#bigb is also here but he is just getting murdered so
foolofatook001 · 9 months
Ren feels his Q— the Shadow Lady’s presence before he sees her; there’s an aura of dread that precedes her and draws his attention. He frantically signals BigB to prepare for an incursion; hates the way his heart still leaps when he actually catches sight of her. He gets himself in a good defensive position, perched up on the roof. His bow is held loosely in his hand, not yet drawn; he doesn’t want her taking it as a threat, though he knows the odds of this encounter not ending in violence are low. BigB takes the position in front of the door, his sword out and ready. 
The first thing the Shadow Lady does is compliment Ren’s defenses, and all he can think is But they weren’t good enough. He doesn’t know if he means to keep her out or to keep her safe. Her voice is soft, friendly, and it frightens him— why does she still sound the same as she always did?
“I think you know why I’m here,” she says, and he dips his head in acknowledgement. The heady scent of vengeance is in the air, just as strong as the dread the Shadow Lady brought with her, and a part of him thinks he probably deserves it. The other part of him grits his teeth and swears he will fight until his last breath, because he wants to win.
And then she says, “But not you, Ren,” and he nearly loses his grip on his bow, and she says, “You were a loyal knight to me,” and he cannot breathe. 
His Queen has always been merciless, so why is she showing him mercy now? He drove her out of her own court, forswore his fealty, and she calls him loyal.
While he’s having this crisis, his Queen has turned her red-eyed gaze on BigB. “But you,” she says, and Ren should be drawing his bow, he should be preparing for the attack that he knows is imminent. 
And yet, he cannot bring himself to do it. He wants to move, he wants to help BigB— his ally, his brother in arms— but he swore. He swore he’d never lift a weapon against her and for all his faults Ren is a man of his word. 
Until the end of the server, he’d promised. And the server has not ended. 
Later, when he thinks back on it, he knows his Queen was even more merciful than she could have been. She still holds his name— even the rules of the game separating reds from the rest cannot override that pact. She could have made Ren kill BigB himself, letting him suffer the same fate of dying at the hands of an ally that had first set the Fairy Fort on the path to ruin. But she did not, and though Ren knows it was probably only his Queen’s red bloodlust, he is still grateful. 
And now he is alone in the Shadow Keep.
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blicketdabest33 · 6 months
Y'all remember that MCYT PJO au I asked for help with awhile ago? WELL HERE'S THE CABINS AND MY EXPLINATIONS BEHIND THEM!!
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons.
#3 Poseidon Cabin: Skizz Skizz: Poseidon kids tend to be really, really loyal to a fault and heroic, both qualities I think Skizz possesses.
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
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Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Gem, Oli, Lyarrah Gem: She is an Apollo kid because of her Empire in S2. She's the sunlight princess. Apollo kid. Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Cub, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Impulse: Redstone Cub: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Bigb, XB, Wels Bigb: Sleepy stuff, right? WRONG. Gaslight. Go in everyones dreams, make fake prophecies, peace out, and cause chaos. XB: I look at his fanon design, I see an alien, and I go "aha he sleeps" Wels: This guy (@dingdinghq) said so and i completely agree. Something about sleeping in S6.
#16 Nemesis Cabin: Edit: wels not here no more
#17 Nike Cabin: Ren Ren: VICTORY. I don't know much about Ren's story in the Life Series, but I look at this man and see someone who has won a lot.
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
im curious, what do you consider ooc for grian? i agree w you completely but i would like to know 👁👁
ohoho *takes a BIG sip of my 5 hour energy and slams it on my bedside stool*
okay, so i HOPE this doesnt become a big old rant, because i really should sleep, but, the thing people misunderstand about him MOST, which therefore sort of branches into most other mischaracterizations i see with his character, is that he's not an asshole.
he's also not not an asshole.
here's what i mean: grian's moral compass is looser than a door without hinges, but his honor, and the honor of others, holds priority. in season 8 during the boatem prank war with big eyes, he aptly called his policy, "prank hard, clean up harder."
for the more innocuous offenses he commits, like pranks, and minor amounts murder, he will almost always feel bad and offer to help clean up if he feels like what he did is "too much." "too much" is dependent on circumstance, but most often it includes permanent loss of valubles- like armor, large amounts of resources, and hard to obtain items- which he will attempt to replace or make up for with helping the unfortunate recipient of his ill-fated prank with chores. "too much" also includes griefing and base editing whether it be accidental or on purpose- most notable examples being in season 7 when keralis discovered the "removing stuff from keralis' base" challenge, and rebuilding part of scar's base in season 8 after accidentally getting it blown up. if he feels like it's even partially his fault, he'll almost always offer to help fix the mess, even if he does complain about it the entire way though.
so he likes to fuck with people- he doesnt like permanent damage. that doesnt mean he doesnt occasionally want to cause permanent damage, such as in the life series, but he also often needs a reason to cause damage like losing lives or permadeath.
renchanting trap? scar wasn't doing his job properly as the only red life. tnt base trap? home no longer safe, revenge for pizza. killing jimmy and mumbo in last life? they provoked him and were reaping the consequences. killing bigb and ren in double life? they provoked him by (to his knowledge) being the cause of scar's death as a yellow life. no matter what death grian has personally called in the life series, either before or after it took place, you can find an instance of grian saying why he felt he needed to do it. and if the death is accidental, or accidental collateral damage, he tries to make up for it with his time and energy. (like with the physical objects.)
i see a lot of fics on ao3 with the tag "grian is an asshole in this one, sorry", and i dont normally read those, because those just leave a bad taste in my mouth- but i also see a lot of fics unintentionally write grian as more of a jerk because they forget he abides by honor. its not that grian isnt a murderer, its that he needs a reason to do it- or he'll excuse it after the fact with a reason. its not that grian isnt reckless with other people's lives, its that if he realizes the damage he causes is permanent he balks at doing it. its not that grian isnt an asshole, its that he likes to piss off people but wouldn't dream of purposefully damaging his friendships. grian, as a character, is defined by his willingness to push boundaries and his hesitance to cross the line. and far too often, people forget these two coexisting facts, and write grian as only being one or the other.
again, this is all mostly opinion and writing advice, and ive read fics where grian was ooc that i still enjoyed. but also sometimes you just look at a fandom and you're like "wow youre so valid but youre also wrong!" and occasionally i do be feeling that. in the end what matters is that the fic was fun to write, and the rant resulting from that is also fun to write. goodnight all,
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puer-aurea · 6 months
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Angst for Heart Foundation "I wasn't ready to say goodbye."
"I love it." CRACK! 'I love it' were the last words he heard. Tango fell to his death as the result of trusting Scar enough to go into the globe with him. Skizz said he was going to kill them, and Tango knew, but he also knew he had no chance. He just kind of wishes he could've heard Skizz or Bigb as his last words. Skizz knew who died before he even checked his communicator. He saw the lightning strike in the globe, the globe Tango just ran in with Scar. Bigb knew too, he could feel it. He definitely didn't see it, but there was something in his heart that told him Tango died. Skizz wasn't even granted the time to mourn his friend before Scar was on him. There was relief when he saw Bigb trying to help him, and then guilt when he thought Bigb may fall like Tango did, to the person they were trying to befriend. When he made it out with barely any health, his only hope was that Bigb could make it out too. And, if his heart wasn't already broke when Tango died, it's definitely in shambles seeing the state of Heart Island. Bigb made it home, safe and scared and sad. He misses Tango and he wants to see Skizz, but with the warden lurking around, he doesn't know how to traverse the land safely. He's so scared and he can't help the slight anxiety bubbling in his chest. And he takes the risk to leave because he wants to find Skizz so bad (where is he where is he where is he). And he wants an alliance with others but he can't bring himself to trust anyone. And he can't even bring himself to trust Impulse who swears he knows where Skizz is. And- And there he is. He can hear him, he can see him and- and he's crying. And it's weird because he's never had this much trust in someone not to betray him in a moment of weakness but finally seeing his ally after they lost Tango and ran away from his murderer, he can't help but cry. And it just gets worse when he feels Skizz wrap his arms around him. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye." Skizz is the first to talk. "I didn't even get to be there for him." Bigb's sobs have calmed down into sniffles. They discuss plans and try to stay optimistic, but they can both feel it in the pits of their heart. It's an unspoken truth, they both know they won't win. People are coming, Martyn, Joel, Pearl. Too many faces. Bigb can feel the anxiety pooling in his chest again. "Scar sends his regards." Bigb can hear Joel some blocks away, and he knows he's talking to Skizz. He has to protect him, he can't let Skizz fall to someone allied with Tango's murderer. He turns around so quick he's dizzy but he doesn't falter, running as fast as he can to find Joel and Skizz. He makes it, and for a moment he thinks he can protect Skizz as he strikes Joel. CRACK!
He has to make it out alive. Bigb can't die here. Joel killed Skizz in Scar's name, he could do the same to Bigb. He can't die because of Scar. So he runs. Back to the only safe place he can think of. To his backrooms. It's creepy to anyone who hasn't been, but it's home to him. It's comfort. He has to kill someone, so he stands in place for his trap. "Hi Bigb!" Scar. The reason both of his allies are dead. Bigb has to kill him, he has to avenge them. He has to do something. But, instead of Scar coming down the stairs, it's creepers. He has no choice but to run into the backrooms. But Scar follows him. Follows him into his only safe space. He can't die here, so instead of avenging his allies, he blocks the entrance like a coward as an attempt to disappear into the backrooms. But he falls into a cave, surrounded by mobs. He's almost ready to accept his fate until he hears Scar, scared and confused by his backrooms, and he decides he cannot die here. It takes a while, but Scar leaves and Bigb is alone. He's alone and he's safe. And he's sad. He misses Skizz and Tango but this time, neither of them are alive for him to go find comfort in. He's low and he's scared but he has no choice but to leave. He makes it up into the backrooms and his heart drops to his stomach when he hears footsteps. It's just Scott. It's just Scott, and it's obvious he wants to kill Bigb. But Bigb doesn't want to die alone, with no one around to even consider helping. So, he makes an attempt to sweet talk his way out of it, which ends up working. He's alone again in the backrooms, but this time more on edge. CRACK! For a fraction of a second, he thinks he's the one who died. But he comes to his senses and checks his communicator to see Etho's name in grey. He's kind of relieved that him and his allies weren't picked off one right after another. He realizes he has to go to the surface. If he hides in the backrooms and let's everyone else get the kills, the last person will come find him and he won't stand a chance. CRACK! It happened so soon after he got to the surface and made eye contact with Scar Tango's murderer, that he thinks he's the one who died again. But again, he comes to his senses and hides before checking his communicator. Martyn's name is in grey and he feels a bit of relief. If he could just last a little longer and kill Tango's murderer. But he enderpearls to him. There's no time to think before he's being attack and he tries his best to fight back. He can't run anymore, with Tango's murderer attacking from one side and Scott from the other. "Bigb, I'm sorry." But he can tell Scott is the furthest thing from sorry. CRACK! And, this time, Bigb knows it's him. Cries bubble up in his ghostly throat, and in seconds he's coughing and choking, sobbing with all of his energy. He doesn't even have a physical body anymore, but he still hurts all over from crying. And, this time, he failed the first people he trusted until the very end. And, this time, he feels the intense guilt stabbing at his heart. And, this time, Skizz isn't there to comfort him. And, this time, he's alone.
