#beyond logic and reason
harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Unlocking the Mystical Powers of Dowsing Rods for Divination
Shaina Tranquilino
August 27, 2023
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In the world of divination, there are various tools and techniques that seekers turn to in their quest for spiritual insight. One such method is dowsing, a practice that utilizes dowsing rods as a means of connecting with higher energies and obtaining answers to perplexing questions. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating art of using dowsing rods for divination, its history, and practical tips on how to harness their mystical powers.
Understanding Dowsing:
Dowsing dates back centuries and has been used across cultures worldwide. This ancient technique involves using Y-shaped or L-shaped metal rods or wooden sticks to locate hidden resources such as water sources, minerals, or even lost objects. However, dowsing can also be employed as a powerful tool for divination by those seeking guidance from the spiritual realm.
1. Choosing Your Dowsing Rods:
When it comes to selecting your dowsing rods, personal preference plays a significant role. Some practitioners prefer traditional L-shaped copper rods, while others opt for Y-shaped metal ones or even wooden sticks. Experiment with different materials and shapes to discover which works best for you. Remember that the most important factor is your connection with the tool.
2. Preparing Yourself:
Before embarking on any divination practice, it's crucial to ground yourself and create a sacred space conducive to spiritual work. Take a few deep breaths, center yourself, and clear your mind of any distractions or preconceptions. Visualize an energetic shield around you for protection during your divination session.
3. Setting Intentions:
Clearly define your intentions before starting your dowsing session. Be specific about what you seek clarity on or wish to uncover through this practice. Whether it's finding answers about relationships, career decisions, or simply gaining general guidance from the universe, setting clear intentions will help focus your energy.
4. Holding the Dowsing Rods:
Hold the dowsing rods lightly but firmly in a relaxed manner. Allow them to rest comfortably in your hands, with the longer ends pointing forward or upward and the short ends held loosely.
5. Establishing Yes/No Responses:
To begin, establish simple yes/no responses with your dowsing rods. Hold the rods parallel to each other while asking a question that can be answered with a definite "yes." Observe any movement of the rods towards each other or away from each other as they respond to your query. Repeat this process for a definitive "no" response, noting any different movements or reactions.
6. Asking Questions:
Once you have established your yes/no responses, you can proceed to ask specific questions. Ask one question at a time, allowing an appropriate pause between each query to allow the rods to respond and settle before moving on.
7. Trust Your Intuition:
While dowsing rods serve as a conduit for divination, it's crucial to remember that ultimately, you are tapping into your intuition and higher guidance. Trust your instincts and interpret the movements of the rods based on your inner knowingness rather than seeking external validation. Over time, you will develop a stronger connection with both yourself and the tool.
Dowsing rods offer seekers of spiritual insight a unique method of connecting with unseen energies and gaining clarity on various aspects of life. By choosing suitable dowsing rods, setting intentions, establishing yes/no responses, and trusting your intuition, you can unlock the hidden depths of divination through these mystical tools. Embrace the art of dowsing and let its ancient wisdom guide you on your personal journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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daily-dose-of-danno · 2 months
Remind the world of Nathan/Lester! Plz?
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Season 2, Episode 4 - Reign Storm
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Season 3, Episode 10 - Claw of the Wild
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badolmen · 1 year
‘Luke takes after Anakin!’ ‘Luke takes after Padme!’ You’re both wrong. Luke takes after Qui Gon.
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menelaiad · 1 year
hello here to push my patroclus/menelaus agenda.
they are so similar. in both. character, story (to an extent) and how the bard/author of the iliad treats them.
they are literally both deemed as 'kindly' - the only two.
if y'all make me talk about the defence of patroclus again i'll riot (mother cow. slain for my honour. the DEFENDER not the attacker)
they exist in the shadows of greater heroes (despite being pretty awesome themselves) patroclus in achilles' and menelaus in agamemnon's and yet they don't begrudge that. they're fine... happy with the spotlight being on these other figures because they love them and care for them.
they are catalysts to a greater story. aRUGABLY achilles wouldn't have rejoined the war without patroclus' death and the trojan war would not have started had menelaus not sought help from his brother/partially initiated it himself.
they both have weight on their backs. patroclus is a murderer and an exile. menelaus is cursed and an exile.
they were both suitors to helen. they have met before.
in the agamemnon/achilles fight ... bro. they both can see both sides. they can see achilles' slighted honour and agamemnon's fragile mental state but they can also see achilles' stubborness and agamemnon's willingness to try. they both can't wholeheartedly take a side.
they would have spoke after so much time at troy. they would have got on so well.
there's a line in the paris musical where patroclus sings 'menelaus i indulge your grief, your dignity and your pain' and for a campy insane iconic musical??? it made some points. its got hanDS.
incredible lads.
