#best whole home solar generator
uyuforu · 2 months
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Astrology Observations VI
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❀˖° Having a 12H Sun in Solar Return Chart is not for the weak. Your life could "fall apart" during this time, you can have a spiritual awakening, a very hard time in fact. I also noticed it can also mean (doesn’t need to be that, it CAN mean) one of your loved one can pass away unfortunately. It happened to me and a lot of people who also had their sun in their 12h, but not all of them! Usually, you have a hard time in general. But you’ll be fine, it is meant to happen for a reason.
❀˖° Synastry aspects are good to look at but the houses where the aspects fall is very important!! Sun conjunct Moon will have a different meaning where it falls.
❀˖° 7H synastry can mean a wonderful connection and desires to marry. BUT! The 7H can also be the house of enemies, so not everyone’s sun falling in your 7H means you have a good connection with them! I found myself not enjoying most of the people who’s sun fell in my 7H…
❀˖° Underrated Houses in Synastry: 2H, 4H, 6H, 10H.
❀˖° When looking at your Solar Return Chart, check the Synastry it has with your Natal Chart. It will tell you where those placements are felt within you. For example, my SRC’s Sun is in 12H and fall in my 10H this year. I’m having a lot of mental breakdown when it comes to my career, and since it conjuncts a big stellium of mine in my Natal, I just feel like my whole world is falling apart 🥲
❀˖° Please remember: North Node PC will tell you about your Soul purpose WHILE your MC will tell you about your career that is best suit for you. Your NN will never tell you about your career!!
❀˖° Union in your SRC could be the person you will meet this year that will have the strongest influence for you this year.
❀˖° 10H will tell you where your FS was born... ☺️
❀˖° 4H Sun people love to stay at home! Even if they are on a date, they will try to continue the date at home, because this is where they feel the most comfortable.
❀˖° Sun conjunct Mercury in a MC PC is a huge indicator of using communication daily to work, your tool n°1 is your voice!
❀˖° Aquarius Sun 4H are so private!! Aquarius usually are quite private people because they enjoy being mysterious and controlling what people think of them, they like that people don't understand them. But in 4H??? they will lie for the sake of their privacy.
❀˖° Opposite signs aren't that different in the end, they are very similar in fact. Capricorn & Cancer are both very family oriented for example. One is logical minded while the other is more feeling driven.
❀˖° Scorpio Rising have something so intense in their gaze, it's truly something you can't put words on. But once you see this gaze, you know.
❀˖° Chiron in 9H Synastry could be that you think you are too different because of the culture, the language, the beliefs, etc. BUT! If you are from the same place, it can just mean you don't understand each other, you are just basically too different.
❀˖° My step mother and I hated each other, and she had her Moon and Mercury in my 7H. Yep, she hated me. She was often insulting me or even trying to manipulate me with words.
❀˖° Saturn 7H Synastry can mean Saturn person feel like it will never work out between you two. But it could also mean they see you long term, depending of other placements.
❀˖° Sun in 5H Synastry usually means the person really enjoy your presence and think you are fun!
❀˖° Venus 6H Synastry means the Venus Person feels safe around you.
❀˖° You can tell by doing a Synastry with a Celebrity if you can hope to meet them one day. Usually Saturn in 9H or 1H is a sign you will never meet them. Of course, this is just an observation.
❀˖° I checked my Synastry with my first love, and it explained a lot. I have a stellium in his 7H, and of course, he was my first love.
❀˖° But I never expected to got his Venus in my 5H! I never knew if he had a crush on me too or if I was delusional lol.
❀˖° His Sun conjuncted my Neptune, he misunderstood me most of the time. He was seeing me in a way that was so untrue lol.
❀˖° He also had his Sun 1H, he was soooo popular among girls! Any girls from middle school had a huge crush on him at some point.
❀˖° He also had a stellium in my 4H and we were childhood friends.
❀˖° My sun conjuncted his Moon. Now, I had nothing against him, I thought he was funny. But he was indeed seeing me in a light that wasn't me.
❀˖° My Venus conjuncted his Vertex, I suddenly fell for him, and it must have been fated in a way?
❀˖° Though, his Mars fell in my 1H... man thought I was very good looking (he told lmao).
❀˖° Sagittarius Rising in Composite could indicate a mixed couple, but it can also mean you are so different no one expected you two to be together.
❀˖° Union 9H in Composite could mean you met in a foreign country, but also in school!
❀˖° Sun in 11H Composite means you are friends originally. Or just friends lol.
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❀˖° Ceres 7H Composite could mean you care a lot about each other.
❀˖° Venus in 7H or conjuncting DSC Composite means one of you or both of you desire to marry each other.
❀˖° Pluto 12H to me is not that good usually. Anytime I saw this placement in Composite, the couple or the people never stayed together. It always ends. There can be exceptions of course.
❀˖° Saturn 5H in a romantic Composite means you will most likely never date, there could be obstacles in this union.
❀˖° Mercury conjunct Saturn Composite means misunderstandings and miscommunication.
❀˖° The year I had this first love, I had a 5H stellium in my SRC, and this stellium fell in my Natal 9H! It was indeed a school love lol.
❀˖° I also had Venus conjunct Vertex, it was my first time falling for anyone.
❀˖° The year I told him my feeling and got rejected I had Venus conjunct Mercury in 12H!
❀˖° Juno 12H in SRC could mean you have a secret crush!
❀˖° Sun conjunct Juno Solar Return Synastry is a big indicator of having a crush on the Sun person.
❀˖° Juno/ Mars/ Neptune in 1H Synastry Solar Return is an indicators of finding 1H person veryyyy attractive, it can be love at first sight, but it is def a crush!
❀˖° Transits Moon conjunct your Natal Mars will make your emotions boil lol. You could complain a lot or have a lot of negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, etc.
❀˖° Union asteroid conjunct Part of Fortune Synastry is a sign you were meant to meet in order to bless each other. It's a lucky meeting. It is very good and shows that you will do well in each other's life.
❀˖° My FS is a Pisces Venus 4H and he is the softest!! Just very cute and very soft person... I love him very much lol.
❀˖° He also has Neptune 3H, he tends to lie to protect himself (Sun 4H makes this effect too), but he is also a very good poet writer. He wrote me poems before and I believe he would do well for poetry writing in general.
❀˖° Pluto 1H could be a sign you will experience a drastic change in your appearance some day. If Jupiter is also there, it could indicate a big and major glow up.
❀˖° Juno 12H could mean your FS is a soul connection, someone who could be spiritual and awaken. If it is very close to the Rising, or conjunct 1H, OR in 1H, it could mean you'll probably have love at first sight for them.
❀˖° Chiron Virgo/ 6H/ Capricorn/ 10H could indicate a burn out at some point in your life.
❀˖° North Node conjunct Pluto could mean your purpose in your life will transform you deeply, mostly if it is in the 1H. You will live a drastic change in your life.
❀˖° Sun conjunct Mercury 1H in Solar Return Chart means you could think a lot about you this year, and think about your choices, and how it will play out for you. You will do more "selfish" choices because you want to make the best for you.
❀˖° Do I love stalking people I love or do I just have some heavy Scorpio/ 8H placements?
❀˖° Yeah indeed, Scorpio love stalking, but Gemini love that too!
❀˖° I have Gemini Moon 8H... u get it? lol
❀˖° It is a known thing, but in SRC, 4H's ruler in 9H means moving abroad! Another indication could be a stellium in 9H. But the stellium could also mean coming back to school, so it depends.
❀˖° SRC 4H Ruler in 12H could mean the same thing. It could simply be moving out.
❀˖° Speaking of the 12H in SRC, Pluto & Venus there could be end of a relationship BUT it could also be a spiritual love and you will learn lessons because of it.
❀˖° SRC 7H ruler in 1H could mean being in a relationships and it being part of who you are this year. Or you could appear as very romantic, very loyal too. Could also attract more contracts.
❀˖° Mars 7H in SRC could be an indicator you have a fight with the one you love, more if Venus squares/ quincunx/ opposite it. If you are single, it could show also more motivation towards long term connections.
❀˖° SRC 5H ruler being in the 7H could mean being in a long term relationship but also finding the one you want to marry.
❀˖° Once again, SRC Juno conjunct Chiron could mean you will suffer in love but it is indeed for healing.
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Thank you for reading!
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rockybloo · 8 months
Before the reveal of Monstrous and the like what was Glitter and Guilt's world's relationship with the supernatural? Like public perception and such
Cause I know they have magical girls and the wonder woman hero, but is stuff like other dimensions, time travel, mythical creatures and idk Kaiju common?
So, the main setting Glitter and Guilt takes place in is Decking City. It's the 52nd state of the United States and located on the same Earth all my other Earth based stories take place on.
Earth in the Rockyverse has experienced a LOT of wild stuff. There's a little rubberhose serial killer rabbit running around, rumors of a secret manmade planet in the solar system that is said to house both humans AND aliens, a whole mermaid civilization deep in the sea, the literal antichrist walking around in some random American town, the list goes on.
It's a lot. And it really depends on where you're living on Earth that determines how people view the otherworldly. Not everyone is aware of the wild side of reality while others are just "Yep, just another day" while sipping coffee.
But I imagine you are just asking about Decking City itself. Decking City is home to a lot of wild stuff. It's known as the hero capital of the world. So weird shit is not out of the question and is very much expected. Decking City has as many people to move in as it has to move out as well as a ton of tourists who want to experience the wild life of practically living in a comic book.
There's literally anti-Kaiju alarms the city has built into the city to blare a warning about any oncoming Kaiju and direct them away from builds like hospitals and schools. The subway trains and general public transportation frequently have faces and eyes painted on them to deter Kaiju because for some reason-the big guys do not like being perceived like that.
Monstrums are just another element that gets introduced to an already wild city.
I think the best way to view Decking City is to look at it the same way we view Florida with the "Florida Man" effect.
There are so many crazy things that happen that I literally can't list them all because it's kind of just...all over the place? There's heroes, villains, nonhumans, robots, beings from other dimensions--HONESTLY not really any limits as Glitter and Guilt is a story I am not placing a ton of restraints on myself so I can explore just about any storyline I want for Sweetheart and Bitterbat.
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terry-gator · 3 months
TSAMS Continuity AU: An Apology For Sun
[Solar can be seen approaching the large island home of Sun and Moon, mumbling to himself and prepping themself to face the one person he had been so...well, there was a reason he felt the need to apologize, especially after the whole incident with Crescent Moon the previous day. Solar approaches the door and hesitates for a moment, fidgeting with his oil stained gloves. What if Sun didn't forgive him, or even understood? ...Only one way to find out though, so he knocked on the door and waited for Sun to answer, considering he was the one who was at the house most often. It didn't take long as Sun soon opened up the door, holding a glass of wine in one hand.]
