#best mini stroller fan
babycare59 · 1 year
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About this item
Safe for baby: Let us take all your worries away! Featuring high quality material, this training potty seat provides you with peace of mind while your toddler uses the potty!
Comfortable seat and handle: Designed for comfort and safety, this potty training seat fits a child's body perfectly. The high-back design protects your baby's spine from damage and provides a comfortable grip for climbing.
No more shaking: Featuring non-slip rubber pads, the ladder fits firmly to the toilet at the back and at the bottom. Thanks to the non-slip wide ladder, your baby can easily turn around. It’s a trustworthy companion for every parent!
Intimate design: The smooth armrests on this potty training seat fits the curvature of the baby's hand. Moreover, a pee catcher is designed for boys as well as girls between 1-7 to effectively prevent urine from splashing.
Easy to install: Easy installation, just tighten the screws with a key, no tools required. Max capacity of 75kg(165lb), sturdy enough when your toddler climbs up and down. The padding on this potty seat makes it more comfortable to sit.
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russo-woso · 6 months
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Mini Williamson | Leah Williamson
Warning mentions of pregnancy, morning sickness and just a whole lot of fluff
You and Leah had kept your whole relationship away from the public, up until recently.
It was announced that Leah had been chosen to captain her country to the euros and therefore, had been more in the public spotlight.
Leah soon became a face of England, the one who was going to bring it home.
You loved it, but hated it at the same time.
Your wife was getting the recognition she deserved, but it also meant she was at home less and less.
You couldn’t blame Leah, how could you? You knew this would be the case when you got with her.
Luckily, one of the best thing about your relationship was that you were both open with your emotions.
So when it got too much, you sat Leah down and explained your feelings and within minutes, she had cancelled all her shoots and interviews for the next few weeks.
That way, she could spend time with you, and your baby, who was due anytime that week.
It had been a rollercoaster and a half the past nine months.
During the autumn of 2021, you and Leah decided to go on the journey of IVF, desperately wanting to expand your family.
It was quickly chosen that you’d carry, due to Leah being an athlete, and you began the process.
When you awoke in the early morning four weeks after the final transfer, feeling the urge to throw up, you knew that maybe you and Leah were going to be parents.
You remember the moment you found out.
Leah had been rubbing your back as you threw your head into the toilet.
You looked back and nodded at her.
Without needing any words, Leah knew what you were saying and reached to open the box of tests.
You set a timer and once the alarm echoed the silent room, you urged Leah to turn it, your hands too shaky for you do it.
“Positive. Love, we’re having a baby.”
You sobbed into Leah’s shoulder, happiness taking over your body.
That was just the start of the rollercoaster.
With the baby following in their mummy’s footsteps and wanting to become a footballer, the kicking you got was non stop.
It was safe to say it was Leah’s baby.
When you got to the later months of your pregnancy, the uncomfortableness started to kick in.
Whatever position you were in, you were uncomfortable.
Even laying in Leah’s arms, you were uncomfortable.
You became moody due to the tiredness, constantly snapping at Leah, even if she was trying to help, which always resulted in a sorry and kiss to her cheek.
So when the time finally came for your baby to come, you were ecstatic.
Ecstatic to not be pregnant anymore, but even more ecstatic to meet your little one.
In the early morning of June 6th, your perfect baby girl was born.
The moment she was passed into your hands, you decided that life couldn’t get any better.
Even though Leah was set on calling her Wembley, you both settled on the name Amelia.
Amelia Amanda Williamson.
You and Leah couldn’t have been happier.
You were in your own little bubble with your newborn baby girl and your close family and friends knowing about her.
Due to Leah going to England camp for the euros three weeks after Amelia was born, you made the most of her being home.
After a few cozy weeks being stuck inside, you decided to take Ami on her first walk.
You cried when you put her in her stroller for the first time.
The realisation that she was really yours settling in.
Although you thought it was just you, Leah and Amelia on that walk, fans had taken pictures of the three of you, posting them all over social media.
The whole of England blew up after finding out that the England captain had not only a wife, but also a baby.
Leah officially came out with a statement, introducing you and Amelia to the public, along with a picture of you and Leah when you were pregnant.
Although it wasn’t ideal, you and Leah were both happy that you didn’t have to hide from the public anymore.
The dreaded moment came when Leah left for camp.
After a very emotional goodbye, Leah placed a final kiss to your lips and a kiss to Amelia’s head, and was on her way to the euros.
With Amelia still being so young, you and Leah made the decision that you wouldn’t attend any matches.
Although it killed you not being at the stadiums watching her play, Leah assured you that it was okay, that you were being her biggest supporter by looking after your baby girl.
But when the lionesses made it to the final, you had to be there.
You wanted to witness it, but you also wanted Ami to witness her mummy and all her aunties at a sold out Wembley.
You hadn’t told Leah you were at the final, getting the tickets from Kiera instead.
Kiera got you the best tickets too, in the family and friends section, just behind the subs bench, right by the barricade.
It was nerve racking taking Amelia. You couldn’t help but think she was still too young to be there.
But her paediatrician assured you that she’d be fine as long as she had noise cancelling headwear on.
Ami looked adorable in her car seat.
It was a moist summers day when the final took place so she was in a baby grow, an England shirt over the top, with a thin blanket on top of her.
You got to your seats, Amelia fast asleep in a milk coma.
Everyone’s family and friends came and congratulated you on the birth of Ami, everyone staring in awe at the sleeping Amelia.
Eventually it was time for the game to begin.
Leah led her team out of the tunnel, which brought tears to your eyes.
Whilst singing the national anthem, Leah had a small smile on her face.
You knew how excited she was, but also how worried she was.
Your eyes locked with Leah’s and her whole face changed from serious to shocked.
You blew a kiss to her and she returned two back.
At the action, Alessia looked back from her seat on the bench and her eyes widened.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” She exclaimed, immediately standing up to hug you.
Alessia was like a little sister to you.
You both had met when Leah introduced you to the England girls but it was Alessia who you got on best with.
“Hi, lessi.” You hugged back and less broke the hug, realising that the newest member of your family was with you.
“Is this…” Alessia asked, stopping her sentence as she zoned out, looking at Amelia.
Amelia frowned in her sleep and less giggled at her.
“She’s already got that Williamson frown mastered. Hi, mini Williamson. Tooney, look at Amelia, doesn’t she look like Leah?” Alessia nudged Ella beside her and Ella turned around and awed at the sight.
“That’s Leah but in baby form.”
You all laughed at her statement but stopped once a small cry was heard from the car seat.
“Oh, baby girl, did we wake you up? I’m sorry.” You cooed as you picked her up, resting her on your chest, her head snuggling into your neck.
“She’s the cutest. Even her cry is cute.” Alessia said quietly, scared that she’ll wake Amelia up again.
“It is, but not at 2 o’clock in the morning when you want to sleep.”
Your conversation with Alessia was soon cut short when Sarina suggested she goes and warms up.
With a final hug from her, less jumped up and went and warmed up.
The atmosphere was incredible when Ella scored the first goal.
The whole of Wembley roaring as the ball hit the back of the net.
The atmosphere seemed to calm as Germany scored an equaliser.
Of course, with the three super subs on, Ella, Alessia, and Chloe, the score was bound to change.
And that’s exactly what it did.
Just 10 minutes from the extra time full whistle, Chloe scored the winning goal.
You saw your wife fall to the floor in tears as the final whistle blew.
Tears ran down your face too, you were so proud of Leah.
Your Leah was now a European champion. She was the one that lead her country to becoming European champions.
Whilst everyone was celebrating with one another, Leah headed straight for you.
You enveloped her in a hug, very restricted due to the barricade in your way.
“I’m so proud of you, Le.” You told her, your voice cracking as you held her tighter.
Once you pulled apart, she picked up Amelia from her car seat, pressing kisses all around her face.
Leah helped you jump the barrier, immediately pressing her lips against yours, Amelia still in her arms.
She then walked you over to all the England girls that celebrated as they saw you.
All of the girls loved you just as much as they loved Leah, but instead of the attention going straight to you, it was all on Amelia.
Leah took her over to them, showing her off like a trophy, and all of the lionesses gathered round in a circle, completely forgetting about the other trophy they’d won.
That summer, Leah won two trophies.
A trophy for winning the euros.
But the best one of all, was her baby girl. Her mini Williamson.
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puckarchives · 8 months
definitely a surpise: l. hughes
blurb: in which you and luke introduce the daughter the world never even knew you had to the nhl. / word count: 1.3k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
To be fair, the decision had been made way before the two of you had even considered the possibility of being (or even trying to become) pregnant; instead, it was a comment that had sparked a long winded conversation on the dock of the Hughes Family lake house in New Hampshire, and that had you and Luke coming to a final consensus: if you were to have children together, mini-Lukes and mini-Y/Ns, the child wouldn’t be introduced into the world of the National Hockey League until they were a year old.
Now, while the decision might have sounded easy and obvious, it wasn’t until a few months later after our wedding that we had found out we were pregnant, and preparation for Hughes Baby Number 1 was quite the spectacle— one that usually involved Luke finding you in the stands of the Prudential Center, covered head to toe in clothing that hid your baby bump— right until it became a bit too obvious to his teammates, and it was decided that instead, your would spend your time watching the game either from the Center’s family suite, or from the comfort of your own shared home. Naturally, the latter won out almost instantaneously.
Despite the onslaught of media harassment that Luke and you had received in the aftermath of your absence from his games— comments from fans who mentioned that I wasn’t being supportive enough or even a good partner to him, the pregnant went as good as we had hoped— and, a few months later, Marnie Wren Hughes was born— a name that was a mix of both of our mother’s names, and whose middle name was a play on Luke’s own middle name, swapping out “Warren” for a simplified version of “Wren.”
Marnie was an angel child, truly. Sure, she was attached to the hip with Luke because of how much he had to travel for games and roadies, but she was a Momma’s Girl at heart— constantly around you, and always around in her stroller, or toddling around your office at the university.
As your baby’s first birthday came along, however, Luke and you once again found yourselves in a bit of a predicament. Just like her uncle, Marnie had a May birthday— putting it right smack in the middle of playoff season for the Devils, and leaving the two of you to think about what you could do with that. Would it be time to introduce the baby you two had and watched grow for over a year to the world? Hell, not even half of Luke’s team even knew about Marnie, despite the fact that Luke had been playing with the team for over five years now.
