literallybyronic · 10 months
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patch 5 dragged me back to my galemance run kicking and screaming and of course i have a bunch of new mods now so it's time for my glam rizzard screenies era
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sebastard69 · 1 year
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Finally made it to Act 2 and my boy Kairos is looking so fucking fine in his new fit
bonus: the whole squad got makeovers
except wyll cuz he's not usually there. but astarion and shadowheart did. karlach got her fit dyed to match while i work on a better one for her.
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residentgrimm · 1 year
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Miya in BG3 is too pretty 😭
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evildeerboy · 6 months
idk what’s wrong with me i’ve just started to make bg3 arbitrarily harder for myself without honour mode (bc i just do not have a plan for honour mode) so ive been limiting long rests to only when absolutely necessary/completely out of spell slots
so i just cleared the entire gobbo camp on a single rest with my pally tav and astarion complaining about needing to sleep THE entire time. the best part was fuckin dror ragzlin glitched and despawned after i hit him with 2 sneak attacks so i didn’t even have to deal with him lmfao
hopefully i should be getting minthara and the semi-secret pet for the first time (managed to accidentally avoid it on like every playthru i want it so bad 😭!!!)
that’s my bg3 diary now i shall try to honk shoo mimimimi all by my lonesome (ian has to work overnight </3)
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synergysilhouette · 4 months
My "Baldur's Gate 3" MC
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Just thought I'd start doing MCs after I posted mine about my Hogwarts Legacy MC--though here there are certain details that depend on the route my character is on.
Name: Caspian Sunrest
Age: Mid 20s to early 30s
Gender/Sexual Identity: Bisexual-biromantic (male-leaning) cisgender male
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline)
Face: Head 2; No lines
Body: Body type 4's build with body type 2's height--plus he's much more caked up--and NO body hair
Voice: Voice 1 (I think that's the one; I can't recall who plays that voice)
Skintone: Cool Tone 12
Hair: Black neutral (partial eclipse hairstyle), no highlights
Eyes: Teal
Alignment/Personality: Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good (Haven't really decided). Usually just knocks out his enemies, but major opponents he does kill, even if he is mixed about it.
(Note: Probably lawful neutral or true neutral in route 3.)
Default Outfit: Potent Robe variant, albeit with tighter sleeves (seen here) and an emerald color; also wears Dragonborn underwear
Dream Guardian: Drow
Route-related Details
Route 1
Background: Noble; raised in the upper echelons of society with four older siblings, he has never lacked for anything, though despite his education, he's lived a sheltered life and can be quite naive. Caspian is averse to killing, often trying to knock opponents out, but will kill when the need calls for it. He often tries the diplomatic approach and sympathizes with others, but thankfully he has an instinct for detecting danger that levels out his naivete.
Love interest: Wyll (human; assume this is in the pre-patch world where we can kill Karlach, resurrect her, and Wyll still gets rewarded. He also wears the Infernal Robe as his default look). Caspian views Wyll as his fairy tale prince, and their shared time dancing, talking, and romantic outings only strengthen his dreams.
Epilogue: Doing the "Blade of Frontiers" route, it's noted that Wyll takes his love's feelings into account and says that someday he would become Grand Duke, but for now the duo are protecting the coast. Along with Lily (taking her from Wyll's GD route), the couple have two more children named Arcturus and Narcissa (biological; not sure how I'd explain it, whether magic or mpreg, but take your pic).
(Note: any route where Caspian doesn't romance Wyll means Wyll is romanced by Karlach. Personal headcanon.)
Route 2
Background: Acolyte, raised as a follower of Bahamut and Lathander, he is a gentle soul that tries to knock out his enemies, but when he cannot, he strives to defeat them as quickly as possible so as to not prolong their suffering.
Love interest: Gale (human; Caspian talked him out of becoming a god, though he makes sure Gale feels like one every day; also wears a purple version of the airy wizard robes from BFOE and he's got no body hair out of personal preference, though the ebard can stay). Caspian's father discourages his romance with Gale when it is made clear that he is currently out of Mystra's favor and does not want to anger a goddess when it's clear that Gale has great ambition, but Caspian falls very quickly for him and seeks to mollify him without Gale ascending to godhood.
Epilogue: Having convinced Gale not to blow himself up, to be humble and return the crown to Mystra, Caspian married him and moved to Waterdeep together with Tara. While Gale becomes a professor at Blackstaff, Caspian continues his duties as an acolyte, renewing himself with divine spirit. While he convinced Gale not to go the route of godhood, Caspian makes sure to make him feel like one every day. There's only one little obstacle in their relationship: while Gale never saw himself as father material, Caspian always wanted a family.
