ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Do you have any bi aaron thoughts? because personally I think he’s definitely been flustered a couple times by men on the show and I love that for him. Also he is faaaaar too self aware to not overanalyse it. He’s always just liked people, not necessarily women or men or any variation (which is definitely pan now I think about it lmao). But I feel like the right partner would help him explore those parts of himself without pushing him into anything. Like just helping him talk about what his feelings mean about him. He’s still your aaron but if he wants to be a good role model for Jack and all that I think he’d try to be more transparent with who he is. (I also think that if he really turned it over enough in his mind he’d feel very comfortable using he/they pronouns) but this is allllll just my headcanon. I’d love to hear what you think!
Happy pride :) 💛
Hi anon! Happy pride<33 and yes I think I do have some bi!aaron thoughts for you 👀 (this was specifically for bi!aaron but yes I do think he just likes people regardless and could see him being pansexual)
Yessss with the right person he definitely explores those thoughts and feelings and he feels completely safe doing so with you<3. It definitely floats around in his head sometimes and before he has you he didn't really have anyone to talk to about it </3. Or at least no one he felt completely comfortable talking to about it </3. But once you're in his life and the relationship has been going for a bit you both open up about these things and he's so so happy to be able to express this with you. You helping him figure out who he is and listening to everything he tells you about what he is thinking and feeling inside and if he wants, you offering whatever you have to say to try to help him with figuring it out and understanding himself<3. I think it would help him to say these things out loud to another person (especially you) because he's not just going over it in his own head alone now.
Eventually he gets comfortable enough to say things like "Honey don't you think he's attractive?" but you both know he's just for you but it's still okay to admire someone's beauty<3. Or maybe you come home and tell him "Aaron I saw a movie and I bet you'll love the main character. He's so pretty just look at him" and you show him who you're talking about and he gets a bit flustered because he does think the person is attractive and the fact that you knew he would think that and that you're so open about it is amazing to him<3.
Going out in public and he has an interaction with a man that makes him blushy and flustered and you're like "You think he's cuteeee. Hell he really is. Maybe I should get his number for you. Aaron you have good taste." 🤭🤭💞💞 Being so open about these things with him once he's comfortable omg I love this so much<3333.
For me personally (going to indulge here<3) I can see myself making a comment on how a woman in a movie is very pretty and he's all 👀🤨 "you do?" If he doesn't know I'm not just interested in men 🤭. And after talking about it a little he's also opening up about his feelings<3333. (Okay self indulgent part over)
And I do believe he would want Jack to know about it too. He wants his son to know that liking who you like and being who you are is perfectly fine and there's nothing to be ashamed of<3. And that if Jack would ever want to talk about anything at all that he can be completely open and honest about it without fear of judgement. Because he'd felt things for so long but didn't know who to talk to :( but he wants Jack to have the comfort of knowing he would always be supported too<3. Aaron would very much make it a point to let his babies know they're supported through and through<3.
If he really went over it in his head and everything I'm betting Aaron would be very comfortable with he/they pronouns! Especially with your help of being so open about everything! He's accepting himself (god this makes my heart flutter so much 💞) and he knows you will too because you've helped him get there. And you're just happy that he's happy! He's exploring himself and figuring out who he is and you support him entirely and you let him know it<33. And of course he supports you too<3. Just a big supportive family<3.
This ask made me soooo happy<3 thank you for sending it in anon!
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lightandheatao3 · 9 months
The Bunker - Criminal Minds
Chapter 1: The Bunker
Summary: Spencer Reid wakes up in a locked bunker to find half the current BAU and two of its departed members unconscious on the floor. The old team is back together but the reunion is not what any of them would have wished for. An Unsub from their past has decided it's time they all stop keeping secrets, even if it means exposing them by force.
Hotch and Derek have been pulled back into a world they tried to escape. Emily, Rossi, and JJ are doing their best to keep it together. Spencer is falling apart.
AKA a found family is reunited and forced to go through the most nightmarish version of family therapy imaginable.
Set months after the end of Criminal Minds: Evolution. Evolution referenced, but not necessary to understand the story.
Read chapter 1 on AO3 or under the cut. All comments and reblogs are so appreciated <3
Chapter 2 link
Spencer cracked his eyes open, flinching from the white fluorescent light and blinking hard against the groggy, dull ache in his head.
His mouth was dry, body heavy. A familiar wake up. He reached his hand out blindly for the relief waiting on his bedside table.
No- wait.  
His lights are all yellow toned filament bulbs, not white fluorescents.
The smell was wrong. The dull electrical buzz in the air was louder, pitched higher.
His eyes shot open wide and he scrambled to his feet.
This wasn’t home.
He surveyed his surroundings, fighting the wave of dizziness that came with standing too abruptly.
“Oh no,” he said out loud. “Nonononono…”
The room was large and square and made entirely of concrete. Up the top a small vent, too high to reach and too small for a person to fit into. A heavy door with a double walled chamber for someone to put things into without having to interact with the person on the other side. The kind you would find in a maximum-security prison cell. The whole room felt like a prison cell, a place he’d hoped to never be again. At the back of the room a small en-suit that was completely stripped bare but for a metal toilet with no seat and a sink that was bolted into the wall. There was a door that could be shut, but there was a gap under it and a hole where a doorknob had clearly been removed.
A camera. There on the roof, drilled in and protected by a plexiglass dome, blinking its little red light at him. He stared at it for a moment, then closed his eyes.
He slowed his breathing. Now was not the time to fall apart. Not now. Not yet.
Not when there were 5 of his friends prone on the ground around him, unconscious as he had been only moments ago.
Each was laid out on a thin foam mattress, the kind with no seams or springs that could be fashioned into tools.
His first stop was the door. He knew before he tried it that it wasn’t going to open, but he had to make sure. As soon as that was confirmed, he turned his attention to the people in the room with him.
He rushed over to Emily first, rolling her onto her side and checking her pulse. It was slow, but steady. He looked around at the rest of them, noting the gentle rise and fall of their chests. All alive. He sighed audibly, clasping his hands together in thanks and relief for a split second before turning back to Emily.
He gently shook her, putting his hand on her cheek in what he hoped was a comforting way. His hands were shaking. He wasn’t sure if it was the adrenaline or the comedown. “Emily," he said gently. “Emily, it’s me, Spencer. Wake up Emily.”
After a few more repetitions her eyes fluttered, then opened. She looked up at him hazily. “Spencer?”
“Hi,” he said sadly, knowing there were only a second left until she realized the danger they were in and wanting to let her experience that second in peace.
