#best online algebra class
morganbritton132 · 2 years
The kids have a running series across all their Tiktok accounts called “Eddie Munson Doing His Best To Get Divorced.” It includes:
Part 3: Mike’s filming. Steve, halfway through putting together a bookshelf, asks Eddie for some help. Eddie says, “Stevie, I’m gay. The internet says I’m allowed to be useless.” Steve is just ????
Part 4: Filmed by El. Eddie hugs Steve from behind and then bites him. She captioned it: Cute!
Part 6: a video filmed by Will of Eddie returning home after taking Steve’s service dog Ozzy to the groomers. Ozzy is pink now. Eddie’s got a smile a mile wide and Steve is just like, “Babe, why?”
Part: 8: a video by Lucas of Eddie changing out the letters on the letter board in the kitchen that used to have a quote about teaching from when Steve did online classes but now says LET’S HAVE SEX.
Part 8.5: a video by Max of Steve noticing what the letter board says fifteen minutes into a zoom study session with his sixth period algebra class four months after Eddie changed it.
Part 13: Dustin is zooming in and out on Steve’s face as he insist that he is not falling asleep. It’s a losing battle because Steve is already laying down on the couch. He shifts the camera up when he sees Eddie so you can see the thought forming in Eddie’s mind right before he throws himself over the back of the couch and directly onto Steve. It obviously startled Steve and wakes him up, but Eddie says as if he did not just scare the life out of him, very casually, “Let’s cuddle, babe.”
Eddie, while Steve is still trying to process what the hell even happened, “You’re watching Lord of the Rings? Without me, Henderson?”
Part 24: Jimmy Fallon asking how Eddie is friends with well-respected, hard hitting journalist Nancy Wheeler and Eddie saying that they actually have a lot in common. His husband has been inside both of them. Erica films her tv. The caption says ‘Boy, he’s going to kill you.’
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wonbin-truther · 3 months
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╰┈➤ creeper? aw man
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lee sohee was a normal college student up until covid. that was until he got bored one day and set up the sohee_e twitch account. practically overnight he became a hit for his humor and being one of the hottest minecraft gamers. no wonder brands were practically falling at his feet in dms for him to sign with them. the bad part of sudden fame? sohee wasn't able to set up a side twitter account (nor did he care to) so his desperation for you is public knowledge.
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osaki shotaro met sohee during a college gen ed dance course. when it was moved online, the two started messaging back and forth in order to complete assignments. just as sohee's gaming gained attraction over covid, shotaro's dance covers did too. now he can be spotted as a backup dancer for some of the biggest names.
jung sungchan is one of sohee's newer friend, although it feels as if he's been around forever. they had started dming online when sungchan asked to play valorant. sohee quickly brought him into the group, knowing he would fit right in. now, the group has appeared in most of sungchan's vlogs.
song eunseok is also a newer friend to the small group of boys. sohee met him during one of his first modeling gigs, eunseok quickly taking the young and overwhelmed boy under his wing. coincidently, he was one of seunghan's close friends so the merge into the group was easy.
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park wonbin is the definition of superstar. he had started as a child actor. he was one of the few who broke out of their child fame and seamlessly transitioned into where he is now. sohee however, knew him during his early acting days from a high school algebra class. he was also very close friends with anton so when a group project brought the 3 together, sohee became quick friends with him.
hong seunghan has been friends with sohee since early elementary school. the two were table mates and bonded over their love for pokemon. sohee watched in high school as modeling reps and idol recruiters practically lined up in front to get their hands on him.
lee anton has been with sohee since practically the dawn of time. their moms were best friend making them automatic best friends since the time they were born. anton is also a streamer, having joined twitch after being begged by sohee's followers after he joined him during a stream. the two are often streaming together or appear at some point during the solo stream due to the fact they live together.
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synopsis! sohee was a well known streamer, having grown his fanbase over covid with the game minecraft and slowly branched into other games along with sponsorships and modeling offers. he was also well known for being your number one twitter fanboy, never missing one of your posts even if fashion wasn't his greatest interest. what happens when a modeling gig brings him face to face with you?
players (open)! @ihrtantn @secretiny @nujeskz @seunitas @be0mlvr @100203shong @llearlert @astro-doll-the-star @saranghoeforanton
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freckliedan · 6 months
@simplydnp because you were interested in the tags on my recent rb, here is what i remember of the au i came up with in my college algebra class in 2018:
in this au phil is a math professor & has been for a couple years. he's hot about this
math is a kind of language, you know? it's not that much of a stretch.
dan and phil in this au are long distance/online best friends for YEARS, never managing to end up in the same city
one of them moving to the other has always been the plan & they've visited each other/taken trips together as often as possible so they know that living together would work well
they both know there's a mutual attraction but they never were single at the same time/never in a good place to do long distance indefinitely
it has now been a Long time since they had any conversations about it, which isn't a surprise because they're still not living in the same location
dan dropped out of university, halfway through his first semester. in this universe, he decides to go back to school for something he's actually interested in. possibly queer studies?
he gets into the school phil teaches at. EXCITING! they're going to be in the same place.
since dan's going to be a non-traditional student—phil was already teaching at dan's age—the dorms would suck. finding somewhere affordable to live also sucks
phil, of course, offers for dan to move in with him. he's got a second bedroom that's currently an office
move in day is a LONG day of travel & lugging around boxes and smaller furniture dan brought with him and they're going to get dan a mattress and bedframe tomorrow but aw hell, phil's air mattress has a leak
it's a no-brainer for them to share phil's bed for the night, they've shared smaller mattresses before on trips
"for the night"
reader, they never get dan his own bed. and they never really talk about it.
lead up to the semester. time for dan to meet with his academic advisor and build a schedule.
dan's plan is to knock out general education requirements he probably won't enjoy early on, but not to have those be the majority of his schedule.
dan doesn't realize it's PHIL'S basic math class he's been put in until he gets home (to the home they share!)
by then it feels like more trouble than it's worth to reschedule with his advisor and figure out an entirely new set of classes to take—the current ones took forever to plan in the first place
it'll be fine. honestly it'll be fun to see what phil's classes are like, & easier than struggling to pay attention with somebody else and having phil help explain things anyways—
halfway through the third week of class dan realizes he's in love with phil, it's not just attraction or a crush, it's been almost a fucking decade, oh my god
and the deadline to drop a class was last week.
phil already knows he's in love with dan. but phil has a strong commitment to ethics. there is a 0% chance he's going to do anything about it while dan's in his class
they go home to their shared home where they have a shared bed. dan almost broaches the conversation.
please can we not talk about it, asks phil. it will be easier for me if we don't talk about it until we can— it'll be easier for me if we don't talk about it yet. that'll make it more real.
roll a semester long slow burn where they're already being extremely domestic and both know they have mutual feelings. there's so much room for further tropes & exploration of existing ones here
there's room for self worth struggles surfacing on dan's part and moral anxiety/anxiety issues on phi'ls part especially with them intentionally not talking about it.
oh noo they have a bad week and dan has a breakdown & almost goes to actually buy a bed setup for himself. etc. quite honestly i didn't get this far i just like putting people in fucking predicaments
of course they fuck nasty once final grades are submitted. merry christmas
i think they go straight from best friends to engaged
dan did actually learn math well from phil but he's never taking another phil class in his life thankyou very much
this au is partially born out of me being inherently contrarian to MYSELF even. i'm generally squicked badly by teacher/student aus on account of Both My Parents Are Teachers so it was a fun exercise in figuring out one that didn't make my skin crawl. aaaand scene.
i'm never going to write this so if anybody who does write finds something they like in it. feel free to run with that just @ me if you post something. i'm freckliedan on ao3 as well
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justlookfrightened · 1 year
A teeny Zimbits ficlet
“Hmm. Jack, if you could have a superpower, what would it be?”
Bitty looked up from his phone to ask the question of Jack, who was making an omelet for breakfast. It was one of Jack’s favorite things, to cook for Bitty, especially when there was a morning when they could both sleep (or not-sleep) in, and then cook and sit and eat and drink coffee and clean up together before even considering starting their day.
“I don’t know,” Jack said. “Mind reading, maybe? So people wouldn’t be so confusing all the time.”
Bitty considered the mess of motivations that had made him do anything from adding ginger to a peach pie to kissing Jack on the ice after he won the Stanley Cup.
“I’m not sure knowing what people are thinking would make things less confusing, sweet pea,” Bitty said. 
“What about you?” Jack asked. “What superpower would you have?”
“Invisibility,” Bitty replied immediately.
“You didn’t even think about that,” Jack said. “Anyway, why would you want to be invisible?”
