#PHEW. the tears in my eyes
menelaiad · 1 year
hello here to push my patroclus/menelaus agenda.
they are so similar. in both. character, story (to an extent) and how the bard/author of the iliad treats them.
they are literally both deemed as 'kindly' - the only two.
if y'all make me talk about the defence of patroclus again i'll riot (mother cow. slain for my honour. the DEFENDER not the attacker)
they exist in the shadows of greater heroes (despite being pretty awesome themselves) patroclus in achilles' and menelaus in agamemnon's and yet they don't begrudge that. they're fine... happy with the spotlight being on these other figures because they love them and care for them.
they are catalysts to a greater story. aRUGABLY achilles wouldn't have rejoined the war without patroclus' death and the trojan war would not have started had menelaus not sought help from his brother/partially initiated it himself.
they both have weight on their backs. patroclus is a murderer and an exile. menelaus is cursed and an exile.
they were both suitors to helen. they have met before.
in the agamemnon/achilles fight ... bro. they both can see both sides. they can see achilles' slighted honour and agamemnon's fragile mental state but they can also see achilles' stubborness and agamemnon's willingness to try. they both can't wholeheartedly take a side.
they would have spoke after so much time at troy. they would have got on so well.
there's a line in the paris musical where patroclus sings 'menelaus i indulge your grief, your dignity and your pain' and for a campy insane iconic musical??? it made some points. its got hanDS.
incredible lads.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
well…it’s happened. Landslide has OFFICIALLY been entirely written and i’ve never been more emotional by an ending than this. more to come in the coming weeks and a big thank you hopefully soon after :)
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
Big Iron
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, word count: 650 lmao no one is allowed to yell at me for the pun in the title (get it... cos blood tastes like iron??? PHEW) ANYWAY cooper howard eats people and enjoys the taste of blood so uh... eating someone out when they're on their period? winner winner delicious fuckin dinner for him, plus a healthy dose of romantic cannibalism🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: mentions of cannibalism, period sex, oral sex, drinking/tasting blood, blood play
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Your fingers scratched at the thin mattress below you, catching on a spring that burst through the frayed fabric. Something to claw on to, to cling to, as your orgasm rolled over you, pulling back like the waves before a tsunami.
Sensing the imminent climax, Cooper cruelly pulled his head back from you, catching your eye as you looked down to see why he had stopped. With a wink, he dropped his tongue out past his chapped lips and ran it around his mouth. Wagging the long, pink muscle out, you could see the blood collected on it, smears of it still on his face.
"Why... why'd you stop?"
Panting. Pathetic. You were desperate for him to continue, to place his face flat against you, clit hooded by the cavity where his nose had been, tongue hungrily lapping at you. Even as you asked him, you could hear the whine in your voice. And his answer only made you tense up further.
"Because, darlin'... I like to savour my meals."
Why you had expected anything less was a mystery. Every month, right on schedule, your period arrived and Cooper went hysterical. Frenzied, like an animal in heat, as though he could smell the changes in your body. Blood lust driving him. He would claw at you any minute you were alone, tearing your clothes off to taste you, like he did now.
His fingers teased along your red, swollen lips, venturing into your cunt as you clenched around him, grateful for more of his touch. But it was over in a moment, as he withdrew his digits and held them out in front of him, admiring the way your blood, thick, dark and red, dripped slowly down them.
Placing them in his mouth, he sucked your juices off with a soft moan, eyelids closed to offer some sensory deprivation. All he wanted to experience was your taste. The metallic tang that coated his tastebuds, the smell of violence that filled the air.
Lowering his body, his knees scraping along the ground as he slid backwards through the dust on the ground, he rested his cheek against your leg before he began placing kisses on it. They trailed from the front, around to your inner thigh. Delicate, gentle, loving almost, before they turned to sharp bites. His yellowed teeth sinking into you with grunts and groans, either from arousal or from the sheer amount of concentration it took him to remember not to hurt you. Not too much anyway.
Between each nibble, each puncture of the top layer of skin with his surprisingly sharp teeth, he mumbled to you, low, rasping words that made you shudder, heating your cheeks and flushing your body.
“Why… I could just devour you whole… Make you a meal I’d never forget…”
Your lips curled into a smile at the thought. Cooper’s possessive nature only ever served to make you lust after him more. It consumed you, and you’d be content for him to consume you.
“Eat of your flesh… drink of your blood, that old chestnut…”
There was a soft scuffing sound which you identified as Cooper’s hips, grinding into the ground, desperate for the friction against his stiff cock as his tongue flitted back up your lips and pressed into your aching cunt one more. And still, he took breaks to speak to you between breathy, lustful moans.
“You taste… you taste as sweet as I remember honey being… you got the bite of a sour cherry… tender like the steaks they offered me at contract meetings… juicy… dripping… fresh kill…”
Your hand fell to the back of his head, keeping him buried between your legs, not quite strong enough to prevent him from stopping for just a few more words.
“I’m gonna eat you alive, darlin’…”
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bigwishes · 1 year
Pretty Boy's Mistake
Kye was you average university athlete, mainly there to get a degree a generic sports degree to get a job as a personal trainer in the high end gyms, he rarely went to his lecture but always got outstanding grades. It wasn't that he wasn't passionate about sports or health, in fact he had taught himself pretty much everything the university had to offer before he had even gotten there. He was only there for a piece of paper. He spent most of his time in the gym, lifting weights whilst also training some guys on the side for some cash in hand work but he always made sure to put his own workouts first. His body was almost perfect and he loved every inch of it.
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Although he wished he could be bigger. He saw some of the guys in the gym, how their tank tops looked like they could burst at any moment. One time he even saw a guys tank split because of an insane chest pump. He loved huge guys, wanted to be fucking huge like them. He would picture his gym crush and how his entire car would bounce and wobble when he squeezed his massive frame inside, he wanted a guy like that in his bed, he wanted to be bigger than that but a body like that would probably take him another 15 years to build and he wanted to enjoy and flaunt that size before he left uni.
Kye was in the gym when he saw a huge lumbering giant walk in. The man looked like a superhero right out of a comic and something possessed Kye out of no where. He followed the huge meathead to the locker room.
Kye stood there seeing the giant block almost all the lockers on a wall his back was so wide and Kye got nervous, a lump formed in his throat and he spat out what he had to say.
"so...how do I get as big as you bro"
the massive dude turned around looking around the locker room checking to see if he was talking to someone else, he let out a thunderous chuckle.
"you talkin to me pretty boy?"
Kye grew red in the face "y-yeah man, look I been lifting for a few years and I really wanna get fucking huge like you man"
"aaa just keep at it guy, youll be massive like mean real soon"
"how old are you?"
"Im 22 bro"
"22!" Kye yelled "bro im almost 23 how the fuck you get so big man, you gotta tell me your secret"
"hmmm, look, you're kinda cute bro so, I'll let you in on a little secret, for a trade of course"
"Anything man, anything, Ive tried everything I know with diet and routine and I'm just not swelling up like other guys are"
"I'll give you my secret if you tell me why you wanna be so big, annnnd, for a date" the large man raise his eyebrow and walked closer to Kye.
Kye's heart started pounded as he imagined what it'd be like to have his skull crushed by the giant bodybuilder's monstrous thighs
"o-okay, ummm, phew, is it hot in here?" kye tripped and stumbled over his words like it was his first time ever talking to a guy.
"so, why you wanna be big pretty boy?"
Suddenly the man had is arms leaning on the doorframe behind Kye forming an arch over him looking down at him.
"eer, well, I-I like size and, I like guys with size and I wanna be big y-ya know" Kye tried to avoid eye contact as the massive brute leaned in
"So you like big guys hey? why don't you keep your lil jock bod, let a mountain like myself have fun with you"
"Because I ain't no bodies bottom bitch, believe me man, if I was as big as you, I'd of already throw you against the wall and you'd be beggin for it"
The massive meat head in front of him bit his lip
"so you promise, once you're as big as me you'll be tossing me around?"
Kye smirked trying to keep up the confident façade
"yeah bro, but gotta warn you, I'm already a catch, once guys see me with arms tearing out of my shirt and my huge muscled fat ass squeezed into tight gym shorts you'll probably have some competition"
"oh I like a cocky meathead"
the man turned around walking back to his gym bag pulling out a small vial of orange fluid, he handed it to kye
"I'm Jason by the way"
"What is this?"
"My secret mixture, drink it man, it'll make you real big...and give you that fat juicy ass you want"
Kye instantly downed the drink and gave Jason a wink.
"Alright, Im gonna go workout man"
"See you tomorrow pretty boy" Jason laughed as Kye walked out.
Kye was stepping into his car, having to stop to catch his breath, he worked harder than he ever had. He knew the vitamin shot he was given wasn't going to do anything but it was at least energising. Kye felt a strange tingling, as the veins on his pelvis swelled with blood pumping downwards. Kye gritted his teeth feeling like he was about to get hard and suddenly he watched as his package swelled and doubled in size in his pants.
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Kye jumped in his car feeling his thighs and arms swell. Like his pump was subsiding but his muscles weren't shrinking down to normal size.
He drove home, gritting his teeth and occasionally grunting the entire way.
Kye stepping of of his car feeling his shirt tight around his chest and arms. He let out a tired sigh feeling strange and walked inside. Kye saw himself in the mirror, his shirt tightly pulled across body. He pulled off his shirt seeing his abs slightly stretched out, rubbing his stomach watches his package swell again.
UUUUUGGGGhhhhhh He groaned.
"W-what the fuck is going on"
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Kye watches as his bulge swelled outwards in his pants straining against the fabric, as his stomach swelled outwards with it.
Kye grabbed his stomach feeling it strain
Kye let out a painful groan that turned into a belch as tears started to form in his eyes, his perfect 6 pack was gone swelled out like he had been bulking all year round.
Kye couldn't hold back the belches escaping his mouth and with each on his body changed. His arms swelled bigger, his thighs swells bigger.
He watched helplessly in the mirror unable to stop the changes, no matter how hard he pushed his stomach trying to get it to shrink the only thing he managed to do was push out another belch. Kye mercilessly began scratching at his jaw and neck feeling an annoying itch take over. He was too busy watching as his body swelled up to notice the changes in his face. Kye finally looked up from his bloated stomach to see himself, hairy, big and bulky.
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"WHAT THE FUCK, I" Kye pinched the side of his waist in disbelief
Kye's massive meaty hand felt is muscled gut vibrate as he belched. Feeling a surge of change again, but he didn't see himself get any bigger in the mirror, he heard a slight ripping noise and looked around. Turning to the side he saw the fabric of his gym shorts tight, torn and ripped over his massive muscular ass. His face turned bright red.
"Oh god..I'm...uuggh I'm like a fat bear"
Kye's stomach grumbled and he made his way to the kitchen poking and patting his gut hoping by some mirecal it would shrink and turn back into a six pack.
Kye sat in the gym locker room trying to hide his new burly body under bagging clothing. Embarrassed and hoping Jason would walk in at any moment. After about an hour Jason walked in.
"H-Hey Jason"
"Oh hey Pretty Boy, hows it feel bein big"
"I" Kye couldn't even finish his sentence before letting out a monstrous belch
"I didn't ask for this"
"yeah you did bro, you wanted to be big"
"AND NOW LOOK AT THIS, WHERE ARE MY ABS IM TUBBY" Kye lifted his shirt and poked at the muscled slab
"Man you aint tubby, you bulky, thick muscle"
"But I wanted my abs bro, I wanted to look like some pro bodybuilder not like some kinda burping werewolf"
Kye rubbed his gut cocking his mouth open belching causing Jason to laugh. Kye's face turned bright red
"Dude stop laughing and fucking do something, uuuggghhh"
"alright bro, quit the complaining I might have something for you"
"Anything is better than this man"
Jason handed Kye a vial filled with bright pink liquid
UUUURpp "so, this'll fix me?"
"Oh man, it'll give you the perfect body"
Kye looked at it suspiciously feeling the concrete wall he had for a stomach. He closed his eyes and downed, a few moments passed and Kye didn't feel much different, when suddenly the familiar sensation rose up from his gut to his throat.
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Kye's eyes widen and his face turned white
Kye tried to speak more but he struggled to form a full sentence from his constant belching
"Looking good man" Jason laughed
Kye, felt is rock hard bloated gut and heard the sound of tearing fabric as his muscles bulged out of his shit, soon he was left standing there in the gym locker room in nothing but his underwear.
Kye looked at himself in the mirror disappointed by his huge muscle gut, he cocked his mouth open and belched.
Jason let out a booming laugh "bro you look like you take roids and smash 6 protein shakes hourly"
"bro why'd you do this" Kye sheepishly asked
"because you wanted to me big"
"then why not make me like you, why give me this huge gu-UUUUURRP"
"Coz you were cocky, and I find it hot when cocky guys get taken down a peg"
"oh" kye smiled "so now you've gotten you kick I can go back right?"
"nah, you were a pretty boy jock, now you can enjoy being a bulky cunt"
Kye went to walk away from the mirror, hearing his underwear start to rip around is massive muscled ass. That'll teach him to take stuff from strangers in the locker room.
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facefullofsadness · 7 months
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I'm gonna combine all 3 of these bc they're all kinda the same, hope u anons enjoy!
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content - sub!yunjin x dom!reader, smut (phew let's see, cunnilingus, edging, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, some corruption kink, some g!p reader)
wc - 970
a/n - the first anon is real, never escaping writing huh yunjin! am I complaining though? nope! love my rockstar tall hot perfect gf! lemme write her as a literal sub this time LOL
okay so sub yunjin.
I stand by the whole auditory thing, she loves sound. so not only does she love hearing your moans, her moans, the lewd sounds coming from her cunt, any of the above, but also dirty talk. you love to rile her on by whispering naughty things in her ear and watching her body stiffen.
she's not sensitive and loves foreplay. 70 percent of having sex with yunjin is foreplay, her relishing in the feeling of your skin touching her's and the pleasure gradually building the more you proceed. this way, when you get down to actually fucking her, her body is so incredibly responsive.
dropping to your knees to push her skirt up and panties to the side, sliding your tongue against her slit and filling your mouth with her slick, yunjin moaning out into the hot air surrounding you two. her thighs tremble on either side of your head and her hand threads through your hair, the other hand holding her skirt up to let you do your thing.
loud, responsive, and needy. yunjin whimpers with every swipe of the wet muscle trailing her clenching hole, hips jerking with every brush of your tongue against her clit, and whining your name like it's the only thing she can coherently remember in her brain clouded with lust. pleas for more leak from her lips when you tease her because oh my god is it amusing to see her so ruined by your touch.
and the joy it brings you to see her cry out for you when you deny her another orgasm, her body thrashing and tears welling at her eyes because you're so mean :( needs to cum so badly but you won't let her because "baby, I'm so sorry but you don't deserve it yet."
"I've been such a good girl though, please please god please let me cum. I-I can't take it anymore...!"
you bring your hand to cup her cheek and use your thumb to wipe her tears, cooing as she rubs her thighs together to suppress the orgasm, "you know I can't cum if you don't do it."
"I know my love, just hang in there," you shoot her a warm smile to comfort her as you plunge three long fingers into her pussy, making her scream out and tears trail down her cheeks.
forcing her legs open and smacking her ass if she dare close them. mumbling absolute nonsense as her hole sucks your fingers in more and more with each pump, her eyes rolled back and hands clutching the bedsheets. you'd keep aggressively fingering her until she'd squirt all over your hand, arm, and the sheets, continuing till she's completely overstimulated and forcing another orgasm out of her, giving her all the climaxes she had been begging for minutes prior.
alternatively in a g!p reader world, you'd pull out your fingers, denying her another orgasm and forcing a sob to escape her throat. you pull back from her and hover over her shaking body, tears staining her cheeks, hair absolutely tousled, hands clenching at your shoulders enough to hurt.
