flashhwing · 2 years
You just know Bethany would blush everytime Nate calls her "My lady..." he may be a warden and a rogue but he was raised a noble and then trained with knights and she would be mush around him 🥺
SHE WOULD BE SO BLUSHY it would be so cute!! I don't imagine the timing or logistics of this working at all but Nate like being there when she wakes up from her Joining and helping her through the transition .... Bethany may lowkey hate being a warden but she sees Nate practicing archery shirtless one (1) time and like .......... can't deny that view
the one and only bad thing is that Carver ain't there to tease the absolute shit out of her
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alstroermeria · 3 months
I hate to be that person, but I just realized that between the beginning of DAO and DA4 there's about a 23/24 year gap, so you know... how to put it-
I don't think HoF and Alistair during Veilguard will be alive (or in good shape anyway), unless in the time between DAI and DA4 they have found a cure for the Calling.
David Gaider said in this 2012 interview:
"Thirty years is the maximum that you could probably expect. It's going to vary for an individual according to their willpower and the level of their interaction with the darkspawn. During a Blight you can expect that the Gray Wardens are going to have shorter lifespans. Outside of a Blight the Gray Wardens would tend to live longer. We have instances in the game of people going on their Calling after five or ten years quote shouldn't be taken as gospel, that's the way I like it. "
And probably everyone who became Gray Warden in the time between Awakening and the first act of DA2 will also be close to their Calling in Dragon Age the Veilguard.
i'm gonna cry
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morrigan-le-faye · 4 months
Likelihood of companions showing up in Veilguard: my thoughts
So, I was thinking about Veilguard and who I want to come back, so here’s my take on who I think is coming back!
Warden: lol no bitch, we’re never seeing them again. That would require giving them a voice and personality. Likelihood is we get another letter.
Alistair: We’re pretty far from Ferelden, if you made him king I could see him getting a mention but not marching his ass up to Tevinter/Rivain/Antiva/the Anderfels. Possibly another letter. If you kept him a warden, he’s either dead or could possibly show up in the Anderfels? I could see whoever got left in the fade tying in with the Veil Jumper plotline, maybe.
Morrigan: Possibly? Theres a possibility if she drank from the well she’s now bound to Solas because of him killing Mythal. I could see the Veil fuckery doing some weird shit to Kieran though.
Leliana: If you made her Divine, definitely. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t say so. She had such a big role in Inquisition, I don’t see her playing a huge role here.
Zevran: We’re in Antiva, we better see the boy! He is canonically with a romanced Warden in Inquisition, but I could see him taking a break from that to take care of Antivan things for a bit.
Wynne: canonically dead. Sad for her. RIP mage granny.
Sten: He’s the Arishok now, I see him tying into the Qunari plotline.
Oghren: please god no.
Shale: I hope so, but since she was DLC I would doubt it.
Loghain: He’s dead babe. Either you killed him in Origins or I’m assuming like nobody saved him in the Fade in Inquisition, and see what I said about the Veil Jumpers in Alistair’s section.
The Awakening Squad (minus Anders/Justice): doing this as a collective cause I’m not typing all that out. Probably not. Might see a couple of them if we go to Weisshaupt while we’re in the Anderfels.
Hawke: If you left them in the fade, again, could show up with the Veil Jumpers. Since there is a possibility they’re dead, I could see them just sending a “hey I’m fine in Kirkwall” message if they’re alive.
Anders: maybe, maybe not. This game seems like it’ll have less emphasis on the Mage/Templar conflict, but we haven’t seen him since 2, so who knows.
Fenris: We’re in Tevinter, I’m hoping he shows up! Let us help him kill slavers please.
Merrill: Seeing how Solas’s agents use the eluvian network, I could see her showing up again. Possibly with the Veil Jumpers
Isabella: I don’t think so. If she shows up, might be part of the Lords of Fortune plotline.
Sebastian: No. Might get referenced, but he is DLC.
Aveline: I don’t think so either. I think she’s too busy keeping things together in Kirkwall. Also ACAB includes Aveline.
Carver/Bethany: If you made them wardens, possibly show up in the Anderfels? But seeing how customizable their appearances are, I doubt it.
Blackwall/Rainier: Again, possibly in the Anderfels. Or elsewhere if he didn’t get recruited into the wardens.
Bull: I hope so, I wanna see the chargers for at least one mission. But since he can be dead if you kept him loyal to the Qun, don’t have high hopes.
