#besties I love this I'm sorry but ahh
velvetcloxds · 2 years
Can you do a Edward Cullen x sad reader where the reader is sad about her grades and also has a crush on Edward and is very shy to ask him for help but Edward notices is it and comforts the reader
word count: 1.4k (stop I'm embarrassed)
warnings: I got carried away. I'm in love with him. I'm sorry kjnfe
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The Forks High School library was a very small little room in the heart of the school, barely visited by many students if any, but it was a little solace for you- you'd spend your breaks studying and snacking between the stacks, hardly ever hearing the school bell until Laura, the lovely old librarian would call you out from your hiding place to return to the war grounds of small-town high school hallways.
You'd been studying hard this term, with senior year approaching a torturous end, you'd been trying to work yourself either to death or to college, whichever came first, which is why receiving a bad grade right before a long weekend was the last thing you needed. You didn't allow yourself many breaks, it was a given that there wasn't time for that with how much you had to do, but you'd reached a silent agreement with yourself that you'd take the weekend off if your grades came back good enough, now it looked like you'd booked yourself another date with your desk and chemistry book. Since your weekend was booked, you allowed yourself a little time to breathe, to wallow in your sadness as you took another potato crisp into your mouth, looking up at the door as you waited for the other member of the wallowing club to join you.
Edward Cullen, your library friend, or so you'd dubbed him as you never spoke outside of these four book-pasted walls- he was very fond of a regular wallowing session himself, not that you thought he had all that much to wallow about being the talk of the school, and the town for that matter, but the club wasn't one you considered exclusive. You spoke very casually, which you assumed was something he wasn't all that used to, everyone approached him like he was some sort of deity, blessing them with his presence- you hardly blamed them, to be fair, he was ethereal in all the dept of the word, far too attractive for a school so dreadfully ordinary and you knew he was intelligent, in a way that ought to make you feel inferior had he not tried so very hard to do anything but that. You had no doubt that was he to have met you anywhere else, you'd have made a right fool of yourself, but he found you with your guard down, in your safe place, and as a result, you'd managed to ease into your crush on him, far too easily letting him charm you, but who were you to fight him on making you swoon.
"That's not a real meal," the smooth, intoxicating voice declared very calmly as he walked towards you, giving you a very knowing look of disapproval as he sat down next to you, porcelain hand sliding a plastic-wrapped sandwich onto your lap.
"Don't start with me, Cullen," you pouted, already handing him your half-eaten bag, not missing the way his eyes twinkled with amusement, a familiar notion of being around you, or so you'd learned after far too many lunch breaks spent alone together. "I've already had a day, don't want to have to argue with you about the very many nutritional benefits of potatoes, " you wouldn't dare bring that up, arguments always leaned in his favor and you knew he was right, humming in soft satisfaction at the first bite of the white bread sandwich.
"A day?" a simple demand for more, the way he looked you over, showing that he was clearly trying to determine whether this was a mundane-sized problem or an end-of-the-world-sized one, though he knew it was always the first.
"I got my test back," you admitted, covering your mouth with a hand to hide your next bite, chewing quickly as you reached into your bag to pull out the culprit. "Really thought I'd do better, to be honest," you felt shy, sharing was a rather new thing for you, especially sharing with him, he appeared all but perfect after all and he seemed to be good at everything, so admitting to your faults was strange, it was less embarrassing and more revealing, baring yourself to him, it made your talks real, more.
"You did your best, no?" he knew you did, also knew how hard you studied, how he couldn't read anything but useless facts from your head for weeks, very rudely robbing him of the advantage he had over you, not that he used it often- his gift. But you were an odd soul to read, never showing him what you felt, never telling him what you thought, it was both infuriating and exciting, trying to figure you out. You nodded lightly, though he knew what it meant, knew the solemn gesture was you doubting the worth of your best, because if your best led you to have that sad, yet admittedly adorable pout on your lips then it surely wasn't what you had hoped for.
"I can't wait for this year to be over," you were tucking your lunch away, appetite lost at the side of the red letter adorning your answer sheet, haunting you, taunting you.
"I can," he retorted and scoffed lightly at the obvious disapproval of his words, shrugging as he brought a hand up to brush a crumb from your cheek, not missing the way your skin warmed under his touch, heart stammering, it made him want to do it again, made him want to do more, figure out how else your body could react to such simple, innocent gestures. "I would miss our hidden conversations," he explained and you rolled your eyes, only to hide the smile your lips begged to show him.
"You would not," you dared and turned your back away from the bookshelf behind you, looking at him with legs folded and hands fiddling with the plastic bag. "All we ever do is wallow and groan, we're like two very old people waiting for death," you were smiling, knowing he'd enjoyed your subtle references to doom and gloom, but he couldn't quite decide which he enjoyed more, the sound of the smile distorting your words of the way your eyes thinned slightly when you did, a beautiful sight.
"Exactly, who else would I do that with?" he was smiling as well and you were grateful you were sitting because it was the type of rare expression that had your knees weak.
"Oh, I'm sure you'd find many willing volunteers."
"None of them would be good enough, only you can make the darkness sound so welcoming," you had no idea what hidden symbolism the man was talking about but still you were reeling, he had to know that people don't just say things like that without absolutely ruining your resting heartbeat, in fact, it was rude, making you fall so mercilessly for him without the slightest possibility of him falling back, or so you thought. "You know," he began, "Chemistry is one of my best subjects."
"I know, Edward, you're nothing short of a genius, no need to kick a girl while she's down," he breathed a soft laugh, nudging you lightly with his leg.
"What I mean, is that I could help you study for the next test, make sure you wallow a little less next week," he knew you'd need some convincing but the bell was about to ring, he'd very pathetically been counting the minutes he had left with you and they were very few now. "Don't make me debate you into saying yes," he was picking up your things, standing with them in a sort of awkward, yet anything but, linger as he waited for you to stand as well. "You'll say yes, I'll act coy, it'll be much less of a task for the both of us if you just agree to meet me here tomorrow morning."
"You're a little arrogant, do you know that?" you mused, accepting his icy hand as it guided you from the floor, one by one stuffing your belongings into your bag, leaving his now empty hands to find rest in his pockets.
"I do," he agreed and smiled at you, looking down with eyes so golden it almost entranced you, as you lifted a brow at him. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Can we bring snacks?"
"You can, I'll bring you food."
"You're starting with me again, Cullen," and it was the laugh, the absolutely cruel laugh that he offered you as he walked you out of the library that made you think that maybe wallowing wasn't the only thing your friendship was good for.
tagging: @cauliflowertree and @saintlike78 because they always indulge my twilight brainrot
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
Hii bestie!! Can i request a blurb idea?? Like H has a friend who is very flirty with H nd whenever reader said something about that girl H saying like no she just being friendly nd reader is really insecure nd H found out that girl is really mean to reader too, so he confront that girl nd then he console reader that she is only girl for him!! (So sorry for this long idea no pressure about writing this)
Nd I love all your lil stories ahh I'm obsessed!💗
noo lovie don't apologize! thank you for sending this in!
nothing but you
words: 1.4k+
warnings: mentions of jealousy, insecurities, cursing, crying, kissing. some inappropriate behaviour.
"Mmm, you look so good today, Harry," Emma purred, letting her hand trail down Harry's arm as he walked into class.
Y/N frowned from her seat across the room, watching the shamelessly flirtatious interaction between her boyfriend and his friend. Emma was constantly touching Harry or making suggestive comments, and it made Y/N's insides twist with jealousy and insecurity.
"Thanks, I guess?" Harry said awkwardly, gently removing Emma's hand from his arm as he took his seat next to Y/N. He leaned over to give his girlfriend a quick peck on the cheek. "Morning, babe."
Emma rolled her eyes dramatically at the affectionate gesture. "Oh please, get a room you two," she commented with a fake gag.
Y/N felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and irritation. She reached under her desk to give Harry's hand a squeeze, needing the reassuring contact.
After class, Emma sidled up to Harry as they walked down the hallway together. "So Harry, I was thinking we could go over that English lit homework tonight? Maybe grab a bite to eat too, make a nice study night of it?"
She fluttered her eyelashes at him coyly. Y/N felt a flare of jealousy in her chest as she walked slightly behind them. She knew Emma's "study nights" with Harry were really just thinly veiled attempts to monopolize his time and flirt relentlessly.
"Oh um, I can't tonight actually. Y/N and I had plans," Harry replied, gesturing to Y/N hovering nearby. He draped his arm casually around her shoulders, pulling her in close.
Emma's perfectly plucked eyebrows raised skeptically. "You two seem to have an awful lot of 'plans' lately. Hmm, well let me know when you have a free night for your friend Emma again, 'kay Harry?" She blew him an air kiss before sashaying off down the hallway.
Y/N scowled after her retreating figure as Harry pressed a kiss to her hair. "Don't let her get to you, babe. You know I only have eyes for you."
"I know, I know," Y/N sighed, leaning into his side. "I just can't stand how disrespectful she is towards our relationship. She flirts with you constantly, even right in front of me!"
Harry frowned, hating to see her so upset and insecure. "Hey, you're right, that's not cool of her at all. Let me talk to Emma and set her straight, make it clear her behavior is out of line."
Y/N managed a small smile at that, feeling a little better that Harry was taking her concerns seriously. "Okay, thanks love. I don't like making things awkward or uncomfortable, but that girl just has no boundaries."
Over the next few days, Y/N tried her best to brush off Emma's suggestive comments and blatant flirting whenever she was around Harry. She trusted that Harry was loyal and committed to her. But it was still hard not to feel a prickle of jealousy and hurt whenever Emma ran a hand through Harry's hair or giggled over-dramatically at his jokes.
Things came to a head one day at lunch when Emma plopped herself down on Harry's lap in the middle of the cafeteria, throwing her arms around his neck.
"You're just so strong and cuddly, Harry. Don't you two make the cutest couple?" she said with a saccharine smile, shooting Y/N a smug look.
Harry looked bewildered and vaguely uncomfortable as he gently tried to disentangle Emma's limbs from around him. "Uh Emma, what are you doing? You know I'm dating Y/N…"
"Oh don't be like that, silly! I'm just being a friendly, affectionate pal," Emma insisted with a giggle, snuggling even closer.
Y/N had had enough. She stood up abruptly, slamming her hand down on the table as tears burned in her eyes. "That's it! You need to stop with this inappropriate, gross behavior right now Emma! Can't you see how awful and disrespectful you're being?"
Harry's eyes widened in surprise at Y/N's outburst, her hurt and jealousy finally bubbling over. Emma at least had the decency to look vaguely sheepish as she reluctantly slid off Harry's lap.
"Woah, okay sorry…didn't realize I was making you so upset Y/N. I was just messing around," Emma said with an exaggerated pout.
"No, you weren't just messing around! You're always all over my boyfriend, making comments, touching him without any boundaries! It's humiliating and awful, and you need to stop right now," Y/N said fiercely, angry tears spilling down her cheeks.
She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the cafeteria, needing to get away before she completely lost it in front of everyone. Harry watched her go with a pained expression before turning to Emma with barely concealed fury.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Emma? Did you really think it was okay to continuously disrespect my relationship like that? Y/N is my girlfriend - the love of my life! And you've just been relentlessly trying to make her jealous and upset this whole time?"
Emma at least had the decency to look slightly abashed, though she quickly tried to cover it with a nonchalant shrug.
"Oh come on Harry, we were just having a bit of fun! You know I'm an affectionate person, no need to read into it so much."
"Fun? Fun?!" Harry sputtered incredulously. "You've been purposely trying to make the girl I love feel horrible about herself, all because you can't handle the fact that I'm not interested in you like that!"
He shook his head in angry disbelief, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "You know what, I think we both need to just cool off right now before I say something I might regret. But you seriously need to reevaluate how you've been acting before I'm willing to even try being your friend again."
With that, Harry stood up and hurried out of the cafeteria to go find Y/N, leaving Emma looking uncharacteristically flustered behind him.
It took a bit of searching, but Harry finally found Y/N tucked away in a quiet corner of the library, trying to hide the fact that she'd been crying. He felt like a total jerk for letting Emma's behavior go on for so long without calling her out on how much it was hurting Y/N.
"Y/N? Oh babe, hey…" Harry said softly, crouching down next to where she was curled up. He gently brushed away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs, cradling her face in his hands.
"I am so, so sorry for letting Emma treat you like that," he said, staring into her eyes intently. "It was inappropriate as hell, and you were right to call her out. I should've shut that shit down ages ago instead of brushing it off as harmless flirting."
Y/N gave a small sniffle, leaning into his warm touch as she stared back at him with shimmering eyes. "I-It's okay, it's not your fault. I know you'd never cheat or purposely hurt me. It's Emma who has the problem, not you."
"Still," Harry insisted, brushing his lips across her forehead. "I hate that I made you feel so insecure or like I wasn't a hundred percent committed to you. The truth is, you're the love of my life, Y/N. My soulmate. I never want to be with anyone else, ever."
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat at his earnest declaration. She searched his eyes, finding nothing but absolute sincerity reflected back at her. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
"Yeah? The love of your life, huh?" she teased lightly, feeling some of the tension easing out of her body.