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msdk-00 · 5 days
do you think if i knock on the embassy door and break down and cry they'll accept me for the gks scholarship. i mean im writing the fuck out of this essay but i fear that might not be enough
#somehow i have to convince embassy and NIIED and at least one of three universities that i have a good enough reason to study english#literature at graduate level.... in a non native english country. like i could Not have a more difficult major to market to them.#i basically inserted a paragraph near the end of personal statement saying like#i know eng lit degrees in english native countries are more highly regarded#but i think that we need to look beyond the western canon n english n american literature and also look at merit of literature from other#countries. and literature translated into english.#....which yeah. but idk if that's a good enough reason bc i can still study translated international literature in canadian uni#but prior to this i also did my whole spiel about how i did exchange semester in korea and was impressed by educational standards and stuff#n how i specifically have interest in korean literature and did undergrad thesis on canadian n korean lit#but. i fear that they'll mentally be like.... then why not study korean literature major.#and reject me. which is valid#but my logic is um. english lit taught in korean will be easier than korean lit taught in korean.#but i cant tell them that cuz that's not a noble reason.#but if i could do joint english n korean literature studies that would be ideal but. not an option#sigh. i also dont have relevant job experience or awards. so i dont know how i will ever get selected.#but i must try anyways#also ill apply for erasmus mundus scholarship if they have any that i like#when do they post those? i saw someone say like around october#that whole thing is so complicated to me i dont rlly understand it. it's different scholarship for each posting right?? it's not all same#like every gks scholarship is same (besides like if ur undergrad vs grad vs research but)
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agnesmontague · 2 months
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suncaptor · 4 months
Problem with the way I engage with religion is that the only way I maintain belief is by accepting truths in an unknown skeptical void that I placed from the interpretation of reality and therefore Catholicism & meaning growing up which means that I cannot use it to harm myself because God loves me and God is love and I know what that means beyond my own self hate and twisted perceptions, and I am not supposed to sully or tarnish the word of God by my own perception of calamity and horror within myself, but also it feels like I should be punished, it feels like a sin to continue to live. but. that does not make sense with the way I have faith. It's not right in fact. It's wrong to see myself those ways. But also. God will forgive and understand that too. There's no way to escape love and acceptance even if I don't believe I should get it or deserve it.
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warmresolve · 26 days
americans listen up. if
you dont know the language
you weren't raised in the culture
neither of your parents, bio or otherwise, were born there
you're american. you're not italian or polish or whatever, you're a regular ol' american with some migrants in your family tree, which is true for literally all americans. it is fine to just be a regular ol' american. it's literally fine. chill tf out
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echthr0s · 1 month
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[letterboxd log 2024 | 49/?] ⪀ Pontypool, 2008; dir. Bruce McDonald
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yeyinde · 1 year
yo what are your thoughts on graves? ik most ppl dont like him but hes my mans and im def curious to see him in future gangbangs
It would be def have to be pre-betrayal for him to be involved otherwise I don't see anyone else (especially Alejandro, Soap, and Ghost) allowing him entry at all - even if MC said it was okay. There's too much bad blood between them!
Outside of that, I stand by the fact that I think, had he not turned, he'd be pretty popular! I enjoy a good villain because there is so much you could do with them, but he sort of went bad (kinda) outta nowhere so there was no real stakes in it. It wasn't as if they were going to fight for him, which is a shame because I think the dynamic of them trying to get him to listen to reason would have been quite interesting. A "brother in arms" lost to politics, greed, and corruption but who is genuinely good at his core, just following the wrong doctrine, would have been a lot more appealing - at least, to me, anyway!
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jiimwii · 1 year
cyberpsychosis could maybe be so cool if it was people being possessed by some sort of rouge ai,or as part of a corporate conspiracy. like as a planned obsolescence thing where certain parts during production are programmed to make people Do That after a certain point so you have to buy the next new 20,000eddies cannon arms to replace the nearly identical previous model or else you might kill everyone you love and die because your cyberwares "outdated". or untraceable viruses infecting competing corporations cyberware using their rival's customer's livelihoods to sabotage their profits. and maybe any one of those things works in such a way that its designed to detect atypical brain chemistry in a host,and thus triggers more frequently with them to tage advantage of and use those people as a scapegoat and a way to further fear monger against them,and you can uncover that this is the case. or something along those lines. and the more cyberware someone has the more likely it is that they could encounter any of these scenarios. but no it is just #crazy people being too #crazy.
#they kinda toyed w something like that in earlier drafts. with dollchips and the project ghost thing thats too much to explain in tumbletags#but yeah#honestly w how little its present in the final game beyond Go Herd Them Up And Beat The Shit Out Of Them So They Can Recover In Therapy#Offscreen In An Optional Sidequest With Literally No Conclusion they couldve easily just retconned its existence in the world entirely#especially since really the only reason why it exists in the lore in the first place is so the humanity system in the ttrpg keeps your#character from becoming too overpowered from too much cyberware. like thats it.#but for how much they dont wanna flesh out any other conspiratorial type stuff for the sake of ''It is a Mystery👻''#and how much they went with ''idk where cyberpsychosis comes from we dont know if its even real'' ingame#edgerunners and mike pondsmith himself sure have a lot to say about it and exactly how it works#we cant even leave that up for interpretation for players to find some way into coping themselves into believing its not as weirdly ableist#as it is#and we cant do anything else with it that would actually be cool. or make sense. in universe and just logically.#however. im a dumbfuck and am not beyond thinking about how like. in a hypothetical scenario where melissa welles is still around#And jackies bled out corpse is still used for the arasaka supersoldier program and is going around killing people.i cant not think about ho#mama welles would have to handle both of her kids dying and also going on rampages out of (mostly) anyones control. like think about that.#heart wrenching and whatnot. could you fucking imagine with everything else shes been through.#anyway sorry for talking about things that very literally probably less than a dozen ppl know/care about its just. interesting.#i froth over the potential that it had#that im tricking myself into believing that it had
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
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Everyone needs to start getting way weirder (read: hornier) about this moment so I don't feel so alone.
