#billy acting how he does doesn’t make him any less abused
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
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kurokoros · 2 years
I hate complaining about Billy Hargrove because it gives off the impression that I don’t like the inclusion of morally ambiguous characters. And that’s not the case. I like S1 Steve because I think there’s complexity to be explored under the stereotypical 80s jock that the Duffers gave us. I like Doctor Brenner because he’s a manipulative piece of shit and the series wouldn’t function the same without him. I really enjoy Billy’s inclusion in the series in S2 and think he had a lot of potential to act as a foil to Steve and even Jonathan, to a degree. 
What I don’t like is how canon really tries to overcorrect in S3 or how the fanon attempts to read into subtext that either doesn’t exist or blatantly contradicts the subtext that does exist.
“The Hargroves are poor, so the hate against Billy is classist in nature.” But there’s no evidence to suggest this. Billy drives a nice car. We’re never shown the Hargrove/Mayfield family struggling for money in S2-3 like the way the show gives us proof that the Byers are struggling financially. That’s a core part of Jonathan’s character, it’s not a part of Billy’s. Despite watching Stranger Things several times, I’ve never once gotten the impression that Billy and Max were anything less than regular middle class.
“Billy isn’t a ‘good victim’ and that’s why people dislike him.” Until S3 there was no real indication that Billy was being abused on the regular. In the scene with Neil, Billy is snarky and makes it clear that Max isn’t his responsibility. That doesn’t make what Neil does any less deplorable, but it also doesn’t give the impression that Billy is all too afraid of talking back or pressing buttons. Parenting was different in the 80s. From personal experience, I know that there are a lot of 80s kids that are very cavalier about being physically abused for being disrespectful. For all we, the audience, know, Neil hitting Billy isn’t a regular occurrence. It doesn’t make it less shitty, obviously, but I do think that fanon attempts to make Billy’s home life more tragic than it actually was. Canon also does something similar in S3 to make Billy more sympathetic before his death, but I don’t find Billy’s writing in S3 to be very good. He’s possessed the entire time. He barely, if ever, interacts with Max, Steve, or Lucas--the three characters Billy should have been interacting with--and instead all of his interactions are with Karen Wheeler and El. It’s not a bad thing to have certain characters be sympathetic, or even empathetic, towards Billy, but the show completely ignores the conflicts between Billy, Steve, Max, and Lucas in S3 in order to make people upset about his death, rather than satisfied or plain apathetic.
I have issues with the way some people try to write off Billy being racist towards Lucas. Namely, that they try to pass it off as Billy actually just being protective of Max. Billy threatens to run Lucas, Mike, and Dustin over with his car just to fuck with Max before he has any indication that they know each other more than happening to be in the same class. There are a lot of Billy-centric meta that tries to argue that actually Billy is trying to keep Lucas away because it would make Neil go after Max, but I feel this gives far too much credit to Neil while taking responsibility away from Billy. Billy probably did get his opinions from Neil. That would make sense. But we have no reason to believe that Billy doesn’t just hold the same racist beliefs and that’s why he goes after Lucas. Attributing Billy’s behavior to an attempt at protecting Max is just willfully ignoring what’s actually happening, in my opinion. Not everything is actually subtext. Sometimes people really are just shitty without having covert motives behind their actions. Personally, I think that makes Billy more of an interesting character, with potential for growth, than if he was actually just trying to protect Max. It adds a layer of complexity, as shown in S4.
I also have issues with how the Max/Billy conflict is resolved in S2. I think the Duffers leaned too far into giving Max a cool girlboss moment instead of just allowing her to be a scared child. While it was fine to have Max try to stand up to Billy, I think the sedative being there was too convenient, and I think Billy proceeding to leave Max alone after that incident was wishful thinking.
TLDR: I think Billy is an interesting character, but the fandom and canon tries too hard to make him more tragic and less shitty than he actually is.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: Billy Hargrove, as a character, is not the monster that many people make him out to be. He’s a complex character and the message behind him is interesting imo.
He had lots of family trauma and likely most of his hatred is learned via how his father treats him and those around him. I’m not saying trauma excuses Billy’s behavior, and at the same time it does offer an explanation. It makes his character more complex and makes his death hit harder.
Billy sacrificed himself to save El and the party. If he had lived, maybe he would have had a redemption arc? But that’s not the message the Duffers wanted. Billy did a lot of shitty things and one big act of heroism isn’t enough to save his character.
Billy doesn’t get a redemption arc.
In stranger things the good guys win. Billy wasn’t a good guy.
But he wasn’t all bad. To me it hurts to think about a 17 year old abused by his father and manipulated/ possessed by vecna who dies by sacrificing himself to save his sister and her friends.
I feel bad for him, even though like Max I’m glad he’s not around to torment her and her friends.
Billy is a good complex bad guy.
I never see people talk about Billy as a character. It’s either people acting like he doesn’t exist or worshipping him. I’m not a Billy or harringrove Stan by any means. Hell no. (Steve deserves better lol like Eddie (steddie <3))
But I wish people talked about Billy as a character more, especially how his character impacts Max and everything.
Hiii nonny! Thank u for submitting this ask!!
Ok well I agree on some parts and I disagree on others.
Billy's character is a complex one and a mirror to Will and Jonathan, his relationship with Max is too.
Billy is Jonathan's mirror in the sense that both grew up with an abusive father and a younger sibling to take care off. Jonathan chose to be a good person and love Will while Billy decided to lash out on Max and abuse her. The similarities with Jonathan end there.
Will's parallels to Billy go way deeper. Other than the obvious name sharing. Both were victims of the mind flayer but, Will was able to fight against it bc he had ppl who loved him. Billy had no one, so he gave up. The thing is, that if Billy had no one, that is his own fucking fault bc he was violent, abusive and an overall piece of shit to absolutely everyone.
His sacrifice isn't his redemption, the fact that he decided to try and fight to save Max and The Party doesn't make him a saint. It only shows that he still has a tiny sense of morality. Also he already knew he was going to die, so he just decided to die attempting to save the others. We shouldn't worship him for this, ok?
And you are right that Billy's character is important, especially to Max's arc. He is important in the way that when he died he passed on to Max an enormous sense of guilt which is why Vecna targets her.
So, really, it's Billy's fault that Max is in a coma. He could have chosen to be good or change, but nah, he chose the easy way out.
In conclusion, Billy is a complex character but that doesn't make him any less of an asshole and I hate him quite a lot. 😊
PD: as an ex steddie shipper who only likes the fanart now, stonathan is waaaayy better 😊😊😊
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mo0nfairy · 2 years
my thoughts on vol. 2
the obvious cons —
no more flashback scenes of henry?????? srsly??????????? the only scrapings of him i got were kinda hearing jamie’s voice through the distorted speech of vecna.
could literally not give less of a shit about the love triangle with nancy, steve, and jonathan. if anything, i want nancy and robin to be together.
why hasn’t steve been given more depth??? like he is literally just a babysitter, nancy’s simp, and a dude who bit a bat. there’s literally nothing else to this boy (which makes it a million times harder for me to write him) and he deserved SO. MUCH. MORE.
i don’t want to be mean but i literally don’t really care about the russia pack?? it’s good writing so idk what’s wrong with me, but i found myself just skipping through it. enzo is fine af tho, so is joyce (per usual obvi)
why is will’s arc dependent on mike and el, like i could not give an extra fuck about their relationship. i wish he had more depth that revolved more about him and his sexuality rather than just being mike an el’s therapist and being some sort of vessel for the upside down. give my sweet boy what he deserves!!! and give him a proper boyfriend!!!!!
^^ this goes for robin too. she does have personality, which most shows representing sexuality lack in, but then again, we barely see any gay??? literally we only see vickie like three times, one being when she is with her boyfriend????? of course the hetero relationships like mike/el and steve/nancy show a gazillion scenes with their tongues down each others throats, but the only recognition we get for our community is will balling his eyes out and some cutesy pb&j making sesh?? like wtf???? why are the only gay characters getting absolutely ZERO recognition?? do the duffers think that oppression ends with just being a nerd or something????????
i wish el was given more personality. literally her brain is just mike and trauma. give that girl some hobbies!! some talent!!! she deserves even the smallest sliver of happiness so so much
and now to address the elephant in the room: WHY DID EDDIE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE????? like that was cheap as fuck duffer brothers!!!! you’ve done this EVERY season. you make the sweetest, kind-hearted character and then kill them off for shock value. it’s so lazy and irritating!!!!! and the fact that he will get no closure and he will forever be known as the black sheep who started a cult and killed these random ass kids fucking hurts. and how no one but dustin was grieving for eddie??? like hello???? everyone was literally fine but i was balling my eyes out and the dude isn’t even real. moral of the story: if they introduce a sweet character in s5, don’t get ur hopes up. i hope by some miracle he returns in next season, i'm crossing my fingers.
the pros!! —
lucas’s arc was so good!!! i felt like he was really left out in s3, but i feel as if we get to see more of who he is and how he feels. how he joined the basketball team cuz he didn’t want to be bullied, how he treats max, and how fucking devastated he was after max almost died stabbed me in the heart. i do feel as though more could’ve been done for his character that didn’t relate to the basketball team and max, but i liked seeing this new side of lucas!! in conclusion: i love this boy to the moon and back. also caleb's acting???? phenomenal! give this boy every oscar known to mankind !!
my sweet, sweet maxine. there are no words to describe the sheer adoration i have for this girl. the whole season i found myself honestly annoyed with how she was reacting to billy’s death. he was her brother, and despite everything, she did love him, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he was a racist, abusive piece of shit. and i can already hear everybody rant about how “it’s not his fault!” “his dad is mean!” “but he’s too pretty to be abusive!” like stfu???? he was an awful human being, and i appreciate how they talked about how max knew these things and how she secretly wished he would get what he deserved. no matter what, nobody deserves death, but i love how they managed to come full circle with her grieving process and how she wouldn’t blindly defend all of his actions simply because he was her brother and now he’s dead. he didn’t deserve to die, but him dying doesn’t mean any of the things he did are excusable. also, max and lucas are the only str8 couple i found myself actually shipping and rooting for (el/max still thrives in my heart tho). and also, her music taste >>>> bomb!!
jason got FUCKED UP LMAOOO. i was literally sobbing my eyes out over eddie and then this man just gets split into two, like that shit caught me SO OFF GUARD. but i think his character was honestly really fascinating. it’s so easy to see all he’s caused and just hate his guts for it, but if you really pay attention, you can see how detailed his character truly is. he wasn’t just some mass villain, he’s a normal high school basketball player who is mourning for the girl he loved. and because of that, i feel pity for him. though he majorly fucked up our plans and what he did wasn’t ok in any shape or form, he was just doing what he thought was right: ridding hawkins of evil and avenging for his dead girlfriend. basically i will defend this man to the end idc idc
and now for some of my favorite highlights :
robin getting down on one knee to help nancy >>> robbin grabbing nancy’s hand cuz she was nervous >>>>>>> i love my gay girlfriends
eddie calling max “red” >>>>
eddie randomly saying to dustin “never change” >>>>>>>>
eddie saying “don’t ya, big boy?” to steve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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therealvinelle · 4 years
What do you think of Jacob?
Jacob is, like almost every other character in the series (the exception being Mike Newton. I have no hot takes on Mike Newton), seen from the wrong angle. I could go into a whole thing about how Bella is an unreliable narrator, but this isn’t the post for that.
So, Jacob is supposed to be the easy-go-lucky, kind-hearted, and so very warm sun who brightens Bella’s life. And he is, at first. In Twilight and the first half of New Moon he is a sweetheart. He’s of course mortified by his father being so superstitious that he actually believes there’s a family of vampires attending high school in Forks, but otherwise life is good. Billy raised him well.
Then he turns into a giant wolf. He must now take up this mantle to protect the tribe he never even knew about, he’s a warrior whether he likes it or not. His life is not his own anymore, or at least it’s not the one he wanted. Anyone would be brought out of sorts by that.
More, he’s not allowed to talk to Bella anymore, and it turns out the Cullens were in fact demons this whole time. And Bella knew.
Take a moment to wonder what Bella’s entanglement with Edward is going to look like to anyone who knows what he is.
A beautiful young woman is seduced by a vampire. She believes they’re in love, and that blood-sucking demons are friendly people who care about her wellbeing. Billy tries to warn her, she tells him “I know exactly what I’m doing!” in a way that makes it very clear she has no idea what she’s doing. It would look like she was being groomed to become Dracula’s bride.
Even if they didn’t spell it out for Jacob, he had all the pieces he needed to jump to the worst, albeit reasonable, conclusions.
This is how we get the new and improved Jacob, who is angry, scared, and, when the Cullens come back, desperate to keep Bella away from them. (I won’t get into that here because I received another ask requesting that specifically.)
Now, I do think Jacob is very sympathetic. All the shapeshifters are, for obvious reasons, none of them deserved any of this.
However, I don’t think he’s a good person.
Take the infamous kiss.
Sexual assault is bad by itself, but what I find especially damning is his attitude afterwards. He’s not even remotely repentant. He laughs, he all but high-fives her dad, and he never does give Bella a proper apology. I don’t think he ever fully agreed to that qualifying as a sexual assault, as most assaulters won’t.
Later he blackmails Bella into kissing him by threatening to kill himself if she doesn’t. 
He is pressed into a corner, yes, and he is a minor in an awful situation as throughout Eclipse his childhood friend, his dad’s best friend’s only daughter, complains that he isn’t more supportive of her choice to become a bloodsucking demon. However, that doesn’t justify this level of disregard for Bella’s feelings. It seems to me that it became less about Bella as a person, and more about getting the girl.
His feelings for Bella started out as a crush, but by the time we get to Eclipse it’s not just about Bella anymore.
I find this bit from Breaking Dawn especially telling:
“If you think that imprinting could ever make sense of this insanity . . .” I struggled for words. “Do you really think that just because I might someday imprint on some stranger it would make this right?” I jabbed a finger toward her swollen body. “Tell me what the point was then, Bella! What was the point of me loving you? What was the point of you loving him? When you die”—the words were a snarl—“how is that ever right again? What’s the point to all the pain? Mine, yours, his! You’ll kill him, too, not that I care about that.” She flinched, but I kept going. “So what was the point of your twisted love story, in the end? If there is any sense, please show me, Bella, because I don’t see it.” Breaking Dawn, page 122
Bella is dying, and Jacob’s thought isn’t “Don’t you have things to live for?”, but “What was the point of me and Edward fighting over the girl if the girl is just gonna die anyway?”
It reveals a disregard for her as a person.
It’s not just Bella: when Leah joins his pack in Breaking Dawn, he tries to kick her out simply because it’s Leah and she sucks. He’s an ass to her, and it’s unwarranted. She has to bare her soul for him to realize she’s a person. It’s a startling contrast to how he acts around Bella, his dad, or Charlie.
I think Jake is a dick who shows pretty clear abusive tendencies, not at all the healthy sunshine he’s supposed to be. His frequent use of aggression and guilt-tripping to get Bella to do what he wants comes to mind. He only looks good because his competition is Edward, and I’m not going to give a guy props for being a better dating prospect than vampire Patrick Bateman.
