#edward cullen drabble
velvetcloxds · 2 years
Can you do a Edward Cullen x sad reader where the reader is sad about her grades and also has a crush on Edward and is very shy to ask him for help but Edward notices is it and comforts the reader
word count: 1.4k (stop I'm embarrassed)
warnings: I got carried away. I'm in love with him. I'm sorry kjnfe
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The Forks High School library was a very small little room in the heart of the school, barely visited by many students if any, but it was a little solace for you- you'd spend your breaks studying and snacking between the stacks, hardly ever hearing the school bell until Laura, the lovely old librarian would call you out from your hiding place to return to the war grounds of small-town high school hallways.
You'd been studying hard this term, with senior year approaching a torturous end, you'd been trying to work yourself either to death or to college, whichever came first, which is why receiving a bad grade right before a long weekend was the last thing you needed. You didn't allow yourself many breaks, it was a given that there wasn't time for that with how much you had to do, but you'd reached a silent agreement with yourself that you'd take the weekend off if your grades came back good enough, now it looked like you'd booked yourself another date with your desk and chemistry book. Since your weekend was booked, you allowed yourself a little time to breathe, to wallow in your sadness as you took another potato crisp into your mouth, looking up at the door as you waited for the other member of the wallowing club to join you.
Edward Cullen, your library friend, or so you'd dubbed him as you never spoke outside of these four book-pasted walls- he was very fond of a regular wallowing session himself, not that you thought he had all that much to wallow about being the talk of the school, and the town for that matter, but the club wasn't one you considered exclusive. You spoke very casually, which you assumed was something he wasn't all that used to, everyone approached him like he was some sort of deity, blessing them with his presence- you hardly blamed them, to be fair, he was ethereal in all the dept of the word, far too attractive for a school so dreadfully ordinary and you knew he was intelligent, in a way that ought to make you feel inferior had he not tried so very hard to do anything but that. You had no doubt that was he to have met you anywhere else, you'd have made a right fool of yourself, but he found you with your guard down, in your safe place, and as a result, you'd managed to ease into your crush on him, far too easily letting him charm you, but who were you to fight him on making you swoon.
"That's not a real meal," the smooth, intoxicating voice declared very calmly as he walked towards you, giving you a very knowing look of disapproval as he sat down next to you, porcelain hand sliding a plastic-wrapped sandwich onto your lap.
"Don't start with me, Cullen," you pouted, already handing him your half-eaten bag, not missing the way his eyes twinkled with amusement, a familiar notion of being around you, or so you'd learned after far too many lunch breaks spent alone together. "I've already had a day, don't want to have to argue with you about the very many nutritional benefits of potatoes, " you wouldn't dare bring that up, arguments always leaned in his favor and you knew he was right, humming in soft satisfaction at the first bite of the white bread sandwich.
"A day?" a simple demand for more, the way he looked you over, showing that he was clearly trying to determine whether this was a mundane-sized problem or an end-of-the-world-sized one, though he knew it was always the first.
"I got my test back," you admitted, covering your mouth with a hand to hide your next bite, chewing quickly as you reached into your bag to pull out the culprit. "Really thought I'd do better, to be honest," you felt shy, sharing was a rather new thing for you, especially sharing with him, he appeared all but perfect after all and he seemed to be good at everything, so admitting to your faults was strange, it was less embarrassing and more revealing, baring yourself to him, it made your talks real, more.
"You did your best, no?" he knew you did, also knew how hard you studied, how he couldn't read anything but useless facts from your head for weeks, very rudely robbing him of the advantage he had over you, not that he used it often- his gift. But you were an odd soul to read, never showing him what you felt, never telling him what you thought, it was both infuriating and exciting, trying to figure you out. You nodded lightly, though he knew what it meant, knew the solemn gesture was you doubting the worth of your best, because if your best led you to have that sad, yet admittedly adorable pout on your lips then it surely wasn't what you had hoped for.
"I can't wait for this year to be over," you were tucking your lunch away, appetite lost at the side of the red letter adorning your answer sheet, haunting you, taunting you.
"I can," he retorted and scoffed lightly at the obvious disapproval of his words, shrugging as he brought a hand up to brush a crumb from your cheek, not missing the way your skin warmed under his touch, heart stammering, it made him want to do it again, made him want to do more, figure out how else your body could react to such simple, innocent gestures. "I would miss our hidden conversations," he explained and you rolled your eyes, only to hide the smile your lips begged to show him.
"You would not," you dared and turned your back away from the bookshelf behind you, looking at him with legs folded and hands fiddling with the plastic bag. "All we ever do is wallow and groan, we're like two very old people waiting for death," you were smiling, knowing he'd enjoyed your subtle references to doom and gloom, but he couldn't quite decide which he enjoyed more, the sound of the smile distorting your words of the way your eyes thinned slightly when you did, a beautiful sight.
"Exactly, who else would I do that with?" he was smiling as well and you were grateful you were sitting because it was the type of rare expression that had your knees weak.
"Oh, I'm sure you'd find many willing volunteers."
"None of them would be good enough, only you can make the darkness sound so welcoming," you had no idea what hidden symbolism the man was talking about but still you were reeling, he had to know that people don't just say things like that without absolutely ruining your resting heartbeat, in fact, it was rude, making you fall so mercilessly for him without the slightest possibility of him falling back, or so you thought. "You know," he began, "Chemistry is one of my best subjects."
"I know, Edward, you're nothing short of a genius, no need to kick a girl while she's down," he breathed a soft laugh, nudging you lightly with his leg.
"What I mean, is that I could help you study for the next test, make sure you wallow a little less next week," he knew you'd need some convincing but the bell was about to ring, he'd very pathetically been counting the minutes he had left with you and they were very few now. "Don't make me debate you into saying yes," he was picking up your things, standing with them in a sort of awkward, yet anything but, linger as he waited for you to stand as well. "You'll say yes, I'll act coy, it'll be much less of a task for the both of us if you just agree to meet me here tomorrow morning."
"You're a little arrogant, do you know that?" you mused, accepting his icy hand as it guided you from the floor, one by one stuffing your belongings into your bag, leaving his now empty hands to find rest in his pockets.
"I do," he agreed and smiled at you, looking down with eyes so golden it almost entranced you, as you lifted a brow at him. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Can we bring snacks?"
"You can, I'll bring you food."
"You're starting with me again, Cullen," and it was the laugh, the absolutely cruel laugh that he offered you as he walked you out of the library that made you think that maybe wallowing wasn't the only thing your friendship was good for.
tagging: @cauliflowertree and @saintlike78 because they always indulge my twilight brainrot
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peterparkeeperer · 1 year
sitting pretty (edward cullen x gn!reader)
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You could tell he was looking at you. His eyes had a presence of their own.
“What do you want?” You asked teasingly, without looking up.
“Your attention, preferably.”
You smiled impishly and found your eyes repeating the same sentence over and over on the page below you. He probably knew he was a distraction, or that you were really bad at concentrating.
“Oh, really? What kind of attention?”
It was his turn to be impish, “Only the innocent kind. I am a gentleman.”
“Someone has to be,” you finally turned to him, he was sitting at your desk while you studied on your bed.
“Come here,”
You craved him closer suddenly, wanted to hold him in any way. This feeling often shot you out of nowhere, usually when he was sitting and looking so incredibly pretty (which was a word you found yourself using to describe him more often than not. Smooth skin, soft hair, and brown eyes that you’d always been a sucker for) that you had no option but to crave him.
Edward looked pleased with himself, and you sighed inwardly as you pushed your (unfinished) homework away to make space for him.
“You’re a bad influence, you know that?”
He smirked as he lowered himself to lay by you, and your hand naturally drifted to the side of his waist.
“You’re the one who told me to come here,” he said innocently, with his deep eyes daring you to fall inside the well of them.
“How can I deny you your attention you so desperately crave?”
He smiled, “I don’t ‘desperately crave’ anything,” yet his eyes were playful and he looked seconds away from tossing this playful banter and speaking sad and lovely poetry.
You grinned and came closer, and with every inch removed his eyes got more and more black. Like tar. When your breath could hit his cold lips you spoke, “oh, really?”
He sucked in a breath he doesn’t need and came closer to close the distance, but you leaned back casually.
He looked prettier like this. Desperate, frowning at the rejection of the kisses he’d been spoiled with and now addicted to.
