#best travel journal online blog
niuniente · 1 year
Have you ever heard of a podcast called Monstrous Agonies? It's an advice segment for creatures of the night, and I think it's really good. (They're also here on tumblr @monstrousagonies.) Asking because I realized you've reblogged the same types of posts as they have, which tells me you have similar tastes in at least some things, and also because I always want to share things I think are awesome. (All their episodes have transcripts, so one can read the stuff if listening to it might be a problem; great for ADHD, also great for when there was noisy construction going on outside.)
I listen to non-fiction podcasts (and videos) a lot! Especially when drawing. I will give a try to this podcast series, even though it's fictional.
I typically listen to peoples' experiences, like near-death experiences, cryptid encounters, paranormal encounters etc. My newest favorite is The Why Files, which is an investigating journalism channel or various topics as different paranormal encounters, CIA, UFOs, conspiracy theories like is the Moon a man-made object, secret USA military projects, time traveling etc. Always with the question "Is this REALLY true and if not, here are the facts supporting it and if yes, here are the facts supporting that". Highly fascinating and well composed, unbiased series!
Other channels I listen to are
Mom on the spectrum Taylor, a mom of 2, tells about her journey to autism diagnosis at the age of 32, and about life as an autistic, adult woman. Very informative, not a v-blog.
Weird World Stories of peoples' paranormal encounters, glitches in the matrix, past lives etc. unexplainable.
Darkness Prevails The best channel for all kinds of paranormal encounters! Contains tons of cryptid encounters, too.
Dogman Encounters An online "radio" program which interviews face-to-face people who have encounteres dogmen cryptids.
Raven Reads Tons of paranormal encounters of myriad of kinds! Typically sent to Raven directly. Raven also makes 5-10h long video compilations.
Absolute History Super amazing British history channel with short episodes of varied historical topics! These are made to be watched but you can follow them by listening, too.
What Lurks Beneath I haven't been listening to this channel much after it changed its format but the older episodes, which are just read compilations of peoples' paranormal experiences are amazing, especially the military encounters. These helped me to stay sane when I was recovering from a surgery and was in agony.
Paranormal Rising Another excellent channel for all kinds of paranormal experiences people have reported to have!
Anita Moorjani Official I love Anita and listen to her videos whenever I can. Anita is a spiritual speaker and a teacher, helping people to discover their own joyous lives.
Irish in Finland As it says, an Irish man lives in Finland with his Finnish wife. He makes lots of videos about Finnish mythology, history and ancient culture. Probably the best source for Finnish folklore history!
NDE Diary People tell about their near-death experiences. This is one of the best NDE channels if you ask me, as some of the American run NDE channels concentrate on NDEs which align only with Christian values. I want to listen to all kinds of experiences, not just something which supports one religion's views.
Thanatos TV EN An English version (dubbed) of a German channel, which interviews face-to-face German people who have had near-death experiences. Updates rarely but the quality is good.
SPECIAL MENTION - TO WATCH うさぎ村Ch - UsagimuraCh Usagimura - literally Rabbit Forest - is a Japanese breeder who breeds small rabbits. She always introduces newborn bunnies and follows their growth for a month. Videos have English subtitles, if you click them open. This is my happy mood channel!
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whimsicaldragonette · 8 months
Blog Tour and Arc Review: The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews
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Publication Date: January 16, 2024
Welcome to The Lily of Ludgate Hill book tour with Berkley Publishing Group. (This blog tour post is also posted on my Wordpress book blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
Lady Anne Deveril doesn’t spook easily. A woman of lofty social standing known for her glacial beauty and starchy opinions, she’s the unofficial leader of her small group of equestriennes. Since her mother’s devastating plunge into mourning six years ago, Anne voluntarily renounced any fanciful notions of love and marriage. And yet, when fate puts Anne back into the entirely too enticing path of Mr. Felix Hartford, she’s tempted to run…right into his arms. No one understands why Lady Anne withdrew into the shadows of society, Hart least of all. The youthful torch he once held for her has long since cooled. Or so he keeps telling himself. But now Anne needs a favor to help a friend. Hart will play along with her little ruse—on the condition that Anne attend a holiday house party at his grandfather’s country estate. No more mourning clothes. No more barriers. Only the two of them, unrequited feelings at last laid bare. Finally free to gallop out on her own, Anne makes the tantalizing discovery that beneath the roguish exterior of her not-so-white knight is a man with hidden depths, scorching passions—and a tender heart.
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical nonfiction and award-winning Victorian romances. Her novels have received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus, and Shelf Awareness, and her articles have been featured on the Victorian Web, the Journal of Victorian Culture, and in syndication at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes a retired Andalusian dressage horse, a Sheltie, and two Siamese cats. Learn more online at www.mimimatthews.com.
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Author Photo Credit: Vicki Hahn
Rating: ★★★★
*My Review, Favorite Quotes, and Non-Exclusive Extract below the cut.
My Review:
I loved this. It was exactly the sort of banter-filled stubborn hero and heroine who are gone for each other but refuse to admit it story that I love. It's easily the best of the Belles of London series. Anne and Hartford are perfect for each other but it takes them a while to admit it. The only problem I had with it was that it was *extremely* predictable. I knew exactly how it was going to go from the beginning and there was no deviating from that. I actually stopped about 75% of the way through and checked goodreads to make sure I hadn't already read it before. I hadn't. And yet I had predicted every. single. thing that happened. It was like deja vu but more so. The last quarter unfolded exactly as I expected it to. I don't know if the foreshadowing was just really intense or what but that did lessen my enjoyment of the story. Aside from that, however, everything else was exactly as I like in a historical romance. I am curious about the next one, as well, after meeting who will obviously be the new wheelchair-bound, artist hero. I have high hopes because neither of those is something we typically get in a romance hero. *Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
"I wish I were more eccentric," Anne declared, rousing her spirits to the cause. "I might have traveled to Yorkshire weeks ago and saved Julia from her fate."