Then there’s the truly damning moment, which is when he decides to kill Renesmée.
The killing of a child is a monstrous act on its own, but he fact that it’s Bella’s child makes it even worse. It’s the ultimate proof he doesn’t actually love her. She died to protect this child, and he’ll kill it.
Jacob is a very sympathetic character who was put through things no one should have to live at a very young age, I do feel bad for him. He’s put in an extreme situation. But he tried to kill a child, and there’s just no coming back from that for me.
More, I think that the ugly things we see in post-phasing Jacob are perfectly reconcilable with the sweet-faced youth he was. People are complicated, we are one thing in one setting and another in a different setting. For a person who turns out to have abusive tendencies to be a perfectly lovely person on the surface is not exactly unheard of.
Jacob is a great guy up until the going gets tough. And when it does, his response is not good.
TL;DR: It was never Team Edward or Team Jacob, they’re both horrible.
EDIT because I forgot one of Jacob’s greatest hits that should absolutely be in this meta: When the Cullens want to leave Forks, move away (as the shapeshifters and Jacob’s father especially always wanted), Jacob realizes Renesmée will leave. Can’t have that. So he sends Charlie rushing to see his daughter. His newborn vampire daughter. It’s a complete miracle, and in no way thanks to Jacob, that Bella didn’t kill her own father.
Jacob has no excuse for that. None.
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the ones who would smoke
michael myers . big surprise here . big boy likes to get high . however , he prefers editables . if you want to smoke , that’s fine , he won’t take a hit . pass him a brownie . also , be prepared , this man gets lazy and hungry and very touchy . he’s a fucking cuddle monster when he’s high . kind of like a needy kitten who wants pets in the middle of the night and will lay across your face , only to jump off and eat food as loud as they can before coming back for more loving . michael is exactly like that . also , if you want high sex , you’re gonna have to take charge and ride him , he’s just gonna enjoy his high and pleasure while you do the work .
vincent sinclair . it’s one of his favorite ways of relaxing . he’s done it since he was a teen . bo discovered booze , he discovered weed . he’s no less intense when he’s high , still staring at you , still touching you , only his movements are slowed and less delicate . he wants you close , in his lap , against his side . he’ll play metal music in the back ground , letting smoke swirl around the both of you . expect a lot of smoky kisses and long gazes from your man . he’s high as fuck and you’re the only thing important to him right now . a living breathing work of art .
carrie white . carrie ? our sweet girl ? doing the weed ? it’s more likely than you think ! while she might take some convincing , her deep need to rebel against her mother brought on by the courage you give her has this good girl shyly taking a hit . she will cough . give her water and praise and tell her it’s all okay . it happens , you can take it slow . and please do . let the high slowly seep into her skin and lungs and let her feel light and relaxed . she’ll want to cuddle , and you should stroke her hair and just talk . you’ll smoke and talk for hours , never getting so high that you’re both far gone , but getting high enough that everything is slow and hazy . you might even get some shy kisses from your sweet girl , and she’ll giggle and hide in your chest , feeling free for once .
the ones who would rather drink
bo sinclair . everyone knew he’d be on this list . the man drinks so much he should have a beer gut and how he doesn’t is beyond everyone . whether it’s a beer after a days work , a couple after a rough day , or an entire pack after a bitch ass week , this man usually has at least one a day . he likes the buzz he feels . he likes how in some ways he can forget about shit . but mostly he just wants to get fucked up and sleep . while he can be a bastard when sober , he can be one when drunk too , running his mouth . but he also tends to get a little more emotionally open when drunk , so you might end up hearing him say things he will pretend not to remember in the morning .
lester sinclair . another beer drinker in the sinclair home , only he’s a lot more casual about it . he’s like a social drinker , only having two or three . he’s a goofy drunk , stumbling around and laughing and chattering on . vincent and bo find it hard to be upset after a rough week if they have lester over to get drunk . it’s also funny to them that their baby brother is such a light weight . he gets really embarrassed when he does get drunk enough that he’s making a little bit of a fool of himself , but he’s so cute that vincent and bo can only tease him .
thomas hewitt . while this big country boy wouldn’t mind a ice cold beer , he doesn’t drink all that much . maybe once a month or so , sometimes once every two . and he rarely if ever gets drunk . he’s seen charlie / hoyt drunk too many times , and had too many run ins with drunk as fuck bastards when the slaughterhouse was still open . he doesn’t want to be like that , so he keeps himself to no more than two beers at one time . he doesn’t mind the taste of beer , and it really is more of a social “you earned this” type of deal for him .
the ones who would do both
jesse cromeans . this man drinks only the most expensive , oldest scotch , whisky , bourbon , and wine . he drinks casually , he drinks socially . but he does not drink to get drunk . no . he tries his best not to actually . which is surprising to most , as he was considered a bit of a play boy party boy back in his earlier rich boy days . but while he doesn’t get wasted on booze , he does enjoy getting high as fuck . he’ll only do it in the comfort of his own home . relaxing and smoking and watching old videos of his . might jerk off a little , might snuggle up to you . might pull you into his lap and laugh with you as you both watch stupid videos on the internet . one time you laughed at a picture of a blurry paper bag for two hours . jesse won’t leave the house until his high has completely worn off . he doesn’t wanna be caught off his guard .
billy loomis . he’s a bad boy . what can i say ? he’ll drink , he’ll smoke . as long as it’s with you and stu and he’s having fun ? who cares . billy is a messy drunk , getting naked and wanting to bite and kiss over you and stu , even if it doesn’t lead to anything else . it’s just too hot for clothes and he wants his babes close . he’s a munchie having , giggle gremlin when he’s high , however . while its more snickers than giggles he will almost laugh at anything , wanting to be the one cuddled and coddled while he eats chips and shakes with laughter .
stu macher . loud and handsy drunk , however if he drinks too much he gets a bit violent towards others . which is why you and billy know when to cut him off . when he’s just normal drunk , he’s wanting to touch and talk and talk and talk . he won’t know he’s being too loud , just spilling out words and nonsense for fun as he lays across whoever is closer . as a high boy , he’s almost completely quiet . he’ll just lay and stare and watch with his mouth open in awe . sometimes he’ll start giggling but then he’s back to dead eye staring . he’s also gonna be cuddling things that he thinks are you and billy but aren’t . like a pillow . or his cat .
the ones who would never do either
brahms heelshire . this man will only drink sparkling grape juice . he doesn’t have the pallet for booze and he doesn’t like the smell of weed . he has no issue with you drinking , as long as it’s fancy whine , chardonnay , etc . you have to be classy , like mummy and daddy were , if you drink . he might take a sip , but he’ll prefer his juice , thank you .
jason voorhees . he’s highly against all things booze and drug related . he literally kills people who show up on his land , he makes double work of them if they do either of those things . he’s a good boy , momma raised him right . if you do either , he’s conflicted and a bit upset . you’re his special person , you’re good , why are you doing bad things ? if you explain to him that it’s just a small glass with a meal during like , thanksgiving or christmas , he might relent . and if you tell him the weed is for pain and it’s legitimate , he will be less inclined to be upset with you . but still , he doesn’t like it .
bubba sawyer . bubba doesn’t like the way booze and beer make people act . he doesn’t wanna act like that . he got drunk once , and he hated it . it’s the same with weed . he has a strong sense of smell and his little nose hates the way weed smells . which is why he babbles at chop top to call him stinky . if you drink , he might be a bit skittish , thinking you’ll try and hurt him like so many others have . it’ll take a little bit of patience to calm him down , and tell him you’d never . he would like it if you didn’t drink , but if it’s only a little and you aren’t being mean he’s okay . as for the weed , he might pout because now you smell like chop top , but the way you giggle and act is cute . so he doesn’t hate it as much .
jacob goodnight . no . just no . hard no . no drugs . no booze . not you . not him . he just can’t . years of religious abuse have ingrained some roots that are too deep to pull out . and for jacob both of those things are a no .
martin ( 1977 ) . martin doesn’t do either . he already feels off as it is when he hasn’t fed recently . and he has no need for drugs or alcohol . why would he ? besides , he doesn’t want to make any mistakes while intoxicated or high . it’s just that simple . he’ll say no politely if offered . if you drink or smoke he might make a mild complaint about how you don’t need those things , about how it makes you taste off and he likes it when you taste like you . the only drugs you should have inside of you are the ones martin gives you to sleep .
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slashersins · 4 years
You've made a few posts about getting stoned with Michael in the past,, how do you think it'd be with some of the other slashers?? And like, which ones do you think would be into it and other ones that maybe aren't sure about it but would try it if they knew you liked it? and which ones would not smoke or take anything EVER? I'm just very curious to hear your take on this !! I mean... don't think you've made any previous posts about this?
okay so , lets break this down into categories ! they’re pretty well spread out , so here we go !
the ones who would smoke
michael myers . big surprise here . big boy likes to get high . however , he prefers editables . if you want to smoke , that’s fine , he won’t take a hit . pass him a brownie . also , be prepared , this man gets lazy and hungry and very touchy . he’s a fucking cuddle monster when he’s high . kind of like a needy kitten who wants pets in the middle of the night and will lay across your face , only to jump off and eat food as loud as they can before coming back for more loving . michael is exactly like that . also , if you want high sex , you’re gonna have to take charge and ride him , he’s just gonna enjoy his high and pleasure while you do the work . 
vincent sinclair . it’s one of his favorite ways of relaxing . he’s done it since he was a teen . bo discovered booze , he discovered weed . he’s no less intense when he’s high , still staring at you , still touching you , only his movements are slowed and less delicate . he wants you close , in his lap , against his side . he’ll play metal music in the back ground , letting smoke swirl around the both of you . expect a lot of smoky kisses and long gazes from your man . he’s high as fuck and you’re the only thing important to him right now . a living breathing work of art . 
carrie white . carrie ? our sweet girl ? doing the weed ? it’s more likely than you think ! while she might take some convincing , her deep need to rebel against her mother brought on by the courage you give her has this good girl shyly taking a hit . she will cough . give her water and praise and tell her it’s all okay . it happens , you can take it slow . and please do . let the high slowly seep into her skin and lungs and let her feel light and relaxed . she’ll want to cuddle , and you should stroke her hair and just talk . you’ll smoke and talk for hours , never getting so high that you’re both far gone , but getting high enough that everything is slow and hazy . you might even get some shy kisses from your sweet girl , and she’ll giggle and hide in your chest , feeling free for once . 
the ones who would rather drink 
bo sinclair . everyone knew he’d be on this list . the man drinks so much he should have a beer gut and how he doesn’t is beyond everyone . whether it’s a beer after a days work , a couple after a rough day , or an entire pack after a bitch ass week , this man usually has at least one a day . he likes the buzz he feels . he likes how in some ways he can forget about shit . but mostly he just wants to get fucked up and sleep . while he can be a bastard when sober , he can be one when drunk too , running his mouth . but he also tends to get a little more emotionally open when drunk , so you might end up hearing him say things he will pretend not to remember in the morning .
lester sinclair . another beer drinker in the sinclair home , only he’s a lot more casual about it . he’s like a social drinker , only having two or three . he’s a goofy drunk , stumbling around and laughing and chattering on . vincent and bo find it hard to be upset after a rough week if they have lester over to get drunk . it’s also funny to them that their baby brother is such a light weight . he gets really embarrassed when he does get drunk enough that he’s making a little bit of a fool of himself , but he’s so cute that vincent and bo can only tease him . 
thomas hewitt . while this big country boy wouldn’t mind a ice cold beer , he doesn’t drink all that much . maybe once a month or so , sometimes once every two . and he rarely if ever gets drunk . he’s seen charlie / hoyt drunk too many times , and had too many run ins with drunk as fuck bastards when the slaughterhouse was still open . he doesn’t want to be like that , so he keeps himself to no more than two beers at one time . he doesn’t mind the taste of beer , and it really is more of a social “you earned this” type of deal for him . 
the ones who would do both
jesse cromeans . this man drinks only the most expensive , oldest scotch , whisky , bourbon , and wine . he drinks casually , he drinks socially . but he does not drink to get drunk . no . he tries his best not to actually . which is surprising to most , as he was considered a bit of a play boy party boy back in his earlier rich boy days . but while he doesn’t get wasted on booze , he does enjoy getting high as fuck . he’ll only do it in the comfort of his own home . relaxing and smoking and watching old videos of his . might jerk off a little , might snuggle up to you . might pull you into his lap and laugh with you as you both watch stupid videos on the internet . one time you laughed at a picture of a blurry paper bag for two hours . jesse won’t leave the house until his high has completely worn off . he doesn’t wanna be caught off his guard .
billy loomis . he’s a bad boy . what can i say ? he’ll drink , he’ll smoke . as long as it’s with you and stu and he’s having fun ? who cares . billy is a messy drunk , getting naked and wanting to bite and kiss over you and stu , even if it doesn’t lead to anything else . it’s just too hot for clothes and he wants his babes close . he’s a munchie having , giggle gremlin when he’s high , however . while its more snickers than giggles he will almost laugh at anything , wanting to be the one cuddled and coddled while he eats chips and shakes with laughter . 
stu macher . loud and handsy drunk , however if he drinks too much he gets a bit violent towards others . which is why you and billy know when to cut him off . when he’s just normal drunk , he’s wanting to touch and talk and talk and talk . he won’t know he’s being too loud , just spilling out words and nonsense for fun as he lays across whoever is closer . as a high boy , he’s almost completely quiet . he’ll just lay and stare and watch with his mouth open in awe . sometimes he’ll start giggling but then he’s back to dead eye staring . he’s also gonna be cuddling things that he thinks are you and billy but aren’t . like a pillow . or his cat . 
the ones who would never do either 
brahms heelshire . this man will only drink sparkling grape juice . he doesn’t have the pallet for booze and he doesn’t like the smell of weed . he has no issue with you drinking , as long as it’s fancy whine , chardonnay , etc . you have to be classy , like mummy and daddy were , if you drink . he might take a sip , but he’ll prefer his juice , thank you . 
jason voorhees . he’s highly against all things booze and drug related . he literally kills people who show up on his land , he makes double work of them if they do either of those things . he’s a good boy , momma raised him right . if you do either , he’s conflicted and a bit upset . you’re his special person , you’re good , why are you doing bad things ? if you explain to him that it’s just a small glass with a meal during like , thanksgiving or christmas , he might relent . and if you tell him the weed is for pain and it’s legitimate , he will be less inclined to be upset with you . but still , he doesn’t like it . 
bubba sawyer . bubba doesn’t like the way booze and beer make people act . he doesn’t wanna act like that . he got drunk once , and he hated it . it’s the same with weed . he has a strong sense of smell and his little nose hates the way weed smells . which is why he babbles at chop top to call him stinky . if you drink , he might be a bit skittish , thinking you’ll try and hurt him like so many others have . it’ll take a little bit of patience to calm him down , and tell him you’d never . he would like it if you didn’t drink , but if it’s only a little and you aren’t being mean he’s okay . as for the weed , he might pout because now you smell like chop top , but the way you giggle and act is cute . so he doesn’t hate it as much . 
jacob goodnight . no . just no . hard no . no drugs . no booze . not you . not him . he just can’t . years of religious abuse have ingrained some roots that are too deep to pull out . and for jacob both of those things are a no .
martin ( 1977 ) . martin doesn’t do either . he already feels off as it is when he hasn’t fed recently . and he has no need for drugs or alcohol . why would he ? besides , he doesn’t want to make any mistakes while intoxicated or high . it’s just that simple . he’ll say no politely if offered . if you drink or smoke he might make a mild complaint about how you don’t need those things , about how it makes you taste off and he likes it when you taste like you . the only drugs you should have inside of you are the ones martin gives you to sleep . 