You took pity on him and slid your hand from his waist to go under his shirt, allowing you to stroke the skin there. It was domestic affection, yet he was weak to this too.
“I love you, very much.”
You softened, and leaned in naturally to kiss him. It was slow on your part, loving. But he seemed eager and pushed into you, soon you were laying with him almost sitting on top of you. You pushed at his shoulders lightly.
“Did you just say that so I would kiss you?”
He looked away, “well, I do love you.”
“You’re an idiot. But I love you.”
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meiluu · 5 months
Edward Cullen's Mate
Edward Cullen/ Afab!Reader
cw: SMUT 18+ MDNI, oral f receiving, unprotected p in v sex, edward breaks the headboard hehe, and edward is completely enamored with you.
(I need to get this out of my system, been thinking about him a lot recently...)
this was supposed to be a short drabble but i just couldn't shut up
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reader pov.
Being with edward has been nothing but a beautiful and slightly chaotic ride. With finding out he wasn't human instead was a hundred something year old vampire along with the rest of his family. And then as your relationship grew as did the romance between you too, and that grew tenfold when the magnetic pull you felt for one another was because you were mates.
Fated to be together, equals, crafted for one another, you both completing one another and that never felt truer than now.
Body underneath his stony one, feverishly chilly lips leave a scorching trail of kisses from your neck to your bare chest. edward inhales your scent, and scent that didn't have him craving your blood like he was supposed to instead it calmed and aroused his body in a tantalizing mix. His eyes flick up to yours, pupils nearly completely dilated leaving behind a dark amber ring at the edge of his iris. Love and lust in his gaze has your body warming, and you knew that your gaze mimicked his.
"So beautiful. I'll never get enough of you my love." his word are spoken with nothing but truth. Leaving your shared gaze he continues his journey down your torso, soft hands caressing your hips squeezing the plump flesh before leading down your thighs to the backs of your knees. Mouth leaving behind love-bites upon your skin, each one sending jolts of heat straight to your core, evidence of your arousal staining the insides of your thighs.
Going lower with each kiss pulling your legs apart allowing him to sink further down, mouth right above where you need him most. A blush covers your cheeks and the tops of your breast, "Edward- you don't have to do that."
His gaze snaps up to you, and the sight of his head between your thighs with the full intention to bring you pleasure has you holding back a shiver. "I want to, God you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Can I ?" Why would you ever deny that? Nodding your head edward goes back to staring at your weeping cunt.
Hands tighten their grip on you before he's pushing them further apart and up, completely baring you to him. You watch as his mouth descends until you feel his tongue lick up from the bottom to your clit. softly wrapping the bud with his lips gently sucking on the bud, sending a shockwave of pleasure through you. A moan falls from your slightly swollen lips, seeing your obvious satisfaction edward continues his ministrations. Swirling his tongue a sucking in your clit, body lighting up in euphoria as a ball of pleasure settles into the pit of your stomach. Shaky breaths leave you as your gaze stays locked onto edward’s head, vision blurring around the edges as your mind begins to wholly submit to him.
Then his mouth is leaving your clit all too soon, but you don't have to wonder for long where he's going next. His tongue delves straight into your cunt, mouth covering the bottom half of you. Your eyes widen before rolling back into your head at the mind-numbing sensation of his tongue massaging your walls, pushing in and out of you. Then one of his hands is leaving your thighs and begins to swirl your forgotten clit between his fingers.
Your breathing is uneven breast rising and falling as you try to catch your breath. Heart racing as your body becomes so pliant and warm under his devotion. Your moans and cries of his name bounce around the room, hands going to his soft hair to tangle themselves within them, hoping to keep yourself grounded. The knot within your belly only tightens with each moment that passes. Your mind lagging behind as it gets lost within this pleasure, you realize a little late that edwards tongue has left you but his cool fingers have entered and taken the spot where his tongue once was. Curling up sweetly rubbing into your g-spot, a near-cry of pleasure leaves you at this.
The ball of pleasure that had settled within your core tightened and then you where cumming, as your cunt milked his fingers as they continued to abuse your g-spot. With your high fizzling out of you, thighs shaking with the intensity of your orgasm. Your eyes open looking down to see edward leaning his head against the one thigh he still had a grip on, fingers still buried within you and a smirk of satisfaction upon his face.
"You look so gorgeous when you cum." giving the inside of your thigh a sweet kiss before he starts to sit up, wrapping your legs around his waste. Face rising up to yours, his mouth comes down giving you a kiss that leaves you breathless. "Do you want to keep going?"
"Yes-yes, please." no shame, your words are full of need and edwards smirk brightens. "Of course my love, I am at your whim."
Reaching down taking edward by surprise, you grip his hardness, a groan leaves him at your soft hold. Lining him with your cunt you let him slowly sink into you. Your head falls further into the pillow as edward grits his teeth hoping to keep himself in control.
He stretches you out just perfectly, filling you up with no space left and your walls wrap so beautifully around him, so warm and wet and oh so welcoming to his cock. You were both made for one another as you slot together- bodies entwined with one another. "Move, Edward please." as your words leave you, he is obeying.
With near flawless movements he starts a slow yet deep pace, bottoming out to the hilt. Each thrust has you keening in utter ecstasy body lit aflame. But his pace begins to pick up speed as your cunt continues to push him to his limits by squeezing him, and with every pull out of you, your walls are trying to suck him back in. God he never knew he could feel like this, so wholly enraptured, this was his new drug and Edward knew that he would never want to part from it.
Your thighs tighten around his waist, arms leaving the bedsheets to latch onto his back. Nails digging into his stony muscle, as your head buries into his neck where his scent is strongest. Your sounds of pleasure are right by his ear, the most beautiful song he's ever heard. His arms leave your waist in favor of the headboard, harshly gripping onto the mahogany. Edward moans along with you as he tilts his pelvis down and up, kissing your g-spot with the tip of his cock. And with his pelvis hitting your clit with every thrust back into your cunt.
Your arousal leaks out staining the fronts of his thighs along with the sheets beneath you, your heady scent filling the space around you two. Edward feels the head board snap then crumble within his grasp and not a moment after that does he feel your cunt quiver as you cum, walls milking him as a gush of your arousal stains his thighs. An unfiltered moan falls from edward, completely in shock at this sensation pace becoming frenzied as he pistons into you with the sole intention to cum within your cunt. Your head has fallen back into the pillow body buzzing in overstimulation as your third orgasm nears.
"Edward-please, please, I need it." words broken up by moans as you barely get them out. Edward's body hunches over yours, hands coming down from the shattered headboard to the sheets beside your head before quickly wrapping around your body. Pulling your chest against his, a hand against the small of your back the other at the base of your head.
His body trying to get as close to you as possible, trying to bury himself within you. Cock bullying your overstimulated and weeping cunt that continues to welcome him in with every thrust, pace now rougher and faster. Each time his cock bottoms out reaching the end of you your moans are punched out of you, mind having turned to mush. Your ears are hypnotized by the heady squelching sound of your cunt along with edwards moans of pure pleasure.
Edward feels the painfully tight knot of pleasure in his pelvis snap, cock swelling as he empties himself within you, eyes closing from the heavy orgasm. That orgasm grows tenfold with you cumming again, walls milking his cock in an attempt to ring him completely dry. Slowing down his thrusts as you both come down from your highs, coming to a stop as you are both left in the aftershocks of your orgasms. Gently bringing you back down to the bedsheets, turning to the side with you still within his embrace. feeling your racing heart against his chest.
Ever so softly he begins to place chaste kisses upon your skin along with 'I love you's, soon your body is lulled into unconsciousness, as edward continues to give his worship to your body. As you rest he lays protecting and watching over you and with every moment that passes does he fall more and more in love with you.
His mate, made just for him.
*not edited*
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xxdarkanamnesisxx · 5 months
Emmett Cullen has a problem with sex
warning: this post contains sex, anti-sounding words, and mentions of addiction
About a year ago Emmett and tn have been together. He is always very nice and gentlemanly, he is a boy who is quite in need of love. QUITE
In his eyes, you are the perfect woman, you are a goddess and as such he adores you every day when you wake up and when you go to sleep, he never takes his hands off you and I have to admit that this is quite exciting.
In the mornings when he picks you up to go to school, after sneaking into your room and fucking you so hard against your mattress that his hands are still marked on your waist and his kisses are stained on the soft skin of your neck, thighs and breasts.
