noriapple · 10 months
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Feat Ivory, Okki, Betrix, Sull, and Marko.
The first 3 belong to @umberrosaline :)
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movingnortheast · 1 year
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suntraitor · 1 year
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an oc of ours. hes babygirl to me
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strangestable · 4 months
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//and wow, Mrs H. and Betrix magically made it out with Blondie!!
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ruset 🤤🤤🤤 herbrt 🤤🤤🤤 betrix 🤤🤤🤤 Grant
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neopantheonteaser · 8 months
can you tell us more about the gods?
I don't want to spoil too much because this is only the teaser blog! But the gods at at the core of the plot so I understand your curiosity! Here's the little blurbs I've written about them for now. There will be more information available on the main when it's ready.
ENIR - (they/them pronouns) the deity of wisdom. they who have learned all, asker of the impossible question, & the first child. Their domain is death, darkness, and the deep underground. They are intelligent, reserved, elusive, understanding, intellectual, and cautious. They have been known to gift their followers greater memory, a lessened need to sleep, and the ability to mask themselves from perception.  UMIR - (she/her pronouns) goddess of fate. The second light, guiding hand of the pantheon, & bearer of the wheel which turns the stars. Her domain is the heavens. She controls the sun, moon, and turning of the stars. All things that are yet to come are the divine ruling of Umir. She is vague, mysterious, unhelpful, wise, distant, and unemotional. She gifts her followers foresight. Many of them receive visions of the future that, while vague, are helpful, when deciphered correctly.  TERUS - (she/her pronouns) the goddess of courage. Tamer of the elder serpent, horizonwalker, & she who cannot be bested. Terus’ domain is the sky and mountain peaks. She controls the wind and is known to bring a chill with her at every step. She champions adventurers and warriors. Terus is known for being bold, brash, loving, foolish, and excitable. She gifts her followers with enhanced physical abilities like greater strength, speed, stamina, and reaction time.  YEON - (he/him pronouns) the god of power. Bringer of storms, stirrer of seas, & the crowned one. Yeon’s domain is fire, storms, war, and chaos. He champions those who seek great affluence and prestige. He is known for being prideful, boisterous, reactive, impulsive, passionate, dedicated, and violent. Yeon has appointed himself as the leader of the Neopatheon, but that is a title gained through sheer force of will alone. He gifts his followers the ability to summon and control either fire or lightning; depending on what they choose.  AKLENOS - (any pronouns) the god of loyalty. Creator of the earth, friend to all beasts, & uniter of the pantheon. Their domain is earth, flora, & fauna. They are known for being kind, honest, loving, accepting, generous, petty, jealous, and controlling. They gift their followers aura reading, empathy, and telepathic communication. However, the followers of Aklenos can only communicate telepathically with each other.  BETRIX - (they/them pronouns)  the deity of charity. Source of the wellspring, giver of life, & silent one. Their domain is water and life. Beatrix has never taken a form that a human has observed. They do not appear to their followers or speak to them. To follow Betrix is to blindly trust that they exist. All followers of Betrix have learned to trust their instincts and do what they feel is right; believing that if they feel compelled to act, it is the will of their patron. Betrix gifts their followers accelerated healing and the ability to heal others.
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cams-cozy-corner · 5 months
whats your favrit betrix potter?
Ooo!! Definitely Peter rabbit because I used to fall asleep to the animated video of it all the time :)
I also rlly like the tale of Tom kitten <33
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artist ~ betrix potter... 🌿 🐭 🌷
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #forestwitch #harmnone #animism
Green Witch Tea
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streetworms2019 · 1 year
tgeir Jhonen Vasquez icon and tell all style 'nightblogging' have betrixed me
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A Megève, le 12 juin 2022
    Retour à Megève ce week-end pour une grande classique de mon calendrier puisque ce sera ma 11eme participation consécutive ! Le coup de lifting de l’an dernier perdure pour cette édition : toujours des épreuves gravel le samedi et la cyclosportive le dimanche avec de nouveaux parcours dont le grand qui s’annonce particulièrement effrayant avec 154km et pas moins de 4800m de D+ avec une arrivée inédite à l’altiport de Megève ! La météo est excellente avec un soleil généreux, de la chaleur et presque pas de vent.