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zzombiecleo · 4 months
what love could get this vicious?
i'm only like 2 hours late technically? whoopsie daisy! here's day 4 of yuri week! obligatory @mcyt-yuri-week, please enjoy this (or not, its not everyones thing)! check it out on ao3 as well!
fandom: life series smp characters: ldshadowlady, zombiecleo, mentioned bigb+ others ship: ldshadowlady/zombiecleo additional tags: major character death, graphic depictions of violence, alternate universe - superheroes/superpowers, superhero ldshadowlady, villain zombiecleo, emotional manipulation, manipulation, manipulative relationship, unhealthy relationships, unrequited love, murder, revenge, grief/mourning, mental instability, brutal murder, theyre both fucked up in this one!, drabble, mcyt yuri week, toxic ass fuckign yuri (affectionate), soemthing something revenge something something two graves summary: a grief-stricken hero hunts an unrepentant villian — mcyt valentines yuri week day 4: grief/revenge
LDShadowlady, superhero extraordinaire, is, according to everything Cleo knows, usually quite a nice and polite hero. Sweet, bubbly, but capable of dealing with threats easily when needed.
Unfortunately, her friend BigB never seemed to have quite perfected that skill.
Probably why it was so easy to kill him, actually.
Look, Cleo is well aware that she’s a horrible person! It’s her whole thing! She’s a villain for a reason, people! Killing someone who betrayed her the way BigB did is really not that big of a deal. She has done domestic terrorism before, murdering one random hero is not her worst crime. Yet, it seems that it’s the one that LDShadowlady has fixated on. Or, rather, the one Lizzie has fixated on.
Maybe she’s just upset about Cleo’s whole ‘tricking you into finding me sympathetic, making you fall in love with me so hard that you start spying on other heroes for me and then murdering your best friend in front of you after I got what I needed’ thing. Actually, not gonna lie, that does sound like the most likely reason Lizzie is currently on a one woman hunt for Cleo’s head. Attached or otherwise. In Cleo’s defence, what kind of hero actually falls in love with a villain. Also, the little shit deserved it. Maybe if he didn’t leave her for dead, they wouldn’t have killed him.
Joe always tells her she’s very vindictive. He also often tells them it’s one of their best traits. So, realistically, this is fine. This is fine.
Okay, so maybe the whole ‘pretending to date her’ thing was a teeny bit mean, even for them. Especially when she did it to one of the top heroes in the country. Cleo is, to be honest, screwed. Completely and utterly screwed. Apparently grieving and vengeful superheroes don’t tend to be very delicate when it comes to dealing with threats like, let’s say, a villain ranked #5 most wanted in the country. A villain like Zombie.
Cleo is standing on the roof of an apartment building, a cool night time breeze blowing her hair back, the only sounds the distant cars far below. It rained earlier so everything’s wet and they’re left to stand. She’s pondering all her life decisions, trying to figure if it was worth it. Just as she’s deciding that yes, revenge was in fact worth them being hunted by a pissed off hero, she hears a faint splash of something stepping in a puddle behind her.
Spinning around, she’s greeted by pink hair and a tear stained face. Lizzie. Fantastic. Just wonderful! Everything is fine!
“You!” Lizzie snarls, “You bloody monster!”
“I mean, I think that’s very subjective.” Cleo says, desperately wishing they actually told her friends where they were going today.
“Oh my gosh, I-” She stops and smiles, something dangerous and just a little unhinged hiding in her expression, “You know what? I really want to see you die!”
She launches herself at Cleo, not even bothering to use her little flower power to attack, going in with her bare hands. They smile and dodge. Despite the lies, fighting with Lizzie always felt like a dance. This will be fun! As long as they don’t die, obviously.
Lizzie swings wildly at them, nailing a solid punch on her jaw. Her eyes are wide with prominent bags and she doesn’t seem to be wearing her comms or the legally required camera that all heroes should have. That’s not good. But it’s fine. It’s all fine.
“I can’t believe I trusted you! You lied to me and I trusted you! I-” Cleo backs up and Lizzie slips in pursuit, grabbing their leg on her way down and dragging them along, “I bloody loved you, do you get that?! How could you?”
Lizzie climbs on top of her, keeping them on the ground and murmurs “The worst part is that I still bloody do! Because I’m stupid. And you’re beautiful. And you knew exactly what to say every time. I can’t believe I fell for you, for all your stupid lies!”
Cleo finally struggles free and throws Lizzie off of her and takes several steps back, wishing they kept comms on them.
“When you- When I saw you k-kill him, it didn’t quite hit and my first thought was about blummin’ heck, it was about helping you cover it up! You charmed that bloody badly, trained me like a blummin’ dog!” She stands, her costume dirty and wet, hands shaking, and they take some more steps back, “Can you even imagine how much I loved you? How much I still do because you know, I told you, that I hate letting go of people? You bloody monster. Did you ever even care?”
“Don’t! You know my name. I know you do, Cleo. Don’t be shy now.”
“Fine. Lizzie, then. What I figure is, I figure you’re real mad right now and- Well. You have the right to be, okay? I messed up, is what I’m saying. But I promise th-” They just wanted to buy some time, spout some of that bullshit Lizzie loves and get out. Clearly they didn’t say the right thing, not this time. No charming their way out now.
“No! No, no, no!” She lurches forward and grabs Cleo by the shoulders. “Oh no, you don’t! If you won’t say anything important. Then- Oh my gosh, then I suppose I can just cut to the chase!”
Lizzie pushes, far harder than they’ve ever felt prior and they land on the ground. Hard. Lizzie flips in her in a smooth move and grabs the back of her hair. They struggle but she won’t let go and the realisation strikes that no, everything is not fine, and that they never said bye to Joe when she left earlier and she left Scott on read and Stress was meant to drop by tomorrow and-
They realise the last thing they’ll ever see is the dirty concrete. The last voice they’ll hear is someone’s who loved them far more than they even thought of her. Will her friends even know what happened? There was so fucking much Cleo wanted to do! They wanted to tear down all this corrupt bullshit and have fun doing it! But now-
“I’m gonna avenge BigB. And myself. And my bloody heart! All in one!”
Nothing will come of any of it now, will it?
Then Lizzie pulls their head back and slams it into the concrete. And then does it again. Again. Again. Again, again, again againagainagainagain-
When the authorities arrive all that is left is a woman wailing and the unrecognisable remains of someone she thought was her forever.
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good-chimes · 1 year
The Locked Tomb is not mcyt (I'm sorry to both asker and OP) but this can be fixed with
Second House: the might of the Imperial Cohort is represented by necromancer Impulse and his long-time best friend and cavalier Skizz, who arrive at the lyctor trials determined to make the best of things. Skizz has only a few days to encourage the gathered company with Teamwork! and Positive Thinking! before he is murdered very early on by Bdubs, who claims he was possessed, and Scott, who didn’t bother with an excuse.
Third House: Bdubs, the scion of the third house, arrives at the trials with renowned cavalier Etho the Third. On landing, Bdubs pronounces the heirs, the cavaliers, and the assembled skeletons GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL and immediately gets into three romantic entanglements simultaneously (not with the skeletons). Etho, another of Bdubs’ romantic entanglements, spends his time beating everyone else in duels and adding to the relationship drama so quietly it takes everyone else several weeks to work out that’s what he’s doing.
Fourth House: Anyone who knew shock troop necromancer Joel and battle cavalier Jimmy the Fourth would have put their life expectance ‘somewhere around the mid-teens’ due to Joel’s lust for murder, Jimmy’s self-proclaimed curse, and both of them radiating a disaster field larger than your average space station, but to everyone’s surprise they’re still here. “Jimmy keeps turning up late to every battle airdrop, is what it is,” Joel claims, to which Jimmy’s reply is recorded as “It’s tactical. I’m doing tactics.” Either way they seem in equal amounts of danger boiling an egg as rappelling into the bowels of Canaan House, so it’s anyone’s guess how long they’ll last.
Fifth House: Gregarious cavalier Ren and upbeat necromancer Tango lead a House who are the cheerful curators of the Nine Planets’ most important cultural heritage, which in Tango-and-Ren’s joint opinion is a set of fragments from an ancient text called Throne of Games(?) and a glass case of preserved tabletop manuals. Tango uses the contraptions in the basement of Canaan House to set up a LARP dungeon and Ren declares himself king of it. General agreement among the gathered pairs that they’re probably going to die but everyone will be sad about it.
Sixth House: Necromancer Pearl and BigB the Sixth turn up already deep in each other’s pockets and in everyone else’s business. They’re both writing theses on ‘interpersonal relationships among elite House Society’, which they claim is not just an excuse to eavesdrop on the extended Bdubs polycule drama. To their credit they solve at least one murder. This might be ethically cancelled out by Pearl’s later murder spree; but at least they tried.
Seventh House: The long tradition of the Heir to the Seventh House winsomely fading away at the brink of death was spoiled when their heir Cleo actually died and then—this part was the problem—sat up thirty minutes later and asked for breakfast. As useful as the stability of an undead heir is, nobody can quite figure out how she did it, so the House eventually shipped her off to the lyctor trials with some relief. This also caused a problem for the seventh house artists who take their aesthetic motto (Joy of the Emperor, the Rose Unblown) very seriously; suddenly deprived of their picturesquely dying muse, they were forced to paint sexy pictures of Cleo doing aerobics for a while before her cavalier Scott volunteered to model for sexy rose-draped pictures instead. Cleo and Scott are at the lyctor trials to succeed or to die, but since Cleo probably can’t die, they’ll take some juicy drama instead if you’re offering.
