#best offroading game
drivingonly · 1 year
SnowRunner - Balancing some goods
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falconearring · 7 months
Hello Falcon, first off LOVE you're AU and designs, their so unique. I was just curious and I don't think anyone's ever asked this but.. What did everyone do before the Apocalypse? Aside from Scar which you already answered. :)
Hi hi! So happy to hear you're enjoying! I think here and there I've mentioned bits and pieces of some character's pre-apocalypse lives, but never all at once. Here's a comprehensive list of everybody's prior occupations, with some supplementary info for the characters that I've thought about the most.
Etho worked on an industrial farm. He was mainly tasked with planting and harvesting vegetables, and other miscellaneous labor tasks. When he wasn't working, he spent much of his time with Cleo and Bdubs. He's notorious for leaving his flip phone on the kitchen counter in his apartment when he goes out for the day, so it can be a bit difficult to get a hold of him. In general, he's pretty content with his life, and enjoys the routine his job offers.
Joel sort of just goes through the motions. He works a number of minimum wage jobs during his adult years, and doesn't really do much else. It isn't until the apocalypse, when he starts to meet new people and he realizes being lonely sucked. If you ask him, though, he's never felt lonely in his entire life-that would just be silly.
Grian spends his late childhood learning how to cook in a local restaurant. The owner and staff look after him best they can, but despite their hospitality, he resolves one day to grab as much cash as possible and head to a seaside town to start his early adult life. There he finds a small funeral home, and lands an apprenticeship only because they could really use the help and the owner themselves isn’t particularly concerned if they have to cut corners. It isn’t long before his inexperience starts to cause problems, and he takes off yet again when it comes to light the name he had been going by was stolen from an obituary a few cities over. He continues as he was, from place to place and name to name. It’s become somewhat routine for him to cheat every person he comes into contact with, in some way shape or form.
Scar, as we discussed in this post, has an extensive criminal history. Him and Grian somewhat deserve each other in that regard.
Cleo does a lot of crafting in their free time. I don't think I ever decided what she does for work, but on the side she does jewelry making, pottery, crotchet and a bit of sewing. She often sells some of what she makes, or gifts it to friends.
Bdubs does a trades program and is just starting out doing construction work. He takes up drawing as a hobby, mainly life drawing. His two best friends are his whole entire world, baby! He somewhat struggles with his independence, and usually wants to spend his time with Etho and Cleo.
Martyn is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past and future life progressions/regressions. He also claims to be a surgeon, but it's unclear what kind or when exactly he got a PhD.
Bigb was a racecar driver. Later in his career, he switched from cars to offroad motorcycle racing. He fell in love with modifying bikes and became a really knowledgeable mechanic.
Tango was a paramedic. Not much time for anything, but when he can he usually would meet up with some of his buddies to play board games.
Ren worked at the saw mill where Etho's friends are set up. At the time, he was living in a cabin in the woods not far from his work. He was somewhat of a hermit, and he has all sorts of woodsy knowledge and equipment at the ready.
Impulse has a bachelors of engineering and worked as an electrician for a few years. Loved his job, loved having to take out all his piercings most days a lot less. He's always been very close with his brother, Skizz, and they meet up often.
Skizz worked a 9-5 office job, and genuinely could not be any happier about it. He's the type of person to make extra time to exercise, or wake up early just to have some quiet time.
Pearl was an art student on exchange from Australia. She has a passion for installation pieces and painting. Some of her work is a bit strange.
Mumbo was a programmer. What did he program? I don't know. I'm sorry Mumbo fans. If it's any consolation he is so disoriented and so scared and so stressed.
Jimmy lived on a small farm with his family. It was all he knew growing up, and it was all he really knew going into adulthood.
Lizzie had a part time job at an aquarium in her town. She gave tours and sometimes did workshops with the kids where she did aquatic themed arts and crafts.
Scott.... I have a hard time imagining what he was up to before everything happened. Who can say for sure what he did in his spare time? (<- the guy who is writing the AU and can't think of an answer)
Hopefully this is helpful! Sorry some of it is more sparse than other parts. Take care, thank you for reading ^_^
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Please don't neglect courage (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ can you do a little drable between player and courage maybe talking about how they miss the chain while in courage's Hyrule or something relating to the ask about courage looking like Hyrule. Please 🙏🥺🙏
(Finally trying to tackle these requests-) As if I would ever neglect the lovable idiot Courage, after all, he's just so stupid not to acknowledge and love.
Courage was almost the exact opposite of Hyrule. A funny thing, really, as the man in question was supposed to be the first game boy himself, yet he differed from your fairy boy so much it was almost comedic: Hyrule was sheepish, Courage was brash, Hyrule was moulded to be sneaky and Courage was close to a barbarian in imposing figure- Courage was almost an oxymoron to all that Hyrule was made to be.
Almost. That was the keyword here. Almost- Courage was almost the complete opposite of Hyrule, but that didn’t mean there weren’t those similarities.
That sense of adventure ran strong through Courage’s veins, that spark that would dance in the eye of the traveller at the mere thought of an escapade whether it be some offroad path or a gruelling dungeon cruel, you could really see that brave young man within Courage as he walked with confidence towards any sign of a quest. 
