#do i need a stroller fan
babycare59 · 10 months
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About this item
Safe for baby: Let us take all your worries away! Featuring high quality material, this training potty seat provides you with peace of mind while your toddler uses the potty!
Comfortable seat and handle: Designed for comfort and safety, this potty training seat fits a child's body perfectly. The high-back design protects your baby's spine from damage and provides a comfortable grip for climbing.
No more shaking: Featuring non-slip rubber pads, the ladder fits firmly to the toilet at the back and at the bottom. Thanks to the non-slip wide ladder, your baby can easily turn around. It’s a trustworthy companion for every parent!
Intimate design: The smooth armrests on this potty training seat fits the curvature of the baby's hand. Moreover, a pee catcher is designed for boys as well as girls between 1-7 to effectively prevent urine from splashing.
Easy to install: Easy installation, just tighten the screws with a key, no tools required. Max capacity of 75kg(165lb), sturdy enough when your toddler climbs up and down. The padding on this potty seat makes it more comfortable to sit.
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"Guess I'm Just Good With Them" - 2
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x SingleMom!Reader
WARNINGS: Slight insecurities about being a single mom, extreme fluffiness
*not proof-read*
Sinking into the couch, you groan. It's been an hour trying to put Leila to sleep. And with consistency, you finally have achieved that goal. You run your hands over your face trying to get the drowsiness to evade your eyes, you need to do some more chores. And you know you won't be able to get to them in the morning, with work and the babysitter coming to sit Leila.
Your phone pings. That's weird, it never pings.
It only does when it's your co-worker asking to cover their shift, or it's when your boss is telling you the unfortunate news of you having to work overtime.
But it is neither of those situations. It's an unknown number.
UNKNOWN: Hey there, this is James from Walmart.
You stare at the electronic brick in your hands. You tap on the notification and see the actual message.
Your jaw drops. He actually texted you. James actually texted you.
Your heart races slightly as your thumbs do that little dance over your screen. Biting your lip, you think about what you should write about.
YOU: Hi James! How are you? :)
You groan and tip your head back, thinking your reply is similar to that of a fourth grader. But, that thought instantly vanishes as you see the texting bubble on his side jump in a pattern. While they do you save his name in your contacts.
JAMES: I'm doing alright. How are you, and Leila? 🙂
You let out a deep breath and type again.
YOU: Oh! We’re doing well, thank you. YOU: Happy to hear that you’re doing well too! :)
What’s with you and that smiley face, you whine in embarrassment and throw your phone to the side. “God, why am I like this?” You whine as you run your hands down your face. You never thought twice about texting.
But when it comes to James, you had to. You don’t know why, but you feel flutters in your belly when your brain strays to think about him. You don’t force your brain to do so, it’s just a second nature, an unconscious habit.
You can’t help but think about his charming smile that was on display the whole time Leila looked at him, the way he let your baby girl play with his metal arm, the way he would coo at her when she became fussy.
Your phone pings. Reaching for your phone, you inhale and open the text.
JAMES: That is great to hear. 🙂
You push out your lips, wondering what to reply with.
YOU: :)
You internally groan at your teenage-like response.
JAMES: I just wanted to know if you and Leila are busy this weekend.
You’re heart races again, is he going to ask you out?
YOU: We're not :). Why?
Ok, you were really bold with that response.
JAMES: There is this thing at the Zoo a friend told me about, thought it would be a good idea for Leila to see it?
You are in shock, he really thought about your daughter when his friend mentioned a Zoo.
YOU: That’s a great idea :)
There’s a smile on your face when you hit send on your reply. The bubbles pop up again on James’ side.
JAMES: What about her mother? 🙂
Your heart does a loop. You re-read the message at least 10 times, repeating the words out loud just to make sure if you read it right. And you did.
He, kind of, asked you out.
YOU: Her mother would be happy :)
The shade really did nothing to cool you off from the summer sun. You adjusted the battery powered fan to face Leila completely on the arm rest of the stroller.
Getting up from your bent position you see James approaching you with a backpack on his shoulders. He gives you that sheepish smile he gave you the first time you met. You raise your hand and wave at him, and he returns a two fingered wave.
“Hey,” he smiles at you again, before squatting and caressing Leila’s cheek with his finger. “Heya, peanut,” he smiles, and Leila giggles and grabs onto James’ finger.
“Ah, Leila. We don’t grab fingers, bubba,” you say slowly at your little girl. Leila slowly lets go of James’ finger but still smiles at him.
“She’s learning to listen,” he chuckles, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. You laugh and respond, “only because you are here, James. Otherwise, it’s a cryfest.” James laughs at your statement, nodding his head.
“Please, call me Bucky. My fri-people who know me do,” he clears his throat, and you nod smiling. “Of course, Bucky,” she smiles, and it immediately is pulled into a frown when Leila starts to whine. You’re quick to pick her up and carry her at your waist.
“She was fussy during nap time this morning, I'm sorry,” you explain, your insecurities of being not a good enough mom started to kick in.
Bucky gives a sympathetic smile and he nods along. He puts his hand on the stroller, “I can push the stroller.”
"Really?" You ask in shock, bouncing Leila in your arms. Bucky chuckles and nods, "yeah, it's not a problem for me."
"Thank you," you give a downward smile, and he smiles back.
“Shall we?” He asks with a small grin, ready to push the stroller.
You smile and nod, this man really is the nicest thing that has happened to you in a while.
TAGLIST <3: @toffeacademia
Here is the part two lovelies!!!
I will be transferring this to a series, so yay!
(if you wanna be tagged in the series, pls comment here 🤗🤗)
The next thing I'm most gonna be posting is the first chapter of "Infinite Solutions"
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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Harry and yn and there two kids on holiday and fans come up to them and harry asks them to respect there privacy and all that?
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Caribbean Privacy.
my masterlist || ask my anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here !!
authors note - first blurb of 2024 people and it’s based on the brand new photos we got, so enjoy my loves.
word count - 1.7k
in which, you and harry decided to go for a little family holiday to start the new year off on the right foot, and went to a caribbean island, where your just trying to enjoy yourselves, and spend some quality time with your two children, when a couple of fans spot your husband.
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As the first light of the new year streamed through the curtains, you woke up to the sweet realization that your partner had planned a surprise holiday to the Caribbean.
The joy in your heart was mirrored in the excited expressions of Kai, your energetic five-year-old, and little Lexi, who had just turned six months old. The promise of sun-soaked beaches and turquoise waters made the early morning hustle of packing bags and herding the family to the airport an adventure in itself.
Arriving at your tropical destination, the sound of gentle waves and the warmth of the sun embraced you. The resort's palm-fringed surroundings set the stage for a family retreat filled with laughter and cherished moments.
The holiday would be lasting a total of two weeks and so far the four of you had been there for four out of a possible fourteen.
The first day was spent chilling and getting the kids into a routine, the second day was filled with sunbathing and the third day you took the kids to do some activities so that they wouldn’t get too bored.
It was the afternoon of the fourth day at the resort, for a majority of the morning you had all gone for a walk, trying to get your bearings of where you were going to be staying.
It was nearing one pm now, and the four of you were making your way to the hotel outdoor restaurant, where other families, friends and couples were currently sat, all decked out in summer clothes just like you and your family were.
The rhythmic roll of the stroller, carrying the enchanting Lexi, created a soothing background to the lively atmosphere. Harry, with Kai perched on his shoulders, exuded paternal pride as his son's tiny fingers playfully explored the newly sprouting hair after a recent buzz cut.
The infectious giggles from Kai echoed through the space, forming a symphony of joy that seemed to harmonize with the clinking of cutlery and murmurs of other guests.
Just moments later, a courteous waiter approached, exuding the charm of the Caribbean hospitality.
"Good afternoon! Can I start you off with some drinks?" he inquired with a warm smile.
Harry, with a chuckle, ordered a beer for himself, emphasising that it was a well-deserved vacation treat.
Kai, his eyes sparkling, announced proudly, "Chocolate milkshake, please!"
You joined in, opting for a refreshing mojito to complement the tropical ambiance. The waiter, noting down the orders, promised to return shortly with the concoctions that would add an extra layer of delight to your family gathering.
The backdrop of the restaurant's tropical charm provided the perfect setting for a moment of connection.
"This surprise vacation was a brilliant idea," you remarked, a smile playing on your lips.
Harry, his eyes filled with satisfaction, responded, "M’figured we all needed a break, and what better way t’start the year?"
Kai, still perched atop his father's shoulders, chimed in, "I like the beach, Mommy! Can we build a sandcastle tomorrow?"
His enthusiasm was infectious, prompting laughter from both you and Harry.
"Absolutely, buddy! We'll build the biggest sandcastle the beach ‘as ever seen," Harry promised, ruffling Kai's hair.
November 2019, you gave birth to Kai Robin Styles, at a home birth in yours and Harry’s London home.
As the conversation continued, you found yourselves reflecting on the year that had passed and the excitement of what lay ahead.
“ ‘Member when Lex was just a tiny bump?" Harry mused, glancing affectionately at your baby girl. "Now look at her, enjoying her first vacation. Time really does fly,"
You had gone into Labour with Lexi Anne Styles after Harry’s Show in Warsaw, the birth wasn’t very traumatic but the fact that you have birth in the backstage area of a stadium add a million different stress levels.
The waiter returned with a tray of drinks, delivering a frothy beer for Harry, a velvety chocolate milkshake for Kai, and a refreshing mojito for yourself.
The clinking of glasses marked the beginning of a shared toast.
"To family adventures and new beginnings," Harry proposed, raising his beer.
It wasn’t long before you had placed your food orders, and then it was back to chit chatting.
Lexi began to express her hunger with soft whimpers from the comfort of her stroller. Harry, always attuned to his children's needs, suggested, "Looks like someone's ready f’a meal. How about I feed her?"
Agreeing with a smile, you watched affectionately as Harry gently lifted Lexi from the stroller. With practised ease, he retrieved the pre-made bottle from the baby bag. Cradling Lexi in his arms, he began a tender dialogue, showering her with words of endearment.
"Y’know, Love bug, y’the most perfect baby in the world. Mom and I are so lucky t’have you," he whispered, his words infused with a genuine warmth that mirrored the love you both felt for your little one.
As Harry spoke to Lexi, your gaze shifted to Kai, who was deeply immersed in coloring his book. His tiny fingers danced across the paper, creating vibrant strokes that mirrored the lively atmosphere of the Caribbean surroundings. The restaurant transformed into a canvas of family moments — the quiet focus of an older brother, the nurturing presence of a father, and the unspoken connection between mother and daughter.
Amidst the lively ambiance of the restaurant, you couldn't help but notice a group of girls at a nearby table who seemed to have recognized your husband. Whispers and excited glances were exchanged among them, and you could see them mustering the courage to approach him for a photo.
Sensing their intentions, you leaned in to Harry and discreetly warned him about the approaching fangirls.
Harry, with a resigned sigh, glanced over his shoulder and nodded.
"Just ignore ‘em, love. It happens," he reassured you, his eyes reflecting the weariness of a man accustomed to such encounters.