Eighth House: I’ve run out of people so I guess Martyn and Lizzie are elbows deep in the soul-siphoning business. Good luck Martyn, I do deeply believe you would consent to having half your soul sucked out of you purely out of commitment to the bit.
Ninth House: The solar system’s resident weirdos are powerful but unfocused necromancer Scar—Reverend Son of the House, Keeper of the Locked Tomb Key, he definitely still knows where that key is, he just put it down somewhere, it will turn up any day now—and the perpetually thwarted and outraged Grian the Ninth who has grown up never allowed to stab anyone due to weak excuses like ‘we have a population problem anyway, Grian’ and ‘why can’t you practice on the skeletons’. Throughout the lyctor trials their deep co-dependent spiral into devoted madness is distracted only by Grian’s ongoing dreams—the immaculate corpse locked deep in the bowels of the House, the sum of beauty in the eternal embrace of death, all of space and time’s exquisite patterns frozen in the curve of the one most perfect essence of humanity…
Why do you keep tracing a mustache on the mirror? Scar asks at one point. Oh, Grian says, ecstatic with the mysteries of the universe. No reason.
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cyanroads · 2 years
please talk about listener Jimmy I’m starving for content
(all talk of Jimmy is c!Jimmy)
Well, according to Martyn
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So, canonically Jimmy isn't a Listener but Martyn didn't make this post until this past November (i should know he said this as a comment and reblog on my post)
But I went 3 years thinking Jimmy was a listener so here are the Listener Jimmy thoughts.
But first, Canon:
The Listeners are not brought until Jimmy's episode "DON'T TELL ANYBODY ABOUT THIS" and Martyn's episode "TELL NOBODY" and they only introduced themselves to Martyn and Jimmy, our beloved Property Police, and this is before the end, they are around before Grian leaves which is something some people forget
The next time we see them is Jimmy's episode 98 and everyone (who hasn't left)'s first episode post dragon
In Jimmy's Pov they give him a mission, to give all the remaining Evolutionists an ender chest (since the Watchers are evicting everyone from spawn and the Evolutionists are only allowed to carry to New Spawn whatever they can carry in their inventory) and everyone else gets to spawn after Jimmy and find the enderchests (with notes from the Listeners, this is the first time the Evolutionists [excluding the property police] hear about the Listeners) and head to new spawn,. Jimmy doesn't get there until he finds Martyn's signs giving him the coords of New Spawn. This is what lead us to believe Jimmy was a Listener until The Martyn Post (image shown above, I have named it The Martyn Post)
After this we don't hear from the Listeners until Martyn's finale (not the actual finale it just is from his pov and is the lore related thing of the season [if I am correct]) where the Listeners "free" the Evolutionists (now excluding Jimmy, BigB, Grian, Pearl, and Martyn who are caught in "this perpetual cycle of death games")
And this might be Listeners even though it's not capitalized but it was in the Murder Mystery episode of Evo:
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(Jimmy gasped when he read Listener, not important but interesting reaction)
September 14th is two days prior to Jimmy's episode 98, so this may be the Listeners or the one who put the statue with the chest for his Mission
Now my thoughts on Listener Jimmy (sorry this post is getting so long):
He may no longer be canon, but:
I believe the Listeners first interactions with the Property Police is them saying they consider Martyn and Jimmy candidates. I think they chosen Jimmy and not Martyn is because, although the Watchers hate the Property Police as a duo, they hate Jimmy far more. This is why the fandom believes the Watchers are behind the Canary Curse. The Listeners chose Jimmy because he already had the weakest tie with the Watchers.
Also that's why the Watchers (Martyn's voices in Last Life) wanted him to cut ties with Jimmy. Because they knew, although they see him as weak, Jimmy has always been able to get through to Martyn, seen time and time again in Evo (especially when Martyn meets up with Jimmy post dragon and man was literally broken until he had met up with Jimmy again)
Also Jimmy is empathetic. But being a Listener (or canonically a person who is connected to the Listeners) helps him be way more empathetic and connected to people which kinda goes with this post
Also my opinion on the Canary Curse is it is either given to Jimmy because of his connection with the Listeners, or the Listeners gave it to him "so he wouldn't have to go through all the pain" but actually because the Listeners and Watchers are both morally gray and the I think the Listeners have ulterior motives with Jimmy or they are actually allies with the Listeners and it was the Watchers plan for the Listeners to "save the Evolutionists" because otherwise, since they are both gods, the Listeners could've gotten the job done without the Evo Five getting captured. The only reason they have Jimmy help the Evolutionists post Evo is for an excuse to separate him from everyone else because the Watchers know how good Jimmy is with people and how well he figures out where the next portal is (the property police found most of the jump portals first) and he and Martyn probably could've figured out the rest of the jumps and gotten EVERYONE out safe, but the Watchers wanted Jimmy and Martyn weak so they separated the two which destroyed both of them, allowing the Listeners to "save" the Evolutionists and getting five of them traps
Sorry this was mainly Listener thoughts and not Listener!Jimmy thoughts, but this is what I had on the brain
Thanks for the ask
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phecdasolar · 1 year
Okay so, I adore reaction fics, they’re my absolute favorite breed of fanfic, whether it be the characters watching their show/media, or there’s an unseen spectator, living through the events with the cast, I just adore the concept okay! So picture this:
3rd Life, but none of the participants know each other, other than this little feeling in the back of their head like ‘I feel like we’ve met before but idk where or when.’ Now, here’s where the unseen spectator aspect gets added!
While all the 3rd Lifers are going on about the game as we know, the Hermits (and Empires ppl if you want) who didn’t participate, and who DO know and remember their friends, are watching them with ZERO CONTEXT as to what’s going on!! The second all the participants got snatched up to play the death game, so did the Hermits, but they got put in spectator mode!
So they’re all having to stand there, completely helpless and unable to interfere, as their friends go to war and start murdering each other!!! And even when they die, they can see the ghosts of their friends but the ghosts can’t see them!!
Like dude there’s so many events in 3rd Life that would definitely cause a few heart attacks and/or tears, but picture the cactus ring!! Grian and Scar, circling each other, fists bloody, the bloodthirsty ghosts of their deceased friends howling in their ears, screaming for more blood! More pain! More death! Until there’s only one life left-!
Picture the horror on the Hermits’ faces as the friends they once knew and loved have become twisted near beyond recognition in death.
Picture their fear when Grian wins, and shuffles over to the cliff by Pizza’s grave, dripping red, eyes dead, wings limp, ghosts still HOWLING for blood, and they realize what comes next.
Picture the terror and screams that fall on deaf ears as they try to hold him back but their invisible hands find no purchase and he plummets.
Picture the horror when they all wake up and the severity of the situation sinks in. Memories are returned, realizations are had, panic attacks occur, and now those who weren’t participants have 8 heavily traumatized Hermits to deal with, ntm Empires having their 3 traumatized emperors(?) as well!
AND then there’s also the case of Martyn, BigB, and Skizz, who to my knowledge were not on any specific SMP at the time of the series, so for the sake of plot instead of sending them to the void like Martyn in that one fic (love that btw <3) they can spawn in on Hermitcraft or Empires to make things angstier! As a treat uwu (Martyn preferably on Hermitcraft bc haha Dogwarts angst!)
I hope that came out as somewhat understandable, but yeah! If anyone likes this idea and wants to write it then by all means, please go for it!! Just credit me for the idea, @ me or send me the link and we’re all good :D if I had the time and patience to write this myself I would but alas I shall leave it up to the community~ And even if no fics come of this, it’s still a cool idea, no? ;]
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frozenjokes · 11 months
Hermitdragons AU Masterpost
(Aka brief hermitcraft but mostly third life/wings of fire AU)
Welcome to my wings of fire AU! This story takes place in the wof universe using history from the first ten books, but very little prior knowledge is needed to read! Everything you need to know will be included in this post.
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Wings of Fire Important Context
Dragon tribes are separated into several different species: Nightwings, Skywings, Rainwings, Mudwings, Icewings, and Seawings. I highly recommend looking up the species descriptions, but it isn't super necessary, most are intuitive.
Most necessary is that Nightwings, when born under a full moon, can be given one of two powers; mind reading or future sight. Mind readers have special teardrop scales by their eyes.
There’s also animus magic, an extremely rare power any dragon tribe can possess. All you need to know about animus magic is that it has literally no limits, but it is rumored that using it too much can make you lose your soul. That last part probably won't be too relavent though.
Main Ways To Interact
The main story is being written down on AO3! You can read it here, but if you don’t want to dive into a novel length fic, the main story will be summarized below.
Also making an experimental comic. I’m not taking it far, it’s just practice! Find the first page here.
I also make a lot of art! take a scroll through the hermitdragons au tag!
Starting now, information below contains major spoilers for the official fic.
Characters and Designs
most character designs are very subject to change, the only consistent designs as of right now are Grian, Scar, and Martyn
Grian (Nightwing disguised as a Skywing) - Animus dragon born to a group of Nightwings who used his magic to make themselves gods called the Nightwatchers. Using this power, all other Nightwings and animus dragons were murdered. Grian is extremely sheltered, and after finally being able to attend school, he ends up telling Scar some Nightwatcher secrets. As punishment, he and many classmates are put into a death game. Can read minds.
Scar (Rainwing) - A member of Grian’s school dorm. Thanks to the information given by Grian, he ends up setting off a chain of events that leads to Martyn’s capture. These memories are erased before the death game. Partnered with Grian in the death game, trying to convince him to turn against the Nightwatchers.
Martyn (Seawing with distant Nightwing heritage) - Raised in a deep sea Listener cult and prophesized to be able to defeat the Nightwatchers. Due to [SPOILERS] he is immune to Nightwing powers and resists the affects of animus magic. Only found out because of Scar’s unprotected mind figuring out what he was doing. Put in the death game in an attempt to figure out how he was able to hide for so long. Blind. Can read minds. Did not attend school.
Ren (Mudwing/Icewing hybrid) - A member of Grian’s school dorm. Partnered with Martyn in the death game. After finding out that Martyn believes the death game is a form of capital punishment for him specifically, Ren is determined to make sure Martyn wins, in a hope they won’t permanently kill him.