Despite this, we knew it was time; since it was her birthday, both your parents and Luke’s would be in Jersey visiting for her birthday party, and with the Canucks having lost in the second round of their own playoff games, Quinn would be taking a flight out to join the Y/L/N-Hughes family for the party as well, so it truly gave you the best opportunity to take Marnie out, surrounded by her family, to her first Devils game— and, for all intents and purposes, introduce her to the world her father thrived in.
When the day came, however, you readied the newly one-year-old in a tiny version of Luke’s jersey, with the “43” taking up the majority of her back. She looked, in so many ways, (but especially clad in the classic red and black colors,) like her dad; like the man who had given you the opportunity to be a mom to such an angel baby, and experience things like this in the first place.
As the game began and team warmups commenced, you saw Luke look around the stadium quickly, easily finding you and the child in your arms waving at him alongside his own family. Signaling to Jack to join him, the two skated over to where you stood— sporting the same jersey Marnie did, and the ring on your hand to prove it.
As Luke got near, Marnie, excited to see her dad, yelled in her baby voice, “Daddy!” leaving both you and Luke, who had stopped mid-skate, a bit dumbfounded. Sure she was a year-old already, but talking in full words? Especially since she had only ever called you “Mama” and Luke “Dada” before?
Seemingly pulled out of his stupor by the wiggling child in your arms, Marnie stretched her arms out toward Luke, now catching the attention of other players and audience members around you— all of which must have been wondering why this child was calling Luke “Daddy,” and where she had even come from to begin with.
Peeling off his gloves, Luke grabbed her into his arms as both Nico and Mercer came skating over, the latter obviously trying to find out who the child was. Even the jumbo screen, which usually held on to Kiss Cams and commercials, was pointed at the scene of Luke carrying Marnie in his arms, now peppering her tiny face in kisses as she babbled and yelled “Papa” over and over at him.
Pulling away from the two, you got out your phone to take a picture of the sight— the love of your life carrying the other love of your life, all while they both experienced something entirely new; Luke having his daughter at a game, and Marnie, experiencing the cheers of the game her dad gave his all to.
After the game though, as the Devils swept the Rangers 9-2 with three points from Luke and two assists from both Haula and Jack, you counted the amount of times that one or more Devils had skated to your piece of glass and waved at Marnie, catching the baby’s attention as they pseudo-met the youngest Hughes child for the first time. From Marino to Schmid, one by one the Devils found themselves cooing at the baby from across the glass— all star struck in a way at the child who had called their defenseman “Daddy,” but all enamored by her curls and Y/E/C eyes that were clearly traits she inherited from both you and Luke alike.
After, however, you were both ushered into the locker room, automatically surrounded by baby-fever induced coos from Luke’s teammates as Marnie was swept out of your arms— first by Jack, and then by Nico, and then finally finding herself back in Luke’s arms as each member shared their surprise that, one— Luke had a literal child, and two, that you both had kept it under wraps for so long.
“Well, it was a decision we both made before Marnie was even a thought,” you told Bastian, who was playing peek-a-boo with the squirming toddler, and who had asked how he hadn't known of her before tonight.
“We kind of wanted it to be a surprise, and then we just didn’t want her to only ever remember the bad parts about hockey, you know? But big day for the Hughes family now,” Luke added. “Big day, sweetheart,” he told Marnie, bouncing her up and down with one arm while she played with his fingers of his opposite hand.
“Well, except me,” Jack interjected. “Now I can finally show you guys the pictures of MarnieBear when she was a baby! God— you should see how much Lukey cried when she was born,” he said, leading off to join Nico and Lazar as he whipped out his phone, most likely pulling out the one photo he took of Luke with a newborn Marnie, tears of happiness streaming down his face as he held his little girl in his arms— her in one, and you in the other.
“Well, that was definitely a surprise,” I told him, putting your arm around his waist. The defenseman only looked down at me, smiling at both me and our daughter— yeah, it was definitely the right decision.
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anniebeemine · 2 days
spoiled- s.r. x fem!reader
warnings: Spencer spoiling his kids def comes back to bite him in the ass
Spencer wanted nothing but the best for his children. Since finding out he had one on the way, he spent weeks hunched over online articles, debating the best car seats, the safest family cars, and the most comfortable strollers. He read everything—from parenting blogs to consumer reports—until his eyes burned and his back ached from sitting for so long. No detail was too small. The color of the car seat, the weight of the stroller—everything mattered because this was his child.
As Melanie grew, so did his tendency to spoil her. He carried a mini fan around for her in the summer to make sure she was cool enough. In the winter, he always had a stash of hand warmers to stuff in her pockets. He didn’t care if people thought it was excessive; he’d do anything to keep her comfortable and happy.
But now, standing in the middle of the mall with his daughter screaming at the top of her lungs, Spencer realized some of that spoiling had been a mistake.
It had started innocently enough. Melanie needed a few long-sleeve shirts for school, and with the temperatures dropping, Spencer thought it would be a nice afternoon outing. They’d stopped in the store she loved, all girly pink and frills, the kind of place that lit up her eyes. He’d let her pick out earrings, scarves, and other trinkets he wasn’t sure she’d need, but the way her face lit up made it worth it.
Then, she saw the tiara. It was glittering under the store lights, solid gold with delicate rhinestones, sitting in a glass case as if it were meant for a real princess. Melanie’s eyes had widened, and she reached out for it like it was the most important thing in the world.
"No, Mel. Not today," Spencer had said gently, kneeling down to her level. "It’s too expensive, and you don’t need another tiara."
But she wasn’t having it. Her lip trembled, and before Spencer could even blink, she dropped to the floor, her light-up sneakers kicking out as she let out a blood-curdling scream.
Every head in the store turned toward them, eyes wide. Spencer’s heart hammered in his chest as he tried to calm her down, but Melanie wasn’t listening. She was kicking, screaming, and pounding her fists against the floor.
“Melanie, stop it,” he said firmly, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep up his neck. Other parents passed by, some averting their eyes awkwardly while others gave him knowing, sympathetic looks.
Spencer picked her up, her little body thrashing in his arms as her cries echoed through the mall. He carried her to the parking lot, feeling every pair of eyes on him as he walked, his face flushed with embarrassment. When they reached the car, she fought him again, pushing his hands away when he tried to buckle her into the car seat. Her face was red, tear-streaked, and contorted with anger.
He sighed, stepping back and waiting. He couldn’t force her. He had to wait until she calmed down.
After what felt like an eternity, Melanie finally stopped thrashing, her sobs quieting down to soft hiccups. She allowed him to buckle her in, but as he drove home, she kicked at the back of the seat, whining and crying about how they hadn’t even gotten the pretzels they always got when they went to the mall.
By the time they got home, Spencer was exhausted. Melanie, far too old to be throwing tantrums like this, stomped into the house, her little fists balled up at her sides.
"Melanie," Spencer said, his voice stern, but not angry. He pulled her little pink chair from her tea set and placed it in the corner of the living room. "Sit here."
Her face dropped, and she looked at him with wide, apologetic eyes, as if she suddenly realized she had gone too far. Normally, he would’ve caved, let her go about her day with a warning or a talk. But not today. Today, he needed to set a boundary.
Melanie sat down slowly, her tiny toes barely touching the floor. She sniffled, her lip quivering, but she didn’t argue. Soft cries escaped her, and Spencer’s heart ached, but he stood firm.
You had heard it all from the other room. When you walked into the living room and saw Melanie sitting in the corner, her head bowed and her small shoulders shaking, you knew something had happened. But instead of going to her first, you went to find Spencer.
He was in your shared bedroom, sitting in the chair near the corner that was often inhabited by a pile of unfolded laundry. His head was in his hands, and his whole body looked tense, as if he were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
You knelt in front of him, gently running your hands over his forearms until he looked at you.
“Shouldn’t you be talking to Melanie?” he asked, his voice quiet and tired.
You chuckled softly and smiled. “I came to talk to my husband, to find out what she did. And why he put himself in time-out.”
A small, exhausted laugh escaped Spencer, and he shook his head, sitting back in the chair. “She threw the biggest tantrum I’ve seen in years... over a tiara,” he said, rubbing his hands over his face. “I tried to reason with her, but she just... lost it. I had to put her in the corner." His voice lowered. "I’ve never had to do that before.”
You squeezed his hand. “You did the right thing.”
He looked at you, his eyes filled with guilt and frustration. “I don’t know... I feel like I’ve spoiled her so much that this is partly my fault. She’s never acted like that before.”
You leaned forward, resting your forehead against his. “Parenting isn’t easy, and she’s growing up. But setting boundaries is important. You’re doing great, Spencer.”
He sighed, his shoulders relaxing a little as he finally let go of some of the tension. “I just hate seeing her like that.”
“I know,” you whispered. “But she’ll be okay. And so will you.”
After a few minutes of quiet, Spencer stood up from the chair, his shoulders heavy with exhaustion but his mind clearer. He walked back into the living room, where Melanie still sat in the little pink chair, her face flushed and tear-streaked. Her legs swung idly as she sniffled, her fingers picking at the hem of her shirt. When she saw him coming, she straightened up slightly, her big eyes watching him closely.
He knelt down next to her, making sure they were at eye level. Spencer wasn’t one to raise his voice or discipline in anger, and he wanted her to know this was about more than just the tantrum. He needed to help her understand.
"Mel, do you know why I asked you to sit here?" he asked gently, his voice soft but steady.
She hesitated, her bottom lip wobbling. "Because... I was bad," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Spencer shook his head slowly, reaching out to take one of her tiny hands in his. "No, you weren’t bad. But the way you acted at the mall—screaming and kicking like that—it wasn’t okay. It’s not how we handle things when we don’t get what we want."
Melanie looked down at her shoes, her face flushed with embarrassment. "But I really wanted the tiara," she muttered, a little tremble in her voice.
"I know you did," Spencer said, squeezing her hand gently. "And it’s okay to want things. But sometimes, we can’t always have everything we want, especially if it’s something that’s too expensive or something we don’t need right now. I told you no, not because I didn’t want you to be happy, but because I thought it was the best decision. That doesn’t mean you throw a tantrum when you don’t get your way. We can talk about it, but you have to stay calm."
Melanie sniffled again, her fingers curling into the fabric of her skirt. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
Spencer smiled softly and brushed a few strands of hair from her face. "I know you are. And I’m not mad at you, okay? I love you more than anything in this world. But I need you to understand that acting like that isn’t the right way to get what you want."
She nodded, her eyes watery as she looked up at him. "I understand," she whispered. "I won’t do it again."