The prospect of being in the spotlight, even during a family dinner, was not a new experience for him. Grateful that your kids were facing away, oblivious to the attention, you both focused on enjoying the moment together as a family.
As the girls behind you worked up the courage to approach, you and Harry engaged in casual conversation, attempting to divert attention from the brewing fan encounter.
"Remember that time in Paris?" you teased, trying to lighten the mood. Harry chuckled, because he knew exactly what you were talking about.
"Good times," he agreed, sharing a smile with you, appreciating the effort to shield your family from the attention that occasionally came with his public persona.
“H, there definitely coming.”
Harry, glancing over his shoulder, nodded in acknowledgment.
"Yeah, I see them. Just give them a friendly smile if they approach, and I'll handle it. S’not let it bother us," he suggested, his voice carrying a hint of resignation.
He was no stranger to such encounters, having navigated the challenges of fame before. The weariness in his eyes reflected a desire for a quiet family dinner undisturbed by fan interactions.
The restaurant buzzed with activity as the group of excited fans approached your table.
"Harry, we're such huge fans! Can we get a quick photo and an autograph?" one of them eagerly requested, holding out a notepad and a pen.
With a gracious smile, Harry acknowledged their enthusiasm.
"M’grateful f’your support, but at the moment, we're trying to have a quiet family dinner, so I won't be able to do autographs right now," he gently explained, a polite refusal delivered with a sense of understanding.
Despite his explanation, the fans persisted, urging for both a photo and an autograph. The atmosphere at the table shifted as Lexi, nestled in Harry's lap, started to express her unease with a few whimpers.
Sensing his sister's discomfort, Kai moved closer to your side, seeking comfort in the familiar presence of family. Harry, noticing the subtle disruption, addressed the fans with empathy.
The fans, eager to capture a moment with their idol, continued to press for both a photo and an autograph. Harry, maintaining his composure, gently reiterated, "I really appreciate y’support, but right now, We're just trying t’enjoy a family dinner without any interruptions."
The fans, realizing the impact on the children, paused for a moment. Harry, sensing the need to reinforce the boundary, continued,
"Thanks for understanding." His words were delivered with a blend of gratitude and a protective instinct for his family.
As the fans reluctantly stepped back, a mix of disappointment and understanding painted their expressions. Your family returned to the rhythm of your evening, attempting to reclaim the sense of tranquillity that had been momentarily disrupted. Lexi, still cradled in Harry's arms, gradually settled, comforted by the familiar presence of her parents and brother.
Harry, with a reassuring smile, turned his attention back to the dinner table.
"Sorry about that, m’love," he whispered to you, the gentle apology carrying the weight of the delicate balancing act that came with his fame.
"It's alright," you responded, understanding the complexities of navigating public and private moments.
Kai, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, looked up from his colouring book with a curious expression.
"Why did those people want pictures, Mommy?" he asked, his innocent curiosity breaking the momentary tension.
You looked down to his eye level, offering a simple yet honest explanation, "Sometimes, people recognize Daddy from his work, and they want to say hello or take a picture because they really like what he does."
Harry, appreciating your delicate handling of the situation, chimed in,
"That's right, buddy. Daddy's work makes people happy, and sometimes they just want to share that happiness with us."
Sensing his sons discomfort, Harry gently ushered him over, placing him on the other side of his lap.
"Hey, Kai, come here, sweet boy," Harry said softly, creating a protective space for him. As Kai nestled in closer,
Harry continued, "I want you t’know that no matter what happens, Daddy will always keep you safe. Those moments might be a bit strange, but we're a team, okay?"
Kai, his big brown eyes searching for reassurance, nodded in understanding. "
Team," he echoed, a small smile breaking through the remnants of unease.
Harry wrapped his arm around Kai, holding him close to his chest.
"Exactly, little man. We're a team, and nothing will ever change that," Harry affirmed, his voice a soothing melody of love and comfort.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
New Daddy
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Millie decides she needs a new daddy after one time out.
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Millie loves her mother and father, but when Drew gives her a timeout for hitting him, she is not his biggest fan at the moment. Y/N watches her little girl play on the playground while bouncing baby Tristan in her arms. A little boy approaches Millie and Y/N can’t hear the conversation they are having, but it seems to entertain her daughter. “Hi, I’m Chris. And I am four years old. I have a daddy, but no mommy,” the other child introduces himself. Millie beams at his last words, “I’m Millie. I have a mommy and daddy, but I’m mad at my daddy. Does your daddy want to marry my mommy? You can be my new brother. I already have a little brother.” Chris doesn’t really know what Millie wants to do, yet he still agrees to it to make her happy. 
Y/N spots her daughter walking toward a man with a new friend and her maternal instincts kick in. She runs over to her daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Millie, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t approach strangers,” Y/N reprimands her daughter. Millie smiles up at her mother, “But he’s not a stranger, Mommy. He is my new brother’s daddy. You should give him your phone number.” Y/N’s eyebrows knit at her daughter’s words. She readjusts Tristan in her arms.
“What do you mean, Millie? This little boy is not your new brother. Do you want a play date with him? Is that what you mean?” 
“No, his daddy is going to be your husband. Chris doesn’t have a mommy, so you can be his mommy.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen at her daughter’s words and she looks up apologetically at Chris’s dad. “Millie, I have a husband already. Remember, he’s your daddy.” Millie crosses her arms with a shake of a head, “He’s not my daddy anymore. He was mean to me. He put me in time out.” Y/N can’t help but giggle at her daughter’s words and she can’t wait to tell Drew the story when they get home.
Millie runs into the house, going to wash her hands for the snack she is told that her father is preparing for her. Y/N pushes the stroller into the house and leaves it at the front door. She takes Tristan out of the car seat and heads to the kitchen to find her husband cutting a strawberry into a flower. “You might want to start looking for a new house,” Y/N jokes, coming close to him to kiss his cheek. He moves away from her with confusion written on his face, “Why?” “Apparently, your daughter is in the market for a new daddy. She even went as far as telling me to give my number to her new friend’s single dad,” she explains to her husband. Betrayal crosses his features as his little girl runs into the room. “You don’t want me as a daddy anymore, Mills?” he questions with an upset look.
She shrugs, forgetting her slight against him and just wanting her snack. She runs over to the counter and reaches for the fruit in his hands. He moves his hand over his head and out of her reach. He shakes his head, “Nope, strawberries are only for little girls who want their daddy.” “I do want you, Daddy. You were just mean to me,” she pouts, jumping for the strawberry. Drew doesn’t give in to her reach. “Well, what do you say to daddies that you want?” Millie knows the game her dad is playing and wraps her short arms around his legs, giving his leg kisses since she can’t reach his face. “I love you, Daddy. Can I please have my snack now?” she asks. He grins down at her and picks her up into his arms. He kisses her cheek, handing her the strawberry. “Of course. I love you too, Baby. Just don’t hit people and you won’t get a timeout.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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sunny44 · 7 months
All these years (Part 10)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ex girlfriend Reader
Warnings: just fluff stuff
Summary: Separated by a disagreement, Charles and Y/n meet again after years apart and all the feelings they had repressed come flooding back.
Previous Chapter
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The sun in Maranello shone brightly on that Sunday morning as Charles and I got ready to head out. Charles, Matilda, and I were dressed in Ferrari gear, ready for the race.
Matilda wore her tiny Ferrari jumpsuit, looking around the room with curious eyes as we gathered our things to leave.
Charles laughed, adjusting Matilda's tiny Ferrari cap on her head.
"Ready for your first race, little champion?"
I smiled at the scene and took the opportunity to capture a photo of the two of them, seizing a moment when they were both smiling, their dimples showing.
"She's going to steal the show today, Charles," I said. He smiled.
"Well, she's got the Leclerc charm."
With Matilda securely strapped into her car seat, we headed to the famous Monza racetrack. We could have stayed closer, but Charles needed to attend to some matters at the factory, which was why we were in Maranello.
Arriving at Monza, the vibrant atmosphere of the racetrack was contagious. Matilda was nestled in Charles's arms, and her curious eyes took in everything around her. We took a detour behind the paddock since she was still very young, and we didn't want her to be startled by all the fans' cheering. Surprisingly, she seemed to be embracing it all, laughing as we walked through the paddock with people shouting around.
Fred saw us and smiled, coming over.
"You're the spitting image of your dad, you know," he said to her, and she smiled, reaching out her arms to him. "And you've got your mom's charisma."
"How are you, Fred?"
"Better now with our top fan here," he said, looking at her. "Glad you could make it."
"Yeah, I missed all of this."
"And how's life as a mom been?"
"It's been great, actually. She's hardly any trouble, and it's been much better than I imagined."
"Good to know," he smiled, handing her back to Charles. "See you in the garage in a bit. Take care." We said our goodbyes and continued walking.
"She's definitely your number one fan."
"I'm sure of that too."
In the Ferrari box, Charles, now in his racing suit, held Matilda as he discussed strategy with his team. I captured spontaneous photos of the two amidst the focused energy of the team preparing for the race.
The moment arrived for the race to begin, and Matilda was so tired that she was dozing off in her stroller while I watched the cars line up on the grid on the TVs in the garage. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the engines roared to life, signaling the start of the race.
It was an epic race, with Charles finishing first, followed by Lewis and Max. Mati was already awake, so we went to the fences to watch the podium. The team's staff surrounded us, protecting us from the crowd, and I deeply appreciated them for doing so.
When they called his name, everyone started shouting, and even with the noise-canceling headphones, she saw everything and started screaming and waving her arms joyfully as soon as she saw her dad up there.
Charles was already very happy, but as soon as he saw her, his smile widened even more.
After the trophy presentation and the champagne shower, Matilda and I returned to the garage. Since it was time for her to eat again, I sat on Charles's bed and began breastfeeding her.
"Hi, my love." He came in all wet and smiled upon seeing his almost asleep baby nursing at the same time. "Looks like someone's tired."
"Yeah, she held up really well. She even slept for about half an hour during the race, but it was a restless sleep, so I don't think she rested much."
"You have no idea how happy I am that you two are here, having you both with me, and seeing her cheer excitedly from up there was the highlight of my weekend."
"We're happy to be here too. I missed all of this," I smiled at him and felt that Matilda had fallen asleep, so I laid her down and left him halfway up in case she threw up.
"Well, I'm going to take a shower, do the interviews, and then we can go out for dinner if you want." He gave me a peck and went into the bathroom.
I lay on his bed and adjusted Matilda on my chest, took a picture of her there, and started checking social media to distract myself.
After finishing all the commitments, our day ended with a family dinner at a small restaurant, and then we returned to the hotel to sleep and headed back to Monaco the next day.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram post
“Matilda’s first race.”