Scott (Seawing/Rainwing hybrid) - Martyn’s friend from before the death game. Born in a separate Listener cult than Martyn, where he learned strategies to protect his mind from mind readers. Quite talented at it! Partnered with Jimmy in the death game.
Pearl (Icewing) - A member of Grian’s school dorm. I literally forgot she wasn’t in third life so uh. She’s here now. Hanging in the crastle!
BigB (Seawing) - A member of Grian’s school dorm.
Skizz (Skywing) - doesn’t play a big role
Tango (Sandwing) - guys I have no idea what he did in third life but he’s not relevant here jbJdhdjd
Cleo (???) - doesn’t play a big role
Bdubs (Rainwing) - doesn’t play a big role
Joel (Sandwing) - doesn’t play a big role
Jimmy (normal ass human) - the Nightwatchers put him in the death game as a joke. Granted the ability to speak with dragons and nothing else. Will get squished like a bug forever.
Etho (Icewing) - doesn’t play a big role
Impulse (Mudwing) - doesn’t play a big role
Story Recap
There are two planned fics, one covering the events of Third Life and prior, and one continuing with Last Life, Double Life, and Limited Life. Future seasons will not be included, as there is already a planned ending.
Book 1 - Ruler of Everything - work in progress
Prologue Chapters - Grian’s hatching and early life before putting his magic into a book for the Nightwatchers to use. He is being manipulated from an early age into the Nightwatcher philosophy.
Chapters 1-6 - After centuries of immortality, Grian longs to experience life as a normal dragon. He has never had anyone his age to play with or talk so, so he asks permission to attend Jade Mountain academy for a semester. His request is accepted. Here he meets Scar, Pearl, Ren, and BigB, his dorm-mates, and has a grand ol time. Just kidding! He’s a disaster with a criminal staring problem! Scar and Pearl in particular help him to acclimate to life with other dragons, and after his entire winglet comes to the conclusion he was raised in a Skywing cult, (which Grian vehemently denies) they give it their all to teach him about normal life.
One problem. Grian can NOT take a hint. After borderline harassing Scar over the Nightwatchers and how cool they are, Scar snaps and Pearl intervenes, pulling Grian aside to yell at him for being an insensitive asshole. The Nightwatchers don’t like that! Grian’s mother attacks and threatens Pearl and takes him out of school for a couple weeks to make sure he stays properly indoctrinated. After he is allowed to return, the entire dorm agrees never to speak about Nightwatchers again.
Well, until the end of the school year that is. After the rest of the dorm leaves, Scar tries to convince Grian to join him in the rainforest and run away from his cult. Fearing what the Nightwatchers would do if he dared try that, but not wanting Scar to believe he’s genuinely a bad dragon, he tells Scar about the Nightwatcher’s animus magic, and what they might do to the Rainwings if they tried to protect him from them. Scar lets him go, a new determination that the Nightwatchers need to be stopped.
Chapters 7-11 - Twenty year pass. Grian grows apathetic towards his years at the academy, and keeps himself busy by watching all the new death games the Nightwatchers are trying out. That is, until he gets put into one. Every dragon involved belonged to the academy except two (Scott and Martyn), and only one dragon knows he’s here against his will. Enter Martyn, a Seawing that Grian quickly learns can read minds. He and Grian briefly fight before Martyn runs away, but they fight again after Grian lets Scar die by snake bite. Because Martyn can read minds, he knows this was done on purpose, but the other dragons separate them before Grian also dies. Martyn tells everyone Grian is a Nightwatcher and everyone thinks he’s crazy <\3 Grian does feel bad though, and tries to make it up to Scar by committing his first life to him. Scar accepts.
Typical third life events. Pizza! Reputation points. Desert tower. Enchanter shenanigans. Uh oh! Scar has fallen into a ravine and died. “Can we still be friends?” In this au, red lives had a magic induced bloodlust that worsens over time, and Scar is really struggling with this at first. Grian says it’s okay :D you’ll like it eventually! Scar is not amused. Ends with Grian convincing Scar to build a trap, and the two of them steal Martyn and Ren’s enchanting table.
Chapters 12-15 - That night, Martyn finds Grian sleeping in the desert, pins and silences him, and demands answers on how to escape the death game. Grian doesn’t have those answers. Martyn realizes that Grian isn’t actually valued by the Nightwatchers, and is basically useless to him. Martyn begins to mock him for this, and Grian escapes his pin, starting a fight that wakes Scar up. Just as Martyn is about kill Grian, Scar distracts him long enough for Grian to breathe fire, weakening Martyn enough for Scar to finish the job.
Grian admits everything to Scar. That he’s a Nightwatcher, was an animus, what he knows of Martyn’s role in everything, and the mind reading. Both dragons believe that Martyn won’t come back to life, but he isn’t immune to animus magic, he only resists it. The healing process is extremely slow and painful. After some time to process, Scar believes that Grian could be a valuable resource for a Nightwatcher rebellion, and is willing to stick with him. Grian is unsure. Once Martyn is revived, Scar walks him back to Dogwarts.
Next morning, Grian and Scar set up the trap, aiming for Ren, not Martyn. They meet, and ally themselves with Scott and Jimmy. The trap ends up killing Jimmy, Skizz, and Ren, and due to some Nightwatcher quirks, the suffering of this whole endeavor drives Grian a little bit nutty. He has a whole laughing thing and everyone is uncomfortable/kind of having the life drained out of them. Martyn stops Grian’s from accidentally hurting anyone else by stopping his breathing, and he and Scar go back. Neither of them are very happy.
Intermission - Martyn POV for the beheading scene. Ren is Not Happy and very afraid he won’t be able to protect them without being red. He gifts Martyn a ceremonial spear to kill him with. Martyn does not want to do this, and confesses he doesn’t think he will be coming back to life after the death game. Ren promises to do everything in his power to make Martyn the winner, but first, he needs to be red. Martyn gives in.
Chapters 17-19 - Scott and Jimmy keep visiting the desert to try and meet with Scar, but only Grian is home the entire day, and they are avoiding him like the plague. After confronting them, Scott forces Grian to leave them alone using the strategies he learned from his upbringing for dealing with mindreaders. Grian asks Scar later why they hate him. Scar says oh yeah they know you’re a Nightwatcher now and think you’re super evil after the laughing thing. Grian is not happy, and lies to Scar so he can meet Scott and Jimmy alone.
Grian surprises/scares shitless Scott and Jimmy the next day. He tries to give them gifts, but forgets where he put them, and Scott tries again to get Grian to leave them alone using his anti mind reader skills. This backfires, as Grian loses himself in Scott’s mind and accidentally lashes out in an attempt to get him to stop. Jimmy, who is red, attacks Grian in retaliation, and after doing considerable damage, is stopped by Grian. The three of them have an actual talk and Scott puts together that the Nightwatchers used Scar to find Martyn, and are trying to use Grian to figure out Martyn’s secrets. Grian commits himself to side against the Nightwatchers, angry with how they have manipulated him and how the lives of his friends and others mean nothing to them.
Then, Scar returns with a Dogwarts shield, running away from Ren, Martyn, and Skizz. Something is very clearly wrong with him. Scar, Scott, and Jimmy make it through the cactus wall (made of explosives in this au) but Grian gets a little trampled, leaving him outside with Ren, Martyn, and Skizz. Scar tells them not to come further, or he will have Grian blow up the cacti wall, killing the four. Everyone is concerned about the fact Scar is commanding Grian to blow himself up. Ren backs down. Scott argues with Scar after, angry with how he was using Grian, but quickly realizes Scar is on the verge of attacking his own allies and pivots to talking him down for that Red Life Rage. Scar has a big breakdown about the whole thing after. Grian comforts him. That is, until the Dogwarts folks start shooting for Pizza. Grian does his best to get to her, but he is too late. Pizza is dead.
will be updated
Book 2 - Mechanical Hands (working title) - not started
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The Ties of Friendship
Written for the @lifefanworkexch - the recipient didn’t give any social links, but I hope they enjoyed!
AO3 | Word count: 1.5k
Lizzie stepped back and planted her hands on her hips, eyes scanning the items spread before her for anything that might be missing. Satisfied that everything was present, she nodded once with a hum of affirmation.
“Are we ready, milady?”
Lizzie turned to look at her loyal knight. Ren was standing in shadow a little way behind her, his sunglasses reflecting the glow of the fire. His tail gave a single wag.
Lizzie smiled mischievously at him and nodded once more.
“We are ready, Sir Rendog. Bring them to me!”
“Bit late for a tactical meeting, don’t you think?” Cleo asked bemusedly as Ren led her and BigB between the dark oak trees. With the sun having set just as they left the mountaintop fortress, the threat of mobs and an embarrassing waste of a life lingered behind every trunk.
“’Tis the orders of the Queen of Shadows, Lady Cleo,” Ren proclaimed, and Cleo couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his gravelly roleplay voice. “She requires the presence of yourself and Sir BigB immediately!”
His tail was wagging like an excited puppy’s, though, Cleo noted, so obviously whatever Lizzie needed them for wasn’t that serious.
“Did it have to be at night, though?” BigB glanced behind himself, axe in hand as he walked. “I do not wanna get blown up by a creeper this early in the game.”
“Aw, c’mon, guys!” Ren said, dropping his accent and glancing over his shoulder at them. “This’ll be fun, I promise!”
“And what is ‘this’, exactly?” Cleo raised an eyebrow.
“Nope!” Ren turned his head forward again and picked up his pace. “I’m not tellin’ ya anything! It’s a surprise! Now come on, let’s get back to the Shadow Queen and she can reveal all!”
Behind Ren’s back, Cleo caught BigB’s gaze and rolled her eyes again. BigB held back a laugh, and the two of them hurried on after Ren.
As expected, Lizzie was waiting for them when they arrived. She stood between them and the campfire that burned in the centre of the clearing, her hands behind her back and a curious smile on her face.
“Ah, Cleo, BigB,” she said airily, nodding a greeting.
“Uh, hey?” BigB responded hesitantly.
“You may be wondering why I have summoned you here at this time of day?” Lizzie continued in the same breezy voice.
Cleo’s eyebrow ascended ever closer to their hairline.
“Well, my subjects of the Fairy Fort, members of the Shadow Alliance; tonight, I require absolute proof of your loyalty, the ultimate test of your allegiance! Behold-!” And from behind her back, Lizzie revealed the items in her hands with a dramatic flourish.
BigB looked concerned for half a moment, then frowned lightly, a confused smile pulling at his lips. “Um… are those marshmallows?”