“Why not?” Bitty said. “If you’re invisible, no one can hurt you.”
“Huh.” Jack gave a dissatisfied sort of grunt, and turned back to the eggs.
Bitty didn’t know why Jack was bothered. He’d always thought invisibility would be the best superpower for him, ever since he first considered the question.
He’d been in high school, clinging to the end of the bench at the lunch table where all the misfits sat. Well, the misfits-but-not-outcasts. It had a couple of band geeks, the one cheerleader who never sat with the rest, the kid who was always the stage manager and never on stage for the drama productions. The only student in Bitty’s class who played on the rec league hockey team had invited Bitty to join them, and Bitty was doing his best to not be relegated (again) to outcast status.
One of the girls — Bitty thought it was the cheerleader, but his memory might be faulty — had read the question out of a quiz in a magazine, and most people had answered things like flying or having super strength or x-ray vision. 
Then someone said they’d like to be invisible, in order to do whatever they wanted and never get caught, and Bitty had thought the idea of not being seen sounded like a kind of heaven. Not  that he wanted to avoid the blame for any misdeeds; he just didn’t want to be seen. If the football players couldn’t see him, they couldn’t push him into lockers or trip him near the top of the stairs. His Algebra II teacher couldn’t call him to the front of the room to solve impossible problems. If Coach couldn’t see him, he couldn’t “playfully” cuff him on the back of the head and ask when he’d find a girlfriend.
He’d miss his mama’s hugs, he thought. But maybe the power would allow him to be visible when he wanted to be, or maybe mama would just understand, and hug him when he told her he was there.
Ever since then, “invisibility” had been his stock answer to the superpower question. Even though there were no longer any football players dogging his steps, the idea of going through life unobserved, and thus uncriticized, had a more than passing appeal.
Apparently, his answer sparked more than passing thoughts in Jack, who brought it up as soon as breakfast was ready.
“I’d really miss being able to see you, bud,” Jack said.
“Yeah?” Bitty asked, purposely looking up at Jack through his eyelashes. “See something you like?”
“Always,” Jack said, “But I didn’t mean like that. I meant, I don’t like the idea of a world where you just disappeared. And I don’t understand how you can say you would want that, either. You’re always out there, whether it’s online or on the ice. You figure skated. You did a sport where, literally, everyone was looking at you because you were the only one to look at.”
“And I stopped doing that sport, because when people noticed, they decided I’d make a good tackling dummy,” Bitty said. “Figure skating was different. When I was on the ice, I was alone, and no one could get to me. No one could touch me. And when I make videos online, it’s kind of the same. No one can hurt me. Even if someone is rude in the comments, I can block them and move on. Aren’t there times you would have liked to be invisible, with the way people have invaded your privacy?”
“Sure, sometimes,” Jack answered. “But not for long. And I remember that the problem is their behavior, not my existence.”
“I never said I didn’t want to exist,” Bitty said. “I just want people to leave me alone.”
“Even me?” Jack’s voice was small. 
“Never you,” Bitty said. “Well … there were some times my freshman year. But not now. I want people to live my life and keep their nastiness to themselves. And my life includes you.”
“That’s good,” Jack said. “And for the record, I think it’s good that people can see you. I think they need to see you, because you are strong and determined and good. Sorry if that sounds corny. I don’t mean it to be. I really believe that you are good, and people need to see that.”
Bitty was nearly tearing up.
“Oh, come on,” Bitty said. “Don’t be so nice to me! You’re gonna make me cry. I do appreciate that’s how you feel. And maybe … maybe it is different now. Now that we’re together, and I don’t feel alone.”
“So, if not invisibility, then what?”
“Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to fly?” 
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Hi so I’m an incoming freshman I have autism and ADHD I was wondering do you have any tips for high school specifically for people with autism and ADHD like me? Thank you for your time!!
Hi there,
It’s been out of school since 2015, so I’m rusty with tips. However I did find one article listing 12 tips that might help:
1. You don’t need ONE study space.
A well-stocked desk in a quiet place at home is key, but sometimes you need variety. Coffee shops, libraries, parks, or even just moving to the kitchen table will give you a change of scenery which can prompt your brain to retain information better.
2. Track more than HW in your school planner.
Keeping a calendar helps you plan ahead—but you’ve got more going on than just homework assignments! Make sure you’re marking your extracurricular, work, and social commitments, too. (Tests, band practice, away games, SAT dates, half-days and holidays are just a few examples of reminders for your planner.)
3. Start small.
If you’ve got a big assignment looming, like a research paper, stay motivated by completing a piece of the project every few days. Write one paragraph each night. Or, do 5 algebra problems from your problem set at a time, and then take a break.
4. School supplies (alone) don’t make you organized.
Come up with a system and keep to it. Do you keep one big binder for all your classes with color-coded tabs? Or do you prefer to keep separate notebooks and a folder for handouts? Keep the system simple—if it’s too fancy or complicated, you are less likely to keep it up everyday.
5. Get into a routine.
When will you make the time to do your homework every day? Find the time of day that works best for you (this can change day-to-day, depending on your schedule!), and make a plan to hit the books.
6. Learn how to create a distraction-free zone.
A study on workplace distractions found that it takes workers an average of 25 minutes to return to what they were working on pre-interruption. Try turning off your phone notifications or blocking Twitter (temporarily) on your computer so you can concentrate on the homework tasks at hand.
7. Get real.
When you’re looking at the homework you have to get done tonight, be realistic about how long things actually take. Gauging that reading a history chapter will take an hour and writing a response will take another 30 minutes will help you plan how you spend your time.
8. Use class time wisely.
Is your teacher finished lecturing, but you still have 10 minutes of class left? Get a jump on your chemistry homework while it’s still fresh in your mind. Or use the time to ask your teacher about concepts that were fuzzy the first time.
9. Look over your notes each night to make sure you've got it.
Fill in details, edit the parts that don’t make sense, and star or highlight the bits of information that you know are most important. Interacting with your notes will help you remember them. You can also use Homework Help to get your questions answered 24/7.
10. Study a little every day.
Cramming Spanish vocabulary for a quiz might work in the short-term, but when comes time to study for midterms, you’ll be back at square 1. You might remember the vocab list long enough to ace the quiz, but reviewing the terms later will help you store them for the long haul.
11. Don’t let a bad grade keep you down.
A rough start to the semester doesn’t have to sink your GPA. Take proactive steps by checking your grades regularly online and getting a tutor if you need one.
12. Make a friend in every class.
Find a few people you can contact from each of your classes if you have a homework question or had to miss class (and do the same for them!).  Then when it comes time to study for exams, you'll already have a study group.
The article will be below:
I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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coffinup · 2 months
Hey! I’m currently in high school and thinking about going into funeral services. I’ve felt with grief for most of my life so I think I could get around it being mentally hard, but I also kind of despise math and have forgotten everything I learned about it this summer. Anything you think I should know about the industry?
I think your experience with grief will absolutely make you the right person for the job. The funeral profession always needs people who understand the struggle and can have true empathy.
So the math thing: there are some US states that require a four-year degree for mortuary science, and some (like mine) that split it up into a separate associates degree and secondary mortuary science diploma. Usually the four-year degrees are attained at universities, and the split/trade style degrees are attained at colleges, trade schools or community colleges. Several colleges have programs you can do hybrid/online as long as you can work at a funeral home. For both you’ll have to do college-level math courses for your gen-ed requirements. BUT something I did for my undergrad is I took a C.L.E.P test for college math so I didn’t have to take a class. CLEPS let you test out of a credit course, so I would look into that if you don’t want to do college math classes. There are study guides for them too. Aside from that, there isn’t much math in mortuary science that goes beyond basic algebra. I had to take an accounting class which required some money-related math, but that was the extent of it. There’s a formula in embalming called the primary dilution formula that is a very basic algebraic problem that’s super easy as long as you understand basic algebra concepts.
I’ll also say a couple things, since you are a young person that wants to go into it out of high school:
-Be prepared to deal with old fogeys that are set in their ways. There will be a lot of them, and the best strategy is to just accept what they try to teach you, and then make decisions based on what you think is best after that.
-Mortuary Science has one of the highest drop-out rates because of the graphic nature of it. About half of my class in the first anatomy course dropped out after we went for our autopsy examination. I think it’s probably stating the obvious that things can get gross, but if you aren’t squeamish and can express and tackle your feelings, you’ll be fine. You’ll be encountering human bodies in various stages of decay, various forms of injury and deformation, and see lots of results of disease. Just be prepared for that! And have an outlet like a trusted friend, therapist or journal where you can talk about your experiences, it’s important to not keep things bottled up!