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Tag list: @formulas-bitch @nuggetvirgo @lndonrris @cmleitora @janeholt3 @coffeewhore18 @blueflorals @agentadhd @eviethetheatrefreak @honethatty12 @lec-16 @ariamox @boherahpsody @ssararuffoni @leilani13gc @alldaysdreamer @minmira95 @dessxoxsworld @dessxoxsworld @vellicora @meadhbhcavanagh @viramila @lightdragonrayne @morenofilm @millinorrizz @leclercdream @buendiabebeta @ironmaiden1313 @julesandro @ssararuffoni @sialexia @notleclerc @glow-ish @heavengirls111
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beabeemu · 1 year
Private, but not a secret
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Itoshi sae x reader
pro! football player sae, famous people problems (yk how it is ackk 😝😝) << FLUFF, slight angst WITH COMFORT, mentions of anxiety, worried reader. cursing, slight trash-talking WC: 2k
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two posts in one day wow
Sae valued privacy, which is why he despised the paparazzi, always rubbing their noses in his business, always watching his every move, even the smallest thing gets them riled up. He once experimented on going inside a store full of strollers, he went viral the second he stepped in, it was 100% his fault. He had to go to like 10 interviews to clarify that he had just stepped “accidentally” stepped into the wrong store. 
Despite being a little used to it, he wasn’t as annoyed by them up until now. Sae was a bit relieved that you were quite familiar with the works of someone who needed to handle the paparazzi, being an author of a globally famous manga/anime series and being quite the animator yourself, and handling two businesses’ had gained the attention of people. Since you were viewed as an influencer, people can’t get enough when they get a glimpse of your personal life, especially the person whom you were currently dating. 
“You ready?” while adjusting his hat and mask. 
“Yup” you mumbled, currently bundled up in the hood of Sae’s humongous jacket and scarf. Sae had just finished winning a match, you stayed back waiting for sae to finish his shower, so that you two can go to the after-party that his teammates had insisted he goes to. He refused at first but you convinced him otherwise. His teammates thanked you and went on ahead. 
His manager had informed us that paparazzi and fans were waiting for the players to leave the stadium, they were now waiting for sae. To say he was irritated by this was an understatement. Because having the paparazzi there meant he had to treat you like you were just some lukewarm person (which you weren’t) He hated acting like you were a stranger in public, as much as he loathed admitting it, he needed you to be beside at all times. But not wanting your guy's relationship to be peaceful, he had no choice. 
Walking to the car he shielded his eyes and stopped the urge to wrap his arms around you to protect you from the flashes, during the short walk to the car waiting for them, sae couldn’t help but clench his teeth. He went inside first, he wanted to open the door for you but resisted, which led to him accidentally slamming the door shut. He watched as you got in and then the driver finally drove away. 
Y/N was slightly struggling to get his jacket off her since it was so big, it was really heavy. 
“Come here” hesitating for a bit, but still made the effort of going to the backseat where sae was. Once she was seated, sae released a breath, as if he was holding it. He took the jacket and scarf off of you. 
“You good? What’s on your mind?” 
“Would it be so bad?” 
“What would?”
“If we didn’t have to hide. What could go wrong?” 
It wasn’t the first time sae had asked this. It was kind of getting irritating, having to explain over and over again. It wasn’t like you liked hiding your affection from each other, you had just decided that it was for the best that you two will hide it until you two were exposed by a fan or the paparazzi but until that moment comes, you two promised that it will be best to keep it behind closed doors. 
“Because it will not only jeopardize my work, but your fans will go feral” 
“Why do they care? I can date whomever I want, and it’s you” 
“But your fans are so possessive, they’ll come at me one by one, and I dont think I have the mentality to handle that yet.” 
“So you’re saying that we’re just gonna hide our relationship forever? Is that what you're saying?” 
“I’m not saying that, just not now-” 
“Then when? When can I hold your hand in public? When can we go on dates without wearing ridiculous disguises? When can I Y/N?” 
You were shocked, to say the least, you didn’t expect sae to just rant about it, you didn’t know that it had bothered him so much. You didn’t know what to say. He was waiting for you to answer. But y/n didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t thought about it that way. Then she realized that her mind was still occupied by work, to the point that it had also affected their relationship. 
“What are you afraid of?” 
That question shocked her even more. What was she afraid of? Was she scared of something? 
“I… just wanted our relationship to be just us. Without other people getting in the mix. I’ve seen other celebrities' relationship fallout after announcing their relationship to the public and I’m just scared because I dont want us to be like them, I dont want to have a fallout. I want to bet my whole life and being to you sae, I really do but it's just so hard” 
Sae stared at her for a minute. Processing everything she had said. Then the driver notified them that they had arrived at the venue of the after-party. Y/n swiped away the tears that had slipped and started putting on her disguise. Sae stopped her. 
“No, don’t” 
“Sae not now please” 
“No. Can you take us to my penthouse?” 
The driver nodded and then started driving. 
“What about the after-party?” 
“They can manage without me, I’m not letting you leave until we’re done with this argument. Look, I can’t assure you anything, but God forbid that something bad happens to us. And I won’t let it. But the thought of not being able to go anywhere I want with you forever just haunts me. I just want to be with you without any restraints.” 
Y/n raked her mind for a possible solution that will result in a different outcome that will put her mind at ease, but she had nothing. For the first time, she didn’t have the answer. But one was for sure. IS that she loved sae. 
“Maybe we could lose the extreme disguises, the next time we go out on a date” 
His face softened, he felt relieved. 
“Yeah… I think we could pull it off for a few months, right?” 
He hugged you and muttered a small thank you.
Oh god, how wrong you were. 
Not even a 1 week in, you two were already going viral all over social media. A picture of you and sae in a park at night laughing while eating ice cream was all over the internet. The picture was clear as day. You didn’t even know that you two were being followed. But alas you were wrong. 
Oh, how you hated being wrong.
Your work phone was buzzing with notifications, probably from fans. You ignored it and turned it into silent mode. You were looking at the issue with your phone which then flashed the contact number of your beloved manager. HEsistating a little, but you still answered.
Right off the bat, she said “What happened with ‘keeping it private’ ?” 
“Sae was getting sick of the disguises, and I dont know… is it bad?” 
I can tell she was trying so hard to be considerate of how I was feeling because she went silent for a bit. Her silence answered yes  
“ well it's not as bad as we had assumed, some are bad, and some are supportive” 
“What's the majority?” 
“Good, which is great because it means they don’t hate you” 
“Is it? You’re not lying?” 
“Look for now just lay low ok? Is sae with you?”
“No, he’s at practice, he doesn’t get a hold of his phone until after” 
“So he doesn’t know yet, which means you don’t have to panic ok? Stay calm, You won’t get fired just because of this little thing. And the football league isn’t strict at all with their players dating so they won’t force you guys to break up. And I’m fine with it, and both of your families are already expecting you two to get married so dont worry ok? All the people that you need approval from have already approved of you two so don’t overthink ok? But I suggest that you put your other phone on silent until this dies down”
“Already done, and thank you, I needed to hear some assurance” 
“Glad I called when I did, I’m just gonna do some media control ok? I need to make sure that they don’t do anything extreme.” 
We said goodbye and hung up. I went to the kitchen to drink water, trying my best to calm down. She had never needed sae this much before, but Right now all she wanted was him here, telling
her that it was gonna be ok. 
When sae opened his phone, it was exploding with notifications from every social media platform he had. Confused, he went to Twitter and went to the bottom of it. And the first tweet he saw was a fan account of his talking trash about his girlfriend with a photo attached of them from their date last night. 
He was furious, but that furiousness was overpowered by his worry and aloof his anxiety. Trying to rush packing his stuff, he immediately got out of the locker and outside where he was met with the paparazzi. There were a lot more of them now, probably because they were all buzzing to get an inside jizz about his love life. Like the picture wasn’t enough. He walked through the people, getting closer to the car waiting for him and not looking at the cameras or answering any questions. 
But what that one fan said had his blood boiling
“You could do so much better than her sae-kun!!” 
He paused, he looked at the fan, then they were quiet. All waiting on his comment. 
“What did you say?” 
The cameras started flashing more frantically, they weren’t screaming anymore. 
The lukewarm fan was getting nervous, she said “I-I said that you could do better than that y-y/n” 
Sae’s stare was so intense that you could his anger from a mile away. 
“Y/n is my girlfriend and none of you assholes can do jack shit about it, And the next time I hear anyone talk shit about her again I’ll have you hunted down, and I will turn your fucking life upside down. That goes to all of you sons of bitches.” everyone went silent. 
He then went inside the car and they immediately drove off. Maybe cussing everyone there wasn’t such a good idea, but he didn’t care, it’s not like he could get fired for it. He was too good at his job for that. What he was about was you. 
When he went inside, he was met with the sound of the tv. He immediately went to where you were. You were watching the news, more specifically sae cursing a whole lot of people. 
“Y/n is my girlfriend and none of you (beep) can do jack (beep) about it, And the next time I hear anyone talk (beep) about her again I’ll have you hunted down, and I will turn your (beep) life upside down. That goes to all of you sons of (beep).” 
You turned to look at sae and smiled. “Thank you for cursing at them, and threatening them for me. Let’s just hope that they poor coffee at me or vandalize my building”
“As I said, I’ll have them hunted down and I'll turn their life upside down” 
Y/N giggle recalling his rant that was full of beeps, her giggles grew until she was throwing her head back laughing. Sae lightly smiled at this, as he sat down beside her. “I’m glad that my anger is funny to you” 
“It’s just so funny because you were cursing so much” She continued laughing. Sae just looked at her and savored the moment. And was silently glad that she was happy, despite it being him who she was laughing at. She was the only person who he’ll allow her to laugh at him, and get away with it. 
To say that his threat worked was an understatement. Because after a few days, it had already died down. And they were now freely going out for dates in peace. Some pictures might get leaked here and there but they didn’t mind. Just a daily reminder of who was itoshi sae’s girlfriend and soon-to-be wife. 
your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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A Disney Trip with Mick Schumacher
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- I am very much convinced that Mick would greatly enjoy Disney World - He is literally a walking Disney prince - If you had ever gone to Disney before or were a Disney gal he would trust you completely with the planning - Mick's favorite park is probably Magic Kingdom or Hollywood Studios - I feel like he would get mouse ears or those baseball hats that have the Mickey ears on them heck, maybe even one of those sorcerer Mickey hats - Mick + Dole whips = a love stronger than superglue - He is constantly pulling you around wanting to show you things he sees - "Y/N did you see that little girl dressed as Elsa? I can't wait till we have some of our own" - Mick is the type of man that if he saw a mom struggling to get her stroller onto the Monarail, boat, bus, skyliner, or whatever you know he is going to help - Gets a map in every park even though you tell him he doesn't need one because you know your way around - Loves turning on the TV when y'all get back from the parks for a break or even for the night and just snuggling up with you - He gets recognized while you guys are stopped getting candy apples and you offer to take the picture - "You know that's what I love about you" "What?" "You don't care if I'm with you when fans see me because you're so caring you want them to be happy too and I know I am so lucky to have a girl with the sweetest heart" - You attempt to drink around the world at Epcot and Mick has to carry you back to by the time you reach the France pavilion - "Babe do you think I can eat four churros at once?" - Mick definitely has a mild breeding kink because after all he is a huge family man so let's just say seeing all those families around and you in your happy place he is dragging you back to the hotel many times during the trip - I need to see this man hug Donald Duck, it's a bucket list item - You would be sending his mom all the photos you guys take - He wraps his arms around during the fireworks - You make an off handed comment about wishing they had they new Figment hoodie in your size only to come back to the hotel room later that night to find it waiting for you, you know Mick had something to with it - You love going on the Peoplemover with him and just taking in tomorrowland - Mick isn't huge on PDA, but he loves holding your hand as you drag him through the crowds to get where you're going - He giggles like a kid while riding the Dinosaur ride with you in Animal Kingdom - You bend down for two seconds to tie your shoe lace and somehow he has a mickey bar in his hands already
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liked by carlossainz55, F1wagsupdates, yourbestfriend, and 416 others
yourinstagram My favorite boy in my favorite place
*disclaimer: all photos are from Pinterest
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footballfanficwriter · 6 months
The break up pt3
Summary:where Jude is Determined to get to the bottom of the reader's distress after finding her at Jobe's Match
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⚠️mentions of abuse and physical abuse⚠️
A/n: This is still written from Jude's POV like pt.2 also don't play the song yet I'll let you know when to play it
We just got home from Jobe's match and he's obviously much calmer then he was when we left the house
"Ok what's the first order of business, Mr.stalker"
"Don't call me that, and the first thing we need to do is search all my fanpages"
"Why are we doing that"
"If this guy posted those pictures that we took together, which he most likely did, the fan pages will tag him and reveal his profile
"So what we're just going to wait until he posts the picture?"
