#beyondb writing prompts
13eyond13 · 6 years
so i’ve seen some art pieces that toyed with an au where l pulled b from prison to help the kira investigation, and i think you may have touched on that or something similar in the past, but could you maybe do some headcanons on how you think it would pan out? like how b would interact with the other investigators, how the plot might change with b + his eyes involved, etc..? i’m sort of this is too much, but it’s a Thing i think about a lot + i love your hcs so much hehe
Hey thanks! Yeah, I kinda talked before about how I think B would react to following the Kirainvestigation from afar, but I haven’t actually thought about thisscenario too much in-depth yet! I’ll give it a quick lil shot:
HOW BBEING INVOLVED IN THE KIRA CASE MIGHT LOOK:- B would loooooove finally being needed by Lfor something, and he’d use this power over L to get as much attention and perks aspossible. He’d definitely abuse his Watari snackprivileges hardcore
- B and Matsuda might have a kinda fundynamic. Matsuda would probably try to be the most welcoming toward him; I could also see B not taking kindly to L bullying Matsuda, and intervening on Matsuda’s behalf
- B would piss Aizawa off,just because everything pisses Aizawa off
- B would instantly notice that LightYagami didn’t have a lifespan over his head. He wouldn’t have anyclue what that meant, because he wouldn’t know anything about DeathNotes existing yet. He would be extremelyweirded out and intrigued by this, as it’s the first human being he’s ever seen with no lifespan except for himself!
- Since B probably often questions hisown humanity due to his own eyes and lack of lifespan, he’d likely also startwondering: “Does Light Yagami have the eye abilities too? Can healso see people’s names and death dates just by looking at them?” 
- This hunch of B’s would vibe pretty well with L’s early theory abouthow Kira is able to kill people with just a face and a name, and Light’s Kira percentage would skyrocket even more in L’s POV. They’d be perplexed about how Light was managing to killpeople from afar, though. They’d still have to figure out what Kira’s murderweapon was, but they’d be extra sure that Light was very suspicious,and they’d be so much closer to knowing that he might have supernatural powerson his side right from the start
- B would be very disturbed by Lind L.Tailor’s death and the second Kira killing people on live TV and such, becauseit would be the first time he witnessed people die before theirlifespans were actually supposed to be up. It would call intoquestion everything B knew about the numbers above people’s heads and his belief that they were always set in stone
- Light would have no clue that L and B knew about the eye powers, nor that anyone could possesssuch powers naturally without making an eye trade first – Ryuk probably wouldn’t know this either, and/or would never inform Light about it if he did – so Light would be at way more of a strategicdisadvantage
- If Light was still broughtonto the investigation team to help, B and Light would no doubt have a weird tension of some sort. I just bet B would love making Light sweat by alwaysdropping little hints about his eyes and such. I’m not sure if they would ever let Light in on such things or not
- B and Misa would get alongwaaayyy too well, and L would disapprove, saying he finds it counter-productive to the case. B would point out that L couldn’treally talk, since it was nothing compared to the crazyobsessiveness going on between L and Light 24/7
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13eyond13 · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons about people who, like Beyond Birthday, are just born with shinigami eyes? Does this ability depend on factors like gender, nationality, and such, or is it acquired at random? Does it run in families at all? I’m guessing it’s pretty rare, but exactly HOW rare (one person every generation vs once in a thousand years, for example)?
Hi Anon! Good question!
I actually haven’t given this aspect of B much thought yet, but I think there’s a ton of potential for fans to come up with interesting theories about his eyes. All Mello said about it in the novel was: 
(1) that B had the eyes since birth
(2) that nobody knew how/why B got the eyes, not even B 
(3) that maybe if there were death gods dumb enough to lose their notebooks, there could be death gods dumb enough to lose their eyeballs, too. Which doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense, but okay.
I personally wouldn’t come up with a theory like a death god breeding with B’s mother to explain his eyes, because the DN canon explicitly states that shinigami can’t have sex, and I very much prefer the death gods as non-sexual characters. 
