#donate for child health
cryngo · 1 year
A small contribution can make a big difference in the lives of India's most vulnerable children so donate now!
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dazedasian · 2 months
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skin-slave · 4 months
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ascinate · 5 months
Download website template for non profit, NGO or fundraiser organization.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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T’Pel and Tuvok as kiddos...T’Pel dressed herself but Tuvok’s clothes were picked out by his parents and it shows.
#girls who get mistaken for boys v boys who get mistaken for girls - unbreakable bond#not by Vulcans but by like humans and other aliens v_v#T'Pel has a snake in her portable terarium thing bc it looked sick and she wants to nurse it to health#they didn't know each other back then but I'm imagining T'Pel trying to show Tuvok a snake and Tuvok trying not to scream#Tuvok hides behind his dad a lot as a small kid....father pleaseplease don't let her get me (T'Pel is racing at him full of determination)#Tuvok's dad looking at T'Pel like ohmygod...whose child /is/ this?????#T'Pel's parents thinks that if T'Pel is old enough to dress herself she's old enough to chose what she wears#Tuvok's parents think Tuvok should look presentable (and that he's adorable all dressed up)#I think when they're actually married T'Pel is sure Tuvok thinks she looks rather plain (she doesn't feel any particular way about this -#it's just a fact that she dresses and looks much plainer than people from the city his family's from)#plus Tuvok's mother is constantly gifting her new clothing in a gesture that teeters SO carefully between generous and insulting#(T'Pel donates these)#and Tuvok doesn't look at her for very long...always averting his eyes (which annoys her)#so one day she says something like she knows she's plain but she doesn't think she's so awful to look at that she repels his eye#and Tuvok is confused but hurriedly says no not at all (so why do you refuse to look at me?) Tuvok looks away as she moves closer#She looks at him for awhile then sighs and moves to leave but he grabs her wrist and looks at her and she realizes from his expression and#through their bond that it's just the opposite...it's because he finds her so beautiful that he can't look at her for long...it stirs up too#much emotion in him...he likes her a /lot/ and that's EMBARRASSING#She thanks him for his honestly and then rushes off and they're both so flustered by the encounter that they avoid each other for a few days#but T'Pel is.....quite pleased <3#Tuvok is screaming at himself though#bea art tag#Tuvok art#T'Pel art#st voyager art
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july-19th-club · 2 years
infuriated outraged upset boss in the building on a saturday . at the DESK on a saturday. observed and overseen . in the panopticon and i dont even have a little coffee drink
#it's not a big deal it's JUST. that this was the one time i was actually looking forward to having the desk alone all day#brought some crocheting in case it was slow#was going to alternate between Something Fun and Something Work (have to do my donations list again)#and now i can't even do sommething fun in between. because i only bring crochet on days when i have the desk alone#and it's like. we had performance reviews in august. and mine was very harsh and critical UNTIL i told him like#what a year it's been for me mental health wise and hten he was like ok well disregard all that stuff i said on the first review#but i can't. because it was so very 'lazy unmotivated not present slacking off not interested in your job' and it was a) humiliating#b) terrifying#because it's true! i dont like my job a lot of the time it's tedious! and i get frusturated easily! and some of that has to do w#my mental health. but some of it is just true#and it's humiliating to have your flaws pointed out to you by someone who has the power to fire you#like im aware of what you DID think about me before i gave you some sob story about how hard my life is#so essentially that is what you actually think. that's the important part . is what you were GOING to say#we were friends for like three years and i guess i was naive to assume that things could stay the same like#after he got the director's job#like you just can't go for drinks with a person who has the power to scold you like a child#and maybe i'm the one being pissy and immature. i know i am. i should be grateful to have a job at all#but i just do not take criticism well and so ive just realized that i can't spend any time around him longer than five minutes#without feeling infuriated and impotent and fucking WATCHED#like i'm being dramatic whatever. i'm just being dramatic. but i used to be able to relax and complain about work w this guy#and now i can't. and it's both sad and makes me anxious
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
just remembered buck’s going to (possibly) have a biological child
