#bill the candyman
bunnyonacupcake · 9 months
Here, have some writing!
This is a little mini fic I wrote a while ago Class Wars, an AU @brbuttons has within the Factory Rejects verse.
Behold, a story about Miranda Mary Piker. Daughter of the Headmaster and her teachers biggest fan. Well, until she starts to visit Bills candy shop and he reminds her she’s only 12. She’s allowed to be a kid. This here fic handles the fallout.
All good things must come to an end. Miranda knows this, though, she’d foolishly and ignorantly hoped it wouldn’t end so soon. It’s Friday morning as she hurriedly sweeps water over her frizzed braids, slipping her Mary Janes on as she snatches her bag and scurries out the door. Her parents as always work early, so early as to leave little Miss Piker home alone in the mornings to get off to school on her own. Normally, she leaves early enough to prowl the hallways as their unofficial hall monitor. These past few weeks however, she’s been indulging in that extra half hour of sleep Bill encouraged her to take advantage of.
“You can’t burn the candle at both ends and expect it to last long,” He’d said sagely, setting down a peppermint stick on the counter and sliding it over to her. Miranda had scoffed and adjusted her glasses but silently took the peppermint stick. He had a point. Always did.
Miranda practically skips up the steps to the school doors, slipping inside and hurrying off down the semi crowded hallways towards the pristine classroom door neatly labeled 7S. Normally, she’s the first one in, standing near the door as some mock sentry, adjusting her glasses and crowing Pratt based propaganda.
Today, the only sentry is Pratt himself.
Miranda feels something wrong the minute she’s in front of him. His neutral resting face is usually something resembling smugness or casual disinterest. Today, he stands with arms crossed, glowering. Miranda grips the straps of her school bag tightly. “Good Morning Misther Pratt.” She says obediently, staring up at him. His glowering does not falter as he looks at her, does not break out into that fake, perfect smile he usually gives her. “Miss Piker.” He says simply. He generally only uses their names if they’re in trouble. Miranda gulps.
“Come inside. I fear we have some unfortunate news to discuss. Don’t we?” He says, stepping aside. The hair on the back of her arms stands to attention as she follows his instructions, trying desperately to think what she’s done wrong. She’s done plenty wrong, she knows that, but she’s been so careful. Her parents haven’t heard any news of her spending time outside of school, her grades haven’t slipped, she’s brushed her teeth twice after every night of sneaking sweets-
Every seat is full except for her usual spot in the middle of the front row. She steps towards her desk to set down her things but Pratt clicks his tongue. She knows his little quirks well and freezes in place. Slowly sets her backpack onto the floor. Slowly turns around as Pratt closes the door. He folds his hands behind his back and strolls over to the front of the room, tutting and shaking his head. “Miranda Mary Piker. Grade A student, top of the class… beating out Gabriel Carver for the final seat in class 7S by mere points. By all intents and purposes a picture perfect student. A winner.” He says, staring down at her. Miranda instinctively folds her hands obediently in front of her, now painfully aware of every wrinkle and stray hair in her appearance. 7S children are supposed to be pristine. Perfect. Pratt sniffs and reaches behind him to take up the infamous conductor's baton that rests on the chalkboard ledge. He looks out at the rest of the children, sitting obediently in their seats. His scowl turns to a smirk.
He slowly starts to tap a rhythm onto his palm with the baton.
“And yet… recent events have proven otherwise. I have reason to suspect you, Miss Piker, have been colluding with the enemy. With Turkentine.” He says and the accusation causes a gasp to ring out across the classroom. A flush starts to creep up Miranda’s neck. She opens her mouth to defend herself but is quickly silenced with a look, Pratt slapping the baton onto the desk with a quick ‘thwap’.
“Should anyone have come to me with this information, why, I would have found it preposterous,” He says, now turning to address the room, “Insanity! But I have seen, with my own eyes, Miranda Mary Piker at the sweet shop in town. Not only engaging with its owner and Turkentine but even eating candy.” He says, his emphasis on the last few words making it sound like a criminal offense. It might as well be one in Pratt's class.
“Miss Piker, you wouldn’t happen to remember what my first words were to you all as a class?”
