#bio informations
savvylittlecoxswain · 6 months
Characters Bios for The Boys in the Boat
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floridakilo · 9 months
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reksink · 3 months
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A Little Survivor (With Grand Gourmand Bonus💚)
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might delete later bc I don't wanna be controversial but I don't really understand. what is the issue with being proship? I don't enjoy any of the taboo topics in fanfic (incest, abuse, pedophilia, etc) but that's... not what being proship is about, right? isn't it just... not policing other people's fics? if you don't like it, it's not for you. Is it not just... let people do what they want, if it's not hurting anyone? I'm lost.
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bobs-memes · 2 years
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I think I've picked a favorite
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ppgxrrblove · 3 months
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i am actually shocked that buttercup likes cooking, lol imagine her being a... ooh i think that would be mega cute just like imagine this adult buttercup. married to butch and shes the one cooking for him all this good food while butch is trying to not to lit things on fire by helping her out in the kitchen lol xD oh my gosh. yess.
bubbles info is well i am not surprised its bubbles, however, it does confirm that she can talk to literally all living things which is insane, and Blossom knows chinese, pretty neat stuff, now i did not know this but she sports a ponytail.. i did not realize this nor i am pretty sure nobody else did cause of how the girls are drawn you think its a tie with a hair bow clip on her hair holding half of her hair no.. its a ponytail.. i just don't see it though... but i do like the idea of her well having the hairstyle we all assumed she has xD.
oh and buttercup liking batman is awesome to know <3!! hes my favorite hero as well haha she loves og batman haha :D no wonder why her favorite thing is going after bad guys and not giving up can see the inspiration from batman yep lol. its adorable. anyway, i hope you all enjoy this read its just awesome info of the girls and its great to know buttercup is a gamer. but yeah credit below. oh wait i forgot to mention that buttercups biggest regret - love it.
credit; artofdexter
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revoltingcocks · 2 months
kind of insane that john cale’s autobiography starts off like this but okay
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caninecordyceps · 15 days
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The brownies!
Brownies are a small species of fae that live in forests or populated areas like cities or towns. They are around 1'2" to 1'5" feet tall and live in colonies of 50-100 . They live in complex tunnels dug out under ground, or in houses or buildings. They are a very social species and get along well with other creatures. It has become very common for brownies to share living spaces with other species, as they can be very helpful and kind if treated similarly. However, if they feel wronged, colonies are able to move in less than a day. Brownies have two compound eyes and three simple eyes, and have good night vision. They also have very good hearing. They have short legs and arms, and normally walk bipedally to use their arms, but can run fast on all six limbs. This posture also makes it easier to crawl through small spaces and tunnels. Their tails are noticeably large and thick, brownies use their second stomach to store food for future use or sharing, which is located in their tails. Brownies live in eusocial societies, where there is one queen, reproductive males, and workers. Workers can be male or female, and female workers are able to take over the role of queen if the queen dies. After a queen dies, a ceremony will be held where workers who wish to compete will fight for the title. Queens are much larger than other brownies, as well as reproductive males. Certain males and born queens will become travellers and leave to find other colonies. Brownies have several designated places that they regularly meet up at the same time each year to meet other colonies and form new ones. Worker brownies have many different roles, and can pick which roles to be in, although certain groups of brownies will have less access to certain roles or activities due to the time or year they were born in. Often broods of brownies will be very close with each other and follow each other into the same field. More recently, some brownie colonies have a role dedicated to taking outside jobs. While brownie colonies are often very close to each other, their society is very strict, and some workers choose to leave the group and live their lives separately, normally with fellow brood members accompanying them.