Their looks also didn’t stray far, their builds were different but you could see the specs of green buried in rivers of forest brown when you stared into Courage’s gaze a moment too long. Ran your hands through the chestnut brown ruffles that were the man’s hair when you pulled out a leaf or helped to brush the mess every morning so Wisdom would stop demanding that Courage look “more presentable!” almost every day. No, they didn’t look the same, long lost brothers would probably be the closest Hyrule and Courage could ever be, but it didn’t stop you from catching glimpses of your fairy boy every now and again.
It brought a sense of…melancholy. You missed him so, your nicknamed Prince of the fae, and longed for him during those harder days, your heart calling out to him. Of course, this feeling wasn’t just reserved for Hyrule, you missed Wild, you missed Wind, hell, you even missed that grump Legend (Koridai certainly wasn’t helping with that) but with Courage right here, it was hard to not think of your Hero of Hyrule.
“I’m way better than him!”
Courage had approached you. 
Inevitable really, with how you were drawing yourself away from the duo heroes wanting to deal with the heartache away from the comfort of others seeing as it had the opposite effect- you only craved the Chain more the longer you spent around those damn idiots.
And, of course, they had noticed.
“This isn’t a pissing contest, Link.” You sassed, washing your face in the basin that a maid had brought you, dressed for bed after a long day of patrolling for the black-blooded. “I just said you remind me of him, I didn’t say he was better.”
Courage huffed, collapsing back into your bed and spreading himself out to take as much space as humanly possible, also dressed for bed in his light blue gown. “But he’s ‘all you can think about’.”
“Does one thing go through your ear and out the fucking other? Man alive.”
The Hero of Courage had somehow coaxed the truth out of you, well, coaxed was too soft of a word- he had dragged the information from you in the form of nagging, his voice practically grating your ear canals until finally, you broke and spoke about the feelings currently raging within you like a mutated storm. Then Courage proceeded to do what he did best.
Miss the point and whine about it.
“But that’s what you said!”
“I said that I’ve been thinking about him!”
“Because he’s just like me!”
“But I’m certainly better-”
“Oh my god, you’re bloody impossible!” The brunette’s mouth had snapped shut at your cry, your hands slamming down on your lap in frustration. “If you’re just gonna moan then shut up or get out!”
A familiar mutter of ‘well excuseeeee me, sunshine.’ caught your ear but you ignored it for your own sanity.
When nothing came from him the following minute you sighed, patting your face dry with a washcloth and setting it aside for the maids the next morning. 
Blowing out the lantern at your desk allowed the moon’s faint glow to shine through the stained glass of your room’s window, plastering a beautiful mosaic of pale colours throughout the space and highlighting the pillowing of your bed as you pattered over to it with heavy feet-
Seeing Courage still settled in it, still taking up the entire thing.
You glared. “Aren’t you supposed to be protecting the triforce?”
He grinned something cheeky, “The fisherman offered to take my place.”
“Koridai offered to take care of the triforce? Nah, he definitely lost a bet.”
Because there was no way would offer to do such a thing.
“He offered!”
“He’d offer when he saw a pig fly.”
“Maybe he did.” His arms moved under his head, muscles defining at the stretch and Courage sent you a teasing grin. “Guess you and me are sharing tonight~”
In any other instance, this wouldn’t be the case. You weren’t one to take his arrogance lying down, that was for sure. You would have stormed out of the room to join Koridai instead, or maybe move to sleep on the floor, not caring for the cold or the dust, just maybe you would have grabbed at his leg and dragged him right off then leave him on the floor as you made yourself comfortable- but you were too tired for that, both physically and mentally, your brain working overtime to keep you in that state of exhaustion as you weighed your options for that point. You didn’t want to deal with his stupidity at that moment.
So, with a heavy sigh, you clambered into bed, making sure to push your weight into his stomach to hear him wheeze then collapsed next to him, back to him as he coughed for his stolen breath.
“Jeez, sunshine.” He hacked, “Way to steal my breath away.”
Your groan of annoyance had his cackling through coughs.
The bed shifted when silence had fallen back over the room, Courage turning your way with his eyes rolling over your curled-up form in a way that had you holding back shivers from the sheer intensity. You felt his finger gently run over your arm, a calming gesture, a kind one, a silent request to move closer that you didn’t turn down, his index trailing down the length of your arm, dipping your wrist then curling around your finger until you let him move to intertwine your hand with his.
“You don’t need to think about him-” His voice was a whisper, holding a stillness similar to that of the bedroom. “-not when you have me, I’m all the hero you need, sunshine.”
You hummed quietly, eyes closed but still alert. “Yeah? Then what does that make Koridai?”
“My sidekick, of course.”
Courage smiled at your tired snort, his head falling to rest against your nape and smile pulling at his lips the more he felt you relax, your body slotted against him like a perfect puzzle piece.
In his eyes, you were perfect, just perfect. Hard to come across these days, your personality was unmatched and your spirit strong, the connection he felt for you was undeniable. Yes, Wisdom was someone he cherished but you had climbed the tower holding his heart and stole it away with a quick quip and smirk- he liked that about you, he liked everything about you, even to him the sadness over your face held a perfection that the goddess herself would come to envy.