She glanced behind him where JJ lay unconscious. He looked at her pupils. They were constricted, confirming his suspicions.
“Oh my god,” Emily gasped, her hand reaching up to clutch his shoulder. She leveraged herself against him to drag her way up into a sitting position. She rubbed at her eyes blearily, then opened them again and cast them around the entire room. “Fuck,” she breathed.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
Her eyes snapped back to him. “Are you alright?” she asked urgently, looking him over. “What happened?”
“I’m fine,” he assured her. “And I don’t know. I woke up a minute ago. I don’t remember how I got here. I think we were all drugged.”
She hummed in agreement. “Last thing I remember I was outside my apartment on the way home from the gym. I still feel a little out of it. God, Spencer, you look awful,” she said, putting a hand over his. “What did they do to you?”
“Same thing as you, most likely.” He looked away. “Emily, that’s Hotch over there,” he deflected. “And Derek.”
Emily looked to where he was pointing. Her expression was solemn, professionalism kicking in even in these dire circumstances. “Yeah. And no sign of Tara, Matt, or Luke. And no Penelope, thank God. Whoever did this, they’ve got a grudge against us that predates the others joining the BAU. Someone who met all of us but never had direct interaction with Penelope. This is good. If the others are free, they’ll find us.”
Spencer nodded in agreement. “This is someone with the skill to find Hotch in witness protection. If he wasn’t dead, I would have said it was Scratch. The logistics of kidnapping 6 highly trained federal agents takes an enormous amount of planning and ability. There are only handful of people we’ve encountered with the capacity to pull something like this off.”
She rubbed at her temples. Her eyes were losing the glassy sheen as the adrenaline counteracted the effects of the drugs. “I assume you tried the door?” He nodded. “I guess we should wake the others.”
No sooner than she said it, JJ stirred. They both crawled over to her. Her wake up process went much the same as Emily’s, but for the fact that the first thing she asked about was if her children were safe, before she’d come to enough to realize they had no way of knowing.
“Whoever this is likely targeted you while you were alone,” Spencer assured her. “It’s much safer to take a victim without witnesses, especially a victim who is trained to defend themselves and needs to be physically incapacitated.”
Next, they woke Rossi, who responded immediately by swearing up a storm and threatening to rip the head off whoever was responsible for this.
“Hey, Dave, it’s okay,” said JJ in a calming voice, even as she looked about to cry. “There’s nobody in here but us.”
He breathed. He nodded. He cursed again. He nodded again.
“At least I’m not alone this time,” he said with a world weariness that Spencer felt in his gut.
They had all been in situations like this before, but Rossi was barely recovered from the last time only a few months ago. Spencer still regret so deeply that he wasn’t there to help with Elias Voit.
“No, you’re not alone,” agreed Emily emphatically. “On that note, look who else is here,” she said.
“God fucking dammit,” cursed Rossi as his eyes swept over Derek and landed on Hotch.
Seeing Derek there was upsetting, but it wasn’t as jarring as Hotch’s presence. Derek still came along to the occasional social event, though less and less recently, as he was busy with the birth of his second child. Spencer personally still saw him once a month or so, though the past year their contact had been more limited to phone calls. They were all dreading having to watch him learn he’d been pulled into this nightmare, but if nothing else they could offer him the comfort of familiarity and camaraderie.
But Hotch… none of them had heard so much as a whisper from him in years. When he disappeared, he did so completely. It’s the kind of thing that would have wounded Spencer deeply under any other circumstances, but after everything Daniel Lewis aka Mr Scratch had put him through, he only ever hoped that Hotch had found every semblance of peace that life could give him. He’d missed him badly at times, but he would have rather they never meet again than have to meet like this.
They decided to wake Derek first.           
Rossi nearly got a fist in the face before Derek pieced together what was happening. Then, he put a fist directly into a concrete wall instead.
“I’m going to regret that when the drugs wear off,” he said sheepishly once he’d calmed down just a bit. “Whatever they dosed us with, they did not skimp. The comedown is gonna suck,” he said, side eyeing Spencer, who pretended not to notice.
The question and answer was the same as with the others. Do you remember anything about who took you? No. Has anyone tried the door? Yes. Derek threw a shoe at the camera for good measure, but of course it just bounced off the plexiglass and landed pathetically on the floor.
The bang of it hitting the concrete was enough to make Hotch finally stir. They all turned to face him, staring helplessly.
His hair was longer than Spencer had ever seen it. Still short, but more relaxed, skimming the bottom of his ears and starting to curl a little at the base of his neck. He was still lean, but some of the muscle had been replaced by fat. He looked just a little softer. Healthier. His face was peaceful. Spencer always remembered him looking tense, even in his sleep. His hair was streaked with grey but somehow this was the youngest Spencer had ever seen him look.
He stirred a little more, blinking at last.
Ah, there was the familiar tension creeping its way back across his face.
Rossi was the one who finally knelt down beside him. “Aaron? I’m so sorry my friend,” he said sadly as recognition flashed in Hotch’s eyes.
“I’m dreaming,” came the familiar voice. Spencer had missed that voice more than he'd known.
Hotch closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again. He looked past Rossi at the rest of them. Spencer raised his hand in a polite greeting, then immediately felt like an idiot for doing so.
“I’m not dreaming,” he said, no trace of emotion in his voice.
“I’m afraid not,” Rossi confirmed.
Hotch fixed his eyes on Rossi again, pushing himself up so he was sitting against the wall. He looked like he was staring at a ghost, trying to figure where the projector was. “When did you get so old?” he said, reaching out a hand to Rossi’s face and poking at it.
Rossi grabbed the offending hand and clasped it between both of his. “Careful. You’re no spring chicken yourself,” he joked.
“No,” said Hotch, still expressionless. “Peter Lewis is dead. This isn’t my life anymore. He’s dead. They told me he died. I saw photos of the body.”
Spencer didn’t know that, but judging by Rossi’s lack of surprise, he pieced together that the older man had likely made sure the witness protection people had passed the photos along.
“Scratch is dead,” Rossi confirmed. “Whoever did this, it’s not him.”
“This. Isn’t. Real,” Hotch insisted, the first sign of emotion entering his voice in the form of hysteria as he pulled his hand away from Rossi and scrambled to his feet. “All of you stay away from me!” he yelled, looking at each of them in turn.
JJ grabbed onto Spencer’s arm. He flinched at first, then put an arm around her and gave what he hoped was a comforting squeeze. Derek took a step towards Hotch, but Emily held him back.