Harry grinned crookedly at her, leaning in to nuzzle his nose against hers. "Mmhmm, without a single doubt in my mind. And don't you ever let Emma or anyone else make you question how special and amazing you are to me."
He kissed her then, slow and deep, putting every ounce of his feelings into the embrace of his lips on hers. When they finally pulled apart, Y/N felt slightly dazed and giddy, all her previous hurt and anger towards Emma momentarily forgotten.
"I love you so much, Harry," she whispered, resting her forehead against his.
"And I love you," Harry murmured fervently. "More than you'll ever know, my gorgeous girl."
tell me if you like this! please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
feedback | masterlist
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry  @harryhitties @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
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buntanteen · 2 months
svt fic recs list <3 - yjh, hjs & lee chan - sfw ver. 2
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reader insert fics!! though, lots of these are ot13 writings, i am specifically recommending the jeonghan, joshua and dino sections!
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
note: trying to find pics where all three of them match in aesthetics is soooo much harder than i thought lmao. future rec lists might not picture all three members :,)
✩ yoon jeonghan ✩
❥ voicemails yoon jeonghan leaves you while he’s on tour - @babyleostuff
i love this concept soooo muchh
ofccc he'd be mopey and missing his s/o :((
voicemail #10?? bro, i just reached my 20s and my knees were cracking bEFORE then...
❥ love languages: yoon jeonghan - @cxffecoupx
words of affirmation??? hannie knows how to comfort so well
rahhh quality time? I LOVE QUALITY TIME!
"small acts of violence" LMAO
✩ hong joshua ✩
❥ seventeen as boyfriends: joshua edition - @fairyhaos
joshua truly radiates this sweet bright youthful love that is filled with fun and silly moments
ahhhh that last part made me tear up :(( its not always the activity that is fun, but the person/people that you are with :(((
❥ BOYFRIEND JOSHUA WHO… - @mangocustard16
pls make sure i drink water....i do not drink enough...
i used to like, not care for people serenading me until suga and joshua appeared in my life u don't have.
this dude is like, one of the ideal boyfriend types haha.
✩ lee chan/dino ✩
❥ voicemails lee chan leaves you while he’s on tour - @babyleostuff
omg him leaving clothes for his s/o to wear :(((
i did a lil cackle at number 8 <3
oh number 9....baby...monopoly is ALWAYS an intense game
OH the last voicemail....stfu baby ofc i'd do that for you :((( WHY CAN I HEAR HIM SPEAKING SOFTLY HMPH :(( WHY AM I KINDA TEARING UP?
❥ seventeen as boyfriends: chan edition - @fairyhaos
oFC this lil guy is just filled with love and comfort and playfulness :((
hmmm idk chan....gose chan on my phone is pretttttty interesting
....LMAO THE "holding the world in my hands" I WOULD'VE JUST WALKED AWAY
✩ ot13 works (yjh, hjs & lee chan sections) ✩
❥ seventeen with an s/o who loves physical touch - @wheeboo
the lil jeonghan noises of approval would so help my overthinking mind. he just seems like such a fun partner to goof around a bit and feel so so soooo loved
the fucking ◠‿◠ shua smile actually obliterates me (i rewatched the first nana tour ep today and the amount of times he did his lil smile healed me so bad ahh) YES BACK HUGS GRRRR i'm a koala on his back
dino being competitive over affection??? BRO I WILL WINNN THIS >:(( just let me loooooovvveeeee youuuuuuus
❥ you saying another member's name in your sleep - @hannieehaee
sorrrryyyy jeonghannie but chan is cute too :((
NO I CAN IMAGINE THE PUPPY HEAD TILT WITH A QUESTION MARK FORMING ABOUT JOSH'S HEAD. YEET ME OFF A CLIFF SDFJKBV. i'm saying jeonghan's name cuz i like him too baby, sorry :(( yeahhh, take it up with hannie who didn't do anything heh
nAUR CHAN I'M SORRYYYY. mingyu is just my bestie, i like puppies :(( ur still one of my favs darling :((
❥ seventeen with a younger s/o - @wheeboo
forever being babied and teased by hannie yessssssssssssss hehehe *insert that blushing/bashful skunk from bambi gif* he's really a comforting person. when he spoke about being a rock/island for the members, he is SOOO that and i can very much so see him doing that for the people he loves
shuaaa. the idea of an older s/o that can take care of me? fuck yeah. but let me take care of you toooooo. (side note: i do not like when ppl older than me think i can't take care of them cuz i'm younger??? baby, i'm not tHAT much of a baby, hmph)
dinononononono "wow is that how you speak to your elder?" YES IT IS BRO WHADDAYA GOING TO DO IT ABOUT IT GRRRR >:((( but fr, the way he spoke to shua during the grape shirt/sticker going svt ep...i just know he'll use the power over a s/o (jokingly and lovingly ofc)
❥ svt when you call them a new pet name - @lovingseventeen
hannieee is soooooooo pretty boy hehe. pretty is my favourite visual adjective
joshua and reader having a pet name/term of endearment competition??? SIGN ME UP >:)
dino is jeonghan's and my baby~
✩ unit & lines works ✩
❥ comforting you after a bad day (vocal unit) - @gi4hao
how both shua and hannie handled reader's bad day is exactly how i need to be comforted after one :,) cuddles, venting, taking my mind off it with other activities & someone's presence is soooo nice!!
❥ dating seventeen (hyung line ver.) - @wqnwoos
no one escaping jeonghan's teasing ahhhhhhhhh. the leaning against reader?? i love when people initiate physical contact, it is sooo nice. the teasing and whining kjgfkjdb. taking care of and being taken care of?? i don't think i could ever ask jeonghan those s/o questions ppl ask because he'd take it so far and i'd just be like :| with the most concerned look on my face. being adored and having my face squished nyahhgfkdjb
joshieeee. flirting??? with me??? yes ames, this is a dating headcanon/drabble duh. WHEN I SAY I WOULD BE SO GENTLEMAN-LY BACK AT JOSH GRRRR LEMME OPEN UR DOOR FOR UUUU. yes baby, all the cheek kisses in the _world for u. YES LIL SPOON JOSHI AGENDA!!! THANK UUUU
❥ dating seventeen (maknae line ver.) - @wqnwoos
DINOOOOooooOOOOOOooOO :,) like, that's my baby. his enjoyment with being praised and MY enjoyement for giving praise works together beautifully muahhaha
mini message from me: thanks to y'all who have read this far and thank you for the notes on my last fic rec!! i hope your week went well and you were able to enjoy caratland!! did you do something to take care of yourself? ς(.-‿-)
ames' song recs: perriot that laughs at us by iu, dimple by bts, doughnut by twice, forg_tful (with kim sawol) by rm, slow dancing by v, ready to love by seventeen & who (acoustic remix) by jimin
taglist: no one yet, but if y'all would like to be on it, pls comment :))
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rixsjwb · 8 months
gojo x f!reader
summary: your a close friend of gojo that he recently introduced to his fans on stream, you have a thick French accent and can barely speak any good English but his fans love you, here's some interaction between you and gojo that's fans go crazy about.
note: just wrote did not reread sorry if it doesn't make sense make it make sense and enjoy✨️
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𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 1:
gojos fans were quick to fill his chat with comments people often heard or seen him play duolingo learning French he'd often get asked 'why are you learning French?' or 'who's the special girl?' but gojo brushed it off very casually
"who am I learning French for? oh! just a close friend of mine; you want to see her? one day guys.. one day!"
gojo has talked to you before about joining his stream? infact you supported him by watching some of his streams on your free time.
you adjust your rimless glasses to better see gojo as he's talking to you in broken English, so you can better understand him? but its still a little hard to understand eventually he gives up pulling a translator out and translating what he has to say
est-ce que tu veux joindre mon stream?
you nod you head showing you don't mind joining him stream, su-sure you stutter out trying to pronounce the word in a more english way than in a french accent.
he's pretty much jumping in his seat saying 'merci!" in a terrible englishified way you can't help but stiffle a laugh.
when you first joined his stream you couldn't really understand what the chat was saying, but you watches as it passed by so fast. gojo often replied to people's questions while you just sat beside him with a soft smile on your face
"she's pretty! I know she's such a cutie."
shokir:"I love her glasses!."
toji_fuhsji:"yoo gojo can pull??? since when?"
megu:"who'd this?"
gojosecondballsack: "nevermind gojo give me that sexy thing beside him😊✨️"
he reads every comment smiling as he's glad his fans are welcoming you with open arms, he then hears a familiar sound ringing from his computer as he xs out the stream app he sees that the groupchat he's in is blowing up and that yuji started the call📞.
"YOO GOJO WHOS THAT BUEATIFUL WOMAN BESIDE YOU??" yuji screams in his mic making it sound bassboosted.
gojo can hear suguru's light chuckles in the back as he watches more of his close friends join the call while still on stream.
"she's my bestie/roomie! what chu hoes laughin at?" he says questioning them.
sukuna who rarely shows up decided to answer the question
" weve known ya for awhile now why's this the first time I'm s'eenin her?"
"facts she's actually adorable tho" shoko pipes up
"hi y/n bonjour salute!! comment ça va?"
shoko says you're almost shocked that one of gojos friends seem to know french you pipe up to speak back to her your velvety, soft voice responding back.
"ça va bien, tu peux parlé le française?"
you say, but your getting your answer as she doesn't seem to respond back "you speak french?"
you say your accent evident as you attempt to come out your comfort zone speaking english
"ahh she can speak? she sounds great to have just started learning it."
shoko says gojo pulls out the translator translating what shoko said so you could understand what she said, you've always let gojo know how self conscious you were of your accent but hearing that complement made you feel bashful you shake your hands one in front of the other waving them back and forth to show your denying that your English isn't very great.
gojo can't help but feel awe about how bashful you get when someone complements you.
☾︎ ──────────────────── ☽︎
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 2 :
while gojo was gaming playing a scary game his fans recommend with suguru and sukuna. despite hie headphones being on and occasionally looking back at the cam to see if it's recording his face he notices movement of his slightly open door.
he watches as the door eventually gets wider showing you who seemingly just woke up from a nap, from your neck and up is cut of from the cam as you come closer to see what game he's playing.
you eventually lean over more to see more of the game he watches as the chat seems to move at nano seconds he's thinking it's moving fast because a monsters there or obviously because you showed up after dipping and not showing up on his streams for a good 2 weeks or so.
he then realizes it's because of how low cut your shirt is and how your pretty muching creating a invisible chair to sit on to get a better view of the computer he notices your cleavage is pretty much on full display and yoi don't seem to notice he feels almost bad that his fans were probably gonna say inappropriate stuff about you he's quick to speak up tho.
"yo yo hold on hold on.."
gojo tells suguru and megumi there characters in the game pausing to look back at him.
gojo was quick to find a spare chair in his room and even got you a shirt to pit over your chest to avoid the possible sexulization coming.
"put this shirt on.." gojo mutters to busy on seeing if he can pull your shirt more up to cover the cleavage but desided to just help your put on his shirt he gently pushes you down to sit on the spare chair he had, pulling the collar of the shirt over your head that popped out. and fixing it taking a good look at you to see if the white shirt he'd Givin you was see thought.
once confirmed he resumed playing.
" okay we back gang, sukuna move your fantasy character he's blocking my way!"
gojo says, minutes later sending a glance to you
making sure your fine.
later it was pretty much trending that he was looking out for you.
sugurughetto: yo jojo siwa your trending on tiwtter.
jojosiwa: I know I'm just that famous youk?😍
suukunatuna: shut your bitch ass up.
shokoloco🥳: I'm surprised usually you wouldn't give a shit bout girls but looks like this ones serious.
jojosiwa: it's not serious! we're just close guys YOU MAD YOU AINT TRENDING HOE.
jojosiwa:guys let's brainstorm streaming ideas😊
tojiskidmarks: I'm tryna see s'this bueaty in person.
chosokamotod4agon: play gta 6
to say he was praised for looking out for you.
𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 3:
you had a tattoo on your lower back and just right under your boob there small tattoos not to big not the small your lower back one doesn't tend to show but with the low rise flared out leggings you wore where low enough that if you bend over far enough it'd show a bit.
gojo was making a stream about opening gifts from fans and there was alot to open, sine yoi were curious about one small box you desided to open it but it was quite father away from you.
"gojo you pass, can you pass box?" you stretch out trying to make a accurate point to which box you specifically want you learn in further have to lean off your chair to reach, he stands up to pick up the box his lanky long legs taking just one big step to reach it as he turns back around to sit on the chair he notices writing in your back.
"woah what's that's on your back?" he motions. placing his hand on the exact area we saw the tattoo, you show the tattoo on your lower back causing gojo to be shocked as he never thought you'd have a tattoo.
"bro! that's fuckin crazy, yall look at the tattoo!" he says in shock grabing his camera and showing the tattoo much closer " do you have anymore?" he points at your back and trys to make a motion signifying 'more?' because you're intelligent you understood immediately, lifting your shirt to show your other tattoo.