"wanna cum baby? need it? tell me, tell me how badly you want me to fuck you until you cum."
yunjin cries, pulling you in to bury her face into your neck and beg, "y/n-ie please! it hurts so bad! fuck me! ruin me until I fall apart, please please... use your fingers, bury your tongue in me, fill my pussy with your cock, just please!! it's aching!!"
your eyes darken and lip slides into a smirk as she trembles under you, begging to be fucked senselessly, it would be a shame if you didn't listen to her! and so you did!
kissing her tear-stained cheek and whispering a reassuring okay into her ear before pulling back and resting the tip of your cock against her entrance, swiping up and down to collect enough of her wetness.
looking yunjin in her watery and pleading eyes before slamming yourself into her, a scream ripping from her mouth. her moans deafeningly loud with every intense thrust of your hips into her soaking hole. you pant into her ear and she grips onto you for dear life. her cunt clenches onto your throbbing member and it's difficult to move with every stroke, but you power through because she feels so fucking good, taking everything you give her so well.
she blabbers incoherently and murmurs continuous thank you's as you ram into her with no mercy, your pace impossibly fast. the sheer amount of slick and spit on and in her pussy makes everything so easy and pleasurable that you can't help but to feel like exploding soon. you hold her legs wide open and push deeper, bottoming out into her and feeling her cervix on your tip, making her throw her head back and your nails sink into her plush thighs.
you continue to rail her, completely pussy drunk and obsessed with how corrupted yunjin looks under you, a shell of the former confident hot girl you knew. nothing but a fuck doll, begging to be ruined by you. rubbing your fingers against her clit and watching as it sends her over the edge, her legs wrapping around your waist, her hands digging into your back, her throat sore with another scream erupting from her throat, her cunt gushing with cum against your pelvis. you cum deep inside of her, spurting out ropes of white liquid into her, filling her to the brim with your seed.
both of your guys' legs shake with pleasure as you fall on top of her borderline lifeless body. she's panting and gasping, trying to grapple onto air as you lick along her neck, tasting her sweat and smirking against her shoulder, her squirming with every action.
a/n - pretty short bc there's no concept behind it, it's more just headcanon/thoughts!!
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chrisevansonly · 9 months
reader and lando finding out poppy is a girl!!
𝐀 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞?
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𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: it’s time to find out the gender of baby norris, and lando had a little help from the boys at his detail garage…
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none very fluffy
𝐚/𝐧: i’m loving lando and poppy they’re so precious and cute😭
One of Lando’s first gifts to you that was enough to make your jaw drop was a 718 Porsche Boxer in pearl white, it was gorgeous, and he’d smiled while handing you the keys as if it didn’t cost him a pretty penny.
It was so significant to you that you’d wondered why it was missing from the garage, it wouldn’t be practical to drive it when the baby arrived, but for now it was fun and got you around town in a flash.
“Lan? Can you come here a second!”
You were sat comfortably on the couch, both hands resting on your growing bump, today was the day you were supposed to be finding out the gender of baby norris, but Lando had been off doing stuff all day, stuff you’d yet to figure out
“You called baby?”
When he came into view you smiled
“Where did the Porsche go? I went to take it out this morning and it was gone…”
Lando shrugged
“I got it taken for a detail, they’re actually about to drop it off now…I um..well I hope you don’t kill me..”
This caught your attention, your eyebrow raising at his slight hesitation
“What did you do…”
Sitting down next to you he leaned down to kiss your stomach before kissing your cheek
“Well, I may have gotten my guys that wrapped the Jolly…to wrap the Porsche…in um whatever colour the gender of baby Norris is” he stated quietly, almost afraid to upset you
“Wait really? Honestly that’s…that’s pretty genius Lan”
At the sound of your voice he smiled, leaning back onto the couch to cuddle in next to you
“Oh phew…do you know how many flowers companies, food deliveries and little presents I have on standby incase you hated it?”
At the sound of this you let out a laugh, though Lando knew deep down you’d never hurt a fly, he’d witnessed your wrath during your pregnancy, and after the first time he’d upset you, he vowed to never do that again.
Around 4:30 in the afternoon the guys arrived with the car, it had a cover over it as you and Lando stood in the driveway, eager to see just what colour your car was.
“Are you scared?” You asked, voice wavering
“A bit nervous but not scared…are you?”
“No…I mean-a little but just eager to see what baby Norris is”
Lando pressed a kiss to your temple, holding onto you gently. Thankfully the two of you decided to do this gender reveal just for the two of you, an announcement would come at a later date.
Letting out a deep breath you watched as the car was pulled up in front of you two, Lando making his way over to the fabric cover before looking at you
“Ready baby?”
“Pull it…”
Taking a deep breath himself Lando pulled the cover off to reveal your Porsche, gone was the white paint and to replace it, a gorgeous shade of pink: Baby Norris was a girl!
“A girl!!” Lando yelled excitedly as he cheered
You were a blubbering mess, tears running down your cheeks
“A g-girl…oh Lando”
After completing whatever strange dance he was doing he quickly came your way, pulling you into his arms before kissing your face, pulling away just enough to swipe the tears from your cheeks
“Yeah honey, a girl…you happy?”
“So happy..I love you so much”
Lando’s eyes brimmed with tears the more he thought about the fact that he was going to have a little girl to love and spoil, he was the luckiest man on the planet. He married the woman of his dreams, and had a daughter on the way.
“I love you more, and-”
He paused to lean down and press a kiss to your bump
“Daddy loves you too”
Forgotten was the pink Porsche in the driveway, all that matter was this moment between the two of you, three considering the little baby growing inside of you. Never in your life would you have ever seen your life working out this way, but you were so grateful it was.
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, alexandrasaintmleux and 1M others
pink porsche? guess that means lando’s a girl dad 🩷😉
thank you to the guys at London East Autoworks for helping us with our gender reveal!
tagged landonorris
see 43,000 comments
username CONGRATS😭😭
alexandrasaintmleux IM SOBBING
>ynnorris auntie alex🩷🩷
maxfewtrell congrats you two! can’t wait to meet the newest norris🩷
>ynnorris we love you more 😘😘
username i’m crying in the supermarket rn
username i cannot😭
mclaren congratulations you two! 🩷🩷
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 3 months
Another alternate universe where Riddle's sibling dating Ace and coming out gay--......I should make this a series.
In the Heartslabyul Dorm Lounge, Ace is playing cards with Deuce instead of doing homework.
???: "....a......where.....he....."
Ace: "Hm? Hey Juice, do hear that?"
Deuce: "Ugh, for the last time--"
A student suddenly ran past the lounge
Heartslabyul Student A: "I-I-It's bad! Everyone, save your heads!"
Deuce: "What the--"
Deuce: "Ace! W-What did you do this time?!"
Ace: "I didn't do anything, i swear!"
Trey, trying to stop Riddle: "Cater, hold him back!!"
Cater, summoning clones: "I'm trying!"
Ace: "What did I even do?!--"
Sibling!Rosehearts arriving
Sibling!Rosehearts: "Riddle, calm down! It was just a confession!"
Heartslabyul Student B: "S-someone do something!"
Deuce: "Uhhhh....I-i summon thee. CAULDRON!"
Riddle: "ACK!"
A cauldron dropped on top of Riddle, effectively knocking him out.
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Phew! Thanks, Deuce."
Deuce: "Um, no problem?... I'll probably be get beheaded after this..."
Ace: ".... Sibling! Rosehearts. Did you tell him?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "He only listened halfway."
Ace: "So uh, we gonna drag him to the infirmary or...?"
At the infirmary
Ghost: "Ok, his head injury doesn't seem to show any complications. But I suggest he stays here just in case."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Thank you, sir... Trey, Cater, Deuce. Can you guys leave me and Ace some space?"
Deuce: "Why--"
Cater: "Oh, don't worry, Sibling! Rosehearts. Cay-Cay, Trey, and Deucey got your back!"
Trey: "We're gonna be at the dorm lounge if you need us."
Trey, Cater and Deuce left Ace, Riddle and Sibling! Rosehearts in the infirmary. Leaving a long silence between the two.
Ace: "....."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "....."
Ace: "....I thought we agreed to keep US a secret?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "So you think WE can keep living like this? A lie? We can't fool everyone, especially my brother."
Ace: "I know, it's just.... I don't know what my family might feel. What the rest of the guys might think."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Me too..."
Ace: "..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "... Maybe you're right. I think we can just keep this a secret a while longer--"
Riddle, sober and wide awake: "KEEP WHAT A SECRET?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "SSSHHH! Don't shout! His head might still be ringing!"
Riddle: "Oh no, no. I heard EVERYTHING clearly."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Well shit."
Ace: "Well shit, indeed."
Surprisingly the elder Rosehearts did not scold the two and instead brought another silence. He finally speaks up.
Riddle: "...How long?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: " What?"
Riddle: "How long were you two together a secret?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Since we participated VDC."
Riddle: "Why him? Can't you see he is obnoxious? Can't you see he's a horrible influence on you? Do you not see that he's a male? What will mother--"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "What mother says is not always right. She tormented us. Eventually leading you to Overblot. We have our own bodies, our own souls, our own LIVES. She cannot place us in an impossibly high pedestal to begin with."
Riddle: "... But... You..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "I am still me. No matter how much I change, I'm still your sibling. But I feel trapped. I still yearn for my freedom to do anything. I feel suffocated for I can't have my own way of loving someone without thinking of what will our family might say."
Riddle, tears building up in his eyes: "...Why are you like this?"
Sibling! Rosehearts: "...if you still don't understand, it's ok. I'll--"
Ace: "Alright, you know what? FUCK IT. Riddle, your only sibling are trying their best explaining to you why they want to break free from your mom's astronomical expectations. We thought you already learned this after your Overblot. How she also chained you down to be defined as her trophy. If you can't accept Sibling! Rosehearts for the way they are then... Maybe you're still holding on to what's left of the chains."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "... A-Ace..."
Riddle: "........"
Ace: "I... Love your sibling just the way they are and they love me back despite me being a major asshole. Don't believe me? How about this..."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "ACE WHAT ARE YOU DOING--"
Ace opened a window next to Riddle's bed and inhaled a large sum of air. He didn't care if someone listened or not. He's gonna shout it out to the top of his lungs anyway.
Riddle: "!!!"
Sibling! Rosehearts, all red-faced: "A-A-ACE STOP THAT YOU MIGHT GET DISTURB THE CLASSES!"
Sibling! Rosehearts immediately dragged Ace by the collar and shut the window.
Riddle: "Ace... You're lucky I can't move right now. Otherwise I'd strangle you."
Ace: "Sorry, but I gotta since you won't believe me."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "That doesn't mean you should shout it out!"
Ace: "I can't prove it any way else other than that!"
Riddle: "Actually, there is. If you manage to beat me in a game of croquet, I'll let you court Sibling! Rosehearts. If you lose, I'll collar you for a year."
Sibling! Rosehearts: "Great Sevens, Riddle!"
Ace: "Ah crap."
The three hear snickering outside the door. Sibling! Rosehearts opened it and Trey, Cater and Deuce came falling in.
Sibling! Rosehearts: "!!!"
Riddle, with a cruel smirk: "Well, well, well... It looks like you three weren't supervising the dorm."
Cater: "Uhhhh... hahaha...."
Trey: "...S-sorry for eavesdropping?"
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komitomi · 1 year
“Who is she?” — zhongli x f!afab!reader
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;; if you feel yourself wanting to community label this, please kindly just block me instead, stupid how people ignore the warnings right in front of them.
NSFW CONTENT, MDNI: afab!reader, reader is a girl and identifies as one but cross dresses due to a plot point, p in v sex, porn with plot, missionary, oral (f), cunnilingus, slight tiddy play, consensual sex, zhongli questioning his sexuality slightly, gender talks, mentions of murder, cumming inside. + not proof read
based on this request (I had to change a few things up to fit the flow of plot)
By clicking read more, you are consenting to view this explicit content, you are responsible for your own experience.
“Hey zhongli!” you greet him and sit on the cloth laid on the ground next to him as he sips on his tea, he places the cup down and looks at you, “Hello, y/n.” he greets back, “Want some tea? I've just brewed it, it seems our friends liked it as well.” he offers and you nod.
You and zhongli met a few months ago and became close friends ever since then, you guys were currently on a picnic, just taking time off your duties and relaxing with your friends, you watched as he poured tea into the cup and lifted his hand to give it to you, you noticed how strands of his hair fell on his face when he leaned to pour tea.
You took the cup from his hand, fingers brushing against each other, these small interactions might not mean anything to him but to you- they gave you butterflies, you liked zhongli very much, he was all anyone could ask for, gentle, loving and caring and how he would be a good partner but as you thought about it more, a sour expression sat upon your face.
You were hiding a secret from everyone, a secret that you were a girl, using chest bindings to make your chest look flat, wearing masculine clothing, you posed as a man, and due to this you had to behave and act like one, against your will.
“What's wrong?” zhongli asks, breaking you out of your thoughts, you just smiled at him as you sipped on the tea “Oh nothing, my mind was wandering off.” you tell him, “I'm assuming it was unpleasant?” he questions and you nod.
You and zhongli talk a bit more until you hear the screams of one of your friends, xiang, you watch as the man comes running towards the camp, being chased by hilichurls and mitachurls, that idiot wandered off way too far again.
You, zhongli and others get up on your feet and draw your weapons, you launch yourself to the enemies, defeating one by one with your sword as zhongli does the same with his polearm, you felt something tear in the fight but you were too focused on survival, brushing it off as nothing, the enemies quickly fall to the ground before they turn into ashes right before your eyes.
“Phew! That was tough! But we did it” you yell in excitement and turn to face your friends, but they remain silent as they gaze at your torso, you wonder what they were staring at until you realise your top was ripped open, revealing your chest bindings and the flesh of your breast which looked like it was about to burst with the way the bindings were tightened around it.
You quickly cover yourself up and turn around, facing away from them, in shame and guilt, you could hear them whispering, the way their faces looked shocked when they realised, would they hate you now? what would your father do once he catches wind of this? what is zhongli gonna think? you were about to cry, tears welling up in your eyes until you felt something warm placed on your shoulders, you grabbed onto the coat and looked up at the person, it was zhongli who looked concerned for you.
He quickly shot a glare towards the men who were whispering, making them shut up, “you are a girl?” xiang asks and you look at him and nod, they all look at one another with shocked expressions, you could feel the heat of their stares, you felt guilty for lying but you had to.
“What's the big deal anyway? Y/n must have his- I mean her, reasons.” Zhongli questions, it felt so unfamiliar to have others refer to you with feminine pronouns yet so nice.
“Let's go back.” Zhongli simply says, leaving with you first as he leaves others to pack things up and trail behind, the entire walk was pure agony, the awkward silence was killing you, zhongli seemed so lost in his thought, zhongli told your friends something and they all nodded and parted ways, leaving you alone with him.
“You can't go home like that, come with me, let's get you dressed properly.” he said, you both went down a long path, which had less people around, he could simply take you into the city just as you were, but that would ruin your honour, and zhongli didn't want that, so he decided to take a time consuming path.
Although you were comforted that no one was around, it made things worse, there has barely been a conversation between you both, the air around you guys was suffocating, you were praying to the gods above to end this ordeal quickly and they seemed to have heard your prayers, you both reached zhongli's house, his attendants were confused at the sight but he commanded that you be taken up to his room and give you proper clothes.
The attendants quickly followed the orders and zhongli stayed behind, thinking about the events that followed, he was your close friend and felt betrayed that you would lie to him, but he later pushed away those feelings because he knew you wouldn't just do it for no reason.
In his room, you were given a bath, with scented oils and given feminine clothes, which apparently belonged to one of the attendants, they undid your chest bindings causing your breasts to fall out of their painful confines which made you let out a breath of relief as they were finally free.
As they readied you after your bath, you looked yourself in the mirror and it felt so surreal to you, you in all your glory, you finally felt like you.