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        Logeant à tout juste 1km du départ je ne suis pas en retard sur la ligne : pas besoin d’échauffement spécifique, il fait déjà doux et le départ neutralisé permettra de vite se mettre en jambe (expérience de l’an dernier !). Aux premières loges je retrouve Rodolphe Lourd, Julien Sauvigné et Johan de Oliveira. Pas loin Alexandre Perier, Bruno Morel, Loïc Ruffaut et bien d’autres sont là aussi ; niveau assez dense, comme souvent ici.
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      A 8h pile, le départ est donné et effectivement comme l’an dernier la voiture ouvreuse roule bon train : je reste en tête de peloton assez facilement dans ces conditions et monte en température sur quelques relances : peu avant Flumet on prend à gauche, direction les Saisies ; c’est le départ réel ! Et ça démarre très fort avec un équipier du team RCS de Loïc qui imprime un tempo très soutenu : à FTP voir plus ça ne rigole pas même si je reste bien placé. Plus haut, Loïc passe déjà à l’offensive et seul Vincent Arnaud le suis : même pas je pense à y aller après ce départ en fanfare avant de voir Xavier Betrix sortir en contre sur un gros développement ; il ne passe pas super vite alors je saute dans sa roue et à coup de 6w/kg il finit par revenir sur les 2 hommes : nous voilà 4 et je regrette déjà d’avoir suivi ! la fin de montée est de nouveau intense sous l’impulsion de Loïc ; à 2 doigts de sauter je m’accroche jusqu’à la bascule en me disant que ça vaut peut-être le coup d’avoir un peu d’avance en vu de la descente scabreuse sur Ugine. En tout cas j’explose mon meilleur chrono sur cette montée de 12km de près de 2’ ; ça promet pour la suite !
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       La descente sur Crest-Voland est belle et rapide ; la suite beaucoup moins ! On reste tous les 4 jusqu’à Cohennoz avant de voir débouler Simon Buttner ; après la petite remonté avalée très gros tempo on s’engage sur la partie finale de cette descente ; 5 hommes reviennent et me dépassent et à seulement 5’’ avant les 3 derniers lacets je ne panique pas, mais en bas et après la remontée contournant Ugine me voilà à une grosse vingtaine de secondes ! Devant c’est monté à bloc et ça ne se relève pas ; à 5w/kg j’espère recoller mais l’écart grandit et le groupe de 10 s’échappe. Nous voilà sur le col de l’Arpettaz (12km à 8,5%) et ne voyant rien derrière je me cale autour des 5w/kg. Très vite 2 hommes décrochent du groupe de tête ; j’ai vite fait de les reprendre et ils ne s’accrochent pas puis je vois Loïc ne nouveau passer à l’attaque suivi par Simon Vuillet. Si le duo creuse, je maintien l’écart avec les 6 autres avant que Simon B. ne craque à son tour. Bien motivé je vois que je gagne du terrain et fini par revenir sur les 5 hommes : Xavier et Arnaud sont là accompagnés de Maxime Jarnet, Romain Gauthier et Mathis Laura. Le rythme étant plus faible je reste dans les roues pour récupérer un peu sachant très bien qu’on ne reverra plus Loïc. On fini ainsi le col et engageons la descente (hyper technique dans sa 2eme partie) comme l’an dernier : quelques souvenirs qui me sont précieux et nous arrivons sans encombre sur la route des gorges de l’Arly que nous remontons jusqu’à Flumet. Un peu plus haut viens la séparation des parcours ; devant Simon V. est parti sur le 100km et dans mon groupe seul Vincent m’accompagne sur le grand parcours !
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      On remonte à ND de Bellecombe comme un peu plus tôt : sur un gros 5w/kg Vincent prend quelques longueurs car je préfère me caler un peu en dessous : l’écart se stabilise et je fais même l’effort à la bascule pour revenir dans la petite descente ; de nouveau à 2 on grimpe sur Crest-Voland ; c’est moi qui fais le tempo ce coup-ci autour des 310W et on rejoint notre fameuse route pourrie entre le Cernix et Cohennoz pour un 2eme passage. Je fais le guide (ce qui m’arrange) et nous voilà de nouveau sur la route d’Ugine mais cette fois ci nous remontons sur le col de la Forclaz : encore autour des 300W c’est toujours moi qui fais le train, même pour la descente menant à Queige où nous allons affronter la montée de Bisanne par une voie inédite pour moi.