Hotch backed into the corner, looking at them like a caged animal. They were all caged animals now, Spencer supposed. An unfortunately familiar role.
“Hotch,” Spencer said, surprising himself by speaking. They all turned to look at him. He couldn’t back away now. “This is real. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, but Penelope and the rest of our team aren’t here, which means they are out there looking for us. I know it doesn’t feel real. We have all been drugged and you are probably still feeling the effects. I’m sorry. I wish it wasn’t real, but it is,” Spencer said kindly but emphatically.
“We’ll get out of this together,” said Emily. “It’s going to be okay.”
Hotch’s eyes were looking just a little clearer.
“Listen man, I know what you’re feeling. I got out, too, remember? I have a family and I don’t know if they’re alright. I’m right here with you. We’re all on your side. Do you believe me?” asked Derek, and this time Emily let him take a step forward.
 Hotch looked around at all of them again. He assessed them carefully. Then, he turned to the corner, putting his back to them and his hand over his face. It was the closest thing he could get to privacy and Spencer was suddenly grateful to have woken up first to process all of this without being watched.
Well, except for the camera.
They all looked at the floor and did their best to give Hotch space. It was almost a full minute before he finally tuned back around.
There was that stoic expression that Spencer remembered. All that youth and peace was gone from his face in an instant. Spencer hoped so badly that it wasn’t gone for good.
“What do we know?” asked Hotch, crossing his arms.
A moment of silence passed and Spencer wondered if the rest of them felt their hearts breaking into pieces at this cruel facsimile of a reunion.
“Why don’t we start with the last thing each of us remembers?” said Emily, stepping up beside Hotch and looking back at the rest of the room, two natural leaders doing what they do best.
Each of them recounted the details they knew before they woke up in this room.
They had been going about their lives, nothing special. The only common thread they could find was that each of them was alone when their memories stopped.
Derek had been at a picnic with his family and the last thing he remembered was leaving to use the park bathroom. Emily on her way back from the gym. JJ heading out to get groceries. Rossi walking home late from a bar.
“I was driving to work,” said Hotch shortly.
“We’re going to need more detail than that if we want to put together a timeline,” prompted Rossi. "Where do you work?"
Hotch pursed his lips. Spencer could see him strategizing in his head. He wasn’t back in their lives by choice. Spencer understood.
He didn’t get it back when Gideon left, but he got it now. Once you let people in the door, it can be impossible to fully extricate them. Hotch’s old life was filled with trauma he was trying to leave behind and the team were living representations of that past. Spencer couldn’t bring himself to be hurt by the other man’s reticence.
“A legal consultancy in a small town in Kentucky,” he said reluctantly, like divulging the smallest part of his personal life meant inviting the entire FBI right back into it.
“That’s an 8 hour drive,” said Derek. “No wonder you were so out of it compared to the rest of us. You must have been dosed multiple times to keep you under that long.”
“I think you’re right,” he said. “I’m still a bit foggy, if I’m being honest,” he admitted quietly. “What about you, Reid?”
Spencer blinked. “I feel fine.”
“No, I mean what’s the last thing you remember?”
Oh. Right. “I went to sleep in my apartment, then I woke up here,” he said honestly. It wasn’t important what he was doing before he went to sleep.
“Since we can be fairly confident whoever this is took Hotch first,” said Emily, “That probably means they got to you last, Spence. They hit all of us in one day. They must have known the BAU had a day off after closing the last case. They would have had to hit us quick to avoid raising alarms.”
“And the fact that we were all grabbed at different times indicates we’re likely dealing with a single Unsub. Someone highly organized and familiar with each of our routines.”
“The Unsub must have been planning this for a long time. Finding someone in witness protection, especially a former profiler, would take an incredible amount of skill or resources,” said Spence. “They stalked us, learned our routines, then used blitz attacks to stop us from being able to fight back.”
It didn’t take long for them to get into the flow. He felt his panic slipping away as his brain shifted into work mode. At some point they all went from standing to sitting in a circle on the floor.
It felt ridiculous to think about, but Spencer couldn't help but be mildly self conscious being the only one of them in his pajamas, as he was taken in his sleep. He was just glad it was a cold night so he'd been wearing nice, full length ones and not boxers and a shirt or something to that affect. Derek, Emily and JJ were all dressed in comfortable day wear. Rossi and Hotch in suits. Hotch was interesting, though. Spencer had rarely seen him outside of a crisp black suit characteristic of an FBI agent. The one he wore now was navy with a striped tie. It looked good on him.
They put together a more detailed timeline and looked back on the past few months of their lives to discuss anything that could have possibly been out of the ordinary.
The more they talked, the less cagey Hotch was about his life. It was strange to learn more about the day to day he had been living in the years since they’d seen him.
None of them talked about their kids or partners beyond a simple acknowledgement of their existence. They were all acutely aware of the camera on the roof. Whoever was doing this didn’t need to know any more about their families than they already did.
Their phones had been taken and none of them had anything to write with, so they were relying on Spencer to catalogue and compile the information in his brain. He did just that, and after a couple hours they had what was likely a fairly reliable timeline, including geographical information.
Whoever was doing this, they were extremely organized, meticulous, and quick. Not one of them saw it coming. None of them could point to any strange interactions they had over the past months, any red flags, any signs of being followed.
When it came time for Spencer to recount the details of the last months of his life, the others stared at him intently. “I haven’t seen you in person in months,” said Derek. “You don’t look so great, pretty boy.”
“I don’t know how to tell you this, but the bunker we’re currently locked in isn’t making the rest of you look at your healthiest, either.”
“You know what I mean,” said Derek with an affectionate eyeroll.
“You know I was doing some classified work for the bureau. That’s why I couldn’t be there for what happened with Voit,” he said with an apologetic look to Rossi, who waved his hand dismissively. They had already been over this when Spencer first got back. He noticed Hotch raise a curious eyebrow. “I can’t talk about the work since we’re currently being recorded,” he said, nodding up at the camera. “Emily knows the details. It was nothing bad, just research that kept me out off the grid for a while. But if the Unsub could find Hotch in witness protection, then it’s possible they could have been tailing me for that long.”
“That finished months ago,” pointed out Emily. “What have you been doing while you’re on sabbatical?”
“A few guest lecture series at Virginia Tech and spending time with my mom, mostly. I just needed a break. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. I guess I’ve been a bit distracted. I haven’t seen or experienced anything unusual, though.”
“I hope your mom’s doing okay,” said JJ comfortingly, prompting the rest of them to nod sympathetically.