You almost burst out crying if it weren't for the door opening to revealing zhongli, the attendants quickly bowed before leaving and zhongli looked at you for a while before sitting on the bed, and gestured you to do the same.
“So....” zhongli trailed off as you came and sat next to him, looking at him with a gentle expression, “You must be wondering.” you said and he nodded slowly. Taking a deep breath and collecting your thoughts, you revealed everything to him.
You watched his expression trying to process what you had just said.
“You're telling me— that your father wanted a son so desperately he forced you to dress like one?” he asks shakily and you nod, “and when your mother intervened, he took her life?” he clenches his fist and you nod slowly with a pained expression.
He didn't know what to say, he felt angry, angry at her father for forcing someone like her to do such things just because of his misogyny and obsession to carry on his legacy. He noticed how you deeply you were lost in thought.
“He won't be kind if he finds out.” you say, your voice shaking in fear and hands trembling in your lap, zhongli reaches out to them to calm them but stops himself, he usually did that before any of this happened, a small way of comforting others but now that you were a lady, he thought that it would be inappropriate to do so without your consent. This doesn't go unnoticed by you, “You can touch me, do not worry.” you say with a sad smile, aware of what was going on in his mind.
Although you were glad to be seen as your true self by him and him being kind about it to you, you missed when he wasn't aware and just let himself be free with you. He slowly takes your hand in his, before looking in your eyes, he doesn't know how to feel.
Things have changed now, he didn't know what, why did the warmth feeling in his chest grow when he found out that you were a lady? Zhongli wouldn't lie to himself, he had felt something during your friendship, an affection towards you, a longing for you, he liked you as a man, and he should be disappointed when it turned out you weren't, but he wasn't, in fact. He felt more affectionate towards you.
Maybe he felt guilty to feel that way towards a man, but now he realised that you were a woman, it made it better? Or maybe, he didn't care.
Maybe it was you, you who made him feel that way, your personality, not the fact that whether you were a man or not, no, it was all you. just you.
His didn't realise what he was doing until he felt you gasp, he was caressing your face, trailing his thumb on your bottom lip, he quickly retreated his hand back and cleared his throat, “I- I apologize—” before he can't finish his apology, you cut him off.
“It's okay, I want to be touched by you.” you didn't know why you had said that but that made zhongli eyes widen slightly before he took in a deep breath.
The chambers grew warm and your bodies felt hot, zhongli leaned towards you, the tension between both of you arising rapidly, he looks at you before looking down at your lips and then, it happens.
He presses his lips against you gently, giving you a feather light kiss before he pulls back, tilting his head and kissing you once again, he repeats this a few times before kissing you passionately, his hand in your hair holding you against him as your lips moved in rhythm.
He pulls back and breathes in deeply, and pushes you down on the bed, and gets on top of you, he knees place on either side of your body, his hair framing you, “May I?” he asks and you nod your head, “Yes, you may.” you say and he smiles before leaning down to kiss you once again, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closers.
He pulls away and brings you further up the bed and undoes your clothing, revealing your bare body to him before he does the same, leaving him bare to the room as well, he trails kisses down your neck, to your breasts and to your stomach which sent you butterflies.
He spreads your cunt and groans at the sight, “Fuck you're already wet.” he said before indulging himself between your thighs, you've never felt this way before. You were aware of the desires of the flesh but to think you would be able to experience that was a shocker.
You let out small moans and grip zhonglis hair tightly as he laps at your cunt, coating his tongue with your wetness and kissing your bud, suckling on it from time to time, you looked at him and his expression made you even more wetter.
He looked so lost in the feeling, his eyes dazed as his main focus was to pleasure you, one would think that he was also pleasuring himself whilst he ate you, that's how content he looked.
A warmth spreads in your stomach and before you know it, it ignites something inside, causing you to arch your back and push zhonglis face tighter into your cunt as you are blinded by the sensation. He moans when he felts your juices coating his tongue, he pulls back and swallows thickly.
He comes upwards towards you and presses a gentle kiss on your cheek before he spreads your legs wider, you looked down at him and perhaps you wish you hadnt because what you saw was unexplainable.
He was hard, extremely hard, you saw how it twitched from time to time, you gulped, there's no way in hell that it would fit.
“Are you okay?” he asks and you nod, how can you tell if you were anxious because of the size, you didn't have to, he knew.
“I will be gentle okay?” he says before he likes himself against your entrance and slowly pushes inside, he had prepared you, yes, but he was too big to take, and you felt a burning sensation as he stretched you open, causing you to grip his shoulders tightly and clench your eyes shut.
He stopped for a bit, before pushing in a little, he repeated that process until you were fully able to take him, he let out a gasp when he entered fully inside, trying to control himself from ramming into you like a madman. Making sure you adjust to his size.
He says like that for a while, and you finally relax and open your eyes, you look at his face, he was already looking at you, he presses a gentle kiss on your cheek and caresses it.
“Y-you can move.” you say and he nods, he moves slowly at first, drawing back gently before pushing in gently too, he was obviously restraining himself, it was so painfully visible.
He continued like that for a while, the pain you were experiencing slowly turned into pleasure as he maintained a steady pace, you moaned, asking him to go faster and he obeyed.
He picked up his pace, only slightly faster as to not hurt you, causing your bodies to rock up and down the bed, he gripped one of your breasts and kissed it before taking in the other in his mouth and sucking.
He let go of you breast from his mouth, and his pace became even more faster, your expression indicated that you were no longer in pain, and now his gave in to his urges.
His pace was set to an extremely brutal one, he held your hip to keep you stable against him, and you moaned loudly into the chambers, crying out his name in pleasure as his rammed his hips into yours, you clawed against his back.
“Good girl, look at you taking in my cock so well.” he said, making you blush, you never expected to hear such words from zhongli, sure you had touched yourself imagining him but, you didn't think it would come true.
He moved up and shuffled to his feet and pulled your hips into his lap, thrusting in and out of you, the new angle made his cock touch some spot within you, which made you feel tingly, his constantly brushed over the spot, stimulating it.
And before you know, you felt the same blinding pleasure course through your body as you came undone beneath him, walls fluttering around his cock, making him moan loudly with the way you gripped him.
His thrusts became sloppier and soon enough, he was finishing as well, he finished deep inside you, and you didn't complain, you always knew there were brews and drinks to prevent pregnancy, so that was the least of your worries in your mind.
But with the ecstasy, came the realisation.
You soon gained senses and started to worry about what would happen tomorrow, your father ought to have found out by now, after all, rumours spread very quickly, zhongli felt you tense beneath him, he pulled out his softened cock and layed next to you, pulling you into a warm embrace.
Then he heard you sniffle, “shh.. it will be alright, I'll deal with it, you have my word” oh how much you loved him, he knew exactly what you were worried about.
And stand by his word is what exactly zhongli did, he dropped you off at your residence and your father, at first, played dumb, pulling an pitiful old man card who just wanted a son, but zhongli saw right through that bullshit and lectured him.
And for the first time, you saw fear in your fathers eyes, it gave you a sense of satisfaction, you felt no pity for this man, for he had taken everything from you.
“I am going to marry her.” those words that left his mouth shocked you and your father and you looked at him, it wasn't an a question, he wasn't asking, he was declaring, and soon enough you found out the original reason why he accompanied you, you watched as his servants bought out your things from inside your house.
He was taking you with him, your father cried and begged for you to stay, telling you how he had no one to take care of him, and you almost felt pity, almost.
That was until you remembered everything, you ignored his cries and pleas and went with zhongli.
For once you felt happy, like you had your life in your hand, and now you'd share your future with the man you wanted to be with the most.
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2knightt · 9 months
「 you are—unforgettable.」
IN WHICH—you’re them and they’re you!♡ ໋֢ 👒✧
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⌗ 👒 notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ people in this fic refer to two-bit as ‘keith.’ who cuz who the FUCK says ‘he got his two-bits in🤓’ NOBODY! but in the descriptive parts he will be two-bit. ALSO IF U DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING LOOK IN THE TAGS!
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Ponyboy Curtis ;
his class was gonna watch this movie before reading a book. ‘the outsiders,’ or somethin’.
it was made in the ‘80’s—he didn’t want to even watch it. watching movies in class was the worst!
ponyboy sat at his desk, head in his arms. he heard the music and looked up, chin resting on his arms.
when ponyboy seen you writing down and narrating, he could’ve sworn he died and came back to life. LIKE WHEN HE HEARD YOUR VOICEEE HE GOT A LITTLE BLUSH ON HIS CHEEKS.
his friends beside him noticed, snickering to themselves. they shoved him, asking if that was his future partner. he just pushed them off, quietly telling them to fuck off.
when ponyboy seen you covered in the soot??? phew—he questioned his morals, man. and THEN HE SEEN YOU BEAT UP?? he was getting FED.
ponyboy came out of that school a new man.
his ears were hot, his cheeks were red, and he was already looking up edits of you. ponyboy shoved those almost broken wired apple headphones in his ears and tuned everyone out.
when he got home he ignored any questions darry and soda threw at him and immediately went to his room. ponyboy quietly closed the door before hopping into bed, pulling out his phone, and going on tiktok.
spent like a solid 30 minutes tweaking over edits of you. like full on screaming into his pillow—i’m so serious.
“darry, what the hell is that noise?”
“i dunn—ponyboy?”
when he found out that, outside of the outsiders, you’re decades older than him he was SO HEARTBROKEN.
the gang seen him looking at photos of you and immediately started teasing him. he absolutely tried to back himself up with stutters.
“they’re how much years older than you, bro?”
reads fanfic. look at me in the eyes and try to tell me that ponyboy motherfucking curtis doesn’t read fanfiction.
you can’t.
like bro he’s so desperate for more content of you to the point where he writes the fics he yearns for—got pretty popular to.
“why the fuck is your phone blowing up?”
“PLEASE don’t ask me any questions about it.”
he’s a freak. he knows everything about you. ponyboy’s even began to watch your interview’s about the movie. and your other movies.
literally a teenage girl.
Johnny Cade ;
seen you when he was watching random movies at the curtis house. at first he was like, ‘wait!! they’re so me coded😛.’ it never occurred to him that you could be so cute.
he seen you crying and something in him like actually snapped.
“wait….am i getting a crush? they’re kinda…”
when he seen the equivalent of ponyboy in this universe snuggled up to you in the church he was soooo jealous.
yk that one audio where it’s like, “how long is he gon’ be talking to my WIFE.” that’s literally johnny cade when he seen that person kiss the top of your head.
“what the fuck?”
“…what do you mean?”
“nothin’. it’s just kinda bullshit that they swoop in and steal my chance😒.”
“you never had one.”
“okay, pal😐.”
heart broke when he seen you in the hospital bed btw. like was full on gripping onto a pillow with tears in his eyes.
johnny was in such denial when he seen you die😭. ‘bro, no. they literally aren’t dead.’/‘guys!! it’s just a prank!!’
when he got to the scene he was in SHAMBLES. HE WAS INCONSOLABLE. ripping his hair out, screaming, crying, allat.
“stay gold…”
was so pissed when you didn’t come back. was even more pissed when your letter was read out loud.
“johnny, it’s a movie.”
“this is so unfair. i hate movies.”
gets nervous looking at photos of you. like to the point where he tries to look up your name on pinterest before bailing mid sentence and giggling. like full on throwing his phone across the room, kicking his feet.
will talk for hours about you. thinks your the coolest character ever!! defends you like his life depends on it.
“they killed someone?”
“so?? you’re acting like you wouldn’t do it to🤣🤣 fake ahh friend.”
“they legit can’t stand up for themselves. you want someone like that to be out walking them streets?”
“oh, god for bid a person has trauma. and YES I DO🗣️. i hope they walk right into my arms, HO.”
all said online btw. he would never ruin his ego by speaking like this. i am a strong believer johnny cade puts up a strong front online.
johnny literally thinks you’re the cutest person he’s ever seen. like his cheeks get so hot when he thinks about you and he gets a silly little smile on his face.
he looks at photos of you and his friends think he has a little girlfriend.
“who you textin’, johnnycakes?”
“c’mon—we see that smile!”
and it’s literally just you with blood dripping down your face.
Dallas Winston ;
caught a glimpse of you at some girls house he slept at. literally stopped dead in his tracks as he seen you light a cigarette before mumbling, ‘nothin’ legal, man.’
“i-uh, what movie’s this?”
“huh? oh, the outsiders. pretty good movie.”
he thanked her and threw on his jacket before speed walking to bucks place. he had to watch this movie or he’s actually lose it.
imagine buck’s bar is actually a house, kay? dallas sits his pretty little ass on that couch, flips to whatever streaming service, and turns on ‘the outsiders.’
thought it was all boring until he seen you walk into frame—mocking the main character. at that very moment he was all, ‘wait that’s kinda hot.’
seeing you help the two younger ones run away while still acting tough was so attractive to him. dallas felt like he was losing his mind.
seeing you run in after the two into the church kinda made his knees weak.
“what the hell are you screamin’ ‘bout?”
“nothin’, buck…”
he was so scared that you’d die in the fire. (little did old dallas know am i right fellas!!!!) like i swear to god he was so scared you’d end up like the johnny in this universe.
WHEN HE SEEN YOU FIGHTINGGG. he went feral. dallas was like so flustered. he was trying so hard to hide his blush to the ghosts around him with his hair.
his flush was short lived however. seeing you cry and then literally point a gun at a cashier was lowkey whiplash for him.
“what the fuck is happening?”
dallas figured out what was gonna happen early on and started kinda tearing up. like one tear formed in his eye before he blinked it away. but he was still devastated.
WHEN DALLY HEARD SOMEONE SCREAM “they’re just a kid!” he lost it. like actually. he went limp on the couch and spaced out. like damn…his fiancé, who doesn’t know they’re his fiancé yet, really WAS just a kid.
nobody knows he likes the outsiders OR that he has a crush on you. and they CAN’T know, it’s way too embarrassing. like actually.
when he’s with the gang and he’s just casually scrolling on tiktok and he sees the tags with your name, he immediately favourites it and scrolls. he saved it for later when he’s alone.
also defends you like there’s no tomorrow.
“they were hitting on someone who had a partner??”
“okay?? fucking live a little jesus.”
“i’m into it tho lmfao”
swears up and down that if you and him were in a room together—you’d have a crush on him. top tier delusion.
like if he gets drunk with keith, he will rant about it.
“no—hear me out. put me in a room with y/n l/n and i swear to god they’re gonna be madly in love with me.”
“no they won’t, dallas.”
looks at photos of you and probably has you as his pfp on his spam. includes you in every other photo dump.
Sodapop Curtis ;
seen an edit of you on tiktok and audibly gasped. full on went, “WHO IS THATT😜” went to the tags and just scrolled under it for a good long while.
he seen a angst edit of you and made up his mind that he had to watch the movie.
for the while that you weren’t on screen, he was trying to push through. he really was. but deep down—in his head he was screaming, “BORING! SHOW ME THE PRETTY ONE!!”
when sodapop seen you tending to your younger sibling he could’ve sworn he was on cloud 9.
“my turn when :/.”
WHEN SODA SEEN YOU GET OUT OF THE SHOWERRR😭😭. he lost his BREATH like was full on gripping his imaginary pearls.
had to take a breather to walk around the house before unpausing the movie. had a blush across his cheeks, i can’t even lie.
when he learned that you were described as, “movie star attractive,” all he did was nod. like,
“mhm. i always knew my fiancé was good looking.”
he is so open about his little crush in you—it’s so cute :(
“steve, look at ‘em.”
“i see them—get your fuckin’ phone outta my face.”
“aren’t they so perfect??🤭🤭”
“i guess.”
“well, BACK OFF. we’re already happily married.”
“in your dreams maybe.”