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
This isn't meant to be a request, but in your opinion, which slasher/creep/villain is most unlikely to falls in love, to the point when they do, their love interest (and everyone else) doesn't even believe them?
Oh boy there are a lot.
In order from most likely to... less most likely? If that makes sense? :
First of fucking all... Michael Myers. Like? Of course. Of course, of course of course. He's supposed to not feel anything (And if he does, its blind sided blood lust). So... love? That's supposed to be toooootally off the table. Its uncharacteristic, OC!- who would believe it unless you actually s a w it?
Followed CLOSELY by Patrick Bateman. For obvious reasons very similar to Michaels.
Also, The Man (From Hush). Again, similar reasons. Just far more downplayed to Patrick and Michael.
Pennywise, the Midnight Man and the Djinn. Them? Fall in love (A human idea) with a dumb little human? Oh no. Nooo no no... right? RIGHT?
Freddy Krueger, o b v i o u s l y. The idea of 'love', for him, has been twisted and distorted and destroyed, from the moment he was conceived (Not at all saying that being a child of rape makes you biologically preconceived to be... well, anything. No no. I'm saying this cuz it has been shoved in his face for his whole life- THAT left a mark) and all throughout his development. No one wanted to be his friend (In fact, it looks like everyone bullied him) and the person that was supposed to be his father and take care of him abused him for years and years (On top of probable mental illness). So, finally, when someone did care for him... and he found his place... he twisted and distorted it himself. So YEAH. IT WOULD BE A HECK OF A SURPRISE IF HE WERE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE. Plus he's a trickster to you are very inclined to believe he's having a laugh.
Also Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase (The Clown, DBD) for very similar reasons to Freddy. Any love he thought he experienced was tainted and so is his idea of what its supposed to feel like, to him. Annnnnnnd the mischievous thing. Gross nasty bastards WOULD try to hurt you like that; Cuz they find it so damn funny that you would fall for a sicko like them.
Whatever succubus demon is possessing Jennifer Check, Inkubus and Jerry Dandridge. Its very simple for these two; Love is but a useful word to use, as a tactic to get in meals. And that's well known to e v e r y o n e. So they'd be pretty damn shook if they actually felt it one day, and whoever it is they feel it for would certainly not believe it! XD
Bonus: Also for Jennifer- love for Needy destroyed her last time, so uh... yeah. Even if you are a female, she's a lil prejudiced against love in general now.
Granny Boone and Mayor Buckman. First of all they're married, so if they fell in love with someone else (Whether that be the same person, together, or different people), that'd be a shock and travesty on its own. But also... they're s o unbelievably removed from anyone not apart of their little community that the idea of them falling in, real, love (Not lust. Not fondness; Love.) with someone not apart of that is insane. You've got no history in common, you don't talk the same, you don't think the same- what could have possibly connected them to you so deeply? You're not buying it.
Drayton Sawyer !!! Dray-ton!! He frowns upon love. And sex. And all that- in fact you may be lead to believe that he could be aroace. But... what if he wasn't? What if he had just buried the possibility of those feelings down so deeply inside of him when he realised how his family works (Meaning, how he's expected to stay with them, and to not change.) and how others look at them... and him... that he forgot they existed. Until you.
Billy Loomis, Jill Roberts and Kieran Wilcox. I just think they're so far past giving a fuck about anyone else, that the idea that they might be in love with someone, would make you cackle. Plus, after all that business with Sydney, Charlie and Trevor, and Emma... who would willingly go and fall for that?
Chop Top Sawyer. Does he... does he even know what (Romantic) love is supposed to feel like?? Does he know what it is?? You'd be so unsure that he does or not, that you just don't believe it.
Debbie Loomis. She's been so focused on the betrayal she got by the last person she fell in 'love' with and then the death of her son, and then her fall from sanity, to even think about that! In fact she's been a bit prejudiced about the idea of 'love', for a while. Finding it again... would be a process, at least.
And Otis B. Driftwood. Basically only cuz he's such a grump and acts like he doesn't like anyone, in the first place. *Shrugs* 'Nuff said. Spaulding isn't a whole lot better.
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jigscw · 3 years
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY ,  aka various ( would be ) diagnoses, precipitating factors, perpetuating factors, and various components of billy’s psyche. because i had the time this morning and i’m a psych-nerd. 
disclaimer:  as always, the following is my interpretation and how i write bill. it is not reflective of real people who are diagnosed with the particular disorders below or who have endured the types of trauma listed below. everyone is different. every disorder is different. everyone’s particular set of symptoms and presentation is different. 
OFFICIAL DIAGNOSES + particular symptoms:
borderline personality disorder ( undiagnosed + untreated ) 
patterns of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation 
identity disturbance ( markedly and persistently unstable self image or sense of self )
impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self damaging ( sex, recklessness, elopement from foster / group homes, fighting ) 
instability of mood and heightened reactivity 
inappropriate, intense feelings of anger or difficulty controlling anger
transient, stress-related paranoid ideation 
while bill does meet the above criteria for BPD, he doesn’t typically align with the “typical” aspects of BPD that involve self harm or suicidal ideation. for him, most of those aspects will reflect outwardly as opposed to inwardly. military training ( discussed later ) amplifies this severely. 
traumatic brain injury ( diagnosed during season two ) ,  read more here.
 a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. can be mild or severe and cause symptoms ranging from brief changes in mental status or emotion, to extended periods of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury. symptoms generally fall into four categories:
thinking and remembering:  difficulty thinking clearly, difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering new information.
physical:  headaches, dizziness, sensitivity to noise or light
emotional:  instability, more emotional, nervousness and anxiety, loss of emotional control  ( aggression ) 
sleep:  sleeping less than usual, trouble falling asleep
trauma history
exposure to drugs / alcohol while in utero
parental abandonment 
frequent involvement with the foster system, changing of environments, group homes, etc.
victim of grooming and attempted molestation 
victim of child abuse ( physical, emotional, attempted sexual ) 
military combat 
this is some of it. there are more things here and there that definitely apply heavily, but these are the main ones. billy’s childhood was extremely unstable and at times volatile and rarely secure or safe, it’s not conducive to the type of healthy development that a child needs. the instability in both environment and lack of steady parental / healthy adult relationships has a severe impact on his functioning. he never learned healthy or proper family dynamics or relationships. he never learned how adults are supposed to act towards one another. he learned how to survive and how to fend for himself and how to make sure that no one victimized him again. 
i would also like to point out, during this stage, that while there were numerous instances during his childhood adolescence where bill was exposed to and underwent heavy trauma --- it doesn’t excuse the things that he did later in life. plenty of people undergo severe trauma during childhood and they grow up and turn out into fully functioning, healthy people. the key for bill that likely prevented that possibility is (a) the fact that he never got the help that he needed, and (b) his military service.
military service / training.
i’m not a military expert so i don’t know much about the training that marines go through ( let alone those chosen for the special ops squad(s) similar to cerberus ), but i do know that it’s intense. and it’s meant to make you withstand all manners of torture and prevent the emotional turmoil that comes along with taking a life and losing people you become close to. because of his “i take care of myself and can’t really trust anyone” attitude that he likely got while growing up, bill excels at this. he is literally the perfect kid to mold into a soldier. he craves familial relationships. he craves structure. he craves purpose. and he’s just “selfish” enough to put himself first to climb the ranks. and that’s quite honestly what they did with him. they molded him into the perfect soldier. the perfect attack dog. and whatever little pieces he had in his life that were there before his training that could have pulled him back ( including, at some point, the castle family ) started to fall away and his own need for survival became too great because the stakes became higher. rawlins had him under his thumb. he knew rawlins could expose him at any given moment and ruin any life that he could make for himself after his service. none of what he did following cerberus, or during cerberus, was right. or okay. or at all the kind of thing that could or should be excused, but this is a kid who always needed to make sure he had an exit strategy. and that’s the mentality he took into his service.
IN SUMMARY,  billy has a really long and rough history of trauma and mental health considerations that impact his particular situation that vastly contributed to him being the antagonist that we know and love. all of those things are really important to keep in mind, but none of it excuses the things that he did, the people that he hurt, and the lives that he took. 
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
Spinning Wheels
Spencer Reid x reader
Best Years Season 2 part three | part two | part one | season one
summary: a local case hits a nerve with the reader
warning: normal criminal minds things, angst, description of shooting, yk fun stuff
A/N: based on season 8 episode 8; *chanting* angry reader, angry reader!
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“Penelope,” Y/N sang as she entered the woman’s bat cave. She carried a coffee in each hand, one for her and one for Penelope. “I bring you a present.” 
 “Oh my gosh, you’re so sweet!” Penelope gushed as she grabbed the coffee from her hand. She pulled the lid off to look inside the cup. “This is my favorite, oh my gosh, you know I-”
 She looked up at Y/N to see her sheepish smile. She only brought Penelope her favorite, kind of expensive coffee, when she wanted something. 
 “You don’t even know what I want!” 
 “I know that it’s big enough for you to bring me my favorite,” Penelope set the cup down and began typing on her computer. 
 “Garcia, I’m desperate,” Y/N admitted. She sat on the small open area on Penelope’s desk. “I can’t get anything out of JJ on what Spencer’s been doing up here at seven when we don’t have to be here ‘till nine. So I was hoping you can work some of your Garcia Magic and...” 
 Penelope stopped her typing, she knew exactly what Spencer had been doing. 
 Y/N noticed how Penelope stopped typing. “Oh my god, you know!” 
 “No, I don’t,” she lied. “Okay, well I know kind of what he’s doing, but I can’t tell you.” 
 Y/N knew she could get somewhere with Penelope, she was terrible at keeping secrets. 
 “Penelope,” Y/N drug out the name in a pleading tone. 
 “Uh-ah, my lips are sealed.” She ran her finger across her lips as if she was zipping them.
 Y/N gave her a pout and some puppy dog eyes, but Penelope turned away and stuck her nose up in the air. She was determined to not break and ruin Spencer’s plan. 
 Y/N sighed, if Penelope was going to be this persistent, then she wouldn’t get it all out of her. 
 “Fine, then can I admit something to you?” 
 Penelope turned to her, hearing her serious and almost shy tone. 
 “Of course.” 
 “I, um, I bought him a ring,” Y/N confessed, wringing her hands together like she normally did when she was nervous. 
 Penelope gasped and a gigantic smile formed on her face. “You did!?” 
 “Yeah, I did, here-” she reached for her purse she set on the desk behind them- “I bought it about a week ago.” 
 She pulled out the grey box and revealed the simple gold band on the inside. 
 Penelope, extremely excited, grabbed the box with shaking hands. “Oh my gosh, Y/N!” 
 “Is it weird? I know it’s not normal for a girl to propose-” 
 “It’s not weird at all, I think it’s a great idea,” Penelope interrupted to clear her doubt. “If he doesn’t do it-” 
 She stopped and cut herself off, almost revealing the secret she had been trying so hard to keep. 
 “If he doesn’t accept it, then he’s a total loser,” Penelope stammered as she tried to correct her words. 
 Y/N laughed at her phrasing, and Penelope laughed too, glad she didn’t think anything of her almost slip up. 
 “I also got, um, I got our initials engraved on the inside,” Y/N pointed to the small initials on the inside of the band. 
 “Y/N…” Penelope sighed and took the ring out of her fingers to look at it. “You are so amazing, Spencer will love it.” 
 Y/N sighed in relief, she needed to hear that. The two kept talking and Penelope was trying to give her some ideas of when to ask him. 
 “Does anyone else know?” Penelope asked, handing the ring back to Y/N. 
 “Just my mom and London,” Y/N answered. “London actually helped me pick out the ring, we-”
 She stopped herself when her eyes caught the TV.
 “Penelope,” Y/N hit the woman’s shoulder to get her to turn around. 
 They both stared at the TV in horror. The headline read “High School Bus Is Taken Hostage”. One cue, Penelope began to get alerts and texts signaling that they have a case. 
 “What we have is a school bus abduction which accrued at approximately 1 P.M. this afternoon. What we know is there twenty-four students on board, along with the driver and a monitor,” Y/N said to the small group of detectives that sat in front of her, JJ, and Spencer.   
“The GPS appears to have been disabled, the last known ping was a little over two hours ago,” Spencer added. 
 “Highway patrol has traced the route it was last traveling but has found no signs of any accidents,” Y/N continued on their knowledge of the situation. “We also have helicopters and ground units in the D.C. area working local search and rescue. Which means we’re likely dealing with more than one unsub.” 
 “We’ve attempted to contact everyone on board, but so far all calls have gone unanswered,” Spencer said. 
 “But we can confirm that the students dropped off at the first two stops have been accounted for,” JJ added, shedding some hope on the gloomy situation. 
 “The average school bus holds approximately eighty gallons of diesel fuel, making it possible for them to travel up to 550 miles on a single tank,” Spencer explained, his hands moving as he spoke each word. 
 “Which is why we believe they’re still within a 200-mile radius,” Y/N closed as she nodded to the detectives. 
 “The SUVs are outside and we’ll set up our command post at central high,” Hotch said as he rushed past and to the elevators. 
 Spencer, Y/N, and JJ all glanced at each other, giving a look all the same. Silently saying, ‘This is gonna be a long day’.
 They quickly made it down to the front of the building and into the SUVs.
 On the drive to the high school, the sirens were on as they tried to make it there as fast as possible. 
 “Okay, thanks,” Penelope hung up her phone. “Local P.D. says they just found a backpack full of the kids’ cell phones half a mile from the second bus stop.” 
 “Disarming the GPS, disposing of cell phones, makes it feel less random and more premeditated,” Y/N said as she looked back at Penelope from her seat upfront. 
 “There were seven other buses from different schools on their route. Why target this particular bus?” Spencer said as he tried to dive into the minds of the unsub. 
 “Maybe a group of kids got together to pull this off?” Y/N posed. 
 “Waited for their friends to get off at an earlier stop, then made their move,” Spencer said as he dove more into Y/N’s theory. 
 “Okay, I’m checking school disciplinary records to see if I can find any recent suspensions.” Penelope pulled out her tablet and began searching. 
 “It could be about a specific target and the other kids just got in the way,” Hotch added his own thoughts in. 
 Y/N pulled her phone out of her pocket as it rang. “Hey, Blake you’re on speaker.” 
 “Uh, I’ve been looking over the personnel files of the bus driver, Roy Webster, something isn’t adding up,” Blake said over the phone. 
