#beth dutton / muse.
bdutton · 1 year
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aerospectrum · 4 months
this is purely rambling for a canon divergent headcanon for jamie’s backstory that I needed to set free but I’m trying to save the dash sanity with a readmore
semi-inspired by this
It’s a quarter past 10pm when Jamie gets up from his desk. He paces the oversized office, pausing at the window to stare out at the empty car stalls lining the street. This isn’t home; this isn’t even life and certainly not one he ever really wanted. 
He sets his permissions badge on the stack of files placed neatly on the corner of his desk. He stares at the half cold cup of coffee he brewed not twenty minutes earlier that ripples with every footstep he takes towards it. This isn’t what he wants. 
He doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life living under the thumb of a neglectful father who’s never shied away from announcing his disappointment in who he was or was becoming. He can’t stand under the weight of his failures and he doesn’t think he can survive knowing his younger sister’s words were never wrong; the more he became what John wanted the more John hated him. He can’t live with knowing she’s right. He can’t and he won’t. 
There’s a guilt that peels away at his reserve every chance it gets. Beth’s retaliation for his role in destroying her own chances at bringing life into the world eats away at him more than anything. Her constant threats to kill him; to annihilate him off the face of any map that he lingers on sit heavy on the side of things he can’t reconcile. There’s a damage he’s inflicted on her that no amount of regret will ever undo— they were teenagers, terrified of their father’s rage, but still… he didn’t tell her. He didn’t even warn her. He walked her into that clinic knowing they’d take her future from her. He hates himself everyday for it, but he’s never been able to let her know that. And even if she did know, it wouldn’t be enough and she’d spare the energy to beat it into him even deeper than it was: his self-loathing wasn’t enough. 
He feels stripped of his humanity within the Dutton household. He doesn’t belong and he knows in this moment that he never did. He wants to, he’s desperate to. It’s not even about whether he’s blood related or not- there’s something intrinsically wrong within him, he’s reached a brokenness that can’t be returned for a do-over. He doesn’t belong. This isn’t the life he. It never was. 
Maybe it really is nature versus nurture. Maybe he was always going to be some sort of monster the way his biological father was. He should’ve told Kayce that it was his own father who set up the hit on everyone- sparing him for whatever reason, Jamie would never know. He wishes he’d told Kayce. He wishes he’d done everything differently. He wishes he could call him and say goodbye, but Kayce’s gentle understanding would be too harsh a punishment for what Jamie knows he deserves. So he leaves every part of himself behind in that office. 
For a long time he ponders over what John views him as, he tries to decipher what constitutes as cowardice and what counts as growth. He sets his suit jacket and tie down on the back of the chair and slowly unbuttons the collared shirt. sliding the expensive fabric off he throws it in a heap beside the dress pants and shoes. The exposure of cold air to his skin makes his arms bristle and the hair at the nape of his neck stands. He redresses slowly; contemplating leaving a note the entire time. He can’t bring himself to explain anything. He doesn’t want to. He wants to leave no trace of himself. 
He pulls the dark green shirt on, it’s scratchy and almost threadbare, then he slides the mixed shades of auburn plaid on top of it. His jeans are loose and sink against the abrupt curve of his hipbones and his boots are worn in to a comfortable bend, coated with dirt and earth that’s older than him. He sets his cell phones on the ID and permissions badges and stares at the blank screens. He had his numbers disconnected earlier in the day; he recalls the jovial tone he used with the agent; her laughter at his jokes at deciding to live off the grid that were actually real all along. 
Jamie takes the thick packet slapped with some fancy government seal and warning about how the unlawful theft of it was a punishable crime. He roughly stuffs it into the backpack and slings it over his shoulder. “All I’ve ever done is try to protect this family.” He says to the empty office space, lingering at the doorway he turns to look around, trying to engrave the memory of it all one last time. He clicks the switch to the lights off and heads out the back stairwell, where the hall at the end of it spits him out into the empty parking lot. 
There’s a haunting nostalgia that sweeps through his veins and makes his bones creak with an ache that he can’t shake. Each step takes him further than he’s ever thought to go. 