Miranda didn’t cry. She never cried. But being humiliated in front of the class, stared at… She feels the back of her throat tightening up.
“Um. You are our god, our… Our leader and our savior.” She says slowly, trying to take a deep breath.
Pratt purses his lips and tilts his head, feigning confusion. “No, I don’t think that’s quite right. I believe I said… Messiah. I am your messiah. Can you say that, Miss Piker?”
Miranda’s face burns. “You… are our… Methhhiah.” She mumbles quietly. Her lisp turns the word into a jumble of ‘th’ and hard ‘s’ sounds. Pratt's face contorts into a wicked smile she’s used to seeing, but never aimed at her.
“What was that, child? Say it louder.”
The room is silent except for her and Pratt, as she tries her best to look obediently up at him. Hold eye contact Miranda. Winners don’t cry.
Pratt sniffs disinterestedly and scans the classroom once again. The faces he sees must look sufficiently scared into submission because he turns to Miranda once again. “I must remind you child that in 7S, we are here to build winners. Winners are not born. Winning is achieved through hard, diligent work.” He says. He uses one finger to push his glasses up on his nose.
“Hands on the desk.”
The air feels like it’s sucked out of the room as every child gasps and holds their breath. Hands on the desk to receive a smack is standard punishment, especially in 7S. But not once, not ever, has it been Miranda.
“No- shir, please I can explain!” She tries but flinches as he snaps his head towards her, eyes glinting behind his frames.
“I won’t tell you again child. Hands. On. The desk.” He says. His voice is cold like steel and as Miranda approaches and tries not to shiver. She puts her hands on the desk, palms up. She wants to close her eyes and hide away from it all but she knows she’s to keep her eyes open and watch. So she does.
Pratt whips his conductors baton down onto her open palms, hard. Despite her best efforts, a whimper escapes her trembling lips even as she tries to calm herself. It stings like hell and will surely bruise she thinks to herself as he whips it down again. Then a third time. Tears sting her eyes but he pulls away and sets the baton back onto the chalkboards ledge. “To your seat, Piker. Let that be a reminder of what happens when you lose focus in 7S.” He says stiffly.
Miranda nods quickly, taking a shaky breath. “Yes shir. It won’t happen again.”
“Good. Now, everyone, let’s open our arithmetic books to page-“
Class passes by torturously slow. Half of the class looks at her with smug looks and the other half regards her with pity. Miranda can’t tell which she hates more. When the bell rings for lunch Miranda knows the first thing she should do is study like usual. Get cracking on her homework, forget these notions of rest, disregard her newly found routine of going out to have lunch.. Yet her feet carry her as fast as she can to the now familiar facade of Bill’s candy shop where she shoulders open the door and stares at the kindly gentleman behind the counter. He turns with that soft familiar smile that turns to a face of concern as soon as he sees Miranda's distress. “Hey now,” He says with such genuine softness it brings tears to Miranda’s eyes, “What’s going on?”
It takes a lot of deep breaths, soothing words and a peppermint stick to finally get Miranda to talk. As she does the tall girl slumps in on herself and mumbles, tucking her hands under her arms to hide evidence of her supposed failures, her usual confidence gone. When she’s done she looks up at Bill again, tears shining behind her thick glasses. He stands before her covering his mouth with one hand with a look of horror and pity.
The bell rings behind her. Miranda tenses at the sudden noise while Bill relaxes at the sight of whoevers walks in. “Mr. Turkentine.” He breathes and closes his open hand into a fist, pressing it against his mouth. Miranda jerks up and nearly chokes on her candy. “I have to go.” She says quickly, slipping off her stool. “I can’t let anyone from class see me here again! I’m already in trouble and if my parents found out, oh god-” She starts to ramble. Scrambling to gather her bag, she pauses when Bill clears his throat. “Miranda.” He says carefully.
“Show him what’s happened.” Miranda swallows and turns to face Turkentine who stands at the doorway, face screwed up with confusion at the conversation he has clearly missed. She takes a breath then holds out her hands, palm up to reveal the thin and tender line of bruising. David moves closer, dropping his bag and kneeling to meet her height.