 “What did you find?” Spencer’s voice spoke up from his backseat spot behind Y/N. 
 “Over the past three years, Webster had several altercations with students, but was never formally reprimanded,” Blake answered.
 “It sounds like the school hasn’t told us the whole story,” Rossi’s voice was heard over the phone. 
 “We know how disrespectful some teenagers can be, maybe he snapped,” Derek’s voice was heard next as he posed his thoughts.
 “It could be payback for years of abuse,” JJ’s voice said next. 
 “What about the woman who was on the bus?” Spencer asked. 
 “That would be Carol Roberts, a retired teacher, assigned to monitor Webster’s bus six months ago,” Kevin Lynch’s voice said. 
 “What’s that about?” Rossi questioned. 
 “I took a bus all through high school, we never had a monitor,” Kevin said as he didn’t know the formal answer to the question. 
 “Makes you wonder who she was there to keep an eye on-- the kids or Webster?” Derek posed. 
 Y/N had sat through many family interviews before, comforting them after a loved one had been murdered or taken. She had done it plenty of times to know what words to use, how to act depending on the family, she was trained for it. 
 This though was a whole new level.
 Her chest felt heavy as she listened to the mother explain how her son was a good kid and how it was just him and her. She didn’t know why this one particular interview was taking so much out of her. It felt emotionally draining to watch this mother cry over her young son named Billy. Maybe it was because she could relate to it.
 After her older brother died and her father left, it was just her and her mom. She was around his age too when it happened. 
 Walking out of the classroom she had the interview in, she stalked into the closest bathroom she could find. Her hands pressed against the ceramic sink as she leaned on it to keep herself up. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the white surface tightly. She could feel her pulse course through her hands as it picked up. This was not the time to be emotional, so she didn’t let this moment last too long. 
  She took a couple of deep breaths, looked at herself in the mirror, and walked out of the bathroom.
 She had gotten past her brother dying, sure she missed him every day, but her grief had passed. When she thought about him it was wistful and happy, so she didn’t know why this was bothering her. 
 She tugged at the bottom of her maroon blazer, making sure it was straight after she opened the door of the bathroom. She took two steps out into the hallway, and glanced to the left and then to her right looking to see if anyone saw her walk out. After assessing she was alone, she let out another sigh and walked down the hall to the performance room. 
 “Y/N,” Derek called as he jogged down the hallway. 
 “What’s up, Morgan?” She asked as she turned to the man coming down the hall. 
 “We’ve got an address.” 
 The SUVs and squad cars turned up the dust as they parked in front of an old barn. The team hopped out of their respected cars, pulling out their guns as S.W.A.T. unloaded in front of them. 
 The team stood in anticipation as Hotch nodded for the captain to open the door. As the doors swung open, the S.W.A.T. team entered and walked around the school bus that was parked on the inside. 
 “Bus is all clear!” Derek yelled from the inside of the bus after checking it.
 Y/N followed Spencer as the two walked around the rest of the barn to check it, making sure it was clear and there was nothing else there. When they finished, they walked outside and met Blake who had just checked a shed. 
 The three holstered their guns as they walked over to the head detective on the case who nodded for them. 
 “Barn was registered to a Violet Burgin, she died a few months back. It's been abandoned ever since.” the Detective said as he approached them. 
 “Making this a perfect transfer point,” Y/N said as she glanced back at the barn. 
 Blake was about to say something, but she was stopped when the sound of the bloodhounds barking was heard. 
 “They found something,” Spencer said and took out his gun. The four of them along with some others in the immediate area ran towards the dogs.
 They approached a wooden door that was latched closed. The Detective placed his hand on the latch, waiting for the S.W.A.T. team member to give him his cue. When he nodded, the Detective pulled the latch and pushed the door open quickly. 
 “Please don’t hurt us,” a young girl said as they were met with the light from the outside.
 “It’s okay you guys are safe now,” Spencer said as he began to undo the bindings on their wrists.
 Y/N looked up and began counting the kids in the room as quickly as she could, but of course, Spencer beat her to it. 
 “There’s only fourteen here, we need to find the other ten,” Spencer looked back at Blake and Y/N who were still standing in the door. 
 Y/N gripped her gun tighter. She let out an agitated sigh and walked away from the room. 
 The students ran to their parents as the doors to the cafeteria opened. Y/N sauntered in behind them, watching as the parents hugged their kids, grateful they were okay.
 JJ walked up next to her and sighed as they watched the families. 
 “Where’s Billy?” The brown hair woman who Y/N had interviewed earlier asked walking up to her. Another student, who’s name was Sean, dad walked up behind her. 
 Y/N’s mouth opened and closed, for the first time in a long time, she couldn’t phrase the words to tell them that their kids were still missing. 
 “There’s still a number of students unaccounted for,” JJ answered for Y/N, noticing that she was struggling.
 When Billy’s mom gasped, Y/N’s eyes widened and quickly added, “But we’re still looking.” 
 Sean’s dad walked away but Billy’s mom stayed. “Oh, my god,” she muttered. 
 Y/N’s lips formed a tight line and she placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder to comfort her. 
 Once the woman had calmed down, Y/N started to make a beeline for that same bathroom she was in before. On her way there, Spencer stopped her, noticing her disheveled state.
 “Hey,” he whispered as he stepped in front of her. 
 She sighed, she didn’t want him to stop her, she didn’t want anyone to stop her. 
 When she tried to push past him and continue to the bathroom, Spencer put his hand gently on her arm. 
 “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
 “Nothing, it’s nothing,” her voice cracked. 
 “No, it’s not,” he said. 
 She let out a frustrated sigh. “I was over this, I was over my brother, I thought I was over it.” 
 “Your brother?” Spencer gave her a confused look. Of course, he knew about her brother, how when he was seventeen he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. How her dad walked out because of the medical bills, how her mom picked up two jobs to help pay for medical bills. How even Y/N, when she was legally allowed to work, picked up a job to help. 
 “One of the victims, Billy,” she let out a shaky breath. “It’s just him and his mom, and he’s about the age I was when I lost my brother, and it just hit a nerve, I guess.”
  Spencer reached to give her a hug, but she pulled away. 
 “No, I don’t- no,” she held her hands out as if she was putting up a boundary. “I just need a second to be irritated, just give me one second to be angry at the son’s of a bitch’s who decided it was a good idea to take a bunch of teenagers.” 
 So Spencer did, he watched as she paced side to side in the locker filled hallway. One hand on her forehead and the other on her hip, muttering curse under her breath. 
 This is the most irritated Spencer had ever seen her in a case, she was so calm and collected usually. Sure, every now and then she got a little emotional, but so did everyone. This though, this wasn't a sad emotion, she was angry. Furious even. 
 Spencer jumped as the sound of Y/N’s boot hitting an empty trash can echoed through the hall. She stopped pacing, standing in the middle of the hallway now, her face laying on her palms. 
 “Okay, I’ll take that hug now.” She walked over to Spencer and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
 His arms wrapped around her shoulder, his cheeks pressed against the top of her head. He turned his lips to kiss the top of her head softly, keeping them there until they pulled apart from their hug. 
 Another reason she loved Spencer so much, he knew when to give her a second to breathe. Sure he was always there for her when she needed him, and vice versa, but sometimes she just needed to deal with her emotions on her own. And Spencer understood and respected that.
 “Dividing them into groups-- you think that was to maintain control?” JJ asked as they stared at the pictures of the still missing students on the board. 
 “Mm, could be, but how do you explain the shock collars?” Blake asked as she remembered the collars that one of the students told her about. 
 “Torture,” Y/N said in a monotone voice. She stirred the coffee in her cup with a straw aimlessly, still upset about not being to find all the kids. 
 “Still, there doesn’t seem to be any method to how or why they were chosen,” Spencer added the thing they still hadn’t figured out.
 “Okay, so far we have two white males, early twenties, and wore gas masks of all things,” JJ recapped on their findings. 
 “Abducting a bus, a form of transportation, gas masks, shock collars, dividing people into teams…” Rossi trailed off as he walked up to the board. 
 “Sounds like ��Gods of Combat’,” Y/N muttered as she listened to what Rossi was listing, the thought just coming out of her mouth like it was nothing. 
 “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Rossi pointed at Y/N. 
 “Wait, Rossi-” Y/N pushed herself off the desk she was leaning on- “We’re not seriously considering-” 
 “That this is a video game to them? Yes, I think it is.” 
 Everyone in the room looked at each other, all of them knowing it made sense and it was probably the most probable with what was going on.
 “These guys are replicating a video game?” Derek asked as he, Rossi, and Blake entered the room. 
 “In the game, you take over a form of public transportation; subway, train, bus. That’s how you get your players,” Rossi explained. 
 “Wait a minute,” Blake stopped Rossi. “You’ve played this game before?” 
 “Well, I may have once or twice,” Rossi admitted. “But so has Y/N.” 
 When Rossi pointed an accusing finger at her, she raised her eyebrows in shock. “Rossi, I only played it because the kids I babysat made me, what’s your excuse?” 
 Everyone shook their heads as they laughed. 
 “If I remember correctly though, the game consists of five players.” Y/N walked up to a whiteboard and pulled out a marker. “Captain, lieutenant, a pair of soldiers, and the pawn.” 
 She wrote each of the positions on the board. 
 “Maybe the unsubs picked them based on their personality type,” JJ said as she looked at the pictures of the students. 
 “Well, Sage and Trent-” Derek pointed to the two pictures- “are both athletic. So they probably would have been considered lieutenants.” 
 “Wendy would most likely have been considered the pawn,” Rossi added. 
 “They preselected these kids.” Y/N crossed her arms as she turned back to face those behind her. 
 “Probably got details about their lives from social media sites. Most teens don’t use privacy settings, anyone can gain access,” JJ said. 
 “They planned their attacks and struck the bus when it was the most vulnerable,” Blake nodded. 
 “That explains why the unsubs only needed ten of these kids and left the rest behind,” Derek added. 
 “So how do the collars fit into all this?” JJ asked, looking between Y/N and Rossi. 
 “They’re used to keep your player from straying from their mission,” Rossi replied. 
 “The object of the game is to destroy as many of your opponents as possible,” Y/N added on to the game.
 “The one with the highest body count wins,” Rossi continued. 
 “So these guys just got together and decided to pull this thing off?” The Detective asked as Spencer, Y/N, and he walked down the hall back to the performance room. 
 “You know, something this elaborate, it’s likely they’ve known each other for years, actually,” Spencer clarified. 
 As the three continued to walk, Penelope appeared behind them as she walked out of the computer lab with her laptop. 
 “Hey, I just got off the phone with the people who produce ‘Gods of Combat’--”
 “Lovely people I assume,” Y/N joked, trying to keep some light heart in the air. It was mostly for herself though, so she wouldn’t think too much about being upset. 
 “Uh-huh, it turns out they have six million players worldwide, 40,000 of which are D.C. residents,” Penelope continued. 
 “Garcia, if they’re capable of this type of violence in real life, do you think we’d see some sort of evidence of it in their gaming history?” Spencer asked, stammering as he tried to find the right terminology.
 “What type of evidence?” The Detective asked. 
 “He’s talking about the universal online gaming code of conduct,” Y/N answered. 
 “Yeah, prevents stuff like harassing, threatening other players, cyber-bullying, that kind of thing,” Penelope gave some more elaboration on the subject.  
 “How’s that supposed to help us find these kids?” The detective asked confused as to why it was relevant. 
 “Instead of looking for people who play the game, we need to look for people who were kicked out,” Hotch answered.  
 Y/N sipped on her fourth coffee of the night. She sat criss-cross applesauce on the table next to Spencer as they waited for Penelope to come up with some findings from the new info Kevin narrowed it down to. 
 “Okay, a month ago two players were kicked out at the same time for hacking into hell mod,” Penelope said as she continued to type on her computer to find more. “Previous to that, they both logged thousands of hours playing the game, dating back to early 2000.” 
 “You got any names, Garcia?” Derek asked, back still faced to the three sitting at or on the table. 
 “No, just online handles, but--” she stopped herself as a ping on her computer sounded- “You know what’s weird? They were both playing from the same IP address.”
 “So they live together.” Y/N peered at Penelope’s screen. 
 “They’re roommates, maybe?” Spencer posed, walking to stand beside Penelope as she typed. 
 “Or siblings,” Derek argued. 
 “Oh that’s not good,” Y/N muttered into her cup as she took another sip. 
 “It doesn’t make sense,” JJ said after those in the room caught her up to speed with their findings. “If they are siblings, how do you explain the gaps in time when they weren’t logged in at the same location?” 
 “Yeah, it looks like it happened several times a year, sometimes from different states,” Penelope agreed as she looked at the time logs. 
 “Maybe their parents got divorced.” Spencer looked up to JJ and Y/N who were currently standing next to each other. 
 “Maybe the parent got divorced,” Penelope repeated and began typing again. The new thought gave her a fire that had burned out after the confusion formed. “Leave it to the genius to come up with the obvious, here we go.”
 As her ramble ended, two pictures popped up on the screen. 
 “Joshua and Matthew Moore. They both went to central high, their parents worked two jobs each to make ends meet, led to a messy divorce. Joshua went to live with his dad in Arizona, Matthew stayed with his mom in D.C.” 
 “That’s how they knew when to strike,” Y/N pointed her finger. “Probably rode the same bus route.” 
 “Long hours, different schedules, they were latchkey kids,” Derek added. “Video games became their babysitters.” 
 “As they got older, they got more competitive and it became more about bragging rights,” Spencer continued the deep dive of the unsubs stressor. 
 “This game became the core of their sibling rivalry,” JJ continued. 
 “But it wasn’t just a game,” Y/N corrected. “ ‘Gods of Combat’ was their one constant connection to each other.” 
 “Picked up a ping on the E.L.F.,” Kevin said as he entered the room. “It’s emanating from somewhere in this 25-mile radius, west of Bolivar.” 
 Kevin circled the area of the map he set down.
 “What fits?” Blake asked as she looked down at the map.
 “Well, there’s a few old factories and a couple of bunkers from the ‘70s,” Kevin replied. 
 “What’s this?” Y/N pointed to a building on the map. 
 “The old paper mill,” Kevin answered. 
 “You know, given the size and location, that could be the perfect spot.” Spencer used the pencil in his hand to tap the spot on the map as he spoke.  
 They all looked up at Kevin. 
 “I’m gonna pull the schematics,” Kevin exited the room to do so. 
 Soon after Kevin did that, Penelope was able to get in contact with one of the kids, Billy, by hacking the feed. They compared the rooms they could see on Billy’s camera and established it was the paper mill. 
 Then they were on their way there. 
 The team walked into the paper mill, mixed in between different members of S.W.A.T.. 
 Y/N crept down the hall with Derek, each of them turning to check a different opening as they saw one. When they heard pounding footsteps, they jerked towards the sound. 
 “FBI, drop your weapon,” Y/N commanded the person she couldn’t quite make out in the dark, all she could see was the gun. 
 “I’m Agent Morgan, this is Agent Y/L/N,” Derek said as he tried to calm the boy. “We’re the good guys, now drop the weapon.” 