Sans me le dire Vincent s’arrête à la fontaine si bien qu’ouvrant la route il est trop tard pour que je m’arrête aussi et j’entame donc seul cette longue montée de 14.15km @ 8.1% : 2eme à cet instant la route est encore longue mais la 1ere partie se passe plutôt correctement. Pas loin de tenir les 300W sur ces 7 premiers kms je suis assez confiant avant de voir revenir Vincent en même temps que les pourcentages vont sérieusement se relever : bien dans le dur à présent je me rassure en voyant mon partenaire dans ma roue, voir quelques mètres derrière. Plus haut, je chute bêtement en voulant donner un bidon à une voiture ; à faible vitesse ce n’est pas spectaculaire mais je prends un bon coup de guidon dans les côtes. Vite remis sur pied je repars et poursuit avec Vincent qui m’a attendu ; ce col est interminable et on n’avance plus : on va même faire un arrêt au ravito mais celui-ci n’est pas encore au sommet et il faut encore et toujours grimper : les watts en bernes, grosses douleurs aux côtes en danseuses… la suite s’annonce pénible et pourtant je reprends encore un peu d’avance dans ce final hésitant tout de même à en faire plus (est-ce que je le peux d’ailleurs ?). Une descente rapide puis il faut remonter aux Saisies sur 1800m : Vincent me rejoint et relais très fort ; j’accuse le coup mais m’accroche avant une nouvelle accélération ; à la rupture je me bats pour ne pas lâcher et fait le plus dur en basculant roues dans roues.
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      Mais plus que les douleurs aux côtes, les crampes qui me guettent depuis un moment sont là ; j’arrive à suivre dans la descente jusqu’à la petite remontée des Frasses où Vincent sentant que je suis en difficulté accélère ; je tente d’y aller mais douleurs trop fortes pas possible et je vais passer tout le reste de la descente sans pouvoir pédaler, à faire des étirements, me ravitailler, boire autant que possible… A Flumet, la pente reprend pour le retour sur Megève ; ça va un peu mieux  sur ce long faux plat où je maintien les 30km/h (2km/h de moins que l’an dernier…) : on repasse alors sous l’arche de départ, encore 3eme je perds le podium scratch au pied de la montée vers l’altiport où je récupère un bidon auprès de mes parents : Guillaume  Janvier viens de me déposer proprement et fini en boulet de canon, lui qui aura adopté une toute autre tactique en gardant un effort stable tout au long de l’épreuve. Il me reste alors 7km @ 4,8% pour conserver ma position ne sachant rien des écarts derrière moi. Et après une vingtaine de minutes à même pas 4w/kg, avec certes des replats, (heureusement d’ailleurs) je termine cette épreuve terriblement dure en 5h41’51.
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      Avec plus de 16’ d’avance Loïc s’impose comme l’an dernier devant Vincent qui, bien que rejoint par Guillaume, aura remporté le sprint final. Pour moi c’est la médaille en chocolat avec cette 4eme place scratch et 1er de catégorie : il me restait encore 3’ de marge sur Rodolphe qui me suis 5eme. Terminant devant pas mal de très bons grimpeurs, je m’en satisfais donc d’autant que même en suivant Vincent, je n’aurai pas pu l’aider, Guillaume serait revenu pareil et les 2 m’auraient aligné sur la ligne ! L’autre option aurait été de faire une course comme Guillaume, très régulier, en n’ayant pas peur de perdre un peu de temps pour finir plus fort (sans garantie de faire mieux pour autant) mais je me suis fait plaisir à l’avant et j’ai respecté mon esprit offensif ! Reste maintenant à bien récupérer, avec un prochain week-end déjà décidé sans course en espérant que je ne souffre que d’un bon coup sur les côtes…
Sur le site de l’épreuve https://megevembc.com/ ou directement ici
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kazuniarts · 6 years
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dumb doodle
the idea is that betrix has airbag boobs that activate whenever she’s about to hit something at high speeds
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subtilitas · 3 years
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Bétrix & Consolascio - Sports hall, Zug 2001. Via, photos (C) Guido Baselgia.