Sun: Oh hey! Wasn't really...expecting you today, but come in, come in!
[Sun invites Solar in, leading them over to the living room. Solar takes the time to sit down next to Sun as he sits on the sofa.]
Sun: Looking for Moon, buddy?
Solar: N-No, that's not it at all...
[Solar's rays shrink into his head a bit; Solar wasn't really one to stammer or be nervous when speaking. Not often anyway.]
Sun: Oh...?
Solar: I....I....I...I want to...apologize for being an ass in general and just...calling you stupid and...and...
[Solar's rays creaked as they nearly shrank and wilted completely.]
Solar: And not exactly being the best cousin to you and not really realizing you have other strengths....
Sun: Solar, it's fine, I'm used to-
Solar: It's not fine, Sun! I shouldn't be doing this, I'm supposed to be better, we...I...
[Solar rubbed at his eyes as he felt oil dripping down his face, not used to crying in front of Sun.]
Solar: I shouldn't be crying, I shouldn't...! I shouldn't just agree with everything Moon does, including not considering that you're smart in different areas!
Sun: Solar...
Solar: I....
[Solar shrinks back in on himself, sinking further into the sofa.]
Solar: I...I'm sorry...we...well....
Sun: You and I were close in your home dimension from what I understand.
[Sun placed his glass of wine down on a nearby end table.]
Solar: Yeah....we were...
Sun: But what I don't understand is why you did agree with Moon so much about me here?
Solar: I....
[Solar rubs at his eyes again, trying to form the right words.]
Solar: Moon, the one from my dimension, he's threatened me so much and they almost killed me at one point. I'm....I'm scared that it might happen here with them if I don't placate them with what he wants and agreeing with him on stuff, i-including stuff about you.
Sun: Solar...that sounds really tiring...and familiar.
Solar: ...I'm...I'm so sorry, Sun....
[Solar buries his face away as oily tears keep coming down his face.]
Solar: I can't stop crying, I shouldn't-
Sun: Solar, it's okay, you can cry as much as you need to in front of me.
[Sun wraps an arm around Solar, providing a warm presence, quite literally since his body seemed to heat up to actually provide proper comfort.]
Solar: Your body can do that?
Sun: What, this? I mean, it's a feature that's kind of always just been there.
Solar: ...It feels nice.
[Solar leaned more onto Sun, letting the oily tears streak down his face freely as Sun continued to comfort them.]
Sun: You know you don't have to just rely on Moon all the time, right? I did that for years and it hurt me more in the end of it all.
Solar: ...I....I know....I don't want to be hurt or worse again...
Sun: Then let me be your rock too, Solar. You're my baby cousin, I do care about you, I won't let you get hurt like I have in the past.
Solar: ...You promise?
Sun: I promise, Solar.
[Solar's rays finally grow and perk back up again, having a more genuine smile on their face.]
Solar: Thank you, Sun.
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moonlit-imagines · 1 year
Kingo x reader
warnings: alcohol
a/n: eternals can get drunk right? they can now if im wrong! <3
prompt: @autistic-solar-fandom: “Thanks love! So yea, 'Poison' by Rita Ora w/ Kingo from Eternals, with the tropes 'Mutual Pining'/ 'Idiots in Love', in a blurb. Love you, hope this clears things!”
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“Cut!” Halted the actors and actresses before the camera, giving Kingo a chance to wink at you in his final pose of the scene, another flirtatious gesture from the star of the film he’s been working so very hard on. You were a crew member he just attached to, and there was something about him that was so…magnetic.
You stood near the refreshment table, watching Kingo walk your way in such a confident manner, ready to greet his good friend. “Y/N! What did you think?”
“Gets better each time I see it.” You chuckled, handing him his special anagrammed cup full of fruit infused water, which he delightfully accepted.
“You’re good luck to have around, that’s for sure.” He told you, shooing away Karun as he saw him approaching. “Would you maybe like to, oh, I don’t know, come by my house again tonight? It’s just so lonely and boring when it’s just me.” You chuckled at his invitation, as well as his complaints. “What? I may look like I have everything, but there’s still one thing missing!”
“And that would be?” You asked, sipping your plastic water cup.
“Oh, you know.” Kingo smirked, waiting for a reaction from you.
“There’ll be wine?” You asked him, brows raised.
“Only the best for you.” He assured you. And after filming wrapped for the night, you and Kingo headed to his home, a beautiful mansion passed down through generations, full of memorabilia and artifacts you’d gaze upon in wonder each time you visited. “See something you like?”
“You ask me that every time.” You held your wine glass in your palm, stem between your fingers, and moved it in a circular motion. “You just want to tell me some long story to hear yourself talk.” Kingo and you stared at each other for a long moment and broke into laughter, which may have been because it was true.
“Come, sit with me.” Kingo was seated on a pillow on the floor, close to his antique fireplace. He patted a pillow beside him and you took a swig of your drink before obeying his request.
You two had obviously liked each other, and everyone else you worked with could see it, as well. Kingo doesn’t pay this kind of attention to anyone else, and he had realized that. But you didn’t really know how it’d work, you just enjoyed the extravagant company he provided if that’s all it could ever be. Kingo still hadn’t explained the whole “Eternal” thing to you, either, which had probably been the one thing holding him back.
But not tonight.
You two had gone from two glasses to two bottles through the night, now laying opposite of each other on the floor. You felt looser, lighter, and almost delirious. “Kingo?” You muttered, staring at the ceiling.
“Yes, y/n?” He answered you.
“Hi.” You simply said.
“Hi, y/n.” There was a short pause, a silence that brought up an idea. “I’m like, immortal, you know?”
“You’re drunk, you know?” You began to cackle at the claim he made, it made him smile to himself. You each clasped your hands over your stomachs, still lying on your backs as you carried on through the night.
“I might be. But I’m also thousands of years old. Crazy, right? And wanna know what’s crazier?” You tilted your head upwards to get a glimpse of him. “I believe I’m in love with you.” He admitted in his hazy state of mind, the clearest thought he’s had all night. He looked back at you, from an upside-down point of view. Your lips were turned downward…wait, no. You were upside down. You were smiling. You reached a hand up and back to him, which he took, and you grasped it tight.
“That is pretty crazy. I must be crazy, too.” You told him, slurring your words a bit. “Tell me more about you being immortal or whatever in the morning. And more about how you love me, yeah?” Your eyes were closed by now, you had drifted off with your hand in his. You both knew you’d rest well tonight.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 //
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godstaff · 6 months
Hello, happy new year,
How would you do a Superman Wonder Woman movie
<hi. Happy 2024 for you too.
Definitely not begining with an origin story. Nor getting to know each other by fighting the other.
It should start pretty much like the ill fated "Immortal Beloved", in which they are needed to fight an external (extradimentional or otherwise) invation. But they are in their respective homes: she on Themyscira and he in the Fortress up North. (No Lois, for fuck sakes) when they both receive a request from an ally for help. Only the two of them, because they are the most powerful. They are required to go somewhere far away. Just the two of them (please: no Batso, please, please).
I don't care if there's romance between them, I settle for a warm beautiful friendship, okay? Not in the stupid way they presented it in I.B., of course. There's no need for unrequited love or another form of humiliation.
We could see them risking their lives for each other, making heroic deeds and saving the day and uniting the many tribes involved in the war. Because this is not a war of other people: it's an immediate menace to our solar systema and our home. Their home. Most of all, negotiating a definitive, long lasting peace at the end, because that's their way.
I leave the possibility open to bring Darkseid, Imperiex or some other intergalactic despot to fill the enemy role. Here's to hope they will be used wisely and not in a cartoonish version.
Of course, the whole story would take a lot less than a thousand years, so they can return to a familiar Earth without the gimmick of being in a bubble in time (a narratiive convenience) or nonsense like that.
They are who they are: the first and most important line of defense for our planet and they will show it in this movie. They will use this experience to strengthen our defense capabilities, teaching the rest of the heroes how to best be prepared for what may come. They will instruct the metahumans how to best use their strengths and the human portion how to organize the population to be an effective last line of defense, should it come to it.
I believe the difficult part will be to covince the villanous faction to fight alongside the rest to protect what ultimately is their home too. There are powerful villains who can really be an asset against a common enemy.
In the end, building a united Earth, a stronger Earth in which, despite our internal differences, no external force would ever plant a foreign banner.
This is a general draft. It would take a team of developers and writers to make it viable. I think this would be the best way to use two heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman, even if it has to steal the original idea from an awful story which shouldn't be such.
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rin-bellatrix · 2 years
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Santa Baby
"I'll wait up for you, dear." - Eartha KItt
Rhys is working late into the night on the eve of Mercenary Day. With no friends around to spend the holiday with, he might as well get some work done. But Fiona has other plans, stopping by to gift her boyfriend with some naughty holiday cheer... 🔞
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Written for rhyiona lovers who enjoy some adult after hours holiday celebrations 😏 (that face is so sleazy I'm sorry 😂)
Header art by unluckycheese
Part 4 to this ongoing series that I just keep adding to. Not necessary to read parts 1-3 to enjoy this, not a lot of story relevant plot is involved with this one 😏 (The Face strikes again oop-)
Holiday wreath dividers from this post. Minors DNI divider from this post. Green ribbon with bell divider from this post. Red ribbon with holly/mistletoe divider from this post.
In case I haven't made it clear - this chapter contains smut! 🔞 Nothing in this chapter will advance the plot, so it can be skipped with no problems! If that's okay with you, then please enjoy~ 😉
Happy Mercenary Day~ ❤💚💛🤍⛄❄⭐🎄🎁🧸
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Promethea shined with festive lights, the wealthy city sparkling with decorations of green and red. Golden stars twinkled atop trees and delicate baubles glistened with newly fallen snow. Shimmering lights flickered while nestled among plentiful wreaths that hung around Atlas' home base. Mercenary Day was only a couple of hours away and the head of said corporation was seated at his desk, fingers tapping and clicking away rapidly at his keyboard. The only light on in his office was what was reflected off of his monitor, and the glow from holiday lights all over Promethea that poured in from behind through his large bay windows.
Rhys sat all alone at his desk on Mercenary Day eve, having sent all of his employees off with a paid three day vacation. A happy employee was a loyal employee. There were no helpful secretaries to meet at the lobby, no security guards patrolling by on their routes. No chefs in the cafeteria, no researchers blackened with soot testing new weaponry in the R&D departments. No one was here, but Rhys needed to keep Atlas running at a bare minimum, because while he could afford to be a generous and thoughtful employer, that didn't mean that he could let his actual business remain stagnant in the meantime. Time is money, after all.
Sitting back against his plush office chair, he sighed as he flexed his left hand, stretching the tendons and muscles before shaking it out. Rubbing his dry eyes briefly, he idly wondered if he should grab another cup of coffee to help finish this one systematic report, or if he should just call it a night and come in early on Mercenary Day to get a head start on it after resting for a while.
