#best sneaker podcasts
thedropnyc · 1 year
We Visit One of NYC's Hidden Gems The Sneaker Room
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seeminglydark · 2 months
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A look-book and little break-down of Caro’s style and fashion Journey. I didn’t include their cheer uniform or GasCo uniform because those really didn’t influence their actual style much, other than the Varsity jacket and work jacket. I thought it would be fun to set it up almost like a magazine article and I’m in love with the results. I hope you enjoy it too. (The cover is my fave thing ever, just so you know.)
Here’s the Text:
Caro Greene, Cheerleader to Ghosthunter! An exclusive look at superstar Caro Greene’s style evolution. From femme to them!
The Teenage Years! Caro has been aware the high-femme style their parents chose for them was not the look they wanted for a long time, but didn’t know how to address it. Pairing their best friends tee-shirt over their Prom dress was the first step in figuring out their own personal style! From there, they tested out the route of borrowed too-big sweaters whenever they weren’t under the watchful eye of their family.
GasCo Era! Years of emotional neglect build until Caro chops off their hair, an asset more important to their parents than their happiness, and finds themself abruptly homeless, with nothing but some jeans, shirts and an oversized jacket belonging to their long-gone boyfriend. They get a job at the local gas station, and are gifted a new jacket that fits, with their new name on it, in their favorite color! More gender exploration leads them to a better haircut, and their first time trying a binder, and starting to not hate how they look.
Thrift stores, Sneakers, and T! Now in a new environment with supportive people at the GasCo, Caro discovers thrift stores and the tacky ‘80s aesthetic of their dreams. After years of other people controlling their body and looks, starting on low T is a big step in taking back control. They start wearing crop tops and sleeveless tees to show off new body hair, but also love chunky colored sweaters since they’re always cold. Sneakers go with everything, and when you’re short, the possibilities are endless in the kids shoes section.
Mil-Liminal! Caro’s podcast Mil-Liminal goes viral, and they are given the choice of staying faceless and anonymous, or taking the stage in live shows. They decide to do a face reveal, and that means choosing an iconic ‘look’ for their live performances. They choose their favorite color, GasCo Purple, and a jacket that is a blend of their varsity jacket and GasCo work jacket, two clothing pieces that always made them comfortable. They wear their trans identity on their sleeve, and top it off with the snapback look they donned years ago on their first venture ‘out’ as a teenager. The rest is history!
Current Caro! Which brings us to the present! There’s been some small changes, oversized sweaters and tees with a cosmic theme, which is new for the usually spookified Caro. They’re sporting white hair instead of their trademark blond, and have added a cross earring and a pendant to their Mil-Liminal uniform. A black snapback shows up as often as the purple one, and there’s a new bounce in their step, but perhaps they’ve just been indulging in too much coffee these days.
Caro Green is from my webcomics Seemingly Dark and Mil-Liminal, and podcast Mil-Liminal.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Talked about this with @ceilidho last night and it’s making me Insane,
His parents have moved to be closer to his sisters and their children, leaving him their gorgeous house to crash at during leave.
When he moves in, you bring him a batch of cookies, welcoming him to the neighborhood and telling him to stop by if he needs anything. Something in his eyes flickers as he takes you in, sundress and sneakers.
“Cookies aren’t the only sweet treat here,” he drawls, grinning.
Your neighbor Johnny who leans folds his massive arms over your fence when he catches you out by the pool. You don’t have your towel or a coverup because it’s your own backyard, but it’s fine! There’s a fence between you two and anyway he’s just coming to say hi.
Johnny who tsks when you tell him your husband went on another business trip without fixing the AC. You don’t want to call someone over while you’re home alone. Not to worry - Johnny is handy with wires and he’ll fix it for free. And while he’s here… that cabinet too, aye? And the shower drain that’s a bit clogged?
You don’t notice that a couple of your photos are missing from an album you keep in the basement with the heater. Or the lotion from your cabinet is gone - your husband probably tossed it. Definitely don’t notice the very very slight change in consistency of your body soap.
One day you’re just home from groceries and Johnny stumbles out of a taxi. He’s got a big black duffel bag, still in uniform. There’s dirt in his mohawk and streaky paint on his face.
“Bonnie,” he sighs, making a beeline for you. “Missed you. Give us a hug? It was a rough go.”
And of course you hug him - least you can do for a man risking his life to keep the rest of the world safe!! You dont notice the smudges he leaves on your cheek until your husband points it out when he gets home.
Your husband…
Johnny doesn’t let Ryan call him Johnny; he introduces himself as “Soap.” You figure it’s a guy thing, giggling about the callsign while Johnny grips bruises into your husband’s soft white-collar hands.
He doesn’t like Johnny. Says it’s weird how he’s always hanging around.
Not always, you correct, he only gets a couple weeks of leave at a time.
And he spends as much of it as he can with you. It’s nice, though, to have company while you futz with housewife chores and pretend to anticipate your husband’s return home.
Johnny’s good company! He listens with rapt attention to the rambles your husband barely even pretends to hear. He doesn’t call your crime podcasts creepy, or your tv shows noisy.
(In fact, he listens a bit too closely. If you paused while cooking or cleaning, you’d notice the feverish light in his eyes. Certain turns of your tongue make his thighs twitch).
When you’re having a bad day, venting to Johnny about it over a cup of coffee, he listens, nods, clicks his tongue.
“He best take care of that when he gets home.”
You don’t get what he means, and the next day when you’re still annoyed, he shakes his head.
“All pent up still, eh? He not taking care of you right?”
You fluster and swat at him, remind him you’re not one of this army bros he shouldn’t be so crass. He keeps making those comments. You just roll your eyes and wave him off - but never correct him because it’s true.
One day your husband is home when Johnny stops by. You got something stuck in the sink drain and need him to get it - knew Ryan wouldn’t call in a reasonable time to save it.
When he comes in, Johnny drops a kiss on your cheek before going for the kitchen. Knows exactly where it is, you two have a standing brunch date there.
Johnny listens to you talk while he works, fusses at you for trying to hand him his dirty tools. Goes into your fridge, grabs a can of soda and a peach. Reminds you that you’re running low on yogurt while he licks juice from his fingers.
When he’s done, he drops one last kiss on the corner of your mouth, big hand anchoring you by the hip. You walk him out, promising to let him look at that rattling noise your car has been making the next day.