Non-Exclusive Excerpt:
The twin fragrances of pipe smoke and parchment met her nose. Lemon polish, too, though there was no sign that the maids had done any recent tidying up. The library was a place of spectacular clutter. Bookcases lined three of the walls; leather-bound volumes on botany, agriculture, and natural history were pulled out at all angles as if an absent-minded researcher had wandered from shelf to shelf withdrawing tomes at random only to change his mind midway through extracting them. The fourth wall was entirely covered in framed sketches of flowers and greenery. Some images were produced in pencil and others in delicately rendered watercolor. They were-along with the teetering stacks of botanical journals and drooping maps that spilled over the sides of the earl's carved mahogany desk-evidence of his prevailing passion. Lord March's love of exotic plants was legendary. He'd spent much of his life traveling the globe, from the wilds of America to the highest peaks of the Himalayas, bringing back rare seeds to nurture into bloom. A distracted fellow at the best of times, but a kind one, too, as far as Anne recalled. It had been a long time since she'd darkened his doorstep. A lifetime, it felt like. She tugged restlessly at her black kid-leather gloves as she paced the worn carpet in front of the library's cavernous marble fireplace. She'd never excelled at waiting for unpleasantness to arrive. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long. "Hello, old thing." A familiar deep voice sounded from the library door. Anne spun around, her traitorous heart giving an involuntary leap in her breast. Mr. Felix Hartford stood in the entryway, one shoulder propped against the doorframe. Lord only knew how long he'd been observing her. She stiffened. After all these years, he still had the power to discompose her. Drat him. But she wouldn't permit her emotions to be thrown into chaos by his attractive face and figure. What cared she for his commanding height? His square-chiseled jaw? For the devilish glint in his sky-blue eyes? And devil he was. The very one she'd come here to see. "Hartford," she said. Her chin ticked up a notch in challenge. It was a reflex. There was no occasion on which they'd met during the course of the past several years that they hadn't engaged in verbal battle. This time, however, he made no attempt to engage her. He was dressed in plaid trousers and a loose-fitting black sack coat worn open to reveal the dark waistcoat beneath. A casual ensemble, made more so by the state of him. His clothes were vaguely rumpled, and so was his seal-brown hair. It fell over his brow, desperately in need of an application of pomade. There was an air of arrested preoccupation about him, as if he'd just returned from somewhere or was on his way to somewhere. As if he hadn't realized she was in the library and had come upon her quite by chance. An unnatural silence stretched between them, void of their typical barb-filled banter. Greetings dispensed with, Anne found herself at an unaccountable loss. More surprising still, so did Hartford. He remained frozen on the threshold, his usually humorous expression turned to stone on his handsome face. At length, he managed a smile. "I knew one day you'd walk through my door again. It only took you"-withdrawing his pocket watch from his waistcoat, he cast it a brief glance, brows lifting as if in astonishment at the time-"seven years to do it." She huffed. "It hasn't been seven years." "Six and half, then." Six years and five months, more like. It had been early December of 1855, during the Earl of March's holiday party. She'd been just shy of seventeen; young and naive and not formally out yet. Hartford had kissed her under a sprig of mistletoe in the gaslit servants' hallway outside the kitchens. And he'd proposed to her.
But Anne refused to think of the past. Never mind that, living in London, reminders of it were daily shoved under her nose. "You're not going to be difficult, are you?" she asked. "That depends." He strolled into the room. "To what do I owe your visit?" "Presumptuous, as always," she said. "For all you know, I'm here to see your grandfather." Hartford was the only child of the Earl of March's second son-the late (and much lamented) moralist Everett Hartford. Anne well remembered the man. He'd been as straitlaced and starchy as a vicar. Rather ironic, really, given his son's reputation for recklessness and irreverence. "My grandfather is in his greenhouse," Hartford said, "elbow deep in chicken manure. If it's him you've come to speak with, you're in for a long wait." She suppressed a grimace. There was no need for him to be crass. "Really, Hartford." "Really, my lady." He advanced into the room slowly, his genial expression doing little to mask the fact that he was a great towering male bearing down on her. "Why have you come?" Anne held her ground. She wasn't afraid of him. "I've come to ask a favor of you." His mouth curled up at one corner. "Better and better." He gestured to a stuffed settee upholstered in Gobelins tapestry. "Pray sit down."
Excerpted from The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews Copyright © 2024 by Mimi Matthews. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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uni-meadows · 9 months
Reflecting on 2023 and looking to 2024
I have been meaning to switch to Tumblr as my main site, simply because it's quieter and I can more easily curate my experience online. In saying that I feel as though this blog is as good as any to use as my personal space, so I apologize if you're here on aesthetics alone. (PS - I have an older blog that I have dragged through the trenches that is early 2010s Tumblr- @makemydaisy
Anyway, so 2023 has been an interesting year, that I feel is mostly a blur. I benchmark my years by the convention I usually go to on new years eve (not sure if I will this year) and it feels honestly like it was just last week. Time seems to be moving faster as things get more monotonous, and that's something I want to change in the upcoming year.
I do think I accomplished a decent bit this year though, which I am pretty proud of. Some of the things I am most proud of are:
🌟 Flew to Southern Florida with my bff and road tripped back to home, finally getting to see Miami and Savannah
🌟 Did a solo trip out of the country, driving across the Canadian border and saw very old and dear internet friends
🌟 Got my Lumbee tribal card
🌟 Finally started to wear Lolita fashion after sitting on the sidelines for eight years, attended my first meetup AND hosted one of my own
🌟 Saw Paramore and Depeche Mode in concert
🌟 Started to gain a better idea of how I want to move forward, despite being stuck in a job I don't like
🌟 Began learning how to crochet and embroider
🌟 Started to get back into reading
There's a lot that held me back this year, still processing grief and trauma. I admit I struggle a lot and have my good and really bad days, but I'm working to get that handled. I think for the next year I need to make a more manageable list of resolutions, instead of sticking things into strict numbers and deadlines. So here's a list of things I generally want to accomplish in the next year:
🌟 Transition away from using Twitter, TikTok and Instagram as much; commit to keeping those apps off my phone unless I need to communicate
🌟 Begin to look into the career choice of my dreams and not be afraid to embrace the risk. I want to be in the wildlife profession, and I need to decide whether or not school or workforce is best for that and I need to actually commit. I need to stop taking jobs to survive, I just want to live.
🌟 Travel. I want to go to Japan, but that might be unrealistic. We'll see. I at least want to leave the country again in the next year at some point.
🌟 Dabble in equestrianism. My inner horse girl is screaming.
🌟 Establish healthier habits, namely- Less screentime, more journaling, eating better, sticking to a sustainable exercise routine I enjoy.
🌟 Read more, especially non-fiction. I want to learn more and develop new skills.
🌟 Plan and stick to a budget. Spend less on little treats and save more. I also want to develop my Lolita style, but also do so more second-hand.
🌟 Spend more time outdoors
I'll be updating this as I think of more things.
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evangilbertkatz · 24 days
Freelance Writing for Magazines: Tips for Breaking into Print Publications by Experts like Evan Gilbert-Katz
Breaking into print publications as an independent journalist can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. Freelance writers aspiring to see their work in magazines must navigate a competitive landscape while honing their craft and building a solid portfolio. From pitching story ideas to understanding editorial guidelines, mastering the art of freelance writing requires dedication, persistence, and strategic thinking.
Understanding the Magazine Landscape
Before diving into freelance writing for magazines, it's essential to research and understand the landscape of the publications you wish to target. Magazines vary widely in their focus, audience, and editorial style. Some specialize in niche topics such as travel, fashion, or technology, while others cater to broader interests like lifestyle or current affairs. Familiarize yourself with different magazine genres, their readership demographics, and the type of content they typically publish.
Once you've identified suitable magazines, study their editorial calendars and submission guidelines. Editorial calendars outline the themes and topics planned for upcoming issues, providing valuable insight into the types of stories editors are seeking. Pay attention to submission deadlines, preferred story lengths, and formatting requirements to ensure your pitches and submissions align with the magazine's expectations as emphasized by experts like Evan Gilbert-Katz.
Building a Strong Portfolio
A strong portfolio is a cornerstone of success for freelance journalists looking to break into print publications. Editors rely on portfolios to gauge your writing style, voice, and ability to craft compelling narratives. Begin by creating a diverse portfolio that showcases your versatility and expertise in different subjects relevant to your target magazines.
Consider publishing your work on personal blogs, online platforms, or local publications to establish credibility and demonstrate your writing skills. As you accumulate published clips, organize them into a professional portfolio that highlights your best pieces. Leaders such as Evan Gilbert-Katz suggest including a variety of writing samples, from feature articles to interviews or investigative pieces, to showcase your range as a journalist.