-Funeral service rarely has an ideal work/life balance. Most funeral homes work on a “10/4” or “2 week” work schedule where you’ll work ten days in a row and get four days off. Some days you’ll work 6-8 hours, other days you might be there all day and night. Something to be prepared for. Larger firms and corporations tend to have more set/defined schedules.
I hope that helps! Good luck on your journey, and I truly wish you the best. Young people being interested in this profession always makes me happy, and I think you’ll do great things. Don’t be too discouraged by your perceived limitations, you NEVER know until you try! And the great thing about being at the age you are is you have ample time to try new things!
Best wishes :)
-Memento Mori
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My plan is under way. I bought seven "For Dummies" books to help refresh myself on all the topics I've forgotten since high school
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Calculus 1
Physics 1
These are by no means comprehensive, but they're a good start. I was able to find the exact textbooks I had in high school, but I opted against them because I figured they wouldn't be super useful with only half of the answers in the back, and I couldn't find the teacher's editions. I'm sure I could have found digital copies online but I learn better from physical books than PDFs, so this was the best bet for my budget.
My goal is to go back to school and earn a BS in astrophysics, which requires 62 credits of really intense math and science. I already have college credit for trig and calc, so there's no need for me to retake those semester long courses, I just need to get a hang of them again before I re-apply for my second bachelor's next fall.
I'll have to talk to an advisor to make sure I'm elligible to start this program with my existing prerequisites. It's not like they'd turn me away, they'd just give me a list of all the classes I need, and I'd sign up for them no matter how long they take. I've been completely listless for almost five years now, so any progress whatsoever is a major achievement for me.
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lipshits-continuous · 7 months
Prime numbers of the ask game let's go!
This is gonna be a long old post haha /pos
2. What math classes did you do best in?:
It's joint between Analysis in Many Variables (literally just Multivariable calculus, I don't know why they gave it a fancy name) and Complex Analysis. Both of which I got 90% in :))
3. What math classes did you like the most?
Out of the ones I've completely finished: complex analysis
Including the ones I'm taking at the moment:
5. Are there areas of math that you enjoy? What are they?
Yes! They are Topology and Analysis. Analysis was my favourite for a while but topology is even better! (I still like analysis just as much though, topology is just more). I also really like group theory and linear algebra
7. What do you like about math?
The abstractness is really nice. Like I adore how abstract things can be (which is why I really like topology, especially now we're moving onto the algebraic topology stuff). What's better is when the abstract stuff behaves in a satisfying way. Like the definition of homotopy just behaves so nicely with everything (so far) for example.
11. Tell me a funny math story.
A short one but I am not the best at arithmetic at times. During secondary school we had to do these tests every so often that tested out arithmetic and other common maths skills and during one I confidently wrote 8·3=18. I guess it's not all that funny but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
13. Do you have any stories of Mathematical failure you’d like to share?
I guess the competition I recently took part in counts as a failure? It's supposed to be a similar difficulty to the Putnam and I'm not great at competition maths anyway. I got 1/60 so pretty bad. But it was still interesting to do and I think I'll try it again next year so not wholly a failure I think
17. Are there any great female Mathematicians (living or dead) you would give a shout-out to?
Emmy Noether is an obvious one but I don't you could understate how cool she is. I won't name my lecturers cause I don't want to be doxxed but I have a few who are really cool! One of them gave a cool talk about spectral geometry the other week!
19. How did you solve it?
A bit vague? Usually I try messing around with things that might work until one of them does work
23. Will P=NP? Why or why not?
Honestly I'm not really that well versed in this problem but from what I understand I sure hope not.
29. You’re at the club and Grigori Perlman brushes his gorgeous locks of hair to the side and then proves your girl’s conjecture. WYD?
31. Can you share a math pickup line?
Are you a subset of a vector space of the form x+V? Because you're affine plane
37. Have you ever used math in a novel or entertaining way?
Hmm not that I can think of /lh
41. Which is better named? The Chicken McNugget theorem? Or the Hairy Ball theorem?
Hairy Ball Theorem
43. Did you ever fail a math class?
Not so far
47. Just how big is a big number?
At least 3 I'd say
53. Do you collect anything that is math-related?
Textbooks! I probably have between 20 and 30 at the moment! 5 of which are about topology :3
59. Can you reccomend any online resources for math?
The bright side of mathematics is a great YouTube channel! There is a lot of variety in material and the videos aren't too long so are a great way to get exposed to new topics
61. Does 6 really *deserve* to be called a perfect number? What the h*ck did it ever do?
I think it needs to apologise to 7 for mistakingly accusing it of eating 9
67. Do you have any math tatoos?
I don't have any tattoos at all /lh
71. 👀
A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors
73. Can you program? What languages do you know?
I used to be decent at using Java but I've not done for years so I'm very rusty. I also know very basic python
Thanks for the ask!!
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causenessus · 20 days
NO I GET ANXIETY- MY BRAIN GOES “wait patiently till your ask gets answered before sending another one.” AND I GO 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ “we are not to be annoying, they have lives outside of tumblr (unlike me) and are not chronically online.” SO I JUST GET ANXIOUS- OR I GET ANXIOUS THAT MY ASKS GET EATEN. OR WORSE. I FORGET TO TURN ON ANON. Not even going to lie, I have almost sent these in without anon so many times bcs I’m not used to yapping at people 😭😭😭 like for the entirety I’ve had my tumblr this is like one of the first times I’m using anon not to request things and just yapping.
I shall try my best to get over my anxiety…like my friends will tell you I’m a chronic like paragraph texter (will send fifteen messages and not care if you respond right away even if I’m writing paragraphs) but the minute I have to like email one of my teachers??? Or ask someone something??? Or send in yapping asks???? No. Like suddenly I get anxious that I’m being annoying- anyways…
YES THE BASEMENT IS NICER. That’s actually why my mom suggested it. Sure it’s smaller than my current room and obv doesn’t have like a closet but! It has its own bathroom, and the laundry room is down here and I’m sure I could add more closet space in there. Since I’m almost a real adult (not really, I’m just 18 and a soon to be no longer high schooler) she wants me to have more privacy especially since her boyfriend will be moving in. So very slowly I am cleaning my room.
OMG YOU’RE SO SWEET THOUGH. I WOULD FEEL BAD IF YOU WERE TO HELP THOUGH LOL. Like my friends have offered to help and I’m just like “😀 it’s like embarrassingly depression. Like needs to be cleaned I cannot see my floor. I can’t make you clean that.” But I appreciate the in spirit help 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ <3
Yeah my senior year is pretty chill. I go to a career tech school so I only have 4 classes and then lunch and then after that I finally get to go to lab (basically where we learn our career stuff). I’m taking English Comp 1 + 2 but that’s the only like higher level course I’m taking. The teacher is so sweet though, like he has a coffee and espresso machine in his room and supplies coffee, creamer, milk, and sugar for us and doesn’t make us pay. He actually encourages it 😭😭😭 he’s like “Are you tired? Oh, why don’t we go make you a cup of coffee yeah?” And then if you bring your own mug he tells you to leave it and he washes it for you and like puts it in the cupboard. Genuinely my fave teacher this year. He also never had the lights on, like he has fairy lights all around his room and then he has soft music playing in the background (The Smiths, Cigarettes After Sex, and some others). His room is so chill and comforting.
The school wanted me to take Collegr Algebra but I said no (mostly bcs I don’t need it for my degree. Culinary/ Pastry majors take business math or at least where I live they do) because the school messed up and I wasn’t supposed to take a math last year (I already had four credits cause I took 2 math classes sophomore yr) but was put in one anyway. So I wanted 1 year where I didn’t have to take math 😭😭😭
All my other classes are pretty easy, they’re both history lol. Or I guess maybe a science and history? They were both labeled as history when I was picking classes so- I have to take American History (like World History isn’t just American History expanded 😒) and Criminology (which is kinda sick ngl- like we’re only on the second week of school but it’s fun so far. We watch movies every Friday and connect them to themes about sociology/criminology).
The only other class I have is study hall and bcs all my classes are so easy I don’t do anything in there except try to write fics to post or read fics other people have posted. Slowly making my way through my drafts. Very slowly. But! Progress nonetheless!!!!