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#al talks#i KNOOWWW people have talked about this at length but i honestly haven’t given it much thought because i’m just#truly along for the ride this season i have no idea where we’re going i’m just trying to have fun#but.#like. there’s going to be baby out there. a whole human being. that shares his dna. a child. that he helped create.#what is that. how is that going to feel for him? i’m thinking about him getting excited to buy a sword and shield for jee#so he can help teach her that girls can be heroes too. how is he going to feel about a child that literally…is a Part of him#and he can’t do that with them he can’t help raise them or teach them about the world or share any of his life stories with them and GOD#does he have. so many. life stories. to share with his kids.#but he’s not kameron and connor’s baby’s dad. donor not dad!!!#the thing in their case is that it’s not an anonymous donation and they’re buck’s friends and they live close by so it’s not#unlikely that they’ll share pictures of their kid like when they’re first born or around the holidays or maybe at important milestones#and buck might see bits and pieces of him in them as they grow up. he might see his nose or his curls or his eyes.#the kid might be a fucking giant#and they’ll always be part him but never his#it’d be so…bittersweet for him#i don’t HATE this storyline i know a lot of people do but i don’t think kameron and connor are bad people#i don’t want anything bad to happen to them and at this point buck can’t buck out and i don’t#*back out. 😐 anyways. i don’t#want there to be any sort of health complications because i just…don’t think that’s what buck needs to learn#i just think this storyline is going to teach him that…he CAN get what he wants#he just has to be unafraid of it#he has to look it in the eye and go this is what i want for Me#not what i want to do for other people#and i’m going to go out and be proactive and brave about getting it. not take the ‘safest’ or most familiar route#i Think ultimately this baby will be a good thing for him but it’s going to hurt so bad when he realizes it’s what he wants but.#not like that#i also think this parallels eddie’s journey incredibly well showing how they both want the same things but go about getting them in just.#excruciatingly painful ways. but. i’m running out of tags so. thoughts for another time ig
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cryindia489 · 9 days
Transforming Futures: The Role of Child Education NGOs in India
Child education NGOs in India are at the forefront of ensuring that every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, has access to quality education. These organizations address educational disparities and work towards creating a brighter future for underprivileged children. In this article, we explore the pivotal role of child education NGOs in India, their key initiatives, challenges, and the profound impact they have on society.
Addressing Educational Disparities
Bridging the Gap
Child education NGOs play a crucial role in bridging the educational divide between urban and rural areas. By establishing schools and learning centers in remote regions, these organizations provide access to education where it is needed the most.
Inclusive Education
NGOs such as Pratham and Save the Children focus on inclusive education, ensuring that children with disabilities and those from marginalized communities receive the support they need to thrive academically.
Key Initiatives of Child Education NGOs
School Infrastructure Development
Many NGOs invest in developing school infrastructure, including building classrooms, providing furniture, and setting up libraries. Organizations like Smile Foundation and Akshaya Patra also focus on creating a conducive learning environment by ensuring clean drinking water and sanitation facilities.
Teacher Training Programs
Ensuring quality education requires well-trained teachers. NGOs such as Teach For India and Azim Premji Foundation conduct teacher training programs to enhance teaching methodologies and pedagogical skills, thereby improving the overall quality of education.
Digital Education and E-Learning
In the digital age, access to technology is crucial for modern education. NGOs like eVidyaloka and Digital Empowerment Foundation leverage technology to provide digital learning resources, online classes, and e-learning platforms, ensuring that children in remote areas are not left behind.
Community Engagement and Empowerment
Parental Involvement
Child education NGOs recognize the importance of involving parents in their children's education. Workshops and training sessions help parents understand the value of education and equip them with the tools to support their children's learning journey.
Community Awareness Programs
NGOs engage with local communities through awareness programs, highlighting the importance of education and encouraging community participation. This approach helps in building a supportive environment for children's education.
Overcoming Challenges
Reducing Dropout Rates
High dropout rates are a significant challenge in many parts of India. Child education NGOs address this issue by implementing flexible schooling hours, providing mid-day meals, and offering vocational training programs to keep children engaged and motivated.
Ensuring Sustainable Funding
Sustainable funding is crucial for the continuity of educational programs. NGOs often collaborate with corporate partners, international organizations, and government agencies to secure the necessary resources for their initiatives.
Impact and Success Stories
Transforming Lives Through Education
The impact of child education NGOs can be seen in the success stories of countless children who have overcome adversity to achieve academic success. These organizations provide not just education but also hope and a pathway to a better future.
Long-Term Community Benefits
Educated children grow up to be informed, responsible citizens who contribute positively to their communities. The ripple effect of education extends beyond individuals, fostering economic growth and social development in the long term.
Child education NGOs in India are instrumental in shaping the future of the nation by ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and succeed. Their dedication to addressing educational disparities, engaging communities, and overcoming challenges underscores their vital role in building a brighter, more equitable future for all. Through continuous efforts and innovative approaches, these organizations are transforming lives and paving the way for sustainable development.
