#bestie help
carpe-aurore · 1 year
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How y'all doing tonight?
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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DAEMON TARGARYEN ▸ House of the Dragon, 1.2
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itsprobablydean · 3 months
question, do you need a place to hide after the prank?
Actually, I'm now stuck outside the Dionysus cabin indefinitely.
can you bring me a blanket?
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I am kind not complacent Chpt 3
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Howdy, here is Chpt 3
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sorry it's a bit shorter than usual but I promise the next one will be longer. I have been very sleepy all the time. As always, thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged. I truly appreciate you all.
thank you so much to @engardeitsme, @lunaryasha, @nokolla💜💜💜
Chpt 3: 3.8 k words
Heimdall x fem reader
Multi chapter
A/N: im going to take a moment to add chapter summaries and make a master list
It had been a few weeks now since YN had been brought to Asgard, and though her first day was less than ideal, she had found her place close to Mal and in her teachings with Mimir, while staying far from Heimdall and Thor. Since the instance on the first morning of her arrival, Odin had been especially wary of when the girl interacted with other people, going as far as suggesting Mimir put wax in his ears to be able to hesitate any “suggestions” she may make. Mimir however felt no need, as he had built a strong rapport with YN and the two had started to grow fond of each other. After all, she was eager to learn, excited that Mimir did not shy away from any and all details and facts. The man in return was thankful for someone who was grateful to listen to every part of what he had to say, for once.
 This morning had started like they had for weeks now. YN had now learned to wake before the rest of the lodge. From there, Mal and she went into the kitchen as the sun barely peeked over the horizon while the cooks and bakers were still making breakfast. They would help with prep in return for cakes fresh out of the oven and porridge hot off the stove. Then Mal would bring YN to her balcony to drink tea and eat at their leisure as the sun rose and they got to hear the chaos downstairs they had narrowly dodged. 
YN blew on a spoon of steaming porridge and hummed as she ate, the heat warming her cheeks and the steam escaping her mouth as she shook her head. 
“ Hah- it’s hoth-“ she gasped as she forced herself to swallow, her eyes squinted shut in pain. Mal sat across from her, peering at the girl from the corner of her eye, and smirked into her tea cup.
“ You need to be more patient. You do this every morning.” YN smiled sheepishly before taking another bite.
“ Hah-, I can’t help it, I think it tastes better this way. I don’t want it to get cold.”
“ You’re burning yourself.”
“It’s okay, I like it when it’s hot like this… it feels hot all the way down my stomach and warms me up for the whole day.” Mal chuckled, shaking her head. 
“ You must have blisters in your mouth. Must be nice having godly healing.”
“ Do you not, Mal? Heal like me? 
“ Me? No dear, I'm just a mortal.”
“ Oh,” YN halted slightly at this, her spoon sinking slowly into her porridge as she peaked at Mal through her lashes. Mimir said the mortals didn’t live very long compared to them, and YN remembered thinking it a pity. She didn’t know there were mortals in Asgard, and she never thought to ask the people around her if they were mortal. Mal watched as YN had stopped eating, and fidgeted in her spot, guilty of her ignorance. Mal simply smiled.
“ Honestly, what’s that pout for?” she tutted, setting her cup down and crossing her arms as she leaned back lazily in her chair to look at the horizon. YN looked up at her, watching as the sunlight twinkled in her eyes framed by crow’s feet, how wrinkles curved around her small smile, and the grey hairs peeking through the top of her bandana. YN thought from the moment she saw her, that she wanted to look like Mal when she grew old. But that would be centuries from now, and Mal would be long gone… The thought made YN droop even further.
“Oi!” YN shot her head up at Mal’s exclamation. The woman now glared down at her, leaning across the table, grabbing a piece of bread. “Now, don’t you pity me. There is no shame in the span of my life.” She sighed, grabbing the jam, “Honestly sometimes I don’t know how the gods do it. I’m so tired already.” She took a bite and looked back at YN, just making a pathetic little sound, obviously, still overthinking. Mal reached over and tiled her chin up, her face firm and unwavering. “Don’t you worry, I’m a tough old bird, you won’t be getting rid of me any time soon. My job as your lady-in-waiting is to make sure you’re taken care of. Understood?” Mal smiled, pinching YN’s chin a bit tighter. YN giggled at the extra pressure, shaking her head free. 