"Exactly" I say
"For a detective, you're a very horrible one"
"Patience is the key to success"
"I wonder where that will get you"
After waiting for about 2 hours one of the fan accounts posted the picture of me and the guy with a tag to his profile
The rest of the night is spent trying to find any information that we can but everything is just a dead end
Y/n hasn't posted anything since we broke up, her "boyfriend" also doesn't post either unless it's on his story and he doesn't  have anything highlighted so we can't even see previous stories that he's posted
"Don't you think it's time to give it all up?, we've been at it for hours" Jobe asks
"Jobe, I think I've actually lost her, there's no way we're going to find her now, nothing on her account indicates where she could be, or where she could Be living"
"Jude I think it's time to let it go"
I sigh not knowing what to so next
"I think I'm gonna go to bed" I say
"Why don't you just find someone else to be with I'm sure it won't be that difficult"
"But that's the thing I don't want anyone else, I want her, and the time I actually want to care for her and help her she's not reachable, I feel so stupid, she was right there In front of me and I didn't do anything, I didn't approach or try to at least make contact,  I just stood there"
"You're being hard on yourself"
"This is the punishment I have to face for what I did"
"You went to therapy"
"It clearly isn't enough"
"You'll get over it Jude, sooner or later you will get over it and you'll look back on this moment and you'll laugh"
I give him a tight lipped smile as I can see that he's trying to cheer me up, I mean I love Jobe but sometimes the idiot is just annoying, most of the time he's supportive and is always there as my comfort
I call it a night and go to bed and fall asleep, well I try to fall asleep, I just lie awake staring at the ceiling
For the next 3-4 days my family and I are spending quality time and sharing family moments and making memories
"Jude, c'mon mate we're  gonna be late for the reservation"
"Bro what are you on about I'm the only one that's ready amongst the four of us"
After everyone is dressed and ready to go to the restaurant that we usually go to when we spend family time
When we arrive we order our food and coverstation starts flowing
I glance out the window and see a woman walking with her child in a pram/stroller
That's Y/n, she looks totally oblivious to her environment around her and doesn't seem to notice the truck coming up next to her as she's crossing the street
I quickly get up and run out of the restaurant to try and save the baby that is about to be killed
I run as fast as I can and make it just in time to pull the pram/stroller back onto the pavement/sidewalk
All that seems to have snapped y/n out of her trans and she looks at me like she's only just noticing my presence now
(Play the song)
"What are you doing here Jude"
"I was saving this baby"
"From what?"
"The truck"
"What truck?"
"The one that was about to kill the baby"
She sight and whispers "not again" under her breath
"Give me my baby back" she says
"Your baby?"
I hand the baby back to her and she takes him and places him back into the pram/stroller
"Hey listen why don't you come back home with us, you look out of it right now and it's obviously not safe for the baby, i'll drive you back home"
"No thanks"
"C'mon y/n don't be like that, I promise I'm not going to do anything, you're free to leave any time you want"
"Fine" she says
I call the rest of my family and they greet Y/n, we go back home after our dinner date was cut jot due to the events that took place
When we arrive back home mum won't let this child go, she just refuses to put him down
Y/n sits on the couch like she's scared she'll ruin something
"Can I get you something?" I ask
"No thank you"
"C'mon y/n, don't be like that, let's talk"
"Jude I've got a lot of things on my plate right now to be stressing or talking about the past"
"I don't like the way we ended things"
"We wouldn't have had to end things if you had just kept it in your pants"
I look down in my lap not being able to face her and look her in the eyes
"I'm sorry"
"How many times have I  heard those words"
"This time I mean it"
"Whatever, can I have my child back now, I wanna leave, coming here was a mistake"
"Before you go I have one more thing to ask"
"Is he mine"
"Why would you think that?"
"Because he looks like me"
"That's usually an indicator of parental relation"
"Give me back my baby"
"Answer the question"
"I don't owe you anthing"
"I deserve to know, did you cheat on me?"
"Oh please Jude I am not like you, I don't cheat on people I'm in a relationship with"
"Then why won't you tell me"
"Because I don't want to"
"That's not an answer"
"Well then shame, give me my baby"
"Answer the question is that little boy in there my son"
She's silent
"Yes, he is"
To be continued...
Kidding, continue reading
"You kept that all away from me?, didn't you think I deserved to know?"
"Remember the day I left you, we had reservations made at a restaurant and we couldn't go because you'd forgotten we had plans and you came home drunk"
I nod my head indicating that I understand
"That was the day I was gonna tell you, that you and I would be parents"
"But still you should've told me"
"You came back home drunk, you'd forgotten the dinner reservations, you came back home with a hikey on your neck and having a feminine smell on your clothes, I obviously was'nt gonna tell you"
I step closer to her and place my hands on her arms and slightly grip on her arms
She flinches like I've just hit her
"Are you ok?"
"I'm so sorry"
"I refuse to do this with you Jude" she says moving away from my hold
I try to ignore her rejection but I can't it's right there and I can't ignore it
"Can I have my child back now"
"He's our child"
"You were not there when he was born, all your rights of being a father have been revoked"
"I didn't know if I knew I would have been there"
"Well it's not my fault you decided to cheat, you made the choices you made and I never pressured you to do any of the things you did"
"So what are you going to do now?, this boy needs a father in his life, how are you going to fill the shoes of both a mother and a father?"
"I won't need to, because he already has a father"
"Who, the guy you were with at the stadium?"
"You can't do that"
"Watch me, now I'm leaving"
"You convinced another guy that he was the father of our child"
"Oh no he knows, he's just there for support and to fill in the shoes you can't"
"Bit harsh innit"
"Whatever Jude"
She's about to go to the Kitchen to get the baby from my mom but I pull her by her long sleeve and it reveals her shoulder where I see a bruise
"What's that?" I ask
She looks at her shoulder and quickly pulls her shirt up
I have to get out of here" she says and walks away but before she can do that I pull her back
I take her arm and pull her sleeve up to reveal more bruises
"What happened"
"I bumped myself"
"You must have bumped yourself a lot of times then"
"Yeah I did"
"You're lying"
"You're lying"
"What makes you say that"
"Your lip slightly twitches when you lie, but you have to watch it closely or else you miss it"
"You're such a creep"
"It's not creepy to notice, things about a person it just means I pay attention to the small things"
"Yeah well I notice small things as well"
"Oh yeah like what?"
"Like I notice how before every match you go to the pitch and you step in with your left foot then right, point each foot before crossing the line, poke the grass and wipe of the dirt of your pants"
"Yeah well that's not really something" I say
"Oh what about, when you're nervous"
"What do I do when I'm nervous"
"You wipe your eyebrows with your right hand, wiping your left first then your right"
"Ok fine then, I guess you do pay attention"
"See, I always pay attention to the little things"
"Yeah,and it seems like I can as well" I say
She pulls her hand out of mine and walks away
"Y/n, is he abusing you?"
She stops in her tracks and doesn't turn around
"No, he doesn't"
"Turn around"
She slowly turns around and looks down to the floor, I walk closer to her and lift her head up with my finger
"Does he abuse you"
"No" she says
"Your lip twitched"
"No it didn't"
"Y/n it did"
"No it didn't"
"So he abuses you"
"How often is somtimes?"
"Depends on what happens"
"What would provoke him to beat you?"
"If his favorite football team doesn't win, if I don't do something the way he wants me too, if the baby is crying and I can't keep him quiet"
"Y/n, that's not right"
"It's fine"
"No it's not"
"Jude it's fine, I've gotten use it"
"I'm gonna kill him, where is he"
"Jude stop , I have to live with it, I can't leave him, he took everything from me, he  forced me to quit my job, took away my savings and took away any assets that I had for myself"
It's quiet for some time and I look at her and she looks like she's thinking about a lot
"Is my taste in men really that bad, am I really that desperate for love that even when there are clear and obvious signs that I'm not loved I still stay?" She asks herself crying
"What do you mean? I ask
" I was in love with a man that cheates then got pregnant by him, then I moved out and got into a relationship with an abuser and now I have nothing"
"Y/n, there aren't any words in this world to Express how sorry I am for everything that I've done to you, I just really need you to know that, and I'm working on myself i really am, I've started going to therapy and my therapist says that I've made a lot of progress"
"That's very good for you Jude, I'm proud of you for finally taking my advice, I know how scared you were"
She moves to the sofa and sits in silence, I move to the sofa next to her and sit next to her and we sit In silence until I break it
"Come live with me"
"I'm not saying get back together with me, I'm just saying come live with me, you and our baby boy, we'll co parent and that's as far as our relationship will go, we'll share the responsibilities of parents and we can help eachother"
"I don't know Jude"
"Please, I want to prove that I can be a good father and that I can be there for my son, I want to be present in my child's life"
"What about Chase?"
As she says that her phone rings, she looks at her phone then back at me
"It's him"
"Yeah, I decided to take Enzo for a walk, he was restless and he didn't want to sleep so I thought I should take him out a bit"
"Yeah, we're on our way home soon"
"Yeah, I'll cook"
"He won't make a noise, yeah I promise it won't happen again"
"Bye, I love you too"
She hangs the phone and looks at me
"You're not going back there, I won't allow it, if I let you go there how do I know that you'll be safe?"
"Jude, please don't make this difficult"
"Y/n, I'm not letting you leave this house to go to an abuser"
"Fine, but if he comes for me or my son you will be held responsible"
"Deal, so does that mean you're moving in with me?"
"Well I have no where else to go, my mother disowned me, and she doesn't know about Enzo, so yeah I guess we are"
"Great, we leave next week, so get everything you need cause we won't be back in England for some time"
"Ok but how am I suppose to do that with Chase as our obstacle, all our clothes and things are there in the house"
"We'll sneak into the house when he's at work and take your things"
"We'll leave tomorrow, for now just get comfortable and don't stress about anything"
"Thank you Jude"
"You're welcome y/n"
"Where is Enzo?"