IT’S GONNA BE A WHOLE SEVEN DAYS AND MY MOM IS PAYING FOR MY BEST FRIEND OF 7 years (omg it has been 7 years. Hold on I need to throw up-) TO GO WITH US!!!! My graduation present was supposed to be going to Europe but apparently not all of us have been saving money to go 😒 /lh (adult stuff happened that they had to pay off and we’re gonna have a lot more fun when I’m 21 anyway). I DO DESERVE IT! SCHOOL IS HARD BUT I DIDN’T QUIT AND I GOT GOOD GRADES SOPHMORE YEAR ON (freshman year is when the depression room started 😭😭😭😭). Also kinda glad I’m not going to Europe anymore bcs I’m like terrified of planes. Like no joke I get such bad panic attacks, I hyperventilate and my eyes tear up (and that’s just taking off don’t get me started on turbulence!) like it’s not a fun time. (OF COURSE I’LL CHECK IN BEFORE THEN!!! I HAVE TO YAP TO YOU DUH!)
TURNS OUT I WAS READING THE WRONG SCHOOL EMAILS. (For a little context: I still get emails from my “home” school or the school I went to before the career tech school. I get two graduations because I’m technically part of both schools) AND MY SCHOOL DOESN’T TAKE LIKE SENIOR PORTRAITS. 😔😔😔 my senior photos for like graduation announcements and stuff are Saturday though 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🥰🥰🥰
Listen- I love Suna okay but he’s not like husband. He’s a great character DON’T GET ME WRONG. But there’s just some other characters I like a little 🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻 better than him. however, my irl friend told me I could pull Suna, Timeskip! Osamu, Tendō, and Seijoh 4 (minus Oikawa) so. Confidence??? RAISED ABOVE THE ROOF. ME??? PULL TIMESKIP! OSAMU????? ME??? PULL?? MATSUKAWA ISSEI (HANAMAKI TAKAHAIRO’S FAVORITE FOOD)???? LIKE ???? Little old me???? [sidenote: I love these men but they’re too tall. I KNOW. NO ONE HAS EVER SAID THAT. But I’m a little guy and I would be concerned about their backs from how far they would have to bend down to kiss me 😭😭😭 like 5’ 7 already makes me stand on my tiptoes- so please. Give me a short king. GIVE ME YAKU. But also at the same time I love these men and would NEVER say no if they took me out]
I need Love Notes! Osamu religiously (you can determine what that means).
MAC N CHEESE WITH ORANGE JUICE IS EVIL. Like I already don’t like orange juice (apple juice anon for life [please don’t start a war I’m not fighting. If you like orange juice then like orange juice. I just don’t] <3). In all honesty I’m not that much of a pranker however. 😏 I AM an enabler. I’m the brains and Osamu is the one who executes the plan. I sit there and hand him things.
Speaking of self ship Friday I’ll ask and answer some questions!
Favorite couple thing you guys do?
Me + Love Notes! Osamu enjoy baking our own like fruit bars to eat during movie marathons. What do you and Suna like to do?
Favorite kind of hug?
I’m partial to a back hug but I think that’s bcs my friends do it so often to me. Like arms around waist, chin on head, 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ little head kiss? Heaven.
Do you guys play video games together? If so what do you play and how?
I would force Love Notes! Osamu to play Stardew Valley bcs I have an addiction and everyone I love must play with me at some point (I got my grandma to play, she was very disappointed that she couldn’t romance Gus or the Wizard which really for that). Osamu def tries to blow up the character I’m trying to romance. 😔😔😔😔 But he also probably grinds the mines so I can have pretty rocks. What’s your favorite game to play with Suna?
And the self shipping section of our night comes to a close folks. Tune in next week for more with Bakery Anon and Ness! <3
I think a man (Suna, Osamu, Sakusa. OIKAWA.) sending me a photo of him all bloodied up and smirking I would gen faint. Like swoon. “Is that the light I see? Is it getting closer?” Like I want pathetic beat up men while they’re also able to manhandle me and throw me over their shoulder if they really wanted to. Is that too much to ask???
MANGO ANON <3333 OMG I LOVE THEM!!! I LOVE READING THEIR YAP SESSIONS THEY FILL ME WITH JOY!!!! <3333 mango anon if you’re reading this I love you, keep being silly and full of whimsy <333
OIKAWA IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME. Like I relate to him on a level I don’t even understand. Can I just work on how I ABSOLUTELY ADORED BINARY STARS. I THINK IT WAS ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS I READ WHEN I MADE THIS ACCOUNT. IT WAS DELECTABLE AND I ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I’m not gonna lie, when I get bored Oikawa is who I draw. He is my comfort drawing character. When I try something new for art but need to draw something to test it on I draw him 🧍🏻‍♀️ not everyone is made equal.
Oikawa as a side character in smau’s is so satisfying because he’s usually there with Hinata causing chaos and I love them. Oihina friendship dynamic fills me with such joy. They’re so WHIMSY (yes this is my favorite word rn besides “very cutesy. Very mindful. Very demure.”) I agree though, he’s a very good side character. If he was the main character I don’t think the story (hq) would have the same feel (no duh) like I think it would feel a lot more serious and angsty. Oikawa can be a main character but he’s such a good like foil??? Is that the right word- for Kageyama that he’s the perfect side character.
Like the way both of them work so hard to reach their goals and still somehow fail before they reach them (beating Shiratorizawa and then Kageyama having a team that trusts them so they can win) but eventually they overcome those hardships and get their goals. Does Oikaw beat Shiratorizawa? No and yes, he doesn’t physically beat them no. But he beats them because he gets over his mental challenge of not thinking he’s even good enough to try to beat them. He wins because he starts believing in himself. And Kageyama gets Karasuno (and Hinata) where he learns to trust them and learns it’s okay to fall back on people and you don’t have to do it all on your own (a lesson Oikaaa has to learn too-) and they go to Nationals.
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE WHOLE “b-but he abused Kageyama 🥺🥺🥺” like stfu. Oikawa was a MIDDLE SCHOOLER. LIKE 14-15 HAVING A PANIC ATTACK. Everyone likes to talk about “Oh just feel your emotions it’s okay to have them.” Until someone having a mental break does something that someone does on a breakdown. Like Oikawa was a child who wasn’t thinking clearly, you can see him literally panic during when he tries to hit Kageyama and then after he just kind of shuts down. STOP BLAMING A MIDDLE SCHOOLER FOR HAVING A PANIC ATTACK AND RESPONDING IN A WAY THAT SOMEONE NOT THINKING CLEARLY WOULD RESPOND.
For everyone who made it this far: I want you to know you’re loved. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of your desires, you deserve to be loved the way you want to be loved. Whether that be in the small hours of the morning or in the loud evening lights. You deserve love, you deserve food, you’re beautiful. If no one else tells you today. I love you!
For Ness: YOU’RE WONDERFUL. THANN YOU FOR YAPPING WITH ME AND MATCHING MY ENERGY. I’m so sorry this ask is so long- I’ll be back to yap about try again later!!!! Your writing is lovely and I finally have time to read it!!! <3333 go have a little snack you deserve it. I hope you sleep well <3
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
BUG I AM FINALLY HERE OMG I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO THANKFUL FOR DMS BC I WOULD'VE CRIED IF I HADN'T BEEN ABLE TO TALK TO YOU FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS!!!! <3 AND NO OMG I GET ALL OF THOSE ANXIETIES 😭😭😭 ESPECIALLY THE ONES ABOUT AN ASK GETTING EATEN OR IF I FORGOT TO TURN ON ANON!!!! and dw i don't have a life outside of tumblr 😔😔😔😔😔 i am just forced to have responsible human duties aka school!!! but it's not by choice!! </333
omg bug i cannot cannot cannot tell you how excited i am to read this ask like i keep reading bits of it and hearing about buggykawa AND I AM SHAKING!!!!
and aa the moving into the basement sounds so so fun and nice!! i definitely get like the extra room and everything <3 i cannot remember how much i told you but for a little bit i lived with my sister who was rooming with a friend in a house so they got the top floor and she got the basement and it was really nice!!! and i would move into my basement in my house now but my dad basically uses it as his closet and i don't like the bed down there 😭 but it's okay!!! my room is a little cozy too so i don't mind it <3
AND OMG DW I KNOW WHAT DIRTY ROOMS FEEL LIKE </33 I'M SURE I'VE ALREADY MENTIONED THIS BUT I JUST THROW EVERYTHING ONTO MY FLOOR AND DESK WHEN I GET HOME </33 there's like two bags on my floor at all time for when i go out, a random ziplock bag i always slip on, a camera bag, a trashcan in the way of my dresser (the TOP of my dresser is stacked with clothes) my desk is a mess of scripts and random stationery, and my chair has an unfolded blanket that bothers me so much!! (i promise my room is cozy!! i feel like as i describe my room it sounds worse than it really is but it lowk is that bad SO I GET IT DON'T WORRY) SO I WOULD GLADLY HELP YOU!! I'M ACTUALLY ON THE WAY NOW DON'T WORRY 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
and oh my god what??????????????? your english teacher?????? please bug please i need to go to your school please let me transfer schools PLEASE HE SOUNDS SO NICE like the exquisite music taste?? the fairy lights?? the COFFEE MACHINE??? THE FACT THAT HE WASHES YOUR MUG FOR YOU GUYS?? okay and see this is why i am fighting professions rn bc i want to be a teacher and have a cozy room but i really really want to go into psychology too I CAN'T </333 your english teacher sounds so so sweet!!! please i'll do anything i want him so bad omg i'm crying </3 like genuinely felt a pang of???? sadness?? READING ABOUT HOW COMFY HIS ROOM SOUNDS WHY IS MY SCHOOL FILLED WITH DRUGGY KIDS WHO SNORT COCAINE OFF THEIR DESKS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR TEACHERS 😔😔😔😔😔😔 (true story. i cannot even make that up. i have nothing else to say abt it.)