During the ride he can't take his hands off you, touching your hair, crushing your thighs with his huge hands. If you were in the mood they would make a stop in the middle of the forest and let you ride it until you drop. He never has enough of you nor you of him.
During classes he sends you messages telling you how pretty you look today and how beautiful you would look under him with his cock inside you.
You can't deny that you're also addicted Emmett. A huge man, strong, chivalrous and so sexy, your mouth waters just thinking about the way he touches you, the heat between your legs that builds up just by listening to him speak, the need to be filled by his huge, fat cock.
Together they are a massive destruction, they fuck rabbits day and night, they fill your home with the sound of the wet collision of their bodies and your moans worthy of a porn movie.
The person who saw them would swear that they are a serious couple but they are not.
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pettydollie · 5 months
“stay away” edward crawled backwards on your bed, looking at you nervously.
you crawled toward him, “i want to be with you” he shook his head “im dangerous. i’ll hurt you.” he spat, not wanting to hear of it.
“but i don’t care, i love you edward.” you inched closer to him.
“i read minds.” he got up quickly from your bed, knocking over a few items on your vanity. he scattered around trying to avoid you.
you pursed your lips in before shrugging. “i know” “i don’t sleep” “i know” “i don’t breathe” “i’m aware”
“i eat humans.”
you get off your bed and walk over to him as he leans against a wall tensely. you stand on your tip toes and hold his cheek in your hand, his gaze softening. his body physically relaxes and almost purrs at your touch.
“i know.” you whisper, kissing his jaw
“no.” he grabbed your hand. "i won't allow it." you pouted your bottom lip out slightly. “but.. but what about what i want?” you mumbled, batting your eyelashes.
“dammit, sweetie, you-“ he groaned, throwing your hand down and rubbing his temples. “it’s too much.” he backs up a bit.
you take tiny steps towards him and bite your lip gently. you look up at his gorgeous face and blink slowly. “please.”
he scoffs helplessly and shakes his head, closing his eyes. "don'tt.. don't do that." you raise an eyebrow innocently. "do what, eds?"
he growls lowly, "that thing you always do. i can't handle it." he sighs and grabs your delicate hand, pulling you closer as he kisses your knuckles. you look up at him and smile sweetly.
"i just.. want to love you."
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truetogaia · 9 months
What would you guys say if I wrote some Twilight blurbs and drabbles? hrmmmm.. its twilight season after all.. and I'm only just getting into the third book... for the third time..
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the aesthetic has me curling up in bed crying 🤧
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john-get-the-salt · 2 months
Awakening (w/Edward Cullen)
Imagine: Waking up in a strange place and coming to meet a very strange family; the cullens.
Contains: not Bella, cause fuck Bella
Warnings: Mentions of past injury, past assault
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The search for a missing local ended last night in tragedy. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), a Forks native, was out celebrating her 25th birthday last weekend when she got separated from her friends. Her body was discovered down by the river just last night, 4 days after her disappearance. A cause of death has not officially been released but police have confirmed that they do believe foul play was involved. Police are asking anyone with any information or tips to call immediately at the number below.
Carlisle turned the news report off, his stomach uneasy. His family sat around him, sharing in his discomfort.
"We don't know for sure it was one of us," Emmett was the first to speak.
"We can’t know for sure it wasn't." Edward countered.
"We'll be extra careful. Go hunting in groups or all together. For all we know it was a human."
"And if it was? Will we still ignore It?" Edward hated the idea.
"What the humans do is none of our business," Rosalie spit.
"Even if one is going around killing innocents?"
"Please, not this again," Esme begged.
Edward turned away from his family. It wasn't right, but he never won that argument.
That was the first sense that came back to you.
A startling cold that seeped into your skin and chilled your bones. You felt like you were frozen solid, but a wiggle of your fingers and toes quickly dismissed that idea.
Your eye open–at least you thought they did. You saw nothing but pitch black and wondered if you'd actually opened your eyes at all.
Maybe you were in hell.
You wanted to reach up, to feel for your eyes and make sure you were all still there, but your hand barely raised an inch before hitting something hard. Your knuckles ached something terrible as a clang filled your ears.
You raised your hand again, slowly, and let your fingers brush against the surface.
The panic began to set in as your hands felt nothing but cold and smooth metal all around you, encompassing you. A swift stomp of your foot found you nothing but another loud bang. It was as if you were laying in a small metal box.
You wracked your brain, desperate for any memories or clues as to how you get there.
And then you remembered.
It was your birthday. Your friends took you out downtown to celebrate. Barhopping, karaoke, way too much food. It was fun. But you also remember losing your friends in a crowded bar, getting hot and overwhelmed and anxious. You remember stepping outside for some fresh air, hearing something behind you and–
You remembered everything now.
You forced yourself to take a deep breath. Falling apart could come later, once you got home and felt safe.
Kicking your feet again you paused at the creaking of metal that seemed to follow.
You kicked again and again and again with both feet, giving it everything you had, until finally the metal gave away and your prison was flooded with din light.
Nearly crying in relief, you stretched out your legs and hooked your feet onto something so you could pull yourself out. Thankfully you rolled out relatively easily, the metal underneath you sliding out without problem.
Once free, you sat up slowly. Your body was stiff and sore, and you rolled your shoulders in an attempt to loosen up. Looking down at yourself you were taken aback. Your skin looked filthy and blood was caked underneath your fingernails. New scars peppered your arms and legs, though they were all faded and appeared to be old. Your hair hung loosely and you were in an itchy white medical gown. You couldn't identify anything that belonged to you.
Swinging your legs around you tested the floor with your feet, slowly standing. As you did so you looked around at the room.
It was large, lined with beds covered in white sheets. You turned to the box from which you escaped and couldn't contain the gasp that left your lips. The wall towered above you with rows upon rows of small metal doors. You had just crawled out of one of these doors, luckily, on the ground level. But they reached up, almost to the ceiling.
You reached out with a a shaky hand, pushing back the tray you just climbed off of. It slid back into the wall and the door closed behind it with a quiet click.
A morgue. You had just climbed out of a morgue.
You needed to get out of there now.
Your bare feet slipped on the clean floor, making you curse. Where were your shoes?
You hurried past the beds, trying not to think about what could be under them. You stopped at a hallway, whipping your head to the left and right. How were you supposed to know which way was out?
You were about to go right when something stopped you. A small whisper, a tug. Left it seemed to murmur, as a breeze blowing past your ear.
You didn't have time to investigate or worry about hearing strange things. You had no clue which way the exit was so left you went. It ended up being the right choice as further down the hall you could see a set of doors leading outside. You took off into a sprint, pushing the doors aside like they were nothing.
You took a deep breath of the fresh air, wincing again at the ache in your throat and pounding in your head. It was nighttime out, the only light coming from the moon and flickering streetlights. You stumbled away from the morgue, disoriented.
Where were you? How did you get home?
Your house. Home. Did you go home? What were you supposed to do? Were you dead? Why were you in a morgue?
Your head pounded as you pushed your feet off of the hard pavement and took off down the street.
Into the woods, a whisper curled around your ear.
You weren't sure you wanted to be seen running down the street covered in blood, and this mysterious new voice had been right once before. So at the first break in buildings you took off towards the woods that surrounded the town.
Scared and alone you entered the forest. Your bare feet tripped on rocks and roots as you ran but you kept going. You just kept going and going, naively hoping you could simply run away from whatever was happening to you.
You weren't sure how long you ran. You weren't even sure if you were still breathing. It didn't feel like it.
You began to cry, wishing you could forget again. Wishing you could forget the feeling of their cold hands all over you, the whispers and sharp smirks and pain. Just constant pain for days. You remember feeling relieved when they finally dumped you down by the river, left you barely clothed and empty inside. You thought you were finally free to die in peace.
You slowed your pace, pushing through bushes and past trees while tears continued to stream down your face. You wanted to stop, wanted to collapse and curl into a ball of the forrest floor. But the new voice inside your head whispered you on, told you to keep going. And you weren't about to stop listening now.
So you continued on fumbling in the darkness. Occasionally there would be a break in the tree line and the moon would shine down upon you, illuminating the woods and shadows at your heels. The moon seemed to guide you somehow, seemed to pull on your shadows and help you move through the underbrush, commanding your feet to just keep going.