I do remember seeing a comment somewhere once a long time ago where a fan was saying that they associated Beyond Birthday with the shinigami Nu, as in Nu had something to do with it, because that death god basically looks like a big rock covered in a bunch of eyes:
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And I just loved that idea! So I guess that’s about the closest thing I have to a headcanon about this? I think it would be super fun to come up with a creative origin story that starts in the shinigami realm, which involves Nu somehow, and explains how B possibly gets his eyes. Maybe it is a bet or an accident or a curse or an experiment gone wrong or something?
I’ve never even considered those other things you mentioned yet, like it running in families and/or having something to do with traits and genetics. That human side of it would be a whole other fascinating aspect to explore, too!
If you have any theories of your own to share please do, I’d honestly love to hear them!!
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13eyond13 · 7 years
Can I request a Beyond Birthday tutoring Mello in the art of jam making? Please and thank you
Lol, great prompt. Sure:
Matt: Near, dude. You’re never going to believe what’s going down in the kitchen right now. B and Mello are like… cooking together.
Near: Yes, I know. Mello has detention.
Matt: Detention? Why?
Near: They caught him raiding the pantry last night.
Matt: Ah. Bummer.
Near: And you know how Roger thinks B needs more friends, and better hobbies. He was found dressing up like L again.
Matt: Jeez, that’s the fifth time this week.
Near: Uh-huh. So Roger told B he had to find a new creative outlet, and B decided to start his own cooking show. He told Roger he needed an assistant for it, so I guess that’s Mello’s punishment for now.
Matt: Oh man. We have to spy on this. C'mon.
[Matt and Near go to the kitchen door and peek their heads inside. B and Mello are standing behind the counter together with all the cooking supplies laid out. B is wearing a tall white chef’s hat. Many bright studio lights are shining down on them, and Roger is filming it all with a camera on a tripod]
B: [loudly, to the imaginary audience] Hello everyone, and welcome back to “Aggressive Top Chef.” I’m your host B, and this is my lovely assistant, Mello.
Matt: [whispering] Mello looks like he wants to die.
Near: Yeah. Seems like B’s having fun, though.
Matt: Well, B’s about as subtle as a foghorn when it comes to the things he likes.
Near: Do you think he made Mello wear that frilly apron, or…?
B: On today’s episode, we will be making strawberry jam. Everyone loves a good jam, but if you’re new to jam making you might be feeling a bit unsure. Don’t worry; by the time you’re done you’ll have made five cups and will be feeling like a pro. Let’s give Roger’s special recipe a try!
[B flashes a smile at the camera, then steps on Mello’s foot behind the counter. Mello scowls and holds up a finished jar of jam, twirling it in the light. Matt snorts into his fist]
B: This is by far the easiest jam I have made without using a pectin. The jam is soft, spreadable, and delicious. Let's begin. In order to sterilize the jars before you make the jam, start by preheating the oven to 180 degrees. Then, put the jars on a cookie sheet and heat them in the oven. Next, clean two pounds of fresh strawberries and hull them. [dumps the strawberries into Mello’s arms] …I said hull them, Mello. Pretend the stems are injustice and the strawberries are the world, if that helps.
Mello: …
B: Now juice three lemons to yield a quarter cup of juice. Set the juice aside. In a wide bowl crush the strawberries with a potato masher. Crush the berries until you have four cups. Don’t be shy about it.
Mello: Uh, B. Wouldn’t it be easier to do this in smaller batches?
B: Oh, no. On “Aggressive Top Chef” we don’t submit to the berries, we make the berries submit to us. Now, in a heavy bottomed saucepan mix the four cups of crushed strawberries with the lemon juice, and four cups of white sugar. Or more, if you feel like it. Yes, I mean what’s four cups when you could have five, six. Thirteen. [dump]
Mello: [staring into the pan] I think this is going to give someone diabetes.
B: Hmm, says the boy caught stuffing his face full of chocolate at midnight. I saw how many wrappers were in the trashbin this morning.
Roger: B, that’s quite enough.
B: Only joking, Roger. Now, my lovely assistant will stir the mixture over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Then he will increase the heat to high, and bring the mixture to a full rolling boil…Watch yourself, Mello, we wouldn’t want to burn our faces off, now…Continue to boil the mixture, stirring often, until the mixture reaches 220 degrees.