"WOAHH THERE woah don't go flashing the fans now" he cackled knowing dam well you wouldn't even understand what he said.
you lift your shirt up careful to nor flash your boobs you watch as satoru zooms in to the tattoo, touching the tattoo like a curious child touches glass when looking at a toy that interest them. you pull down your shirt after feeling a arm snake around your waist.
"she's mine buddies you ain't stand in a chance." he says arrogantly , he eventually puts the camera back where it was, you open the small box seeing a bueatiful swan necklace with a note inside your soft gasp caught sayorus attention causing him to look over at you.
when he sees the necklace he's also surprised he takes the small note in it reading it aloud.
"this is for y/n! hope she enjoys and I've been a fan for so long gojo! you make my day!" the fan wrote.
gojo digs in his brain to find the right words in french to tell you the necklace is yours.
"pour toi!"
gojo says he can tell your very touched by the gift. as you mutter a thank you with a bright smile.
thank you for the support and critique on my french it will definitely benefit me in the future thank you🙏🙏🙏
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starsandhughes · 11 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (Two)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: one
next: three
trevor's game
i’m so behind i’m so sorry! and i’m sorry it's short!
OCTOBER 14, 2024
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, and 11,353 others
yourusername ladies and gentlecars, welcome back to my post game penalty box update show!
today, october 14th, not only is it the anniversary of my best friend and brother being born, but it's also the day that the canucks won against the oilers again!
last game, leon draisaitl said "it's good to get smacked around a bit." when he scored 42 seconds in, i was worried the oilers would get their revenge, but my fear was proven to be useless! we won 4-3! AND quinny got an assist on kuzy's goal! what a lovely birthday present! (mine was better, but this is a good one, too) and shoutout to hyman for quite literally carrying quinn into the glass, that was a gift for me! so kind!
ANYHOOZLE— quinny, i’m so proud of you! you're popping off this season already and it's only been two games! i love you way past infinity💙 keep it up, bestie! and happy birthday, once again <3
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 236 comments
_quinnhughes i love you way past infinity💙 we need to talk about the tweet in the last photo
yourusername that's exactly what happened idk what we need to talk about
_quinnhughes it's not! i didn't go up to mcdavid and ask to win! and i’m not 5'8!
yourusername you're a lot
_quinnhughes you're a lot more
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes 24 has made you mean
oliviaabonn @_quinnhughes i’ve been asked to tell you congratulations!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you'll ask her but tell everyone else? (thank you❤️)
yourusername @_quinnhughes i’m sexist
oliviaabonn @/yourusername ❤️
user8 i didn't notice that hyman lifted quinn AHA
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you're going to need to give y/n a penalty at some point
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you first
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i fear the twins of terror have bets
jackhughes @/trevorzegras you don't know shit
yourusername @/trevorzegras don't trust fear
trevorzegras @/yourusername somehow, that was ominous
jackhughes @/trevorzegras she puts the terror in twins of terror
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/jackhughes BIRTHDAY CLAUSE
yourusername @_quinnhughes IF we made that bet, it would not be game specific, therefore we would not have broken the birthday clause
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras trust fear
user67 we've got a "high and scared" quinn pic! hallelujah!
lhughes_06 what if i don't want to be a gentlecar?
yourusername are you telling me you're a lady car?
lhughes_06 no! i'm telling you i’m a rough car
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 don't... don't say that
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes i see it now
yourusername i'm in LOVE with my caAARRR!
jackhughes @/yourusername that just makes it sound like you're in love with luke
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes stop... just stop talking... i'm begging
user51 quinn giving the kid a puck i'm-😭
colecaufield @_quinnhughes LAME
_quinnhughes @/colecaufield just because your captain got a penalty tonight doesn't mean that all captains should've gotten a penalty
yourusername @_quinnhughes i disagree.
colecaufield @_quinnhughes and i agree with whatever she says
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes me too
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/colecaufield @.trevorzegras i didn't ask
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i repeat: 24 has made you mean
yourusername @/trevorzegras you can't call him mean on his birthday!
trevorzegras @/yourusername what would you call him?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras spicy nice
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i- sure
trevorzegras @/yourusername this is why i love you
yourusername @/trevorzegras always?
trevorzegras @/yourusername forever❤️
user21 WHAT is going on in that sixth pic omfg
user38 the fact that the canucks won 4-3 when quinn is 43 on quinn's birthday is so poetic
liked by yourusername
jackhughes @_quinnhughes next time fight draisaitl
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes i’d rather not die
colecaufield @_quinnhughes but you'd give the princess so much joy!
yourusername @/colecaufield idk i think drai could demolish him and i kinda wanna keep him
_quinnhughes @/yourusername who are you and what have you done with sissy?
trevorzegras @/yourusername you want all of us to fight jamie benn
yourusername @/trevorzegras i'd accept your death if it meant i got to see a jamie benn fight
_quinnhughes @/yourusername there's my girl
167 notes · View notes
suengmi · 2 years
ot8 skz prompt!
you cry when they barely raised their voice at you (but not in a too angsty way, they were just playing around w you) and they comfort you
also HAPPY LATE BDAY 🎉 (im gonna rob you for all ur seungmin and jisung pcs)
hehe thank you anon!! i went to see moulin rouge live and just had a kpop trade day/night with my bestie i was like "i'll swap u any of these two lee knows... for that mingi"
BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE MY SEUNGMIN ONES I'LL FIGHT YOU BARK i got like 26 different seungmin ones with 11 doubles... it's not enough, funnily bangchan is actually my ult in skz alkjsdlaksjd leave me alone seungmin got me WHIPPED
ANYWAYS!! warnings under the cut, i added pics for comedic effect. idk why my writing always goes humour, anyways i worked v hard on this!! and as always,i messed around with the prompt a did a few hurt!skz/you raising your voice at them hehe enjoy!!!
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in alphabetical order
all non idol!au, all gn!, as always kinda proofread and lapslock
you're laying on the couch, nose stuffy and filled with tissues. you were always sensitive when you were sick, your head feeling like it's spinning and your body betraying you anytime you tried to stand up. chan was always a caregiver, he loved taking care of the people he adored. not one day went by where he didn't ask if you needed help or needed anything, you could always reassure him that his presence was enough, much to his scoffing.
☆⌒ヽ bangchan
warnings/other: living together, established relationship
you needed help to go to the shower, the steam would probably help. plus, you hadn't showered in two days due to how sick you were.
"babe?" you called out, voice weak.
"baabe?" you squeaked once again, trying to lift yourself from the couch. "baaaaabe?" and nothing, but you can hear him tip toeing around somewhere, the clunking sound of a bottle hitting the bathroom floor.
"babe!" you half yell, still trying to push your self from the couch.
chan rounds the corner, eyes frowning as he taps on the side of his headphone, "what?!" he screams at you, eyes scrunching and brows furrowed.
you burst into tears, suddenly feeling like you're in trouble for wanting help. "i'm sorry, i didn't know you were busy." you can barely speak, voice raspy and quiet.
"what?" he speaks again, pulling his headphones to rest on the back of his neck. this time his voice more gentle. he sees the tears forming in your eyes and immediately comes to your side. "what's wrong?"
"don't yell at me." you say through tears, hands coming to rub your eyes.
"shit," he curses, rubbing the sides of your arms, "sorry, i had my head phones on, i was running you a bath."
"oh," you sob, still letting yourself cry your hands dropping to your lap, "i thought you were angry at me."
"oh my god," he says pushing your messy hair out of your eyes while wiping the last of your tears. he sighs, "i just couldn't hear you silly."
"i've run you a bath, do you wanna have one together?" he stops and gives you a sniff, "you need one."
you frown, using the last of your strength to push him away, but it fails. "yes please..."
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you're balls deep in your game, you've never been so focused on a game in your life. it's the final battle fight of the last of us 2, you wipe away tears at the scene before you folding out, feeling conflicted as the characters fight in the water.
☆⌒ヽ felix
warnings/other: living together, established relationship, cussing
"ahh!" you yell a bit too loud as you feels more tears form, "this is fucked up, fuck you both, fuck off this is so unfair."
"what did you say to me?" felix says, turning from his pc to look at you. "did you just tell me to fuck off?"
"what?" you turn to felix, eyes back darting back to the screen for a moment, still in the middle of the battle.
"what the hell? why did you tell me to fuck off?" felix says as he scrunches his nose, clearly upset and confused. "what the fuck?"
"no! oh my god, no." you scrambled to pause the game, getting to your feet to stand by felix, "no, no, i was talking to the game!"
"you lyin'?"
you roll your eyes, "why would i say that to you? ellie is fighting abby, and i'm telling them both to fuck off, not you!"
"oh," he says, pleasantly surprised, "valid then."
you press a gentle kiss to his forehead, he looks up at you still kinda upset. "baby, if i were to ever tell you to fuck off it'd be because you ate the last of the bread."
he smiles, eyes crinkling into moons, "oh that's true."
"you wanna watch?"
he scoffs, "god no, i already cried at that a month ago. hell no."
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"get back here!" changbin screams, running across the field to catch you.
☆⌒ヽ changbin (LMAO THE PIC)
warnings/other: new relationship, play fighting
"no, no!" you yell back, a grin on your lips, you dart around the edge of the tree, seemingly hidden (well, you think at least.)
dating changbin had been a whirlwind, he was kind, funny, silly in the best ways and so cared for you like no one had. it had only been a month, but you were so damn in love with him, even though you were still getting to know him. everyday you were excited to find out more about him, it was never enough.
there's a silence in the air, your eyes dart around the edge of the tree. after a moment or two, a voice screams suddenly, "got you!"
"ah!" you scream, feeling hands aggressively wrap themselves around your waist. you had always been a scaredy-cat, any loud sound would startle you and send you into a frightened mess.
"all mine!" he said as he pulled you to the ground, arms still wrapped around your waist.
you feel trapped, his large arms wrapping around you. you can feel the anxiety in your chest, flight taking it's hold over freeze.
"changbin! that really scared me!" you cry out, but he's relentless.
"too bad, i win!" he chuckles loudly, pushing you to lay on your back, his muscles bulging as he pins you there. he slowly loses his smile when he meets your upset scowl, mouth turned down at the sides.
"baby, no-" he says searching your face, "i'm so sorry, was that too much?"
"yes," you say in a low tone, wrapping your arms around his neck. "i get startled easily,"
"i didn't know, i'm sorry." he apologises again, lifting you up to deepen the hug. you melt into his frame, enjoying being engulfed by your boyfriend, though pocket sized, he seemed much bigger than you in moments like this.
this is your chance to get him back, you smile into his neck before pressing a sharp bite down on his collarbone.
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usually, hyunjin was the patient one.
☆⌒ヽ hyunjin
warnings/other: living together, established relationship
he would always happy to wait for you when you were getting ready, always be okay with you needed to run back inside and pee because you would probably forget and always, he would always wait for you to tell him what you wanted or how you felt, never pushy once.
you were upset, getting fired from your job. it wasn't your fault, just the reality of the job market right now. 'no more funds.' they had said. you were floundering., wallowing in self pity (and rightfully so.)
when hyunjin arrives home, it's ten oclock at night. you're sitting on the couch, balled in a blanket. the lights are off, black smoke seeming to surround your nest of pillows, the only light on your face was from the tv.
"hey beautiful-" hyunjin says cheerily before being met with your tired eyes, black rings around the bottom. "what's wrong?
"nothing." you scoff, hiding more of yourself.
"babe-" he says softly, kicking his shoes off and dropping his bag. he comes to your side immediately, hands rubbing up and down your side. you say nothing, shifting away from his touch.
he sighs, "you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he seems tired.
"no." you say lowly, turning up the tv volume.
"are you... sure?"
you say nothing as you kick him with your foot, still wallowing and watching the tv.
"fine, be like that." he scowls, voice slightly raised as he shakes his head. he shuffles to the kitchen counter, gripping the soda left on the bench top. he takes a sip, looking back at you, clearly annoyed. "i'm not in the mood."
hyunjin was never one to raise his voice, never had he done that to you. he patience seemed to have be worn thin this time.
"no i didn't-" you sigh, trying to gather your words.
'i have bad days too you know, it's not just you."
you sit up, blanket falling down the back of you. he's right, he's always right. "that was not cool, i'm sorry."
you look over him with sad eyes. he's now leaning over the counter, hands digging into his scalp.
you get up from the couch, readjusting the blanket over yourself as you shuffle to his side. you bump your head into his shoulder, looking up at him with wide eyes. "i love you."
"i love you too," he sighs, leaning his head on yours.
you sit like that for a moment before he speaks. "i got fired."
"no way same."
you both look at each and laugh in disbelief, how on earth did this happen?
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jeongin was so cute, so damn cute. he reminded you of how cute he was every time he did, well, basically anything. but sometimes, he was really secretive. you didn't know why, until you had come to his house the first time. you hadn't been together long, but you were over joyed when he invited you over for dinner.
☆⌒ヽ jeongin
warnings/other: fresh relationship, not smutty but heavy descriptions and mentions of hentai lmao, pg i guess
"bone app the teeth!" he chimed, placing down the bolognaise he had made. it looked and smelled delicious, and you loved the cute frog bowls he had put them in. it made him that much cuter.