 “How do I know this isn't part of the game?” The boy whimpered.
 “Kid, you gotta trust me,” Derek said, trying to make the boy back his guard down. 
 “Are you Billy?” Y/N asked calmly. 
 At his name, the boy turned to look at her, his gun lowering slightly. 
 “Billy, you gotta trust us, you talked to our friend Penelope, remember?” Y/N spoke in a soothing tone. 
 “Come on, now, I know you’re scared, but don’t do anything stupid,” Derek spoke in a not so soothing tone. 
Billy hesitated, still afraid this was a part of the game, but then bent his knees and put the gun on the ground. Y/N sighed in relief and was about to walk towards him, but out of the corner of her eye she saw movement.
 Joshua Moore appeared, a large gun held to his side. 
 “Drop your weapon!” Derek yelled.
 When he realized he was cornered, his finger went for the trigger. 
 In an almost slow motion moment, Y/N aimed her gun and shot before he could do the same thing. The bullet went right through his chest, and the blood began to spread on his white shirt. 
 Joshua dropped to his knees, then fell to the ground as he let out a breath of pain. 
 Derek rushed over to check Joshua, but Y/N’s only concern was for the teenage boy whose mom had told her about. 
 “Hey, Billy, it’s alright.” She grabbed his arm and led him out of the room, not allowing him to look at Joshua’s now dead body. “Your mom has been worried sick about you.” 
 “You-you saw my mom?” He stuttered as a smile of joy and relief washed over his face.
 “Yeah,” and as they walked into the cool night air, his mom called his name. 
 He broke away from Y/N’s grasp and ran to his mom to give her a hug. And even though the circumstances wouldn’t normally allow it, Y/N smiled. She smiled as she got to watch the boy hug his mom, holding her like his life depended on it. 
 “I’m sorry, Trent,” a girl behind Y/N whimpered as a body bag rolled past. 
 For a moment, Y/N forgot where she was and what she had been doing, because she was thinking about the last time she got to hang out with her mom and brother together. The memory used to be painful, but now she looked back on it happily. The last time she saw her older brother smile a real smile. One that didn’t show pain from chemo, one that didn’t show he was dying, one that showed how happy he was to be with them. 
 Y/N closed the report from the case on her desk softly, laying her hand on top of it. She let her cheeks bubble out as she filled them with air, then let it out slowly from her lips. The office was quiet, everyone else gone. The team was still there though, finishing up some reports and the political side of the job. 
 “We saved them,” Spencer reminded her as he walked over, his tall figure towering her sitting one.
 “Yeah, I know, it’s not that,” she confessed, but didn’t look up at him, knowing he could read her eyes like the back of his hand. Or the back of anything really, seeing as he had an eidetic memory. 
 “What is it then?” He asked, leaning against her desk. 
 “For a split second today, I forgot I was at the scene of a crime,” she finally met his eyes. “I saw Billy reunite with his mom and I forgot where I was...because he reminded me of him.” 
 “Your brother?” 
 Y/N nodded. 
 “Oh, sweets, it’s okay to miss him you know? He was your older brother, and it was a terrible thing that he got sick--” 
 “Spencer, I know that, I know all that,” she cut him off, her voice soft and not cutting. “It’s just, I don’t know…”
 She rubbed her bicep with her hand and averted her gaze. She turned in her swivel chair to the family photos on her desk. In a line three photos sat; one of her and her mom at her college graduation, one of her and the team at a dinner Rossi hosted, and one of her and Spencer, from JJ’s wedding. These photos all showed people who were so important in her life, people she loved...people who were there. 
 “You feel guilty for not going to visit him,” Spencer said, catching onto her guilt as she stared at the photos. 
 “I think so,” she murmured looking up at him. 
 He smiled at her sadly. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her seat. “How about we go home, order some food, then tomorrow, you can talk to Hotch about going home to visit your mom?” 
 “I think I like that idea,” she quivered, a stray tear falling down her face. Man, was she grateful for this man.
 She picked up her bag from beside her desk, lacing her fingers with his and walked out of the office with him.    
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Superhero Gothic
Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post (special shoutout to @jeyfeather1234 💛 ) about superheroes and gothic media! I know it’s been, like, a month, but here we go.
Here’s a bit of a look into some common gothic themes, and how they apply to Doom Patrol, The Boys, Watchmen (2019), and The Umbrella Academy. This one’s a bit long, not gonna lie, but I hope you enjoy! 
Part I: Let’s Talk About Gothic Media
There is not actually an all-encompassing definition for gothic media, or even a universally agreed-upon one. You’re probably familiar with some well-known gothic works (think Dracula, Frankenstein, Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King) but there is a lot of debate on what exactly makes them gothic. 
There are some common themes in gothic works, though: families/characters under the control of a tyrannical paterfamilias, the crumbling of the established order/estate, long-buried secrets that have consequences in the present, and supernatural events that are stand-ins for/reflective of the emotional state/past actions of the characters. 
(Note: these aren’t all the themes of gothic works or even most of them, but for purposes here, I’d like to limit this analysis to them. I’d love to talk about other themes/ideas, though, if anyone has them. 😊)
So… superheroes (quick overview in case you haven’t watched any of them… spoiler warnings for the rest of this discussion)
Doom Patrol:
Five misfit superhumans attempt to rescue their mentor figure when he is kidnapped by an old enemy.
They are very, very bad at it.
Also features a singing horse head, a sentient nonbinary teleporting street (who is by far the best character) and the narrator is the fourth-wall breaking series villain. 
Beautifully weird but will also emotionally devastate you. Criminally underrated, tbh.
Watchmen (2019):
Story takes place after the canon of the graphic novel which is too much to summarize.
Alternate history (that should really feel more fictitious than it does) where white supremacist organization the Seventh Cavalry, masked police officers, and former superheroes in hiding all collide in Tulsa Oklahoma
Swept the Emmys this year and ABSOLUTELY DESERVED TO
The Umbrella Academy:
Washed up former child superheroes are forced to reunite when their father dies under mysterious circumstances 
Time travel, dysfunctional siblings, and a killer soundtrack
Basically a family drama with the superhero story as secondary (complimentary)
Probably the most obviously gothic of all of these it is aesthetic AF 
The Boys: 
Superheroes exist but they are corporate sellouts under the control of evil company Not-Amazon (AKA Vought)
Regular human protagonists try to hold them accountable for their actions with varying (read: usually minimal) success
Yes, it’s the one from those weird ads earlier this year
Billy Joel!! 
Part II: Niles Caulder, Ozymandias, and Other Terrible Father Figures
The Tyrannical Paterfamilias: 
Does not always mean a father figure explicitly, often relating to the notion of a patriarchal tradition, or family inheritance that plays a role in controlling the main characters. 
Sometimes, it is a father figure. 
Sometimes, it is a representative of patriarchal tradition/male head of pseudo-family unit.
So, uh, role call: 
Reginald Hargreeves (even in death) holds power over his children, and has shaped all of them into the adults they have become, and that drives the majority of the conflict. Each of the major character individually grapples with the after-effects of his abuse. Luther feels the need to be the leader and protect everyone and alienates his allies as a consequence. Diego constantly asserts himself as a hero (often to dangerous extremes) because it is the only way he was ever valued. Allison has to teach herself boundaries and responsible use of her powers after he encouraged her to abuse them for years. Klaus turns to drugs to cope with his childhood trauma. Five disobeyed his father with disastrous consequences and is constantly fighting to not become him. Vanya spent her entire childhood in the background, and never learned to assert herself in a healthy way. Thanks, Reggie.
Homelander says that The Seven are like a family. While whether or not this is accurate (it isn’t) is up for debate, he does occupy the tyrannical paterfamilias roles incredibly well. Homelander controls every member of the Seven, threatening them and their loved ones whenever they step out of line (read: do not do exactly what he wants in the exact way he wants them to do it.) He is also very closely tied with conservative/patriarchal rhetoric in-universe and at one point dates a literal Nazi. 
William Butcher less evil than most of the other characters on this list but the bar is also like, on the ground. Butcher tries to control the Boys in a similar way (Butcher and Homelander are character foils, okay? it’s actually pretty neat). He’s perfectly willing to sacrifice them in pursuit of his own goals, disregards their points of view and the well-being of their loved ones, and tries to cut loose anyone who disagrees with his methods (recall when Hughie tried to rescue his friends at the end of s1 and Butcher… punched him in the face? Yeah, that.) The difference is that the Boys can push back against his without being, you know, brutally murdered. (And also the Butcher isn’t a literal monster; I’m not anti-Butcher, okay? He’s an interesting character and the fact that he seems constantly on the verge of becoming that which he hates most is part of what makes him interesting.)
Guess what, folks? It’s hating Niles Caulder hours. He engineered accidents to turn the main characters into his test subjects, and then kept them conveniently hidden away in his large manor. Stole their autonomy and independence but paints himself as a benevolent father figure. And that’s not even including what he does to his actual daughter, Dorothy. He’s terrified of her growing up (read: becoming a young woman) and so he locks her away for almost 100 years and, when she is freed, yells at her constantly and makes her terrified of showing any signs of maturation (even though she’s 111 and clearly tired of being written off as a child).
The relationship between Ozymandias and his daughter, Lady Trieu, is integral to the final act of Watchmen. Heralded as the “smartest man in the world,” Ozymandias refused to acknowledge his daughter as his until he needed something from her. While Lady Trieu is more self-sufficient and independent than some of the applications of this trope, she goes to great lengths to prove herself, first to him, and then to herself when he rejects her.
Part III: Been a Long Time Gone (Constantinople) 
Gothic fiction is often associated with change, and particularly, the collapse of established systems of power. For example, many works like The House of the Seven Gables and The Fall of the House of Usher take place in old, crumbling manor houses. There is a reason for this! These kinds of estates are remnants of a past that is irreversibly gone, and their continued presence in decrypt forms serves as a reminder. 
Each of the four series takes place at a moment, either on a wide scale or on a personal scale (or both!), in which an established order is being questioned, and the constant reminders of that failed order are used to gothic effect.
The Umbrella Academy plays this most directly (In fact, there are TONS of parallels between the end of s1 of TUA and House of Usher that I don’t have the time to get into right now... lmk if you want that meta). We can see the Hargreeves mansion as a very literal example of this. While not worn down, the house is notably both very large and very empty. Shelves are filled with merchandise for a superhero team that disbanded over a decade prior, and portraits of a family that no longer speaks to each other. None of the family members ever seem truly comfortable or at ease in the house, and for good reason - every back corner is a reminder of their incredibly traumatic childhood. 
In The Boys, the story begins with the fridging death of the main character’s girlfriend, Robin, at the hands of a member of the Seven, a group of heroes so ingrained in the public consciousness that when they later hide out in a costume shop, literally every single costume is for one of Vought’s heroes. The Seven represent the system in power, which, at the disposal of Not-Amazon means corporate greed, shallow altruism, and the cultivation of public personas at the expense of actual humanity. 
From that moment on, the sheer presence of The Seven on everything from public billboards to breakfast cereal is a remainder for Hughie (and the audience) that this established system doesn’t work and is based on lies, which serves this effect on a personal level. In the broader scale, however, we also see that the Seven themselves are fracturing under an unsustainable business model. Even their name, “The Seven” starts to seem a bit dated when halfway through season one through the end of season two there are notably... less than seven of them. 
The main characters in Doom Patrol are all in recovery after the accidents that irreversibly changed their lives. We see through flashbacks the people that they used to be, and the difference is striking. They were each established in their own elements: Cliff a famous race-car driver, Rita a world renowned actress, Larry a hero pilot, Jane was involved in counter-cultural movements, Vic was a student and athlete. The foundations upon which their worlds were established are completely decimated by the accidents, and now they (save Vic and sometimes Jane) live mostly in isolation in Niles’ manor house, an estate that is far larger than would be necessary to comfortably house a group of their size.
And you feel the emptiness, both in the manor, and in the lives of the characters. They have barely created a shadow version of their own existence when the series starts, so fragile that a simple trip into town devolves into utter chaos. 
Angela Abar of Watchmen has also constructed a life following the terrifying act of terrorism on the White Night. It’s a bit of a double life, and we see that the balancing act is challenging for her, even before the story truly begins. The death of Judd Crawford, and the revelation about him that follows is not only traumatizing on a personal level (but it definitely is that), but also upsets her understanding of the world. People she’s come to trust are not just dishonest but truly monstrous. And the more Angela learns about what has been happening, the more her understanding of the world begins to unravel. Her memories, and the memories of those around her are cast in a much more sinister light, and the effect is genuinely chilling. 
Part IV: “I’m the Little Girl Who Threw the Brick in the Air”
In episode 3 of Watchmen, Laurie contacts Dr. Manhattan on the cosmic phone booth to tell him a joke. It’s a version of what TVTropes calls the “brick joke,” and it relies on set up taking place early on, other stuff happening, and then the response coming at an unexpected moment. 
So, yeah. Events of the past/buried secrets resurfacing with consequences in the present.
Continuing with the theme from Watchmen, the entire series is punctuated with the way the past and the present intertwine, with elements from both the original Watchmen graphic novel, and actual American history. One of the things we talked a lot about in my gothic lit class was the manner in which the overhanging specter of past atrocities casts a shadow over the present, and how many works cannot help but have gothic themes because there are so many horrifying things in the past that cannot be ignored, and provide both context and nuance for the discussions we have in the present. No series tackles these topics quite so directly (and with as much care) as Watchmen. (note: it does not always make for easy viewing, but if you’re in a place where you feel like you can engage with that kind of material, I highly recommend the show.)
In Doom Patrol, the past actions of the characters very much control the storyline (see: previous discussion of Niles Caulder), but the character whose storyline I want to talk about here is Rita (partially for plot reasons and partially because I just love Rita, okay?). We learn when we first meet Rita that in the past she was... not a great person. We know that the trauma of the accident that gave her her powers has changed her, we also know that she still holds on to the guilt and that her guilt has limited the scope of her world for years, but we don’t know what exactly it is that she’s done. 
Enter Mr. Nobody, all-powerful narrator who is not just aware of Rita’s greatest sins, but perfectly capable of manifesting reminders of them into the story. She is confronted with empty cradles, and the sound of crying children in the background of many scenes and we see how much it effects her, without a full understanding of why it does (see: The Tell-Tale Heart). Her past begins to haunt her physically, and she begins to crumble in response to it, until finally she is forced to confide in a stranger (and thus the audience). The past actions do not just inform the audience of Rita’s character - they show up to influence her behavior in the present. 
The ending of The Umbrella Academy season 1 is super evocative of the gothic genre with Vanya breaking open the soundproof chamber (wherein she was silenced for years) and rising from the basement to destroy the last remnants of the Hargreeves legacy (which would be awesome if the last remnants of the Hargreeves legacy didn’t include the rest of her family). Pretty much every mistake the siblings make over the course of the season feeds together to create the finale, but the primary cause isn’t something any of them actually did. It all ties back to Reginald Hargreeves’ complete inability to be nice to children. Any children. His own and random strangers that need help. 