Cassandra: if you made her divine, sure. I could also see her leading remnants of the inquisition if she isn’t divine.
Dorian: We’re in Tevinter. If Varric or Harding don’t mention they have a magister friend that can help, I’m going to be very disappointed.
Vivienne: Again, if she’s divine, yes. If she’s not, probably a letter writing cameo.
Cole: I could see him having a very cool plotline with the Veil breaking down and him either being a spirit with human elements or a human with spirit elements.
Sera: I could see the Friends of Red Jenny playing a role, if not her specifically.
Bonus Advisors:
Josephine: Maybe. Could see her helping with Inquisition remnants like Cassandra.
Cullen: No, cause Greg Ellis is an asshole.
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tethrras · 4 months
just remembered i gave hilda and alistair a girlfriend for ser pounce-a-lot and i'm stressing myself out thinking about where lady rarely-pounces is during inquisition. should i headcanon alistair took her to skyhold and carried her around in a baby sling
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
It's Friiiiiday!! Could I get me some angst please: "When did the lies start?" - forrrr perhaps Anders and a character of your choice, or whoever you think will fit. Happy writing! :D
Happy Fridaaaaaaay! For @dadrunkwriting
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Anders winced as a piece of a building cracked and thundered down to the street. Bethany's arm was like a vice around his arm as she dragged him and Hawke through Lowtown. Marian barely spoke and seemed almost dazed.
He glanced at her again. More than dazed really. In shock. "Bethy, we should-"
"It's 'Warden,' Anders. You don't fucking know me and you don't call the shots," she snarled.
He stopped suddenly, and Bethany jerked to a halt so hard that she swung Marian almost into a circle around her. "I don't," he agreed. "But I know her, and she's about to pass out if you don't give her a moment."
Bethany glared at him but didn't argue. She pulled Marian to an alley and sat her down, not hard, but definitely not gently. Anders gave them their space and rubbed his arms to stave off the chill in his bones. He'd done it. They'd done it. It was messy and brutal and not all the way he'd wanted it to go, but at least now the mages in the Gallows would have a chance.
"When did the lies start?"
Anders spun around, staff flaring bright, only to find Nate. He sighed and left the magic fizzle out. "Does it matter?"
Nate pointed at the Hawke sisters. "It does to them."
"Like the void it does," Anders snapped. "If you're pissed at me, just say so."
"Idiot, I'm furious," Nate hissed.
This fight already? He squared his shoulders and stood to his full height. "Mages deserve-"
"I'm furious you lied, you martyring shit!" Nate caught his shirt collar and pulled him close, nostrils flaring. "Both of you," he growled. "Justice, how could let him do this alone?"
Justice surged up through his skin. "He is never alone."
Nate leaned away, but didn't let go. He took a deep breath. "You're not the only one who cares about him, who cares about all of this." He pointed to Hawke. "Look at her. Look at what you've done to her. You lied to her, then you tried to make her kill you."
Justice shook their head. "We did what was necessary."
"No, you did it because you were a coward," he retorted. "The commander would've taken on the First Warden or the bloody Divine if you'd just come home, or even sent a blasted letter. We could've helped you, but no, you both were too busy isolating each other to remember how many of us actually cared. About you and about this."
Justice recoiled as if struck and sank back down, leaving Anders feeling like half of his body had taken a step back. His throat felt tight and his eyes burned. "Even . . . seeing what - seeing this?" He waved a hand back toward Hightown. "Nate, I don't regret it, but this, how can you say-"
He was suddenly pressed against the wall by the force of Nate's fierce kiss. Surpise mixed with confusion, desire mixed with guilt, and somehow he found himself tilting his head to kiss him back, sliding his hand up into his hair.
Time stood still. Nothing mattered but Nate, and Anders surrendered in relief. Marian might hate him, and everyone else too, but Nate didn't, and maybe that would be enough. He drank in every sensation, the warmth of the arms around him, the harsh breaths on his skin, the teeth rasping along lips, the throbbing of -
A high pitched whistle made them both jump.
"Told you," Bethany said to Hawke as they parted. "I might’ve been fucking him, and he might’ve been fucking you, but they were just waiting for each other again. You didn't mean shit, you didn't do shit, and now the city's on fucking fire. Let's go."