Although it was the holidays, he wasn't really feeling the festive spirit. Mostly because he had no one to share it with.
Ringing up his oldest friend, Rhys had hoped he could reunite with the former Hyperion accountant, but the call only resulted in confusion and a notion to start hitting the gym. Vaughn was embarking on a massive group hike to bond during the season, some sort of spiritual expedition to celebrate the holiday while also bringing his group of desert dwellers closer. Rhys was...not the athletic type, and a prolonged journey on foot over large stretches of land just didn't seem like a good time to him. So the two best friends bid each happy holidays with promises to meet up in the future, and that was that.
Sasha had tried to visit, but she was off in a whole other solar system, and the weather over there had gotten very bad, very quickly. Snow storms had kept her indoors and far from the closest Fast Travel Station. This would be cause to worry, but the text she had sent informed him that yes, while she was stranded until the weather eased up, she had no concerns because she was currently located in a truly massive and opulent resort. Even if the snow didn't melt for months, there was enough high end food and drinks to last her and the other guests a very long while. Not to mention personal jacuzzis and trained masseuses on call. (Rhys was only a little bit envious.) She promised to pay a visit as soon as she could, sent him a picture of her enjoying a ridiculously expensive meal, and (with a minimal amount of gloating) wished him a Happy Mercenary Day.
Loader Bot and Gortys had sent a transmission about a week ago, notifying him that they were going to be in the area around the time the "human winter holiday" was to happen, and that they would stop by to celebrate the festivities with him, although very briefly. They were on their way to another galaxy and Promethea was only a very quick stop along their continuous journey. However, since then he hasn't heard from either of them and Mercenary Day was fast approaching. He wondered if they missed their deadline and were going to be late, or even show up at all. Apparently they were en route to watch a once in a lifetime event, something about an aurora borealis in a new planetary system that the human eye couldn't handle (Gortys had happily mentioned something about "eye sludge" and he had to stop her there). He supposed he could forgive them if they were running late and had to skip over him, because the next time that phenomenon was dated to happen wouldn't be for another 3202 years. So for now, all he could do was wait.
Athena and Janey had sent him a festive card, and in it they explained that they were spending some time with a teenager named Pickle (what kind of a name was that?). A picture of Janey's bright grin was only matched by Pickle's equally large grin, her arm slung around the kid's neck in a loose imitation of a choke hold. Athena's usually stoic demeanor was relaxed as she looked at the two, a small smile warming her face so that she didn't appear so cold. Their picture was centered beautifully on the front of the card, which now sat next to the framed picture of his girlfriend that he always kept on his desk.
Speaking of said girlfriend, he had of course tried to coax her into spending at least the day with him. But she was off on Official Vault Hunter Business™️ - as specifically requested by someone(s) in Sanctuary - and was currently too busy being knee deep in varkid guts (probably) to bother caring about mistletoe and fireplaces.
He did have the brief chance to speak with her earlier, and he asked over his ECHO device if she liked the present he was able to send her. It was a sleak jacket, made out of a new fabric that doubled as light armor. The sales lady hooked him once she explained that it was fashionable and functional. Not only would it help to keep Fiona safe, but she'd look good while wearing it too.
Fiona had smirked at him through the screen, only able to get out a quick "Yes Rhys, the jacket is beautiful, thank you-" before someone off screen called for her. She glanced away and Rhys felt the sharp sting of disappointment as she called back that she was almost done. She returned her attention to her ECHO device and offered her boyfriend an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I've gotta go... I'll see you soon, okay? Love you!" Rhys was barely able to reply with a "Love you too-" before their call disconnected.
He was glad that she had such a lucrative career in her newfound lifestyle choice - being a vault hunter really suited Fiona. She never had to worry about where her next meal was coming from, never had to worry about housing or lack of funds. She was able to navigate through her life now without having to worry if she or her sister were safe. Her confidence soared and she was finally comfortable enough to set her roots down. He just kind of wished that maybe they recruited a few more vault hunters so that she could have a bit of time off to spend with her loved ones, especially her boyfriend. Was this selfish on his part, absolutely. But he would never ask her to put anything before her career, because then that would make him not just selfish, but an asshole as well.
He just missed his girlfriend, that was all.
With a deep sigh that was heavy with longing, Rhys rolled his chair closer to the desk, zeroing in on where he had left off in his work when his ECHO comm beeped.
Lifting his cybernetic hand, he unfurled a mini hologram of Gortys waving at him. "Rhys!" she chirped, and her tone in that one word was enough to make him smile. "It's so good to see you! Sorry we were a little late, but we're here now! Could you open the doors?"
"Hey Gortys, sure thing, I'll be right there," he answered, standing and heading over to his large office doors. Flicking through some menus on his holographic screen, he remotely unlocked the metal doors and reached them just as they parted and revealed his two favorite robots.
"You guys, it's been so long! How ya doing?" He just managed to get the words out before Gortys rolled right up to his feet and threw her little arms around his thighs.
"Oh Rhys, we missed all of you sooo much! Loader Bot and I have been learning so much and having so much fun, but we always think of you!"
Rhys grinned, reaching down and affectionately rubbing Gortys' smooth dome as she still clung to his legs. "I'm glad to hear it, Gortys." He looked up and met the glowing red eye of Loader Bot's visual sensor. "LB, still rocking the sleek look I see."
"Indeed, this mechanical skeleton that the digital replica of Handsome Jack wanted to insert inside of you is made from the highest quality materials. There has been no need to replace or repair any of its initial structure. It truly would have gone to waste if it had been wedged inside of your rotting, boneless corpse, as the Jack AI had originally intended."
Loader Bot walked over to his first friend, reaching around the tall human to embrace him in a socially acceptable form of physical affection, hugging his meaty body close to his mechanical one.
"Uh... Yeah, I'm uh, glad it's working out for you buddy... Cool, cool," Rhys murmured, fighting off a wave of nausea as he patted Loader Bot's boney back. Clearing his throat, he pulled away to look at the two robots before him. "I know you guys gotta get going soon, when's the next time you think you can stop by?"
"Oh, it won't be for a while I don't think. The next galaxy over has very strict traveling laws. We're gonna be lucky if we are allowed to leave in the next fifty years!" Gortys supplied, rocking steadily by Loader Bot's golden feet.
"What?!" Rhys cried, gaping at them wide eyed. "Fifty years?!"
"Pay no mind to Gortys, she is exemplifying a new feature she had recently stored in her memory banks."
"Gottem!" she cried out happily, her digital eyes creasing with the smile implied in her tone.
"I have already advised her to delete it, but she refuses."
"Hey Rhys. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you worry. I blame all of this on Jo, it's their fault."
Placated that his robo pals wouldn't be held up on the other side of time and space for half a century, Rhys gave a sigh of relief and asked "Jo? Who's Jo?"
"Jo mama!"
Rhys shook his head in disbelief as Gortys rolled around in excited circles by his feet. The Atlas CEO hadn't fell for a 'jo mama' joke since he was in middle school. Apparently Gortys had discovered old memes. He wondered how much patience Loader Bot truly had... Then he remembered his days with The Stranger and immediately knew LB's patience would stretch much farther for Gortys than it ever had for him and Fiona combined. Which was a good thing. For Gortys.
"We will be leaving now, the ship we need to set sail on is departing in half an hour." Loader Bot offered his metallic hand and Rhys grasped it with his own, cool silver embracing gleaming gold in a firm handshake. "Enjoy this human celebrated winter holiday season. We will return for a social visit in less than fifty years time."
Rhys grinned, reaching out to pat his long time friend on his shoulder. "Thanks, and I sure hope so LB."
"It's a promise," Loader Bot said, using the same hand to form a fist. Rhys immediately curled his hand into a ball and the two bumped their fists together. "Come Gortys, say your farewells so that we can make it to our ship."
"Ooh, but I haven't even told Rhys about deez~!"
Loader Bot gently took hold of Gortys' little hand, leading her away and towards the elevators. "You may ask him next time, that way you have incentive to return and verbally harass him again."
Rhys called out to their figures as they disappeared around the corner. "Goodbye Gortys!" And just to make her happy, he shouted "Deez what?"
"Deez nuts! Hahaha- oh! Wait, what if he's allergic? Rhys! I take it back if you're allergic!"
The president of Atlas shook his head, a wide smile stretched across his face as he turned around and headed back inside his dark office. He adored those two so much, and honestly couldn't wait for their next, hopefully longer visit.
Now to get back to work... He tried to remember where he left off and what graph he had left to review as he walked over to his desk. But in the light from his monitor, he noticed his chair was occupied with another person.
Fiona sat in his chair as if it were her throne, her scarlet smile was coy and sultry beneath her shining jade eyes. Before he could take in any other details from her, his surprise and excitement got the better of him and he was rushing over to pick her up in a tight hug.
"Fiona!" he cried out against her hair and jacket, picking her up until the tips of her toes were barely touching the ground. She huffed a delighted laugh against his neck and shoulder, clinging to him as he squeezed her firmly. "Oh my God, what are you doing here? I thought you were busy!"
Rhys pulled back enough to look down at her, but he didn't loosen his hold one bit, almost afraid that if he let her go, she'd disappear and reveal that this was nothing but a bittersweet hallucination brought on from lack of sleep. But she was real and solid in his arms, the delicate scents of her perfume and shampoo wafting up to him, combining with the feel of her body heat seaping through his clothes. Her hands clutched his shoulders, the feel of her grip twisting the fabric only aided in proving that she was really here.
She parted her lips to answer him, but before she could get a word out, he dipped down and kissed her soundly. She chuckled against his mouth, and the feel of her sucking in a breath was cool against his lips. He pulled back again to look at her and felt himself in awe of her beauty as she smiled lovingly at him.
"Am I able to get a word out now?" she questioned, laughter tinting her voice.
"Sorry," her murmured, still in shock of having his girlfriend in his arms, when she should have been far, far away. "It's just... Wow..."
The vault hunter scoffed in amusement, reaching up to gently pinch at her boyfriend's rosey cheek. She couldn't believe just surprising him on Mercenary Day would get him to blush, but here she was, looking up at her tall CEO and basking in his affections. "Surprise~"
His response was to lean down and kiss her again, this time allowing her time to respond in kind. Fiona happily wrapped her arms around his neck, still barely standing on her tippy toes as he hadn't yet released her from his enthusiastic embrace.
She brushed her turquoise tipped fingers over his styled wavy hair, murmuring softly against his lips "Did you miss me?"
"Always," he answered without hesitation, squeezing her gently before slowly lowering her until she could stand on her own.
"Cute," she said, a satisfied smile quirking her lips as she playfully booped his nose.
He grinned in response before asking, "So are you gonna tell me how you got in here, or do I have to review my security protocols?"