“oh my god.”
soda has you as his pfp on at least two platforms. his name on one platform is “y/n’s boyfriend (REAL!)”
seeing you run out on your siblings after they grouped you into your argument made him just wanna hug you so bad. like he just wanted to tell you it was all gonna be okay.
has a album in his photos where it’s edits of you and photos. giggles and twirls his hair as he looks at it.
Darry Curtis ;
his parents used to watch the movie all the time and you’ve always just been a life long crush of his.
like when younger darry seen you walk into frame, comforting your kid sibling, something in his head snapped.
suddenly everything was in slow motion, there were hearts everywhere, he had rose coloured glasses on, and for some reason—harps play in the background.
as darry grew up it literally never went away. whenever the outsiders comes on when he’s home he always still goes, “woah.😍😍”
like he thinks you’re so fine.
he doesn’t like watch edits, read fanfic—none of that🗣️. but if he gets asked who is celebrity crush is—your name is coming out of his mouth ASAP.
“so, darry, who’s your celebrity cru-“
“y/n l/n.”
“but they’re a character?”
“Y/N L/N.”
he has like ONE printed out photo of you in his room from years ago. he knows exactly where it is and where to hide it, but he still keeps it.
at least once every two months, when everyone’s asleep and he has no work the next day, he’ll stay up just to watch the movie.
he’ll have a budlight in his hand as he watches you absolutely DEMOLISH at the rumble.
“i always knew they’d win.”
“you’ve watch this movie a thousand times.”
the gang eventually found out his little crush on you. only light teasing ‘cause they’re so scared they’ll get that darry smoke if they push him further😭😭.
“oh my god! look, darry! you’re little crush is on screen!”
“steve, i will beat some sense into you if you don’t shut up.”
“…okay, bud.”
“when’s the weddin’?”
“after your funeral, keith.”
“wow. hater.”
Steve Randle ;
his dad fell asleep on the couch one night with this old movie playing in the background.
steve was about to turn it off before he caught a glimpse of you offering this half naked person some cake. he was all, ‘WAITTTT🙈🙈!!’
like he seen you in that sleeveless jacket and immediately fell in love. literally was on a mission to figure out who you were.
when he did? all he wanted to do was watch the outsiders. WHEN HE SEEN YOU SCOLDING THE MAIN CHARACTER HE SOO KNEW YOU WERE HIS TYPE
“wish they’d scold me like that…damn…😞✊”
“…you think i look tuff?”
“YES BAE!!!”
making his name on like insta or something, “y/n’s HUSBAND.” he puts emphasis on the husband because he believes that you want him so bad.
like actually. he’s fucking delusional.
“guys…they like cake…and I LIKE CAKE! do you see my vision??”
“man, fuck you.”
photo dumps on insta of pictures of you with the caption, “from our honeymoon 😍😍😛😛!” his friends are ripping him apart in comments btw.
“they’re actually so gross what.”
“they have 0 depth.”
“0 depth to YOU. to ME they’re the love of my life.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
seen the outsiders when he was drunk. he didn’t remember anything that night but the cute lil’ actor who was laughing after flirting with some rich lookin’ kid.
the only thing he remembers saying that night was,
“damn—when is it MY TURN😩😞”
WENT ON A FUCKING HUNT TO FIND THIS MOVIE ISTG. he was looking up shit that didn’t even matter to the plot—so he got different movies each time.
‘cute actor flirting’
‘cute actor in old ass movie’
‘mickey mouse shirt’
‘when was mickey mouse created’
‘who is walt disney’
he got a little distracted but that’s not the point. two-bit found the movie and cried tears of joy. fell to his knees and all😭.
he immediately turned the outsiders on and waited to see you. HE WAS SOO SAD TO FIND OUT YOU HAD LIKE SUCH LITTLE SCREENTIME.
but he worked with it. he was taking SO MUCH PHOTOS OF HIS TV WHEN YOU WERE ON SCREEN LMFAO. they were all so shaky too😭😭.
doesn’t shut the fuck up about you.
“they want me so bad🤣🤣😂😂.”
“they wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, keith.”
“what if i killed myse-”
“they’re so find i won’t ‘em.”
“what the fuck are you saying?”
“what are YOU SAYING? back up.”
‘they could beat the shit out of me and i thank them :3’
‘omg who said that’
you are his profile picture everywhere. and anywhere.
genuinely believe you’re the love of his life. i swear to god he does. KING OF DELUSION ABOVE ALL ELSE!
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bedoballoons · 10 months
Request!!! If I may~ How will they propose? 💍 For Lyney, Xiao, Wanderer, Albedo, Cyno, Kazuha, Tighnari, Kazuha, Heizou, Wrio, Kaveh, Alhaitham~ (feel free to remove some characters or split it if its too much to do at once :3)
Currently in wedding mood and brainrotting about how will the proposal go. Aaaaa 🥰🥰
I love writing wedding proposals, they just are so beautiful and full of love, I hope you enjoy! <3
P.s. I did cut out alot of them but I will most likely make a second part!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Will you marry me?~༺}
CW: Very fluffy! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, Albedo: My love, Wanderer: dummy, Kazuha: Butterfly)
(Includes: Lyney, Albedo, Xiao, Wanderer, and Kazuha!)
Lyney held up a card for you, but it wasn't like any of the others in his deck, in fact it wasn't even one you'd ever seen before, "Ooo did you get new cards Lyney? I thought I'd seen all your trick ones!" He chuckled softly, knowing full well that the card in your hands was not only one of his tricks...but also his whole heart, "This ones particularly special Mon amour, watch~"
You trained your eyes on the card, paying close attention as his hand waved over it, just like magic, the picture changed...showing nothing but a ring, a beautiful ruby ring. You weren't sure what it meant, if this was a trick of the eyes...or possibly a moment you'd been dreaming of, "Lyney-"
"What do you say? Care to spend forever together? Cause...I know I want to. I want to spend every single day with you." The magician smiled at you sweetly, you felt like your heart might explode, tears welling up in your eyes. There wasn't any other option, "Yes! Of course yes!"
"Phew, I was getting alittle worried." He pulled you close so he could kiss your cheek and before you could even open your eyes, he'd changed the card into the ring it had once shown.
"What are you up to my love?" Albedo sat down next to you, his arms wrapping around you almost automatically so he could pull you close and rest his chin on your shoulder. He just loved being so close to you, holding you and just watching whatever you were doing, it was almost like his way of studying what you liked.
"Just reading something. It's a love story and truthfully it reminds me of us." You leaned back into him, laying your head back so you could see his reaction...to your surprise...he had a slightly mischievous look.
"Do they? I suppose it isn't to difficult, our romance is truly out of a novel...do they happen to get married in the end?"
Your heart skipped a beat and suddenly you felt flustered, "Yes...why do you ask?"
"Just wondering if it's as accurate to our love story."
"But we arent-"
"Not yet, but if you say yes we could be~" He kissed your cheek as he reached into his pocket, retrieving a small black jewelry case.., "I promise it will be a happily ever after~"
"You arranged your teapot?!" You were in awe, unable to even form a coherent thought as you looked at the now beautifully decorated surroundings. Xiaos domain had originally never changed since he received his teapot, in fact he almost never used it as he preferred to sleep outside. He was originally going to give it to you...say you could build a home for the two of you to live together, but then something had changed his mind.
"I'm...sorry if it's not perfect. I was going to ask for help from the other adepti, but I decided I wanted it to be my own creation. My creation of the perfect spot for us..."
Your cheeks became dusted with a light pink as he spoke, he'd made the perfect spot for the both of you...and he'd done so in the perfect way. "Xiao I love it! We are going to live here together right! This will be our home!" You couldn't contain your excitement, you wanted to run into the home in the middle and squeal, but he seemed to have something else to say.
"Yes...but it's also more than that." He stepped closer to you, his hand gently intertwining with yours as he stared deeply into your eyes...he captivated your attention so easily when he did this, "I want this to be the place of our wedding. The place where we make our promise..."
"Yes...if you will have me. I would like to marry you. Please?"
"Can I open my eyes yet?" You groaned quietly, trying to peek through the cracks in Wanderers fingers as he lead you deeper into the forest, to a area you'd thought was off limits. You didn't know what had gotten into him, why he was so keen on making sure you couldn't see anything until he said so...why he seemed so absolutely and utterly nervous. He never got nervous, flustered maybe, but nervous? Maybe he was plotting something, "You're not trying to kill me are you?"
"What in teyvat are you talking about? If I wanted to kill you do you really think I'd go through the effort of bringing you here?"
"Maybe. Maybe I'd know if I could see where here is..."
"You can look in just a minute. Now shush and watch out for the branch at your feet."
"You said just a minute 5 minutes ago." You felt yourself wanting to roll your eyes, but to your delight he actually removed his hands so you could see...and it was anything but what you were expecting.
It was a miniature village, filled with creatures you'd only thought were in story books..and even crazier was the large cake they were grouped around. The letters were definitely wonky and some of the words weren't even spelled right, but it clearly read, "Will you marry me?" You spun around to meet Wanderers gaze and he simply smirked at you, "Answer my question dummy~"
"Kazuha what is this place?" You gasped softly, taking in the vibrant hues of pink trees and the sweet smell of tea brewing, even the grass somehow held a magical feel due to its light blue tint. How this all could be in a cave was beyond your understanding, but of course it didn't surprise you, Kazuha had a way of finding the most beautiful hidden spots and he always enjoyed sharing them with you.
"It's one of the few places in Inazuma that I could come to after the decree had been set in place. It became a important part of my life, somewhere I could hide out and write my hymns and sorrows. Now I come back to show that the darkest part of my life has ended and is now replaced with the most bright and wonderful light. You of course being my light butterfly, I thought it only fitting to bring you here for this.."
Your eyes widened slightly, during his small speech he'd gotten more nervous...and then towards the end he seemed downright flustered, which was so different than his normally calm collected personality. "Bring me here for what?"
He smiled shyly at you, feeling like his heart might explode as he kneeled before you, retrieving the ring he had hand crafted for this very moment. He could tell you were beyond shocked and he hoped dearly that it was in a good way, "Will you marry me butterfly? I need my light in the dark...I cannot see any future without you..., every thought of the next day is centered around you and the love I can give you. Please, allow me to love you...forever and always."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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sketches4mysw33theart · 4 months
Dead Poets Society: Some Thoughts and Analysis
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Essentially a stream of consciousness I had while rewatching the movie today. In chronological order as I was making notes!
✒️ Charlie talks so much with his eyebrows
✒️ Todd is tasked with taking minutes of the meetings, but I don't believe we ever see him actually do so (although it would have been nice if he did)
✒️ Cameron looks so much like a fisherman when he's smoking his pipe
✒️ Cameron's distaste for Charlie (and often for the rest of the boys) is evident super early on (e.g. when they walk out of Mr Keating's first class and Cameron says "do you think he'll test us on that stuff?" And, when he gets shut down, he throws a very angry look at Charlie and the poets. This happens several times, but as far as I remember we never see Cameron retaliate.) From this, while I don't like it, I understand why Cameron did what he did at the end of the movie because I think he felt undermined by the others and he was considered 'useful' and 'smart' for the school
✒️ Also, I do not accept that Cameron's name is Richard Cameron, he's pulling a Zendaya and goes by one name only
✒️ Mr Keating looks so disappointed in Charlie when saying "Thank you, Mr Dalton, you just illustrated the point"
✒️ I think Knox kissing Chris at the party, while somewhat gross, is necessary to show that Carpe Diem isn't always the right thing to do, as is Charlie putting the article in the paper  - i think maybe Chris not ending up with Knox would have hammered this home, especially because she seems perfectly happy with Chet. Of course, Chet's response to what happened at the party isn't fair, but it is definitely what I can see a teenage boy on the high school football team in the 50's doing. Don't choke on the bone, Knoxious!
✒️ Is Charlie trying to get thrown out of school? With the article in the paper stunt, he must have known how serious the repercussions would be, so maybe already he was considering getting out of school because he felt it wasn't the right path for him
✒️ "You made a liar out of me, Neil" - Mr Perry, I hate you
✒️ Did all of the poets, minus Neil and Knox, really squeeze into Keating's car?!
✒️ Neils little face when he comes out of the curtain, and how quick it falls when he sees his father - he's like a little kid showing a finger painting to a parent who insults it, he just wants his Dad to be proud of him
✒️ Mr Keating's face when Neil drives away after the play - I think he had an idea what was coming
✒️ That zoom in on Neil's face when his father's saying "more of this acting business, you can forget that"- he knew, then, that his dad would never change and what he was going to do
✒️ I want the doorknobs in the Perry house, specifically Neil's
✒️ The first time I watched this movie, I was so on edge when Neil was standing in front of the open window, thinking he was going to jump, and when he didn't I was like 'phew', and then the thing happened and my blood sugar spiked way up
✒️ Mr Perry saying 'my poor son' - i don't know, it rubs me up the wrong way, he has a name, he is not simply an extension of you
✒️ Cameron isn't there when the poets tell Todd what happened to Neil
✒️ The lingering image of Charlie with a tear down his face is so beautiful
✒️ Knox just clinging to Todd in the snow
✒️ The comparison between the deleted scene of Neil and Todd running lines by the lake when it's sunny and Todd running towards the lake screaming Neil's name 💔
✒️ Similarly, the comparison between Todd not wanting to speak at all in the meetings, and then the deleted scene where he reads a poem after Mr Perry takes Neil away
✒️ Charlie not singing during Neil's assembly
✒️ Ave means farewell in literature, and Charlie closing his eyes when it's sang is beautiful
✒️ Charlie carries on smoking when Cameron's coming into the attic meeting - he either knows it's Cameron or doesn't care who tf catches him doing anything bad anymore
✒️ I don't think Cameron ever actually 'believed' in Mr Keating, definitely not to the extent the others did - he never called him captain, for example, except when he realised everyone else in the common room was, and air quotes the word 'captain' in the attic. So, it raises the question why he went along with everyone even so?
✒️ While I do somewhat sympathise with Cameron, that is one of the most satisfying punches in movie history
✒️ I think Todd's parents weren't that different from Neil's, Todd's dad is clearly very authoritarian from the minute or so he's on screen (and the fact that Todd signs the paper) and his Mom says nothing in his defense, but the way Todd mouths 'Mom' breaks my heart
✒️ In what universe does acting = what Neil did? All those theatre kids and their evil, satanic rituals, forcing our kids away from school 🙄 I hate you, Mr Perry and Mr Nolan
✒️ Todd's the last one to stand up when Nolan walks into Keating's classroom
✒️ Mr Nolan complimenting Mr Pritchard's introduction is so ridiculously funny to me considering what Keating made them do to it
✒️ Mr Keating's smile to Todd through the door in the classroom has the same energy as "All my love to you poppet. You're going to be alright."
In conclusion, I adore this film.
Robin Williams, O Captain, My Captain 🫡❤️
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zombieumbreon · 22 days
separate headcanons with shoto, neito, tamaki, shindo and rin and another poly with bakugo & kirishima being called daddy/daddies for the first time by their girl
Please n thx
Shoto>>The first time you say it he’s caught completely off guard. He’s slightly confused as to why he likes it so much. His cock is pistoning in and out of you at an unforgiving pace, his heterochromatic eyes are screwed shut as he tried to keep from coming right then. And then it becomes a regular thing when you’re desperate to feel him.
Neito>> He’s already cocky. So when you let the word fall from your lips from the first time. Phew. He has you screaming and creaming for him. “You’ll never belong to anyone else. Tell who you belong to.”
Tamaki>> oh sweet baby. He is BLUSHING. You don’t use it in a submissive way with him either. No. You’re the dom in the moment, demanding him to cum for you. But, in the same instance you’re just as whiny and needy as he is when you say it. When you manage to string out a coherent sentence again he’s done for. “Come on, Daddy, be a good boy for me and cum.”