What? Anders pushed Nate away as he stumbled toward them. "Marian, I that’s not-"
Hawke caught his hands, keeping him from falling, and kissed his palm. "I know." She shot a venomous look at Bethany. "You said you're not my sister anymore, and that goes both ways: it’s been six years, and you don't know shit about him or me." Her fingers squeezed his as she stood up and dusted her shirt off. A wasted effort, considering the way the rubble kept falling. "Anders is a terrible liar. And anything I didn't know was because I didn't ask." She swung a baleful glare toward Nate, and the anger in it made Anders glad she wasn't a mage. A look that could kill wasn't just a euphemism, after all.
"You want to know when the lies started?" Marian asked in a low dangerous voice. "How about when you and your fucking Wardens said he'd be safe?" She pulled him close, shielding him with her body as she turned back to Bethany. "Warden this, Commander that. Anders can do whatever he wants, but it won't be because either of you guilted him into it. You didn't give enough of a shit to check on him for years, and now you're just gonna waltz in and try to take him back? Piss on that, piss on you, and piss especially on whoever thought I’d stop loving him for doing what no one else had the balls to." She sighed and shook her head. "And now, Warden Amell, we'll save my fucking city."
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geopvnk · 26 days
warden bethany x sigrun and warden carver x nathaniel howe . is anybody out there can anybody hear me
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heshwalkers · 9 months
Gray Wardan Carver is so good and I'll forever be bitter we don't see much of that
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greekfamily · 1 year
Our request rules
The person that requests something must Put the name of the person they want to answer the request
We all do Greek Gods, Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Marvel, and Norse Gods
We all will write LGBTQ+ (no smut for 16 or 17 year olds), Crossover, Character x Character, Character x Reader (see pinned post for names and ages)
OC rules= they are the kids of the main relationship that you chose
Neo, Xan, Iris, Bethany, Elias, Medea Short stories no smut
Zedhyrx(Nyx), Athena, Timon, Maia, Kora, Ariah Short stories with smut, Incorrect Quotes, HC, AU, OC
Luren, Nico, Nathaniel, Jenn, Ares Incorrect Quotes, HC, AU, OC
Kassi, Zephyr, Eris, Peter, Ana, Lea Mood boards, Quotes, HC, AU, OC
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justabrowncoatedwench · 4 months
Dragon Age NPC Ages in DA: The Veilguard
This assumes that the 9 10 years between Dragon Age Inquisition and Dragon Age: The Veilguard refer to the Trespasser DLC (as in the last time Varric would have seen Solas; confirmed in Dev Q&A on 6/14/24). This places DAV in 9:54. Characters who showed up in a previous game will not be repeated in the lists for later games they also appeared in (i.e., Leliana is under DAO, not DAI).
Read more for length & spoiler reasons. The ages listed are assuming they have not had their birthday in 9:54 yet.
ETA1: I used the ages & evidence summarized by @dalishious in this post, superseding those ages with newer evidence where available or my own interpretation of textual evidence (when given a range I personally favor smack in the middle more often than not).
ETA2: Changed year/ages to reflect the Q&A information that Veilguard is 10 years post-Trespasser, not 9 as originally stated.
Dragon Age: Origins - 9:30 - 24 years prior
Alistair Theirin - 43
Morrigan - 49
Leliana - 50
Zevran Arainai - 48
Oghren Kondrat - 66
Wynne - RIP (would've been 71)
Shale - Eternal
Sten (now Arishok) - 67
Loghain Mac Tir - 75
Anora Mac Tir - 50
Dragon Age: Awakening - 9:31 - 23 years prior
Nathaniel Howe - 53
Anders - 54
Sigrun - 48
Velanna - 48
Dragon Age 2 - 9:30-9:37 - 24-17 years prior
Hawke - 48
Carver/Bethany Hawke - 43
Fenris - ~54
Isabela - 54
Merrill - ~47
Sebastian Vael - 46
Aveline Vallen - ~59
Varric Tethras - 53
Dragon Age Inquisition - 9:41-9:44 - 13-10 years prior
Josephine Montilyet - 41
Cullen Rutherford - 42
Cassandra Pentaghast - 50
Solas - ~2000 (appears mid-40s)
Sera - 33
Vivienne de Fer - 57
Blackwall/Thom Rainier - 58
the Iron Bull - 50
Dorian Pavus - 42
Cole - Ageless (appears 20, or he may have aged into his 30s if he were made more human in DAI)
Kieran - 22
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bioware · 4 months
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On International Family Day, we are celebrating the unique bond of 'found family' that is central to the world of Dragon Age.