Spencer nodded, feeling a bit of relief wash over him. "That’s all I ask," he said, pulling her into a gentle hug. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, clinging to him as if she was afraid he’d still be upset. He held her tightly, letting her know that everything was okay now.
When they finally pulled apart, Melanie glanced up at him with wide eyes. "Maybe... we can look at tiaras tomorrow?" she asked hesitantly, her voice small but hopeful.
Spencer chuckled softly, the tension in his chest finally easing. "Maybe," he said, smiling down at her. "We’ll see if we can find something more reasonable, okay?"
Melanie nodded eagerly, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. Then, with a seriousness far beyond her years, she patted his leg. "But you need some time to calm down first, Daddy," she said, her voice filled with that innocent wisdom only children possess.
Spencer couldn’t help but laugh, the sound light and full of affection. "I think you might be right," he said, standing up and holding out his hand to her. "How about we both calm down together, maybe with some ice cream?"
Melanie grinned, taking his hand as she jumped up from her chair. "I like that idea."
As they walked toward the kitchen, you appeared in the doorway, watching the two of them with a soft smile. You’d been listening from the hallway, and the tenderness in their exchange made your heart swell. Spencer caught your eye and gave you a small, knowing smile. The storm had passed, and you knew that, together, you’d figure out the rest.
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masterdetectivexx · 3 months
Hi mtx hope you are doing well
what are your thoughts on last case? who do you think that old woman and who she is focus on is it amuro or conan? and what abt the baby is it possible for him to be KARASUMA ?!!
File 1126-1128 Review
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I think this latest case was very refreshing, similar to the Butler shinkansen case, where we revisited classic DC mystery themes and settings that aren't often used. You immediately get a classic kidnapping case with the added trait of a seemingly gory and highstake threat from the start through the reveal of a head in a jar (File 1126).
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The twist that the gory atmosphere was ultimately a fakeout is such a callback to the very old Ayumi kidnapping case (File 83), where the head she was stuck with was a prop as well. It was also a neat trick on how to create the illusion of a 3D head out of a 2D paper.
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The trick of opening a lock with a mini-explosion using matchsticks (File 1128) was also quite genius and I hadn’t thought of such a way to actually work (as expected of Gosho).
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Another revisited theme was Masumi and her protective and watchful gazes against anyone with potentially ill intent towards Conan, which I always love to see more of. Her noticing Amuro's nosiness towards Conan (File 1126) took me immediately back to Yusaku cold case in Bourbon arc (File 814), where she started glaring the same way towards Subaru after he alluded to figuring out Conan's true identity discreetly.
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As for whether her eventually revealing to Conan, that Amuro is investigating him (File 1128), is gonna lead to any actions from Conan's side is all up in the air. Since Conan already views Amuro as an ally, he most likely wouldn't be too concerned of it, since unlike his Bourbon worries in File 1009 (after his recent Kudo Shinichi publicity) he has no reason to suspect the BO is onto Edogawa Conan.
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One thing I somewhat got right was something I speculated in regards to one of the suspects that Ran and Sonoko found so familiar. I had speculated that Kanamaru was an employee who has worked in Poirot since before Amuro & Masumi intro, based on the clues that were given in File 1127 (Knowledge on behind-the-counter, familarity, etc).
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I was convinced, but mainly hopeful, that we were finally getting the reveal of the mysterious never-appearing owner of Café Poirot. It seems however unfortunately that, while the line of thought was correct, it was rather a former employee who covered for the owner when he was hospitalized in the past (File 1128).
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It was however cool to learn that Kanamaru had previously appeared as a background Poirot employee in the anime, making his general design and official manga debut pretty cohesive in the DC franchise.
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Now... as for the important question of yours, who is the old lady that looked unique in how she appeared as a witness with a mysterious toddler in a stroller and who also appeared once again at the very end...?
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She is none other than: Karasuma Renya's mother pushing her shrunken Boss son in a stroller!!!
Jokes aside, she did pretty much catch every other fan's attention the moment she appeared and it was a running joke that the boss has finally made his appearance xD
As for what I really think, I'm not really entertaining the idea that the Boss would have first of all shrunken into a younger age than our main protagonist (a 7-year-old), since it would lose any air of suspending disbelief and start becoming more comical than serious (especially since a toddler boss would be too vulnerable as a threat). The old lady also looked quite generic for a character design, which of course doesn't need to mean she isn't important, but it does ultimately lessen the chance that she is a major player in the story. What I however entertained was the possibility that she could be another named, but unrevealed, old woman character in the story, who has the best timing to appear in this stage of the ongoing plot. I'm talking about Haneda Kohji's mother, Haneda Ichiyo.
Considering that Gosho is very likely already setting up the introduction of Haneda Yasuharu (Kohji's named father in the marriage registration in File 947) through the mystery of Vader (respirator elder), it couldn’t be more fitting to have the also-named wife being setup to get introduced in such a discreet way that once she eventually appears in association with Vader (assuming it's Haneda Yasuharu), it will leave a bigger and better impression on the reader than a simple worthless appearance of a new character.
As for her motives for appearing around Poirot Café, it could be that similar to Vader, who this old lady is actually being watchful of is neither Conan nor Amuro, but rather Sera Masumi. Vader has had his eyes on Masumi and Mary (which again fits with him being Yasuharu) and seemingly realized that Akai Mary has become a middle-schooler (File 1096), so in a similar fashion, this could be Gosho sprinkling in some hidden continuation of that plot thread, but with the twist being that Ichiyo (Kohji's mother) is trying to confirm her husband's (Vader/Yasuharu) crazy findings by borrowing one of her housemaids' baby as a part of her cover as a passerby, rather than glamorously appearing in a vintage/expensive car that shows her status of being from the powerful Haneda family.
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The ending of the chapter had a sidenote mentioning that many premonitions were swirling around Café Poirot, which is ultimately enough that it is referring to what Masumi brought up about Conan being investigated by Amuro, but it could also indeed covertly be including the looming old lady literally outside the Café hearing the rom-com commotion inside. What is however the most exciting is that the awaited Osaka Heizuha likely-confession case in Naniwa has been teased even in the to-be-continued note to be the next big 5-chapter case coming in Aug 7. I can't wait to finally see more development of not only the main characters of this stage (Heiji & Kazuha) but also Rum arc's new stars of this subplot that have thoroughly been a joy to follow (Momiji and Muga).
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shofiuddin · 1 year
Best Stroller Fan.WiHoo Mini Handheld Stroller Fan,Personal Portable Car...
The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan .
Consider this: you're out for a nice walk with your baby in the stroller, and it's a hot day. You start to sweat and feel a bit faint. What do you do? If you're carrying The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube with you, all you have to do is turn it on and point it in your direction. This battery-operated fan is small and lightweight, but it packs a powerful punch. With two speeds and a flexible neck, you can adjust the airflow to suit your needs. So, if you're looking for a way to stay cool and comfortable while pushing your baby around, look no further than the Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube.
1. The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan on Youtube is the iLIVING ILG8F20. 2. It is a battery-operated and rechargeable fan. 3. The fan has three speeds and an oscillating feature. 4. The fan can be used while strolling or stationary. 5. The fan is lightweight and portable. 6. The fan is durable and has a long lifespan. 7. The fan is affordable and easy to use.
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1. The Greatest Handheld Stroller Fan .
There are a lot of great handheld stroller fans on the market, but the iLIVING ILG8F20 is definitely the greatest one on Youtube. This powerful little fan can circulate air at up to 20 feet per second, making it perfect for strollers, car seats, and even baby swings. The battery life is also impressive, lasting up to 4 hours on a single charge. What makes the iLIVING ILG8F20 so great is its compact size and portability. It can easily be carried in a diaper bag or even a purse, making it ideal for on-the-go parents. The fan also comes with a built-in handle, so it can be hung from a stroller or car seat. Plus, the blades are made from soft, durable plastic, so there's no risk of injury if baby accidentally bumps into it. If you're looking for the perfect handheld stroller fan, the iLIVING ILG8F20 is definitely the one for you. It's powerful, portable, and safe for babies, making it the perfect choice for any parent.
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2. It is a battery-operated and rechargeable fan.
A fan is a battery-operated and rechargeable device that is used to create airflow by moving air. A handheld fan is a type of fan that can be held in the hand. A handheld stroller fan is a handheld fan that is specifically designed to be used with a stroller. There are many different types of handheld stroller fans on the market. Some are designed to be used with a specific type of stroller, while others are universal and can be used with any type of stroller. There are also different types of fans, such as, electric, battery-operated, and rechargeable fans. The best handheld stroller fan is the one that best meets the needs of the individual. Some people may prefer a fan that is electric, while others may prefer a battery-operated or rechargeable fan. There are also different features that may be important to someone when choosing a handheld stroller fan. Some of these features include, the ability to adjust the speed of the fan, the ability to adjust the angle of the fan, and the ability to operate the fan with a remote control. The best way to find the perfect handheld stroller fan is to read reviews. There are many websites that offer reviews on products. reviewers evaluate the pros and cons of a product and then give their honest opinion. This is a great way to see what others think about a particular product before making a purchase. When it comes to choosing the best handheld stroller fan, it is important to consider the needs of the individual. There are many different types of fans on the market, so it is important to find the one that best meets the needs of the individual.
3. The fan has three speeds and an oscillating feature.
The handheld stroller fan has three speeds, so you can control how much air circulation you need. The oscillating feature helps to distribute the air evenly throughout the stroller, so your baby stays cool and comfortable.
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4. The fan can be used while strolling or stationary.
The best handheld stroller fan is the one that can be used while strolling or stationary. There are many handheld stroller fans on the market, but not all of them can be used while strolling. Some require the stroller to be stationary, and some are too big and bulky to be used while strolling. The fan that can be used while strolling is the best handheld stroller fan on the market. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is convenient. When the weather is hot, the last thing you want to do is stop and start the stroller to use the fan. With a handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling, you can keep cool while on the go. Another reason the handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best is because it is not bulky. Some handheld fans are too big and bulky to be used while strolling. They can take up too much space and be inconvenient. A handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the perfect size and is not bulky. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is affordable. There are many handheld stroller fans on the market that are expensive. The fan that can be used while strolling is an affordable option that is just as good as the more expensive fans. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best because it is versatile. Some handheld stroller fans are only for strolling, and some are only for stationary use. The fan that can be used while strolling can be used for both strolling and stationary use. This makes it a versatile option for all your needs. The handheld stroller fan that can be used while strolling is the best option on the market. It is convenient, not bulky, affordable, and versatile. It is the perfect option for all your needs.