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allthesetrolls · 3 years
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Her name is Betrix Hester (Sed Beh trix) and she will have a bio coming up soon. I will probs commission sprites of her when i have the money for it. 
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elarafritzenwalden · 3 years
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'Sferax', reconstruction and extension of a factory in Cortaillod Cortaillod, Neuchâtel, Switzerland; 1978-81
Bétrix & Consolascio (Marie-Claude Bétrix + Eraldo Consolascio), Patrick Huber; Hans R. Hugi as engineer
see map | related information
via "Werk, Bauen + Wohnen" 68 (1981)
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ladycut-blog · 5 years
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... e il tutto fatto in una ora e mezzo 😍 ... #ladycutandcolors #piazzaduomoprato #colori #cambiamento #insightprofessional #betrix #olaplex #olaplexitalia #meraviglia #mechesblondes #brasiliana #capellicorti #capellisani #viaspettiamo (presso Duomo di Prato) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0dMfwZChaX/?igshid=ngu7et6njffq
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fruitbur · 4 years
(bursts into inbox) thAT ASK MEME WITH ALL THE OCS U TAGGED (or just pick and choose but i genuinely would love to know all of them if u want afhdsgjsdhdjd) - darkwarfy
i'm going to start with the easy ones and end with the ones i haven't even talked about to you.
Full Name: Aaron Cupid Williams
Gender and Sexauilty: Male (trans) and Demisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: Tribrid of Fae, WARLOCK, and Demon.
Birthplace and Birthdate: His birthplace is unknown to HIM so therefore it won't be stated. he was born on Halloween but the year is also unknown.
Guilty Pleasures: Dancing and Singing. his mother never allowed him to do anything fun when he lived with her (besides reading) so he hides that side of him.
Phobias: Spiders, water, and the dark.
What They Would Be Famous For: besides being the only one of his kind? his singing, there is just something about it.. i wonder what?
What They Would They Be Arrested For: destroying prisons and freeing wrongly captured supernaturals.
OC You Ship Them With: No one, Red is too young to date throughout most of the stories he is in.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Iris (his mom) or Icarus
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Favorite movie would be Shark Boy and Lava Girl, he loves kids movies. Book genre is sci-fi or adventure stories.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: For movies it has to Coraline and book cliche is the hero or hero's lover/bestfriend dying for the greater good.
Talents and/or Powers: Talents would be as i said before his dancing and singing. his powers? jesus Red has a LOT. He can do basic magic, he can light himself on fire in a blue magic flame before it spreads around himself. telepathy, teleportation, and "invisibility" (that's more lore stuff) not really a power but he can control his appearance (his was born with baby blue skin and light purple hair but his mother taught him to hide that side to blend in with humans) he has a ribbon spell that he can call them to wrap his wrists and his controls them (i.e pulling and wrapping up his targets) he has another spell that does the same thing called flower power (this with rose vines) that he uses to hurt someone if need be. okay this is getting too long but he has more.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He is such a sweet kid and lights up the rooms he is in. you can't help but love him.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Red can be a little troublemaker and cause chaos for fun. which gets annoying when shit goes down.
How They Change: Red always thought he was just a weapon, a tool for a war that was never coming. as he grows up and lives on his own with Angel, he changes to be someone full of love for not just others, but himself.
Why You Love Them: Red was my first ever OC. He has been through so much changes and growth and i think i finally love him as he is now.
Angel - (i'm gonna shorten the questions so this doesn't get too long)
Full Name: Nope- that's lore and i wanna tell you that Later.
Gender: Female (Trans), Lesbian.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: loosely based on the mayans, a necromancer, and a clockwork angel necklace.
Birthplace: Her village in that universe's Tulum. Birthdate... she's existed for over 2000 years, who knows how old she is truly.
Guilty Pleasures: Gardening and painiting.
Phobias: the water. just- the water.
Famous For: bringing the dead back to life with ease.
Arrested For: Killing witches who mess with Red.
OC Shipped: I ship her with Niko, two crazy girls who just want bodies.
