that I did just yanked you and didn’t ask for your permission. Sure, that wasn’t really cool. BUT! In my defense, I was so deep in my competitive zone that I didn’t take the time to notice who I was pulling.” 
He looked at you to see if you had anything to say but the annoyance remained etched on your face so he continued reasoning with you. “Listen, we both just want the same thing and that is to win. That ain't happening to you seeing as you're all alone. So really, I kinda did you a favor here. Come on, it'll be fun!"
You hate to admit it, but he does have a point. Maybe it's not that bad of an idea to pair up tonight. You both are pretty competitive. Besides, you do need a little cheering up err- a distraction, I mean.
"I guess we could try and not tear each other apart even just for tonight. This is for a good cause. We do both really want that free meal. Fine, I'll call truce for now." You finally conceded and held your hand out to him. He took it and you shook hands.
"I'm glad you're seeing it my way. Because to be honest, you're not winning a free meal with that costume." He confidently said with a shit eating grin.
You squeezed his hand a little too tightly and ignored his yelps of pain. "And neither will you because guess what?! Your scar is on the wrong side!"
"Ah! I knew someone's gonna tell me that sometime tonight. I can't even be mad at that reference."
"No Seokjin. Your scar really is on the wrong side."
"Yeah, and tea is just hot leaf juice."
"Uh, it really is though. But I repeat, your scar’s on the wrong side, buddy!"
“No it’s not.”
“Believe it or not, it is!”
"Are you actually being serious?"
You let out a really long sigh of disbelief to what you'll have to put up with. This is for sure going to be a long night.
To your surprise, the night did not go on as a drag. The next game did start off rocky with you not being able to guess any of the given Halloween charades. Either you are not as cultured as you think you are or you just don't get the mind of a theatre major. Or maybe, it's just his mind you don't understand, to be honest.
"How on earth was that Silence of the Lambs?!"
"What do you mean 'how on earth was that Silence of the Lambs'? What else does this even mean?" He replied while acting like his arms are pinned to his sides then proceeded to cover his mouth and then did a fluttering motion with one of his hands that seemed to be coming out of his lips.
"That could literally mean anything! For all I know, that could mean The Mummy!"
He scoffed at you as if you just told him the most offensive thing in the world. "The Mummy?? Oh, you are absolutely hopeless. We are so doomed if we keep letting you guess."
"No, we are SO doomed if we let you act out the things! You dare call yourself a theatre major?" To any other person, you would think that your comment is in fact just downright offensive. But that's not the case with you two because it seems like you could push all the wrong buttons of the other person and somehow still not end up really hurting anyone. You wouldn’t admit it, but maybe both of you find this weird comfort in these silly banters and in the midst of it all, you've unknowingly built some form of bond.
You collectively agree to switch roles and just like that, the tides shifted. The two of you were suddenly getting the correct guesses each round. At the very last round, you drew the movie Caroline from the witch hat. If it were you and Luna playing, you guys would have guessed this in a heartbeat since it's your favorite movie. But you're with Seokjin and you are extremely positive that he has never even seen the movie.
When the one minute and thirty second counter started to tick down, you immediately made a circle around one of your eyes and made a sewing motion to it. You thought it couldn't be anymore obvious than that but he just stared at you. By the time forty seconds have passed, your hope for him trickled down. You could hear the opposing pair celebrating prematurely on the side which ticked you off so much.
Your sewing motions got a lot more aggressive as you gave Seokjin the most desperate look you could ever give him. He in turn, gave you a very rare apologetic look. Yup, you guys were doomed from the beginning. All you can think of is how much this night really sucks for you. You probably should have stayed at home.
Once everyone started counting down from fifteen, you bid goodbye to the grand prize. The idea of it was just too good to be true. You stopped with your motions and gave Seokjin a small nod of defeat. He acknowledged this by giving you a slow nod as well and this seemed like the end for your pair. His gaze on you, however, flitted towards something or someone from behind you. His eyes stayed there for a good five seconds, appearing to be in deep concentration. You didn't even have the chance to look back since right before the audience counted to one, Seokjin was screaming the correct answer.
"CORALINE! It's Coraline! Of course, how could I not know?" He announces while flapping his arms wildy just a second before the timer rings. Everyone cheered at this sudden victory. The turn of events left you stunned. You thought for sure he wouldn't get it. He just keeps surprising you.
Seokjin approached you with a huge smile on his face and you can't help but return it to him. Not only that, you gave him a big hug which caught him off guard. You didn't know what came over you to do that but it felt like the right thing to do. He didn't seem to show any signs of protest as well.
"What the fuck? I really thought that was the end of the line for us!" You told him after sharing a brief hug.
"You really need to put a little trust on me. What can I say? I'm a genius." Just like that, you went back to wanting to punch his face again.
Rolling your eyes, you murmured, "Did the definition of genius change in the last 100 years?"
While you turned your attention to Jimin who was already announcing the next game, Seokjin glanced towards Luna and gave her a smile. Unbeknownst to you, this so-called "genius" partner of yours actually had help. He, did in fact, was never going to get the correct guess. He has never seen Coraline nor does he know anything about it. But your best friend, Luna, decided that she wanted to keep you two in the games so she tried so hard to discreetly mouth "Coraline" to Seokjin a couple of times.
You didn't need to know that though.
He didn't mind receiving a few assistance to win, but it does hurt his pride and it will hurt more if you find out. Fortunately for Seokjin, he didn't need any further helping hands. Even from you. 
Either the games are too easy or you're just completely and utterly incapable because Seokjin pretty much breezed through them without even batting an eye. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he's trying to impress someone. You, maybe? Wait, no. That doesn't make any sense. Why would he do that? Besides, he made sure to gloat on you everytime your pair wins with you contributing nothing.
A couple of games and one harrowing round of What's Inside the Box later, just six pairs remained. It wasn't exactly all fun and games since along the way, your pair or rather, Seokjin made a rivalry against another pair. This couple dressed up as Team Rocket really got on his nerves. You can't blame him though. They kept on flirting with each other after every round and not to mention, they also kept taunting you two. You'll bloodbend them if you hear "Prepare for trouble and make it double" one more time before a game starts. To be fair, they do play very well. Actually, they seem to be the only other pair that puts up a good fight.
By this time, everyone has migrated outside for the last few games. For this one, as you already knew, you'll be playing blindfolded bean bag toss. One person would have to guide the other as they go through three different levels. The pairs that don't make it through would obviously get eliminated.
"Oh, we are so gonna dominate on this one!" You hear the girl dressed up as Jessie says.
"For sure. Why don't they all just pretend to be a tree and leave?" The guy dressed up as James condescendingly said and they both laughed out loud at his joke.
You visibly cringed at that. Can they get anymore intolerable? That's saying a lot coming from someone who knows Seokjin, arguably the most abhorrent creature in your life. Jeez, and you thought his jokes were the worst.
Seokjin made a gagging noise beside you, voicing out your sentiments. You can't help but laugh out loud with him until Patrick and Freddie approached you two.
"Okay, who's going to lead and who's the blindfold wearer between you two?" Patrick said and snickered a little after realising the other implications of his question. This little shit.
"Well, seeing as her skills are lacking, I'm gonna once again step up to the plate and handle this one." Seokjin reached for the blindfold but you snatched it from Luna's hand before he could.
You can't just let this night go down like this. Honestly, you're kind of having fun watching all the chaos ensue from the sidelines. But you're a woman of honour. You can't possibly go for a win while doing the bare minimum. You dare dress up as Katara and let some man take over?
"I'll be playing this one." You calmly but confidently declared.
"Sugar queen, I love the assertiveness. But I think you should-"
"I'm playing this one." You interrupted him with such firmness in your tone, they couldn't do anything but just nod to you.
Hell no are you gonna let Seokjin annihilate this night all by himself. You need to prove that you can match up to him. You'll show his stupidly pretty face and wrongly placed scar not to mess with your capabilities.
You took a long hard look at the three targets. Each one going higher and farther than the one before. You are to be given a practice round each level to get your bearings. Yada yada yada. You tuned the siblings out, of course you already knew all this. As the person who placed the goals, you'd think you have the upper hand. You were overly confident, bordering the line of cockiness, that you could do this. You even had the audacity to sneer at Team Rocket when they uttered their catchphrase to you.
You watched each pair try and make their shot. Surprisingly, everyone made it. That only added fuel to your fire. You were excited. You couldn't wait to finally do something. On top of that, Seokjin kept muttering things to you that if they can do it then so can you. 
When it's your time to play, you are extremely buzzing. Going last is always an overwhelming feeling. All that built up confidence died down though the second you put on your blindfold. The darkness that enveloped you instantly made you feel unbalanced and disoriented. Confusingly, it's as if all your other senses heightened but it also felt like they all shut down at the same time. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You chant in your mind as you feel your awareness of your surroundings slip from you.
This is not good. Why did you subject yourself into doing this, again? You should've let Seokjin play when he had the chance. You clearly cannot do this.
In the midst of your swelling panic, you feel hands place on both of your shoulders. You jumped at the unexpected contact but it was just Seokjin. "You can do this, Okay? Just focus on me." He whispered in your ear with such comfort and softness that you had to shiver a little.
He rubbed small circles on your back with his thumbs, soothing you for a second until Luna gave you the go signal.
You slowly walk as straight as you possibly can even if you feel like toppling over the entire time. Please don't. The entire time, Seokjin was behind you. You halted when he told you and to the best of your abilities, you "delicately", as he instructed you to, tossed the bag to the left.
"Okay, that was shit." He truthfully told you in a nice tone as you hear the people around begin tittering at what you assumed to be such a horrible shot. You think you just heard Team Rocket announcing their victory. Shit, shit, shit, shit. You are royally fucked.
"Seokjin..." You can't help but whine, your anxiety creeping up ten fold.
"Hey, hey, hey. That's fine! What are practice rounds for?" He tried easing you.
"But everyone-'
"Forget about everyone. It's just you and me right now. Calm down and focus." The gentleness of his words and the lulling of his voice somehow allowed your breakdown to dissipate a little. If you're in a better state, you'd be surprised at how he is behaving towards you. You'd probably dismiss it and reason that he just badly wants to win. That's the only fitting explanation.