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5. The fan is lightweight and portable.
There are lots of handheld stroller fans on the market, but which one is the best? The answer might surprise you – it’s the one that’s been making waves on YouTube. The handheld stroller fan from iLIVING is one of the most popular on the market, and for good reason. It’s lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry with you when you’re on the go. Plus, it’s powerful enough to keep your little one cool and comfortable, even on the hottest days. You can use the fan on its own, or attach it to the stroller for hands-free operation. And if you need to move around, the fan’s 360-degree swivel head means you can direct the airflow just where you need it. The iLIVING fan is also one of the most affordable options on the market, making it a great choice for budget-conscious parents. So if you’re looking for a high-quality, affordable handheld stroller fan, the iLIVING is the one to beat.
6. The fan is durable and has a long lifespan.
The fan is durable and has a long lifespan. You can use it for a long time without having to worry about it breaking. It is also easy to clean and maintain.
7. The fan is affordable and easy to use.
When you are out and about with your baby, the last thing you want is for them to be uncomfortably hot. A handheld stroller fan is a great way to keep your little one cool and relaxed while you are on the go. The best handheld stroller fan on Youtube is the Baby Gliderz Fan. This fan is affordably priced and easy to use. It has a flexible neck that allows you to adjust the direction of the airflow, and it is also very lightweight and portable. The Baby Gliderz Fan is powered by AA batteries, so you can easily take it with you wherever you go. It is also very quiet, so it will not disturb your baby while they are sleeping. If you are looking for a handheld stroller fan that is affordable and easy to use, the Baby Gliderz Fan is the perfect choice for you.
If you are looking for a handheld stroller fan that will keep you cool and help you beat the heat, then you need to check out the greatest handheld stroller fan on Youtube. This fan is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. It also has a powerful motor that will make short work of cooling you down.
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sowiseup-blog · 2 years
3 Best Mini Stroller Fan For Baby - Toddler Stroller Fan Rechargeable
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ipanergy-com · 2 years
The best fan for cooling down-ipanergy
Portable fans are a handy resource for any occasion. Need some air while waiting for the subway? Pull out your foldable fan from your purse. Getting a little too hot during your jog? Grab the handheld fan from your pocket. We sifted through the different types, sizes and brands of portable fans to find the best ones based on activity, power, weight and easy design for transport.
Whether you’re overheating on your daily bike rides or need a desk fan when your coworkers set the thermostat too high in the office, we’ve got you covered with the best portable fans to keep you cool when you're just way too hot.
What to look for in a portable fan
While you shop for the portable fan that's right for you, it's important to consider a few things before you hit "purchase:"
What size do I need?
Is it battery operated, rechargeable or plug-in?
What activity will you be using it for?
If you are grabbing a fan for your outdoor workouts, you'll probably want to consider a slim handheld fan that you can stick in your pocket or fanny pack for easy access. Since you'll be using it for short periods of time through the week, battery operated and rechargeable options are the way to go. If you're grabbing one to bring with you around the house for some extra airflow, grab one with a cord that oscillates so you can cover more surface area.
1. Portable Neck Fan
Best for Biking
A rechargeable neck fan is just what you need for your outdoor bike ride. We love that we don’t have to worry about hair getting caught because of the bladeless design. The air slits along the device wrap around to reach your full head and neck for an optimized cooling experience.
2.  Handheld Mini Fan
Most Lightweight
This small one weighs a mere two ounces and comes in at about one inch thick and nearly five inches tall to easily slide in your pocket or bag. It has a small but mighty motor to give you powerful airflow and has adjustable speed settings based on what you need. Whether you’re waiting in line at the non-air-conditioned DMV or are at a picnic in the park with friends, this little guy will chase away any sight of sweating.
3. Mini Handheld Stroller Fan
Best for Strollers
Wrap the flexible tripod onto your baby’s stroller bar to ensure extra coolness while they’re tucked in their seat. Either pop in some batteries or charge it with its USB cord to get up to 15 hours of power. And don’t worry, your kiddos won’t be able to slide their little fingers in the slots.
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kenjikutie · 4 years
do you think any of the haikyuu boys would be into a gender reveal party? or maybe even a baby shower? bc imagine them being so soft bc you’re already showing and stuff 🥺🥺 (any boy you want to write about is good! but can i be a little selfish and ask for kags or oikawa?)
im not a fan of gender reveal parties myself, but this is a really cute request 🥺. thank you for requesting!
Baby Showers (Kageyama and Oikawa)
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- kageyama was already a very nervous daddy-to-be but the idea of planning a party just increased his panic tenfold. but, you seemed very set on the occasion, so he pushed through
- as the days grew closer and you began to show more and more, kageyama’s hand found a permanent spot on your stomach. he was also twelve times more protective than normal
- when it came to hanging decorations, you were not allowed within ten feet of the living room and kitchen. if you needed food, he would bring it to you, but there was no way you were standing near a ladder
- he invited everyone from karasuno, the schweiden adlers and your families. kageyama’s sister showed up first and gave you the cutest stroller you had ever seen in your whole life
- while you and miwa prepared the snacks, kageyama talked to his old captain and did his best to ignore hoshimi’s neverending questions about your pregnancy
- everyone had brought very useful items except nishinoya, who had sent in a stuffed spearfish plushy to put in the crib. kageyama hated it and tried to throw it away but your pout was all it took for him to hand it back to you
- whenever someone tried to touch your stomach, you swore you could hear him hiss
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- oikawa has always been a party kinda guy, so, throwing a huge celebration to celebrate the arrival of a mini version of himself and his favorite person in the whole world? he’s on it
- like kageyama, oikawa doesn’t let you help with heavy lifting but if you wanna untangle fairy lights or order him around about where to place decorations, he will listen to you
- this is also when you find out that while he’s not good at making full meals, he makes some pretty delicious snacks. i’m talking fancy restaurant-level stuff
- oikawa totally makes a betting pool about whether it’ll look more like you or him. iwa-chan makes one about if it will be a demon, like it’s father. that one gets a high-five from you
- takeru gives you both a finger-painting to put in the baby’s room and oikawa legit cries. takeru regrets his decision as soon as his uncle refuses to let him out of a very tight hug
- he totally gets pouty due to all the attention you get that day. demands cuddles after the party is over and doesn’t care how badly you want to get up, he needs attention too~
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smolcobie · 5 years
Forbidden Love | Haechan
Word Count: 6.203k
Warnings: Heavy making out | Fluff | Suggestive | Surfer!Haechan | Hawaii!au
↪ Summary: When you encounter your youngest childhood friend Haechan after years, you didn’t expect he would become the most forbidden, exciting and dangerous thing you have ever tasted.
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It was New Year’s Eve when you took a long breath on your balcony. Another year over and you were looking forward to what would come next year, but you were tired, especially mentally. That year, in particular, you felt so lonely that the only exciting thing was when you used to go out to surf.
The Lee family had moved next to your house when you were only 6 years old. Always very receptive and spontaneous, you soon ran to find out who filled the newly made house next to you.
You lived in Hawaii, with houses near the beach, fresh fish scent, ice cream every week, and hula dancers always making holiday attractions.
It was a busy summer day when the Lee family arrived. As soon as you saw them, you wanted to be receptive, so you took some cookies (hidden from your mother) to the newcomer family.
“Aloha !!! WELCOME” You said smiling happily and Mama Lee felt touched by your cuteness.
“Look how cute! What’s your name dear?” Mama Lee said approaching you with a newborn baby on her arms bending down to talk to you.
“Y/N, but everyone knows me as Hula girl, because I’m so good with my hips, you wanna see?” You moved cutely making the woman laugh.
“You’re so funny! This one is Donghyuck, the youngest in the house, but our eldest son Johnny nicknamed him Haechan.” She said showing the baby
“His hair is spiky, how cute.” You laughed running your hand through his hair.
“Johnny come here to meet our new little friend.” The woman called the boy who was helping his father with some things.
He came running with his hair in the wind and jumping out of breath.
“Hi, I’m Johnny!” He arrived giving a happy smile that somehow warmed your heart.
“I’m Y/N, I live next door.” you pointed a finger at the humble house that you lived.
“Cool, I think we’ll be neighbors now,” he said excitedly making you feel welcome with the new boy. “Mommy, can I play with Y/N later?”
“Yes, honey, but only after helping Daddy.” The woman smiled as she saw how children made friends so quickly.
“Okay! See you later, Y/N!”
And with that, a long journey of love began in your life.
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1 year later
It was a normal sunny day and Johnny had invited his best friend (you) to have ice cream on the beach.
“Can you believe that Haechan was crying yesterday because he wanted to use my Ferrari stroller that I got for Christmas and I didn’t let him? Babies are soo boring, they never understand these things.”
You were a good listener (largely because the food filled your chubby cheeks) and were always attentive to everything Johnny said.
“Maybe because babies are stupid,” you said, and Johnny laughed. “Really, my mom told me that I kept my mouth open, drooled, and liked to eat dirt when I was a baby. I couldn’t believe it when she told me that.” You licked the lips contented with the refreshing taste of popsicle.
“At least you don’t have a brother to wake you up in the middle of the night. What does it feel like to be an only child?” He asked thoughtfully.
“Lonely sometimes. I always wanted a little brother or sister to keep me company even if he or she cried” You said honestly.
“Ah, but you have me. You can use me as a big brother.” he said cheerfully at the thought, but you got annoyed.
You didn’t want him to be your brother. It felt strange to think of seeing the boy as a brother but you weren’t sure why.
“No! You’re my friend and period.” You sulked and crossed your arms.
Johnny just laughed and hugged you because he thought it was funny when you got angry
“Okay, I’ll be your friend forever, okay?”
And you made a friendship pact that would last longer than you expected.
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3 years later
Haechan was 4 years old and you got used to the boy since you took care of him regularly in exchange for some change as a nanny. It was Saturday night and you would usually take care of Haechan, but you had promised some friends from school and Johnny to go out for a beach bonfire.
At 10 a part of you already felt that you saw Johnny more than just a neighbor, and much more than just a best friend, but that night you were sure.
With a simple game of truth or dare, you had been challenged to peck your friend. For a moment you froze and didn’t know what to do, but the boy simply approached and sealed his lips as if it were nothing.
“These challenges are too weak, leave it to me and spare Y/N.”
Johnny said returning to the place while you remained shocked and with your pink cheeks.
And after having your first kiss with your best friend, you knew you liked him.