OC Murder: Iris again, or Lexi (not doing her, she isn't too important rn)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: she doesn't watch movies that often because she is ya know.. trapped. but when Red can watch something other than kids movies, Angel finds herself loving romance movies, hasn't picked a favorite yet. Books though? cook books! she enjoys learning about food even though she can't eat.
Least Favorite: Horror, just like Red. or anything with water. nothing against mermaids or wildlife, but she's seen enough of the sea for 10 lifetimes at least. Cliche would be evil necromancers, screw that.
Talents: Her painting are to die for. powers??? now this is going to be fun. Angel can bring back the dead, use her magic to move things and grab people. over the course of her time trapped, she has learned how to possess whomever wears her, which leads to some fun beat downs with both Red and Angel working as a single unit. oh did i mention Angel really loves to mess around with blood magic? she was the only one who was able to master it before the witches attacked.
Love Them: Someone would love her becauss how passionate and nurturing she is. also because she enjoys cracking jokes in the safety of the clockwork during the WORST of times.
Hate Them: the witches hated her for her powers and that she was "sick" in the head for enjoying blood magic.
How They Change: Angel had to learn to live as a soul for so long, slowly forgetting what it means to be a living person, that has to be bad for her mental health.
Love Them 2: Angel has become one of my favorites because of how much i've put thought into who she is.
Niko -
Name: she still hasn't came up with a last name, might just take Angel's :)
Gender and Sexuality: Nonbinary and pansexul
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Biracial, Japanse and Guyanese, a life sized Drawing Mannequin.
Birthplace: a black market factory that makes life sized objects to be used by witches. Birthdate, before 2016, at least.
Guilty Pleasures: ripping the skin off of witches for shit and giggles. oh and grooming dogs!
Phobias: none, nothing phases her.
Famous for: her spine chilling laugh.
Arrested for: all the murders she's done, that is, if she was ever caught.
OC Shipped: Angel of course.
OC Murder: any and all witches, Lexi, Syd.
Favorite Movie/Book: nope and nope! too busy living in the moment to sit down in one place, besides not have real hands. so the next question is useless.
Talents: is flawlessly ripping skin off of a living person a talent? Niko would say so. besides just living, Niko can change her shape into any type of doll/mannequin drawing or otherwise to hide in stores.
Love Them: she is a funny gal! creepy as shit but loyal once you've gained her trust.
Hate Them: "she. skins. people." -Syd at least 20 times.
How They Change: goes from a manic doll to a somewhat a stable person with the power of lOvE.
Love Them 2: She is perfect for Angel and that's enough for me.
Trinity -
Name: Trinity Wither Lakes
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her.
Eithnicity/Species: Biracial, Polynesian, and African American. Werewolf and Siren.
Birthplace: Kaneohe, Hawaii. 3/17/1999.
Guilty Pleasures: Running in the woods in the middle of the night.
Phobias: being half wolf, she fears anything with silver, oh and blood.
Famous for: her speed.
Arrested for: graffiti and other forms of vandalism.
OC Shipped: Abigail. (not doing her either, sorry!)
OC Murder: Lexi, Raph, her grandparents.
Favorite Movie: Twilight and The Twilight Saga. she loves quoting the movies and books to piss everyone off, making it her favorites. Cliche would enimes to lovers.
Least Favorite: The Princess Bride, she just doesn't Get It. Cliche would be anything with angry werewolves or evil sirens. "we aren't your tropes, humans" -Trinity everytime she reads or watches something with a sexy but evil siren.
Talents: all the perks of being wolf and siren, nothing to add really.
Love Them: she is headstrong and makes for a good leader for a rebellion.
Hate Them: too loud, doesn't back down from a fight. will not shut up if someone is wronging her in public.
Change: she goes from the sheltered girl from her family's home in California to the loud rebel in Texas.
Love Them 2: Trin is like me, i don't know when to quit. if someone wrongs me i will scream it from the roof tops before i let them get away with it.
Syd -
Name: Syd Brimstone Lockwood
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, human.
Birthplace: Boston, Massachuestts. 4/20/1999
Guilty Pleasures: shitty reality tv, she lives for the drama. also magic, she has always been skeptical of the existence of magic so she spends much of her time researching and tracking down sightings of magic usage.
Phobias: None that i can think of.