He just nodded back. She was doing fine, honestly, not that he’d been visiting as often as he should. Easier to let them assume she was the reason he had been absent.
“Why are you doing this?” said Hotch, standing up and looking directly at the camera once they realized none of them had any more details to share at this point. “What do you want from us? Tell us what it is and maybe we can give it to you.”
The camera blinked its red light at them, showing no care for their presence.
Hotch sighed. He looked down at them all helplessly. His eyes stopped short on Derek. He knelt down, staring at something on the side of his head. “What?” asked Derek, leaning away in concern at Hotch’s suddenly very close face.
“Hold still,” said Hotch. He waved Emily over, who shuffled round to his side. “Right… there,” he said, hovering a finger just behind Derek’s ear.
Her eyes widened. Hotch looked at her questioningly, then turned his own head and tucked his hair away so that she could see behind his ear.
“You have it too,” she said. She did the same as him and he checked her over. They looked at each other again and he nodded.
They all stared at them expectantly, though Spencer was pretty sure he knew what they were seeing.
“Puncture marks at the top of the neck, just behind the ear,” Emily explained. “That’s where we were injected.”
Spencer, Rossi and JJ all checked each other. Sure enough, same thing.
“That means we were likely attacked from behind,” said Derek.
“Do we know what we were drugged with?” said Hotch, shooting an almost imperceptible glance in Spencer’s direction.
His skin crawled at the way none of them wanted to look at him, to just come right out and say it. He didn’t particularly want to talk about it. Not really. But they always acted like the subject was poison and it made him feel like he had to walk on eggshells too. Like the reality of his life was harder for them to hear than it was for him to live.
“I am fairly confident it was some kind of opioid,” he said, careful to keep the irritation out of his voice.
JJ put her hand on his and he felt the irritation dissipate.
They cared about him. He knew that. It’s not as if they were wrong to worry. They had talked about it a little over the years, but not enough that it had stopped being awkward every time it came up.
“Are you certain?” asked Rossi. “Could have been a tranquilizer.”
“I’m certain,” said Spencer. “Trust me, I know the feeling.”
Derek reached a foot across the circle and bumped it against Spencer’s knee in a supportive gesture, like saying ‘I’m here with you.’ Emily smiled at him softly, reassuringly.
“It could have been cut with something,” pointed out Hotch.
“The totality of the blackout indicates it may have been cut with a sedative of some kind, as a high enough dose of opioids to include that kind of memory loss reliably could be unsafe and none of us are suffering significant enough side effects to indicate that’s the case. Whoever did this knew exactly what dosage to use,” he explained. “But… I am quite sure it was predominantly an opioid.”
Of course he was sure.
“Jesus,” said JJ. “I’m sorry, Spence.”
“I don’t believe in fate but the universe does seem to have a strange way of conspiring to get you high,” deadpanned Emily.
Derek shot her a harsh look, but Spencer cracked a smile. “I think ‘an Unsub made me do it’ is going to start sounding like ‘a dog ate my homework’ to my sponsor,” he joked back, relief washing over him that they weren’t going to dance around it the entire time they were in here. Not that he’d spoken to his sponsor in more than a year. They didn’t need to know that.
The others smiled too. “You’ll be alright, kid,” said Rossi. “If you kept it together after Mexico, you’ll get through this.”
That would have been a comforting statement if not for the fact that it was completely false. It didn’t matter anyway. Penelope and the rest of the team would find them and get them out before any of this became an issue.
Or they wouldn’t. But he couldn’t think about that yet.
A crease sat deep between Hotch’s eyebrows. “Mexico?”
“You don’t know?” said Emily. “I just assumed you were across everything to do with the Scratch case.”
“No,” said Hotch. “I accepted proof of his death and told the liaison I didn’t want to know anything else.”
“It’s complicated,” said Rossi. “There were other players involved, but the short version is Reid was drugged and framed for murder. It wasn’t pretty.”
“We don’t need to go into the details,” said Spencer, oddly embarrassed at the idea of Hotch knowing just how prone to being victimized he apparently still is. He knew it wasn’t rational, given the things that had happened to Hotch and the fact that all of them were in this locked room as victims together.
Hotch looked at him. Spencer couldn’t read his expression at all. Eventually he just nodded and let it drop.
Before any of them could say another word, there was a banging at the door. The hatch on the other side of the door chamber opened.
Derek got to the door first, trying to rip the hatch on their side open. He shouted at the door “What do you want?! Talk to me! Just tell us what you want!”
There was no response.
The only thing they could see was a hand covered in a thick leather glove sliding a piece of paper in. It was a smaller hand than expected.
He continued pulling but the panel didn’t budge until the other one had closed completely. Derek stumbled backwards as the panel suddenly released.
“It’s soundproof,” Spencer said, despairing. “There was no sound of footsteps on the other side.”
Emily grabbed the note from the chamber. They all whipped around to watch her as she read the words aloud.
“Hello, old friends,” she started, all of them frozen in place and hanging off her every word. “I know you are wondering why you are here. It is simple. You dragged my secrets into the light and then put me in a cage. At first I wanted to get revenge. Then I watched you for a long time and I learned all about you and I learned that we are the same. I saw how you are suffering. How you are scared. All hiding. I remember when I had to hide. For so long I hid even from myself. Now, because of you, I am free. Even when I was in a cage, I was free, because I had no secrets anymore.
I want to give you the freedom you gave to me. Soon, you will not have secrets. You will see that in this room you cannot hide and that when there is nothing left to hide, you will be free.”
Emily looked up from the letter, meeting all of their eyes in turn. There was a painful lump in Spencer’s throat.
If he was being honest with himself, he knew it as soon as he woke up in this room and saw them all there. He knew they weren’t going to make it out in time. He knew the Unsub must have watched him closely enough to know what was going on with him. He knew he wasn’t making it out of this without all of them seeing him for exactly who he is.
Now, he thought, might be the time to fall apart.
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hotchfiles · 3 months
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happy pride to my two favorite bi cunts 🩷💜💙 bi panic spencer & girl kisser emily
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I feel like I’ve posted this exact same thing before but I’m doing it again because it sounds like the production has never herd of bisexual in their lives.
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your-average-girly · 4 months
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achillessleepy · 2 years
John Blackwolf 🤝 Madame Bouvier- Bringing out a side of Hotch that I adore.