He was what you always have seen in the movies, the enchanted prince you dreamed.
At least until you grow up.
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6 years later
Puberty soon arrived and Johnny became the popular and handsome island boy who had the attention of all the girls. You were a dancer from Hula’s local group and were very proud of what you’d achieved.
With his popularity, your friendship with Johnny had drifted off at school and talked only briefly during the week when you both teamed up with Haechan to surf on the beach.
Haechan had become the kind of boy who always admired you as a person and was inspired to be better. And whenever he could, he would help you with whatever you needed, even if you still didn’t understand what was going on.
“Do you really think I’m good at surfing?” He asked with his brown eyes shining.
“I’m sure. You’re 10 years old and you’re so much better than your brother who’s 17 and me with 16. You can be a pro.” You talked while you were at sea relaxing on the boards.
It’d become a habit for you both to always be at sea on Saturdays while the rest of the Lee family had left.
“Only you think that. Johnny says I should think of a real profession, like a doctor, lawyer, something like that.” He sighed, with his head down.
“Haechan, you should know your brother only says that because he can’t handle the high waves like you.” You said laughing and he perked up a little “Yeah, I know, but he’s so smart, I feel stupid around him. How can I understand math if I only think of music and the sea all day?” Haechan stared at the orange sky at sunset.
“You’re not stupid, you just have different talents. When you understand that Haechan, you’ll be able to reach out to your dreams and use the potential you really have.”
“If I try hard I can be as good as you are with dancing?”
“You can be anything you want Haechan, it’s just up to you,” You said kicking his surfboard “Now cheer up, please Sun.”
That night, there was a special summer dance performance. The Lee family were the special guests you called to sit forward with your parents.
You were excited and eager to dance, especially because Johnny would be watching. One part of you wanted to do your best so he could see how determined you were, and the other to show that you were more than your brother’s babysitter in your spare time and just the childhood best friend.
Everyone sat down in the front row and Haechan seemed the most excited of all. He was always inspired by you, and you could tell he was your number 1 fan. The presentation would be simple and chic but lively with a few steps you had created with a solo near the end of the dance. You were nervous but after entering the stage all thoughts dissipated and you could only focus on one thing: your moment of shining.
As the minutes passed the audience got up and clapped to their feet before the presentation even ended. It was your moment and everyone was there to congratulate you, except Johnny who seemed to be gone.
You searched for the boy all over the place but didn’t find him. You thought he might be in the bathroom so you walked to the backstage to get your bag with your clothes to leave and came across a not so pleasant scene:
Johnny kissing a teammate who danced with you.
It was devastating.
For a girl to see her first love kiss another girl in front of her is a sensation no one wants to feel.
You picked up your bag and ran away holding back tears. Haechan from far saw you run and soon followed you feeling worried.
It was night time and you only wore a mini skirt made of green leaves and a top that showed the shoulders and a piece of your belly. Even a 10-year-old boy knew that it was not appropriate for a girl to be alone knowing that could be dangerous people around.
You stopped in a nearby park and sat on the abandoned swing and cried there.
Haechan arrived soon panting from the run and approached you.
He noticed that you were crying and said nothing, just hugged and comforted you for a few minutes until you calmed down and took a deep breath. Haechan waited by your side until you recovered completely and together returned home.
That day you realized the sad truth you didn’t want to see:
To Johnny, you were just a friend, and even though Haechan was a 10-year-old boy, he showed more concern than Johnny all these years. You came home that day disappointed that you had been shaken by a boy, but was determined to change.
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3 years later
You and Johnny had graduated from school, which is when you decided to stay in Hawaii and become a local dance instructor, your passion, while Johnny went to law school in LA. That’s when you decided to get over him and live your life.
After Johnny went to college, you spent a lot of time with Haechan surfing, dancing or doing anything.
Since Haechan always kept you company, you never felt lonely.
“I heard you rejected Shivani at school today.” You said laughing while resting your feet in the sea
“How do you hear about these things? Damn such a gossip town.” He rolled his eyes.
“Why did you reject her? She was cute.”
“Because I don’t like her and I didn’t want to deceive her.” He said looking away.
Something he always did when he was hiding or lying about something.
“You’re hiding something from me. Tell me everything, I know that’s not all.” You said swimming closer.
“I’m not hiding anything.” He said twisting his nose.
“I get it… it’s because you have someone you like, right?” you said pushing the shoulder of the boy who turned red.
“It’s nothing like that…” It was so obvious that you just laughed internally.
“No need to be embarrassed, we’ve all had a first love. Even me.” You sighed.
“Mine is unrequited, but I have faith that one day she’ll notice me.”He said turning redder looking at the board beneath him.
“Maybe someday Haechannie?”
You smiled and the boy looked at you tenderly.
Little did you know he was talking about you.
1 week later Haechan had received a decisive email he’d been waiting for months.
Over the years he became the best of the island in hard surfing and decided to follow your advice and live like a pro surfer but the world was too cruel and dangerous for a simple 13-year-old boy and he knew it wouldn’t be easy.
He researched thoroughly and found that there were schools in L.A that offered scholarships for sporting competition winners around the world. When Haechan found out, he did what he didn’t expect himself to do: he entered the world surfing competition that would happen at the beach near his home.
The preliminaries would be at his home and the final would be in L.A. He was dedicated to win and go to specialize in L.A where his brother lived. Despite his fear, he was surprised to find that he had won the competition.
He became extremely known in the region and tried at a specialist school that trained young teenage sportsmen.
After months he received the email:
“We are honored to inform you that your application has been approved for L.A Sports School”
He was shocked, proud, anxious, happy, so many feelings at once, but sad.
He knew that if he accepted the application he’d be away from you. It was a difficult decision so he promised something there. He swore he’d go to L.A, be the best student and come back to show that he was no longer a boy but a real man to win you over;
So after a lot of thinking, he accepted his arduous destiny.
In the farewell at the airport, you cried, you’d feel lonely after all, Haechan had become a life company. You couldn’t deny that you’d inevitably suffer, but you wanted the best for the boy.
“Hope you become the best surfer out there and STUDY HARD OKAY?!?” You hugged him
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you very proud, old lady.” He said laughing and you patted his shoulder.
“I’m not old, I’m wise.” You laughed
“Y/N, I’ll make you a promise.” “What is it Haechan?”
“When I get back we’ll get married.” he said embarrassed and you laughed.
“Marriage??? You’re too young to think about it.”
“But it’s true. I’m coming back and we’re getting married.” he said cheerfully and you found him cute.
“Alright then, I’ll wait for you.” you smiled stroking his hair and he grinned.
“I’ll remember that!!” He said hugging you one last time and ran to the boarding “I’ll miss you, old lady!!!”
“I’m going to miss you too Sun!” You waved and the boy disappeared.
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5 years later, present.
You woke up feeling your head hurt from the new year. You wanted to go on sleeping, but you knew you couldn’t, that day one would be special because Haechaan would be returning to Hawaii with his brother to enjoy the rest of their vacations.
When you arrived at the airport, you stayed waiting for your friends with great expectations. After all, you haven’t seen them for years. From far away you spotted Johnny and recognized him at first. He was older, a little more mature, but nothing had changed, the moment he noticed your presence he rushed to give you a warm hug.
“Y/N it’s been ages! I missed you so much.” He hugged you tightly.
“I missed you too.” The moment was soon interrupted by a distinct thick male voice.
“I missed you too, Y/N.” When you let go of Johnny you had to look up to see where the voice came from.
It was Haechan, almost six feet tall, his voice thick and his body changed. You were startled and your heart sped up suddenly.
“Haechan???” You put your hand over your shocked mouth.
“I missed you so much” He hugged you tightly, lifting your body off the floor and squeezing it. “You have no idea how much.” He said it in your ear making you feel nervous.
You didn’t know why you were nervous, but you felt something burn inside you every time he smiled.
Arriving home, you talked to Johnny while Haechan went to his bedroom to unpack his things.
“Wow, I missed Hawaii. The house hasn’t changed at all.” Johnny said sitting on the kitchen counter while you grabbed an ice cream.
“Your parents never changed the house so you could feel at home when you come back.” You smiled. “Maybe Haechan will feel like this, I’ll come back to L.A in a few days.” Johnny said and you were confused
“What do you mean? I thought you guys stay here during the holidays.”
“Unfortunately my office contacted me, a special case arrived and I’ll have to go back, but Haechan is here to stay.” Johnny said with a sigh.
“Haechan’ll be staying for good?” You said in a surprised tone
“He wants to do his senior year in Hawaii, and he told me he needed to fulfill a promise he made to you 4 years ago.” Johnny said leaving the counter.
“Promise?” “Yes, he said you know what it is.”
After a lot of thinking, you remembered the old cute promise
“He said he would marry me, but I don’t think he still thinks like he used to.” You laughed eating the ice cream in peace.
Johnny grinned thinking about the possibility
“Why not? I’d love to have you as my sister-in-law.” He said and you hit the boy.
“Very funny. I’ll call Haechan so we can go surfing, it’s been a while since we’ve surfed.”
“All right.”
You walked out of the kitchen and went straight up to Haechan’s room. You knocked on the door, but he didn’t answer so you decided to enter the room facing a scene that left you speechless.
Haechan shirtless in baggy sweatpants, drying his hair with a towel with one hand while brushing his teeth with the other.
“Oh, Y/N? I didn’t hear you knocking, I was taking a shower, the trip made me tired.” He rinsed his mouth in the bathroom and sat on the bed watching you who was silent.
“What? Why are you standing there?” He looked confused while you tried to compose yourself.
‘Since when did Haechan get so… hot????’  You thought, wanting to stick your head in the ground like an ostrich for thinking like that about the boy you used to babysit 'control yourself idiot, he’s just the usual Haechan.’
“Nothing, I was just going to call you to surf, but since you bathed you don’t have to.”
“Don’t worry I will, after all, I missed talking to you.” He said getting up and taking his swimsuit and looked at you who was still standing in place.
“Are you going out or do you want me to change in front of you?” He said looking at you with a smirk and you laughed nervously and left closing the door and running down the stairs.
'What’s happening to me?’ You thought trying to calm your breathing.
“I missed talking to you…” He said lying on the board receiving the sunlight, while you tried to look at anything but his tan belly.
“Me too, you didn’t even tell me how was in L.A.” You said sighing thinking about the years that passed
“It was cool, I made a lot of friends, I surfed a lot, I won some little competitions….” He said laughing remembering the time there.