"With my mom, c'mon I'll show you the guest room"
We walk upstairs and I show her to the guest room
"Here you are"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome, get some rest, I'll take care of Enzo"
"Ok thanks, remember he doesn't like to be held like a baby, also when you feed him use a spoon not a teaspoon, he doesn't like it, place a bib on him because he always makes a mess and if you want to put him to sleep hold him close to your chest and play late 90s-Early2000s R&B songs, he's just weird like that I don't know I think he gets it from you"
"Ok, don't worry I'll look after him"
"Thank you"
"No problem"
I walk out of the room and head downstairs to find everyone cooing at Enzo
"Are they staying?" Mom asks
"Yeah, they are, actually we're moving I
"They are coming with us to Madrid next week"
"Oh ok that's great" mom says
"So is he your child?"
"Yeah he is"
"Why didn't she tell you about him?" Dad asks
"Dad I wasn't honest with you when I told you the reason for My break up with y/n"
"Why did you do?"
"I cheated on her multiple  times and eventually she got fed up and left but it turns out when she left she was pregnant with my child and she didn't tell me, because I had upset her"
"My gosh Jude, how can you mess up like that"
"I know, I know but now we're ok we're moving in together and I've been going to therapy so I'm working on bettering myself"
"So you're getting back together?"
"No we're not, we just gonna be co parenting and sharing responsibilities because Y/n's boyfriend has been abusive towards her and just because we're not together anymore, doesn't mean I can't protect her"
"Well I'm glad, you know I've always wanted to be a grandma" mom says
"But taking care of a child is not easy" dad says
"That's why we'll have eachother"
"And me" mom says
I give her a thankful look and she smiles at me
"We going to get her and Enzo's things tomorrow, it's just clothes so we'll be fine"
"And what if you meat her boyfriend there, then what?"
"We won't, and even if we do he won't try anything,especially with me there"
"Ok Jude, but just be careful, you don't know what he's capable of" Mom says
"I will, I promise,Where's Enzo"
"The baby"
"That's his name?"
"Oh how cute"
"Yeah, it is anyway where is he, he probably hasn't eaten"
I pick him up and walk to the kitchen to try and find something to each, I finally decide to in mash potatoes since he can't eat solid foods yet
After making the mashed potatoes I sit on the couch and place a towel on my leg because y/n said it gets messy when he eats
after feeding him and swiping his mouth I try to put him to sleep
So I walk to my room, switch the speaker on and put them on low volume so it's not so loud, I take my shirt off and carry him and he lays his head on my chest right by my heart and I start swaying from side to side while lightly singing along with the song
He eventually falls asleep, but I don't want to lay him down yet, and as if on queue the door opens to reveal y/n
"Hi" she says
"Is he asleep"
"Yeah, he is, your advice worked, he wasn't restless at all"
"Wait until you actually see his restless side, it won't be so pretty
"Yeah I can imagine, hey are ready to leave tomorrow?"
"Yeah a bit nervous but I'm ready"
"Ok, well if you need anything just let me know"
"Yeah, I just wanted to check on Enzo, Denise told me he was with you"
"Ok well uhm if you need me I'll be in the guest room"
"I'll bring him in a few moments"
She leaves the room and closes the door on her way out leaving us both with her scent
I sigh and continue swaying from side to side with my son in my arms
After about an hour and 30 minutes I walk out of the room and walk to the guest room where y/n is
I knock on the door and she opened the door
"I just came to bring him back"
"Oh yeah, uhm you can place him on the bed"
I walk into the room and place Enzo on t3 bed and he coos
"Thanks "
"Yeah,oh and by the way we're leaving at 8:00 am Tomorrow"
"Ok, I'll see you Tomorrow"
I leave the room and go to my own and just let the say sink in
After some time I decide to go to bed and sleep but like always I can't and I just end up starting at the ceiling until I hear my bedroom door open
"Jude?" I hear y/n voice in the dark
"Are you asleep?"
"No, what do you need"
"Enzo won't stop crying and I've tried everything but nothing is working, do you mind taking him, maybe he'll settle down"
"Sure bring him over" I say
She walks over towards me and places Enzo next to me, but he cries even more
Y/n picks him up and starts bouncing up and down trying to calm him down
"Come here" I say
"Just trust me"
She gets into bed next to me
"Now what" she asks
"Lye on the bed and get comfortable"
She sighs but does it anyway
I do the same and enzo lies on his back and stops crying immediately
Cheeky little thing
After a few minutes I finally fall asleep.
The next day
It 7:30 in the morning and y/n and I need to leave the house in 30 minutes
We reach the apartment at 8:30 and she opens the door to the apartment and to say it was a mess would be an understatement
There were empty beer bottles lying everywhere on the floor broken glass, a couch that looked like it came from the junk yard every piece of furniture was horrible
"I'll get started" y/n says breaking me out of my trans
I walk around the apartment and the more I walk the more in disbelief I am, the fact that Enzo had to live here and how much abuse Y/n had to endure
I walk into a room that looks like it was once a baby's room but the cradle is in a pile of wood like it was smashed and in the corner is a mattress with a huge stain of blood in the middle with a blanket and a pillow
Y/n walks into the room
"I'm done packing"
"So quickly?"
"Yeah well there was not much anyway"
"Ok, let's go then"
We leave the apartment and drive back home in silence
"So I noticed there was no bed there, where did you and Enzo sleep"
"On the Mattress that you saw in the baby room"
"The one that had a huge stain on it?"
"How did the blood get there"
"He'd hit me very hard one day and it was painful I could barely recognize my face in the mirror and instead of putting ice on my wounds I just slept on the mattress and bled there and I tried to wash the stain but it never came off , so I just cuddled him like teddy bear"
"I'm sorry, you had to go through that?"
"It's fine"
When we arrive at home Enzo is fast asleep thanks to my mother
"Hey mom"
"Hi love, you alright?"
"Yeah, we got everything we needed"
"Oh that's great, Enzo is asleep"
"Ok, thank you Denise"
"No problem love"
"Uhm y/n, I forgot to tell you but I got a message from Madrid yesterday and we have to cut our stay short, we need to leave the day after tomorrow"
"So this is our last day here?"
"Yeah it is but we'll come back eventually"
"It's fine, it's not like I have anything keeping me here"
"Ok, just be ready"
"Yeah I will, anyway I'm going to take a shower"
She walks upstairs and heads to the bathroom
"You still like her don't you?"
"Unfortunately, more then I would like to admit it"
"Just take it slow ok, think about your baby boy and everything will fall into place"
"Yeah, but she seems resistant"
"She's heartbroken Jude, she's obviously going to start pushing all her Male interests away"
"Yeah, I guess you're right"
2 days later
"Bye love, we'll see you soon ok , and we'll call you as soon as we arrive
"Ok mom, I love you"
"I love you too Jobe"
We say goodbye to Jobe and dad because we're going back to Spain
The time I spent here was nice I really enjoyed myself and I found y/n after I had no hope of finding her and I found out I had a son which is also amazing but I'm concerned for y/n I think she needs therapy after the things she went through she'll definitely need it
After we arrive in Madrid, we drop mom off at her house we go back to mine and the minute we walk in y/n scopes the house
"I haven't been here in a while"
"Everything is still where you left it"
"Thanks, we'll tale the guest room"
She walks away with her and Enzo's bags then comes back to get Enzo
"Goodnight Jude"
"Goodnight Y/n"
She walks away toward the guest room
"Oh hey I was thinking, what do you think of going to Therapy, you know maybe get someone to talk to about your trauma and stuff"
"I'll think about it"
"Thanks for the suggestion"
"No problem"
"And I promise I'll be out of your hair soon, I'll find a job and move out, but you'll still get to see Enzo, we'll have 50/50 % of custody over him"
"No don't be in a rush to move out, you can stay for as long as you need to"
"I don't think that's gonna work, well goodnight"
And she's gone, she's so close yet so far
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fabunicorn · 1 year
How about interactions with each brothers in forced agre scenario
Oh boy anon your putting me through the wringer here
Gonna be short cuz idk I want it to be short
Forced agere
Strong language
Diaper usage mention
Self harm mention
“Come on baby time for a nap” reiji cooed down at you in your okay playpen.
You looked back up at him with a glare “fuck off you damn blood sucking mosquito from hell” reijis eyes widened in surprise “oh I didn’t know you wanted to be punished today, come on little one legs get this over with.”
“No no papa I’m sorry pls no” you pleaded only for it to fall on deaf ears “I’m Sorry little one but this is what brats like you get”
“Time for your bottle hun” shu said coming into his room with a baby bottle.
“I’m not drinking that shit” you said eyes narrowed at shu “I think you’ll find you will because you don’t get a choice in the matter” and with that he shoved the bottle in your mouth and pinched your nose so you have no choice but to drink “well guess I win” shu said with a mocking smile on his face.”
“Dollchan~ time for me to check your nappy, did my baby go potty like a good girl” Laito sang in a cheery voice.
“No I’m an adult don’t need diapers you freak.”you said turning your back to Laito. Laito laughed “really little one the state of your nappy says otherwise.” He chortled you rolled your eyes “I hate you.” “I love you too”
“Baby doll look at what daddy made for you, it’s a little puffy dress isn’t it cute?” Kanato said smiling creepily at you.
“I’m not wearing that I’m not a baby” you said crossing your arms. His creepy smile turned into a disturbing frown “you little brat, I spent time making this for you, you’ll wear it whether you like it or not” next thing you know you’re in the dress and kanato is showing you off to the others “aww babydoll your so cute.”
“Goddammit” you muttered under your breath.
“Baby girl look daddy has takoyaki don’t you want some.” Ayato said with a Soft smile strapping you into your high chair.
“I don’t want your octopus balls” you said in a sassy tone. With a glare he shoved the takoyaki in your face purposely making a mess “wow little one if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask.” He said with a smirk.
“Let’s go look at the pretty roses baby” Subaru says setting you on his hip.
“I can walk by myself and I don’t want to see your shitty flowers.” You said however Subaru just ignored you and carried you outside. “Look hun, these are called roses they have thorns so don’t touch” he said before putting one in your hand getting a thorn stuck in it and crying.
“Awe baby your just too little for flowers aren’t you” he cooed in mock sympathy.
“Come here sweets I’m gonna read you the story of Adam and Eve.” Said Ruki sitting in a comfy chair in the library.
“I don’t want to hear your annoying voice.” You said with a huff. Ruki simply smirked and shoved a pacifier on your mouth “and now I don’t have to hear yours, now where we’re we.” He said before continuing to read.
“Come on baby girl let’s go look at daddy’s garden” Yuma said putting you into your stroller before taking you outside.
“Wow a garden never seen one of these before oh look a strawberry never seen one of those before either.” You said sarcastically, Yuma clenched his jaw before picking a strawberry and putting it in your mouth “now you get to taste one for the first time how nice is daddy” he said before taking you back inside.
“Kitten daddy’s gonna take you to a fan meet won’t that be fun” kou said before packing up your diaper bag and putting you in your car seat.