Sensing that you've calmed down a little bit, he let out a breath that he unconsciously has been holding. Your sudden mood shift made him really nervous. "Okay, sugar queen. I know you're a waterbender but mind channeling a little bit of your inner Toph for now? Just try and maybe get in tune with the surroundings? Come on, you set this thing up. Can’t you, like, use that to your advantage somehow?”
Easier said than done. But the way he’s practically cooing at you as he talks makes you want to subconsciously do anything for him right now. He could ask you to go find him a dragon egg and you’d most probably follow his orders blindly. Which is a concerning thought that you’d mull over later. For now, you focus only on his voice and try your best to toss the bean bag inside the goal.
You took a deep breath and said you're ready to attempt your shot. Seokjin instructed you to make your throw a bit more vigorous. By how much? You have no idea. Hell, you don’t even remember how hard you threw your last shot. This is literally all up to chance, if we’re being real. So you prayed to every spirit out there to put all odds in your favour. 
Around you, some people began cheering. Some people were kind of waiting for you to completely miss again to get some good laughs out of it. Other pairs were taunting you, making a distraction. But you tried your hardest to tune them all out. Right now, all you can focus on is your aim and the nice words Seokjin is throwing at you. With shaking hands, you make a swing with what you hope is enough force to get to the next level.
You weren’t aware of it but to everyone else, it’s as if time went in slow motion. People’s heads comedically followed the direction of your bean bag. Your two best friends were both wide eyed, Jimin had both of his palms on the top of his head and Luna had her mouth wide opened. Seokjin stood nervously behind you with his hands intertwined in front of his lips as if reciting a prayer. Your bean bag’s hang time felt like an eternity but it was more than enough to realise that you still weren’t going to be able to make it. Seokjin almost cried on the spot at that realisation until your bean bag hit the rim of the basket. That split second of it hitting the rim made all the difference in the world. Everyone literally went silent as the bean bag bounced off the rim and went straight inside the basket.
With your vision completely obscured, you were clueless to all the spectacle that’s happening. In contrast to everyone, everything went in fast forward to you. Right after you made your shot, you instantly heard people yelling your name and a pair of arms encaged you from the back. Seokjin lifted you up and started spinning you around, obviously a sign that you made it. 
With everyone’s reaction, you would think you made a championship winning shot. You don’t really understand the hype but you were just glad that you did it and it did wonders to your confidence.
“I told you that you were doing great! You just need to follow my voice.” Seokjin told you as he set you down and you took your blindfold off. Everyone still kept cheering wildly as Luna declared the start of the second round.
“Well, it is hard to ignore.” You joked at him but for some reason it made him blush. If his long hair weren’t hiding his ears, you would also see how harshly they’re flushing. He didn’t have a witty comeback and just avoided your gaze. He is flustered. How cute. You openly thought to yourself without even feeling an ounce of shame. It seems that the tides are indeed shifting and you’re not even fighting against the current.
The game continued with less dramatics, oddly enough. Even more odd is that you easily made it through the entire game. In the end, you weren’t even sure why you panicked in the first place. Two pairs got eliminated so you are now down to four. That’s fortunate for you. What’s unfortunate is that Team Rocket still hasn’t blasted off.
The next game was a round of Paper Dance. You were relieved that you both had to actively participate on this one and not have one of you slacking off to the side. You weren’t quite relieved when you remembered the mechanics of the game. Basically. You are given a sheet of newspaper and are forced to dance around it. When the music stops, both persons need to step inside the paper and stay there. Every round, the paper gets folded in half so the pair gets pretty close and intimate with each other. 
The thought made you nervous and you slightly broke into a sweat. You were feeling rather uncomfortable with your heavy layers so you opt to take off your outer coat. Some tall and lanky guy dressed up as a sunflower, which you believe is also one of Jimin's close friends, started hollering, “Take it off now girl, just take it off!” 
As objectifying his words are, you choose to laugh at how ridiculous he looked. A soft delicate flower uttering such promiscuous things. You thought maybe humour could divert your fluttering heart long enough for one pair to get eliminated so you could all move on to the next game. It didn’t, of course, what were you even expecting?  
As the newspaper shrank, the more agitated you became. The fact that it was taking so long for one pair to get eliminated makes you weak in the knees and you don’t know if it’s a positive or a negative reaction. At this moment, the paper is still relatively in a decent size but it could only accommodate one pair of feet inside. Due to your lack of communication, you both stepped one foot inside when the music stopped and you collided with one another rather harshly. You immediately went flying down to the ground but Seokjin managed to grab your arm and pull you towards him. Once you were flush against each other, both of you instinctively wrapped an arm around the other person to gain balance.
The action might have saved you both from getting eliminated but it definitely put you two in quite a dangerous spot. Just like when you were blindfolded a while ago, everything around you tuned out and all you can focus on is you and Seokjin. Only this time, you weren’t facing just an empty dark abyss. You were face to face with the dark abyss of his eyes. Your faces were mere centimeters away. An hour ago, you would willingly defenestrate yourself, horrified at the idea of getting this close to this guy. But right now, as you two stare and hold on to each other, you weren’t so repelled. Neither is he.
You two were just getting comfortable with each other if it weren’t for Jimin blatantly calling you out for this really personal moment. “Oi! The music is back up! You two can get back to your lovey dovey moment later but for now we game.” The actual buffoon roared at the mic. His very public comment made everyone start hollering and teasing the two of you. Just like that, you went back to square one, an awkward mess.
At one point, Seokjin almost fell off when he gave you a piggyback ride. You thought it was either because you were too tense to even jump properly on his back or you are just plain heavy. You’re not even sure which option is better. The way that you are so conscious around him has never been a problem to you. You have an inkling as to why this is happening but you refuse to say it to yourself.
While you mentally kept cursing yourself, Seokjin was having the same problems. He was too shaky to properly hold you. He too was cursing at himself for acting so muddled around you all of a sudden. This is getting pretty bad. He needed to get a hold of himself fast. By that, he means go back to being a cat and mouse with you. In other words, go back to insulting you. But his inner self is telling him to just let this moment be and to let himself indulge in it. 
Another agonising round later, one pair finally got eliminated. Thankfully for that, Seokjin was only tiptoeing on one foot at this point whilst carrying you. You, on the other hand, had other reasons to be thankful for.
Now, you were down to just three pairs. The semi finals are up next so you really need to get back to your senses. You are so close to achieving the grand prize. Remembering what the next game is, you knew you were monumentally screwed.
The semi finals, as Jimin is explaining, would be a bat doughnut eating contest. Five doughnuts shaped in a bat are individually hung on a string in their clothesline and both pairs would have to stand on either side, eating them all as fast as they could without using their hands. Both pairs are only allowed to work on one doughnut at a time. Now, that’s just on a completely different level of invasion of personal space. But you can’t blame anyone because you came up with half of these games, including this one.
“Let’s quickly push through this one.” Seokjin told you from his side. “We can’t let the others win. Remember, only the first two pairs get in the finals.”
You admire how composed he is right now. Why can’t you be as unaffected as he is? This is for the sake of the grand prize. Do you even want it? If yes, then you badly need to keep your eyes on the prize and nothing else. Definitely not on Seokjin, or on his piercing eyes, or his soft looking lips. NO STOP. Just what on earth is happening to you?
Realising you haven’t given him an answer, you simply nodded. With that, you heard the go signal and all three pairs started devouring the doughnuts. 
They are [word redacted] flavoured. Of course, what did you expect? You try not to gag at that and you also try to avoid accidentally making out with Seokjin while making sure you eat the entire thing at lightning speed. There were way too many things going on at the same time for you to handle. Your brain could not possibly keep up. It’s like your brain and body were being controlled by two separate things.
One doughnut down and you move on to the next one, then the next one, and the next one. “That’s it, keep going!” Seokjin kept on muttering motivating words whenever he could. Again, how could he be so composed at a time like this? Somehow along the way, your brain completely shut down and your body went into autopilot. The two of you fell into an unspoken strategy of having sides so to have some boundaries. The moon spirit knows you badly need that.
Your pair is on the lead when you reach your fourth doughnut. For the first time since this game started, you felt comfortable. Did you stay like that for the entire game? Of course not. Naturally, the universe just loves aggravating you tonight. 
Half way through your fourth doughnut, you accidentally brushed lips with Seokjin. The action was absolutely brief, but it was enough to halt you two and send tingles that you would feel throughout your body down to the tips of your toes. You two stared at each other for a second too long because Luna was announcing Team Rocket to have taken the lead. You two couldn’t care less though. For the third time tonight, all you could focus on is each other. 
Wide eyes filled with something you two are too embarrassed to accept, lips slightly molding into shy smiles, and faces covered with icing and powdered sugar. In that moment, you two seemed to have some sort of self understanding that didn’t need to be said.
The moment didn’t last though. As brief as your little kiss was, you two were back at the game instantaneously. The other pair seemed to have gotten past you two as well. With a new found comfortness, you find yourselves working together without anymore awkwardness. You were back to your old competitive selves. You gobbled up the doughnuts at a jaw dropping speed. All that matters now, is winning especially since Team Rocket is advancing to the finals. The two of you didn’t even bat an eye when your lips would unintentionally touch a couple of times in your haste. You certainly weren’t complaining about it now. As a matter of fact, you felt him linger a few times. So were they really unintentional? We would never know.
You amazingly caught up with the last pair even with a few cheeky antics on the side. The two of you are currently on top of the world and just breezing through. For sure, you would end up beating them. There is no need to worry about anything. 
What sealed the deal was when one person of the remaining pair mildly choked at a particularly large chunk that she had swallowed. You two took that opportunity to finish up your fifth and final doughnut. You swallowed for the last time and cheered for your partner to finish chewing. Everyone else was completely yelling at this point, it was such a euphoric feeling. Once Seokjin finished, you went and engulfed the larger man as best as you could in a bone crushing hug.
You two were all laughs, happily celebrating even if you haven’t won yet. “We are so going to come home with that prize.” You declared with such finality while you break away from the hug. You kept each other very close though.
“Oh yeah? You’re not gonna freak out on me again?” He teased you but you can’t help but just hit him. 
“Only if you keep yourself in check.” You playfully replied. You fell into a comfortable silence, once again staring at each other with shy smiles. His eyes dropped to your lips for a second and you felt compelled to lean in. When he realised what you were allowing him to do, he leaned in too. You were slowly leaning towards each other, taking your sweet time and savoring every second of it. Your lips were pretty much fully touching, you could feel the warmth and softness of his.