It starts a fight. Ryan is furious that Johnny is so comfortable in “his” house. You shake your head, tell him that you’re just as comfortable at Johnny’s but that only seems to set him off more. He tells you that it’s not normal, that Johnny is being inappropriate and you’re letting him.
You scoff and roll your eyes, tell him that he’s being insecure, that you only have eyes for him. He ends up storming out, presumably to go stay at his brother’s.
Thirty minutes after he’s gone, there’s a knock at the door. You know it’s Johnny. You almost answer it. But Ryan’s accusations ring in your head and dig a guilty pit in your stomach. You go upstairs, pretending you didn’t hear it. Or any of the others for the half hour after.
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Unexpected 30
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, car sex, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Three days since Lloyd’s return and you’re already suffocating. He may not be his most volatile but he’s always better in small doses. So you wake up a bit earlier than usual and gear up; leggings, cotton shirt, a hoodie too tight to zip, and your pregnancy belt.
He rolls onto his back and groans. His bruises are fading but he’s still in pain. He lets you know it. His griping is driving you nuts. You need a break before you beat him up yourself.
“Where are you going?” He asks groggily, rubbing his cheek only to wince as he touches the bruises there.
“For my walk.”
“Your walk?” He pushes himself up on an elbow to look at you, “what does that mean?”
“It means you were gone for a month and I got a month of freedom,” you sneer, “it’s nice out, so I like to walk around the neighbourhood a bit. It’s good for the baby.”
“You shouldn’t go alone,” he sits up and groans, rubbing his discoloured stomach.
“I can handle myself, Lloyd, it’s almost eight in the morning, there aren’t any thugs out their waiting to jump me,” you scoff, “the only thug around here is in this room.”
“Hm,” he lays back on the pillows, “fine.”
“How about I bring you a coffee before I go,” you offer, “hate to say it, but I think you’re in worse shape than me. I just really don’t care if you’re left to fend for yourself.”
“Wow, you know, peaches, I think I overestimated you,” he shifts and lets out another strained groan, “you’re not as nice as I thought.”
“Well, you could get your own coffee. I mean, it’d be justice considering I can’t have any. And it’s all your fault.”
“Baby cakes,” he whines.
“Ugh, see, this is exactly why I need to get out,” you shake your head, “I’m not your mother, Lloyd, she’s gone home.”
“But you are mommy,” he grins and you resist the urge to find something to throw at him.
“Ew, I’m gonna get the coffee on, then I’m gonna get my shit and go,” you turn on your heel and shuffle away, “I have faith in you, Marion, you can make it to the kitchen.”
“I really wish you wouldn’t call me that,” he bemoans.
“You’ve called me worse and you know it.”
You leave the coffee dripping from the machine and a mug beside it. The burner will keep it warm long enough for him to find a way down. You shove your feet into your sneakers, leaving the laces loose as you can’t bend far enough to do anything about it. Besides, your feet are swollen as fuck.
You put in the wired earbuds that came with your phone and turn on the podcast you found about some old reality show you used to watch when you were younger. You remember how you would wake up in time to watch it on primetime before heading out for another night shift. Colin’s looming memory hardly makes you think anymore, he’s just someone who was there, just a bystander in your wasted life.
You follow the long drive and breathe in the fresh scent of pollen, your allergies tickling behind your eyes. You’ll have to water the bulbs Harlan planted when you get back. They’re starting to sprout up. 
Birds bathe in the marble bath and tweet around the feeder Dottie helped you hang. In Lloyd’s absence, you’d done your best to distract yourself, to do the things you could never do in your old duplex. To enjoy what you could before a baby got in the way.
You reach the gate and stop to take a breath. You brace your back, just over the top of the thick belt, and start down the street. The neighbourhood is sparse, a collective of oversized mansions across lush fields, framed with perfectly trimmed hedges. You try to meter your breath as you reach the end of the Hansen estate.
As you pass in front of the next house, you nearly scream. A man nearly bowls you over as he hops through his gate and catches your arm as he steps back, steadying both of you. Your earbuds tug free of your ears as your hand hits the wire. The stranger lets you go and pulls out a wireless bud from his ear.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, “I didn’t hear you coming.”
“Me either,” you say as you lay your hand on your stomach, his eyes following the habitual touch, “I wasn’t paying attention at all.”
“Neither was I,” he chuckles and scratches his neck, just along the stubble that weaves into his thick beard. He’s familiar in a very unnerving way. “I’d feel awful if I’d knocked you over,” he nods to your stomach, “both of you.”
“Oh, uh, well, it’s all good,” you say as you pull up your dangling earbuds, “I was just about to turn back at the end of the street anyway. Can’t make it much further.”
“Ah, do you mind company? I was headed in the same direction.”
“Please, I don’t want to slow you down,” you note his obvious running gear.
“I don’t mind. Always good to get to know the neighbours,” he smiles, his eyes sparkling at you, “Andy.”
He offers his hand and you consider it. You shake it stiffly and return your name. 
“So, which house do you live in?” He asks.
“Just next door,” you point over the tall brick wall before heading away from it, resuming your usual path.
“Hansen’s… wife? Wow, I didn’t even know he was married.”
“Oh? I guess… I guess we don’t go out much.”
“Well, I’ve seen you here and there,” he admits as he walks with you, keeping an easy pace with you, “I just didn’t know how to say hi, I guess.”
“Mmm, right,” you nod as you wrap up your earbuds around your phone and tuck it back in the pocket of your leggings, “I guess I’m not very… observant. Especially since I got knocked up. I tend to zone out a bit.”
“My wife was the same way,” he intones, “do you know your shoes are untied?”
“I’m aware. I can’t really reach.”
“Hold up,” he stops you with his arm across your path, “it’s a tripping hazard.”
“But–” you stop yourself from arguing that they’re tucked in.
He tugs them out from under your feet and you feel him knotting them tight. He reappears as he stands up and you continue down the lane. He’s friendly enough and it wouldn’t be so bad to know someone beyond the man you call your husband.
“So, you said your wife was pregnant… how old is your kid?”
He’s quiet as he takes a breath, “he was fifteen.”
You cup your hand over your stomach, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he says, “really. I’m not saying it to get sympathy. It’s just… what happened.”
“Still, it’s a lot to go through. Losing a child,” you can’t help but peek down at your belly.
