#best ngo for children
surekhakapoor · 10 months
SOS India | Closing the Education Gap for Underprivileged Children in India
Education is the key to unlocking one's potential and breaking the cycle of poverty. However, in India, millions of children from underprivileged backgrounds are still denied access to quality education. This results in a widening education gap that perpetuates the cycle of poverty and hinders the development of the country as a whole. 
Lack of Access to Education for Underprivileged Children in India
According to a recent study, students from low-income families are less likely to have access to educational resources and have higher drop-out rates, compared to their peers from wealthier families. According to the World Bank, over 50 million children in India are not in school, and nearly 60% of the children who do attend, drop out before completing their secondary education. 
This is largely due to poverty and the lack of infrastructure and resources in these areas. Children from these backgrounds are often forced to drop out of school to support their families or to work as child labourers. This deprives them of their right to education and the opportunity to improve their lives and their communities.
Further, this situation exacerbates the existing disparities between different socioeconomic groups, leading to a vicious cycle of poverty and inequality.
The good news is that there are charitable organisations and NGOs for child care working tirelessly to bridge this gap and provide education for underprivileged children in India. 
NGOs for Child Education in India
SOS Children's Villages of India is working to address this issue by providing quality education to underprivileged children. Through our various programs, we provide education, health care, and other support services to children from marginalised communities. 
We also run schools in rural areas where there is a shortage of educational facilities, providing education to children who would otherwise be denied this opportunity.
In the words of the famous education reformer Horace Mann, "Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equaliser of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery." 
Education truly has the power to bring about positive change in the lives of underprivileged children and make a real difference in the world. By providing education to underprivileged children, we can empower them to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Donate Today to Bridge the Education Gap
Closing the gap in education for underprivileged children in India requires a collective effort from all sectors of society. Childcare NGOs and charitable organisations, such as SOS Children's Villages India, are working tirelessly to provide education to these children. 
However, we cannot do it alone. We need the support of individuals and organisations to help us reach our goals. By donating to NGOs for child care in India, you can help bridge the education gap and provide education to children who need it the most.So, if you believe in the power of education and want to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children in India, please consider donating to SOS Children's Villages India. Together, we can help to close the education gap and create a brighter future for all.
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cryngo · 1 year
A small contribution can make a big difference in the lives of India's most vulnerable children so donate now!
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donation-fundraising · 7 months
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tamaharsblogs · 1 month
NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore
Tamahar, a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Ms. Vaishali Pai, is dedicated to supporting children facing developmental delays due to brain damage, including conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome, Rare diseases, and Genetic disorders. As one of the best NGOs working for childhood disability in India, our holistic developmental intervention approach encompasses Core intervention, Functional Education, Pre-vocational training, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy, Yoga, Arts, Dance, and Sports.
As a top developmental disabilities organization offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to the unique needs of each child from birth onwards, we are recognized as an NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore, specializing in providing transformative interventions to enhance the lives of children facing developmental challenges.
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In addition to our core services, we extend support to families through mental health services designed to help them cope with stress. We also offer skill development programs for mothers, empowering them with profitable skills. Tamahar is proud to be among the distinguished organizations for developmentally disabled individuals, and we stand out as a trusted autism school in Bangalore near you. We ensure that families get the necessary support to get a proper diagnosis for their children, and to enroll them in Government supported schemes like the Niramaya, Pension, UDID, etc
Discover the transformative impact of our holistic interventions at Tamahar, where we are committed to fostering the growth and development of children with special needs and providing invaluable support to their families.
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ngoindia · 2 months
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Lakshyam NGO's Residential Volunteering Programs offer more than just temporary aid; they provide sustainable solutions that create lasting change in communities. By immersing yourself in these programs, you become an integral part of initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, and livelihoods. Whether it's renovating schools, conducting health awareness workshops, or teaching vocational skills, volunteers play a crucial role in empowering individuals and uplifting communities. Join us in our commitment to making a difference through hands-on engagement and meaningful connections.