“Little competitions you say the regional and world championships right? I saw that you have more than 1 million followers on Instagram, do not fool me.” You said feeling proud “I’m proud of you, I always knew you would go far.”
The boy opened his eyes and gave a laugh that made you nervous. “To be honest, only you believed that. My parents were afraid, but they knew that if I studied at L.A I would have a great chance of winning college scholarships.”
“And you won?” You looked at him expectantly.
“Sure.” He sighed. “But that’s not what I want to do with my life.” He said confessing his inner dream “I wanted to be a surf teacher here, teach kids so you know? Participating in competitions every once in a while is what I want.”
“Have you told your parents yet?” You said turning to face the boy.
“No, not yet, but I told Johnny.”
“And what did he say?”
“That I should be happy.” He smiled and sighed contentedly. “I don’t want to talk about it, it’s letting me down.”
“Just one thing, you could do that in L.A, why come here?”
“Because of you.” He said speaking as if it were obvious making you feel warmed up.
“What do you mean because of me? I was just your nanny, no big deal.” You said trying to get off the subject and he got annoyed.
“You weren’t just a nanny. You were so much more, you made me believe I could be who I am today, being a nanny was just a circumstance in life. I don’t even want to hear about that anymore.” He said angrily getting off the board and falling into the sea “Come on.”
You kept looking at him confused until he pulled your right leg and you fell into the sea laughing.
“I’ll kill you Haechan!”
“Then try it!” He said pulling you closer while you splashed water on his face and he put his hands in his eyes as if water had entered.
He stood still and you got worried
“Does it hurt? Sorry Haechan, I didn’t want it to get in your eye.” You came closer already saddening whilst he stood still.
“Say something Sun!” You were nervous, it was obvious, and when you went to take your hands from Haechan’s eye he took you by the waist and pulled you close, squeezing.
“I love it when you call me Sun…” His deep voice echoing inside your ears, looking into your eyes while he was smiling making you blush.
“I always called you that.” You said looking away breaking the eye contact.
“Why do you keep avoiding me?” He tugged your chin so you could look at him again “Are you nervous?” He stroked your chin, still holding you.
“Haechan, let me go or I’ll break you.” You said trying to look serious, and he let you out laughing.
“You don’t fool anybody Y/N, you know what’s going on here.” He laughed climbing the board again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said straightening your hair as you tried to calm down.
“You’ll know soon.” he said and left to surf another wave.
You combed your hair whilst you looked in the bathroom mirror, sighing over the sink you thought you were going crazy. How could you be so affected by Haechan like that? He was practically a child who grew up together with you, and now he made you blush.
You wouldn’t admit it, but you knew you were attracted to him. Even after years, you never had a boyfriend, the only boy you’d liked was Johnny, and was too traumatized and afraid to think about dating someone right now. Not to mention that the island didn’t help much, the boys were boring and had nothing interesting to share.
You felt alone, needy, afraid, and scared of the recent thoughts about the boy who had been your cute neighbor all your life and had now reappeared as a man.
“It’s so confusing…” You sighed finishing the brushing of your hair.
You went downstairs thinking you could have ice cream to cool your head, the sunset was so beautiful you decided to stay there and enjoy it. You looked for the pots and found it in a cupboard that was a little tall yourself. You tiptoed up to reach and unsuccessfully, took a deep breath.
“My father really had to put these pots up there for fear of someone stealing us while they traveled? People aren’t going to steal something like that.” You muttered angrily and tried again.
While you were stretching, Haechan had entered the room without you noticing and seeing the girl’s situation, the boy came from behind and all you felt was him pressing your back, a strong hand on your waist and an arm reaching for the pots you wanted.
Your heart stopped.
“W-What are you doing Haechan?” You said shakily.
“Picking up your pots.” He grinned and turned to you “Why are you nervous?”
“I’m not…” You said swallowing hard
“Yeah.” He leaned against the countertop of the lockers, pinning you in place. “It’s obvious on your face, you can’t lie.” He laughed talking near your face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You move your nose when you lie, it’s your habit. You can’t fool me.” He said getting closer making you take a deep breath “And you didn’t answer me.” He looked into your eyes.
You just looked at him and said nothing. What would you say? You were having desires for the childhood friend? He was just a boy, just pranking you… That’s what you thought.
“You’re a child, Haechan. Stop it.” You said with the rest of her sigh and the boy scoffed.
“What did you say?” He said getting close to you.
“T-That you are a child.” You swallowed and the boy showed a hurt look.
“I’m not a child.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’ll show you, I’m not the child you used to care for anymore. I grew up and apparently I’m bigger than you.” He looked into your eyes deeply, it was obvious you wouldn’t look away, he was being honest there and mostly resentful.
“If you think I’m a child, then you’re blind and I’ll cure you of this absurd blindness.” He came close to the girl’s ear and spoke for the last time before retiring. “And when you realize that, you can’t take it.” He put his mouth to the skin under your ear and kissed there and left without saying anything else.
You let it out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Your heart was pounding, the legs trembling and your breathing failed.
“What did I get myself into?” It was all you could think of.
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It was night and a bonfire party was happening like it always repeated every New Year. You put on your best outfit, a beautiful white dress that was light and adorned your body perfectly. You put on a small sparkling earring and let your hair down, feeling light, but not calm.
Haechan was angry and you felt guilty for what you said. You wanted to apologize, but you didn’t know how to approach him.
After some thought, you decided to let the time decide and went to the party.
When you arrived you realized that there were many people there, but only one caught your attention. Haechan was standing looking at the sea, looking concerned and alone, and deep down you hated how your eyes found him so easily in the crowd.
You thought of approaching, but soon gave up when you noticed a group of girls surrounding him with some sheets and pens in hand. It was obvious that he was famous, you could never forget.
You were just a girl from Hawaii, and he was Lee Haechan: the star of the surf.
You decided to forget about Haechan and enjoy the bonfire. You sat on some log there and ate some snakes enjoying the loud Bruno Mars music, Finesse.
Everything seemed peaceful, but you seemed uncomfortable. You always felt alone, but at that moment you wanted to have someone, or more precisely, him. Your head ached from the thoughts you didn’t want to hear screaming, you needed some air.
But it was already outdoors, what could you do? Get out of there.
Deciding to go out, you marched in the opposite direction of the beach straight to some lifeguard wooden houses. It was getting darker, the breeze was colder with the twilight and you felt the hair on your arm lift.
You were a little tired so you decided to lean and rest against the wooden base of the nearby house. From afar could see the fire and the sea as well. Just behind you was your house, you seriously considered coming back and just sitting on the porch watching people have fun from afar. You felt sad and definitely wasn’t in the mood for partying.
The reason was simple, Haechan managed to steal your heart.
You sighed and felt the breeze beat harder sending chills through your body and decided to go home, it was getting dark and being there alone wouldn’t help anything. At least your cat Noah would keep you company in your house.
As you were about to return you noticed his presence, Haechan, with his hands in the pockets of his white pants watching you silently.
“Are you a stalker now?” You said nervously, trying not to look affected and kept walking home.
“I came to talk to you.”
“You’re already talking.” You looked at him one last time stopping in your path “What is it, Sun? Why are you so obsessed with me?”
“isn’t it obvious?” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Why do you keep pretending you don’t know?”
“I don’t know what?” You approached with your arms crossed.
“I love you.” He said with all the courage he had.
“What?” You laughed through your nose “You don’t even know what love is, I’m just a passing crush, I’m sure.” You said remembering how you felt about Johnny
“I’m not Johnny, Y/N.” He said softly “I didn’t go out hooking up with girls in L.A while you were here. I always thought of you” He took your hand “It’s not a passing crush when you like the same person for 4 years in a row.”
“I… I don’t know what to say” You looked around feeling your heart racing.
“Yes, you do.” He moved closer and looked into your eyes tenderly. “You know.” He caressed your face.
“No…” You took the boy’s hand away, feeling an ache inside your heart. “That’s wrong.”
“Do you want it or not?” He looked at you with decisive eyes.
“Haechan…” You said softly looking at him as he approached.
“I didn’t ask if it’s wrong or not,” He pressed his nose to yours making you smell the mint of his breath “I asked if you want to.”
You swallowed and looked up at the boy who didn’t wait for your answer and sealed his lips with yours.
He approached you by your waist with his left arm and with his right hand held your face as he slowly kissed you. He was so happy he needed to make sure it was happening, so he’d stop just to see you and then come back to your soft lips smile between the kisses.
It was strangely good, how an 18-year-old knew more about kissing than the men of you kissed your entire life.
He hugged you tightly and you laughed in his chest. “Don’t squeeze me hard, I’ll be out of breath.”
“You’ll be out of breath soon.” He said pulling you to your house.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You looked at him suspiciously.
“You’ll find out.” He smiled looking at you.
He barely waited for you to come in, he already closed the door with his back kissing you again, this time harder.
“You’re very beautiful.” He said laughing on your neck smelling your sweet perfume there
“T-Thank you,” You sighed with your eyes closed “You’re not so bad either.” The boy laughed through his nose at your statement.
“I see…” He just said that and kissed you again.
With his body, he pressed you carefully over the door and held your face with both hands, living the moment he had dreamed so much. He gave little pecks dragging his lips to your cheek and jaw. With his right hand, he moved down from your cheek passing through your neck to the nape of your hair holding it there so that he could kiss you better.
The left hand squeezed your waist while the boy’s leg brushed your thigh, making you breathless.
“W-Where did you learn that?” You tried to catch your breath that the boy wouldn’t allow you to have.
“Certain things you are born knowing.” He laughed and slowly kissed again, going in his own time.
His lips were soft and even if he kissed you harder, it was a beautiful contradiction at how his lips could be soft and calm even though he was stronger.
He released your lips by running his thumb there. It was a little swollen and red from the force it made.
“Open it.” He said with his deep voice echoing in your ear as he touched your mouth, which slowly opened following with your pink cheeks. The boy bit his lip trying not to laugh noticing how you had obeyed him.
Kissing you again, he boldly pulled you close. His right hand sliding down from your hair to your hip, while he felt the softness of your lips with his tongue. At this point, your head was spinning trying to focus on just what you were feeling because you were afraid of losing control right there.
The boy who didn’t want to wait anymore put his tongue in your mouth, which made you lose strength in your legs, causing the boy to sink his fingers in your hip to stay still.
You who got lost in the boy’s embrace, didn’t remember the last time someone had kissed you so intimately and had such patience with you. He was so cautious as if you were made of glass and could be broken with just one touch.