You were so tired. But you kept moving, never stopping, never faltering. And the night got darker and darker as you disappeared into the heart of the woods.
The young vampire turned to his adoptive mother who stood behind him.
'We're all going hunting tonight. Carlisle thinks it would be best to keep up our strength, just in case."
Just in case we need to take care of an unruly vampire, was the rest of Esme's unspoken sentence.
Edward nodded, standing to join his family. The Cullen's gathered themselves and were nearly out the door when Edward froze, causing Rosalie to nearly run into him.
"What are you-" Rose cut off her annoyed remark at the look on his face. "Edward? What's wrong?"
"There's someone outside."
Alice gasped, eyes going wide and unblinking. Jasper grabbed her hand, holding it softly as she went through her vision.
"Edward, who it is?" Esme was worried, grabbing for Carlisle's hand.
"The girl on the news.....(y/n)."
"The one who was murdered?"
Edward nodded, eyebrows furrowed as he was bombarded with thoughts. "She's confused and scared. She woke up in a morgue-"
He sucked in his breath just as Alice broke from her vision.
"We were right," she confirmed. "It was a group of vampires. They...did terrible things to her."
Alice was on the verge of tears and Rosalies face got stone cold, her fists clenched.
"She's turned?"
Edward nodded at his father figure. "But I don't think she knows. She needs help."
"We'll help her, right?"
Dr. Cullen nodded at his wife. "Of course. We'll help her with whatever she needs. Edward and Alice, you two have the best chance of peacefully and safely bringing her in. Go, and call if you need help."
The two nodded and slipped out of the house quietly.
You walked for what felt like hours, the woods never ending.
But finally, finally, you finally saw a bit of light up ahead. You felt a push and you hurried, diving under some brush and finding yourself in front of a large house.
It was mostly made of glass, light pouring out from every clear wall and window. It was like a beacon as you stepped closer. There seemed to be no one home, no one around but you. You took this opportunity to finally rest and sink to your knees in the clearing around the house.
This would all be a lot easier if you had just died like you were supposed to. You didn't want to be here, you wanted to be dead. You wanted to be somewhere you could no longer feel the ghost of hands of all over you, of pain and screams and blood spilling.
You rested your head in your hands, shoulders shaking as you finally unraveled and began to sob.
You jerked up, feet moving you back towards the woods.
You froze a few steps away from the cover of the trees. You refused to turn around, terrified of who or what you would find.
"I'm sorry for trespassing, I'm leaving now."
"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" The voice spoke again, sounding like a woman.
You still didn't turn around.
"I-how do you know my name?"
"We can help you."
You shook your head, taking another step towards the safety of the trees. "I don't want any trouble, I'm just going to leave."
"Please don't leave, (y/n)."
You stilled at the new voice. It was a man, but it was...different. It was soft and seemed familiar.
him him him him him, your new voice whispered over and over again, nearly frantic.
You turned, finally looking back at the voices. A young man and woman stood in the clearing, lit up by the house behind them. The woman was short with a dark pixie cut, and the man-
him him him....that's him
You locked eyes with the man and the world seemed to still. He had piercing eyes that you swore looked right through you, eyes you could stare at forever. Everything seemed to get sharper, more in focus, and the light coming from behind him got brighter. His whole self seemed to call you. Your feet itched to push towards him, your soul seemed to sing, which you didn't even know was possible and-
"Edward?" You tested the name on your lips and instantly liked the way it felt to say, the way it rolled off your tongue like it was always meant to.
The man seemed frozen as he looked at you. He looked vulnerable, his eyes wide and lips parted just slightly.
edward cullen, the voice continued to whisker and you found yourself wishing it would say more.
"My name is Alice Cullen."
You tore your gaze away from Edward and to the young woman. As soon as you did the world seemed to get a bit duller, the clearing seemed darker somehow, unfocused again.
"And this is my brother-
"Edward Cullen," you spoke softly, "right?"
Alice nodded slowly, "How did you know?"
"I-I heard it, I think. There's a voice, telling me things."
alice cullen.....she see's things she shouldn't....ask her
You gulped. "Do-do you know what's wrong with me? I thought I was dead. I-I was laying down by the river, it was so cold." You sniffed, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay.
"I prayed for it to be over, I thought I was finally going to die but I woke up and I don't know what happened. I just wanted to die and forget. I just want to die."
Your legs wobbled and gave out under you. You waited for your knees to hit the ground below you but the impact never came.
You looked up and found yourself face to face with that man, Edward. He'd caught you and had an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you upright. You opened your mouth to thank him when you caught a glance at your arm.
Your lips parted in surprise and if you'd been breathing before you definitely stopped now. Your skin, under a patch of moonlight coming through the trees, was glistening. Though glistening hardly did it justice, it looked as if crystals had been ground up and painted onto your skin carefully. Your hands, your arms, your legs. You were....sparkling.
you are different now.....just like them
You swatted at the air by your ear, growing tired of the voice.
"You have a gift," Edward spoke softly.
You met his eyes once again, "A gift?"
"You said you hear things, right? Things you shouldn't?"
vampires.......he's a vampire
Your lips trembled. You wanted him to be wrong, you didn't want to be glowing or hearing voices or be different.
you are just like them...just like him
"No!" You cried at the voice, stumbling away from Edward and falling back to the ground.
“Make this voice be quiet, I don’t want to know!”
once you hear, it cannot be unheard
“When did it start?” Alice asked softly as Edward approached you again slowly, as if you were a frightened doe.
“Right after I woke up. It….led me here.”
Here is where you were meant to be
“I don’t understand!”
You felt a peace flow over you, and another man with shoulder length hair appeared behind the girl, Alice.
As Alice sees, you hear
“Is it still speaking?” She asked.
You nodded and repeated it’s last sentence.
As the girl furrowed her brow and muttered behind her shoulder to the man, you turned and met Edward's eyes. "I feel like I know you. Have we...met before?"
He shook his head, kneeling down to your level. "No, we haven't. But I can help explain everything, we both can. Would you like to come inside?"
Safe. He is safe. The Cullen’s are safe.
You thought for a moment, before nodding. What more could they do when the worst had already happened to you? You allowed Edward to reach for your hand. You took it, standing up with him.
Edward's eyes, you noted, shone like molten gold. You wondered if your eyes would ever shine again or if they would remain dull and lifeless as you felt now.
His grip on your hand tightened as you two walked over to Alice and the nameless stranger.
"I swear that I will do anything and everything within my power to help you."
And looking into his eyes, you believed every word he said.
him.....he is yours and you are his
"I know."
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musingsanddrabbles · 2 months
@dreamingofimpalas asked:
Can you write out a small scene between Emmett and Esme, when Emmett first joined the family? I think it would have been really sweet to see, especially because they're both such family-oriented people. I could imagine Emmett being so nervous at first and Esme just guiding him along through the process.
Word count: 1,305 | Characters: Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward. | no content warnings.
It's been six months since the addition of Emmett to their coven. Esme remembers the day Rosalie came home carrying a fatally wounded Emmett as if it was yesterday; she's still immensely impressed with Rosalie's self control. Esme couldn't have done the same, she simply didn't have the restraint. It still stuns her to know that Carlisle managed to restrain himself from simply draining her dry when transforming her. The self control of them both was beyond admirable.
Between now and Emmett's addition, Rosalie confided in Esme why she brought Emmett home. Rosalie's honesty admittedly took Esme by surprise, but amongst Rosalie's admission, Esme could make her own. Esme didn't remember much of her son. What she could remember was the mop of dark hair and a flash of blue she could only think were his eyes. Emmett reminded Rosalie of Henry in the same way he reminded Esme of her own son. They both let grief-stricken laughter bubble from lips with their confessions, relieved the other one understood.
Ever since that hushed conversation while the men had taken themselves hunting, Esme has gleefully watched the blossoming relationship develop between Rosalie and their newest coven member.
Emmett's feelings have been evident since eyelids revealed the blood-red of newborn eyes. Despite impassioned pleas from Rosalie as she cradled a wounded Emmett, Rosalie has since been tentative of Emmett. There's no denying how Emmett has brought life to Rosalie once more; her laughter often fills otherwise comfortable silence and her face is usually adorned with a smile which never fails to reach her eyes. Rosalie struggles with proximity, golden eyes flicker to find Esme whenever she finds herself and Emmett alone in the same room as one another. Rosalie never had to ask— Esme understands in a way neither Carlisle or Edward (regardless of ability) could possibly begin to.