To know more, please visit @ Donate for Child Education in India
Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram,Twitter, whatsapp
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rsksindia · 2 months
No Silence About Violence…
Dear Friends Namaste ! It has been observed in rural areas that the violence cases against female happens more in rural areas. It happens due to lack of awareness in the rural areas and also because of male dominated society. It’s not like it doesn’t happen in cities but it’s like the most cases are seen in rural areas. In rural areas, the girls and boys at schools do not get the knowledge of…
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Underprivileged child education ngo in India
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Pathshala is a leading organisation dedicated to improving the occupational and literary education of underprivileged children residing in slums and colonies. We understand that the limited reach of government policies and insufficient executions have left many of these children with poor access to quality education. As a result, we have concentrated our efforts on providing high-quality education to these children, promoting their professional effectiveness and employability.
Our specialised academic courses are designed to strengthen their analytical, scientific, and humanitarian skills, which are essential for their future success. We also emphasise the importance of comprehensive reading habits, which we believe are critical for their overall development. Our co-curricular activities include art, drama, music, theatre, workshops, debates, and seminars, providing them with a wide range of creative and recreational opportunities.
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childsafe07 · 4 months
"A Journey of Empowerment: Child Safe Foundation's Educational Odyssey"
Embark on a transformative odyssey with Child Safe Foundation, where every step is a journey of empowerment. Through our innovative educational initiatives, we navigate the pathways of underprivileged communities, lighting the way for children to discover their potential. Join us in shaping a brighter future—one where every child's dreams can set sail on the waves of knowledge and opportunity.
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planindiango1 · 5 months
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Plan India is continually striving to advance children’s rights and equality for girls thus creating a lasting impact in the lives of vulnerable and excluded children and their communities. As a step in this direction, we have been organising the National Conference on Plan for Every Child (P4EC).
The Plan for Every Child (P4EC) National Conference organised by Plan India in solidarity with national and international efforts focusses on reaching out to every child in difficult circumstances, especially girls and young women in building their agency and leadership to achieve SDGs. P4EC has been a unique conference every year bringing experts from all over the world to the table to bring diverse perspectives and present solutions to the complex issues related to child protection, health, education, participation, violence against girls, equality, early childhood care, sexual and reproductive health and so on.
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youthhelpingtrust · 6 months
The Crucial Role of Women Safety NGOs in Delhi
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi, where the vibrancy of life coexists with challenges, ensuring the safety and empowerment of women has become a pressing societal concern. Women Safety NGOs in Delhi, often intertwined with Women Empowerment NGOs, play an indispensable role in addressing the multifaceted issues faced by women and fostering an environment where they can thrive with confidence and security.
The Landscape of Women's Safety in Delhi:
Delhi, the heart of India, boasts a rich cultural heritage and dynamic energy. However, it also grapples with significant challenges, particularly concerning women's safety. Instances of gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination have underscored the need for proactive measures to create a secure environment for women.
Enter Women Safety NGOs:
Women Safety NGOs in Delhi are at the forefront of the battle against gender-based violence. These organizations recognize that women's safety is not merely a concern for individuals but a collective societal responsibility. By addressing the root causes of violence and harassment, they strive to create lasting change and foster an atmosphere where women can lead their lives without fear.
The Synergy of Safety and Empowerment:
Women Empowerment NGOs in Delhi work in tandem with Women Safety NGOs to create a comprehensive approach. Empowerment is not only about safeguarding women but also about providing them with the tools, knowledge, and resources to assert their rights and contribute meaningfully to society.
**1. Educational Initiatives:
One of the cornerstones of Women Empowerment NGOs is educational outreach. By imparting knowledge about women's rights, legal avenues, and personal safety, these organizations empower women to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the modern world. Education becomes a powerful tool for building resilience and fostering a sense of agency.
**2. Self-Defense Training:
Empowerment extends to physical safety, and Women Empowerment NGOs often conduct self-defense training programs. Equipping women with the skills to protect themselves not only enhances their personal safety but also instills a sense of confidence and self-reliance. This training acts as a deterrent to potential perpetrators, contributing to a safer environment.
**3. Legal Support:
Navigating the legal system can be daunting, especially for those who have faced gender-based violence. Women Empowerment NGOs provide crucial legal support, guiding survivors through the legal processes, and advocating for justice. This ensures that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and reinforces the message that violence against women will not be tolerated.
The Importance of Women Safety NGOs:
**1. Creating Safe Spaces:
Women Safety NGOs in Delhi serve as beacons of hope by creating safe spaces for women. Through helplines, counseling services, and safe shelters, these organizations offer immediate support to those facing threats to their safety. Establishing safe spaces is essential for women to seek refuge and assistance without fear of judgment or reprisal.
