#big sis karai!
deadtiredghost · 4 months
Can we make Team Red a thing?
i think they would get along like a house on fire. we need more fanfic of this trio.
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^^ how i think they might bond.
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iooiu · 1 year
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leo: practice makes perfect
bone snapping excercise:
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thereal-yippee · 1 year
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Is it just me or is leo like RADIATING mom vibes like hes always checking on his brothers and giving tired sighs and especially the first 2 pics give off ‘Mom friend’ when he puts his hand on his head like a real mom would? He’s probably the second team medic next to donnie and would 100% always ask “R you okay???” Every 5 seconds if one of his brothers is hurt.
Also kinda irrelevant but i like to prefer that Leo admires karai like a big sis/role model cause even if she wasn’t his SISTER karai would be his COUSIN and that would be rlly weird even if It wasn’t by blood
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missowo · 2 years
also drop this my au cutely and sleep
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evaglass · 2 years
Mourning the fact that we never got a big sister Karai plot in the 2012 series and instead given an Alabama romance
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epicfirestormer · 1 year
You all know I'm biased with this, but I wish we had more Mikey and Karai bonding. Hell, we need more Karai bonding with the whole Hamato family! She would be a fantastic older sister, I do Not take criticism on this. She would absolutely dote on her little brothers, you know she would.
Mikey is her favorite, simply because. She would see him making pranks and immediately get in on it, and also be his alibi, no questions asked. "No, Raph, Mikey was with me the whole time, he couldn't have done anything." all the while the pranks she and Mikey set up go off in the background.
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miss00fortune · 1 year
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2012 Big sis Karai does 2012 Leo’s ‘hair’ at a sleepover
He’s probably telling her about something dumb his brothers did
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Okay yeah I have the basics of Viper Leo AU set up does anyone want to ask something about it to get me goin or nah should I just pretend I got an ask and post it crude with my uncomprehensible sketches and dubious quality fanart?
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
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At the end of the episode, Splinter still saves Karai, but she doesn’t fall into the sewers (a blatant excuse to further my big sis Karai agenda, and give her more time with the family) Also, each new batch of worms is stronger than the next, so that’s why Splinter’s healing hands work on Karai but not Donnie 🤫 not at all because convenient shhh.
If the Shredder were to recycle using the brainworm on one of the turtles, I think he would put in a failsafe. He obviously wouldn’t use this feature with Karai, but he’d have no qualms about using it on Donnie.
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imagionationstation · 3 months
I don’t know what’s going on with my brain but it has been AU gender swapping Donnie so hard the past few days.
I’m just going to fix the series in a few simple steps:
Donnie leaning heavily on April only because she’s the first other female that she’s gotten to interact with ever
Leo getting some female interaction so he sees Karai as a potential friend instead of immediately crushing and the later reveal isn’t as conflicting since they’re just battle besties
Casey stays decent and awesome without the “battle for April” plot making his character hard to truly appreciate
The brothers are more supportive of Donnie and her attempts to form a relationship with April & Donnie doesn’t have to talk to a jar of guts and mutagen because they know how secluded she’s been, so they’re more free with advice like hey, maybe don’t stalk her and just text her or somethin’, mkay?
Splinter visibly checking up on her activities in the lab throughout the series because he has no idea how to raise a female (he was counting on Tang Shen for that) but he does his best to let her know he cares by supporting her in other ways 💜🤎
More softie Raph moments with his sis so the haters in the audience don’t hate him as much as they unreasonably do
Mikey doesn’t need to change. He just gets to have some more of the “emotionally intelligent” moments that we were deprived off.