“‘Friendship bracelets’?” Cleo tilted their head to read the label on the box that Lizzie was holding.
“Yep!” Lizzie’s excited grin widened as she clutched the two items to her chest. “I thought it would be fun to do a nice little hang out before we properly have to worry about getting murdered!”
There was a moment of silence, during which Lizzie’s expression faded a bit into disappointment at the others’ apparent lack of enthusiasm. Then Cleo laughed, and the mood immediately lightened.
“Yeah, sure, alright.” She stepped forward and held out her hand for the bracelet kit, which Lizzie gave to her with a bright smile. “I want the green one!”
“Yay!” Lizzie gestured them all closer to the campfire, indicating the log stools that had be set out around it. “I’ve also got some biscuits here so we can make smores, and I’ve been told that Ren is the master of Chubby Bunny…!”
“Fir’heen… Foh’een… Fih-!” Ren half-choked, the fifteenth marshmallow evidently one too many, and raised his hands in defeat. The others cheered, and Ren allowed himself a gracious bow before attempting to chew and eat his mouthful with as much politeness as fifteen marshmallows allowed.
Lizzie giggled happily, her hands going still around the partly-woven pink strands as she looked over at Cleo and BigB. The latter was working carefully on the green bracelet, focusing on getting the weaving pattern correct; to his left, Cleo was roasting a marshmallow over the fire, the yellow bracelet already laying finished over her knee.
Ren gulped down the last of his mouthful and sat back with a faint groan. “Ugh, I think that’s enough marshmallows for me, my dudes,” he chuckled, picking up the bag and passing it to Lizzie, who nodded with a laugh.
“I hope you don’t get a belly ache tomorrow, Ren,” she said, taking one of the few remaining marshmallows out of the bag and popping it in her mouth before resuming her bracelet weaving.
Ren waved off her concern lightly. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. I’ve got a tough stomach.”
“Says the guy who can’t even handle one cookie without almost throwing up,” Cleo teased, taking her eyes off her roasting marshmallow and smirking at Ren.
“Those are different, cookies have chocolate in!”
“Aww, poor little puppy.” Cleo reached over and patted the pouting dog man half-comfortingly on his shoulder. “Doesn’t stop you from trying to eat them though, does it?”
“Sometimes a man just wants a cookie, ok?!”
“Sometimes a dog just doesn’t know not to eat things that aren’t good for him!”
Cleo’s marshmallow caught fire, but they didn’t seem to notice, too occupied with trying not to laugh.
“I at least try and eat around the chocolate chips! And it’s not like chocolate is a necessary ingredient to cookies, anyway…!”
“Alright, Ren,” Cleo said with a light-hearted chuckle; “When we get back to Hermitcraft, I’ll bake you some cookies without chocolate.” They pulled their burning marshmallow out of the fire and nonchalantly blew out the flames before taking a bite.
Ren stared in mild concern at the charred lump of burnt sugar on the end of Cleo’s skewer. “Um, thanks, but uh, I think I might pass if there’s the risk of them looking like that,” he said, laughter in his tone.
Cleo shrugged, eating the rest of her marshmallow in one with a grin. “Fine, more for me then.”
Lizzie and BigB both laughed with them. Ren picked up the half-completed blue bracelet that he’d been working on and continued weaving it, somewhat messily due to his claws. Cleo skewered another marshmallow.
“Well, Sir Rendog,” Lizzie announced a little while later, tying off the end of the pink bracelet and holding it up; Ren, realising what she was doing, stood up and moved to kneel beside her solemnly. “I bestow upon you this Bracelet of Friendship, as a thank you for your unwavering loyalty and a symbol of your allegiance to the Fairy Fort!”
Cleo and BigB cheered as Lizzie fastened the pink bracelet around Ren’s wrist, and their applause mixed with laughter as he stood up and happily inspected his new bracelet, tail wagging.
“Thank you, milady,” he said, bowing his head to her before turning to BigB and holding out the blue bracelet.
BigB stood up, grinning, and held out his wrist to Ren.
“Sir BigethB,” Ren began, earning a muffled cackle from Cleo, “I bestow upon you this Bracelet as a sign of our friendship and a promise that I will stand by your side in all future battles in this world until the gods themselves strike me down!”
Like before, the other two cheered as Ren tied the bracelet around BigB’s wrist, and then BigB turned to Cleo.
“Um, Cleo, I give you this friendship bracelet as a thank you for teaming up with me, and, uh… a hope that we will both make it far in this game…?” BigB paused and shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, I’m not as good at this as those two are,” he chuckled.
Cleo grinned and shook her head lightly in a don’t worry about it gesture. “Cheers, BigB.” She held out her arm, and Ren and Lizzie cheered loudly as BigB tied it on.
Cleo admired the green braid on her wrist for a moment, and then, finally, held out the yellow bracelet to Lizzie.
“Lizzie, Shadow Queen, I give you this bracelet as a symbol of your noble leadership, and a thank you for holding this alliance together.” The final cheer was the loudest as Cleo tied the braid around Lizzie’s wrist.
Moving carefully past the fire, Lizzie pulled Cleo into a hug, and then gestured for the boys to join them too.
As they released the embrace, Lizzie smiled at the other three and put her hand – the one with the bracelet – in the centre of the circle. The others grinned at her as well, and did the same.
“Team Fairy Fort, on three,” Lizzie instructed. “One, two, three!”
“TEAM FAIRY FORT!” they cheered, hands raising above their heads, reaching towards the moon that hung amongst the stars above them. They all laughed, happy and light-hearted, as they settled back onto their log seats, chatting and joking until the orange glow of sunrise began to brighten the sky, allowing themselves just a few hours to forget the world and enjoy each other’s company as friends.
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The feral thoughts have encroached upon the brain cells I need for normal life, so I’m dumping them here in attempt to save at least some of them. Okay so first off: Limited Life, so novel in a way. Sure the life series have always been Hardcore/Hardcore-adjacent and no one lives forever, but having that set time from the beginning that only ticks down, always there, always present, is fascinating and I can’t wait to see what it does to people’s heads. It is the literal reminder that no one is getting out of this alive and These Deaths Are Inevitable. That hard line is going to turn into a wall people are going end up running into like birds and windows, because the fighting is practically useless. Even if one person manages to kill everyone else and gain all that time, it will still run out. Everyone is running on this treadmill and slowly falling further behind. There is no survival here, but they're still going to try. Fighting and kicking and screaming for every last second they can get. And we're going to see that different type of end now, where instead of falling victim to another player or the world, their time simply runs out. And there's a high chance that they're going to have to watch it run out. Next: the teams. ooooo, they grouped up in such interesting ways (and locations). Grian, Joel, and Jimmy setting up on a mansion in what could be a good defensive position, but also the danger below (and the call backs the 100 hours Hardcore, pls tell me someone else thought of that). Two of them have already died to... stupid enough reasons, because they keep egging each other on. There are no braincell's in this group, just chaos and the loyalty they have towards each other isn't anything special yet. Their bonds are of "sure might as well" and humor. It's the "I can make him worse" but none of them are smart enough to realize it. Then there's T.I.E.S, which have fairly stable relationships throughout the group, but they can't keep any kind of cow (and sometimes themselves) alive through pure bad luck. They should be smart and capable with the kinds of players they are, but when you put them all together they somehow lose all of that and run around like headless chickens. Then there's Scott and Martyn which ... could work, but only if they fully comit to being loyal, otherwise I see this half playing out as the couple subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) trying to murder each other. They will get along, but only when it's in their best interests to do so, and will totally have multiple side deals along the way. Please become truly loyal to each other tho, because I think it would make for a very interesting dynamic. The ... CLockers is really going to be "we make each other worse" with a medium chance of betrayal, mostly from Bdubs as it gets closer to the end times, but Cleo already seems to have chosen her loyalty and that could definitely push them into being a fairly strong (if not completely stable) group. Scar goes with the Storyline, which seems to be pairing him with Bdubs this time around, so it will be interesting to see if the "Mom" joke sticks around long enough to become part of that or not, and if Cleo doesn't kill them herself. Then Pearl and BigB are just going to be suspicion central, both with everyone else and each other. Pearl usually won't go after her allies, but there's always that chance (which her allies always seem somewhat aware of, loyal in part out of wariness) and BigB... he's just secretive, not necessarily by choice, but by nature so it can be confusing if his words are true or not, even with his actions. They're still mostly protected by reputation tho, and are both so dumb. Third, the area. There's a mansion. Which means totems. At least a couple people are going to go after them in spite of the risks, just because they do exist, and especially in the early days, What's an hour now to a chance at life later? But then there's the delayed consequence. What's a chance at life later to something you have now? Is your time better spent doing something else? I think, or at least I hope, there's going to be a lot more thinking about future scenarios. They should be careful, but with the illusion of the time they have and things like keep inventory on, that's going to get muddled. Until the colors start switching. And people continue to be close together. (I understand the content, but I look back at the winners, and for the most part they were in area's harder to get to most of the time.) Then there's the lunacy of both the Neighbors and Clockers setting up right where people first respawn ... with all of their gear... and treating it like a show... how fortunate for those first few yellows and reds that are killed. and yellows can/are encouraged to kill this time around. which brings the amount of people able to kill up more. This world is made to see you dead. In a way the others built towards, but this one... it's very final. You will die. You can't outrun the clock. And Finally, fourth, the "curses" and who i think would make for an interesting winner. "Curse 1"- Boogeyman: going strong, attached to Scott first (slight sarcasm via the man himself commenting on it being revenge for his refusal to kill in last life, which i will be taking as fact) before moving the Bdubs who showed no hesitation, and then Martyn. "Curse 2"- Jimmy the Death Omen: pls return, yes it will make people think there is actually possibly a script, but it's so funny. And while Jimmy never dies first, his perma-death always involves the person who did in some capacity, so I shall be keeping my eye out for Skizz and Timmy interactions. "Curse 3"- Enchanter: there is defiantly one in play, but there is a chance they're made this season, which might free Scar from it. "Curse 4"- Grian's Friends: .... again I just want to see if this one plays out again, cause if so I will laugh. "Curse 5"- Scar's pets/mixed in with dog army this season: dog army may have gotten broken thanks to Pearl last season, but it could have been a one time thing. We shall see if someone dies from killing one of Scar and Bdub's dogs. "Curse 6"- Scar's 1st life: broken this season due to fall damage! interested to see if grian is the first to kill scar tho. "Curse 7"- Joel's Madness: most likely will happen, just a matter of when. "Curse 8"- Lone Tango death: up in the air. "Curse 9"- Widow Scott: possibly broken due to double life, possibly not, unsure if Martyn counts as the partner yet. "Curses 10, 11, and 12"- Bdubs, Cleo Betrayed, and Cleo's Death: grouped together, because they are grouped together. Could work out in a very interesting way. And "the Victor's Wish/Curse": Grian dies betrayed and the Boogeyman is created with lives uncertain, but able to be traded. Scott dies and the players are bound to another, shared lives, shared health, for better or worse. Pearl dies... and the Boogeyman returns with a countdown people can't escape only extend by taking others out. Hopeful winners: Cleo or Bdubs. Both have things with time going on a the moment and have a decent group. Both would fit with my odd brain narrative. Runners up: Scar, BigB, maybe Martyn. Though these could change and aren't that important, I will be rooting for Cleo as much as possible.