Shindo>> Man is using his quirk to make you go wild. “Da-daddy please, can’t take it.” He licks his lips, like a hungry wolf and speeds up. “Of course you can, babygirl. So good for me, come on just a little more for Daddy.”
Rin>> likes it more than he thought he would. Degrades you for it. “Such a slut. You love my cock that much?” But, all you can do is whimper. Until he stops. “Beg” is all he says and you’re crying for him. “Please, Daddy, please. Need to feel you”
KiriBaku>> “Daddy!” And they both turn to look at you, your arm wrapped around a new plushie. A shark. They’re annoyed you’ve added to your collection, but you look so pretty for them all fucked out clinging to the red shark adorned with a Dynamite mask and tears rolling down your cheeks. “Da-daddies, please,” you’re overstimulated and they give absolutely zero fucks that you are.
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cookie-crumblr · 4 months
Chubby F! Housewife Reader X M!Yandere Streamer OC Jasper
Part 1?
next part!
(idk i might continue it?? should i? i know it’s more niche)
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CW: Chubby F!reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, cheating themes, reader in a dress, pet names for reader(darling, ) not smutty yet! slow burn possibly
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keep thinking about a chubby housewife reader to like a really shitty but rich man, and they move next door to Jasper………………. MMMMM
Anything in Red reader isn’t aware of
Your husband moved you both into a beautiful mansion in a gated community. It’s amazing, and everything you could ever need, he’s providing.
You fell in love with him a year and a half ago.
It’s not like he lied, but you wouldn’t have married him had you known what he was really like.
He drinks all day and complains all night, and when he fucks you, he finishes in a few seconds. And that’s when he does fuck you! He’s hardly ever even touching you let alone getting it in.
You are standing outside overseeing the movers as they take boxes and furniture into your brand new house. your skirt dances against your legs in the warm, gentle breeze.
Your husband swirls an amber liquid in a short crystal glass, watching you from the doorway. When you wave excitedly, he skulks back into the mansion.
Your heartstrings tug painfully.
He’s taken you far away from all of your loved ones, somewhere where you’re all alone and afraid… And he can’t even be there for you at least little bit? Before a stinging tear fully can form-
“Evenin’” You hear a lazy male voice from nearby, and spin toward your hedges. There’s a wrought gate between yours, and your neighbors’ yard directly… The old neighbors must’ve been their friend. A young looking guy stands on the other side of it, waving kindly to you. His posture is easy, one hand in his jean pocket, the other up in the air, his head tipped back exposing his pale neck. Long black hair frames his face, loaded with piercings. He looks out of place, but perfectly at home standing out.
You approach, figuring that your husband can lead the movers just fine on his own. You don’t notice your slight pout, but Jasper finds it adorable, he bites his lip, eyeing you up.
“Sorry I didn’t bake ya a pie, didn’t know the place would be sold so soon.” He laughs and lazily scratches the back of his head, his shirt pulls up revealing his hip bone.
“Why? ‘s it haunted? OooOo” You wave your fingers to mock something spooky.
He laughs at your cute demeanor, “Eh maybe, last owner did die,” he shrugs.
“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t know….” You idly run your fingers over the cold, slightly bumpy textured gate.
“Nothing to be sorry for, didn’t know them” He shrugs.
“Oh phew! I thought— Anyway!” You shake your hands and head to reset the convo, “What’s up? why’d you call me over here?” You tilt your head and fold your hands in front of you.
“I was just greeting my pretty new neighbor, that’s all,” He grins.
“Oh stop! I’m married!” You shyly laugh and turn your head so that he can’t see you’re flustered.
“happily?” His grin grows as does his suspicion.
“Oh!” You think of an excuse to quickly leave, “I think the movers are calling me!” You rush off back to at least pretend to delegate again.
His brow raises curiously as he smiles after you, watching your curves sway as you walk away.
The stranger watches you for a few minutes longer, and you feel his eyes on you, but you don’t dare turn around and encourage him.
You are a good wife. Regardless of who you ended up marrying. You stomp, steadfast in your decision.
He chuckles before walking back to his home.
Inside you finish setting the table with the house workers, and arranging the flowers on all the marble pedestals around the dining room. Your husband is having some business partners over for dinner.
As the door rings you rush to answer the door, and an employee beats you to it, taking their coat and everything.
You aren’t really sure what you should be doing… And your chest tightens with nerves.
“What are you doing out here? You should be with me.” Edward grabs your elbow and drags you along. He’s being rather rough but you can’t help feel a little grateful to be lead. It doesn’t stop your eyes burning in embarrassment.
He sets you down in the seat next to his at the head, and your heart flutters with pride, emotional whiplash aside.
A few men enter the dining room one after the other, and then dinner is served. you’re dissociating for most of it, just nodding along to their dull conversation, until your husband’s hand clasps around your thigh. “Huh?”
“You’re excused now, darling,” he has a cold look in his eye that startles you.
“What?” What he said hurt your feelings, he doesn’t want you around now? did you do something wrong?
“Leave, let us grown ups talk now” He laughs with his business friends joining in.
You feel that far too familiar sting in your eyes, how could he!? that’s so embarrassing! You’re his wife.
Doing your best, you stand without making a scene and give them all your most polite and proper departing smile.
It’s cold on the patio. Your evening dress doesn’t cover very much and where it does, the fabric is cool. You’re quick to shiver, but you remain.
There’s a security camera above you and you feel watched, so you decide to go for a walk around the block instead of staying stationary. Maybe that will warm you up a little too.
You creep out the front gate, feeling like you’re a teen again, sneaking out when you aren’t supposed to… But this is your home! you aren’t disallowed from taking a walk!
“Hah!” You laugh to yourself, how silly of a feeling you just had.
As you round a corner adorned by an iron lamp post with glowing twin lanterns, you start dwelling more and more on your predicament. You already felt lonesome before, where Edward had made you feel special, and told you you’d never be alone again. Yet here you are, walking down the dim street, alone.
An engine coming towards you snaps you out of your thoughts, you turn to see a large van slowing down as it approaches you. Your heart thumps and your mind races before the driver side window rolls down revealing your neighbor’s laid back, and smirking face.
You let out a shaky sigh, “oh goodness you scared me for a second!” followed by a nervous laugh.
“You alright? Want a ride?” He asks.
“Oh no, don’t worry about me! I was just taking a stroll,” You let your words hang, wanting to accept but being a little too frightened or nervous to outright accept.
“C’mon, we can have some coffee or tea at my place, ‘sides, i’d feel terrible if i just left ya out here at this time, sure it’s gated but a tasty lookin’ treat like you’d get snatched up in a heartbeat.”
Your face feels hot but you nod and mangange to get out an “mhm!”
He watches you round the front of his van, and reaches his body over the center console to open the passenger door for you.
He offers his hand to help you up, when you take it, it’s cold! “What have you been up to? You feel like death! here!” You bring his hand up to your face and blow warm air over his knuckles.
Crimson fills his cheeks for the moment and is swift to clear back out before you can really admire it.
You pull back away a little embarrassed yourself, you aren’t sure why you did that to a stranger! “Oh! I don’t even know your name! I’m Y/N!” You stick your hand back out in offer to shake his.
He takes it, “Jasper,” a small smile tugs at his lips.
The drive isn’t long, but you realize how far from home you actually were, and wonder what he had been doing to find you.
You step out onto his driveway and anxiously look through the gate connecting your yards. It feels as though this is something you really shouldn’t be doing… But this Jasper guy could be a friend, and then you won’t be so lonely anymore!
Your home is still lit up inside, so you’re assuming they’re still talking in there.
Jasper’s space on the inside is dimly lit, but brightly coloured retro fantasy, all soft shapes with rounded sides. Mostly pinks and purples. Very vaporwave. The kitchen tiles, though the typical black and white checker board, warp and look like waves on the floor. Plants cover most all the surfaces.
He makes you your preferred tea, or coffee, he doesn’t make himself a cup of either. Instead he grabs a pale blue, and silver can from the fridge.
“Oh i see how it is,” You say with sarcasm.
“I figured you’d need to warm up,” A smile crosses his lips that has your body feeling hot.
You sip your drink nonchalantly.
“So what were you doing out there by yourself?”
“My husband— Nevermind, sorry. I shouldn’t talk bad about my husband behind his back…”
“Well I know something we could do if you don’t wanna go back yet…” his brow raises in a challenge.
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kiwi-on-ice · 25 days
we need ashe smut w fem reader if u can🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Ashe x fem!reader
Summary: As the new waitress at Panorama Diner, you quickly meet the infamous Deadlock Gang, while also gaining the interest of their ruthless leader.
Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: 18+ smut, dom!ashe, no use of y/n, lots of flirting, fingering, strap ons, spanking, slight overstim
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Notes: Thank you for requesting my fav fav fav character anon! God i love Ashe and I love writing her. Also phew this is the longest fanfic i've wrote so far, hope it was worth the wait!
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Having recently moved, there was one resounding fact you’ve learnt from practically everyone you’ve met so far; don’t mess with the deadlock gang.
Getting a job as a waitress along route 66, you’d been told by neighbors, new friends, even fellow colleagues to watch your back. That the deadlock gang were dangerous, unpredictable, undefeatable. And as you glance at the wanted posters that adorn the diner wall, your eyes are drawn to the leader, her mascara running down her cheeks. But its her expression that really strikes you, how severe and intense her gaze is. Reading the warning ‘Dead or Alive, Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, $65,000,000 reward’, it really dawns on you how threatening she seems. Your finger traces the edge of the slightly ripped material, not being able to identify why exactly you can’t rip your gaze away.
Not being able to idle for long, you tear yourself away and get back to serving food and drinks, getting used to the flow of the diner and its patrons. It’s almost relaxing, most customers being pretty polite and calm as you work. You fall into a routine, especially since you have a specific uniform to wear. The diner’s management thought it would be good to have almost a 1950s theme, meaning you and the other waitresses were given blue stereotypical dresses to wear, complete with a small white apron to go around the waist. Yours was a little too tight, not that you minded. It flattered your figure quite nicely, even gaining you a few compliments.
It was quite a slow day as you stood behind the counter, in your own world as your fingers tap rhythmically on the marble. Light streamed through the glass windows, brightening the fairly empty diner as you daydream passively. Although the other waitress on staff seemingly drops a cup on the counter, causing you to turn at the noise. She seems...flustered, just as the bell rings to signal the door has opened. Following her nervous gaze, your breath catches. The deadlock gang, well only three of them, but the leader you’d recognise anywhere from how often you find yourself gazing at her wanted poster. Your colleague quickly busies herself with some coffee that you’re sure hasn’t been ordered, leaving you to seat them. You breathe slowly as you walk towards the new patrons.
Ashe seems a little frustrated, snapping at who you assume is her lieutenant as they wait to be seated, her rifle idly resting over her shoulder. She turns to look at whichever waitress will probably annoy her today, and then she sees you. Immediately her demeanour changes, looking you up and down as the furrow of her brow dissipates.
“Welcome to Panorama Diner, table for three?” you say softly, a polite smile etched on your features.
“Yeah, thanks. Preferably by one of those windows.” The leader replies, her red eyes not moving from you as you lead them to their table. Placing their menus down, you smile and leave them to decide. Releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you catch the other waitress glancing at you slightly apologetically. But you don’t particularly feel that threatened or scared…but you’ve been wrong before.
“Ready to order?” you ask with your notebook out, once again putting on the customer service smile.
“Three coffees, black.” Ashe says, before looking you up and down again. “That a uniform? Or d’you just like to dress like that?”
“It’s a uniform, management are going for a 1950s theme.” You reply with a soft laugh, which Ashe seems to delight in.
“Suits ya dollface, can see why they suggested it.” She says smoothly, causing heat to unexpectedly rise to your cheeks.
“I’ll grab your drinks.” You say quickly, turning and hoping she didn’t catch how flustered you looked. You reprimand yourself as you put the coffee on, why on earth were you affected by a simple compliment? You get compliments all the time…and especially why were you affected by the compliment of a criminal gang leader? You try and shake those thoughts from your mind as you pour their drinks, placing them on the tray and carrying them.
“Here you are, can I get you guys anything else?” you ask as you place their mugs in front of them. The two men shake their head dismissively, but Ashe hums softly.
“Hm…any recommendations?”
You hesitate for a moment. “Well a lot of the waitresses here recommend the apple pie.”
“But not you?” she asks, her eyebrow quirked.
“To be honest I hate apple pie.”
This dry response cause the gang leader to laugh, actually laugh, causing the two men to stare for a moment, bewildered. “That right? Appreciate the honesty there sweetcheeks, what would you recommend?”
You take a moment to think. “The French toast is lovely, and we also have a few cakes on stand that the staff made. Chocolate and red velvet.”
“Well I think red velvet would be just sweet enough, thanks doll.” Ashe replies with a small smirk, her red lipstick illuminating as the suns rays pierce through the glass panes. You nod and quickly go to get her a slice, a little short of breath from her intense gaze. You really need to stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl, you reprimand yourself. Coming back and serving her the cake slice, she thanks you, and that delicious accent of hers has you fidgeting as you turn and serve another table.
You try and continue your shift as normal, although her occasional glances at you prove difficult to ignore. Still you manage to keep your composure until one of her lieutenants pipes up.
“Hey lady, can we get the check?” he says loudly, snapping his fingers a little condesendingly, and as you hurry to the table, you see Ashe glare daggers at him.
“Don’t snap your damn fingers at her, she ain’t a fuckin’ dog.” Ashe seethes at him, which causes him to shrink a little and nod.
“Cash or card?” you ask, before Ashe pulls out a wad of cash from her pocket. Counting how much they owe, she places it on the table. You collect it as they stand to leave, but before they do Ashe stands to her full height and steps in front of you.
“Your tip, and an apology for my lackey’s rudeness.” She says, handing you a wad of cash. Your eyes must betray your shock at how much she’s giving you, as you shakily take it and start thanking her profusely.
“Don’t mention it dollface, didn’t catch your name.” You tell her, and she hums and smirks at you. “Pretty name for a pretty girl, guess I’ll be comin’ in here more often.”
With that, she tips her cowboy hat which makes you giggle softly before leaving. You watch as they step outside, mounting their motorbikes. You glance down to check your tip, counting the money in amazement. She’d tipped you 200 dollars, at least that’ll go a long way to paying this weeks rent.
Making good on her statement, two days later the gang are back. This time it’s Ashe and three members of her gang, alongside two omincs. One looked smaller, with a hood and a sniper rifle, but the other was huge, his hulking frame contrasting the cute little bowler hat that lay askew on his head. Even though a waiter was on hand, you almost sprinted to be the one who served them.
“Welcome back to Panorama Diner, table for…five?” you ask as you count them, and Ashe nods. They all seem a little dishelved, a few cuts and scrapes present on the human members which causes you to wonder where they’d been or what trouble they’d caused. You lead them to a table, connecting two so the bigger omnic could fit more comfortably, which seems to please Ashe greatly.
“Wasn’t sure ya’ll accepted omnics, there are a lot of establishments who sure as hell don’t.” Ashe remarks, causing you to shake your head.
“Of course we do, we don’t discriminate.” You say with a smile, before glancing at the bigger omnic. “Love the hat.”
He gives a nod and a little thumbs up, as Ashe continues. “His name’s B.O.B, he ain’t a talker.”
You nod, flipping your notebook out. Two coffees and a milkshake, to which Ashe raises her eyebrow at the dark-skinned woman clutching a laptop to her chest.
“Seriously Frankie?”
“What? You said it was a celebration.”
You smile a little. “So two coffees and a milkshake, got it.”
Leaving them to it, you go to prepare their orders. You can’t deny that you’ve been secretly picturing Ashe coming in again, giving you a small rush now that it’s actually come true. You try and convince yourself it’s just for the possibility of another tip, and not for the way her voice makes you weak at the knees, and her eyes are the most gorgeous you’ve ever seen.
“Here you guys are, anything else just let me know.” You say brightly.
“Thanks doll.”
