#biology gcse revision
exerzist · 18 days
Cynonari modern au where tighnari is just about to go into his advanced forest bio exam and cyno keeps on making puns so tighnari keeps on accidentally writing 'cyno'plasm instead of cytoplasm
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igcse-bioworld · 5 months
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We are all in this together!!
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mrblazeflappybird · 1 year
Biology is cool and all but who had the cheek to make it so hard
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hollsholls · 5 months
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Sure i understand what it means, i dont want to though
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deviltownresident · 5 months
how are all my gcse buddies feeling after biology??
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lilacthebooklover · 5 months
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i wanted to revise but youtube said no :(
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slightlytoastedbagel · 5 months
twitch plays pokemon has affected how I look at things forever
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propagated-fern · 1 year
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27 May 23
I don't even remember the last time I made an update here. Anyway, this weeks To Do's:
Get up early/stop sleeping in so long
Rate some books on my goodreads
Do some past papers on Math
Finish going over Biology
Drink more water
Another thing is I've been listening to a lot of playlists about June and Day because I just finished the Legend series by Marie Lu and it's my favourite series now (ship too)
My long-term To Do's (deadline is August:
draw some fanart of Hermitcraft members, events in the life smps, and Iparwing (possibly some other fandoms/ships too, but these are the main ones)
Have a good start on learning Japanese
Paint a big paining (I have these big canvases and I think that a cinematic scene from one of the HTTYD would look really well)
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From seneca learning
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in lower school: i'll start working at GCSE
during GCSEs: i'll start working at a-level
during year 12: i'll start working in year 13
year 13: ok so, that's not happening 👍
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
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graysanatimony · 1 month
I’m sad cause I know how to draw realistic looking things like faces and bodies and shit
but I don’t KNOW how to if you get what I mean
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aristetua · 1 year
Revising for my biology exam😭
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Who needs comedians when you have crazy siblings to make you laugh...
So. I have a sister. She's sixteen, and currently studying for her GCSEs. She also has ADHD. The medication she takes for her ADHD puts her in one of two moods: surly and monosyllabic OR energetic and (as my mother describes her) 'high as a kite'.
This morning, she has been the latter. She has also been revising, with my mother's help. Or at least, trying to. Unfortunately, being hyperactive and highly distractible means she is getting little work done. I myself, being just down the hall in my own bedroom trying to revise, have also been getting little work done, because they are being incredibly noisy.
As annoying as this is, it is also highly amusing... Here are some of the things I've heard in the past hour:
My mum: what's in the nucleus of a cell? My sister: for god's sake! I don't fucking know, you fucking fuck! Mum: yes you do. Come on, what's in the nucleus? Sister: erm... protons and neutrons. Mum: no, that's the nucleus of an atom. We're doing biology.
Mum: how do you spell 'meiosis'? Sister: M-A-I-S-O-E-E-I-S... (She's also dyslexic)
Mum: come on, focus. What are the four stages of mitosis? Sister: there aren't four stages, mum.
Sister: where's my can? [her drink] Mum: I took it. Sister: *screams into a pillow*
Mum: so what is mitosis for? Sister: reflections...
Mum: what do ribosomes do? Sister: I don't know. Mum: I'm not sure either... Sister: maybe something to do with proteins... Mum: ooh yeah that sounds about right.
Sister: *randomly yells/sings* 'E-I-E-I-O!'
Mum: oh shit I spelt 'meiosis' wrong... Sister: YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH!!!
Mum: where would I find a chromosome in the body? Sister: in the nose.
Sister: *starts singing 'umbrella' by Rihanna*
Sister: science is pointless. We don't know anything! We just pretend we do to feel better about ourselves. Mum: oh this old shite again...
Mum: which one is for reproduction? Sister: ...20, 21, 22, 23, 24...
Mum: in sexual reproduction, what are the two gametes that meet? Sister: A WILLY AND A PENIS!! Oh wait...
Mum: give me three purposes of mitosis. Sister: *singing/yelling* IN THE JUNGLE THE MIGHTY JUNGLE THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT...!!
Mum: ...so all of your DNA is called your genome... Sister: WHY ARE YOU POINTING AT MY ARSE!?!!?
Mum: so the cell splits - Sister: like a banana. Mum: what? Oh, yes, a banana split.
Mum: what happens in cytokinesis? Sister: that's when there are 'cyclopses' and they are killing everyone...
If anyone out there is reading this, I hope it amuses you as much as it amused me.
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totally-italy · 5 months
Wherefore dost motivation hold deep hatred for me?
As the heading probably implies, I am currently lacking a lot of motivation, which is truly sub-optimal because I literally have my Italian GCSEs this week and I literally have not revised. Moreover, my End of Years are fast approaching and I have my French GCSEs in three week's time. Help.
Consequentially, even though my history teacher still refuses to believe that it is a word, I have decided to turn this into one of those posts where my dopamine literally just relies on the number of notes that I recieve. As promised, @the-red-planet-mars, the floor is yours you have been tagged.
Please don't spam the comment section.
You can tag a maximum of 5 people.
Please don't spam reblog.
10 notes: I will actually plan my English homework so that I can then do it without having to ask for an extension. It is due on the day on which I have two of my Italian papers.
15 notes: I will update my 'Aeneid' notes so that my virtual document is up to date with the translations that we have done in class. I should technically also revise the themes and how Juno is portrayed, but we don't talk about that right now.