Crafting Compelling Pitches
Crafting compelling pitches is essential for capturing the attention of magazine editors and securing freelance assignments as underscored by industry leaders including Evan Gilbert-Katz. A successful pitch should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to the specific publication you are targeting. Start by thoroughly researching the magazine and understanding its audience and editorial tone.
Begin your pitch with a compelling hook that grabs the editor's attention and clearly articulates your story idea. Outline the angle, significance, and relevance of your proposed article, emphasizing why it would resonate with the magazine's readership. Provide a brief overview of your approach, sources, and potential visuals or multimedia elements that could enhance the story.
Networking with Editors and Writers
Networking plays a crucial role in the freelance writing industry, particularly for gaining insights, building relationships, and accessing opportunities. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops where you can connect with editors, fellow writers, and industry professionals. Networking not only provides valuable feedback on your work but also increases your visibility and credibility within the publishing community.
Engage with editors and writers on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or professional forums dedicated to journalism and writing. Follow publications you admire and participate in discussions or commentaries related to your areas of expertise. Experts like Evan Gilbert-Katz convey that building genuine relationships with editors and writers can lead to freelance assignments, mentorship opportunities, and valuable referrals within the industry.
Navigating Rejections and Feedback
Rejections are an inevitable part of the freelance writing journey, but they can also be valuable learning experiences. When faced with rejection, view it as an opportunity to refine your pitches, strengthen your writing skills, and better understand editorial preferences. Request feedback from editors whenever possible to gain insights into areas for improvement and enhance your chances of success with future submissions.
Maintain a positive attitude and persistence in your pursuit of freelance opportunities. Keep track of your submissions, deadlines, and editor responses to stay organized and proactive in your pitching efforts. Celebrate small victories, such as personalized feedback or requests for revisions, as they indicate progress and potential for future collaborations.
Honing Your Writing Craft Continuously
Continuous improvement is key to succeeding as an independent journalist in the competitive world of magazine writing. Dedicate time to honing your writing craft through reading, writing exercises, and seeking constructive criticism from peers or mentors. Stay informed about industry trends, journalistic best practices, and evolving storytelling techniques to remain relevant and adaptable.
Invest in professional development opportunities such as workshops, online courses, or writing retreats that can expand your skills and knowledge base. Experiment with different writing styles, formats, and storytelling approaches to showcase your versatility and creativity. By continuously honing your writing craft, you'll not only enhance your chances of breaking into print publications but also establish yourself as a respected freelance journalist in the industry as pointed out by leaders such as Evan Gilbert-Katz.
Breaking into print publications as a freelance journalist requires dedication, persistence, and a strategic approach to pitching and writing. By understanding the magazine landscape, building a strong portfolio, crafting compelling pitches, networking with industry professionals, navigating rejections, and continuously honing your writing craft, you can increase your chances of success in the competitive world of magazine writing. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and remain resilient in pursuing your passion for storytelling through print publications. With perseverance and a commitment to excellence, you can achieve your goal of becoming an independent journalist contributing to prestigious magazines.
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Travel Essential Tips
Travel Like a Pro: Essential Tips for Planning Your Perfect Getaway
Planning a getaway can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when you want to explore a beautiful destination like Uttarakhand. Whether you’re dreaming of serene hill stations, lush valleys, or majestic mountains, having a well-thought-out plan can make all the difference. Here are some essential tips to help you travel like a pro, with a special focus on how to leverage the expertise of tour operators in Uttarakhand and our dedicated travel agents for Uttarakhand.
1. Do Your Research
Before you embark on your journey, take some time to research the various attractions and experiences Uttarakhand has to offer. From the tranquil beauty of Nainital and the spiritual ambiance of Haridwar to the adventurous trails of Auli, understanding the unique features of each location can help you create an itinerary that suits your interests. Consider checking online travel blogs, forums, and our website to gather insights.
2. Plan Your Itinerary Wisely
A well-structured itinerary is crucial for making the most of your trip. Start by listing the places you want to visit and the activities you wish to do. Keep in mind the travel time between destinations to avoid feeling rushed. If you’re unsure, consulting with our travel agents for Uttarakhand can provide you with tailored recommendations based on your preferences and time frame.
3. Choose the Right Tour Operators
Working with reliable tour operators in Uttarakhand can significantly enhance your travel experience. They offer local insights, handle logistics, and ensure that you don’t miss out on hidden gems. Look for operators with positive reviews and a solid reputation for organizing trips in the region. Our team at Planurtrip collaborates with some of the best tour operators in Uttarakhand to provide you with seamless travel experiences.
4. Consider the Best Time to Visit
Uttarakhand is a year-round destination, but the best time to visit depends on the activities you want to pursue. If you’re interested in trekking, the summer months (April to June) are ideal. For a winter wonderland experience, December to February is perfect for snow sports in places like Auli. Plan accordingly and communicate your preferences to our travel agents for Uttarakhand, who can help you choose the optimal time for your trip.
5. Pack Smart
Packing appropriately can enhance your travel experience. Make sure to include essentials like comfortable footwear, weather-appropriate clothing, and travel-sized toiletries. Don’t forget to pack a first-aid kit and any personal items you might need. If you’re planning outdoor activities, gear like trekking poles or waterproof jackets might also come in handy. Our travel agents for Uttarakhand can suggest specific items based on your planned activities.
6. Stay Connected
Having a reliable means of communication can be crucial, especially in remote areas. Consider purchasing a local SIM card or an international roaming plan to stay connected. This will also allow you to access maps and travel apps on the go. Additionally, ensure you have contact information for your tour operators in Uttarakhand and our travel agents in case you need assistance during your trip.
7. Be Open to New Experiences
One of the best parts of traveling is the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. While it’s great to have a plan, don’t be afraid to embrace spontaneity. Whether it’s trying local cuisine or joining a last-minute trek, these unexpected moments can become the highlight of your trip. Our travel agents for Uttarakhand can also recommend unique experiences you might not have considered.
8. Capture the Memories
Finally, don’t forget to document your journey! Whether it’s through photos, journaling, or social media, capturing your experiences will allow you to relive your adventure long after you return home. Plus, sharing your trip can help inspire others to explore the beauty of Uttarakhand.
Planning your perfect getaway to Uttarakhand doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these essential tips and leveraging the expertise of tour operators in Uttarakhand and our knowledgeable travel agents for Uttarakhand, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the breathtaking landscapes and rich culture that await you in this stunning region! Happy travels!
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infinitywebinfopvtltd · 2 months
Website Design & Development IWPL.
We are INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD. We design & develop website and mobile app. We have more than 10 years of experience in Website Development. We have expertise in travel portals. We Provides RAIL, FLIGHT API Integrations to PSP, TBO, Admin Login & Agent Login.
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Travel Portal: - the main purpose of a travel website is for bookings of trains, flights, buses and hotels, tour packages.
Service website: - The main purpose of a service website is to inform potential clients or customers about the services you offer while highlighting the benefits of those services.
Blog website: - blog is an online Journal or Information.
Education website: - The purpose of Education website is for online admission, result, course details, and notice and many more things related to students and academy.   
Ecommerce website:-the purpose of the ecommerce website is to buy or sell things online.