God you can’t deny how much that nickname is affecting you when it slips from her red lips, as you turn and serve some other tables. You notice a few patrons glancing at the gang as they eat, but you aren’t afraid anymore, and you sure as hell aren’t gonna turn them in, however you try and push away the feeling of guilt at how flippant you’re being regarding a wanted gang of criminals. All because the leader was hot.
Still, you go about your shift easily, growing to like whenever Ashe would unashamedly look at your ass whenever you bent over to pick something up from a table; in fact, a few times you did it on purpose in the hopes the older woman was looking at you. After a while, it was near closing time so you check on them to get any final orders. Upon asking for the check, you hand it to them.
“Cash or card?” you ask.
“Cash” the leader replies, this time opening a bag that was sat beside her. You can’t help but glance inside, and the sheer volume of dollar bills nearly has your eyes watering. That explains why they look so bruised and scraped, you think to yourself, as she counts out the amount and places it on the table. As they get up to leave, Ashe is again the last one as she hands you another wad of cash.
“Your tip.” She says in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Oh…miss I really cant accept that much again- “
“You can, and you will.” She replies, her tone leaving no room for argument as you shyly take the money, electricity spiking up your back as your skin brushes against hers.
“Thank you so so much, I really can’t thank you enough.”
“No need sugar.” She waves her hand dismissively as she grabs her rifle. “Stay safe, these parts ain’t gonna be quiet for too long.”
You nod a little at her warning as she leaves, your heart beating rapidly. She gives you a final look up and down as she leaves, and you release a shaky breath, god you really have to stop getting so worked up about her. Although it’s hard when you glance at the 300 dollar bill tip she just gave you.
However a few days later, things really take a turn for you. Two of your fellow waitresses invite you out to a bar, and you’d been polite enough to say yes despite your reluctance. Once you arrive, they’re both taken with a few men who buy them drinks, leaving you alone at the bar, tapping your finger anxiously on the table. You get a few offers from guys trying to buy you drinks, but you blow them off, your dress suddenly feeling too tight in the warm lights. Thinking about leaving, you move a bit through the bar before you hear raucous laughter from a nearby cards table.
The deadlock gang…they were here. Clearly nobody was brave enough to ask them to leave, or hell they might even own the place…it strikes you just how little you know about them; dangerous considering the leader now knows your name. The same leader who you’ve just locked eyes with, the red hue causing your breath to catch. Hesitating, you turn to leave. Maybe she didn’t recognise you outside of your waitress uniform, as you attempt to walk casually towards the exit.
“You better not be leaving doll, not when I’ve just saw ya.” You hear a smooth southern voice say, and god it’s like the blood rushes to your face immediately. Turning, you see Ashe coming up to you, her lips, tie and eyes all the same colour. Danger.
“Seems my friends have left me, I was just heading out-“
“Awe don’t worry, how about I be your friend, hm?”
It feels like the devil tempting you as you hesitate for a moment, but ultimately you find yourself nodding before you even realise. The smirk on her face makes her look like the wolf whose seduced the lamb into her den, as she leads you into the bar with a hand on the small of your back. Taking you to a smaller table away from the rest of her gang, she looks at you.
“Let me at least buy ya a drink.” She offers, and goes to order what you asked for. Tapping your fingers nervously against your thigh, you glance around as you wait. Her gang are still sat where you’d seen them, laughing and playing cards. You recognise a few of them who’d came into the diner, but quickly look away before they catch you staring.
“There ya go sugar.” Ashe says as she gets back, two glasses in hand. You quickly thank her as she slides into the booth with you, her thigh slightly touching your own. “So y’friends abandoned you?”
Laughing a little, you nod and explain that they’d been whisked away with some patrons who’d caught their eye. The smirk on Ashe’s face gives away her train of thought.
“But not you?” She inquires, eyes glancing around your face as if mapping out every detail.
“I prefer girls.” You say before even thinking about your words, but the older woman smiles all the same.
Forcing yourself to not show how flustered you are, she starts to ask questions about your life, your job, your family. As you speak, she seems genuinely interested in what you have to say, something you can’t say you’ve ever had with the dates you’ve been on in the past. Not that this is a date…
“What about you?” You ask softly.
“Me? All ya need to know is that deadlock is my family now.” She says, before grinning. “Well, B.O.B is extra special family.”
“The one with the little hat, right?” You reply, peering over her shoulder to her gang, where the hulking omnic sat with his eyes firmly on the two of you.
“Yeah that’s it, my bodyguard. Not that I need him all the time. Best believe I can handle myself.” She smirks, leaning in to murmur the last bit close to your ear, causing you to giggle a little.
“You’re known for being quite dangerous around these parts, right?”
“Oh you could say that doll. What, you scared?” She teases, before you quickly shake your head. “Good, I like a brave girl.”
Smiling a little at her praise, you aren’t even focused on the fact she’s a gang leader anymore. Like Eve biting the forbidden fruit, you let Ashe place her hand on your knee as you speak, the sinful spark of electricity seemingly travelling from her manicured fingertips all the way up your spine. As you both talk, her fingers tracing small circles on your knee, before slightly rising higher.
After an hour or so, her gang approach, rowdy and clearly intoxicated as they giggle.
“C’mon Ashe, let’s hit up some other places.”
You smile at the cowgirl, thinking it’s the end of the night for you. But she hums, glancing at you for a moment before replying.
“Ya’ll go and have fun, but not too much.”
One of her lieutenants tilts his head, “huh? You ain’t comin’?”
Ashe cuts him a glare that tells him to shut his mouth, before readjusting herself so her arm is around your shoulder. “I’m doin’ just fine here.”
With no room for argument, her gang takes off after Ashe gives a nod to her omnic bodyguard. You on the other hand feel your breathing quicken at the feel of her arm around you, subtly leaning closer to her as you giggle.
“You’re doing just fine here?” You ask, to which she smirks.
“Damn right I am, got a pretty girl hangin’ off my every word. What’s not to like?”
At the reassurance that she does in fact find you pretty, the heat rises within you. Not being able to help glancing at her lips for a moment, the ever perceptive criminal obviously noticing, her breath tickling your cheek as she speaks.
“But just cause I’m doin’ fine here, don’t mean we can’t go somewhere else…maybe away from pryin’ eyes.”
At her announcement, you glance around to notice the other patrons sneaking glances as you. But another thought comes creeping through your mind, the thought of going home with her. Of letting her touch you in the way you’ve been fantasising about ever since she came into the diner. You wouldn’t dream of admitting the nights you spent playing with your clit, imagining the infamous gang leader’s fingers instead. So you nod, knowing you’d give in, and the self-satisfied smile on her face tells you that she knew you’d say yes.
She leads you with by the hand, warm and slightly callous in your own, before coming upon her motorcycle parked outside the bar. Seeing your expression, she giggles softly.
“First time on one of these?” she asks, to which you nod, “Don’t worry sugar, just hold on good and tight f’me, alright?”
And you really do, clinging on to her waist as she speeds down dirt roads, hair wispy in the wind. Try as you might to relax and take in the scenery, you can’t deny the relief you feel when she finally brings the bike to a stop. She takes you once again by the hand and leads you inside, shutting and bolting the door behind you both. Now should be the time to feel at least a little intimidated, but butterflies of excitement uncurl in your stomach as she glances at you.
“Want another drink?” she asks smoothly, to which you shake your head. Drinking really is the last thing on your mind, especially as she stalks closer to you. “Maybe you want somethin’ else…”
Feeling your back against the wall, you nod slightly as she brings her hand up to slowly trace your cheekbone. Her thumb rubs smoothing lines, and at this proximity you can see every line and pore on her beautiful face, every eyelash, how her tongue darts out a little to lick at her lip.
“D’you want me doll? Gotta tell me now or I ain’t touchin’ ya.”
“I want you.” You say, trying to sound confident but melting at her grin.
“Alright, you gotta know though…I’m a woman who likes control, likes to be in charge. You sure you can handle that?”
You’re sure that your cheeks are burning as she says that, nodding quickly again. At your consent, she leans in and kisses you, the tension between you both finally exploding. She presses you further up against the wall, tongue running along your bottom lip before exploring your mouth. Eagerly swallowing your slight whimpers, she uses her free hand to wrap around your hip, keeping you where she wants you. Pulling away, she observes the slight red stain her lipstick as left on your mouth, before kissing along your jaw.
“So sweet sugar, like candy.” She mumbles against your skin, kissing down to your neck and licking. “Gonna let me leave a mark?”
You stutter out a yes, before she sucks a dark hickey into your neck. There really isn’t any going back now, she’s marked you. The leader of the deadlock gang has truly staked her claim on you, and you couldn’t be happier.
Feeling the material of your dress, she slowly inches the fabric up, exposing more and more of your thighs as she kisses to the junction between your neck and shoulder. She lets out a soft moan as she grips your upper thigh, feeling the soft skin under her touch and squeezing. Although she quickly grows tired of waiting, instead slipping between your thighs to grope your clothed pussy instead. At the action, you can’t help but buck forward into her touch, feeling her smile against your skin.
“So wet already, bet you were drippin’ in the bar huh?” she accuses you, knowing she was right. Her fingers cup your panties, feeling the wet material beneath her skin, exploring. With a soft whimper, you let her touch you how she wants, eyelids fluttering closed before she slaps your pussy lightly.
“Nuh uh doll, eyes open.”
When you do as she instructs, she rewards you by slipping into your panties and rubbing your clit in slow rhythmic circles. The result is instantaneous, a quiet needy moan escaping you as you feel her touch. Her eyes never leave your face, head tilted as she watches your reactions.
“Look so pretty, y’know that? Know how pretty you are?” she praises you teasingly, meaning every word but mostly saying them because of how flustered you act when you hear them. Her praise goes straight to your cunt, clit throbbing under her touch as she speeds up her movements.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen sugar. You’re gonna cum on my hand, and all I’m gonna do is play with your clit. If you’re a good girl and do what I say, imma take you into the bedroom and fuck the brains outta ya.”
 Her tone doesn’t leave any room for argument, and you voice your confirmation. She grips your waist, encouraging you to rock into her hand as she keeps up the movement of her fingers, strumming your core expertly. It’s clear to you she’s experienced, and you wonder if this is a normal occurrence for her; to seduce and play with pretty girls who happen to cross her path when she isn’t out being a criminal.
Shakily, you grip on to her waistcoat for stability, feeling yourself get closer and closer the more she touches you. When she releases your waist to grope your tits, that’s when your thighs really start to shake, grip harder on her outfit.
“Yeah baby, that’s right. Cum on my hand, make a mess.” She encourages, her voice igniting that fire inside of you as you finish on her hand with a soft cry. Not slowing down, she gets every last bit of your pleasure before she finally removes her hand, bringing it up to the light to observe your fluids sticking to her digits. “Awe, ya really did make a mess.”
Catching your breath, you blink for a moment as she uses those same fingers to tap at your lower lip, before parting them to clean her fingers for her. Tasting yourself was a little strange, but it was worth it for the way her pupils dilated and her breath caught in her throat at your performance. Without another word, she grabs your upper arm and hauls you into the bedroom.
Getting you on your back, she grabs the zipper of your dress and yanks it down, removing it quickly as she leans to give you another kiss. Moaning softly, you reach to unzip her waist coat, pushing it off her before your hands go to her tie. She grins against your lips and helps you undo it, before he grips your wrists and pins them above your head, mattress squeaking slightly.
“Can you guess what I’m about to do?” she purrs, before wrapping the red tie around your wrists, not tight enough to hurt but just enough to give the illusion of incapacitation. Bound like a present for her, she straddles your waist and looks at her handiwork, before slowly unbuttoning her dress shirt. You buck up a little in excitement, as she reveals her white bra. Removing her fingerless gloves, she tugs your ruined underwear down roughly, exposing your dripping cunt to the dim light of the bedroom.
“So many things I wanna do to you baby, so many things.” She says as she runs her finger along your pussy lips, smirking as you twitch. “Anythin’ completely off limits?”
You tell her and she hums in acknowledgement, before glancing at the wardrobe. She lifts herself off you, hissing at you to stay still as she grabs a box from beneath a few clothes and bullet shell casings. Bringing it over, she smirks as your eyes widen at the sheer number of toys in the box.
“I’m a wealthy woman doll, and I’m a wealthy woman with…needs.” She answers your silent judgement, before leaving the box on the floor next to the bed. “Now if you do well, I promise I’ll fuck ya, how does that sound?”
Before being able to ask what you need to do well at, she unbuttons her trousers and slides them down her legs, removing all of her harnesses and belts with precision. Just in her bra and underwear now, she winks at you before ridding herself of her panties before climbing up your body. Oh. You know what she wants, and you whimper desperately in anticipation.
Grabbing the headboard, she positions herself over your face, thighs on either side. You’re practically salivating, as she moves your bound hands to be resting on your stomach. Without warning, she finally sits on your face, and you get to work immediately. You lap at her pussy, wanting to taste her all night and finally being given the opportunity. She groans softly, the feeling of your warm tongue between her thighs was heavenly. She wanted you like this since she saw you, in that silly waitress dress that was too small for your curves.
Rocking into your tongue, she watches you squirm with glee, moving one hand to hold your hair; keeping you in place as she uses you. Uses your mouth, all for herself. Whimpering, you lick up to her clit before sucking gently, delighting in how a soft moan escapes her throat. She tightens her grip on your hair, pulling to angle you to where exactly she wants. Her pussy was dripping, mixing with your saliva as she makes a mess of your face. Not that you mind, excitedly pleasuring her as best you can.
“Fuck sugar, ain’t you a good girl.” She slurs out, as you move your tongue over her cunt. “Keep it up and I’m, shit, I’m definitely fuckin’ ya.”
You whine in excitement, doubling down on your effort, jaw slightly aching as you please the criminal above you. Feeling herself get close, she grinds faster into your tongue, taking the sensations you’re willingly providing her. She finally cums in your mouth with an uncharacteristically higher pitched moan, her hips slowing until she stills.
You catch your breath rapidly as she climbs off you, leaning into her hand as she wipes your mouth of her wetness. The action causes your chest to feel tight with happiness, before she taps your cheek in a slightly condescending manner.
“Alright then doll, I’m a woman of my word.”
With that, she leans off the bed to rifle through the box, before bringing up a bottle of lube and squeezing a glob onto her fingers. With a nod of confirmation from you, she pushes two fingers slowly inside, feeling how your practically suck her in. She groans quietly, as you make a stranged gasp at the sensation. Removing them, she sinks them inside again before repeating, the wet noises from your cunt echoing off the walls.
“Hear that? Hear how much this pussy wants me?” she taunts, curling them to prod at that spot inside that makes your toes curl.
She sets a slow but firm rhythm, focusing on stretching you out for whats to come as her other hand gentle strokes circles on your thigh. You’re having the time of your life, hands still bound helplessly infront of you as your digits flex. This is exactly what you wanted from her, what you needed from her, and she hadn’t even got to the main event yet.
After a while though, and a third finger being slipped inside, you grow impatient with the growing desire for her to fuck you. So you do your best to voice that desperation, hips twitching and voice pathetically higher pitched than normal.
“You want it baby?” she says, slowing her fingers to a halt before grinning at you. “Say it nicely.”
“Can you please fuck me Ashe?” you ask.
With a nod and a quick spank to your oversensitive pussy, she leans down and grabs the strap on she was keeping which causes your eyes to widen. It’s a black harness, with a purple dildo attached. It wasn’t overly big at around 6 inches, but it certainly seemed thicker than anything you’d taken before. Suddenly glad of her prep, you watch as she moves a pillow beneath your hips, before lubing up the fake cock.
She pushes in slowly, and you both moan at the sight and sensation. God you look gorgeous, she thinks, as her red eyes watch your face contort in pleasure and the slight pain that comes with the stretch. You whimper her name softly, cunt tightening around the dildo as Ashe strokes at your hips soothingly.