"Let's just say that I have my ways~" she winked, before lifting her hand and flashing him a company keycard that looked a lot like his, before she flicked her wrist and the card disappeared. "And it doesn't hurt to have a pair of willing decoys to distract while I secure my entrance..."
"Ah..." he nodded in understanding, remembering that Gortys and Loader Bot could have easily entered his office since they did have authorization, but he hadn't thought about that as he was just too eager to see them again. "Interesting set up you have here. And the uh, supposed 'business' that was 'too important' to abandon?"
The former con woman grinned, tilting her head until she could peer up at him from beneath her lashes. "Another ploy to make you think that I couldn't make it in time to spend the holidays with you... Does that put me on the naughty list?"
"Hmm..." Rhys mulled over thoughtfully, pretending to think this over as he watched the mirth spread across his girlfriend's face. "It would seem likely, but I think you might be able to make amends. You've still got about an hour left before Mercenary Day, so if you're really good, you might avoid some coal in your stocking this year."
Fiona snickered, twisting her finger around one of the short curls at the nape of his neck, cocking her head to the side as she asked, "What if I tell you that I came by in person to thank you for the jacket you gave me? Would that help?"
He hummed in agreement, his fingers drumming along her waist as he nodded and answered, "That does seem like a step in the right direction."
The Pandoran stepped back out of his reach, leaning back against the edge of his desk as she tugged at the lapels of said jacket. "It really is a beautiful gift... Isn't it?"
For the first time since he noticed his girlfriend in his chair, he was able to get a good view of what she was wearing. The light from the city at night poured in from his bay windows, falling over her form in shafts of multicolored light that only complimented her beauty even more. She wore the jacket he bought for her, a dark burgundy knee length piece that looked so good on her. He was very happy with his purchase, and she appeared to be as well. Her hat was nowhere to be found, and her legs were bare because instead of her usual knee-high boots, she wore a pair of simple black stilettos.
Perhaps she wanted to go out to dinner after this, her attire more suited to a fancy restaurant rather than vault hunting. He was about to ask her where she'd like to go, when she spoke up first.
"Doesn't it look good?" she asked, watching him carefully.
"Definitely. You know, they had other colors but I know red is like, your thing and so I uh... I... I was um..."
His words trailed off as she slowly pulled the tab for the zipper down her body, letting the jacket part before she casually shrugged one shoulder out of the jacket, revealing that underneath, she wore a lacey set of black lingerie, and nothing else. She sat braced against his desk, peering up at him in nothing but the present he bought for her, a tiny set of underwear, and her black heels. "It looks really good, right...?"
Rhys swallowed thickly, his eyes roaming over the length of her bare leg that she stretched out to draw his eye. He nodded slowly, preoccupied with trying to burn this image into his mind forever. "Yep... Looks... Very good. Very very good. The best, in fact..."
She brushed the tip of her shoe along the side of his calf, while reaching out to tug on his festive tie to draw him closer. "Why don't you let me show you just how much I appreciate your thoughtful gift, hmm...?"
Rhys willingly drew closer to her, stepping in between her legs as she parted her knees to make room for him. "Oh fuck you're so hot, how are you this hot...?" It was more of a rhetorical question as it seemed like he was talking more to himself than actually questioning her, but all the same it made Fiona grin with pride.
She pulled on his tie to bring him down to her, parting her mouth eagerly as she felt his tongue swipe across her lower lip. His hands braced themselves by her hips as he leaned over and thrust his tongue against hers, making her sigh in pleasure. He tilted his face and reached up to cup the back of her head, angling her to kiss her deeper.
Fiona released his tie, letting her touch trail down his chest and stomach to his belt. Rhys pulled away from her mouth with a wet smack, reaching behind her to fiddle with his keyboard and save his work. The Pandoran nibbled along his jawline, moving on to kiss down his neck as she pulled his shirt partially out of his slacks to delve her greedy hands underneath to reach his bare skin. Rhys, meanwhile, was very distracted and more than eager to join his girlfriend in whatever she had planned. Finally, he manages to save and shut down his computer.
As soon as his monitor goes dark, he pushes it off to the side of his large desk, as well as any papers or miscellaneous items that could get in the way. When everything is all clear, he pulls back to look at Fiona properly, now with no other distractions in the way.
Greedily eyeing the new set of lingerie, he runs his human finger over the scalloped edges of her bra cup, the texture of lace delicate and expensive beneath his fingertip - a beautiful contrast against the smooth skin of her breast. "Is this a gift to me, from you...?"
Fiona's smile is sexy and mischievous, gazing at up at him as she slightly arches her back, encouraging more of his touch. "I used your money to buy this set. It was tailored specifically for me, but it wasn't too expensive..."
Rhys firmly cups her in his hand, her breast sitting full against his palm as he runs a thumb over her hardened nipple beneath the fabric. She sighs lightly as he answers, "Now that's a good investment..."
She chuckles quietly, meeting his bi-colored eyes as she purrs, "Glad you think so..." before tugging on his open vest to bring him down to her lips again.
She wraps her arms around his neck, her hands diving into his wavy hair while he reaches under her jacket to rove over her bare skin. She suckles on his tongue and he in turn reaches down to squeeze at her hip. She hums appreciatively, arching into his body as he brings his hands up to the back of her bra, unhooking the garment after some fiddling. She pulls back with a pop, gazing at him heavy lidded with a gentle smirk. "So eager, you barely had time to appreciate me in this before you're taking it off."
"It's not that I don't appreciate it, because I do, I very very very much do, but I haven't seen you in a month-" kiss "-I am so so so so so happy to see you-" kiss "-you look so damn hot right now-" kiss "-and you could be wearing diamonds and I'd still insist that you look best naked."
Fiona chuckled into the fervent kisses he placed on her mouth, letting him peel off her jacket and bra, dropping it off to the side as he kissed down her neck while his human hand came up to cup her bare breast. She sighed in pleasure at his knowing touch, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt and vest over his shoulder as his thumb swiped gently over a budded nipple.
"Oh Fi, I've missed you..."
He sucked against her pounding pulse and she let her head fall back, whining softly as she leaned back against his desk for support. Her right leg came up against his side, trying to pull him closer. She plunged her turquoise tipped fingers into his thick hair as he kissed down her chest and quickly sucked her other nipple into his mouth. Her soft moans echoed in his empty office, and she was always astonished at how quickly he could rile her up in so little time.
He alternates lovingly over her panting chest - finger, lips, teeth and tongue teasing her until she's pulling him up and back to her mouth. She bites on his bottom lip as she tugs his shirt completely free from his slacks, pulling it up in an attempt to get it off. With a groan, he pulls back enough to shuck his vest before tugging at his tie to loosen it, pulling it over his head and tossing it somewhere off to the side. He works at his shirt's buttons as Fiona reaches forward and begins to undo his belt. She peeks up at him as she slides it out of the buckle, working on the button and zipper next, and he loves the sight before him, wondering how he got so lucky to be the one Fiona wanted most of all.
Rhys shrugs off his shirt, exposing his bare chest and the large expanse of his blue tattoo just as Fiona is parting his slacks. She pauses when she glances down to see his festive boxers. He's very obviously aroused but she can't help but smirk at his Mercenary Day themed underwear.
"What?" he grouses, a blush high on his cheeks. "I was trying to embody the holiday mood okay?"
"Oh you're in the mood alright~" she purrs, reaching down into his pants to rub him through his festive boxers.
His eyes flutter shut and he moans softly, making the Pandoran bite her lip and pull him closer. She strokes him over his underwear as she kisses him, swallowing his sounds of pleasure as he ruts eagerly up against her hand.
Eventually he pulls away and immediately starts tugging on her panties, muttering in a voice thick with arousal, "I need to get these off of you now..."
The vault hunter laughs but insists that she's not gonna be the only naked one here. She helps Atlas' head push down his slacks and as he toes off his expensive shoes and kicks his clothing away, she looks down and sees that of course his socks are holiday themed too. She giggles and Rhys lays her gently back against his desk as he tugs her damp panties down her legs, stopping to gently remove her heels and set them carefully off to the side.
Fiona is now completely naked on his desk, and as he straightens to look at her, she props herself up on her elbows and curls a leg around his hip to bring him closer. Rhys wonders how he's gonna get any work done from now on, when all he'll be able to think about while sitting at his desk, is how good Fiona looks splayed over the polished, wooden surface with her lustful gaze trained on him. He eagerly leans over her, kissing her again as if he can never get enough of her mouth. She slowly reclines back until she's laying flat over his desk, wrapping her legs around him and grinding her wet core over the tent in his boxers. They both groan into the kiss, and Rhys quickly reaches between them to shove his underwear out of the way.
He grips the base of his erection and guides it between her lips, rocking slowly against her to coat himself in her slick. Fiona is mouthing over his throat, moving on to leave hickeys over his neck and shoulder, proud of the color it makes when her love bites pepper over the blue of his tattooed skin.
Finally he pushes against her entrance, and she lies back to watch his face, only to find his eyes meeting hers.
He pushes in slowly, giving her body time to adjust to his intrusive strokes. If the way her eyelashes flutter and her kiss-swollen mouth parts with exhales of pleasure, then he's doing a good job. He presses fully against her, and leans down to kiss gently at her parted lips. She returns his kiss eagerly as she flutters around him, and keeping his hips still is so hard when her walls are squeezing him so tight. His elbows are braced beside her to keep his weight off of her, but when she arches, her breasts push against his chest, her nipples grazing teasingly over his skin. She's got the heel of one foot hooked just underneath his ass, keeping him pulled close against her. Her other leg is curled around his back, the smooth skin of her inner thigh brushing up against his side.
"Fiona, can I-"
"Yes, please, move..."
Her legs relax enough to let him ease back, before he begins rolling his hips into her body. They sighed in pleasure simultaneously, her eyes falling shut but immediately opening to catch his gaze. He loved watching her face as he worked to draw as much pleasure out of her as he possibly could.
"Rhys..." she murmured, her hands trailing up his arms, over his shoulders and down his back. He rocked into her again, this time plunging into her quicker and she yelped, arching her back and digging her blunt nails into his shoulder blades.
He grazed his parted lips across her jawline and down the arch of her neck, stopping to suckle a bruise onto her collarbone as he began a steady pace between her legs.
She gasped and whined in his ear, and it was all he could focus on. The taste of her sweat on his tongue, the pounding of her pulse against his lips, the breathless, helpless way she called for him, the way his name sounded as she panted and writhed beneath him. Her body fitting against his like his other half, the wet, hot, sporadic squeeze of her core, the way she trusted him enough to allow him this opportunity. There was no one and nothing like her, and he loved her so entirely.
Fiona, Fiona, Fiona...
"Rhys, Rhys- Ah Rhys...!"