I can’t think straight with all these bubbling rewrites help me-
For anyone who cares, also my favorite tidbits:
Splinter not realizing that Donnie was female at first and the name Donatello just ends up sticking. Donnie will die on a hill that Donatello is gender neutral even though her family and friends know it’s not. It’s a topic that they just avoid bringing up
Her brothers use Dona when they’re teasing her
An explanation as to why canon Donnie’s figure is just so randomly different from her practically identical brothers
The shock of Irma isn’t as crippling because April still has Donnie as her devoted female bestie & now the farmhouse era is a lot less stressful and complicated for April and the viewers
Role model Leo still exists & Donnie has a crisis over him bonding with Karai and that creates tension for a while & Four Trap is actually Leo accusing Donnie of not trying hard enough because of that past debacle and “try harder” has clear purpose
Donnie gets an official ✨ big sister ✨ and that means that good-guy snake Karai exists in the series more as the reptilian mutant females bond
Overprotective brothers over their sister (and-)
The sister who appreciates it but there are some moments where she gets tired of them treating her like she’s not as capable as them (not true, but how she interprets their actions) and one episode decides to prove herself (Operation Break Out)
Potential for Casey/Donnie but currently undecided
Consistent “girls are so emotional” jokes that are beyond cringe but the viewers have to tolerate them anyway bc 2012 humor
Broken Foot actually having an affect on Karai since she almost took part in killing off her only sister
Donnie’s biggest fear is that her brothers will one day get tired of her because of how different she is/feels and then she’ll be alone & this fear is the main debacle that she struggles with through the entire series instead of the weird love triangle thing
It’s okay everyone I’ll shut up now and go sit in my corner bye ✌️
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Shared Headcanons:
2012 Boys When Reader Uses The Same Weapon As Them
2012 With A Famous Reader
2012 Boys With A Mutated Child Sibling Reader
2012 Boys When Child Reader's Teddy Bear Rips
2012 Boys When Sibling Reader Draws A Family Picture
2012 Boys With A Big Sis Reader
2012 Boys With A Mother Figure Reader
What The 2012 Boys Call Their S/O
2012 Boys When Their Big Sister Gets Mutated
2012 With A Friend Who Listens To Sean-Nós Music
2012 Boys With A Male S/O Who's Stronger Than Them
Dating Leo Headcanons
Admiration? No, Love.
My Hero
Leo With A Secret Hacker Girlfriend
Leonardo Cuddle Headcanons
Dating Mikey Headcanons
Mikey With An Assasin Girlfriend
Honey I'm Home
Rest Your Eyes
Donnie Cuddle Headcanons
Crush Much?
Pick-Up Line
Dating Donnie Headcanons
Donnie With A Secret, Boxer S/O
Hello Mr. Turtle
Donnie With A Collector Little Sibling
Dating Raph Headcanons
Raph With A Secret, Softie S/O
Not So Fragile
Daredevil Pt:1 Pt: 2 Pt: 3
One For The Books
Call Me Karma
Splinter With A Secret Girlfriend
Free Time (Karai x Fem!Reader)
Code Of Conduct
Ice Cream Run (Casey Jones x Reader)
Truths And Lies Pt: 1 Pt: 2 Pt: 3
Home Is Here
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bicryptide · 6 months
Does people understand that April's arc in rise was about her being terrified about not being enough to be part of the family BECAUSE she is not like them (a mutant, not biologically related to them, etc.,).
Like there is a big reason that the all things with karai happened. I'm sorry but if you're take after watching rise is that April is not the turtle's big sis and should not be treated at such, you suffer from the biggest lack of media literacy to ever exist because it's literally in your face the all time.
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iooiu · 2 years
I can't put my love for big sister karai into words so I will yout tell you that you are doing God's work by making big sister karai content and we salute you for it
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aealzx · 5 months
I was curious i stumbled upon your blog from seeing your fic the 03 crossover on ao3. I do remember seeing the art on here. Since he’s my personal fav i wanted to ask. What’s your opinion on Raph? I mean for both iterations ROTMNT and 03.
Yes I post CDK on both here and AO3 8’D
And oh boy, buckle up kiddo I have a lot of opinions on dear Raphie *cracks fingers*
(jk it's actually not that long even under the cut X'D)
2003 Raph: Summed up Raph is home, safety, and warmth wrapped in an awkward bubble that doesn’t word well but will absolutely fight for those who deserve it.
Rise Raph: An adorable puppy that I look up to when it comes to dealing with people and selflessness for the sake of others, and I would adopt him in a heartbeat and smother him with plushies because he's such a good boy.
More in depth thoughts in a scrambled mess below the cut.
First, since he’s older
2003 Raph:
I first watched TMNT 2003 when I was a youngish teenager I think, and I will fully admit I was a little afraid of Raph at that time 8’D I have a really bad tolerance towards anger, I get freaked out easily and afraid I’ll get hurt or yelled at even if I didn’t do anything wrong. So having Raph portrayed heavily as “the angry one” made it hard for me to get attached to him. BUT, after growing up and watching 2003 just before starting CDK I have gotten soooo attached to Raph. This guy is not “angry” all the time, he’s open, honest, and passionate. This guy is the reason the others get out of the house. He’s the reason the others live and get into the fun times. And while Mikey certainly helps with being the life of the party, Raph is also the shield of everyone who deserves it. This guy is the most dad/big bro out of the four, and while Don could probably take care of a kid the best based on technicalities, Raph is the one that would keep them safe. Raph is home. Raph is the safety net that keeps the family warm. Because while Don is the heart of the group and we know they fall apart without him, Don wouldn’t have a voice without Raph because Don is too soft to fight back when Raph will. Donnie is still my all time favorite of the TMNT 2003 boys, but just barely. If Don is 100/100 on the favorite meter, then Raph is 99/100. He kicked Leo out of the second favorite spot for me on my recent watch.