The roads are silent, the wind howls against him, whistling against the asphalt and matching up with his rhythmic inhaling and exhaling. It’s almost sunrise when a truck comes barreling down the dusty side road he’s been on for hours. 
“Where ya headed?” The friendly voice calls out. It’s warm and gruff and reminds him of his father for a split second. He has to think it over for a beat longer than he should’ve, the impatient tap of the man’s hands against his steering wheel pulls Jamie’s focus back to the moment. 
“Somewhere far… out of state.” He scrounges the answer up as best as he can; he feels like luck is one his side with how easily his identity seems to slide under the radar. 
He traveled all across the states after the first ride. Each time he’d invent a new idea for himself. He grew his hair long, no long needing to plaster it down to his head or keep it trimmed and under control for the office or his families public presence. Sometimes he’d grow a beard and hide behind the disguise of dirt and little sleep. His missing status was difficult at the start; every once in a while a lone driver would offer him and ride and stare at him like he was a ghost. Then it would click and they’d begin to pry, asking him if he knew he was the missing AG or ask him if he needed help back to Montana. They were always well meaning, but he’d brush it off and insist he was nothing more than an intensely familiar doppelgänger. Or he’d lie through his teeth and create an elaborate backstory for why he was traveling. They’d eat it up and drop him off where he needed and he’d leave before they could contact any sort of law enforcement or officials about his whereabouts. 
Nearly five years passed before people stopped recognizing him. His thick black hair had gotten long and taken on a salt and pepper hue, coupled with the facial hair he blended into his surroundings well enough that he’d started to put roots down. He even let himself come out of the closet he’d been forced into as a young teen and for once he was happy, genuinely happy.
He frequented a bar near the river and had become close friends with most of the bartenders there. Sometimes they’d try to work their way into his past, but he’d learned how to decipher their tricks and he cultivated a good enough backstory that they’d buy it and even seem willing to let it be the part of his past he didn’t want to talk about. They never tried to tempt him with any sort of bait and switch tactics; they’d just listen and offer advice. He was slowly finding his own identity and becoming someone he felt ok with being. 
It was early in the evening when his phone lit up on the tabletop, an unknown number. He laughs at something the bartender says to him and grabs the small device out of habit. His smile is warm and it finally reaches his eyes. It’s a type of happiness he only felt when he was a young teen and his mother would tell him he was the luckiest decision she got to make. Before she died. Before his father let it be known through his actions that the land was his true love. Before Beth and him became insufferable mortal enemies. Before, before, before…
He doesn’t know why he answered it. It’s probably an old muscle memory that rears up from his political law days. He slides the screen to answer followed by a grimace at his stupidity. “Hello?” He asks, his heart drops deep into his stomach when she speaks back. 
“You’re a hard one to find.” 
“How did you get this number?”
“I’m coming to get you… you’re coming back.”
“Goodbye, Beth.” He hangs up the phone and the bartender notices how his smile has fallen, replaced with a guilt she only ever sees hardened criminals and people running from a past they can’t escape swimming in. 
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onlydevilsleft · 4 months
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"Oh. here it comes..." Her simple emphasis was enough to tell him it wasn't what he'd say that she'd been expecting. "I was wondering when you'd come home, slinking in the back door like a beaten stray, afraid of the broom. Of anything really..." She watched his eyes as they took in the room. Doors and windows and corners, too. Any and all escape routes. Places to hide or that someone could hide from his line of sight. All her speculation of his behavior of course. All her perception. She hadn't really bothered to get to know him since they were kids and... "Well, don't just stand there like a cum rag at the end of the jerk-off... What the fuck do you want!?"