He walked back slowly pulling you with him, taking small steps while biting your lower lip pulling it for another kiss. With each step, he looked more desperate, even slapped his little finger on a piece of furniture, but he acted like it was no big deal, because all he could think about was that the girl he always wanted was right there in his embrace.
“Damn, you’re so perfect.” He said as he kissed your whole face going to your collarbone.
“I” The boy kissed the center of your neck “I’m just” pulled his lips to your shoulder “I.” You tried to speak but was always interrupted by your breathing.
The boy had a few extra celsius in his temperature, it was obvious he was having the moment he always wanted and had no one to disturb him, so he would enjoy it as far as he could.
As you approached the couch he let go of you, who let out a moan of indignation at the lack of contact, while the boy sat on the couch.
You stood looking at him feeling confused, red, and sweating a little because of the warmth of the place. You stared at Haechan who just smiled and made you even more embarrassed, trying to catch your breath.
Haechan tired of waiting for you, realized that you didn’t understand what he wanted so decided to facilitate for both of you.
“Sit down.” He patted his own thigh speaking as if it were obvious.
You lost your breath when you saw the scene
“W-WHAT?” You said in a slightly loud voice, obviously altered by the unexpected request.
“You heard.” He called you again, patting his thigh again. “Come.” He said in his deepest, lowest voice “Sit down.”
You that was now redder than usual decided to do what he had asked, feeling a little embarrassed but knew you wanted it too.
You approached slowly and the boy pulled you to his lap caressing your waist over the dress.
“You’ve been working out, right?” He said laughing looking into your eyes.
“What?” You looked at him incredulously. “How do you know?”
“You can feel it.” He said simple and returned to kiss the girl.
The hands on your waist drew you closer until you could feel every inch of the boy’s turned body. Your hands went to the boy’s silky hair that was so soft it got lost between your fingers, drawing him closer.
The boy who was most assured of himself dropped his hands from your waist to your legs around him. With each kiss it was increasingly desperate, it was too good to be just that.
His hands slowly explored the skin under your dress, slowly so you wouldn’t be scared and feel awkward. You who realized what he was trying to do pulled his hair lightly making him sigh in your mouth.
“I think… after all, you can’t always control everything.” You said smiling slightly at the boy who looked at you with desire in his eyes.
He answered nothing but just kissed you again and dug his nails lightly into your thighs rising to your hip, making you nervous. You swallowed hard, trying to keep yourself under control, but when he squeezed the spot, sucking on your neck and shoulder, you let out an involuntary sly moan from the deep of your throat.
The boy smiled at your skin and continued marking your shoulder trying to pull the zipper down of your dress from behind, and you were busy trying to remove the buttons on the boy’s blouse that didn’t come out easily.
“Oh dear God…” You said between sighs “I’ll be arrested.” You laughed at the thought of the police raiding the place the moment they were like that.
“Then just say I’m 18 years old.” He laughed, lowering the dress zipper as he slid his fingers down your back, making you blush.
“I think I’m going crazy…” You said approaching the boy’s neck where you felt the strong scent making you dizzy “But it’s worth it.” You kissed there melting the boy.
Haechan that desperately tried to help you with his own buttons, was busy holding you in his lap when he got up with the idea of ​​going to your room, but were disturbed by a red light that illuminated the dark place through the window.
“Is that the police?” You looked seriously at the boy and got out of his lap pulling the zipper of your dress while he fixed his hair. “He’s not a child, it’s fine.” You would repeat to yourself trying to focus on what was happening.
“Hey baby, that’s not it.” He said pulling you to see through the crack of the window “It’s your parents.”
“Y/N LOVE!! We’re home sooner.” Your mother screamed “Silence Y/M/N! You don’t even know if she’s there, let’s go inside silent.” Your father said closing the doors.
You both stopped your actions when you heard the familiar voices outside. Trying to compose yourself, you went into the kitchen opening the fridge pretending everything was fine (and in a terrible attempt to cool off from the sudden fire)
“I’ll finish this later.” Haechan said in your ear, giving you one last kiss on your neck, going out from the back of your house.
“I’ll wait.” Was what you said and smiled to yourself, with all the sensations you felt there.
He would definitely remember that forever.
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The Greatest Double Stroller For Journey with twins
The most effective double strollers for various eventualities and budgets. Designed particularly for rigorous exercise, the Thule Urban Glide 2.zero Double Jogging stroller has all sorts of options that make it enticing for fogeys who like to run or hike. 
Swivel front wheels lock into place for jogging, while sixteen rear wheels make it sturdy for rougher terrain. The ergonomic deal with is easy to regulate, and a twist hand break offers fast control on steep inclines. The storage compartments are secured with zippers, even beneath the seats.
For a double jogger, the City Glide 2 is pretty versatile you can jog with it with one or two children on board, and Thule makes a buckle-on common automobile seat adapter that enables dad and mom to make use of the stroller for walks with one child in a regular seat and another in a automobile seat (from manufacturers including BOB, Britax, Chicco, Evenflo, Graco, Maxi Cosi, Peg Perego, Nuna, Safe-n-Sound, Security 1st, and Uppababy). 
Many pediatricians advocate ready till babies are 6 months previous to run with them, and till they're a year outdated before taking them on tough terrain but it's a good idea to ask your own pediatrician when you can start. As a result of this stroller takes only one car seat, it won't work for twins until they attain 6 months outdated.
It's certainly top-of-the-line light-weight strollers for adventurous toddlers, weighing just 14.7kg - although it takes a user weight of as much as 36kg. It is also compatible with plenty of car seats, and is simply 63cm extensive despite being a twin pushchair fairly than a tandem.
Other options embrace a lightweight aluminum frame, front and rear wheel suspension, and a guardian cupholder. Reviewers on https://babykidshq.com/best-twin-stroller/  observe that together with loving the Contours Choices Elite stroller for twins, the stroller also has nice design.
One of many greatest perks of this stroller is that it has a inbuilt speaker which you can plug most MP3 players into. You're then able to listen to some tunes whereas jogging down the street. It folds all the way down to a slim size, allowing you to slip it proper into any area that you must work with. The 5 level harness and luxury padded seat keeps kids comfy during the journey. You will not need to leave dwelling without this. Verify the bottom value here.
Straightforward maneuvering (even via normal doorways) and a fast, compact fold. The most recent City Mini has a good taller handlebar with curve, which makes it simpler to ramp up and down curbs and eases long-stride pushing for the taller guardian (not intended for precise jogging, nevertheless).
It has lots of the features of a lot larger, heavier strollers equivalent to four recline positions, a cargo internet beneath, good brakes and easy to fold up. The recline makes it appropriate for infants from beginning so it may be the best child stroller for journey.
Not like the good ol' days' where it was pretty much a case of 1 (stroller) measurement suits all, now you can get aspect-by-facet strollers, tandems and even sit and stand' styles. After which it's important to take into account the ages of your kids. A double stroller that can work for twins is completely different to the one that would suit a newborn and a toddler or perhaps a newborn and a 3 or 4-yr-old.
The unit additionally provides loads of space for storing. A large storage basket below the seats is ideal to carry groceries or baby necessities, whereas a handy cup holder tray can maintain two cups or sports water bottles for the dad and mom.
Expert Evaluate: The new 2012 City Mini GT Double has properly-padded seats (now 1.5" taller), full-protection canopies and an entire recline to keep your youngsters happy. The new adjustable handlebar and pedicure-saving hand break will make you a fan.
 Storage is limited, however: The underseat basket is a good dimension however troublesome to entry and there aren't any included storage equipment. New all-terrain, "perpetually-air" tires (a rubber tire inflated with a lightweight foam instead of air) present good maneuvering on a wide range of surfaces and an impressive turning radius making the City Mini simple to handle round stores or on metropolis streets. 
Our favourite function: the one-step fold is easy, effortless and leaves this double stroller compact and straightforward to lift.
TWIN METHOD is barely 29-inch extensive. It has lightweight aluminium chassis, two independent, reversible seats, two separate hoods with UV50 solar protection extension, two flip open, detachable front bars, large buying basket with three pockets, two mosquito nets, two rain covers, and two foot muffs.
When the seats are reclined and you may't attain for the storage basket beneath, you can place your things on the facet zips. It doesn't lack the security features you want from a stroller. There is a five-point security harness, expandable mesh canopies, and an additional belly bar. The canopies even have small home windows that allow you to see what your kids are doing.
Child Development Sit N Stand Double is right for 2 siblings who are nearer in age. Boasting multiple configurations and suitable with a variety of infant automotive seats, this stroller can accommodate two newborns, two siblings of close ages, or two siblings with a larger age gap between them.
With many double options within the stroller world, there's a product out there for everyone. Whether your passengers are twins or siblings of a distinct age, there is a stroller on this evaluate that may deal with whatever your little ones can dish out. 
With competition this stiff, we found several merchandise deserving of special recognition. Due to this, there is an impressive lineup of award-winners in this review and a few honorable mentions that provide options or features we did not see within the competitors.
Style - Double strollers are available a variety of types and seating combos. If it is crucial for you to have your baby sitting in a parent-dealing with course, make sure that at least one of the seats is ready to do this. 
It might be vital to have the power to connect the toddler's car seat to the stroller. You might also wish to consider which terrain you will use the stroller on. Some have tires appropriate for off-road use, perfect for going on long walks.
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panergy888 · 2 years
The Best Portable Fans to Take on Every Trip - Panergy
Planning a trip to Disney World, The Tropics, or National Park this summer? We strongly recommend bringing portable fans to fight hot weather. Portable fans are small enough to carry in your wallet, backpack, or even your pocket, so they also help in your daily lives.
There are many different types of portable fans, including some that are designed to be worn around your neck and others that can be cut into almost everything to make an emergency holder. As long as you choose something that suits your activities, will not burden you, and has a decent battery life, you will be fine.
Our favorite portable fans are Panergy Mini Handheld Fan. We like it because of its diverse functionality: you can hold it in your hand, fold the grip back and put it on a hard surface, and almost always find something to cut it. While the panelgy model is our favorite, we have many other recommendations for trips that include things like sightseeing or camping.
This is the best portable fan for all your travel needs.
Best Overall: Panergy Mini Misting Handheld Fan at ipanergy.com
Best Budget: Panergy Mini USB Personal Fan at ipanergy.com
Best Handheld Fan: Panergy On-the-go Personal Fan ipanergy.com
Best Hands-free: Panergy Portable Neck Fan at ipanergy.com
Best Clip-on: Panergy Clip-On Mini Desk Fan at ipanergy.com
Best Overall: VersionTech Mini Misting Handheld Fan
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Why We Love It: this fan can be held, cut, or folded, making it a versatile accessory for anyone who wants a cooling effect while traveling.