Family isn't just about blood; it's the people who stand by your side and who you choose to surround yourself with. Our companions stand with us in the face of darkspawn and demons, share in our victories and struggles, and make Thedas feel like home. 
Image credits (From Twitter/X unless otherwise specified): Alistair by Eriartdotnet Leliana by Kalaelizabeth Zevran by LarkOneironaut Morrigan by Itsmerhi Oghren by Aristotem Wynne by Geirahod Mabari by MelonaDraws Loghain by _ChevalierLogan Sten by BonkS0undEffect Shale by Elefluff Nathaniel by Hanatsuki89 Justice by Drathe90 Anders by Llysaan Carver by _Eleonorp Bethany by GreenfinchG Aveline by Matchamori Sebastian by Matthewyeez Isabela by Fae Merrill by IAmClarex2 Fenris by Loustica_Lucia Tallis by Kiwi_Pon Cassandra by KharisKreations Varric by Haverdoodles Solas by ElbenherzArt Iron Bull by Tsukioreo Dorian by TrashWarden Josephine by Bbquinn_ Sera by Inquisibrenda Cullen by magicaltia (Insta) Vivienne by LazareGvimradze Cole by Vyrkolach Blackwall by Mogwaei
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thatrandombystander · 23 days
Personal tier list of how likely I think past companions are to make a proper on screen appearance in Veilguard
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S tier: Morrigan, Varric and Solas are already confirmed.
A tier: We're going to Tevinter, Maevaris Tilani is confirmed to be making an appearance. Dorian has connections to both, is well-liked among fans, and there's story room to explore with him especially in relation to the Shadow Dragons faction and his mission to better Tevinter. If he doesn't appear I will be legitimately shocked.
B tier: All three are fan favourite and I would be surprised if none of these three appear, although I don't expect to see all three. - We're going to Antiva and the Crows are involved in the game, Zevran fits in perfectly. - We're going to Rivain and the Lords of Fortune faction sounds incredibly suited to Isabela. - We're going to Tevinter and Fenris provides perspective as a character directly impacted by slavery in the Magisterium and he has been well featured in comics.
C tier: I think these characters have a good chance but I would still be pleasantly surprised to see them. - I can see Leliana, Cassandra or Vivienne appearing in-game as the Divine, although they may just be referenced via a letter or dialogue. If the Divine doesn't make an appearance I doubt any one of them would appear at all. - Shale has been in Tevinter and I can see them making a brief cameo appearance. - Merrill I think could appear in Arlathan Forest with the Veil Jumpers, but at the same time I feel like the devs might want to avoid including her especially since they've hinted at our protag having good reason to dislike blood magic? Although would love her Dalish perspective on the awakened Elvhen gods - Cole I can see making an appearance (maybe with the Inquisitor) as one of the only characters sympathetic to Solas as a person at this point
D tier: I think these characters appearing is unlikely but could still happen - Alistair has too many possible current states that feel like they'd be difficult to incorporate at this point. King? Warden? Drunkard? Trapped in fade? - Maybe Sten could appear among Qunari but I don't see any particular reason for him as the current Arishok to appear. - I would LOVE for Velanna to make an appearance. She would be SO GOOD to appear in Arlathan Forest as a Dalish perspective with her respect for their stories and history. Unfortunately being an Awakening character lowers her chances. - Anders my beautiful favourite is just too controversial and risky to include, plus I'm not sure how much he relates to the new game. This bad boy needs to be deployed when The Themes are right. - Blackwall, Iron Bull and Josephine all could easily make an appearance depending on what sort of direction the devs go with plot and events, but at the moment I don't have a reason to believe they would
F tier: I would be shocked to see any of these characters in game. - Wynne? Canonically died in the novels. - Loghain? Already had pay-off for keeping him alive via Inquisition appearance. Too many current fates (Dead, Warden, trapped in Fade) to make the effort worth the result. - Oghren? Do I even need to explain. - Nathaniel and Sigrun as mere Awakening companions (thus not as popular or well known) with little connection to the Veilguard story makes me doubt they will appear (even though I love them both dearly.) - Aveline and Sebastian are busy with their respective jobs, have little to do with the Veilguard plot, and are not very popular. - Bethany and Carver have too many current fate options and feels kinda pointless to include them in game unless Hawke is somehow relevant - Cullen... lol only if they recast him but I think Greg Ellis dug the character's grave. - Sera isn't that well liked by the fandom as a whole compared to other characters and I feel like she'd be avoiding any of the current veil related nonsense
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flashhwing · 2 years
BETHANY/NATHANIEL HEY?! Beth is such a good pairing with so many people! I'd love to hear about your thoughts on them :)
Bethany/Nathaniel is that like. Princess Diaries 2, Ella Enchanted, feel princess movie targeted at teenagers that would be painfully heterosexual except for how cute they are (and also how they're both bi)
i feel like their first kiss was some improbable on-horseback-in-the-pouring-rain shit
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whereismywarden · 1 month
Past companions most to least likely to make an appearance
according to me, a dumbass.