It didn’t mean he wanted it to stay though, no, as your hero it was his duty to return that smile to your face so hearing your tired breathless giggle when he gently kissed the back of your neck, lips tickling the skin was enough for him, moving to rest his chin atop your head as he closed his own eyes.
The quiet lasted about a minute when he muttered.
“He’s not that special anyway, I can turn into a fairy too.”
Your eyes snapped open.
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ansu-gurleht · 3 months
one of the very first games i ever owned was atv 2: offroad fury on the ps2. i never did any of the races though. i just used cheat codes to 1) unlock all maps and vehicles and cosmetic options and 2) make it so you couldn’t fall off your vehicle even if you were upside down. and then i just played the free roam mode. i always used the best atv (or maybe the one i thought looked coolest - i was like 6) and tricked it out with a flames paint job and just drove around and made big jumps and stuff (at that time i did not know how to do the tricks or anything). and i would listen to the sick af soundtrack. i really liked “the key to gramercy park” by deadsy. still don’t know anything else about deadsy but that one song.
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clatterbane · 6 months
Speaking of bizarre physics, here's one semi-painful example of trying to retrieve a collectible at the blue marker, up on one bank over the road cut. In the best starter vehicle for offroad: fittingly, the "Psychotic Fox"! Wearing the paint job I just picked up from the last blue marker. Because you apparently go around lifting them off random wrecker cars. (?)
Also, incidentally featuring at the very beginning: some random NPC truck that ran itself off the road. The occasional glimpse of other race drivers is the only sign of presumably living humanity in this game. The road trucks may be automated, which could help explain some of their behavior.
First, we have to figure out how to get up to where the marker is. While fighting that buggy, which bogs completely down the moment you lose momentum. While navigating up the side of a damn mountain--no way that could go wrong.
After too much of that, complete with smacking into trees once the thing is moving decently? We finally reach the top, where of course the marker is hiding behind more trees. Better make sure we can see the thing to aim for it, because it looks like we're getting one chance at it on the way down! Our little dude's ass is glued to whatever vehicle he's currently in. He can't just run over and grab these things.
On the plus side, our Fox is nearly indestructible. (Along with the other vehicles in the Fuelverse.) It can go straight down a mountainside--and, once you do have a little speed and traction, halfway up the other side. If it does smack into obstacles too hard, run into deep water, or otherwise eventually get too beaten up? It'll just auto-respawn in a few seconds, good as new. Or, as happened here after I finally got enough smoke coming out of it? You can also do that manually anytime you like, at the cost of a few seconds which really don't matter in free roam.
Shame vehicle manufacturers in our universe aren't taking more cues from that, if not from the performance of most of these.
This was some more frustrating terrain than in some of the other areas of this world. But, it's all kind of fun.
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gameznewsinfo · 7 months
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Download the Best High Graphics Offroad Games For Android.
Link in comments.
GamezNews(.com) - Just Google it.
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duckdotcom · 2 years
the best invisible boundary mechanic in video games was in atv offroad fury for ps2 where when you would drive too far and hit the edge of the map it would chuck you into the air at impossible speeds and fucking kill you on impact so that you had to respawn
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dotwavrider · 1 year
Janurary 1st, 2023.
I know I'm late to post anything relating to new years but I wanted to show some of my shitty and overly emotional writing off. Please enjoy
January 1st, 2023
I spent New Year’s Eve playing Namco's 1998 racing game Ridge Racer Type 4 on a Playstation 1 emulator.
The game’s real good, you should definitely check it out if you get the chance. Even if you don’t like racing games. It’s got one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard in a video game period. I mean, Move Me ALONE is probably better than most video game soundtracks. The gameplay’s also incredible. It’s difficult but not unfair, it doesn’t hold your hand but you always feel like you have shot at victory; that’s a tough balance to strike. The aesthetic’s dope too, it’s got that new millennium flair that I always find to be super novel in video games. That’s why I chose to play the game on New Year’s actually; the final track of the grand prix finds you on a 6 lap race in Los Angeles counting down from New Year’s Eve 1999 to the year 2000. So I guess it felt appropriate. 
As I was playing through the Grand Prix, unlocking faster cars, slowly gaining the support of my manager Yazaki, racing through the beautiful set of courses R4 has to offer, a phrase kept popping in my head.
“If I can envision what’s in front of me, I know I can still win”
Every time I was just outside of qualifying range with little time before I finished the final lap, I thought that to myself. Every time I got a bad start and stayed in 8th place for the whole first lap, I thought to myself. Every time I hit the brake too late on a turn and lost a decent placing, I thought that to myself. That if I could just see the car to beat in front of me, I would know I could still find a way to get ahead of it, and all the other cars I needed to get ahead of in order to qualify. 