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bruhflower · 1 year
Currently in my 2nd rewatch of criminal minds after like. 5 years so you know what time it is- giving characters sexualities and pronouns :D
Reid- aroace spec, queer, he/they
- dated cis women to "fit in", prefers masc presenting ppl in reality
- gender doesn't matter a whole lot to him but he does like to present masculine
- sometimes fling with Morgan
JJ- bisexual, she/her
- polycule with her husband and Prentiss lowkey 👀
Prentiss- lesbian, she/her
- no notes, she is just straight up a proud lesbian
- big crush on JJ pre polycule
- her and JJ's husband get along great
Garcia- pansexual, she/ze/zir
- queer platonic relationship with Morgan
- sees herself as feminine and a woman but likes how neopronouns feel
- pursues women over men later in life when zir is more open to her identity
Morgan- heteroflexible, he/him
- queer platonic relationship with Garcia
- goes for women to be a "macho man" but deeper down would like to be with men more
- experiments with Reid on occasion, who is the only one besides Garcia that knows this abt him
Hotch- bisexual, he/him
- prefers women but appreciates men, experimented in highschool
Elle- lesbian, she/they
- badass lesbian, she and Prentiss so would have dated
Gideon- straight, he/him
- he kissed a boy once in highschool and then never again
Rossi- straight, he/him
- he's had so many wives maybe he should just try being gay LMAO /j
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pinksloosh · 2 years
Bed head
[Spencer walking into work with his hair messed up]
Derek: you got bed head?
Spencer: No, y/n isn’t really into that kinda th-
derek: I meant your hair reid.
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maschotch · 2 years
Hotchgan >>>> hotchreid. They got wayyyy more chemistry and their story is much more interesting and emotional when u think of it
absolutely??? and the age difference isnt nearly as bad. their (strictly canon) relationship is more akin to peers, especially in the later seasons, rather than mentor/mentee or superior/subordinate so the vibes arent gross
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lesbianhotch · 2 years
watching and taking caps from boxed in was a delight cause like. hotch heavy. plus tg directed it. plus halloween. plus ‘hap-py halloween’. madame bouvier supremacy
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wheelsupin-five · 2 years
Aaron 'hotch' hotchner fucks men. Send tweet.
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reiderwriter · 5 months
I’ve watching the episode where Reid kisses the actress. Could you write a fic where the reader is in the BAU and is best friends with Reid but has a secret crush on Reid which is obvious to everyone on the team but Reid and she is so jealous of the actress and the teams teases her about it?
A/N: Hello! Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy it~♡
Warnings: none, hints of bi-reader, but like...come on.
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Your “too obvious, plain as day, nearly embarrassing” schoolgirl crush on Spencer Reid was taking too long to fizzle out naturally. 
When you'd met the man, and your heart fluttered, you knew you'd have to go through the motions: you'd hope, grow fonder of the man, dream about him, then cringe, get ick, and ultimately you'd achieve the ultimate crush death. 
You were stuck somewhere between hope and dream, still, and had taken a wrong turn somewhere leading to nearly Hozier-levels of desperate longing. 
5 months assisting the BAU as a press liaison, working as JJ's assistant on more public facing cases had landed you here. 
And what better case for you to spread your wings on than one in Los Angeles itself, starring the famous Lila Archer. 
When Gideon and Reid had called the case in, you'd been eager not to seem too eager. You'd never been out of Quantico on a case before, usually shacking up in an office to shout down phone lines as reporters on the press room floor telling them they were scum of the earth for sensationalizing murder. JJ had obviously taught you to have a more nuanced conversation that that, but your inner thoughts were still allowed. 
But LA was a different kettle of fish, and Hotch appreciated that. It didn't quite help that you visibly perked up when you heard Reid himself had a hand in calling it into the team. A high-school classmate and a jet ride later, you were excited and ready to greet Spencer Reid. And Lila Archer. 
She was so pretty it was intimidating to even breathe the same air as her, a magnetism that drew everyone in the room closer to her just as Spencer drew you towards him. 
You tried not to see the obvious attraction the two had to each other, but the bile rose in your throat every time you thought about the case. The sour twinge of jealousy became a constant on the case, as your efforts to save Lila from her stalker also pushed her closer and closer to Spencer. 
And that wasn't even accounting for the fact that you'd suddenly become tongue-tied around them.
Spencer had asked you multiple times how you were enjoying your first time out in the field, and the most you could muster was a nod and a stammered “it's been good, I guess.”
With Lila, it was worse. You couldn't even tell her your name, and had overheard her politely asking Reid for it a few times every time you'd dropped coffee off in their vicinity. 
Your school girl crush was hitting the first heartbreak road bump at full speed, and dear god, you were not ready for the car crash. 
You tried to psych yourself out of it, to clear your mind and remain professional, but one tabloid cover after wrapping the case ended that for you completely. 
“Whooo, Spencer, my man! I knew you were a pretty boy, I didn't know you had game like that!” 
The tabloid had been dropped on his desk by Derek loudly and had quickly drawn a crowd when they'd seen the resulting red flush from the man of the hour. 
He'd snatched up the gossip rag pretty quickly, but not before you'd gotten a glimpse of the cover. You recognised Lila’s pool, then Lila herself, then the man she was passionately making out with as you felt your heart crack in two. 
You'd stuck like a fly on the wall and quietly joined in the teasing as you swallowed all of your ugly emotions at once. 
“And in the pool, too, Spencer, that's crazy. Look at Y/N. She can't believe it herself!” You forced a small giggle past your lips and hoped the others couldn't tell how fake it was. You stuck out a few more minutes of conversation before nearly running back to JJ's, thankfully empty office. 
The tears were silent. 
You berated yourself for even letting them fall. An unrequited love wasn't the end of the world - especially considering you had to work with Reid, see him every day. 
It took you months to get over it. Not that you ever fully managed it.
You simply told yourself that you'd never felt that way in the first place, gaslighting yourself into believing there was no feelings and thus no heartbreak. 
After a month of haunting the office with your general gloom, you got into the flow of it and truly convinced yourself you were over it. 
And you were until everyone started talking about it all over again. 
“Spencer, I heard your lady friend is going to be in a real blockbuster soon. Congrats!” Morgan clapped the man on the shoulder as he walked past, discarding his coat at his desk as he arrived for work. 
You gripped your coffee mug slightly tighter as you wished the conversation would blow over. 
“Reid has a lady friend? Oh, please do not spare the details,” Emily jumped in, eager to integrate herself into the team now that she was in it. 
“You know that actress, Lila Archer? We babysat her on a case a couple of months back, and she took quite the liking to our little genius-” 
“Morgan, stop-” Reid groaned, flushing yet again at the mention of the whole scenario. 