Portfolio website: - online space that showcases your best work. It's one of the most practical and memorable ways to share your work with press, potential collaborators or employers.
Choosing Infinity Webinfo Pvt Ltd for website design and development can offer several advantages:
Expertise and Experience: Infinity Webinfo Pvt Ltd likely has a team of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the latest trends and technologies in web design and development.
Customized Solutions: IWPL probably offer tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of different businesses, ensuring that the website aligns with your brand and goals.
Comprehensive Services: IWPL will provide a wide range of services including web design, development, SEO, digital marketing, and more, making it a one-stop shop for your online presence.
Client Support: IWPL probably offer excellent customer support, ensuring that you have assistance during and after the development process.
Use of Latest Technologies: IWLP Will stay updated with the latest web technologies and design trends, ensuring your website is modern and competitive.
Contact Details: -
Mobile: - +91 9711090237
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blairx-bitch · 3 months
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*.Pinned Post˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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Hello! Welcome to my bog, (blog. I'm so funny 💀) I hope your travels to find me were safe. This post will just be some general info about me and what I post/plan to on this blog. (Below the cut)
My art- self explanatory. Under this tag would be sketches or final drawings
Yapping- Random thoughts, rants, or ideas
Ama- ask me anything responses. May pair with other tags
Lore drop- probably not going to use this alot. Also self explanatory
Scarlett Rose Grimm- stuff relating to my tav in bg3! (Search this tag/character sheet tag for ref)
Journal- Updates on stuff/organizing thoughts
Bg3 tarot- my tarot deck project!!
Unlabeled? It's probably a repost :3
.・゜゜・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・゜-: ✧ :-  
About me
I'm Zombie, nice to meet you! I'm a goth/metal head and a self taught artist. My main medium is digital art, which I have been practicing seriously for six years now. I love fashion, music, and video games, my favorite kind of games are RPGs and my favorite fictional creatures are vampires. I enjoy reading gothic novels (and fanfic) as a pass time as well, my favorites being Phantom of the Opera and Dracula. I have a niche growing interest in fantasy armor and weapon design, and my favorite video games consist of BG3, RDR, Dark souls games, Skyrim, and others.
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About this blog
I originally created a tumblr account in order to actively follow my favorite artists as an alternative to downloading Twitter or similar platforms. After a while of usage, I decided I really liked the more openly creative kinds of communities that this site hosted, so I made this blog as a personal portfolio for my art along with whatever shitposts I felt inclined to share. I hope to use this account to track my personal progress as an artist while also putting out the loads of fanart I make to fellow fans who seek such things out.
⚠️To whom it may concern, i may post art that is slightly suggestive, has mild nudity, or gore/blood. I'll always tag it under a cw so whoever doesn't want to see it can filter it out on the occasion I post something with that.
I love hearing from people who have the same interests as me or want to provide helpful critiques, so my comment sections, dms, and AMA inbox are always open! I like making friends :)
I am also currently accepting drawing requests. Just hit up my ama inbox!
(Blog theme: pi's house- star stable online. LOOKS BEST IN DARK MODE/GOTH RAVE!)
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astrologerskabid · 3 months
Choose Your Profession According to Your Zodiac Sign
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Most of us find ourselves in a dilemma in choosing the right career after college. If you are in the same state and hovering for ideas regarding your career field, this blog can help you. We will from a career astrologer near me the right profession according to our zodiac sign. If you don’t know what your zodiac sign is, consult with an astrologer near you. Also, you can visit an online astrology portal to find out your zodiac sign through free software. It is that simple.  
Career Options According to Zodiac Signs
Aries: If you are an Aries, you find yourself appropriate in a management or leadership role. You can achieve success in sales and marketing. 
Taurus: If you are thinking of going into finance or banking, it will suit you the best. 
Gemini: Gemini people shine faster in roles like writing, communication, journalism, and public relationships. 
Cancer: In any field that requires a nurturing nature, these people fit into the job the best. Cancer people are born with a natural nurturing and emotional nature. 
Leo: They are best in the leadership and creative field.
Virgo: They are the best conflict managers. Hence, they excel as a lawyer, doctors, accountants, or researchers. 
Libra: These people excel in the field of law, human resources, or diplomacy. 
Scorpio: They are just the best as intelligent officers, psychologists, or detectives. 
Sagittarius: They love adventures. So, they do their best as a teacher, travel agent, and even as a media professional. 
Capricorn: You people find yourself the best in managing business, strategic planning, finance, and executive roles. 
Aquarius: Aquarius people are innovative and humanitarian. Thus, they do well as social workers, activists, and in IT. 
Pisces: You people do the excellence in creative fields. Also, you do best in counseling and providing therapies. 
For in-detail career predictions, you should consider visiting a professional career astrologer near me. You will get to know the best profession according to your zodiac sign and planetary placement. 
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wengyan · 3 months
Week 8: Body Modification on Visual Social Media
Hello! It’s been a while, I hope everyone is doing well. Welcome back to my blog~  
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Before I start, has anyone ever experienced comparing our looks with influencers/celebrities on the Internet? Well, I’m sure the majority of us have gone through this stage, especially during puberty. Sad to say that I, myself have gone through it too. However, I walked out of that stage! With this being said, I would like to dive into body modification on visual social media in this blog.
As we all know, social media users like to present their best side and will go to any length to appear as the most flawless version of themselves in order to meet social media standards (Linton 2023). Body changes have been increasingly severe throughout time, and they may now be affecting younger generations. It all began with influencers and celebrities undergoing cosmetic surgeries such as the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and rhinoplasty. 'What is BBL?' you might wonder. It is a surgical treatment in which fat is extracted from the stomach or back and injected into a woman's buttocks to achieve a larger, more shapely behind and a smaller waist (Greenwood 2021).
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BBL is more commonly found and done in the West because Westerners’ body standards lean towards the wider aspects. As for Asians, they focus more on facial surgeries rather than body surgeries. For example, South Korea has been famous for getting rhinoplasty (nose job), liposuction and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) for almost a decade and people would travel all the way there just to undergo the procedure (Peterson 2023). 
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However, other than plastic surgery, there are various ways to showcase your good qualities on the Internet. There have been an increasing number of editing tools that allow people to transform their appearance into a completely different person. Individuals who solely care about how they appear on social media might choose to edit because it is free and takes only a few minutes. Meanwhile, people with a strong desire to modify their appearance in real life and in the long run will choose cosmetic surgery to boost their confidence and self-esteem.
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The widespread acceptance of body modification has made people so insecure about their natural appearances that they strive to transform themselves into what is deemed as 'perfection' on social media. Despite this, I feel that as social media users, we must remember and be mindful that nearly anything posted online is false and never represents reality. What we see on social media reflects only a fraction of a person's life. We should never compare ourselves to others, especially strangers, because we do not know their entire story. In contrast, we should begin to prioritise our well-being and seek out things that bring us happiness and positivity rather than pessimism (How to Cope if Social Media Affects Your Body Image 2023). 
As the saying goes, “Everyone has imperfections and insecurities, that is what makes us humans!”. With this blog, I hope people will start to appreciate their natural beauty and accept themselves for who they are. If you are still reading, thank you for scrolling all the way here. I will see you in my next blog, byebye!