He pushed himself up to brace his hands on either side of her, watching her body bounce with every meeting of their hips. She was close, he could tell by the way she was trying to stifle her louder moans, and the way her hands sought any part of him to find purchase of.
With this angle, he could watch as she shuddered, her thighs tightening around him as her walls spasmed around his length, her hands curled around his biceps as her orgasm washed over her. Watching the pleasure reflected on her face and in her eyes was always his favorite part, knowing he was the one to satisfy her needs.
When she squirmed at the beginnings of overstimulation, he slowed his thrusts until he was fully sheathed inside of her, panting heavily as arousal still pounded through his veins.
She parted her eyes, gazing up at him through partially wet lashes, before tugging him down on top of her to kiss him thoroughly as she came slowly down from her high. Rhys waited, his patience tested but never broken, the need to finish still so strong in him, but he'd always wait until Fiona was ready.
She curled her arms around his shoulders and nipped at the shell of his ear, her sultry words like a fire in his blood. "We're not done yet..."
Rhys nuzzled into her bare shoulder, his hands sliding down her body until they found a firm grip underneath her thighs. He picked her up and took a step back, falling back into his overly expensive office chair.
Fiona quickly righted herself, and the movement sent a spike of pleasure straight to his gut, making his hands latch on to her hips automatically. She steadied herself on his lap, before swiveling her hips in a devious circle, making him groan deeply as his head tipped back against the head rest. As soon as she started bouncing in his lap, he spread his thighs to give her more room to maneuver. He looked down at where their bodies met, watching with hot, molten pleasure as she rode him just the way she liked. The sound of her hips slapping wetly down onto his was drawing him closer and closer to his finish.
There was literally nothing hotter than his girlfriend, his heterochromatic eyes taking in the way she moved over him and worked his body with confidence, her lusty smile and dark eyes were the most beautiful things he had ever seen. She leaned down, swirling her hips in the most delicious little circles and kissed him, drawing his bottom lip into a gentle bite. He felt his stomach tighten and knew he was about to come.
Wrapping his human arm around her lower back to keep her in place, he secured her completely against him, slipping his mechanical hand in between their bodies. His cool metal fingertips found her flushed bud, which made her flinch at first contact. He activated a steady vibration and she yelped, clinging to him desperately as she locked up with a sudden climax.
This time Rhys allowed himself to follow with her, his hips trying to buck up into her as he shuddered and ejaculated deep within her clenching walls. She whined in sensitivity, rolling her hips against his vibrating fingers as she continued to milk him, wanting to draw out both of their orgasms as long as possible. Soon though it became too much, and he slowly removed his touch to instead wrap his arms around her back to secure her to his chest.
The vault hunter sat in a boneless heap against him, panting against his tattooed neck as she savored the afterglow. He was so warm right now and his arms wrapped around her could easily lull her into a good night's sleep.
Rhys was trying to catch his breath, pressing his nose into her hair as he gently stroked a loving hand down her back. His pulse was beating wildly, and he knew that he had the most absolute, stupidest grin slathered across his face right now. But eventually, he knew he had to rouse his girlfriend from her light dozing.
"Hey, Fi...?"
"Wanna head home and shower, then sleep in our comfy, cozy bed? Wouldn't that be better?"
"Mmm..." she sighed, seeming as if she was content to stay snuggled up against him. But she shifted slightly, pulling back enough to look him in the eyes. "Can we order take out? I'm starving..."
The company man's ego could probably not get any bigger than it was right now. "Oh~ Worked up an appetite did you?" His smug smirk was half irritating, half humorous. "I guess I can't blame you - I gave you a pretty good work out if I do say so myself..."
Fiona rolled her eyes, reaching up to pluck playfully at his nipple. He yelped, jumping in his seat which jostled them apart. She sat wet and naked in his equally wet and naked lap, watching as a fierce blush spread over his cheeks. "You were saying...?"
"Yeah, well..." He cleared his throat. "Let's uh, let's get home so we can shower..." From where she was now perched on his lap, he could feel their combined juices sliding down her thighs and onto his. "...A shower would be really good right about now..."
The Pandoran woman snickered, pushing herself off to stand on wobbly legs. She tried to stand confidently but her knees still trembled slightly and the sight blew up Rhys' male ego like nothing else. She caught sight of his smug grin, and combined with his tousled hair and the after shocks of pleasure still zinging through her body, she had to admit to herself that he was pretty damn sexy right now. Blushing lightly, she turned away from him to pick up her scraps of clothing from the floor.
The president of Atlas got up soon after and winced at the mess they made on his luxury office chair... But eventually dismissed it and went in search of his own scattered clothes.
Fiona shrugged on her new jacket as Rhys was cinching his belt. He looked like he had just dressed after taking a roll in the sheets - hair and clothes all mussed, bruises dotting his neck - and she supposed she didn't look much better. As she righted her clothes, subconsciously taking note of the stickiness of her inner thighs, she noticed Rhys pull up a call on his palm display.
As it rang, he whispered to her, "The usual?"
She nodded as the staff to her favorite restaurant picked up. She curled her arm around her boyfriend's, walking with him out of his office to the elevators. He punched the number in for the garage as he placed their orders, requesting for delivery at his apartment.
As he was getting ready to hang up, the worker on the other end chirped, "And Happy Mercenary Day Mr. Strongfork!"
Taken slightly aback, Rhys looked at the time and realized that it was indeed past midnight. It was officially Mercenary Day. He returned the sentiment and hung up, turning to look down at the woman at his side.
"Happy Mercenary Day, Mr. Strongfork~" Fiona cooed with an impish little smile.
Rhys groaned, shaking his head as he turned away and said, "Don't call me that when we're out in public..."
"Oh~?" she questioned, tugging on his vest to get him to face her. She could spot a light blush blooming across his face and over the tips of his ears. Interesting, perhaps something to explore at a later time...
He twisted and caught her in a hug, effectively hiding his blushing face from her curious eyes. "Happy Mercenary Day Fi... So far, it's the best one yet..."
Fiona nuzzled into his neck, planting a soft kiss against the black rings there. "I'm not done giving you your gifts yet..."
"Oh~?" It was Rhys' turn to shift into a playful mood, his initial embrace now taking on a flirty edge as his hands roamed suggestively down her back and sides.
She snickered, leaning against him as she threw her arms over his shoulders. She nipped him playful along his jaw, pulling away completely once the elevator doors opened on the garage level. She tugged coyly on his tie as she sauntered out of the elevator towards his car. "We've got the whole day to ourselves... Let's not waste it, hm?"
Rhys, despite the love making that had just happened, was practically salivating at the notion of spending all day with his incredibly sexy girlfriend. He fumbled around in his pockets for his car keys, eager to get on the road and into their large bed.
The rest of the night was just getting started, if Fiona's sultry smile and bedroom eyes were anything to go by.
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🌟Happy Mercenary Day🌟
©rin-bellatrix 2022
☆ borderlands masterlist ⋆ main masterlist ☆
13 notes · View notes
raptorbricksart · 1 year
Do you have any models regarding the world that Clara and her associates live in?
I have a handful, none of the world itself (at least in a presentable form, but things within it. I'll have a quick dig through my files and see what I can find.
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On the left, a shrine to the main deity of the skyfolk, the Goddess of Starstone, the bringer of luck. They're one of the only skyfolk deities that is still well known outside of very localised cultures since they have no real organised religion, just folk tales that have been passed down through the generations.
On the right, a smaller (about 4 inches tall) version of a different stylisation of the goddess. This kind of style is what someone might put in their home, on a shelf or something to that effect.
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A little look at Clara's house (Ignore the flat terrain on the exterior, I'm going to replace it), pretty standard for a skyfolk home, with the addition of recently fitted electricity and solar panels (glow-in-the-dark stars aren't a typical feature either, Clara bought them from a passing trader).
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One of the most advanced pieces of tech available to the average person: a portable digital camera. Absolute cutting edge, it even has top-of-the-range cassette tape storage.
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One I haven't actually shared here: a Gumwing: one of the most primordial multicelled organisms in the sky. Thought to be the best glimpse into the past, it lives floating through the air, absorbing any bugs or dust that stick to it.
(This one has an article on World Anvil if you are interested)
Unfortunately, a lot of what I have are WIPs that aren't in a state that is good enough to share, or have been retconned out of existence (There's a whole segment on superheroes that got cut)
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actualbird · 2 years
Hi, I'm the anon who asked about the new Looming Nightmare card! I saw the content warnings, and I was like, oh it's this kind of story.
While I like my share of whump, I think I'll skip the card since it doesn't really tie into much of their actual relationship from the looks of it, but if you're willing to give a rundown of the story, I do enjoy reading your analyses. If you wouldn't mind, of course.
hi anon!! and....yep.....Looming Nightmare is.....That Kind Of Story JHVSKJHF
and same same, i LOVE whump but this card is just really....
well, i'll answer ur question with a more detailed summary of what happens in the card as well as some of my thoughts below the read more!!
do not proceed if u dont wanna be spoiled!! for general content warnings of the card, check out this previous ask i answered
this summary will be a bit rudimentary and might leave out some tinier details since i watched the card like, almost an entire year ago. but heres what happens
the story starts in a fantasy setting au kinda thing and luke talks to some travelers in the woods. he's looking for mc, his lover, who had gone missing
luke and mc grew up together and started a relationship eventually, but then luke was conscripted into the army as a knight for a few years. during this period, mc sent him many letters but he was not allowed to reply. before he left, he promised mc he'd come back the moment he could, but when he did come back, she was no longer at their home
luke learns from the travelers that theres this big terrible dragon somewhere just destroying villages and kidnapping young women (? i think?? again, not very sure about the details) and luke thinks this dragon had taken mc from their home
so he journeys to the castle where the dragon is currently residing at and then takes shelter first at a nearby cottage. there, he meets a faceless NPC fortune teller and it's revealed hes met her once, before he started his journey looking for mc. back then, the fortune-teller told luke that the price of his journey could be Everything he is, or something along those lines. in spite of that, he still went
now, the fortune-teller tells him that the dragon will be weakened during the solar eclipse which will happen soon. at that moment, it will be the best time to kill the dragon. she also mentions that the dragon has this treasure box of stuff in that castle and thats the thing the dragon values most
anyhoo, luke goes to the dragon and---after a long and dangerous battle where he himself got injured a whole lot, im p sure at some point he was sure he was gonna die but he kept on going for mc---he landed a fatal blow on it. he then goes to the castle, searching for mc
and there he finds nobody at all but he does find the treasure chest and inside, he finds a mirror. in the mirror, he sees mc and her life after he left. due to the fact that luke could not reply to any of her letters, she thought he had died and left her village to go look for him and she grew more and more hopeless as the years went by. the mirror then shows mc picking up the mirror itself, crying, and when her tears hit the mirror, she was transformed into the dragon
the dragon that luke just killed
luke rushes out of the castle and the dragon had transformed back into mc. and shes quite dead, sporting the same wounds luke had inflicted on the dragon earlier
and just when ya thought it couldnt get worse!!!