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tamaharsblogs · 1 month
NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore
Tamahar, a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Ms. Vaishali Pai, is dedicated to supporting children facing developmental delays due to brain damage, including conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome, Rare diseases, and Genetic disorders. As one of the best NGOs working for childhood disability in India, our holistic developmental intervention approach encompasses Core intervention, Functional Education, Pre-vocational training, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy, Yoga, Arts, Dance, and Sports.
As a top developmental disabilities organization offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to the unique needs of each child from birth onwards, we are recognized as an NGO for the mentally challenged in Bangalore, specializing in providing transformative interventions to enhance the lives of children facing developmental challenges.
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In addition to our core services, we extend support to families through mental health services designed to help them cope with stress. We also offer skill development programs for mothers, empowering them with profitable skills. Tamahar is proud to be among the distinguished organizations for developmentally disabled individuals, and we stand out as a trusted autism school in Bangalore near you. We ensure that families get the necessary support to get a proper diagnosis for their children, and to enroll them in Government supported schemes like the Niramaya, Pension, UDID, etc
Discover the transformative impact of our holistic interventions at Tamahar, where we are committed to fostering the growth and development of children with special needs and providing invaluable support to their families.
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thixindia1 · 1 month
Donate for Health Treatment in noida
Donate for Health Treatment in Noida: Making a Difference in Someone's Life. Are you looking for a way to make a meaningful impact in someone's life? Consider donating to help cover health treatment costs in Noida. Many individuals in Noida are in need of medical assistance but lack the financial resources to access the care they require. By donating to health treatment causes in Noida, you can play a vital role in ensuring that these individuals receive the help they need to lead healthier and happier lives.
Why Donate for Health Treatment in Noida? Noida, like many other cities, has a significant population of individuals living below the poverty line. For these individuals, accessing quality healthcare services can be a struggle due to financial constraints. By donating to health treatment causes in Noida, you can help bridge this gap and provide much-needed support to those who are most vulnerable. Your contribution can make a real difference in someone's life, ensuring that they receive the treatment they need to recover from illnesses and injuries.
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How Can Your Donation Help? Your donation for health treatment in Noida can make a substantial impact in several ways. Here are some of the ways your contribution can help individuals in need:
Covering Medical Expenses: Your donation can help cover medical expenses such as doctor consultations, diagnostic tests, medications, and surgical procedures.
Providing Essential Care: Many individuals in Noida require ongoing medical care for chronic conditions. Your donation can ensure that they receive the essential care they need to manage their health effectively.
Improving Health Outcomes: By donating to health treatment causes in Noida, you can contribute to improving health outcomes for individuals in need. donate for old age home in Noida. Access to timely and quality healthcare can make a significant difference in someone's recovery and overall well-being.
Where to Donate for Health Treatment in Noida? There are several organizations and charities in Noida that work towards providing healthcare assistance to individuals in need. Some reputable organizations you can consider donating to include:
Thixindia charity Foundation: Dedicated to improving access to healthcare for underserved communities in Noida.
Thixindia charity Foundation Trust: Committed to providing medical assistance to individuals facing financial hardships in Noida.
Thixindia charity Foundation: Focuses on promoting wellness and healthcare access for vulnerable populations in Noida. By donating to these organizations, you can be assured that your contribution will directly support health treatment initiatives in Noida and help individuals in need receive the care they deserve.
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The Impact of Your Donation Your donation for health treatment in Noida has the power to transform lives. By contributing to healthcare causes, you are not only providing financial support but also giving hope and healing to those who are suffering. Your generosity can make a lasting impact on individuals and families in Noida, ensuring that they receive the medical care they desperately need.
In conclusion, online charity support for child in noida. is a noble and impactful way to support individuals in need. Your contribution can make a significant difference in someone's life by providing access to essential healthcare services. Together, we can work towards building a healthier and more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life. So, consider making a donation today and help make a positive impact on someone's health and well-being in Noida.
Remember, your donation can save a life! Support health treatment in Noida by donating today. Make a difference in someone's life and ensure access to essential healthcare services. By doing so, you can contribute to improving health outcomes for individuals in need and make a meaningful impact in their lives. So why wait? Donate for health treatment in Noida today! Donate now: https://thixindia.com/
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cryngo · 1 year
CRY, India’s most trusted NGO, has been ensuring proper nutrition for marginalised children and pregnant mothers by connecting communities to government services, schemes, and benefits.