Greenwood, D 2021, The BBL Bubble: How Social Media Fuels Body Modification, Psychology Today, viewed 14 June 2024, <https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mirror-mirror/202108/the-bbl-bubble-how-social-media-fuels-body-modification>.
How to Cope if Social Media Affects Your Body Image 2023b, YoungMinds, viewed 14 June 2024, <https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/blog/how-to-cope-if-social-media-affects-your-body-image/>.
Linton, LB 2023, Digital Modification on Social Media: How Does the Content You Engage with Affect Your Body Image? – PIT Journal, PIT Journal – The People, Ideas, and Things Journal, viewed 14 June 2024, <https://pitjournal.unc.edu/2023/06/20/digital-modification-on-social-media-how-does-the-content-you-engage-with-affect-your-body-image/>.
Peterson, J 2023, Beauty Across Borders: Exploring the Most Popular Plastic Surgeries Around the Globe! - Jack Peterson MD, Jack Peterson MD, viewed 14 June 2024, <https://drjackpeterson.com/blog/most-popular-plastic-surgeries-around-the-globe/#:~:text=In%20South%20Korea,%20the%20most,and%20blepharoplasty%20(eyelid%20surgery)>.
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ashtonlanger · 4 months
Exploring the Best Automotive Travel Blogs in the USA
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Embarking on a road trip can be an exhilarating adventure, and having access to the best automotive travel blogs can enhance your journey significantly.
Whether you're planning a cross-country excursion or seeking inspiration for your next weekend getaway, these blogs offer invaluable insights, tips, and recommendations to make your travels memorable. Join us as we explore some of the top automotive travel blogs Article Website in the USA.
1. USA Blogger Book - Road Trips Edition
As your go-to destination for all things travel-related, USA Blogger Book offers a dedicated section focusing on road trips. From scenic routes to off-the-beaten-path destinations, our road trips edition provides comprehensive guides, practical tips, and inspiring stories to fuel your wanderlust. Whether you're a seasoned road warrior or a novice explorer, USA Blogger Book is your trusted companion on the open road.
2. The Drive
The Drive is a comprehensive automotive publication that covers everything from car reviews to travel guides. With a dedicated section for road trips and travel adventures, The Drive offers expert advice on planning the perfect journey. Whether you're interested in exploring national parks or scenic byways, The Drive has you covered with detailed itineraries and insider tips.
3. Roadtrippers
Roadtrippers is a must-visit website for anyone planning a road trip in the USA. With a user-friendly interface and interactive map feature, Roadtrippers helps you discover hidden gems and offbeat attractions along your route. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country odyssey, Roadtrippers provides personalized recommendations to make your journey unforgettable.
4. Overland Expo
For those with a passion for off-road travel and adventure, Overland Expo is the ultimate resource. With a focus on vehicle-based travel and exploration, Overland Expo offers tips, gear reviews, and trip reports for off-grid adventures. Whether you're dreaming of traversing rugged terrain or camping under the stars, Overland Expo provides the inspiration and information you need to make it happen.
5. Outside Online - Road Trip Guides
Outside Online is a treasure trove of outdoor adventure content, including a section dedicated to road trip guides. From scenic drives to epic road trips, Outside Online offers inspiration and practical advice for exploring the great outdoors by car. Whether you're seeking solitude in the wilderness or seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills, Outside Online has something for every adventurer.
6. Adventure Journal - Road Trips
Adventure Journal is a popular outdoor lifestyle publication that covers a wide range of topics, including road trips. With stunning photography and engaging storytelling, Adventure Journal inspires readers to hit the open road and explore the world around them. Whether you're interested in backpacking, camping, or road tripping, Adventure Journal offers insightful content to fuel your wanderlust.
7. The Road Junkies
The Road Junkies is a blog dedicated to the joy of road tripping. With a focus on slow travel and immersive experiences, The Road Junkies shares tales from the road, practical travel tips, and destination guides. Whether you're planning a scenic drive along the coast or a historic journey through the heartland, The Road Junkies offers inspiration and advice for your next adventure.
8. Lonely Planet - USA Road Trips
Lonely Planet is a trusted name in travel, and their USA road trips section is a valuable resource for road trippers. With detailed itineraries, insider tips, and recommendations from travel experts, Lonely Planet helps you plan the ultimate American road trip. Whether you're interested in exploring iconic landmarks or hidden gems, Lonely Planet has you covered with comprehensive guides and inspiring content.
9. Travel Channel - Road Trip Guides
The Travel Channel offers a wealth of travel inspiration, including a section dedicated to road trip guides. From scenic drives to themed itineraries, the Travel Channel provides detailed recommendations and insider tips for exploring the USA by car. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, the Travel Channel offers inspiration and practical advice to make your road trip unforgettable.
10. National Geographic - Road Trips
National Geographic is synonymous with exploration and adventure, and their road trips section is a testament to that legacy. With stunning photography and captivating storytelling, National Geographic takes readers on a journey across the USA's most iconic landscapes and destinations. Whether you're planning a family road trip or a solo adventure, National Geographic offers inspiration and insight to fuel your wanderlust.
Embarking on a road trip is an opportunity to explore new destinations, connect with nature, and create lasting memories. With the help of the best automotive travel blogs in the USA, you can plan the perfect itinerary, discover hidden gems, and make the most of your time on the road. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, these blogs offer invaluable resources and inspiration to enhance your travel experience. So pack your bags, hit the open road, and let the adventure begin!
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travelpostblog · 6 months
Exploring the World Through a Travel Post Blog
In today's interconnected world, travel post blogs have become essential portals for exploring the globe. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an armchair adventurer, these blogs offer a unique window into different cultures, landscapes, and experiences. Let's delve into the fascinating world of travel post blogs and uncover the wonders they hold.
The Essence of Travel Post Blogs
At the heart of every travel post blog lies a passion for discovery and sharing experiences. These blogs serve as digital journals where travelers document their adventures, from hidden gems in bustling cities to tranquil retreats in remote corners of the world. Through vivid storytelling, captivating photos, and insightful tips, they invite readers to embark on virtual journeys and ignite their wanderlust.
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Navigating the Travel Post Blogosphere
With countless travel post blogs available online, finding the right ones can feel like embarking on a quest. However, by using keywords like "Travel Post Blog," enthusiasts can narrow down their search and uncover hidden gems in the vast blogosphere. From solo travel narratives to family-friendly guides and budget-friendly tips, there's a travel post blog tailored to every wanderer's preferences.
Immersive Experiences Through Visual Storytelling
One of the hallmarks of a captivating travel post blog is its ability to transport readers to distant lands through visual storytelling. Stunning photographs, immersive videos, and detailed descriptions create a multisensory experience, allowing audiences to feel like they're right there alongside the traveler. Whether it's capturing the vibrant bustle of a bustling market or the serenity of a sunset over the ocean, these visuals paint a vivid picture of the world's diversity.
Uncovering Hidden Gems and Insider Tips
Beyond the popular tourist attractions, travel post blogs excel at uncovering hidden gems and sharing insider tips. From off-the-beaten-path eateries favored by locals to lesser-known hiking trails with breathtaking views, these blogs offer a deeper understanding of destinations. Travelers can glean valuable insights, such as the best times to visit, cultural etiquettes, and unique experiences that enrich their journeys.