“You’re lucky that chick choked up.” James, whatever his real name is, from Team Rocket woefully stepped into your moment. It took every fibre in you to not punch the guy. 
“She’s obviously inexperienced. Couldn’t be me!” Jessie quipped and they both started laughing together. This time, it took every fibre in you to not bash their heads together. But as mentioned before, you are a woman of honour. You are willing to take the higher road and settle this fairly through the games.
Seokjin, well, he is Seokjin so he didn’t let the two slide so easily.
He let go of you and approached the two. He laughed along with them in such a forced and sarcastic laugh that it pained you. “Yeah, you’re right. We are lucky!” He said then squished himself in between the couple and placed his arms around them. What on earth is he on about, now?
“We definitely were just born lucky. But at least we’re not like other people who are only lucky to be born. Right, hotmen?” He said and slapped their arms in a playful manner but ended up being too hard. He left them completely offended, sauntering back to you with his windshield wiper laugh that you know all too well.
"Was that necessary?" You scolded him with both hands on your hips.
"Don't be such a Katara! I know you're dressed as her but please don't take it too seriously. Unless you really do want to be a sugar queen?" He wagged his eyebrows irritatingly. 
You rolled your eyes at his usual foolishness. Glad to know he hasn't gotten fully soft on you. You would prefer for him to stick to his playfulness even if it annoys the crap out of you.
"And then there were two." Jimin starts, grabbing everyone's attention. Yeah just two left and it just had to be with Team Rocket. Oh, it would feel even better to win knowing you were up against them.
You were one step closer from a satisfying free full course meal cooked by Jimin and Luna's parents. Is that heaven or what? In the middle of fantasising and practically drooling about the impending prize, it dawned on you that once you win, (Yes, once and not if) you'd have to go on that dinner with Seokjin. An actual dinner. As in a date???
The thought made you slightly pale. You don't get why the thought of going on a date with him made you all nervous when you were practically stealing kisses from each other just awhile ago. The idea of going serious with him is nerve-wracking when just this evening, you wanted nothing more than to punch his guts. Now, you still do want to punch his guts but also kiss him. 
You needed to snap out of it. All you did tonight is think of this guy. You were probably overthinking things. He probably doesn't even want anything serious with you. Maybe, he's just playing with you. Wait, no. That's too cruel even for him.
Your internal battle was stopped when Seokjin, himself, flicked your forehead.
"Oww! What was that for?" You grumply asked as you rubbed the sore spot.
"Your brain seems to be flying a couple hundred miles away. Y/n, now is not the time to be daydreaming about me. Did you even catch what I said?" Is he a mind reader? Most definitely not but even so, you are too embarrassed to say anything so you quietly hummed to him.
"What do you think? You agree with me?" You absentmindedly hummed again.
He clapped his hands together so loud, it made you jump out of your haze. "Good! That settles it. You're bobbing then." 
"I'm sorry, come again?" You think you misheard him but it sounded like he said you're going bobbing? As in bobbing apples? What?
He stared at your dumbfounded expression. He realised that you weren't listening to the siblings' explanation and you obviously weren't also listening to his plan of attack just a few seconds ago.
He sighed and repeated everything to you even if he didn't want to. "We're bobbing apples for the last game. Since I don't want to ruin my perfectly good scar, you're up for it." 
You scoffed. "And I want to ruin my perfectly good hair and makeup?"
"Hair dries off and without your makeup, you're still Katara. I, on the other hand, would just be some random handsome firebender without my scar. So really, it's better that you do it."
"But I don't want to do it!"
"Well boo hoo for you. You already agreed to it." He said and dragged you towards a large basin near Jimin and Luna.
"Wait, no I wasn't fully aware of the situation!"
"That's what you get for zoning out at a crucial time. It's too late now, you already agreed. A consent is a consent."
He was seriously being mean right now. You pulled your arm back to stop him but he wouldn't let go of you. So you kept your feet planted firmly on the ground. It ended up looking like he was dragging a very stubborn kid. "Y/n quit playing around! You need to do this."
"But Seokjin, I really don't want to do this." Your innocent looking eyes paired with that same whining voice that you used when you didn't make your first shot with the bean bag instantly turned him soft. 
He stopped pulling you and placed a hand on your neck. The way he is genuinely looking at you makes you think that he'll probably switch with you. He didn't. Big shocker.
"Y/n, I know you don't want to do it but you need to." He started using that gentle voice of his that he used on you earlier. You knew you were a goner now. He's definitely found your weakness and he isn't afraid to use it on you. Curse him and his captivating soothing voice. What are you supposed to do now other than obey him?
"I, without a doubt, believe that you can do this. I'm sure you can defeat those two wobbuffets over there and we'd win! Don't you want that?" You nod your head yes.
"So will you please do me the favour of winning this game for us?" You nod your head yes without thinking twice. So much for being a woman of honour.
He smiled at you and caressed his thumb over your cheek. "Good girl." He said and you'll be damned if you're not going to do whatever it takes for him to call you that again. Forget everything. You want him to call you that again.
That is why you find yourself involuntarily walking up to the water and apple filled basin assigned to you. 
"Step aside, filth." Seokjin jokingly muttered at James from Team Rocket. You hear Jimin and Luna giggle but you were too out of it to even appreciate his Zuko reference. 
To your left, Jessie stands in front of her basin. She gives you a sly smirk and winks at you condescendingly. You want to burn your eyeballs. 
You can't believe you're in this position. You can't believe you would willingly let your hair, makeup, and quite possibly even your costume get ruined. Lastly, you can't believe at just how much power Seokjin has had over you in a single night.
You stared hard at the apples. You've only bobbed for apples once when you were nine and it was one of the worst things you've ever done. You weren't even able to successfully capture an apple with how bad you were. Well, you're back more than ten years later and you're back with a newly found determination. Vengeance will be yours.
You hear Luna count down from three.
Seokjin's "Good girl" rang inside your head. No one's letting this magenta haired girl beside you win. You gripped the sides of the basin hard. Alright apples, it's time to face your doom!
"...One and go!" 
Inhaling a sharp breath, you plunge your face inside the deep basin. You tried to keep your eyes open to see the apples but it was proving to be difficult as light was barely passing through the metal basin. Nonetheless, you kept biting around until you reached one apple. You tossed it outside the basin and took another breath, repeating the same actions. 
You don't know how many times you did your little routine. All you know is that this is the longest minute of your life and you just want it to end so much. You were having such a miserable time. Your snot, your saliva, and even your sweat too were mixing with the water. Even though you avoid it so badly, you still manage to drink the water in your haste. Some of it even got inside your nose at one point. Bobbing for apples just might be one of the most disgusting things you could ever do. This must bloody well be worth it in the end.
Everytime you come out of the water, you hear the cheers of the people. You most certainly hear your partner, ear piercingly shrieking your name. It further feeds into your hunger to win. You don't care if you look absolutely ridiculous or that you were probably gonna end up throwing up later. All that matters is to win this for you and Seokjin.
At long last, Jimin blows an air horn to dramatically end the game. You came up gasping and snorting for air. How fucking graceful and beautiful. Seokjin rushes to you with a towel in his hand and wraps it around you right away. He pats you dry, careful to not smudge your very wet makeup. 
Luna began making a speech on how much fun this year's Halloween Olympics were. You didn't pay much attention to her as Seokjin kept murmuring words of affirmation while he was still gently patting you dry. In all honesty, you could've done that yourself. But after what you were just subjected to, you definitely could use a little pampering.
"Again, thank you to everyone who participated in the games. As for the rest, you've been absolutely wonderful, cheering our players. Until next year's Halloween Olympics!" Luna concluded. Well, they did more than cheer, alright.
"And now, let's count the apples these lovely ladies bobbed so we can find out this year's victors!" Jimin continued and everyone counted magenta head's apples with him.
"Twelve apples in total!" Everyone cheered wildly and you felt your heart clench. That's a lot. What if you had less?
"Twelve?? Ha! Suck on that!" James ridiculed.
Seokjin just glared at him and he grabbed hold of one of your hands. He squeezed it tightly as everyone started counting your apples. Oh please be higher than twelve, please be higher than twelve, please be higher than twelve, please, oh please, oh please.
"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen!"
"A grand total of eighteen apples! Wow that's a lot more! Which means we have this year's victors!" Jimin announced.
Eighteen? You bobbed six more apples than her? Wow, your nine year old self would be proud of you now.
Seokjin couldn't contain himself, he grabbed you by your waist and lifted you up in an embrace. "Y'all hear that? My girl just beat your asses badly! Suck on my poké balls!" He finally cracked and straight up insulted Team Rocket while still holding you up. You ignored the sickly sweet feeling that bubbled inside you when he referred to you as “my girl”.
"You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!" Instead of a maniacal laugh, his windshield wiper laugh came out. The punchline was already perfect if only his stupid laugh didn't ruin it. As annoying as it is, you didn’t seem to be complaining about his laugh now in your head unlike always. Actually, it’s kind of endearing in a way. Crazy to think just how much one night can change. You wonder what happens now to the two of you.
Jimin and Luna called the both of you up on their makeshift stage to properly announce your rain of terror- I mean, your victory. Along with that, they are also going to announce the winner for best in costume. With all the action that’s been happening, people have forgotten that the awarding for best in costume is actually the main event of the night.
As Seokjin predicted earlier, you didn’t win. Some guy, Jung something something, dressed up as Shrek won by popular voting. You think he is also a part of Jimin’s friend group. You can’t be too sure as there are too many guys in that circle of friends for you to care. Which leads you to believe that maybe Jimin did some rigging of the results because his Shrek costume kinda deserves to be kicked out of the swamp. Not that you care though. As far as you’re concerned, you already won the grand prize as well.
“Told ya, you wouldn’t win best costume.” Seokjin says as you leave the stage. 
“Neither did you. All because your scar is definitely on the wrong side.” 
He groaned loudly. “You’re never gonna drop that, aren’t you?”
You laugh, thinking just how stupid he is for messing up his scar. For someone who seems to be able to quote directly from the show with ease, it’s really funny that he would overlook such a crucial detail. 
“Neverrr!” You said in a singsong voice.