"eee! it looks so yummy." you squealed, "wait gotta pee."
"okay, down the hall to the left" he said plopping himself down, proud of his masterpiece. he sat up, making sure to clarify. "oh not the second door, the first one!"
you didn't hear the last part as hurriedly made your way down the hall. you looked at two doors, two seemingly the same. 'i think he said the second?'
you open the door in a hurry, being met with a large pillow of an anime woman, giant boobs out and her legs parting in display. you just stand there in shock, taking in the sight before you.
"helloooo." you said curiously, stepping into the bedroom. on the light stand there was a figurine. her boobs were seemingly wet, the short skirt she had lifted up behind her, thong busting out. a few more adornments, mostly lewd plastered the room.
"babe?" he called out as he walked down the hall. his eyes met with your curious ones, a smirk slapped across your face.
"babe!" he yelled, pulling you back by your arms. "i said first door! why didn't you listen!?"
"ow!" you said in surprise, feeling a lump of guilt building in your throat. he had never yelled at you before and it scared you. "i'm sorry i didn't hear you."
he sighed shaking his head, "i told you not to go in my room!"
"stop yelling at me..." you mumbled, wincing away from him.
quickly he pulled you out of his room, accidentally slamming the door behind him, it made you jump.
"jeongin-" you started but the lump in your throat grow. "i just got the wrong door, don't yell at me."
you stood in silence for a moment before he spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck, an unsure grin on his face, "i just didn't want you to see yet, i'm sorry i yelled."
you turn back to him, eyes tracing his face. he'd been caught. "theeee hentai?" you smirked, standing on your tippy toes.
jeogin's face burnt red, ears tingling with embarrassment. he scrambled to say something, but nothing came out. just splutters of words.
you laugh, "do you seriously think i'd be upset about that?"
"i don't know..." he says under his breath, looking everywhere but you.
"hm," you ponder, finger on your chin, "i don't know how i'd look in a thong, i might not have the ass for it."
jeongin looks like he's going to burst, his expression surprised and embarrassed by your words.
you sigh, taking his hand in yours, "it's fine but don't ever yell at me again, okay?"
"okay..." he says looking to the ground, feeling stupidly sorry for his actions.
"besides," you begin, smiling at him, "maybe you'd look better in a skirt and thong."
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"wake up!" is all you hear as you jolt upwards, your forehead sweaty and breath heavy coming from your chest.
☆⌒ヽ jisung
warnings/other: living together, established relationship, mentions of nightmares and knives (not bad i promise lol)
you had a nightmare, which didn't happen often. the dreams you usually had were just an information dump of your day mixed in with people you had thought about, but this felt real, the feeling of fright still tingling in your body.
you look over at jisung, his eyes sleepy but still looking at yours.
"hey, you okay?" he speaks, voice raspy.
"no!" you yelp, busting into tears, still feeling shaken by your nightmare. "you were following me, telling me you were going to kill me! why were you yelling?"
"what?" jisung says in a confused tone, hand coming to your shoulder to stable himself.
you shrug his hand off, "you were going to kill me, why would you do that?"
"what are you talking about?" he mumbles, sitting half upward.
"in my dream," you begin by taking a deep breath, "you were chasing me with a knife, it was so scary."
"i'm... sorry?" he says, still so confused, "i didn't mean to?"
"oh," you breath out, tears slowly stopping. "i still cant believe you'd do that. i'm... damn."
"i'm sorry i tried to kill you in your dream. it was wrong of me...?" he mumbles again, eyes trying to find sleep.
"yeah, yeah it was." you breathe out, "don't do that again."
"okay... i won't." he sleepily sighs, his body falling back to the pillow. "i can't believe... i did that, what a ...dog act from me. asshole."
"absolute dog act, you dick." you finish before you feel your body laying back, waiting for sleep to capture you.
"so wrong of me, i'm such an idiot." he mutters, his lips pressing against the pillow, already falling asleep.
you scoff, eyes slowly closing your tiredness overtaking you. "damn right."
aussie slang: dog act if you don't know lol
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"c'mon, just let me see." you yell through the crack of his changing room, attention turning from your phone. "i'm sure it's fine."
☆⌒ヽ lee know
warnings/other: close friends who like each other, uh lee know half naked??? spicy lee know, play fighting
"it's not." he says from the change room. you can hear his sighs through the curtain, frustration in them whenever he tries on another piece.
"do you need help?" you start, sliding yourself to the other side of the bench in front of the changing room.
"no!" he fumbles, dropping another item.
you sigh, hand slipping to grab onto the curtain, "i'm coming in!"
you're instantly met with his crotch, boxers tight across his hips, and you can see that. yes, the outline of that. your brows raise, certainly surprised with the view in front of you. his boxers had the kittens on them, cute little kittens of all colours and a pink background. you loved it, you can't deny.
"uh..." you start, not knowing what to do. you'd liked lee know for a while, so you can't say you're entirely horrified. you slowly raise your eyes to his, confusion and annoyance on his face.
you just sit there, his eyes burning into yours, just both staring at each other before he pushes on your face, leading you to fall back off of the bench. "don't do that!"
"ack!" you fall back yelping back hitting the ground with a thud, "i'm sorry i just wanted to help!"
he raises his voice slightly, anger present in his tone, "yeah, well i'm fucking naked!"
you feel bad, you've pushed a boundary and you didn't even realise you had been edging on it. "i'm sorry." you choke out, feeling bad for invading his privacy. you were close but not that close, yet.
you just lay there, ashamed of yourself for what you did, not thinking about his boundaries. after a minute he comes out, you're still laying on the ground in defeat.
he purses his lips in anger as he grabs the side of your ear, wrenching it towards him.
"ah shit!" you screech, laughter behind your words, "i'm sorry! aha i'm sorry! stop it!"
"you done?" he says through his teeth, still pulling on your ear.
"haha yes! it tickles and hurts!" you giggle, mouthing ouch a few times. he gives you a final tug before he finally let's go of your ear.
you get to your feet, rubbing the side of your ear. you both walk in silence before he halts you, eyes glaring into your own.
"if you wanna see me naked just say so, at least i can put better boxers on."
it was your turn to go red in the face, but you smirk instead, hiding your face, "i like those ones."
"really?" he questions, pondering your words, but seems impatient in his tone. "i'll wear em for you this weekend then, you staying over or not?"
you nod hurriedly, instantly agreeing to his plans.
"aw," he stops, clearly enjoying your agreeance and the new realm of flirting with you, "cat got your tongue?
you smack him on the arm, "stop!"
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"do these look good?" seungmin asks, raising the brown frames to his face. no, no they don't. they absoutely don't. you try to hold in a laugh, your hand coming to your mouth.
☆⌒ヽ seungmin lalsdjka that pic always gets me
warnings/other: established relationship, seungmin thinks he's funny
"umm... maybe?"
he sighs, raising them a bit. "how about now?"
"uh," you begin, trying to hold in your laugh, "sure?"
passive aggressively he throws them back on the rack, turning on his heel to walk to the next section. you follow behind him, you can sense he's getting frustrated trying to find the right sunglasses. his vision wasn't the best without his glasses, so he needed your help trying them on. no contacts in today.
"hmm," he ponders, picking up anther pair. they're so ugly, rectangle and frames way too dark. no one would suit them, that's probably why they're on sale.
"um... maybe?"
"you already said that!" he says, frustration in his voice. "if you're not going to help, just leave."
you feel kind of hurt at his tone, but continue to follow behind him. you can't help but feel the anxiety in your chest, he wanted your advice but never listened anyways so you thought it best to be quiet.
suddenly he turns to look at you, feeling the awkward tension he's created. he throws his hands in the air. "what?!"
"hey don't yell," you start, wincing a bit at his words, "i just don't think those suited you..."
he takes the sight of you in, realising he's upset you, "shit- i'm sorry baby, i'm just annoyed i can't find a good pair. this is so hard."
you grab his hands and bring them to your chest, your eyes looking up at him, "thank you for apologising, you don't gotta be so mean."
he bends down to press a kiss on your lips, it's gentle with apology laced in it. he takes in a sharp breath before leaning back, "okay, which ones?"
"circle, definitely."
he turns to face the other section, hand gently melding to yours. the pair he picks up are just as ugly as the others.
"no," you begin interrupting him. you let go of his hand and pick up a dark circle frame pair of simple sunglasses, "these one's."
"really?" he questions, brows raised.
"just try them."
he sighs, bringing the frames to sit on his ears. "yes or no?"
"oh definitely, these are the ones. you gotta trust me."
he pouts and rolls his eyes, "oookay."
a/n: i had so much fun writing this!!!! hope you enjoy!!!!
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
trevor fr punching
social media au - t. zegras x stroll!sister
fc: taylor hill
warnings: swearing
< n/a: this one is short bc i suffered a terrible drought of inspiration (i blame a levels) and this one is a week and a bit into the making but i do plan on *trying* to fire out more stuff! >
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liked by mclaren, colecaufield and 341,945 others
trevorzegras: that was crazy, i've never experienced that sort of atmosphere before it's absolutely electric the passion everything we've seen from the mclaren garage...
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fan1: ynstroll
fan2: this was defo an effort to rile up y/n
fan3: are they dating?
colecaufield: yeah these mclaren jackets are real comfy, might have to stay here all weekend ynstroll
jackhughes: i look good in orange
ynstroll: you're going to need your orthodontist on the phone again if you carry on
lhughes_06: oh shit, trevorzegras can we keep her?
trevorzegras: why me lol
jackhughes: lhughes_06 oops
fan4: #awkward
ynstroll: colecaufield is my favourite AND a hab so idk about trevorzegras and jackhughes chances here ngl
colecaufield: i fucking knew it
trevorzegras: WTF NO
ynstroll: beggars can't be choosers 🤷
jackhughes: i'll give you season box tickets and you can meet nico
ynstroll: tempting but i prefer glass views
jackhughes: i can sort it though
ynstroll: no thanks but i'll accept meeting nico
trevorzegras: absolutely not that can't happen
colecaufield: buddy, i hate to tell you this...
trevorzegras: tell me what
jackhughes: you need to make it official!!!!!!!
this post has been deleted
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liked by kyleallenofficial, jamie.drysdale and 419,173 others
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fan6: that's defo jamie in the first pic and i'm hoping she's teaching him guitar in the last one bc that'd be adorable
fan7: the lack of trevor in these and the load of jamie makes me think that she might be dating jamie instead of trevor...
fan8: no bc she's been wherever trevor has been for ages now
colecaufield: i think the real question is stagecoach or taylor swift
jamie.drysdale: always nice to know you enjoy my company 😄
ynstroll: babe i do, it's just taylor swift
jamie.drysdale: honestly, i get it
trevorzegras: i'm offended cole invited you over me
ynstroll: cole and i are besties
colecaufield: yeah, remember who introduced you guys 😏 
trevorzegras: 🙄 
fan9: idk what to do with this information
jackhughes: colecaufield wait what was the un-real question?????
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liked by trevorzegras, lance_stroll and 589,152 others
ynstroll: montreal, a pleasure as always!
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fan10: peep the boat photo 👀 
fan11: i'm peeping it 👀
fan12: AHH!!!! THE TEXTS!!!!!
fan13: i can hear trevor saying that it's actually incredible
colecaufield: everyone talking about the last photo but MY BEST FRIEND IS FUCKING GORGEOUS
colecaufield: can i say that or is it inappropriate
chloestroll: you can say it
ynstroll: it's not inappropriate KEEP HYPING ME UP BESTIE 🙌
trevorzegras: i beg to fucking differ
jackhughes: keep it in your pants, zegras
fan14: i think i need to cancel my kuwtk subscription because this is infintely more entertaining
_quinnhughes: me too
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liked by mickschumacher, lissiemackintosh and 499,153 others
ynstroll: i'm just a girl ✨🐚🌊🌺
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fan16: no bc it definitely is 😭
fan17: i'm in love with the caption
colecaufield: THIS IS A FAMILY SHOW
ynstroll: wtf did i do?????
fan18: i'm begging them to just address the rumours
lhughes_06: me too
lance_stroll: me three
ynstroll: lhughes_06 lancestroll 😐
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liked by jamie.drysdale, chloestroll and 301,845 others
trevorzegras: boomshakalaka
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colecaufield: you couldn't be serious just one time huh?
trevorzegras: fuck you 😀
jackhughes: you're punching
ynstroll: yeah he's punching your teeth out
liked by trevorzegras and _quinnhughes
jackhughes: never gonna let that go
fan21: fr we all knew
fan22: they weren't slick ✋
fan23: they're gorgeous together 😭😭😭
fan24: they look so good
fan25: how long have they been together
trevorzegras: 8 months 😛🤘
fan26: lmao what
colecaufield: OMG ME TOO
chloestroll: 💗💗💗
ynstroll: hope you're enjoying the honeymoon!! say hi to scotty and kelly for me
scottyjames31: i leave for a week and this happens???? why didn't i know about this???
ynstroll: scotty we talked about this what 😭😭
scottyjames31: omg we did
scottyjames31: trevor, long time no see!
trevorzegras: scotty! gotta get you some tickets for next season
scottyjames31: 😁😁😁😁😁 thanks
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liked by jemima_jo_kirke, danielricciardo and 528,193 others
ynstroll: #2 favourite hockey player
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trevorzegras: ouch
fan28: boy flew to this post 😭
ynofficial: babe you knew nico hischier came first in our relationship when you asked me to be your gf
nicohischier: i'm honoured?
ynofficial: you're very welcome
trevorzegras: who's that hot babe you're hugging?
ynofficial: that's cole, i must've accidentally added it in there 😬 apologies
trevorzegras: it could never be cole he's too short
colecaufield: sad but true
ynofficial: my short king 👑
colecaufield: love u
ynofficial: 😘
fan29: are we sure it's not cole and y/n that are in love
trevorzegras: honestly, i can't say that for certain
ynofficial: u know i only love you
trevorzegras: always nice to hear it ☺️
jackhughes: you got him WHIPPED bro
_quinnhughes: are you sure about him?
trevorzegras: OI
ynofficial: yes (but i appreciate the concern)
lance_stroll: are you ok, like, mentally?
ynofficial: you don't have to pretend to be concerned, i know you secretly love him too
lance_stroll: right ok 🙄
trevorzegras: golfing next week?
lance_stroll: name a time and place and i'll be there
trevorzegras: 👍
247 notes · View notes
taylormarieee · 6 months
Unspoken Feelings...