(might depend on their ultimate fate)
Most likely:
Could go either way:
Iron Bull
Less likely but not entirely impossible:
Lol, keep dreaming:
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Dragon Age Sexyman Masterpost!
Follow the links to vote! Round 3 is currently in voting!
Note: These polls contain women, too, but fret not. Sexyman is a state of being, not gender.
Round 1:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Oghren
2. Alistair Theirin vs. Aveline Vallen
3. Leliana vs. Carver Hawke
4. Morrigan vs. Bethany Hawke
5. Fenris vs. Briala
6. Anders vs. Gaspard de Chalons
7. Merrill Sabrae vs. Celene Valmont
8. Tallis vs. Brother Genitivi
9. Marian Hawke vs. Sigrun
10. Sebastian Vael vs. The Iron Bull
11. Cullen Rutherford vs. Loghain Mac Tir
12. Cassandra Pentaghast vs. Wynne
13. Anora Mac Tir vs. Thom Rainier
14. Solas vs. Andraste
15. Dorian Pavus vs. Raleigh Samson
16. Josephine Montilyet vs. Meredith Stannard
17. Sera vs. Ser Rylen
18. Bodhan Feddic vs. Jethann
19. Felassan vs. Corypheus
20. Varric Tethras vs. Karl Thekla
21. Abelas vs. Inquisitor Ameridan
22. Isabela vs. Delrin Barris
23. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Orsino
24. Jowan vs. Marric Theirin
25. Flemeth (GILF) vs. The Architect
26. Flemeth (Swamp Lady) vs. Sten
27. Flemeth (Dragon) vs. Scout Lace Harding
28. Nathaniel Howe vs. Vivienne de Fer
29. The War Table vs. Tamlen Sabrae
30. Teagan Guerrin vs. Warden Duncan
31. Garrett Hawke vs. The Arishok
32. Bianca (The Dwarf) vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 2:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Alistair Theirin
2. Leliana vs. Morrigan
3. Fenris vs. Anders
4. Merrill Sabrae vs. Tallis
5. Marian Hawke vs. The Iron Bull
6. Cullen Rutherford vs. Cassandran Pentaghast
7. Thom Rainier vs. Andraste
8. Dorian Pavus vs. Josephine Montilyet
9. Sera vs. Bodhan Feddic
10. Felassan vs. Varric Tethras
11. Inquisitor Ameridan vs. Isabela
12. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Maric Theirin
13. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Sten
14. Scout Lace Harding vs. Vivienne de Fer
15. The War Table vs. Warden Duncan
16. Garrett Hawke vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 3:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Morrigan
2. Fenris vs. Merrill Sabrae
3. Marian Hawke vs Cassandra Pentaghast
4. Thom Rainier vs. Dorian Pavus
5. Sera vs. Varric Tethras
6. Isabela vs. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi
7. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Scout Lace Harding
8. Warden Duncan vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
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biowho · 2 years
Bioware Blorbo Beat Down
>>> ITS OVER <<<
We’re doing 70 npc’s from Mass Effect and Dragon Age and buckle up because first they’re going against each other! Check back in with my pinned post (this one) for updated links or go through the tag ‘bioware blorbo beat down’ on my blog to get to each poll faster
The winners of each round are polled against each other randomly but within their respective games!