“No there is no way I’m gonna let thousands of people see me like they especially if they’re as delusional as you.” You said in a panicked voice. Kou narrowed his eyes “well if you wanted that much attention you shouldn’t have just asked I’ll make sure they pay extra attention to you” he said and shut the car door.
He stayed true to his promise and let his fans hold and cuddle you the whole time gushing about how cute kous baby was.
“Little eve, it’s time you learnt about pain” Azusa said with a knife walking up to you.
“No! Please don’t hurt me I’m begging” you sobbed in fear Azusa quickly shushed you “no little eve I won’t hurt you I’ll show you the pleasure of pain.” He said before handing the knife to you.
“Come on baby, if you love daddy you’ll cut him.” He said with pleading eyes but you just kept crying “alright perhaps another day” he said disappointed.
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kurtismcilroy · 7 months
My headcanons for little Loki include:
Usually quite young, ranging from around newborn to 3 years old due to his past, but will sometimes go up to 5 or 6
She loves physical touch from her favourite people! For example, night time cuddles with her caregiver (e.g. you if you enjoy self insert content or perhaps Mobius ^^)
Loki's mischievousness fluctuates depending on the era you have. Thor 1 is hardly ever mischievous as they enjoy being so young, usually just doing something small to elicite a silly reaction from you ^^ Avengers Loki is very mischievous, loving to run around and sometimes disobey orders, but at the end of the day he really loves you and apologises if he crosses a line. Thor 2 Loki is like Avengers Loki but times like 5. Sometimes he's a bit of a pain, but they also just love you and want a reaction. Thor 3 Loki isn't the mischievous type much, maybe turning into a snake or stealing a dagger once in a while, but she loves to cuddle moreso. TVA Loki in season 1 would probably pull a few little pranks here and there, but season 2 Loki couldn't bear it. She'd just wanna snuggle and play the day away, so if a friend or variant did something that she deemed bad, she'd start stressing. But luckily her carer isn't strict and understands that they're all just children having fun ^^
He is such a big fan of pram/stroller rides, giggling and smiling everywhere she goes! If she isn't, it's because they've fallen asleep from being so soothed lol
If Mobius is big, then Loki's favourite playmate is OB. I think that they're both autistic and that's something they can bond over as they share similar experiences what with being isolated from society in different ways
Going back to physical touch, hugs and gentle touches to the back or face (e.g. like stroking your thumb slowly up and down his cheek) are enough to bring him down from a panic attack sometimes, or just to soothe them
Picture books!! They're a must-have in this littles house, she loves them especially before bed :D
Unfortunately that's all I have for now :( But thanks so much for your ask and I'm happy to discuss em anytime!! ^^
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trivialbob · 5 months
I'm happy over a simple shirt I bought yesterday.
Feeling a need to walk, but tired of being cold, I went to the Mall of America. Some say it's about a mile to walk one loop inside the mall. After I strolled all three main levels my Garmin came up with 2.6 miles. It's a little wonky using the GPS indoors, so I'm not making any guarantees.
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People watching is excellent. This has got to be the most diverse place in Minnesota. I heard English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian (?), Japanese, and more. People are in all shapes, sizes, political persuasions, gender identities, colors, attitudes, and manner of dress. The huge mall is next to the airport, and Minnesota doesn't charge sales tax on clothes, so I've heard the place gets plenty of out of state shoppers.
Does your bingo card have an ex football player with purple hair? Wait, is that the ex football player with purple hair in a wheelchair or the ex football player with purple hair shuffling along in a silky track suit? How about a cute young mom with three adorable children? Well, yes, but do you want the one with three girls, or three boys, or two girls and one boy? Because they are all there.
I like that I didn't see any of those silly, virtue signalling signs declaring All Are Welcome Here or We Respect All People. Those signs are not necessary because it just happens. All these different people all got along without placards telling them to.
Sure, I wanted to holler at a parent with a triple stroller (filled with three adorable children, two boys and one girl - BINGO!). She had stopped in the middle of a busy hallway to read her phone, causing chaos like Prius dawdling in the left lane of a busy highway.
But I wiggled around them quietly, as did other walkers and shoppers, and went on my way. Also I really can't complain because 25 years ago I was a parent with a double stroller (reasonably looking dad, two boys), taking winter walks there with my young kids. Surely I had been in someone's way.
At Old Navy I decided to go inside. Prices at my once-beloved LL Bean have exited my comfort zone. I also wasn't pleased with the quality of the last three items I purchased there. Eddie Bauer prices are high too ($85 for jeans? Please!) but EB at least has perennial steep discounts. Though I rarely shop Old Navy, I've always had a good experience there.
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This long-sleeve tech shirt was marked at $22 (not bad) and just $11.50 (whoo hoo!) after the always-available Old Navy sale price. It was sort of a two-for-one in that I love how it looks and feels AND I didn't spend much money. I'll be back.
All my other tech shirts are from races. They're comfortable for exercising or sleeping on cold nights, but I'm not a fan of the graphics on some of them. Displaying "2016 Twin Cities Marathon" is okay with me, but I don't care for the word "Finisher" on the shirts. It looks odd to me, no better than "Participant" or "I did this." At least that one didn't have "Finished in 16,422nd Place."
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joshfuckingkiszka · 2 years
『game plan - jmk』
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jmk x f!reader
I added a lot more than I think was intended, but it fit together so well in my mind and I love the result.
» requested 
warnings: slight mention of sexual content, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, more angst than originally intended, and fluff so sweet you’ll have cavities tomorrow
You let out one last long moan as Josh finished inside you. The recording studio had been particularly tense, the twins getting into it time after time. It seemed that whenever they finished an argument, one could simply breathe, and another row would ensue. Of course, you hadn’t been there, that was simply what Sam had said when he called to warn you that Josh might be especially agitated when he got home.
With that in mind, you had immediately gone to work, prepping the house for your boyfriend’s return. You lit candles and incense, dimmed the lights, and made him a Salty Dog. Figuring he would simply want to relax, you also dropped the needle on a jazz album he had in his collection. But Josh Kiszka did not want to relax. Quite the opposite, actually. After seeing all the work you had put in, he downed his drink and carried you up to the bedroom, where the next two hours were spent in anything but a relaxing state.
A lazy smile was directed at the curly haired man, his teeth shining brightly as he walked to get a warm washcloth. You reached for your phone to check the time, only to see a notification from three hours ago.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Josh rushed out at your proclamation, now in boxers.
“What is it, mama?”
“I forgot to take my fucking pill!”
He looked confused for a second only to remember that little case of tiny white pills you kept with you. The ones that allowed him to indulge in his secret little kink of cumming inside you, your birth control.
“Oh. Fuck.” You looked up, nodding as you shared his concern.
After a moment of deep silence, he asked, “Can you still, y’know, take it?”
“Yeah, I will, but we should probably get a Plan B, just in case,” to break the tension, you joked, “No little Kiszkas yet.”
He didn’t miss the last word, and it didn’t escape you that you had said it. The silence became different then. Neither of you wanted to address it, but you both had to. It was a promise of a future, you wanted assurance that he shared that promise, that it wasn’t one-sided. He wanted a similar promise, one of understanding, the music, the fans, his brothers.
“I’ll go get it.” You attempted to get up, but the overwhelming soreness between your legs prevented that, and instead, your knees wobbled and you fell back to the bed.
“You stay here, mama, rest, and I’ll go get it.” If he was being honest, he had no idea what he was looking for. Nobody had ever indulged him like you had. But that one little word was nearly choking him and he needed to clear his head.
The Walgreens down the street was nearly void of cars. It was freezing inside and a light flickering near the door would probably drive him insane if he thought about it long enough.
“Where would they be?” Josh muttered to himself, wiping his palms on his khaki shorts. He checked the medicine aisles first, and let out a frustrated sigh when that search turned up empty. He decided to simply check every aisle at that point.
A pair of teenage girls were in the makeup aisle, giggling and searching for something specific. He could tell they were sisters and he remembered his and Jake’s late night trips like that, and when Sam began to beg to join them. He moved to the craft aisle, where a mother stood with her son, a smaller baby in a stroller in front of her.
“What do you need for your project, Joshua? I don’t see why you didn’t tell me about this days ago.” She wasn’t frustrated, simply tired from the time of night and what had probably been a long day.
“I’m sorry mommy.” She pulled him closer, urging him to grab what he needed so they could get home.
He thought it fitting that the boy’s name was Joshua, he too always waited until the last minute to tell his parents about projects due the next day. Josh hoped it wasn’t genetic. The scene brought him back to you. Yet. Josh hadn’t really ever had time to seriously think about kids. He knew he wanted them, eventually. But when was eventually? The last two years with you had been an unexpected whirlwind, and he never wanted that to settle. But what was life if not moving to the next milestone?
Speaking of, he really needed to find better hiding spots. You had almost spotted that black velvet box under the bathroom sink, and he was waiting for the perfect moment. Now he was wandering aimlessly around the store when it hit him. Wherever there are pregnancy tests, there should be Plan B. He eventually found it and, when he had everything he needed, he checked out, ignoring whatever judgment seemed to be coming from the older cashier.
When he pulled into the driveway, he took a deep breath. The music coming from the bathroom alerted him of your presence there. Your eyes were closed, bubbles covering most of your body.
“Mama?” he whispered, not wanting to disturb you.
“Huh? Oh, hey Joshy. Made my way in here a few minutes ago, thought it would help with the soreness.”
“Has it?”
“A bit so far. Did you find it?”
He nodded, pulling the box out of the bag. After opening it, he handed it to you, along with a bottle of chocolate milk.
You laughed at him, confused at the drink choice.
“Do you remember when we met?” He grabbed your hand, gently playing with your fingers. “You walked into that coffee shop and ordered an iced hot chocolate, and she told you that was just chocolate milk, so you got that.”
“That…wasn’t when we first met?”
“Well, you didn’t notice me, but I noticed you. Couldn’t get you out of my mind, and a few hours later we just happened to be in the same record shop.”
“I was looking for Dolly Parton’s greatest hits,” you laughed at the memory.
“Mhm. I’d made the decision hours before in that coffee shop that if I ever saw you again, it was fate, written in the stars. It was, us, we were always meant to be. Out of the seven billion people, you chose me.” His eyes were softer than you’d ever seen them.
“I just wanted to fuck a rockstar, you just wouldn’t leave.” You both laughed. Truth was, when you saw him in that record shop, before he had even noticed you, you knew he would hold a place in your heart.
“We’re like two stars, bound to meet and form the most beautiful constellation. Earlier, when you said that thing about kids, it honestly scared me. I don’t know why, it just did. But after I thought about it, I wouldn’t want it with anyone else. I don’t want life with anyone else.”
He turned around, pulling out your favorite candy. Josh moved to the sink and asked you to close your eyes.
When he allowed you to open them, a box with a ring was in front of you. You gasped.
“I’ve had it for, like, a month. No moment ever seemed perfect enough, but every second I’m with you is perfect. Will you spend forever with me?”