Part 6.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
| official..y/n |
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♡💬 Liked by aryansimhadri, leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
official..y/n- In honour of Dior's New song FOCUS which is out NOWW! GO LISTEN! I am a proud D-MINION/ part of the DIORDOM! Love you so much @ dior.n.goodjohn
dior.n.goodjohn- AHHHH THAT PICTURE! HOW DARE YOU! ↪official..y/n- Oh no Is Clarisse la rue gonna come after me??
↪ dior.n.goodjohn- Count your days y/n😡
walker.scobell- FOCUSING ON ME!🎶
iamcharliebushnell- This song is soo good! Go listen now guys!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- I LOVE YOU TOO!
leahsavajeffries- This song is my roman empire!
roseyposey- Look at y/n being a supportive bestie!
| leahsavajeffries |
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♡💬 Liked by iamcharliebushnel, official..y/n, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
leahsavajeffries- Awesome weekend with y/n creds to her for these pictures that she sent me! @official..y/n!
official..y/n- AHHHHHH! That was such a fun weekend! Love you babe! you know i'm gon get you right<33
↪leahsavajeffries- LOVE YOU MORE!
iamcharliebushnell- y/n is a D1 photographer, she always got me right.
↪official..y/n- well no duh! Of course I am, don't you guys know this? I thought you would know by now! I have a gift.
↪dior.n.goodjohn- sure girl, keep telling yourself that...
↪official..y/n- your just salty because of that picture I posted of you. Girl move on lol
↪dior.n.goodjohn- never!
| official..y/n |
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♡💬 Liked by iamcharliebushnel, walker.scobell, aryansimhadri and others.
official..y/n- Just so yk, being with this man 24/7 is insufferable... help me SOS, I am being held hostage! HERMES GET YOUR SON! @lin_manuel
iamcharliebushnell- what did I tell you hmm? Back to the dungeon you go! You will join me!
↪official..y/n- I WILL NEVER BETRAY PERCY!
walker.scobell- I'M COMING Y/N!🌊🏄🏼‍♂️
leahsavajeffries- PERCY WE NEED A PLAN TO SAVE HER!
dior.n.goodjohn- I was accused so i'm not helping...hehehehe
↪official..y/n- I'm hurt.
aryansimhadri- come on guys I'm still on my journey for pan!
lin_manuel- I can't save you... I'm sorry...
↪official..y/n- wowwwwwwwwwwww! I feel betrayed.
roseyposey- I love this cast! CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 2!
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow
A/N: Sorry this has been so delayed! I hope you guys enjoy this one!
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winterrrnight · 9 months
hi bestie!! i love you and im so proud of you!!
can i get meet me in the hallway with zach & prompt 16 🤭
ahh thank you sm bestie!! I loved writing this and I hope you like it too!! ❤️❤️
he isn't you
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you tell your best friend what you feel about him.
WARNINGS: nothing, reader has a boyfriend, and reader also cheats on said boyfriend but we want that to happen guys 😏
EDITH SPEAKS: im back from the dead!! what a way to start with the new year honestly. I feel a bit rusty so this may not be as good as the rest of my stuff, but I think its pretty good :) I hope you all enjoy! please vote & comment if you enjoyed <3
PROMPT REQUESTED: "he treats me well-" "okay good for you." "- but he isn't you."
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You kick your shoes off your feet as you close the door behind yourself, sighing out loud with the tiredness basically crushing you underneath itself. You had a pretty tiring day at your university today; classes at a longer stretch and much more boring than usual.
You hear the doorbell of your apartment ring before you can relax on your couch and take a proper breath. You walk back to the door and see your boyfriend River on the other side, smiling. 
“Oh hey River,” you give a tired smile. He leans in to press a kiss on your cheek. 
“You sound tired, you okay?” He asks, as you finally get to sit on your couch. You groan as you stretch and prop up your feet on your coffee table. 
“I'm fine, just a long day of classes today,” you say, yawning. You look up to see him standing next to you. “You're not going to sit?” 
“Uh, I was actually wondering if you'd want to spend the evening out, there is this art exhibit only for today and I really thought you'd like to go,” he says sheepishly. 
“Oh River,” you say, getting up, “I wish I could but I'm just so so tired, and the amount of assignments and readings I have to complete isn't helping at all,” 
“So you're just going to blow me off again?” 
His words take you by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Last week you missed our date-”
“That was because I had to urgently go to my parents home, I told you that,”
“And the week before you didn't come to the carnival with me,”
“It was during mid terms week and I was really behind,” 
“And what about that one time I was planning to take you to this French restaurant but you didn't come?” 
“Zach was sick! He was at the hospital River, and that was the night his situation had gotten so much worse!” You say, completely exasperated. “This is too much right now, I've always had a reason to not come to our dates. What about that one time I wanted to take you to a dinner with my family and you blew me off and never even told me where you were?” 
“Wait that time I-”
“And do you even remember when you told me you were busy to have a movie night with me and then a friend told me you were actually at a party? Huh? I never avoid our dates if I don't have a big reason to miss them, but you miss them and don't even care to explain why you didn't come?” 
That shuts him up, because he's looking everywhere but you, his jaw clenched tightly. 
“I'm sorry River but I can't come with you today. I would like to rest and have an early start to my day tomorrow,” 
You can see he wants to say something; a lot of things actually - give you an earful, but he opts for the smarter choice and doesn't say anything, silently making his way out of your house. But he still needs to display the extent of his anger, so he slams the door loudly on his way out. 
You plop back on your couch, wanting to distract yourself with some movie. You get your tv remote and start to scroll through Netflix, trying to find something which attracts your eye, but your doorbell rings again, agitating you. 
You wonder if it's River again, but much to your surprise it's Zach, holding two completely filled take away bags. 
“I saw you leaving uni really late when I was at my football practice so I thought you may need these,” he chuckles. The brightest smile pulls your lips and you instantly hug him, catching him off guard but he hugs you back. 
“That's exactly what I needed right now,” you say, taking one bag from him and letting him in. 
You proceed to your kitchen to get plates and rest of the cutlery, but Zach stops you right in your tracks. 
“Ah let me do that, you go and sit,” he insists, taking the bag back from you. 
“Are you sure-”
“Yes yes, I know my way really well around here,” you giggle and go back to your couch, continuing your search for the perfect movie. 
In the meantime Zach brings the food and places it all in front of you, the aroma wafting up to your nose and making you feel hungrier. But you still haven't found what you want to watch. 
“Why is nothing attracting my eye?” You say, your mouth now full with food. 
“Why don't we just talk?” Zach suggests, and you ponder over it for a moment, realizing it is the better thing to do right now.
“Well, what do you want to talk about?” You ask, turning to face him as you fiddle around with the food on your plate with your fork. 
“Well, feel free to not answer this question,” he starts, “but I've been wondering about this for quite some time and I just want to let it out; I haven't seen you with River lately, usually you used to be hanging out with him so much, always on dates and uni’s football and basketball matches, but I just, I haven't seen you with him often,”
Your focus is completely on your food, the way each vegetable is placed on your plate suddenly becoming the most interesting thing. 
Zach wonders if he's messed up asking this question when he sees you completely shut off and silent. “I'm, I'm sorry, I don't want to ask you something you don't want to discuss, but I just need to know if you're happy with him or not. Nothing matters more than your happiness,” his voice reduces to a soft mumble, which only just relaxes you instead of making you feel anxious on having to discuss such a heavy topic. 
“It's, it's okay, I guess. I don't know… we've been trying to make plans but one of us usually has some other more important place to be. I always make sure to tell him why I can't come, and it's always something unavoidable, but he, he never cares to tell me why he won't be coming. It's just always ‘oh I'm sorry babe I just had to go somewhere else.’ Where? I never know. 
“And it's not just that. He always gets offended when I cancel on him but that's never the case when it's the other way round. His focus on us, it isn't, it isn't the same, and he isn't as understanding as he was before.”
Just as you finish speaking, you feel like a big load is lifted off of you. Your mind has been bothered by it since days ago, and it was starting to affect your everyday activities. But talking about it, letting it all out makes you feel relaxed. 
Zach looks at you with a soft look in his eyes, not knowing what you've been going through all this time. 
“But, he's also there for me, you know? That one time I fell down from the stairs, I called him and he came so quickly, and I know I can count on him to get me anything I need at any time,” you continue, feeling so torn about what you're actually feeling about him. “I just, I don't know where we are leading to right now. I think I may need some time away from him, just being with myself and not seeing him as often as usual,”
You look at Zach whose focus is entirely on you and your words. Sometimes you wish he's the one you're spending your time with. He gets you in a way no one can, not even River even if he tries for a billion years. When you feel sad about something, you prefer to call up Zach than River, because he listens to you better, and makes you feel important. 
“I think it would be nice for you to spend some time with yourself, to do some things you've thought of doing but couldn't, starting with new hobbies, or the ones you haven't picked up in some time,” Zach starts. “It'll help you introspect more into your personality, and generally just make you feel better. Maybe he's going through a difficult time right now, and being apart for some time might help him too,” 
“You're right,” you say, “maybe being apart will do us some good. I mean, he treats me well-”
"okay good for you,"
“- but Zach,” you look up at him as you cut him off, your eyes sinking into his, “he isn't you.” 
The last words come out as a whisper, getting lost in the air around you two. For a second you're worried that he didn't hear them, because you think you can't muster up the courage to repeat those words. But the widening of his eyes, him breaking your eye contact, and his sped up breathing makes you think differently. 
“Zach, you mean so much to me than he does. You listen to me better, you understand things in a way he doesn't. I will always prefer you to talk about things than him, because he tends to shut me off but you never do. What we have is so special to me,” you let out. 
It's the last year at your university, and you've been feeling this way about Zach since the very start. You've wanted to admit it all to him, but before you could, River came into the picture. And for a while there, you felt as if you didn't need Zach. River seemed perfect; everything you could've asked for. 
But now, you finally have the chance to develop something with Zach you've always wanted. 
Zach calls out your name softly, your heart beating faster with the way your name falls off his lips. “You mean the whole world to me. I’d take you in my arms and protect you from all the harm in this world if I could. I've never liked River anyways, he seems stuck up and doesn't give you the attention you deserve. He should treat you like an angel, not the way he actually does,”
He moves closer to you, his hand now resting against your cheek. 
This feels so right. 
You lean in, and he does too, meeting his lips halfway as you allow yourself to get lost in him; in his smell, his taste, his lips. 
Oh, his lips. 
Soft and sweet as nectar; nectar which can make the flowers bloom and just set everything in your life right. 
His arms, wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer to him, yours around his neck as you close even the smallest distance between you two. 
He pulls apart from you, your forehead resting against his as you breathe a little heavily. 
“I think,” you whisper, “I think I've fallen for you Zach.”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Pairing: Sung Hanbin x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, based off 5sos’ Best Friend.
Summary: A couple scenarios that made Hanbin realize that he slowly fell for his best friend.
Warning: None
Note: Ahh, I was so excited to write this. I’ve loved this song for yearssss. 🫶🏼
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Hanbin always knew he felt something for you, even if he wasn’t sure what that feeling was.
You basically grew up together. You knew each other since elementary school but funnily enough didn’t like the other, like at all.
Hanbin was a very outgoing guy, he knew everyone and had tons of friends. On the other hand, you were a little bit more reserved, you had a small but tight group of friends and preferred to listen rather than to talk.
You were so different yet similar in other ways.
You didn’t like how loud he could get or that smirk he gave you every time he knew he did something to annoy you.
And he didn’t like that you were a nerd that only cared about school (false, you only cared about having good grades but didn’t live for school) and that you rarerly talked.
And that went on for years. Until your best friend, Minjun, started dating Hanbin’s friend, Matthew, in your freshman year of high school. Forcing your two groups to spend a lot of time together.