“And a wife,” he adds, “car accident. I’m working through it.”
“Don’t. No sorry’s. None of it. It’s behind me,” he assures you. “You and Hansen, how long you been with him?”
“You care that much?”
“Well, I’d rather talk about your family than mine.”
“Fair enough. Uh…” you’re not sure how to answer, “too long.”
He laughs, “yeah, about what I expected. He’s a character for sure.”
“You know him well?”
“Not as well as I thought, apparently,” he says, “never even said anything about a wife. Or a kid… kids?”
“Just the one,” you say as you reach the corner and stop, “I’ll tell him you said hello.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t,” he puts his hands on his hips and squints against the sunlight, “I know him, but I wouldn’t say I like him. Or that he likes me for that matter.”
You push your lips out and make a noise, “got it. Actually, I don’t know why I thought he would.”
“He’s not really the neighbourly type,” Andy remarks as he checks his watch, “anyway, I’ll let you go. And next time you go out, get your husband to tie your shoes. Can’t have you falling out here.”
“Will do,” you muster a small smile, “sorry to slow you down.”
“Not at all,” he bounces in place, “it was nice meeting you, neighbour.”
“You too,” you reply and turn on your heel, leaving him to stretch as you head off back to the house in no hurry. You unfurl your earbuds and put them back in your ears, skipping back to your place in the episode. Lloyd can wait a little longer while you finish your podcast in the garden.
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benwvatt · 4 months
chapter 2 - bacterial? fungal? nah, baby, we're going viral
chapter 2 of my firstprince college podcaster AU has been posted! now with 200% more bisexuality, crying, hugs, and the phenomenon of being down bad crying at the gym.
He’d like to be, well, something other than the clusterfuck he is. Alex isn’t queer and he isn’t not queer, that’s all. He was born and he’s been stuck on this fenceline, caught between orbits for years 一 why can’t you just pick, goddamn it, pick a side. It’s probably been a barbed-wire thorn in his side ever since he was in high school and the whole, um, Liam situation went down. Alex groans. He’s still standing against the wall, locked in place, so he texts Nora thanks for tonight and Henry going jogging at the gym, be back later. He grabs his red sneakers, and takes the elevator down to the apartment’s gym. It’s empty, thank god. Perks of living in a smaller building — smaller than Nora and June’s high-rise, at least. All the apartments at UT yearn to scrape the sky, competing over who’s got the best views of the hills and who’s left in the shadows. He has to get his mind off of Henry and moving and final exams and queerness, his quarter-life crisis hanging over his head like the sword of fuckin’ Damocles.
tagging @gayrootvegetable @firenati0n @tailsbeth-writes - thank you all for the lovely support! <3
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jomiddlemarch · 11 months
Alina and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 
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Alina was fairly certain that kindergarten pickup was actually a level of Hell. One of the deeper ones, though she had to admit that waiting for the divorce to be finalized and the week in February that Mal had been away at a conference in Hawaii when Eli got the stomach bug and she’d run out of orange Pedialyte, Clorox, and episodes of Elmo’s World just as she’d succumbed were both worse. She’d gotten a tee-shirt out of the conference and not herpes, so it was slightly ahead, which was the kind of thing she’d say that would make Gen tell her she really had to stay in the here and now and focus on herself and Eli; the fact that focusing in herself to Gen always meant some form of hot/stone/the feminine Divine yoga plus or minus a green smoothie was something Alina figured she just had to suck up as part of the best friend code. Especially if she wanted (needed) Gen to remain on Eli’s emergency contact list and deal with kindergarten pickup if Alina had a deadline or her car decided to call her bluff on her perpetually overdue oil changes.
She’d actually finished the article on affordable housing while sitting at the oil change place, wondering from time to time how oil change places still existed and why they still had a TV mounted on the wall when everyone was on their phone, earbuds in, podcasts and memes washing over them as digital sedatives. When she’d said anything like that at home, Mal would accuse her of being a Luddite, while continuing to shoot some monster on his gaming PC, and she’d launch into an explanation of why the Luddites got a bad rap and remembering it, she once again rejoiced in the finalization of the divorce, despite everything else it had cost her, starting with her rosy ideals about happily-ever-afters. In the timeless, nameless oil change place, happily-ever-after seemed like something that wouldn’t even appear on the TV as an infomercial. On the flip side, she wasn’t worried her car would die in kindergarten pickup.
Instead, she wished for death. Or something that would free her from her misery, besides the over-priced pistachio latte that she promptly spilled as soon as she got out of her car, half of it landing on her already dingy sneakers. She was surrounded by totally put-together, mani-pedi-ed moms in Lululemon or power suits or hand-knit sweaters and $300 jeans, with younger siblings in the latest paisley slings, Labradoodles with monogrammed collars off-leash and milling about, the same women who’d post their freshly washed and fashionably dressed kid holding a “First Day of X Grade” chalked on adorable chalkboard pics on social media. She’d waffled for a good ten minutes over the latte, since it really wasn’t in her budget and almost certainly was contributing to climate change and her chances of developing Type II diabetes, and all for what? Turning her greyish sneakers a bilious shade she associated with Dickensian misers with gout and getting her hands sticky.
“One of those days,” she heard, a man’s voice drifting down from behind her left shoulder. Before Alina could twist around or even cant her neck upward to see who was talking to her, he’d offered her an unopened pack of travel wet-wipes.
“Uh, thanks,” she said, peeling back the sticker closing the wipes and dabbing at her cuff of her cardigan. 
“Sorry about your coffee,” the man said. He’d moved into view, tall and dark-haired with a neatly trimmed beard, a sporty fleece vest layered over what he had to have worn to work, suit pants and a dress shirt still wrinkle-free. “I could easily spare a juice-box—apple-carrot ended up being a bust.”
“I can’t say I’m surprised,” Alina remarked. “Plus, juice isn’t supposed to be good for kids.”
Alina shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like you’re giving them absinthe. Or liquid plutonium. But yeah, whole fruit is better. And they can just drink water.”
“You’re the first mom to talk to me at pickup,” he said. “I’m Alex, by the way. Cosima’s dad.”
“Probably because you’re like the only dad to show up,” Alina replied. She didn’t say “and you look like you’re on the cover of Vogue except for the navy fleece” but she thought it. Loudly.