“Ok, I understand.”
“Good. Now hurry and eat. You’re lesson in twenty minutes.”
“Alright, Lass: pop quiz”
“What’s a quiz?”
“That’s not important: first question: who are the Jotnar?”
“Oh! I know! They’re the most ancient beings thought to be the first to emerge from  Ginnungagap. They um- they’re skilled in physical and mystical powers. Not all jotnar are large in size and can vary from frost and fire giants to different forms of animals. An example of this are Skoll and Hati who reside in Vanaheim!” YN started to ramble excitedly about Jotnar culture and how she had watched them from afar when they walked around Vanaheim. How she saw one move a mountain range once and how she was mesmerized to watch the wolves change night into day. Mimir held a hand up to stop her, chuckling slightly.
“Alright, alright! Maybe that one was a bit too easy.” he grabbed at the scruff of his beard, humming in thought. “Let’s move on to Asgard’s history and politics.” YN’s face dropped and she groaned, dramatically throwing her head back. 
“I’m no good at politics, Mimir.”
“Which is precisely why we need to work on it. You are an honorary Asgardian now, and it’s important you know the roles of the royal family as well as your own role in relation to the nine realms. Now start with the easy ones.” YN sighed but straightened in her seat, starting at the top.
“Asgard is the realm we are in now, it is ruled by Odin and his family. Until fairly recently, Asgard has been at war with the other realms, notably Jotenheim and Vanaheim. You, Mimir, have aided in the creation of peace between these realms by building a rapport with the giants and suggesting the wedding between the All-Father and…” YN sighed, her shoulders drooping, “Freya, the former leader of Vanir, now the queen of the Valkeries.” Mimir nodded, urging her to continue. 
“Odin is the All-Father, ruler of Asgard. He is the god of the sky, of wisdom, healing, um…poetry?” she faltered but nodded in relief as Mimir silently agreed with a nod. She continued, “And the god of divination. He built Vallhalla to reward Asgardians who have gone through a warrior’s death and grant them new life as Einjar. He…He’s a mystery to me, Mimir…”
“What do you mean, Lass?”
“I mean… I feel like I should want to be indebted to him… That I should trust him and want to serve him… but I feel this pit in my stomach…I don’t know, maybe I’m just still anxious about being here…” Mimir wanted to comfort the girl. Tell her what she was feeling was her mystical logic at work, giving her intuition. But that would mean admitting to himself that Odin was not the most trustworthy, and that just wasn’t smart. Mimir cleared his throat, getting the girl’s attention. 
“It’s alright, Lass. you’ve been doing well here. The All-Father will find a place for you here and you will see there’s nothing to be worried about. Now let’s continue.” YN sighed then nodded, giving a short summary of Freya, Odin’s wife who hails from Vanaheim as she does. How the Vanir were a formidable foe and that Freya herself was a powerful warrior. The queen of the Valkeries was of great interest to YN, and she wanted to meet her soon and ask about their home. Maybe she could even ask to learn about Vanir Magix and fighting. She told Mimir she remembered meeting her just once in Vanaheim, and that she had brought her food when she was injured, but they never saw each other again. Despite this, YN saw her as the ruler of the Vanir, and when she left, the realm was heartbroken. 
YN then went on to the sons of Odin. Thor, god of the thunder, and his job as the enforcer of the Asir. He was Odin’s right hand and trained to be a machine on the field. He was physically the strongest and tasked with training his brothers as a result. Since they met, Thor made it clear he was not a fan of the girl, making sure to let her know whether it be by pushing her out of the way in the halls or making fun of her during her sparring with Heimdall and Baldur. Next was Tyr, the god of war in Asgard. He was strong and tall and despite his title, was a gentle soul from what YN could see. He had made YN feel welcome, unlike his siblings. Mimir introduced the two of them, saying that the three of them would be working together after she’s learned more about her role here. The idea of one day being able to travel outside of Asgard with them made her giddy. Tyr would sometimes entertain her and Mal at supper with stories about his travels. 
YN groaned as she spoke on Hiemdall.
“He’s the second youngest. God of foresight, order, foreknowledge, the scion of the Aesir, blessed with enhanced sight and hearing, blah, blah, blah…” YN rolled her eyes as she spoke. Mimir patted the desk she sat on, warning her not to get distracted. 