“Okay, I'll back off,” the older man said quickly. “If you can tell me honestly, you don't still have that tabloid cover in the second draw of your desk.”
You tried to stand and walk away from the conversation without drawing any attention to yourself, but the tension in your body left you stiff and less than graceful. You tripped on the corner of your desk on your way out but didn't pause to even listen to the others' call after you in your haste to clear the venom burning in your throat. 
You were fine and happy to ignore your emotions, but you realized then that kind of tactics would only work if everybody else managed to avoid them, too. 
You calmed your pace to a wall and took a series of deep breaths, trying to rationalize your departure to yourself. 
“I'm busy. There's some files I need to pull anyway, so I'm just going to file storage. That's why I left my desk. That's all, I'm fine.” 
Your small pep talk didn't rewrite history, though, and you still felt a cloud of envy following you around.
He kept her picture. In his drawer. 
Truth be told, you weren't expecting it to hurt this bad. 
You heard footsteps come up behind you, so you quickly ducked into the empty elevator, not quite ready to face anyone yet. A hand caught it just as you were about to be left alone, though, and Spencer joined you in the elevator. 
You weren't exactly shocked to see him. He'd been just as uncomfortable with the topic of conversation as you had, if not more so. You just wished you hadn't been in the same place now. 
“Sorry, I need some files.” 
Great, you were going to the same place as well. You just nodded slightly and gave him a tight-lipped smile as you travelled down to the place you'd both chosen as an escape. 
“Back there, you left…” Spencer started, fidgeting awkwardly next to you in the elevator.
“You left pretty abruptly.”
“I remembered I needed some files.’
“Right, right…”
The silence that stretched between you was thick and suffocating, and you begged the elevator to move faster. 
“I don't, by the way.” He spoke up again, awkwardly clearing his throat before continuing. “I don't still have that tabloid. There is a picture in that drawer, but it's not…that one.” 
“A different picture of Lila, then?’ You tried to keep your tone light, but even while trying your hardest, you couldn't keep the bitterness out of your tone.
The elevator reached its destination, but you both held back for a few seconds, and neither of you was quite sure what to say anymore. 
“She kissed me, you know.” Spencer said, facing you now, pinning you in place with his attention. 
“Yes, Spencer. Well aware, I saw the photo, too.” 
“No.. no, I mean, she kissed me.” 
“Loud…loud and clear,” you said, raking a hand through your hair as you tried to drown out all of the noise. 
“Y/N, I don't think you're hearing me.” 
“Oh, and I should be paying attention to you recounting the time an actress decided you were worthy of your time and tried to mount you in a swimming pool? I need to hear about how her tongue felt being pushed down your throat?” 
The words jumped out of you, and you had no way to stop them once they started. Instead, you simply shoulder checked your way out of the still elevator and marched your way to the file room. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry, please just hear me out,” you heard Spencer calling out to you, but you didn't stop or turn around. 
“Y/N, I'm trying to explain, please just-” You heard him groan in frustration as you kept up your pace and felt slightly satisfied that he was having such a hard time. A solid hand on your wrist pulling you back wiped any smile you had on your face clean off, especially as you were pulled into a somewhat solid chest and a hand tipped your head up to meet his own. 
To say you hadn't imagined the moment that Spencer Reid kissed you for the first time would be a lie. You thought it would be sweet and small, an awkward peck if nothing else that led to giggles and more innocent chaste kisses and possibly an illusive hug. 
Instead, you were pushed back against the nearest wall, pinned up by your wrists, and robbed of all of your breath as Spencer kissed you until you were seconds from passing out. 
Even after you both came up from air, he released your wrists so he could angle your head back up to him, allowing him to deepen the kiss the second time around. 
Stunned was not the word. 
And though you were completely taken unaware by the kiss, that didn't mean you weren't eagerly reciprocating. 
You kept your wits about you as his tongue parted your lips, leaning into him as you savored the moment. 
It didn't stop the confusion after you finally broke apart, though. 
“What…the…fuck, Spencer?” You said between gasps, chest heaving. He let your wrists go awkwardly, hands trailing down to your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders.
“You weren't…listening. Needed a different strategy.” 
“Well, I'm all ears now.” 
He nodded and then took another moment to catch his breath before relinquishing you from his hold and putting a bit of space between you. 
“I didn't kiss Lila Archer. I didn't particularly want..to?” He cleared his throat and continued. 
“She kinda just grabbed me? And did it? There was a pool too, so I was trying not to choke on water and chlorine and hair everywhere. Like, she just grabbed me-” 
“Like you just did?” 
“Like I just… did, yeah, like that.” 
You weren't sure what to do or say anymore. So you just nodded and stood there, and so did he. 
“That's not to say that I didn't enjoy this kiss. It wasn't just to illustrate the point. It kind of was, in the sense that it helped you understand what happened before, and that I hope it will help you realize the point of this conversation-” 
“Which is?” 
“I like you.” He said, finally pausing his rambling to look you in the eyes. 
“I like you, and I didn't want you to misunderstand.” 
“Oh. Oh right.” 
You both stood there looking at each other and looking away in a loop, neither talking or breaking the silence until you both tried to. 
“What about y-” 
“Kiss me again.” 
Reid blinked at you a few more times, trying to work through your words. 
“Kiss me again” you repeated, stepping away from the wall and closer to Reid as he still just stared at you. 
“We're still working, what if someone walks past?” 
“Didn't stop you the first time.”
You cut him off quickly, grabbing his tie and pulling him down to your level, locking lips with him again. 
When you again came up for breath, possibly much longer after the time a second kiss should last, both of you just laughed again. 
“I was jealous.” You said, looking up at him, ready to bare yourself to him now that he'd given a confession of his own. “Of Lila. Of you for being adored like that by someone so cool. But mostly of Lila.”
“Because I like you, too,” you said, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Nice. Cool, that's great. I like that you like me, too. I like you, hey, I like us,” you cut off his rambling quickly with another small kiss and pulled away.
“So the picture?" You asked, backing away down the hall as he stood and watched you.
"The one in your desk."
"Oh," he said, scratching the back of his neck as the tips of his ears turned bright pink.
"Penelope gave me this picture from the Christmas party. It's, uh, me and you."
You smiled brightly before turning to leave, the bile of jealousy that had been consuming you turned magically to butterflies in the space of two kisses.
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
Decadent Desires Masterlist
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, so much smut, minor mentions of canon type violence/events. Chapters will be tagged appropriately. Very slight crossover between CM & HOC to include Heather.