At first you both dreaded it, but after some time you started warming up to each other. You discovered that you shared a love for music and you also liked the same movie genre.
After that you started hanging out more without your other friends and texting a lot, too. You started calling each other “bestie” and “best friend”.
It was a cute friendship and even your friends teased you that you would eventually end up together.
1. Even every time that you got the flu
I'm not scared at all to get close to you.
I don't run away when your face says achoo.
But I run to get you a tissue.
Hanbin remembers vividly the first time you got sick with the flu. You were supposed to hang out at the fair the next day but called him to cancel.
“I’m sorry Bin, we’ll have to reschedule.” You talked on the phone.
“Why? Are you okay?” He asked in a concerned tone.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I just got the flu and I feel awful.”
“Oh, Bestie.” He answered. “Do you want me to get you anything?”
“No, no. It’s okay, Binnie.” You waved your hand even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll just sleep and order take out.”
“Ooor, I could cook you something warm and take care of you.”
“Nooo, Bestie. You don’t have to do that.” You spoke. “I don’t want you to get sick, too.”
“Nonsense. Nothing’s gonna happen to me. I have a strong inmune system.” He answered making you laugh and cough a little afterwards. “Just accept, Y/nnie. I promise I won’t run away when you sneeze, I’ll run to get you a tissue.”
After you contemplated his offer, you accepted.
You had such a sweet best friend.
Hanbin was genuinely happy to take care of you. “I’ll pass by the convenience store to get you snacks and medicine.”
“Okay, Bin. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, I won’t be long.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
2. Remember when your parents went out of town?
They were, dumb enough to leave us with the house
We had 100 people naked on the sofa
Dancing 'til the cops said: Game over
Turned out it was Cheri's dad
So we did shots while we rode in the back
He even let us all use the siren
It was the best night, I'm not lying
Since your parents went on a week long trip to Las Vegas, they left you home alone. Letting you invite some of your friends so you wouldn’t be on your own.
So, Hanbin convinced you to throw a party on Friday and invite your friends and a plus one. Which wasn’t a very good idea. Word spread throughout campus and now you had a ton more people than what you were expecting.
You gave the black haired a look. “This is all your fault.”
“Mine? Why?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, yours. Because you seem to forget how popular you are.”
“Oh.” He gave you a sheepish look. “Okay, maybe I do.”
“Lighten up, Sweetheart. We’ll kick them out if we need to.” Taerae, your boyfriend at the time, spoke as he threw his arm around your shoulders.
“You? But you’re scrawny, love.” You teased him.
“I’m stronger than you think.” He started ticking you.
“Okay, okay! You are.” You gave him a hug and he kissed you on the forehead.
“Let’s go dance, babe.” He took your hand and dragged you to the dance floor, which was really your living room.
Hanbin was left on the sidelines with some of your other friends, just watching you as you danced with the brown haired.
“Just tell her how you feel.” Zhang Hao talked as he saw the way Hanbin was looking at you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The older gave him a look. “We all know you’re in love with Y/n and have for years.”
“I’m not in love with her, she’s my best friend.” Hanbin spoke defensively.
“Don’t even try to deny it. We’ve all seen the way you look at her, like right now.”
As he was processing what his best friend said, a police siren could be heard on the distance.
“POLICE! EVERYONE OUT, NOW!” Someone you couldn’t recognize shouted.
Everyone started screaming and running as fast as they could, and exited the house.
When the cops arrived, your group of friends and your boyfriend, were the only ones left.
So, turns out that they received a noise complaint from one of your neighbors, which wasn’t surprising cause that old woman hated you.
Anyway, you weren’t in trouble because the police officer was one of your closest friend’s dad, Cheri.
You all ended up doing shots in the back and using the siren.
It was a pretty amazing night.
After that, all of your friends went home.
Hanbin laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling, still thinking about what Hao had told him.
Maybe he liked you more than a friend?
He couldn’t deny that he found you very pretty and adored your personality. You were so special to him.
After overthinking for what felt for hours, that night, he realized that he liked his best friend, more than a friend.
Would he ever confess to you? Maybe.
He couldn’t do it right now, because you had a boyfriend and he respected your relationship. That and he also wasn’t sure if you felt the same.
For now, he’s content to have you as his best friend, so telling you about his feelings would be a problem for future Hanbin.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
5sos’ songs series masterlist || Zb1 masterlist || Main masterlist
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ryuwonieebae · 1 year
Unexpected Confession
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𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐙𝐈 (우지) Imagines, One-shots
Pairing : idol!Woozi x fem!reader
Genre : Fluff, romance
Warning : None
Woozi wrote a song which was secretly for you but what if the secret is no longer a secret...
You hummed according to the rhythm, listening to the newly made song by your bestie who gave you a satisfied grin watching your response to the song. As soon as you finished listening to it, you clapped cheerfully and shook your hands with him, praising it.
"It's good, right? Or should I–"
"Yes. It's amazing. I love it.. -but now eat this food. I know you didn't consume anything since yesterday," you said revealing the food you made making his mouth go wide. You chuckled at his adorable reaction to his favourite food.
"Jjajangmyun?! Did you cook it yourself? Wahh! Thank you so much Y/N-ahh!"
"Yeah, I did and you're welcome," you gave him the noodles which he gladly received and ate. After a big bite, his cat eyes enlarged as he looked at your direction with a satisfied look. He nodded his head indicating that the food was appetising.
"Enjoy, then. Also don't forget to take rest. To be honest, you look like a dead rat I mean cat. Okay, bye! I need to go home"
"Already?" The disappointment in his voice was visible. You noticed his unhappy face and sighed.
"My little sister is alone at home. That's why,"
"Oh....Okay," he sighed. You felt a bit bad to leave him all alone in this kind of creepy and huge studio but what can you do when your little sister needs you?
You made your way toward him hesitantly and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Woozi looked up at you like he had just seen a horrifying ghost while you smiled innocently. You patted his rosy cheeks and made your way toward the door acting as if nothing happened just know.
"I know that you wrote the song just for me. Sorry but I kind of eavesdroped on your phone call with your manager. Hehe"
"Wh—what? You're joking, right?" He asked you nervously with a forced laughter.
"Why would I joke? There's something I need to tell you too..I—umm..I love you too! Bye! Let's meet later!" grinning ear to ear, with your reddened face, you shouted loudly as you closed the metal door with a loud thud. While woozi was still sitting on his chair with a blank expression.
"This girl aishh! She is something," Woozi caressed his cheeks slowly. Thinking about what had happened just know, he could feel his face flashing crimson-red as his heartbeat fastens.
"I love you too," Woozi whispered as smile made its way to his face. I guess no one has made him feel like that except you>_<..
A/n : +This fanfiction is purely based on my imagination only.
+It's totally fictional!
+I hope this is good enough to make you guys happy. I'm still learning to write in a creative way. Thank you for supporting me. It means a lot to me. Thanks to my besties too<3...
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kindestofkings · 10 months
a mastermind [2]
ryan mcmahon x reader
faceclaim: phoebe bridgers
authors note: happy friday everyone, proud of you for making it through the week xx @orangeinecstasy here you are <3
yourusername just added to their story!
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trumanblack wow WOW what happened to the deep seeded commitment issues??? WHAT ABOUT THE HATE FOR ALL MEN
↳ yourusername I KNOW I KNOW OKAY but matty he was so nice and I had so much fun 😭
charlixcx wow girl when are you back in london! I need to you to chat me up !!
↳ yourusername I'm home next week xx and of course we may or may doing something tomorrow... just the two of us 👀👀
lucydacus the drummer???
↳ yourusername the one and only 😍
julienrbaker we let you go on ONE solo trip and this happens....
↳ yourusername im sorry!!! he was even dreamier in person 😔
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername pints with the lads 💪💪💪
new friends unlocked! a band, with a nepo baby lead singer... do I have a type? and where do I leave back the old model
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bobbyskeetz josh man you're giving that pint some look 👀
joshjenkinson_ the look of love what else?
inhalerfan1 FINALLY my manifesting worked, now you and ryan should fall in love xx
rass75 well I know for a fact you didnt just call us older right? RIGHT??
(liked by trumanblack,bedfordanes75 and adam1975)
yourusername hehehe oh heyyy ha ha about that..
trumanblack heyyy no fair I was your first.
ynhealytruther WOW okay y'all fuck then yourusername FIRST NEPO BABY wow get your head out of the gutter bestie 😀
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15
yourusername no words to describe how I'm feeling rn.
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ynfan1 ahh this HUGE!
taylorswift counting down the days already !
swiftie1 what a service you're both doing for us sad girlies <3
yourusername I see you, I love you and I am a your fellow sad girlie <3
charlixcx taking over the world one day at a time 💅💅
ryanmcmahon_15 🔥🔥
ynhealytruther no comments from the 1975 lads, whats going on 😔
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liked by yourusername and others
ryanmcmahon_15 some shows in new york.
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lewevans hey no paps please xx
inhalerfan1 sooo excited for you guys to go on tour fully again🕺
yourusername v rockstar v cool
ryanmcmahon_15 second nature at this point 😎 inhalerfan2 ariana what are you doing here? inhalerfan1 shes friends with the lads!
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liked by julienrbaker and others
yourusername heyy its been while sorry! unplanned mysterious retreat but I've busy writing, busy recording with my fellow geniuses and busy rehearsing!
so heres a slutty soft launch as an apology for being gone ?
comments are turned off
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liked by yourusername and others
taylorswift nashville you have been WILD. it's always special getting to share the stage with another artist but when its with the genius/baby angel face yourusername it feels extra special!!!!
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yourusername you can say things like this and not expect me to cry 😢😢
yourusername you are my hero thank you thank you everything <33
swiftie1 nothing new destroyed me in the best way possible
ynfan1 it was incredible witnessing yn's pinch me moment !
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername GUYS GUYs please please please don't kill me but the next single is..... a TOTAL LOVE SONG WITH ALL THE HAPPINESS. AH I know how dare I?? but I mean im in love, deal with it. (please please)
anywayy gold rush is yours at midnight friday <3
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trumanblack ew love
yourusername have they found a cure yet?? my profession of writing heartbreak songs is on the line god dammit !
ynfan1 I can't believe the love of my life is in love with someone and its NOT me
ynfan2 how can you write scott street and then go write a love song??
yourusername ik the whiplash is real. you're gonna love it tho! I hope..lol!! ynfan2 wait of course I'm gonna love it, every thing you write is magic <3
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ryanmcmahon_15 with yourusername
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
ryanmcmahon_15 with yourusername welll we (one of us, defo not me) had planned a long softlaunch stage which was VERY detailed, but an eagle eyed fan caught us out ! big thanks to them cause theres cool pics to post :))
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yourusername my love <33
yourusername am kinda heartbroken soft launching was fun !!
bobbyskeetz my boy is all grown up 😢
joshjenkinson_ feels like just yesterday he was crying listening to waiting room.. yourusername no stop im too soft for it all !!
elijahhewson my matchmaking skills never fail 😎
ryanmcmahon_15 yes thank god for your very elaborate organising of pints <33 elijahhewson hey less is more sometimes ynfan1 wait this is soo cute
inhalerfan1 I KNEW IT I KNEW IT, I knew i could sense the vibes
yourusername girl you were mad for that, you called it before we even met ! im getting witchy vibes xx
taylorswift the detailed planning feels like my fault a bit.... y'all are SO adorable tho
lewevans man what is going on you have the taylor swift in your comments.. ryanmcmahon_15 man I've stopped questioning it, i've the taylor swift in our gaff for monthy wine nights 😂 swiftie1 those two are such icons (taylor and yn) (liked by ryanmcmahon_15)
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername just before I retreat into my home for the holidays and eat nothing but minced pies and never get out of my pjs, I thought I'd leave you guys with a parting gift from my family to yours. so much wine is a craft of love and is everything I think of when I think of the holiday season, theres some oldies, some newbies, some saddies and some friends !
a big thank you to dirtyhit as usual and the genius producers that are trumanblack, bedfordanes75 and rass75 ( all who jumped on a track also)
other friends who graced these records, taylorswift, lucydarcus, hozier and julienrbaker thank you thank you <33
also someone stepped away from the drums for a hot second and made his vocals debut, which I feel honoured about and so proud!
go listen and enjoy <333
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ryanmcmahon_15 the album and you are a work of art <3
yourusername stfu imma cry 😢
ynfan1 you write melancholy so beautifully, love it all so far!
inhalerfan1 ryan with a vocal debut?? christmas came early
inhalerfan2 obsessed with both of you, you are my parents
elijahhewson thankful everyday sir ryan chose drums or I'd be out of a job..
bobbyskeetz theres still time yet!
joshjenkinson_ thanks for inviting us onto the album!