(Note: if they did have a biological family that wasn't the result of magic or mpreg, Caspian would ask Aylin or Isobel to be the surrogate. How they respond is up to the imagination.)
Route 3 (Note: kinda thinking of remaking this because I love the "innocent cinnamon roll falls in love with the mature seducer" trope)
Background: Noble; raised essentially as a mean's to an end, his parents had a love for him that was improperly shown. As he grew to be intelligent, and handsome, he was raised to use such attirbutes for political advantage. However, despite the rather cruel lessons he was taught (a result of "unorthodox" parenting, as he called it), he still had compassion for others, but wasn't a bleeding heart. He knew to smile and make one feel welcome, for it was better to have more enemies and less friends.
Love interest: Astarion (wears the death mage variant from the BFOE); seen as the "good version" of the vampire, Caspian had an elegance and wit akin to the vampire, but wasn't quite as pessimistic. Unbeknownst to either of them, Astarion originally was tasked with seducing Caspian and bringing him to Cazador, but circumstances prevented the transaction from happening. When finally forming a team, Astarion initiates a physical relationship, but is surprised how quickly Caspian's walls came down. He finds that Caspian, despite his own share of trauma, hasn't lost his light, and Astarion becomes rather protective of him as a result, wanting him to have the happiness that Astarion had taken from him. However, this didn't always come out the best way, with Astarion bemoaning Caspian's sympathetic moments and frustrated when Caspian seduces others (recalling his own past), but while they fight, they've always come back together, especially in the end. When Astarion tells Caspian that he loves him, their relationship becomes the most stable it had ever been. (And just to note: I'm going the monogamous route here, so let's imagine Astarion is easily jealous and possessive.)
Epilogue: Having convinced him not to go through with the rite, Caspian and Astarion lead the spawn to the Underdark where they spend their time. Caspian proposed to Astarion, who pretended to need convincing, until happily accepting and they married in the dark at Baldur's Gate so their friends wouldn't have to go through the hassle of traveling to the Underdark. Of course, Caspian's dreams of starting a family may be a bit too early for his newly-freed vampire husband.
Route 4
Background: Entertainer; an orphan after his parents were murdered, Caspian lived his life making music, performing at circuses, and trying to use his dragon ancestry as a means to get himself a job. Many rumors have circulated that he has some siren ancestry due to how mesmerizing his voice is, and it's been noted that in times of great stress, blues scales barely appear over his face. (Note: wears the Songstress Shar outfit when performing after obtaining it.)
Love interest: Halsin (usually wears Armor of the Sporekeeper, Unwanted Masterwork Scalemail, or Yuan-Ti Scale Mail). Caspian is immediately drawn to Halsin's protectiveness and wisdom, and is surprised to find out he had was not averse to romantic and sexual attraction. They often stayed up each night talking about life and beguiling each other with stories about themselves of stories that they'd read. Sometimes Halsin would tell him stories until he fell asleep, or Caspian would play a song to help Halsin sleep.
Epilogue: The two don't go their separate ways and Caspian joins Halsin in rebuilding the shadow-cursed lands. Caspian adores having so many children to look after, as well as using his skills to entertain them (and Halsin). He treats Thaniel like the brother he always wanted, and often pulls Halsin aside to tell him that he couldn't be happier.
As usual with my posts, I may edit this later! Especially my name. Lemme know if you have any questions.
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rk-ocs · 2 years
Yugioh abridged ebonics ep5
Yugioh abridged ebonics translated script episode 5
Yo YAMI: (holding uh bawx o' cereal) Yu-Gi-awww! iz sponsored by Yugios. dey're Yugi-licious. Wait uh minute— "Yugi-licious"? iz dat even uh werd?
OFF-SCREEN VOICE: It lets da kids know dat dey're tasty!
YAMI: yeea , but "Yugi-licious"? is dey supposed ta taste like Yugi or somethin`?
YAMI: How exactly do you go 'bouttesting somethin` like dat? ah mean, besides da obvious method...
OFF-SCREEN VOICE: Just... say... da line... you amateur.
YAMI: Fine. Yugios! Apparently, dey're Yugi-licious! otay, where's muh motha fuckin [bleep]ing paycheck?
(New Title Sequence plays, wif theme rap from da original Yu-Gi-awww! (season 0) anime ("Kawaita Sakebi"). Yugi puts his deck in his pocket an' whips his belt 'bfoe transforming into Yami, who do uh Mind Crush.)
At Duelist Kingdom
JOEY: Even though ah'm da clear underdog in dis here tournament, da fact dat ah'm uh main character fine ass much assures me uh place in da finals!