“Whatever.” He said while waving his hand in a dismissing manner. “It’s not like anyone else noticed it. I guess you were paying too much attention to my face, huh?”
You blushed at his remark. “Jeez, get over yourself, will you?” 
You rushed your steps towards the house to leave him. You are sure Jimin and Luna are now tearing it down on the dance floor. He easily caught up with you though with those long legs of his and draped an arm over your shoulders.
Cackling at your flusteredness, he said, “Okay, then! So let’s say you weren’t gawking at me the entire time for you to notice my mistake.”
You hummed at him.
“Then I guess the only explanation why people seem to have failed to notice is because of my handsome face! They are too distracted by my beauty to notice my misplaced scar. Don’t you agree?” You elbowed him hard and left his yelping, laughing ass. What a weirdo. You giddily smiled though.
The rest of the night went by pretty fast. It was filled with dancing and laughing with people you know and don’t know. You even got to hang out a little bit with Team Rocket. You wouldn’t say you’d become friends with them but they aren’t all that bad. 
The only missing thing though is that you didn’t share any more “personal” moments with Seokjin. He disappeared off with his group of friends after you left him. Not that you were fully expecting anything to happen, but you were slightly disappointed. Luna was quite chill about it at the start. She was probably wanting to discuss it in private. You know, for your own sake. But as she got tipsier and tipsier until she was full on drunk, she was practically squealing about it every few seconds. Hence, why you decided to socialise with other people which you would never do. Honestly, what is going on tonight and who are you even?
After the party, you remained to clean up. But Jimin told you that none of you would have to deal with the mess right now. He understands that everyone is completely knackered at this point. There were still a few people left but he ushered you to go home now. He assured you that he could deal with them and his hammered sister. 
With that, you said thanks and hugged each other goodbye. 
Walking out of their house, you thought back to earlier when you were thoroughly convinced to stay at home. You wonder how things would be if you had stayed. You would have totally missed out on so much! But you also wonder what would happen now. It seemed like Seokjin was unmistakably giving you the vibes that he likes you. You were too. So why did he suddenly vanish?
“You want me to walk you home?” A very familiar voice said from behind you. Ah, speak of the devil.
You faced him and smiled a little too big of a smile. “You live in the complete opposite direction. What are you talking about?”
He chuckled and made his way to you. “I was just thinking, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you walk home all by yourself at 2 in the morning?”
He stopped a few feet in front of you. You find yourself a bit irritated with the distance between you two. You wanted to be a bit closer than that so you made the move to get nearer to him. “I think I can handle myself pretty well.” You said as you approached him until you were inches away from him.
“Oh, I’m sure you can.” 
There was a brief moment of silence that fell between you. It wasn’t at all awkward or anything unpleasant. Actually, it was the complete opposite. You were just drinking everything in.
“Surprisingly, I had heaps of fun tonight. I never thought I would ever say that in the company of Kim Seokjin.” You said in a hush tone. You don’t know why you were speaking in such a way. The entire moment just seemed too delicate.
“I told you, you need to put a little faith in me, sugar queen.” He whispered. You smile at the term of endearment he had given you tonight due to your Katara outfit.
“I think I already have.” You said and his face started inching down towards yours.
Just the mere thought of finally getting to properly kiss him released thousands of butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to rush him to finally feel his lips but at the same time, you wanted to drag this moment as long as you possibly can. If someone told you this morning that you would be having these thoughts as you were about to kiss Kim Seokjin tonight,you’d laugh at their face. You’d probably also tell them that you’d rather slam your tongue in a car door.
He took his time with you, also wanting to milk every second of this moment. There was no need to rush anything. He was literally ghosting his lips against yours. He was probably teasing you. It annoyed you so much. So much so that you made the executive decision to take full control of the situation. You made the move to press your lips against his but before you could, someone walked out of the house and started yelling towards you two.
“SEOKJIN HYUUUUUNG!” A guy dressed up as Snoopy literally yeeted himself between you two and placed an arm around him. What is everyone’s deal with interrupting you two? At this point, it’s like the universe is telling you a sign or something. Wait, what?
You frown at the thought you just had. It’s a stupid thought. But then why are you having this sinking feeling inside you?
“Hoseok, for the last time, I’m walking home. I live just two blocks away. I don’t have a car to drive you home.” He told the guy, obviously exasperated just like you.
Hoseok started whining and arguing at the older guy. It’s clear that he was dead drunk. You wouldn’t try to argue with him right now. Seems pointless since everything will fly over his head.
“But why walk when you can drive???”
“Hoseok-ah! You’re really gonna ask Seokjin hyung to get you home when I’m here?” Another guy came out of the house. You turned to the voice and saw Yoongi approaching, dressed up as Garfield. You’re friends with him because he seemed to be the closest to Seokjin so you see him more often than not.
Hoseok immediately let go of Seokjin and went to hold on to Yoongi. Yoongi seemed to be in a rush to get home. Can’t blame him. It’s really late and it’s been a long night. So he said goodbye right away. But before they could leave, he turned to you.
“Before I forget, by the way, Taehyung wanted me to tell you to call him. He said you haven’t been replying to him all night. I think he wants to take you out later.” He made a fast but pointed stare towards Seokjin when he said the last part. It seemed like his way of telling him to do something about it. You didn’t notice though.
“Oh, okay. Thanks Yoongi. Good night and drive safely!” 
With that, the two went off.
Another silence fell between you two. This time though, it wasn’t as comfortable. You didn’t know whether to continue off from where you got interrupted and how to continue. The both of you looked like you were in deep thought. 
Taehyung. You completely forgot about him. Now, you feel really bad and shameful.
You notice Seokjin pulling something from his trousers that appeared to be two small envelopes. That’s probably your prize. 
He held them both and looked at them for a few seconds. “I want to ask you something.” He started, not looking you in the eyes. He’s nervous. Is he going to ask you on a date? Well, that just made you nervous. 
He didn’t say anything for a while. You watch him clearly having some sort of argument with himself. It felt like an eternity when he finally looked you directly in your eyes.
“Y/n, I want to-” Once again, he got cut off. Maybe the universe really is saying something here.
Your phone started ringing. It was Taehyung, calling you. 
“I...You should answer that.” He instructed you. You should. But you didn’t make the move to. Your eyes switched back and forth from your phone to Seokjin a couple times. You were completely torn and didn’t know what to do. 
You were just going to answer his call. What’s the big deal about that? It’s not like he knew everything that happened and was supposed to happen between you and Seokjin. It’s not like he was going to chastise you for all of that.
Before you pressed the answer button, the call dropped and you became tense. 
Seokjin sensed your inner turmoil. He didn’t like seeing you like this. But he thought that this was becoming too much to handle right now. He looks at the envelopes he is holding. Sighing, he can’t believe he is about to do this.
He reached out both envelopes towards you. “Here, take them both.”
“What? Why?”
“Take Taehyung with you.” You could not believe what you were hearing right now. To say you were dumbfounded is an understatement.
Seeing as you made no move to get them, he took your free hand and placed the envelopes in your grasp.
“Listen, it’s bad enough that Taehyung didn’t get to enjoy the night. I think it’s only fair if he went with you.” 
“But you worked hard for this too. It was a team effort between us.” You told him, still not understanding why he would give up the prize just like that when he was so adamant to win them the entire night.
“I know. But it’s fine, really. Don’t worry, I could always find a way to get free food from Jimin. Besides, you deserve to spend some time with your Aang.”
You still didn’t fully understand the situation at hand. But it appears that he is not going to let you go until you accept the prize from him.
You finally conceded and pocketed the envelopes.
“It’s getting late. We should really go home. It’s been one hell of a tiring night.” You nodded at his statement. 
“Thanks for being an amazing partner tonight, Y/n. I genuinely enjoyed every single moment of it.”
“Me too, Seokjin. Me too.”
You wanted to hug him. But he didn’t make any other move. He was clearly just waiting for you to leave. You thought, maybe this isn’t the right time with him. With all the interruptions and should haves tonight, it’s most likely for the best to leave things here.
With a heavy heart, you gave him one final look and said goodbye. With an equally heavy heart, he watched you leave and disappear down the street.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Jimin’s sudden appearance from the front door made Seokjin jump.
“Yah! Couldn’t you have been a bit more careful?” He asked the younger boy while placing a hand over his chest to calm himself down.
Jimin paid no attention whatsoever to his agony. “You deserve to spend some time with your Aang.” He mocked Seokjin. “What on earth were you thinking?”
“I don’t want to- hang on. You were listening to our conversation???” Seokjin felt violated. Does this boy not know the meaning of privacy? First he kept interrupting you two all night then now he eavesdrops on your conversation and has the audacity to mock Seokjin.
Jimin did not feel nor look like he regretted what he had done. If anything, he looks really mad at Seokjin. “That’s besides the point. The point is, why are you just letting her go? You already had her!” 
“No, I don’t think I ever had her to begin with. I mean, come on! She went dressed up as Katara and I’m dressed as Zuko. I think it was never meant to be.”
Feeling utterly frustrated, Jimin rubbed his face harshly. He had half the mind to take off his boots and impale his older best friend with them.
“That’s just bullshit! You’re too superstitious. You don’t listen to these signs! You take matters to your own hands.”
Seokjin knew that Jimin wouldn’t understand his point of view. He’s the type of person to chase anything and everything if he so pleases it. Which fair play to him, isn’t a bad thing. But that’s not how Seokjin rolls.
“Listen, you won’t understand me.” Seokjin started and Jimin openly agreed with him. “All I’m saying is if it’s not your time, then it’s not your time. You need to accept that and patiently wait. I did what I had to do tonight.”
Jimin did not respond to him. Truthfully, he does get what Seokjin is trying to explain. He does not agree with it at all though and still thinks it’s bullshit. But he can’t really do anything other than to support his stupid best friends and to let them learn things on their own. When that happens, he’ll for sure throw another party.
“Wow. Just wow. That’s rough, buddy.” Is all he can reply to Seokjin. 
Indeed it was.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Appa's Guide to Getting the Girl - Chapter 3
Wowee it's been a while since I updated this fic! But, here y'all go, and the whole fic can also be found on AO3. Hope you enjoy!