I had this same thought when I was in second place on the 6th lap final of the track, Shooting Hoops in Los Angeles, at 11:59 on December 31st, 1999. Kimara Lovelace’s vocals on the soundtrack are booming through my Sony wired headphones. My heart starts pumping just a little faster. Without realizing it, I begin to tap my feet. I hit the brakes on the final turn, hoping not to move into the offroad and get slowed down, and hoping not to brake too much and lose speed for the final stretch. I grip the handles of my Dualshock 4 controller tight. I finish the turn. I’m still in first place, and as I reach the end begin to think about something else
I’ve felt kind of down about life for a lot of the past month or so. After winter break started, I found myself feeling more isolated than I have in a while. I didn’t talk to a lot of my friends, and I’ve barely talked to anyone I know outside my family in person. What’s frustrating is that I knew that the winter season had already been affecting my mood negatively; seeing that stick around during the one time I should be freed from that sort of baggage, it felt really awful.
The holidays didn’t help either. I have the worst habit of feeling depressed on Christmas and other days and occasions where most people are having a good time. I know I’m not alone in this, and it wasn’t always this way for me, but that’s the way it was this year. 
And, I’ve been thinking alot about the future, and how scared of it I am. I’m scared that the way I feel about my life won’t change as grow older. Scared that I won’t be able to find a place where I feel safe, and that my life has meaning. And I’m scared that that fear will paralyze me into not living a life I enjoy. I’m scared that when I look back on the time I spent alive, I’ll be truly, deeply, sad. A phrase keeps popping up in my head
“I’m less scared of change than I am of things staying the same”
I spend a lot of time with my own thoughts. In fact I’ve been spending almost every moment of almost every day inside, a lot of that being in the same room, looking at the same monitor, connected to the computer with the Duckstation PS1 emulator and the Ridge Racer Type 4 .bin file.
I didn’t end up winning that race, I lost my first placing right before I got to the finish line. Shooting Hoops took me 3 tries in total; you’d be surprised at how difficult such a simple track layout is. But when I did finish it, and watched the ending text scroll, I was struck by the following line
“A man can change as long as he lives.”
You see, in R4, you can pick one of four teams to represent you for the Grand Prix, and for each path you get to see your manager go on a unique and satisfying character arc throughout the course of your playthrough. For this run I chose the Japan team, led by Yazaki, and his story is about how he learns to get over the loss of his racing partner and closest friend, Giuliano. The line in the ending scroll is what Yazaki says to his late friend after you’ve won the tournament, citing that you, the player, helped remind him of that truth.
I’m still scared of the future, near and far. I’m scared that by the end of 2023, I won’t feel like I’ve changed to be more like the person I want to be. I’m scared that I’ll still feel a lot of the same ways I do right now, alone, hopeless, and desperately tired. But what I know now, more than I’ve ever known, is that I can change, even if that change isn’t a straight line, and even if I won’t always realize it. And that life is easier to bear when you embrace that.
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foxingpeculiar · 10 days
FF7 R&R:
Okay. Still in the Grasslands/Chapter 2. No real story spoilers in this one, I'd say.
Lesse, what did I do? I got the card shop unlocked (fucking owned all 3 games you play as part of that quest--I like this one; better than Triple Triad or Tetra Master). Also, the narrative as part of this quest where Vash made Tifa her own drink was a nice little moment.
I like how they're shaping the characters. That moment with her, the whole tension between Kyrie and Barrett, Nanaki being the insecure kid when the chocobo's sense of smell is better than his. The way they're (systematically) developing character relationships is, so far, very satisfying.
I met some moogles. And oh, that shit is annoying. What am I, a sheepdog? But, with much cursing, I pulled it off. (Also, I've never seen a voice-acted moogle before, and I'm mildly disappointed that they just have like... normal voices [and don't say "kupo!" nearly enough], but okay, whatever.)
Quetzalcoatl was, so far, the best fight of this game. In the first few moments, I was like "oh, I might be underleveled for this." But then, I found a rhythm and it became "wait, I might actually be able to pull this off." And then I did. And it was very satisfying. We're early game yet--I'm really interested to see what more advanced bosses and such look like.
Taking a step back, I do have a few difficulties. Navigation being one of them. There's been a few times where I've had something pinned on the map and had a moment about "where the fuck is this thing? how do I actually get to that?" Also, I keep having to remind myself that this isn't like a Skyrim or Dark Souls kind of thing that rewards you for poking around every corner--just do the objectives and you'll be fine.
Which kind of speaks to the only criticism I have at this point, which ls just kind of... a pandering to modern open-world design--lots of things to collect and check off, but not much incentive to really explore/discover in the way things like Soulsborne or Zelda or even Elder Scrolls do. To go offroad. Although, I will say, the chocobo treasure-hunt mechanic does evoke some pleasantly Twilight Princess vibes.
But, by nature Final Fantasy is a linear experience (sometimes a little too much so--lookin' at you, ff13), and while I'm interested in the way they're kind of like... filling out the region and the worldbuilding that that involves, it's not quite at the level I wish it were. I'm still on board, invested even, but okay. I can check off some lists. It's not as cool as discovering things in a more organic way, but it's fine.
Other stray thoughts:
being able to customize your chocobo gear just makes me think of "horse armor," which makes me laugh.
curious about this Chadley/MAI tension that seems to be happening; where's that gonna go?