Your hand grasped the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Of course I will, rockstar.”
gvf: @doodle417​ @brokenbellz​ @gretavanfleas​ @pyrojoshy​ @greta-van-chaos​ @xserenax-13​ @hayley1623​ @kdarling1​ @autumns30 @keighoe​ @chalametpwk​ @sammysvanfeet​ @shawnsthighs​ @gretavanbitches​ @sammiejane22​ @gretavanbestie @jordierama​
joshy: @prophetofthedune​ @loofypoofy​ @gretavangrace​
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deliciouskeys · 4 months
Am I the asshole socially inept one here?
I have a friend. We’ve been friends since 2005, and have lived in the same city the entire time. We went to grad school together and worked in the same lab for 5-6 years. I wouldn’t necessarily call her a very close friend, but she does know me well, we’ve been trauma bonded, and truth be told I don’t really have anyone much closer at this point in my life who’s not family.
Friend has a 2 year old and a newborn. She still wants to hang out sometimes, but lately it’s been outings where I tag along with her to some children’s venue. I’ve gone to Legoland. I’ve gone to the aquarium. I’ve had to really help out on these trips too. I’ve carried this child or pushed the stroller while she’s carrying the child. We get some conversation in but frankly not that much. I’m also not a huge fan of paying admission to places I’m not actually enjoying. If she asked me to come along as a favor (like a friend would ask with help moving) I would actually do it in a heartbeat. But I’m kind of annoyed that it’s phrased more or less as “are you interested in…?” No one would ask this way if it was a task they were asking for help with.
I don’t have kids of my own. I don’t want to grow distant from every single friend who has kids. What’s the most tactful way to answer a text like this?
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It was easier when this kid was tiny and we’d just go on walks and talk, but as the kid gets older she (rightfully) wants more attention.
I don’t want to say outright that I don’t enjoy spending my time this way, but I’ll do it if she really needs the help. That sounds cold. But maybe honesty is best after all?
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shecantbother · 2 years
Pink Sand
This is my first attempt at writing fan fiction ever. I recently watched The Gray Man (I'm obsessed) and created an account just to read/write fan fic about my wonderful Six! Great film, great characters but Six found a special place in my heart. Not really sure how this works but I wrote something and you can let me know what you think.
P.S. Also first time writing in this perspective so I felt like I was learning how to ride a bicycle again.
Sierra Six/Court Gentry x Reader
Warnings: kissing, fluff
Word Count: 1936k?
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Summary: Sierra Six (Court Gentry) is assigned to eliminate one of the world’s most dangerous criminals hiding out on the Bahama islands. His cover is an American tourist on vacation. Six is the best at what he does and wouldn’t let something like romance distract him from a mission…that’s until he met you one night on the pink sand beach.
You head back to your boat to enjoy dinner then decide to take a walk on the beach before bed. The November air is cool and the sounds of the waves gently crashing on the shore is like a lullaby. There’s just enough light from the restaurant in the distance and the night sky. You sink your bare feet in the cool sand with each step but stop as you notice a figure on your favourite sitting rock.
“Damn tourists”, you mumble to yourself. Still advancing towards the stone, the figure now appears to be male. Do you turn around or nonchalantly walk past him? You pause, puff, and kick the sand before heading straight towards your stolen spot. One shouldn’t be afraid to walk on their own beach you suppose…well not your ‘own’ beach but you’re a local with that right.
Attempting not to appear awkward or timid, you continue with your eyes straight ahead and thumbs in your shorts pocket- wiggling your toes in the sand. A whimper escapes as you step on a shard of glass. “Damn tourists”, you hiss while hopping on one leg.
“You okay?” A low but soft voice asks. You look up to find the stranger that stole your spot looking down on you with a straight face and intense eyes. His large frame is so close to yours so quickly, making you feel vulnerable.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just a poke…doesn’t seem deep”, you mutter. Instantly, he scans you and the surroundings as you’re concerned with your foot. It’s not exactly odd for a woman to walk on the beach alone at night, but he was trained to never put anything past him, not even the cute baby in the stroller.
“It’s dangerous going barefoot at night”, he says. “And alone.” The assassin stealthy reaches for his pocketknife as he inspects you. You don’t seem like a threat, barefoot, wearing denim shorts and a crop top, plus you sound local. So, what are you doing out here?
“My name isn’t on it, but this is kind of my spot”, you joke. “I’ve never seen you out here before.”
“Just arrived on the island today.”
“Oh, welcome. Work? Vacation?”
“Vacation”, he quickly answers knowing he was there for work.
“Nice, how long are you staying for?” You catch yourself, “I’m sorry, I’m prying after I just accused you of stealing my spot.”
“The rock?” You can have it back, no problem”, he quips. “It is a nice spot though, should probably get your name on ASAP.”
He gets a giggle out of you that he finds surprisingly pleasant and disarming.
“Y/N”, you say with a soft smile.
“Kevin”, he lies. The moonlight hits his face as the clouds dance across it, revealing cold eyes.
“Nice meeting you Kevin. I hope you enjoy your trip. I’ll be heading back now.”
“Can I walk you back?” Part of him genuinely wants to remain in your company for some reason and the other wants to rule out you being sent to sabotage his mission.
“That’s fine, I’m good”, you say. “Will probably see you around somewhere…this island is tiny”, you gesture with your fingers. You give a final wave goodbye and walk off but then turn around.
“Oh, if you need a boat tour…I’m your girl.” Shameless self-promotion, but a girl’s got to eat.
He barely raises and eyebrow. “Oh? Where do I find you?”
“Here and there, just look for the boat with the swimming pigs on it.” You tell him while walking backwards.
“Actual swimming pigs?”. He’s genuinely curious.
“No, just a painting. It’s called the Swimming Pig.”
“Hm, interesting.”  He seems amused but it was hard to tell. He did not express much emotion.
“Any who, see ya”, you turn around and make your way back home leaving the mysterious stranger in the sand.
Six knows there is no room for distraction when on a job. He’d already located his target and is planning the right time to execute as he casually sips a fruit punch right across from the unsuspecting criminal. However, something else catches his steely eyes- sitting across at the bar in a floral maxi skirt and halter top with a red hibiscus tucked behind her ear.
 You turn and your eyes meet but Six awkwardly tries to underplay it. Too late, you flash the widest smile and wave your hands as if he was a friend you haven’t seen in a while. What he thought was a smile looked more like a grimace as he gives you a nod of acknowledgement.
There is something warm and welcoming in the air. Maybe it’s the island breeze and sunshine he thought, trying to dismiss the energy he feels from you.
Stay put. Great, she’s looking at me again. The tall man rises from his seat and casually makes his way to the bar.
“Hey you. Kevin, right?”
He clears his throat, “right”.
Just walk away, don’t sit down. He proceeds to pull out a seat next to you.
“Do you remember my name?” You give an impish grin.
“Y/N”, he studies you well without you noticing.
He remembers, this pleases you and you study him too. The fitted black tee-shirt reveals his lean and muscular physique, along with the tattoos gracing his body. In daylight, his eyes are like the ocean. They seem void at first and makes him look perpetually bored, but they are the part of him that reveals the most.
“Those look interesting”, you gesture at his arm. “Any special meaning?”
 “Ah, not really… Greek. Just a guy trying to get a rock up a hill.”
“Right, him.”
“Are you trying to get a rock up a hill Kevin?”
“It feels that way sometimes… most times.”
“Well, I hope you make it up that hill someday.”
Six nods his head in agreement and is grateful for your kind words.
You both sit there for a while, awkwardly exchanging glances as you try to keep up with his glare but fail. He utters nothing of course and you take a sip of your drink, playing with the tiny umbrella. Usually, he finds people evading eye contact untrustworthy, but somehow, he finds you…cute.
He wants to talk to you, but don’t know where to start. How could he try to get to know someone that he’ll inevitable end up leaving behind because of work? That’s right, work… because of it he has no life, no joy, no real happiness. It’s only times like these, on the job where he can live a little and sip a fruit punch on the beach.
He clears his throat. “Wanna go for a walk?”
“S-sure”, your eyes light up.
 Heading towards the beach, you instinctively take your sandals off and continue barefoot. He watches you curiously and gives a faint smile.
“You forgot what happened last night?”, he teases.
“It just feels so much better. Warm sand between your toes.”
Six admires your freedom and joins you barefoot in the warm sand. You walk along the pink sand beach, looking towards the turquoise waters and occasionally at each other without saying a word. You’re not used to such a silent man, but you welcome it.
 “Want to join me at my spot?” You shoot him a playful smile, skipping towards the large, smooth stones. Like a gentleman, he helps you up and you both sit down overlooking the ocean. You watch the occasional couple pass by, families in the distance, and the sky transition from blue to pink to violet and then stars decorate above. You point at the stars; he looks up and tells you about the constellations. Your hands accidentally touch, sending tingles throughout you both.
“Sorry”, you both chime and smile sheepishly. He likes the feeling, and holds your hand, letting your fingers interlock. Yours are the softest he’s ever felt. You ask him about work, he tells you how stressful it is, he asks about your boat, you tell him about your dreams of sailing around the world. You go around the universe and back, sharing your childhood experiences, woes of adulthood and exchange laughs, all while under the stars.
The restaurant is alive, with music in the distance. Two strangers that have never felt this close to another, gazing into each other’s eyes. Somehow, you find comfort in each other. He feels a knot tighten in his stomach at the realization that this is yet another beautiful thing he is denied. The warmth of another that could possibly be someone he could call his own.
“I’m leaving tomorrow”, he says softly.
You can’t hide your disappointment and shock. “I thought… but you just got here.”
“Something important came up and they need me back.”
“Can’t someone else, do it?”, you almost plead.
“Apparently I’m the only man for the job.”
Technically, the man lies for a living. Then, why did it feel so wrong this time?
“Oh”, you turn back to the ocean. Calling yourself stupid for feeling so strongly towards a man you just met. Six notices your attempt at hiding your feelings and gives your hand a gentle squeeze. He’s stoic and seemly emotionless, but beneath it all is empathy and warmth he rarely gets the opportunity to give.
“I wish I could stay”, he says softly. Resting your head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around you allowing you to lean on his chest. You stay like that for a while, looking out into the black abyss and listening to the waves crash.
Fingers interlocked as Six walks you back home. This is the end of what could have been, and he didn’t expect it to be this hard. You stood where there was just enough light illuminating you both.
“Will I ever see you again?” You ask.
Not willing to tell you anymore lies, “I don’t know”. It’s probably safer if you never do.
This hurt, but you smile still…just faintly.
“Good night, Kevin. I’m glad I met you.” You reluctantly unlock your hand from his.
“Good night.”
You turn around to unlock your door and each step feels labored. Before you could turn the key, he grabs your arm to face him. Six gently pushes you back against the door with one hand on your waist. There’s no time to think as he leans in, tilting his body to reach your lips. The heat radiates from your lips to the rest of your body, and you’re now under his control. He takes everything in one breath, and you swear time stops. A soft moan escapes you as he parts your lips with his tongue and his grip on your waist tightens. Before you could touch him, he releases, with you both burning for more.
You can breathe again, not that you were complaining. You can see it now, the pain in his deep blue eyes that he hides so well. You rest your palm over his heart, “take care of yourself, okay.”