20 notes: If I haven't done this yet, I will create both a Spanish Quizlet with all the vocabulary I need to learn and I will create a Latin one for all the vocabulary from 'The Aeneid' that I need to know.
25 notes: I will plan, in English, different things that I could say for the picture for my French IGCSE oral. Also, this is a picture I will be using for my Spanish End of Years, so that is doubly helpful.
30 notes: I will do an Italian listening paper though I will listen to it at a faster speed than what is asked because otherwise I will literally get so bored and lose all will to live.
45 notes: I will finish researching Virgil and the historical context.
60 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 10 minutes each day for each language.
75 notes: I really need to do this. I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in Italian.
100 notes: I will do an Italian Writing practice paper. This is going to cause me so much suffering. Help me.
120 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my French IGCSE oral.
130 notes: I will make physics notes on energy.
140 notes: I will make notes on quantitative chemistry.
150 notes: I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in French.
155 notes: I will watch the AQA videos on the Cold War and make notes on them.
170 notes: I will do a practice Spanish listening paper.
200 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 30 minutes each day for each language, including a written vocabulary test.
230 notes: I will do a practice Spanish reading and writing paper.
250 notes: I will do a practice Latin translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
270 notes: I will do a practice Greek translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
300 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Crime and Punishment.
350 notes: I finish my Biology notes on reproduction.
380 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Religion and Life.
430 notes: I will look through my history notes on Germany and finish them in accordance to the AQA book.
520 notes: I will do a practice Greek language paper.
530 notes: I will do a practice Latin language paper.
605 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my Spanish End of Year oral.
720 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Buddhism.
850 notes: I will make full notes on the Cold War.
Honestly, if you have even bothered to read through all of these, you have absolutely earned more respect that I thought I was capable of giving to a single human being. I technically have a lot more things I should do, including re-reading Things Fall Apart and actually making complete maths notes, as well as notes for the sciences, but I doubt I will never get this many tags anyway.
Edit: It has been five minutes and I already got 14 notes. I am actually terrified of this site. What in Tartarus? Y'all are crazy and I love you so much.
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dreamdolldeveloper · 8 months
back to basics
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mostly free resources to help you learn the basics that i've gathered for myself so far that i think are cool
gcfglobal - about the internet, online safety and for kids, life skills like applying for jobs, career planning, resume writing, online learning, today's skills like 3d printing, photoshop, smartphone basics, microsoft office apps, and mac friendly. they have core skills like reading, math, science, language learning - some topics are sparse so hopefully they keep adding things on. great site to start off on learning.
handsonbanking - learn about finances. after highschool, credit, banking, investing, money management, debt, goal setting, loans, cars, small businesses, military, insurance, retirement, etc.
bbc - learning for all ages. primary to adult. arts, history, science, math, reading, english, french, all the way to functional and vocational skills for adults as well, great site!
education.ket - workplace essential skills
general education
mathsgenie - GCSE revision, grade 1-9, math stages 1-14, provides more resources! completely free.
khan academy - pre-k to college, life skills, test prep (sats, mcat, etc), get ready courses, AP, partner courses like NASA, etc. so much more!
aleks - k-12 + higher ed learning program. adapts to each student.
biology4kids - learn biology
cosmos4kids - learn astronomy basics
chem4kids - learn chemistry
physics4kids - learn physics
numbernut - math basics (arithmetic, fractions and decimals, roots and exponents, prealgebra)
education.ket - primary to adult. includes highschool equivalent test prep, the core skills. they have a free resource library and they sell workbooks. they have one on work-life essentials (high demand career sectors + soft skills)
youtube channels
the organic chemistry tutor
professor leonard
readworks - reading comprehension, build background knowledge, grow your vocabulary, strengthen strategic reading
chompchomp - grammar knowledge
not the "free resource" part of this post but sometimes we forget we can be tutored especially as an adult. just because we don't have formal education does not mean we can't get 1:1 teaching! please do you research and don't be afraid to try out different tutors. and remember you're not dumb just because someone's teaching style doesn't match up with your learning style.
cambridge coaching - medical school, mba and business, law school, graduate, college academics, high school and college process, middle school and high school admissions
preply - language tutoring. affordable!
revolutionprep - math, science, english, history, computer science (ap, html/css, java, python c++), foreign languages (german, korean, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese, esl)
varsity tutors - k-5 subjects, ap, test prep, languages, math, science & engineering, coding, homeschool, college essays, essay editing, etc
chegg - biology, business, engineering/computer science, math, homework help, textbook support, rent and buying books
learn to be - k-12 subjects
for languages
lingq - app. created by steve kaufmann, a polygot (fluent in 20+ languages) an amazing language learning platform that compiles content in 20+ languages like podcasts, graded readers, story times, vlogs, radio, books, the feature to put in your own books! immersion, comprehensible input.
flexiclasses - option to study abroad, resources to learn, mandarin, cantonese, japanese, vietnamese, korean, italian, russian, taiwanese hokkien, shanghainese.
fluentin3months - bootcamp, consultation available, languages: spanish, french, korean, german, chinese, japanese, russian, italian.
fluenz - spanish immersion both online and in person - intensive.
pimsleur - not tutoring** online learning using apps and their method. up to 50 languages, free trial available.
incase time has passed since i last posted this, check on the original post (not the reblogs) to see if i updated link or added new resources. i think i want to add laguage resources at some point too but until then, happy learning!!
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