“Their loss. Cosima always has so much to say as soon as she leaves the building, I get a play-by-play,” he said. “I’m out of town enough I don’t like to ask her nanny to get her if I can do it.”
Alina knew she should not say it. It was clear as day, as a bell, as crystal. Hell, she only had to make a leading remark and he’d probably volunteer the info, if his unprompted remarks about being Cosima’s dad and having a nanny were anything to go by. She had, however, been known to make bad decisions. See: Mal, though Eli was the most silvery of silver linings.
“Her mom can’t pick her up?”
Alex, who had every right to freeze up or withdraw or otherwise let her know she had far overstepped in her latte-stained sneakers, shrugged.
“She left me to go find herself. That doesn’t make her terribly available for kindergarten pickup. Or bath-time, beginning ballet, or urgent care visits for ear infections,” he said, not as bitterly as he could have but not as Zen as he’d likely intended. There was a look in his eyes that only another divorced, custodial parent could recognize, a pain made of equal parts anger and humiliation, the need to conceal it from the child who shouldn’t see their other parent as a villain. The fatigue from being the one who was there, who couldn’t think about a weekend away or a night out without worrying about whether there’d be a call from the sitter, a fever, a crying jag over the fear of abandonment and the finite quantity of chicken nuggets allotted to a meal.
“I really thought you were going to end on bake sales,” Alina said. 
“I always get a pass from the class moms on those,” Alex said. “They don’t expect a dad to bake, so if I do, I’m basically a superhero and if I can’t manage to send in homemade banana chocolate chip muffins and send her in with a box of cupcakes from Kaminsky’s, I’m still in their good graces. It’s completely unfair.”
“It is,” Alina said. She couldn’t be that annoyed because he knew it. “I wish I could get away with banana bread muffins. I sent Eli with red velvet cupcakes once and I didn’t use organic red food coloring or organic, locally sourced cream cheese for the frosting and I got the smoky cat-wing stink-eye for the next month. I should have risen above it, but honestly, it sucked.”
Alex laughed. He had a nice laugh, a nice voice, and seemed like a nice man who was a good dad. With her luck, that meant that he was either secretly an immensely powerful, evil mastermind intent on world domination or that she’d never see him again.
“You’re Eli’s mom? Cosima says he’s very smart and good at sharing and he makes the best dinosaur sounds. Somewhere between a growl and a yodel, I gathered after she gave up trying to describe it and demonstrated her impression,” Alex said. “I hope this isn’t too presumptuous, but would you consider a playdate for them? It’s been rough, these past few months, and I’m trying to make sure she still has a normal childhood, whatever that means these days. My mother thinks I spoil her, but she’s very old-fashioned. My mother, not Cosima.”
“My schedule is a little tricky,” Alina said carefully. She would have been more wary if it had been one of the exquisitely put-together mothers asking, more relaxed if one of the nannies had made the proposal. She wasn’t sure what to make of Alex’s offer, except that she’d wanted to say yes right away and that meant she needed to watch herself. The opportunity to even subtly trash-talk her ex was irresistible, however. “Eli’s father is around, but never when I need to organize anything.” 
“We could meet at the park. I can bring enough snacks to last the afternoon, you could come when you’re free,” Alex suggested. He said when and not if, enough hope in his voice and those dark eyes that it sounded like an appeal and not an attempt to control her.
“I wouldn’t want you to go to too much trouble,” she said. She had thought arranging playdates would be easier than actual adult dating, but thus far, she’d been wrong.
“Oh, I won’t. I’ll go to Kaminsky’s and stock up. I’m friends with the owners,” he said. “I should say, I’m friends with Theo and Ivan doesn’t outright loathe me and allows me to eat his pastry. If you are not Theo, that is about as close to friends as you can get with him.”
“Sounds like my friend Gen’s boyfriend David, except substitute updating all my devices so I don’t get hacked or locked out of my bank account for petit fours and apple turnovers,” Alina said.
“That’s what you’d like, apple turnovers?” Alex asked, looking at her with a degree of focus that started out as unnerving and then suddenly felt warmer than appraisal, too thoughtful to be mere flirtation.
“You don’t have to—” Alina began, cut off when the kids were released, much like a swarm of infuriated bees or the Charge of the Light Brigade, Eli running a credible Olympic qualifying sprint with her latte-splattered knees as the finish line, a dark-haired little girl with neatly braided hair arriving slightly more decorously in Alex’s embrace; he’d instantly dropped into an unfairly elegant crouch to receive his daughter, while Alina planted her feet to take on the onslaught of Hurricane Eli. 
“Papa, you have to tell Baba not to eat snails anymore because Ms. Costas got one and it’s got a name and snails are people too,” Cosima announced, small hands planted on her father’s shoulders.
“Its name is Greg,” Eli said, as if the four of them were having a conversation, which Alina now supposed was the actual truth. 
“So, a boy snail,” Alex said.
“No,” Cosima said. “Just Greg.”
“Can we go to the park, Mommy? You said we could. Can we bring meatballs?” Eli asked.
“Not today, buddy,” Alina said, bracing herself for a tantrum or a closing argument worthy of Clarence Darrow or Judge Judy. 
“You said—”
“Your mom said we could have a playdate on Saturday and that is in two days,” Alex interjected. “Cosima and I are going to bring a blanket and some treats. We could include meatballs too.”
“Don’t,” Alina said. Alex’s expression went blank but Cosima and Eli’s both looked mutinous and on the verge of tears. It was amazing Ms. Costas could stand firm regarding quiet time in the face of such unified disapproval. “I just meant, don’t worry about meatballs. Meatballs is Mr. Lanstov’s cat. He’s our neighbor, we help out a little—”
“Yeah, because Mr. Lantsov is a million years old,” Eli said. “He said to call him Niko, but Mommy says that’s not polite because he’s so old.”
“We could bring apple turnovers then,” Alex said. “And maybe some catnip for Meatballs. It would be nice to make everyone happy.”
For @vesperass-anuna and @aloveforjaneausten who were wanting a modern AU for Darklina where our two unhappy characters meet at school picking up their kiddos.
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I really like what Lewis does and for one reason is because he is just being himself  - Pierre Gasly on The Fast and The Curious podcast 
Full Lewis Topic Transcription Below :)
Host: Who has the best fashion in F1?