When Beck's gang does the whole 3-card-monte thing, I failed it because I got distracted by my cat during the cutscene. I don't think it matters to the quest (this game is pretty forgiving; again, I'm used to Soulslikes, which actively hate you), but like... does it play out differently if you guess correctly?
So okay. Tomorrow I might have a little more gaming time before my evening shift--we'll see. I'm almost exactly 9 hours in at this point and... yeah, this is gonna be big one. I got few big ones lined up. Not enough hours in the day.
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vectoroffroad · 1 month
Transform Your Jeep Gladiator's Appearance with Vector Offroad's UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete
Are you tired of your Jeep Gladiator blending into the crowd? Want to give it a distinct personality that reflects your adventurous spirit? Look no further than Vector Offroad's UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete. This innovative accessory not only enhances the appearance of your Jeep Gladiator but also improves its functionality, making it a must-have for any enthusiast. Join us as we explore how the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete can transform your ride into a head-turning masterpiece.
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What is the Vector Offroad UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete?
The Vector Offroad UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete is more than just a cosmetic upgrade – it's a game-changer for Jeep Gladiator owners. This sleek accessory replaces the bulky factory sensors on the front bumper, giving your vehicle a clean and minimalist look. Crafted from premium materials, the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete is built to last, ensuring years of reliable performance on and off the road.
But the benefits don't stop there. By eliminating the factory sensors, the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete reduces weight and improves aerodynamics, resulting in better fuel efficiency and overall driving dynamics. Plus, its precision-engineered design ensures a perfect fit, so you can trust that your Jeep Gladiator will look like it rolled off the assembly line with the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete installed.
Installation Process
Worried about the installation process? Don't be. Vector Offroad has made it easy for DIY enthusiasts to install the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete with step-by-step instructions and all the necessary hardware included. With just basic hand tools and a little elbow grease, you can have your Jeep Gladiator looking sleek and stylish in no time.
Start by removing the factory sensors from the front bumper, being careful not to damage any surrounding components. Once removed, simply mount the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete using the provided hardware and mounting brackets. Double-check all connections to ensure everything is secure before reassembling the bumper. It's that easy!
Compatibility and Performance
One of the best things about the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete is its compatibility with other aftermarket accessories. Whether you're adding a winch, light bar, or bull bar, the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete seamlessly integrates with other components for a cohesive look. Plus, its durable construction means you can tackle any off-road adventure with confidence, knowing that your Jeep Gladiator is equipped to handle whatever comes its way.
But don't just take our word for it; hear what our customers have to say. "I couldn't believe how much of a difference the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete made to the appearance of my Jeep Gladiator," says one satisfied customer. "Not only does it look amazing, but it also performs flawlessly," adds another. With rave reviews like these, it's clear that the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete is a game-changer for Jeep Gladiator owners everywhere.
Where to Buy
Ready to elevate your Jeep Gladiator's appearance? Head over to the Vector Offroad store today to purchase the UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete and other quality aftermarket accessories. With fast shipping and excellent customer service, you can trust Vector Offroad to deliver products that exceed your expectations. Don't settle for a stock Jeep Gladiator; customize it with Vector Offroad and stand out from the crowd.
In conclusion, the Vector Offroad UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete is a must-have accessory for any Jeep Gladiator owner looking to make a statement. Its sleek design, easy installation process, and compatibility with other aftermarket accessories make it a top choice among enthusiasts. So why wait? Transform your Jeep Gladiator's appearance today with Vector Offroad's UFO-S Bumper Sensor Delete and hit the road in style.
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maximuswolf · 2 months
ATV Offroad Fury Level Question
ATV Offroad Fury Level Question I played these games many years ago on ps2 when I was a kid. They were a ton of fun and I remember trying to do free roam on the levels that weren’t an indoor track and exploring what I could. I vaguely remember a level where you were in a small town, I think. There was a restaurant you could drive up close to called Rossburger. I don’t remember much else about the level. I also think there was a level in game called “The Pros” or something similar where there was a big house and you could drive through the backyard. I realize this is vague and wish I remembered more. I probably haven’t played the game since 2007 and my 10 year old brain then may not remember the best. I think it was Off-road Fury 3, but I can’t find any info about this level online. I no longer have a PS2. Maybe someone knows the level? Submitted April 14, 2024 at 02:29PM by DazedPirate7595 https://ift.tt/rPJE75u via /r/gaming
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drivingonly · 1 year
SnowRunner - Realistic steering wheel gameplay
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henrywilliams324 · 2 months
10 Best Simulation Games for Android: Dive into Realistic Virtual Worlds
Simulation games have become a staple in the world of mobile gaming, offering immersive experiences that allow players to step into various roles and scenarios. With the Android platform boasting a plethora of options, we've narrowed down the top 10 simulation games that promise to deliver captivating gameplay and lifelike experiences. Among these standout titles is Truck Simulator Ultimate, which offers a realistic truck driving simulation unlike any other.