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atl0yalty · 2 years
                    [          how long has it been since you slept?          ]          /          it's subtle. barely perceptible to the human eye, but her hand shakes. cigarette caught between two fingers, eyes unblinkingly fixed on the rising sun as she leaned over the porch, eyes on what she can see of the bunkhouse from here. she heard the door open, so beth doesn't startle when he talks, but there's a notable tension riddled throughout her body as she slowly rises to a stand, turning her back on the dawning light to flit her stare over to her brother.     there's a surge of ire that grows inside her at his questioning glance, the softness of his voice making her itch-     she looks like shit, and she feels like shit, but she doesn't need to be treated like she's made of glass because of it.
                 a scathing 'fuck off' sits on her tongue, but she swallows it with a drag, smoke masking the vitriol that usually comes to her with such ease.          '          what day is it?          '          she drawled with rasped voice, nose twitching as she tried swallow her breath.     the bruising still to heal on her neck made that difficult.     reaching down, she braced herself on the ledge as she shifted back and up, swinging her legs over to straddle the wood, drawing one leg slowly up to keep her balance.
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                        it's a joke. a poor one, at that. but a joke as the barest of smiles touch her split lips. her green eyes linger on him for a moment before her head turns, and beth takes to staring back at the ranch.          '          y'know i don't sleep much, kace.          '          but this is different. beth knows it, and she knows @mythsonly knows it too. her head lulled back against the post behind her as she smothered a yawn with her cigarette, inhaling deeply and holding it inside her, as if it would disguise just how unsettled she is, and had been, since that night. silence reigns before beth breaks it, turning her head back to her brother.          '          don't tell dad.          '
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dmned · 3 months
new muse
beth dutton (yellowstone)
removed muses
alice fletcher
frank griffin
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hclfgoddess · 1 year
So, my muse list link isn’t working. Until I fix it/update it, here is a list of my muses:
Meredith Grey
Arizona Robbins
Mark Sloan
Teddy Altman
Amelia Shepherd
Carina Deluca
Maura Isles
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Henry Mills
Belle French
Ruby Lucas
Beth Dutton
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Laura Hollis
Melinda Gordon
Lorelai Gilmore
Rory Gilmore
(animated muses)
Toph Beifong
Asami Sato
Amity Blight
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne
Lilith Clawthorne
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imdonnalynn · 1 year
A little bit about me…
Far as online is concerned, I would be recognized as a muse-stricken fanfiction writer. I started writing fan fiction 23 years ago on fanfiction.net. The first work posted online was Party with the Old Fly-Boys, fandom was JAG and the ship was Harm/Mac, that was September of 2000. And it went from there… Over time, I wrote 100 pieces of work for 26 fandoms ranging from books, television and movies and 27 different ships’. Since, my works have been purged (found only on my inactive LiveJournal) because they no longer reflect me as a writer. For years I’ve been trying to get back on the saddle, but my muse only goes as far as the ideas. Soon as I try to transcribe to paper or type it, I draw a major blank. Writer’s block for the last two decades has been disheartening. I still try, leaving things in my drafts and such but I usually just end up deleting it all and starting completely over. Amazing how one can feel like they’re on top of the moon writing to not being able to muster even a drabble.
Outside of writing? I’m a full-time mom to 2 autistic sons. Wife to a marine veteran, Semper Fi and thank a veteran or active member for their service they will appreciate it. And to top that already full plate I am a full-time daughter to my mothers. If I’m not taking care of something to do with them then I’m dealing with the horde of animals, we have. 9 dogs and 18 cats we have strays coming in all the time. I basically run a rescue all on my own and with my own money (but not a legit rescue just FEELS like I’m running a rescue).
What do I love?
Yellowstone I don't know that I will finish watching this series after all the behind-the-scenes drama with Sheridan and Costner. I just don't think they can pull off a decent ending to a train wreck without Costner coming back. 1923 I can’t wait for season 2, I’m beginning to lean toward Spencer and Alex being the grandparents of John Dutton III in Yellowstone. Shame this series has the been the best of the Yellowstone Universe thus far. Outlander I'm going to finish the series out however it finishes but I'm drained with it. The way they have structured their last three or four seasons has been a rollercoaster, slow then rushed and it's took a lot of the joy out of watching. Reacher Season 3 still has Neagley coming back to do her usual bonding with Reacher so I will continue to tune in every season. Though I will say I liked the writing and pace in season 1 better than season 2. The Terminal List Looking forward to where this goes next season and I'm definitely looking forward to the spin-off for Taylor Kitsch. Stranger Things I resisted watching this show simply because everyone loved it and I didn't want to admit it was good. It is good, it's great even and I can't wait for the final chapter of this awesome constructed series. Reminds me how well the Babylon 5 series was. Marvel Cinematic Universe I have been a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since The Avengers. Since that moment I have been an avid MCU fan. I am not a comic fan or expert, the extent of my comic knowledge comes from the many other experts I have watched online talking about these incredible complex stories.