It's raining when Emmett joins her in the kitchen. Usually she can be found experimenting with recipes no-one can eat, or, like today, simply painting. She has the backdoor open, her easel with its back against the open door and just to the side, herself perched on a dining table chair. Esme owns multiple aprons; they are either adorned by cooking stains or paint stains, but Carlisle is always there with a new one, his mouth set in a smirk which she is only privy too.
Despite Emmett's size, Esme didn't hear him slip into the room. It's only when she glances up at her view and is met with his large figure, muscular arms crossed over his broad chest, that she realises he's even there. Her startle moves her paintbrush abruptly against canvas, an out-of-place brushstroke staining the otherwise grey of rainclouds. There is an immediate sigh, one that causes Esme to discard her palette and place her paintbrush into the glass of water she has faithfully placed next to her. Emmett's expression changes from his usual smile to that of which Esme can only describe as a boy knowing he's about to be admonished. An immediate grin captures Esme's lips and before he can even begin to apologise, she's put a hand up between them to silence him.
"It's fine... I suppose you're looking for Rosalie?"
And again, his expression changes from guilt to bashful and Esme grins wider.
"Unfortunately for you, she's gone hunting... with Edward of all people, and no, I don't understand either. Hold tight, son, she'll be back before you know it."
This time, Esme is rewarded with Emmett's own grin as he grabs a chair to sit at the table. There is the unmistakeable sound of splintering wood between Emmett's fingers, their eyes meeting with the realisation he's broken a chair, but Esme's quick to reassure, "please do me a favour and help yourself to the rest. I've never liked these chairs. Apparently Carlisle got them for a steal... I can see why."
Assured he's pardoned for his second mistake in less than five minutes, Emmett finally settles. His arms rest across the top of the backrest as he straddles the seat of his chair. For a moment he observes Esme's unfinished painting before rewarding her his attention once more.
"About Rosalie," he begins, gingerly rubbing the back of his neck as he speaks. "Uh, well... uh..."
Esme crosses a leg over the other, amusement playing on her features as she leans back against her chair. She's patient, she can wait for the end of his sentence, but that doesn't mean she can stop an eyebrow from arching in anticipation.
"... Well, uh... you seem close to her, is what I'm trying to say..."
"And," he coughs, a fist coming to tap against the palm of his left hand, "I was wondering if she's mentioned me at all?"
Not the question she expects him to ask, but progress nonetheless. Esme tilts her head, her cheeks aching with her grin. "Hmm, well... she's mentioned that you ripped her coat the other day. Apparently it was designer..."
Emmett swallows, his eyes falling to concentrate on rhythmic punching. "Uh, yeah... Carlisle says he can purchase a new one, current season and all," he explains in a flurry, his words contending with each other to get out.
"But—" Emmett's head raises with unmistakeable curiosity. "She's also told me how much she enjoys spending time with you."
"Even with ripped coats?"
"Even with ripped coats, Emmett."
The man finds his grin once more, his hands settling with Esme's confession. That isn't what he came to ask, of course, but it was a good start. Something tells him Esme is half expecting his next question, but it doesn't make it easier to get out. "So... knowing that... I was wondering if you could, uh, maybe tell me what she enjoys?"
There it is.
"If she hasn't mentioned it by now, may I suggest you offer to dismantle a car?" she replies, lazily wiping paint-stained hands against her apron. "And I don't mean by brute force, Emmett. Surely a man such as yourself knows his way around a toolkit? I can say she definitely does."
"Do you really lack that much faith in me?" he retorts, coaxing a laugh from Esme.
"She's also rather fond of perfume," she continues, watching the cogs turn in Emmett's head with every drip of information she feeds him. "Her favourite at the moment is Twenty Carats by Dana. Don't worry, I'll make sure to buy some for you. She doesn't have to know I told you."
Emmett exhales as if blowing through a straw, his fingers curling and uncurling against the palms of his hands. If it wasn't already obvious how he feels, he's sure it is now.
"Anything else?" Esme adds, watching the man piece together various plans in his mind.
Emmett shakes his head, standing as suddenly as he appeared and, in his enthusiasm, completely severs the backrest from the seat. He slowly pushes the now detached backrest towards Esme, her fingers coming grab it with an exasperated sigh, but fondness demonstrated in both her eyes and smile.
"Now, if you'd excuse me, I've got wood to repurpose and you've got a toolkit to find... I think the garage is your best bet."
He offers Esme a faux salute, his excitement palpable amongst the two of them. "Yes, ma'am."
And with that he's gone again like an unseasonal hurricane whirling through the house. Hopefully, the chair is all she has to fix... Esme doesn't even spare a thought for the garage.
When she finally settles once more, paintbrush between fingers, Esme glances up to catch familiar figures approaching the house. Edward's gaze catches that of Esme's and he lopsidedly grins. Rosalie doesn't look particularly happy at Edward's side, but Esme's sure it's nothing a little engine oil won't solve. The plan's in place, now Emmett just has to ask.
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hb-writes · 6 months
Just a Joke
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Summary: When Mia gets hungry and tries to make herself dinner, her clumsy nature gets the best of her causing Edward and Esme to step in.
Characters: Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan & Mia Cullen (OC)
Request (from anon): Hello! For June requests how about, “Don’t worry, I got this.” & “Come on, take my hand.” For Twilight pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: N/A
Twilight Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Mia glanced up from her book as her stomach rumbled, the sound audible to her, and likely to her brother, but not to her brother’s girlfriend settled at the other end of the couch.
They had been sitting there on the couches in near silence ever since school let out, devouring their respective books for hours as Edward practiced piano in the next room over. Since the rest of Mia’s siblings left for Denali straight from the school parking lot, they’d been left entirely undisturbed. It was a rare gift, that, and Bella hadn’t pulled her eyes from the book since settling, completely absorbed in the pages before her.
Edward probably should have been with the others in Denali. He needed to hunt just as much as the rest of them, but he’d elected to stay behind, something he was doing more and more often these days—trading his lengthier hunting trips with the others for short stints that allowed him to remain only borderline satiated, but far closer to home. 
Mia loved her brother, and there was a time when being apart for any significant portion of time had been difficult, but she wasn’t entirely certain if Edward’s near-constant presence these days was a gift or not, though she supposed it divided her parents’ attention a bit. The presence of Bella gave her parents someone else to fuss over, too. 
Esme had gone out shortly after they arrived home, giving the kids their space as she often did, but Mia knew she would return soon. Carlisle would be back from his shift at the hospital any time now, too, and Mia was certain it was only a matter of time before the parents descended, soliciting their opinions on dinner, ready for the rare opportunity to cook for two rather than one.
Mia couldn’t remember the last time they’d let her cook anything for herself, so rare was it that they gave up the opportunity to dote. The opportunity to engage in something so entirely human as cooking. Mia liked to joke that she'd never survive on her own since they let her do so little in the kitchen. It wasn't far from the truth.
Mia watched Bella for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to interrupt the girl's reading, the only sound between them Edward's piano and another rumble of Mia's stomach.
“Bella,” Mia whispered, nudging the girl with her foot when the whispering didn’t provide any result other than a shift in Edward’s playing to something quieter and slower in tempo. 
Mia rolled her eyes, glaring at her brother through the wall for his nosiness. 
“Hmm?” Bella asked after a moment, finally pulling her eyes from the book as she finished her paragraph. She blinked as if she'd forgotten where she was. As if by pulling her eyes from the words on the page she was suddenly somewhere else entirely.
“Are you hungry?” Mia asked.
Bella glanced back to the book for a moment before meeting Mia’s eye, a grimace on her lips. “Starved, actually.”
Mia nodded, standing up from the couch and depositing her blanket and book. “Then I’ll make us something.” 
Mia strode across the floor and through the next room where Edward had already stood to meet her.
“What do you want?” he asked. “I’ll make it.” 
Mia waved her brother off. “I can cook for myself, Edward.” 
Edward raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"
"Since I can," she answered, pushing him out of her path. “Don’t worry, I got this.” 
Edward followed after her. He was poised to argue, poised to insist that his sister take up his offer, but Bella cleared her throat from the threshold of the living room, giving him a pointed look. 
