#bionicle spoilers
deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Dead Guy Death Match Round 4 Poll: 5
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You know those videos where Pokémon are reumaguned as different tyoes, like Pikachu drawn as a fire type or a water type??
Knowing what I know now, I want to see what Takua looks like based on different elements.
Like, what does he look like as a Ga-Matoran, as a Po-Matoran, an Onu-Matoran? Even as an Av-Matoran, what did he look like before??
Even Takanuva! What would HE look like as a toa of fire or water??
What about the other toa or matoran? What would they look like if they were swapped??
Artists, where are you!? I NEED TO SEE ALL OF THIS PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!
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vixivulpixel · 1 year
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Whoa, what a cool mask!
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
What's your opinion on Barriss and her story in Tales of the empire?
I liked it!! it was still a bit messy and needed more time or focus to work better, but it was LEAGUES better than morgan's episodes. my 2 pet peeves were "why was 4th sister 4th when she was clearly there before trilla (2nd) and reva (3rd)" (@just-prime pointed out they seem to have run out of inquisitor names LOL) and barriss' designs (partly cause head covering where???) or at least her inquisitor and episode 6 designs. both were so mid but i did a little sketchbook redesign of her inquisitor fit i watched it to heal myself
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bioniclegoodguy · 10 months
The Bionicle dream is real!!!
Full episodes here
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takuas-eyebrows · 1 year
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HGGGGGHHHHHHH 😭😭😭 I didn’t remember this sweet sad hewkii/macku moment from reign of shadows but aaaahh
hewkii casually picking up and putting down macku
The concern they show for each other!!!
“Be strong, Macku”
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magicalgirlmascot · 11 months
The Toa Inika are going to go from having only Takua as a mentor to having 2-3 experienced Toa/Turaga EACH all falling over each other to look after them and help them with their new powers. This dynamic ranges from fairly chill (Onua and Whenua are usually on the same page when it comes to teaching Nuparu, and have both agreed it's best not to watch when Lewa takes him for flying lessons), to Absolute Mayhem (What happens when you put four generations of Air Toa in the same room),
I went a little insane on this so in the interest of not clogging dashboards here
Fire: Jaller takes the whole thing Incredibly Seriously. He turns up at KNPS twice a week after school to practice combat training with Tahu in the gym and gets extremely annoyed if Tahu forgets and goes home before he gets there. Vakama is always there when Jaller comes, though, and he's always quite happy to spend time talking to him about anything and everything. He becomes something of a confidant for Jaller, and Jaller appreciates that he treats him like a young adult instead of a teenage boy.
Water: Hahli keeps trying to focus on how she can use her powers for combat and Gali has to gently redirect her towards other uses for them, like reading the weather or healing. It's not so much that Hahli is obsessed with fighting like her Hahli the Barbarian persona suggests, more just that she always wants to make sure she's being useful. Her training with Gali and Nokama tends to be a bit more relaxed and focused on meditation.
Air: Lewa is taking his role as Kongu's mentor about as seriously as he takes anything, which isn't much. He's very excited to show Kongu how to do things and only a little annoyed that he keeps getting zapped whenever Kongu uses his powers. Kongu is still extremely grumpy about not being able to fly, but between him, Lewa, and Matau they're working on a way to get him airborne. Grandpa Iruini is the one who helps him figure out how to handle his telepathy, because he's the only one of them who can sit still for long enough to come up with anything other than "just don't think about it." He posits himself as the Normal One/Grumpy Old Man of the bunch, but also can't help ribbing Matau about stuff.
Earth: Nuparu is very much into experimentation, which is kind of at odds with how slow Onua was to accept things initially. He keeps trying to ease Nuparu into things by focusing on his connection to the earth, like Whenua did for him, but Nuparu mostly works like "what would happen if I did x," doing x, and then documenting the results. Whenua thinks this is very funny, but also helps Onua redirect him to do things like help in the garden. Sometimes in the middle of Nuparu's training with Onua, Lewa kidnaps him to teach him how to fly. Unfortunately the way their flight works is very different so it's a bit of a weird one, but Nuparu loves to experiment and Lewa loves to fly so they get along like a house on fire.
Stone: Hewkii and Pohatu spend most of their training time playing sports and shooting the shit. Sometimes Macku tags along. Pohatu's sneaky, though, and manages to teach Hewkii about using both his stone and his accuracy powers through The Power Of Sports(TM). Onewa keeps trying to convince them both to use their powers to do shit like spawn uncut gemstones and make art, but unfortunately they're both way more into sports than art so he's outvoted. He grumbles about it but honestly he's glad Hewkii is in good hands.
Ice: Well, Matoro is related to two Toa of Ice so naturally he avoids learning anything from his dad and sticks to learning from Kopaka and Nuju. Kopaka isn't sure what to do with an apprentice. He treats it like he does work, planning lessons and giving clear, concise instructions. Pohatu thinks this is very funny and teases him about it when he's sitting at the kitchen table poring over lesson plans and teaching objectives. Nuju teaches Matoro more about theory than anything on account of not having powers anymore, and Whenua is always so excited to show Matoro the archive any time he has any questions. Kualus tries to get involved but Matoro tends to shut down when he comes into the picture, so he settles for needling Whenua for details afterward.