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
Arospec headcanons my BELOVED 
Anyway when I ship 3rd life Grian and Scar it is SPECIFICALLY in a distinctly demiro4demiro anyway do you have any more 3rdl/ll/dl arospec headcanons give give 👉👈🥺
OH MY GOD. YES. first of all, here's this entire conversation gulfie and i had last night, idk if you saw it or not.
also: i feel like flower husbands was more like. jimmy was joking around and said he loved scott and scott, deep in denial, immediately went "YEAH OF COURSE LET'S GET MARRIED". because that's what allo people do when they fall in love, right? anyways, things kind of got out of hand, and they eventually decided they were both okay with being married, even though there was no actual romantic attraction there.
people keep falling in love with bdubs, and he just lets it happen. he doesn't reciprocate, exactly, but he's more than happy to date people or even get married to them, if he gets to braid their hair and make them breakfast.
bigb is a huge romantic and is always dreaming of cute scenes where he is swept off his feet, but he genuinely does not understand at what point that's supposed to happen irl. like, he's so busy getting murdered and murdering his friends, at what point does he get tenderly kissed in the rain.
ren is like me fr fr, he only falls in love once in a blue moon, but when he does, he goes all in. like, that is the only person in the world who matters to him, until either they dump him or he falls out of love. however, he has no idea how to turn someone down if they ask him out, so he gets around a lot.
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blicketdabest33 · 6 months
So many of y'all had so many good ideas (and since a lot of these i came up with without any real reasoning) here's my updated version that i think fits A LOT better
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott, Impulse, Ren Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons. Impulse: According to @dawnfire7 Impulse is known for loyalty, which i did not know. He's also known to hold grudges. Perfect Hera kid. Ren: He's apparently known for loyalty (and i didn't really like his Nike placement anyway)
#3 Poseidon Cabin: XB XB: Something about water temple guardians
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
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Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Oli, Lyarrah Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl, Gem Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night. Gem: Someone really wanted these girls to be sisters, and I think Gem and pearl should get to hunt at night and be fierce together. Oh, and she's got the whole deer aesthetic.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis, Skizz, Bigb Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak. Skizz: Person in the tags said he was really charming and you can't help but love him. I agree. He's here now. Bigb: Smooth talker. Someone (i think it was Scott) said in one of their videos "It's hard to kill him while he's talking". Charmspeak. Ma man, go do chaos.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef, Cub Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef. Cub: Someone said Cub was really laid back, i liked this idea, he's here now. C'mon, go make ur empire.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Wels Wels: @dingdinghq said something about sleeping during S6 and i completely agree
#16 Nemesis Cabin:
#17 Nike Cabin:
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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epicfranb · 1 year
My impressions on Pearl's Limited Life episode 1, written as i was watching it >:D
Skizz is there yay!!
No new members though.... :(
Also the new logo is sick i love it
Crap my previous edit didn't get saved but Bdubs slay
They vote on rerolling boogey again and Etho is the only one who says yes and Grian goes "Etho said yes so we're rerolling" lmao also Bdubs voted yes (slay) and Joel "because murder fun" i agree Joel you are a Babygirl also <3
And Scar votes yes twice lmaoooo
Boogeyman in Last Life: distrust, drama, suspense
Boogeyman in Limited Life: speedrun 🏃
Jimmy the Joel "the bad boys of the server" i want them to be together for the whole season and be more gay than everyone before them
Martyn Grian Etho and Tango formed a guild around protecting Skizz 😭😭 that's like one person away from team best meetup
Why did Etho's "well well well who is out here" made my heart flutter like that why why why is he like that
Wait is that the first time they have an ocean on the map that's kinda cool :0
Wait if Scar and Bdubs are actually together this season im gonna lose it /pos i wanted them together in Double Life :""")
.... Are they calling Cleo Mom??????
Yep first episode and Jimmy's base is already burning. Classic
Are Impulse and Ren not in this?.... I haven't seen them yet :(
Oh no Impy is there him and Skizz just died </3 i think Skizz is the bad luck charm in this season
WAIT if Scar and Bdubs are living together... Surely that means Scardubs content... AND NEW FAN WORKS.... SCARDUBS NATION RISES AGAIN (hopefully)
Well actually no the best season ever would be clethubs but this is still great I'm loving it
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memryse · 2 years
last life session 4: a deep dive
hello tumblr! on account of various personal things, i haven’t really contributed much to the fandom in a while, but here's an idea i've had bouncing around in my brain this whole time and have been absolutely itching to get written. now, 3rd life is absolutely still my favourite series, but session 4 of last life is firmly my favourite session of either series, arguably some of my favourite videos in mcyt history in general. so i've been wanting to write a piece on what, exactly, makes it so objectively brilliant. i just absolutely love writing meta about this series and honestly i will probably not stop for a very long time!
under the cut because it's... a lot :]
to start off, i'll mainly be referencing grian, cleo, joel, and bigb's POVs throughout this, but i'll probably briefly touch on some of the others as well, because this session is wonderful no matter whose perspective you watch it from. i'll be splitting this essay into a few sections, because this session has two primary subplots that contribute to the wider narrative, and it's difficult to write a cohesive essay on them without splitting them.
grian's fall
this session opens on the back of a relatively tame session three. one boogeyman, one death. joel is rapidly earning a reputation for being the least effective (and most frustrated) red name the series has ever seen. all in all, tension was not running too high. grian opens his POV by covering the southlands' walls with cobblestone - "it turns out, all you need to do is set one block on fire, and the whole place is gonna come crumbling down."
i'm sure that's not at all foreshadowing what happens to the southlands after one member turns red.
grian begins his emergency preparations, namely setting up a bunker where he hides a few dogs. ............wait, this is also foreshadowing.
let's try this again! he passes scar's base, and shoots a few arrows at scar to be irritating. after some banter, in which scar is not scared of grian in the slightest (in direct contrast to, well, everyone else on the server. just desert duo things), scar tells grian that his soul crystal preorder has been cancelled. in response, grian adds scar to his "book" - his hitlist for when he turns red. Fuck this is also foreshadowing
back to some more southerner shenanigans, including but not limited to: scaring martyn, teaching mumbo the value of plagiarism, mumbo brings up his plan to build a ghast farm, martyn asking about the location of grian's wither skull because he'd like to know in case grian suddenly turns red. God damn it not again
meanwhile, joel's traps and murder plans are continuing to fail majestically. eventually, the two run across each other, and joel laments his inability to kill anyone (the infamous "ahahaha! going a bit mental! going a bit mad!"). i'm not going to say it again but guess what this is! lord, grian has more death flags than a sickly little victorian boy at this point. more red flags than scar near a lava trap. but seriously, completely unintentionally on any of their parts, the narrative is building up this same point, again and again: grian is going to die. the southlands will collapse. this is fated, and this is inevitable.
thankfully, after this, we get a bit of a break of grian and mumbo causing (non-fatal) problems in the nether. causing more problems in the overworld. even more stupidity as they build the ghast farm. you forget about all of the tension that was previously building. you let your guard down. forget all about joel. we see cleo's death pop up in the chat (more on that later!) and even this is turned into a joke about boogiemen! they hop back to the overworld for a couple of minutes and come back, we see grian casually complaining about not bringing torches.
mumbo: OH. OH. joel's here. joel's here. grian: what? mumbo-
and just like that, it all comes crashing down. life picks up for joel. everything we had been warned about previously comes true. grian is red.
now, let's talk about the fairy fort.
the collapse of the fairy fort
the boogeymen of this session are chosen: ren and bigb. two people from the same alliance, which already makes it painful enough for the viewers. but what really hammers this in as incredibly painful and angsty is their opposite responses to this. cutting back to etho's psychological warfare tactics in session three: ren tells etho he would get the boogey kill quickly and smoothly (incidentally, he specifically says he would choose the weakest person he could find, and "chop off their head". hmm). bigb, on the other hand, tells etho that he wouldn't kill anyone, that he would go to red. in session four, sure, ren does what he says he would - he doesn't cut off anyone's head, admittedly, and instead goes for a more complex trap, but he does take a weak-seeming target (a lone skizzleman) and executes him. he is also entirely upfront to his allies about being the boogeyman, and assures them that they're safe from him - and for his honesty and loyalty, the fairy fort rewards him, offering him aid. bigb is present in this meeting. bigb chooses to say nothing.