and aa your classes sound so fun!! i have college algebra second semester but i'm so ready/excited for (hopefully) how easy it's going to be bc last year i fought for my life in trig/pre-calc (THE ONLY CLASS I'VE EVER GOTTEN A B IN IT MADE ME SO MAD AND I WAS SO CLOSE TO AN A BUT I DIDN'T DO AMAZING ON THE FINAL AND I HAD TO BE AT AN 88% OR HIGHER FOR HER TO ROUND MY GRADE AND MY FINAL BROUGHT ME DOWN TO LIKE AN 86 OR SOMETHING 😔😔😔 but i've kept my 4.0 thanks to ap classes <33) AND CRIMINOLOGY IS FUN!! i knew some people who took it last year and they had a blast <3 this semester i have english, sociology, tech theatre, i'm a ta for my acting director teacher, and econ!!! so it's a mix of good and bad classes </3 like econ sucks but i have an amazing teacher who was also my teacher for ap psych last year!!! english kind of sucks, i really actually didn't want to take tech theatre this year but i have to bc i'm basically like in charge of our tech department tbh 😔and i love being a ta for my acting director!! (i tried to be one for him last year but basically i walked into his office which he shares with my tech director and my tech director was the only one there and i asked him where my acting director [we'll call him G to make this easier and my tech director is W] was and W was like "he's not here today. just be a ta for me." and i was like "okay 😃" WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE THAT MAN WORKED ME TO THE BONE being his ta basically meant i was in both tech theatre classes [where we build the sets and i have to carry the lighting department on my back, etc.] BUT i only got like 0.25 credits for it i think?? while taking the actual tech class was 0.5 credits </33 so i really burned myself out last year BUT ANYWAY)
AND NO I TOTALLY GET IT I'M SO SCARED OF PLANES TOO!!! like the way especially that they start all shaky and everything and it just feels so unreal being in one in a bad way they scare me so bad!!! and like i randomly got forced to go on an impulse trip with my mom and her parents on a cruise to Mexico???????? which is WORSE BC I'M TERRIFIED OF WATER!!! the only reason i'm excited to go is bc my mom's parents are the one who just gifted me a camera (and why there's a camera bag on my bedroom floor) AND I AM SO SO EXCITED TO USE IT AND LIVE OUT MY LOVE NOTES YN LIFE!!!!! but other than that i'll permanently be locked away in my room praying that the cruise ship doesn't randomly stop working and i die </33 i'm so scared tbh aaaa
AND OH NO SO LIKE DO YOU NOT EVEN HAVE TO TAKE A SENIOR PHOTO??? i'm so jealous of how many colors you've dyed your hair!!!! my mother's pitch black asian hair definitely ruined all my dreams of having colorful hair 😔😔😔 i just stick to like red highlights bc i think they suit me and it's the only color my hair will maintain!! 😭
and dw!! i actually don't really like any juices 😭😭 like orange juice is too tangy and sweet and citrusy and pulpy for me (i am so so picky) and apple juice is WAY too sweet for me (apples lowk make me feel sick anyway for some reason?? i think i was just not built for sweet things anyway unfortunately </33)
AND AW THE FRUIT BARS TOGETHER?? okay please and thinking about you and osamu like going to the grocery store together too to like buy the ingredients you need and he's always following you around holding the basket for you </3 and the both of you knowing how to pick out good produce and everything like that <3 LIKE YOU GUYS WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER AND COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER SO WELL IT'S SO SO CUTE!!!
for suna and me i think we just like lazing around or rotting in cafes all day <3 like we'll steal booths (my favorite cafe which i'm at now has little booth benches!!) and sit next to each other and just lean on each other watching movies or doing our own work the entire day <333 and even when we go out to restaurants we lowk like sitting next to each other more than sitting across from each other!! and ik most couples like sitting across from each other to like see each other but if he wants to see me and i'm not looking at him he'll just hold the side of my face and turn me towards him anyway <3 (our servers always get sick of us by the end </3)
AND NO HUGS FROM BEHIND ARE SO SO SOFT AND ADORABLE AND WARM AND I LOVE THEM TOO!!! and i know like them being from osamu?? he'd literally have to hold me up bc my knees would turn to jelly and give out being in his arms </3
AND OMG I LOVE STARDEW VALLEY TOO <3 I AM DEF MAKING SUAN PLAY WITH ME AND WE CAN HAVE BUGMU SUNESS STARDEW VALLEY CO OP NIGHTS!! <3333 you're so real for making everyone play too like i've bought sdv for three friends at this point i think?? bc i love it so much and i just want other people to play it too!! YOUR GRANDMA TRYING TO ROMANCE GUS/THE WIZARD IS SO REAL 😭😭 i love giving gifts to gus!! like that man fr deserves the world <3 I CAN IMAGINE OSAMU TRYING TO BLOW UP WHOEVER YOU TRY TO ROMANCE AND LIKE GUS/THE SALOON TOO 😭 simply bc he's like "i could make a better restaurant like let me build an onigiri miya here rn!!!!" also imagining osamu coming home from the mines at like 1 am bc you've been yelling at him to get back before 2 am for the past 10 minutes and he's just like "but i needed to get u pretty rock!! <3" i am in love with u guys. i am the #1 bugmu stan for life
and me too completely omg the duality of a man??? pathetic but can manhandle me?? like i'm turning into putting in a man's arms i'm ngl he can have his way with me i am so down bad for suna hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
AND OMG I'M GLAD YOU LIKED BINARY STARS 😭😭 BC IT WAS FR JUST A TEST RUN BUT THAT MAKES ME HAPPY TO HEAR!! and i wish i could draw!! i would totally draw oikawa if i could but i think it'd end up looking like a really disfigured pinwheel or hazelnut or someting idk BUT EITHER WAY I WOULD NEVER EVEN TRY TO DRAW HIM BC I WOULD BUTCHER IT 😭😭 I WAS NOT BUILT FOR DRAWING
AND YES FOIL IS THE RIGHT WORD!! and i totally get what you mean!! like he is such a perfect side character and i would love to be on the sides with him yk <3 like what's that margaret atwood quote about not being the people written about on paper but in the white spaces on the edges of paper?? that's oikawa and me <33 i love him so much just the way he is!! he's absolutely perfect and i love how he's always causing chaos <3
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sophiyablogs · 9 months
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Unlocking Success: The Affordable Path to Online Math Excellence with Takemyclasscourse
In today's fast-paced digital era, online education has become an integral part of academic growth. Students worldwide are embracing the convenience and flexibility offered by virtual classrooms. However, tackling complex subjects like math in the online realm can be a daunting task for many. There are some situations which make the students think who will Take My math class for me to complete my projects easily? Worry not! Enter Takemyclasscourse, your trusted partner in conquering the challenges of online math classes. In this blog, we'll explore the world of online math education and shed light on the affordability and excellence that Takemyclasscourse brings to the table.
The Challenge of Online Math Classes
Online math classes demand a unique set of skills and strategies to ensure effective learning. From algebra to calculus, mastering mathematical concepts requires dedicated effort, guidance, and a structured learning environment. Takemyclasscourse recognizes these challenges and has curated a platform specifically designed to assist students in navigating the complexities of online math education.
Unveiling Takemyclasscourse – Your Academic Companion
Takemyclasscourse stands out as a reliable and professional service that specializes in helping students excel in their online math classes. With a team of experienced tutors and a commitment to student success, Takemyclasscourse has earned a reputation for delivering top-notch academic assistance. The platform caters to a diverse range of math courses, ensuring that students at various academic levels can benefit from its services.
Affordable Excellence: Decoding the Pricing Structure
Now, the burning question on every student's mind – How much does it cost to avail Takemyclasscourse for online math classes? The answer lies in the platform's commitment to making quality education accessible to all. Takemyclasscourse offers a flexible pricing structure that takes into account the diverse needs and budgets of students.