yourusername it was my PLEASURE sir jenkinson
trumanblack always a pleasure making stuff together bedfordanes75 xx
yourusername we are such a powerhouse of a trio, like the powerpuff girls or something ! ynfan1 not 😭 the 😭 powerpuff 😭 girls 😭
Ahh what was that you ask?? can ryan sing?? All important questions! I dont know entirely, all my fics are self-indulgent but this one was particularly bad hahah hence the all over the place plot, also im in a festive mood lol. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THO, as always let me know what you think and come chat <33
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reitheist · 6 months
bucchigiri ep 12 lb thoughts:
wow, tbh I was not expecting to get more backstory on ara this late, but it's appreciated
aww ara thought matakara was cool
i'm still unsure what exactly a honki person is to be completely honest
komao is the best nurse thanks buddy
bucchigiri pleaseeeeee let mahoro do anything please im begging
ahaha the cat gag is finally revealed
also he just fucking stole jasmine right out of there lmaooo
okay so... mahoro uses a man to wake her brother up... sweetie I'm sorry but your brother only cares about men and fighting. it's time to give up
the siguma goons dressed in nurse outfits I'm cackling
yet again love is used as a metaphor for fighting and here it's applied to arajin and matakara hm
ahaaaaa as I predicted his wish changed. specifically to wanting matakara to wake up, no less
so like, is ichiya's issue with senya similar to matakara's issue with arajin? in that he wasn't as strong as he wanted him to be
is it inappropriate to say senya is lucky and I would like ichiya to beat me up as well
oh damn ichiya was sick and wanted to be killed by senya. senya looked up to ichiya and didn't want to do that.
komao carrying zabu aww
so now that ichiya is controlling matakara's body, matakara is stuck with his darkness. notably, the best friend stone lies in there, broken. he sits in the corner of his laundromat room, the place he's had to stay since his brother went to juvie
ofc these two muscled bitches can only make up by fighting
divorced dad senya got his wife back by being real for once
the only thing stronger than ichiya's pettiness--matakara's lack of self worth
ope well the only thing stronger than matakara's lack of self worth is ara's delusional love for mahoro ig
wow his wish change did not last for long lol
ohhh matakara shoving ara away, he believes everyone from his past makes him weaker "I don't need my friends, or my brother, or even you!"
matakara is deathly afraid of being left alone. it happened with ara, it happened with his brother, so now he wants to sever all his relationships so he can't be hurt again
literally shoving the love of friendship into matakara's face so he can't reject it, healing the inner child so afraid of loneliness
matakara finally having his investment in ara acknowledged and reciprocated
senya's unfinished business is done, he can ascend to heaven with his boyfie
i KNEW that stamp was gonna be for matakara. also stamping it in blood hell yeah
matakara I love youuuu
ahh a very sk8-type ending montage
i'm at least glad mahoro is still ignoring the fact ara exists
did shindo wear fake boobs and heels just to sneak back into NG 💀 he's fulfilling his true calling in life: to be the drama member of an idol group
lmaooo catboy doing his best sales
ara and matakara making gyoza again 😭
matakara's brother is alive phew
lmaoooo the ending
well, I guess the ending would keep it open for a potential S2, if that were to ever happen. good episode with excellent animation, even though it didn't quite fulfill all of my desires for this show. would've liked mahoro to have a more active role in all this. this show also felt a bit limited by runtime and writing at times, but overall it was a pretty enjoyable experience with charming characters (who I would've liked to learn more about, tbh). matakara and ara's fight was amazing. I wanted more ichiya and senya than we got but I'm glad they resolved their issues too. I'm kinda curious as to what happened with ichiya after the fight. is he also in the bullet with senya, did he pass on, or is he in his own bullet? if it's the first option, I need a spinoff of their stupid domestic lives inside their separate spirit world
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yoonjinsgirl · 1 year
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with part-5 to my series.
checkout series previous chapters: 1💌 2💌 3💌 & 4💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: An au concept, not something that could make sense irl, it could be dangerously delulu. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! Check my work until now: Masterlist💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Part - 5
Everything was fine until one evening you receive woozi's call and you feel your whole world falling apart by just looking at the screen buzzing, but it wasn't like you had any choice other than receiving the call, and so you anyways receive the call.
"Hello y/nsii I've a great news for you, you can finally go back to your world! Thank you so much for cooperating with our situation, I'm so sorry for the trouble you had to go through because of our team!", Woozi said happily as he was happy for keeping his promise. But you weren't really happy with the news you just got! A whole minute went away in silence that's when woozi again speaks, "Hello! HELLO Y/NSII! are you on line?"
"Ye Ye sorry woozi i wasn't really expecting you to call this soon, I'm just trying to process your words" you tell him not really knowing how you are supposed to feel.
"Ahhh ne ne i can understand your point you must be so happy to return! And guess what you're going tonight itself isn't it great! So as i had told you as soon you both will teleport to your own world everything will return back to its original form! And no one would be able to remember you or any memories related to you! So get tension free nothing will go wrong, once you return to your original places" woozi said explaining you. But were you even ready to leave this world! Were you ever ready to leave yoongi? It was all your fault you think you were never allowed to fall in love with yoongi from this world or your own world, your love was forbidden.
You feel your eyes filling up with tears but you continue the conversation, "and what about me? Will i be able to remember anything?" You asked woozi. "No y/nsii that seems almost impossible and totally rare, only in 0.1% of cases people can remember so i don't think you will remember anything so relax, also just like you were teleported here while you were asleep the same you will return your own world so don't worry you'll have to do nothing!" You think how weird this is that you want to remember your time here, for what though only to feel deeply pained remembering how you could never be his! How you could never become yoongi's girl, his love! But afterall it was for your own good if you don't remember anything because your life without him being actually around you will genuinely make it hard for you to live! Everything will be hard without having yoongi next to you!
"Ahh really! Th..thank you woozisii! You really helped me alot! And it was nice knowing you!!!" You tell him genuinely because no matter what, he was nothing but the kindest to you, and as he had promised he is here calling you to inform you about your safe returning. The pain and hurt you were feeling was all by your own cause and he definitely doesn't needs to know how you feel for yoongi because that would just add guilt to him.
Suddenly you feel another guilt tripping down on you as you think about your bestfriend being with hobi, you think how selfish you can get, that you didn't even gave a thought what about her? What about their relationship? You didn't wanted their relations to wreck because of something stupid going on!
"And one last thing that i wanted to ask you woozisii, what about my bestfriend will her relationship with hobii too will get affected? Do you know anything about her?", you ask him hoping atleast her happiness won't get affected.
"No no don't worry, I've come to know hoseok hyung was already seeing someone and turns out it was your friend! So don't worry their relationship won't be affected", woozi replied.
"Ahhhh thank god i would seriously never forgive myself if anything would have gone wrong with them because of me!Again thank you so-so much for everything! For always being patient and answering all my problems!" You say as you were really grateful for him being so patient with you, as you always bombarded him with so many questions but he was very patient and gentle with you. You lowkey smiled thinking he indeed was one of your favorite artists from one of the groups that you respected and you were lucky to have interaction with him, no matter if he was from another world, still you were very thankful.
"Aishhh aniyaa that's not a big deal, afterall i was somewhere responsible for you landing into this trouble! So I'm really glad to hear that i could help you with whatever you asked! Also y/nsii i know you like hyung so I'm really sorry! I know whatever is happening is cruel but please take care, i truly wish you the best and wish for your happiness!".
At this point you felt your tears rolling down free as you heard him saying how he knew you were caught up in feelings but you still decided to play it cool. "Thank you for always looking up for me woozi, also I'm fine so don't worry! Also i wish the same for you and for BTS here, I truly wish happiness and well-being for you all.
"You are really brave y/n, fighting, take care" you chuckle at his statement for calling you brave which you certainly were not but he didn't needed to know, "Fighting Woozisii! FIGHTING BTS!", and the call ends.
As soon as the phone ends your mind goes blank as you fall down tearing up, you certainly weren't expecting all this to happen this early! You thanked god that yoongi wasn't home to see you in such a state. You somewhere hated yourself for literally being selfish because surely this was the stupid realm thing and not yoongi's actual feelings for you! So you yourself were the reason for your hurting, you should've kept, hold on emotions! On your mind and heart.
Tears continuously streaming down your eyes as you remember all the times you spend with yoongi, the hugs and the kisses you shared with him, all the beautiful moments you shared with bangtan. Why did this all had to end? But you were being unreasonable you thought, while wiping your own tears as you looked at the clock and realizing yoongi must be home in few hours now, and he doesn't deserves to see you like this, you didn't wanted your last day with him to be a crying mess and what reason you'll give him afterall if he sees you in this state? So, You get up getting hold on your emotions and got freshen up and set up the bathtub for him to take shower after he comes home and arranged his clothes for him.
All these days it became your habit to look for him as he would look for you. You had made your mind no matter what you won't spoil the few hours you've left with him and will do nothing to spoil his mood. As you were thinking door bell suddenly rings and you know who it could be so you run towards the door opening it to meet an exhausted looking yoongi.
As soon as his eyes meets with yours he instantly pulled you in for a hug, snuggling his face into your neck as he wraps his hands around your sides, your heart beating loud as he snuggles more into you leaving no space between you two, you feel butterflies everytime you are close to him, meanwhile his scent calming you down.
"i missed you y/n"
"i said i missed you kitten" he speaks again as he breaks the hug and lifting you in his arms. "I missed you too! I love you so muchhh!" you reply him, wrapping your hands around his neck, not protesting anymore as he lifts you, because this is the last time you will experience this feeling of being loved and pampered by yoongi.
"You know y/n i love my work..my music so much, and i still do, i always will but today i felt like i was missing out something inside me and i knew it was you, so i couldn't help but complete my work quickly so i could come back home to you!" He said as he brought you to the bedroom gently placing you on the bed and kneeling down at your level and holding your hands as he continued, "you know y/n i never felt like this before, home was never like this, before it was a place to rest and have me time, now it's not a mere place it's my comfort zone! My safe zone! My love zone! Where i know my love lives, always waiting for me! Thank you so much for coming into my life bby! I promise you will never regret being with me, I'll always treat you like my queen kitten" he said as he kissed your knuckles, looking into your eyes, you feel yourself almost tearing up with all the love you were feeling, there was no doubt yoongi always made sure you felt loved, you always got his attention, his affection and his care, not a single moment where he made you uncomfortable with anything, always making you laugh and smile. He was someone with whom even sitting in silence felt comfortable.
You too knell down holding his hands as you leaned in holding his t-shirt's collar and pulling him close to kiss him as he responded back immediately smiling against your lips, pulling you close to him by holding his hands around your waist to deepen the kiss. Both only pulling out as none of you breathe anymore.
"I think you should get freshen up, you must be tired"
"I'm never tired for you love"
You immediately give a quick kiss on his cheek, "i know but you do need to relax yourself yoongles, I've already set up bathtub for you to get freshen up"
He placed a kiss on your cheeks as he said, "Aren't you a perfect wife material, I just know i want to get married with you y/n! I don't want to stay away from you anymore!"
"Yoongi i..i..I'm all yours!" You say as you tear up, as he slides a beautiful ring that he has always been wearing in one of his fingers. As you cry your heart out hugging him like koala at this point, this had to be your worst dream because why were you supposed to return today itself? Why was this all happening to you! Why did you had to go through all this pain of leaving him? why was god giving you this moment to just take away your everything, you felt so guilty for ruining everything, you almost felt like betraying yoongi but what could you do anyways!!??!!
"Yoons i love you so much! I wonder what did i ever do to deserve you.. your love! i wouldn't even hesitate to get married to you right away! If.." before you could say anything any further yoongi put his fingers on your lips as he says,"Shushhhh say nothing my love! I know you are overwhelmed by my sudden confession yet I'm so happy to have you with me! To have this moment with you right now, to have you in my arms right now!". As he held you and made you sit on the bed again sitting next to you, whipping your tears, as he continued, "y/niee don't cry my love! I know i always say people should cry out whenever they feel like crying but don't cry love, I'm going no-where! I wanted to assure you that this isn't your dream anymore it's our reality! Not hurrying up, we while get married soon but at our own pace! So don't overwork your emotions or feel pressured hmnn". You nodded in response as he again gave you a quick peck, "bby relax and take a quick nap as i take shower, you know taking nap can solve 99% of our problems" you laughed slightly at his cuteness,
"Yooniee you're surely the most adorablest encyclopedia of useless knowledge which i love so muchhh",
"yahhh y/niee I'm offended by that" he said pouting slightly making you laugh even more "aigooooo yoonieee! Now go and get freshen up" you push him playfully as he laughs too and goes in.
As you look towards the silver band he just made you wear, you wonder what does destiny even want to happen with you and why is destiny playing cheap games with you! And from like billions of people around, why is yoongi getting caught up in this sh!t he doesn't deserves to get played, man is literally the softest soul you've ever came across. This has to be the worst thing happening to you both because none of you deserve this all, for minutes you feel you should tell him the truth and break the spell but then you think what if actually his life is put into danger, that would be even worse, Fuck my life you think as you heat the food you had prepared for him and set the dishes on dinning table. Soon yoongi joins you and helps you to serve for both of you and you eat your dinner and clean the dishes together. Surely yoongi's way of showing his love included so many things and surprisingly lots of clinging all in good way but it was alot about his act of service.