Takua's "mentoring" style is very "I definitely know what I'm doing and am not in over my head at all haha." They're so excited that their friends are Toa now and very confidently tell them a bunch of stuff that winds up being completely off base because the Inika are Fucking Weird and don't work like normal Toa. Takua doesn't work like normal Toa either but in a different way. It's all a bit of a mess. They get them through the basics, though, enough to figure out what they are and what's going on.
Krahka doesn't have a mentoring style. Sometimes she shows up at school pretending to be a student and hang with various Toa on their spares/lunch breaks. Sometimes she makes things worse on purpose for her own entertainment. Very often she leverages the fact that she used to be their therapist to Do A Therapy on them when things seem like they're actually bad. She goes home and regales Onewa with tales of What The Kids These Days Are Up To.
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siren-darkocean · 6 months
My idea of age spans for the Bara Magna inhabitants (main cast)
Ackar ; Late 40's - Early 50's
Kiina ; 16 - 17 (this woman doesn't act like an adult istg)
Gresh ; 17 (same with this mf)
Berix ; 8 - 10 (I will forever believe he's malnourished/mutilated halfie Agori Glatorian kid on the streets it just makes the most sense to me)
Tarix ; 27 - 30
Vastus ; 28 - 29
Strakk. ; 30 - 32
Tuma ; 29 - 30
Metus ; 56 - 57 (man has that experience with being a snake (pun intended) so yeah, older than Ackar but not old enough to be for village elders)
Raanu ; 79's - 80's (I imagine the village elders are usually between these ages, even with mechanical upgrades from the Great Beings that ended up to be even genetic with enough trial and error to be fully successful with the lack of basic resources it would be heck of survival skills to live so long to those ages and ofc those skills would be taught but luck also takes in turn as well)
Cervantus ; 21 - 28 (I imagined one of the greatest Glatorian's, Cervantus would be one of those young prides who rises ranks pretty quickly at a young age (like Ackar as well) before his death)
Malum ; 26 - 29
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chaoskingcornerstone · 4 months
Time travel is involved, which means that for example the toa mata and nuva are in the same room. Everyone also gets prep time. No legendary masks are allowed to be used, the only legendary thing here is Godzilla.
No monkey or moth, no dick, balls or butthole, just the lizard at peak strength and stamina.
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Dead Guy Death Match Round 3 Poll: 10
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bionicle-ramblings · 11 months
Slight spoilers for Good Omens season 2 for this one:
As a Matoran, and before becoming a Toa, Vakama, Takua, and Jaller ABSOLUTELY developed an apology "I was wrong" dance they did as a silly, "them" thing. It was only ever used as a mood lifter than a real apology, but it was also more or less a stamp of approval
When Vakama does become a Toa, he runs into Takua and Jaller and he does the dance because he lied to them both about where he disappeared to, as in he left for the great temple and lied to them by saying he had to meet someone who needed some help
It's completely on accident, but they see it and the reactions vary:
Whenua does not care that much, if anything it was funny and cute to see, but he won't pull Vakama's leg about it
Nuju could not give less of a damn and asks Vakama if his friends are done with him because they can't be wasting time
Nokama has a similar sentiment, but not as harsh. If anything, she's glad Vakama saw his friends again and knows they're okay, but the team needs to stay focused
And Onewa and Matau just TORTURE Vakama by asking about the dance he just did, the "steps" of the dance, why he did it, if he can demonstrate it for them, just annoying brother behavior
It soon gets taken up a notch when Matau apologizes to the group after being scolded by Nokama, AND HE DOES THE DANCE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM ALL
It gets Onewa rolling on the ground as he laughs and Vakama decides to throw caution to the wind and try to kill Matau, though Matau easily evades him
Nokama and Whenua are able to break up the fight, thankfully, but as time passes the apology dance becomes something the Toa Metru do as well at various points of their adventures, like when Nokama tells Vakama and Matau to hide in a carver's hut in the middle of a Kikanalo stampede
At the end of the Hordika arc, when the team is together, either as Toa or in their Hordika forms and either with the Rahaga with them or not, Vakama does the apology dance for everone
Idk, I had this image of Vakama or Nokama doing the "I was wrong" dance and it's has been living in my head rent free since
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necer0s · 9 months
I recently got it into my head to go back and re-read(/watch) a bunch of Bionicle stuff out of nostalgia, and I gotta say it is a very weirdly different experience when I know that all the early parts are basically Giant Robot Osmosis Jones.
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
(Barbie Spoiler)
"What Was I Made For?" except the existential movie is instead about Bionicle and the nostalgia-filtered flashback montage sequence of young boys playing about without worrying about societal pressure of gender roles they face in adulthood hits too close to home for cis men and trans women in the theater
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magicalgirlartist · 1 year
I forgot it was Sunday lol teacher AU time
Summary: Takua is grounded.
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the-kickster · 1 year
both oneshot and bionicle's big twists are "the entire world is a sentient machine"
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thirtheenprimes · 1 year
Watching The Owl House finale:
It's just like Bionicles fr
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