As Section Chief, Emily has found herself overwhelmed at work and ended up with a very underwhelming personal life. With not enough time or energy to dive into the dating pool she’s a little lost. That is until friend Heather Dunbar suggests making an arrangement where financial compensation is exchanged to get her needs met.
Series Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5**
Chapter 6**
Chapter 7**
Chapter 8**
Chapter 9**
Chapter 10**
Chapter 11**
Chapter 12
Chapter 13**
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16**
Chapter 17**
Chapter 18**
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Series Completed
______________ Send an ask or em to be added to the taglist! Moving forward; you will be taken off the taglist if you’re not interacting. Please interact with this post to clarify you do want to continue to be tagged! (And if you are not tagged but want to be message me!)
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @lesbodietcoke @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster
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benevolentbones · 2 months
met you first | spencer reid x fem!reader
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warning: slight angst, spencer feeling sad, awkward cute spencer
word count: 1.8k
summary: spencer tells the bau girls about a girl he met, morgan introduces his new girlfriend.
a/n: wrote this in one sitting at work, enjoy the angst. reblogs, comments and requests appreciated <3 comment to be added to my taglist!
the team was gathered at rossi’s mansion for his bi-monthly dinner party he liked to host. rossi was standing by the stove, tossing a pan of incredible smelling tomato sauce.
hotch was to his left, analysing every ingredient the older man added to the dish, trying to memorise it so he could recreate it for jack.
the girls and spencer sat at the island, jj and garcia were deep in conversation about how henry and will were doing, jj happily explaining that henry started to take his first steps.
spencer fidgeted with his hands, his leg bobbing up and down as he sat. emily glanced over to spencer, aware he felt kind of awkward and out of place, she decided to speak up.
“do you guys know when morgan is arriving- apparently he’s bringing his new girlfriend.”
this caused the other two girls to turn their attention to emily, spencer also looked up from his fixed gaze on the marble tiles.
“new girlfriend? i didn’t know morgan was capable of being with a woman longer than just one night.” garcia chuckled out, causing the group to laugh with her.
“it seems like everyone is coupling up nowadays…just you and me reid, you can be my wingman.” emily nudged spencer, causing the younger man to let out a breathy chuckle.
“actually…” he began, feeling his face warm at the thought. “i met someone..”
the looks between the girls ranged from disbelief to amazed. “tell us more- you can’t just leave it at that.” jj pushed, eyes fixed on spencer.
garcia nodded, the pink bows in her hair moving along with her. “spill the tea, reid.”
spencer felt his face grow warm. “i- well— i haven’t even asked her out yet— but she’s so…kind…and so funny and beautiful- god she’s beautiful..” he mumbled out, his mind wandering back to the first time he met you over a week ago.
it was a typical wednesday afternoon, spencer decided to drop by his local coffee shop before going to the bau, the team had worked a late case out of state and hotch had given everyone the morning off to refresh.
he stood at the back of the line, gently drumming his thin fingers over his satchel. the line moved pretty quickly so he wasn’t complaining, his brown eyes darted around the room taking in all the small quirks of the coffee shop.
his attention was caught when a little boy, no more than six years old, began crying in-front of him. he noticed that the young boy had wanted the last piece of chocolate cake, and the person before him had bought it.
the young teen boy at the counter didn’t know what to do in that situation, quickly grabbing his supervisor to deal with the crying boy and his mother.
that’s when his eyes landed on you, he deduced that you couldn’t be more than twenty seven. you had the company apron hanging loosely around your neck accompanied by a black name tag that read ‘y/n’.
“hey buddy what’s wrong?” you spoke, your voice soft and kind.
the little boys big blue teary eyes flickered to his mother and back to you. “i wanted the cake.” he mumbled out, clinging to his mothers side.
your eyes scanned the glass cabinet, noticing the lack of cake. your eyes flickered over the mother and the son, before nodding. “give me one moment okay bud?” the small boy nodded before you wandered into the back of the coffee shop.
not even ten seconds later you came back holding a plate with one slice of chocolate cake. the little boy’s face lit up instantly as you handed him the plate.
“i was saving this slice incase a very special little guy came in- and look here you are! i hope you enjoy it.” your smile was so warm, the kindness meeting your e/c eyes.
his mother thanked you profusely and paid, walking off to take a seat somewhere in the café. spencer was up next, he stumbled up to the counter as you greeted him with a smile.
“hi, what can i get for you today?” your voice was so melodic that he nearly zoned out.
“h-hey- can i get a black coffee with…..10 sugars.” he mumbled the last part, his eyes flickering away from you for a moment.
you let out a light chuckle, punching the order into your computer. “you’ve got a sweet tooth then i assume?”
spencer rubbed the nape of his neck, his eyes studying your pretty features. “y-yeah i suppose you could say that— um how much do i owe you?” he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet.
you shook your head, moving to the left to start making his drink. “don’t worry about it…” you trailed off, his name not yet known to you.
“spencer…and thank you.” he felt a blush creep onto his face as he watched you meticulously pour his coffee into a cup. you began to add the sugars one by one when spencer decided to speak up.
“that was really nice of you- what you did for that boy.”
your eyes met his as you smiled. “i was saving that piece of cake for lunch but…he clearly needed it more than i did.” a soft chuckle left your lips and spencer could swear he felt his heartbeat triple in speed.
you finished up making his coffee, popping a lid onto the cup. as you went to pass the coffee, spencer’s fingers brushed yours causing a spark from the sudden touch.
“have a nice day, spencer..i hope to see you here again.”
he nodded, evidently flustered. “y-yeah me too..thank you.”
after that interaction, spencer went to the coffee shop every morning just to see you, it became part of his routine. some days it made him late to work he honestly he didn’t care, seeing you every morning was worth it.
spencer was brought back to the present by a nudge from emily, her dark eyes staring into his soul. “when are you going to ask her out?”
spencer shook his head. “i- i don’t know…i don’t want to mess things up..” he mumbled ouch scratching his neck.
“mess what up, pretty boy?” morgan chuckled as he finally walked into the room, all eyes flickered onto him. and a few steps behind him…there you stood.
spencer’s eyes instantly flickered onto your form, you were wearing a simple black dress, a change to your usual apron and baggy jeans. his heart swelled, he couldn’t believe you were here- why were you here?
then he pieced it together, just as morgan brought an arm to rest around your waist, pulling you close to his side. his heart sank, his features dropping slightly.
“this is my girlfriend, y/n.” morgan let out a small chuckle before pressing a kiss to your temple. you smiled warmly towards the group, though it didn’t quite meet your eyes, your gaze finally landing on spencer.