“You’re so sweet”, he sighs. “Thanks, you too.” Wishing he could say more, do more, instead, he just lets you go. It’s better that way. If he has no one to love, he has no one to lose.
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Little League
Little league
Percy wasn’t a big fan of early mornings. Especially on Saturdays when he wanted to do nothing all day. But having kids changes a lot of things in your life. Including your routine and your much needed sleep on weekends.
That was the reason behind him braiding his daughter’s hair at 7 am. “Come on, daddy. We’ll be late.” Zoe complained.
“We have an hour ahead of us. You have nothing to worry about.”
“But we have a game today.”
“They won’t start without you.” He smiled as he liked that his daughter was old enough to be passionate about her hobbies. “You’re ready.”
Zoe stared herself at the mirror. “Thank you, daddy.”
“I’ll go make pancakes.” Percy said as he took Zoe’s bag with him downstairs.
Charlie was in the living room, watching television and drinking a smoothie. “Hey, bub. What do you want on your pancakes?”
Charlie turned to face him. “Chocolate chips and maple syrup.”
“Coming right up.” Percy let down Zoe’s bag and took the batter he had already prepared and started making pancakes. Did they have enough time? No. Would they make it on time? To be announced. 5 minutes later everyone was eating pancakes and they managed to get out of the house on time.
Percy was sitting in the stands wishing he had brought an extra coffee with him. Annabeth was rocking Lana who was sleeping in her stroller, away from the other parents. Charlie and Theo were sitting on the grass close to her, looking very bored. Percy tried to focus on the game, but the lack of caffeine was making it impossible for him. Magically, a coffee appeared next to him. Well, Nico gave him the coffee as he sat next to him. “I love you.”
“I am not your wife, Percy.” Nico said as he drank some of his coffee.
“You would love that, wouldn’t you.” Percy joked.
“Fuck off.”
“There are little kids here.” Percy gasped. He knew that Nico was still bad at censoring himself even after 3 kids, something that Percy liked to take advantage of.
“And all of them are asleep.” Nico ran his hand through his hair and put on his aviators.
“Thanks for the coffee.”
“We should convince the coach to move everything an hour later. I can’t function this early.”
“I totally agree. It’s enough that I have to wake up early on weekdays, I am not doing it on weekends as well.” Percy complained. “And we have Charlie’s games on Sundays.”
“Still interested in hockey?”
“Crazy about it. Although, Annabeth is making him a Bruins fan which I am not a big fan of. Like there are excellent teams in New York. Like the Rangers.”
“I prefer the Devils.” Nico added. “Or the Islanders.”
“Not you as well. I need someone to agree with me. Will! Come here.” Percy said to Will who was a few steps bellow them. He climbed up and sat next to his husband. Soon Rachel came as well holding Jasmine. “Rach? What are you doing here?”
“Bianca wanted me to come, so here I am.”
“What’s the best NHL team?”
“Penguins or Bruins.” Will stated.
“What did I expect from a Harvard graduate? Rach?”
“Rangers.” Rachel replied like it was the only right answer. Which was in Percy’s mind.
“Thank you. One sane person around here.” Percy exclaimed.
The next 6 minutes were relatively quiet until a girl from the other team pushed a girl from their team. “Penalty! That’s unacceptable.” Will shouted making Nico sink lower in his seat.
Will was way too passionate in Percy’s opinions. Especially if you considered that they were watching 6-year-old girls play soccer. But it was fun to watch him. And even more amusing watching Nico telling him to be quieter. “Will, for God’s sake. It’s Little League, not NFL.”
“Technically, this is soccer not football.” Will snickered.
“Only in America.” Nico noted.
“The player should be disqualified.” He argued. Percy wished he had popcorn with him.
“The player is a 4-year-old.”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s illegal behaviour.”
“Like I haven’t seen the moves you were teaching Bianca.” Nico accused him. Rachel pulled a packet cookies from her bag and gave some to Percy as they were both interested to where their bickering would end up.
“That’s different.”
“How is that different?”
“It’s self-defence.”
“She isn’t allowed to touch the other players.” Nico said.
“How about both of you calm down?” Rachel proposed to her friends. Jasmine grasped their attention as she started pointing towards Bianca. “Yes, Jas. That’s Bee. Wave at your sis.” Rachel told to the stinky cute baby sitting on her. Jasmine started waving until she grabbed Bianca’s attention who waved back at her. Percy remembered his own baby and decided to go check on Annabeth.
He got off the stands and went to the grass area. “She’s still asleep?” He asked as he put his chin on Annabeth’s shoulder.
“Yes, she doesn’t do well with early mornings.”
“Go watch the game. I’ll watch her and the boys.” Percy kissed her cheek as he let her go.
“You’re the best.”
“I’ve been told before.” Percy smirked.
“By who?”
“My wife.”
Annabeth winked as she started walking away. “Your wife sounds like a keeper.”
“Oh she is. I am never letting her go.” Percy promised.
He turned his attention to the three boys sitting on the lawn, a few feet away from him. Theo was listening carefully while Ryder was talking enthusiastically about something that Percy couldn’t understand. Theo looked actually interested with what Ryder was saying which seemed a bit unusual as Theo dismissed 99% of the people that talked to him. I guess he liked that Ryder wasn’t pressing him to talk him like most kids their age did.
Then, Percy turned his attention to Charlie who was sprawled on the lawn playing on Annabeth’s iPad. “Bub? You’re good?”
“I am bored.” Charlie said as he closed the iPad. “Why should I come every week?”
“To support your sister. She comes to your games.” Percy said.
“If she doesn’t want to come, I won’t mind. Like they are obviously the better team. And they don’t even keep score.” Charlie argued.
“If they don’t keep score then how do you know that they are better?” He questioned his son who looked at him with the most ‘seriously now?’ Annabeth Chase expression in existence.
“I just know. And they aren’t even allowed to touch the other players. Where is the fun to that?”
“Not everyone likes Hockey, bub.”
“And they are wrong.”
“Don’t you like that we eat out after the game?”
“I guess the food is fine.” Charlie thought to himself. “And when I play for the Bruins I will want Zoe to come and see me play.”
Percy had heard Charlie say that he wanted to play hockey when he was older. He knew that it was one of the most common answers a kid gave to these questions, but Percy liked his enthusiasm about the sport. Bobby was fuelling to his son’s ambitions as he kept mentioning over and over again that his kid was NHL material. To which Annabeth reminded him that he was 6.
 “Bruins? Not the Rangers?”
“No, the Bruins. They’re a better team, dad.”
“You’re killing your old man. I hope you know it.” Percy joked.
“You aren’t that old.” Charlie replied. “And if they give me a million dollars I’ll play for the Rangers.”
“I’ll give you a million to play for the Rangers.”
“Deal. But I am not supporting them. I’m just going to play for them.”
“Enough for me, bub.” Then he turned his attention to Lana who was finally awake. When she realised she was noticed she immediately started reaching for him. Percy took her out of the stroller and on him. “Look at Zoe. How well she is playing.” He said to the little girl who was scanning her surroundings.
“Can I hold her?” Charlie asked as he put the iPad in Lana’s diaper bag.
“Yes, but you have to be careful.”
“No running or jumping.” He stated as Percy lowered Lana to his son’s arms. Lana squealed in delight as she realised Charlie was holding her. She loved her older brother, which reminded Percy to snap another picture of his kids.
“Dad, no more pictures.” Charlie replied annoyedly. “You have a gazillion pictures of us.”
“And I want a gazillion and one pictures of you. When you’re older you’re going to be glad that I was taking pictures of you.”
“They’re done.” Charlie said as he saw Annabeth and Zoe walking towards them.
“Excellent game, Zo.” Percy said as Zoe ran up to him. “You’re a talent. Show stopping.”
“Thanks, daddy.” Zoe smiled. “Can we go eat now? I’m hungry.”
“Absolutely.” Percy said as he motioned Theo and Ryder to come with them. A few moments later, Will, Nico, Rachel, Bianca and Jasmine came as well. “Are we ready to go?”
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hazard-and-friends · 9 months
Week 1
Watching people and dogs politely when they pass (so so atm, a little wary of people and then warms up VERY fast, and over excited of dogs)
Exposure to different surfaces/regular outdoor objects (grass, mud, bark, weird trees, parking lots, storm drains, etc)
Car/truck watching (wary here as well)
Vet visit! Car ride, everything about being at the vet (strangers touching her, being manipulated, doing her new skills in a new location, smells, sounds, things in her mouth ears and ass, being taken back for shots & nasal spray...) etc etc etc
Household noises (garbage disposal, children/adults outdoors, dish washer, oven, microwave, electric kettle, white noise machine, every possible noise from computers, shower fan, etc). Have NOT done the vacuum yet.
Outside of the vet have met a couple people, a nice young man who lives across the hallway, and a woman + two of her kids (aged about 1 and 4) and STROLLER. Big victory all around for K'seil who thought this was all delightful once she thought about it.
Went to the park today and was exposed to LOTS of screamy children, a few strange dogs, adults chatting, playground equipment (visual only), etc etc etc.
In-home skills
Play with Hazard in the morning/afternoon can be largely uninterrupted, he's doing much better at handicapping himself. Evenings are still a struggle. She's not afraid of him at all anymore.
She does need to be supervised when she goes to interact with Penny. She's trying VERY hard to get her to play (play-bows and everything) and Penny is Not Interested.
Potty training is...coming along. We've yet to have a day without accidents. They're no longer entirely my fault (I mean, they are, but not because I'm delaying taking her out). The last couple days they've been more because she was busy and got distracted and peed. She's perfectly happy to pee/poop outside, anywhere as long as it's grass (sure), on leash, etc.
I now have a bucket inside her pen fastened so it's HARDER to tip over, and a "splash proof" bowl outside her pen. This has dramatically reduced the amount of digging behavior in water. I live in hope we'll be able to go back to the regular bowls by the time she's a teen.
She's good about going in/being put in her crate or pen--thus far I haven't put them on cue or gotten a voluntary entry, I'm mostly putting food in and releasing her to go in. Once in, she might fuss a bit (especially in the crate at night) but then passes out. Overnight she only fusses if she has to pee.
Reinforcement skills
Did not come with the ability to find food on the ground (lmao bless, I love babies), now knows how to do that and is getting better at finding treat scatters
Treat scatter will be on "find it" but that's a WIP
Knows both the clicker and "yes", and today was able to distinguish between two clickers (box vs button) and remember which one was 'hers'. Both refer to treat delivery from hand (or if you're FRAGILE and TENDER, on the ground).
Can work a snuffle mat and snoop, will introduce other treat dispensing puzzles next week
Worked out like, half of the kong with canned dog food. I'll try again with kibbles mixed in.
Tug is eh, she'll tug a bit but won't bring it back at all
Fetch is nonexistent 🤣
Can usually follow a tossed treat
Sit: Hand signal and verbal sometimes. Came preinstalled with sit as a mand behavior
Touch: Sometimes.
K'seil as a focus: MUCH better than it should be for the amount of work we've done tbh!
recall is currently pup-pup-pup-puppy!!! which she's very good at
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