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Pretty much my ideal dcxdp coexisting world
Danny had all his canon happen before Bruce and the JL started their vigilante careers
Before Bruce was born or Martha and Thomas even got married
Phantom Planet never happened and the world never realized that they were almost dead in the first place (I apologize for mentioning it)
Danny retires after blowing up the portal and designing a new system of gov for the Infinite Realms (why the hell is that a monarchy anyway? Fighting being a way of communicating AND the way of determining a ruler does not make sense so I'll choose the better one)
Danny still visits the Infinite Realms but mostly lives his life
He still has interesting things happen to him but more because he apparently has a curse placed on him than anything else 'may you live in interesting times'
Danny manipulates the curse by getting into situations on purpose and then resolving them without getting attention drawn to his civilian id and normal life
He keeps track of immortals and big names that deal with death magic so as to lower the chances of being summoned
The more powerful the Realm Being the more powerful the summoner has to be to summon them and with how powerful Danny is there aren't many he has to keep an eye on
Ra's has been losing Lazarus water at a steady rate for over a decade but only now has it become a noticeable loss. The day the that he notices is a Very Bad Day for the League of Assassins (the day Danny lets himself get caught satisfies his curse for 2 whole months)
Danny hasn't aged much at all since he left Amity at 17. He's still short but mimics the effects of age with stage makeup and other tools used by actors to look older they actually are. This is how he meets a certain Alfred P. who remains a good friend even though they never really meet in person.
His parents blow themselves up and wipe their house off the map when tinkering with a device designed to lure realm beings to them. Danny isn't really sorry they're gone. He finds out after leaving Amity that he wasn't really their kid and he wasn't even adopted. They made him in their lab while distracted from their obsession with ghosts then completely forgot they had done so when they refocused on ghosts. His growth chamber (terrible name) was coated in ecto which allowed the device to reactivate and allow Danny to finish incubating into a toddler then (suspicious) it mysteriously popped him out before his the fentons noticed the growth chambers success.
His parents never took any notes on the clone experiment out of the house due to it being a (perceived) failure. After going back to their ghost obsession they completely forgot about it so no one knows. Jazz only found after Danny told her and he only found out after growing older and continuing to look less and less like either of his parents.
Danny finds the notes and that's what inspires him to leave Amity, to start looking for his bio parent. The Fenton's had no clue that the clone they grew was Danny. They dismantled the growth chamber when Danny was four (actually two) and never realized that the toddler they adopted was the clone of wonder woman they made. They never said anything to anyone about Danny being adopted so Vlad has no idea that Danny isn't Maddie's child.
Vlad starts to age drastically after the portals are destroyed and Danny figures out that Vlad isn't a halfa after all. He's just a normal ghost who can prey on people like spectra but with an obsession directed at Maddie originally and then Danny. Afterwards Vlad gets shunted off into Walker's prison because of all the toxic and human crimes he's committed among them brainwashing, mind control and mind wiping various wealthy and not so wealthy individuals into giving Vlad their money and companies.
Ellie has to explore the Infinite Realms (literally Infinite though so she's not confined) only because she can't really produce her own ecto. She has to absorb it from her surroundings so she can wander safely all over the Infinite Realms (so long as she calls for help when she gets in over her head) but not the human realms unless she takes a buddy who can produce a steady stream of ecto for her.
Vlad makes Danny his heir so now he's rich enough to travel even after giving all the people Vlad stole from their money back. It turns out that Vlad was good with making more money once he had it.
just Danny being a crptoid for the entire magical community and them being unable to talk about it if they even know of him
while danny runs a NASA and space account where he talks about NASA's recent achievements, newly discovered stars, planets and new alien races that Earth has been in contact with
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ot3 · 14 days
image tag directory
clothes, fashion: more or less interchangeable because I often forget which one I use. in general, #clothes will have more practical and wearable articles, where #fashion is more likely to have couture or avant garde styles.
people: photography with a focus on human subject, ranging from candids, vintage photos, editorials, to just about anything else
enviro: exterior photography, primarily landscapes but plenty of urban locations too
interior: interior photography, rooms and whatnot.
vibes: general tag for anything i find aesthetically impactful/inspirational
color tags: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, brown, black, gray, white, primaries
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my-hearts-ink · 1 month
⚠ ...... Long boring bio alert....... ⚠
I've been here before, though my past is past for a reason, if you knew my words great, if not.. just as great.