Gut Instinct
Word Count: 1,386
The week went by quickly, especially since all they did was train every second they had. Toph finagled her work schedule to accommodate Aang’s, and they spent all day preparing Toph and Appa for the big test.
It wasn’t easy, that was for sure. Toph and Appa, while both were talented in their own right, had some communication issues that had to be addressed immediately, which slowed progress more than they all would have preferred. Aang used all of his knowledge about guide dogs and training to speed up the process as much as they could, but even with his expertise, he feared that they wouldn’t be ready for Mr. Beifong.
Toph was a rather stubborn student as well. She pushed herself and Appa to the limit, demanding the best with every rep they did, and every time they messed up, she went again. And again. And again. They were running reps so often that Aang worried they would overexert themselves, which was the last thing he wanted.
It wasn’t all bad, though. They did take breaks, and every morning Toph bought coffee for Aang, and before every session, they’d talk, and every conversation Aang found to be captivating. Toph’s life as a lead expert on disability access in city layouts proved fascinating in its own right, but the attention to detail she gave her job was admirable, and Aang found himself pulled even more into Toph Beifong’s story. She asked him questions too, and proved to be an excellent listener, even if it did come with hints of sarcasm.
“So what got you in the business of training guide dogs, Twinkletoes?” she asked on their 4th day of training. “You got some tragic story about how your whole family ended up blind and you wanted to help them?”
Aang gave a quiet chuckle, replying, “No, nothing dramatic like that. I just like animals, and I like helping people. I started off working at a local shelter and started working in different areas until I ended up at the Center.”
Toph raised a skeptical eyebrow at him while she stirred her coffee. “That sounds like too simple of a logic for something as big as your career.”
“Doesn’t have to be a grand decision if you don’t want it to be,” he commented.
“Easier said than done.”
“Did you struggle with finding your career path?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t see it for the longest time,” she replied.
“I can imagine—” Aang frowned after he saw the shit-eating grin on her face. “Blind joke. Hilarious,” he mumbled.
“You’re just mad because you fell for it again, Twinkletoes!” she laughed. “That’s like, the 5th joke today!”
“What can I say? I’m gullible.”
“You certainly are, Twinkles.” Toph pointed a grin in his direction, and he felt a fluttering in his stomach. There was something about her smile that had Aang forgetting his words and falling for everything she said. Her smile put him in a trance, and he absolutely loved it every time she flashed her award winning grin his way.
“You still there, Aang?” she asked, the momentary silence too long for her liking, it seemed. Aang blinked, fidgeting in his seat. “Oh! Yes, still here.”
“Good, I was hoping you weren’t a coffee dine and dasher,” she commented. “That’s my move.”
Aang bowed his head, breathing out a laugh. “Heh, yeah.” He scratched his head as he changed the subject. “So, shall we get started with training?”
With a shrug of her shoulders, Toph replied, “Sure thing, Twinkletoes.”
So they did. They trained and trained until training was all they thought about, until they dreamed of training, until their mind went fuzzy with all the repetitions Toph and Appa did to perfect their relationship.
Even then, Aang wasn’t sure it was enough. There was so much that went into a relationship between an individual and a guide dog, and he feared they made the process too hasty.
But Toph was determined, something he admired about her. And Appa was the most enthusiastic animal he ever trained. Perhaps… Perhaps they could pull it off.
One the evening before Toph’s father was scheduled to arrive in the city, Aang convinced Toph that they should rest. So instead of practicing on the training course or taking some test walks around the neighborhood, they spent the day at the nearby coffee shop.
And it was nice. Toph and Aang chatted about nothing of importance, but he remained entranced by her conversations, and even grew fond of her teasing remarks.
He could see that she was nervous about tomorrow, though. After a sip of his tea, Aang asked, “How are you feeling? About, you know. Everything.”
After a deep breath, Toph answered, “Honestly?”
“I’m terrified.”
Her answer surprised Aang. In the short time that he had known Toph, she didn’t seem like she’d be nervous about something like this. He treaded the conversation carefully but curiously. “May I ask why?”
“It’s just—” Toph sighed, resting her face in one hand, the other fiddling with the coffee collar on her drink. “It’s my dad. I don’t want to leave, because then I’ll have to quit my job. But if he tells me I’m coming home, I don’t think I have it in me to fight back.”
“Why not? You’ve worked so hard, and you’ve made amazing progress in a short amount of time.”
“Because he’s my dad,” she countered. “Hard to say ‘fuck you’ to the guy who rasied you and paid for your entire livelihood. I mean, would you be able to do it?”
Aang bit his lip as he pondered the question. “I don’t know. I bounced around the foster care system for a bit before I met my guardian Gyatso. I definitely owe a lot to him, but I think at the end of the day, if I needed to find my own way, he’d respect that.
“And if he didn’t respect that? Well, I’ve always been a bit of a freebird, so…”
“So… you’re no help,” Toph mumbled in a breathy laugh.
“I guess not,” he chuckled. After a beat, he continued, “But if it were me, I would plead my case, and if he still doesn’t understand, then I think you’ll have a gut instinct moment that will tell you what you need to do.”
Toph pointed a bemused look at him. “A gut instinct, you say?”
“Well, yeah! It’s just this feeling in the pit of your stomach that just—” Aang waved his hands in the air, trying to find the right words. “You end up feeling brave and whatever you want to do, you’ll do it.”
“You know you sound crazy, right?”
“I know I sound crazy right!”
He was nearly shoved out of his seat for that joke, but the two of them fell into fits of laughter until their bellies hurt and the other patrons gave them weird looks. And when they finally settled down and the others minded their own business, Toph broke the silence. “Hey Aang, I know this may be weird of me to ask, but…” she hesitated, as if still deciding if she wanted to ask her question.
“You can ask me anything, Toph,” he reassured her.
After a deep breath, she continued, “Will you come with me to meet my father, tomorrow? I—I’d really appreciate it if you were there.”
“You—you want me to be there?”
“Well, yeah. You’ve been really great at training Appa and me over here and I guess. I guess I’d feel better if you were there to cheer us on or whatever.”
His mind told him no. No, he shouldn’t go. That would add confusion and layers of complexities and too many awkward explanations. It could turn into a conflict of interest problem, or a trainer/trainee misunderstanding. Aang showing up to the meeting tomorrow would just be… complicated.
But then he got this feeling in his stomach. A feeling that spoke for him before his mind could. A feeling that he told Toph should listen to only moments ago. And before he knew it, his gut feeling was having him say words before he could comprehend them himself. He’d stand by his words, and spoke with so much confidence and reassurance when he answered Toph. He meant them, too.
“I’ll be there.”
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jxxvvxxkcrack · 3 years
Lee Jae Wook Vlive 21 June 2021
Total vlive viewers: 35675 Total likes: 2072339 Length: 1 hr 01 minute T-shirt: Unlock your life by Pars Co. https://www.parspars.com/product/unlock-your-life-rainbow-white-short-t-shirt/
He's on a diet now.
He threatened to turn off the Vlive a few times because of all the people who said they were not studying for their exams to watch it :P
He's growing out his hair now for the next project.
He had to ban requests for him to say fans' names in the middle since too many requests were pouring in for him to say their name. Don’t blame them lol.
Talking with fans
What is your next project? You should see articles about it soon Will you do more vlogs? It's difficult to do vlogs in the pandemic period since you need to wear a mask everywhere. What do you do in your free time? I eat a lot, sleep a lot, and exercise a lot. Can you donate your Jordan shoes to me? No I can't, and then launched into some anecdote about something about high school, which is unsubbed. When will you hold a fan meeting? Probably after the pandemic. "You're watching me at hagwon (cram school)? I will scold you!" And he did lol it was so cute. What do you do when you first wake up? A hot water shower, and then..? [unsubbed] Do you like overseas fans? Of course I do, I love my overseas fans. I'll come for you after the pandemic is over. Current favourite song: Recently, ‘Lost’ by Maroon 5 was released. It's the best. Will you do an online fan-sign event? That would be interesting! What's your MBTI? I haven't done it yet! Please do the MBTI! OK I will definitely do it! Can you do a bear heart? What's a bear heart? There's so much I don't know. Teleport vs being able to tell the future? This is an interesting question. I would choose to teleport. I live in the Gangnam area, and the traffic there is so bad! So I would choose 'Teleport'. (I didn't know he lived in Gangnam). Do you have a driver's license? Of course I do. Shoe size: 285mm Can you speak English? No, I can barely speak Korean well :P
-but in the middle he did say "Say hi to global fan" LOL-
Your favourite late night snack? Fried chicken, jokbal, and bossam. I spend a lot of money on food :P Would you date someone 7 years younger? 7 years younger? It's not a bad idea. I’m thankful (that someone 7 years younger likes me.) Would you date someone 7 years older? (laughs) It's a funny question. Why haven't you been seen anywhere in public? I don't go to many places, only to the gym and back to my home. Favourite snack: Goguma (sweet potato). It's sad, right? (Implying he's on a diet.) And then he randomly said he's tall but doesn't have good proportions (possibly someone asking why he exercises so much :P)