Pierre: I’ll go with Lewis. I really like what Lewis does and for one reason is because he is just being himself. 
In F1, when I joined, people tried to cage you a bit. You are very easily judged, you are very - it’s difficult to really be yourself because you have millions of people looking and judging every single word, judging your style, your sneakers, how you’re spending your time, where you put your focus on - but at the end of the day you just wanna be yourself.
Obviously you gotta perform, but I think as an individual we’re all different, we’re all unique. And yeah, Lewis always sticked to what Lewis likes. And even if there were a lot of people bashing him and telling him off he’d just say:
‘Ok either you like me or you hate me but at the end of the day, I’m Lewis Hamilton, that’s what you get.’
And I think that’s an approach I really like because I think it’s important in life to accept people the way they are, and yeah.
Sometimes I like what he wears, sometimes I really don’t like, but at least that’s him, and I find it pretty cool, yeah. 
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copperbadge · 2 years
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Whoa-oh we’re halfway there
Whoa-oh what’s your podcast player...
NaClYoHo is halfway through! This morning set my projection screen up to watch movies this evening, measured one of my tables because I want to replace it, and dismantled the smaller cat tree so I could measure their favorite scratching post for a replacement. I removed and replanted the aerogarden herbs, then thoroughly cleaned the tank and lid, ran it with dilute vinegar water, then rinsed again and replanted. I’ve got poppies, petunias, sage, and thyme growing. 
I’m signed up, with my farm share, to receive meat about once a month, and I’m due for another share next Wednesday, so I also got the chuck roast from last delivery out of the freezer, thawed, and processed it -- trimmed it off the bone, ground the lean beef, and boiled the fat and bone to make a stock. 
I also attempted to remove a lamp in the kitchen, only to find it is hard wired into the wall. It’s got to come out and I’d like that wire capped or converted to an outlet, which is beyond my current ability, so I’m going to put in an order with the building. We have a guy I’m pretty sure can do electrician work, but if they say they can’t I might call the Mystery Spirit who installed my dishwasher and ask if he’d do it. He did a great job last time and already knows my real name. Also I know he takes Venmo. 
Listened to “A Market Solution To The Climate Crisis” by The Indicator, “The Downfall Of A Sneaker King” (FASCINATING piece about sneaker resale) by The Journal, and parts 1 and 2 of “The Last Cup” which is on my feed via Embedded, but is presented by NPR and Futuro Studios. It’s the story of Leo Messi, one of the best footballers ever to play professionally, and how this is likely his last shot at a World Cup for Argentina; it’s told through the eyes of an expat who left around the same time he did, and is as much about the pain of leaving one’s homeland as it is about football. (Paulo Dybala is also on the team this year, so I’m rooting for Argentina in the cup, and kind of excited to watch Messi and Dybala potentially play together live.) 
[ID: Three images; top image is an Aerogarden hydroponic garden, cleaned, lit, and with fresh pods inserted. Lower left is an image of fat, gristle, and bone boiling away merrily on the stove; lower right is the result, a beautiful golden stock with a layer of fat floating on top.]
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Clover
Fullname: Luna Rosalie Lewis
Aliases/Nickname: Clover, Luz
Age: 14
Dates Of Birth: February 9th, 2010
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1 (188cm)
Ethnicity: European (part English, part Irish, part French)
Eyes Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Light Reddish Blonde/Magenta Ombre
Complexion: Fair Skin (a little pale complexion)
Skin Type: a light brown beauty mark under her right eye
Homes: Beverly Hills, California (Born in London, England)
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Beverley Hills High School Student, Beverly Vista Middle School Student (formerly graduate), Elementary School Student at Saint Christina School (formerly, graduated), Spy, WHOOP Agent,
Hobbies: Sketching, Drawing, Artworks, Reading, Studying, Listening To Christian Music, Spies & Noir podcasts including Cybersix, Going to Church with her family, Hanging out with her friends and family, Designing styles and spy suits, Piano lessons, Spending quiet time before bed/during Study Hall, Cheerleadering, FCA Club, Enjoy some afternoon tea, every afternoon
Goals: To become an artist/fashiondesigner, To save the world from threat
Favorite Color: Red, Burgundy, Magenta, Hot Pink
Family Members: Lawrence Lewis (father), Stella Cambridge (mother), Serena Celestia Lewis (older sister), Selene Iris Lewis (younger sister), Gerald Charles Lewis, Trent Lewis (paternal uncles), Charles Lewis III (paternalgrandfather), Grace Lewis (neè LaBride, paternal grandmother), Charles Lewis II+ (paternal great grandfather), Celina Lewis+ (neè Wale, paternal great grandmother), Charles Lewis I+ (paternal 2nd great grandfather), Cassandra Lewis (neè Spencer, 2nd great grandmother)
Role in the team: European Stylist Leader of the groups
Best Friends: Samantha Nyad Simpsons, Akari Yui Huang, Britney Kaiya Chopra, Dean Ace Simpsons, David Diego Rodriguez, Blaine Kai Huang
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Xhanos, Sarah Dominique, Caitlin Kelly Thompson, Marvin Robert Smith-Xhanos, Tim Erin Scam, Chet & Kyle Kate
Love Intersts: Jennifer Anderson
Fashion Choices: Celestial Elegant as a beautiful and elegant girly girl while she wearing off the shoulder, camisole tops, leather/jackets/vests/dusters, denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini leggings and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats. She dislike wearing hooded sweater,sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses/miniskirts and sneakers/high heels
Sexuality: Bisexual
Favorite Movies: Mystery, Noir and Christian
Favorite Books/Novels: Cybersix
Favorite T.V. Show: Mystery Documentary
Favorite Music: Christian Pop and Worship
Favorite Drinks: Peach Iced Tea and English Tea
Favorite Foods: Vegetarian French Cuisine Except Ratatouille
Worst Fear: Her father is being kidnapped by villains including her evil uncle Trent
Favorite part of being a spy: Being a leader of the trio