Also - Tuvok....this is WILDLY funny. Tuvok is SO cringe I love him, he's the worst guy ever. Absolutely 0 hesitation to, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, straight up go "Hey, first officer? Sorry for cutting you off in the middle of this life-or-death situation but I just couldn't help but notice that I, Tuvok, made a suggestion and you didn't follow it? That's literally never happened before. Did you not hear me or..?" There's literally not even a good reason for him to object it's straight up ONLY because it wasn't his idea.
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months
sorry for saying I was going to do things and even starting them and then disappearing from this website entirely for three days. It will happen again
#Nothing new. Tbf I’ve done this a lot#I would say I’m focusing more on school and my personal writing but that’s more of a fucking lie than full truth#I genuinely have felt sick to my stomach posting here for whatever reason#Guilt shame anxiety paranoia etc etc you get the point. I feel like shit with no valid reason as to why#So for now I’m going to stop doing the thing that makes me overly emotionally sick to the point I have actual physical reactions????#Yeah that’s the logical course of action. Might post small personal anecdotes and doodles and such to give off the vague energy that Im fin#But beyond that I quite literally can’t. I sat down and thought about writing this post and immediately broke down#I don’t know why I feel guilty over having inconsistent motivation for putting up shitty writing on a website for strangers to see#But I do and k think the only good way to get past that is this. Gotta stop acting Impulsively it’s ruining my fucking life man#There’s only one other thing that I’ll thank Eloise for#and it’s for getting me off of tumblr long enough to realize that I desperately need to get help#This is fucked I fucking hate it. I might be online if k can bare the possibility that people can see this#Namely people I’ve grown attached to in concept#Idfc at this point. it doesn’t change much about how things have been going for the past year#Vent#S.K explains that things never really got better they would just suck less for short periods of time
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pochapal · 1 year
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eva being compared to kinzo in that both are super absent and both are super dead. however natsuhi saying this making me think about if there's actually any evidence that she's truly aware of if kinzo is dead already or not. like how much does she Actually know.
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widowshill · 7 months
reminder to myself to find and upload the article about the gendered enlightenment/scientific reason vs superstitious persecution in Carmilla and it’s resulting ambiguously supernatural narrative because. it’s so formative to the way I think and write about ds lmao it needs to be on some kind of blog syllabus.
#carmilla ... but written by dr hoffman instead of dr hesselius. when she eventually writes that book she was supposed to be doing.#more than anything anything else carolyn's death scene in hods is a PERFECT echo of carmilla's slaughter.#framed in that perfect condemnatory v of the male head of household figure surrounded by militant police – where carolyn's overall sin is#not lesbian transgressive female desire but incestuous (even though she's still a lesbian in my heart)#like ! i don't know. vampires real true they are both metaphorical AND literally going to suck ur blood. same with phoenixes.#but there's a lot there to .. consider. many fractured reflections of cut crystal rather than a pane of glass? you hear me?#➤ ooc. ┊ she’s nauseous,she’s hysterical,and she’s exhausted.#i think... this is true particularly at the end of arcs where the threat is vanquished. things are always rather abrupt in a way#that leaves me reeling a tiny bit and not always in a conclusion that's ... certain beyond all doubt? there's often some little qualifier.#or you hear it relayed back to the family. collinses noted always for their truth telling to their own clan! esp when making their own myth#and i always ALWAYS think the obfuscating that goes on between 1795 and the 60's. joshua concealing the nature of his son and#of his wife's death. barnabas choosing to retell the josette myth in a way that favors him and his desire.#the way institutions like the hospital or windcliff or laura's sanitarium in phoenix are resting on an uneasy boundary between#straight medicine and superstitious practice –– often as a tool to suppress supernatural wrongdoing or a bandaid to fix it.#and what makes the link to carmilla so compelling to me is that the Studied Experts are the ones with the supernatural knowledge that#makes them so certain in their course. characters like julia ; stokes ; even dr. guthrie –– all accredited ! all very bright !#and in a similar vein the endless quest for the Logical Explanation is seen as (somewhat rightfully) silly – i.e. roger's stubbornness#in refusing to buy into the time travel – witches – laura as reincarnated phoenix – etc etc#when We Know the monstrous truth and he's clinging to a silly fancy of logic – of reason.#anyways am i making sense. i fear not.#compels me though
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moonjvwon · 1 year
I haven’t posted here in forever but I ran across an old, post-canon “hyuk meets manyang” wip that I never finished unfortunately and felt I wanted to share this particular bit.
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