“Leave her alone, Edward.” 
“Yeah, Edward, leave me alone,” Mia echoed, throwing a smirk at him as she then gave a grateful smile to Bella. Edward raised his hands in surrender and Mia turned away, practically skipping to the kitchen.  
Mia skid to a halt as she entered the pristine kitchen. The cabinets and refrigerator were fully stocked, or as fully stocked as the family ever dared to be considering it was only Mia who ever actually ate anything. She was feeling snacky, uncertain that she had enough patience in her to cook an entire meal when her stomach already felt so empty, but she diligently looked to the paper where Esme had already planned the meals for the week anyway. Spinach lasagna—one of Mia’s favorites—was next on the docket, but that would take well over an hour to prepare and cook.
As hungry as she was, Mia wouldn't last that long, and yet she strived to make a point.
She was capable of cooking for herself.
Capable of following a simple recipe.
Mia moved around the kitchen, pulling one of the cookbooks out as she headed to her favorite cabinet—the snack cabinet—grateful that there was still something satisfying and snacky left there, some healthy version of a chip that Mia had come to like at a certain point because it wasn’t as if her family was going to allow actual junk food into the house.
She poured out a portion into a bowl before walking to the living room where Edward and Bella were seated on the couch, in a vaguely respectful position, though Mia hadn’t missed the flush of Bella’s cheeks and the awkward positioning.
She had given them plenty of notice, walking with purpose and making certain that her steps were able to be heard. 
“Appetizer,” Mia announced as she set the bowl on the coffee table before walking back to the kitchen.
Mindlessly snacking on her own bowl of pseudo-chips, Mia flipped through the book and found the lasagna recipe. She had seen the process probably hundreds of times, settled at the counter while she watched her mother or father or one of her siblings putting the meal together for her. 
There were times when her family went through the process of making the pasta by hand. There were times when the noodles came from a box. Mia knew without a thought that she would be doing the latter. 
Wiping the chip dust on her hands off on her jeans, Mia moved around the room, pulling out the necessary ingredients. The noodles, the sauce ingredients, the cheeses, the spinach. Mia mixed the ricotta mixture together and started the sauce on the stove before she started searching the cabinets for the glass baking dish. 
She searched the bottom row of cabinets twice before deciding it wasn't in its usual spot. Biting her lip, Mia surveyed the upper cabinets. Two cabinets in, she spotted the dish on the top shelf, clearly put away by one of her brothers.
Mia reached out for it, but it was just out of reach even when she leaned on the counter, lifting up onto the tips of her toes. She could get a good grip on it if she got up on the counter, but Mia knew better. She was clumsy and it wasn't safe and she had no interest in visiting her father in the emergency room on a Friday afternoon.
So Mia refrained, instead pulling a pair of tongs from one of the nearby drawers. She just needed to pull it down a few inches and then she could catch it in her other hand.
Mia set about it, standing on the tips of her toes once again for a little extra height. She reached out, setting her tongs around the glass handle of the dish. She eased the dish towards the edge, all of her focus there until she heard the gentle click of the door to her left.
She pulled her eyes from the dish to see her mother standing there, back from running her errands in town. 
Mia flinched as dish tipped from the shelf. She let out a scream as the glass shattered around her upon impact, shards littering the floor at her feet.
Edward was there in the doorway less than a second later, soon enough to witness Mia’s fear shift to annoyance as she cursed under her breath. 
“Come on, take my hand,” Esme said softly, extending a hand to guide her daughter safely through the field of glass littering the kitchen floor. “We'll clean this up and Edward will get you another dish so you can finish cooking,” she said, nodding at Edward and then to the cabinets. 
“It smells delicious,” Esme told Mia as she gathered her daughter to her side, an arm around her shoulders. 
Edward was unable to stop himself from snorting as he crossed the room, easily stepping around the glass. He was sure it smelled fine to a human, but to him…and to his mother…whatever his sister was putting together smelled nothing less than abhorrent.
“Yeah, maybe if you like dirt,” he said, earning a sharp glance from Esme by way of reprimand. 
"Ah, yes. Of course." Mia pulled out of her mother's hold. “Because you prefer the entrancing scent of blood. I can step on a piece of glass if that would be—”
Mia stretched a bare foot out towards the glass, barely making it within a few inches before a pair of deceptively strong arms lifted her from the floor.
“Hey! Put me down!” Mia complained as she hung draped over Esme’s shoulder. It looked ridiculous, the woman holding the teenaged girl in such a position when she was barely five and a half feet tall.
"Please?" Mia added, but Esme made no effort to let her down.
“Not in my kitchen,” Esme answered as she carried Mia to the edge of the room. "You’re officially banned."
“Mom, it was just a joke, I swear,” Mia said, her arms gesturing to accompany her words even as she dangled upside down. “Look, Edward’s even laughing.” 
Esme twisted to glance at her son, and the look she gave alone wiped a bit of the smirk from Edward's face.
He wasn't laughing at his sister's "joke." Truth be told, Edward hadn’t found it particularly funny either, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of Esme swinging his sister over her shoulder and carrying her around. Even as Esme looked at him, the grin on his face grew once again. He couldn't help it, but then he met Esme's eye once again.
As Edward’s face sobered a bit further, Esme lowered Mia to the floor in front of her. 
“Well, you’ll both have to excuse me for not finding the notion of my daughter slicing herself open very funny,” she said, frowning at her daughter and then at Edward. “I don’t believe your father would find it very funny either.” 
“I know, I know.” Mia sighed, forcing herself to take a breath before she gave a proper response. Even if it was only a joke, she knew her parents could be testy about that sort of thing, her father especially. “I’m sorry. There’s really no need to revoke kitchen privileges. I promise I wasn’t actually going to—”
“Maybe it’s for the best, Mia,” Edward interrupted from where he now stood at the counter, his nose wrinkling as he hovered over the lasagna components. “This really does smell like—”
Esme opened her mouth to interrupt—to chastise, but she simply rose an eyebrow at him instead. 
“It was just a joke,” Edward answered. 
“Not a very funny one,” Mia answered. 
“Alright,” Esme said, stepping back in front of Mia, meeting both her and Edward’s eyes in turn before continuing. “That’s enough. Both of you take your jokes and get out of my kitchen.” 
Mia was poised to complain…poised to continue making her case for being allowed to stay and finish up her dinner, but Edward was too quick and too strong, and he swept his sister up in his arms before she could say another word. 
Esme only rolled her eyes fondly as Edward carried a complaining Mia away. While the sound of children arguing may have frayed the patience of some mothers, Esme found she didn’t mind the sound of Edward and Mia teasing. Just as she didn't mind the opportunity to finish putting together dinner for Mia and Bella. 
Even if Edward was right. 
The lasagna did smell like dirt.
Twilight Masterlist
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levmada · 1 year
do u reckon levi got super fucken sunburnt when he first joined the corps because his edward cullen skin couldn’t handle the sunlight. like whole face red and peeling sunburnt.
i do fuxkin reckon
maybe it was like autumn when Levi, Izzy and Furlan went aboveground and Levi got sunburn the very next day (it was mostly cloudy). he thought he was having an allergic reaction to something (all the disgusting dust?? the mountains of food??).
he also squinted for days. it was just so bright.
but so warm. Levi fell in love with the sun and the air. to hell with sunburn. he’d find any excuse to go out ‘for some fresh air’. others thought he was weird for just standing around outside, but he was having the time of his LIFE.
some rando probably pointed out his red face (and shoulders. and hands. and) and used it as more ammunition to use against Levi being a former criminal, super rude and unapproachable and short etc etc etc. before Levi had any reputation except being a criminal shoved into the scouts’ ranks. he literally got bullied💀
but for like an hour. and then everyone was scared of him, and just gossiped in secret. then they were made even more shocked when (in the canon no regrets manga) Levi was immune to shadis’ efforts at corporal punishment.
but anyway Levi realized the sun could burn him, but he didn’t know what to do abt it bc he couldn’t read very well, so research was out of the question… and asking for help was even MORE out of the question. probably Furlan asked around and bought aloe for Levi. but then Levi got mad that Furlan, blowing his money on him, and made it up to him later with a blowjob.
next summer Levi got so sunburnt he could barely move💀💀 bc he kept ignoring it and insisting he was fine (typical Levi behavior). atp maybe it was a bonding time between Erwin and Levi (fuck that’s a good fic idea) where Erwin looked after him while he made Levi rest
ps: i think Levi Izzy and Furlan had to be told not to look directly at the sun too💀
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fbfh · 1 year
You've been reincarnated countless times, and Druig has found you in every life. The first time you saw him (in your current life, at least) you were overwhelmed with such a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, like trying to remember a vivid dream you know you had. You weren't even surprised when he approached you outside the shitty restaurant you work at when your shift was over. He couldn't even talk at first, he was too choked up. He missed you so much between now and when he last saw you, sometime in the 70s, he thinks. Or was it the 80s? He doesn't know and he doesn't care because the comparatively short yet agonizingly long time he's spent without you is over. He wants to hold you, wants to embrace you and never let go, but he knows from experience that you need to remember first, take your time processing what he's about to tell you. Finally, the silence between you breaks.