“hey sweet tooth- i didn’t know you knew derek..” you trailed off, there was something off about how you spoke, your voice not holding your usually cheery tone.
a few sets of eyes flickered onto spencer as he awkwardly adjusted his seated position on the stool. “y-yeah we work together.”
“how do you know each other?” morgan mused, his grip on your waist not loosening.
“he comes to my coffee shop every morning.” i mumble with a smile, my eyes not leaving spencer’s form.
immediately emily knew that this was the girl spencer had been speaking about, to avoid further questions she spoke up. “god i need a drink- morgan pour me a glass of wine there would you?”
morgan nodded with a chuckle, pulling away from you and walking around the island to where rossi stored the glasses. spencer let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that emily had spoken up to draw away from the situation.
throughout the night spencer couldn’t help but steal glances in your direction, he was growing increasingly frustrated with the way morgan would rest his hands on you, how he would pull you closer to him every so often. he needed to take a breather.
when everyone was distracted his managed to slip out onto one of rossi’s many balconies. he pressed his calloused hands against the cool, stone balustrade. he let out a deep sigh, staring out into the dark night, rossi’s garden being lit up by the moon.
spencer heard the sliding door open and shut behind him, now aware of someone’s presence. “i’ll be in, in a minute..” he mumbled out, his voice low.
“hey..” you spoke, your voice traveling to his ears making his heart ache. he turned his gaze to you, you were now standing a foot away from him, leaning your back against the stone railing.
“i- sorry i thought you were someone else..” he mumbled out, not being able to draw his eyes from your moonlit body.
“are you okay…you seem off, spencer.”
he let out a small sigh, running a hand through his dark hair.
“yeah- im..im fine…i didn’t realise you were with morgan.” he muttered out, noticing the drop on your features.
“it’s…pretty new. i met him a few weeks ago..” you managed to whisper out, running your hand over your arm.
“a few weeks ago..” he repeated, which you replied with a curt nod.
you both stood in silence for a moment. you were aware of spencer’s crush on you..and you couldn’t help but feel something for him too.
spencer turned to face you, speaking up. “would things be different…” he trailed off, chewing on his bottom lip.
“…if i had met you first.” he breathed out, studying your features for any sign of hope.
you averted your gaze, your eyes staring holes into the ground below you. you knew in your heart the answer, things would be different if you had met him first. but you didn’t, and you couldn’t change that.
he nodded, knowing your answer. he let out a small breath, adjusting the glasses that rested on his nose.
you had only started dating morgan, you didn’t know where you stood with everything. it was all new to you.
“i’m sorry.” you mumbled out, a hint of sadness laced in your words. spencer shook his head.
“it’s not your fault.”
you paused for a moment, turning back to the door. “i’m..going to get back to the party, they’ll notice..”
he nodded again, your words stung, he knew there was nothing he could do but pine for you.
“i’ll be in soon…i just need to think..”
you shuffled away from him, pulling the door open.
“spencer?” you called out, your hand on the open door.
he turned back to face you, his eyes scanning your form as the warm light from inside the house lit up your soft features.
“i wish i had met you first.” you mumbled out, before slipping back inside.
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea @thedancingnerdmermaid @khxna @cynbx
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🌈 CM Pride Fics ❤️
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Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who participated. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
First, check out @blackbird-brewster's 🌈 Masterlist of Entries☀️: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Jemily, Temily, Jara, and Je T’Emily fics! Check out their page for even more!
WLW Entries
Out Loud [Ao3] by @gaelic-symphony: [Gen] A series of short fics about Emily Prentiss coming out to each member of the BAU team.
Freedom-Seeking Hearts by @foxy-eva: [Emily/Reader] For how much longer will Emily and Reader be able to contain their freedom-seeking hearts?
Say Something by @mismatched-sockss: [Emily/Reader] Reader and Emily have been seeing each other for a while now but she can't keep being her secret.
Dress by @railingsofsorrow: [Emily/Reader] Reader is dressed in red, and Emily has a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact she wants to kiss her senseless. 
11:11 by @emberfrostlovesloki: [Emily/Reader] Penelope and Derek play matchmaker after Emily meets Reader, who’s allegedly off the market.
Bailed Out by @snixkers: [Elle/Reader] Elle has a crush on Reader. Elle doesn't want to.
Soft & Sweet by @foxy-eva: [Jara, NSFW] A confession between Tara and JJ leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments
Red Wine Supernova by @snixkers: [Emily/Reader, NSFW] Reader teases Emily at a party and she decides she's had enough.
MLM Entries
Bi the Way by me: [S.R./Reader] Derek learns something very interesting about Spencer after he leaves his bag at his significant other’s house.
For There is Danger in Our Pining by @andiebeaword: [S.R./Reader] Spencer is falling for his new library pen pal. Spencer also has a blind date.
Happy Hydrangea by me: [S.R./TransMan!Reader] JJ is corrected in finding out Spencer has had a boyfriend for a while now.
Off the Top by me: [S.R./TransMan!Reader] Spencer is driving his boyfriend crazy after his top surgery.
The Calamity by @masterwords: [Hotchgan] A series dedicated to HIV/AIDS and how it has touched the lives of Morgan and Hotch (Morgan is HIV+).
Assorted Entries
Like Father, Like You by me: [S.R., Child!Reader] In which Spencer’s child comes out as not-straight.
Pair of Aces by me: [S.R./Reader, Asexual] Reader decides to share something with the team this Pride Month.
(In)visible by @foxy-eva: [S.R./Fem!Reader, Bisexual] There are a lot of obstacles for Reader as a queer woman, but she never thought falling in love with a man was one of them.
Proof of Concept? by @mimicdive: [S.R./AFAB!Reader, Bisexual] Reader feels insecure in their sexuality and Spencer offers validation.
Teacher's Pet by @emberfrostlovesloki: [Ally!Reader/Hotch] Jack’s teacher gets injured during the school day keeping her students safe, so Hotch goes to check on her that evening.
Euphoria by @blackbird-brewster: [Trans!JJ/Tara, NSFW] Jay recently came out as trans, but he still doesn't feel like the man he wants the world to know. His girlfriend, Tara, knows exactly how to help.
Fireworks by @blackbird-brewster: [Trans!JJ/Tara, NSFW] Tara gives her husband, Jay, a blow-job and a New Year's Eve he'll never forget.
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Happy Reading!
P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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pinksloosh · 2 years
Reid: I’m actually terrified of elevators.
Hotch: And what are you doing about that?
Reid: I’m taking the steps to avoid them.
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