Who do I love?
Beth Dutton from Yellowstone. I relate to her in so many ways, like her no bullshit attitude and utter dying devotion to family. Where we differ, I don’t smoke cigarettes, I don’t drink alcohol anymore, and I would LOVE to own Yellowstone Dutton Ranch GLADLY. She hates it and would have no qualm selling it once her father passes but while he is alive, she will defend it to her last breath. Beth doesn’t let anyone scare her, she won’t let anyone get that satisfaction from her ever again since her mother died and since she lost the ability to have children. (side note: Beth has a shit ton of trauma from her childhood that contributes to her erratic often childish behavior when she lashes out, but I still love her it's what makes her the most human of them.)
Wanda Maximoff from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Most particularly in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and before you say anything let me explain. I have two sons, like Wanda did, and a husband, like Wanda did. And I imagine what it would be like to lose my husband and my children...the grief that would consume me would no doubt turn me evil, and I'm not using the word lightly. If I were in Wanda's position in Multiverse of Madness with that grief and guilt and the Darkhold in my possession anyone who stood in my way would be fucked, like the Illuminati. The only thing that would be able to stop me would be my boys, just like Wanda. And like Wanda, when she realized what she had become and how her own boys perceived her...it was enough to turn her away from the dark path and truly LOVE her sons...which is what I would hope I would do because I would only hope their love would be enough to bring me back from that place.
SHE WILL GET HER OWN SOLO MOVIE BET IT WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON! (update 8/6/24 - there was no announcement of anything related to Scarlet Witch at San Diego Comic-Con)
Why did I write and post this?
I managed to actually write it out fairly quick, so you damn right I’m posting it! May not be a story but its about me so I guess in a way it is a story.
Requests for stories and Asks welcome!
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fortitudina · 8 months
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Like this post for a starter from one of my humans listed below. Please specify which angel you'd like, otherwise it'll be left open-ended. Multimuses, please also specify which muse you'd like the starter for.
Abby Walker
Beth Dutton
Chloe Decker
Conrad Hawkins
Ella Lopez
Hannibal Lecter
Linda Martin
Mary Crawley
Mary Stuart
Matt Casey
Monica Long-Dutton
Mycroft Holmes
Nancy Perez
Nancy Wheeler
Sherlock Holmes
Tommy Shelby
Waverly Earp
Wynonna Earp
Anastasia Grey
Pete Mitchell
Charlotte Holmes
Massimo Toricelli 
Cadie Moore
Cillian Brockhurst
Eliza Campbell
Evanora Melchoir
Guinevere Voigt
Iris Russell
Johanna Carter
Moriah Frearson
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
name : reign pronouns : she / her most active muses : idk about active but highest muses right now are beth dutton ( duhton ), regina mills, tony stark, jackie taylor, quinn corday, paige barlow and shelby callahan. rp pet peeves : no tags on posts at all. idk why. it just bothers me. they don't have to be fancy or anything. just any tag will do. experience / how many years : uhm. i technically consider my start in indie rp as 2013 so eleven years now. jfc. fluff, angst or smut : all of the above. angst mostly, smut second. i don't write a lot of cutesy shit but i should. i want to. but mostly angst and i enjoy smut. i'm happy with anything tbh. plots or memes : also both. i love plotting. i can get real into it, in depth, and i sometimes feel i come on a bit strong. but in saying that, i also love memes. they're a great starting point to figure out how muses vibe and winging it from there is always fun. long or short replies : long. not stupid long ( anymore ) like eight+ paras. but a decent reply. i get carried away sometimes, it's hard for me to keep things short. i can start it relatively short like a one-liner or so. but at some point i will write too much on my end. time to write : i always have the most muse and motivation to write when i can't aka when i'm at work or when i'm in bed. otherwise i typically write after work when i can or on days off, usually early in the morning before my focus starts to drift. i always have to have something on to watch / listen to while i'm writing though. i can't write in silence. are you like your muse ? : absolutely not. i have a type for sure, usually either badass women with severe trauma, so called "villains" that have a tendency to self-sabotage, or middle aged hot moms. also blondes, for some reason. all of which i am not. there are a couple rare exceptions to the above but for the most part, i am a predictable bitch when it comes to female characters and what i'll write / pick up.