In The Boys, while the extent to which people are making f-ed up choices in the present cannot be expressed enough, we see through the characters of Homelander that many of the present difficulties are a result of past mistakes. Particularly, the profit-seeking corruption within Vought. We learn in s1 through Vogelbaum that Homelander was raised in a lab by Vought as an experiment, only to be unceremoniously thrust into the spotlight and told he was a superhero (which... does not justify a single one of his actions but is still a major yikes). As the head scientist of the project, Vogelbaum is very aware that ignoring his conscious if the name of research has essentially created the biggest threat their world has ever seen. 
(Seriously y’all just stop raising your super kids in isolation) 
Part V: Put Them Together, and They’re the MF-ing Spice Girls 
Having the environment respond to characters’ emotions/mental states is pretty common in gothic works (it was a dark and stormy night = someone is probably not doing super well). One of the advantages of the genre’s tendency towards the supernatural is that, often, those elements of the stories, as well, are reflections of the main ideas of a work of fiction (see: Stephen King’s really unsubtle period metaphors).
Because all of these shows have a ton of supernatural/scifi elements by virtue of being, well, superhero shows, I thought it would be easier (and more fun!) to come up with a short list of elements, what they mean, and what cases they might apply to.
1. A Nonlinear Experience of Time
The Umbrella Academy: legitimately about time travel. Characters are attempting to fix the timeline but are unable to because they are both mentally and sometimes literally stuck in the past. 
Watchmen: In the episode This Extraordinary Being, Angela experiences firsthand the experiences of her grandfather, under the influence of a drug called Nostalgia. The episode touches on many themes, one of which being the impact of generational trauma in marginalized communities. Throughout the series, Dr. Manhatten is cursed with experiencing all time at once, and the episode A God Walks into Abar illustrates that, because of this, he is constantly facing the consequences of particular actions before, after, and while he is preforming him.
Doom Patrol: Mr. Nobody is able to physically travel to one of Jane’s flashbacks via his fourth-wall breaking powers, and gives Dr. Harrison an ultimatum for the future. 
What it implies: Events, particularly events that evoke guilt or conflict, are not as rooted in the past as one would like to think.
2. Powers/Abilities that reflect personal trauma/failings
Doom Patrol: Larry’s abilities/bond with the Negative Spirit have made it so that he is constantly covering himself with bandages/avoiding other people, which reflects his experiences having to hide his identity as a gay man in the 50/60s. Rita forced herself to walk a thin line, betraying everything in pursuit of her image; her abilities require constant effort to keep her entire body from becoming misshapen and out of control. Vic’s father with boundary issues can literally control his perception of the world through his cybernetic enhancements. Dorothy’s abilities manifest as imaginary friends because she was kept isolated for years at a time. 
The Umbrella Academy: pretty much all of the kids’ powers are representative of the interpersonal skills they were never able to develop. Luther is super-durable but also the most emotionally vulnerable of the group. Five can teleport and time travel but always seems to be too late to stop things. Diego can manipulate the trajectory of projectiles but cannot escape the path his father set out for him, not matter how much he resents it. Vanya always forced herself to stay quiet until the sound literally explodes out of her.
The Boys: Annie’s abilities allow her to control light, but she struggles (in the beginning) to bring to light the horrible things done to her behind closed doors. 
Watchmen: Not technically a power, but Looking Glass’ mirror-mask is a constant reminder of the hall of mirrors that both saved his life and traumatized him forever. 
What it implies: from a story perspective, these allow for an exploration of trauma/guilt to occur on a scale much larger than people simply talking about their problems (as if anyone on any of these shows knows how to talk about their problems...) It also means that the trauma/guilt of the characters takes on a physical form that is able to haunt them, and constantly remind them/hold them accountable for their past actions.
3. Diluted Sense of Reality:
Doom Patrol: The first season is narrated by its main villain, and throughout the season we see that the act of narration itself has an impact on the story.
Watchmen: The event that kicks off the plot of the story is hinged upon a paradox introduced by Angela near the end of the series when trying to speak to her Grandfather in the past through Dr. Manhattan.
The Umbrella Academy: The pair of episodes in season 1, The Day that Wasn’t and The Day That Was take the same point in time and explore two possible avenue for the future from there, with The Day that Wasn’t ending with the events of the entire episode being completely erased from the timeline.
What it implies: you can’t necessarily trust everything you see, even from the audience perspective, giving them a position not unlike that of the characters. The character’s uncertainty and confusion is magnified and reflected in the world that surrounds them.
Other examples: an apocalypse (The Umbrella Academy, Doom Patrol, Watchmen (of a sort)), ghosts (The Umbrella Academy - hi, Ben!), immortality/invulnerability (Watchmen, Doom Patrol, The Boys), and characters that look significantly younger than they actually are (The Boys, The Umbrella Academy, Doom Patrol). 
Part VI: Why Did You Write a Literal Essay Don’t You Have Real Schoolwork (yes... shhhhh...)
And... there you have it. I don’t really have some grand conclusion here. This is (clearly) far from a complete analysis but it is the most my finals-week brain can concoct at the moment. 
If you have other ideas, let me know! You can always add to the notes or message me – my inbox is always open!  If you got this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Much love! ❤️
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gayenerd · 4 years
I have literally no source for this interview, but it’s one of my favorites because Billie seems to be really honest about his songwriting here - this is when Nimrod came out
The day I met Billie Joe Armstrong he flashed me his new tattoo, a Chuck-Jones-perfect cartoon character on his right bicep. Above it was some skull or Celtic armband or something, but below was the name "Joseph," exquisitely lettered, for his firstborn child. It's that image of him that I always keep in my head, and what I think of when I hear his band, Green Day: loopy humor and face-punch riffs and sincere sentiment I tight formation, worn as close to the skin as possible, covered in sweat. From the band's first records on the local Berkeley label Lookout, 39/Smooth and Kerplunk!, through the multi-million selling Warner Brothers releases Dookie, Insomniac, and now Nimrod, Armstrong has written dozens of perfect little punk-rock ditties that are probably the most sincere and playful acts of musical aggression since that first punk wave twenty years ago. 
But the songs are more than throwbacks. Armstrong writes from a very personal perspective, the perspective of someone born in the Me Decade, raised in the Me-vs.-You Decade, and trying to cope in the Yet-to-be-Stereotyped Decade. His songs are about the current crises of being alive right now, in a society that's used up and marketed all of its counter-cultures, and has little use for its youth except as consumers. The songs are also about how one reconciles anger and rebellion with love and desire to not be so down all the time. It's less political and more personal than its punk rock predecessors, an angry/crying/shouting/fucking definition of self.
 It made me wonder how you can take bile directed at you and turn it into a song that gets sold at the local Sam Goody. I figured I'd ask, so I called him up at his home in Berkeley. 
Q: Where do you start when writing a song? 
A: Most of the time I'll come up with a melody, and I'll do lyrics, but I'll tackle them at different times and not connect the two, you know? So I'll come up with the riffs, and the melody of the song, like a short ditty. I'll put some lyrics to it and bring it to band practice and then we'll just start to pound it out. And then, as things need to be restructured, sometimes Mike [Dirnt, bassist] will have an idea for something, or Tré [Cool, drummer] will have an idea for something, or sometimes we'll just leave it alone and it's sort of already done. 
Q: Have there been any particular songs that have stayed the same from the original inspiration to recording, or have they all gone through changes in the process? 
A: There's a lot of them that stay the same. "Redundant" really never changed, except we made it a little longer by adding another chorus at the end. And there's this song called "All The Time" that's pretty much exactly the way I had it.
 Q: So how much does a song change then, in producing the record? On Nimrod there are a lot of different arrangements: strings on "Good Riddance," horns on "King For A Day." Did you have the ragtime horns in mind when you were writing? 
A: No, not at all. I actually demo'd that song and played all the instruments myself and showed it to the band and they're like, "oh, that's pretty cool." We fucked around with it and practiced it a couple of times, but we never expected it to go onto the record. Then when we got to the studio, we said whatever, we'll just put it on there. It ended up being pretty good, but the song was just screaming for horns. We got Gabe [McNair] and Steve [Bradley] and it was so funny. They said, "what do you want us to play?" And I said, 'I'm sure you'll think of something.' And they looked at me like, "aw man!" So they basically wrote all the horn parts to that song. 
Q: What's more important, lyrics or the music? 
A: I think lyrics are really important, because there are songs that, musically, I don't think are the greatest in the world but lyrically are amazing. I mean, Johnny Rotten never had the greatest voice in the world but he wrote really good lyrics for the first Sex Pistols record, and that goes for a lot of people. But the thing is, a lot of people tend to -- especially in pop songs -- they tend to take the music and put something sappy to it, and it's just a one-dimensional emotion that the rest of the songs has to carry. I was actually thinking about that yesterday. I went to a friend's house, and they were joking around, putting on the Spice Girls records. And it was blatantly catchy, super catchy, but at the same time it really didn't say anything. You could only hold it at face value, there was no depth behind it, you really couldn't tell anything about the people singing it. But I guess there's a need for that. People want to hear songs that don't say anything, they want to go out to a dance club and shake their booty.
 Q: That's a good question, then: what makes a good song? Depth, a point of view...? 
A: I guess so. I don't know. I know what I like, personally. Like, yesterday I did my top ten favorite songs or something like that. 
Q: What's on there? 
A: Let's see. "Surrender" by Cheap Trick. "In My Life" by the Beatles. A song called "They'll Never Call It Quits" by a band called One Man Army. Generation X, "Kiss Me Deadly." "Outsider" by the Ramones. Hüsker Dü, "Makes No Sense At All." 
Q: How do you deal with writer's block?
 A: I write something else, just for fun. I'm just habitual about it. If I can't come up with the song...the great song that you want to write that will leave your mark forever or something cheesy like that, I'll write a polka number if I can't come up with something. 
Q: Do you put that kind of pressure on yourself? Do you say "this one's gonna be a statement?" 
A: Sometimes I do. Sometimes I'll think way. I just have a really strong work ethic. I have that sort of way about all my songs that, lyrically, every single one of them has to have some subliminal thing going for it. But most people don't really get what you're talking about until 10 years after the fact anyway. That seems to be how people respect songwriters through time. 
Q: Do you have a time of day or a place where you write? You say you have a work ethic, how does that manifest itself? 
A: Anytime, every time. The other night I was dead tired. All I wanted to do was fall asleep, and me and [my wife] Adrienne get in bed, and we're laying there. I was just dozing off a little bit, and all of the sudden this music was popping in my head, going over and over. And I was like, aw man, I have to go downstairs to put this on my guitar and just write it down. But I don't want to. I was so tired. So finally I got up and I go, 'goddammit! I have to get this done.' Otherwise I would forget it.
 Q: When you're writing, do you write with an album in mind or song by song? 
A: Song by song. I can't really conceptualize that far in advance. We knew we wanted to change and bring in new elements on the new record. But we really didn't know how to do it. So I wrote, constantly, all kinds of songs. Fifty or something. And you try to find some sort of natural progression within those songs, and try to capture that on the record. 
Q: So are the songs you write linked by your state of mind, or thematically? 
A: Sometimes if I'll get into a depression, writer's block, where I can't write, I get really bummed out and then I'm not working at all, I'm not doing anything. And then I'll deliberately get myself down to the lowest of the low that I could possibly get down to. And then a song will pop up. And I'll be happy, I'll get ecstatic for like the next month and then all of the sudden another one will pop up. 
Q: So you revel in the dark zone and it's useful. 
A: Yeah...sort of...I kind of...well...definitely. 
Q: But you don't necessarily choose to be there... 
A: Sometimes I'll cause problems just so I can get in touch with that emotional side or whatever, you know. Just to see if something will spark up, start a fight or something (laughs). 
Q: Can you name a song that has come out of something like that? 
A: Umm...a song called "Worry Rock." 
Q: Seems like a really personal song. 
A: Yeah. I think I got drunk and put my fist through a window. Adrienne called me an asshole or something like that and, I don't know. We just got into some meaningless fight like most couples get into, those fights that don't make any sense. A fight for the sake of fighting, which can be destructive to your relationship. That's how that song came about. 
Q: Are you okay with that kind of exposure that comes from investing your personal life and emotions in a song like that? Is your family okay with that? 
A: Yeah, I think so. I guess the only problem would be if, say, Adrienne doesn't have an outlet for herself. That's the kind of thing that I worry about. The things that she could say about me could be pretty horrifying. 
Q: In what way are you a different songwriter now than you were on 39/Smooth and Kerplunk? 
A: It goes in a way of, you know, what kind of person were you at sixteen, and what kind of person are you at twenty? It's almost like two different people in some aspects. I think that most of my stuff is based on infatuations with women. Some are just straight obsession. I mean, nowadays you could call me a stalker (laughs). The quest for that ultimate happiness with another person, which I think started to change, and it changed pretty dramatically with Kerplunk, because I started to talk about other things, like loss of innocence, going out on your own, moving out at the age of seventeen, being a high school dropout, living in west Oakland in a warehouse with fifteen people. Where the first record was more...mushy...the next one you could tell I was going through some pretty dramatic changes. 
Q: So Dookie comes out, and where are you there? 
A: I think I turned more bitter. I started to realize where my true friendships were, the politics of Berkeley were setting in, drug abuse was starting to fuck with me a little bit. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but I couldn't really do it and that had a lot to do with drugs. I started to get a lot more bitter. Life wasn't how it was supposed to be when you're on your own. There's a couple of different songs on there...I mean, the psychoses that went into that record! Songs like "Basket Case" and "Coming Clean" were blatantly neurotic songs. 
Q: That's messed up: amazing success, and it's your bitterness you're being celebrated for. 
A: I don't know. It's funny because I feel that once you write a song, and then record it, and then release it, it doesn't necessarily belong to you anymore. I mean, you can hold that piece of work closer to you than anybody else can, and that was one of the big problems for a while. I felt so misunderstood all the time. Which goes with the territory, anyway, of writing songs. Because nobody really understands what the hell you're talking about. Other people have interpretations of whatever, figure out their own plot, make it fit to the soundtrack of their own lives. It messed with me a little bit, 'cause people didn't know where I came from, people didn't know where I came from, people didn't really know what I stood for. People calling us a throwback to 1977, I guess I got affected by that. Because punk rock is a lifestyle for me, and has nothing to do with 1977 or any particular band, but the relationship that you had with and the amount of work that you put into your local scene. And it gets completely misinterpreted as trying to make a buck. 
Q: It wasn't a fashion statement, it was a lifestyle. 
A: Yeah, a lot of people took it as a fashion statement, even to the point where I think a lot of people thought we were the '90s equivalent of Sha Na Na or something. Some of that's kind of funny, whatever. But now I sort of don't care. No one's gonna understand it anyway. The whole success or fame thing was so new to me at the time, it came so abruptly, and I was like, wow, this is too much. I didn't know all this baggage was connected to all this shit. I thought I'd just have the opportunity to play my songs for people. 
Q: Is that why the new album is as different as it is, because you're just doing what you want to do, you don't have to be what people thought you were, or even what you thought you were? 