(before i continue, i'd also like to point out that earlier in the session, cleo tells bigb that she is "more scared of joel than the boogeyman at this point", clearly as a tongue-in-cheek remark about how both joel and the boogeyman are not scary. not only is she saying this directly to a boogeyman, that person would go on to kill her later that session, and she would go red from one of joel's traps. but sure, she ended up being glad about it, so perhaps she was right to not be scared!)
from bigb's pov, the session continues mostly uneventfully, until he and lizzie catch ren talking with jimmy. bigb expresses worry that ren will turn on his allies and kill them instead. ironic, huh? he's then given multiple opportunities where he could kill lizzie, but doesn't - he's still holding onto his commitment to not betray his allies.
next point of interest: a conversation with cleo.
cleo: the only thing i can think of is, the boogeyman would want to kill us, if he couldn't get anyone else. bigb: that is true. that is true. cleo: so... it's safe up there for now, but i'm steering well clear of ren. just in case. bigb: yeah. well, i'm glad he told us. cleo: yeah, but why did he tell us? so we'd let our guard down. bigb: yeah... that's what i'm also thinking. cleo: we stay away. you and me. bigb: i mean, would you forgive ren though? if he- cleo: well... probably not to be honest. [...] you and me stay away from him, we'll be alright.
that is... one hell of a conversation, huh.
bigb then laments to the camera that this was a prime opportunity for him, but he couldn't do it; he couldn't kill her. he calls himself weak. he's angry at himself for not being able to get a kill.
more adventures with lizzie as they attempt to lie about their villager, find the green lives' club, converse with the southerners. time stretches on ever further, and we're all too aware that bigb is running out of time - especially because bigb's episodes are long, this session in particular, split into two 40-50min parts. you can practically feel his desperation building, and meanwhile, his allies still trust him wholeheartedly. cleo in particular.
their southern excursion is interrupted by ren's boogie kill, as they all rush back to the shadow tower to find out what happened. ren expresses his relief that his boogeyman kill is all over and done with, the session is getting close to being over, and at last, bigb gets visibly antsy. checking his inventory for fire resistance potions, etc. after a long conversation in which we see skizz forgiving and praising ren's kill - a very strong contrast to what we'll see from bigb and cleo later - ren and skizz finally head down to the base of the tower.
bigb examines the depth of the pit. cleo stands above it on a block of dirt - she's testing him. she trusts him, but she's not sure, and she wants him to prove his loyalty.
bigb cycles through his inventory. a heartbeat sound effect plays. he takes out his axe.
he checks the pit one last time.
she knows what's coming, and she fights back anyway.
she would have let him do it, if he'd asked.
i don't think i need to recount the rest of the scene, but my point is, this whole sequence of events is tragic. ren comes clean about his boogeyman status, gets an easy kill and is praised by everyone for it. bigb chooses to hide, not being able to stomach the thought of killing until it's too late and he's too desperate, and he earns the wrath of a furious zombiecleo after brutally murdering her in a river. earns the title of betrayer to all.
joel's trap goes off. another win for the "villain" of the series. cleo is red. bigb runs.
the new reds
so. we've gone from a peaceful, nonthreatening start of the session, to a session now infamously dyed in blood and betrayal. before i go any further, i just want to point out the reason that the pure horror of this turn of events is so strong, is because of the two specific people who turn red. grian, the infamous troublemaker. winner of 3rd life, and the one with the most kills to boot. unpredictable. loves tnt. died too late in 3rd life for anyone to actually see what he would be like as a red name. need i say more? and cleo, who loves nothing more than empty threats and arson. two things which she is very much allowed to do now. people are very scared of cleo, even though she doesn't always back up those threats: in particular, her former allies, bigb and lizzie. she is terrifying to have as an enemy, especially when she's bearing a firm grudge against you.
all of a sudden, the tone of the session shifts. i'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it's the same feeling as when a character suddenly turns evil (or is revealed to have been evil all along). they're menacing without a shred of empathy. their friendships mean nothing in almost a blink of an eye.
as a red, grian first heads over to scar's mountain. he threatens scar. he reminds him that scar went back on their previous deal - grian's "very generous offer", with all the emphasis and hidden threats that those italics can possibly convey. but scar continues to try to make a new deal, and grian turns their previous exchange against him. "you know what? i'll give you that deal on preorder. i'll see you later, scar." now, whether scar pays much heed to this very obvious threat is one thing, but from an audience perspective, it's quite terrifying.
he meets with joel, reluctantly befriends him, and receives his official exile from the southerners. as if things couldn't get any more tragic for him!
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this is just such an image. seeing grian away from the southerners, with joel. hurts my heart. slash positive connotation.
next, grian encounters the green lives club. honestly, not that scary from his perspective. but if you watch scott or pearl's, he is suddenly downright terrifying. singing nonchalantly, asking "what have i just stumbled on?" whilst he laughs to himself. it's honestly one of my favourite scenes, it's scary!
and, at long last, the grian and mumbo scene. you know the one. it starts out fairly sad, them both lamenting what they could have done better. mumbo tries to win points with grian, convince him not to kill him (this is after we see mumbo has left a sign asking the same thing). grian gets an idea. and all of a sudden, once again the tone of the scene shifts to downright horrifying, as grian laughs and gleefully tries to kill mumbo.
mumbo: what, you want me to volunteer myself into being red? grian: i wasn't asking you to volunteer.
what a scene, huh?
anyway, back to cleo! she is disappointed about turning red for approximately [unspecified amount of time before she respawns because she put in a replay capture of her death]. the instant she respawns, cleo is laughing. she's excited about the prospect of getting her revenge on bigb. a little sad about losing the ability to team up with pearl and scott, sure, but she hardly lets that show. (this part really is sad from a viewer perspective, though: we're excited to see her team up with the most functional alliance on the server, who won't betray her like bigb just did, and she dies trying to get to them.)
she runs over to the fairy fort, and meets up with joel - taking the opportunity to first scare ren, her former ally, and then happily proclaims she'd love to join team red. the two of them cheer about her death, as cleo quite literally cackles (and ren laughs along nervously). her episode ends with her assuring joel that she has so many enemies to murder. what a change from her earlier in the session, hiding underground with bigb because she doesn't want to die. as session five would show even further, an angry cleo is not an enemy that anybody wants to have,
oh, and then to top it all off, bdubs goes and dies by accident. another new red! this one is like an easter egg, because it's hardly in any povs with it happening so close to the end of the session, which honestly makes it even worse. the deeper you look into the series, the more povs you watch, the more tragic it gets. there's not really a lot to say because bdubs' red life really begins in the next session, but he does very quickly turn threatening towards tango and etho. as we're all well aware, red bdubs is... unstable. very murderous, very desperate for red friends (but also retaining that general Bdubs Energy). he shows no qualms about betraying his friends. once again, it's rather scary!
if i had to briefly summarise this very long post, then forgive my use of marvel metaphors, but this session is like the infinity war of the series. everything culminates in this one session, with various subplots all interwoven to create one narrative, in which the villain wins. you are not supposed to feel happy about this - you're not even supposed to feel angry about it. last life session 4 leaves you feeling hollow, you're not sure what to make of it. it follows a practically perfect narrative, with the exception of the "villain" (because we all know nobody is really a villain here) winning. you see people quite literally fall from grace, lose everything that they worked for, and join the antagonists with varying levels of regret. it's beautiful to me; no other mcyt video has ever had quite this kind of impact on me. and that's why it's one of my favourites! i hope i have convinced some people to also love last life session four :] thank you very much for reading!
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huntingrays · 3 years
ayo ya boi is back and with a session six recap! sorry it took so long! it’s bc i’m lazy and it took a bit for all the videos to come out… but here we are!
a recap of all that happened in session six! info from all povs!
last life session 6 notes:
- scott making a large platform up high
- scott boogey boogey
- scott ran into jimmy and martyn and looked in team BEST’s base for the enchanting table
- scott wasn’t able to kill jimmy (aww?)
- scott found grian and impulse in their old base
- scott goes to “lead” impulse to the wither skull, but actually kill him, but he failed
- scott hit impulse into a hole
- scott continues making the air base
- scott visits team BEST
- scott just wants to build his base but is bothered by a bunch of reds
- scott got down to two hearts from mumbo’s end crystal, tried to eat a carrot and throw an ender pearl and died
lives lost- 1 (threw an ender pearl while low on health and hit the ground too hard)
current lives- 2
- southerners don’t do the life pass
- impulse makes a trap for when he’s boogey
- impulse and grian spot mumbo (now red) and bdubs (also red) in the base
- impulse blocks off mumbo’s bunker from the rest of the base
- impulse and grian make their own new alliance
- impulse tells grian where his wither skull is
- impulse and grian go to get the skull back
- they witness joel blow himself up
- impulse and grian witness a murder!!!
- skull stolen back
- head to BEST, steal their wither skull
- go to the scottage underground base, can’t find it
- impulse nearly dies from scott attacking him, but he escapes
- impulse is punched into his own hole by scott and dies
- impulse can’t find the scott and pearl’s wither skull, so he goes wither hunting
- impulse gets a wither skull :0
- south lands burning
lives lost- 1 (knocked into a pit by scott)
current lives- 2
- tango and skiz go team BEST base
- uh oh scar isn’t happy with them
- STEB my beloved
- tango gives a life to scar to stop him from exploding the base
- BEST barter with scar
- they (bdubs) agree to give scar the enchanting table for a diamond each, and also to blow up the south lands
- boogie :D with the southlanders
- uh oh stack kill by mumbo. and etho
- new scar deal: lifetime enchantments, four diamonds, and blowing up the south lands together
- EST decide on who should give bdubs a life by having skiz spin around and whoever he looks at when he opens them has to give bdubs a life. it’s tango
- tango the life pez dispenser
- tango gives a life to bdubs
- BEST back together :D
- BEST in the secret base
- tango is killed by bdubs
- team BEST in shambles!!!
- tango angry. angy boi
- new scar deal: a diamond for each of them and scar killing bdubs when he’s red again
- tango orders a rage crystal
- tango talks to the reds (scar and mumbo)
- tango gets his rage crystal
- team BEST with their banana tnt cannon rehearsal
- BEST cannon at scar’s house but it failed and just blew up some wheat
- team BEST now team BET
lives lost- 3 (gave a life to scar, gave a life to bdubs, killed by bdubs)
current lives- 2
- no southerner life pass
- mumbo, grian, martyn visit team BEST
- mumbo boogey boogey
- mumbo blows up bdubs
- mumbo is killed by etho
- mumbo red
- mumbo bdubs team up
- mumbo and bdubs steal from the southerners
- mumbo blows up the sugarcane farm
- mumbo blows up the southern from entrance
- mumbo trying to get blaze powder to make end crystals
- mumbo and joel are red buddies
- mumbo gives bigb and ren and diamond for blaze powder
- mumbo blows up the end crystal while grian and martyn are at home, attempting to kill them
- mumbo, scar, joel red besties
- they try to kill scott by shooting him but fail
- mumbo and joel going to try and kill ren. they fail
- mumbo sets off a crystal at spawn, which weakens scott to kill him from what happened with his ended pearl. mumbo and joel go steal some of his stuff
- mumbo, joel, and scar trap the scottage front entrance
lives lost- 1 (killed by etho)
current lives- 1
- etho steals scar’s tnt
- team BEST trying to make a deal with scar
- etho boogey boogey
- etho spots the southerners at team BEST base
- etho throws a poison potion
- etho kills mumbo
- etho or tango have pick one of them to give a life to bdubs. tango is picked by skiz
- team BEST in shambles after tango is killed by bdubs
- team BEST agree to scar’s new deal (a diamond each and killing bdubs when he’s red again fro the enchanting table). etho trades his diamond for a stack of sand from scar
- red light green light
- banana tnt cannon
- the tree was burned down :(
- banana cannon at scar’s life cost them skiz
- team BET now
lives lost- 0
current lives- 3
- ah yes, martyn, my favorite mumbo jumbo
- no southerners life pass
- martyn, mumbo, and grian go to visit team BEST
- oop mumbo etho stack kill
- martyn visits the shadow alliance and fills them in on what happened
- martyn, jimmy, and scott sneak around team BEST base
- martyn and jimmy say goodbye to mumbo
- magic mountain visit
- he’s making crystals? idk
- yay he gets to enchant bc he traded a “crystal” for lifetime enchantment
- red light green light
- jimmy tries to get some of his stuff back but the southerners drive him away
- the southerners go to try and steal the scottage wither skull with martyn as a distractions but the reds were already there
- martyn gets the love crystal from scar
- martyn spies on the banana cannon rehearsal
- martyn takes team BEST to blow up his tower. they don’t really succeed
- south lands burn
- martyn doesn’t know that grian has three wither skulls
lives lost- 0
current lives- 3
- ren looks snazzy in his shadow alliance cloak
- lonely ren :(
- shadow alliance meeting
- ren wants to find the enchanting table
- ren and bigb hide their valuables in a chest
- thieves
- shadow queen was attacked!!!