M - 47 - Virgo ♍- Snake 🐍
Be over 18 I don't need you here otherwise, this site is not for you
I will be adding /editing this as a live document as I choose.
I am awkward, shaped by trauma, I am wired to be too intense at times, I remember... everything... I log... everything in my mind I take in. Most times it just means good at details, other times a red flag pops up, gnaws at me, it gets priority from the archives to the active thought room, even worse gets sole focus dedicated thought status and then my I mind will react accordingly.
I often do lot like myself, this is vulnerable here, so be nice or just leave, I tend to attach emotionally to things, I love hard, I can be too much for many, jealousy is very much a monster that I daily stab and burn back into it's cage, but it does get out and it's lethal. I am protective, loyal, I can cut and crave to be cut at times. I wear my heart on my sleeve though in life and career it is quite not ideal.
My mind is always moving, unless the right music or sexual release, it does not ever stop, it often fills, presses, railroads into a swirling uncontrolled tornado that often creates insomnia, anxiety attacks and awkward interactions.
Music is my air. Most genres, always desiring to explore.
I absolutely love to read poetry... good/bad... to see the unique way words are crafted, letters arranged significant to you. I will heart a lot of poetry, doesn't mean I feel the same or always agree with message or viewpoint, but it is art, and art is meant to make you think.
I worship nature in every form, sunrises, sunsets, clouds, wind,, trees, flowers, animals, water, sky, stars.
The moon will always be a love, one that soothes my soul, moves me, a Selenophile through and through.
Storms, lightning, thunder rain, dreary days, overcast skies.... My absolute favorite.
I find abandoned things and shipwrecks fascinating, treasures to one, trash to another. Emotions and memories attached to something forgotten. Chaos in a world we try to control and no matter how hard we try we submit to her power and nature can and does reclaim.
Animals are incredible, wolves and Ravens are my loves. Everything about them draws me.
I find beauty in the simple things in life as it fills my days with joy, if I can see a dog anywhere, being walked, running in a yard, sleeping in the shade, riding in a car... to have that moment to be as free as a child and proclaim... dog dog! Makes my day.
I love the tinkering with tools, the art of working on projects and cars. I may not often have the nicest tool, but if I have a project or task that needs a certain one, I aquire, I learn and I grow. It relaxes me to work with my hands.
I write about love and loss, I have had plenty of both in my life. My writes pull from my emotions now,experiences in time from the past, feelings from dream and wake. Sometimes just a combination. Sometimes it's just an exercise of words to an emotion, so yeah please don't think I'm depressed or horny or unloved or in love or whatever the read.... It's an emotion from a place in my life at one time either directly described or artistic essence vaguely used.
Women by nature is art, the female form in all stages, I find age and life experiences sexy, not a downfall. Wrinkles, scars and changes tell a story about life, one worth learning.
I crave all things intimate, real displays of emotion, hands, the vulnerability and trust of submission, the shape of a neck, a person's unique eyes, how a mind is wired.
I find the erotic side of life heart pounding, sexual energy flows through everything in life. Definitely a quit study I readily absorb.
I am NOT interested in romance, my heart has its love
More to come.
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buggbuzz · 9 months
my gender is like meat leaf i think. boy materials in the structure of girl. like im a girl made out of boy things but not in a transman way like i like being female im just. a girl-leaning boygirl. maybe??