A: I think so. That might have something to do with it. I think when you stop caring and worrying about what people think, even stop caring what you think of yourself to a certain extent, and just sort of do it, it's a release to push your past behind you. I think that's when the best stuff comes out. And, of course, when you're forging ahead really hard. I think this time our songs are much more than just things that you can listen to, but actually visualize at the same time. It's like this guy told me the other day, this friend of mine, he goes, you know I was listening to that song "Platypus," and I can totally imagine this big western stampede of horses and cows. And that, for me, is exactly what I was thinking. Not that I was thinking of a stampede, you know, but that kind of quality. 
Q: So you communicated an image and a feeling. 
A: Exactly. 
Q: Of any of your songs, do you have a favorite? 
A: Lately, I like "Walking Alone" and "Uptight" I've been into. My mind changes all the time.
 Q: Let's talk about one of those. What are the circumstances around a song like "Walking Alone?" 
A: I play in this side project band called Pinhead Gunpowder. This guy Aaron Elliot writes all the lyrics and a lot of the music. And he wrote this song called "I Walk Alone," which is about walking at night, the streets, being a street punk. And so I wrote...I don't know what you'd call it -- an alter ego song? -- called "Walking Alone." 
Q: An answer song? 
A: Yeah, cause we always work in that sort of way. I wrote a song called "She," so he wrote an article in his fanzine called "She." It's kind of funny, it's really good to bounce things off of each other. So "Walking Alone" and "I Walk Alone" were sort of the same thing. I think Tom Petty could play that song. It's got that harmonica and the big smashing snare sound on it. But it was the first time I ever played harmonica. I can't play harmonica at all. I had to teach myself how to play that. 
Q: Hey, you did great. 
A: Oh, thanks. We actually tried to get a studio musician to play it, but I think he was a little too hobo for us. 
Q: Smelled bad? 
A: Actually, he had almost too much soul for it. He was too good at what he did. And I wanted it to come across more loosely. Not as good, I guess. So I played it. 
Q: It's not a confident song, or a song about confidence. "Sometimes I need to apologize/sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right." 
A: It's sort of like sticking your foot in your mouth sometimes, and thinking out loud, but the lyric changes. It turns into talking about friends and how they change and your friends either become lawyers or the local town drunks. 
Q: Any advice for people writing who want to be hit songwriters? 
A: Oh God, I don't know. Don't take advice from anybody.
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ar-jae-spn · 4 years
Okay okay, let's talk Dean and Jack's reLAtIonShIP - season by season.
(I'll take you through four stages! Prevention, elimination, realization, and solution.)
Season 12:
Okay, obviously we don't see a lot in this season, but Dean still has an opinion on Jack, who he is, and what he'll become.
When they first figure it out, there's an immediate action - find Kelly and her "lucifer love child" and figure it out from there. They don't really go into specifics yet, because they have no clue what it is that they're going to do. They're focused on sending Lucifer back to the cage, leaving Kelly in Cas's care. As we know, she quickly gets away, and they go back to trying to find her.
Here - Dean is in the mindset of prevention. Prevent the bad thing from happening, before it happens. He thinks something is coming, something bad, because when has the name "Lucifer" ever been a good thing.
Lucifer dragged his brother to hell. Lucifer drove Sam to the edge of death. Lucifer is bad news, and Dean's been wanting to stab that angelic arse since season 5. (This becomes so much clearer at the end of season 13, when they finally kill Lucifer. The relief is so clear when they beat him.)
So, what does "prevention" mean. Well, to Dean it means stopping the birth of Lucifer Jr. by any means necessary. This is SO IMPORTANT TO NOTE. Sam is the idealist - he believes that they make the world a better place. He believes in them! He believes that there is always, ALWAYS another way, because he has too. This because Dean is the cynic. He believes they're saving people, but making the world a better place? He's not so sure. He relys on anger and trauma in order to keep going, because he believes the only thing waiting for him is death (which actually becomes quite literal in seasons 14 and 15). He doubts whether everything is worthwhile. He doubts his decisions, and it makes him a mess. That's why he's so good at hunting. It's an absolute for him. You see something bad, you kill it. No second-guessing, no doubts.
So, any means necessary. That includes death. He doesn't want to kill Kelly, but if he believes the single touch of this baby corrupts, what's to say she's not brainwashed? What if she's evil too? Are they willing to take that chance? But when Sam finds a way to save them both, Kelly and her child, he gets on board immediately. He's for it, because if there is a way you can save this mother and her child, and the world while you're at it, he'll go for it. He'll go for it because he believes in Sam.
But then this child takes Cas, and Dean is lost in what to believe again. He's scared - for Cas, and even possibly of Cas. The way he burned Dagon to a crisp? That's power we haven't seen from Cas since the fall. That's scary. He's scary. And his best friend just went off the grid. What if he's hurt? What if he's gone?
And then we get that final showdown. Lucifer is coming, and he's pissed, and we don't have time to argue anymore. This baby is coming, and it's coming now. We get the door to another world, the disappearance of Mary, and Cas's and Kelly's death. In return, Dean and Sam get Jack. How can a creature who caused so much death, who has so much power, possibly be good?
Season 13:
Okay, this is the beginning of the end.
Obviously, Dean's pretty angry at, well, everything. This child is alive, has been born, and the prevention stage has gone out the window.
It's elimination time.
Dean's immediate reaction? Climb the stairs and put a bullet in Lucifer Jr. Sam tries to stop him, but the bullet goes off and Jack's powers are activated. Pure PURE instinct. He hasn't learned enough yet. He doesn't KNOW enough yet. He's just been born for Chuck's sake. And why did Dean act so recklessly? Because he's pissed. He immediately blames the death of Cas, Kelly, and Mary on Jack, because who the hell else is there left to blame? (Also, that moment where Dean calls upon God with no reply, will also start the lead in to "the end".)
Now they're on a chase, a chase for the son of Lucifer. They find him, Sam gets that little moment with Jack saying "will you tell them I'm sorry", and now it's about convincing Dean that Jack is good. But yeah, that doesn't go over well because Dean lost Cas and he blames Jack and Sam blames Lucifer, because Lucifer stabbed Cas. (These boys I swear.)
And then what happens? Cas comes back, and it's because of Jack. This is so so SO important, because this is the moment that Dean starts to ease up on Jack. He respects Cas, he loves him, and Cas's return also proves that Cas and Sam were right. This kid CAN do good.
So then he goes off to save Mary. Dean is surprised, but pleasantly, and they let him do what he has to do. We get that any means necessary vibe from him again, except now it's about saving Mary and protecting Sam. (Threatening Kaia/keeping Sam at the bunker.) Jack goes to Apocalypse World and Sam and Dean go to the bad place. They get back (via the amazing team of wayward women) and get they're spell on.
And, you know, Sam dies...
And then Lucifer is back - again - and Dean gets defensive, because that's his kid and his kid's mentally abusive father just came popping back in on them bearing the single gift that Dean can't refuse (Sam's life). Jack immediately connects this with his own experience. (Oh! I brought Cas back and now Dean thinks I'm good! Bringing loved ones back from the dead is good. i.e. Lucifer must be good.) Because he's a kid, barely a year old, and that's what kids do.
And Jack doesn't want to hurt anyone, driving him to join his father "in the stars" to protect Sam and Dean. Again, final showdown, Jack's grace is taken, Lucifer dies, and Dean disappears.
Season 14:
Moving on to the third stage ~ realization.
Okay so, season 14. I want to start off by mentioning that scene where Jack is determined to kill Michael even if it means sacrificing Dean because it's "what he would want". He's okay with sacrificing one life to save a million, even if it is Dean. Cas is obviously taken a back by this - clearly seeing that Apocalypse World shaped Jack in a way that the Winchester's hadn't. (I also want to quickly mention that this is the same mindset that Jack has now in season 15. His singular life over the world? No contest.) Here he still has his soul, yet the audience is meant to be offended by his proclamation. we've been considering Jack to be a kid who looks up to his father's but obviously it's more than that. He's was weapon of mass destruction, and now he's helpless. He's running out of options and his mortality is crashing down on him.
Then Jack takes ill, and Dean is thrown into a position that he's never been in before. He's about to lose a kid, someone he has treated as a monster since birth until he was able to prove his worth, and he's taking it REALLY hard. He feels guilty and he's totally unprepared to lose child. He failed with Jack in the same (but less extreme) way John failed with the brothers. And he's starting to realize that Jack has always just been a kid.
So they bring him back. Jack has soul, but it's limited now, and he has powers, but he can't use them. But that same feeling of helplessness will come into play when Jack ends up using his powers to save Cas and to save Sam and Dean. He burns out his soul, get his(?) grace back, and saves the world from hyped up monsters in exchange for his morality.
And then he kills Mary. (Personally I never liked Mary's character, but that's for a different post.)
It was an accident! He said stop, used his power, and she disintegrated. I mean if the soulless being, who maybe has too much power and just fried another human being tells you to stop, you should probably do it. I found the way Mary died to be very... stupid? I don't know. Personally I think she should've been smarter than that (but again, another post).
And now Dean is pissed. Because of course he's pissed. His mom just died by the hands of a kid that they helped take care of. I mean, the betrayal he must have felt in that moment is just astronomical. Not to mention Jack just saved Sam's life??? And then goes off and kills his mom??? Like how are you supposed to feel about that? He ends up quickly taking a step back into the elimination stage of our story, as "needing revenge" is the Dean Winchester way.
Then, obviously, we get the show down with God, the "equalizer", and Dean's apparent resistance to follow through with Chuck's "story" (probably because of Sam and Cas, thanks boys). But then Jack dies because Chuck kills him, and that would seem to be the end of the story.
Season 15:
Haha you thought-
Anyways, this is when Jack became the solution.
I just quickly want to mention the scene in the car where Balthagor asks Dean "who was he anyway?" and Dean replies "he was our kid, kind of." Clearly Dean still saw Jack as "their kid" even after everything that happened. He even has trouble replying to the question and then quickly changes the subject.
And then Jack comes back.
At first, Dean seems troubled that Jack has returned, but once Jack fills him in about Billie's plan to kill God, he seems on board, because of course he's on board to take down Chuck. Even so, there's still that mild skepticism about Billie, her plan, and Jack's involvement in it. None of them seem to like where this is headed, and Dean even says that they're being kept in the dark on purpose. They're even more concerned because he doesn't have a soul. Yet, he still volunteers to help save Kaia because it was "his fault". He's trying to right his wrongs because he remembers (logically) what she felt, and he wants to help her. He even says "I owe it to her" and "it's the right thing to do" because he's in her debt. They end up saving her, but get a face full of Billie's wrath in the process. They're clearly scared of her, and they should be.
I feel this is substantial, as Billie has taken a special liking to Dean, and Dean obviously respects her (as he did as the og Death as well as Reaper Billie). He's ten steps ahead in this plan, already thinking about killing Amara too. He's down with clearing the board of cosmic entities.
In "Destiny's Child," when Jack goes to the garden, Dean seems genuinely concerned about him, but taken their given situation and this new plan, it could easily have been mistook for distress over loosing they're last hope at victory. (Then again, when Jack comes back from the garden Dean makes extra sure that he's "okay", asking multiple times.) This is then followed up by the realization that Jack has his soul back and his teary plea for the brothers' forgiveness.
When the season ended here back in March, I thought for sure that Dean and Sam would forgive Jack. It seems so obvious to me that he felt guilty about it. I mean, the boy's literally crying!!! Not only that, but Dean and Sam have made plenty of mistakes in the past, some of which include beating or even trying to murder each other. With that in mind, I just thought they would forgive Jack for what happened to Mary considering he was soulless. I didn't expect Dean to forgive Jack right away, but I didn't expect him to be so reluctant about it either. I think he was really caught off guard when Jack asked for his forgiveness and I think he's still has a long way to go considering the betrayal. (I mean, clearly Dean doesn't forgive things easily. Even when it came to Sam, Sam struggled constantly to gain Dean's trust again until "Sacrifice".)
Then we got "Last Holiday" where we can clearly see Dean being conflicted over his relationship with Jack. He's not ready to forgive him but he doesn't inherently want him to die. He still has a protective instinct over Jack, and he doesn't really want anything to happen to him.
But when Cas tells Dean that Jack is going to be a bomb to blow up Chuck and Amara, Dean's first instinct is to protect Sam from this news. He truly believes that this plan, Billie's plan, is the only way that they're going to win. He blatantly says "You don't have a choice. We don't have a choice." This dialogue can easily be taken as aggressive and selfish, but Dean often hides his hurt with anger. He's pissed at Chuck, he's pissed at Amara, and yeah, he's still angry with Jack. But I have a feeling of Cas is able to find a way to save Jack, he'll be on board with it. There's nothing more important to Dean than Sam, and to just think that he's going to forget that Sam cares deeply about Jack is out of the question. Obviously, Sam has a strong connection with Jack (a profound bond you might say) and Dean didn't want to tell him because, once again, Sam is the only person in the world who could possibly talk Dean out of Billie's plan.
I think Dean is trying to take his anger and hurt from when Mary died and that sense of betrayal and turn it into a defense to cope with the loss of Jack. Jack is going to die, and Dean is certain of this, but he still doesn't like it. Even while he's talking to Billie at the diner, he mentions Jack's inevitable death disdainfully to her. She even has to ask if he's still on board, if they have a problem. He says no, but it's because he doesn't feel like they have another option. Chuck is coming and this is the only play they have right now.
Final comments on 15x16:
Dean doesn't believe they have a choice anymore, which is strange because the whole reason they're fighting in the first place is so that they can have a choice. The poetic irony of this is really in your face and kind of annoying. I think the writers could have done a better job with "Drag me away", especially with dialogue between Sam and Dean. The ending in the car was gold, and they definitely should have built up more dialogue and tension between them before that final scene. A lot of this episode was also emphasizing the fact that Dean would do anything for Sam (as if we already didn't know). But besides that, I thought it was a decent episode. I think it's weird that this episode came this late in the season, but I'm hoping it will tie in nicely in the end. Anyways, this was my analysis of Dean and Jack's relationship and I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave comments or things I might have missed. Stay safe out there!
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
There are no heroes in Cuckoo’s Nest really. Ratchet keeps dangerous people under control, which might qualify her. McMurphy's only in there because at 40something he realized he could pretend to be 'insane' and get away with sleeping with a 15 year old girl. In the books his attack on Ratchet is even worse and more sexual assault themed.
I think the point you’re trying to make is that McMurphy shouldn’t be portrayed as a hero, and I understand that and would agree with you, but I also think that discussing that is a separate issue than the one I was talking about. I don’t believe that McMurphy’s offenses make Nurse Ratched less of a villain. She is a villain who is turned into a victim, yes, but that doesn’t make the things she does to her patients less wrong, nor does it make her loss of power over them any sort of tragedy. So my reply is going to focus on that, and how her entire character was created to represent the corruption of institutional power and portray the mistreatment of patients in psychiatric hospitals at the time. But if you’d like to talk about McMurphy specifically and his “hero-washing,” feel free to send me another ask!