What to Consider: The buttons outside the folded handle can be pressed accidentally.
This fan fan to the umbrella or stroller, bring it in your hand, or fold the grip and place it on a sturdy surface. Whatever the way you choose to use it, you can easily create an instant wind. This is powered by a battery that can be refilled and a USB port, can be plugged into a power bank, telephone, computer, or even a wall charger to get a full battery. The fan has three speeds (low, medium, and high), and the motorbike brush makes it durable and calm. This can be easily thrown into carry-on, wallet, beach bags, fanny packages, or backpacks to increase comfort for all types of warm weather events, from the trip of the amusement park to concerts and sports games.
Best Budget: Panergy Mini USB Personal Fan
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Why do we like it: Light mode is useful when you use fans in dark places.
What to consider: Because it is designed to wear in your neck, this fan requires you to pull your hair to avoid being stuck in the bar.
For affordable portable cooling and you can use hands-free, a fan that can be used is a good choice. This one has fewer bells and whistles than other fans who can be worn on this list, but still completing the most important job: keeps you calm while traveling. It also has three speeds and seven colorful light modes, which are useful when you are dealing with low light. There is also additional comfort to be able to bend silicone arms as you wish to get the optimal air flow. The fan is USB which can be charged and will last from two and a half to six hours, depending on what speed you use. Remember that if you have long hair, it is best to pull it back so that it is not wrapped in a fan blade.
Best Handheld Fan: Panergy On-the-go Personal Fan
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Why do we like it: The design that turns into a base makes this a solid choice whenever you want to be free.
What to consider: Fan has only one speed option.
The aircraft can sometimes be a little hot in the cabin, and small overhead air nozzles do not help much. The grip on this fan folds down to become a base, which means you can easily set it on your tray table to get a gentle breeze quickly. This can be powered by a battery or USB charge and has 3 feet air circulation, and it makes it easy to store in your trunk or wallet. The fan grip can be hung from anything, so you can also use it on sports bikes, cabinet knobs, or bathroom hooks during your entire trip.
Best Hands-free: Panergy Portable Neck Fan
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Why do we like it: Three speed choices with the ability to play both fans are useful for hot days in the amusement park or other outdoor activities.
What to consider: You might have to adjust the fan if you use it when moving a lot.
Our favorite hands-free option is a fan that can be worn that you can throw on your neck and not worry when traveling. This one is from a calm panelgy, light, and can be adjusted according to your wishes. Simply turn the silicone pieces where the fan relies on to make the optimal air flow where you need it. The fan can be charged through the USB port and will run up to nine hours, depending on the speed level.
Best Clip-on: Panergy Clip-On Mini Desk Fan
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Why do we like it: 360 degrees rotation.
What to consider: Dial that allows you to adjust the fan speed.
Looking for something to be cut into a child's stroller, a picnic table, tent, or camping chair? Panergy's clip-on fan can be attached to almost everything, including office desks or your car chair. The USB port makes charging easy, and full costs will last from three to six hours. The fan rotates 360 degrees, meaning you can easily adjust where your air blows. Fill in the power of your computer, USB outlet, or a power bank, and you are ready to do it.
Tips for Buying a Portable Fan
Consider the different types of fans available
Before buying a portable fan, consider how and where you will use it. Are you cycling through Europe? You will need both hands to direct your bicycle, so you want to find fans that can be worn. Do you want something you can carry every day to stand guard if you get hot? You might be able to go with a handheld fan that has a wrist loop. If you know you will need it for something like a baby stroller or your table after the trip, you might want to get a fan with a clip. However you are traveling, make sure you buy a portable fan that suits your needs.
Make sure you buy the proper size
Pay attention to where fans will go when you shop for portable fans. If you are going to make a voyage and live in a small cabin, you won't want something that spends too much space. If you walk a lot, you might want a small fan to put in your pocket. Don't forget about the airline limit, you don't want your fan to be too heavy and weigh your luggage, and if you only package luggage, you will want to consider using a smaller fan to save space.
Choose a power source wisely
Know how to turn on your fan before heading to unknown places. If you have access to electricity while traveling, fan with a USB cable is a good choice, because you can charge from cellphones, laptops, or electric banks. (Make sure you have an adapter if you are in a foreign country so you can give your device power.) If you camp, you might not have access to electricity, so make sure your fan is powered by a battery.
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panergy · 2 years
Auto Oscillating Stroller Fan, 4000mAh Rechargeabl
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by entering your model number.
【2022 NEW UPDATED DESIGN】Equipped with a pure copper brushless motor, this oscillating fan can produce powerful airflow up to 13.5 ft./s but hardly any noise. The bladeless design reduces the risk of touching blades by accident, ensuring your safety during use. It has 3 adjustable speeds to meet your demand. Great fan for babies, the elderly and anyone in the hot seasons.
【AUTOMATIC OSCILLATION】With optional oscillation angel, you can have it oscillate automatically within 90° or 45° by short pressing the oscillation button in turns, and long press the button to orient the wind direction as needed. It will save you the trouble of frequently adjusting the wind direction by hand.
【4000MAH RECHARGEABLE BATTERY】It is powered by 4000mAh rechargeable battery which takes 4-5 hours to fully charge and provides 3-15 hours duration depending on your choice of speed and oscillation. It supports multiple charging by adapter, power bank, car charger, laptop, etc. via the included type-C cord.
【VERSATILE & PORTABLE】Featuring a flexible tripod which is sturdy and covered with soft rubber foam, it can be bent into any position for standing on desktops, hanging in tents, holding in the hand, or wrapping around strollers/cribs/treadmills/bikes. The mini fan weighs only 0.75 lb., making it a perfect travel mate for you.
【STYLISH & ADORABLE】The mini fan has an adorable jellyfish look. The stylish and cute design is popular with both adults and children. It is the best gift for your family and friends this summer. Buy now to give them a surprise.
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mayfives · 2 years
3 Best Clip-on Fans
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Image Credit: SkyGenius In this work-from-home scenario, carrying a portable fan to wherever you sit may not be the wisest idea. However, these are situations where a bit of a breeze can add comfort to your work stress. Never bother about carrying your regular fan with you. The clip-on fan will do the job perfectly.
What is a clip-on desk fan?
Clip-on fans come with a built-in clamp. You can attach them to the edge of a desk, frame of a treadmill, or even a nightstand. A clip-on fan can work well for baby stroller, home, and office, bedroom, laptop, gym workout, car backseat, outdoors, camping, trips, traveling, etc. Clip-on-fans are comparatively small and lightweight. You can control the direction of airflow too. Therefore, these clip-on desk fans make a great addition to office or workout areas.
What to consider when buying a clip-on fan?
Clip-on desk fans are small devices. That means they don’t use up space. But when you are looking for the best desk fan, you should not neglect to prioritize your needs. If you are buying it for a baby's stroller or a treadmill frame, consider its weight. You must opt for a lightweight option. Look for a fan that has a sturdy and strong clamp. You can also look for some innovative features too. Clip-on fans generally have the same functions. Most of them are cordless /battery-operated. But they can vary in quality, features, and price. These days you will find clip-on fans with a USB port too. So, it is good to go through these features when choosing a clip-on fan for your needs
Best Clip-on Fans
We have tested more than 25 clips-on fans for their quality and efficiency. Below are the three best, top-rated Clip-on Desk Fans to bring you a soothing breeze during these warm months.   1. Best Clip-On Fan for Cars & Office SkyGenius Battery Operated Clip on Mini Desk Fan
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Best price on Amazon - One of the most acclaimed Clip-on desk fan - It is impressively lightweight and portable - Its nimble head can rotate 360 degrees vertically and 270 degrees horizontally - At the center of its blades, there is a small chamber where you can place essential oils for aromatherapy - It works quietly and runs with max wind speed 85ft/s. - This high-speed machine is perfect for offices - The fan is a rechargeable battery-powered & USB powered - You can also use the power bank for emergency application If you are looking for the most powerful, sturdy, and quiet clip-on fan for all your needs, just grab it.   2. Best Clip-On Fan for Grow Tents TN TONNY Convertible Desk & Clip Fan
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Best price on Amazon - This little fan can be clipped and be kept upright on the desk - This fan operates on a power cord. - It is lightweight and is easy to install - It features two fan speeds modes - This also has an adjustable tilt fan head - With 3 blades, this clip fan provides an amazing airflow - It is great for grow tents If you prefer a corded design, just grab it.   3. Best Clip-On Fan for Stollers OPOLAR Rechargeable Battery Operated Clip on Fan
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Best price on Amazon - Though a small machine, this fan is outstandingly powerful - This can be clipped on or be kept upright without any support - It can be clipped on anywhere, even on a rope, or a treadmill. - This fan is battery-operated and rechargeable - The battery lasts 12 hours in the medium - It has an adjustable head with 3 blades of 8 inches - You get to switch between 4-speed settings - This light weight clip on fan is the best choice for your baby's stoller If you are looking for the most versatile clip-on fan, this one is for you.   Here are a few more suggestions of Clip-on Desk Fans that you may be interested in. Check them out for details and price.
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BESKAR Clip & Desk Fan with USB Plug in
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Vornado PivotC Personal Air Circulator Clip On Fan
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Comfort Zone Clip-On-Fan amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mayfives-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "best fans"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c913f4d735dffcc89b470651ebfad8d4"; Why should you trust us? The Mayfives’ team includes experts who love shopping, testing and evaluating. We bring to you only the best products with great quality and top ratings.  We analyze the manufacturing details and test them for genuineness. Our experienced writers review those products with the suggestions from the experts and user reviews.  You can trust us because we value shopping.   Read the full article
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islamfakrul · 2 years
Top 10 Best portable fan for baby [2022]
Top 10 Best portable fan for baby [2022]
1. Portable Fan For Baby Stroller – Used as power bank ,50H 12000mAh Mini Cooling Small Bed Fan ,USB Rechargeable,Battery Operated Fan With Flexible Tripod, Fans Clip On Stroller/Car Seat/Bike(Black) Buy On Amazon 【Used as power bank and Ultra durable battery】Battery operated fan by upgraded 12000mAh rechargeable battery, which takes 5 hours to charge full for up to13-72 hours working time.…
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6 For Buying Used Cars
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