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#u dont understand ive been insisting to all of my friends for like 6 years that im NOT a trans man#i cannot be proven wrong at this point i'll lose it#and anyways im not actually a guy#im definitely a girl just like. a type of girl that scientists haven't discovered yet#and that sounds like a joke but im soooo fucking serious#im a fucking student geneticist dude#i think theres some autosomal gene (or probably multiple) that regulate gender in convoluted ways#probably linked and i think there's probably multiple types of fem and masc genders not to mention non fem OR masc genders#codominant? incomplete dominance? is it different on different scales?#its a completely possible and furthermore plausible concept like from my perspective it'd be really weird if gender genetics weren't a thing#i think theyve already lowkey been proven to be a thing cause of that paper comparing trans brains to cis brains#& finding a link where trans men had a certain section that was the same as cis men#and that same section in trans women was the same in cis women#its an OLD study too#anyways i want to research this one day but i also dont because i dont trust humanity with that information#but if i found proof that it exists maybe it could seriously back trans people with scientific evidence#not that they should fucking NEED it testimony should be fucking good enough#ive been bio obsessed since i was born and im a natural skeptic#but when i was 11 i asked a trans person i knew like 2 fucking questions and they answered me and i was like 'yeah this makes sense'#figured anything that didnt make sense was just something i didnt understand yet#and now that im older and in college level biology and genetics classes i know i was right#it would be really really weird if trans people didnt exist did you know that? all the kinds too like nb genderfluid agender genderq demi#i dont fucking care it makes SENSE#'nonbinary' was a good term to adopt because it really just fits perfectly#nothing in biology is ever ever ever truly binary especially not a neurological and psychological phenomenon#especially not in a species with a brain so overly complex and tangled up like HOMO SAPIENS??#are you kidding?? the fact that we even have a concept of art and music let alone have talents and passions for them is proof alone dude#that shit doesn't help us survive its a modified version of pattern recognition and uncanny valley#combine that shit with the fact that intersex people exist?? like#nonbinary gender is literally the combination of intersexuality and human neurology
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When creating speculative biology art, how well do you research the subject it’s based upon?
Common knowledge: things everyone might know
Minimal research: basic why’s and how’s your subject works, surface depth things
Extensive research: specific anatomical terminology, similar real-life species, information digestible to other spec bio artists (but might be confusing to those who are not)
Complete research: evolutionary lineages, intricate anatomical similarities to real-life species, extensive environmental/individual behavior, information may be confusing to those lacking knowledge in biology
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I'm frightened of you knowing who I am but, could you possibly give me your frank frankly theories pretty please idc if you only have like 2.1 I want them regardless of how many you have.
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ah man i wish i had some to give! i think all of my Frank theories (at present) are tied into other theory posts! he simply doesn't have a lot to chew on yet
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 7 months
I think the most scary part of hard sci-fi settings is that there wouldn’t be bread.
Like no planet besides earth would have actual yeast. Wild yeast can be found in the atmosphere, and unless it’s introduced in ridiculous amount another planet just. Wouldn’t have it. Even if introduced it might not be able to thrive.
And like, one obvious work-around is having a yeast equivalent on the planet; which is pretty feasible since fermentation is such an easy way to produce energy. A LOT of things use it in real life and alien life almost certainly would too. But in hard sci-fi where there’s a lot of realism, there would be very little chance that any alien yeast equivalent would be good for bread. If the yeast doesn’t live for long enough, if it doesn’t rise fast enough, or if it’s just. Not safe for humans to eat. It wouldn’t be good for bread
The other work around would be really good trade routes transporting packaged yeast. And every other material for bread.
BUT if you’re going slightly less hard sci-fi and you DO have edible equivalents for flour and uh. Buttermilk. You can just make bread with baking soda. Because you can mine baking soda, apparently. It’ll be denser and taste different from regular yeast bread, but it’s still bread.
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sucker-for-sniffles · 5 months
Possibly controversial opinion but I truly do not think not having an age more specific than 18+ listed on your blog is problematic. Like obviously people are entitled to set boundaries for who they’re comfortable interacting with in a kink space including needing to know more specifically how old people are but like exact age is personal information that strangers online are not entitled to know and I do not like the trend of treating it like it is morally incorrect not to list your specific age on your blog. You can say dni if you don’t have a specific age in your bio without implying that that’s an obvious no-brainer boundary that everyone has or that it’s sketchy or creepy not to broadcast to every stranger who stumbles across your blog exactly how old you are
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