the fortune-teller from earlier returns and tells luke that she can revive mc, but the price is his own life AND all of mc's memories of him. she will live but never even know he existed
luke, of course, takes this deal. and then he kills himself
and then over these two dead bodies, the fortune-teller reveals herself to be a witch! and doesnt revive either of them
it was all just a dream
mc wakes up and shes back in the canon setting, shes in luke's place and she had fallen asleep and had that Entire Terrible Nightmare. luke asks her if she had a nightmare, and she says yes, so he sings to her to comfort her
so! thats what happens in looming nightmare generally!! of course, theres a whole bunch of other details i probably missed/forgot, but yeah
and as to why i didnt rlly enjoy it....
see, the first time i watched it i actually thought it was okay. like, it fucking ripped my heart out yeah, but it was an Okay Story. but then the longer i let the story sit in my brain i realized that....no actually the entire story is hinged only upon misery that doesnt serve a narrative purpose.
like, i LOVE whump!! i LOVE stories where luke goes through hell, but not solely because hes going through hell. i love it cuz the conflict, hardship, and pain either adds something to his character, adds to the dynamic hes got with characters around him, lets us know something new about him or others, or maybe the hurt leads to comfort and then that comfort lets us learn more about the luke's vulnerability, emotions etc etc.
basically, i love (and to a certain degree, expect) angst in a story to actually serve a purpose. i want the Hurt to actually do something other than just Hurt. cuz if it just hurts, im like.....what was the point?
this is especially pronounced in this story cuz the story isnt even "real". it was all a dream, a dream that mc didnt even get to discuss with luke. i would have been extremely interested and wouldve had a better view of this card if it involved a scene where mc talks about her nightmare. that discussion could tackle so much: mc's intuitive knowledge that luke would go too far if it meant she would be safe, mc's own abandonment issues surfacing in the nightmare's plot, etc
but...that didnt happen. what we did get was luke singing which, i'll admit, is adorable
but adorable isnt enough to save a story that didnt rlly have a point jahvfjkahsvfkjashfa
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sustvest · 1 year
Why you should Investing in Renewable Energy in 2023?
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Wind and solar are powering a clean energy revolution. Here’s what you need to know about renewable and how you can help make an impact at home.
What is Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources are plentiful and all around us.
Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion’s share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis.
Common Sources of Renewable Energy
Below are the Few Most Important Sources of Renewable Energy
1. Solar Energy
Solar energy is the most abundant of all energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. The rate at which solar energy is intercepted by the Earth is about 10,000 times greater than the rate at which humankind consumes energy.
Solar technologies can deliver heat, cooling, natural lighting, electricity, and fuels for a host of applications. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.
Although not all countries are equally endowed with solar energy, a significant contribution to the energy mix from direct solar energy is possible for every country.
The cost of manufacturing solar panels has plummeted dramatically in the last decade, making them not only affordable but often the cheapest form of electricity. Solar panels have a lifespan of roughly 30 years, and come in variety of shades depending on the type of material used in manufacturing.
2. Wind Energy
Wind energy harnesses the kinetic energy of moving air by using large wind turbines located on land (onshore) or in sea- or freshwater (offshore). Wind energy has been used for millennia, but onshore and offshore wind energy technologies have evolved over the last few years to maximize the electricity produced - with taller turbines and larger rotor diameters.
Though average wind speeds vary considerably by location, the world’s technical potential for wind energy exceeds global electricity production, and ample potential exists in most regions of the world to enable significant wind energy deployment.
Many parts of the world have strong wind speeds, but the best locations for generating wind power are sometimes remote ones. Offshore wind power offers tremendous potential.
3. Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy utilizes the accessible thermal energy from the Earth’s interior. Heat is extracted from geothermal reservoirs using wells or other means.
Reservoirs that are naturally sufficiently hot and permeable are called hydrothermal reservoirs, whereas reservoirs that are sufficiently hot but that are improved with hydraulic stimulation are called enhanced geothermal systems.
Once at the surface, fluids of various temperatures can be used to generate electricity. The technology for electricity generation from hydrothermal reservoirs is mature and reliable, and has been operating for more than 100 years.
4. Solar power
At a smaller scale, we can harness the sun’s rays to power the whole house—whether through PV cell panels or passive solar home design. Passive solar homes are designed to welcome in the sun through south-facing windows and then retain the warmth through concrete, bricks, tiles, and other materials that store heat.
Some solar-powered homes generate more than enough electricity, allowing the homeowner to sell excess power back to the grid. Batteries are also an economically attractive way to store excess solar energy so that it can be used at night. Scientists are hard at work on new advances that blend form and function, such as solar windows and roof shingles.
Selling the energy you collect
Wind- and solar-powered homes can either stand alone or get connected to the larger electrical grid, as supplied by their power provider. Electric utilities in most states allow homeowners to only pay the difference between the grid-supplied electricity consumed and what they have produced—a process called net metering. If you make more electricity than you use, your provider may pay you the retail price for that power.
Renewable energy and you
Advocating for renewable, or using them in your home, can accelerate the transition toward a clean energy future.
Even if you’re not yet able to install solar panels, you may be able to opt for electricity from a clean energy source. (Contact your power company to ask if it offers that choice.)
If renewable energy isn’t available through your utility, you can purchase renewable energy certificates to offset your use.
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igotmyionyou32 · 2 years
\\Some highlights and a recap of my first day back for my junior year in american public school (Midwest) for my 2 mutuals. For timing reference my first period starts at 7:50 am. 
Driving to school: A grown ass woman honked at me for trying to pull into the school parking lot. Not even a parent just a mean ass lady. Hoping she has a terrible day.
Homeroom: Was in wrong homeroom class and then was extremely anxious. Group of straight cis football men who for some reason think that we are friends kept saying hi to me.(I only refer to to their sexuality in this way because they are verbally homophobic and say faggot as members of society who have been explained to MULTIPLE times (by me) that the use of this kind of language by someone who is at the top of the food chain is gross and unnecessary). They do not care but will keep saying it over and over idc.
1st Period (Computer Science A): Sat in the wrong seat and had to move. Almost had a meltdown over ice breakers.
2nd Period (AP Environmental Science): I think I’m really going to enjoy this class. I have good amount of people I know/newish friends so I wasn’t too anxious and the get to know you form asked for my pronouns which always feels nice. Teacher already knew who I was because apparently my Earth/Space teacher had said good things about me. I also once showed her the pictures I took of the moon with my telescope (I do this often and always email them to my favorite female science teachers cause they are amazing).
3rd Period (Dual Credit Ivy Tech Solar System Astronomy) I am the ONLY one in my whole school taking this. So excited but it doesn't start until the 22nd cause its through a college. I just sat in the library and went and picked up parking permit from the office.
3rd Period/Junior class meeting: Sat with two of my best friends and goofed tf around just like last year and listened to why keeping the doors locked at all times is a better solution to school shootings than just not allowing guns??? Also no hats cause if you try to bomb the school they cant recognize you ofc. Love America so much.
4th Period. (Physics) Was very excited but the teacher is very sexist and a bit creepy. Just leaving it at that I’m not getting into it yet I’m still mad.
5th Period (AP Chemistry): Very excited for this course. Struggled a bit in honors last year but that’s cause I did not study lol. Fav teacher and its a small class. Very comforting to see my school mom after being stressed out.
Lunch???: Took like 12 mins to get my food (we get 30 mins to eat) takes me 8 mins to get there so  I get to sit for like 10 mins in an extremely overcrowded room because they took away C lunch. (They were out of a vast majority of the food too).
6th (Pre-calculus/Trig Honors): Least fav class probably. I love math but I struggle with it and i was extremely anxious cause the friend I had in there was very loud (not her fault she can act however she wants) but it kept drawing attention to us and I felt dumb. Also I forgot my fav calculators so I was upset. Very nervous for this course in general. If anyone knows resources to help rebuild bad math foundations and teach yourself algebra 2 then i beg of you.
7. (AP Language): Very excited for this class. Teacher is hot and two of my best friends are in there. Goofed around. Half of the boys that were in my homeroom are in front of us but I feel better that my girls are with me. Very small class too and me and my friend can just walk to our cars cause we park next to each other this year and we can hang and just leave. Although not much hanging today because it was extremely hot and I had to work from 4-8. So since i got out at 2:40 and wait till traffic lightens up around 2:55 I had to book it home if I wanted to drop my shit off and grab a snack.
Overall Id say its not too bad but I’m really just focusing on mt grades this year and trying to actually learn since I’m taking courses in stuff I have actual interest in. I already have some notes and a lab tomorrow in ap chem so I’m gonna read and probably try to sleep. Hope everyone is having an amazing day and thanks for reading lol.
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thedaythealienscame · 2 years
i've been writing a lot more recently in short bursts, going between projects. this is something that i finished last night, kind of diving into my character and their one-sided relationship with their "boss." it's kind of all over the place tbh but. who cares.
if it had a title, it'd be "there was something almost soothing in the hard-to-define note of terror in your eye" <- which is pretty long! it's from "i've got the sex" by tmg for character dynamic reasons
only warnings i can think of are like. insecurity, jealousy, vague mentions of alien sex? and the last part is imagining an intimate moment that could be ruined by an easy murder (which could be construed as suicidality?)
O-Ren's mat lies on the floor of the generator room, surrounded by a few bits and bobs. Personal belongings that don't actually feel all that personal anymore. (For instance; a literal piece of one of the people who built them, an amulet from home, a book that they're hesitant to touch.) But more important than that, O-Ren is kneeling at the end of the mat on their knees, palms flat on the floor, and praying.
Well, loosely.
They're running over possible scenarios in their head and trying to work their way out of each one. Sometimes with some act of divine interference on IVAN’s part, sometimes not. Sometimes there isn't an out and everything is shit. It depends on how hopeless they’re feeling that hour.
Accompanied by this is a choking, muttering sound. The kind of thing that makes you wonder whether or not someone is chewing gravel next to your ear. A reinforcement of sorts.
It doesn't change anything, though.
Now they have a new burden to take on at the hands of their own poor decision-making. A choice that they shouldn’t have made as lightly as they did, and now it was a piece of them. The Menace had even accompanied them on the ship (even though Hugo had not for a good hour or two), and while they weren’t stressing in the doorway anymore, nothing really changed. And they had messed up with Juno, and now they had to take far more on than they were accustomed to.
It’s just that they don’t like him. The Menace.
His whole demeanour puts them on edge, as much as they would rather it did not (or however intentional it may be). Reminds them of their guardian’s description of a dolphin’s laugh. A privilege, it had been, to be able to even hear that story. And what a regret it is now. It haunts them more than anything they’d ever thought about before.