Truck Simulator Ultimate
Truck Simulator Ultimate puts players in the driver's seat of powerful trucks, challenging them to navigate through diverse landscapes and deliver cargo to different destinations. With stunning graphics and intuitive controls, this game provides an immersive trucking experience that will keep players hooked for hours.
The Sims Mobile
The Sims Mobile brings the beloved life simulation franchise to Android devices, allowing players to create and customize their own virtual characters, build homes, and pursue careers. With its engaging gameplay and endless possibilities, The Sims Mobile offers a truly immersive experience that keeps players coming back for more.
Farming Simulator 20
Farming Simulator 20 lets players experience the joys and challenges of running their own farm. From planting and harvesting crops to raising livestock and managing finances, this game offers a realistic simulation of farm life. With detailed graphics and a wide range of agricultural equipment to use, Farming Simulator 20 provides a compelling experience for fans of farming simulations.
Flight Pilot Simulator 3D Free
Flight Pilot Simulator 3D Free allows players to take to the skies and pilot a variety of aircraft, from small propeller planes to jumbo jets. With realistic flight physics and stunning visuals, this game offers an authentic flying experience for players of all skill levels.
BitLife - Life Simulator
BitLife - Life Simulator puts players in control of the lives of virtual characters, allowing them to make decisions that shape their destinies. From choosing a career path to starting a family, players must navigate the complexities of life and deal with the consequences of their choices.
Bus Simulator: Ultimate
Bus Simulator: Ultimate lets players experience the thrill of driving a bus through city streets and highways. With realistic graphics and intuitive controls, this game provides a true-to-life simulation of bus driving. Players can customize their buses, manage routes, and interact with passengers as they strive to build a successful bus company.
Euro Truck Evolution (Simulator)
Euro Truck Evolution (Simulator) puts players behind the wheel of a European truck, transporting cargo across scenic landscapes. With its stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, this game offers a realistic simulation of long-haul trucking.
Construction Simulator 3
Construction Simulator 3 allows players to take on the role of a construction contractor, managing a fleet of vehicles and completing a variety of construction projects. With its realistic physics and detailed environments, this game offers a true-to-life simulation of the construction industry.
Car Mechanic Simulator 18
Car Mechanic Simulator 18 puts players in the shoes of a car mechanic, tasked with repairing and restoring a variety of vehicles. With its detailed car models and realistic mechanics, this game offers an immersive simulation of auto repair.
Offroad Outlaws
Offroad Outlaws lets players explore rugged terrain in customizable off-road vehicles. With its realistic physics and dynamic weather system, this game offers an authentic off-road experience.
In conclusion
the world of simulation games on Android offers a diverse range of experiences for players to enjoy. Whether you're driving trucks, flying planes, managing cities, or building farms, there's something for everyone in this genre. With realistic graphics, immersive gameplay, and endless possibilities, these 10 best simulation games for Android promise hours of entertainment and excitement for gamers of all ages. And with Truck Simulator Ultimate leading the pack, players can look forward to an unparalleled truck driving experience on their mobile devices.
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alisonwoood · 4 months
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Enhance Efficiency: Explore Top-Quality Tools for Automotive Repair Shops and Fleet Maintenance
For automotive repair and fleet maintenance, efficiency is key. Every minute saved translates to increased productivity and ultimately, greater profits. To achieve this level of efficiency, it’s essential to invest in top-quality tools that not only streamline operations but also deliver precise results.
Let’s explore some of the best tools available for automotive repair shops and fleet maintenance, focusing on portable alignment equipment and other essential accessories.
QuickTrick QuickString 4-Wheel Kit
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/4thgen/
The QuickTrick QuickString 4-Wheel Kit is a game-changer for automotive professionals. This innovative system allows users to check caster, camber, toe, and thrust angle with unparalleled accuracy, all in one package.
Designed for use on any hard surface, this kit eliminates the need for expensive alignment machines, saving both time and money.
With components like caster/camber verticals, toe bars, digital gauges, and attachment brackets, this kit provides everything you need for precise alignments. Plus, its portability makes it ideal for on-the-go repairs and fleet maintenance.
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/quicktrick-alignment-4th-gen-elite-slider-system/
The QuickTrick Alignment 4th Gen Slider Systems offer a lightweight and portable solution for wheel alignments. With options available for wheels ranging from 13 to 27 inches, these systems are suitable for a wide range of vehicles, including race cars, trucks, and custom builds.
The included steel turnplates provide smooth adjustments, while the magnetic degree decals ensure precise measurements every time. Plus, with no lift required, these systems are easy to set up and use, making them ideal for busy shops and mobile mechanics.
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/turnplates-made-of-us-steel/
The QuickTrick Wheel Alignment Turn Plates are an essential tool for any automotive professional. These drive-on/roll-on turn plates are lightweight, functional, and affordable, making them perfect for both shop use and mobile applications.
With a weight capacity of 1500 lbs per plate and magnetic degree decals for easy reading, these turn plates deliver precise results with minimal effort. Their low profile design allows for seamless transitions, eliminating the need for jacking up the vehicle.