[B takes the spoon from Mello and dips it deep into the pan]
B: Many cooks often wonder how to be sure when the jam is done and ready for canning. One test is to see when the jam covers the back of a spoon with a thick coat that also produces heavy drips. Speaking of drips, hello L.
[L sighs as he walks by]
B: Now that the jam is ready remove the sterile jars from the oven and carefully transfer the mixture into jars. Leave a quarter-inch of space between the top of the jam and the lid. Remove any air bubbles with an air bubble remover tool if you have one. Or you can use a skewer. [pulls a huge knife out of his apron and stirs the jam with it]
Mello: Uh…
B: Then seal the jars with a magnetic lid lifter to keep them sterilized, or use sanitized gloves. [snaps rubber gloves on]
Mello: Are those… surgical? B, where did you…
B: Now process the jars in a water bath. This will kill any bacteria, making the jam safe for long-term storage. If the jam is going to be eaten right away don’t bother with processing, just refrigerate it. It goes very well with fresh biscuits and crumpets. [sticks whole hand into jar] Personally, I prefer a more direct approach... I mean, why waste your time, but…
Mello: [ripping off his apron and backing away] Roger, I can’t do this. Please just put me on toilet scrubbing duty for the rest of the year or something…
B: [wrapping his arm around Mello’s neck and dragging him back over, while flashing a winning smile for the camera] Thanks from my lovely assistant Mello and I, Roger, for this fantastic and easy strawberry jam recipe. When you serve this to your friends at your next afternoon tea, I guarantee they should be as happy as if they’d drunk a mug of molasses.
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13eyond13 · 6 years
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So I was looking for a pic of the character in blue because I remembered they were blindfolded when we saw them briefly, then I noticed the Shinigami in red also seems to wear some sort of mask, and then there’s Rem who covers one eye, and Gelus who has only one eye, so maybe it’s a common bet in the Shinigami realm, though if that’s the case Nu totally has an unfair advantage.
Anon, thank you for the submission, it made me lol. Yes, if the shinigami were making bets that caused them to lose their eyes then Nu would have a hugely unfair advantage, wouldn’t she!! I never noticed how many of the death gods are eyeless, that’s really interesting! I’d love to hear even more fan theories about all of this stuff.
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13eyond13 · 7 years
Death Note high school AU where B is a weird theater kid and Misa is head cheerleader, and they bond over their mutual obsessive crushes on the star top students and athletic rivals of the school, Light Yagami and L Lawliet. Much inappropriate stalking and scheming ensues, until they finally catch their crushes making out like crazy in the guys' locker room after a particularly heated tennis match
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13eyond13 · 7 years
So I know it's already incredibly angsty to think about B knowing exactly when A was going to die from the moment they met, and saying goodbye on A's death day knowing what was about to happen, but consider... what if A's original lifespan was longer, but a Shinigami killed A to take the remaining lifespan for themself? Imagine B expecting another decade at least with his friend and all of a sudden A is just gone and he doesn't know why. I feel like that would definitely make anyone break a bit.
Ooh boy, that would definitely be extremely upsetting and confusing for B, considering he’s seen everyone’s death dates his whole life. He would no doubt end up questioning everything he’s ever known if A died long before his numbers were supposed to end!
But also… in a weird way, maybe it would give B a bit of hope amidst the grief? Hope that the death dates aren’t always set in stone, that is. That they can be changed. He might even start looking for ways to extend people’s numbers after that, and attempt to save lives rather than take them!It’s very interesting to imagine A & B being watched over and meddled with by death gods, and it makes a lot of sense; B would no doubt be an exceptionally interesting human for a bored shinigami to observe from the other realm, considering his eyes! And there’s tons of potential for fans to come up with interesting origin stories for B’s eyes there (were the eyes “dropped,” like Mello suggested? If so, was it by accident or on purpose? Did it have anything to do with B’s parents, or was it just at random? And which specific shinigami was responsible? etc.) I loooove your idea of working A into things, as well!!