1. Basic Package - $80 USD:
Suitable for students looking for assistance with fundamental concepts.
Access to recorded lectures and study materials.
Limited one-on-one support.
2. Standard Package - $150 USD:
Ideal for those seeking a more comprehensive learning experience.
Live tutoring sessions for personalized assistance.
Access to additional practice materials and resources.
3. Premium Package - $270 USD:
Tailored for students tackling advanced math courses.
Priority access to expert tutors.
Unlimited one-on-one support and guidance.
Breaking Down the Value
It's essential to understand that the pricing of Takemyclasscourse is not merely a reflection of cost but a testament to the value it brings to students. Let's break down the key elements that contribute to the overall worth of the service:
Expert Tutors: Takemyclasscourse boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced tutors who are experts in their respective fields. The pricing reflects the dedication and proficiency of these tutors, ensuring that students receive top-tier academic support.
Flexible Learning: The platform recognizes that each student's learning journey is unique. The tiered pricing model allows students to choose a package that aligns with their specific needs, ensuring that they pay for the level of assistance that suits them best.
Personalized Support: From basic concepts to advanced theories, Takemyclasscourse is committed to providing personalized support to every student. The pricing structure reflects the extent of one-on-one interaction and guidance available to students at different levels.
Why Choose Takemyclasscourse?
Proven Track Record: Takemyclasscourse has a history of helping students achieve academic success. The platform's testimonials and success stories speak volumes about its effectiveness in supporting students through online math classes.
Flexible and Convenient: The flexibility offered by Takemyclasscourse allows students to tailor their learning experience according to their schedules and preferences. This convenience is reflected not only in the course structure but also in the pricing options available.
Quality Assurance: The pricing tiers are a reflection of the commitment to maintaining high-quality education. Takemyclasscourse assures students that their investment translates into a valuable and enriching learning experience.
In Conclusion
Navigating the realm of online math classes becomes a seamless journey with Takemyclasscourse. The affordability and flexibility of the pricing structure ensure that students from various backgrounds can access quality education tailored to their needs. Whether you're just starting with the basics or diving into advanced mathematical theories, Takemyclasscourse is your academic companion, dedicated to paving the way for your success in online math classes. Embrace the excellence, conquer the challenges, and embark on a journey of mathematical mastery with Takemyclasscourse.
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bicycle4two · 2 years
short fic starring jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
College Days
You’ve never really given it much thought. You’d been editing videos since high school, have made a decent income from it, and never really thought of pursuing anything else. It also helps that although your parents never really cared for you, at least not in the ways that you needed, they had left you enough money to be able to manage on your own for a few years, even with the hefty hospital bills.
So, further education has never been on your mind, didn’t seem like a priority with how your life has been going so far.
But Jason, surprisingly, wanted to go, brought it up over dinner one night before he went out for patrol.
“What do you think about English Lit, mouse?” He had asked as he pushed his food around with his fork.
“Like, as a subject?”
“Well, yeah, like, what do you think if I take it up when the new term starts at Gotham U?”
“I, really, Jason? You want to go?”
���I always liked reading, books, discussing them with Alfred. So, I figured, why not?”
“But do you need to go to college for that? You can, like, sign up for a book club at the library or something.”
There’s a light blush on Jason’s cheeks and he tries to hide it with his hand, tries to play it off. He’s embarrassed. “It’s not just books. I liked school.”
“Well, then sure. I think English Lit is a good course for you to take up.”
“Why don’t you go with me?”
“I, I can’t afford the tuition, Jason.” Now you were playing around with your food, finding it easier to look at than Jason. You could see that he was excited, that this is something he wanted for the both of you.
“So, apply for a scholarship. Hell, we have money. It’s no big deal.”
“No, you have money.”
“Mouse. If you want to go, I’ll make sure it happens.”
So, college. It’s an interesting idea. You think that more than teaching you things that you can learn on the internet anyway, it’s the experience that you want to have. High school was rough, but you think that being on the same campus as Jason might be interesting. You’d at least have a friend to have lunch with.
It’s just, do you really want to take up math again? It seems like it’s an unavoidable subject, that all courses have to at least have the basic units. Algebra and Statistics. And you think, is going back to school really worth it?
“I can help you. You’re not going in this alone.” Jason laughs in that airy chuckle like way of his, more like an amused puff of air, when he sees you sort through different course pamphlets. Rather than ranking them by genuine interest, you were tossing out the courses that required more than two math units, the minimum.
“You’ll have other things to worry about, Jason. You’ll have your own classes, patrol, you can’t just drop everything and tutor me.”
“This is supposed to be fun, mouse.”
“I just don’t want to fail.”
“You’re not going to,” Jason says confidently. He’s been getting more and more comfortable with the idea of going back to school by the day. He’s looked up past syllabuses online, looked into forums where students discussed the best teachers for each subject. “But even if you do, it’s alright. We’re there to learn. It’s not like you’re gunning for a desk job after, right? You’re settled here. Just choose something that’s interesting.”
“I did always want to try art.”
“There you go! And look, only two units of math!”
“Ugh. You better make time for me in your schedule. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”
“I’ll always have time for you.”
a/n: inspired by the fact that jason loves books and i genuinely think (and i’m pretty sure i’ve seen discussions about it somewhere with actual proof) that jason’s a nerd and did enjoy school
also i’m just projecting my own frustrations with going back to school and math here. i’ve graduated years ago but still stick to the fact that if i didn’t have to take math ever again, i’d go back.
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dodger-chan · 1 year
15 mutuals, 15 questions
tagged by @flowercrowngods Thanks for thinking of me.
1. are you named after anyone?
Yes. My mother's grandmother (first name) and my father's aunt (middle name).
2. when was the last time you cried?
The last time I specifically remember was a couple of years ago when I saw Hadestown. I'm very bad at crying; when I realize I need to I have to sort of trick myself into doing it.
3. do you have kids?
Nope. And not looking to.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Pretty much all the time in person. I try to be more careful about it online since tone can be harder to read.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I really don't do/have never done competitive athletics.
I do bike a lot. Twenty mile rides most weekends when the weather cooperates. Bike trainer in the apartment for daily cardio.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their presence? Actually, around my apartment building the first thing I tend to observe is if they have a dog. My building is full of dogs and it is fantastic, if allergy inducing.
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I think most of my favorite movies have happy endings, so probably that one. I care more that the ending is earned than that it's happy, though.
9. any special talents?
I can memorize long strings of (what seem to me) nonsense syllables and repeat them as though they have meaning. The only practical use I've had for this talent/skill was in high school drama club. I played a character who spoke almost entirely in a fictional language and I got the role solely because no one else could make the babble sound like lines. If I were a good singer, I could maybe use this skill for opera, but alas, I sing like a cat being murdered.
10. where were you born?
Los Angeles, California.
11. what are your hobbies?
Reading. Yarn crafts, like knitting and crochet. More reading. Writing.
12. do you have pets?
Not at the moment. Well, a spouse. It's a bit like having a cat in that he mostly looks after himself and likes sit on my lap when I'm trying to write. But unlike a cat he doesn't give me hives or trigger an asthma attack.
13. how tall are you?
5'0" (152.4 cm, for those of you who aren't American)
14. favourite subject at school?
Math. Always math. Best math classes: linear algebra, logic and proof, statistical theory (that class was so difficult, but I use what I learned there all the time)
15. dream job?