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Product Link- https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/quicktrick-steering-wheel-holder/
The QuickTrick Steering Wheel Holder is a simple yet effective tool for aligning vehicles. With its adjustable height and loaded spring mechanism, this holder fits a wide variety of cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
Its smooth hooks prevent damage to the steering wheel or seat cover, while its sturdy construction ensures long-lasting durability. Whether you’re performing alignments in the shop or out in the field, this essential tool will help you achieve accurate results every time.
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/powersports-alignment-kit-8-26-rims/
It offers unparalleled versatility and precision for wheel alignments. With a frame designed to accommodate multiple sizes of rims and tires across three sets, including 8–15", 15–20", and 17–24" verticals, it ensures compatibility with a wide range of vehicles.
The kit includes toe bars for both 30" and 38" tires, attachment pins with extensions and red tips for secure positioning, QuickTrick backup bungees for added stability, and two QuickTrick tape measures for accurate measurements. Complete with a digital camber gauge and a durable QuickTrick case, this kit is a comprehensive solution for powersports enthusiasts and professionals alike.
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/fleet-rv-bus-offroad-alignment-kit/
The kit caters to the needs of large vehicles, fleet maintenance, RV enthusiasts, and off-road aficionados. Ideal for Baja racers, 4x4 enthusiasts, buses, semi-trucks, and military applications, this kit ensures optimal performance and safety on any terrain. Featuring a dual side set-up frame for caster, camber, and toe adjustments, along with a digital gauge and two tape measures, it offers precise alignment for a variety of vehicles.
With components like attachment pins with red protector caps, extensions for tire clearance, attachment magnets, backup bungees, and an Allen wrench included, this kit is a comprehensive solution for alignment needs without compromising performance.
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Product Link: https://quicktrickalignment.com/product/consumer-commercial-large-truck-alignment-combo-kit/
This kit is the ultimate solution for both consumer and commercial large truck alignment needs. This all-inclusive package covers everything from buses and trucks to RVs and passenger vehicles, ensuring comprehensive alignment capabilities. With components like the QuickTrick RV & 4x4 system for heavy-duty vehicles, the 4th Gen Pro alignment system for passenger vehicles, and roll-on steel turnplates with magnetic degree decals, precision alignment is guaranteed.
The kit includes a QuickTrick steering wheel holder for added convenience and a lifetime membership to the QuickSpecs online alignment spec database, making it an indispensable tool for professional garages, fleet maintenance, and RV owners alike.
QuickTrick Alignment: Your Trusted Wheel Alignment Partner
Whether you’re performing alignments on passenger vehicles or servicing large fleets of trucks and buses, the right equipment can make all the difference.
All QuickTrick Alignment Kits are 3rd party tested for accuracy. No wonder they are used by individuals, automotive shops, professional and amateur racers, and even the military.
From portable alignment kits to essential accessories like turn plates and steering wheel holders, these tools are designed to streamline operations and deliver precise results.
So why wait? Upgrade your toolkit today and take your automotive repair business to the next level!
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fourbyfitouts · 8 months
5 Benefits of 4WD Storage Drawers for Your Offroad Journeys
When embarking on an offroad adventure, having the right equipment can make all the difference. One essential piece of gear that often gets overlooked is 4WD storage drawers. These versatile and convenient storage solutions can greatly enhance your offroad experience.
In this blog post, we'll explore the top benefits of using 4x4 storage drawers for your off-road journeys.
Organized and Efficient Packing
Offroad trips can be challenging, with rough terrain and unpredictable conditions. One of the primary benefits of using top 4WD storage drawers is keeping your gear organized and secure. No more rummaging through a disorganized mess in the back of your vehicle. These drawers provide designated spaces for your tools, recovery equipment, camping gear, and more.
With everything in its place, you can quickly access what you need, making your offroad journey smoother and more enjoyable.
Additionally, having your gear neatly stored in drawers reduces the risk of damage or breakage during transit. No more worries about fragile items shattering or essential tools getting damaged due to constant jostling.
Maximizing Cargo Space
Offroad enthusiasts often face limited cargo space, especially if they're traveling in smaller vehicles. 4WD drawers make the most of every available inch. These drawers are custom-designed to fit the specific dimensions of your vehicle, allowing you to utilize the space efficiently.
You can also stack and secure items on top of the 4x4 storage drawers, making it possible to carry even more gear without compromising safety or comfort.
This additional cargo space can be a game-changer on long journeys. It means you can bring along more supplies, whether it's extra water, food, or emergency equipment, without feeling cramped inside your vehicle.
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Enhanced Safety
Safety is paramount when heading off the beaten path. 4WD drawers can play a vital role in enhancing your safety on the trail. By securing your gear in lockable drawers, you reduce the risk of loose items becoming projectiles during sudden stops or bumpy rides. Moreover, organized storage minimizes the time spent searching for essential items, which can be critical in emergencies.
In offroad situations, quick access to recovery gear or first aid supplies can be a lifesaver. best 4x4 storage drawers ensure that these essential items are within arm's reach, minimizing the time and stress involved in locating them when needed.