“Don’t get fresh, Lass. I told you it’s not worth it.” 
“ I Can’t help it!” she groaned in frustration. YN had been trying her damndest to try and get along with the young god, and everything seemed to blow up in her face. She thought maybe bringing him snacks from the great hall or handing him his weapon when they would spar would make it easier for him to stand her, but he would just take what she offered and leave. “He’s so rude! And-and all he does is judge me and take things!”
“Yes, that’s his job. To judge people.”
“I hate it.” she mumbled, folding her arms on the desk and resting her head in them. Mimir sat down across from her, crossing his own arms. 
“Listen, little sister… I know you may not like him, and you don’t have to. But try to put yourself in his shoes for just a moment.
“How do you mean?’ She asked, peaking up from her arms. Mimir simply smiled, knowing by now it didn’t take much for the girl to sympathize with others, and that it may be the best way to encourage some semblance of allyship between the two.
“Well, he’s the god of foresight, but like you, he’s just a child. He can’t control his powers well yet and as the son of the All-Father, you may imagine he carries a great deal of pressure from his family to perform up to their standards. This is the case for all of Odin’s sons.”
 “At least Baldur and Tyr are nice…” YN whispered, just loud enough for Mimir to hear.
“That’s true… but between you and me, I believe the boy may suffer from some form of overstimulation from his powers at times, causing some of his..hm… irritability.”
“What makes you say that?” Mimir simply shrugged, standing back up. 
“Just pay closer attention to him next time you see him. Hm?”
“Ok, I guess…”
“Good, back on topic then. Tell me about Baldur.” Mimir urged. YN sighed but obliged. Baldur was the god of light and a bit younger than her, but they got along fairly well. He was a bit shy but was kind to YN. He was a good fighter and seemed to be a favorite amongst the Aesir. He was definitely the apple of Freya’s eye at the very least.
After more discussion of Asgard and what YN’s role would be in the future, Mimir ended the lesson, suggesting YN enjoy the beautiful day before her sparring session. 
The day seemed to crawl at a snail's pace. Since the first time they fought, Odin would sit in and watch to make sure nothing “regretable” would happen, in his words. YN noticed when she was against Heimdall today, he was rather sluggish compared to his usual movements, not carrying as much snark in his voice and seeming to focus on her much harder. 
“Why are you already thinking about dinner? It’s not even sunset.” YN flushed in embarrassment. 
“Stop doing that!” she stomped her foot. Heimdall rolled his eyes and lunged at her, poking her side with the practice sword.
“Hit. reset,” Thor called from the sidelines. The two spaced away from each-other again, waiting for Thor to call out “start” before they continued fighting. It was all so boring, the dodging, the hitting, the resetting to just do the same set of moves over and over. 
“You’re telling me…” Heimdall mumbled, dodging an attack without trying. “At least when we were trying to kill each other you were vaguely entertaining. This is just pathetic.” YN clicked her tongue, dodging a half-assed attempt at a hit. 
“At least you're still getting something from this, practicing to read my mind. Which I hate, by the way,” she stated, blocking a sword swing to her face, “Have I said that already?”
“A thousand times.” Heimdall sighed, pulling away only to come back and swing three times in succession, pushing YN towards the border of the ring with each hit she blocked, “and trust me, I get nothing from hearing your annoying little voice whining about how hungry and bored you are.” YN clicked her tongue at the statement and knocked Heimdall back, lunging in short quick jabs, moving them back to the center of the ring.
“It’s not my fault. Your father is the one watching us like a hawk, making sure we barely touch each other. We might as well be dancing. He’s such a control freak” Heimdall growled, suddenly moving to grab YN by the collar of her shirt. Despite the threat he posed, she was excited at the idea of actually doing some kind of real fighting. Their dreams were dashed however as Odin called out from the distance.
“Heimdall. Put her down.” 
“But father, she insulted you!”
Heimdall growled at the girl before roughly dropping her collar, making her stumble on her feet to not fall into the dirt. She straightened her posture and fixed her shirt as Odin strode up to them. He looked down at the girl, concern on his face.
“You think me controlling, child? I suppose I have been keeping a bit too close an eye. I’m just worried is all.” At the hurt YN seemed to hear at the back of his throat, her stance softened and she offered a small bow.