Rise Raph:My first exposure to Rise Raph was my sister sending me the scene of Raphie crying over not being able to figure out how to help his family after they’d just lost Karai, and I have to admit the only thing I thought was “oh that’s nice, Raph actually cries in this one”. And then I actually watched the show (because sis insisted I watch the movie and I knew I needed context to fully enjoy it) and omg the Rise bros (and April) have the unique case of all being just about equal in my favorites tier. But specifically about Rise Raph this boy is a puppy and also I would adopt him and his family in a heartbeat because he’s also the sweetest lil guy and so good at watching out for others without being smothering. And just like 2003 Raph, Rise Raph is the protector of the family. Not because he happens to be the biggest and therefore the tank class, but because he wants to. I think he finds comfort in others being safe - feeling safe- and having fun. He thrives off taking care of others even though he’s not perfect at it. But him not being perfect, not making the most amazing meals, not being prim and proper, maybe getting a little dirty and bending a few rules, is what makes him charming. He’s not “attempt at being the perfect parent” 2003 Leo, he’s big brother Raphie that will cuddle with you in a mound of soft teddy bears, or throw you across the room in a roughhouse depending on what you need. Sure Leo really knows how to annoy the crap out of him, but I don’t think it’s because Raph thinks Leo is irresponsible or a bad kid. It’s much more infuriating to know that someone can be amazing, but seeing them chose not to, and you don’t know how to help them see they can be so much more than they are. And it’s easy to see that regardless of any of his siblings being annoying there’s nothing they can do that will make him hesitate even slightly in helping them when they need it. I don’t think Raph became a parent to the others like some of the fandom does. I think he’s just an adorable, soft, warm teddy bear big brother that did really well in his part of the whole family keeping each other afloat.
If I had 03 Raph as my uncle and Rise Raph as my brother I would be a lot more outspoken and rather reckless because I would have the upmost confidence that they would have my back and would keep me safe.
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inspiredwriter · 24 days
*En el parque*
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Rafael and Candy :*camina por la fuente tomanos de la mano*
Candy :*mirá la fuente*mira osito Hay una fuente tan linda qué tal si pedimos un deseo 😃😁⛲✨💕💝💗
Rafael :*se cruza los brazos* mejor yo paso quiero que tu pidas tu deseo 😉😄💖💗💕(pensamientos💭) bueno Raph espera un poco para decirle a Candy la gran pregunta de amor cundo lanze la moneda 🥰🤫🪙💘💞💗
Candy :*saca la moneda de su bolsillo* Está bien mi amor Ya sé qué pedir mi deseo 🤔😉🪙⛲✨*lanza la moneda en la fuente* Qué emoción espero sea realidad😃🤩💗💖💕
Rafael : si algo muy que te hará realidad 😏😘💞💘❣️🩷*se arrodilla en una sola pierna* mi caramelo Tengo que confesarte lo que siento mucho por ti que tantos años que hemos salido juntos 🥰😄💞💖💗💕*saca una cajita del bolsillo* creo que es ahora que me digas la gran pregunta 🙂☺️🎁💓💘💞💝
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Candy :*se sonroja* Oh Raphfi acaso tengo que será😳😍💓💘💞💝
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Rafael :*abre la cajita y la muestra el anillo a Candy* ¿Candy te casarías conmigo? 😏😊💍🤵‍♂️👰💕💝💖💘🩷❣️
Candy: Oh my God, Raphi~😳💖❤💓💕 Yes, I'll marry you, my brave warrior😄😍💝💘💞 (Thoughts💭) Aaaw, come on, I must try to be strong like my Raphael😣🥹💓💗💞🩷
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Raphael: *Gets up and puts the ring on Candy's finger* We've been waiting for the time to finally come for our wedding and this wonderful day has come😌🥰💝💘❣️💕 *Kisses Candy on the lips* Mmmua~😚💗💓💖💞 Hmm, babe, are you crying?🤨💖💝💘💕
Candy: Sorry, my tedy bear, I can’t hold back these tears of happiness..🥹💗💓❣️💞 Huh, isn’t your bride too sentimental?😅💖🩷💕
Raphael: Don't say things like that, Candys, you're the best girl I've ever known, so you shouldn't hold back your emotions in front of me😤🥰💝💘💞❣️ *Hugs Candy's waist, holding her close* Ah, calm down, my love, tomorrow we have a very important day, because we will have to prepare for our wedding...😌🥹💗❤💓💕 Calm down, my future wife~😏🥰💞💝💘💗