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dazedasian · 9 days
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childsafe07 · 3 months
"Child Safe Foundation: Empowering Hope, Transforming Lives"
In a world where opportunities are not always equal, Child Safe Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged. With a steadfast commitment to compassion and community, we strive to provide a lifeline for those in need.
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At Child Safe Foundation, our mission is simple yet profound: to provide help and support for the poor and vulnerable, particularly children. We believe that every child deserves a chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Through our various programs and initiatives, we aim to empower these young souls and give them the tools they need to build a brighter future.
One of our core focuses is on providing essentials such as clothing and food to those who lack access to these basic necessities. We understand that a warm meal and adequate clothing can make all the difference in a child's life, instilling a sense of dignity and hope amidst adversity. Through our food distribution and clothing donation drives, we strive to bring comfort and nourishment to those who need it most.
But our work goes beyond just meeting immediate needs. We are dedicated to fostering long-term change by investing in education, healthcare, and community development initiatives. By providing access to quality education, healthcare services, and skills training, we empower children and families to break the cycle of poverty and create a better future for themselves.
At Child Safe Foundation, we believe in the power of unity and collective action. We invite you to join us in our mission to make a difference. Whether through volunteering your time, donating resources, or spreading awareness, every contribution counts. Together, we can be a force for positive change in the lives of the less fortunate.
Join us as we work towards a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive, where hope replaces despair, and where dreams are within reach. Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.
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ibtisams · 2 months
It has been almost 200 days of genocide in Gaza, and during this time Palestinians have been in the worst stage of starvation and famine. Children have begun dying from starvation and malnutrition, and more and more photos of Palestinian children are coming out where the child is nothing more than skin and bones.
Personally, I know I take the food I eat for granted every single day. I am no more deserving of a meal than the children of Gaza, so for that reason me and a few of my friends will be doing a minimum of FIVE day hunger strike in solidarity with my brothers and sisters in Palestine.
We will be starting on 1 May, as to hunger strike safely there is preparation needed. I making this post now in case anyone wants to join me and will want to prepare. I am not doing a dry hunger strike, I will be having fluids and I also don’t believe I will be able to hunger strike safely for more than 15 days for health reasons.
“Sponsor me” on my hunger strike!
If you send me proof of a $50 USD donation to Anera (the equivalent of feeding 180 Palestinians), I will add ONE day to my hunger strike (a maximum of 15 days)
Join me on my hunger strike!
If you think this is something you would be able to participate in, I encourage you to participate in any capacity that you can- as long as you’re doing it SAFELY
If you want to participate, please do your research and do it safely. I am doing this for the Gazan children who don’t have a choice right now, and I know in my heart I owe it to them. There is so much we consider a basic right and take for granted that people in Gaza don’t have access to. This hunger strike is solely in solidarity/raise money for Anera, there is no specific end result.
More information on hunger strikes (and why they needed to be prepared for if you’re choosing to do one)
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lailashaqoura · 9 days
I'm Laila Shaqoura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to the south, specifically the city of Rafah. Amid this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except through you and your support for us. Let me tell you the story of my mother and her unborn child during this war.
Amid this destruction, my pregnant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to the lack of healthy food, which puts her and her unborn child at multiple health risks. The insufficient healthcare and weakened immunity have led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia. Additionally, the psychological pressure from the war and displacement exacerbates her suffering. The constant worry for the family's safety and the fear of the continuous intense bombing last night resulted in high blood pressure, imbalance, and fainting this morning. It was a terrible morning.
Despite the sounds of artillery, gunfire, bombing, fear, and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside my mother's womb. She carries the hope for the future, but the war has stolen her ability to dream. She not only carries a child but also the burdens and pains of war. The pain of her pregnancy is intensified by the weight of war and its sorrows. She carries life in her womb while war destroys life around her. Sometimes, we wonder: will this awaited child live in such a shattered world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before seeing the light of day.
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night. There is no time to escape death. My mother's health is deteriorating. There is no healthcare. We want her to stay alive. This matter concerns the lives of two people (a mother and her child). Let's extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything. Your donation can give new life and hope for the future.
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child-safe-foundation · 9 months
Best Ngo in Mumbai for Medical Help - Child Safe Foundation
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Child Safe Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to protect the rights of children and provide them with access to quality healthcare. We are best ngo in Mumbai and also provides financial assistance to families who cannot afford to pay for their child's medical care. We also work to raise awareness about child health issues and advocate for policies that protect children's rights.
If you are interested in learning more about Child Safe Foundation, you can visit our website at www.childsafefoundation.org. You can also call us at +91 84839 68879.
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