“Christ. What did you do to get this?” He mutters.
“That’s from Mr. Pratt. He did that as punishment for talking to you.” Bill says. His usually gentle voice has an edge of hardness to it. The idea of anyone hitting a child is despicable, let alone hitting a child as punishment for talking to another person. Turkentine blinks twice at her hands. Then he looks up at Miranda in disbelief. “He did this, for talking to me?” He asks.
Miranda nods silently. He looks to Bill behind the counter.
Turkentine clenches his jaw before standing and snatching his bag back up. He turns on his heel and marches for the door. “Wait! Where are you going?” Miranda cries, running after him.
He pauses with his hand on the handle as he turns to look at her.
“I’m going to have a talk with Mr. Twat.”
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startixx · 9 months
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happy birt h day to mm e
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ladydracula666 · 2 years
All of them are my boyfriends. 🥵🥵
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absencesrepetees · 2 years
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candyman: farewell to the flesh (bill condon, 1995)
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mariocki · 1 year
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Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (Candyman 2, 1995)
"Do I believe in Candyman? I believe in the myth. But the fact, the flesh and blood? No. I'm afraid not."
"Prove it."
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Watching the notld remake and im astonished that its good, i never have high hopes for horror remakes
Also they made Barbara really hot
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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“Dire Wolf,” “Black-Throated Wind” and “Candyman” for Day 22 of “30 Days of Dead”
Every now and then, it’s helpful to be reminded the turgidness of RatDog and Dead & Company is neither a post-Grateful phenomenon nor exclusively tied to Bob Weir.
A just-released, pre-retirement “Dire Wolf,” which GDHQ describes as “from a show you might know well, but not this portion,” makes the point as it waddles along at a decidedly not fierce tempo.
Pianist Keith Godchaux adds to the Quaaludian feel of the three-pack - including “Black-Throated Wind” and “Candyman” - released for Day 22 of “30 Days of Dead” with his enchanting, meandering-on-a-winding-river runs across the triad.
“Candyman” benefits mightily when Jerry Garcia plays his resolving solo through an envelope filter and gives the song a spooky lilt it rarely carried. For those playing along at home, it might be helpful to know both Pigpen and Donna Jean Godchaux are either inaudible or not present.
Hear Day 22 here.
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
Killer Clown, fanatical husband, avenging angel times two, well-dressed prick.
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When is Bill Skarsgård going to come into his romantic lead era like he did in an episode (titled "Layover") of AMC+'s SOULMATES?
-His costar in the episode is Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (late of HBO Max's GENERATION+, CANDYMAN, ANGELS IN AMERCA and MISFITS). Those in the U.S. will be able to see Stewart-Jarrett this week in the eleven times BIFA nominated film FEMME.
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Stewart-Jarrett and his costar George Mackey (CAPTAIN FANTASTIC, 1917) were the sole winners for the film, sharing the award for Best Joint Lead Performance.
A well worthy win.
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The film- originally a short starring Paapa Essiedu (GANGS OF LONDON) and Harris Dickinson (TRIANGLE OF SADNESS),
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takes a big departure from the short and was reconfigured into an intoxication, nail biting tale of revenge.
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your-moms-a-dick · 10 months
A list that no one asked for; A list of my favorite Scream Queens and Kings
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Samara Weaving (The Babysitter, Ready Or Not, Scream VI)
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Kyle Gallner (Jennifer's Body, The Haunting In Connecticut, Scream V, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Smile, The Cleansing Hour, Mother May I, The Passenger)
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Patrick Wilson (Insidious chapters 1, 2, & 5, The Conjuring 1-3)Hard Candy, In The Tall Grass)
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Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix, Event Horizon, Predators, Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors)
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Katie Cassidy (Supernatural, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wolves at the Door, When a Stranger Calls, Black Christmas)
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Daniel Kaluuya (Get Out, Nope)
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Heather Langenkamp (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Dream Warriors, New Nightmare, Hellraiser Judgement, Home, The Butterfly Room)
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Mark Patton (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, Swallowed)
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Toni Collette (Hereditary, The Sixth Sense, Pieces of Her, Krampus, Fright Night, Knives Out)
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Kate Siegel (Hush, The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Ouija, Oculus, The Curse of the Black Dahlia)
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Jaeden Martell (IT, IT Chapter Two, Mr.Harrigan's Phone, The Lodge, Knives Out)
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Bill Skarsgard (IT, IT Chapter Two, Barbarian, Hemlock Grove, The Devil All the Time, Castle Rock, Villains)
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Tony Todd (Candyman, Final Destination 1-5)
Thank you for listening and feel free to add to this
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scrapnick · 11 months
Wholesome TCM 2 Fact! (I think)
Apparently one of Bill Mosleys daughters got scared of Candyman and he told her “Your Daddy’s Chop Top and Chop Top can kick Candymans ass.”