Candy: (Thoughts💭) Haha, Raphi asks me not to hold back my emotions, but I hear that he can barely restrain himself so as not to cry with happiness🤭🥰💖💘💓💞 My future husband is a strong boy, that's why I love him😍💗❤💕🩷 *Kisses Raph on the cheek* Mmuah~😚💋💗💕 I'm fine, babe😄😘💖❣️💝💞
*Weeding Day*
Candy: *Looks at herself in the mirror* Jeez, Stefany, you made a wonderful dress, thank you🤩😊👰🧵✨
Stefany: *Lays stemware and plates on the table* Huh, you're welcome, Candys, I'm always happy to help my friend😉🤗🍽
April: *Places flowers in vases* The boys brought lilacs for us, as well as white and red roses, just like you said😄😊🪻🌹
Anastasia: *Decorate the wedding cake* Huh, I remember how you once said that at your wedding there will definitely be metal or rock music and the dress will be black with spikes😄😁🎂⚡🎸👩‍🎤👨‍🎤💒
Candy: *Blushes* Yeah, but that was a long time ago...😳😅💦 Because of the heavy music, no one will be able to hear Raph and I taking an oath to the priest that's how my mom says😁💦👩🏻💒📖 *Takes the bouquet from April's hands* We want a wedding in a more classic style😌😊💒💗💘💕
Karai: But you didn’t wash the dye out of your hair, kid🤨😕🪻🌹 *Decorates the altar with flowers*
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Candy: Well, this wedding will be in a classic style, but with a little twist🤫😁⚡ Ah, I wonder how my Raphi is doing now😍🤗💐💖💝💓💞
*In the groom's room*
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Raphael: *Adjusts the sleeves of his jacket* Oh Shell, it's getting really hot in here...😥💦 *Wipes sweat from his forehead* Huh, 'cause black costumes attract heat, right?😅😁💦🤵☀🌡
Michelangelo: Haha, Raph, you can't fool your brothers, we know that you are very nervous before the wedding😄😏💒🤵👰
Donatello: *Hugs Raph's shell* Huh, just recently you were here only to support me😉🤗
Raphael: Mmh...😠😌💨 Yeah, you're probably right, I'm a little nervous😅💦
Michelangelo: Come on, big brother, don’t worry so much, because if everything went well with Anastasia and me on our wedding day, then everything with you and Candy will go really awesome😗😃💒🤵👰🎉🎂🎊🎸
Leonardo: Mikey is right, everything will be fine, because you two prepared so carefully for this special day, finally your best dreams are coming true, Raph😌😄💒🤵👰🎊
Donatello: Didn't you tell us the same thing on our wedding day when we thought something might go wrong?🤓😁
Raphael: Yes, you three great at raising morale😏🤗 *Hugs Donnie's neck and rubs his head with his fist* So let's do it!✊😆✨ *Stops hugging Donnie and straightens his tie* My bride is waiting for me😏🥰👰💖❣️💓💞
*In the main hall*
Candy's mom and dad: *Sitting in the front row*
Candy's mom: *Cries and wipes her tears with a handkerchief* Oh, I can't believe that our baby has grown so much and is getting married today!😢😭👧💓❤💗💕
Candy's dad: *Hugs Candy's mom* Shh, shh, calm down, darling, we should be proud that our daughter has found the right guy who truly loves her😌🥰🤵👰💞💝🩷💖 Huh, although it was at six years old when she said that she did not need a relationship😄😁👧🚫👦
Candy's mom: Yeah, honey she's doing great, I'm only crying because of the happiness that our girl has finally grown up🥰🥹💖💓💝💕 *Hear rock music and covers her ears* Owww, haha, but some things remain the same😣😅⚡🎸🎶💗💕
Candy's dad: Ha, she hasn't changed her interests and that has its advantages😉😆💓🩷💞
Candy's mom: What?!🤨 I can't hear you, it's too loud in here!😅🔊⚡
Raphael and Candy: *Approach the altar and wave their hands towards Mikey* Haha, that's enough, Mikey, turn off the music for ten minutes!😅😁🔇💗💘❤💕
Michelangelo: Sure, guys!😉😁🎶 *Turns off the music* (Thoughts💭) Haha, Candy and Raph asked me not to tell anyone that I should leave the loud music as a surprise for guests🤫😄💒🤵👰🎉⚡🎸⚡🎊🪻🎂🌹🎉
Donatello: *Places the bible on the table* Ten minutes should be enough to say the oath😯💨📖 *Adjusts his glasses* Are you ready to begin?🤓📖💒✨
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
Gushing About the Big Sister Duo
Currently working on making a tweet thread (tumblr only lets you post one video at a time) of clips of Leo radiating (very surprisingly) little brother energy and being a little shit with his big sis Karai and was going through “The Darkest Plight” for clips and omg!!!! I have never noticed how much of the big sister duo is shown throughout that episode? I crave more of it.
And by big sister duo, I mean April and Karai
Leo, you little shit, accept your big sisters’ help
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