"You taking the subway?"
"Uh," you chuckle, thrown off by how nice his voice sounds, "yeah." He's conveniently taking the subway too, so you walk there together. It's a comfortable silence as he finally takes in your presance for the first time again in far too long. After some small talk, some banter, after the ice is broken and you have a little rapport going, he nudges your shoulder with his playfully. The little laugh you let out fills him with warmth, and it feels like you're picking up right where you left off.
"You know, this isn't the first time we've met." His accent is hypnotic, and you could listen to him talk for centuries. It's strange, it's bizarre, but you believe him. He can see that you believe him, and after you finally reach your subway stop, he's told you everything. Not everything everything, but the first part. Enough to bring you up to speed. It's just as terrifying as the last time's he's had to tell you that you've been reincarnated and he's known you in every past life, but it makes too much sense. It feels too right for you to deny it. You part ways with his phone number scribbled on a reciept, feeling more fulfilled than you have in a long time. The hardest part for Druig is always warming back up to each other. He wants to spoil you, take you away to some gorgeous little island somewhere where you're pampered and have no responsibilities or stress, where he can hold you and love you day and night. He wants to dive into the deep end, a feeling that he's only ever gotten with you. He'll be able to soon, he reminds himself. You sleep well that night, seeing flashes of your past incarnations with him. You have no idea that as you sleep, Druig is having a conversation with your boss and persuading him to let you leave as soon as you're ready, no two week notice necessary. Your boss's eyes glow gold, mirroring Druig's, as he tells him explicitly to be extra kind to you during your remaining time working for him. Look out for you, take good care of you. You deserve it. You deserve the world, he thinks, and he's going to give you every good part of it he possibly can.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
pairing: edward cullen x fem!reader
word count: 0.9k
warnings: some uncannon edward simping behaviour
summary: edward has never been too fond of sharing his piano, but he won't deny his appreciation for your midnight musical musings when you can't sleep
a/n: inspired by lisa se klavier by the parlotones
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You had no reason to be nervous, settling on the cold wooden chair of the grand piano resting amid the Cullen living room, you were always welcome there- it was a simple unspoken invitation that remained permanently extended to you. Though you’d never been one to overstay your welcome, you could not stay away from the ebony and ivory keys, they called for you no matter how far you’d go and the Cullens were always grateful when you answered said call- no matter the time of day.
Your fingers rested motionless on your lap, eyes wondering over the notes of a song Edward had conveniently forgotten on the music stand, though the man was very much aware that his acts of forgetfulness had never fooled you in the slightest.
“I’ve never seen this one before,” you noted, the steps behind you seizing as he stilled behind you, a silent announcement of his and his family’s presence downstairs- they’d been busying themselves all night, hoping that you’d stop by for a minute or two- Edward, however, hoped for much more than merely a few minutes.
“That’s because it’s new,” Edward explained, being sure to brush a quick kiss to the back of your head before moving to the other side of the piano, mimicking a man without a worry in the world, elbows moving to accommodate him leaning onto the wooden surface, a daring, commanding grin painted on his lips as he waited ever impatiently for you to put an end to the silent night. “Though, I don’t believe that has ever stopped you before,” he hummed, appreciating the way his innocent flirtations earned such a delicate, pure, reaction from your heart.
“Won’t you join me?” you demanded softly, eyes trained on the vintage paper in front of you as you traced the artistic black indentations, they were familiar somehow, like many you’d read before and with a little hum you realized why. “This is one of your originals, after all,” you mused, lucky to have looked up just in time to see his smile broaden momentarily. “I don’t think it’s fair that I’d be the first one to play it.”
“I disagree,” he defended almost instantly, tilting his head to allow his eyes a better view of you, shamelessly tracing your features with an adoring gaze that set your nerves ablaze. “It was written for you, it would only make sense that you’d be the first,” he explained, shrugging lightly at your surprise, unsure how after all this time he could still surprise you and enlighten you with such simple gestures. “Now, would you do your boyfriend the honour,” he nodded suggestively at the keys, hoping that would be all the convincing needed. “You’ve got an audience waiting too, you know.”
“Perhaps,” you began, teasingly pressing down onto one key, smirking as a sort of foolish idea popped into you head. “Edward,” you paused, noticing the little raise of his brow showing that he took his opportunity to slip into your head, curious to see what was holding up the usually eager performance.
“You’re bartering,” he sighed, shaking his head as he moved forward slightly, smiling at the sight of you biting your lips expectantly. “Taking advantage of how I feel about you.”
“Please,” you begged, patting the empty spot beside you expectantly, having to move your hand barely a second later as he slid in next to you. “You’re far too easy to convince.”
“Quite so,” he agreed, rolling his eyes as he flipped the page with the song to reveal the very same song but with lyrics scribbled underneath, Edward’s handwriting flowing into the notes so perfectly it made the concept of him writing a song for you all the more poetic. “Though I love how excited you are with getting your way, I have to insist that you allow me to hear it at least once with just your playing,” he furthered his own barter by gently taking your other hand from your lap and placing it to hover over the keys as well, staying close as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Please,” he whispered, the sound shivering down your spine as you closed your eyes to savour his lips where they left a delicate kiss to your cheek, a sure way to ensure that he’d get his way just as easily.
You cleared your throat, leaning into the arm that draped around your shoulders as you started playing the song, fingers familiar with the way the music surrounded you, piquing the interest of everyone in the house as they walked over to see you, hear you- live with you in the perfect melody created so astonishingly and drafted so eloquently by the love you shared with the man at your side.
En die hele wêreld raak stil en luister in die donker uur na die nag geluide van Lisa se klavier…
twilight taglist: @mirclealignr @cupids-crystals @saintlike78 @scarlet-prey @chaoticgirl04 @a-lil-bit-nuts @imabee-oralizard
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nymphastoriasblog · 2 years
i did this one with Jasper and y’all seemed to like it. I think I am going to write with the others Twilight characters :)
warnings: swearing and Emmett being weird.
pairing: emmett cullen x human!reader
nymphastoria’s masterlist
support my writing buying me a coffee ☕️
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So first of all, Emmett cares about his appearance. Like, a lot.
Even though he can’t age and his skin is flawless, he will still wear some makeup sometimes (usually for fun)
Dating a human has been a quite funny experience to him. He loves to watch you doing human regular things.
And this include him watching you doing your skin care routine completely AMUSED
His eyes literally shined when he first saw how much different and colorful products you keep in your vanity
Every night you’ll be using your regular serum and he will beg for his life to see you using that pink face mask that you recently bought because it’s ✨cute✨
Emmett is always delighted when you ask him to go shopping with you
“I’m not using this, babe, it’s not for my skin type”, you say as he keeps putting things in your basket just because he wants
“I’ll try it on my skin”, he’d say
He doesn’t care if you’re doing your own shit, he wants to sit besides you in your vanity bench and wants you to put all sorts of products in his face
“How do you feel?”, you say after finally put a red face mask on his face
“Fucking delicious”, and the boy will put the most devilish grin in his face
Emmett lived during the 90s and he had created this deep fantasy within him of a skin care date night watching a movie or so
Now that you’re his soulmate, that is possible
So he LOVES to pick a movie (Usually something like Hocus Pocus or maybe Clueless) and sit in your carpet in front of the screen while you wait for the products to dry or to make some effect on your skin
And I have to say that Emmett is the type of person to add comments throughout the movie
I will maybe work on that later but he’s the type to add a joke during a scary scene in a terror movie that will get you wheezing instead of horrified
After a few skin care dates, Emmett developed some good taste in self care products 🤌🏻
I know that he likes his appearance but he was the type of guy to use anything he could reach.