Famous for: her deadpan delivery and humor/her resting bitch face.
Arrested for: stalking "known" supernaturals.
OC Shipped: Ainsel.
OC Murder: anyone who she follows would kill her, mainly Lexi or Raph though.
Favorite Movie: IT (2017) or a Purge movie. favorite cliche would be any boring, human trope. so like a coffee shop au.
Least Favorite: Harry Potter (okay she really enjoys the third one but she'd never admit it), cliche, would be magic. (she doesn't hate it, just that she doesn't believe.)
Talents: breaking and entering. "that's a fucking talent and you know it, Ains! i've never been caught in my life." -Syd. she is human so no powers.
Love Them: over protective of the ones she loves. would fight anyone to save Ainsel and she'd win.
Hate Them: her skepticism makes it hard for her to make friends and tears groups apart.
Change: after she meets a certain someone, she finally lets go of her overbearing skepticism and borderline hatred.
Love Them 2: i just love her character.
Ainsel -
Name: Ainsel Raven James
Gender: Female (Trans), Asexaul.
Pronouns: she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: African American (she has albinism), human.
Birthplace: Middletown, New York. 5/18/2002.
Guilty Pleasures: painting on herself, walking in the rain with no umbrella.
Phobias: fire. "You can't control it Sy-Sy!!! what if you drop that match huh?! we could go up in flames! i don't want to burn away!"
Famous For: her looks, or her happy go lucky nature.
Arrested For: Jay walking to get away from a monster or someone chasing her and Syd.
OC Shipped: Syd.
OC Murder: Lexi or Raph.
Favorite Movie: Tangled. Cliche, a happy ending.
Least Favorite: Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Cliche, a dog dying.
Talents: Her impeccable timing, always seeming to get Syd out of trouble before she is caught. "Nuh uh! none of that miss "breaking and entering!"" -Ainsel. Again a human so no powers.
Love Them: her optimism and acceptance of magic and the supernatural. how she loves everyone so fiercely and stands for what is right.
Hate Them: how happy and full of light she seems to be.
Change: She starts to stick up for herself more and learns how to fight back.
Love Them 2: i love how happy she is, i want to be that comfortable in my own skin like her.
Sebastain -
Name: Sebastain A. Montague
Gender: Male, Aromantic, Asexaul.
Pronouns: he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, Vampire and Sorcerer.
Birthplace: Venice, Italy. 7/25/1462
Guilty Pleasures: Ballroom Dancing. Drinking straight from the pulse.
Phobias: the sun, even if he can walk in the daylight.
Famous For: his charm and "naturally" good looks.
Arrested For: a string of murders in the east coast of the US.
OC shipped: no one, the only thing close to a relationship he has is his friendship with Red long into the future.
OC Murder: Syd tries, but she finds it's hard to kill something already dead.
Favorite Movie: he has lived for so long, he finds his memories are better than what you'll find in those picture shows. he does enjoy reading poems by Edgar Allan Poe or any of Dickinson's works. (skipping the next question)
Talents: Dancing and cooking. Powers, compulsion (vampire mind control), and the basic skillsets a sorcerer has.
Love Them: his charm, though their love is misplaced, is appreciated.
Hate Them: he is a world class bastard who knows how to use his charms to get what he wants, you.
Change: He learns to be nicer to people and not view them as just a food source.
Love Them 2: he is one cocky bastard but i wouldn't trade him for any other bitch out there.
Irri -
Name: Iradeseca the Faithful
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexual. (in a poly relationship).
Pronouns: any, but mainly goes by she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: she's.. she's an alien boss. (oqjsgsyisha) anyways she is from a race called The Marked Ones. i'll tell you all about them soon. Irri is of the Shifter classification, and is the last pure blood shifter left.
Birthplace: their (the girlfriends/partners) home planet, in the palace of the shifters. (no date because lore reasons, this will be the same for her girlfriends.)
Guilty Pleasures: her partners 😏
Phobias (more like fears): explosions, drowning, losing her girlfriends.
Famous For: her shifting ability.
Arrested For: well... L O R E
OC Shipped: Betrix, Calenni, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore
They are aliens, so i'm skipping these questions.