**2. Community Engagement:
Women Safety NGOs actively engage with communities to raise awareness about the importance of women's safety. Through workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns, they challenge harmful stereotypes and foster a culture of respect and equality. Community involvement is crucial for creating a collective commitment to women's safety.
**3. Crisis Intervention:
In times of crisis, Women Safety NGOs act as a lifeline. Their rapid response teams and crisis intervention services ensure that women in distress receive immediate assistance. Whether it's providing emergency shelter, medical aid, or legal support, these NGOs play a pivotal role in mitigating the impact of violence and harassment.
**4. Advocacy for Policy Change:
Beyond immediate support, Women Safety NGOs engage in advocacy to bring about systemic change. They work towards influencing policies and legislation that address the root causes of gender-based violence. By advocating for stricter laws, better law enforcement, and improved support systems, these organizations contribute to creating an environment where women can live without the constant threat of violence.
In the bustling urban landscape of Delhi, Women Safety NGOs serve as pillars of strength, addressing the multifaceted challenges that women face daily. Their commitment to fostering safety and empowerment creates a ripple effect, positively impacting individuals, communities, and society at large.
As the importance of Women Safety NGOs in Delhi continues to grow, it is essential to recognize their role not only in responding to crises but also in shaping a future where women can exercise their rights freely. Through a synergistic approach that combines safety measures with empowerment initiatives, these organizations contribute significantly to building a society where women can navigate their lives with confidence, dignity, and security. The journey towards a safer and more empowered Delhi requires collective efforts, and Women Safety NGOs are leading the way towards a brighter and more inclusive future.
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shining-souls-trust · 7 months
Shining Souls (Trust) Triumphs as the Best NGO in India, Paving the Way for Educational Excellence among Underprivileged Youth
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Shining Souls (Trust) has been crowned the Best NGO in India! 🇮🇳 Our commitment to empowering underprivileged youth through education is making waves, and we're beyond thrilled for this recognition.
Join us in the journey of illuminating minds and creating a brighter future for every child. Together, let's continue making a positive impact!
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"Empowering Women and Changing Lives: Hamari Pahchan NGO - The Best NGO in Delhi and India"
Hamari Pahchan NGO is a remarkable non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been making a significant impact in Delhi and across India since its founding in the wake of the Nirbhaya incident. This organization is committed to the empowerment of women and has launched a variety of initiatives to achieve this goal.
The founder of Hamari Pahchan NGO, Tarun Mathur, has a special story. He used to work in the government's aviation sector and even played chess internationally. But now, he, along with his whole family, dedicates their lives to helping others.
He strongly believes in empowering women, following the motto "beti baccho beti padhao, beti bachegi tabhi toh padhegi," which means that when we educate and support girls, they thrive. Tarun Mathur also cares deeply for children. He's helping hungry kids, “Pohoch gyae hai Chandryaan par, fir bhi dhund rhae hai bacchae bhukae khana kudaedaan par”. He knows that being a good man means treating women with respect and providing them with what they need, specially sanitary pads. Tarun Mathur's dedication is inspiring.
Hamari pahchan works for women empowerment
One of the key areas of focus for Hamari Pahchan NGO is women's empowerment. They recognize that providing women with the tools and resources they need to thrive is essential for building a more inclusive and just society. To that end, the NGO has implemented several initiatives aimed at empowering women.
One critical initiative is the distribution of sanitary pads. Access to hygiene products like sanitary pads is a fundamental right, and Hamari Pahchan NGO ensures that women have the means to manage their menstrual health with dignity. This is a crucial step in breaking down stigmas and promoting women's overall well-being. This is the reason Hamari pahchan is the best NGO in delhi and infact in India.
Education and legal aid
Education is another cornerstone of their work. Hamari Pahchan NGO understands that education is a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment. They are dedicated to providing educational opportunities for women, ensuring that they have the knowledge and skills to pursue their dreams and improve their lives. Hamari pahchan NGO is the most influential NGO in Delhi.
Legal aid is yet another aspect of their work. They help women navigate the legal system, ensuring that their rights are protected and they receive the support they need in cases of abuse or discrimination.