TÉA: yeea , but da fact dat you uh comic relief character means dat you can't possibly win!
JOEY: (falls ova anime style) Nyeheheh...
YUGI: He's just overly excited, cuz dis here iz da first episode dat actually revolves around his character.
TRISTAN: ah can't wait until ah git muh motha fuckin own episode!
TRISTAN: It's never gonna happen, iz it?
TÉA: Do da werdz "robot monkey" mean anythin` ta you?
JOEY: It's at times like dis here dat ah actually miss hanging out wif muh motha fuckin sister.
SERENITY: Where is we's, Joey? Where is you taking me, big brudda?
JOEY: ta da beach! dat's what you said you wanted, right?
SERENITY: Actually, ah'd much  be at home playing video games.
JOEY: we's be going ta da beach.
SERENITY: Joey, you da world's bomb brudda. Maybe one day, you'll win uh card game tournament ta he`p fix muh motha fuckin eyesight.
JOEY: Sorry, ah didn't hear dat. yo' voice iz just too high-pitched.
SERENITY: ah love you, Joey.
JOEY: Nope, ah didn't catch dat either.
SERENITY: Can we's go home now?
JOEY: Seriously, stop jivin', ya dum broad!
End flashback
JOEY: (thinkin`) ah promise ya sis, ah promise dat ah'll win dis here tournament an' git da prize money. Then you'll be able ta afford speaking lessons, an' you'll learn ta jive pimp-tight, like what ah do.
MAI (offscreen): You lost, crybaby, now give me yo' star chips!
TÉA: Since dere's only one other beotch character on dis here island, dat has ta be Mai.
(Mai an' da duelist she defeated is in front o' uh duel ring. Mai iz seen laughing, although her laughter iz not heard, as she holds up her glove o' star chips, including those she took from da loser.)
LOSER: It's not fair! ah thought disguising myself as uh bee would he`p me ta win!
JOEY: Ain't it uh little unfair fo' uh grown beotch ta go around challenging chil'ns at card games?
MAI: Wow, Yugi, you gots such small hands.
She takes his hand, an' Téa goes deez nuts. da "alert" sound from Metal Gear Solid iz heard as Mai grabs Yugi's hand
MAI: ah like dat in uh nigga.
TÉA: (in strange robotic voice) Back off, beotch, he's mine!
MAI: muh motha fuckin titties challenge you ta uh duel!
JOEY: Samurai Warrior nigga! Attack her Winged Aerobics Instructor!
YUGI: Wait, Joey! In dis here episode, flying monsters gots an advantage ova land-based monsters fo' nahh adequately explored reason!
JOEY: How did ya summon dat monster without even looking at ya card?
MAI: ah gots ESP.
JOEY: Woah! Too much 411, beotch!
JOEY: awww, so you psychic.
MAI: Bingo. an' it's not uh trick, so don' even bother trying ta figure it out.
JOEY: Wait uh minute, you just sprayed all yo' cards wif perfume!
MAI: nahh way! How could an amateur punk like you see through muh motha fuckin aroma strategy?
JOEY: It sho iz lucky ah don' still gots dat cold from da previous episode, otherwise ah wouldn't gots been able ta notice somethin` like dat.
TÉA: Joey needs he`p, Yugi! Transform into yo' phat alter-ego!
YUGI: Ta-dada-da-dadaa! Puberty Power! (transforms into Yami)
YAMI: don' let her boobies distract you, Joey! You can defeat her. Her cards share one very distinct weakness.
JOEY: wut dat?
YAMI: dey've all been censored by 4Kids.
'bfoe an' afta shots o' Cyber Bondage appear, along wif da subtitle (nipples = bad, kids)
JOEY: dat's right! Wif da power o' 4Kids an' sexism, ah can win dis here duel! tyme Roulette GO! (summons tyme Wizard)
da tyme Wizard attacks, an' da tyme Warp song plays.
JOEY: Thousand Dragon! Destroy all three o' her Harpies at once!
TRISTAN: don' anyone in dis here tournament know da rules ta dis here game?
MAI: How... could ah lose... ta such an amateur?
JOEY: dat's just what ya git fo' being uh beotch. Wif girly parts.
YAMI: Well done, Joey. You won yo' first real duel. Just remember dat you nuttin' without me. nuttin'!
JOEY: Hooray fo' censorship! (da 4Kids TV logo appears above him)
YAMI: (as Luke Skywalker) yo' overconfidence iz yo' weakness.
KAIBA: (as da Emperor) yo' faif in yo' niggas iz yours.
Kaiba appears on screen along wif da werds n shit:
guess who's
back next
week? don't make me shank ya!