Do you like cats and dogs? I love them. I have a friend who has a shiba-inu called Chadol. It was so cute I went to his house every day to see his dog. You should eat more: You may not like me then! D: I'm studying Korean, study with me? I'm also trying to get better at Korean. Shall we do it together? (so flirty) Did you remove the mole on your neck? No, I didn't remove it. I won't remove it. What's your handphone wallpaper? It's a white wall with an orange stripe, somewhat Rothko-esque. He said he took it at his house's parking lot, and "It's pretty, isn't it?" Which celebrity friends do you have? (Playfully) 비밀 Do you like mint chocolate? I love mint chocolate. My friend told me not to declare this, and said that saying that I like it is a matter of life or death :P People say it tastes like toothpaste but it tastes nice to me! What colors do you like? Blue. Blue and dark colors. Isn't long hair uncomfortable? It is, but I will cut it one day. Your long hair looks cool: (Teasingly) I'm going to cut it soon~ Do you get along well with your elder sister?  Yes, I really like my relationship with her. Which of your characters is most like you? Lee Jang Woo from When The Weather Is Fine. (Is he that good in his studies? Lol. And then he said something about a unicorn, which I do recall seeing in the drama, I think he used "___ unicorn" to brag about himself to his younger sister :P) Jjajangmyeon vs bibimbap? This is really hard. Do I get to have soup with bibimbap? Favourite perfume: Can I say the brand? I guess it doesn't matter. Slow Dance by Byredo. It's my favourite perfume. Today's TMI: I woke up early and went to the gym. Do you ride your bike often? About 3 times a week? Oppa because of you I'm going to Chung Ang University: So you'll be my junior huh. (laughs) Oppa, can you close your left eye and point to your right cheek? (he obediently follows the prompt.. he’s really an actor lol) "You!! I almost fell for it! Gosh, my mum will pass out if she sees this." He revealed a two string bracelet on his left hand while adjusting the camera. Favourite dessert: Croffle? Croffle. I really like croffle. Current body wash: I'm using a body wash by Lush (only he says it as Lush-ee, which is just adorable.) Can you speak Japanese? I love animes but Japanese is so hard. I will study hard! When will you do a rap? I may try it one day. (I wonder if he knows about that old rap video floating around lol.) Dimples vs. Eyes: Eyes? I think he might be talking about his forehead wrinkles instead of eyes actually, so the translation is wrong. What animes do you like? He didn't answer, but said there are many animes on Netflix that he watches. Eating chimaek while watching the world cup? Eating chicken and beer sounds good but, my agency probably wouldn't like it. Can you say a line of Baek Kyung since it's been a long time? (playfully) I won't do it~ Iced americano vs. hot coffee: Iced americano. He said 'eoljuga', which roughly means 'I’ll drink iced Americano even if I freeze to death'. :P What app do you use most often? Naver? I have many things I need to look up :P Which of your parents do you resemble? Sometimes my mum, but sometimes my dad. Do you like kalguksu (knife cut noodle soup)? Yes, I love kalguksu and sujebi. Favourite ice cream flavour: Mint chocolate. (Bursts into laughter) Who do you like better - your mum or your dad: Omma. You thought I wouldn't answer, didn't you. (He has thanked only his sister and his mum in an award ceremony before lol. Poor Jaewookie appa) Oppa I'll date you: I'll reject your offer. (bursts into laughter again). Are you at the agency now? Nope. Please name the fanclub: This is hard. It (the fanclub) should go on forever, shouldn't it? Send an email to the agency. 5 year old Jaewookie vs 5 copies of Jaewook?: Of course 5 copies of Jaewook. One to exercise, one to work, one to stay at home and eat.. Do you dip or pour sauce for tangsuyuk? But, why would you pour water on fried food? I'll say dip. Jjajang vs. jjampong: That's hard! When working, jjajang. When resting, jjambong. *Nods sagely to himself* (Although he instinctively said 'jjampong' first). When moving house, jjajang. What message from fans cheered you up the most? It was this letter I got. It said "you make us happy when you're working hard, but don't work too hard." It cheered me up a lot. Soju vs. beer: Soju Cider (Sprite/lemonade) vs cola: Cola Do you eat pineapple on pizza? I think it tastes nice! Hawaiian pizzas. I also really like pineapple. Fall or spring? Fall. I really like spring too, but there are too many bugs. Small but definite happiness? (He understood the abbreviation immediately, which is sooo different from when the Running Man cast are introduced to any new lingo lol) When I bike, I don't drink any water. I have a routine; after biking, I run for about 6km, then I drink water. That water at the midpoint mark is so delicious. Oppa I like you, please scold me: Why would I scold you. I would compliment you :P Good job. Favourite boy group: BTS. They're so cool (safe answer!) Ramen vs. kimbap? Don't you eat them together? How tall are you? 187cm tall. Which variety show would you like to appear on he most? "I have never been on a variety show yet. Have you seen Kokkomu? When I watched Kokkomu I cried a lot. My tears came out like diamonds." lol. In reference to an earlier question. No idea what Kokkomu is. https://newsbeezer.com/koreaeng/kokkomu-which-was-just-popular-is-controversial-due-to-the-copying-of-the-youtube-channel/ Possibly this? Beef or pork? Pork How long have you been tall? I've always been tall. Then he gives a cheeky wink! Oppa can you go on on Knowing Bros? I'll have a hard time talking in banmal in front of all the sunbaenim. I'll do more Vlive in the future. *compromise* lol. Oppa kajimayo: If I don't leave, the staff can't leave work either :P Can you fill an hour (of Vlive?): Shall we fill an hour? Do you want to be in a play or musical? Of course I do. Plays require the best form of acting. What's the first thing you want to do when the pandemic is over? I want to go to a pork belly bbq place and eat comfortably without a mask. What's the worst part about acting? Every moment is hard. It's not an easy job. Why do you always wear 2 T-shirts? I like T-shirts but, but my sweat changes their color. I don't like that, so. Favourite overseas country? Filming Alhambra was my first time overseas. I didn't even take many photos. I want to send you T-shirts: Don't, don't! while vigorously shaking his head. (worried that his fans will spend money) What is your life movie? I really love Robin Williams. It's not my life movie, but I love the Dead Poets' Society. Did you really go to Alhambra? Back then, my role was really small, so I didn't really know what was going on, but (I did go to the palace? is what it sounds like.) Would you rather be 3m tall or have a 400mm shoe size? Wouldn't it be better to be tall? (what’s the point of having big feet?) Oppa don't go to the army: I have to go someday.. I still have a lot of time, and will work hard When will be our wedding? Am I getting married? (laughs) Pepsi or Coca cola: I like any cola. I'll go to the army for you: Andwae it will be hard! Although apparently it's not as hard as it used to be. Are your family members all as tall as you? Yes my family members are all tall too. What do you do on your free days? I'm a freelancer so I don't have free days.  How do you keep your skin looking so young? Lancome (he's now promoting Lancome). I came here right after a Lancome event. I really like Lancome. Tell me about your bracelet: I'll ask my stylist later :P When you come to Pohang I'll guide you!: I love gwamegi! (half-dried Pacific saury) Do you like to cook? I really like to cook. I love it so much even when people tell me not to cook, I will still cook. Oppa come to my school!: Which school is that? Tell me. Although I probably won't be able to read it. (cheeky smile). I'm really mean now, aren’t I. Favourite side dish? I like them all. Mokpo: Dodosolsollalasol was filmed in Mokpo. I ate aehobak jjigae (zucchini stew) there and it was amazing. Do Vlive at home? I'll figure out how to do it! I'll learn everything today. You use black and white hearts a lot on IG, what does it mean? It's the color of my tee. Just kidding, I just choose a color of heart that goes best with the photo. How much can you drink? Should I bluff? If I'm bluffing, when I drink alone at home, about 3 bottles? Just kidding, I get drunk after about 1.5 bottles (of soju). Favourite sports: Skiing, swimming, bowling. Was it hard to use a dialect in the Battle of Jangsari? Using a dialect was really hard. Can you do an IG live? I'm scared to do live - you can't make a mistake when all of you are watching. I have to be careful. Why aren't you seen in public? I answered that earlier, you are late. LOL. Your best dish? Western food? Something like risotto? Plans to film a movie? I want to but I should get offered first. Joking. Lol. I was told off for being late (the commenter above): Haha sorry.
Best fan questions/comments:
Live as a hamster or a ham forever?
Your pimples are so cute (mistranslation, she meant 'dimples'): "I have 4 dimples."
Don't smile, you'll give me a heart attack: I'm also having a heart attack seeing so many fans. I like it (that there are many fans on the vlive) but it's also scary. So cute.
Are you a microwave? You melted my heart: You're all so witty, jjinjjaru..
I'll make money. You just cook: You're so funny..
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peachwatermelon01 · 3 years
Sweet Lies
Chapter 1
Summary: Park Hana, a former actress who is well known for winning both International and National Awards gave up her incredible hard earned career to enter the high society and marry the man that she loves. The said man is no other than Jung Jaehyun, Seoul hottest bachelor and heir to Jung Technology. Their six years of marriage life is blessed with their eight years old son Jung Yuno, and to people outside both are madly in love and faithful to one another. But are they really happy and in love? or Hana is just blinded with the sweet lies that Jaehyun told her? All will be known and tested when Hana tried to uncover the real identity of their son’s newly hired professional tutor Kim Yeri.
Cast: Jaehyun, Hana (y/n), Yeri, NCT, Rosé, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung
Your deep slumber on the king-sized bed was interrupted by the alarm clock on your nightstand signaling you that it is 5 a.m. and you need to be up and ready to prepare your son for school and help the maids prepare breakfast for your husband and son. Jaehyun, your loving husband were still deep in his sleep with his arm ever so protectively wrapped around your small waist under the silk bed sheets. Jaehyun came back late last night due to work at the company, but it warms your heart that at the end of the day he would still come back into your arms. You tried your very best to rose out of bed without waking him up, as you know that he really needs that extra sleep. But your effort failed as the moment you touch Jaehyun’s arms the dimples on his check appear alongside the groggy smile. “where is my lovely wife going? It’s still too early” Jaehyun mumbles, still feeling very much sleepy. “it is 5 a.m. my love” you peck his forehead. “I need to be up and ready for my two heroes”. Jaehyun tried his best to peak at you with his heavy eyes “we’ll be fine, so come back to bed and cuddle me. I had a really hard day and I need my wife to make me feel better”. “I’m afraid that your wife is unavailable right now, come on Jae.. I need to be up or else Yuno and you will be late for school and work” Jaehyun let out a loud grumble, very much dissatisfied with your answer. “okay.. but let me have you for another 5 minutes” without waiting for your reply, Jaehyun tugs you into his arm and leave a long, sweet kiss on top of your head while trying his best to go back to sleep.
As soon as you are sure that your husband is sleeping again, you make your way to your walk-in closet that you share with your husband which is literally double the size of your suite master bedroom. You start your day by picking out your outfit, you decided to go with your signature midi gown. Today it is the ruched-sleeve flared midi gown from Self-Portrait alongside your pearl necklace that Jaehyun had gifted you on your wedding night. You have been wearing it every day ever since and it has become your signature style. If you have to say one of the perks of being Jaehyun’s wife, it is the rows and rows of designer brands clothes, jewelries, bags and shoes in your closet. Even though, you got to wear these expensive clothes ever since you were actively working as an actress. The clothes that are presented to you as Jaehyun’s wife are super exclusive and some are made just for you, as it is the Jung family’s rule to look classy and different from others.