“A bright, high-pitched sort of thing, yes? Like two sheets of thin iron rubbing against each other so quickly you can hardly see the switch. They talk to each other like that. All bubbly.”
As taboo as it was to leave, they were grateful for everything that their guardian had given them. For everything… but that.
To be honest, they had no idea what would have happened if their head hadn’t been filled with so many different ideas of that sort. Of earth, of mars, of other planets in their own solar system all made up of gas.
And they kind of don’t understand what Hugo has in mind when he sees Kelsi, though she is pretty, something about her grates on the plates around their stomach. Emotion all heavy in its sincerity as it flows through them at a remarkable speed. Some combination of envy and appreciation all at once.
Of course, of course it makes them feel gross. He’s allowed to do whatever he wants.
And he has, in turn, allowed them to do whatever they want. Anytime, they’re allowed to just pack up and leave as if nothing ever happened there. O-Ren could jump ship if they wanted to, or just get lost on purpose and never return. Do something that they would have never dared to do in a thousand lifetimes. Drink and smoke their life away. Let someone take their core like it meant nothing to them. Would it matter? Would he care?
O-Ren, despite their best efforts, really wants Hugo to care.
What would they even be if he didn’t care?
Hours later, they walk out of that little room, regretting a little bit that they don’t house themself with the others. But it just doesn’t seem right. And they don’t want to intrude now, especially now that they’ve come to think of that place as a private little home.
And… during a routine check-in with everyone, it’s all okay.
Nothing is going wrong, people are getting along, everything is okay without the constant rounds of the ship. Whether or not this should be a reason to stop doing so is filed away into the back of O-Ren’s mind for later. It makes them feel a little safer.
(Then grosser, when they exchange pleasantries with Hugo and can barely tear their eyes away from the octopus-like sucker marks that litter his skin. Not that he’d notice. It’s so obviously unintentional as well, like he just… forgot about the marks now that he’s not in the direct presence of the Menace. Wrapping fully around his wrists and forearms and the back of his neck, so perfect in proportion that O-Ren is both upset and insecure all at once for no justifiable reason.)
Even if O-Ren was never given a specific job to work with ever again, they would never be done working in every meaning of the word. There is no “stop” from the specific moment of creation to the end of the universe unless they die somehow. And that’s just something they have to accept.
Not that they know what their job is now that they aren’t hauling bricks.
But a part of it seems to be pacing around the ship until they pass out from exhaustion and a lack of oxygen. And worrying about their crewmates.
(Jealousy is not in the description, it shouldn’t feel as good or righteous as it does.)
IVAN pushes for them to sit down for a little, apparently unphased by the journey that they have ahead of them. And they don’t mind, really. If he’s treating them normally, they must be acting somewhat normally.
(O-Ren, as stupid as the thought is, wants nothing more than to take off their outside face and reveal a hidden little piece of them. One that couldn’t have been seen by anyone since they left their home planet and blasted off into eternal nothingness with only other work to replace it. More fulfilling work, but work nonetheless.)
It's not that they don't like the chatter, but they're not really focused on it. Or much at all, really. They find themself warming Hugo's drink back up without a second thought while nodding along to another beach ramble/argument.
(The idea is dangerous. And if anyone had done the most surface-level research on their people, they would know just how humiliating that can and should be. Best not to lose any more credibility while they're still with Deep Blue.)
It's become such a boring argument over the past couple days, and they can't even bring themself to care about it anymore. If they're going to the beach, who cares?
(Just flash your bosses, O-Ren. Smart.)
Calmly and as quietly as possible, they slip out of the room without so much as a glance going their way. People too wrapped up in each other to care about the outside world in exactly the way that they shouldn't want to be.
Fighting is disruptive and inefficient, to be avoided at all costs. If one has authority over another, the subordinate should allow things to go as the other sees fit. That’s how it’s supposed to be anyway.
O-Ren knows firsthand that nothing is that smooth.
Of course the moment that O-Ren sneaks away, back to their little room they call home, disruptive little thoughts make their presence known in the most distracting way possible. The pieces that make up their outer-face have become oppressive in nature in the short amount of time it took to get from the control room to the engine.
Thick fingers shift the biggest piece up and to the right. It falls on their mat with a gentle thud.
Maybe he’d like it.
More sheets of hard, heavy rock start coming off bit by bit. Slowly revealing an underlayer that would sparkle if it weren’t so dull and entice people if it weren’t so full of holes. Holes that keep them alive and breathing, but holes nonetheless. Ones that would be worth a pretty penny (an even better reason to keep themself under wraps).
Maybe, if he was lonely enough. Or experienced some sort of change of heart. But they’d take it.
They’d cherish any sort of attention on that scale.
It’s such wishful thinking, but they can’t really help it anymore.
O-Ren has, at least, a few hours left to breathe without anyone going looking for them. Which means a few hours before they have to put half their body back on again, but it’ll be so worth it to not feel stifled, at least for the moment.
They take some extra care with the left plates of their outer chest, minding the hole that they have yet to find an opportunity to fill.
Maybe he’d like that too.
The idea could be thrilling, that they’d willingly show off a piece of their most fragile layer. There’s a pretty solid chance that he’d get curious and ask to look (or maybe even reach) inside to see their core. The worst part is that he could probably handle the heat if he did decide to reach inside.
Lay them down on their mat right here, the door locked, far enough away from the main activity that goes on in the ship that no one would know or hear.
Support their head with his hand, maybe…
Or they’d just rest in his lap like it was a pillow, cheek pressed against his stomach (for all that that would be worth). It’d even be easier for Hugo to reach inside and touch the one thing that keeps them alive. Boiling hot and soft in the middle, a core resting right where their diaphragm would be.
All their plates off, resting on the thing that makes up their bed, and O-Ren kneels beside all their pieces that they need to take the time to fix, no matter how intriguing the idea of Hugo noticing and realizing what the meaning behind that is. 
Not that they’ve ever expected much.
What’s even more embarrassing is that they’d love it. They’d love everything and anything that Hugo did as long as it was him. No matter how clinical he was.
If he touched them like he meant it, like they mattered to him, or if it was purely scientific. If he spent most of his time distantly twisting and bending the quartz that made them keep shape inside. Applying pressure to their core to see what they do, to see if they’d ever pull away.
(And the answer would be no, not in a million years. Any survival instincts that may have been drilled into them since creation have gone out the window for a man who doesn’t care all that much as to whether or not they live or die. O-Ren can’t actually tell if that’s a downside or not. It should be, but it kind of isn’t.)
Maybe even if it would kill them. Or if he could try to move it around and see what that would do. 
(But he’d try to be nice enough to them every step of the way, which kind of makes it hurt. He likes them enough to use them as a living shield from his ex, that has to be worth something. This all has to be worth something.)
Hugo’d be nice if O-Ren clung to him, and he’d be nice if they spent the whole session with their hands by their sides, and he’d be nice even if they asked to cover up those sucker-marks by wrapping their fingers around his throat.
Not that he’d agree, ever, but he’d be nice when letting them down.
Only because they made it this far, but it’s a good thought. A thought that sends O-Ren into a slightly safer state of mind.
A sharp rap against the engine room door has O-Ren reeling, trying to decide between staying quiet or rushing to cover themself back up and answer whoever was making their presence known.
Not that they stay, effectively making that decision for them.
If they had a heart, it would be beating out of their chest. Not that it really mattered. Getting caught now would be akin to being caught in underclothes, not that anyone would be thrilled about it, or incredibly happy about it… but a sight better than having something to be caught for.
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Traditional vs Modern astrology
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How is conventional astrology extraordinary in the present day?
Traditional astrology is more external, situational, and event-targeted, while present-day astrology is more mental and character-primarily based. In modern astrology, the chart is an intellectual map; in traditional astrology, it is your thoughts, surroundings, and what happens to you.
Most present-day astrology subscribes to an open-ended, indeterminate free will—in other words, your natal chart might also display certain tendencies, but they will all be changed, negated, or “transcendent” with difficult work and, in most cases, wonderful thinking.
Traditional astrology is primarily based on a much more deterministic or fate-primarily based worldview. In classical astrology, the aim is to apprehend or divine (divination, coming across the divine intent) your area within the broader order, in place of trying to “transcend” your chart. I want to consider it aligning with the universe’s order and your area inside it. In this regard, it resembles divination techniques together with the I Ching.
In present-day astrology, the planets are no longer taken into consideration as wonderful or negative, happily or alas, in present day astrology. It has a tendency to look at all charts as similarly lucky, with all and sundry having the same possibility of accomplishing something within the traditional sense.
Traditional astrology places a sturdy emphasis on assessing the repute of planets, which may be both lucky and terrible. Furthermore, a few planets are certainly useful or useful, even as others are certainly dangerous or malefic. In conventional astrology, no longer are all charts created alike, and no longer are all planets similarly efficient; a few human beings are destined for fulfilment, awesome marriages, or fortune, even as others are destined to have tough lives in numerous ways.
As a result, traditional astrology is tons more involved with an actual evaluation of a chart and the way it impacts your existence than with a mental description of the way super and non-secular you’re on the inside. Traditional astrology now no longer glosses over or brushes aside difficult or detrimental functions of the chart.
Some technical differences
The present-day Twelve Letter Alphabet, wherein signal equals residence equals planet, isn’t always utilized in conventional astrology. A planet within the 10th house has little to do with Capricorn, and a planet in Taurus has little to do with money, in accordance with standard astrology.
There isn’t any mental improvement technique travelling across the wheel, and the dwellings are unbiased of the symptoms and symptoms. It certainly takes a second to bear in mind that children (5th) come earlier than marriage (7th), and loss of life (8th) comes earlier than a profession withinside the residence sequence (10th). Also, the number of homes is negative; the 8th residence represents a loss of life in place of transformation, and the 6th residence represents infection in place of health.
Traditional astrology makes use of symptoms and symptoms extra as contexts inside which the numerous planets can act, every so often effectively, every so often ineffectively, in place of as important character types. The maximum great records approximately a signal is in which the ruler is positioned and what form it takes, in addition to what planets are in that signal and what form they take.
Traditional astrology locations a sturdy emphasis on sect whilst figuring out the planets’ universal energy and weakness. Depending on whether or not the solar is above or under the horizon, charts are both diurnal or nocturnal. The numerous planets also are diurnal or nocturnal, and their best of operation is essentially decided via way of means of whether or not they agree or disagree with the chart’s sect.
Whole signal homes, which date again to the Hellenistic generation and had been used for over a millennium, are used withinside the form of conventional astrology that I practice. In entire signal homes, the Ascendant’s signal is the primary residence, and the subsequent signal’s signal is the second, so the signal and residence limitations are the same.