But moving on:
Saying that Nurse Ratched “keeps dangerous people under control” is a huge misrepresentation. For one, people were sent to psychiatric hospitals for plenty of non-violent offenses. Neither of the inmates McMurphy becomes friends with, Billy Bibbit and Chief Bromden, are dangerous. Billy has anxiety and a stutter and self-harms. Bromden has depression and schizophrenia. Other patients in the ward are diagnosed with homosexuality, dementia, epilepsy, and germophobia. Also, the violent patients were held in an entirely different ward—the upstairs ward. Not the one that Nurse Ratched worked in.
Second, it leaves out the fact that the ways Nurse Ratched keeps them under control are through shame, manipulation, and restriction of their basic necessities when it suits her. Her favorite person to torment is not anyone dangerous or who challenges her; it’s Billy, who is absolutely terrified of her and eventually commits suicide after she shames him for sleeping with a prostitute by telling him his mother will hate him. He’s not the only patient she drives to such acts. She is also said to have run off multiple doctors who wouldn’t do what she told them and to have hired aides specifically for their sadistic nature.
Finally, Kesey wrote this novel after working on the night shift at a psychiatric hospital and witnessing first hand the way patients were treated by those with authority. The way Nurse Ratched treats patients are real things that real people were subjected to when they were supposed to be helped and cared for. So no, I don’t think she is a hero in any way, and yes, I am wary of how they’ll portray a character who was written to depict very real abuse that occurred in this setting.
That said, while Sarah’s perception that Nurse Ratched isn’t a villain concerns me, we’ve seen Murphy create a lot of characters like this before, and in general I do think he does a good job of humanizing characters without making them sympathetic or redeemable. He really shows that someone can be a victim and can have suffered and those things don’t excuse how they take it out on others. Knowing the background that Nurse Ratched was an army nurse before working at the hospital, I think we’ll see him take a similar route, although I do personally think that she is also just a sadist. Plus, it’s worth noting that Murphy and Paulson have worked together on the topic of 60s psychiatric hospitals before, with Asylum. So while Ratched seems to have a decidedly different vibe, I am hopeful.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 4 years
What Harry Potter Got Wrong about Orphans and Adoption.
So, given the TERF that terfed all terfs. And given that I don’t want to profit from a terf... I’m posting this essay I did on Rowling I intended to originally post for a Magazine on how to write adoptees and adoption, but it fell through. Maybe we can learn something?
BTW, written before she went off the deep end of TERFing. Like 2007-ish or earlier. So this was before she went off about Native American Gods. Before she TERFed. And before she did some weird retconning --what I now call a Rowling... BTW, if you’re looking for a roast fest--this isn’t it. Credit to my wonderful voluntary, unpaid, though I tried to pay her Writer’s Assistant for the Harry Potter quotes. I couldn’t have done this essay without her.
The top reason that writers put in adoption or orphans into stories is because they feel that it will simplify the story for them. When I asked two different group of writers, the answer was almost universally the same, they felt that putting in an orphan should simplify the story. This, too, was the case with Harry Potter. JK Rowling explained this in 1999 when she was writing Harry Potter still in a Guardian interview, "...but Harry HAD to be an orphan - so that he's a free agent, with no fear of letting down his parents, disappointing them?" But unlike the previous adoption stories, JK Rowling have a fair amount of adopted persons and orphans, mostly intrafamily adopted.
Harry falls into the writer trap of the closer the blood ties, the less likely there will be attachment problems between child and care giver. This tradition started out with Brothers Grimm who changed many of the parents to step-parents. (The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, Maria Tatar, p. 36) Also that in abuse, which is frequently associated with adoption, that it will make the orphan free to do what they like. However, this assumption is an error. Children by their nature want to please their caregivers no matter what relation they are. In the case of adding emotional and sometimes physical abuse that Harry endures, it does not free him from trying to please his guardians, the Dursleys. Being an orphan is not the key to being a "free agent" and the idea that adoption, in this case intrafamily adoption could simplify matters is in error. Harry Potter was an orphan left on the doorstep of his Aunt and Uncle's, the Dursleys by the Head Master of Hogwarts. This was after the sudden death of his parents. It is unlikely that the Dursleys would be automatically allowed to raise him and get guardianship, despite what the story says. On the British government website, it says that in order to adopt there has to be legal proceedings.
The steps of this include several visits from a social worker, at least three references with two outside references, preparation classes, a police check, and a full medical examination. They also have to register through an adoption agency and then apply for a court order which can take up to eight months. (https://www.gov.uk/child-adoption/adoption-assessment)
Even in the case where there is a step parent, the assessment still takes place for the family and consent has to be given. (https://www.gov.uk/child-adoption/adopting-a-stepchild)
This means the Potters, by no indication, had a will to give Harry up to the Dursleys, would make a far less likely that Harry would be placed in an abusive home. Add to that the fact that Harry's Aunt has a history of disliking her sister, they made Harry live below the stairs, and neither Mr. or Mrs Dursley have shown throughout the series to have any sort of patience with Harry, and the initial adoption looks even less likely.
Writing that one can be left on a doorstep disenfranchises the entire adoption community and the government who has tried hard to give a second chance to children like Harry. It ignores the parents that waited for those eight months, the feelings of abandonment that can manifest in some adopted people, as well as the care and thought that relinquishing parents may have for their child's welfare. Adoption is not a fictional object such as a dragon--it impacts real people and real lives.
However, this problem also continues because it ignores the fact that by adding two guardians to the story, there are more rather than less characters previously. Adding more characters is more, not less complex. There are Harry's parents, Harry's Aunt and Uncle and by proxy, his Aunt and Uncle's child. This means there were three characters added instead of the original three. This also means for each character there has to be at least a personality and background added for each character, if one is to be fair. This means in total, JK Rowling had to do more work rather than less work because now instead of three characters to work on she has six characters to work on, thus doubling her load.
Often adoption is combined with abuse in fiction and Harry Potter was no different.
Harry was abused emotionally.
“Now, you listen here, boy.” he snarled. “I accept there's something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn't have cured – and as for all this about your parents, well, they were weirdos, no denying it, and the world's better off without them in my opinion – asked for all they got, getting mixed up with these wizarding types – just what I expected, always knew they'd come to a sticky end-” Chapter 4 pg 46 (Uncle Vernon)
And he was abused physically through neglect.
"Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age." Chapter 2 Pg20
This continues such that the Dursleys treat Harry as he is not there once Harry gets the upper hand.
"Harry's last month with the Dursleys wasn't fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of Harry he wouldn't stay in the same room, while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't shut Harry in his cupboard, force him to do anything or shout at him- in fact, they didn't speak to him at all. Half- terrified, half-furious, they acted as though any chair with Harry in it was empty." Chapter 6 pg 67 The idea is that the adoption puts distance between the child and their caretakers, thus they must love them less. But this assumption talks about the amount of love based on title, rather than love is universal despite title, which would be a positive message for children to have--that title does not matter in the amount of love one can give or receive. In fact, this was one message I, personally, did receive from adoption, but I still see the myth continued, especially through fiction that title matters on quantity rather than the type or quality of love.
Abuse of a child, psychological, emotional or neglect does not mean that the child will become a free agent to decide what they want. Often children from such circumstances become overly compliant, withdrawn and passive. They can become hyper vigilant and have learning problems.
(https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/factsheets/signs.cfm) This would make Harry, in the case of the systemic and relentless abuse of the Dursleys more dependent and less of a free agent as JK Rowling intended.
Despite this, credit does have to be given to Ms. Rowling in fixing the adoption issues in the last book of the series, though this does not completely turn the tide for the other six books. This most likely came about because Voldemort, the top villain of the book was also described as an orphan. So along with Voldemort, Ms. Rowling added Amy Benson, Dennis Bishop, Ted Lupin, Billy Stubbs, an unnamed Orphan and Eric Whaley. (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Orphans) Only Ted Lupin is fleshed out and talked about as having a happy intrafamily relationship, which is only reflected on by Harry at the end of the seventh Harry Potter book. This would make it pass the more than one orphan and the polarized orphan syndrome, but just barely and maybe barely doesn't really count if dropped in at the last minute.
This makes Harry the principal character with which adoption ideas are drawn from with the second character being Neville Longbottom, whose grandmother is very strict with him, which undermines his self-confidence initially. This makes both adopted people in the book someone to pity and built on false assumptions of how adoption works.
Neither character are really given a chance to show what a loving, supportive family would be like, which may actually make Harry more, rather than less of a free agent as JK Rowling initially stated. Harry's confidence would boost which would give him the power, as shown in the books, to try new things, dare to rise up and be more consistent for his character development. There would be less characters overall that would have to be mentioned.
This series does manage to avoid many of the traps of writing orphans, but only achieves this at the very last book in a sweeping last minute save, which is worth noting, however, that means that for the span the books were written the titular character of Harry and eventually Neville's home life influenced how orphans were viewed.
This goes to show that not only does adoption complicate the plot with the addition of characters, but it also does not make any character more or less of a free agent to do what they want when they want it. They are still beholden to their parents, alive or dead. And that abuse has nothing to do with adoption, so should not be combined as an excuse, especially if one wants to make the child free to make healthy decisions for themselves. *** Harry was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them, and that was where he slept. Chapter 2 pg20Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. Chapter 2 Pg20
The Dursleys often spoke about Harry like this, as though he wasn't there – or rather, as though he was something very nasty that couldn't understand them, like a slug. Chapter 2 pg 22Ten years ago, there had been lots of pictures of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-coloured bobble hats – but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now the photographs showed a large, blond boy riding his first bicycle, on a roundabout at the fair, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother. The room held no sign at all that another boy lived in the house,too. Chapter 2 pg.19
“I'm warning you,” he had said, putting his large purple face right up close to Harry's, “I'm warning you now, boy – any funny business, anything at all – and you'll be in that cupboard from now until Christmas.” Chapter 2 pg.23 ( Uncle Vernon)
Harry lay in his dark cupboard much later, wishing he had a watch. He didn't know what time it was and he couldn't be sure the Dursleys were asleep yet. Until they were, he couldn't risk sneaking to the kitchen for some food. Chapter 2 pg27
“Get the post, Dudley,” said Uncle Vernon from behind his paper. “Make Harry get it.” “Get the post, Harry.” “Make Dudley get it.” “Poke him with your Smeltings stick, Dudley.” Chapter 3 Pgs 29-30
“I'm not having one in the house, Petunia! Didn't we swear when we took him in we'd stamp out that dangerous nonsense?” Chapter 3 pg 31 (Uncle Vernon)
Of course, his birthdays were never exactly fun – last year, the Dursleys had given a coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks. Chapter 3 pg 36 ( Harry Potter)
“Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you, and of course I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as – as- abnormal – and then,, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you!” (Aunt Petunia)
Harry had gone very white. As soon as he found his voice he said, “Blown up? You old me they died in a car crash!” Chapter 4 pg. 44
“Now, you listen here, boy.” he snarled. “I accept there's something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn't have cured – and as for all this about your parents, well, they were weirdos, no denying it, and the world's better off without them in my opinion – asked for all they got, getting mixed up with these wizarding types – just what I expected, always knew they'd come to a sticky end-” Chapter 4 pg 46
(Uncle Vernon)Harry's last month with the Dursleys wasn't fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of Harry he wouldn't' stay in the same room, while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't shut Harry in his cupboard, force him to do anything or shout at him- in fact, they didn't speak to him at all. Half- terrified, half-furious, they acted as though any chair with Harry in it was empty. Chapter 6 pg 67
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spaceabomination · 5 years
can you please write hcs about slashers trying to comfort their (preferably male) abused s/o? im not having the best week at all and need some comfort from my boys,, 💕
(IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I hope things got much better for you. These past few months have been very busy and hard for me, and I wish I got this done sooner. Thank you for not spamming and I hope you enjoy this. I genuinely hope things got better.
As for slashers I have no idea who you want, but I'll put some on here none the less. 🖤)
•Its no shock, a majority if not all of them will kill whoever hurt you, even if it's been years since they laid a finger on you. If they see them, they're done.
Billy Lenz
When you break down, Billy at first doesn't know what to do. Whenever he breaks he acts completely different. So he just does what you do to him- he'll come up to you and hold you in his arms and press your head in your chest, petting your hair and letting his fingers some what dance on your back and back. Then he'd ask what was wrong with that pretty voice of his, no changes like he would when he's being silly, angry, so on. When you tell him about what happened, he doesn't take it well. He knows how you feel. With abusive parents, he knows what it's like to have PTSD, to be so scared all the time. To have bad dreams and to forget that it's over. He knows how hard it can be. His hands pull at the fabric of your shirt/sweater/whatever, and hell start growling. He wants to find and kill them, but he has trouble getting out of the house without you...he gets so upset, and soon he'll start crying with you. "Billy w-wont let him lay his f-FILthy fingers in you again!"
Michael is still learning how to work with feelings, both yours and his own, but he's made progress. Whenever you cry hell do this little thing, where he picks you up, brings you to either the bed or couch, and sit you in his lap. He'll then pull you close and rest his hand on the back of your head, gently pushing it into his shoulder. Of course, he won't say anything, he usually never does unless he's mad or very aroused, and even then, it's just you. But he doesn't need to ask to know your pain. With the snooping he's done, the stalking he used to do to you and still does, he's already found out who hurt you.. and trust me, they're lonnnnngggg gone. He hopes one day he can show you their grave. And then he'll a t prideful, because he was the one who did it. And he really hopes, that you'll be happy. Cause he will never let anyone else touch you, or, at least, won't let any other bad person touch you. You are HIS boy. No one else's. Not ever.
Brahms hated when you cried. He didn't hate it because it sounded bad, no, because he didn't want you to be upset. Yes, he's a brat sometimes, but no matter what, even if he caused it, you crying breaks his heart to s thousand pieces. It hurts. Whenever you do, he'll come out from where ever he was, and make his way to you, tilting his head like a puppy as he crawled beside you. "What's wrong, y/n?" He would ask in his baby voice, whimpering little at the pain you'd express. Brahms has never had abuse- well- other then neglect. For real, his parents are fucked for locking him away to hide in the walls for years because if some burn in his face and because he killed a girl when he was 8. They could do way better then that- but anyway. He did t quite understand when you told him why, but he knew it was bad. He know it was REAL bad. A bad person with a bad hobby if hurting people intentionally. See, murdering people is different because it's only a one time thing. Abuse is like torture. Torture isn't cool. Abusers aren't cool. They're horrible people, no matter who they are to you. He'd fiddle with his hands, his fists clenching and unclenching as if to maintain his anger. Then he brought a hand to your face and stroked it slow, wiping the years off of it with one of his rough slender hands. "D-dont cry." He kept saying in his baby voice. He always talked in his baby voice cause he hoped it would calm you. That and it became habit and his own comfort thing, one you've been trying to get him out of because if how unhealthy it is to be stuck in your childhood. He'd press the forehead of his porcelain mask- no, his porcelain face to yours, and would hum in a little broken tone, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist. "P-pretty boys don't deserve this pain.." he said softly, wanting to make you smile. He's trying his best, he doesn't know better.
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