You went down the grand staircase towards the kitchen, where your maids and chefs are buzzing making the specified menu for breakfast. The main master of the house, Jaehyun preferred the traditional Kimchi Jigae while the young master Yuno is much more westernized, preferring pancakes with whip crème and fresh fruits for his breakfast. The staffs greeted you warmly, as your extra hand in the kitchen really helps them speed things up in the morning. “Morning everyone, has the organic fresh produce from New Zealand arrive?” you greeted the staff cheerily with a warm smile adorning your face. “Morning Ma’am, yes they have just arrived” said the sous chef. “Great! let us start preparing breakfast for the two masters, shall we?” you laugh lightheartedly. Despite being the Madame of the house, the staffs really thought of you as a very kind, elegant and very understanding lady who treated her staff like her own family. That is the sole reason why they are always loyal and happy to be working in the mansion that are obviously a bit too big for three people to be living in.
Once the breakfast is ready to be served, you went up to your eight years old son’s room to wake him up for school. The white grand door to his room is slightly opened which is odd, considering you make sure to shut it close right after tugging him into bed last night. You tiptoe to his room and peak inside; you heart is thumping heavily and ready to scream at the top of your lungs just in case there is an intruder in the room trying to hurt your baby boy. But what you saw, were totally different from what you have imagined. There on the race car shaped single bed is Jaehyun cuddling with his son under the blanket, Yuno’s head rest calmly on top of his father’s chest while Jaehyun has his arms wrapped around Yuno’s small frame in a protective manner. Your heart immediately settles and warms at the sight in front of you, it pains you to have to break them apart for the sake of getting them up and ready for the day.
You make your way to the bed carefully and sat on the edge of it, you caress your son’s head gently trying to wake him up. “Yuno-ya it’s time to wake up my love” Yuno complains and further cuddle into his dad’s chest, and that wakes Jaehyun up instantly. “You should wake up and get ready for work too love” Jaehyun looks up to you and with a gentle smile he said “I think I would not be able to wake up unless I get a kiss from my queen” his deep dimples glows in the dark, with his cheeky smile that always manage to make you have butterflies in your stomach  “what are you going on about Jae, Yuno is here. Stop it and hurry up” Jaehyun gave you a very confused faced that you know damn well as his antics to get what he wants. “I don’t know what you are talking about, my love. kisses or I’ll go back to sleep” with that Jaehyun closes his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. You know that unless you gave in to what he wants there is no way his going to wake up. You quickly lean down to peck his lips, and once both of your lips touch, Jaehyun took the opportunity to hold you in place by wrapping his arms around your waist. What was supposed to be a simple peck turns into a sweet long kiss where both of you could not help but smile into it. “ewww!! eomma appa!! That is so gross!!” Yuno complains with both of his tiny hands on his eyes trying to block his view of his parents. You broke away from Jaehyun and could not help on pinching Yuno’s chubby cheecks looking at his cute actions. “eomma have to give a kiss to my cute prince Yuno as well, right??” knowing that you are going to smother his face with kisess, Yuno bolted out of bed heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for school. His messy curls bouncing everywhere while he runs. You and Jaehyun could not help but laugh at the sight of your cute son.
Jaehyun came down to the dining area with his son’s tiny hand in his, and you notice that his tie is hanging around his neck undone. “why is your tie undone love?” you make your way to him and naturally tie his tie for him. Jaehyun took this opportunity to hug your waist “I don’t know, I can’t seem to do them this morning. It’s like I suddenly does not know how to do it, thank god my wife is an expert” his face is flushed pink with dimples prominent as ever. You know that was just a lame excuse that Jaehyun make to have you do it for him. You slapped his chest and shake your head with his antics. You carried Yuno to his seat and further assist him with his breakfast.  After breakfast, you strap your son’s bag on him and get ready to send him away to school with your assistant. “Yuno-yah, be good in school and listen well to your teachers, okay?” you said while crouching down to your child’s level so you can look into his brown dear like eyes. “eung eomma!” Yuno nods his head cutely and hugs your neck while giving your cheeks a peck. “eomma bye bye!” “bye bye my love”.
While you were getting Jaehyun’s briefcase for him, you reminded him about the new tutor for Yuno that will be moving in soon. “love, the new tutor recommended by your sister will be here today. If you happen to come across her around the house, be gentle and welcoming please” you tried to warn Jaehyun as he has known to be cold with the people that he is not familiar with. “and no more firing tutor without me knowing, do you know how hard it is to find a really good one these days?” you gave a wary eye to Jaehyun which he replied with caresses on your arms “I’ll try my best love, I have to go now. see you tonight, love you” he pecks your forehead and leave for work.
You receive a phone call shortly after that from your sister-in-law Jung Soojung and without any hesitation you pick it up. “Eonni wae? (hey sis, what’s going on)”, “I just want to inform you that Ms Kim Yeri, Yuno’s new tutor is arriving soon. I hope she is the perfect match as I really have to pull some strings to get her for you. Apparently, she graduated from Harvard Law School thus making it super hard to employ her.” Soojung clearly sounded distress on the other line. “ah geuraeyo (ah really) okay I’ll make sure to make her as comfortable as possible, thanks a lot for hiring her for us it really means a lot for Yuno’s future.” You tried your best to express your thankfulness to her so that she will feel assured that her hard work is much appreciated. “anything for my favorite boy, ahh and ask Jaehyun to tone down his temper this is the 3rd time in a month since he fired a tutor.” You sigh.. Jaehyun has a very short temper when it comes to anyone near his family, this man treasures his family more than his life. One wrong step and you are out of the door. “I’ll keep that in mind eonni, he must have his reasons to fire them. I’ll make sure it won’t happen again this time eonni.” You massage your temple, trying your best to really assured your sister-in-law that it will be different this time. “alright, if there’s any problem do not hesitate to call me up kay. I’ll see you around” with that she hangs up the phone on you. Soojung is a very poise, elegant and strict woman and she does not shy away on being hard on you from time to time. It was a struggle to settle with her attitude at first, but once you really got to known her you realize that she is very similar to Jaehyun. Cold on the outside but warm in the inside, explains much on why Jaehyun is super close with the second born of the Jung family. At-least she still treats you decently and warms up to you even if she shares the same hatred as her oldest sister on your background as an actress at first. They deemed you to be too tacky to be a Jung.  30 minutes after the phone call, a staff of the house informed you that the new tutor has arrived. “escort her to my study please” you said warmly to the staff.
While you were seated in your study, the grand door was opened and walks in a woman clad in a red dress coat from Burberry and a matching Kelly bag in hand, her legs are covered with a limited edition red bottoms. How come a professional tutor could effort such expensive items? You thought to yourself. “Annyeonghasaeyo samonim (hello madame), I’m Yuno’s new tutor Kim Yeri imnida” she greets you with a stone-cold expression. “Hello Ms Kim, and welcome to my humble home. Have a seat.” The new tutor took a sit opposite you and proceed to cross her legs. You grimace at the action as you thought of the consequences of having your legs crossed while seated with the seniors of the Jung’s family. The distaste was very much apparent on their faces when you crossed your legs on the very first meeting with the Jung’s. “I guess an actress is very comfortable for having no manners” said Jung Mija who is now known as your mother-in-law. You were clueless on why such comment were thrown at you, until the eldest daughter of the Jung family Jung Sooyeon threw a comment supporting her mother. “I told you eomma, she’s too tacky to be us” while dragging her eyes down to your crossed legs. That was the signal that makes you understand that it is forbidden to have your legs crossed when meeting the Jung’s. Apparently, the Jung’s family motto is to always be as poise and elegant as a Queen thus why it is forbidden for any Jung’s family members to seat with their legs crossed at any occasion. 
“I hope chamomile is fine for you Ms Kim.” You said as you pick up your cup of tea. “yes, ma’am I very much appreciate it” Ms Kim took a sip of her tea. “So Ms Kim, I heard a lot of you from my sister-in-law. Apparently, you graduated from Harvard?” “Ah yes, law school to be exact. I went under a top student scholarship program” A staff member knocks on the door signaling that she is coming in to set a tray of biscuits for your guest to enjoy. “I see, you must be a very bright student to be chosen. It was my dream school you know, until I gave it up for my acting career” you continue to laugh light heartedly. “I hope with your credibility, my son could further his studies there too. I mean you’re an alumnus of course you are familiar with the qualities that they want right?” you look up from your cup of tea. “I’ll try my very best ma’am” said the tutor as she sips her cup of tea so elegantly. You noticed that she has a very pretty face, and the red lipstick on her lips really suits her that she could easily won any guy’s heart. “Anyways, my son Yuno is a very gentle kid, he listens to instructions well. So, I hope you can be gentle with him too. But if there are any problems, please contact me immediately.” You smiled gently as you recalled on how soft of a boy your son is. “oh! I am sure my sister-in-law had told you that you would be living with us. Even if I am a housewife, I still have a tight schedule. So, I hope you can cater to Yuno’s from time to time, my assistant will provide you with Yuno’s schedule to help you familiarize with Yuno’s activities”. 
Ms Kim has a very unreadable expression that it could even come off as if she is not listening to anything you were saying at all, as she continues to sip her tea. “To begin with, Yuno will be arriving from school at 3 and he will have his snacks at this time. Please make sure that he takes his daily intakes of milk and make sure to warm it up to 70°C. Oh! and please don’t hit it up with the microwave.” You look up to Ms Kim, and notice that she is staring out the floor to ceiling window of your study looking at the Japanese garden. This bothers you a lot as you had hope for her to take some notes, as it really annoys you if someone miss out such important points. “Ms Kim are you not going to take some notes?” you said with a calm expression. Ms Kim turns to look at you and smirk, “that is not necessary, worry not as I have it at the back of my head.” She said smugly which kind of bothers you. “very well then, I hope you don’t forget this. It really bothers me if you do. My assistant will brief you further, but for now make sure that Yuno is refresh before his violin lesson.” As if it was a que, Ms Kim stood up and reach for her bag ready to be escorted out to her living quarters. “Ms Kim, I really love your bag. Some people need to be waitlisted to get it” you said while sipping your tea. Ms Kim who looks surprised quickly replied “it’s a counterfeit ma’am, they have it a lot at the market”. You give her a lopsided smile “I love the coat too; it suits you well” Ms Kim only gave you a half smile as a reply and she proceed to follow a staff to her living quarters”. 