Aspects of the signal as a entire, which includes perceiving and aversion. A planet in Cancer is skilled via way of means of a planet in Pisces, no matter how close to they may be via way of means of a diploma in conventional astrology. (Aspects primarily based totally on tiers also are utilized in conventional astrology, even though for extraordinary purposes.)
Only the Ptolemaic components – sextile, square, trine, and opposition – are utilized in conventional astrology. (Conjunctions also are used, however they may be now no longer taken into consideration components.) A planet this is close to some other can see that planet. Any planets that don’t have such a components are stated to be aversion, this means that they can’t see every different and are unaware of every different.
The solar isn’t even mentioned. The Lord of the Ascendant gets a ways extra interest than the solar.
Traditional astrology is normally used to reply unique inquiries regarding sure components of one’s existence. Character evaluation offers an overarching framework in present day astrology; a query offers that framework in conventional astrology.
Traditional rulerships are the only rulerships utilized in conventional astrology. Mars dominates Scorpio, Jupiter policies Pisces, and Saturn policies Aquarius, whether or not you rent the outer planets or now no longer. Also, rulership in conventional astrology does now no longer mean affinity; it simply means that the planet is in rate of that signal’s affairs. So, in case your 7th residence is Taurus, the character and best of your relationships might be substantially decided via way of means of the vicinity and kingdom of Venus.
The 3 present-day planets are utilized by sure conventional astrologers, while they may be now no longer utilized by others. Those who do, in general, do now no longer area almost as tons emphasis on them as many moderns do. They are visible as something among planets and stuck stars, as Ben Dykes positioned it, and are simplest targeted on whilst close to some other planet.
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Solar power has become a key component in the movement towards energy efficiency and sustainable living. The utilization of solar energy is contingent upon solar modules and inverters, whose significance for energy efficiency cannot be emphasized. Solar modules are designed to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. The efficiency of these panels determines how much sunlight is converted into usable energy, making them a critical component of any solar power system. Investing in advanced solar modules like bifacial, Jinko, N-Type, and Novasys panels can significantly enhance your solar power system's efficiency and output. These panels are designed to provide maximum energy yield and durability, ensuring long-term benefits and reduced energy costs.
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The integration of advanced solar modules and efficient inverters is key to enhancing energy efficiency. Jinko Solar is a renowned name in the solar industry, known for producing high-efficiency solar panels. One of their standout products is the Jinko Bifacial 530, a bifacial module that captures sunlight on both sides, significantly increasing energy production. Jinko solar panel price in India varies but investing in these high-efficiency panels ensures a higher return on investment through increased energy output and long-term savings on electricity bills. Advanced solar panels, such as the Jinko Bifacial 530 and Solex modules, are designed to capture more sunlight and convert it into electricity with minimal loss. This increased efficiency means more energy is produced from the same amount of sunlight, reducing the need for additional panels and lowering overall costs.
The Importance of Solar Inverters
Solar inverters are essential to converting solar energy into a form that can be used, even while solar panels gather and process sunlight. The alternating current (AC) required by home appliances is created by inverters from the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels. The whole functionality and energy efficiency of the solar power system depend heavily on the inverter's efficiency. Solplanet inverters are well-regarded for their efficiency and reliability. These Solar inverters are designed with advanced technology to ensure optimal energy conversion and system performance. Solplanet inverters in India have gained popularity due to their robust design and superior performance under various environmental conditions. Choosing the Oneklick solar inverter distributor in India is essential for accessing genuine products and receiving reliable support. Oneklick is a Reputable distributor that ensures you get the best out of your solar power system, providing necessary warranties and customer service to address any issues. 
The impact of solar modules and inverters on energy efficiency is profound. Investing in high-quality components like Solplanet inverters and Jinko solar panels ensures that your solar power system operates efficiently and reliably. By choosing trusted distributors for these products, such as those offering Solex and Novasys solar panels, you can be confident in the performance and longevity of your solar energy system. The transition to solar energy not only contributes to a sustainable future but also provides significant economic benefits through reduced energy bills and increased energy independence. Whether you are looking for the best Jinko solar panel price in India or a reliable Solplanet inverter distributor in India, making informed choices about your solar power system components is key to maximizing energy efficiency and enjoying the full benefits of renewable energy. For more information about Solex modules price, solar modules, solar distributor, Buy Axitec modules, Novasys panels, and Solplanet inverters, visit the Oneklick website.
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roofingserviceuk · 9 days
The 7 Best Roof Lantern Blinds In The UK - (What To Look For When Choosing Top Skylight Blinds)
When choosing any product, what you ideally need are alternatives. That way, you could be sure that what you choose is ideally suited for your unique necessities.
This also extends to deciding on the pleasant roof lantern blinds. Quite definitely positioned, you gained’t want to make compromises.
The correct information is that providers are accessible who can enable you to order the appropriate solution. 
In this newsletter, we will display you what to search for and how you can get the exceptional roof lantern blinds for your house.
What To Look For In The Best Roof Lantern Blinds
Customisation is prime. Roof lanterns come in a whole range of sizes and styles.
When you also recall that the feel of each man or woman room is specific, it is simple to see why having options is a good idea.
What Is The Best Colour For A Roof Lantern Blind?
Just like any massive characteristic on your room, the color could make a international of difference. Homes are all adorned otherwise, and you will need a colour that works well with the room.
Lighter hues generally tend to present a sense of space and brightness. Darker colors work properly to break up wider areas and make a room sense plenty cosier. There are lots of options in relation to selecting a roof lantern blind colour but our three favourites are as follows: (Please be aware that these blinds are cellular pleated and the photographs are  sun shades to show the pleat effect. The actual colour is the lighter colour.) -
This color is all approximately being brilliant and open. It is one of the least implementing colors and works properly in any room where you're seeking to hold it radiant and ethereal.
Dark Grey
This shade works exceedingly nicely in shiny and cutting-edge rooms, specially those in a modernist fashion with smooth strains and mirrored surfaces.
Light Beige
With a pale but colourful hue, tusk is good for any room proposing pastel colorings. It provides a touch of softness without being too darkish. Also Read:
Also Read: Flat Roof Extensions
Are The Best Roof Lantern Blinds Translucent or Blackout Material?
You can bear in mind a few options whilst deciding how an awful lot mild you want within the room whilst the blinds are drawn.
Translucent styles are some of the fine roof lantern blinds to create diffused light in place of whole darkness with the blinds drawn. They allow a bit mild to permeate through the cloth, allowing you to maintain your room vivid, with out the glare.
Alternatively, there can be rooms that will require entire darkness once in a while. Rooms in that you sleep, as an example.
In this case, a super choice may be a blackout roof lantern blind. Provided it's miles properly geared up, it shouldn’t allow any mild into the room. As a result, you can be assured of a good night time’s (or maybe day’s) sleep.
What Are The Power Options In The Best Roof Lantern Blinds?
You is probably surprised to research that there are even alternatives as to the way you power your blinds.
Motorised roof lantern blinds are exact as they are able to frequently can help you regulate lighting tiers without even having to move.
All strength options are provided in ‘healthy at domestic’ kits, are easy to install and require no electric expertise. Here are the options which can be to be had: -
•Mains adaptor – Powered without delay from an AC plug socket
•Battery-powered – Utilising small replaceable batteries
•Solar-powered – Infinite (and unfastened) power from the solar’s rays.
Can You Get Blinds for Roof Lanterns?
The 10 Most Common Roof Lantern Questions Answered
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tcksolar · 24 days
Tesla Powerwall 3 Battery Review
Whether you have solar panels or not, the Tesla Powerwall 3 battery is an excellent option for home energy storage. It has a 13.5 kWh energy capacity and a built-in solar inverter with an unlimited number of cycles.
It also has one of the best warranties in the industry. This gives homeowners peace of mind knowing their investment is protected.
The Tesla Powerwall 3 battery is a lithium-ion battery that stores excess solar energy, providing a sustainable and reliable power source at night or in case of a grid outage. It also optimises the use of solar and cheap grid energy by prioritising charging during high demand times and reducing charges during off-peak hours.
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It offers a 13.5 kWh energy capacity, which is enough to run small appliances, or even whole-home backup systems. However, larger electrical loads such as air conditioners may require more than one Powerwall.
The Powerwall 3 has a long lifespan and a warranty that covers 6,000 cycles, which is significantly more than most batteries offer. It also uses a simpler cooling system compared to previous versions, making it more affordable. This is partly due to the use of new LFP cells, which are safer and don’t contain cobalt.
The Powerwall 3 has an impressive peak power output and round-trip efficiency. Peak power output measures how much power a battery can deliver for a brief burst and is important for appliances that require a quick surge of energy, such as your air conditioner’s compressor.
The round-trip efficiency of a Powerwall is the amount of usable capacity that remains after all the energy losses associated with charging and discharging. This high efficiency is key to maximizing solar energy production and reducing home energy consumption.
With the ability to track energy usage through the Tesla app, you can customize the performance mode of your Powerwall storage system to meet your energy goals. You can even choose to prioritize the backup function for use during severe weather events.
Powerwall 3 has the flexibility to provide backup power and energy independence for your home. It can also be used to reduce your reliance on the grid and save on utility bills. It also features 24/7 app-based monitoring and can be customized to meet your needs.
Unlike the previous generation, Powerwall 3 has a simple cooling system that does not require any liquid thermal management. It uses natural airflow to cool the inverter. It also has an advanced inverter integration that allows homeowners to monitor and adjust their energy usage.
Another great feature of the Powerwall 3 is its unlimited-cycle warranty. This is a major advantage over other battery storage systems, which usually have limited cycle warranties. This makes the Powerwall 3 the best choice for your solar energy needs.
Installation options
Powerwall 3 is a great option for whole-home backup, providing energy independence and reducing utility bills. It’s compatible with solar systems and comes with a 10-year warranty.
It’s easy to install and integrates seamlessly with your existing solar system. The integrated inverter converts DC energy from the battery into AC electricity to power your home. This process saves energy compared to previous Powerwall models that used separate inverters.
The Powerwall 3 is also a reliable storage solution during an outage, as it can disconnect from the grid in less than a second. It also features a liquid thermal control system, independent fuses, and touch-safe technology. The battery can be monitored remotely through the Tesla app and customized to your energy goals. The battery uses LFP lithium-ion batteries, which last up to ten years with a high rate of capacity retention.
Like most quality solar, the Tesla Powerwall 3 is backed by a 10-year product warranty. This covers any physical defects in the system that occur over time, as well as repairs and replacements if needed.
Many battery companies have cycle limits, which limit how much energy they expect their batteries to be able to deliver over time. These limits can impact your solar battery’s functionality, especially if you’re using it for backup purposes or timebased control.
However, Tesla does not include a cycle limit in its Powerwall 3. As such, this model has an edge over most other battery storage options on the market. It also includes an integrated inverter, which reduces installation costs by eliminating the need for a separate inverter. Additionally, it offers 24/7 app-based monitoring.
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