Fostering a Global Community of Wanderers
Travel post blogs play a pivotal role in fostering a global community of wanderers united by their love for exploration. Through comments, shares, and collaborations, bloggers and readers alike exchange stories, recommendations, and encouragement. This sense of camaraderie transcends borders and inspires individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embark on transformative adventures.
Embracing Sustainable and Responsible Travel
In an era of heightened awareness about sustainability, many travel post blogs champion responsible and ethical travel practices. From promoting eco-friendly accommodations to advocating for cultural preservation and wildlife conservation, bloggers use their platforms to raise awareness and encourage mindful tourism. By highlighting the beauty of our planet and the importance of preserving it, these blogs inspire travelers to make conscious choices that benefit both destinations and communities.
Planning Your Next Adventure with Travel Post Blogs
Whether you're planning a solo expedition, a family vacation, or a group getaway, travel post blogs are invaluable resources for trip planning. By browsing through curated itineraries, packing guides, and destination reviews, travelers can gather insights and inspiration to create unforgettable experiences. From budget travel tips to luxury escapes, these blogs cater to diverse interests and preferences, ensuring that every journey is tailored to perfection.
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The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Travel Post Blogs
As technology continues to advance and travel trends evolve, the landscape of travel post blogs is constantly changing. From incorporating interactive maps and virtual reality experiences to exploring emerging destinations and sustainable tourism initiatives, bloggers adapt their content to reflect the evolving needs and interests of their audience. This dynamic approach ensures that travel post blogs remain relevant and engaging in an ever-changing world.
Conclusion: Embark on a Journey of Discovery
In conclusion, travel post blogs offer a gateway to endless adventures and discoveries. From inspiring wanderlust to providing practical tips and fostering a global community, these blogs have transformed the way we explore the world. Whether you're seeking inspiration for your next trip or simply dreaming of far-off destinations, immerse yourself in the captivating world of travel post blogs and let your imagination take flight.
So, where will your next adventure take you? Explore, discover, and share your own travel tales through the captivating realm of travel post blogs.
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focal-media · 7 months
How 360-degree Videos for Real Estate can change your property marketing
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Success in the quickly changing real estate marketing industry depends on being one step ahead of the competition. 360-degree films have become a potent tool that can revolutionize the way properties are marketed as technology continues to disrupt the real estate market. We'll explore the revolutionary effects of 360-degree videos and how they're altering the real estate landscape in this blog. These innovative solutions are provided by Focal Media, a top agency for design, branding, and digital marketing, to assist real estate professionals succeed online.
360-degree Videos: What Are They?
360-degree movies, sometimes referred to as immersive or spherical videos, are a type of visual media that have become extremely popular recently and have completely changed how we interact and perceive material. 360-degree videos offer a virtual tour that lets viewers explore an entire scene, environment, or space from every angle, in contrast to typical videos that have a fixed frame.
Immersive Panoramic Viewing: 360-degree films include the whole scene, offering a comprehensive and immersive visual experience. You have the impression that you are in the center of the action, with unrestricted visibility up and down.
Interactivity: The ability to engage with 360-degree videos is one of its best qualities. Instead of being merely spectators, viewers take an active role in the event. They have the ability to pick and choose where to focus their attention, browse the content, and delve into the elements that most pique their curiosity. Because of this degree of control, viewers find it to be an engaging medium.
Realism and Presence: 360-degree films give off an air of presence that makes them especially appropriate for a range of uses, such as real estate. Viewers get the impression that they are physically present in the location being filmed when they utilize a virtual reality (VR) headset or just their computer or mobile device. For sectors where presenting the actual world is crucial, this realism has the potential to revolutionize the industry.
Adaptable Uses: 360-degree movies have several uses, even though they are frequently connected to virtual tours and real estate advertising. They are employed to give a more thorough and immersive view of places and events in a variety of areas, including education, travel and tourism, entertainment, and even journalism.
360-degree Real Estate Videos: Revolutionizing Property Exhibition
360-degree footage is revolutionizing the real estate market. They provide a distinctive means of showcasing properties to prospective purchasers, allowing them to inspect every inch of the property as though they were in person. This degree of immersion and detail can have a big influence on buyers' decision-making.
Watchers of these videos can:
Analyze the room sizes, arrangement, and architectural features.
Evaluate the room's flow and envision their utilization of it.
Take in the atmosphere and surrounds, including the window views.
Ascertain the general state of the property and any possible maintenance requirements.
Essentially, 360-degree films offer a thorough and genuine impression of the property, assisting prospective purchasers in making better judgments. Additionally, they greatly shorten the time
360-degree Videos' Advantages for Real Estate
Digital Reality Real Estate: VR Integration Done Right
Virtual reality (VR) technology and 360-degree films combine perfectly to provide prospective buyers the chance to take a virtual tour of a home. This integration is revolutionary, especially for overseas or long-distance buyers who would find it difficult to view a home in person before making a purchase.
Wearing virtual reality headsets enables consumers to practically visit any property, no matter where it is physically located. They provide a level of immersion in real estate marketing that was previously unthinkable, allowing users to explore every square inch of the property as if they were physically present. International purchasers will find this invaluable since it allows them to experience properties in a strikingly genuine way, despite geographical restrictions. It's similar to touring without having to get out of their cozy homes.
Improved Property Showcase: Emphasizing Special Features and Design
In contrast to conventional still photos and flat-screen videos, which frequently leave a lot to the viewer's imagination, 360-degree films offer a thorough and intricate perspective of a property with three-dimensional real estate visualization. Using this medium, real estate agents can highlight the property's distinctive features, layout, and architecture in all of its details.
No other visual medium can equal the richness and detail found in 360-degree videos. The arrangement of the house is open for exploration by guests, who may take in the large living room, the comfortable bedrooms, and even the outside spaces. They are able to examine architectural details, such crown molding, hardwood floors, or contemporary fixtures, and determine how these elements enhance the property's overall appearance. The degree of openness with which a property is presented gives prospective purchasers confidence and enables them to make better selections.
Engagement and Interest in an Immersion Environment
The immersive experience that 360-degree videos offer is one of their main benefits. Viewers actively participate in the process of exploring the property rather than acting as passive observers. Interest and questions are greatly increased by this increased degree of participation.
360-degree videos provide an immersive experience that lets viewers interact with the property directly. They are in charge of their viewpoint, deciding what features of the property to investigate and how long to do so. A strong bond is created between the observer and the property as a result of the autonomy and interaction that make the viewing experience unique and captivating. A more captivating and unforgettable experience increases the likelihood that visitors will contact for more information, book a viewing, or make a purchase.
Efficient Use of Time and Money: Simplifying Property Tours
Traditionally, setting up in-person property visits may be costly and time-consuming. In addition to arranging appointments and leading tours, real estate brokers often have to communicate with sellers. On the other hand, 360-degree films provide a time- and money-efficient solution for both sellers and purchasers.
360-degree films save everyone's time and money by doing away with the necessity for physical tours. Buyers can view properties on their own schedule without having to travel, while sellers can reach a larger audience without having to constantly prepare their property for viewings. The buying and selling procedure is streamlined and made more convenient by this cost- and time-effectiveness.
Increased Audience Reach: Interesting and Distributable Content
360-degree films have a higher viewing angle and are also quite popular on social media. They can reach a wider audience by being readily disseminated via websites, social media platforms, and other online methods.