Awww that’s the cute! I love that 🥺
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lattecucart · 1 year
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walter as bill the candyman from charlie and the chocolate factory
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Round 3 has finally come to a close. As usual I'll be taking a short break to get the next round ready, and will post the schedule a few days before it's set to start
But! Please enjoy the following playlist of all the round 3 winners aka the fan favorite Glee songs! Chosen by voters like you ♥️
Season 1 - 20 songs Season 2 - 34 songs Season 3 - 30 songs Season 4 - 22 songs Season 5 - 15 songs Season 6 - 7 songs
Full track list under the cut!
Don't Stop Believin (Pilot)
Bust Your Windows
Somebody To Love (s1)
It's My Life/Confessions
Halo/Walking On Sunshine
Hate On Me
Keep Holding On (s1)
Lean On Me
And I Am Telling You
Don’t Rain On My Parade (Rachel)
Express Yourself
4 Minutes
Run Joey Run
Jessie's Girl
The Boy Is Mine
Rose's Turn
Dream On
Another One Bites The Dust
Bad Romance
To Sir With Love
Empire State Of Mind
Me Against The Music
Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
Sweet Transvestite
Time Warp
Teenage Dream (s2)
Start Me Up/Livin On A Prayer
Stop In The Name Of Love/Free Your Mind
Forget You
Valerie (s2)
Dog Days Are Over
Baby It's Cold Outside
Bills Bills Bills
Thriller/Heads Will Roll
Silly Love Songs
Take Me Or Leave Me
Don't You Want Me
Blame It
Tik Tok
Raise Your Glass (s2)
Loser Like Me (s2)
Ain't No Way
I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
Somewhere Only We Know
As If We Never Said Goodbye
Born This Way
Go Your Own Way
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
For Good
It's Not Unusual
You Can't Stop The Beat
I'm The Greatest Star (Kurt)
Something's Coming
It's All Over
Last Friday Night
Uptown Girl
A Boy Like That
Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way Or Another
Rumor Has It/Someone Like You
Survivor/I Will Survive
We Are Young
We Found Love
Smooth Criminal
Never Can Say Goodbye
I Will Always Love You
Love Shack
Cough Syrup
What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
Somebody That I Used To Know
Disco Inferno
How Will I Know
So Emotional
It’s Not Right But It’s Okay
Not The Boy Next Door
Shake It Out
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
New York State Of Mind
Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
Barely Breathing
Don't Speak
Blow Me One Last Kiss
Hopelessly Devoted To You
Beauty School Drop Out
There Are Worse Things I Could Do
Holding Out For A Hero
Some Nights
Being Alive
Don't Dream It's Over
White Christmas
Don't Stop Me Now
Hung Up
Girl On Fire
Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
Come What May
I Still Believe/Super Bass
For Once In My Life
Got To Get You Into My Life
Hey Jude
Seasons Of Love
I'll Stand By You (s5)
If I Die Young
Marry The Night
If I Were A Boy
I Believe In A Thing Called Love
More Than A Feeling
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
You Make Me Feel So Young
Best Day Of My Life
I Want To Know What Love Is
Home (s6)
It's Too Late
Hand In My Pocket/I Feel The Earth Move
Somebody Loves You
Take Me To Church
I Lived
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claudiasjustice · 2 months
Top five Bridgerton characters? Top five Bridgerton relationships? (can be romantic or platonic) Top ten movies? :)
Ooooo this is a good one! Thank you 🩷🩷🩷
Bridgerton Characters:
5: King George (he makes me sad 😭 he just wanted a simple life and a family that loved him)
4. Eloise Bridgerton (she reminds me of me sometimes. she’s a naive dreamer 💕 and her insecurities concerning living up to Daphne’s example…felt that in my spirit)
3. Edwina Sharma (protect her at all costs)
2. Queen Charlotte (FASHION ICON! SORROWS! PRAYERS! ✨)
1. Lady Danbury (grace and sophisticated incarnate. she is THE MOMENT 🩷)
Bridgerton Relationships
5. Eloise & Benedict (they embody sibling energy perfectly lol and I love how supportive they are of each other)
4. Eloise & Daphne (listen nothing makes me happier than sisters who quarrel but still stand by each other and Eloise and Daphne remind me of my relationship with my own sister at times)
4. Charlotte/George (need me a love like this post haste 😭💕)
5. Charlotte & Agatha (MORE GOSSIP QUEENS but also they’re lowkey besties. Agatha has been around for so much of Charlotte’s trials and I wish the Queen Charlotte show demonstrated more of that!)