Weatherproof and Durable
Offroad adventures often mean exposure to the elements. Whether you encounter heavy rain, dust, or mud, your gear needs to stay protected. 4WD storage drawers are typically designed to be weatherproof and durable. They can withstand extreme conditions, keeping your equipment safe and dry. The materials used in their construction are resistant to corrosion, ensuring a long lifespan for your investment.
You can have peace of mind knowing that your valuable gear, electronics, or camping supplies won't be ruined by moisture or dirt. This durability is especially important for those who love to venture into rugged, remote areas where replacements or repairs may not be readily available.
Customizable and Versatile
One of the most significant advantages of 4WD storage drawers is their customization options. You can configure the drawers to meet your specific needs. Some models offer removable dividers and compartments, allowing you to adapt the storage space to different types of trips. Whether you're going on a weekend camping adventure or a longer expedition, these drawers can be tailored to your requirements.
Additionally, these drawers are not limited to just offroad use. They can be valuable for everyday life as well. You can easily remove them from your vehicle, making them a versatile storage solution for home organization or even work-related tools.
4WD drawers are an indispensable addition to your offroad setup. They offer organized and efficient packing, maximize cargo space, enhance safety, withstand the elements, and provide customization options. Investing in these drawers will make your offroad journeys more enjoyable and safer and stress-free.
So, if you're planning your next adventure, include 4x4 storage drawers on your checklist – you won't regret it!
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ferntree123 · 8 months
"Discover Paradise: Fern Tree Resort - The Best Resorts in Wayanad"
A posh experience in the hills where you may experience the rush of being outside. It is located in the midst of the Wayanad district like a tiny piece of paradise. Experience the best in hospitality at Fern Tree Resort, which is ideal for rejuvenating family holidays, celebrations with friends, and romantic getaways. Every traveler's wish list includes a visit to Wayanad, often known as the "land of heavenly trails." At Fern Tree Resort, we offer you comfort and luxury in this exquisite home. The opulent rural retreat Fern Tree Resort is located in the mysterious Western Ghats and promises you a day of peace, tranquility, love, and laughter with your loved ones. You will be captivated by the spectacular architectural designs and the aesthetically pleasing environment inspired by nature at this superbly situated resort close to Mananthavady town. It is the ideal escape from the bustle of daily life with its alluring view of the expansive hills, majestic trees, and natural rock formations.
If you're contemplating planning a destination wedding, you've arrived to the right place! The best venue resort in Wayanad is commonly acknowledged to be Fern Tree Resort. It's not surprising that the number of destination weddings has increased recently. There are several reasons why it would be alluring to host your family and friends in a lovely location on your special day.Due to the intimacy of destination weddings, arranging one can frequently be less expensive than preparing one at home. The Fern Tree Resort also provides enticing wedding packages.
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It's now simpler than ever to maintain a healthy lifestyle while traveling. While our guests discover Wayanad's natural beauties, they may work out in the best indoor gym in the area at The Fern Tree Resort. While staying at Fern Tree Resort, the top indoor gym resort in Wayanad, you may warm up and activate every muscle in your body with the help of a variety of contemporary workout machines in the indoor gym. As a result, the greatest indoor gym resort in Wayanad is Fern Tree Resort, where you should stay if you're concerned about maintaining your exercise program while on vacation there.
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The trendiest club and ballroom in Wayanad are located at the Fern Tree Resort. Here, you can spend your free time making acquaintances with other visitors who are staying at the Fern Tree Resort. Play a game of pool or carrom, try your hand at table tennis, or if you're a cunning sort, maybe the chess board is for you. Whatever your passion, we have planned the ideal club and ballroom at the Fern Tree Resort close to Wayanad to make the most of your downtime. If you're traveling to Wayanad, consider staying at the Fern Tree Resort, one of the best family resorts in Wayanad there is with a club and ballroom.
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For a pleasant vacation in the stunning Wayanad hills where you can safely camp out in nature, turn to Fern Tree Resort. With the help of a shared adventure, we have tailored this package to help you strengthen your relationship with your significant other. We provide our visitors with a beautiful and welcoming environment in which to enjoy their alone time. Our campfire package for tourists lets you relax your mind by transporting it to a peaceful condition by keeping you away from everything that keeps you from appreciating the pleasures of a good existence. At the Fern Tree Resort in Wayanad, take advantage of the greatest campfire tour packages.
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Offroading is a fantastic pastime that draws a ton of tourists to the Western Ghats, particularly to the breathtaking backcountry roads of Wayand. Our drivers are professionals who know the Wayanad forest roads like the back of their hands. They'll take you on an exhilarating off-roading adventure through Wayanad's hilly roads. All of the vehicles we use for off-roading are tried-and-true models that thousands of off-roaders from across the world have confidence in. The Fern Tree Resort is the place to go if you're seeking for an amazing and safe off-roading adventure in Wayanad because of its team's unmatched understanding of these routes.
Ferntree Resort Wayanad is not just a place to stay; it's an experience of luxury, nature, and relaxation. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a corporate retreat, our resort offers a blend of world-class amenities and the natural beauty of Wayanad. Book your stay with us and let Ferntree Resort be your gateway to the enchanting landscapes and unforgettable experiences that Wayanad has to offer. Welcome to paradise!
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