My version of Clover is not different from the original, for her design I made her a part English, part Irish and part French, she and her family were born in London, England in Western Eupore, after she graduated from Saint Christina School when she was 11 with her parents and her sisters, from London, England to Beverly Hills, California as she attended to Beverly Vista Middle School, and then she attended to Beverly Hills High School, she meet Sammy and Alexia, since childhood, she passed the art history exams as a top student before she and her family moved to USA from England after she graduated from Saint Christina School as she chose to work for W.O.O.H.P, her mother is an Irish surgeon and her father is a half English and a half French well paid psychologist, one of her sisters is 4 years older and younger than her, she is a college student and she is a middle school student. Clover is lean intelligent and beautiful part English, part Irish, and French fair/pale skinned girly girl teenager, with waist length wavy light reddish blonde/ magenta ombre hair tied up in a high ponytail, slightly reddish orange eyebrows, long thin eyelashes, ocean blue eyes, a light brown spot beauty mark under her right eye, heart-shaped lips and she wearing some makeovers like hot pink eyeshadows cherry red eyeliners, and matte rosy lilac lipstick, wearing some jewelry accessories and elegant celestial aesthetic clothes including off the shoulder/camisole tops, denim/leather/jacket/vests/dusters, above the knee denim/celestial patterns skirts, above the knee dresses, capri/mini/finest leggings, low cut socks and wedge sandals/low heels boots/flats instead of fashionable including hooded sweater, sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts, maxi dresses, miniskirts, sneakers and high heels combat boots, as her goal is to graduated from high school and attended to go The University of California, Berkeley, to study for art and design fashions. Inspired by Iris from Lollirock, Nya from Ninjago, Rainbow Dash and Cheerlie from My Little Pony Gen 3, and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
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MTV Unplugged: Singing The Blues
“We’d rehearsed a bunch of songs and tried to keep it a kind of unusual selection so that there was a slightly historical interesting angle to the stuff we were playing”
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Mean Woman Blues
Midnight Special
I Lost My Little Girl
Here, There and Everywhere
San Francisco Bay Blues
We Can Work It Out
Blue Moon Of Kentucky
I’ve Just Seen A Face
Every Night
Be Bop A Lula
She’s A Woman
And I Love Her
The Fool
Things We Said Today
That Would Be Something
Hi-Heel Sneakers
Good Rockin’ Tonight
Ain’t No Sunshine
We Can Work it Out
Singing The Blues
For a while, Paul’s full MTV Unplugged performance was up on YouTube (including songs that weren’t broadcast on the tv show or included on the album) but it’s since been taken down. A couple of things stuck out for me when I watched it: firstly, how naturally funny he is, his between song patter is such a laugh; secondly, how the setlist, with a few exceptions, felt kind of thematic.
Largely, the set felt like a bit of a story and that story, as his fellow Liverpudlian Pete Wylie might have put it, is The Story Of The Blues - and I don’t mean Everton FC.
No, it felt like the story of love found and love lost.
Far fetched? Well, I was listening to the When They Was Fab podcast episode from April 2023 on the mtv unplugged show and it included a clip from an interview with Paul (sorry, don’t have the original source) and he says the following:
“We’d rehearsed a bunch of songs and tried to keep it a kind of unusual selection so that there was a slightly historical interesting angle to the stuff we were playing”.
So, he’s saying there’s something thematic about the setlist. It’s not just a bunch of songs that would sound good done acoustically or, as I’ve heard suggested, that he interpreted the brief as meaning skiffle. I mean, sure, there are a couple of skiffle type songs in there in Midnight Special and San Francisco Bay Blues but even the rest of the 50s covers are more rock & roll, r&b or 50s pop.
If Paul talks about a “slightly historical interesting angle” the first thing we’d probably want to look at is The Beatles or maybe, more particularly, John. Well, the set includes ‘Be Bop A Lula’, a song John and the Quarrymen played the day Paul met him, so there’s that. Is there anything else particularly John or Beatles related in the set? Other than their shared love of 50s r&r and r&b? Don’t really see it.
There are some feel-good uptempo songs in the set to keep the mood up but most of the songs chosen, I think, come into these categories:
* Beatle Paul songs widely accepted to have been written about his then girlfriend
* Beatle Paul songs that may or may not be specifically about her but perhaps reflect the position he was in relationship wise at the time
* Songs about the despair felt when a relationship has ended - singing the blues
The last category covers a couple of his own songs and many of the covers. From the latter:
“I've got news for you, baby, leave me here in misery, all right”
“I got the blues from my baby left me…. didn’t mean to treat her so bad, she was the best girl I ever have had, she said goodbye, I can take a cry, I want to lay down and die”
“It was on a moonlight night, the stars shining bright, they whispered from high, your love has said good-bye”
“gather round me buddy, raise your glasses high and drink to a fool, a crazy fool, who told his baby goodbye. Too late he found he loved her so much he wants to die, so drink to a fool, a crazy fool who told his baby goodbye..he needs her, he needs her so, he wonders why he let her go”
“ain’t no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness every day, ain’t no sunshine when she's gone and this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away”
Finally, as a summation of the performance, we get:
“well I never felt more like singin' the blues, ‘cause I never thought that I'd ever lose your love dear, why'd you do me this way?..well I never felt more like cryin' all night, ‘cause everythin's wrong, and nothin' ain't right without you, you got me singin' the blues”
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Shedding Pounds and Boosting Fitness: Your Guide to Effective Treadmill Workouts
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Starting on a journey to lose weight and improve fitness doesn't necessarily require expensive gym memberships or intricate workout routines. One piece of equipment that can make a significant impact right within the comfort of your home or even your office is a treadmill. This versatile machine can be your ultimate fitness companion, helping you burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve your weight loss goals. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of treadmill workouts and how they can be your key to a healthier and fitter lifestyle.
Choosing the Right Treadmill Before you start your journey, it's crucial to choose the right treadmill that suits your needs. Consider factors like the available space, budget, and the features you require. Choose a treadmill with adjustable incline settings, various workout programs, heart rate monitoring, and a sturdy build for optimal results.
Setting Realistic Goals Weight loss and fitness improvements are best achieved with realistic and attainable goals. Set specific targets for yourself, such as the number of pounds you want to lose per week or the distance you aim to cover during each workout session. Having clear goals will help you stay motivated and focused.
Structured Workout Plans To make the most of your treadmill workouts, it's important to have a structured plan in place. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular and interval training. Begin with a warm-up at a comfortable walking pace and gradually increase the intensity. Incorporate intervals of higher intensity, such as jogging or sprinting, followed by recovery periods of slower walking. This approach can help boost your metabolism and burn calories effectively.