Talents: her speed. she is a shifter, so she can shape shift into her true form (a ice fox) and into her more humanesque form. (having two arms and two legs)
Love Them: her mysterious but gentle presence
Hate Them: her special skill and the fact she is dating Calenni and Desa in particular.
Change: Irri changes from being controlled by an oppressive regime.
Love Them 2: She is my second oldest oc, she will always have a special place in my heart.
Betrix -
Name: The Stoic Betrix
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexaul. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her or he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Bender classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in a abandoned temple of the benders.
Guilty Pleasures: smiling and being happy.
Phobias: being alone and losing his girlfriends.
Famous For: her calm, unphased demeanor.
Arrested For: same reason as Irri and Desa.
OC Shipped: Irri, Calenni, and Desa.
Talents: being able to take everything thrown at him without saying a word (punches, kicks, fire, etc etc). bending people in half without moving a muscle. being a bender means she can bend spaces and minds with no difficulty, leading him to control the person's mind.
Love Them: No matter what happens to her, Betrix always gets back up with twice the amount of power and the same amount of complaints, zero. a man of little words unless he is with his partners.
Hate Them: WHY WON'T SHE STAY DOWN? STOP FIGHTING ALREADY!!! dating Calenni and Desa
Change: Betrix learns how to open up more and use her words because she is allowed to speak.
Love Them 2: She is a badass. who needs to speak when you can just knock the asshole over with one push.
Calenni -
Name: Calenni the Creative
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her and sometimes called they/them by Betrix.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Creator classification.
Birthplace: On their home planet, on her family's estate.
Guilty Pleasures: being taken care of, not always the one leading things.
Phobias: bugs, filith, losing her partners.
Famous For: looking like a flower or a tiny pixie creature.
Arrested for: nothing because of lore reeasons
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore.
Talents: everything she creates is one of a kind and priceless. She is a creator so she is able to make whatever comes to mind with just a tap of her fingers. and is always changing how she appearance due to creating new shapes and forms.
Love Them: she speaks out against what was happening with the creators and risked her lives for her partners, nearly dying for them.
Hate Them: didn't sit back and be the little princess she was supposed to.
Change: learned how to be independent while being able to depend on her loves.
Love Them 2: Calenni said eat the rich even if that means eat me too.
Desa -
Name: Desa the Kind
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: any but mainly she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Destroyer classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in the woods far away from civilization.
Guilty Pleasures: creating stuff!!! being able to just live and feel love and acceptance.
Phobias: destroying the ones she loves. being alone, losing her partners.
Famous For: being understanding and not judgmental.
Arrested for: lore- but also just for being caught with Calenni.
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, Calenni.
OC Murder: lore, but anyone but her partners.
Talents: Her forgiveness. Being able to destroy whole planets by just being on them. Detroyers can eliminate anything in their paths with little to no struggle.
Love Them: ??? what is not to love??? she is such a friggin sweetheart who wants to spend all eternity with her sweethearts.
Hate Them: being born.
Change: girl has it ROUGH let me tell you. but in the end it'll all work out and a much happier, healthier Desa will make it out on the other side.
Love Them 2: "all i want is to love what i can not destroy with a single touch, then and only then, i'll be at peace" -Desa.
Iris -
Name: Iris the Lurer
Gender: Female and Straight (😔)
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Greater Demon (dark gray/light purple complexion)
Birthplace: in the demon realm, before mankind was created.
Guilty Pleasures: using her kids as weapons to orchestrate a war. oh and 90 Day Fiance on TLC.
Phobias: love and weakness from her children.
Famous For: her natural rainbow hair.
Arrested For: mass genocide.
OC Shipped: Icarus (two slimey bastards)
Favorite Movie: The Birdcage. Cliche would be main villainess destroying the land.
Least Favorite: The Hunger Games. "so over rated and boring CGI, why do humans enjoy this?" -Iris
Talents: being the worst mother alive, making your child into a monstrosity to benefit your delusions. her powers are mostly mental manipulation and normal demon theatrics.
Love Them: being confident, commanding, and full of herself.
Hate Them: everything she has ever done after breaking free from the demon realm with Icarus.
Change: maybe if she gets murdered she'll finally change.
Love Them 2: i like working with a villain, morally gray character like her.
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