In no time it was time for you both to sleep, no matter how hard you tried to act cool to yourself, acting as if you were strong enough but deep down you were not prepared for whatever was coming next! Definitely not prepared to leave yoongi! Not prepared to open your eyes to a world where you wouldn't woke up next to him! Your thoughts were interrupted as yoongi laid next to you, holding your hand and kissing your hand where he had placed his silver band on your fingers! You felt so much love at the moment and wished the time to stay still and to stop at the moment, in no way you were ready to leave him but you also didn't wanted to cause any trouble creating any harm to him! Not wanting to face anything you quickly hide yourself into his arms hugging him tight then ever and snuggling close to him. And yoongi holding you tightly as you feel safe and secure in his arms as he pampered you to sleep, no matter how hard you tried not to fall asleep thinking maybe that could save you from not returning back, but after your various attempts you soon fall asleep feeling comforted by yoongi's warm hug and his relaxing scent.
The next day you know you wake up with your head heavy, eyes hurting as if you had cried yourself to sleep, but as your eyes fall to the clock hanging on your bedroom's wall you realize you've overslept and now you're late for your work, so you quickly hurry to get shower as you feel a little bit dizzy as you get a quick vision of yoongi carrying you to bathroom as you shyly blush, jerking your thoughts away thinking what kind of delusional person you are literally to visualize the literal impossible and daydreaming about your bias literally when you were late to work.
You hurry up with your morning routine and somehow manage to reach your work by just time. You keep feeling dizzy throughout your day and you keep shrugging it off as you think it must be just your usual bp fluctuation or your irregular sleep. What amazes you is how you could not stop thinking about your bias the whole day! Not like it's anything new but you were being too much! You knew you missed him as he was inactive on his sns accounts after his world tour had ended and his enlistment notice was made public, so you understood how he must be spending his time resting and enjoying his time with his family, friends and his members who were more likely his brother's but his absence made you really anxious. But you lowkey kept reassuring yourself that everything was going to be okay!
Everything was going just fine and normal until somebody at your work pointed at the ring you were wearing, but last time you remembered you kept looking for a ring similar to the one you were wearing right now but you couldn't really find one! It was exactly similar to the one your bias, your crush, your most favorite person on the planet, your only desired man 'Min Yoongi'! It was him who was wearing this one time in one of his photos and you had absolutely fallen in love with it and since then you always wanted to buy yourself a ring similar to it but you couldn't find any! So what and how is the ring in your finger now? No matter how hard you'd try you couldn't remember buying it. So how the heck were you wearing one! Looking at your facial expression your colleague immediately changed the topic saying maybe you should pack up and leave for home as it was almost 6.pm, thinking you were just stressed too much to work that you needed rest! And nodded in agreement and soon wrapp up all your work as you leave your workplace still thinking about the ring.
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So as soon you reached home, you immediately rushed into your bedroom looked for anything that could tell you how you got this ring. Your mom came looking for you only to see you rumbling around your room so you told her everything and your mom assured you maybe you had bought it but you must have forgotten and maybe you should just rest, taking nap after all you know can solve 99% of our problems. Listening to your mom speak you felt dizzy again, for some reason you could literally hear yoongi saying something similar in your head. You hit your head lightly thinking what the fuck is wrong with you today as you walk towards your bathroom to get freshen up.
Little did you know this wasn't just your mind playing games with you or your delusional mind day dreaming too much but it was just your mind playing your some of your foggy memories that you had unfortunately almost forgotten, most likely the memories that were lost.
To be continued...
I hope guys enjoyed reading this one! I do know we all are here for yoongi and this one definitely had a lot of readers pov, if you want you can skip it ig! I hope you all will look forward to upcoming parts! So stay tuned!
Also guys I'm really sorry!🥲 I know it takes me little too long to post but trust me my laptop is in repair for few days and making corrections in my written draft takes my most of time, and it's not like i have already written all my parts, i write them in real time so it takes a little long especially writting them on my phone takes even more long, so i hope you can bear with me. Thank you for being patient with me y'all!.♡
Also guys i don't think this could be a called mini series anymore lmao, as I'm sure it will take atleast 2 or more chapters to complete the whole thing, so I'll be editing and updating my masterlist by today.
Also I'm thinking, about naming parts for this series! What are you opinions please let me know.
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.♡
So if you've requests please go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one. Also your feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated.💜
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fatuismooches · 4 months
HIII POOKIEW OMGG IT'S BEEN SO LONG... IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT CUZ... I now have crippling Genshin addiction.
2 months, and I'm level 55 already. My friends think I'm a lunatic... Its okay, I'm a very very happy alhaitham main. I've had my eye on him ever since sumeru came out and I'm crying TEARS I finally got him.. All that's left is his boyfriend (Kaveh) 😒
Also to answer your question (I haven't logged in Tumblr for ages),, I didn't :( mostly bc I kinda lost interest HFGDJSH LIKe I still love him!!! IT'S JUST THAT 99.9% OF CONTENT ABOUT HIM IS.... NSFW AND... idk it felt like it made his character seem kinda shallow cuz man the amount of angst I can squeeze from him is insane. But in future banners, I might! (Because I've invested all my time in Genshin...)
ANYYYWAYYS HOW ARE YOU???? omg I need to read all ur stuff uegdfkdgkd,, I missed u and I'll try not to die too much I promise... Uhhmm hmmm.. Lemme cook some angst for u as for compensation— OH SHIT I FORGOT.. I'll reead the fragile reader series omg..
HI BESTIE KAI!!! I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! it's okay i've had a crippling Genshin addiction for like 3 years!!! AND CONGRATS ON YOUR ALHAITHAM!! i have him too and he's GREAT. BDWJDEHW it feels so wrong for Kaveh to NOT be on his banner. That man hasn't been on a banner in over A YEAR. 😭 hoping you get him though!! 🙏🙏
AHH IT'S OKAY!! 😭😭 i love Boothill too but I'm not pulling for him. I'm gonna get Ruan Mei and Sunday (hopefully)!! And i can understand your feelings! (If you ever cook up some Boothill angst i WILL be there 🙏) But you're also me wbfeuwi i've been neglecting HSR so much... i wish i could invest more time into it but farming for relics makes me want to cry. i despise it. i CANNOT.
I'M GOOD KAI!! just getting through life yk? 💪 WHAT ABOUT YOU?? I HOPE GOOD!! 💖 i miss you too!!! 😭😭🥺 I STILL LOVE REREADING YOUR ASKS!! :D Just take care of yourself for me and have fun reading my stuff :) I look forward to whatever scrumptiousness you send to me next or just feel free to chat with me some more! 💕
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annab-nana · 1 year
Gentle wipe of your spilled tears after heavy arguments, a simple gesture that shows you how sorry they are for making you shed sad tears instead of happy ones. with Jonathan when the reader and him are both upset about getting fired from the Hawkins Post and he blames her like he did with Nancy in the show
ahh you got it bestie
warnings: not proofread, mentions of schizophrenia, inequality in the workplace, one use of y/n, use of pet names (sweetheart), basically nancy and jonathan's fight in season three but tweaked a bit, it's a little long for a blurb
❀ masterlist ❀
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you had already felt immensely shitty like you did every day you left work, but today was different. in your attempts to make the men at your job realize you were more than a servant who could only get coffee and lunches, you made the only guy in your life that you loved upset.
you knew you shouldn’t have pursued the story any further after tom had asked you not to, but with the way all those men taunted you constantly, you wanted nothing more than to prove them wrong. no, you needed to prove them wrong.
even after you and jonathan got fired, you still couldn't drop it.
"it's bullshit. so, according to tom, driscoll's just a schizophrenic? and that rat is just a rat?" you couldn't believe it all. every ounce of anger you'd felt the whole time working at the hawkins post was flowing out. "and it's all, what? some big coincidence? you know what i think? i think tom was on drugs."
"what?" jonathan inquired incredulously from the driver's seat, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. he seemed shocked, but tom's odd behavior to you was quite evident.
"did you see him? he was sweating like crazy and his palms were clammy. he looked awful."
the way jonathan shook his head and scoffed at you didn't make you feel any better. in fact, it made that pit of fury in your stomach burn more.
"is this funny to you?" you asked him. you'd never been so serious about something in your life other than surviving and protecting your friends each time the upside down tried to enter your realm.
"no. no, it's just kind of incredible," he persisted on, not sparing you a glance as he drove.
"yeah, incredible how you just continue to convince yourself."
your brows pulled together when you looked at him and you couldn't help the sting of tears that kissed your eyes. yet another man was tossing your thoughts to the side, not taking them into consideration or believing them for a second. you just never thought jonathan would be the one to do that. he had always had your back, even with your crazier ideas.
he continued before you could respond, not that you would've. you were too stunned at what he was saying. "i told you over and over to drop this story, that it was a bad idea, but you refused and now, i'm screwed."
your heart dropped at how he placed the blame on you. "it was just a summer job and i'm sure you will find another one, jon. it's not like your life is over."
"i don't know if you realized this or not, but i don't live in some grand house. my dad doesn't earn six figures. hell, he isn't even around." you shifted your focus to the window when you figured he wasn't about to stop with his rant any time soon. "mortgage, college tuition. you know, they're real things, y/n. things that you don't care about only because you don't have to."
everything was your fault, at least in his eyes. "i didn't realize i lived in a bubble."
"well, you do!" he exclaimed like he was happy to get this off his chest. you couldn't help it your dad made a good bit of money, but like his, yours wasn't around much. his wasn't because he was an asshole, but yours had to be gone to make as much money as he did. but, at least jonathan had a mom. he had someone there for him when he came home.
you didn't have that luxury. jonathan was that person for you. he was the one you wanted to come home to and tell everything to. he was the one you trusted. he was the one you felt safe with. he was your person, but maybe he needed a break. maybe you were too much for him.
you tuned back into his words when you felt the first tear fall down your cheek. "you want everything handed to you on a silver platter. i mean, we were interns! what did you expect, that you would make star reporter in a month? crack the big case?"
"you sound just like them. you realize that, right? just like bruce and those assholes-"
he cut you off, making you turn back to face him. "yeah, yeah, those assholes gave us jobs."
"is that was that was? that was humiliating." another tear fell when you stressed your last word. you turned back toward the window, desperate to make sure he didn't see how much he was getting to you.
he let out a sigh. "yeah, the real world sucks." two more tears fell. "deal with it like the rest of us."
you hated the thought of having to deal with it, of letting those men belittle you every chance they got for a laugh. you hated being a joke to them, of them making you feel like you were incompetent. jonathan didn't even see the majority of it since he was cooped up in the darkroom. you knew that he would hate it if the roles were reversed. he wouldn't endure it. he may have put up with it longer than you had, but he wouldn't be able to deal with it all the time.
if the roles were reversed, he would've been doing more than just fetching coffee and lunch. he wouldn't be demeaned every single day from the moment he got there to the moment he left. he wouldn't feel so shitty that he cried multiple times a week about how much he hated being there.
if he were to do what you did, the guys would've listened to him at least. they probably would've given him pointers on how to pursue the case and taken him under their wing. and if he were to get in trouble for it like you had, he wouldn't have been fired over it. it would've been some slap on the wrist and everyone would go on about their days like nothing happened.
it would've been so different if it was him.
you did not want to break down, not until you were safe in your home which wasn't too far away at this point. you sucked in a deep breath to steady yourself before muttering, "you don't know what it's like."
"neither do you."
"well, then i guess we just don't understand each other anymore." you don't know why you said it. you could've just left it where it was, but his agreement is what finally tore your heart in two.
"yeah, i guess not."
it was silent for the next few minutes until jonathan pulled into your driveway. you didn't dare look over at him because you knew the dam would break and you were fighting for your life for it to remain intact until you got inside.
without a word, you walked quickly from the car to your door, fumbling with the key—it was hard to see through your tear-blurred vision—and unlocking the door. dropping your purse on the ground by your feet, you took a few steps to the bottom of the stairs and sat down, letting your head fall in your hands and your tears flow.
you didn't know how long you had been there, but it had to have been a while for your dad to be home already. but when you looked up, you realized that it wasn't your dad's hand on your shoulder. it was jonathan's.
that only made you cry harder.
"i'm sorry i got you fired," you spoke with a sob. you just felt so bad. the guys are the hawkins post made you feel bad, getting jonathan fired made you feel bad, jonathan's words made you feel bad.
jonathan's hand came up to wipe your tears away while he shook his head. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said any of that. i was wrong."
"no, you weren't," you disagreed. "i was. you are nothing like those guys. you are so much better than them. i was just angry."
"no, the way i was acting was like them. you weren't wrong. i was. completely, utterly, mortifyingly wrong," he stated honestly, letting out a light chuckle ti lighten the mood a touch while his thumb pushed away the fresh batch of tears you'd produced. "and i hate that i made you this upset."
"it's okay."
jonathan smiled at you and spoke softly, "stop staying stuff to make me feel better, sweetheart." he brought his hands down from your face to hold your hands in his. "do you want me to stay with you or would you rather be left alone right now? whichever you chose, i'll be okay, but-"
"stay," you cut him off. you would never not want jonathan around. "stay with me, please."
a wide grin crept onto his lips and he found himself nodding his head. "okay, i'm here."
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