A key element in the popularity of 360-degree videos is their shareability. They can be disseminated to a worldwide audience via a variety of digital channels. The immersive experiences create excitement and interest in the property when prospective buyers share them with their networks. Because of this, homes that are shown in 360-degree videos frequently get more attention and draw in a wider range of prospective purchasers.
The Potential of 3D Real Estate Visualization
Real estate marketing requires the use of 3D visualization, particularly for properties that are currently being built or constructed. It provides a thorough grasp of the design and flow of a property to prospective purchasers.
Visualizing the Unbuilt: 3D real estate visualization builds a link between the theoretical and the physical for properties that are still in the planning or building phases. A property that doesn't yet exist in real life can be "walked" through by potential purchasers to get a sense of its layout, architectural features, and even possible views from different windows.
Layout Assessment: Using this technology, purchasers can examine a property's flow and layout in three dimensions. They are able to comprehend the general spatial arrangement, window location, and how rooms relate to one another. This clarity is very helpful to consumers in their decision-making, particularly in the case of off-plan purchases.
Design and Customization: Buyers are frequently able to envision possibilities for customization, including altered floor plans, various interior design alternatives, and even landscaping. This gives individuals the ability to customize the property to their tastes, strengthening their sense of connection and ownership.
How Assistance Can Be Provided by Focal Media
Leading design, branding, and digital marketing agency Focal Media is spearheading the shift in real estate marketing. We provide cutting edge services for virtual reality integration and 360-degree video production. Your real estate listings will attract more potential buyers than ever thanks to our experience.
Our specialty is producing 360-degree immersive films that highlight each property's top features. Modern tools and technology are used by our staff to guarantee the best possible outcomes. Focal Media can customize our services to meet your unique needs, whether you are a property owner trying to sell or a real estate agent looking to revamp your marketing strategy.
Using creative approaches is essential to standing out in the highly competitive real estate market. 360-degree videos are revolutionizing the way real estate is marketed because they provide an immersion and level of involvement that is not possible with conventional marketing techniques. Take into consideration the power of 360-degree films if you want to up your real estate marketing game and impress potential buyers. To find out more about our offerings and how we can support your success in the world of digital real estate, get in touch with Focal Media right now.
Using 360-degree films in your real estate marketing campaign has the potential to revolutionize the industry. Properties become more interesting and intriguing when these immersive videos give them life. Focal Media is here to help you bring this change to life. Take part in the change and begin exhibiting your properties in a way never seen before.
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bunnisdumbbrain · 7 months
Dear diary,
There’s so much to talk about here and I have no clue where to start. I’ve never been the best at journaling (only because if there was ever an error on the paper I’d want to rip the page out and start all over) so this seems to be the best option LOL. I think I just want to use this as a place to vent frustrations or keep up with myself, quite literally as a diary. I’m still debating on whether I want to mention this on my main blog only because this is definitely more personal haha. We’ll see.
Anyways, 2023 was such a shit year for me omfg. Let’s see: got into a huge argument with my boyfriend on my graduation day, birthday bonfire was ruined, had to put down my rescue dog due to his aggression :(, boyfriend gave me a relationship ultimatum, spent months wondering why I wasn’t enough, and then ended the 7 year relationship. Sounds like a sob story HAHA, but fuck that year sucked.
My friends have been my biggest support system though. I love them so so much and they are amazing for putting up with me constantly. Also they always agree to go traveling with me <3 I have never traveled as much as I have within the past two months than the past 3 years. I’ve somehow managed to talk my best friends into traveling to New York with me soon so I’m super excited for that. Hopefully I can meet the cute mustache man of my dreams there LOL.
Also, being single is so new to me still!! I was dating my ex since I was 15 so being single at 22 feels so strange! I know for sure I’m not emotionally ready for another relationship at the moment, nor am I looking for one, but I do miss the aspects of a relationship. Like the causal hanging out and kissing LOL. (Maybe I need a friend who I can kiss occasionally) For some reason in January, I ended up downloading bumble (dumbass alert!!) and boy was that shit a doozy. Some are of the guys on there were cute [especially if they had a mustache] but it just was not for me. I also felt like if I did end up meeting anyone in person for a date it be awkward to mention that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. My bumble account lasted 1 1/2 weeks.
Moving on, I think I like talking to people online atm just because nothing comes of it. I can be flirty and no harm done, but boy is it hard to find people I’m genuinely interested in talking to. It gives me such an ick if someone is overly sexual all the time. I get it’s fun occasionally but if I can’t have a casual conversation with you then no thank you!!! I was talking to this one guy on here (which was dumb on my part because this is tumblr) and we had good conversations (plus he was hot) but it would turn me off as soon as he’d ask for pics, especially after I’ve said no. Ended up blocking him </3 (rest in peace).
I’m in no shape or form wanting to send pics OF ANY KIND (unless they’re cute lil selfies) at the moment anyways. I do not feel good in my body and I’d rather rip my eyeballs out then let someone see me naked (a little extreme but my point stands).
Speaking about my body though, I’m wanting to focus on bettering myself this year! I think there’s definitely a lot of things I’ve been slacking on this year and am wanting to change. My weight is my biggest obstacle at the moment. All I can do is workout and eat better though to fix that (have I been doing it? kind of). I just need better accountability!!! Also I need to stop eating out so often. I’m on the fence about not watching porn though LOL. I think I’ve watched it like every other day for the past few months. Maybe it’s bad for me but idk I just like to c*m.
I think I’ll be updating this every week or every other week? I’m terrible at keeping a routine so who knows. I’m planning on going to the gym tomorrow so, fingers crossed.
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prabhatjairam · 8 months
Career Opportunities in Journalism
Everybody has ambitions and goals that they want to achieve in their lives. To fulfill such objectives, individuals need to set a target and prepare themselves to create their career path. They need to meet certain requirements to follow a linear route that allows them to advance into roles.
In school, students are asked, "What is your career goal, or what do you want to become?" These questions help pupils learn about their capabilities and strengths. Educators can learn about the professional fields in which students are interested in asking these questions. They know about their subjects and areas of interest and help them choose a suitable career path.
In this blog post, we will discuss the most demanding career of modern times, i.e., journalism. Currently, in India, it is the pre-eminent career option for students. Let us go over every aspect of journalism in this article.
A career in journalism
Journalism plays a key role in the growth and development of the country. It functions as a medium of communication that occurs at a specific point of connection for the audience to access information. The field deals with the preparation, distribution, and collection of data and related news and feature materials through electronic and print media such as webcasts, magazines, newspapers, blogs, books, and social networking sites.
A career in journalism is full of responsibilities and excitement. Individuals who choose a career as journalists are professionally trained and can investigate and report trends, issues, and events to the public. Candidates in this career path are the unsung heroes of the news industry who polish the language of the news stories, followed by reporters, stringers, content writers, and also news agencies.
The jobs in this profession allow individuals to grow as they offer high payouts. Likewise, a mid-career journalist can expect to earn 4.8 lakhs per year, while an experienced journalist can expect to earn 4.9 lakhs per year.