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tagged by : @cultfic 🤍 tagging : @petrosy4n, @nereidae, @am4zon, @manu-script, + everyone !
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honedroots · 10 months
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a yellowstone inspired role play blog for an original character; SCARLETT JANE DUTTON. youngest child of john & evelyn dutton, sister to lee, beth, kayce, & jamie dutton. a headstrong, smart, compassionate, fierce, & dedicated young woman, whose willing to go to any lengths if it means protecting her family. LAWYER ( portrayed in early to mid thirties. ) daughter, horse rider, animal lover, law school graduate, beloved sister, sinner, a damn force to be reckoned with. independent, HIGHLY SELECTIVE, & private. triggering themes present, 21+ only. 93' she ╱ her pronouns. established june 2021, REMADE november 2023.
headcanons. │ doc. │ character study.
I.  before even following,  please make sure you are a decent human being.  in other words,  BE KIND !!!  if you start drama,  offend others,  are transphobic,  homophobic,  racist,  or anything along those lines,  you will be hard blocked.  i don’t have time for any of that disrespect in my life.
II.  i am a  MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE  roleplay blog who thrives off of mun to mun interactions and  plotting.   i will not follow back minors,  only 21+.  i am not here to gain a high follower count.  intention of sending you a follow is a way of showing that i am interested in writing with your muse.
III.  medium  ACTIVITY  but could be  somewhat sporadic at times.  i work full time and have a busy schedule when i get home.   if we roleplay together,  please never feel rushed.  i want to create a safe,  friendly,  and drama free atmosphere for everyone.
IV.  when it comes to  SHIPPING  our muses,  i’m all about chemistry.  as much as  i adore shipping,   i prefer plotting before it gets to that point.  that way it feels more mutual than pushed.  always feel free to message me if you want to further explore any dynamics.
V.  as far as TRIGGERS go,  i don’t have many.  however,  if you roleplay rape,  incest,  or any other disturbing content,  you will be hard blocked.
VI.  if you have any  QUESTIONS,  please always feel free to reach out to me through messages or just ask for my discord.   i appreciate you taking the time to go through these simple guidelines !
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bdutton · 1 year
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RANDOM MUSING: Does anyone else ever feel physically exhausted after they finish a long binge watch? // Survivor of a three season binge of 911. You want the peanut M&Ms?
Beth Dutton will murder us in our sleep! 😂
I am now selling I Survived the Five Season Yellowstone Marathon tee-shirts on Cafe Press.
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
Beth Dutton had strong feelings about many things, including her own sister. Beth didn’t have the greatest of outlooks on Ada, due to the fact of who her mother was, even though Ada had no knowledge of her own mother.
Ada had went to Beth’s office in Bozeman to take her something from John. “Beth?” She stepped in past her secretary. “Dad said this needed to come to you now.” There was no love lost between the two of them.
As soon as the door opened she could tell who it was without the addition of the voice. Just the foot falls felt forced, extra hard like the person was stomping. Just like the youngest and most immature of the Duttons, to throw a tantrum in an office building. In full view of the public. An apparent adult...
"Adeline, this is a place of work. Keep your clod-hopping to a minimum, okay? When mom said to pick up your fucking feet when you walk, she didn't mean try to make dents in the floor." Bethany Dutton said all this without looking up, stubbing out her cigarette. When the cold eyes finally came up she held out her hand for the packet, nonchalant. "I'd say it's been a pleasure, but..." Her head lolls to the side as she tosses the packet in her hand now, down onto the desk. "Why are you still here?" She asked, callously. "You do remember where the door was when you came in, right?"