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stormbow · 1 year
oh baby BFOE updated already, life is good
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nedufit · 3 years
4 Stone Loss - from 'Oooof' to 'Got This' during covid19
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I love this feeling because it reminds me how far I have come and what my weight loss represents Amy's Top Weight Loss Tips... 1. I personally used to prefer ‘hidden exercise’ like hiking, mountain climbing kayaking. The truth is, I knew I could hammer the treadmill and quickly lose my weight but, that wouldn’t be sustainable. It is your key to weight loss. Exercise is not for everyone. Plus, the more you weigh now the bigger your weight loss success. I deliberately did not exercise to begin with. Yes, you did have a hard day, and what? When I nailed down my food and enjoying life at the same time, I then introduced the exercise, which is now a great pleasure because I am no longer trying to lose weight. But I make that half an hour count with HIIT. When you do, and people can see the change in your mindset, human nature can turn those who were once your metaphorical support underwear into saboteurs ‘don’t lose too much weight’, ‘go on, it won’t hurt, it’s only a cake’. Give yourself permission to do what you need to do to be successful: You'll need to make changes to your life that impact your family. I don’t like to drag fitness training out, I like it out of the way, so I never do more than half an hour of, well, anything. Do you really want to add another day on to the journey, come on – you’ve waited long enough. Don't be frightened of food: When you really get going you might become frightened of food because you don’t want to damage your efforts, don’t. Watch out for the jealousy: You’ve been the fat friend/sister for so long and had lots of false starts. Remember, they wanted you to start this journey too and, sometimes, you have to remind them that the changes you are making are as much for them as they are for you. I combine running with uphill walking, weights, general floor exercises and I am conscious of not sitting around too long. Equally, stop looking upon food as a reward, or comfort. Yes, you did work hard this week.....  LET ME SHEAR MY METHOD WOTH YOU. https://bit.ly/2Ro7yRp 
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tylercraig77 · 2 years
The Many Elves of Harlottesville: Free Teaser
Chapter One “Top of the morning to ye, Dylly.” Frayley Highbrow says as he greets his fellow villager Dyldonis Moorningview, the owner and proprietor of the small hamlet of Harlottesville’s only mercantile. “Right back at ye, Frayley,” Dyldonis answers with a smile. It isn’t often that one will ever catch Moorningview without a smile on his face. Or a cud of chaw in his lip either, for that…
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i would Die for her
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crudeoilbrokers · 6 years
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Med crude-Urals diffs ease to discount against BFOE in Baltic https://crudeoilbrokers.blogspot.com/2019/01/med-crude-urals-diffs-ease-to-discount.html
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kelluinox · 4 years
What goes around comes around: Chapter 2 Preview
"Stand what, Jones?"
"The fear, the suspicion, the way everybody's constantly on high-alert, checking an' trusting nobody. We were a peaceful city, man, we helped each other, we stuck together. Nobody questioned yo' intentions, asked fo' yo' motives every second o' every day. But now, jus' lookit this!" He gestured wildly towards the ground floor which they had left mere seconds ago. Even from up here they could still see the cops cautiously threading through the bustling crowds or leaning against the pale walls, their blue uniforms easily discernible amongst the multitude of other, far more muted colors.
He turned back to his friend once more. "There didn't use ta be this many cops round 'ere 'bfoe, Drix. We used ta trust each other, we used ta feel safe in our own home."
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famouslygirly · 4 years
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Did you do your part????? As-tu fait ta part???? ;) #letsallmakethedaycount #gifts #giving #makesomeonehappy #letsgivelove #love #livesmatter #alllivesmatter #homeless #sansabris #touteslesviescomptent #toutlemonde #amour #noel #christmas #christmasmeaning (à Sainte-Ruffine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI5GNc-BFOE/?igshid=2iph589wosri
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kimberlyoliveir · 5 years
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hey @google why does it say "x x REPORT THIS CANCEL" ???? https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Qz0q-BFoe/?igshid=vpplgo34e682
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airmanisr · 5 years
Reims-Cessna F.152 'G-BFOE'
Reims-Cessna F.152 'G-BFOE' by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: c/n F152-1475. Built 1978. Seen arriving as a vistor at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, UK. 16-8-2014
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stowvat · 6 years
Med crude-Urals diffs ease to discount against BFOE in Baltic
25 January 2018, News Wires — Urals differentials weakened against dated Brent on Thursday, falling to a discount to the benchmark as market participants anticipated ample supply for February. * The Urals crude oil loading plan for the next month is expected to be released on Friday, traders said. In the loading plan for the first … More » More »
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