“No, I apologize All-Father. I thank you for worrying about my well-being. I suppose I’m just getting a bit antsy at this routine I’m still getting used to. After the sun sets, I feel I cannot go outside, so I may be a bit more rambunctious during sparring as a result. And the slow pace is getting to me.” Odin chuckled, shaking his head.
“Is that all? Well, dear, I assure you Asgard is quite safe, if you find you want to wander after the sun sets, you are welcome to go anywhere from the lodge all the way to the wall. You are no prisoner. And you can do whatever you’d like outside your lessons. I encourage you to see how the moonlight changes the scenery tonight.” YN smiled at this, nodding in agreement.
“Thank you, All-Father, I will make sure to do so.” Heimdall seemed to fidget in place, his hands tensing and his mind racing as he listened to the two speak. YN pretended not to notice.
At supper, YN sat with Mal and Tyr, listening to him talk about his latest journeys and the interesting people he met. YN only half listened as she felt a pair of eyes on her from across the dining hall, turning to meet a magenta gaze and tilted her head in confusion when the boy suddenly looked away. Heimdall seemed to shuffle in his chair, holding his head with one hand as he slowly took small bites of food. His eyes seemed to close tightly every once in a while and his hands tensed in his hair and around his spoon. He turned to Odin, whom he sat next to, and asked something, only to be silenced with a shake of a head. YN could see some form of frustration in Odin’s gaze as he looked down at his younger son trying his best to stay still and ignore whatever it was that was bothering him so much. Heimdall looked up and their eyes met again. She tried to give a smile and wave, but the boy just frowned and looked back down at his food. YN’s hand slowly fell back to her side and with a shrug she turned back to Mal and Tyr, listening to his stories with a smile pulling at her cheeks. 
It was late in the night and most of the lodge was asleep. YN fidgeted in her bed, unable to sleep as the clock at her bedside ticked along with the soft crackle of the fire in her room. Back when she was alone, she was used to sleeping in shifts throughout the day in order to stay alert at night. This also stopped her from sleeping deeply enough to experience her nightmares to their fullest extent.
 She had been in Asgard for nearly a month now but still wasn’t used to sleeping throughout the whole night. YN would often wake in the middle of the night, humming to herself as she read a book that Mimir had given her, and wait until she was tired again to sleep more until Mal would come get her in the morning.
 She rubbed her eyes with her palms and groaned, sitting up in her bed with a sigh. YN thought of how Odin had said she was able to walk around the grounds at night if she ever wanted to, and hesitated for a second before pulling the covers off of her and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She pulled a wool sweater over her white sleeping gown and slipped on her leather house slippers. The lodge was dark, with only a few candles lit in the halls to give any semblance of where anything was. YN stepped slowly down the main staircase, the wood creaking with each drop of her foot. She winced as the plank at the bottom screeched and waited for a beat as the floor settled underneath her. YN tiptoed passed the kitchen, then stopped and puttered back to it, slipping in to grab a bag of roasted nuts and dried lingenberries. After all, a midnight snack never hurt during a little stroll. 
The cool air fluttered through YN’s hair as she pulled open the exit to to the Great Lodge and she pulled her sweater closer to her chest, sighing at the relieving chill. She opened her little parcel and ate absentmindedly as she walked down the main trail leading from the lodge down to the wall, following the moon as it hung in the center of the sky. YN hummed a soft tune, dragging her fingers along the tall grass and wildflowers that lined the trail, watching as Asgard’s nocturnal creatures scuttled through the prairie. Foxes wandered for prey, and weasels emerged from their burrows. It almost felt like home, the way everything moved and shifted around her, unbothered. 
As YN got closer to the wall, walking up the stairs, she hear what sounded like whimpering. The closer she got, the louder it became. From whimpers to sobs, and finally, she could hear whispers.
“Just go away, go away, go away.” the voice whimpered between sobs. YN stuttered her steps, worried but wondering if this person wanted to be left alone or if would be better to help. 
“Hello?” she called out softly, “a-are you ok?”
The voice didn’t respond, continuing to sob out into the night and beg for silence, despite it being the only noise out there. YN took a breath before peaking up over the ledge of the wall. There, Heimdall sat, curled into his knees, sobbing with his hands over his ears, rocking in place. His voice hiccuped as he trembled, continuing to beg. 