“I know, I know sugar. But you can take it, I know you can take it.” She praises, bottoming out inside you. Thighs shaking, you’re grateful for the way she lets you adjust to the size, and after a few moments you offer her a shaky nod.
Smiling, she pulls out slowly and pushes you back in, getting you used to the rhythm of being fucked as the grip on your thighs tightens a little. She clearly has a lot of core strength, able to keep the pace effectively and slightly speed up when she senses you get more comfortable. The slick sounds of your pussy getting fucked by her should make you embarrassed, but the shameless noise only serves to turn you on further.
“That’s it, look at ya. Takin’ my cock so well, such a good little girl.” She grunts out, cowboy hat laying askew on her head as she keeps fucking you. You lift your bound hands to paw at her bra, before she clearly gets the hint and chuckles. Not slowing down at all, she reaches behind herself and practically rips the garment off, exposing her breasts to your gaze. You go to touch them before she grabs your wrists easily, moving them above your head as she moves your thighs up.
This new angle means she can drive the toy impossibly deep inside you, pinning your hands down and making sure you have nowhere to go, nothing to do but take. You moan louder at this, eyes nearly rolling back as you’re sure she’s fucking your brains out. The mating press makes her feel good too, the harness bumping her clit with every thrust, serving the mental image of her fucking you with physical sensation.
“So cute, like my own little doll. Maybe I should keep ya.” She drawls, causing you to whimper more at the insinuation. Hell, in this moment she could threaten to lock you up in her basement and you’d probably blindly agree, needing to feel more of the delicious friction she was providing you. Moving her one hand down, she rubs a little clumsily at your clit, causing your cunt to tighten around the dildo.
You aren’t sure how long she fucks you like that, time an illusion that pales in comparison to the pleasure of being fucked by the gang leader, but eventually you need to cum. So you tell her, beg her, which only fuels her dominate headspace further.
“Yeah keep beggin’ me, that’s right. You know who’s in control right now.” She groans out, slamming her hips against yours. Every muscle in your body tightening, you barely have time to tell her you’re gonna cum until you’re gushing around her fake cock with a drawn out moan. Grinning, she slows down, stroking at your arms.
“Good job, you looked so pretty baby.” She whispers, red nails gently dragging on your skin soothingly. Just when you’re about to thank her though when she pulls out, she grabs under your hips and flips you, landing face first into the mattress with a grunt.
“Oh come on darlin’, you didn’t think we’d just stop at one, did you?”
With that, she pushes into you for a second time from behind, your back arching. This time she doesn’t wait for you to adjust before pulling back and thrusting inside. With your loud, overstimulated moans, she grins sadistically and starts to fuck you again, your hands limply in front of your face.
“Oh fuck doll, ain’t you just the prettiest thing.” She gets out through her shaky drawn out breaths, focusing on railing you firmly into next week. Your thighs tremble with every thrust, feeling your g spot get battered by her dildo. You feel a sharp smack as she spanks your ass, and at your reaction she repeats the motion.
Eyes rolling back, your front falls into the sheets as you lose the strength to hold yourself up, moaning incessantly at her rough treatment. She fucks you like she already owns you, like you’re her property, and you love it. The sensations are so much, you find yourself whimpering her name over and over.
But a part of Ashe wants you to call her by her first name, a name she hardly lets anyone call her. But ultimately decides against it, it feels too real, somehow too intimate. Reluctant to break down her walls, she instead channels her mental doubts into fucking you better, harder, with more passion. She holds your hips for stability, pushing your hands down so you can crudely rub yourself while she fucks you.
Soon it all becomes too much, and you feel yourself barrelling towards your next orgasm quickly. Your breathy whines and whimpers let her know, as she moves her hand up your spine before nestling her fingers in your hair. She gives a sharp pull, forcing you into an arch as she coos in your ear.
“Awe baby, you gonna cum again? Gonna let me fuck another one outta ya?”
You nod dumbly, almost drooling as your pussy tightens yet again.
“Good, make some noise for me m’kay?”
Making good on her word, she thrusts into your g spot with conviction, forcing noises to come tumbling out of your throat as you cum for a third time that night, twitching and almost convulsing. This time when she slows, she pulls out for good, unclasping the harness and letting the strap fall to her side as she takes you in her arms. She tosses the cowgirl hat and nestles herself into the pillows, pulling you with her so you’re laying on her chest.
“That okay for you?” she asks, like she hasn’t just given you the railing of a lifetime, but you giggle softly anyway and nod. “Alright good, just checkin’. I’ll run ya a bath in a minute, how does that sound?”
You relax into her embrace, content to let her take care of you as you hum softly in appreciation. Her nails gently drag along your scalp, the soothing gesture threatening to send you to sleep before she can clean you up. You can’t deny how safe you feel, in the arms of someone so dangerous. But she’s showing you such affection, such softness which contradicts the rumours that swirl around her.
“Are you gonna come to the diner more?”
That innocent little question you ask, so full of hope and contentment causes an unfamiliar sensation to rise up in the cowgirl, as she glances down at you.
“You want that? You wanna see me some more?”
At your nod, she swallows thickly. You actually want to see her more, maybe as more than someone to fuck. Someone to…she doesn’t let herself finish that thought, instead smirks teasingly.
“Sure doll, gotta come back to the diner. Gotta make sure nobody else is tippin’ my favourite waitress as much as I am.”
You giggle at that, teasing her back. “Oh? So if someone tipped me higher then you’d match it?”
“I’d go beyond matchin’ it darlin’, might have to start paying your bills as my tip.”
You really laugh at her dramatics, cuddling up to her more and making her cheeks involuntarily flush. With a soft sigh, she allows herself to bask in the moment before slapping your ass gently.
“Come on then dollface, let’s get ya in the bath.”
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Indecent Proposal (19)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, romance
Indecent Proposal (18.2)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“I must inform you, that this is a commitment ceremony, with no legal backing. It’s not a real wedding,” the celebrant clears his throat to get your attention.
You’re busy staring at your men, a big grin on your face. They mirror your smirk and chuckle as you ignore the man in front of you.
“It’s a wedding as we say so,” Bucky grunts. “Legal or not, Y/N will become our wife. Period. Now do your job. We pay you a fucking lot of money for it.”
“Aw, you made Bucky mad,” you grab Bucky’s hand and squeeze it. “You look very handsome today, Mr. Barnes.”
“What about me?” Steve flashes you a stunning smile. His heart flutters exactly the way it did the day he married the love of his life, Bucky.
“You’re always stunning, Mr. Rogers,” you wink at Steve. “Today, you are even hotter.”
“Uh-huh,” Bucky purrs your name and wiggles his eyebrows. His playful mood makes you giggle. “This scream for a hell of a wedding night.”
“I bet you can’t wait to get me out of the dress,” you giggle and slap Bucky’s chest when he tries to kiss you. “Not before you said yes.”
Bucky quirks a brow. He smirks and pounces on you to cup your face. Mouthing ‘Yes’ Bucky smirks against your lips. “Now, you must say yes.”
“Yes,” you breathe against his lips. “I want to be your and Steve’s wife and do dirty things with you for the rest of my life.”
“How about we focus on the ceremony now,” Steve looks down at his body. “I didn’t choose to wear a tuxedo today for nothing. I want to marry our beautiful bride.”
Bucky wraps his arm around your middle and kisses your ear. “What do you say, doll? Do you want to make Steve happy and marry his sexy ass?”
“I think I can do that,” you smirk at Steve. “Come here, big guy. I wanna get a better look at you, Stevie. You look so handsome today.”
“All for you, doll,” Steve cups your face to press a kiss to your forehead. “You look beautiful yourself, Y/N.”
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“We came here together to witness the union of James Buchanan Barnes, Steven Grant Rogers, and Y/N Y/L/N. They love each other dearly and want to take the next big step in their relationship.”
You almost giggle at the celebrant’s serious expression. He continues his speech while you can’t wait to wear their ring and dance with your husbands.
It doesn’t matter to you that your marriage isn’t legal or that your ceremony does not provide any special rights or privileges for you and your men.
All that matters is that the men you fell in love with hold your hands and whisper sweet words in your ear while the celebrant bores you with his speech.
“Steven Grant Rogers. James Buchanan Barnes. You are already a loving couple and share a profound bond,” he continues. “Do you want to take Y/N Y/L/N to your wife and let the love you planted months ago grow?”
Bucky suppresses a snort, but he squeezes your hands. “I do.”
Steve is less subtle. He rolls his eyes. This is the worst speech he ever heard, but he doesn’t want to ruin the ceremony for you. All that matters is that you are here with him and Bucky.
“I do,” Steve says after a short pause. You held your breath for a second, fearing Steve would change his mind.
“Phew, I feared you want to play runaway bride,” you joke and wink at the celebrant. “All is good. He’s all in.”
The man huffs and drops his eyes to his notes. This is the least romantic ceremony he ever witnessed. You’re a sassy brat, and your soon-to-be husbands are horny bastards staring at your grown tits.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you are their third, the missing piece they finally found. You’re more than they ever wished for. Do you want to join their bond and become their wife?”
You sniffle. “I do.”
“Aw, baby doll,” Bucky coos and wipes your tears with his thumb. “Don’t cry.”
“It’s just…I’m so…happy…and” you choke on your tears. “I’m having your babies, and your cocks are so good. How can a woman not cry knowing you will dick her down for the rest of her life.”
“Naughty as always,” Steve laughs. “We should come to an end, don’t you think.” He looks at the celebrant.
“Yes…yes,” the man says. “James Buchanan Barnes. Steven Grant Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N. You came a long way and decided to go the rest of the way together. I’m honored to be the one declaring your husbands and wife.”
You choke out a sob.
“You told me before the ceremony that you have prepared a speech, miss Y/L/N. Please speak now.”
You nod and take a deep breath. “I…when you stepped into my life I was at my lowest. I couldn’t believe what happened to me, and my life. But you Steve,” you look at Steve and smile, “and you Bucky,” you turn your head to look at Bucky, “showed me what love, and devotion mean. I promise to love and cherish you, and to support you in all of life's ups and downs, today, tomorrow, and always.“
Steve and Bucky sniffle. Bucky barely can hold back the tears as you continue.
“I carry your future, and you are holding mine in your hands. I hope the feeling you give me will never fade. I love you, and the wonder you helped me create.”
“Fuck doll,” Bucky sniffs. 
“Same,” Steve tries to keep it cool but fails. 
“Oh, and I want to do dirty things for the rest of our lives with you…”
Now they laugh, and you join them. You giggle and snort, and even the celebrant joins your laughter.
This wasn’t the most romantic ceremony, but you wouldn’t want to change a thing. To you and your men, it was perfect.
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“Phew…yeah. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen…” You nod to yourself. “Do it again, Stevie. Give it to him good.”
“Doll, this is dancing, not sex,” Steve tuts while you pout at him. “Come here and join us.” He holds out his hand. 
“My feet hurt,” you whine and hop off the couch. Steve, Bucky and you danced for half of the night. Now you only want to crawl into bed and cuddle the hell out of your newlywed husbands.
“One last dance,” Bucky licks his lips as you kick your shoes off. He looks at your bare feet when you slowly walk toward them. “Fuuck…” He imagines you barefoot and heavily pregnant.
“Okay,” you take Steve’s offered hand. “One last dance…”
Part 20
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magicxc · 8 months
Rain Down On Me
Pairings: Survey Corps x Black!Reader - Where They Like To Cum
Word Count: 4407
Warnings: Just a whole lotta cum lol
A/N: Phew chile, not me dipping my toes in the anime water. It’s gonna be SO much fun! I can’t wait to explore different scenarios and play around with my favorite characters. That being said, expect a wide range of topics from the mundane to the sexy. And for my first piece I had to come out the gate SWINGING lol. So without further ado, enjoy:
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren - inside. He only committed mass genocide to preserve his race. Might as well see if all his efforts proved futile. 
Lets face it, Eren is a rough lover. The only thing gentle about him are his deep green eyes, and even they can be intimidating. But it’s his sheer tenacity that makes him so intense; his need to get something right the first time, everytime, almost concerning. So it should really come as no surprise that he needs to get you pregnant.
Fierce thrusts against your pelvis has you mewling into the evening sky. Both hands locked in a vice grip atop your head, Eren uses his other arm to hook onto the back of your left thigh, wrapping it snugly around his waist. 
His key chain dangles above your face, swinging swiftly along to his movements. You’re captivated by the way it twirls in front of you, unaware that you could feel even more turned on than you already do; loud sloshing noises a clear sign of your growing arousal.
“You think you can cum again for me honey? Hmm, just once more to increase our chances.”
Beads of sweat line his forehead while Eren’s face twist in concentration.
Apparently conception works best when the woman is able to orgasm. But according to Eren’s logic, double the orgasms mean double the chances - his thumb mercilessly rubbing against your clit in hopes that she’ll rain down on him once more.
Small drops of sweat pool into your neckline, your body convulsing in sensitivity. But all that does is egg him on with Eren’s fingers circling quicker and his hips driving deeper. Your nails desperately scrape against his knuckles, thighs shaking around his body as you thrash through your release. Head thrown back, you howl into the night, breathlessly panting as tears stream down your face. His lips swallow your sweet sounds, spilling into you as he heavily groans into the kiss.
“Almost honey, I promise. But we can’t be sure if that one will take, so go ahead and turn over for me.” 
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Levi - inside your mouth; and you better swallow. Did we really expect anything less from mister clean his blade during battle? He hates mess and that applies to the bedroom as well, though he is willing to make exceptions from time to time. So if Levi can’t have your mouth, he will paint your body as a last resort.
Face smushed against his pelvis, his agarwood scented soap engulfs your nostrils, the fragrance deliciously spicy. Levi’s fingers are tangled deep into your locks, his hands guiding you on the exact pace he prefers. It’s nothing too hurried, his thrusting motions almost slothful. 
On the field, he’s humanity's strongest soldier. His swift moves and sharp senses are life saving but here, behind closed doors, Levi prefers to take his time with you. He wants to revel in every sensation, his cat-like instincts not missing a beat, from the way your hands grab onto his thighs for stability to the way that your eyelids flutter close when you really get into the moment. 
“Mhmm,” he groans. “Open wider for me angel.” 
Even now he’s not much of a talker, but he won’t hesitate to tell you exactly how he wants to be pleasured. Obliging to his request, you open your jaws as wide as they’ll go, savoring the taste of Levi as he continues to cram himself to the very back of your mouth. 
He’s a stark contrast from the stoic demeanor you’re used to seeing, watching as he falls apart from your expert tongue. You’ve never seen him so desperate, so starved as he loudly pants through his gratification, warm breath fanning past your face as his eyes never leave yours. Levi’s intense gaze fills you with a deep hunger to satisfy him, your pussy sopping at the idea of seeing him finish.
Damp hair sticking to his face, they bounce against his forehead with each jerking motion, his gruff temperament crumbling with every lick, twirl, and suction to his dick. Hands nestled on your jaw, you relish in the way his thumbs softly brush against your cheeks, watching as his thighs quiver and his lips tremble, tongue darting past his teeth to swipe over them. 
His languid thrusting picks up in speed, fingers lightly squeezing your skin as you feel his warm release coat the walls of your mouth, your pace unfaltering as you make sure to swallow every drop. Dick slowly sliding past your lips, you watch in awe as the shiny coat glistens before you, thinking how soon enough there’ll be another coat to add to the sticky mess. 
“You always do so well for me angel,” he coos, the pads of his thumbs gently caressing the soft skin of your face.
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Erwin - on your tits. Though his steel blue eyes are one of his most striking features, they’re good for spotting more than just titans. He’s very much so a breast man at heart and finds them to be a woman's most prominent feature. With the pressures of the government and the stress of being a Commander, he needs something soft to lie on at night - for tranquil purposes of course.