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13eyond13 · 7 years
"What if L was B During the Kira Case" Tumblr Prompt
(Hahhh okay so I started messing around with that Tumblr prompt, where L was actually B secretly the whole time throughout the Kira investigation, and I got a few hundred words on it slapped together so far. It’s nothing too exciting yet, but I figured I’d toss it up here now just in case I don’t end up doing anything else with it. I still think the concept is hilarious, and that there are so many interesting/comedic possibilities in store once Light gets involved. I’m pretty horrible at finishing things I start, & I have other fics on the go right now I should definitely be focusing on more, but I still might add to this periodically when I can. idk enjoy or whatever)
– Tumblr prompt: “Plot twist: L never really revealed himself. Light never met the real L Lawliet. It was always Beyond Birthday.”
Soichiro and his team watched in awed silence as the message scrolled across their computer screen:
“I am now in a room in the Imperial Hotel. Every few days, I will move to a different hotel in the Tokyo area. I would like the task force office in the NPA building to serve as a front from now on with my hotel room serving as the de facto center of the investigation.
Of course, this is a defensive measure to prevent Kira from learning what I look like, and I realize this means I will have an unfair advantage over all of you in that regard. However, this is as far as I am able to go at this point in order to gain your trust and work with you on this investigation.
If you are able to cooperate with me on these terms, please split into two teams and come to my room by midnight, that is by the year 2004, leaving at least a 30-minute interval between the two teams. Watari will hand you a memo with my room number. 
I’ll be waiting.
Beyond pressed the enter key on L’s laptop and snapped the screen shut, leaning back against the bathroom mirror with a sigh. Honestly, the things he did for love. The task force would be arriving at his hotel room door in a mere matter of hours, now – there was no way they’d refuse L’s personal collaboration at this point, not since Kira had slaughtered all twelve FBI agents – and so here B was, spending his entire New Year’s Eve alone, dyeing his hair charcoal black again, and slurping cold noodles out of a soggy takeout box. “You owe me big time for this one, L Lawliet,” he muttered as he shaved off an eyebrow.
It had been one year, four months and nine days since B had done this last, this whole ‘slipping into L’s skin’ thing. This time around, he’d actually been asked to do it – this time around he’d be paid and pampered royally for it by the man himself – and to B, that was just about the funniest fucking thing in the world. If only that furious little Beyond Birthday of a mere two summers ago, skulking around Los Angeles with a murderous chip on his shoulder, could see just how far he would come. 
He was very lucky Naomi had been so clever, that she had figured his clues out and stopped him before he could ever light that fatal match. He was luckier still that L considered his strange eyes and talents useful enough to keep him out of prison and on L’s shady secret payroll. And he was luckiest of all that he was the only one now regularly sharing the detective’s bed, too. B wished more than anything he were there instead right now, ringing in the new year in the neighboring suite with nothing but his Lawliet and a pair of handcuffs and a bottle of champagne – but B had a job to do first, so B would have to earn his play.
He donned L’s trademark shapeless clothes at last and frowned disapprovingly at his reflection in the mirror. Honestly, for someone so obscenely wealthy, the man had appalling taste. B mussed up his hair, sank into a more arrogant slouch, bit his thumbnails raw and pinched convincing purple bruises under his eyes. There was no need to be so precise with everything, of course. The task force wouldn’t know the difference; they’d never met the real L before, and they never would. But B was nothing if not meticulous, and he took great pride in his craft.
 And besides, the best part by far of playing L’s proxy was that L would be watching everything carefully from the hidden cameras around B’s rooms. So if B was finally going to be performing L for L, then B was going to have as much fun with it as he possibly could.
“I am L.” 
The task force gaped speechlessly at B as though he’d sprouted an extra head. They looked genuinely horrified. Well, he’d been aiming for campy, but perhaps he was overselling it a bit? It had been a while since he’d played this role. He rubbed his bare foot against his leg and glowered around the room as intimidatingly as he could, then sighed inwardly as the task force immediately began fumbling for their badges. This was going to be a long night.
-to be continued (maybe lol)-
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