I used to work as a library page. Just putting books on the shelf, in the correct order, for 20 hours a week. If I'm selling my time for money, that's the labor I really enjoy
tagging: You know, I'm not sure I have fifteen mutuals. So I'll just tag some people I haven't seen these from. @counting-dollars-counting-stars @greenlikethesea @threewaywithdelusion @rosethevoid @sthound @sharpbutsoft @motsimages
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cherisheye · 2 months
☆ first semester of uni - update☆
i meant to make this post a month ago but i ended getting caught up in other things, but! now that my second term of uni has started it made sense to write a review of this past semester, if only for records sake :)
☆ i ended up very pleasantly surprised with how well i did this semester. i was very worried at the start of the term, because i realized that i had such a weaker foundation on many subjects compared to my classmates - but, not only did i manage to get past that, i also did incredibly well on my classes! i'm so proud of myself for that, all my efforts paid off! of course, i still have trouble with many things, but i hope to tackle those in this new semester
☆ if there's one thing i hope to improve, though, is just to plan and schedule things better, more so i can avoid cramming and burning out. i also hope i can do more social things, if possible. i spent 90% of my time so focused on writing and studying i barely hung out with anyone except for my roommate :')
goals for this next semester:
☆ organize my studies in some sort of method or routine (god. I'll need it *side-eyes the syllabus with a million trillion exams*)
☆ try to get closer to the few friends i have made so far, talk more about my personal life rather than just studies with them, hang out with them outside of classes
☆ put more effort into grasping physics
☆ begin to look into research projects and maybe talk to a few professors, network
☆ take on artistic projects that are more low-stakes (no deadline is a start)
thoughts on the classes i've had so far below the read more:
☆ calculus i - surprisingly, i actually rather enjoyed this class. my professor was amazing and he did a great job of teaching. that is not to say it was easy. god no. but i think i actually learned a lot, and it did make me excited about calculus! - final grade: 100% (thank god for extra credit)
☆ linear algebra for chemistry - i did not enjoy this class. i struggled hard with this subject, but it was manageable, and i even liked it at times. the problem was that the professor just did not click with me. i had to decipher everything he taught after class, and unfortunately, i lacked a lot of basic knowledge that would've helped. i had to spend so much time filling in the gaps.by far the class i struggled the most in, but i can say that i got through it :') - final grade: 92%
☆ general chemistry i - i loved the subject, unfortunately the classes were a bit hard to get through (boring). i struggled at times but it was that satisfying sort of struggle you know? where you feel like you're learning something? yeah. the professor was an absolute sweetheart though and i loved hearing about his research project - final grade: 99%
☆ basic chemistry - nothing much to say about it, it was an online class - i kept up with it until halfway through the semester, then i gave up. but i took the exams and did well anyway. my chemistry technical course served me well here gdjtdstursu - final grade: 96%
☆ general chemistry lab i - i really loved this class. i loved going to the lab and thought the experiments they picked were great. i faltered a little with some lab reports but i guess i have to get more practice writing them. ps.: the TAs were incredible - final grade: 93%
☆ fundamentals of experimental chemistry lab - i liked this lab a little less. it was still enjoyable, but i had way more trouble with the lab reports in this class :') - final grade: 81%
☆ physics lab - i did not like this class at all. all the experiments were boring at best and infuriating at worst. the lab reports were so intricate it was insane. the only part i enjoyed was that the professor actually explained the concepts pretty well (even i got it even if i have trouble with physics) and i got to group with my friends - final grade: 86%
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eliteprepsat · 2 months
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Preparing for the first year of high school can feel overwhelming, but starting in the summer can help ease the transition. Here are some practical steps to get rising ninth graders ready for this exciting new chapter.
1. Strengthen Academic Skills
High school will build on what you’ve learned in middle school, so it’s crucial to have a strong foundation. In ninth grade, students typically take biology, world history, and algebra or geometry. Use the summer to brush up on subjects where you feel less confident or preview subjects that are new to you. There are plenty of online resources, such as Khan Academy, that offer free courses in various subjects. If working with a live instructor or tutor is better for you, then enroll in a preview class at Elite Prep.
2. Read Regularly
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, reading skills are important to many high school subjects, including history, science, and (of course) English language arts. Choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction books to expand your horizons – doing so will not only prepare you academically but also make you a more engaged learner. Check our Recommended Summer Reading List for Ninth Graders.
3. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities
Explore extracurricular activities that interest you. High schools offer a variety of clubs, sports, and organizations. Summer is a great time to try new things and discover what you’re passionate about. Whether it’s joining a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or volunteering in your community, these activities will help you develop new skills and make new friends.
Furthermore, if you plan to participate in particular extracurricular activities in high school, consider using your summer time to prepare and hone your abilities (e.g., work on past exams for Science Olympiad and math competitions, practice your skills for a sport like basketball and track and field, and learn to code for robotics or website design).
4. Learn Time Management
High school will demand better time management skills than middle school. Start practicing now by setting a schedule for your summer activities. Include time for study, hobbies, and relaxation. Learning to balance these activities will prepare you for the busy high school schedule. Try techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.
5. Understand High School Expectations
Familiarize yourself with what will be expected of you in high school. Attend any orientation sessions offered by your high school and read through the student handbook. Knowing the school’s rules, dress code, and academic policies will help you adjust more quickly. Talk to older students or siblings about their experiences to get a sense of what to expect.
6. Set Goals
Setting goals can give you a sense of direction and purpose. Think about what you want to achieve in your first year of high school. These could be academic goals, such as maintaining a certain GPA, or personal goals, like joining a club or making new friends. Write down your goals and revisit them regularly to track your progress.
7. Get Organized
High school comes with more responsibilities and a heavier workload. Start by organizing your study space and materials. Create a filing system for your schoolwork and important documents. Invest in a planner or use a digital calendar to keep track of assignments, extracurricular activities, and important dates. Being organized from the start will help you manage your time effectively.
8. Develop Good Study Habits
High school courses will be more challenging, so developing good study habits now will pay off later. Find out what study methods work best for you. Some students prefer studying alone in a quiet environment, while others do better in study groups. Try different techniques like summarizing information, using flashcards, or teaching what you’ve learned to someone else.
Starting high school is a significant milestone, and preparing over the summer can make a big difference. By strengthening your academic skills, reading regularly, getting involved in extracurricular activities, managing your time, understanding high school expectations, setting goals, getting organized, and developing good study habits, you’ll be well-prepared to start high school with confidence and enthusiasm. Enjoy your summer and look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead!
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #222
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? I mean... compared to the lives of ordinary adults my age, that would be most days for me. I have nothing but free time and I'm not exactly skilled at putting it to good use.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? I firmly believe I have, at the bare minimum of twice. I think an old home of mine was haunted or some shit, weird things happened there.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? Hell if I know. I'm sure it was while traveling, though.
What museums have you visited, if any? I literally think I've only visited one, the local one in my city... which is abysmally depressing to say. I love the idea of museums, and the one we have here is immensely sub-par. I would love to visit a good one, especially one with fossil displays.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? No, thankfully. I mean, our current neighbor's dog doesn't shut up half the time, but unless I'm not listening to something in the spare room (the room closest to where she is in the neighbor's [fenced] yard), I don't hear her in here.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? No.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? I suck at all math. According to the autism eval I took, I apparently need an IEP in mathematics. During my last college attempt, I literally failed ALGEBRA ONE miserably, but I will say I really didn't like how my teacher taught, he was all about weird shortcuts. Even when I tried tutoring though, I was humiliated that just nothing made sense. It's a bit strange, though; up through high school, I could handle math, but it was always my weakest subject. I wasn't an A student in it. I just go so much worse when I left high school. I don't know if it could be the results of overmedication (which I hold responsible for my memory issues), trauma (trauma can have effects you wouldn't guess, and I firmly believe it altered how I process information), or what.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? I get excited. I love music, so it's something to bond over.
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? "In a sense. Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time, or "the stars align." But as a force, not really." <<< Literally this.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Only if the food is messy, and I don't generally like eating messy food anyway because *I* don't like getting messy.
Have you ever considered going to art school? I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online and got scammedddddd <33333
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? My sister's shitty husband.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? No.
Are your parents supportive of you? Yes. Mom WAY more actively than Dad, but.
How often do you take the train to go places? Never.
Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No.
Do you have the right time set on your microwave? Yes.
Do you have any old newspaper articles? Why? No.
Do you have a flat screen tv or just a regular box? We have a decently large flat-screen. It's not something we could ever afford now; it's as old as when my parents were still together.
Do you have a radar detector for your car? No.
Have you ever been arrested? For what? No.
Do you know how to change the oil in your car? Nope.
Do you like Tootsie Rolls? I don't.
Are you seeing anybody currently? I've been dating the same someone for almost three years now.
Do you like it when it snows? I fucking love when it snows. It doesn't happen often here. It sticks even less often.
Where do you do most of your shopping? Walmart.
Do you have a big yard? Big no, the front and back are very small.
Do you live in the country or the city? A development just outside a city. Still basically city.
At what age did you obtain your driver license? I'm 28 and still don't have it; I probably never will. It is better for me and everyone else on the road. I WISH I could drive, but it's just not a safe option right now.
What are you favorite kind of chips? Hot crunchy Cheetos
Where did you go today? My primary doctor for a check-up. Our car is still toast so we were lucky enough that they offered transportation.
Are you sleepy right now? Extremely. I stayed up way too late last night to have to wake up early like I had to.
What color is your mousepad? Black.
Do you get your eyebrows waxed? No. I don't care enough.
Has anyone given you flowers recently? Not recently.
Has anyone you know been arrested recently? No.
Do you have more than 1 email address? Yes.