It bothers you with the fact that the new tutor comes off a bit cocky and lavish. You recalled when your sister-in-law gave you Ms Kim’s profile, it was never stated that she came from any rich household. In fact, she grew up in an orphanage. You started to become wary as you do not want your son to be near any suspicious people. You decided not to think too much of it and decided to try and trust Ms Kim. After all she is suggested by your trusted sister-in-law. She must have tutored a few other rich kids to be able to afford such lifestyle. At the end of the day, you are paying her a huge amount of money too for this job. Your thoughts are interrupted by a phone call from your eldest sister-in-law Jung Sooyeon, which you kind of having a love and hate relationship with. She makes it clear as a day that she despises you. Furthermore, the fact that your father in law favors you does not sit well with the eldest Jung either. 
Hello everyone, this is my first attempt on writing so please understand if it is lacking a lot. English is not my first language, sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy this story, thank you!
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Please note, these works are mine. I won’t accept any translations (sorry, foreign language army) or cross-posting on accounts that aren’t mine. If you see a work of mine on Wattpad, it is not me. Please let me know so I can get it taken down. If you see a work of mine on AO3 under any account that isn’t honeymoonjin, it is not me and please let me know. The banners are not made by me, they are made by the incredibly talented @jamaisjoons​. Please do not read works marked with the crown ♔ for smut if you are a minor. These are intended for audiences 18 or above.
These fics are the b-side, my older works which I’m not as happy with as my newer stuff. I don’t want to delete them since some may still enjoy them, but I wanna start fresh with works I’m personally proud of on my main masterlist from now on, so these are the ones that didn’t make the cut.
♔ smut || ➴ angst || ✭ crack || ☯ fluff
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〚 darlin’ 〛✭
❝ you’re an actress that needs to learn to ride a horse for your next role. jin’s the cowboy tasked with teaching you. ❞
〚 pine 〛☯
❝ you’ve been hiding your crush on your best friend jin for far too long now, but it turns out he feels the same. ❞
〚 transition 〛✭
❝ seokjin’s job as a grim reaper is to guide souls after they die, but you’re not interested in moving on just yet. ❞
〚 pasta la vista 〛✭
❝ in which you, a food critic, wonders how kim seokjin manages to stay in business, considering how terrible his food seems to be. alternatively, kim seokjin does not know how to flirt. ❞
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〚 come dine with me 〛♔
❝ yoonji eating you out in the kitchen that is literally it. ❞
〚 daegu hold ‘em 〛☯
❝ yoongi loves spoiling his girl. you love having a sugar daddy. that’s called synergy. ❞
〚 baby fever 〛♔
❝ doctor min yoongi is your fertility specialist, but during the artificial insemination procedure he has some…unorthodox methods. ❞
〚 mi casa 〛☯
❝ when yoongi brings you home to spend the holiday season with his family, he finally realizes he’s in love with you. ❞
〚 curious ft kth 〛♔
❝ taehyung is unsure of his sexuality, and you and your boyfriend yoongi are only too happy to let him experiment with you. ❞
〚 땡 / ddaeng 〛✭
❝ when blackmailed by a sasaeng, you and yoongi decide to instead release a diss-track featuring audio from an illegally obtained video of the two of you having sex. ❞
〚 unravel 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ you just want yoongi to see himself the way you see him. ❞
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〚 heavy 〛♔
❝ mafia leader hoseok is having problems with loyalty in his ranks. luckily, you’ll always be there for him to relieve a little stress when he needs it. ❞
〚 close enough 〛➴
❝ hoseok thinks you’re getting a little too close to the other members, and he’s sick of it. part two now available here! ❞
〚 us 〛☯
❝ amongst the publicity of being an idol, hoseok wants his proposal to be a private affair. ❞
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〚 unwind 〛♔
❝ your boyfriend is about to give an important speech at the United Nations but isn’t handling pre-speech nerves too well. luckily, you know some ways to help him relax. ❞
〚 keyed up ft kth〛♔
❝ when your mutual roommate namjoon gets a little too strung out, you and taehyung offer to help relieve some tension. ❞
〚 hey mama 〛☯
❝ one-shot for mother’s day. you spend an evening in with namjoon and your two boys. ❞
〚 going up? 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ you didn’t expect to be trapped in a faulty elevator with the president of south korea, but it’s still preferable to having to take the stairs. ❞
〚 sick day 〛♔
❝ namjoon gets a week off work, but you don’t, and he’s starting to get a little frustrated. ❞
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〚 tumble dry 〛♔
❝ when jimin overhears you confessing to jungkook that you want to ride his thighs, jimin allows you…on one condition. ❞
〚 radio silence 〛♔
❝ jimin wants to indulge in his exhibitionism kink on the grandest scale: while at the grammys. ❞
〚 appa 〛☯
❝ jimin comes home from tour to visit his newborn son for the first time. ❞
〚 breaking point 〛➴
❝ you don’t think you can continue being in a relationship with jimin anymore. ❞
〚 arrivals 〛➴
❝ things go wrong at the airport when jimin’s wife and daughter accompany bts on a flight. ❞
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〚 keyed up ft knj〛♔
❝ when your mutual roommate namjoon gets a little too strung out, you and taehyung offer to help relieve some tension. ❞
〚 roomie 〛✭
❝ falling in love with your cell mate isn’t generally advisable. ❞
〚 confessions of love are best done sober 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ kim taehyung used to be your best friend in primary school, but he’s changed into a completely different person. while you drink yourself into oblivion at a party, he has something to tell you. ❞
〚 itty-bitty 〛☯
❝ after finally moving in with your just-married husband, you have some more exciting news to tell him. ❞
〚 curious ft myg 〛♔
❝ taehyung is unsure of his sexuality, and you and your boyfriend yoongi are only too happy to let him experiment with you. ❞
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〚 green room 〛♔
❝ jungkook isn’t happy with how you acted while he was on stage. ❞
〚 high-rise 〛☯
❝ getting locked out on a rooftop when you’re meant to be going on stage in five minutes is less than ideal, but luckily Jungkook has his girlfriend to keep him company. ❞
〚 shark week 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ when you get your period while at a restaurant with your boyfriend and the rest of bts, you just want to grin and bear it, but jungkook seems determined to show off to his hyungs how supportive he is. ❞
〚 the name game 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ jungkook likes to think he’s a genius at coming up with baby names. you, his heavily pregnant girlfriend, would have to disagree. ❞
〚 roll credits 〛☯
❝ after a string of misfortunes and troubles, you find yourself crying your eyes out in a movie theater. luckily, the cute usher wants to make sure you didn’t miss the film. ❞
〚 the daily grind 〛☯
❝ jeon jungkook has a crush on the girl that comes to the coffee shop he works at, but she’s too invested in her studying to even give him a second glance. ❞
〚 makin’ monet 〛✭
❝ jungkook’s attention is caught by his roommate taehyung’s odd collection of fake paintings, and he’s determined to find the painter. part two available here. ❞
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〚 love yourself: the collab 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴ ∙ ☯
❝ twenty-six authors, twenty-six songs. a collab me and @/jeonau created to celebrate the one year anniversary of lya. each song (plus four bonus tracks) has its own fic. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: several, at least one of every member x reader
〚 roll deep 〛✐ ∙ ♔
❝ six one-shots, pornstar au. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader, yoonji x reader
〚 wouldst thou like to live deliciously? 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ jimin is sick of being a virgin, and the pressure of the first time with a girl, so he decides to summon a sex demon to get it over with. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jimin x reader, namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader
〚 cum!bts 〛♔ ∙ ✭
❝ in the newest run! episode, the members compete to see which of them can make you orgasm the fastest. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader
〚 sovereign 〛✐ ∙ ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ when you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. but after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. in the late 18th century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind? ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jimin x reader, jungkook x reader
〚 lost in translation 〛✐ ∙ ➴ ∙ ☯
❝ you decide to uproot your life completely and move to korea to help teach english at a primary school. ❞
⇥ season one masterlist here
⇥ pairings: none so far
〚 seven 〛➴ ∙ ☯
❝ life with seven boyfriends isn’t always a walk in the park, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. ❞
⇥ part one || part two || part three
⇥ pairings: ot7 x reader
〚 dul, set 〛☯
❝ work can be tough. at least you have two boyfriends to come home to. ❞
⇥ part one || part two
⇥ pairings: hoseok x reader x yoongi
〚 spotlights 〛✭ ∙ ☯
❝ a fully interactive (~50 parts, 21 different endings) bts fic. you’ve been seated next to bts at a televised award show. will you end the night with a boyfriend or with a disaster? each member has 1 positive ending and 2 negative ones. ❞
⇥ entry post here
⇥ pairings: one of each member x reader
〚 enjoy your stay 〛 ♔ ∙ ➴
❝ working the graveyard shift at a hotel isn’t the most exciting job in the world, but your coworkers are certainly happy to have you here. ❞
⇥ masterlist here
⇥ pairings: jin x reader, jungkook x reader
〚 런닝맨 방탄 - running man bangtan 〛 ♔
❝ you and the other seven members of the popular variety show running man celebrate your 100th episode by completing various missions. ❞
⇥ part one || part two || part three
⇥ pairings: taehyung x reader, hoseok x reader x yoongi
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fyleejoongi · 4 years
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seoyeon_mother: #지난사진 #2020AAA #수상을축하합니다 🎊🎉 . . 준기아빠 은하도 응원합니다 ♥️ 아시아의 큰별 이준기 @actor_jg 우리 아빠 최고 👍👍👍 . . #이준기 #leejoongi #대스타 #글로벌스타 #2020aaa #아시아 #아티스트 #어워드 #수상 #두근두근 #멋짐폭발 #악의꽃 #은하 #딸 #응원합니다 🍀
#old_photo #2020AAA #congratulations_on_your_win🎊🎉 . . Joongi appa (daddy), Eunha is cheering you on as well ♥️ Big star in Asia @actor_jg Our appa is the best 👍👍👍 . . #이준기 #leejoongi #bigstar #globalstar #2020aaa #asia #artist #award #win #heartsaflutter #awesomenessoverload #flowerofevil #Eunha #daughter #cheeringyouon 🍀️
Translation by gunman
[2020.11.28 Instagram]
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