Erwin is one of the most composed people; it's a necessity. It’s how he’s able to assess a situation and get his team to safety - allowing him to effectively delegate to his squad and ensure that the odds are in their favor during missions. But boy does he let loose around you. When the day is finished and his body is aching, he finds solace in you and your breasts. 
“Bbbrrrrrrr,” is the rumbling that sounds from your chest, Erwins face buried deep between your breasts as he rapidly shakes his head through the plump globes. 
“Are you done Commander?”
Trailing his head up to your neck his mouth lands to your sweet spot, sucking a hickey onto the skin. Moaning, you unclip the bra letting the girls fall freely.
“Baby, it’s Commander out there and daddy in here. You’re not gonna make me repeat myself right?” he cautioned.
You want to. You want to push his buttons and tip him over the edge oh so badly, but his day has been rough enough and you save your bratty behavior for another more lighthearted occasion.
“No sir,” you promised.
“Good,” he says, hands fondling your nipples. “Go ahead and throw the rest of your bras out baby cause I have all the support that you need.”
His head dives to your chest before you have the chance to respond, licking and nibbling against the surface. He gladly leaves bruised spots in their wake, deading the idea for you to wear any deep cut shirts in the days to come. 
“On your knees.”
Not that you need to be told twice, your limbs are hitting the ground before he can finish the sentence.
Standing tall above you, his icy stare bores deep into your brown orbs, pride heavy on his face at how well trained you are for him. Unzipping his pants, Erwin lets them fall, your hands reaching to his underwear to free his thick member.
“You gonna keep me waiting baby?”
You wouldn't dream of it.
Sliding his dick inside your mouth, he only intends for you to get it wet, your tongue lapping over his veiny shaft until enough spit has gathered. As inviting as your mouth is, Erwin considers it more as an appetizer, something light to hold him over until the main course.
“That’s enough, now hold up the girls for me.”
Breasts held together in your arms, you push them up and watch as Erwin slides his tip through the middle, a haughty groan slipping past his lips as he does so. He drives his dick upward, slowly at first and then sloppy soon after. Your spit combined with the lush feeling of your perky boobs is his perfect sensational cocktail, one that leaves him drunk on ecstasy and quick to bust.
“You look so fucking sexy right now,” Erwin whimpered. “Stick your tongue out for me, real wide just how I like it. 
Tongue hanging out your mouth, it occurs to you that you’d bark if he asked you to; without hesitation. Drool gathers at the tip of your tongue, gradually sliding down to your chest and adding to the slobbery mess down below. Erwin can move with ease and at this angle each time he drives his dick forward, it touches the warm tip of your tongue. Your position won’t allow for much more than that and so you stay put, allowing Erwin to destress through your body, listening intently as his light whines crescendo; his explosive finish splattering against your chest and chin.
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Connie - Anywhere! Mans is just happy to finish. Connie is far from preferential, so long as both he and his partner find pleasure. And while he’ll cum wherever you tell him, you two have found it more entertaining to see just where his sperm will land. The more ridiculous the better actually. 
A few weeks ago during sex, you had forgotten to take your birth control and in the knick of time Connie pulled out, spraying his seed directly into the sheets next to you. It was a close call, but who could blame him when you felt that good? You found yourselves in a similar situation yesterday and when he pulled out, his load shot across the room, painting the walls. Though it was pretty close in distance, it did pique his interest enough to see just how far his can spunk can land without something to hinder it - and that's how you found yourself in your current predicament, ankles propped next to your head. 
While Connie is a bit of a goofball, sex was where he seemed to shine the best; folding your body in ways you didn’t know it could bend. And you were grateful for the generous lover that he was, making sure that you always got yours. 
Hips meeting yours, Connie finds his face nestled between the junction of your neck, his soft grunting loud inside your ear. 
With Connie pinning your legs to the bed, he rests his full weight on your body, any chance for a break long gone as you cry out for a moment's relief; one Connie won’t give you unless you soak him completely. Arms as limp as your legs, all you can manage is to sink your nails into his chest, taking every forceful thrust he sends your way, the pressure too much to handle. Your poor pussy is puffy and swollen, yet furiously leaking at how good he works your body over. His uneven breathing harsh against your face, Connie litters it in butterfly kisses, proud of the peak you managed to reach.
“Nice one buttercup,” he compliments, rolling off of you to lie flat on his back; jerking himself to the finish line. 
You both watch in amusement as Connie shoots his load directly into the air, his hands continuing its ministrations until the task is complete. 
“That’s gotta be at least three feet.”
“Maybe, let's get a tape measurer and find out.”
“I need to practice my aim, whaddya say next time you hold your lips nice and wide for me and see if I can make a hole in one?
“You wanna try aiming inside my mouth?”
“Not those lips buttercup.”
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Jean - Face. He’s a cocky one, no pun intended. No matter what position he finds himself in during sex, he doesn’t miss the chance to pull out and paint your face; jokingly referring to himself as the next Hokusai on occasion. Jean loves knowing he’s the one doing this to you, a strong sense of power coursing through his veins at the sight of you dripping in his essence. 
As dirty as Jean likes to get you, he’s equally as excited to help clean you up; like a one stop shop sorta thing. And so showers have become a common place for you both to do the deed. Most times you find yourselves clean only to get dirty again and while it started off as a way to save the water bill, you’re sure all you’ve done is jack up the price. 
Hands pressed against the shower glass, it threatens to slip at your wobbly footing. The only real sense of security is Jeans hands wrapped securely around your waist. The steady rocking of his hips into your ass has your forehead planted against the glass, heavy breathing fogging it almost as much as the steam. 
Every so often, he’ll bear down his palm into your back to keep your arch as deep as he likes it. And while it isn't the most comfortable, his lengthy dick keeps you distracted, the delicious burn of the way he repeatedly rams his member into your dripping pussy. 
The steam obscures your view, but there's nothing you need to see anyway. The only thing your fucked out mind can manage to focus on is feeling and you do just that; relishing in the way Jeans calloused fingers tug on your damp skin again and again and again. 
You can’t help the wails that spill from your lips, crying aloud as your screams echo against the tiled walls. Jean never really gives you a break either, his ego on full display each time the force of hips pulls an even louder noise from your sweet lips.
How your feet haven't given out on you is miraculous, but it’s probably Jean holding you up until your body can milk him dry, his stamina coming to a relieving close. Pussy throbbing against him for the nth time that night, it’s become his personal little shower; your creamy finish dripping down his thick length. 
Pulling out of you, Jean spins you around, knees slapping against the wet floors, on autopilot, for his oncoming release. A few pumps of his hands and he shoots his load on your face, careful not to waste a drop. 
You don’t mind and lap up whatever drips down to your mouth for added effect, his legs quaking at the sight. 
“Keep that up and we’ll never make it out this shower, my love” he cautioned.
But the real intimacy is him helping you wash it off, every time. You aren’t allowed to touch your face and he’ll gladly sit there and towel wash it until you’re fresh and clean - peppering your cheeks in kisses with promises to paint it again.
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Onyankopon - An ass man, so he enjoys seeing your silky skin sparkling with him. Ony loves a woman on the thicker side of the spectrum, shit he’s got enough juice to pour. Thighs work just as great and he finds them equally as sexy so it’s anyone's guess where his cum will land next. 
The handprints left behind leave a red tint on your ass which makes it a touch more swollen, adding to the already thick asset he’s come to adore. Your thighs quake each time his heavy palm connects to your plush thighs and though your eyes brim over with unshed tears, so does your pussy brim over with never ending slick.  
Ony’s calloused digit drags itself inside your warm walls and you repeatedly clench around him in hopes that he’ll drag them in a little further.
“Didn’t I tell you to use your words pretty? Tell me what you want and watch me make it happen,” he assures.
“I want y-you,” you stammered. 
Even though Ony is easygoing and super chill, you always found yourself flustered when it came to him. And the bedroom was no exception. Oftentimes you got nervous and stuttered at the simplest command.
Thankfully he doesn’t withhold from you much longer and sinks himself to the hilt with delicious ease. You both pause for a minute, the sensation too much and not enough all at once. His dick jumps at your moist walls as your pussy throbs in an attempt to adjust to his sheer size.
Driving himself inside you, Ony builds a nice rhythm, his hips slapping against yours as he moves to the ripple of your skin. He can’t help himself and his palm rains down on your ass for the seventh time; the thunderous crack loudly echoing throughout the quiet morning.
You whine as the unshed tears spill over into the sheets. Fingernails tightly clutching the fabric, your mouth hangs open and the wails get an octave higher.
Hands delving into your skin, he uses it for support and plunges into you repeatedly; hoping that his body can get you to tell him what his words can’t.
“Right there Ony, ohhhh my, right there please.”
And right there he’d stay, grounding his foot into the mattress for better support to make sure that you found satisfaction and that it’d envelop your heated body in all the ways his busy hands couldn’t. 
He won't last long like this. He rarely does when you crawl out of your shell and get so vocal with him. That, coupled with the way your pretty body reacts to his sends Onyankapon over the edge each time. 
He feels your body squeeze him tighter, hear your moans grow louder, and watch the sheets get wetter. Knowing that you’ve climaxed allows him to follow suit, pulling out of your warm walls to spray your ass cheeks with his seed. Through gritted teeth and breathy moans, Ony jerks himself to completion, watching with hooded eyes as they trickle down to your thick thighs.
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Reiner - On your back, mostly because he LOVES doggy style. He absolutely refuses to cum in you, terrified of the fact that he could become a father. It’s almost like the Pavlov effect, his race to the finish line incomplete if he can’t finish on your back.
Reiner is a beefy guy and while he has no problem displaying his strength in the bedroom, your safety and comfort trumps all. In fact it’s you who has to initiate rough sex with him, agreeing upon a safe word that lets him know when he’s taken things too far. But it’s something about doggy style that lets him get as feral as he wants, all without hurting you in the process. Also, it gives him the perfect view: he can see your breasts slap against the bed with each thrust. 
“Squeeze em for me darling and twist each nipple until it gets too much.”
Renier didn’t come second in his overall scout training just because he was good at slicing titans. After all it was his strategic ability, amongst other things, to evaluate a situation for the long run all the while remaining collected. And it's safe to say, those qualities carried over into your sex life with Reiner expertly instructing you to touch and twist your body in the ways he know you love; which no doubt always led to your fireworks moment. 
Also, it gives him the perfect view: excitedly watching your pussy swallow him whole. Reiner was never one to explore kinks but he’s definitely discovered a few through you and size just so happens to be at the top of the list. Bodies pressed together, he’s entranced at the junction where you both meet, slowing down ever so slightly to take it all in. Eyes glossed over, he admires the way his dick is covered in your creamy goodness, your pussy molded to accept his impressive size as he pushes past your lips repeatedly - amazed each time he manages to fit the entirety of himself inside of you. 
While you relish the sweet sting at the way he pounds away at your cervix, you know crossing your legs in the days to come will become the ultimate challenge. 
“Ahhh fuck, you're in this for the long run, you know that right?” he pants. “You ain't going nowhere right? RIGHT?”
R-right Reiner, righ-”
Also, it gives him the perfect view: Reiner swells with pride when your tight asshole gladly accepts his thumb.
The first time he decided to jam his thumb down there wasn’t the most pleasant experience for you. But with lots of prep and planning, it’s come to be another erogenous zone, damn near a spot you can’t come without him using.
Thumb sitting to the hilt, he fiercely thrusts at both ends, his sausage-like fingers providing just enough size to topple you over. Teeth sinking into his lips until they bleed, it’s your release that sets off a chain reaction for Reiner with him pulling out of you to cover your back completely. 
Once everything calms down, he usually comes back with a warm towel to clean you up, thanking you with each drag of the cloth for sharing your body with him.
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Armin - on your tummy. He’s another one that's deathly afraid of knocking you up, but for completely different reasons; therefore he tends to be the responsible one in regard to protective sex. 
Legs intertwined with one another, you both lay on your sides as Armin gently rocks his hips into yours. Hands wrapped tightly around your waist, your fingers dig into his shoulders for support.
Eyes trained on your face, he’s come to know what each contortion means and exactly where he should place his attention next, angling his hips upward to kiss your g-spot just right. Eyebrows drawn together, it’s the crinkling of your nose that lets him know that he’s found it. His glare never leaves you, watching attentively to what your features tell him you’ll need next.
“My flower - that's what you are to me. Something that adds beauty to this gloomy world of ours,” he admits in between thrusts.
Head dipping low, he takes a nipple into his mouth, grazing it ever so gently across his teeth. Moans tumble past your mouth, gibberish not too far behind on just how perceptive Armin is with your body. He raises your thigh higher to get deeper, your hips greedily meeting his as you chase your second high of the night.
“Much like the thorn that protects the rose, harming only those who wish to steal its beauty, I’ll protect you from the sins of the world before I dare let it taint you sweetheart.”
Pulling out, Armin’s fist flies to his lengthy member, squeezing and tugging until your tummy is drenched in the aftermath of how good you made him feel. 
So sweet, he’d make your tooth rot. Armin is much the same behind closed doors as he is on the field - his heart on full display of his sleeve. He always makes sure to tell you just how much you mean to him and you eat that shit up every time. His soft voice coupled with the gentle way he handles your body has heat rising to the surface of your skin, unable to meet his eyes. 
But that’s okay. He has time and stamina, but most of all patience. And he’ll gladly make love to you until you build up the courage to talk him through his release or beg for a moment's relief; whichever comes first.
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Floch - in the ass. It's the place you save for someone really special, no? What better way to show your love to him than to let him fill your ass to the brim. After all it's the sacred hole you entrust to your partner and why are y’all even together if he can’t have you entirely? Prove your loyalty to him and see how he’ll worship your body in return. 
Face planted into the pillows and ass hiked high in the air, this position has become a salute of sorts. Much like the pledge Shinzou Wo Sasageyo, so do you promise to devote yourself to Floch. 
“It’s a mystical place that only the worthy should be allowed to enter,” he’d tell you. “Allow me the honor of experiencing you whole and see how I reward you in return,” he’d promise. 
You weren’t opposed to anal, but it did throw you for a loop the first time Floch suggested it. And while the thought did pique your interest on occasion, it’s Floch who’d convince you to go all in; and your body has been grateful ever since. 
Fingers vigorously rubbing against your clit, it helps add to the heated sensation deep in the pit of your belly. Your other hand gently pushes against Flochs stomach but all he does is lock your arm against your lower back as his dick drives into you with rigor.
“What you running for? The next time I find your hands anywhere but knuckle deep in that pussy, it’s gonna be a problem.”
One hand on your arm and the other curled tightly around your hair, Floch hones in on his point with harsh thrusts between each word, his pelvis knocking you off your knees and into the mattress. 
Even with his body pressed against yours, you don't make the mistake of stopping your ministrations, fingers intensely rubbing against your swollen nub. The feeling is otherworldly, but it doesn’t stop the pressure from being too much to handle as the build up rises almost uncomfortably.
Your thighs twitch and your eyes water; but it's all a boost to Flochs ego and so he thrusts deeper along your rigid walls, hoping to reach the spot that makes you go dizzy. Him knowing that he could get you to this level of pleasure only encourages him to continue on and that he does; instructing you to do the same.
Your brain eventually goes fuzzy, screaming as you squirt for what feels like a lifetime; drenching Floch and the sheets as soon as your body reaches its peak. Your climax sets Floch off on his own and he loudly groans as he shoots rope after rope of his thick cum into your ass.
Once done, it’s like a veil is lifted and he softens up almost instantly, delicately rubbing on your soft skin and cooing at how well you did for him. After removing himself, he goes into heavy aftercare - cleaning your body down, ice cold water on standby, and if you’re up for it, a few snacks before the eventual nap. He figured it’s the very least he could do after he’d wring out endless pleasure from your taut body.
“You did so good for daddy, sugar. Sleep tight so this gorgeous body can get the rest she needs.”
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