- thieves (grian and impulse) took the wither skull
- ren and bigb do the blaze powder for a diamond trade with mumbo
- ren buys two enchanting passes for a diamond and he and bigb get to enchant their stuff
- ren watched jimmy blow up
- winter’s shadow!!! new axe new axe!!!
- shadow queen has fallen!!!!
- wait saying goodbye to lizzie was actually kinda emotional whyyyy
lives lost- 0
current lives- 3
- cleo working on a farm in the green life club, while pearl works on the club
- cleo tried to steal the wither skull the shadow alliance has but grian had gotten to it before her
- she heard a villager
- cleo saves pearl from mumbo
- cleo nearly drowns
- heist!!!
- cleo and pearl find and move the villager
- crystal went boom nearly killing the scottage members
lives lost- 0
current lives- 3
- skiz gives tango the t shield
- BEST threatened by scar
- boogie :D with southerners
- also stack kill of bdubs and mumbo
- skiz spins with eyes closed. he lands on tango to give the life to bdubs
- skiz shows BT the hidden room too
- skiz just wants to discuss plans
- BEST in shambles
- skiz has a hidden chest in the hidden chest room
- skiz making more maps :D
- banana tnt cannon
- commander skiz
- banana cannon at the martyn’s tower
- banana cannon at scar’s house
- oh no skiz stayed behind and ended up being weakened and dying by falling
- uh oh red boi
lives lost- 1 (fell from a high place running away from the reds)
current lives- 1
- terry is gone :(
- another stasis pearl
- oooh shadow robes
- shadow alliance meeting
- shadow fart reports to the shadow alliance
- bigb and ren look for the enchantment table
- oooh hidden chest of good stuff
- pillaging arc
- oh no! the shadow lands went boom
- bigb and ren trade the blaze powder for a diamond
- bigb and ren go to magic mountain with jimmy and martyn to enchant
- bigb and ren buy two enchanting passes for a diamond. they get to enchant yay
- no shadow queen red :(((
- bigb and ren refuse to give the reds (mumbo and joel) diamonds, even while they destroy their tower
- and then there were two
lives lost: 0
current lives: 3
- oh no scar
- bdubs boogey
- bdubs killed by mumbo’s end crystal
- bdubs and mumbo raid the southerners, trying to find blaze powder
- bdubs gets a life from tango
- bdubs betrays and kills tango
- scar agreed to the deal where he goes after bdubs when he (scar) is red again
- bdubs doesn’t fall for scar’s trapped chest
- bdubs being hunted by tango’s hitman but his hitman isn’t very good at killing
- banana cannon
- oh no team BEST now team BET
lives lost- 1 (blew up due to mumbo)
current lives- 2
- scar angy. pop off king
- scar attempting to kill team BEST
- scar got a life from tango
- scar want enchanting table
- scar trying to make a deal with team BEST
- scar after bdubs is killed: oh no! my table! :((((
- scar tryna sell stuff
- martyn asks for a love crystal from scar, who says he will make it for him
- scar’s new offer for team BEST: a diamond each, killing bdubs (or anyone else they want) when he’s red for the enchanting table (and his tnt back)
- tango orders a rage crystal from scar
- scar has the enchantment table back! :D
- scar jump-scared by grian
- grian first customer. scar sells the enchant pass for some tnt. grian tries to steal the table like the sneaky lil guy he is but it doesn’t work
- scar sells ren and bigb two enchanting passes for a diamond
- scar buys lifetime hydration crystal from martyn for lifetime enchanting
- scar buys the pearl from jimmy (that was stolen from the best time) for lifetime enchanting
- grian tried to steal it again!!!! but fails again
- scar sells joel an enchanting pass in return for joel not killing him
- scar let’s lizzie enchant since she has a enchantment pass
- scar drowns in scott and pearl’s water elevator
- scar when people tell him they don’t need enchantments: :((((
- scar gotta go kill bdubs now
- scar gives tango his rage crystal
- scar sets up a trap for bdubs
- people keep (accidentally) scaring the poor man
- scar, mumbo, joel trapping the scottage entrance
- scar burns down team BEST tree
- BEST blow up scar’s wheat farm and the goat :(
lives lost- 1 (drowned in scott’s water elevator)
current lives- 1
- no southerner life pass, the trust is gone
- jimmy goes to exiled shack to get supplies
- jimmy boogey boogey
- jimmy runs into martyn and scott (and then scar)
- jimmy goes to magic mountain to enchant
- jimmy trades a BEST pearl for lifetime enchanting
- jimmy goes to trap the fairy fort but gets blown up by lizzie’s trap
- red life red life
- jimmy can’t get his stuff back from the south lands
- jimmy’s trap worked on lizzie
- yellow name (derogatory)
lives lost- 1 (blew up due to lizzie’s trap)
current lives- 1
- joel making tnt… just incase
- joel boogey boogey
- joel really trying to kill lizzie
- hearing joel laughing at lizzie quoting tiktoks is so cute (even tho he’s trying to kill her)
- joel trapping the mushroom house
- joel died to his own trap rip
- joel killed lizzie and is cured
- joel and mumbo friends
- joel gets to enchant in return for not killing scar
- joel: hehe let’s shoot scott >:)
- joel mumbo gonna try and kill people
- joel and mumbo want diamonds from fairy fort. they don’t get any but destroy some of their base
- joel and mumbo red life bullies
lives lost- 1 (blown up by his own trap)
current lives- 1
- pearl works on the green life club
- poor pearl can’t tell time
- pearl just chilling with cleo
- pearl cleo heist >:D girlboss
- pearl is almost killed by mumbo. saved by cleo
- pearl and cleo stole the villager
- pearl nearly killed by mumbo’s crystal
- pearl is thinking about giving scott a life, but she’s unsure. also, she’s now the only dark green name left
lives lost- 0
current lives- 4
- shadow alliance meeting with the shadow robes
- no shadow boogey
- lizzie plan to trap the base. she’s gonna trap the front gate.
- she goes to the nether to get quartz
- “i have a bad feeling about today” haha foreshadowing
- grian and impulse visit the fairy fort
- lizzie nearly died from the explosion caused by joel and his traps. tfw ur husband almost kills you (in minecraft)
- lizzie is killed by joel with one hit due to her still being low
- lizzie finished her trap
- lizzie makes a new secret chest
- lizzie trying to find someone with a wolf so she can have more dogs again
- lizzie gets an enchanting pass from joel
- lizzie’s trap got jimmy
- lizzie’s secret chest got robbed
- lizzie found jimmy in his exiled shack but ended up falling into his trap and dying
- lizzie is smart and had secret hidden chests across the map
- lizzie staying with joel
lives lost- 2 (killed by joel, killed by jimmy)
current lives- 1
- no southerner life pass
- ooooo boogie
- grian, mumbo, martyn spying on BEST
- grian and impulse confront mumbo and bdubs
- grian’s dogs attack mumbo due to him blowing up the farm and hurting them
- rip south lands
- just grian and impulse now
- grian: what if… we spawned a wither? haha just kidding… unless?
- grian u chaotic boi… u spawn that wither i’m rooting for you!!!
- time to get wither skulls
- first they go to lizzie
- grian discovered the tnt trap
- grian looks for the wither skull while lizzie is gone
- grian finds the skull
- they go to team BEST and find another wither skull in a hidden barrel
- they are unable to find scott and pearl’s skull
- grian trades two tnt for an enchanting pass. he gets to enchant
- mumbo keeps trying to kill grian
- southerners chase off jimmy
- grian trying to turn the reds against each other
- south lands burn
- grian gets a wither skull from impulse
- grian now has three skulls
lives lost- 0
current lives- 2
boogeyman: scott, mumbo, etho, bdubs, jimmy, joel
boogey victims: bdubs (mumbo), mumbo (etho), impulse (scott), tango (bdubs), lizzie (jimmy), lizzie (joel)
things to note: okay so you can be boogey more than once and also there can be a lot of boogeymen, there’s a high chance for there to be one or two boogeymen but there’s a lower chance for there to be more than that
alliances: south lands (grian, impulse, martyn (technically the south burned down but they might still be allied so ye)), fairy fort/shadow alliance (ren, bigb, martyn), scottage (scott, pearl, cleo), BET (bdubs, etho, tango), unnamed alliance 1 (grian, impulse)
kill count: 1 (scott -> impulse, jimmy -> lizzie, bigb -> cleo, pearl -> joel, ren -> skiz, scar -> mumbo), 2 (etho -> scar mumbo, bdubs -> grian tango, lizzie -> pearl jimmy), 3 (mumbo* -> joel bdubs scott) 5 (joel** -> joel scott grian joel lizzie)
*counting scott’s death for mumbo’s kill count since he wouldn’t have died if he wasn’t so low
**yes, killing himself in his own traps counts (at least in my books). also counting blowing up in the mushroom house for his kill since it was his own trap even though lizzie set it off
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