But Hamari Pahchan NGO doesn't stop at education and legal aid. They also empower women through imparting entrepreneurial skills. By teaching women how to start and run businesses, they pave the way for financial independence. This is a significant step towards self-reliance and a brighter future for these women. This is “The Best NGO” of India
The organization's mission doesn't end with empowering women alone. They also work tirelessly to make public spaces safer for women. This is crucial in a world where safety concerns often restrict women's freedom of movement. By advocating for safer public spaces, Hamari Pahchan NGO is making a lasting impact on the lives of women.
Hamari pahchan ranks best in Delhi
What sets Hamari Pahchan NGO apart and has earned it a reputation as one of the best NGOs in Delhi and India is its all-encompassing approach to social issues. They work diligently to help underprivileged sections of society, running donation drives and charity initiatives to provide essential resources to those in need. Their selfless dedication to reaching out to people in need has touched the lives of countless individuals.
My name is Kanika, and I'm currently interning with Hamari Pahchan NGO. It's not just the best NGO in Delhi but also in all of India. I highly recommend this NGO to anyone looking for an internship or wanting to make a difference in the NGO sector.
Hamari Pahchan NGO works on various important causes and has a proven track record of reducing the number of underprivileged people in South Delhi. That's why it's considered one of the best NGOs, not just in India, but around the world. So, if you want to do good and help others, this is the place to be!
In a world where NGOs play a vital role in addressing social challenges, Hamari Pahchan NGO stands out as an exemplar of what can be achieved through dedicated and holistic efforts. Their commitment to women's empowerment, education, legal support, entrepreneurial skills, and public safety is nothing short of commendable. As they continue to make a positive impact on society, they serve as an inspiration for others to join the mission of creating a better, more equitable world for all. Hamari Pahchan NGO is not just the best NGO in Delhi; it is an organization that is making a difference and changing lives across India."
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tamaharsblogs · 2 months
Top developmental disabilities organization 
Tamahar, a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Ms. Vaishali Pai, is dedicated to supporting children facing developmental delays due to brain damage, including conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome, Rare diseases, and Genetic disorders. As one of the best NGOs working for childhood disability in India, our holistic developmental intervention approach encompasses Core intervention, Functional Education, Pre-vocational training, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy, Yoga, Arts, Dance, and Sports.
As a top developmental disabilities organization offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to the unique needs of each child from birth onwards, we are recognized as an NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore, specializing in providing transformative interventions to enhance the lives of children facing developmental challenges.
In addition to our core services, we extend support to families through mental health services designed to help them cope with stress. We also offer skill development programs for mothers, empowering them with profitable skills. Tamahar is proud to be among the distinguished organizations for developmentally disabled individuals, and we stand out as a trusted autism school in Bangalore near you. We ensure that families get the necessary support to get a proper diagnosis for their children, and to enroll them in Government supported schemes like the Niramaya, Pension, UDID, etc
Discover the transformative impact of our holistic interventions at Tamahar, where we are committed to fostering the growth and development of children with special needs and providing invaluable support to their families.
Our Mission
To enable children with brain damage and their families to live a happy, healthy, and dignified life in an inclusive society through rehabilitation services, capacity building, community engagement, and advocacy.
Our Vision
Prevention & Alleviation of developmental disability in children with brain damage.
Contact Us
+91 96633 25766
15/2, 11th Main Rd, 13th Cross Rd, Malleshwara, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003.
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donation-fundraising · 8 months
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ngoindia · 2 months
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Empowering Change: Lakshyam NGO's Call to Donate for Child Education in India
Investing in Hope: Lakshyam NGO's Vision as the Premier Choice to Donate for Child EducationIndia's future lies in the hands of its children, and Lakshyam NGO is on a mission to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive. By donating to our child education initiatives, you become a catalyst for change in the lives of underprivileged youth. Whether it's through scholarships, infrastructure development, or teacher training programs, your support can make a tangible difference in breaking the cycle of poverty and paving the way for a brighter future.
To know more, please visit @ Donate for Child Education in India
Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram,Twitter, whatsapp
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rsksindia · 2 months
We All United !!
Dear Friends Namaste ! Child marriage is often the result of entrenched gender inequality, Child marriage is also the result of the interplay of economic and social forces. Poverty, insecurity, social norms, low value accorded to girls, lack of access to education and patriarchal systems are some of the main causes of child marriage. Child marriage violates children’s rights and places them at…
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