Before you, he would use Rosalie’s shampoo (which makes her furious) and Carlisle conditioner (he doesn’t really care but it’s not for Emmett’s hair type)
But since you’ve started dating, Emmett knows his hair type, your hair type, your skin type and he has memorized every product you use everyday
Now he can go shopping by his own and buy exactly what you need
But you always go with him because it’s so much fun
Sometimes you’re just giggling around the store nonstop because of something Emmett did
Like the time he drop a whole shelf of products when he turned around to your call (and his shoulder hit the shelf)
Emmett is the type of boyfriend to tag you in a Instagram’s post of those influencers skin care products haul
And you LOVE IT because he usually actually buy the products when you seemed to like one in specific
Emmett’s an angel
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shebitesshewrites · 1 year
Drabbles/Excerpts/Concepts from an Edward x O.C. I am working on ✨
Okay so let’s just pretend that Edward HAS loved before - but that his love for Bella eventually is like far deeper obviously, so this is going to be just be him really trying to put his whole Edwardussy into loving someone after seeing Rosalie/Emmett and now Jasper/Alice being so perfect and in love
Let’s pretend that Jasper’s thoughts have driven him out for the moment- right after Jasper and Alice joined them, he’s just getting away from feeling the wave of Jasper’s thirst through his mind everyday, taking it on as his own, remembering his time apart from Carlisle- hearing everyone else remembering his time away from Carlisle, comparing his to Jasper- he just needs a minute
Alice is keeping tabs on him, but trusts that he just needs time to sort this out, the more she interferes the longer it will take him to come home.
I really like the idea of Edward’s interactions with other’s telepathic abilities, and what it is like to be so close to someone- or trying to be close to someone- who knows your whole mind, or KNOWING someone’s whole mind. Like what if he just really really tried to accept everything about someone to find love. I can see him pushing himself to do that- like if he can just find someone whose mind is easy to forgive?
Also Edward struggling with the way Carlisle changes people- if he is truly so concerned with souls and damnation, surely this would get to him in times of weakness- especially when Jasper joins them and is on S T R U G G L E street, it would remind Edward of his early days with Carlisle, why he chose to turn him and Esme, and Rosalie, when they suffer like this so often because of it- and when the only relief they receive is from being coupled (that Rosalie resented this life until Emmett)- yeah you’d start thinking there’s something wrong with you- you’d need a break- you’d try anything to find that relief for yourself no?
Set up / Who / What
So off he pops to NYC night life to be a sad lurker boy- when he runs into Jewel/Julie/Julie/Jay bird (our O.C.), a jazz singer (and for some reason I am so sure I saw somewhere that Edward hates Jazz- but now I cannot find that source for the life of me- but we know 50′s, 60′s is his favourite era of music so I'm sure we can make this some sentimental reason as to why - maybe he hated jazz before meeting her 👀). 
Jewel’s talent is essentially a siren song, which she used to entrance and control men at the club into doing whatever she wants (primarily to throw their money away for her and drumming up business for the bar [she is a businesswoman first and foremost aye] but of course a girls gotta eat). Edward isn’t as affected by it because of the echo (he’s hearing it in her head and everyone else’s so he is more aware of it I guess) but he is intrigued by her- how an immortal can show such control, reminds him of the Cullen's and their ability to attempt an ordinary life- he wonders how she developed such self control on her own.
She spots him in the club during Sinatra's set (yes Frankie is playing in her underground club in this timeline- idc if it doesn’t make sense I tried so hard to make the timeline match up with his shows at the time I stg), she’s upset that he looks like he isn’t enjoying himself, and then she recognises him as an immortal.
They go out for the night- she tries to compel him - it doesn’t work well. She is shocked by the fact he has a “family”. She is similar to Rosalie in this way, she craves a mortal life, and finds the feeding aspect of immortality difficult, because how could she take something away from someone that she so badly wants?
When she learns about his gift they start working in tandem, he picks them out, and she takes them down. Carlisle wouldn’t exactly be pleased, but at least he is controlling his thirst around her. Her thoughts are clearer than Jasper’s at least- she doesn’t kill for the love of it, the way he does, for anything, anyone, something. She seems to only indulge her lust in the moment, then the job is done.
She reminds him of when he used to hunt, only preying on the worst of humanity. He tries to get her to move back with him-
“Maybe we could have what they have?” He likes her, and she just wants family, a community, greater purpose- that’s the closest he’s come to a mind or goals he can align with. He knows her intention is there, and he could make her happy by giving her that. Maybe they could grow to have what Carlisle/Esme have, what everyone else seems to have except him. Is his ability to read minds the only thing stopping him? Perhaps if he just found a mind to.. tolerate. But does she value human life enough?
She doesn’t feed often, because she could never take away a life she wanted so much. But will her disgust for the men that hurt her, the predators who take, will that bloodlust be satiable - will she be able to move past that - with the way immortals struggle with true change?
When they are arguing talking about the Cullens
“Why are you here then?” Jewel questions.
“I just told you I had to get away-”
“No- I mean why are you here and not with them?” her thoughts jumped around with visions of a happily family life, something she thought impossible for their kind.
“It’s not like that.”
“How?” she accused, almost in defense of her vision, of indulging the belief that life could exist for her. Edward frowned. 
“We’re broken, we relapse, we make sacrifices for this life, and we take the lives- the souls- of others without their consent. They don’t get a choice- Carlisle turns them and then they stay, and that’s it.” He snarled at her, eyes dark now, his involvement in the Cullens’ clan growing clearly at the front of his mind- and perhaps the guilt of his inability to stay with them, his relapses, trying to please Carlisle and Esme, to make them proud-
“I said it’s NOT LIKE THAT-” he barked. He had followed her thoughts then.
“So it is just like a real family,” Jewel smirked.
They people watch at the bar, speaking in the hushed way immortals can without being noticed, while Jewel questions him on the mind’s of different passersby.
“He's caught on, you know.” 
“Tony!?” she starts, he nods. She looks up at her ask no questions bartender, never having considered his opinion on her habits before
“But he barely believes it himself, and I doubt he’d do anything about it.” “Has he told anyone?” he sits still for a moment. She’s noticed he does this when he’s… listening, for lack of a better term. She briefly wonders how aware he is of her thoughts in this moment, honed in on someone else's- perhaps hers could go unnoticed. “There’s a girl.” he startled her out of her head again, allowing it to fill with everything she knows about Tony’s life, “They’re not serious- he likes her but…” he smirks, “she’s.. his neighbour? They live in the same building… she’s sort of tolerating him, but he doesn’t want to freak her out with something like this,” he chuckles, a nice change to his otherwise stern façade, “Like maybe if he doesn’t tell anyone it won't be real.”
A joke comes to her mind, and he laughs before she does, “Schrodinger’s Vampire?” 
Their lazy days in bed after um *stuff* just chatting and enjoying the physical contact
“Rosalie would love you.” He laughed and she felt his laughter fill his chest under her palm.
“So does Alice know about me?”
He shrugged, “Probably.” and he drifted off into that familiar silence. She ignored it and laid her head back down on his chest.
Edward realises how cut off she is from the rest of the immortal world- how she has managed to fly under the radar- wouldn’t the volturi have come for her had they known she possesses such a commanding gift?
“The volturi?”
“You don’t know them” he asks, in the way that he does by just stating things before she even forms the words. Vague images of cloaks and blood red eyes, petrified skin, towers and hushed whispers- only imagined, as that one traveling immortal’s tales fill her mind.
“I’ve heard of them, but I've never had anything to do with them, really.”
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mrsprobie · 7 months
Fandom: Twilight
Rating: G
Length: 100
Note: Set after Edward's return at the end of New Moon
Bella looked past Edward to the loose floorboard where he’d stashed her things when he left her behind. She’d forgiven him, of course. Hadn’t she?
It was just that she thought about it a lot, that was all. She’d talked it over with Carlisle – valuing his opinion more than perhaps anyone else’s, including Edward’s and even that of her own father – but he had left the final say with her.
“Only you know if this is a forgivable act,” he had told her, and Bella had decided that of course it was.
She’d already forgiven him, of course. Hadn’t she?
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jpswan · 2 years
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