[I recommend blocking the tag mentioned above to keep it outa explore pages/main tags if you don’t want to see any of it]
Garrus Vakarian
Zevran Arainai
MASS EFFECT - ROUND FIVE Garrus Vakarian VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Zevran Arainai VS Fenris
Karin Chakwas VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Garrus Vakarian VS Jack
Fenris VS Merrill
Alistair Theirin VS Zevran Arainai
Jack VS Miranda Lawson
Steve Cortez VS Karin Chakwas
Tali’zorah vas Normandy VS Urdnot Wrex
Mordin Solus VS EDI VS Garrus Vakarian
Varric Tethras VS Fenris
Zevran Arainai VS Isabela
Alistair Theirin VS Dorian Pavus
Sera VS Merrill VS Krem
Suvi Anwar VS Karin Chakwas
Steve Cortez VS Kenneth Donelly
Urdnot Wrex VS Thane Krios
Legion VS Mordin Solus
Jack VS Liara T’soni
Garrus VS Joker
Javik VS EDI
Urdnot Grunt VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy 
Miranda Lawson VS James Vega
Dog (dao) VS Isabela
Fenris VS Josephine Montilyet 
Merril VS Vivienne de Fer
Nathaniel Howe VS Krem
Anders VS Alistair Theirin
Sera VS Sten
Dorian Pavus VS Wynne
Zevren Arainai VS Morrigan
Shale VS Varric Tethras
Ashley Williams VS James Vega
Jacob Taylor VS Miranda Lawson
Samantha Traynor VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Urdnot Grunt VS Morinth
EDI VS Kaidan Alanko
Cora Harper VS Javik
Nakmor Drack VS Joker
Garrus Vakarian VS Kasumi Goto
Jaal Ama Darav VS Liara T’soni
Jack VS Liam Kosta
Mordin Solus VS Samara
Peebee VS Legion
Thane Krios VS Zaeed Massani
Vetra Nyx VS Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar VS Gabby Daniels
Steve Cortez VS Kallo Jath
Kenneth Donnelly VS Gil Brodie
Karin Chakwas VS Lexi T’Perro
Cassandra Pentaghast VS Shale
Varric Tethras VS Sigrun
Morrigan VS Bethany Hawke
Zevran Arainai VS Cole
Dorian Pavus VS Velanna
Solas VS Wynne
Tallis VS Sten
Oghren VS Sera
Alistair Theirin Vs Cullen Rutherford
The Iron Bull VS Isabela
Anders VS Blackwall
Krem VS Scout Harding
Nathaniel Howe VS Sebastian Vael
Carver Hawke VS Vivienne de Fer
Lelianna VS Merrill
Josephine Montilyet VS Aveline Vallen
Fenris VS Loghain
Dog VS Dog
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baenyth · 28 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-17: The Dog Miraculous: Lesbians!
Oh boy! A Sabrina episode! I love Sabrina! She's both an accomplished and disaster lesbian! #1 at getting into toxic yuri! Let's go!
Wait, is this going to be another Adrienette episode?
Wait! No! This is the gay Zoe episode!
Mayor Andre is the epitome of that dick flattening meme.
Actually, Zoe being a year younger than everyone else makes a lot of things add up.
Yep, here comes the secondhand embarrassment!
Almost forgot. It's neat the Emile Agreste movie was originally a love story. It's a shame it was for Audrey, though.
Nice to the waiter
Our Swamp
Trying to get rid of Chloe's redeeming qualities, are we?
Even the Gorilla is joining in on dinner!
The sudden shift sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf
Get blackmail'd
"Sabrina, the police force is corrupt. Your father once helped Waluigi racially profile Dupain-Cheng's mother."
Trying to get rid of Chloe's redeeming qualities, are we?
Wait, does Chloe command Sabrina with a whistle or something?
"Your plan is lame and ridiculous! We just lost our double bottom! What will we do now?"
Monarch @ Kaalki:
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Lila the teenage witch
Zoe looks like her eye's going to twitch. I dunno. Something feels wrong about her.
Dramatic Irony^2
I know this is just a way for us to see Vanisher, but it feels weird for her to have Chameleo Arm levels of invisibility. Then again this show is a sea of morons.
This is a worse version of the plan Lila used to get Marinette expelled. There have been invisible akumas before. I swear, if people believe her...
!#$&*!^*&(^%!#*(^$ AGAIN!?
Spin the yoyo all around! Do an AoE attack!
She didn't even say it.
Finally! Gabriel Agreste did something good for once!
When I realized what was going to happen, I was going to say that they should confirm Rose and Juleka and Marc and Nathaniel as well. But she didn't even say it. It was blatant, but this show is so hesitant to say these characters are gay. Just say it. Say it. Say it. The homophobic foreign dubs can eat shit all I care.
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