Do you have central heating and air? Yes. Especially this time of year, I'd fucking die without it.
Are there any plants in your house? There's a decent amount because of Mom. I think it's mostly pothos.
Do you prefer cold or warm weather? COLD
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid, I hate bar soap.
Do you wear any perfumes/colognes on a regular basis? No.
Do you have high or low self-esteem levels? Abysmally low.
When was the last time you listened to a song on repeat? What was the song? Um... I feel like it was a good few days ago. "Zwitter" by Rammstein.
Do you like mint or orange-flavored chocolate? Mint, yes. I don't feel like I've tried orange-flavored chocolate. I can imagine myself not liking the combo, but I can't guarantee that.
When was the last time you burnt your mouth from eating something too hot? Around a week ago when Mom made chicken fried rice.
What is your favorite foreign language to listen to? (In music or speech) I like how German sounds, but I also think I have a bias because when I hear it, I like to see how much I can translate.
Do you prefer instrumental songs or ones with lyrics? Lyrics.
Name something simple that makes you happy. A cold drink when I'm really thirsty. Sunrises and sunsets. The sound of rain. I'm very pleased that I'm pretty good at identifying small happinesses.
What is your favorite instrument to listen to? Electric guitar, violin, harp, piano, lots others.
Pick one: Books, movies or music? Music.
What was the last book you read about? It was a book in the Warriors series, in the "A Vision of Shadows" arc. The books are pretty thick with various events, but the primary plot was the Clans coming together to oust an invasion of murderous rogues that nearly destroyed their way of life.
When was the last time you used a quote from a movie in real life? I don't really do this unless I'm joking and making an obvious reference. I don't remember what it was anyway, though.
Can you put your legs behind your head? Hell no.
Do you forget things easily? You would not BELIEVE how horrendous my memory is. Like it is unfuckingreal. I feel like being overmedicated for so, so long is the reason, it just ate away at my brain.
The last song you listened to: Did it have a male or female vocalist? Male.
Have you ever had braces? Do you need them? I did as a pre-teen/teenager.
What does your voice sound like? (Loud, quiet, high-pitched, etc) I think it's somewhat deep for a woman, but not to where it sounds traditionally masculine. I tend to stutter and I can either talk too quietly or, if I'm excited or in some way passionate or just confident in an explanation, I've had it pointed out I speak too loudly.
What was the last topic you read about on Wikipedia? So I opened the page to Kamala Harris's political policies, but I promptly left it and read on a platform that isn't edited by random-ass people and wouldn't be rife with biases. I feel like in light of... recent events, I need to be more aware than ever of the policies of people who have a chance of having a say in my country's politics. I don't like Biden (But DO NOT BE MISTAKEN, I hate Trump a HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL of a lot more), but I have this hope that maybe Kamala will replace him. How, figure it out yourself.
Have you ever donated money to Wikipedia? No, that would be so low on my priorities of things to donate to if I even had money.
What board games did you play when you were growing up? A lot of Cranium brand games, Candyland, Life (modified rules to be easier for kids), Monopoly (modified rules for same reason), Mouse Trap (ngl we mostly played with the parts than the actual game haha), Operation, Checkers, I had a Crocodile Hunter game I loved, Battleship, lots of others. We had a big stock of board games to choose from.
Do you know any sign language? No.
When was the last time you bought new clothes? What did you get? Holy hell I have no idea.
Do you ever watch streamers on Twitch? Hazelnuttygames, sometimes. She's a WoW streamer.
Has your house ever been broken into? How did you find out? There was an attempt at my childhood home, but they didn't get in.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Generally cereal.
Are you overwhelmed right now? Ha! Not as bad as I was yesterday. I reached a capacity of stress yesterday that for the vast majority of the day, I completely shut down. I don't remember the last time I was that stressed because of just everything going on in my life and in my country.
Did you share a bedroom with someone when you were growing up? My younger sister Nicole, yes.
How many group chats are you in? Do you participate in them much? I'm in one with Mazzy and Tez, and that's the only group chat I truly contribute to. I'm in the Tumblr community's Rammstein Discord, and I talk only rarely because it's just so busy and overwhelming that I get stressed trying to keep up lol.
Are you still in touch with any of your exes? No.
What do you do for work? I am humiliated to be my age (and not considered properly disabled) and not work. I'm trying my best to build a freelance nature photography career, but... that's a monumental task, if I'm honest. But I'm still trying. Freelance art is FUCKING HARD to make a living with.
Were you upset when you found out certain things weren’t real? (Santa, Tooth Fairy…) No. I was old enough by then to have doubted, so I wasn't surprised.
Name something you’re proud of. Brag a little bit. One of my proudest achievements is getting a Daily Deviation on deviantART. It's the biggest honor you can get on the site and is (generally, especially without connections) very hard to obtain.
Which store would you like to win $1000 for? Rebel's Market.
Do you pay any attention to celebrity drama? No. The only celeb drama I've ever paid attention to was when Till from Rammstein was forced into it by a sexual misconduct accusation. He's fucking innocent btw, this is well-supported, but Germany tends to hate Rammstein for unsound reasons and will NEVER cover the positives of the band. Any time his accuser was revealed to be full of absolute bullshit, their popular media never covered it. I don't want ANY assumptions made about me and my stance on sexual assault involving celebrities, you take EVERY accusation seriously and I kept my mouth shut while the investigation went down, I wanted the facts, and the facts are fucking nothing was found that damned Till. I don't defend him because he's in a band that I love, I defend him because of the absolute fucking lack of evidence and the documented bullshittery of Shelby (accuser). If there was actual evidence that Till was a sexual predator, I would drop my support of him so fuckin' fast, I can stake my life on that. I don't fuck with sexual predators, whether I'd originally liked them or not. I don't play that "but that's my homie!!!" game. WOW this was a ramble but I feel very strongly on this, it was such an ordeal.
What popular food do you dislike? Fried chicken wings. A LOT of things if I think about it for a moment.
Do you have any cats? Yes, Roman.
How many slices of pizza can you eat in 1 sitting? Rarely two; I usually have three. If I'm incredibly hungry, four. Of course, this does depend on the size of the slices.
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zionanelequaso · 11 months
bothered myself enough to make an introduction
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Hi! My main name online is Zio, but you can also call me;
Hotline, Dark, Moon, Rune, Eli, Zarx
+ any other names you wanna call me! As long as I can confirm I’m comfy.
erm more names because I like stealing fictional character’s names
Spike, Scrina, Bive, Gnarpy, Asmodena, Viktor, Susie, Unpleasant, Thomas Flyswatter, Hollow Clown, Lancer, Spamton, ANC, Garrison, Viola, Mimic
My pronouns r:
literally any pronouns at all (EVEN NEOS!!!) [but please make sure to ask before you use a new one]
My main flags:
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Flag names:
I’ll put the names and try to explain them best I can! Please tell me if I did something wrong!
1: Pansexual: Can feel sexual attraction to any gender
2: Genderfluid: Often switches between genders
3: Pangender: The feeling of being human, rather than having a gender
4: Demigirl: Most of the time feels like a girl, sometimes doesn’t
5: Panromantic: Can feel romantic attraction to any gender
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My fandoms:
The Amazing Digital Circus
Pizza Tower
Trevor Henderson
Dave and Bambi
Kirby Dave
Total Drama Island
Island of the Slaughtered
Dave’s fun algebra class
Garrett’s funny animal game
Alex basics in biology and zoology
Baldi’s basics in education and learning
Advanced education with Viktor strobovski
Captain’s basic adventure in a broken underwater ship
My hobbies:
Listening to music
Talking to friends
Voice acting
Watching videos
Being silly
Playing videogames
My dislikes/DNIS:
Mean people
Homophobic people
Dream fans (the nice ones are allowed though)
People who think insulting somebody to suicide is funny (it’s not. grow up.)
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Extra info:
I may have AuDHD, so please be patient with me!
Icons i use:
Emojis I use:
Phrases I use:
holy moly…
Erm what the spruce?
*insert keyboard smash because I can’t put my emotion into words*
*insert very misspelt words because my emotions are taking over*
we stay silly!!!!
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tag system because uhhhhhhh yeah
zios normalness: brainrot/going insane
zio bleps: random blogs/reblogs
zios art: this is quite obvious
zios aus: also quite obvious
zio are you okay: getting too normal/not feeling well
zio what the fuck: simping
zio really likes this: personal favorite posts
zio no you can’t kin a fictional character noooo: little bit obvious
zio talks to friends: yeah
zio shoutouts: aaaa
zio being serious: serious moments
zio needs this: gotta remember this/I WANT IT
yeah that’s it (for now) uhhh have a cool beans day
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