Incorporate Incline Don't neglect the incline feature on your treadmill. Walking or running on an incline engages different muscle groups and increases the intensity of your workout. It also simulates outdoor terrain, making your workouts more varied and challenging.
Monitor Your Heart Rate Many modern treadmills come equipped with heart rate monitors. Keeping an eye on your heart rate can help you stay within your target heart rate zone, ensuring that you're working at an intensity that's appropriate for your fitness level and goals.
Variety Is Key Monotony can be a motivation killer. Keep your workouts interesting by varying your routines. Experiment with different speeds, incline levels, and workout programs. You can also listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks to make your sessions more enjoyable.
Consistency and Progression Consistency is the cornerstone of success in any fitness journey. Aim to work out on your treadmill regularly, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your sessions. As your fitness improves, you can challenge yourself with longer workouts and more intense intervals.
Balanced Diet While treadmill workouts play a significant role in weight loss and fitness, they should be complemented by a balanced diet. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods that provide the energy your body needs for workouts and recovery.
Hydration and Recovery Staying hydrated is essential during your treadmill workouts. Keep a water bottle nearby and sip water throughout your session. Additionally, prioritize post-workout recovery by stretching and incorporating rest days into your routine to prevent overexertion.
Owning a treadmill can be a game-changer in your quest to lose weight and enhance your fitness levels. By setting realistic goals, following structured workout plans, and making use of the various features your treadmill offers, you'll be well on your way to achieving the healthier lifestyle you desire. Remember, consistency and gradual progression are key, and when paired with a balanced diet and proper hydration, your treadmill can become a valuable tool in your fitness arsenal. So lace up your sneakers, hop on your treadmill, and stride towards a fitter, healthier you!
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (4-10 Jun 2023)
🙂 i've been having a horrible time pulling myself together (deadratz) - steddie, 74K - angsty getting together fic
🥰 Red Queen to Overwatch (BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria) - excellent 00Q AU - Bond moves in across the hall from freelance tech genius Q but Q think his oldest brother Mycroft might be a problem…
😊👂‍ Rotten To The Core (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #8) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - back at it again with Emily & Flo in this cozy mystery series
🥰 A Man of Good Fortune (softestpunk) - 43K, Dreamling regency omegaverse AU - absolutely delightful, warm and fluffy; great worldbuilding
😊 Baby, You're the End of June (Oh_i_swear & thiccbuckybarnes, author; britbrit99, artist) - 155K, stucky no powers omegaverse mpreg - quite enjoyable, loved the very slow burn - great embroidery art!
🥰👂‍ We Could Be So Good (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - imma just quote TJ Alexander's review bc they're a great writer and better than me with words: "It's late 1950s New York City, and two reporters for a liberal pinko newspaper are falling in love with each other. Nick and Andy are exquisite. The vibes are immaculate. And for those of us who are wary of reading about queer historicals because we’ve all read That Type of Story Where Things End Terribly: this is not that. And thank fuck." Cat continues her incredible streak of 'low angst, mostly vibes' which I absolutely adore.
😍 Paper Things (saltandanchor) - 73K, Inception Pretty Woman AU - the PW is really just the initial set up for this incredible fic, loved loved loved it even tho I know nothing about inception except that JGL & TH had insane chemistry [this fic was begun 10.5 years ago and the author recently finished it after an 8 yr hiatus!!!! so never give up hope!]
💖💖 +108K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
(Baby, Baby) Can't You Hear My Heart Beat? (E_Greer) - Ted Lasso: Keeley/Roy/Jamie, 37K - my fave tag for this story: "author's shameless adoration of cranky older partners"
your blood is my territory (saltandanchor) - Shameless (US): Ian/Mickey, 10K - canon-divergent (i think) AU where Ian dances in a club and Mickey won't look at him - I don't think I watched Shameless past s3 but this felt very true to their characters
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Hot Ones - LL COOL J - this was possibly my fave Hot Ones ever
Hot Ones - Jenna Ortega
Re: Dracula - June 5: Simple Seriousness
Into It - While Writers Strike, Special Effects Artists Try To Unionize
Vibe Check - Welcome to Club Renaissance
Culture Gabfest Plus - The Spider-Verse Proliferates
⭐99% Invisible #539 - Courtroom Sketch
The Waves Plus - Finding Love Without Romance
⭐Sidedoor - Recording the World
⭐Outward Plus - Pride Special: Is “I Do” Best for You?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fairy Castle
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Temple of Pythons
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Frozen Dead Guy
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tabor Opera House
Re: Dracula - Bonus 3: Antisemitism and the Gothic
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Seventh-Inning Stretch
Alive: 2007 (Live) [Daft Punk] {2007}
Random Access Memories [Daft Punk] {2013}
Presenting The Prodigy
Nitzer Ebb
Sister Machine Gun
Electronic Radio • 2000s
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult Radio • Party
Sneaker Pimps Radio • Chill
My Mix #5 [Duran Duran, ELO, etc]
The Age Of Pleasure [Janelle Monáe] {2023} - I just put this album on repeat all day long from 7:30 to 17:30
Save Ferris
Tomorrow Never Comes [Rancid] {2023}
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sneakerhistory · 2 years
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1985 “Chicago” Air Jordan 1
Sneaker History Podcast:
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✨this or that tag game✨
boredom got the best of me and i decided to do this tag game lol
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruits or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // dc or marvel (neither i hate superhero movies lmao) // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or pudding // hoodies or sweaters // piercings or tattoos // spring or autumn // boots or sneakers // house or apartment // motorcycle or bicycle // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms //white chocolate or dark chocolate // podcasts or video essays // strawberries or watermelon // photos or posters // smartphone or laptop // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries neither // fiction or non-fiction
no pressure tags: @cherrycherieamor @dreamyypeach 💕
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nkseo · 7 days
Digital Marketing: The Magic Ingredient for Small Business Success
Hey there! Ever notice how your favorite brands seem to pop up on your Instagram feed just when you’re thinking about them? Or how a pair of sneakers follows you from site to site? Welcome to the world of digital marketing—a magical place where businesses connect with customers in a way that feels personal, like a friend giving you a recommendation.
But what exactly is digital marketing? And why is it such a game-changer for business owners today? Let’s dive in and explore why it’s becoming the secret ingredient for small businesses to grow and thrive.