“J-just leave me alone,” he whispered, “I just want it to stop… stop it!” Heimdall paid no attention as YN slowly moved closer, crouching down in front of him and waiting for him to realize she was there. His breath was ragged and his hands shook as his eyes darted from side to side, the picture of fear and paranoia. “It won't go away, it won’t go away, it won’t, it won’t it won’t!” he cried out into the air. YN reached a hand out gently and Heimdall gasped, staring her in the eyes as her fingers brushed over his forehead, covered in a cold sweat. Despite the fact they looked right at each other, Heimdall’s gaze was far off and desperate. He continued to whisper frantically as he shook his head. “Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!” His eyes squeezed tightly shut as he tried to get what he so wanted: silence. YN didn’t know what to do. Fearing that speaking may only make things worse. As Heimdall sobbed, YN pulled herself closer to him, sitting on her knees. She sat in his crying, letting it rake over the both of them as the cool breeze blew. She thought for a moment before slowly, bringing her head to rest against his, their foreheads pressed to each other. 
‘I…I don’t know if you can hear me… but if you are feeling overwhelmed by the voices in your head… just focus on mine, ok?’ she focused on these thoughts, letting them take over her mind so that he could hear them and only them. YN swore she could feel him reaching back out to her as his body trembled against hers. ‘It’s ok… just focus on me… just focus on one voice…” he stopped his trembling slowly, but he cried out still, shallow sobs racking through his body. His hands still clamped tightly to his ears and tears trickled down the swell of his cheeks, dribbling down onto the rock beneath them. She sighed softly and brought her hands to rest on his, beginning to hum softly: the song passing both through her lips, and the melody taking over her mind and streaming into his.
They stayed like this. As the crickets rang in the night. As the wind whistled between them and the hollows of the wall. As critters crawled through the brush. And as their breathing started to match, Heimdall’s heart finally started to settle as his sobbing slowed to sniffles and light gasps, until there truly was nothing in his mind but the girl’s soft humming.
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thighwin-smith · 1 year
I realized that on (at least) a superficial level, my fiance is Gale. As in, when I started describing Gale as verbose, using more nuanced terms to describe even the most mundane of concepts, enjoying time cooking, passionate about his interests, and absolutely a cat person... I realized mid-sentence that Gale and my fiance are one and the same. And when I shared this revelation with the fiance, I could barely get passed "verbose" before he butted in and agreed.
We then had an amusing conversation about how, while he prefers playing a fighter, if he were to choose a D&D class that most closely aligns with his personality it would be Wizard.
And going further, OF COURSE I spent WEEKS pining after Astarion. He's every red flag I've ever dated wrapped in a handsome, dark romance package. Y'all, I probably very much need just a little bit of therapy.
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second-of-arizona · 1 year
@pflagentalaska-blog Alaskaaaaaaa i got lost
i’m in a hallway but i dont know where the fuck i am
this is what sleeping in random places does to a mf
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i bought a tattoo gun off Amazon for like $69 and have used it much times since lmaoooo
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ashtraysystem · 2 years
bestie help i'm hyperfixating on isopods
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wachi-delectrico · 1 year
hhhhHHHHH going through the worst hEDS feeling (the feeling of one of my joints being dislocated and being unable to put it back in place due to how much it hurts)
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this has absolutely nothing to do with any related asks or general topics on your page. but are you a fan of the below deck franchise….
I’ve never seen it but should I be making time for it?? Please I need some joy will this spark joy???
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t1redr0b0t · 2 years
help i can’t stop making ocs and then adding them to my story idea 😭😭😭
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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GERALT OF RIVIA ▸ The Witcher, 1.1
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sp00ks-odyssey · 2 years
Hey!! @lostnoot this accurate??? 😭😭💀😅
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You two everytime this god damn timeline complicates
Fish let me tell you the writers room is in SHAMBLES, KING- Patton
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adaycalledx · 2 years
"i've never shown this song to anybody before, but i want you to hear it" is this a marriage proposal
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Really quick doodles of a few scenes from the stream yesterday. Including combat flirting taunting, gale’s magnificently distracting shoes and.. whatever you wanna call gale agreeing to give 15 gold to astarion 😐😑😐😑😐 (that’s me blinking)
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