Top 10 movies
10 - The Hateful Eight
9 - Gothika
8 - Eve’s Bayou
7 - Evil Dead II
6 - Doctor Sleep
5 - Kill Bill Vol 1
4 - Battle Royale
3 - The Wiz
2 - Django Unchained
1 - Candyman 1992
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poketnife69 · 2 years
Masterlist 1,2,3
Who I write for :
Rusty Nail
The Sinclair Brothers ( seperate / poly )
Lost Boys + Micheal Emerson ( seperate / poly )
The Predator / Yautja
Micheal Myers
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher ( seperate / poly )
Thomas Hewitt
Brahms Heelshire
Billy Lenz
Asa Emory
Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham ( seperate / poly )
Harry Warden
Candyman / Daniel Robitaille
Jack Torrence
Norman Bates
Kurt Kunkle
Carrie White
Tiffany Valentine
Jennifer Check
Others :
Bill & Ted ( seperate / poly )
Ace Merrill
( might expand list in the future )
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full-tiltboogiearc · 6 months
*ana's fave movies/tv/media for plot inspo
aka i should have just linked everyone to my letterboxd (jk that shit is not updated at all and has like 3 movies )
(*) = some of
last updated: 12.15.2023
the thing
friday the 13th
a nightmare on elm street
child's play
final destination
evil dead
happy death day
the witch
ready or not
the purge
the shining
green room
planet terror
belko experiment
the saw franchise
kill bill
baby driver
alita battle angel
pacific rim
monsterverse (godzilla, g v. k, etc)
romance, rom-coms
13 going on 30
the house bunny
confessions of a shopaholic
my best friend's wedding
about time
before we go
like crazy
love & basketball
dear john
one day
a walk to remember
the proposal
the wedding singer
la la land
john tucker must die
the first time
love, rosie
the notebook
the walking dead
sons of anarchy
black mirror (most episodes)
video games
devil may cry
the last of us
resident evil
silent hill
dead space
detroit become human
god of war
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iamcinema · 4 days
Hey, freaks and creeps.
I'm not here much anymore, but I'll still try to roll things out when I can. This year has been quite a bombshell on me physically and mentally, hence why I'm mostly on other platforms.
This is also my reminder to tell you guys if you're in or around Northern Pennsylvania (or you're fine with taking a drive), the Candyman reunion event will be happening next week on June 22nd at the NEPA Horror Film Festival. The event runners secured Virginia Madsen and Tony Todd for the occasion and I think tickets and VIP passes are still available if you want to get them ahead of time. They'll also be doing a double feature of Candyman and Night of the Living Dead '90.
It should be promising and hopefully better than the RZ Halloween event back in October since that was a washout due to the weather. But hey, it was kind of warm when Bill Moseley was here and the meet and greet line wrapped around the parking lot a few times. So perhaps there's hope.
Bring a friend. Get some craft root beer. Go see the bust of Jason Miller downtown. Meet some cool vendors. Come have fun.
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