The Shift from Old School to New School
Remember when ads were all about billboards, TV commercials, or full-page magazine spreads? Traditional marketing was expensive and scattered. Businesses had to send their message to everyone, hoping it would stick with the right people. But not everyone watching TV was interested in a new shampoo or bank account, making it like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping it sticks.
Then came digital marketing, and the game changed. Instead of hoping to reach the right people, businesses could directly target them online. It’s like having a conversation with someone who’s already interested in your product. Best of all, you don’t need a huge budget to make it work!
Let’s Get Personal (with Your Ads)
Picture yourself scrolling through Instagram, and suddenly, there’s an ad for something you’ve been thinking about buying—like that pair of baggy jeans. It’s almost like the ad knows you. That’s the magic of digital marketing. It’s personal.
For small businesses, this personalization is key. Imagine you’re a local coffee shop owner. Instead of advertising to the entire town, digital marketing allows you to focus on coffee lovers nearby, maybe even those who follow coffee-related hashtags. It’s a win-win: customers see ads they care about, and you attract the right crowd.
The best part? You can track what’s working and what’s not. This data allows businesses to tweak their ads, making them even more effective. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows exactly what your customers want.
Story Time: Dollar Shave Club’s Digital Marketing Magic
Let me tell you about a small business that hit it big with digital marketing. Back in 2011, “Dollar Shave Club” was unknown, competing against giant razor companies with deep pockets. They didn’t have millions to spend on traditional marketing, so they turned to digital.
They created a funny video (seriously, look it up if you haven’t seen it) and shared it online. It went viral, and within days, thousands of people were signing up for their subscription service. No TV ads, no billboards—just smart, targeted digital marketing. Today, they’re a multi-million-dollar company. That’s the power of going digital!
The Tools of the Trade
So, how can you use digital marketing? There are several tools you can leverage, and here are some of the most popular ones:
Social Media Marketing: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow businesses to engage directly with their audience, share stories, and create a community around their brand. It’s not just about selling—it’s about building relationships.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Ever Google something and click on the first result? That’s SEO at work. Businesses optimize their websites so that they rank higher on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find them.
Email Marketing: It may sound old-school, but email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to stay connected with customers. Special offers, updates, and tips keep customers engaged and coming back.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: These ads appear on search engines or website sidebars. Businesses only pay when someone clicks on the ad, meaning they only spend money when someone’s actually interested.
Content Marketing: This is all about creating valuable content—blogs, videos, or podcasts—that help educate or entertain your audience. When people find your content helpful, they’re more likely to trust your brand and become customers.
Why Digital Marketing Works (and Traditional Marketing Doesn’t)
What makes digital marketing so powerful is its flexibility. You can easily adjust your campaigns, tweak your budget, and measure results in real time. If your Instagram ad gets lots of likes but no clicks? Change the image or the message and try again. Traditional marketing doesn’t offer that level of control. Once you’ve paid for a magazine ad or billboard, it’s out there, and you can’t change it.
Plus, with digital marketing, you get instant feedback. You know exactly how many people saw your ad, clicked on it, and even made a purchase. This data helps businesses refine their strategy, making digital marketing both cost-effective and efficient.
The Future of Marketing is Digital
We live in a world where everyone is glued to their screens. Think about how often you check your phone! That’s where digital marketing shines—it meets people where they are, whether they’re scrolling through social media, watching videos on YouTube, or reading emails.
And guess what? Digital marketing isn’t going anywhere. It’s only getting bigger. With new technology like artificial intelligence, businesses will be able to create even more personalized ads that hit the mark every time. This means more chances to connect with customers, build brand loyalty, and, of course, grow profits.
Wrapping it Up
If you’re a business owner, digital marketing isn’t just an option—it’s a must. It’s the best way to connect with your audience, grow your customer base, and boost your profits, all without breaking the bank. Whether you’re starting from scratch or ready to take your business to the next level, digital marketing opens up endless possibilities.
So next time you’re thinking about how to grow your business, remember: digital marketing might just be the magic ingredient you’ve been looking for!
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timesofinnovation · 20 days
**Where Does Nike Go From Here?** Nike is in the second year of its most challenging financial period in recent history. This week, a potential step towards stability emerged with the rehiring of Tom Peddie, a long-time Nike executive who retired in 2020. Peddie’s return as vice president of marketplace indicates a shift back towards supporting major retail partners, reversing Nike’s previous focus on direct-to-consumer sales. Nike’s distribution strategy realignment may be a manageable issue, but it won't fix their broader problems. The company expects a 10 percent decline in sales this quarter and only a modest 1 percent increase in the last fiscal year — the worst in 25 years. Internally, Nike's cost-cutting efforts, including layoffs at its Oregon and Amsterdam offices, have added to low morale. Externally, competition from brands like Adidas, Hoka, and On is intensifying. Adidas is particularly strong, forecasting their best profit margin in three years. CEO John Donahoe asserts that innovation and new product launches will ignite a turnaround. However, recent launches like the Nike Dn sneaker have failed to resonate with consumers. Additionally, the Tokyo Olympics, traditionally a strategic boost for Nike, may not deliver without engaging new products as marketing centers. Nike's strategy to introduce new sneakers under $100 also seems counterproductive when premium brands are thriving. Industry analyst Jessica Ramirez notes that lowering prices could dilute Nike’s brand value. On a positive note, Nike has time to navigate these challenges due to its market-leading position. With $51.4 billion in annual sales, it significantly outperforms Adidas. The recent appointments of Tom Peddie and Tim Hamilton, formerly of The North Face, to lead men’s apparel, are promising steps. These moves aim to restore key product lines and introduce new ones. Models like the Vomero 5 and the return of the Total 90 silhouette exemplify this approach. Nike must deliver more fresh products and balance retro offerings to regain its momentum. This transition is expected to span over the next fiscal year, doubling new product contributions by the end of fiscal 2025. A successful turnaround seems plausible, but it hinges on continuous strategic adjustments and the effective leadership of Donahoe and his team. The coming months will be critical in determining the company's direction and CEO stability. **Related Articles** - Barneys Plots a Bigger Comeback Thanks to Neiman-Saks Deal - The BoF Podcast | Why the Fashion Industry Needs a Makeover - When Will Shoppers Push Back on High Prices? - Why Retailers Must Help Rebuild Society
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