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atl0yalty · 1 year
         what aren't you telling me?          /         instinct forces a mean-spirited scoff through her lips, directed at her younger brother out of habit rather than genuine ire- @mythsonly is not immune to her wrath, though he tended to avoid the vitriolic tongue lashing she so often engaged in when interacting with her siblings, being the youngest, more than anyone. even her father cannot escape her when she's in a mood. and today, her mood is in fine form. " if i wrote it all down kace, i could fill a fuckin' library with the shit i don't tell you. " muttered words only slightly slurred by the alcohol on her breath ( beth's been drinking hard liquor since she was fifteen, her tolerance is higher than most-but she's never not affected ) it sits in her chest with a warmth far too familiar to be healthy, the burn in her throat long since tapered- glass forgone, the bottle rests in her lap as she sits cross-legged on the sofa in the great room. sweet solitude now ruined by her brother's company, but she's not as bothered by it as she pretends to be.
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          looking up at him with wet eyes, though she refused to call them tears, beth grit her teeth, locked her jaw, and expelled a tired breath. " sorry, " an apology from beth is rare, but true. she means it when she says it. holding out the bottle to him as an offering, she turned her eyes back on the fire burning in the hearth. " you're better off not knowin' little brother, trust me- you don't want this. " knowing things, knowing beth, it wouldn't do him any good. their father often said she was capable of evil, and he's right. she's the last resort, the worst of the worst, the alternative. but kayce, he's the best of them. the only good in their family lives in him. " you were out, kayce. you should've stayed out. "
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Plot with me in messages first so I know what is going on and who the muses are going to be and their relationship to each other.
Smut with only people over 21+ and MUST be discussed in messages first.
No slurs or call-out culture or drama.
If you are uncomfortable with something that I’m doing or with my muses, tell me in messages. Don’t make a vague call-out post.
You can message and submit asks multiple times in a row, but please be patient with me when it comes to answering them because sometimes, I don’t get the muses right away or they are in a different mood than the ask requires.
I don’t deviate from my ship list unless it is discussed with the person in question that has that muse.
I don’t do “special verses” and have family members in relationships with each other. Alternate universes, yes but only if it is discussed.
Bold is Canon characters; Italics is Original Characters
Amelia Frances Shepherd. FC: Caterina Scorsone (Mostly roleplayed on Discord but can be RPed with by request)
Lilith “Lily” Michele Page. FC: Agnes Bruckner. (By request)
Regina Maria Mills. FC: Lana Parrilla. (Mainly played on Discord)
Carter Dutton Wheeler. FC: Finn Little. (Secondary muse)
Evelyn James Dutton. FC: Gretchen Mol. (Main/secondary muse)
Elias Dalton Wheeler. FC: Lucas Till. (Secondary muse)
Rip Wheeler. FC: Cole Hauser. (Secondary muse)
Melissa Arceneaux Dutton. FC: Odette Annable. (Secondary muse)
Nadia Halstead. FC: Raegan Revord. (Secondary muse)
Michaela Peters. FC: Maggie Lawson. (Secondary muse)
Rachel Munch. FC: Lily Collins. (Secondary muse)
Amelia Shepherd: Arizona Robbins. Bisexual
Lily Page: Emma Swan, Killian Jones, Ruby Lucas. Bisexual
Regina Mills: Emma Swan, Maleficent. Bisexual 
Carter Wheeler: none at the moment. Straight
Melissa Dutton: Lee Dutton. Straight.
Elias Wheeler: none at the moment. Bisexual.
Rip Wheeler. Beth Dutton. Straight.
Nadia Halstead: none at the moment. Straight
Michaela Peters: none at the moment. Straight
Evelyn Dutton: John Dutton. Straight.
Rachel Munch: Her husband Elijah, another OC of mine. Straight.
AO3: hcllfirexxandxxhclywater | Archive of Our Own
Discord: hcllfirexxandxxhclywater#8799
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fcrgedhearts · 5 days
Britt | 25 | EST | TVD muses mostly smh
My only friends here are @volonox @dearests kdfl'smd
Muses: Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Caroline Forbes, Rosalie Hale, Beth Dutton... More to come prob
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