Skills required in journalism
Candidates must have outstanding journalistic skills that enable them to succeed at their jobs. The list of skills that they need to be a journalist is:
Time management 
Interviewing skills
Good research knowledge
Teamwork and leadership
Excellent communication skills
Attention to detail
Digital literacy
Investigate reporting
Problem-solving skills
Expressing opinions and thoughts
Comfortable with traveling
Interest in social justice and political issues
To get a daily booster, you can check at Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
To get educational help, please visit “Study24hr.com”, an online education portal that creates an effective and collaborative environment for its learners. The site provides multiple facilities, including mock tests, promotional videos, quizzes, daily boosters, etc.
Career options and scope
There are a lot of career options that learners can consider after they have completed their journalism courses. It’s a perfect choice for those who are interested in anchoring media, news agencies, multimedia, advertisements, or entertainment industries. Here are different areas of employment and job opportunities that a journalism graduate can pursue:
A career as an editor is appropriate for those who love to read, have a creative bent of mind, and have a way with words. An editor is responsible for preparing the content that is published in a magazine, newspaper, or website.
Camerapersons are regarded as an important part of the mass media because they go to great lengths to provide the best footage to their channel in the shortest amount of time. They are responsible for operating multiple pieces of technical equipment and assisting reporters in gathering information.
As journalism is all about collecting data and pictures, candidates can pursue their careers as photographers in this profession. Photographers are accountable for clicking pictures that tell fiction on their own.
Screenwriters are responsible for writing scripts for different television shows, series, commercials, and films. They collaborate with actors, directors, and producers to draft the screenplay.
Content Developer 
Content developers are accountable for developing content for their organization. They are involved in writing the article, blog, and video content.
The last line
Every student has the full freedom to choose their career according to their interests and preferences. If they’re interested in journalism and the mass media profession, then parents and educators should support them in their decisions. Undoubtedly, journalism is an incredibly prestigious career choice that allows aspirants to evolve and rise at a tremendous pace. It plays a crucial role in making individuals aware of new trends, ideas, and the good and bad faces of society.
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resideinar · 8 months
Where Can I Find Girls Hostels Near Me?
Whether you are a understudy moving to a modern city for college or a proficient beginning a work in an unfamiliar put, the explore for suitable accommodation can be both energizing and overpowering. In this web journal, we'll investigate the different angles of finding girls hostels nearby me and offer important experiences to assist you make an informed decision.
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Area Things:
The primary and first thought when looking for Girls hostels nearby me. Nearness to instructive teach, working environments, and fundamental comforts is vital. Begin by recognizing the region where you may be investing most of your time, and after that search for hostel inside a sensible separate. This not as it were spares commuting time but too guarantees a more secure and more helpful remain.
Safety and Security:
Security could be a best need, particularly for youthful ladies living absent from their families. When assessing girls' hostel, inquire about the security measures input. Check on the off chance that the inn has CCTV cameras, secure section focuses, and round-the-clock security staff. Perusing audits from past inhabitants can to give experiences into the security standards of a specific inn.
Conveniences and Offices:
A comfortable living environment contributes altogether to one's well-being. Consider the comforts advertised by girls' inns in your region. Seek for offices such as Wi-Fi, clothing administrations, common areas, and consider spaces. A few lodgings too give feast alternatives or shared kitchens for inhabitants. Assess your inclinations and select a inn that adjusts together with your way of life and needs.
Budget considerations play a crucial part in selecting settlement. Assess the taken a toll of living within the region and compare it with the lodging expenses. Take note of any extra charges or covered up costs. Whereas it's fundamental to stay to your budget, compromising on security and consolation for a lower cost may not be fitting. Strike a adjust between reasonableness and the quality of offices advertised.
Community and Environment:
Living in a lodging isn't close to having a put to remain; it's too around building a sense of community. Inquire about the hostel's atmosphere and community vibe. A few lodgings organize social occasions, think about bunches, or mentorship programs, cultivating a supportive environment. Connecting with individual inhabitants can make your remain more agreeable and assist you explore the challenges of a unused put.
Surveys and Suggestions:
Sometime recently finalizing your choice, perused audits and look for proposals from companions, colleagues, or online communities. Genuine encounters shared by past inhabitants can give profitable experiences into the hostel's administration, cleanliness, and generally living conditions. Keep an eye out for any ruddy banners said in surveys, and utilize this data to form an educated choice.
Finding the idealize Girls hostels nearby me may be essential step within the travel of free living. By considering components such as area, security, conveniences, affordability, community, and reviews, you'll make a well-informed choice that aligns with your inclinations and necessities. Take the time to inquire about and investigate your choices, guaranteeing that your inn gets to be a welcoming haven amid this energizing stage of life.
For more information read this blog also :- Tips for Students: Selecting Suitable Girls Hostels in Greater Noida
For location click to this link:-  https://maps.app.goo.gl/njQ7XKkr4mSLd4M68
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leftluminarytragedy · 8 months
How to Start Writing a Diary in 10 Steps
You can express your emotions, write down dreams or ideas, and reflect on your daily life in a secure, private setting by keeping a journal. There is no one set method for keeping a diary, but there are certain simple techniques you may use to make the most of your writing. Using starters like motivational quotations can help you start fresh entries if you’re stuck for ideas. Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about anything—from job to school and everything in between, can be kept private in a diary.
1- Start Diary Writing by Following 10 Steps
How to start writing a diary? What are the things to write in a diary? There is no correct or incorrect approach or things to write in a diary. Everything comes down to personal liking and what works for you. However, I hope the following advice and tips on How to start writing a diary will help you get started.
2- Choose the type of diary that you desire.
A good diary will motivate you to write every day, so it is important to choose it wisely. You don’t have to limit yourself to maintaining a diary on paper; there are many different solutions available. You can utilize a private, password-protected website or blog in addition to keeping a traditional paper diary. You may also just use a computer document.
Paper notebooks allow you complete control and privacy, but without making copies, you won’t have a backup alternative. Remember that anything you keep online can be hacked, so even if your online journal is password-protected or secret, there’s still a chance someone could access it.
3-Ask yourself- WHY?
Before finding the answer to ‘How to start writing a diary?’, you must be clear with ‘why.’ Why do you want to keep a diary, you could ask yourself? – The importance of diary writing. Understanding why you want to keep a journal is the first step at the beginning of writing one. Maybe you want to start a new task, or maybe you just need a way to put your ideas down on paper. In either case, knowing why you want to keep a diary will help you choose the kind that’s best for you.
4- Things to write in a diary-
A regular diary- about routine tasks that you do
A food diary – about various food items (if you are foody)
A business idea diary – if you get business ideas and love to gather them somewhere
A creative writing diary- if you want to write your poems, articles, etc
A Travel diary – if you like to keep a record of places you travel.
It’s critical to keep in mind that journals are designed to be personal and private. This is a fantastic way to keep track of your daily thoughts and experiences. Journals can also be used to keep track of past objectives or goals that you have made. Blogging is a fantastic additional alternative to journaling. Through their own personal blogs, people from all over the world may communicate with one another and share thoughts and experiences.
Establish a schedule.
Set aside a particular time each day to write if you want to be sure you do it. Perhaps you prefer to write about the previous day first thing in the morning, or perhaps keeping a diary helps you decompress. It is more crucial to write every day than it is to write when. You can use your smartphone or your watch to set a reminder to write every day at the same time to ensure that you keep to your writing schedule.
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